Aspects of Quadratic Gravity
Aspects of Quadratic Gravity
Aspects of Quadratic Gravity
CERN, PH-TH Division
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
Physics Division, National Technical University of Athens,
15780 Zografou Campus, Athens, Greece
Department of Theoretical Physics and Center for Astroparticle Physics (CAP)
24 quai E. Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Ecole Normale Supérieure,
24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut),
Föhringer Ring 6, 80805 München, Germany
Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics,
LMU, Theresienstr. 37, 80333 München, Germany
We discuss quadratic gravity where terms quadratic in the curvature tensor are included in the action.
After reviewing the corresponding field equations, we analyze in detail the physical propagating modes
in some specific backgrounds. First we confirm that the pure R2 theory is indeed ghost free. Then
we point out that for flat backgrounds the pure R2 theory propagates only a scalar massless mode and
no spin-two tensor mode. However, the latter emerges either by expanding the theory around curved
backgrounds like de Sitter or anti-de Sitter, or by changing the long-distance dynamics by introducing
the standard Einstein term. In both cases, the theory is modified in the infrared and a propagating
graviton is recovered. Hence we recognize a subtle interplay between the UV and IR properties of higher
order gravity. We also calculate the corresponding Newton’s law for general quadratic curvature theories.
Finally, we discuss how quadratic actions may be obtained from a fundamental theory like string- or
M-theory. We demonstrate that string theory on non-compact CY3 manifolds, like a line bundle over
CP2 , may indeed lead to gravity dynamics determined by a higher curvature action.
1 Introduction 2
4 Newtonian Limit 12
6 Conclusions 20
1 Introduction
There is recently a renewed interest in higher curvature theories. These are theories of the general form
R + Rn , where R is the standard Einstein gravity and Rn denotes collectively nth power of the Riemann,
Ricci, Weyl tensors or the curvature scalar [1–7]. Of course, in string theory we are familiar with such a
structure as the string effective action contains an infinite, well organized and ghost-free series of higher
curvature corrections to the leading Einstein gravity. In particular, as has been noted in [1], the inclusion
of quadratic curvature terms in the action makes the theory renormalizable. Contrary to string theory, in
the truncated, effective field theory there is a price to be paid namely the appearance of a massive ghost
state. This ghost state originates from the square of the Riemann, the Ricci or the Weyl tensor. Note
that, as we will discuss, if only the scalar curvature and its square are included in the gravity action, then,
contrary to some people’s belief, these theories are indeed physical and do not contain ghost like modes.
In fact, the R + R2 theory, known as the Starobinsky model [8], propagates besides the usual massless
graviton, an additional massive spin-0 state, known as the “scalaron field” or the so called “no-scale
field”. After a field redefinition [9], one obtains a scalar field minimally coupled to standard Einstein
gravity with a potential making the R + R2 theory particularly appealing for cosmological inflation [10].
The R + R2 theory can also be embedded in supergravity [11], and there is a large amount of recent
work on the inflationary predictions of the supersymmetric R + R2 theory [12,13]. In addition, quadratic
gravity theories have also been discussed in particle physics on the basis of their properties under scale
transformations. [14].
Although in higher curvature gravity and its solutions [15], a linear Einstein term was assumed to be
always present in the action, the case of pure quadratic curvature theories has also been considered [5,16].
In particular, as was recently pointed out [13], the pure R2 is interesting for the following reasons: it
is the only pure quadratic theory that it is free of ghosts and scale invariant. The latter is a classical
statements, which however is expected to be violated quantum mechanically leading to the emergence
among others of the Einstein term. The pure R2 theory is conformally equivalent to Einstein gravity
with a minimally coupled scalar field and a cosmological constant.
In this paper we discuss the spectrum of quadratic gravity theories, and in particular, the physical
spectrum of the pure R2 theory. Confirming that this theory is free of ghosts, we find that the spectrum
of this theory nevertheless depends on the background: we show that on a flat background the theory
propagates only a scalar mode and no spin-2 field, whereas on a curved space it propagates a massless
spin-2 graviton and a spin-0 scalar state. This result is in agreement with the observation that the pure
R2 theory is only conformally equivalent to Einstein gravity with a minimally coupled scalar field and a
cosmological constant, when formulated on a curved background with R 6= 0. On the other hand, for a
background with R = 0, this conformal transformation is singular.
So a sensible theory of gravity with a propagating spin-2 gravity field can only be obtained if one
puts the R2 theory, which is relevant for the short distance physics in the UV, on a background, which
still possesses some curvature at long distances in the IR. Alternatively the theory starts to gravitate, if
one adds to the UV R2 theory the standard Einstein term, which is responsible for the long range gravity
interactions in the IR. Hence there is an interesting interplay between UV and IR physics in theories of
quadratic gravity.
