Oracle Fusion Cloud EPM Administering and Working with Strategic Workforce Planning,
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Documentation Accessibility
Documentation Feedback
Adding and Managing Accounts and Drivers 5-10
Setting Global Assumptions: Exchange Rates 5-11
Strategic Workforce Planning Post Configuration Tasks 5-11
Setting User Variables 5-11
Strategic Workforce Planning Rules 5-12
6 Configuring Workforce
Enabling Workforce Features 6-1
Identifying the Level of Workforce Detail to Capture 6-3
Enabling Expense Planning 6-4
Enabling Workforce Management 6-6
Adding Custom Dimensions to the Reporting Cube 6-7
About Configuring Workforce 6-8
Configuring Workforce 6-8
Workforce Planning and Forecast Preparation 6-13
Adding and Managing Accounts and Drivers 6-14
About Adding Employee Properties 6-15
Setting Global Assumptions: Exchange Rates 6-15
Configuring Benefits, Taxes, and Additional Earnings 6-16
Before You Use the Benefits and Taxes Wizard 6-16
About the Benefits and Taxes Wizard 6-16
Common Properties for the Components 6-17
Component Types in the Wizard 6-17
About One-time Pay Options 6-18
About Value Type 6-18
About Maximum Value Type 6-19
About Earning Type 6-20
About Taxable Component 6-21
About Entering Rates 6-21
About Rates and Threshold Scope 6-21
Applying Rates by Hierarchy 6-22
Creating Custom Calculation Logic in a Component 6-22
After Configuring Using the Wizard 6-26
Example - Adding a Fringe Benefit 6-26
Post Configuration Tasks 6-29
Setting Assumptions 6-30
Setting Defaults 6-31
Entering Employee Master Data 6-32
Synchronizing Defaults 6-33
Using a Custom Workforce Template to Support Workforce Customizations 6-34
Post Update Tasks 6-35
Mapping Data for Reporting in Workforce 6-38
Workforce Rules 6-38
Checklist for Compensation Calculation 6-41
Performance Considerations for Strategic Workforce Planning Rules 6-42
About Groovy Business Rules 6-44
Workforce Groovy Rules 6-46
8 Task Overview
The Workflow for Strategic Workforce Planning 8-1
Setting User Variables 8-2
11 Demand Planning
About Demand Drivers 11-2
Setting Demand Data by Entity or Job 11-2
Setting the Calculation Logic of Demand Drivers 11-3
Scaling Demand FTE 11-5
Factoring Productivity Changes into Demand FTE 11-6
Viewing and Adjusting the Demand FTE 11-6
12 Supply Planning
Setting Attrition Drivers 12-1
Setting Retirement Ages for Attrition Calculations 12-2
Setting Attrition by Age Band 12-2
Setting Attrition by Job 12-2
15 Task Overview
The Workflow for Workforce 15-1
Setting User Variables 15-2
17 Managing Noncompensation Expenses
18 Managing Demographics
A Importing Data
Importing Strategic Workforce Planning Data A-2
Importing Workforce Data A-4
Loading and Calculating Incremental Workforce Data A-7
Preparing the Source Data File A-8
Configuring the Incremental File Adapter in Data Management A-9
Deciding Which Workforce Rules to Add A-13
Executing an Incremental Workforce Data Load A-14
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Documentation Accessibility
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Documentation Feedback
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page in any Oracle Help Center topic. You can also send email to [email protected].
Creating and Running an EPM Center of
A best practice for EPM is to create a CoE (Center of Excellence).
An EPM CoE is a unified effort to ensure adoption and best practices. It drives transformation
in business processes related to performance management and the use of technology-
enabled solutions.
Cloud adoption can empower your organization to improve business agility and promote
innovative solutions. An EPM CoE oversees your cloud initiative, and it can help protect and
maintain your investment and promote effective use.
The EPM CoE team:
• Ensures cloud adoption, helping your organization get the most out of your Cloud EPM
• Serves as a steering committee for best practices
• Leads EPM-related change management initiatives and drives transformation
All customers can benefit from an EPM CoE, including customers who have already
implemented EPM.
Learn More
• Watch the Cloud Customer Connect webinar: Creating and Running a Center of
Excellence (CoE) for Cloud EPM
• Watch the videos: Overview: EPM Center of Excellence and Creating a Center of
• See the business benefits and value proposition of an EPM CoE in Creating and Running
an EPM Center of Excellence.
Chapter 1
Welcome to Strategic Workforce Planning
Overview Video
You can also enable Workforce to manage and track headcount expenses. You can then
align critical corporate resources—people and dollars—with the strategies that best leverage
a competitive advantage. Departments can collaborate to plan headcount and related
expenses such as salaries, benefits, bonuses, and taxes. Planners can see up-to-date
graphics that show expenses and trends.
If Workforce is enabled with all its features, planners can manage and track headcount
• Analyze, calculate, and report on headcount, salary, bonuses, taxes, and health care
• Plan for hires, transfers, promotions, terminations, and so on
• Define country-appropriate taxes and benefits
Chapter 2
Learning More About Strategic Workforce Planning
Related Guides
You can extend the power and flexibility of Strategic Workforce Planning. See these
Strategic Workforce Planning belongs to the Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management (HCM) family, integrating with its services through Data Management.
For information on integrating Human Capital Management with Strategic Workforce
Planning or Workforce, see Integrating Oracle HCM Cloud.
Strategic Workforce Planning is also supported by the many Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud components.
Getting Started
To get started using Strategic Workforce Planning, see these guides:
• Getting Started for Administrators
• Getting Started for Users
• Deploying and Administering Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser)
• Creating and Running an EPM Center of Excellence
• Getting Started with the Digital Assistant for Oracle Cloud Enterprise Performance
• Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Operations Guide
To extend the power and flexibility of Strategic Workforce Planning, see the following
guides. Note that some functionality described in the related guides may not be
available in Strategic Workforce Planning. For example, Strategic Workforce Planning
Chapter 2
Related Guides
provides custom cubes and includes features to support strategic planning for human
resources needs.
• Designing with Calculation Manager
• Designing with Financial Reporting Web Studio
• Designing with Reports for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
• Working with Planning
• Working with Smart View
• Working with Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser)
• Working with Predictive Planning in Smart View
• Working with Financial Reporting
• Working with Reports for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
• Accessibility Guide
• Administering Planning
• Administering Data Management
• Administering Data Integration
• Administering Access Control
• Administering Migration
• Working with EPM Automate
• Third-Party Acknowledgments
• Java API Reference for Groovy Rules
• Smart View for Office Developer's Guide
Part I
Administering Strategic Workforce Planning
2. From the Actions menu, click Manage Seeded Alias Tables (available after you
have enabled a module).
3. Select the languages you want to load, or clear the selection for languages you want to
delete and then click OK.
4. After the languages load, refresh the cube.
Notes about managing alias tables.
• You can load up to 30 alias tables in Planning Modules.
• When you incrementally enable features or new modules, alias tables are loaded for your
selected languages for any new members.
• If you’ve customized any labels in an alias table, those customizations are applied to any
new members added when you incrementally enable features.
Setting Up Your Application
Implementation Checklist
This implementation checklist helps you get started in setting up your Strategic Workforce
Planning application.
Perform these tasks to set up Strategic Workforce Planning:
1. Create a Strategic Workforce Planning application. See Creating an Application.
2. If your application is multicurrency, use the Dimension Editor to add dimension members
for each currency. See About Editing Dimensions in the Simplified Dimension Editor.
3. Enable features for Strategic Workforce Planning. See Enabling Strategic Workforce
Your selections for Granularity and Employee Demographics are set when you enable
Strategic Workforce Planning and are also used if you later enable Workforce.
Additionally, make sure you add any required custom dimensions or rename dimensions
while enabling Strategic Workforce Planning. These dimensions will also be used if you
enable Workforce.
While you are enabling features, the application is put in maintenance mode and only
administrators can use the application. If any metadata changes are detected, the
database is refreshed before features are enabled. If any validation errors are detected,
they are displayed; you must resolve these errors before features can be enabled.
4. Configure Strategic Workforce Planning. See Configuring Strategic Workforce Planning.
You must configure Demand Drivers and Valid Intersections for Jobs.
The planning and forecast range (configured in Planning and Forecast Preparation)
can be different for Strategic Workforce Planning and Workforce. For example, you might
want to use Strategic Workforce Planning for long-term planning and Workforce for short-
term planning.
5. After you configure, and whenever you make configuration changes or import metadata,
refresh the database:
Click Application , and then Configure . Then from the Actions menu,
select Refresh Database, then Create, and then Refresh Database.
6. Enable any additional features you need for Workforce. See Enabling Workforce
Your selections for Granularity and Employee Demographics are set when you enable
Strategic Workforce Planning and are also used when you enable Workforce.
If you already enabled Strategic Workforce Planning, you can't add any additional
dimensions or rename dimensions.
Chapter 3
Creating an Application
Creating an Application
Follow these steps to create a Strategic Workforce Planning application.
To create an application:
1. On the landing page, click SELECT under Planning to view available options for
creating a Planning application. Under Create a new application, click START.
Enter an application name and description, and for Application Type, select
Strategic Workforce Planning, and then click Next.
Chapter 3
Creating an Application
If you are using the legacy Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud SKU, log in and
select Start under Human Capital. Enter an application name and description and then
click Next.
2. Specify this information, noting that only monthly planning is supported.
• Start and End year—Years to include in the application. Make sure to include the
year that contains the historic actuals required for planning and analysis. For
example, for an application beginning in 2019, select 2018 as the start year so that
the latest actuals are available for trending and reporting purposes.
• First Month of Fiscal Year—Month in which your fiscal year begins.
• Weekly Distribution—Sets the monthly distribution pattern, based on the number of
fiscal weeks in a month.
This selection determines how data in summary time periods spreads within the base
time period. When users enter data into summary time periods, such as quarters, the
value is distributed over base time periods in the summary time period.
If you select a weekly distribution pattern other than Even, the application treats
quarterly values as if they were divided into 13 weeks and distributes weeks
according to the selected pattern. For example, if you select 5-4-4, the first month in
a quarter has five weeks, and the last two months in the quarter have four weeks.
• Task Flow Type—Choose a Task Flow Type for the application:
– Task List—Task lists are a classic feature which guides users through the
planning process by listing tasks, instructions, and end dates.
For more information about task lists, see Administering Task Lists in
Administering Planning.
– EPM Task Manager—This is the default option for new applications. EPM Task
Manager provides centralized monitoring of all tasks and provides a visible,
automated, repeatable system of record for running a application.
For more information about EPM Task Manager, see Administering Tasks with
Task Manager in Administering Planning.
Chapter 3
Creating an Application
There is no migration from existing Task Lists to the EPM Task
Manager. If you want to continue using classic Task Lists, select
the Task List option during application creation.
Chapter 3
Creating an Application
Once you change the Essbase version, you can’t go back to a different version.
Because Strategic Workforce Planning supports Hybrid cubes, when Hybrid Mode
is enabled, you can set up predictions to run automatically with Auto Predict. For
more information, see Setting Up Predictions to Run Automatically with Auto
Predict. You can also use IPM Insights to analyze past data and predicted data to
help you find patterns and insights into data that you might not have found on your
own. See About IPM Insights in Administering Planning.
Familiarizing Yourself with Strategic
Workforce Planning
the upper left corner (or your custom logo) or the Home icon .
• To see additional administrator tasks in the Navigator, click the horizontal bars next to the
Maximize .
• In a subcomponent, use the horizontal and vertical tabs to switch tasks and categories.
For example, use the vertical tabs to switch between reviewing Overview dashboards
and planning Demand. The vertical tabs differ, depending on the features that you’ve
Use the horizontal tabs to switch categories within a task.
Configuring Strategic Workforce Planning
Enable and configure Strategic Workforce Planning before enabling and configuring
Workforce. Your selections for Granularity and Employee Demographics are set
when you enable Strategic Workforce Planning and are also used if you enable
Workforce. Make sure you add any required custom dimensions or rename
dimensions while enabling Strategic Workforce Planning. These dimensions will
also be used if you enable Workforce.
1. From the Home page, click Application , and then click Configure .
2. From the Configure list, select Strategic Workforce, and then click Enable Features.
Select the features you want to enable. Except as noted, you can come back later and
enable additional features, so enable only the features you need to use now.
Chapter 5
Enabling Strategic Workforce Planning
Feature Description
Granularity Select the level of workforce detail to
• Select Job to manage long-term
workforce planning at the job-only
• Select Employee and Job to manage
long-term workforce planning by both
employees and jobs.
You must select a level of granularity.
See Identifying the Level of Workforce Detail to
Headcount Planning Select which headcount-related details to
• Select Employee Demographics to
analyze employee attributes such as
veteran status, gender, or age band.
Applies only to Employee and Job
If you want to use Employee
Demographics, you must select it the
first time you enable features.
• Select Strategic Workforce Planning
to align corporate strategy with
execution by planning long-range
demand and supply for strategic
personnel, and then select the desired
If you enable Strategic Workforce
Planning, then Demand Planning and
Supply Planning are automatically
See Enabling Headcount Planning.
Chapter 5
Enabling Strategic Workforce Planning
Feature Description
Map/Rename Dimensions • Enable up to three additional custom
dimensions in your application.
• Map custom dimensions to existing
• Rename base dimensions.
You must perform this step the first time
you enable Strategic Workforce Planning.
These dimensions are also used if you
enable Workforce.
Make sure you add any required custom
dimensions or rename dimensions while
enabling Strategic Workforce Planning.
For example, on the first pass, if you select
the top-level Headcount Planning
checkbox without selecting options under
it (such as Employee Demographics), and
you later enable Employee Demographics,
you can’t rename its associated dimensions
Age Band, Gender, and Highest Degree of
For some dimensions, you have the option
to choose whether or not they go into the
reporting cube (OEP_REP). See Adding
Custom Dimensions to the Reporting Cube.
Option Description
Job If you select Job, the Job dimension is added,
which stores the roles assigned to employees.
Examples of jobs: Engineer, Software Developer,
and Mechanic.
If you select this option, you must set defaults for
Pay Type and Skill Set. Or, if you don't use this
information, set them to null (the No <member
See Setting Defaults.
Chapter 5
Enabling Strategic Workforce Planning
Option Description
Employee and Job With this option, the Job dimension is used with
the Employee dimension to facilitate analysis of
roles across the organization, to track new hire
requests, and to identify employees by role.
If you select this option, you must assign defaults
for Job and Union Code. See Setting Defaults.
If you don't track Union Codes, you can use the
No Union Code member or change Union Code to
something that's meaningful to your business.
If you rename Union
Code when enabling
Workforce, you must
still assign a default
for the renamed
Chapter 5
Configuring Strategic Workforce Planning
1. From the Home page, click Application , and then click Configure
2. From the Configure list, select Strategic Workforce.
3. Perform all mandatory tasks. Perform the optional tasks required for your business.
4. Refresh the application after performing configuration tasks.
Chapter 5
Configuring Strategic Workforce Planning
Configure Description
Entities Mandatory
Import the Entity dimension members that
reflect your business hierarchy, such as
departments, cost centers, and business
Entities are shared between Strategic
Workforce Planning and Workforce.
Planning and Forecast Preparation Mandatory
Set the timeframe and the starting period
for planning and forecasting. You can plan
and forecast on a different basis for
different years.
The planning and forecast range can be
different for Strategic Workforce Planning
and Workforce. For example, you might
want to use Strategic Workforce Planning
for long-term planning and Workforce for
short-term planning.
See Strategic Workforce Planning Planning
and Forecast Preparation.
Employee Optional
Import employee names or employee
numbers in your organization as members
into the Employee dimension.
Job Type Mandatory
Import job types. For example, add
members such as Strategic Jobs and Non
Strategic Jobs.
Only jobs that you identify as strategic are
included in calculations that impact
strategic decisions. Because different
departments have different workforce
requirements, when you categorize a job as
strategic, you can include specific entities
or departments.
Then you associate the job types with each
job using the Job configure option.
Job Optional
Import jobs in your organization as
members into the Job dimension.
Chapter 5
Configuring Strategic Workforce Planning
Configure Description
Employee Demographics Optional
Set up employee demographics such as
Highest Education Level. Demographics
enable you to analyze data based on
individual employee characteristics. You
can select, add, import, or export a
demographic, such as ethnic group.
