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6 Reproduction is the process of production of new omganisms from the existing organisms of the same species, Replication of DNA is the main event in the process of reproduction. Two copies of DNA are made 0! reproductive cells and other cell organelles also get duplicated, After this, the two copies of DNA gets separated and forms two cells DNA copies transfer the characters from parents fo the off-springs. Sometimes few changes takes place in the DNA structure, due to some reason. These changes accumulate over period, which leads to variation, which in tum leads to the formation of new species Reproduction is mainly of two types == a. Asexual reproduction, b. Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction — The production of new ‘organism from a single parent without the involvement of sex cells (gametes) is called asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is of following types :— (i) Binary fission (ii) Budding (iii) "Spore formation (iv) Multiple fission (v)__ Vegetative propagation ‘Sexual reproduction — The production of new organism from two parents by making use of their sex cells or ‘gametes is called sexual reprodcution. ‘The basic features of sewual reproduction areas follows (i) Offsprings are formed by fusion of ovum and sperm, which are called sex cells. (ii) After fertilization, ovum and sperm fuse to form zygote. which develops into an adult (iii) Asa result of fertilization, the genetic material of two organisms unite together. The organs for sexual reproduction in plants are present in it’s flower. Various organs of flower— (i) Flower Stem — It attaches flower to the plant )Thalamus or Receptacle — The base of flower to \which all the parts of a flower are attached is called thalamus or receptacle, (iii) Sepals— The green, leaf- like structure in the outermost circle of a flower is called sepal. The function of sepals is to protect the flower init initial stage, when itis in the form ofa bud (iv) Petals — The colorful part of a flower is called petal. The function of petals is to attract insects for pollination and to protect. the reproductive organs ‘which are at the centre of the flower. (v) _ Stamen — Stamen is the male reprodeutive organ of the plant. The male gametes ofa plant are made in the anther of stamen. 10, 2 el is the fer, cP he female flowers which eae 1s of carpels| 1s which contain ie a as carpels are ed iy Diver er ge well as cael inset ars, For SHS ‘Hibia sex Neoal fer of pollen grains fon The trans eaing Polini yn oe sme of yn. Ht is of two yehen fe pollen grains f of the same flower 0 se s itis called self po! a inte ther of a flower e ie ae fa flower on another similar pl called cross plination. ie ‘After pollination, male gamete ae wie i ‘gamete present inside the Ovi is process fertilisation. After fertilization, following place in the flowers — (i) Embryo Cada in: oe allio fruit wall and ovary forms side ovary and ovule ii) Ovary wal forms (i), Thalanms, sepa, peta, stamen, stigma and fell off. on is found in humans. Mi harmone "Testosterone" secreted from male repre fomgan Testis, Female sex harmone "Aestroge Progesterone” secreted from female reproductive ‘Overy These harmones develops the genital ora cceomddary sexual charactors of male and female, Human reaches sexual maturity at puberty. ‘A. male reproductive system — The human reproductive system consists of the following or (i) Testes (ii) Scrotum (iii) Epididymis (iv) Vas deferens or sperm (vi). Seminal vesicles (vit) Prostate gland (vii) Penis ‘ B, — Female reproductive system —The human: reproductive system consists of the Sexual reproducti organs:— (Ovaries (ii) Oviduets or fallopi (iii) Uterus (iv) Vaginachange of nutrients, exxygen and n , waste proxvet® on. and the mtr tas plage thro Ye finaior reproductive stages founel in hun mmans are ; Momnctogenesis (i) Fettiisation Deaw a well Inbel r aun ascent gram ot home eae | Seti arts. oe 7 pm The YANO Parts of human “ a A sGvary — A woman has two ovaries . Ovaries ai 8 Oy Sreans which are inside the abdominal cavity. me the prMArY reproductive ofgans in a woman, The de gna 18 0 make fale sex cll ald ova. and nige Oeimale Sex hormones. a +g rent rutiieion ai Cede composed of several thousand follicles At fess flicles mature to form ripe ova $3 Qviduct — Justabovethe ovaries ae the tubes called Cr rllopian tubes. The ovum. released by an ovary sig te OY aduct through its funnel shaped opening, The oon of one oe a place in oviduct.