In the paper we also discuss the Newtonian limit of these theories and we calculate the deviation from
Newton’s law. Finally, we will show how pure quadratic gravity theories may be obtained from a string-
theory set up. In particular, string theory on a non-compact CY3 of relatively small Euler number and
large non-vanishing 4-cycles may lead in a certain limit to a pure Riemann square gravity. We investigate
in detail the case of a line bundle over CP2 and we show explicitly how a pure Riemann square theory
is obtained, showing that the associated ghost in this case is due to a truncation of the string effective
The structure of this paper is as follows: In section 2 we present the relation between the various
quadratic curvature terms. In section 3 we investigate the physical spectrum of quadratic actions by
considering fluctuations on flat and curved backgrounds. In section 4 we discuss the Newtonian limit
of these theories. In section 5 we explore the possibility for obtaining quadratic gravity actions as a
particular limit of the string effective theory. We conclude in section 6.
There is a large literature on the study of the so-called f (R) theories of gravity (see for instance [17]
and references therein). More recently, the cosmological properties of R2 -like theories and some of their
black hole properties have been studied in [18–21]. The absence of propagating spin 2 modes around flat
backgrounds was also encountered in studies of three-dimensional massive gravity [22, 23].
2 The Higher Curvature Action and Field equations
The most general formulation of scale invariant gravity is described by an action containing the following
three terms being second order in the curvature tensor:
S= d4 x −g c1 Cµνρσ C µνρσ + c2 R2 + c3 R̂µν
. (2.1)
The first term with Cµνρσ being the Weyl tensor is conformally invariant, whereas the R2 term and the
2 are only scale invariant. R̂ 1
R̂µν µν = Rµν − 4 gµν R is the traceless part of the Ricci tensor. All three
couplings ci are dimensionless.
At the classical level one can reduce the number of independent quadratic curvature terms in the
action (2.1) from three to two. This is possible since one can replace each of three quadratic terms by
the other two plus the Gauss-Bonnet term GB, which takes in four dimensions the following form:
The integral of the Gauss-Bonnet term over the space M is given by the topological Euler number χ(M),
1 4 √ √
χ(M ) = 2
d x g GB + d4 x gΦ, (2.3)
32π M ∂M
where Φ is constructed from the second fundamental form of the boundary and the Riemann curvature
and represents the boundary contribution. Clearly, for compact manifolds only the Gauss-Bonnet integral
defines the Euler number, and it does not contribute to the classical equations of motion in this case.
However for topologically non-trivial solutions like gravitational instantons, the GB term will lead to a
non-trivial, topological contribution to the path integral of the higher curvature action.
Let us first eliminate the square of the Weyl tensor from the action (2.1) using the following well-
known relation:
Cµνρσ C µνρσ = Rµνρσ Rµνρσ − 2R̂µν
− R2
2 1
= GB + 2R̂µν − R2 . (2.4)
Using this substitution we can rewrite the action (2.1) in the following form:
√ 1
S= d4 x −g a(Rµν Rµν − R2 ) + bR2 + c GB , (2.5)
M 3
√ a
S = d4 x −g Cµνρσ C µνρσ + bR2 + g GB , (2.7)
with g = −c3 /2. This form of the action is convenient for deriving the classical field equations. Specifically
the latter can be written as [16, 24]
Jµν = R Rµν − R2 gµν − ∇µ ∇ν R + gµν ∇2 R, (2.9)
and Bµν is the Bach tensor:
ρ σ 1 ρσ
Bµν = ∇ ∇ + R Cµρνσ . (2.10)
As recently discussed in [16], these field equations are solved in particular by two distinct classes of
(i) Spaces with vanishing scalar curvature:
R = 0. (2.11)
This class of solutions of the R2 theory contains in particular non-Ricci flat spaces, Rµν 6= 0. In section
3.1 we will represent the pure R2 theory in terms of an Einstein frame. These solutions will not be
described by that theory. Therefore they deserve special attention, in particular in the description of
the fluctuating modes around the scalar flat solutions and the question about the absence of ghost when
expanding around vacua with R = 0.
(ii) Einstein spaces satisfying:
where λ is an arbitrary constant. In particular this class of solution contains (anti-) de Sitter space. We
will also discuss below the propagating modes in such vacua.
Here b is the dimensionless coupling constant that can, as we will see, can be either positive or negative.