If you enable Employee Demographics,
Strategic Workforce Planning provides the
Gender, Age Band, and Highest Education
Degree attributes, and you can add
employee demographics such as veteran
status. You typically import demographic
attributes for existing employees, and
planners assign demographics after new
employees are hired.
Strategic Workforce Planning provides data
maps for reporting on such information as
See Adding and Managing Accounts and
Employee Properties Optional
Set up employee properties such as
Employee Type. Add, import, or export
properties such as Skill Set, FT/PT, Start
Month, Merit Month, and Hiring Status.
Then to view and edit employee properties,
use Compensation Planning, then the
Manage Employee Details tab.
See Adding and Managing Accounts and
Gender Optional
Import members into the Gender
Highest Education Degree Optional
Import highest education degrees used in
your organization by importing members
into the Highest Education Degree
Age Band Optional
Import members into the Age Band
dimension. Employees’ ages are calculated
and assigned to an age band as it changes
over time.
Oracle recommends that you use the
default age bands instead of loading your
Chapter 5
Configuring Strategic Workforce Planning
Configure Description
Manage Strategic Skills and Categories Optional
To ensure that your workforce has the
right skills to support the organization’s
goals, you create and manage strategic
skills and categories. Strategic Workforce
Planning provides three predefined
categories: Behavioral, Technical, and
Managerial skills. Under each Skill
Category, you add individual Skills (such as
Java Coding under the Technical category).
You can add or rename categories of skills
(for example, Language).
Analyzing the workforce skills needed to
meet your corporate goals prepares you for
meeting those goals. The skill gaps inform
your plans and provide information to
make decisions about whether you need to
retrain, hire, transfer, or retain people.
Demand Drivers Mandatory
Define demand drivers. Add or import
demand drivers, which enable you to align
the long-term demand for strategic jobs
with your corporate goals. Some examples
of demand drivers: revenue, units
manufactured, and claims processed.
Global Assumptions Mandatory
Set foreign exchange rates in a
multicurrency application.
See Importing Strategic Workforce Planning
Data for details on how to load data for a
multicurrency application.
Valid Intersections for Jobs Optional
You can define validation rules so that
forms and runtime prompts display only
those jobs that are relevant for particular
entities and scenarios. For example, you
can define a rule so that only engineer jobs
display in forms for the R&D department.
You can select members, substitution
variables, and attributes (such as Job Type)
as members in a rule.
To ensure correct supply calculations, you
must select the No Job member and the
OWP_Total Jobs member for Jobs.
See Defining Valid Intersections in
Administering Planning.
<Custom Dimension Name, such as Optional
Projects> Populate the application with a dimension
you added, such as Projects, by importing
members into the dimension.
Chapter 5
Configuring Strategic Workforce Planning
Chapter 5
Configuring Strategic Workforce Planning
To create custom rules or templates for Strategic Workforce, use these functions rather
than the &OEP_YearRange substitution variable:
• [[PlanningFunctions.getModuleStartYear("Strategic
• [[PlanningFunctions.getModuleEndYear("Strategic
Module name and Scenario name must be enclosed in double quotation
If you want to create or edit rules to customize your planning and forecasting
tasks, you can use Planning Formula Expressions in your rules to call the
configured time horizon information such as
e")]] and
Module names are not case sensitive and must be enclosed in double
quotation marks:
• Workforce
• Strategic Workforce
See Scenarios in Designing with Calculation Manager for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud.
Chapter 5
Strategic Workforce Planning Post Configuration Tasks
• To export or import all drivers, regardless of their category or grouping, use Batch
Export or Batch Import.
• To export or import only certain kinds of drivers, specify a Category or a
Component, and then use Import or Export.
• Specify unique member names and aliases for custom members so they don’t conflict
with any provided members.
• If you must delete a driver, check the formulas of the other account drivers in its group to
see if they reference the driver that you want to remove. If they do, update their logic
If you add a new Version member, you must enter exchange rates in that version.
Chapter 5
Strategic Workforce Planning Rules
The members that you select for user variables set the initial POV (Point of View)
when you open dashboards and forms. You can then can change the POV from within
dashboards and forms, and their changes are then reflected in User Variables
To set user variables:
1. From the Home page, click Tools , and then User Preferences .
2. On the User Variables tab, select members for these user variables:
• Currency
• Entity
• Job Type
• Reporting Currency
• Scenario—Set the scenario for Workforce
• Scenario View—Set the scenario for Strategic Workforce Planning
• Strategic Start Year and Strategic End Year—For Strategic Workforce
Planning, limit skill set planning to a range of years by setting the start and end
• Version
• Years
For Workforce, set these additional user variables:
• Employee Parent—Helps make forms more manageable by letting you
include or exclude the employees to display on the forms based on the
Employee Parent member you select, such as new hires or existing
• Period—Allows Comments for New Hires to be displayed as well as
Total Compensation for all Employees/Jobs on the Mass Update forms.
Administrators can set limits for user variables by selecting Tools, then
Variables, then User Variables, and then selecting members for the User
Variable Definition. Administrators can further limit data entry by assigning
permissions, setting variables, and creating valid intersections.
Chapter 5
Strategic Workforce Planning Rules
To see all the rules in the application, from the Home page, click Rules.
To run a rule from within a form, either click Actions and then the rule or right-click in a data
cell. The available rules depend on the context.
About Strategic Workforce Planning rules:
• Calculate Demand—Run this rule after you enter demand driver information to see the
impact on demand FTE.
• Calculate Supply—Run this rule after you enter supply driver information to see the
impact on supply FTE.
• Calculate Demand for All Data and Calculate Supply for All Data—Run these rules
after you enter demand or supply driver information to see the impact on demand FTE.
This rule allows you to calculate for all data en-masse whenever you update supply and
demand assumptions or when you load new data. You can calculate Demand or Supply
for all data in your scope using the run time prompts for this rule.
The default Fix Parallel dimension is Entity, which is ideal if you're loading the bulk of
your data into the Entity dimension. However, if you load the bulk of your data into
another dimension, you can improve performance by modifying the FIXPARALLEL
statement to apply to this dimension instead. Update the FIXPARALLEL statement in the
Calculation Manager Template named OWP_FIXPARALLEL_T in the OEP_WFP cube.
See Performance Considerations for Strategic Workforce Planning Rules.
When running these rules across a large set of employees and jobs, to avoid impact on
user activity, Oracle recommends that you not run the rules while the system is under
heavy usage, nor should you run multiple instances of this rule at the same time.
• Process Loaded Strategic Workforce Data—Run this rule after your import new data
from HCM to compute headcount projections for Strategic Workforce Planning. Running
this rule sets the Headcount to 1 and the Partial Payment Factor to 100% for every
employee unless you've loaded different values at the processing month. This rule copies
the data to the necessary periods in the planning year range.
Best Practice Recommendations:
– Don't run Process Loaded Strategic Workforce Data and the Workforce Module's
Process Loaded Data rules at the same time.
– You can run the rules Process Loaded Strategic Workforce Data and the
Workforce Module's Process Loaded data for multiple entities at a time by selecting
the parent entity under Total Entity. Oracle recommends that for performance
reasons, you run multiple instances of rules by selecting different children under Total
Entity instead of running rules for all entities in one pass.
• Rollup WFP Cube—Run this rule to see aggregated data.
Configuring Workforce
If your company doesn’t use Union Code, you can rename the Union Code
dimension to a dimension that's more meaningful for your business. You must
do so when you first enable features.
1. From the Home page, click Application , and then click Configure .
2. From the Configure list, select Workforce, and then click Enable Features.
Chapter 6
Enabling Workforce Features
Select the features you want to enable. Except as noted, you can come back later
and enable additional features, so enable only the features you need to use now.
Feature Description
Granularity Select the level of workforce detail to manage:
• Job—Manage job workforce expenses at
the job-only level.
• Employee and Job—Manage workforce
expenses by both employees and jobs.
You must select a level of granularity.
If you already enabled Strategic Workforce
Planning, Granularity for Workforce is already
set based on what you enabled in Strategic
Workforce Planning.
To learn more, see Identifying the Level of
Workforce Detail to Capture.
Expense Planning Select which workforce-related expenses to
To learn more, see Enabling Expense
Headcount Planning Select the headcount-related details to
manage. Headcount Planning option:
Select Headcount Planning and Employee
Demographics to analyze such employee
attributes as veteran status, gender, and age
band. If you want to use Employee
Demographics, you must select it the first
time you enable features. Available only for
Employee and Job granularity. If you already
enabled Strategic Workforce Planning, your
selection for Employee Demographics in
Workforce is already set based on what you
enabled in Strategic Workforce Planning.
Workforce Management Select to plan expenses based on employee or
job hiring, terminating, or transferring to
another department, or to split an FTE across
multiple dimensions.
To learn more, see Enabling Workforce
Chapter 6
Enabling Workforce Features
Feature Description
Map/Rename Dimensions • Enable up to three additional custom
dimensions in your application.
• Map custom dimensions to existing
• Rename base dimensions.
You must perform this step the first time you
enable Workforce.
If you've already enabled Strategic Workforce
Planning, you can't add custom dimensions or
rename dimensions.
For example, on the first pass, you select the
top-level Headcount Planning checkbox
without selecting options under it (such as
Employee Demographics). Then you later
enable Employee Demographics. You can’t
rename its associated dimensions Age Band,
Gender, and Highest Degree of Education.
For some dimensions, you have the option to
choose whether or not they go into the
reporting cube (OEP_REP). See Adding
Custom Dimensions to the Reporting Cube.
Option Description
Job If you select Job, the Job dimension is added,
which stores the roles assigned to employees.
Examples of jobs: Engineer, Software Developer,
and Mechanic.
If you select this option, you must set defaults for
Pay Type and Skill Set. Or, if you don't use this
information, set them to null (the No <member
See Setting Defaults.
Chapter 6
Enabling Workforce Features
Option Description
Employee and Job With this option, the Job dimension is used with
the Employee dimension to facilitate analysis of
roles across the organization, to track new hire
requests, and to identify employees by role.
If you select this option, you must assign defaults
for Job and Union Code. See Setting Defaults.
If you don't track Union Codes, you can use the
No Union Code member or change Union Code to
something that's meaningful to your business.
If you rename Union
Code when enabling
Workforce, you must
still assign a default
for the renamed
Compensation Expenses
If you select Expense Planning, then Compensation Expenses, which includes
salary planning, is also selected by default. You can also enable Additional Earnings,
Benefits, Taxes, and Non Compensation Expenses by the level of granularity you
For Additional Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes, select an option to enable it, and then
select the number of members to create. (By default, the minimum, one member, is
selected for each enabled option.) You can have a maximum of 30 members across
Additional Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes.
Configure Additional Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes based on the maximum number
of components that an employee or job can receive. Set the number of Additional
Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes based on your current needs, not your future needs,
because you can change these values in the future.
For example, if Employee 1 receives 3 additional earnings, 3 benefits, and 2 taxes
while Employee 2 receives 5 additional earnings, 2 benefits, and 4 taxes, then the
configuration for the number of additional earnings, benefits, and taxes should be set
to 5 additional earnings, 3 benefits, and 4 taxes.
About Compensation Expenses:
Chapter 6
Enabling Workforce Features
• Oracle recommends that you do not specify aliases for Additional Earnings, Benefits, and
Taxes members. These members are placeholders used for assigning defaults to entities.
• If you reduce the number of Additional Earnings, Benefits, or Taxes, corresponding
members are removed from the Account dimension. Before removing a component and
its assigned expenses, back up by creating a snapshot. Additionally, review any
customizations related to removed members on the forms, member formulas, or business
rules (wherever the member is referenced) and make modifications as needed.
Workforce won't remove members that are referenced in any customized artifacts such
as forms, member formulas, and so on.
• After increasing the number of Additional Earnings, Benefits, or Taxes, which adds
members, assign defaults to new members, and then run Synchronize Defaults to re-
calculate compensation expenses.
• After decreasing the number of Additional Earnings, Benefits, or Taxes, which
removes members, run Synchronize Definition to re-calculate compensation expenses.
• If you decrease the number of Additional Earnings, Benefits, or Taxes, line items are
removed from the lower end of the hierarchy. For example, if you had 10 members for
Additional Earnings, and you decrease it to 5, then Earning6 to Earning10 are removed.
Additional Options
Merit Based Planning enables you specify merit rates for employees. You can select Merit
Based Planning only if you enable granularity for either Employee or Employee and Job.
About Merit Based Planning:
• If you select only Merit Based Planning (and not Merit Assumptions), merit rates are
set at the entity level. You must also enter a Merit Month and Performance Rating to
use Merit Based Planning.
• Beginning with 18.04, Oracle provides a Default Rate so you no longer need to enter a
Performance Rating depending on your business needs. You need to enter only a Merit
Month for each employee.
• Merit for new hires is calculated based on the default merit rate.
• Merit Based Planning using user-entered performance ratings is available only for
existing employees.
• Optionally, if you enable Merit Assumptions, you can specify at what level to plan:
Global or Per Entity. Selecting Merit Assumptions also enables additional options for
setting merit assumptions for Merit Rate, Merit Month and Cut-off Date for existing
employees. See Setting Assumptions.
• If you select Merit Assumptions, the Global or Per Entity selection applies to all merit-
based assumptions, including merit rate, merit month, and cut-off date. Ensure that you
load merit rates to the level you select.
• You can incrementally enable Merit Assumptions.
Chapter 6
Enabling Workforce Features
To plan merit for new hires, select Merit Based Planning; Oracle
recommends that you also select Merit Assumptions and plan at the global
or per entity level. Additionally, select Workforce Management, New Hires
and Merit Based Planning For New Hires. For more information, see
Enabling Workforce Management.
Chapter 6
Enabling Workforce Features
Benefits, Taxes, and Additional Earnings. Additionally, for Taxes, there is a selection
available, Threshold Amount FTE Ratio, for Maximum Value Type. For each component in
the Benefits and Taxes wizard, administrators can choose whether to use the Flat Amount
calculation or the Flat Amount FTE Ratio calculation to calculate benefits, taxes, and
additional earnings. For example, a fee for medical benefits might be the same amount
whether the FTE is 1.0 or .5, so you would choose Flat Amount FTE Ratio. But a tax might
be a based on a percentage of the FTE, so you would choose Flat Amount.
When you enable Split-Funded FTE, you MUST also enter the Master FTE Value for each
employee on the Employee Master Data form. Missing existing employee master FTE will
calculate incorrect ratio component expense. For more information, see Entering Employee
Master Data.
• You can incrementally enable Split-Funded FTE.
• Granularity must be either Employee or Employee and Job to enable Split-Funded
• Value Type and Max Value Type must match when using FTE Ratio. To ensure that
either the FTE Ratio or FTE value is applied consistently, the Benefits and Taxes wizard
does not allow a mismatch of methodologies for FTE Ratio.
• If the Tax tier changes based on a new Master FTE, then Tax Tiers aren't calculated with
Calc Compensation. Run Synchronize Defaults or Synchronize Definition to
calculate the Tax Tiers.
• If the Master FTE is changed, then run the Synchronize Definition rule.
Chapter 6
About Configuring Workforce
Configuring Workforce
Perform these configuration tasks after you’ve enabled Workforce features.
1. From the Home page, click Application , and then click Configure
2. From the Configure list, select Workforce.
3. Perform all mandatory tasks. Perform the optional tasks required for your
business. Use the Filter to check the status of configuration actions. Use Actions
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Configure Description
Component Optional
Import selected Grades, Taxes, Benefits, and
Additional Earnings, which are considered
Workforce components. After importing a
component, configure it with the appropriate
Configure option.
You can import
metadata and data
into components in
a batch file. You
can also use a
template to import
data. See Importing
Entities Mandatory
Import the Entity dimension members that
reflect your business hierarchy, such as
departments, cost centers, and business units.
Salary Grades Mandatory
Define the salary basis (for example, Annual or
Hourly) and the pay rates for the Salary
Grades that you imported.