Estrogen and wr Draw ON ive system hi Describe male reproductive terone, © coms of S a phase in boys. {Sr ) Diagram of male reproductive organs ‘Seminal vesicle inary bladder ‘Prostate gland itymis Testis Fests sac ves deferens 4 Male Reproductive System: Jincludes primary & secondary reproductive organs 1) Primary reproductive organs include a pair of teste (Sr hap sperms from diploid germ cells by the AY spermatogenesis. The testis also secretes male erm ys oforeats ven Below whrchis reproduced by asexual zed ? i “fomam_@)Yeast —_(€)Dog_—_—_(@)ion serings forme by asexual method of reproduction have Sr ilarity among themselves because =tal reproduction involves two parent —_ a reproduction does not involve gametes al reproduction occurs before sextal reproduction Sua reproduction occurs before sexual reproduction Asrret sequence of reproductive stages seen in flowering sisis MSamdi, zygote, embryo, seedling Seat, gamete, embryo, seedling eng, embryo, zygote, gametes mete embryo, zygote , seedling Srumber of chromosomes present in parents and offspring ; particular species remains constant due 19 ‘Labling of chromosomes during zygote formation lving of chromosomes during gamete formation Doubling of chromosomes after gamete formation Halving of chromosomes after gamete formation fizopus tubular structure bearing sporangia at their tips called filamenis (6) Rhizoids (c) roots -—_(d) Hyphae Gea ) 2.@) 3.@) 4.) @) 1. Explain the most important event in the i in man & Man => Testosterone (Androgen labelled diagram of male ‘Wa. Bonet 2020) ) At what age sexual maturation appears give ., the test (B) Seton assist 9 reproduction ei inal, es are vas deferen: ‘exabdomi a: There is a pair of irethra ‘ jt of seminal vesicles ‘secrate an alkaline fluid gland having acidic thra. which open it i w art of seminal flu he age at ap a four hes and opens into, male urerirt It sec fluid which form a pal mo ae urethrs Yale accessory Os le deferens. The sperms, sretions of seminal prostate gland mix to form semen i the male urethra. It opens side through the penis. outs penis It is male copulatory OTBay, ie is used 10 rane) pamen into the vagina. It has three blood steer transfer plood in the blood sinuses make the pete erect. ii) The sexual development becomes distinct at onset of puberty (14-16 yrs). The boys develop increase in size of testicles, penis, hair in the armpits, voice becomes in size, growth of facial hair (Beard process reprodut copies). “ "Ans. Among the vari formationef DNA copies is very essential event, Inthis proce aera copies of DNA are fomed inside the: reproductive ae copies get separated and form two cells. DNA is responsible for its arents to their Gffepring’ Sometime, during the formation of DNA copies, Some Change fakes place in the structure Of DNA. These changes help in variation and form the basis of evolution. ‘©2. What is the difference between binary fission and multiple fission? State with examples. Be 'hns, The difference between binary fission and mutiple fission are'as follows :~ : ~ Binary fission 1. Ibis completed during favourable conditions 2, In this the parent nucleus divides only once to form two daughter cells. 3. Cytoplasm also gets divided after each nuclear division. For example - Amoeba h_Paramoecium. Q 3. What is the importance of testes and prostate gland? Ans, Testes make male sex ht Poa URE hormones called ous events of reproduction,’ the “Multiple fission It takes place, during) lunfavourable conditions. lin this, the parent nucleus ldivides many times to form| Imany cells. |Cytoplasm donot divide after leach nuclear division. For exampel Plasmodium teivehoymen atone Of ale ses orp Prom we alee wren ater O48 wd female Ans. Th a ‘sperms The te the chin puberty, he vanvous chany ®S Which occur in boys at puberty pits ‘nd in jrubic regions. pustache and 18) Boek recent! beard appear Un) Trevor ae mre rvs (0) Chee and eens ‘and shoulders