This action can equivalently be written as
4 √
1 2
S = d x −g ΦR − Φ . (3.2)
The dimension 2 scalar field Φ plays the role of a Lagrange multiplier and arises in this conformal
(Jordan) frame without space-time derivatives. Through its equation of motion Φ is proportional to the
background scalar curvature R̄:
Φ = 2bR̄. (3.3)
Performing a conformal transformation
gµν = MP2 Φ−1 g̃µν (3.4)
the action (3.2) can be written as
3MP2 ∂µ Φ∂ν Φ MP4
Z p
S = d x −g̃ R̃ − − . (3.5)
2 4 Φ2 16b
Needless to say, most of the manipulations so far, and those that will follow require the scalar curvature
to be different from zero. If that is the case, we have in particular:
(i) de Sitter backgrounds:
R̄ > 0, b > 0. (3.6)
In this case Φ is positive and hence also MP2 > 0, if we require that the conformal transformation (3.4)
does not change the signature of the metric. This class of solutions of the R2 theory describes de Sitter
like backgrounds with positive cosmological constant Λ = MP4 /16b in the Einstein frame. Both the signs
of the Einstein term as well as of the scalar kinetic term in the Einstein action (3.5) are such that the
spin-2 graviton as well as the scalar field Φ are physical, ghost-free degrees of freedom. Hence gravity
acts as an attractive force. This will be further discussed in the Newtonian limit in section 4.
(ii) anti-de Sitter backgrounds:
R̄ < 0, b < 0. (3.7)
Φ and MP2 > 0 are again positive. Now this class of solutions of the R2 theory describes anti-de Sitter
like backgrounds with negative cosmological constant Λ = MP4 /16b in the Einstein frame. Again the spin
two graviton as well as the scalar field Φ are physical, ghost-free degrees of freedom.
In addition to these two cases there are also two further choices R and b leading to unphysical,
ghost-like propagating modes:
(iii,iv) de Sitter backgrounds:
In these two cases Φ is negative. Hence the scalar mode in (3.5) is ghost-like and the sign of the Einstein
term is such that gravity acts as a repulsive force.
This analysis shows that with the correct identifications of the parameters, the pure R2 is indeed
ghost-free around (anti-) de Sitter backgrounds, and the propagating modes correspond to two spin-2
graviton degrees of freedom plus one scalar with physical kinetic energy. However the above simple
analysis relies on the existence of the conformal transformation (3.4), that necessitates backgrounds with
R 6= 0 throughout space-time. For backgrounds with R̄ = 0 this transformation is singular. As argued
in [16], this limit is similar to the tensionless string limit of string theory in six dimensions. In any case,
for flat background with R̄ = 0 the conclusion about the ghost-freedom of R2 gravity cannot be drawn
immediately, and it is more reliable to directly analyze the propagating modes of the higher curvature
The first two terms with coefficients a and b are the same as in the action (2.5).
Now we study the propagating modes corresponding to this action. For this, we analyze the poles in
the propagators generated by its quadratic part. This was already done in [25], and we are just stating
the results of this paper. Specifically, there are three kinds of propagating modes:
(i) A massless spin 2 graviton: this mode is independent of a, b, κ2 . It is the standard massless spin 2
(ii) A massive spin two particle with mass κ2 /(−a). It is related to the Weyl2 term in the action. In fact,
this spin two state is either a tachyonic (a > 0), or a massive ghost (a < 0). So one should get rid of it.
(iii) A massive scalar with mass proportional to κ2 /6b. It is related to the R2 term in the action.
The pure R2 is recovered in the a, κ2 , λ → 0 limit. But this limit is rather delicate and has to be
taken with care. So we will refine the above discussion and will set a = λ = 0, i.e. the action is
S = d4 x −g bR2 + κ2 R . (3.10)
This action includes the Starobinski model for κ 6= 0, b 6= 0 as well as the pure R2 theory in case κ = 0.
1 1
hµν = h⊥ ⊥ ⊥
µν + ∂µ aν + ∂ν aµ + (∂µ ∂ν − ηµν )a + ηµν ϕ, (3.12)
4 4
where h⊥
µν is transverse traceless
∂ µ h⊥ µν ⊥
µν = η hµν = 0, (3.13)
and a⊥
µ is transverse, i.e., divergenceless
∂ µ a⊥
µ = 0. (3.14)
Gauge transformations are the infinitesimal diffeomorphisms xµ → xµ + ξ µ (x) under which the metric
transforms as:
ξµ = ξµ⊥ + ∂µ ξ (3.16)
∂ µ ξµ⊥ = 0, ξ = ∂ µ ξµ . (3.17)
With this decomposition, under the gauge transformation (3.15), we get that
h⊥ ⊥