Options and Tiers Optional
Set options for Additional Earnings such as
overtime or bonus and for Benefits such as
medical benefit rates. Set tiers for Taxes, such
as employer-paid taxes. After setting options
and tiers, use the Benefits and Taxes Wizard to
configure Additional Earnings, Benefits, and
See Adding and Managing Accounts and Drivers
and Configuring Benefits, Taxes, and Additional
Planning and Forecast Preparation Mandatory
Set the timeframe, the starting period, and the
level of granularity for planning and
forecasting. You can plan and forecast on a
different basis for different years.
See Workforce Planning and Forecast Preparation.
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Configure Description
Benefits and Taxes Mandatory
Set up Benefits, Taxes, and Additional
Earnings. A component is a tax, a benefit, or an
additional earning. A wizard guides you
through setting up a component with business-
based questions. See Configuring Benefits,
Taxes, and Additional Earnings.
Workforce Assumptions Mandatory
Set default assumptions such as hours worked
per day, week, and year. Also, set the partial
payment factor, which sets the pay percentage
to apply to Maternity status. You can set these
assumptions by Scenario, Version, Entity, and
Currency. For more information, see Setting
Employee Type Optional
Import more employee types in your
organization as members into the Employee
Type dimension. The provided employee type
members are Regular, Contractor, and
Temporary. This option is available for the
Employee-only level of granularity.
Pay Type Optional
Import pay types in your organization as
members into the Pay Type dimension. The
provided pay types are Exempt and Non-
Exempt. This option is available for the
Employee-only level of granularity.
Employee Demographics Optional
Set up employee demographics such as Highest
Education Level. Demographics enable you to
analyze data based on individual employee
characteristics. You can select, add, import, or
export a demographic, such as ethnic group.
If you enable Employee Demographics,
Workforce provides the Gender, Age Band, and
Highest Education Degree attributes, and you
can add employee demographics such as
veteran status. You typically import
demographic attributes for existing employees,
and planners assign demographics after new
employees are hired.
Workforce provides data maps for reporting
on such information as demographics.
See Adding and Managing Accounts and Drivers.
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Configure Description
Employee Properties Optional
Set up employee properties such as Employee
Type. Add, import, or export properties such as
Skill Set, FT/PT, Start Month, Merit Month, and
Hiring Status. Then to view and edit employee
properties, use Compensation Planning, then
the Manage Employee Details tab.
See Adding and Managing Accounts and Drivers.
Non Compensation Expenses Optional
Set up noncompensation expenses such as
training or travel expenses. Add, import, or
export a noncompensation expense. After
noncompensation expenses are added, enter
the data in the form (Other Expenses, and
then Non Compensation Expenses).
See Adding and Managing Accounts and Drivers.
Performance Metrics Optional
Add, import, export, or delete a performance
metric for a component. For example, add
performance ratings such as Meets
Expectations and Exceeds Expectations.
See Adding and Managing Accounts and Drivers.
Merit Rates Mandatory
Define merit rates by year. Select the scenario,
version, and currency to which to apply the
merit rates.
Employees Optional
Import employee names or employee numbers
in your organization as members into the
Employee dimension.
Jobs Optional
Import jobs in your organization as members
into the Job dimension.
Skill Sets Mandatory for Job Granularity
Import skill sets used in your organization by
importing members into the Skill Set
Union Codes Mandatory for Employee and Job Granularity
Import union codes used in your organization
by importing members into the Union Code
dimension. If you don't track Union Codes, you
can rename the dimension to something that's
meaningful to your business. However, you
must still assign a default to the renamed
Gender Optional
Import members into the Gender dimension
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Configure Description
Highest Education Degree Optional
Import highest education degrees used in your
organization by importing members into the
Highest Education Degree dimension.
Age Band Optional
Import members into the Age Band dimension.
Employees’ ages are calculated and assigned to
an age band as it changes over time.
recommends that
you use the default
age bands instead
of loading your
If you are an
existing customer,
continue to use
your existing age
bands and
For information on importing data, see Importing Data. You can also add members
using the Dimension Editor.
After importing dimensions and members, you can view the hierarchical structure in
the Dimension Editor.
Note the following:
• Don't change the member order of the provided members. Retaining the member
order is important to support the provided calculations and logic.
• You can't add members to the Property dimension.
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Forms display based on the start and end periods for the Plan and Forecast using
valid intersections. Valid intersections, OWP_Scenario Years and OWP_Scenario
Years_Reporting, are created for Workforce to support the different year ranges for
the Plan and Forecast scenarios.
Alternate hierarchies are created in the Account dimension to support differences in
Workforce and Strategic Workforce. If both modules are enabled, the Account
dimension is added to the appropriate valid intersections referencing these alternate
hierarchies to distinguish between Workforce and Strategic Workforce accounts.
To create custom rules or templates for Workforce, use these functions rather than the
&OEP_YearRange substitution variable:
• [[PlanningFunctions.getModuleStartYear("Workforce","ScenarioName")]]
• [[PlanningFunctions.getModuleEndYear("Workforce","ScenarioName")]]
Module name and Scenario name must be enclosed in double quotation
If you want to create or edit rules to customize your planning and forecasting
tasks, you can use Planning Formula Expressions in your rules to call the
configured time horizon information such as
e")]] and
Module names are not case sensitive and must be enclosed in double
quotation marks:
• Workforce
• Strategic Workforce
See Scenarios in Designing with Calculation Manager for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud.
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
• To modify a group of artifacts, or to add many new ones, export the set of predefined
artifacts (select Export from the Actions menu), and then modify the export file in
Microsoft Excel. You can edit predefined artifacts, make a copy of an artifact and
modify it to create a new one, or add new artifacts. Then, import the modified file
(select Import from the Actions menu). If available, use categories and
subcategories to group functionally related artifacts.
• To export or import all drivers, regardless of their category or grouping, use Batch
Export or Batch Import.
• To export or import only certain kinds of drivers, specify a Category or a
Component, and then use Import or Export.
• Specify unique member names and aliases for custom members so they don’t conflict
with any provided members.
• If you must delete a driver, check the formulas of the other account drivers in its group to
see if they reference the driver that you want to remove. If they do, update their logic
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
If you add a new Version member, you must enter exchange rates in that
You can set up valid intersections for Options and Tiers to their respective
parents in the Components dimension. For information on setting up valid
intersections, see Defining Valid Intersections in Administering Planning.
Tutorials provide instructions with sequenced videos and documentation to help you
learn a topic.
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
of Threshold Amount, which crosses all tiers regardless of the option or tier
assigned as a default.
• Custom—Enables you to create custom calculation logic for a component’s
additional earnings, benefits, or taxes. See Creating Custom Calculation Logic in a
A threshold is a cap or maximum value on the resulting expense value. For
example, Car Allowance is a percent of salary up to a threshold of $4,000,
when the Car Allowance benefit would stop. The rate changes when a cap is
reached. For example, the tax rate in the first tier is 4.5% up to a threshold
of $50,000, and the second tier is 12.6% up to $100,000. Not only does a
threshold apply only to the tiered structure, but you can also set a maximum
value with the Additional Earning, Benefit, or Tax calculations.
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
If the Maximum Value Type isn't set to Threshold Amount, then the assignment of each
option or tier row is relevant and needs to be assigned appropriately.
For example, let’s use US FICA tax as an example of setting the Maximum Value Type to
Threshold Amount. No one row will be assigned as a default because all rows apply. So the
tax rate is 7.65% of salary for the first $118,500, then 1.45% of salary over $118,500 up
to $200,000. Then 2.35% tax is applied to salaries over $200,00. (You still have to select an
option or tier when assigning the default; it is just ignored in the calculation.)
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
The earning types Add to Gross Pay and Do Not Add to Gross Pay drive the Benefits and
Taxes Value Type and Maximum Value Type of Overall Earnings. So if the Earning Type is
set to Add to Gross Pay, then those Additional Earnings will be included in any Benefit or
Tax based on % Overall Earnings.
If the Earning Type is set to Do Not Add to Gross Pay, then any Benefit or Tax using %
Overall Earnings for the Value Type and Maximum Value Type will exclude those Additional
Earnings from any Benefit or Tax calculations based on % Overall Earnings.
Their tax rate is 12% for the first 1,000 monthly compensation, 20% between 1,000 and 3,000
earned, and 30% between 3,000 and 5,000.
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
See the next topics for advice on customizing calculation logic and for several
sample formulas.
Use Case 1
You want to calculate commission as a percentage of the Commission Basis account, which
is a custom account not provided with Workforce. Commission is calculated by multiplying the
rate entered in the Benefits and Taxes Wizard times the custom Commission Basis account.
Sample Formula
IF("No Property"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_EarningList.Commission])
IF(@ISMBR(@RELATIVE("OWP_Existing Employees",0)))
"Commission Basis"->"No Property" * ("OWP_Value"/100);
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Use Case 2
Building on the previous example, you want to add a benefit called Insurance, which is
calculated as a percentage of the Merit account, with the following values selected in
the Benefits and Taxes Wizard:
• Component Type—Custom
• Payment Terms—Quarterly (Calendar Year)
• Payment Frequency—Pay During First Period
• Maximum Value Type—Flat Amount
• Threshold Scope—YTD
• Taxable Component—Yes
• Rate for all months—10
• Threshold—400
• Value Type—You can select any value for Value Type as we are calculating the
benefit as a percentage of Merit in the custom logic.
Sample Formula
IF("No Property"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_EarningList.Commission])
IF(@ISMBR(@RELATIVE("OWP_Existing Employees",0)))
"Commission Basis"->"No Property" * ("OWP_Value"/100);
ELSEIF("No Property"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_BenefitList.Insurance])
IF("Cal TP-Index"==1 OR "Cal TP-Index"==4 OR "Cal TP-Index"==7 OR
"Cal TP-Index"==10)
"OWP_Expense amount"="OWP_Merit"->"OWP_Expense
IF("OWP_Expense amount"!=#MISSING)
IF("OWP_Calculated Max Value"!=#MISSING)
IF("OWP_CYTD(Prior)"+"OWP_Expense amount">"OWP_Calculated
Max Value")
IF("OWP_CYTD(Prior)"<="OWP_Calculated Max Value")
"OWP_Expense amount"="OWP_Calculated Max
"OWP_Expense amount"=#MISSING;
"Custom Expense"="OWP_Expense amount";
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Use Case 3
Building on the previous examples, you want to add a Tax (Tiered Tax) named SUTA, which
is calculated as a percentage of Benefit1, Benefit2, Benefit3, and Benefit4, with the following
values selected in the Benefits and Taxes Wizard:
• Component Type—Custom
• Payment Terms—Monthly
• Maximum Value Type—Threshold
• Threshold Scope—Monthly
• No rates are provided in the Rates page.
• For the custom tiered tax, rates need to be provided as part of the custom formula.
Sample Formula
IF("No Property"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_EarningList.Commission])
IF(@ISMBR(@RELATIVE("OWP_Existing Employees",0)))
"Commission Basis"->"No Property" * ("OWP_Value"/100);
ELSEIF("No Property"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_BenefitList.Insurance])
IF("Cal TP-Index"==1 OR "Cal TP-Index"==4 OR "Cal TP-Index"==7 OR "Cal
"OWP_Expense amount"="OWP_Merit"->"OWP_Expense amount"*("OWP_Value"/
IF("OWP_Expense amount"!=#MISSING)
IF("OWP_Calculated Max Value"!=#MISSING)
IF("OWP_CYTD(Prior)"+"OWP_Expense amount">"OWP_Calculated Max
IF("OWP_CYTD(Prior)"<="OWP_Calculated Max Value")
"OWP_Expense amount"="OWP_Calculated Max
"OWP_Expense amount"=#MISSING;
"Custom Expense"="OWP_Expense amount";
ELSEIF("No Property"->"BegBalance"==[OWP_TaxList.SUTA])
IF("OWP_Benefit1"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit2"->"OWP_Expense
amount"+"OWP_Benefit3"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit4"->"OWP_Expense
("OWP_Benefit1"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit2"->"OWP_Expense
amount"+"OWP_Benefit3"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit4"->"OWP_Expense
ELSEIF("OWP_Benefit1"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit2"->"OWP_Expense
amount"+"OWP_Benefit3"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit4"->"OWP_Expense
(("OWP_Benefit1"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit2"->"OWP_Expense
amount"+"OWP_Benefit3"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit4"->"OWP_Expense
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
amount")-1000)*(20/100) + 1000*(10/100);
ELSEIF("OWP_Benefit1"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit2"-
>"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit3"->"OWP_Expense
amount"+"OWP_Benefit4"->"OWP_Expense amount"<=1300)
(("OWP_Benefit1"->"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit2"-
>"OWP_Expense amount"+"OWP_Benefit3"->"OWP_Expense
amount"+"OWP_Benefit4"->"OWP_Expense amount")-1200)*(30/100) +
(1200-1000)*(20/100) + 1000*(10/100);
(1300-1200)*(30/100) + (1200-1000)*(20/100) + 1000*(10/100);
Do not assign values to the OWP_Expense Amount member. If there is a
use case to apply further logic on a computed value, then assign the
OWP_Expense Amount to OWP_Custom Expense. Refer to similar Use
Case 2 above.
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
2. Click Filter .
3. Select the Scenario and Version for the fringe benefit and from Components, click
Benefits, and then Apply:
Chapter 6
Configuring Workforce
Chapter 6
Post Configuration Tasks
6. Click Launch.
Now, whenever you add a hiring requisition (using the Add TBH business rule) to Sales Italy,
the new fringe benefit rate that we set up for EMEA (for example, 34% for 2017) is applied.
Compensation is automatically calculated, including the fringe benefit. (The fringe benefit rate
is also applied when you run the Synchronize Default business rule.) If you update the
fringe benefit rate using the Benefits and Taxes Wizard, to apply the updated rate, run the
Synchronize Component Definition business rule.
Chapter 6
Post Configuration Tasks
Setting Assumptions
Assumptions (and defaults) drive the calculations for workforce-related expenses.
To set assumptions, click Compensation Planning, then the Assumptions tab
. Then, click the tab for General, Salary Grades, or Merit Rates.
Administrators set these workforce assumptions as part of configuration. If they're
granted permissions, planners can then update them as needed.
Assumptions include:
• General assumptions including hours worked per day and week, and working
days per month, which drive salary expenses for hourly employees, and the partial
payment factor (that is, the pay percentage to apply to Maternity Status).
For assumptions other than merit, you can set assumptions by entity or at the No
Entity level (for default assumptions). If you set assumptions for the entity, then
they are used for calculations; otherwise, the assumptions set for No Entity (at the
organization level) are used.
If you enabled Merit Assumptions, you can also set merit assumptions for Merit
Month and Cut-off Date for existing employees.
– Merit Month specifies, for each year, the month in which to give a merit
– For existing employees, the Cut-off Date indicates the date, for each year, by
which an employee must be hired to be eligible for a merit increase.
Merit assumptions are set at either a global level or entity level depending on how
merit assumptions were enabled. For information whether the global or entity level
will be used for setting merit assumptions, see Enabling Expense Planning.
For existing employees, you must run Process Loaded Data to see the
impact of Merit Month and Cut-off Date.
Whenever you update Merit Month or Cut-off Date, you must run
Process Loaded Data to synchronize at the employee level.
• Salary Grades assumptions, including the salary basis (for example, annual) and
rate for Salary Grades.
You can set assumptions by entity or at the No Entity level (for default
assumptions). If you set assumptions for the entity, then they are used for
calculations; otherwise, the assumptions set for No Entity (at the organization
level) are used.
• Merit Rates, which are added to salary calculations.
Merit rates are set at a global level or entity level depending on how merit
assumptions were enabled. For information whether the global or entity level will
be used for setting merit assumptions, see Enabling Expense Planning.
Chapter 6
Post Configuration Tasks
After setting assumptions, run the Synchronize Defaults rule (see Synchronizing Defaults.)
To set defaults for Salary, Additional Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes, see Setting Defaults.
Setting Defaults
Defaults (and assumptions) drive the calculations for workforce-related expenses.
If you want a default for salary, additional earnings, benefits, or taxes to be used for all
employees in a specific job, select that job when adding the default. For example, if you
select Accountant when adding the default for Job, then all employees who are Accountants
are assigned that default.