by (Vi) The poms roaden (win) Te lenee, testes become larger tart to make sperms Dewi to develo nt SNA Aves assosiated with adulthood The various chan r changes which occur in C (Marrow underarm an pt ete (an) y te he ae! develop and enlarge. (0x) Extra fat ts deposited in hi (*) Fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina ah (v2) Ovaries start to release ee (vi) Menstruation start (vim) Fech begin to devclene im Sekt drives associated with adulthood QS. What is menstrual cycle? OS We cycle? thts abo ae and mele eae ie ay a a ‘et i sn ncn of he ue ane menstrual cycle. during pregnancy, may be Suppressed during lactation and permanently stops at ‘menopause. This is described below © : (i) After attaining puberty. the ova formation starts, (1) Before the release of ovum ie, ovulation, the uterus 's supplied with blood vessels to receive fertilised ovum, (1) Ifthe ovum does not get fertilised, then the thick and 0) Reetings and soft inner lining of uterus breaks, and these come out with unfertilsed ovum from vagina, in the form of bleeding called menstruation K (iv) Afier 3 to 5 days, again the uterus prepares itself for eceiving fertilised ege and the cycle repeats, Q 6.Write the difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Ans | Spermatogenes Oogenesis J.It occurs in the |It occurs in the ovaries. seminiferious tubules of | testes. |2 | /4. IS. [formed It is a continuous process |It is a discontinuous process| and is of shorter durtation. |and is of longer duration In this process, no yolk is |In this process, yolk is| sysnthesized synthesized ‘One spermtogonium forms | One oogonium forms only one 4 haploid sperms haploid ovum. ‘Two orthree polar bodies are No polar bodi jes are formed. "ans and male secondary sexual Laid which Helps in the the ethow also rovides mutrtion. we that take ptnce in human male Q 7. Write the differences between ual reproduction. rene an The difference reproduction are as follo™ Asexual reproduction. 1 Ttisalways uniparental etwoen asextial ands Sexual reproduction Tris gonerally biparental I always involves 2 Gametes are "lrmation and fusion formed. nthe erally ovey Fertilization general 3 ore is no fertilization. ; revolves ony iti it mvobes both ete Imitoic division Daughter —_ individu enetically differ from parents division Daughter individuals are genetically identical to the parents ence between the reprodu end multilluler organis ‘con the reproductive mec organisms areas follows ‘Multicellular organism (Generally sexual reproduct Q 8.Write t mechanism of unicellular ‘Ans, The differences bet’ of unicellular and multicellular Unicellular organisms T Asexual reproductions found. is found. 2. No specified part is They have specified uss made for taking part in |which take roduction. reproduction rep 3, These do not make These make DNA copies. DNA copies. 4 4 Ase eprodutons [Asexual reproduction ‘completed by binary [competed by mitotic divisig fission, multiple fission, budding, fragmentation ete. What are the benefits of birth control ue Birth control can be done by preventing preg in woman. Birth control method helps in controlling, population. It also prevents the spread of sexually tra diseases. The birth control methods can be broadly into three categoris : — 4 I Barrier method — In this method, the ph devices such as condoms and diaphragms or cap a These devices prevent the sperms from meeting the ovt acting as a barrier between them. An important benefit use of condom is that it protects a person from the transmitted dieases such as gonorrhoea, syphilis ‘No other method of contraception provides pi sexually transmitted diseases. 