µν → hµν , (3.18)
a⊥ ⊥ ⊥
µ → a µ + ξµ , (3.19)
a → a + 2ξ, (3.20)
ϕ → ϕ + 2ξ. (3.21)
Φ = ϕ − a (3.22)
Φ → Φ. (3.23)
It should be noted that that the Fourier modes h̃µν of hµν have a decomposition similar to (3.12). In
particular we have that
h̃⊥ (2)
µν = Pµν,ρσ h̃ρσ (3.26)
Φ̃ = Pµν,ρσ Φ̃ (3.27)
(2) (0)
where Pµν,ρσ , Pµν,ρσ are the projectors for the spin-2 and spin-0 parts of hµν in momentum space. They
are explicitly given by
(2) 1 1
Pµν,ρσ = (θµρ θνσ + θνρ θµσ ) − θµν θρσ ,
2 3
(0) 1 qµ qν
Pµν,ρσ = θµν θρσ , θµν = ηµν − 2 . (3.28)
3 q
In the Starobinski case around flat space there is then a massless spin-2 fluctuation with propagator
2 1 (2)
µν,ρσ = − P . (3.29)
κ2 q 2 µν,ρσ
It disappears in the limit κ = 0, so in the pure R2 theory around flat space there is no propagating spin-2
Next, the spin zero propagator reads
1 1
µν,ρσ = − P (0)
6b q (q + κ2 /6b) µν,ρσ
2 2
1 1 1
= − 2 2 − P (0) , (3.30)
κ q + κ2 /6b − i q 2 + i µν,ρσ
where we have also implemented an i prescription for the spin-zero propagator. In the Starobinski case
with κ, b 6= 0, ∆µν,ρσ describes two scalar modes; the first term in (3.30) corresponds to a massive spin
zero particle with mass
m2 = . (3.31)
It describes the massive scalar excitation around the flat Starobinski vacuum. The second term in (3.30)
describes a massless spin zero ghost. Note that the propagators for the normal massive state and the
ghost have opposite imaginary parts. Choosing the same prescription for the normal and the ghost state
would result in a violation of the optical theorem and a corresponding violation of unitarity. However,
with the above +i prescription for the ghost, unitarity is maintained at the cost of propagation of
negative energy forward in time [26].
In should be noted that the ghost state encountered above, is the standard ghost emerging also in
general relativity. Indeed, by setting b = 0, i.e in the general relativity limit, we see that Φ is gauge
invariant and more surprisingly it is a ghost. Thus, it seems that general relativity propagates an
additional state besides the two helicity ±2 graviton states. However this ghost is harmless as it is not a
propagating physical mode. To see this, let us recall that Φ is written in terms of hµν as
Φ = P µν hµν (3.32)
µν µν 4 −1 µ ν 1 µν
P =η − ∂ ∂ − η . (3.33)
3 4
As a result, Φ is non-local in time so that the initial data for the metric perturbations hµν at a given time,
are not enough to determine Φ at a later time. Therefore, there is no extra degree of freedom in general
relativity as a naive counting indicates. This can also be seen from the fact that although h⊥
µν and Φ are
gauge invariant (3.21,3.23), there is still a residual gauge symmetry. Indeed, we may still transform h⊥
and Φ as
h⊥ ⊥
µν → hµν + Dµ ξν + Dν ξµ , (3.34)
Φ → Φ + 2D kµ , (3.35)
provided ξµ , kµ satisfy
µ R 1
D ξµ = 0, + ξµ = 0, Dµ kν + 4Dν kµ = gµν Dσ kσ , (3.36)
4 2
kµ being just conformal Killing vectors. Therefore, ξµ eliminates four of the six components of h⊥
µν leaving
two propagating components which correspond to the ±2 helicity states of the graviton, whereas, the
divergence of kµ eliminates the would-be spin-0 ghost state Φ.
As a result, in the Starobinsky theory, the massless ghost state appearing in the propagator (3.30) is
nothing else than the usual harmless non-propagating state already encounter in general relativity, and
can be eliminated either due to its non-local relation to the metric perturbation or by gauge symmetry
arguments. Alternatively, we may write the spin-0 part of (3.25) as
4 µ 2
S0 = d x ∂µ Φ∂ Φ + (Φ) + ΦT + · · ·
32 16
3κ 4
= d4 x ∂µ Φ∂ µ Φ + ΨΦ − Ψ2 + ΦT + · · · , (3.37)
32 9b
where the coupling of Φ to the trace Tµµ = 8T of the energy-momentum tensor has also been included.
Then the field equations for Ψ and Φ are
− Φ + Ψ = −T, (3.38)
Φ = Ψ, (3.39)
or equivalently:
− Ψ + Ψ = −T, (3.40)
Φ = Ψ. (3.41)
Again, we see that the theory propagates only a massive scalar degree of freedom Ψ = 9b/8 Φ with
mass m2Ψ = κ2 /6b, whereas Φ is a not propagating field.
Next we discuss the scalar modes in the pure R2 theory around flat space. In the limit κ = 0, the
scalar propagator in (3.30) becomes
1 1 (0)
µν,ρσ = − P . (3.42)
6b q 4 µν,ρσ
It describes a massless dipole, i.e. a pair of massless scalars; however to make the propagator well-defined
an i description should be provided. We will follow a slightly different approach to analyze the spectrum.