If Employee and Job granularity is enabled, you must set defaults based on Job and Union
Code. This setting defaults compensation elements for new hires for a specific job. For
example, you might set the default Salary Grade to Grade 3 for a Warehouse Worker with the
Union Code of Teamster.
To apply a compensation element default to all employees in all jobs, such as when setting
defaults for salary, additional earnings, benefits, and taxes, select the OWP_All <member>.
For example, select the OWP_All Union Code member and the OWP_All Jobs member if you
want the default compensation element to be used for all employees in any job and in any
union. So for example, if you select the OWP_All Union Code member and the OWP_All Job
member, then Sue Doe in Accounting (whose Union Code is Default No Union Code) would
get the same compensation element default as Tom Blue in the Warehouse (whose Union
Code is Teamsters).
Workforce seeds a level 0 member named No Union Code as a sibling to Total
Union Code. However, when you add defaults for salary, additional earnings,
benefits, and taxes, No Union Code isn't available for selecting in the runtime
prompt. To meet this need, Workforce expects you to add at least one sibling null
metadata member (such as OWP_Unspecified Union Code) to OWP_All Union
If your company doesn't use Union Code, you can rename that dimension to
something that’s meaningful to your business when you enable Workforce. If you
didn’t rename Union Code when you enabled Workforce, you can create whatever
members you want in the Union Code dimension and change the alias of the
dimension to your preferred name.
Set Workforce defaults by clicking or tapping Compensation Planning, then the Defaults
tab. Then:
• To set Salary defaults, click Salary. These defaults are used for new hires or job salary
defaults. Using Assumptions, and then Salary Grades , planners can then set
the salary basis (for example, Annual or Hourly) and the salary rate for the Salary Grades
that you imported.
Chapter 6
Post Configuration Tasks
If you import the salary basis and salary rates to the OEP_No Entity member, they
are used across all entities. Alternately, select OEP_No Entity (in Compensation
Planning, then Assumptions, and then Salary Grades).
• To set Additional Earnings defaults, click Additional Earnings.
• To set Benefits defaults, click Benefits.
• To set Taxes defaults, click Taxes.
When adding defaults, you can select parent driver dimension members or
level zero members.
To copy defaults for Salary, Additional Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes,
right-click a member and then select Copy Data Across Entities, and then
click OK. Select From and To entities, and then click Launch. This action
clears the target before copying the members.
Use Copy Data Across Entities for Grades to copy grades and rate
information for grades.
Tutorials provide instructions with sequenced videos and documentation to help you
learn a topic.
Chapter 6
Post Configuration Tasks
The Employee Master Data form displays columns for all of the valid years. To
make it easy to enter FTE for multiple time periods, enter data for YearTotal; the
value is spread to the periods. You can expand the periods to change data for a
specific month or quarter.
A new member in the Entity dimension, OEP_Home Entity, stores the Master FTE Value.
OEP_Home Entity is enabled for the Workforce cube and the Workforce Reporting cube. If
someone other than an administrator will be entering or editing Master FTE Values, make
sure to give write access to OEP_Home Entity.
You can use data import templates to quickly load the Master FTE value for
employees. See Importing Workforce Data.
Note: If an employee’s total assigned FTE value changes over various projects (or other
custom dimensions), make sure to update the Master FTE Value so that it matches the total
assigned FTE to ensure that calculations are correct.
If the Master FTE is changed, then run the Synchronize Definition rule.
To help ensure that Master FTE matches the total assigned FTE, administrators can review
the FTE Assignment Analysis form to see if an FTE is over- or under- allocated compared
to the Master FTE. (From the Home page, click Workforce, then Compensation Planning,
then Validate, and then FTE Assignment Analysis.) To retrieve data for this form, run the
data map Headcount and FTE Data for Reporting. Positive values mean an FTE is
underallocated; negative values mean an FTE is overallocated. You can resolve any over or
under allocations by updating the Master FTE or the Assigned FTE.
Notes for new hires:
• FTE Ratio is applicable to new hires.
• You don't need to enter a Master FTE value in OEP_Home Entity for new hires. The
Workforce calculations assume that the FTE for new hires is Master FTE.
Synchronizing Defaults
Whenever you update the entity defaults for benefits, taxes, or additional earnings using the
Benefit and Taxes wizard on the Configure page, you must push the updated data to the
input forms by running the Synchronize Defaults business rule.
1. Click Compensation Planning, then Manage Employees, and then Existing
2. Highlight a row with an individual or a blank row.
If you intend to execute the business rule for:
• Only one person, highlight the row containing that person's name, and then run the
Chapter 6
Post Configuration Tasks
When you update the metadata for a component (for example, salary grades,
benefits, taxes, and additional earnings), run the Synchronize Component
Definition business rule to push the updated definition to already-assigned
employees and jobs. This rule doesn't update the entity defaults.
Chapter 6
Post Configuration Tasks
After adding a new custom property, make sure you added it as a shared member
under the parent OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for Forms so it shows up
on forms. Refresh the database after making your changes. For more information,
see About Adding Employee Properties.
FIX("No Property")
"OWP_Action" (
IF ( @ISMBR( {Year}))
IF ( "Fiscal TP-Index" >= @MEMBER(@CONCATENATE("HSP_ID_",
@HspNumToString({StartMonth})))->"Fiscal TP-Index")
"Hire Date"->{TargetJob} = "Hire Date";
"Hire Date"->{TargetJob} = "Hire Date";
Chapter 6
Post Configuration Tasks
October 2022
Perform these tasks immediately after updating the Workforce October 2022 content:
• All users must set values for two new user variables. These variables are required
before you can use the Mass Update forms:
– Employee Parent—Helps make forms more manageable by letting you
include or exclude the employees to display on the forms based on the
Employee Parent member you select, such as new hires or existing
– Period—Allows Comments for New Hires to be displayed as well as Total
Compensation for all Employees on the Mass Update forms.
• Run the data map Headcount and FTE Data for Reporting to repopulate the
data in the Workforce Reporting cube with the new detailed account data.
• Run the rule OWP_Calculate existing employee compensation or any of the
Synchronize rules to ensure that merit is calculated correctly for part-time
August 2021
Perform these tasks immediately after updating the Workforce August 2021 content.
Adding Custom Dimensions to the Reporting Cube
In this update, for new applications, you have the option to choose whether to add
custom dimensions to the reporting cube (OEP_REP) the first time you enable
For existing applications, you have a one-time option to add custom dimensions to the
reporting cube the next time you enable features. Before you enable features, you
must clear data in the OEP_REP cube.
To choose which dimensions are pushed to the reporting cube (OEP_REP), see
Adding Custom Dimensions to the Reporting Cube:
• For new applications, you can perform this task only once, when you first enable
• For existing applications, you have a one-time option to perform this task the next
time you make a change in Enable Features for either Workforce or Strategic
Merit Assumptions
• Give users access to access to the new dashboard Workforce and Merit
• If you enabled Merit Assumptions, and you specify to plan at the Global level,
the Workforce and Merit Assumptions dashboard uses Company
Assumptions, and Entity is hidden. If you you specify to plan at the Per Entity
level, the Workforce and Merit Assumptions dashboard uses Entity and
Company Assumptions is hidden.
• For existing customers, if you enable Merit Assumptions and choose to plan by
Entity or by Global, you must enter data for Merit Rate, Merit Month, and Cut-
off Date at Entity or Global level. When you are loading data for existing
employees using Data Management or Data Integration, these assumptions are
Chapter 6
Post Configuration Tasks
copied to employees as part of the Incremental Process Data with Synchronize rule.
Alternatvely, you can run Process Loaded Data whenever you update Merit Month or
Cut-off Date.
Updated Employee Details Form
There is a new member, Merit Increase, in the Component dimension, which is assigned as
a Smart List value for Merit Account. For existing customers, after updating content for
21.08, in the Employee Details form, the row heading for Merit displays 1 instead of the new
Smart List value. To update the Employee Details form to display the new member, Merit
Increase, run either the Calculate Compensation or Synchronize rule.
February 2020
Immediately after updating the Workforce February 2020 content, you must run the new rule
1X Populate New Properties to convert existing Start Month data to the Start Date account.
Run this rule only once for each Scenario and Version combination with data, immediately
after updating content. Specify only Scenario and Version combinations whose data you want
to recalculate. For example, you may not want to recalculate historical data.
For optimum performance, before running 1xPopulate New Properties, change the FIX
Parallel dimension to use the dimension that is appropriate to parallelize the process by
moving the dimension from FIX statement to FIX Parallel and move the entity member
selection to FIX statement in the place of the dimension that's moved to FIX Parallel
statement. This change needs to be made in OWP_Populate New Properties_T template in
Calculation Manager. Save the changes and then deploy the OWP_Populate New
Properties rule.
If you don’t run this rule immediately after updating, the consequence of running
any rules is the possibility of losing some data. If you inadvertently run rules before
running 1X Populate New Properties, run 1X - Populate New Properties and
then rerun the rules that you previously ran.
May 2019
Immediately after updating the Workforce May 2019 content, you must run the new rule 1X
Copy Compensation Details from BegBalance to Periods, which copies compensation
details from the BegBalance member to all months. Run this rule only once for each active
Scenario and Version combination with data, immediately after updating content. To run this
rule, on the Home page, click Rules, then All Cubes, and then select OEP_WFSC from the
Cube drop-down list. Then click Launch for the rule Copy Compensation Details from
BegBalance to Periods.
February 2019
Workforce provides four forms for quickly updating and processing data on existing
employees. Each form is associated with a Groovy rule that processes only the changed
data. The forms are designed for optimal processing efficiency, depending on the kind of data
being updated. You access these forms from the Mass Update tab. See Updating Employees
and Jobs Details in the Working with Planning Modules.
On these forms, all the Flex dimensions and the Entity dimension are initially on the Page.
Oracle recommends that you analyze the form load performance and then modify the layout
of these forms, moving certain dimensions from the Page to the rows based on your
Chapter 6
Mapping Data for Reporting in Workforce
requirements. Year and Period are also on the Page; Oracle assumes you'll use the
selected Year and Period for loading and processing the changed data. Your Year and
Period selection is equivalent to the runtime prompt values for the Process Loaded
Data rule.
To provide processing efficiency for multiple simultaneous users, the default
parallelism for the Groovy rule is set to 2. However, if you don't provide access to
these forms for planners or if you expect a low level of concurrency, then you can
adjust a design-time prompt (DTP) value to increase the parallelism to 4. Doing so will
increase processing speed for large-scale changes in data.
July 2018
• Immediately after updating the Workforce July 2018 content, you must run the
new rule One Time - Copy Rates to Months, which copies rates from the
BegBalance member to all months. Run this rule only once for each active
Scenario and Version combination with data, immediately after updating content.
To run this rule, on the Home page, click Rules, then All Cubes, and then select
OEP_WFSC from the Cube drop-down list. Then click Launch for the rule One
Time - Copy Rates to Months.
• For components configured with the Payment Frequency set to One-time Pay:
Unless you select a One-time Pay Option, your component expenses continue to
occur in the first month of your selected payment frequency.
Table 6-7 Workforce Data Maps and Groovy Rules for Reporting
You can modify existing data maps if needed, or create new ones for any
customizations you make to the application. Synchronize or push data as needed. For
more information about data maps, see Defining Data Maps in Administering Planning.
Workforce Rules
Run the Workforce business rules in the situations described here.
Chapter 6
Workforce Rules
For suggestions on enhancing the execution performance of rules, see
Performance Considerations for Strategic Workforce Planning Rules.
To launch a business rule, click Actions, then Business Rules, and then the rule.
• Synchronize Defaults—Run this rule after you update the entity defaults for a benefit,
tax, or additional earning. For example, you set up a new benefit or removed an existing
benefit from entity defaults. Running this rule from the New Hires or Manage Existing
Employees form pushes the updated entity default at the employee-job level. If you
launch Synchronize Defaults using the right-click menu, you use it for a selected
employee-job combination.
If you intend to execute the Synchronize Defaults rule for:
– Only one person, highlight the row containing that person's name, and then run the
– Multiple people, or to select the dimensionality with a runtime prompt, right-click in
the white space, and then run the rule.
• Synchronize Component Definition—Run this rule after you update an existing benefit,
tax, or additional earning. For example, you updated a rate table, payment frequency,
salary grade, or maximum value. Running Synchronize Component Definition pushes
the updated component definition to employees and jobs. This rule doesn't update the
entity defaults.
• Calculate Compensation—When you update data on a form, to recalculate expenses,
run the Calculate Compensation rule. For example, if you change an employee's status,
review that employee's FTE, and then run Calculation Compensation.
Run this rule to calculate compensation for an individual employee or job.
• Calculate Employee Compensation for All Data and Calculate Job Compensation
for All Data (in a Job only model)— Run these rules to calculate data across all entities
or all employees or jobs within an entity.
• Process Loaded Data—After you import new compensation data, run the rule Process
Loaded Data to copy the data to the necessary periods in the planning year range.
Running this rule sets the Headcount to 1 and the Partial Payment Factor to 100% for
every employee unless you've loaded different values at the processing month.
You can quickly make changes to the source data for existing employees, entities,
and jobs in four Workforce Mass Update forms. Each form is associated with a
Groovy rule that processes only the changed data. See Updating Multiple
Employees and Jobs Details in Working with Planning Modules.
Chapter 6
Workforce Rules
You can run the rules Synchronize Defaults, Synchronize Component
Definition, and Process Loaded Data for multiple entities at a time by
selecting the parent entity under Total Entity. Oracle recommends that for
performance reasons, you run multiple instances of rules by selecting
different children under Total Entity instead of running rules for all entities in
one pass.
If you get an error message about invalid data when running a business rule,
see Troubleshooting a Rule’s Error Message.
Chapter 6
Workforce Rules
Account Checlist
Basic salary calculation 1. Check mandatory data load properties for
Employee and Job model:
• OWP_Start Date
• OWP_Applicable Union Code
• OWP_Employee Type
2. Check mandatory data load properties for
Employee model:
• OWP_Start Date
• OWP_Employee Type
• OWP_Pay Type
3. Check mandatory data load properties for
Job model:
• OWP_Regular Headcount
• OWP_Contractor Headcount
• OWP_Temporary Headcount
• OWP_Pay Type
• OWP_Skill Set
4. If salary grades are loaded, make sure
salary basis and rates are available for
Chapter 6
Workforce Rules
Account Checlist
Merit calculation 1. Ensure that Merit Rates are available in
the Merit Rates form, and employees are
assigned a Merit Month.
2. If Merit Assumptions is enabled, ensure
that Cut-off Date and Merit Month is
available at the year level in the Merit
Assumptions form.
• If Merit Assumptions are set at the
Global level, ensure that Merit
Month, Merit Rates and Cut-off Date
are available at the global entity level.
• If Merit Assumptions are set at
Entity level, ensure that Merit
Month, Merit Rates, and Cut-off Date
are available at the entity level.
Earnings, benefits, and taxes calculation 1. Ensure that Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes
are configured and the rates have been
entered in the Benefits and Taxes wizard.
2. Ensure that Entity defaults are set for
earnings, benefits, and taxes.
3. For the Custom Component Type, review
the custom formula for member
OWP_Custom Expense to make sure
there is no assignment to the
OWP_Expense Amount member.
4. If you enabled Split-Funded FTE, ensure
that data is loaded for OEP_Home Entity.
Chapter 6
Workforce Rules
To determine the best dimension to include in the FIXPARALLEL statement,
Oracle recommends that you do some testing using realistic and representative
FixParDimSel = @RELATIVE({Department},0)
FixStmtMbrSel = {Scenario}, {Version} [FlexDim1Fix]
[FlexDim2Fix] [FlexDim3Fix] [CurrencyDTP]
FixParDimSel = [FlexDim1Fix]
FixStmtMbrSel = {Scenario},
{Version} ,@RELATIVE({Department},0) [FlexDim2Fix]
[FlexDim3Fix] [CurrencyDTP]
Rule/Template Name
Rule OWP_Process Loaded Data
Chapter 6
Workforce Rules
Rule/Template Name
Rule OWP_Process Loaded Strategic Workforce
Rule OWP_Synchronize Defaults
Rule OWP_Synchronize Definition
Template OWP_Incremental Process Data with
Synchronize Defaults_GT
Template OWP_Incremental Process Data with
Synchronize Definition_GT
Template OWP_Incremental Synchronize
Template OWP_Incremental Synchronize
Chapter 6
Workforce Rules
Groovy is an advanced customizable rules framework that comes with EPM Cloud
Platform and is available with EPM Enterprise Cloud along with Enterprise PBCS
and PBCS Plus One. You can create and edit Groovy rules in:
• Planning (including these application types: Custom, Module, FreeForm, Sales
Planning, and Strategic Workforce Planning)
• Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• FreeForm
• Tax Reporting
You create Groovy rules in Calculation Manager and execute them from any place that you
can execute a calc script rule in an application; for example, on the Rules page, within the
context of a form, in the job scheduler, in dashboards, in task lists, and so on.