2. Chemcial methods — It is of two types’: (a) Oral pills — These contain hormones: the ovaries from releasing ovum into the ovid preventing fertilisation ‘Allvaginal pills — os which They yee Wel fll the sperms SON the chemical ihe implantation of femmes Device (HCD) — 1 Forsical methods —""" "84 eng in the iter of Vas deferens ‘TWisiscaltled the oviduct t ba ‘Process > nelp of diagram, ‘ofbinary fission in Amoeba, fips Amoeba i @unicellalar onga : Pvgcsion by dividing its body ito ty eR reduces by ifs bs reached its maximum aie Des: When the 2x tes of Amocha lengthens ed So them jar thatthe exteplasm oF Amoene ie ito two fcc pat around cach nucleus, In th ees ito 0 gx: divides to form smaller, talk eet Lecteed iighter rs wo daughter Amoebae p F sine mae then divide aoa oN thee full gis and $008 In Amoeba, the splitting Pia gafssen, can aks pace in any pia ting of the parent, — J alan tropa Ee ~ ohh gl i ‘FYSGOB ii Bi cea / Diagram showing Amoeba reproducin; binary fission a QU. Explain human male re, ‘th labelled diagram, ‘ns. The reproductive system of human male consists of cing parts °— 1. Testes — Testes are the oval shaped organs which lie gsée the abdominal cavity of a man. A man has two testes, fasare the primary reproductive organs in man, The function fesesis to make the male sex cells called sperms and also to si the male sex hormone called testosterone, 2, Scrotum — The testes of a man lic in small muscular called scrotum, outside the abdominal cavity. 3. Epididymis — The sperms formed in testes come out aigo into a coiled tube called epididymis. The sperms get aso in epididymis, the sperms are carried by a long tube productive system, aled vas deferens. Along the path of vas deferens, the glands © ais seminal vesicles and prostate gland add their secretions asemis. The secretion of seminal vesicles and prostrate gland soide nutrition to the sperms and also make their further maport easier. ‘ly §. Urethra — Vas deferens join with another tube called urethra coming from the bladder. Urethra forms a common passage for sperms and sine, 6, Penis — Urethra carries the sperms to an organ called penis, which opens outside the bodies. the penis passes the sperms from the man’s body into vagina in the ssoman's body during mating for the purpose of reproduction Seminal vente Unter Q 12, State the differences between pollination and fertilisation. ‘Ans. The difference between pollination and fertilisation “are as follows = Pollination __| ation The transfer of pollen |The fusion of male gamete| grains from anther to with female gamete to form stigma is _ called |zygote is called fertilisation pollination, Pollination takes place |Fertilisation takes place after| before fertilisation. __ pollination, Pollination is completed |Fertilisation doesnot require: with the help of an jany extemal agent external agent. Pollination is completed |Fertilisation is completed in| ‘invexternal parts of|internal parts of flower. | flower! 13:Draw the TS. of a flower and label its various parts, Describe any of its four parts. Ans. Stigma Pistil Diagram showing L.S. of Flower Its four parts are =~ : (i) Sepals — The green leaf like structure in the ‘outermost circle of the flower is called. sepals. The whorl of sepals form calyx, The functin of sepals isto protect the flower“when it is inthe form of a bud Phe oul pat f lower 1 called petals Mi flower OF an the ff self pollination § ‘agent for the petal is are The whorl of petals is tract insects for pollinatyon and to pyrotect the rep ‘hich are at the centre of the flower. i) Staamens — Stamens the male reproxhictive Ongar ofthe plant. The whorl of stamen 1s called ‘androcciom Stamen ts made up of hwo parts, upper swollen past is called anther final Tower ong Mamentous sturetare is ealed filament. Anther jhoxlagcs pollen grains, which contains male gametes Carper or ape pel as the Female does (a) Carpels of Pistils — Carpel is the reprnloctve etpan ofthe plant. The whorl of earpel i called gyinoccium, Carpelis divi allen receiving into three parts, Po Sar called stigma, a Jong filamentous style which facilitates the development of ferutisation tube and Tower swollen ovary. wwhich contains ovules, the fimale