Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Individual Differences
1.3.1 Factors Contributing to Individual Differences
After you go through this Unit, you will be able to:
Explain the concept of individual differences;
Define personality;
Know the aspects of personality;
Discuss the various theories of personality; and
Explain Indian perspective on self and personality.
Personality is one of the indicators of individual differences. It is a commonly used term.
However we need to understand it in a proper way as it has implications in many fields
including our academic success, interpersonal relationship, social behaviour and job
* Prof. Swati Patra, Faculty of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, IGNOU, New Delhi 13
Individual performance. Personality traits also impact our physical as well as psychological health
Differences and well-being.They are strong correlates of our happiness across temporal and situational
factors. Individual differences are also studied in other aspects such as intelligence,
creativity, interests (educational and vocational) and leadership. Study of such individual
differences contributes a lot to our understanding of who we are.
In the present Unit we will mainly discuss about the concept of individual differences
and the factors that contribute to individual differences. Further, the term personality
will also be defined and its theories will be explained in detail, including psychodynamic
theory of personality, behavioural and cognitive theories, humanistic theories and trait
theories of personality (five factor theory and biological trait theory). The Unit will also
cover behavioural approach system and behavioural inhibition system besides the Indian
perspective on self and personality.
1.5.3 Humanistic Theories Personality and
Individual Difference
Humanistic approaches to personality contested the deterministic views of personality,
that is, personality as being determined by the influences of the unconscious and the
reinforcement patterns, both of which are not under the individual’s control. Humanistic
theorists believe that human beings are basically good. They aim at greater self-
understanding and strive for self actualization. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs puts
self-actualization as the highest motive. It starts from the basic biological needs, and
proceeds to psychological needs, ultimately aiming to fulfill one’s potential.
Emotionally Stable
Figure 1eF: Eysenck’s Trait Theory of Personality
According to Eysenck, these personality traits such as introversion or extraversion are
affected by the biological processes. For example, arousal which is governed by the
Reticular Activating System (RAS), leads to differences between introversion and
extraversion. Arousal refers to the level of excitation ranging from low arousal (e.g.,
sleep) to high arousal (e.g., being panic). Each individual has an optimal level of arousal
that helps him to function effectively. Introverts have high arousal level, so they are very
sensitive to any stimulus. They avoid situations/stimulus that will create further arousal
and overwhelm them, for instance, facing an interview, public speaking etc. Since they
usually operate above their optimal arousal level, they do not want any additional arousal.
Individual They prefer few stimuli, calm environment. On the other hand, extroverts have low
Differences arousal level and thus they are not very sensitive. They need to have more arousal to
function effectively. So they seek out such simulus or situation that lead to excitation.
Similarly, neuroticism is explained in terms of the sympathetic nervous system or visceral
brain. It talks about lower thresholds for activation in the visceral brain in case of
neuroticism. So they get easily upset, anxious and irritable. In contrast, higher thresholds
for activation leads to more emotional stability.
Thus, the biological factor affect our thought, emotions and behaviour. However, Eysenck
also recognizes the contributing role of the environment in addition to the biological
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