For the pure R2 theory, the action (3.37) is written as
√ √
9b 4
S0 = d x −g (Φ)2 + ΦT + · · · = d x −g ΨΦ − Ψ2 + ΦT + · · ·
16 9b
and the equations for Φ, Ψ in the presence of a source are now
Ψ = −T, (3.44)
Φ = Ψ. (3.45)
Thus, Ψ is a normal propagating massless degree of freedom, whereas, Φ is not propagating as it is a
non-local function of the metric perturbations or differently put, it can be fixed by the residual gauge
symmetry (3.35). As a result, the pure R2 theory propagates just a single spin-0 state around flat
Minkowski background. In particular, no tensor mode can be excited for this theory on flat spacetime.
So the pure R2 theory on flat spaces does not gravitate.
Let us also note at this point that for the action (3.9), although the propagator of the spin-0 part of
hµν is still given by (3.30), the spin-2 propagator turns out to be
µν,ρσ = −
Pµν,ρσ . (3.46)
q 2 (q 2 a + κ2 )
Therefore, it reduces to (3.29) for a = 0 as expected and there is an additional pole at q 2 = −κ2 /a
corresponding to a massive spin-2 ghost.
Dµ h⊥ µν ⊥ µ ⊥
µν = η hµν = D aµ = 0, (3.50)
so that, the quadratic action turns out to be
( 2 )
9 R̄ 1 ⊥ R̄ 3 R̄
4 µν ⊥
S2 = b d x Φ + Φ + R̄ hµν − h − Φ + Φ
16 3 2 6 16 3
R̄ ⊥ R̄ 9 R̄
4 µν ⊥ 2
=b d x h − h + Φ + Φ. (3.51)
2 µν 6 16 3
This structure of the quadratic action can in fact be obtained by recalling that (with δ1 , δ2 first order
and second order variations respectively)
√ n √ √ √ √ o
S2 = b d4 x −g (δ1 R)2 −g + 2R̄(δ1 R)(δ1 −g) + R̄2 (δ2 −g) + 2R̄(δ2 R) −g
√ n √ √ √
Z o
= b d4 x −g (δ1 R)2 −g + 2R̄δ2 (R −g) − R̄2 (δ2 −g) . (3.52)
The last two terms of the above action, giving rise to the last two terms in (3.51), are exactly the quadratic
part δ2 SEH of the Einstein-Hilbert action
4 √ MP2
SEH = d x −g R − 2Λ (3.53)
with Planck mass MP and a cosmological constant given by
Λ= (3.54)
In addition, the first term in (3.52) gives rise to the first term in (3.51). This is a higher derivative term
that gives rise to the kinetic energy of Φ. In other words: pure R2 theory on a de Sitter background
propagates a massless spin-2 graviton and an additional massless spin-0 scalar excitation.
So there is no ghost in the pure R2 in a background with constant scalar curvature R 6= 0. We see,
that going from the flat space background to the (anti)-de Sitter background, the situation with respect
to the gravity spectrum improves substantially. This situation is similar to higher spin theories of the
Vasiliev type (also a kind of MP → 0 limit of gravity), which are only consistent in (anti)-de Sitter
background but not in flat space. The fact that the curvature of space plays a stabilizing role of the UV
theory in the IR, by providing propagating gravitons and also a good large energy behaviour, is indeed
Summarizing this section, we stress again that pure R2 theory propagates just a single scalar degree
of freedom on flat spacetime and no spin-2 tensor mode. The latter can be recovered by IR regulating
the theory by considering non-flat backgrounds (de Sitter or anti-de Sitter) or by adding the Einstein
term as in section (3.2.1). Both ways introduce back the graviton spin-2 state, while keeping the massless
spin-0 state.
4 Newtonian Limit
The equations of motions in the R2 theory for a test particle following the trajectory xµ (s) with uµ =
dxµ /ds are as usual
+ Γµνρ uµ uν = 0. (4.1)
We may express the theory in the Einstein frame by using the conformally transformed metric ḡµν = gµν
for R(g) 6= 0
ḡµν = gµν . (4.2)
Therefore, in the Einstein frame, the geodesic equation (4.1) followed by a particle will be
+ Γµνρ uµ uν = f µ , (4.3)
fµ = δνµ ∂ρ R + δρµ ∂ν R − gνρ ∂ µ R uν uρ .
Let us now calculate the Newtonian force between two massive scalars φ of mass m in quadratic gravity [1].
The Newtonian potential will be
1 1
V =− 2 3
d3~kMnr e−ik·~r , (4.5)
4m (2π)
where Mnr is the non-relativistic amplitude for the φ + φ → φ + φ process. The interaction Lagrangian
L = hµν τµν , (4.6)
τµν = ∂µ φ∂ν φ − ηµν (∂φ)2 + m2 φ2 .
Then with incoming momenta p1 , p2 and outgoing p3 , p4 , as in Fig. 1,
p3 p4
p1 p2
piµ pjν + pjµ piν − ηµν (pi · pj + m2 ) ,
τ̃µν (pi , pj ) = (4.9)
and ∆µν,ρσ is the graviton propagator.