Groovy rules are also supported in rulesets. You can have a combination of calc script rules
and Groovy rules within a ruleset.
Groovy rules are not supported in composite forms.
You can execute jobs of type rules, rulesets, and templates synchronously from a Groovy
You can write Groovy scripts to run select EPM Automate commands directly in Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, without installing EPM Automate client on a
client machine. Refer to Running Commands without Installing EPM Automate and
Supported Command in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloudfor information on which EPM Automate commands can be run via
Groovy and example scripts.
Oracle supports two types of Groovy rules:
• Rules that can dynamically generate calc scripts at runtime based on context other than
the runtime prompts and return the calc script which is then executed against Oracle
For example, you could create a rule to calculate expenses for projects only for the
duration (start and end dates) of the project.
Another example is a trend-based calculation that restricts the calculation to the accounts
available on the form. You could use this calculation for various forms in Revenue,
Expense, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow. This allows for optimization and reuse.
• Pure Groovy rules that can, for example, perform data validations and cancel the
operation if the data entered violates company policies.
Chapter 6
Workforce Rules
Only service administrators can execute these Groovy rules. Using the Groovy rules
can improve performance by focusing the scope of the data to be pushed.
Updating Strategic Workforce Planning and
When you update Strategic Workforce Planning, any custom modifications you have made
are maintained. For example, any modifications to unlocked predefined artifacts (such as
forms) are tracked internally. No changes are made to these modified artifacts during the
If you plan to modify the navigation flow, make a copy of the Default navigation flow
and edit your copy. Only inactive navigation flows can be modified. When you
execute the monthly content update, Oracle applies the update to the original
navigation flow and leaves your modified navigation flows unchanged.
Before updating, the application is put in maintenance mode and only administrators can use
the application.
If any metadata changes are detected, the database is refreshed before content update. If
any validation errors are detected, you must resolve the errors before you can update
Use the Job Console to review the errors.
Part II
Working with Strategic Workforce Planning
Task Overview
See Skills Assessment Planning.
4. Review and update the assessment of employees across different skills and jobs. Click
Skills Assessment .
See Assessing and Updating Skills.
Chapter 8
Setting User Variables
6. Analyze the organization's supply of critical jobs and skills, factoring in such
1. From the Home page, click Tools , and then User Preferences .
2. On the User Variables tab, select members for these user variables:
• Currency
• Entity
• Job Type
• Reporting Currency
• Scenario—Set the scenario for Workforce
• Scenario View—Set the scenario for Strategic Workforce Planning
• Strategic Start Year and Strategic End Year—For Strategic Workforce
Planning, limit skill set planning to a range of years by setting the start and end
• Version
• Years
Chapter 8
Setting User Variables
For Workforce, set these additional user variables:
• Employee Parent—Helps make forms more manageable by letting you include
or exclude the employees to display on the forms based on the Employee
Parent member you select, such as new hires or existing employees.
• Period—Allows Comments for New Hires to be displayed as well as Total
Compensation for all Employees/Jobs on the Mass Update forms.
Administrators can set limits for user variables by selecting Tools, then Variables,
then User Variables, and then selecting members for the User Variable Definition.
Administrators can further limit data entry by assigning permissions, setting
variables, and creating valid intersections.
Using Average Compensation Rates
Your administrator may have enabled Average Compensation Rates for jobs and seeded
those rates for jobs that are defined as strategic. Or, you can enter average compensation
rates for jobs by clicking Overview , and then Average Compensation Rates.
These rates are multiplied by Total Demand FTE and Total Supply FTE, resulting in Supply
Compensation and Demand Compensation.
With these rates defined for jobs, you can see the financial impact of adding or eliminating
The values you enter here are not related to earnings calculations in Workforce.
Skills Assessment Planning
After employee and job information is imported from a Human Resources system, review the
information for existing employees who are assigned to strategic jobs, including their
Employee Type, FTE, age (if Age Based Retirement is enabled), and primary skill set. If
Average Compensation is enabled, you can review these rates and update them if
To review employee and job information, click Strategic Workforce , then Overview
Evaluate and update skills by clicking Strategic Workforce , and then Skills
• To assess the relative distribution and correlation of skills across years, click Skills
Summary. Here you can graphically view Average Skills Comparison and Average Skills
Correlation by Entity for each Scenario planning year.
• To assess the trend over years of skills by category, click Skills by Category. You can
compare years, entities, and skills categories such as Management, Technical, and so
on. You can also drill into categories to examine the underlying data. (Your administrator
can add categories.)
Chapter 10
Adding Skills and Ratings for an Employee
• To assess and update skill proficiencies by the individuals holding specific jobs,
click Skills by Employee. This form includes Skills Gap data, which is the
difference in a skill level between the Strategic Start Year and Strategic End Year.
For example, suppose that the Skills Gap for Rob Stark is -1, which indicates that
you want his Java skill to be at a 4 (favorable) rating by FY18, and his Java skill is
currently rated only as 3.
This form displays only those employees whose skill ratings already exist, usually
by importing them. To add a skill and rating for an employee, see Adding Skills and
Ratings for an Employee.
• To assess and update skill data for an individual, click Employee Skill Details.
Demand Planning
Demand analysis gives you insight into what resources the long-term strategy requires, such
as headcount or FTE and strategic jobs. This information helps you to be proactive in
planning resources and preparing for their needed skill sets.
To work with demand data, click Strategic Workforce , and then Demand .
Then use its horizontal tabs:
• For a graphical summary of the demand for strategic jobs, click Summary Demand FTE.
You can view the totals by job and entity.
• To set and update the calculation logic for demand drivers and demand data by year,
click Demand Driver Data. See About Demand Drivers.
• To provide granular information on demand drivers, click Demand Data by Entity. Here
you set:
– Assumptions to select a demand driver.
– The calculation logic if you want to override the calculation logic set at the demand
driver level on the Demand Driver Data form. This isn't required; you change the
calculation logic here only if you want to override the calculation logic for a job.
– The demand rate and scale. You enter the rate only for drivers whose calculation
logic is Demand = Driver / Rate or Demand = Driver * Rate (or that uses Custom
calculation logic, depending on how the formula is defined). Demand Scale applies
only if Demand Driver Scaling Factor is enabled and if the calculation logic is based
on Previous Year's Ratio.
– Expected productivity for jobs if Expected Productivity Gains Factor is enabled.
See Factoring Productivity Changes into Demand FTE.
You can view demand data on either Demand Data by Entity or Demand Data by Job.
On one form the Entity dimension is on the POV and the Job dimension is on the row. On
the other form the Job dimension is on the POV and the Entity dimension is on the row.
See Setting Demand Data by Entity or Job.
Chapter 11
About Demand Drivers
To focus your organization on certain forms and hide others, you can
accomplish this using Navigation Flows. See "Designing Custom
Navigation Flows" in Administering Planning.
Chapter 11
Setting the Calculation Logic of Demand Drivers
• Enter an optional demand scaling factor if Demand Driver Scaling Factor is enabled
and if the calculation logic is based on Previous Year's Ratio. See Scaling Demand
• Enter the demand rate for calculation logic based on Demand = Driver / Rate or
Demand = Driver * Rate (or Custom calculation logic, depending on its logic).
To assign demand drivers to jobs:
1. Click Demand .
2. Click Demand Data by Entity or Demand Data by Job.
3. Select the entity to work with and the job you want to assign a demand driver for.
4. Under Assumptions, select a demand driver.
Your administrator defines the demand drivers when configuring Strategic Workforce
5. To override the default calculation logic that is set on the Demand Driver Data form,
under Calculation Logic, select how to calculate the driver for a job:
• Previous Year's Ratio
• Demand = Driver / Rate
• Demand = Driver * Rate
• Custom
6. For drivers whose calculation logic is Demand = Driver / Rate or Demand = Driver *
Rate (or Custom, depending on how it's defined), under Demand Rate, enter the rate.
For example:
• The Driver is Consulting Revenue, which is $15M
• The Rate for the Job called Partner is $5M
• So, for every $5M in Revenue, you need 1 FTE for the Partner Job
7. Under Demand Scale, enter a scaling factor.
Demand Scale is available only if Demand Driver Scaling Factor is enabled, and
applies only if the calculation logic is Previous Year's Ratio (or Custom calculation
logic, depending on how it's defined). See Scaling Demand FTE.
8. Under Expected Productivity, enter a value to adjust your anticipated demand for
strategic jobs by factoring in possible gains or losses in productivity.
To indicate 25%, enter .25. Expected Productivity is available only if Expected
Productivity Gains Factor is enabled. See Factoring Productivity Changes into Demand
Chapter 11
Setting the Calculation Logic of Demand Drivers
1. Click Demand .
2. Click Demand Driver Data, and under Calculation Logic, select one of the
• Previous Year’s Ratio: Bases the demand on the previous year’s demand
rate and applies the Demand Scale value if Demand Driver Scaling Factor
is enabled and scaling is set. If no calculation logic is specified, then Previous
Year's Ratio is applied. See Scaling Demand FTE and Factoring Productivity
Changes into Demand FTE.
• Demand = Driver / Rate: Derives demand by dividing the driver by the rate.
For example, for every $5 million in revenue, you need one partner.
• Demand = Driver * Rate: Derives demand by multiplying the driver by the
rate. For example, multiply processing units by cost.
• Custom: Derives demand using a custom member formula on the dynamically
calculated member Demand FTE Custom. If the predefined calculation logic
doesn't fit your needs, your administrator can create a custom member
formula using the Dimension Editor.
For example, here's a simple member formula that returns the Demand FTE
as 52:
IF ("OWP_Calculation Logic"->"OWP_Headcount Driver"->"No Year"-
>"Begbalance" == [OWP_Demand_CalcLogic.Custom]) "OWP_Demand FTE"-
>"No Property" = 52; ENDIF;
Refer to the OWP_Demand FTE account member in the formula
because that member is used in forms. The member Demand FTE
Custom isn't used in forms. Also, ensure that the formula is
appropriate and doesn't impact performance.
3. Under Demand Units, enter the demand units (for example, the number of
insurance policies or the number of revenue units).
4. Enter a value into Demand Scale to increase or decrease the calculated Demand
FTE when using the Previous Year’s Ratio calculation logic.
If your administrator enabled the option Demand Driver Scaling Factor, you can
use Demand Scale to scale your demand planning to account for a change in
productivity over time. In calculating the future demand for FTE, demand scaling
factors in natural logarithm as an exponent of the ratio. If you don’t enter a
Demand Scale value, the demand is assumed to be 100% of the demand driver.
The demand scale applies to all jobs in the entity, regardless of whether the
demand driver is based on Entity or Job. If a driver's calculation logic is not set to
Previous Year's Ratio and you enter a value into Demand Scale, the value won't
impact the demand calculations. (Custom calculation logic might be an exception
to this rule, depending on how the formula is defined.) See Scaling Demand FTE.
5. Enter a value into Expected Productivity to further refine FTE calculations.
Chapter 11
Scaling Demand FTE
If your administrator enabled Expected Productivity Gains Factor, you can adjust FTE
calculations by setting a value in Expected Productivity. Regardless of the calculation
logic selected, Expected Productivity is factored into Demand FTE calculations if
Expected Productivity Gains Factor is enabled and a value entered. See Factoring
Productivity Changes into Demand FTE.
You expect the demand driver (the number of calls to the Call Center) to double from FY17 to
FY18, but the demand FTE (the number of Call Center Operators) doesn’t likewise double. In
this case, you assume that a year’s experience increases the employees’ efficiency. For each
doubling of the demand driver, you need only 80% of the demand FTE value because you
assume a 20% gain in productivity.
The formula that Strategic Workforce Planning uses to calculate Demand FTE while factoring
in Demand Scale and Expected Productivity gains is:
((PY Total Demand FTE / PY Demand Units) * ((CY Demand Units/ PY Demand
Units)^(LN(CY Demand Scale)/LN(2))) * (1 – Expected Productivity)) * CY
Demand Units
Chapter 11
Factoring Productivity Changes into Demand FTE
• PY = Previous Year
• CY = Current Year
• LN = Natural Logarithm
You can further refine FTE calculations by entering values in Expected Productivity.
The calculation that determines the Demand FTE factors in the values you set for both
Demand Scale and Expected Productivity.
See Factoring Productivity Changes into Demand FTE.
You expect the number of calls to the Call Center (the demand driver) to double from
FY16 to FY17, but you also plan to buy a new call answering system, which will
increase productivity. You set Expected Productivity to 5% of the Previous Year’s
Ratio, which assumes a 5% productivity gain. So, doubling the number of calls (from
1,000 to 2,000) requires only 95% of the Previous Year’s Ratio to meet the demand.
The Demand FTE is decreased because the ratio that determines how many FTE are
needed is based on the demand driver value (that is, the number of calls) and the
Expected Productivity gains (that is, the new call answering system).
The calculation that determines the Demand FTE factors in the values you
set for both Demand Scale and Expected Productivity. See Scaling
Demand FTE.
Chapter 11
Viewing and Adjusting the Demand FTE
the Total Demand FTE for each job. Adjustment FTE values are factored into the Previous
Year's Ratio calculation logic.
To see a summary of or adjust the calculated FTE:
1. Click Demand .
2. Click Demand FTE by Entity or Demand FTE by Job.
Demand FTE by Entity has the Entity dimension on the POV, with the Job dimension on
the row. Demand FTE by Job has the Job dimension on the POV with Entity on the row.
The two tabs share the same data and instructions for entering values. Their only
difference is that their axes are reversed for the Entity and Job dimensions.
3. View the currently calculated FTE.
4. To adjust the FTE, enter an adjustment factor under Demand FTE Adjustment.
For example, if you plan to hire 3 Engineers in the coming year, enter 3 in the cell for
Engineer. Adjustments you enter on either Demand FTE by Entity or Demand FTE by
Job are reflected in both tabs.
Supply Planning
With supply planning, you look ahead at how your workforce resources will meet your
workforce demands.
The Supply Headcount or FTE beginning balance for a given year is reduced by the previous
year’s retirement FTE. Retirement and attrition values negatively impact the Supply
Headcount and FTE.
To work with supply data, click Supply . Then use its horizontal tabs:
• To see a graphical view of supply jobs and FTE, click Summary Supply FTE.
• To set attrition data by entity, click Attrition Driver. See Setting Attrition Drivers.
• To set the retirement age by entity and by year, click Retirement Age. See Setting
Retirement Ages for Attrition Calculations.
• To set attrition data by age ranges, click Attrition Data by Age Band. See Setting
Attrition by Age Band.
• To set attrition by job, click Attrition Data by Job. See Setting Attrition by Job.
• To see calculated FTE totals for strategic jobs by year, click Supply FTE.
• To see headcount totals for jobs, click Supply Headcount.
• To see supply compensation, click Supply Compensation. Supply compensation is
calculated by multiplying the FTE for a job by its average compensation rate if Average
Compensation is enabled.
Chapter 12
Setting Retirement Ages for Attrition Calculations
To set attrition drivers, click Attrition Driver, and then Attrition by Job or Attrition by
Age (if the option is enabled).
• Setting Retirement Ages for Attrition Calculations
• Setting Attrition by Age Band
• Setting Attrition by Job
Analyzing the Gap Between Demand and
After planning the resources your plans require (demand) and the resources that you expect
to be available to meet those demands (supply), you can see how well they match up by
looking at the gap between demand and supply. Then you can take action to minimize those
To view the gap between demand and supply, click Gap Analysis .
