Goal 1

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Goal 1: Deliver Advanced Capabilities to

Foster Collaboration, Knowledge

Management, and Analytics
Technological advances in today’s digital IT environment offer an almost
borderless arena for collaboration, knowledge management, data analysis,
and innovation. Capabilities are developing at an exponential rate to capture,
manage, analyze, and retrieve vast amounts of information in order to build
relationships, engage with broader constituencies, foster openness, and
achieve transparency. Technology and innovation are invaluable tools for
engaging our foreign partners, and will continue to connect people to the
knowledge and information they need when they need it in support of foreign
policy and operations.

We will continue to broaden access to institutional knowledge and expand

collaborative tools to enhance problem-solving throughout the Department. In
addition, we will work to achieve the vision that information we are producing
should become part of comprehensive, shared, secure, and easily accessible
knowledge system. Armed with IT tools, our employees will be better
prepared to communicate and collaborate in real-time. Through these efforts,
we will build and sustain interpersonal connections and workplace
relationships in a technology-driven era.

Objective 1.1 (Collaboration)

Enhance collaboration across the Department through digital solutions to
inform and engage internal and external audiences.

More than ever, our work depends on tools and methods that allow us to
share and develop information across the enterprise, with external partners,
and the public. Our experience shows us that new uses of interactive
technologies have the capacity to expand and strengthen relationships. We
continue to make progress engaging the expanding population that lives
online, through social media and the increased use of mobile audio and video
conferencing technologies. Today’s collaborative tools deliver tailored
content and messaging that is available and accessible to Department
employees, and shareable to members of the public and foreign audiences.

Within the Department, we must create ways for employees to exchange

ideas, information, and questions by employing tools to allow our
professionals to seek answers from their peers, strengthen connections
between colleagues, and transfer knowledge. Implementation of an
enterprise-wide social network aimed at increasing collaboration and
connecting the Department’s many subject matter experts will enable us to
preserve and share information.
Objective 1.2 (Knowledge Management)
Ensure the availability of and access to information that enables customers to
make timely, informed decisions by strengthening data and knowledge
management approaches.

Knowledge management represents a systematic approach to capturing,

organizing, and retrieving information to support the Department’s activities
and enhance decision-making. It involves the processes for creating, storing,
sharing, and integrating data to increase the flow of information between
offices, bureaus, and posts. Engaging experts from across the Department
will improve records management practices, streamline the information
lifecycle, and capitalize on existing systems and platforms, such as internal
wikis, geographic information systems, and new and emerging enterprise
software. Knowledge management will be enriched by data sharing between
internal systems in order to index and analyze data and by providing open
data sets for the public. We will improve knowledge discoverability, and will
further develop knowledge management tools, training, and methodologies.

The Department produces and stores vast amounts of knowledge and data
every day. Managing these elements requires centralized knowledge
repositories and standard data elements to reduce duplication, facilitate
sharing, improve accessibility, and automate workflows among bureaus and
offices. Not only will these repositories serve as a portal to shared
knowledge, they will expedite our ability to reduce the number of paper-based
processes and records. Improving knowledge management will increase our
capacity to enable faster retrieval and more accurate results. Coupled with
evolving knowledge management tools, we will facilitate for our users better
insight and a heightened understanding of the vast quantities of knowledge
and information available to them.

Objective 1.3 (Data Integration and Analytics)

Promote an enterprise approach to information sharing that fosters decision-
making through the use of analytic technology.

Harnessing the power of voluminous and complex datasets (big data) can
offer more meaningful insights required for informed decisions, problem-
solving, and risk analysis. While aggregate data is important, distilling
datasets into actionable intelligence through innovative analytics and
business intelligence support rapid decision-making and improve operational

Expanding the use of research and analytic tools will provide Department
decision-makers more complete and accurate reporting that can be used to
align bureau core functions, develop policy priorities, and identify emerging
trends and future demands. Through advanced data integration and analytics,
we will make it easier for decision-makers and employees to find data. Our
efforts to foster information sharing will require execution of a broad array of
data disciplines, including data warehousing, data integration, data quality,
and analytics. This will advance the integration of standard and non-standard
data, and support the Department’s strategic data and technology objectives
in the QDDR.

Performance Metrics
 Define and implement standard policies, procedures, formats, and tools
for managing all permanent electronic records electronically by
December 2019.

