What Is Pneumo
What Is Pneumo
What Is Pneumo
Could You Have Pneumonia? Learn the facts about pneumonia, its signs and
symptoms, and ways to manage it after
Symptoms of pneumonia can be mild a diagnosis.
or serious. They may include:
• Shortness of breath
Germs such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi can
Other symptoms may include a headache, cause pneumonia. Influenza (flu) is an example
muscle pain, extreme tiredness, nausea of a virus that can cause pneumonia.
(feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting,
and diarrhea. Older adults may experience
weakness, confusion, or a lower-than- Pneumonia can be mild or severe. A person’s
normal temperature instead of a fever. health and age, and the type of germ causing the
Sometimes babies may vomit, appear infection, all contribute to how serious it is.
restless or have low energy, or show
signs of breathing problems.
Staying up to date on pneumococcus and
Pneumonia can be hard to diagnose flu vaccines can help prevent some types of
because its symptoms are similar to a pneumonia. Vaccines can also help decrease the
cold or flu. Symptoms can vary from mild severity for those who do get pneumonia.
to severe depending on the type of germ
causing the infection, your age, and
Pneumonia can affect people of any age.
overall health. To diagnose pneumonia,
However, children 2 years old or younger, and
your doctor will review your medical
adults age 65 or older, are more likely to have
history and do a physical exam. They
serious pneumonia.
may also do a chest X-ray, blood test,
or measure the oxygen in the blood.