Selenium MCQ
Selenium MCQ
Selenium MCQ
Selenium MCQ Quiz
A. Maven
B. Selenium IDE
C. Selenium Grid
D. WebDriver
A. Selenium WebDriver
B. Selenium Grid
C. Selenium RC
D. Selenium IDE
A. Mozilla Firefox
B. Internet Explorer
C. Google Chrome
D. Both Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox
A. selenium.type()
B. type()
C. sendKeys("text")
D. driver.type("text")
A. True
B. False
A. quit()
B. terminate()
C. close()
D. shutdown()
A. Id
B. Xpath
C. CSS Selector
D. Name
Q9. ....................... is the best call for finding multiple elements using XPath.
A. findElementByXpath
B. findElementsByXpath
C. findElementByCssSelector
D. None of the above
A. .*
B. **
C. *+
D. *.
Q11. Which is the odd one using in Selenium?
A. Id
B. Pattern Matching
C. XPath
D. CSS selector
B. Java
C. C#
A. Verify
B. Assert
C. WaitFor
D. Wait
A. TestNextGenerations
B. TestNextGeneration
C. TestNewGeneration
D. TestNewGenerlization
A. GUI applications
B. Browser-based applications
C. DOS applications
D. None of the above
A. Flash Plug-in
B. Firefox Plug-in
C. Windows Software
D. Java Software
A. FlexUI
B. SeleniumFlex
C. FlexUISelenium
D. UIFlexSelenium
A. Selenium Recorder
B. Web Driver
C. Terminal
D. None of the above
A. Record
B. Playback
C. Batch Testing
D. Both Record & Playback
A. Jason Huggins
B. Rasmus Lerdorf
C. Google
A. Shinya Kasatani
B. Sundar Pichai
C. JetBrains
D. None of the above