 Adopt new information technologies to improve business and IT


 Increase number of datasets registered in the enterprise data catalog

to reduce data redundancies.

 Apply data policies and associated standards from the Master

Reference Data platform to support data integrity.

 Establish a research and development (R&D) function and customer

requirements office for IT solutions.

 Increase the use of data analytics tools to inform policy and business

Goal 2: Provide a Robust and Secure IT
Infrastructure that Supports On-Demand
Access to Information
Department of State diplomats and the global workforce that supports them
depend on a modernized, secure, and scalable IT infrastructure to accomplish
their mission. Hardware, software, network connectivity, and cybersecurity
protections must support the seamless operation of digital tools and a diverse
suite of applications. The IT infrastructure must be secure, resilient, and meet
worldwide conditions for on-demand access, including increased mobility
through wireless connectivity on an array of devices. In addition,
modernization efforts enable us to adopt new energy efficient technologies
and practices to promote sustainability. Cloud computing initiatives allow us
to achieve our goals for increased collaboration, sharing, productivity,
mobility, and security. Ongoing investments in cloud-based programs and
services enhance the Department’s IT infrastructure lifecycle and allow for
rapid scalability.

One of our top priorities is protecting our information and IT assets against
increasing cyber threats and vulnerabilities. We depend on network and
information systems for essential operations and data security. Any failure or
disruption of services resulting from a cyber-attack may have adverse
consequences for the Department. To address these threats, the Department
is investing resources into cyber defense capabilities to mitigate risks and
strengthen our cybersecurity posture.

Objective 2.1 (Modernized IT Infrastructure)

Deploy a modernized IT infrastructure that enables seamless access to
information resources.

The modernization of our systems, networks, and platforms is imperative to

protect business-critical applications and data. The Department must adapt
the network architecture to counteract increasingly sophisticated threats by
isolating and segmenting critical business data and IT assets to protect
sensitive and personally identifiable information (PII). Domestic and overseas
virtualization, in addition to hardware and software refresh efforts, will create
more secure, flexible server and desktop environments. Virtual capabilities
also support data replication to off-site locations, including Department data
centers for quicker backups and reliable continuity of operations.

Developing a modernized and secure IT infrastructure that harnesses new

information delivery models will enhance the Department’s voice, network,
data, radio, and video capabilities, providing secure platforms for Department
communications and emergency life-safety and command and control
situations. Our continued commitment to green and sustainable computing
strengthens the Department’s environmental stewardship and reduces its
environmental footprint. By optimizing data centers, adopting energy efficient
technologies, leveraging enterprise licensing, maximizing the use of shared
services and acquisition vehicles for IT purchases, and executing strategic
sourcing initiatives, we will lower IT operational costs and energy

Objective 2.2 (Cybersecurity)

Protect the integrity of the Department’s information and IT assets by
strengthening our cybersecurity posture.

The Department is under constant assault from threat actors seeking to steal
sensitive information regarding high-profile diplomacy matters such as trade,
economics, politics, and national policy. Our cybersecurity strategy outlines
an approach to securing our perimeter and preventing intrusions through a
holistic cybersecurity program led by the Chief Information Security Officer
(CISO). The strategy implements leading practices for comprehensive
cybersecurity from the National Institute for Standards and Technology’s
(NIST) Risk Management Framework and cybersecurity best practices, and
reflects practices outlined by the Federal Information Security Modernization
Act (FISMA).

In partnership with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS), the Bureau of

Information Resource Management (IRM) will collaborate with Department
stakeholders, technical experts, and federal partners to detect, identify,
respond to, and recover from the impact of known and potential threats,
evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasures, and address remaining
residual risks. Through rigorous assessment methods and programs such as
the federal Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program, we will
continue to mature our cybersecurity program to safeguard our infrastructure,
networks, and applications against cyber threats and malicious activity.

In order to effectively carry out a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, we

will partner with federal agencies and industry leaders to leverage best
practices to train our IT workforce. We recognize that the first line of defense
in maintaining the security and integrity of the Department’s networks is the
ongoing education of employees about their role in identifying and preventing
malicious activity. The Department will also focus on recruiting and training
talent with cybersecurity expertise. Additionally, we will control user access
to resources by assigning associated user rights and restrictions using the
least privileges principle to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of Department communications and data.

Objective 2.3 (Cloud Computing)

Drive centralized and streamlined cloud adoption to meet the business needs
of the Department.