gamete, an fertilisation ‘O La. What do you mean by uinisexual and bisextal Mower? Explain giving an example, Ans. The flowers which contain only one sex ig either stamens or carpets ate called unisexual flowers, The flowers of gaya and wateon plat ae uunisexual flowers @ flowers which contain both the sex organs, stamen as well as carpel, are called bisexual flowers, The flowers of Frbiscus and mustard plants are bisexual flowers. Q 15. Explain the process of fertilisation and formation of seeds'and fruits, along with diagram. "Ans. When a pollen grain falls on the stigma ofthe carpel, it Ben re ala he commas touse te ‘etvie towards a female gamete in the ovary. Amale gamete moves Geo the poten tube. The pollen tube enters the ove in the ‘ovary: The tip of pollen tube bursts open and male ‘comes gut of pollen tube. In ovary, the i une of pen combines woth the mcs of female gamete present in ovule, This proves iscalled fertiistion, forming a egg called zygote. “The fertilized exe divides several times to form an embryo within the ovule. The ovule develops a tough coat around it MA is eradually converted into a seed, containing the bab plant. The ovary of fower develops and becomes a fruit, wi pits inside it The other parts of flower like sepals, petals, Shmman. stigma and style dry up and fall off, A seed is rsprodcting it ofa plant, which grow into new plant under onditions. Dey Menr OG 2 stigma ti nat \ he — Male germ cell (gamete| if germ cell (gamete) {Female germ cell (gamete) nd is the site of is less. This requires 8 of modificat seh aes structure, colour, aroma ete. which leads 10 wastage of plant encrey ‘A large amount oF Ihe new plants produ afer self-pollination don Show any variation and lexact copy of their pat The produced after cross pollination contain desired qualities and are more resistant. ce in human beings in which germ ).18, The phi oe ed for sexual reproduction. are developed for sexta ‘Ans. Puberty ul Q119, What is the age of puberty in human Deg ‘Ans, 12 to 14 years in girls and 13-15 years in 8 Q.20. At what age sexual maturation comp! human beings? ‘Ans, 18 to 19 years of age. Q.21. Write the names of reproductive organs. J ‘Ans, Testes in man & ovaries in woman. Q.22. Name the walnut-shaped exocrine gland whose secretion provide motility to the sperms? ‘Ans. Prostate gland. j Q.23. Which structure is formed by the deferens & seminal vesicle? ‘Ans, Ejaculatory duct Q.24. What is gametogenesis? male & female prit7 PO aR a“ Process of formati MK (or Ives following phases: of haploid gametes (ova tnve! ing pl siete? ems) in the gonads (ovaries and fa) Gametogen he proc £49.25. What la spermatogenesis? hap fos Darvon (avs & sper) om he ploid germs cells Ans, The prosess of formation of haploid sperms from in the rads (Ovaries and testes) is called as gametogencsis, 16 ar at inthe tate A) Ferdlzation: The process of fusion of male gamete 49.26.What is oogenes (sperm) & female gamete (ovurn) is called as fertilization, It Aas. The process of formation of haph tN ts in the formation zygote jostsem cls the ovaries Paploid ova fom the result Savage! The zygote is single eel structure, It 0.27. What is fertilizaton? divides to form multicellular morula stage, It is called as Ans. The process of fusion off male ganete (Sperm) and cleavage a Tohirmarmiee neal e calcton td) Blastula & Implantation: The morula forms Oe RSP basta et ai get attached tothe uterine wall Ii called Ane ee Prose of siving birth to young one i aed as implantation, rest development completes in the uterus and s°0.29. Give an finally foctus is formed. in account of various phases of (0) Parturition: The bith of fll developed empryo ‘ foetus) is called as parturition, ans. Phases of reproduction: Human reproduction Rae
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8 pages
7 10 PYQs Control and Coordination
Prashant Bhamoo
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)