• To view the supply and demand summary data and their variance, click Supply vs
Demand. In the top left form, you can view the data. In the charts, you can review the
• To view the difference between supply and demand headcount, click Supply vs Demand
Headcount. This information helps guide you in addressing the gap by updating your
hiring or training plans. Examples:
– Transfer people from non-strategic jobs to strategic jobs.
– Add training courses to build strategic skills.
– Hire people that have needed strategic skills.
– Create incentive programs to retain people with strategic skills.
Reporting in Strategic Workforce Planning
Related Topics
• Working with the Reports Reporting Solution
• Working with Legacy Financial Reports
Chapter 14
Working with Legacy Financial Reports
Chapter 14
Working with Legacy Financial Reports
• Working with Financial Reporting for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
Part III
Working with Workforce
Task Overview
You might not see all the features described in this section, depending on which
features your administrator enabled.
Chapter 15
Setting User Variables
Chapter 15
Setting User Variables
dashboards and forms, and their changes are then reflected in User Variables preferences.
To set user variables:
1. From the Home page, click Tools , and then User Preferences .
2. On the User Variables tab, select members for these user variables:
• Currency
• Entity
• Job Type
• Reporting Currency
• Scenario—Set the scenario for Workforce
• Scenario View—Set the scenario for Strategic Workforce Planning
• Strategic Start Year and Strategic End Year—For Strategic Workforce Planning, limit
skill set planning to a range of years by setting the start and end year
• Version
• Years
For Workforce, set these additional user variables:
• Employee Parent—Helps make forms more manageable by letting you include
or exclude the employees to display on the forms based on the Employee
Parent member you select, such as new hires or existing employees.
• Period—Allows Comments for New Hires to be displayed as well as Total
Compensation for all Employees/Jobs on the Mass Update forms.
Administrators can set limits for user variables by selecting Tools, then Variables,
then User Variables, and then selecting members for the User Variable Definition.
Administrators can further limit data entry by assigning permissions, setting
variables, and creating valid intersections.
Managing Compensation Expenses
Before updating employee-related information, you can review current expenses trends and
summaries by clicking or tapping Compensation, and then Overview.
Chapter 16
Managing Hiring Requisitions
This topic applies only to the Employee and the Employee and Job
granularity options.
Chapter 16
Managing Hiring Requisitions
If you don't select a salary option, then the salary defaults are used. Selecting
either Salary Basis and Rate or Salary Grade overrides any salary default
7. Add any comments for the hiring requisition and then click Next.
8. Click Launch.
The Additional Earnings, Benefits, Taxes, headcount, and so on are calculated for the
specified requisitions during the time range you specified.
If needed, you can later change the Salary Rate, Salary Basis, Salary Grade, Status, or end
period for a hiring requisition you’ve added. See Updating Hiring Requisitions. To update the
salary after the to-be-hired (TBH) has been associated with a hired employee, see Updating
Employee Compensation.
If you want to add many hiring requisitions at one time, you can use the Process
New Hires Mass Update form. See Updating Multiple Employees and Jobs Details.
Chapter 16
Managing Hiring Requisitions
Don't enter an Effective Date that is before the requisition Start
Date. Use the Remove Hiring Requisition rule to remove the
• Salary—Select to update the salary basis, rate, or grade for the requisition.
Skip to Step 5.
• Extend Calendar—Select to extend a requisition's time span. Calculations for
a requisition's workforce expenses begin and end with the requisition's start
and end dates. Skip to Step 5.
You can change the start date or end date to extend a requisition's calendar.
• Reduce Calendar—Select to reduce a requisition's time span. Skip to Step 6.
You can change the start date or end date to reduce a requisition's calendar.
5. To update the salary associated with the requisition:
a. Select the Year and the From Period to set the effective date for your
b. Select the option for setting the salary:
• Salary Defaults—Select to set the salary based on the salary defaults,
which are set on the Defaults tab of Compensation Planning.
• Salary Basis and Rate—Select to directly enter the salary rate (for
example, 6000) and basis (for example, Monthly).
• Salary Grade—Select to set the salary by selecting a salary grade. Your
administrator imports salary grades, and you set the defaults for new hires
by selecting Compensation Planning, then Assumptions—and then
Salary Grades.
If you don't select a salary option, then the salary defaults are used.
Selecting either Salary Basis and Rate or Salary Grade overrides any
salary default assignments.
6. To extend the time span for the requisition:
a. In Copy Properties from, select the month to use as the basis for which
requisition properties to copy to the extended range. This option enables you
to carry forward into the extended range such aspects as FTE, Status,
Employee Type, and Pay Type.
b. Select the Year and Month to copy data from and the new Start Date and or
End Date.
You can extend a time span for a requisition by moving the start date earlier,
moving the end date later, or a combination of both.
Specifying a start date and end date saves you from having to plan their
departure using the Plan Departure rule.
You don't have to enter a Start Date or End Date.
If you don't select a Start Date, Workforce uses the existing Start Date.
If you don't select an End Date, Workforce applies this hiring requisition from
the start date to the end of the planning range.
7. To reduce the time span of the requisition, select the Start Date and or End Date.
Chapter 16
Updating Employee Compensation
You can reduce a time span for a requisition by pushing the start date later, moving the
end date earlier, or a combination of both.
You don't have to enter a Start Date or End Date.
If you don't select a Start Date or End Date, Workforce uses the existing Start Date or
End Date.
8. Click Launch.
The Additional Earnings, Benefits, Taxes, headcount, and so on are calculated for the
specified requisitions during the time range you specified.
If you want to update many hiring requisitions at one time, you can use the Process
New Hires Mass Update form. See Updating Multiple Employees and Jobs Details.
You can also quickly update and process data on multiple existing employees. See
Updating Multiple Employees and Jobs Details.
2. To update an employee's salary, select the employee from the POV, and then:
a. Right-click in the grid, and then select Change Existing Details.
b. From Change Employee, select Salary, and then click Next.
c. Select the Year and From Period as the effective date for the updated salary.
d. From Salary Options, select:
• Salary Defaults: Select to set the salary based on the salary defaults, which are
set on the Defaults tab of Compensation Planning.
• Salary Basis and Rate: Select to directly enter the salary rate (for example,
6000) and basis (for example, Monthly).
Chapter 16
Changing an Employee's Status
• Salary Grade: Select to set the salary by selecting a salary grade. Your
administrator imports salary grades, and you set the defaults for new hires
by selecting Compensation Planning, then Assumptions, and then
Salary Grades.
If you don't select a salary option, then the salary defaults are used.
Selecting either Salary Basis and Rate or Salary Grade overrides any
salary default assignments.
e. Click Launch.
The employee's salary is calculated during the time range you specified.
Chapter 16
Updating Multiple Employees and Jobs Details
• Start Month—Select the month in which the job change should occur.
• Select Source Job—Select the source job the employee is changing from.
• Select Target Job—Select the target job the employee is changing to.
The target job can't be the same as the source job. If the Source Job and Target
Job are the same, the rule fails.
• Hours per week—Optionally, enter the hours per week for the changed job.
If you don't change Hours per week, the Source Job hours per week are used in
the Target Job.
• Enter FTE—Enter the FTE for the Target Job.
• Year—Enter the year for the job change.
• Comments—Optionally, add any comments related to the job change, for example
the reasons for the change. The comments are displayed on the Mass Update forms,
Process Data and Synchronize Defaults and Process Updated Data.
When the Change Job rule runs:
• Compensation data is automatically calculated for the Target Job as of the changed job
month and year.
• All properties are cleared in the Source Job as of the changed job month and moved to
the Target Job. The compensation data is also cleared as of changed job month in the
Source Job.
Tutorials provide instructions with sequenced videos and documentation to help you learn a
Chapter 16
Updating Multiple Employees and Jobs Details
2. Select the form that best suits your situation:
Each granularity option (Employee, Job, or Employee and Job) supports
the following forms and Groovy rules. However, the Employee model
supports updating only employees, and the Job model supports updating
only jobs.
Your Objective Use This Form / Tab The Groovy Rule that is
Run Upon Save
• Assign updated entity Process Data and Incremental Process
defaults for benefits, Synchronize Defaults Data with Synchronize
taxes, and additional When you make updates Defaults
earnings, based on on this form:
employee or job driver • The updates are
details copied to all future
• Update employee periods in the Year
properties, job Range.
properties, or salary- • Applies the entity
related information defaults with the
• Calculate the non- component definition
salary components and rates in the
based on the definition Benefits and Taxes
of components in the Wizard.
Benefits and Taxes
Chapter 16
Updating Multiple Employees and Jobs Details
Your Objective Use This Form / Tab The Groovy Rule that is
Run Upon Save
• Update, add, or Process Updated Data Incremental Process
remove an existing When you make updates Data with Synchronize
benefit, tax, or on this form: Definition
additional earning • The updates are
• Update employee copied to all future
properties or job periods in the Year
properties Range.
• Calculate the non- • Compensation is
salary components calculated based on
based on the definition the rates entered in
of components in the the form.
Benefits and Taxes
• Assign updated entity Synchronize Defaults Incremental Synchronize
defaults for benefits, When you update salary Defaults
taxes, and additional details for the selected
earnings based on year and month in the POV
employee or job driver on this form:
details by changing the • The updates are
Process option to Yes copied to all future
for the employees or periods in the Year
jobs to which you Range.
want to apply the • The entity defaults are
updated entity reapplied and
defaults recalculated based on
• Change the salary, the modified salary.
basis, and rate for an
• Calculate the non-
salary components
based on the definition
of components in the
Benefits and Taxes
Chapter 16
Updating Multiple Employees and Jobs Details
Your Objective Use This Form / Tab The Groovy Rule that is
Run Upon Save
• Apply any changes Synchronize Definitions Incremental Synchronize
across component When you change the Definition
information (such as assignments of earnings,
rate changes, payment benefits or, taxes and
frequency, or corresponding options and
maximum value type) tiers:
for the benefit, tax, or • The updates are
additional earning by copied to all future
changing the Process periods in the Year
option to Yes for the Range.
employees or jobs • Compensation is
• Update, add, or recalculated based on
remove an existing the component
benefit, tax, or definition and rates in
additional earning the Benefits and Taxes
• Calculate the non- Wizard.
salary components
based on the definition
of components
provided in the
Benefits and Taxes
• Add new hiring Process New Hires Incremental Process
requisitions Compensation is Data with Synchronize
• Modify hiring recalculated when you Defaults
requisitions save the form.
This form is
applicable when
Granularity is
either Employee
or Employee
and Job.
Chapter 16
Hiring Employees
• You can change the Start Date and End Date for employees (new hires and existing
employees) on Mass Update forms. When you save the form, compensation is
calculated for the modified rows.
• You can use Mass Update forms to inactivate multiple employees at one time by
entering an End Date. When you use this method:
– Employees' status is changed to Closed.
– Headcount and Compensation numbers are cleared for future periods of Plan
Departure month.
– FTE and Merit month information are not cleared for future periods (including
future years) of Plan Departure month.
• Alternatively, you can use Plan Departure to plan employee departure one at a time.
When you use this method:
– The employee status is changed to Departed or Resigned.
– FTE, Headcount, and Compensation are cleared for future periods of Plan
Departure month.
For more information about Plan Departure, see Planning an Employee's Departure.
Hiring Employees
When you hire an employee, you associate the employee with an existing hiring requisition.
When you hire an employee, you add them as a member to the Employee dimension. Then
you associate the employee to a hiring requisition (TBH), which assigns their FTE and
headcount to the application. (For information on hiring requisitions, see Managing Hiring
Requisitions). After you reconcile the new employee with a hiring requisition, you manage the
employee's workforce information on the Existing Employees form.
To associate a newly hired employee with a hiring requisition:
1. Click Compensation, then Manage Employees, and then New Hires.
2. Click the row containing the hiring requisition to associate with the new hire, then
Actions, and then Associate Employee.
The new employee's compensation expenses are added to the totals, and the headcount
and compensation expenses for the hiring requisition are cleared.
Chapter 16
Transferring Employees
5. Click Launch.
The employee's workforce expenses aren't included in calculations beginning with
the departure month.
Alternatively, you can use Mass Update forms to inactivate multiple
employees at one time, although there are differences in status and how
expenses are calculated. For more information, see Updating Multiple
Employees and Jobs Details.
Transferring Employees
Transferring an employee changes the department (or entity) against which their
compensation expenses are calculated. Managers transfer employees using either of
these processes:
• One-step Transfer—Use the Transfer rule if you own both the source and target
entities (that is, you have access permissions to the source and target entities).
• In a Job only application, use the Transfer Headcount rule. When you run the
Transfer Headcount rule, compensation data is automatically calculated.
• Two-step Transfer—Use the Transfer Out and Transfer In rules if you don't have
access permissions to both the source and target entities. The two-step transfer
provides security. For example, it ensures that managers in Department A can't
see member data for Department B if they don't have access permissions to the
Department B entity. You should transfer out an employee during the same month
in which the receiving department transfers in the employee.
• After an employee is transferred out, most of their data is cleared in the source as
of the transfer month. Applicable Union Code, Employee Type, Pay Type, and
Status will remain but the Status will show as Transfer Out. When the employee
is transferred to the target, the status is set to Active for the target, and the
employee's salary is calculated in the target.
• You can transfer an employee across custom dimensions, entities, and job in a
one-step or two-step transfer. While transferring an employee from one source to
another source, select the target dimension(s) and month for transfer. At least one
target dimension must vary from the source or the transfer will fail. Use Basic
Details to select core dimensions. Click Additional Details to select custom
dimensions. The same applies to transferring headcounts in Job only models also.
• When planning an employee’s transfer, make sure you enter a new month that is
in accordance with your application’s fiscal calendar, rather than the dates entered
for the new hire. Employee transfer is based on fiscal year and month rather than
the dates entered for new hire.
• In the source's transfer year, most of the employee properties, including FTE and
Headcount, are cleared out starting in the transfer month. Applicable Union
Code, Employee Type, Pay Type, and Status will remain but the Status will
show as Transfer Out.
• If the employee transfer month is after the merit month in the year of transfer, merit
rates are copied from the source. For subsequent years in the target entity, merit
rates are calculated based on the target rates. When the employee is not active,
Chapter 16
Managing Jobs
the recommended merit rate is not populated. If the employee transfer month is before
the merit month, merit rates are copied from the target.
• FTE Assumption and Headcount Assumption accounts are used to calculate values and
should never be used for reporting purposes. Use the Total FTE and Total Headcount
account hierarchies for all reporting needs, as these reflect the accurate values based on
the assumptions, transfers, departures, and so on.
To use the two-step employee-transfer process:
1. Click Compensation Planning, then Manage Employees, and then Existing
2. Click the Actions gear, and then Transfer Out.
Transfer Out causes the employee's name to be displayed in the Review Pending
Transfers form.
3. To transfer the employee into the target department, in Review Pending Transfers,
select the employee, then Actions, and then Transfer In.
Oracle recommends that you review pending transfers before approving a plan.
Managing Jobs
If the application is based on the Job granularity option, you can use the Add Job rule to add
jobs and the Change Salary rule to change the salary for jobs. The changes are effective
from the period and month that you specify.
When you update job data on a form, to recalculate expenses, click the Actions
gear, and then run the Calculate Job Compensation rule. For example, if you
change a job's status, review that job's FTE and then run Calculate Job
Adding Jobs
You can add jobs and set their properties if the application is based on the Job granularity
To add jobs:
1. Click Compensation Planning, and then Manage Jobs.
2. Specify the POV.
3. Click the Actions gear, and then select Add Job.
4. On Job Details:
• In Job, click the Member Selector, and then select the position.
Chapter 16
Managing Jobs
Because jobs are members in the Job dimension, you can't remove a job
through the Workforce interface. Instead, the administrator can delete the job
member using the Dimension Editor. Alternately, you could repurpose an
existing job.
Chapter 16
Planning Merit Rates
• From the From Period Member Selector, select the effective month or period for the
• From Salary Options, select how to set the salary:
– Salary Defaults: Set the salary based on the salary defaults, and then click
– Salary Basis and Rate: Select this option, and then click Next to directly enter
the Salary Rate (for example, 6000) and select the Salary Basis (for example,
Monthly). Then click Launch.
– Salary Grade: Select to set the salary by selecting a salary grade, and then click
Next to select the grade. Then click Launch.
