Cost Acc Q2
Cost Acc Q2
Cost Acc Q2
Module 3 - Manufacturing Overhead Budgeted overhead
★ Computation of Predetermined Overhead - is simply the firm’s best estimate of the
Rate using different allocation bases- amount of overhead to be incurred in the
Plantwide and Departmental OH rates coming year. The estimate is often based
(3T, 3P) on last year’s figures, adjusted for
★ The use of alternative capacity levels- anticipated changes in the coming year.
theoretical, practical, expected, and normal Activity Level or Activity Base
capacity (1T) - A measure of what causes the incurrence
★ Disposition of over and under-applied OH of a variable cost, some of which are:
(2T, 2P) 1. Cost of materials
★ Allocation of Support or Common
costs to Producing Departments -Direct,
Step, and Reciprocal/ Algebraic Method 2. Cost of direct labor
(1T, 3P)
★ Computation of total cost (OH cost, and
price of product) after allocation of
support costs (2T, 3P) 3. Direct labor hours
★ Limitations of plantwide and
departmental overhead rates (1T)
★ Activity-Based Costing
★ Classifying activities - unit level, batch 4. Machine hours
level, product level, and facility-level (2T,
★ Assigning costs (1T, 1P)
★ Computation of product and selling price 5. Units of production
cost using activity-based costing (1T, 1P)
Prepare the entry to close the variance accordingly. Service Costs Allocation Approaches
Solution and Answer: Direct Method
- considered the simplest method of
allocating the cost of service departments
to operating departments.
- Under this method, the costs incurred by
service departments are not allocated to
- 104,400/1,496,400 x 100 = 6.98 each other; rather, they are directly
- 208,800/1,496,400 x 100 = 13.95 allocated to operating departments
- 1,183,200/1,496,400 x 100 = 79.07 using some appropriate allocation base.
- In other words, we can say that the direct
method of departmental cost allocation
ignores the service provided by a service
department to itself and to other service
Step-Down/Sequential Method
- The method partially recognizes the
services that service departments provide to
each other, although it does not recognize
the mutual exchange of services among
support departments.
Service Department Costs
- defined by ranking the service/support
- Service or support department is a unit
departments in order of the amount of
in an organization that contributes in a
service rendered, from the greatest to the
very indirect way to the conversion of raw
materials in a finished product.
- a hybrid between the direct and the
These units are the:
algebraic methods
(a) purchasing,
- the department with the highest cost is Allocate the service department costs using direct
seen as rendering the greatest service, method, sequential method, and algebraic method.
which are allocated first. Solution and Answer:
- They are distributed to all support Direct method
departments in a sequence and to all
producing departments. Then, the costs of
the support department next in sequence
are similarly allocated, and so on
- a support department is “eliminated”
once its costs have been assigned.
Simultaneous/Reciprocal/Algebraic Method
- All interrelationships among
Sequential method
departments are recognized and no
decision must be made about a ranking
order of service departments.
- The method, however, is more complex
than the direct and step methods because it
involves solving simultaneous equations.
Let’s try!
1. Solace Manufacturing has four departments.
assembly department and finishing department Algebraic method
make up the production departments while
cafeteria and maintenance department make up the
service departments.
Job-Order Costing
- Is a system that takes place when
Documents used in Job Order System
customers order small, unique batches of
Materials Requisistion Form
- A form that is used as a basis for the
- Determines the price of each individual
recording of raw materials issuance
product and ensures that the cost for each
product is reasonable enough for a
customer to purchase
- A job can be a: client or customer,
project, contract, product
- The cost of materials used, labor incurred
and overhead applied is summarized in
WIP account while maintaining a job cost
sheet for each job
Let’s try!
Time Ticket
- As an employee works on a unique order,
they are often required to fill out a
timesheet recording the work they have
Labor Costs
- The cost of direct labor incurred increases
Work in Process and the cost of indirect
labor increases Manufacturing Overhead.