Newtonial potential for the R + R2 + Weyl2 theory: It is straightforward to calculate the Newto-
nian potential for the general action
√ a
S = d4 −g κ2 R + b R2 + Cµνρσ C µνρσ . (4.10)
In this case, by using Eqs.(3.30) and (3.46), we find that the amplitude (4.8) is given by
(p1 · p2 )(p3 · p4 ) + (p1 · p3 )(p2 · p4 ) − (p1 · p2 )(p3 · p4 − m2 )
k 2 (ak 2 + κ2 )
2h i
2 2 2 2
+2(p1 · p2 − m )(p3 · p4 − m ) − (p1 · p2 − 2m )(p3 · p4 − 2m )
1 1
2m2 − p1 · p3 2m2 − p3 · p4 .
+ 2 2 2
12 k (6bk + κ )
Then, in the non-relativistic limit we get
4 m4 1 m4
Mnr = − + . (4.12)
3 |~k|2 (a |~k|2 + κ2 ) 3 |~k|2 (6b |~k|2 − κ2 )
It is clear that the first term in the rhs of (4.12) is due to the massless spin-2 graviton, where the second
term in due to the spin-0 state. We can express (4.12) as
m4 1 4 a 2b
Mnr = − 2 − − . (4.13)
κ |~k|2 3 a|~k|2 + κ2 6b |~k|2 − κ2
After Fourier transforming and using (4.5), we find that the Newtonian potential for the theory (4.10) is
given by
Interestingly, for r r0 where r0 = 1/min(α, β)Mp , we get the usual Newton law. However, for r r0
we get that
V ≈ V0 − (β 2 − 4α2 )mr, (4.16)
where V0 = Gm(β − 4α)Mp /3. We see that the potential is finite at r = 0 and it is confining for
(it is also confining for β = 2α). Therefore, for β 2 ≤ 4α2 , the potential is a monotonic function of r,
whereas, for β 2 > 4α2 it necessarily develops a minimum as shown in Fig. 2.
10 20 30 40 50
We may also employ the general expression (4.13) to find the potential in some particular limits.
Newtonial potential for the R2 theory: In the α = 0, κ = 0 limit, the first term in the rhs of (4.12)
is absent and the we get that
1 m4
Mnr = . (4.20)
18b |~k|4
The Newtonian potential is then given by
1 2 1 e−ik·~r
V =− m d3~k (4.21)
72b (2π)3 |~k|4
which, after Fourier transforming the generalized function 1/|~k|4 , we find that
V = m2 r, (4.22)
9 · 26 πb
i.e. it is a confining potential without a Newtonian tail.
5.1 Compact internal spaces
We start with a generic higher curvature expansion in the 11-dimensional M-theory:
1 X 2(n−1) n
Z p
SM = d x −G11 9 l R11 . (5.1)
l11 n=1 11
Here l11 denotes the 11-dimensional Planck length and the higher curvature terms Rn11 comprise all
possible nth powers of 11-dimensional Riemann tensors, Ricci tensors and Ricci scalars. Actually in
11-dimensional supergravity some of these terms are absent due to supersymmetry conditions.
In the first step, let us reduce the 11-dimensional M-theory on a circle of radius R11 , deriving in this
way the 10-dimensional type IIA theory. This is done by the well-known ansatz
l11 = α0 , R11 = (α0 )1/2 , (5.2)
where eφ = gs is the string coupling constant (α0 )−2 the string tension. After further rescaling of the
10-dimensional metric, G10 = e− 3 g10 , the generic 10-dimensional type II action takes the form:
10 √
0 (n−1) 32 (n−4)φ n
0 −4
S10,IIA = d x −g10 (α ) (α ) e R10 (5.3)
Actually one has to remark that the terms in the 11-dimensional action, written down so far, are not the
only terms in the M-theory Rn expansion after compactification. Namely, upon compactification on a
circle, there are additional M-theory loop effects, which contain additional powers of (l11 /R11 )l , where l
is basically the loop order in M-theory. They vanish in the limit R11 → ∞, i.e. they are invisible in the
11-dimensional decompactification limit. In the 10-dimensional Rn10 expansion they lead to terms which
scale like (α0 )n−5 , however due to the additional R11 , they scale differently with respect to the string
coupling constant e . φ
Furthermore, the 11-dimensional terms written in (5.1), correspond not only to tree-level 10-dimensional
IIA string theory, but contain also loop contributions in the string genus expansion. The precise relation
is 2n − 8 = 3(h − 1), where n is the power of Rn10 and h is the genus, i.e. the loop order in IIA. Therefore
an arbitrary value of n seems to give rise to non-integer values of h, which are not easily exmmmmplained
in string perturbation theory. However, certain terms are not present in 10-dimensional IIA action, like
R210 , (n = 2) because they are BPS protected.