Selecting Salary Grade bypasses the default assignments and instead uses the
Salary Grade Basis and Rates at the specific level0 Entity member or the
Company Assumptions Entity member.
Salary grades are set on the Assumptions tab of Compensation Planning.
A message confirms that you've successfully changed the job's salary. The expenses are
calculated for the job starting from the start month and year you specified.
1. Click .
2. Click Assumptions, and then Merit Rates.
3. From the Point of View links, select the Scenario, Version, and Entity.
4. Set merit rates using the method you prefer:
Chapter 16
Calculating Compensation Expenses
Merit rates must be set at the level 0 entity level, whether they're
based on performance rating or the Default Merit member. If
managers enter merit rates at the company Assumptions (No Entity)
member, the rates aren't effective until they're copied or added to
specific level 0 child members of Total Entity. Individual entity owners
can use the rule Copy Merit Rates and then modify the rates if
If you get an error message about invalid data when running a business rule,
see Troubleshooting a Rule's Error Message.
Synchronizing Defaults
You must run the Synchronize Defaults business rule when entity defaults are added
or existing defaults are changed. Running Synchronize Defaults pushes the updated
configuration information so that form calculations are based on the updated
To run Synchronize Defaults, select Actions, then Business Rules, and then
Synchronize Defaults. If you launch Synchronize Defaults using the right-click
menu, you should use it for a selected employee-job combination.
If you intend to execute the business rule for:
• Only one person, highlight the row containing that person's name, and then run
the business rule.
Chapter 16
Troubleshooting a Rule's Error Message
• Multiple people, or to select the dimensionality with a runtime prompt, highlight a blank
row and then run the business rule.
When an existing salary grade, benefit, tax, or additional earning is updated, to
push the updated definitions to employees and jobs, run the Synchronize
Component Definition business rule. This business rule doesn't update entity
After new data has been imported, run the business rule Process Loaded Data to
copy the data to the necessary periods in the planning year range. Running this
business rule copies the information from the substitution variables &CurYr and
To quickly update and process data on multiple existing employees or jobs, you can
use the Mass Update forms. Each form is associated with a Groovy rule that
processes only the changed data. See Updating Multiple Employees and Jobs
If you get an error message about invalid data when running a business rule, see
Troubleshooting a Rule's Error Message.
Chapter 16
Troubleshooting a Rule's Error Message
3. To make sure there are no invalid Smart List values at the employee and job
Managing Noncompensation Expenses
You manage noncompensation expenses such as training or travel expenses using Other
Expenses .
• To view a summary of expenses, click Summary.
• To add or update noncompensation expenses, click Non Compensation Expenses.
Managing Demographics
Demographics describe employee attributes that are unique to each individual, such as
Ethnicity, Gender, Religion, Veteran Status, Highest Education Degree, and Age Band.
Analyzing demographics can help:
• Ensure fairness in hiring
• Address talent gaps as older employees retire
• Examine how many employees and what skill sets your future projects require
To view and update demographics, for example, to set an attribute for a new employee, click
Demographics. Then:
• To see a graphic summary of headcount by demographic, click Headcount Overview.
• To see a graphic summary of workforce expenses by demographic, click Workforce
Expenses Overview.
• To set a demographic by employee and job, click Employee Demographics.
To ensure correct calculations in the dashboards, on the Demographics by Employee
form, you can select any demographic member, including the Unspecified Demographic
member. However, avoid selecting a No_<demographic_member_name> member, for
example, No Highest Education Degree, No Age Band, or No Gender.
Your administrator sets up which demographics the organization tracks.
Analyzing Workforce Expenses
So that you can see the big picture of headcount, compensation, trends, skills sets, and so
on, Workforce provides predefined dashboards. From a dashboard, you can drill to the detail
data by clicking or tapping links. You can also perform what-if analysis in many ways. For
example, change a value in the grid and see its immediate effect in the chart.
Importing Data
Before importing data, configure the application as described in this help system and import
the dimensional metadata.
You can download data import templates from within the application. The templates are
generated based on the features you’ve enabled and the custom dimensions that were
To download the data import templates:
1. From the Home page, click Application and then click Configure .
2. From the Configure list, select the module for which you want to download templates,
and then from the Actions menu, select Download Data Load Templates.
3. Save the ZIP file locally, and then extract the CSV files.
Perform these tasks to import data:
1. Specify the appropriate data import settings. See Administering Data Load Settings.
2. Optional: Make a backup copy of the data import templates to which you can revert, if
3. Optional: Back up the application.
4. If you created custom Smart Lists, import them before the associated data (available only
for some modules.)
To identify the Smart List to import and their entry names:
a. Click Navigator , and then from Create and Manage, click Smart Lists.
b. Select the Smart List, click Edit, and then Entries.
c. Note the associated names.
5. Open the templates in Microsoft Excel and customize them to specify your business data.
6. Optional: To ensure that your data will import and calculate correctly, import it into a test
application first.
7. Import the data into your production application.
8. For the first data import, run the rules required to process and calculate the data.
When customizing the templates:
• Don’t enter zeros.
• To import data, you must have at least one member from all dimensions in the file to
Appendix A
Importing Strategic Workforce Planning Data
• Remove columns for which you have no data. For example, if your periodocity is
monthly, you can delete columns for Qtrly 1 - 4.
• If member names start with zeros (0), change numeric columns to text.
The templates reflect the CurYr that you set in the Planning and Forecast
Preparation configuration task. After importing your data and refreshing the cube, run
the rule Process Loaded Strategic Workforce Data to copy the data to the
necessary periods in the planning year range.
The prefix of each template name depends on the application's granularity:
• EJ_ precedes template names for Employee and Job applications. For example:
• JO_ precedes template names for Job-only applications. For example:
If your application is multicurrency, import data into the No Currency
member. (The import templates are formatted to include the No Currency
member for multicurrency applications.) If you've enabled Average
Compensation, also import average compensation rates at No Currency in
the entity. Also, Oracle assumes that you load Actuals historical data instead
of entering or calculating it.
You can import properties and OWP_FTE to any month and year because the
Process Loaded Strategic Workforce Data rule prompts for the starting point.
However, skills assessment data, demand, and supply data are all loaded to
Appendix A
Importing Strategic Workforce Planning Data
After importing data, run the Process Loaded Strategic Workforce Data rule.
Importing Employee Information, FTE Per job, Entity, and Year to the Reporting Cube
Use EJ_EmployeeFTEDataLoad_REP.csv to import employee information, FTE per job,
entity, year to the OEP_REP reporting cube. This information is the basis for deriving the
average skill rating across different skill categories.
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
If you are performing skill set planning, beginning with Release 21.08, you can load
data only once to the Workforce cube (OEP_WFP), and then use a data map
(Headcount and FTE Data for Reporting) to push the data to the Reporting cube
Previously, you were required to load FTE for Supply Planning, Demand Planning, and
Workforce Planning to the Workforce cube (OEP_WFP), and for skill set planning you
were required to load to the Reporting cube (OEP_REP). This required you to load the
same value in two different places.
If you want to load only changed and new Workforce data since the last load,
you can improve load performance using Data Integration. See Loading and
Calculating Incremental Workforce Data.
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
You can bulk load new hire data using Data Integration. For more information, see
Bulk Loading Workforce New Hire Data in Administering Data Integration for Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
As of the February, 2020 Release, Workforce supports a new Start Date property.
The data import templates include headers and examples for loading data such as
Hire Date to OWP_Start Date rather than to OWP_Start Month. You can still load
data to Start Month, and the Process Loaded Data rules convert the data to Start
Date using the first of the month provided in the Start Month account. So, existing
data integrations based on Start Month data continue to work. You'll get more
accurate calculations, however, if you load data into Start Date.
The templates reflect the CurYr that you set in the Planning and Forecast Preparation
configuration task. After importing your data and refreshing the cube, run the rule Process
Loaded Data to copy the data to the necessary periods in the planning year range.
The prefix of each template name depends on the application's granularity:
• EJ_ precedes template names for Employee and Job applications. For example:
• EO_ precedes template names for Employee-only applications. For example:
• JO_ precedes template names for Job-only applications. For example:
For the EJ_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Plan.csv template, don't load
to No Union Code or to OWP_All Union Code. Instead add and use new child
metadata member of Total Union Code. Otherwise, the synchronize rules may
not work properly.
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
You can use EJ_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Plan.csv and
EO_EmployeePropertiesDataLoad_Plan.csv to load employee master FTE
data to OEP_Home Entity. Data loaded at OEP_Home Entity is copied to
future periods in the load year (starting from the data load month) and future
years when you run Process Loaded Data.
You must enter or import the Master FTE value for each employee if you
enable Split-Funded FTE.
1. From the Home page, click Navigator , and then under Integration, click
Data Load Settings.
2. Set these parameters for importing data:
• Data Load Dimension: Account
• Driver Dimension: Period. Member:
• Data Load Dimension Parent:
– OWP_Total Earnings. Driver Dimension Unique Identifier: BegBalance
– OWP_Total Benefits. Driver Dimension Unique Identifier: BegBalance
– OWP_Total Taxes. Driver Dimension Unique Identifier: BegBalance
Importing Properties and Rates for Additional Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes
Use these templates as examples when importing properties and rates for additional
earnings, benefits, and taxes into the Benefits and Taxes Wizard.
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
Whenever you load data from Data Management, to copy data to future periods,
you must select one of these Workforce rules: OWP_Incremental Process Data
and Synchronize Defaults or OWP_Incremental Process Data and Synchronize
Definition. See Deciding Which Workforce Rules to Add.
Loading incremental Workforce data and processing Workforce Incremental rules (for
only be done by Administrators. When running any of the Workforce Incremental rules from
Data Management or Data Integration, ensure that the Data Management or Data Integration
Target option Enable Data Security for Admin Users is set to No. This option can only be
set by an administrator.
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
Tutorials provide instructions with sequenced videos and documentation to help you
learn a topic.
You'll experience better performance if you provide a presorted source file.
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
• Only single Period data loads are supported for an incremental load. Multi-period loads
are not supported.
• Drill down is not supported for incremental loads because incremental files are loaded in
Replace mode and only the last version of the file comparison is present in the staging
table. As a workaround, you can load the same data file to another location using the full
data load method. In this case, you should import data only and not export it to the target
• Copies of the source data file are archived for future comparison. Only the last 5 versions
are retained. Files are retained for a maximum of 60 days. If no incremental load is
performed for more than 60 days, then set the Last Process ID to 0 and perform the load.
You can load data using the Incremental File Adapter multiple times.
Options when defining the Data Load Rule in Data Management enable you to
decide if you're loading only incremental data into Workforce or loading all data
every time.
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
Only single-period loads are supported.
For more information on Import Formats, see Working with Import Formats in
Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud.
3. Define the Location, which is the level at which a data load is executed in Data
Management. The Location specifies where to load the data and is associated with
the Import Format.
a. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.
b. Under Location, click Add.
c. Under Details, on the Location Details tab, enter a name for the Location.
d. Browse to select your Import Format.
e. Enter the Functional Currency, and then click Save.
For more information, see Defining Locations in Administering Data Management
for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
4. Create member mappings:
a. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
b. At the bottom of the page, verify the POV for the Location.
i. Click the link for Location, which displays the Select Point of View dialog
ii. Select your Location, Period, and Category (Scenario).
iii. Optional: Select Set as Default to retain this POV.
c. Map the members from the source that you are loading to the target
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
i. At the top of the page, from Dimension, select a dimension in your source file.
ii. Click one of the five member mapping tabs (for example, the Like tab), and then
click Add.
iii. Enter an asterisk (*) in the Source Value column and also in the Target Value
column to represent all values.
iv. Click Save after mapping members for each dimension.
You must create a member mapping for each dimension in the source data file.
For more information, see Creating Member Mappings in Administering Data
Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
5. Select the data load rule: On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load
a. At the bottom of the page, verify the POV for the Location, just like you did in Step
b. In the Data Rule Summary area, click Add.
c. Under Details, enter the data load rule name.
d. In Category, select the category to map source system data to target Scenario
e. In Period Mapping Type, select Default.
f. You don't need to specify an Import Format, because the Import Format from the
Location is used. Specify an Import Format only when you want to override the
Import Format for the Location.
g. From the Target Plan Type drop-down list, select OEP_WFP.
h. On the Source Filters tab, in Source File, browse to select the data file that contains
the data you're loading. It may be the same one from which you created the data
source application, or another file that has data as well as the appropriate header.
It may have the same name as the original file, or it may have a new name. The
differences in the incremental load file are created automatically between the two
loaded files. So if file A.txt has 100 rows and file B.txt has 300 rows where the first
100 are identical, your first load should select file A.txt when the Last Process ID is
0. The second load will be against file B.txt, and the ID automatically points to the
Last Process ID that was assigned to A.
i. In Incremental Processing Option, select whether to sort data in the source file:
• Do not sort source file—The source file is compared as provided. This option
assumes that the source file is generated in the same sort order each time. Data
Management compares the files, and then extracts the new and changed
records. This option makes the incremental file load perform faster.
• Sort source file—Data Management sorts the source file before performing the
file comparison for changes. The sorted file is then compared to the previous
sorted version of this file. Sorting a large file consumes many system resources.
If the source system provides a sorted file, avoid using this option because it
consumes computer resources and slows performance.
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
If you have a rule that uses the Do not sort source file option
and then switch to a Sort option, then the first load will have
invalid results because the files are in different order.
Subsequent runs load data correctly.
Copies of the source data file are archived for only the last 5
versions and retained for a maximum of 60 days. After 60 days,
set the Last Process ID to 0 and then perform the load.
j. Click Save.
6. Select the Load Method for the target application and add the Workforce business
rules that execute the logic for the incremental load when the data load rule is run:
a. Click the Setup tab, and under Register, click Target Application.
b. Under Target Application Summary, from the Type column, select Planning.
c. Under Application Details, click the Application Options tab.
d. For Load Method, select All data types with security, and then click OK.
e. Click the Business Rules tab, and then click Add.
f. Under Business Rule, enter or paste the Workforce business rule name.
For information on Workforce rules, see Deciding Which Workforce Rules to
Add. For more information on adding business rules in Data Management see
Adding Business Rules in Administering Data Management for Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
g. Under Scope, select Data Rule.
h. Under Data Load Rule, select the data load rule you created, and then click
7. Preview the data before exporting it.
a. Click the Workflow tab, and then Data Load Rule.
b. Click Execute.
c. On the Execute Rule dialog box, select Import from Source and verify the
Start Period and End Period.
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
To actually send the incremental data to the target application, you could also select
Export to Target.
d. Click Run.
See Using the Data Load Workbench in Administering Data Management for Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
8. You're now ready to execute the incremental data load. See Executing an Incremental
Workforce Data Load.
After loading data, to quickly update and process data on multiple existing
employees, jobs, or entity defaults in Workforce, you can use the Mass Update
forms. These forms enable you to quickly review and edit employees, jobs, and
entity defaults after data is loaded. Designed for optimal processing efficiency, each
form is associated with a Groovy rule that processes only the changed data. See
Updating Multiple Employees and Jobs Details in Working with Planning Modules.
Table A-1 Deciding Which Workforce Rule to Add to the Integration File
Appendix A
Importing Workforce Data
Table A-1 (Cont.) Deciding Which Workforce Rule to Add to the Integration File
For more information, see Adding Business Rules in Administering Data Management
for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
Updating Workforce and Strategic Workforce
Planning Artifacts
Enhancements available in certain releases, described here, require updates to some
provided artifacts.
• If you haven't modified these artifacts (described in this topic), the artifacts and features
are available to you automatically with the release.
• Because customized artifacts aren't updated during a new release, if you've customized
these artifacts and want to take advantage of the new features, perform these steps:
1. Perform a full backup after the update and download it locally.
2. Review the list of modified artifacts and consider whether the enhancements in the
monthly update address the modifications you've made to artifacts. Evaluate whether you
want to restore the modified artifacts to take advantage of the new features, and whether
you will need to reapply some or all of your modifications.
For any artifacts listed below that you have modified, consider creating a copy
of your modified artifact and using that as a reference for the changes you
made to it.
Obsolete artifacts remain available for your use but will no longer be enhanced
and could be removed from active forms, menus, dashboards, and so on.