Cloud computing technologies offer the Department a platform for enabling

convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources. Cloud resources can be rapidly provisioned with
minimal management effort or service provider interaction, and offer reliable,
flexible, scalable access to secure cloud portfolio services. These new IT
solutions will provide access to real-time collaboration tools and enable
increased productivity and mobility. Simultaneously, we will enhance the
Department’s private cloud to address internal business requirements.

The Department’s Cloud Computing Governance Board (CCGB) streamlines

cloud adoption and institutes a single authority for cloud evaluations based
on business needs, security risks, and efficiencies. The CCGB strives to
achieve the right balance between security, agility, and transparency. The
planned activities of the CCGB to mature the private and hybrid cloud
environments bring the Department closer to industry standards.
Objective 2.4 (Mobility)
Improve secure mobile and remote access to appropriate Department

Mobility is a top priority for the Department, as much of our relationship

building and mission execution takes place outside the walls of our physical
Department facilities. Our approach to enterprise mobility reflects our
understanding of the people, processes, and technology required to
effectively and securely manage mobile devices, their associated wireless
networks, and mobile computing services and applications.

As the demand for mobile access grows, the Department will expand the
number of platforms and devices supported. Through enterprise-based
offerings, we will protect and secure all mobile data. Centralized
configuration management and security services will continue to enhance
remote access options and the user’s experience. As our Department- and
bureau-wide governance policies, processes, and standards for mobile
application development evolve, we will enable bureaus and overseas posts
to build functional applications that support the local or global mission within
a secure framework.

Performance Metrics
 Invest in core IT infrastructure at overseas posts by completing 200
Enterprise Converged Platform (ECP) installations.

 Increase development, modernization, and enhancement (DME)

spending by 15 percent.

 Increase virtualization in data center modernization and optimization


 Update the enterprise architecture and segregate high value IT assets.

 Complete installation of continuous diagnostics and mitigation (CDM)

software to enhance end-point protection.

 Develop enterprise-wide identity management system (IDMS) to

materially enhance the cybersecurity and utility of the Department’s
systems and applications across networks and databases.

 Enhance and mature the Department’s cybersecurity risk management


 Mature the Cloud Computing Governance Board (CCGB).

 Establish standardized cloud computing contract guidance and

 Increase IT investments that evaluate the use of cloud computing by 30


 Increase the adoption of cloud computing services by 15 percent.

 Increase number of employees with a mobile device by 30 percent.

Goal 3: Advance Business Management
Practices to Transform Service Delivery
The Department is committed to delivering world class IT customer services
through effective business management processes and procedures and a
high-caliber IT workforce. The ongoing implementation of the Federal IT
Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) will strengthen Department enterprise
governance processes, and will increase the efficiency, consistency, and
transparency of our business operations. We will improve the performance
and security of our IT business systems through integration and
modernization, and will identify enterprise solutions to reduce redundancies
in core business platforms.

Through user-driven models and best practices we will deliver world-class

customer- and user-friendly services and products. We will enhance our
business service offering and capabilities through collaborative and
cooperative partnerships within the Department. In doing so, we will
transform our business model to adapt to evolving requirements in IT
management and service delivery. We will capitalize on best practices that
are proven, repeatable, and measurable to sustain the efficient management
of our business systems and enterprise services in order to reduce
redundancies in platforms and systems, automate workflows, and improve
core governance and business functions.

Objective 3.1 (IT Policy and Governance)

Establish and employ streamlined policy and governance processes that align
IT solutions with customer expectations and mission requirements.

Through holistic policy and governance, we align the Department’s IT strategy

with its business strategy to ensure our investments deliver value for the
Department. Improving the management of IT activities and enabling the
Chief Information Officer (CIO) to exercise proper oversight of IT programs
and acquisitions, as defined by the successful implementation of FITARA,
requires established processes, milestones, and review gates for capital
planning, project management, and reporting for IT resources. The result will
be quality service delivery, cost control of these services, and increased
visibility and transparency across the Department.

The Department has a strong governance framework that meets legislative

and Federal mandates through its Electronic-Government (E-Gov)
management of major investments, which supports FITARA objectives in
areas such as reviewing plans, execution, acquisition management, human
resources management, and expenditures as part of the Department’s Capital
Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) program. Through the E-Gov boards,
the CIO works in partnership with the Bureau of Budget and Planning (BP), the
Comptroller, Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO) and other stakeholders, to
establish policies and procedures that ensure the accountability that IT
assets are designed, developed, and maintained effectively. The Department’s
E-Gov board structure, combined with the implementation of FITARA, will
ensure IT resources are allocated in accordance with our IT strategic
direction and evolving priorities.