Now, in the second step, let us further compactify the IIA action down to four dimensions on a
generic six-dimensional space with volume V6 . This leads to the following higher derivative action in four
4 √
Z X 1
(5−n) 1 (n−1)φ 14 (n−1) n
S4,IIA = d x −g4 MP 2
e6 V6 R . (5.4)
The four-dimensional Planck mass MP is defines as usual:
MP2 = (α0 )−4 e−2φ V6 . (5.5)
Now it is easy to convince oneself that there exist no scaling limit of the parameters MP , eφ and V6 , in
which only the first two terms or even only the R2 term survive in this expansion. However this conclusion
is only true for a generic six-dimensional compact space. In the following we like to demonstrate that for
certain non-compact Calabi-Yau spaces there indeed exists a limit in which the 4-dimensional action has
the form of R + R2 or even R2 , with all the higher order terms being absent in a particular scaling limit.
5.2 String theory on non-compact CY3
We now consider string theory on a non-compact Calabi-Yau three-fold [28, 29]. As before, the string
effective action depends on two parameters, eφ defining the loop expansion1 , and the string length
ls ∼ α0 . When we consider type IIA,B theories on a background M10 = M4 × X6 , as shown in [28],
the effective action becomes:
1 10 √
Sef f = d x −ge−2φ R(10) +
(2π)7 ls8 M4 ×X6
4 p −2φ
d x −g (4) −2ζ(3)e ± 4ζ(2) R(4) + S4 + · · · (5.6)
3(4π)7 ls2 M4
where the ±-signs are related to whether we consider type IIA or B theories. The parameter χ̄ is given
by χ̄ = 64 · 96π 3 χ, where
χ = d6 x g6 E6 , (5.7)
1 rspq mn m rpsq n
E6 = Rmnrs R Rpq − 2R nrs R Rpmq . (5.8)
96π 3
For a compact Ricci-flat X6 , χ is just the Euler number, whereas for a non-compact X6 , this term is not
the Euler number. Boundary contributions are needed to generate the topological invariant.
In addition to the Einstein terms, there are higher order curvature corrections to (5.6) [30–33], which
are important for our discussion. We have in particular at one-loop order:
ζ(3) ω
4 p µν 2
S4 = d x −g(4) 4Rµν R − R , (5.9)
3(4π)7 ls2 M4
ω = 48 d6 x g6 Rmnpq Rmnpq , (5.10)
and (µ, ν, · · · = 0, . . . , 3, m, n, · · · = 4, . . . , 9). There is also a quadratic term at tree-level but it turns
out to be just the Gauss-Bonnet combination, consistent with the fact that tree-level quadratic curvature
terms should be independed of the CY moduli. Note that no cosmological constant is generated because
X6 is a CY manifold [30].
α0 → 0, gs → 0, (5.11)
Therefore, string theory on a non-compact CY3 induces localized 4D terms in addition to the bulk 10D
one. This is similar to the DGP theory [35], where a localized 4D and a bulk 5D Einstein term are
simultaneously considered, and a crossover parameter controls the regime where the effective gravity is
four- or five-dimensional. Here the localized 4D term dominates the bulk 10D one, as long as the 4D
Planck mass Ms /gs (Ms = 1/ls ) is much larger than the 10D Planck mass Ms /gs [29]. But this is
exactly the weak string coupling limit (5.11) gs → 0. Let us note that the non-compact CY3 is of infinite
volume and therefore, the bulk dynamics is always ten-dimensional.