3. After the update, reverse the customizations to the artifacts you've identified to restore
the artifacts to the provided format. See Reversing Customizations.
4. Reimplement your customizations to the artifacts, if necessary.
5. For any restored Calculation Manager rules or templates, after they are final, be sure to
deploy the updated rules or templates to the application for any impacted artifacts. See
Showing the Usages of a Custom Template and Deploying Business Rules and Business
October 2023
The following information describes new and modified artifacts in the October 2023 update.
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
In Workforce, when Hybrid is enabled, because Employee and Job
dimension are expected to be set with all parents aggregated dynamically,
Workforce does not aggregate these dimensions. In earlier releases, Add
Requisition was aggregated; starting with 21.12 it is no longer aggregated.
Appendix B
Appendix B
To further improve rules performance, you can modify all CYTD formulas in
both Account and Property.
Take the year range of both the plan and forecast scenarios and update the
formulas to work only for that year range. For example, if the Plan scenario
year range is set to FY21 to FY24 and the Forecast scenario year range is
set to FY22 to FY24, update the formulas accordingly with the year range
from FY21 to FY24.
These modifications are needed only in applications where January is not the
start month.
Replace "Apr" in these formulas with the last month of the application.
Appendix B
Appendix B
ELSEIF("Cal TP-Index"==1 AND "OWP_Start Date"->"No Property" != #MISSING)
@PRIOR("OWP_Expense Amount",1,@Relative("YearTotal",0)) +
Appendix B
level, the Workforce and Merit Assumptions dashboard uses Entity and Company
Assumptions is hidden.
• For existing customers, if you enable Merit Assumptions and choose to plan by Entity
or by Global, you must enter data for Merit Rate, Merit Month, and Cut-off Date at
Entity or Global level. When you are loading data for existing employees using Data
Management or Data Integration, these assumptions are copied to employees as part of
the Incremental Process Data with Synchronize rule. Alternatvely, you can run
Process Loaded Data whenever you update Merit Month or Cut-off Date.
Updated Employee Details Form
There is a new member, Merit Increase, in the Component dimension, which is assigned as
a Smart List value for Merit Account. For existing customers, after updating content for
21.08, in the Employee Details form, the row heading for Merit displays 1 instead of the new
Smart List value. To update the Employee Details form to display the new member, Merit
Increase, run either the Calculate Compensation or Synchronize rule.
Table B-7 August 2021 Update - Workforce and Strategic Workforce Planning New
and Modified Artifacts
Appendix B
Table B-7 (Cont.) August 2021 Update - Workforce and Strategic Workforce Planning
New and Modified Artifacts
Appendix B
Table B-7 (Cont.) August 2021 Update - Workforce and Strategic Workforce Planning
New and Modified Artifacts
Generate new currency conversion script using Currency Conversions under
Create and Manage to generate new updated script.
Appendix B
Appendix B
Code, Employee Type, Pay Type, and Status will remain but the Status will show as
Transfer Out.
• If the employee transfer month is after the merit month in the year of transfer, merit rates
are copied from the source. For subsequent years in the target entity, merit rates are
calculated based on the target rates. When the employee is not active, the recommended
merit rate is not populated. If the employee transfer month is before the merit month,
merit rates are copied from the target.
• In the Job Only model, there is a restriction on the number of headcounts that can be
transferred or departed based on the headcounts available on the job. This eliminates the
need to run a calculate job compensation rule after departing headcounts from the job.
• Total FTE and Total Headcount are added to the New Hire request form, Employee
Properties form, and Manage Existing Employee forms. Alias names for FTE and
Headcount are modified to FTE Assumption and Headcount Assumption. FTE
Assumption and Headcount Assumption are used for input assumptions to drive
calculations. Total FTE and Total Headcount are used for reporting purposes.
• In the transfer year, earnings, benefits, and taxes paid in the source are considered while
applying the target threshold. Computed expense in the source is copied to the transfer
year's target as part of the transfer and change job process. After applying the entity
defaults to the employee in target, the copied computed expense amount is considered
while applying the threshold in the target in the transfer year for the earnings, benefits,
and taxes that are the same across source and target. As part of the transfer headcount
in Job Only model, computed expense in the source to target is based on the number of
headcounts being transferred. This applies to a single-step and two-step transfer and
change job actions on the employee in the Employee and Job model and Transfer
Headcount action in Job Only model.
Appendix B
Appendix B
Module name and Scenario name must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
• If you've not modified the OWP_Process Loaded Data_T template but you have modified
the OWP_Process Loaded Data rule, OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize
Defaults_GT template, or the OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize
Definition_GT template, which are dependent on OWP_Process Loaded Data_T, update
these artifacts as follows since Design Time Prompt (DTP) values are now included to
support different planning years for the Plan and Forecast scenarios:
– OWP_Process Loaded Data rule must be updated to set the newly required DTP
values at the rule level. To do so, open this rule in Calculation Manager, highlight the
"OWP_Process Loaded_T" template object from within the rule (do not open the
template itself), select the pencil icon to edit the DTP and update/enter the following
information, then save and redeploy the rule.
* Set DTP Year Range =
* Set DTP MODULENAME = "Workforce" (including the double quotes)
– OWP_Incremental Process Data with Syncronize Defaults_GT and
OWP_Incremental Process Data with Synchronize Definition_GT templates should
be copied or downloaded locally. Restore these artifacts then re-apply your
modifications, save, and redeploy these templates.
• Update custom forms for Workforce to use ILvl0Descendants of "All Years" instead of
Appendix B
Ensure the form properties to Suppress Invalid Data for Rows and
Suppress Invalid Data for Columns are selected.
Table B-10 June 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts
Appendix B
Table B-10 (Cont.) June 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts
Appendix B
Table B-10 (Cont.) June 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts
Appendix B
Table B-10 (Cont.) June 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts
Appendix B
Table B-10 (Cont.) June 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts
Appendix B
Table B-10 (Cont.) June 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts
Appendix B
Table B-10 (Cont.) June 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts
Appendix B
Appendix B
Table B-11 February 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New Artifacts
Appendix B
Table B-11 (Cont.) February 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New
Appendix B
Table B-11 (Cont.) February 2020 Update - Workforce Modified and New
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Table B-14 February 2019 Update - Enhancements Related to Incremental Data Load
Appendix B
Appendix B
Table B-15 November 2018 Update - Enhancements Related to Add Hiring Requisition
Rule Performance
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Updating Artifacts for all Planning Modules
Appendix B
Updating Artifacts for all Planning Modules
Table B-18 Financials, Workforce, Capital, and Projects with the Essbase Version that
Does not Support Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Account • OFS_Other Cash (3 shared members)
• OPF_% Complete
• OPF_Accrued Revenue
• OPF_Capitalizable (3 shared members)
• OPF_Cost Plus Revenue Assumptions
• OPF_Custom Direct Input Assumptions
• OPF_Equipment Description
• OPF_Financial Performance Measures
• OPF_Obligation Details
• OPF_Performance Metrics
• OPF_Project Detail Information
• OPF_Project Read Only Properties
• OPF_Required Equipment Assumptions
• OPF_Revenue Recognition %
• OPF_Total Expenses - Store
• OPF_When Period
• OPF_When Year
• OWP_Cut-off Date
• OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings
• OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation
• OWP_FTE Variance
• OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
• OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
• OWP_IsEmpty
• OWP_Rec. Merit % (2 shared members)
• OWP_Start Date (2 shared members)
• OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for
• OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for VC
Jobs OWP_All Jobs
Period Project Financial Mapping
Version OEP_Target
Resource Class OPF_Load
Age Band • No Age Band
• OWP_Total Age Band
Gender • No Gender
• OWP_Total Gender
Highest Education Degree • No Highest Education Degree
• OWP_Total Highest Education Degree
Skill Set • No Skill Set
• OWP_Total Skill Set
Appendix B
Updating Artifacts for all Planning Modules
Table B-18 (Cont.) Financials, Workforce, Capital, and Projects with the Essbase
Version that Does not Support Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Union Code • No Union Code
• OWP_All Union Code
• OWP_Total Union Code
Appendix B
Updating Artifacts for all Planning Modules
Table B-19 Financials, Workforce, Capital, and Projects with the Essbase Version that
Supports Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Account • OCX_Impairment Value Assumptions
• OFS_Other Cash (3 shared members)
• OPF_% Complete
• OPF_Accrued Revenue
• OPF_Capital Integration Properties
• OPF_Capitalizable (3 shared members)
• OPF_Cost Plus Revenue Assumptions
• OPF_Custom Direct Input Assumptions
• OPF_Equipment Description
• OPF_Financial Performance Measures
• OPF_Indirect Integration Properties
• OPF_Integration Properties
• OPF_Integration Status Description (2
shared members )
• OPF_Obligation Details
• OPF_Performance Metrics
• OPF_Project Detail Information
• OPF_Project Integration Status (2 shared
members )
• OPF_Project Read Only Properties
• OPF_Project Template - Capital (3 shared
members )
• OPF_Project Template - Indirect (3 shared
members )
• OPF_Recognized Revenue
• OPF_Reporting Properties
• OPF_Revenue Recognition %
• OPF_Standard Integration Properties
• OPF_Total Expenses - Store
• OPF_When Period
• OPF_When Year
• OWP_Cut-off Date
• OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings
• OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation
• OWP_FTE Variance
• OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
• OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
• OWP_IsEmpty
• OWP_Rec. Merit % (2 shared members)
• OWP_Start Date ( 2 shared members )
• OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for
• OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for VC
• OPF_Project Description
Component • OWP_Merit Increase
• OWP_No Grade
Employee OWP_New Employees
Appendix B
Updating Artifacts for all Planning Modules
Table B-19 (Cont.) Financials, Workforce, Capital, and Projects with the Essbase
Version that Supports Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Entity OEP_Home Entity
Period Project Financial Mapping
Version OEP_Target
Resource Class • OPF_Adjustment (+/-)
• OPF_Load
Age Band • No Age Band
• OWP_Total Age Band
Gender • No Gender
• OWP_Total Gender
Highest Education Degree • No Highest Education Degree
• OWP_Total Highest Education Degree
Skill Set • No Skill Set
• OWP_Total Skill Set
Union Code • No Union Code
• OWP_All Union Code
• OWP_Total Union Code
Table B-20 Strategic Workforce Planning with the Essbase Version that Does
not Support Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Account • OWP_Average Compensation Rates
• OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings
• OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation
• OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
• OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
• OWP_IsEmpty
• OWP_Rec. Merit % (3 Shared
• OWP_Start Date (3 shared members)
• OWP_Strategic Headcount Planning
Accounts for Forms
• OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts
for Forms
• OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts
for VC
Age Band No Age Band
Component • OWP_Attrition Drivers
• OWP_Merit Increase
• OWP_No Grade
Employee OWP_New Employees
Entity OEP_Home Entity
Period • BegBalance
• No Period
• OEP_Yearly Plan
Appendix B
Updating Artifacts for all Planning Modules
Table B-20 (Cont.) Strategic Workforce Planning with the Essbase Version that
Does not Support Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Version OEP_Target
Table B-21 Strategic Workforce Planning with the Essbase Version that Supports
Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Account • OWP_Average Compensation Rates
• OWP_Cut-off Date
• OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings
• OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation
• OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
• OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
• OWP_FTE Variance
• OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
• OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
• OWP_IsEmpty
• OWP_Rec. Merit % (3 Shared members)
• OWP_Start Date (3 shared members)
• OWP_Strategic Headcount Planning
Accounts for Forms
• OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for
• OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for VC
Age Band No Age Band
Component • OWP_Attrition Drivers
• OWP_Merit Increase
• OWP_No Grade
Employee OWP_New Employees
Entity OEP_Home Entity
Period • BegBalance
• No Period
• OEP_Yearly Plan
Version OEP_Target
Table B-22 Sales Planning Quota Planning Module with the Essbase Version that
Does not Support Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Measure OQP_Unit of Measures
Period • No Period
• OEP_Qrtly Plan
• OEP_Weekly Plan
Product No Product
Scenario OEP_Rolling Forecast
Appendix B
Reviewing Modified Artifacts
Table B-22 (Cont.) Sales Planning Quota Planning Module with the Essbase Version
that Does not Support Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Territory OEP_Unspecified Territory
Version OEP_Working Bottom Up
Years No Year
Plan Element • OGS_Total Plan
• OGS_Total Line Items
• OGS_Base Forecast
• OGS_Adjustment (+/-)
• Line 2
• Line 3
• Line 4
View • Periodic
Table B-23 Sales Planning Quota Planning Module with the Essbase Version
that Supports Hybrid Cubes
Dimension Members
Measure OQP_Unit of Measures
Period • No Period
• OEP_W1 to OEP_W52
• OEP_Weekly Plan
Product No Product
Scenario OEP_Scenarios
Territory OEP_Unspecified Territory
Years No Year
Appendix B
Reversing Customizations
Reversing Customizations
To undo customizations to predefined artifacts:
1. From the Home page, click Application , then Configure, and then select a module.
2. From the Actions menu, select Review Modified Artifacts. Click Filter to select
different artifact types.
3. Select the artifacts, and then click Restore.
Strategic Workforce Planning Best Practices
Use these best practices for Strategic Workforce Planning.
This table provides links to the best practices mentioned in this guide.
In addition, review the best practices for Planning in Planning Best Practices in Administering
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about
EPM Cloud
This FAQ provides links to resources for frequently asked questions about administrative
tasks in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
Frequently Asked Questions
• How do I use the Provide Feedback feature to assist technical support when
troubleshooting EPM Cloud services?
• Where can I find general troubleshooting tips for EPM Cloud business processes?
• How can I obtain the SOC1 and SOC2 reports for EPM Cloud services?
• How do I restart EPM Cloud services?
• How do I reset users' passwords?
• How do I perform a Production-to-Test Data Migration in EPM Cloud?
• How do I postpone the automatic monthly update of my environment?
• How do I set up authentication with OAuth 2 for OCI (Gen 2) environments?
• How do I create or remove groups, and how do I add or remove users from them using
REST APIs or EPM Automate?
• How long does Oracle retain production and test backups, and how do I copy a backup
snapshot to my environment?
How do I use the Provide Feedback feature to assist technical support when
troubleshooting EPM Cloud services?
Click your user name (displayed at the right top corner of the screen), and then select
Provide Feedback.
If you are a Service Administrator, including a maintenance snapshot can help
technical support troubleshoot your service. In the Provide Feedback utility, expand
Confirm Application Snapshot submission, and then enable the Submit
application snapshot option.
See Submitting Feedback Using the Provide Feedback Utility in Getting Started with Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators.
Where can I find general troubleshooting tips for EPM Cloud business processes?
Find troubleshooting tips and information on common customer-reported issues with
procedures to correct them in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
Operations Guide.
Appendix D
How can I obtain the SOC1 and SOC2 reports for EPM Cloud services?
You can access these reports in My Services by clicking the Actions menu on your
application and selecting the Documents tab. See Accessing Compliance Reports in
Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for
Appendix D
How do I create or remove groups, and how do I add or remove users from them using
REST APIs or EPM Automate?
• To add groups, see createGroups in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud or Add Groups in REST API for Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud.
• To remove groups, see deleteGroups in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud or Remove Groups in REST API for
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
• To add users to a group, see addUsersToGroup in Working with EPM Automate for
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud or Add Users to a Group in REST
API for Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
• To remove users from a group, see removeUsersFromGroup in Working with EPM
Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud or Remove Users from
a Group in REST API for Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
How long does Oracle retain production and test backups, and how do I copy a backup
snapshot to my environment?
For OCI (Gen 2) environments, Oracle retains production environment snapshots for 60 days
while test environment snapshots are retained for 30 days. Use the listBackups and
restoreBackup EPM Automate commands to check for and copy available backup snapshots
to your environment. You can also use the List Backups and Restore Backup REST APIs.
For Classic environments, Oracle archives the daily snapshots for the last three days (for
production and test environments), and the weekly backup snapshots from the last 60 days
(for production environments only). You can request Oracle to copy your test backups for the
last three days and your production backups for the last 60 days.
See Archival, Retention and Retrieval of Daily Snapshots in Getting Started with Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators.
Appendix D