Spam The Chat
Spam The Chat
Spam The Chat
I started asking myself difficult questions. Why would anyone want to follow me? What is the purpose
of the content I was putting out? Was I providing any value? In my pursuit of answering these
questions, I found a passion to help the younger version of myself – the failed clothing brand owner.
Whether you want to grow your business online or want to be a famous influencer, the most important
element is finding your why. The why is what gives your content purpose, meaning, and conviction.
2. Good artist copy. Great artists steal.
During my time on house arrest, there was a brand
called God is Dope. At the time, they were at 30k
followers and starting to buzz in the city. It was the
first major clothing brand out of Atlanta that had real
mainstream success.
Imagine a basketball player trying to create content for football. No matter how much they try to
relate, all the content will be created from another sport’s perspective. The only way they can create
relevant content is to have played football. They would be much better at creating content about
basketball because they played it.
Once you’ve built rapport and trust within your community, you can then funnel your products and
services through different channels like an email list or text list.
6. Find a Vivek.
I’m a firm believer that your company is only as good as the employees you hire. As much as I’d like
to take credit for everything, I have an exceptional team behind me in every aspect. Unfortunately,
this book is only about social media, so today I can only highlight one employee.
Vivek is our director of digital. While he was working at his corporate job, he would call me about how
he was looking for something more fulfilling. I ended up giving him part time work and his first task
was to edit what is now one of our most viral segments, the factory interviews.
If you are interested in working with Vivek on brand deals or need consultation, feel free to contact
him here.
7. Spam the chat.
When we had 1,000 followers and got 3 likes, nobody cared. But when we got to 100k followers,
people started to reach out. Now that we have 450k followers and have had multiple viral videos,
people come out from the wood works and applaud the success. In the social media world, people
only remember the highlights and do not have the attention span to remember your mistakes.
Spamming the chat is the key to growing a social following. It will help you build your skillset as a
creator, and it will define your audience. There is no such thing as posting too much or too often.
Hopefully this book provided good insight. Now, go spam the chat.