To explicitly demonstrate that finite and no-vanishing χ and ω are possible, we work out a particular
case of a non-compact CY3 , namely a complex line bundle over CP2 . The metric for this space can be
written as [33, 34]
1 2
ds2 = dρ + 6a2 dσ 2 + c2 (dz + A)2 , (5.13)
2ρ(ρ2 + 3ρl2 + 3l4 )
a2 = ρ + l2 c2 = (5.14)
3(ρ + l2 )2
Using this metric we can evaluate some of the quantities that appear in the effective actions. In
ω = 6(4π)3 l2 , (5.18)
χ= . (5.19)
Note that we have considered above only terms up to R4 . Clearly, higher order curvature terms in
the bulk will be suppressed in the limit (5.11). Namely, supergravity corrections will be suppressed in the
α0 → 0 limit, whereas gs → 0 will suppress string loop effects. Thus, the 10D theory will be described just
by the 10D Einstein term. It is expected however, that these 10D higher curvature terms will generate
also localized 4D terms, which will contribute to localized R2 or even to localized terms of higher order
like R4 , that might dominate. However, a simple inspection shows that all localized R2 terms arising
from higher curvature terms will be suppressed in the ls → 0 limit. Indeed, let us consider for example
a bulk R6 term. The latter will give a contribution to (5.12) proportional to
ω2 ∼ ls d6 x g6 (Rmnpq Rmnpq )2 . (5.20)
Simply on dimensional grounds, ω2 ∼ ls2 /l2 as l is the only scale in the non-compact CY3 . Therefore,
such contributions to (5.12) vanish in the ls → 0 limit. How about localized higher order terms? For
example R6 will also generate a localized R4 term proportional to ω, i.e.,
√ √ √
ls2 d6 x g6 Rmnpq Rmnpq d4 x g4 R4 ∼ ω ls2 d4 x g4 R4 , (5.21)
Clearly this terms is subleading for finite l and ls → 0 and the theory is described by (5.12) in the limit
2ζ(3)χ̄ 3(4π)7 ls2
MP2 = − , g02 = (5.24)
3(4π)7 ls2 gs2 4ωζ(3)
We have ignored the Gauss-Bonnet contribution as it is a total derivative for constant gs . Note that χ̄
should be negative (as in the case for example of the deformed conifold). By using the identities (2.4)
we find that
4Rµν Rµν − R2 = Rµνρσ Rµνρσ − GB = 4R̂µν R̂µν = 2C µνρσ Cµνρσ − 2GB + R2 , (5.25)
and therefore
√ Mp2 1
Sef f = d4 x g R + 2 R̂µν R̂µν
M4 2 g0
√ Mp2 1 1
= d4 x g R + 2 C µνρσ Cµνρσ + R2 . (5.26)
M4 2 2g0 12g02
We can follow now a similar procedure as described in section (3.1) to bring the theory in the Einstein
frame, where, due to the conformal invariance of the Weyl tensor, the action (5.26) turns out to be
√ MP 1 3 1
Z q
− 2 σ/MP
Sef f = d4 x g R − (∂σ)2 − g02 MP4 1 − e 3 + 2 C µνρσ Cµνρσ . (5.27)
M4 2 2 4 2g0
This is nothing else than the Starobinsky model augmented by the square of the Weyl tensor. The value
of g0 in this case is g02 ≈ 10−10 .
Let us note that when the Einstein term is missing from (5.23), we have that
4 √ 1 µνρσ 1
Sef f = d x g C Cµνρσ + R , (5.28)
M4 2g02 12g02
√ 1 µνρσ 1 3 4 2
Sef f = d4 x g C C µνρσ + R − (∂σ)2
− M g . (5.29)
M4 2g02 2 2 4 P 0
6 Conclusions
We have studied here quadratic curvature gravity theories. Such theories have attracted considerable
attention, among others things, due to their renormalization properties. In particular, they offer the
interesting possibility of yielding a well defined quantum theory, which in addition, reduces to general
relativity at long distances. We have elaborate in particular on the pure R2 theory. We found that
it propagates a single massless scalar and no tensor mode on a flat background. The latter appears by
infrared regulating the UV theory by considering curved backgrounds, like de Sitter or anti-de Sitter, or by
introducing back the Einstein term, which dominates at long distances. Hence we observe a subtle UV/IR
correspondence in higher curvature gravity. We also discussed Newton’s law in the present framework.
Here we find that the extra states in the spectrum of quadratic gravity give additional contributions
to the usual Newton’s law. In particular, we find that there are two contributions from the spin-2 and
spin-0 state leading to an attractive force and an additional contribution from the ghost massive spin-2
state which produces a repulsive Yukawa force. Finally, we explore the possibility that quadratic gravity
emerges as some particular limit of a more fundamental theory like string theory. We showed that indeed,
string theory on a non-compact CY3 besides the bulk 10D gravity, it also induces a 4D localized gravity
much the same way that DGP model does [35]. In certain region of the parameter space, the localized
gravity is dominating leading to a 4D effective description for the gravitational dynamics. In particular,
there is a limit in which localized quadratic curvature terms are dominating leading to an effective 4D
higher curvature gravity.
We would like to I. Antoniadis for enlightening discussions and M. Maggiore for correspondence on the
spectrum of Einstein-Weyl gravity. The research of A.K. was implemented under the Aristeia II Action of
the Operational Programme Education and Lifelong Learning and is co-funded by the European Social
Fund (ESF) and National Resources. A.K. is also partially supported by European Unions Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement no. 329083. The work of C.K. is
also supported by the CEFIPRA/IFCPAR 4104-2 project and a PICS France/Cyprus. A.R. is supported
by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), project “The non-Gaussian Universe” (project number:
200021140236). D.L. likes to thank the theory group of CERN for its hospitality. This research is also
supported by the Munich Excellence Cluster for Fundamental Physics “Origin and the Structure of the
Universe” and by the ERC Advanced Grant “Strings and Gravity” (Grant No. 32004). The work of
C.K. is partially supported the Gay Lussac-Humboldt Research Award 2014, at the Ludwig Maximilians
University and Max-Planck-Institute for Physics.
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