Objective 3.2 (IT Human Capital

Build, develop, and retain a talented, diverse IT workforce.

Critical to the success of our business management approach is a workforce-

planning model that attracts, engages, and retains a highly skilled IT
workforce. The Department faces the constant challenge to recruit and retain
high-caliber IT professionals whose skills reflect current technology. To
address this challenge, the Department will continue to seek the best-
qualified candidates, to promote career goals across the IT workforce, to
offer skills incentive pay, and to provide appropriate training to nurture the
talent required to deliver tomorrow’s technology.

Effective human capital planning identifies essential and specific core

competencies. In support of our human capital goals, the Department is
creating a centralized IT workforce database to assess staffing needs and
future trends for IT positions. The database will be a comprehensive effort
that accounts for enterprise-wide, regional, and mission requirements. The
Department will continue to implement competency-based workforce
recruiting, and will develop strategies to maintain a pipeline of diverse and
highly qualified IT candidates for both domestic and overseas staffing.

Building and sustaining a workforce with a relevant IT skillset to meet the

needs of our customers requires an investment in ongoing training. The
Department will expand its training programs to give experienced workers the
opportunities to learn new skills, while reaching out to a new generation of
workers with training and educational opportunities that pave the way to a
fulfilling career at the Department.

Objective 3.3 (IT Service Delivery)

Improve end-to-end transparency and accountability between the customer
and service provider.

Our customers expect an engaging, user-friendly online experience. Providing

quality customer service and exceptional service delivery is crucial to
accomplishing our mission. The Department will continue to implement
customer-centric and service-management approaches to smarter IT delivery.
This will result in cost-effective enterprise solutions that reduce costs,
streamline development, and provide employees access to information and
information services.

Paramount to good service delivery is customer service. We will continue to

nurture relationships and foster communications between customers and
providers that improve awareness about IT services, requirements,
capabilities, and service levels. This includes increasing customer access to
information through catalogs, searches, and forms via mobile and desktop
platforms. In doing so, we will continue to raise the bar on customer service
satisfaction both in-person and online.

Objective 3.4 (IT Business Systems)

Ensure efficient and effective performance of core business functions and
enterprise services.

The Department’s next generation of modern core business and management

systems will deliver more accurate, complete, and integrated information for
analysis and decision-making. Modernized IT business systems will address
management information requirements to reduce redundancies, enhance
workflows, and improve business functions. Well-designed and well-developed
system interfaces will enable reliable connections between systems and
improve interoperability. Additionally, in serving our employees and an aging
public that includes more individuals with disabilities, it is imperative that the
Department provide equal access to information and data. The Department is
committed to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act that requires all website
content be accessible to people with disabilities. Our Section 508 Program
ensures that Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) is usable and
accessible in order to meet our customers’ needs. By focusing on IT
standards and including accessibility requirements in our IT systems
requirements, IT management decisions, and our mission, we ensure that the
needs of all end-users are properly considered.

The evolving IT environment is redefining how applications are designed and

delivered. Enterprise applications continue to optimize digital content and
messaging for accessible platform-agnostic delivery to key audiences.
Enterprise capabilities, such as a shared pre-production environment, will
improve collaboration and communication between Department stakeholders
and developers during application creation and deployment. It will also
reduce the time, and streamline resources required, to complete application

Performance Metrics
 Improve integration of various governance bodies across the

 Refine the Department’s Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC)

Pre-Select implementation process.

 Develop a baseline IT Workforce Database to assess staffing needs,

current statistics, and future trends for IT positions.

 Identify Foreign Service (FS) competencies that need to be addressed

in new training requirements. Suggest new training requirements for IT
professionals as appropriate.

 Increase percentage of employees who enroll in IT training


 Increase IT project managers with the Federal Acquisition Certification

for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) by 15 percent.

 Improve customer service satisfaction rating based on quality of

service survey.

 Increase software development projects using Agile by 25 percent.

 Implement a centralized, automated enterprise service management

solution to manage requests for services and increase transparency.

 Enhance workforce skills to support an environment where Section 508

accessibility requirements are understood, communicated,
implemented, and enforced across the enterprise.

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