ملف غادة اختبار سامي ومروان و نايف 2
ملف غادة اختبار سامي ومروان و نايف 2
ملف غادة اختبار سامي ومروان و نايف 2
Twitter: M4_ab4
What is the category error of supply of one drug instead of another? Category D Error (Dispending error)
a Kidd M
I 750
Adherence of particles in a dispersion form
What is the definition of flocculation?
to Create-larger-sized particles.
Which of the following local organization’s primary mission is to ensure
the safety and quality of healthcare is health institutions?
right dose, right patient, right drug, right
What are the ‘5 rights’?
time, right route
What does the abbrevia on OU stand for? Apply to each eye (both eyes)
What does the abbrevia on “g OU TID” mean? One drop to each eye three mes a day.
A pa ent is reques ng medica on for depression, but he does not have a
prescrip on and he is going away on vaca on for a week, what is the best Call prescriber for prescrip on
course of ac on?
Doctor wrote e-prescrip on for narco c drug , what should the Return it to doctor to write a wri en
pharmacist do ? prescrip on in addi on to e-scrip
Doctor wrote handwri ng prescrip on and pharmacist was confused Call doctor to confirm what is the right
between 2 drugs, what should pharmacist do? name of drug.
Give the same ac ve ingredient from
A pa ent comes to the pharmacy with a prescrip on, but the brand of
different company and counsel pa ent on
medica on prescribed in unavailable, what is the best course of ac on?
the change. ✅
Which medica ons are considered high alert medica ons? Chemotoxic medica ons
How to prevent error due to similar drug names? Tall man le ering ✅
Which of the following method is successful in reducing medica on error Implementa on of computerized physician
and enhance pa ent safety in hospitals? order entry (CPOE) system
Who responsible for the treatment of house worker? Ministry of Health
Which hospital can house worker be treated in? General Hospital
What type of communica on is wri ng instruc ons on label? Wri en
Omeprazole contains 30 tablets for 35 SAR. The government wants to
Reduced by 10%
reduce package size to 28 tablets. What will happen to the price?
The nurse found a different pa ent name on medica on and returned it
to the pharmacy. The pharmacist gave it to the right pa ent. Which type Drug to incorrect pa ent error
of error?
Who is more suscep ble to risk from over-the-counter medica ons? Child
Which factor predisposes children to medical errors? Body weight dosing
Pa ent has a fracture and the orthologist referred him to the rehabilitator,
Secondary to ter ary care referral
what type of classifica on is this?
A doctor prescribes drug for short term. What is the appropriate refill for ✅
No refills
this prescrip on?
Using the tablet to inform pa ent on the instruc ons for taking their
Visual communica on
medica ons is what type of communica on?
Which of the following best described the pharmacy health literacy Measure how well the pharmacy is serving
assessment? pa ents with limited health literacy skills.
A pharmacist asks pa ent with dermatological problem ques ons about
Sell cosme c media on
her problem, what is the goal of the pharmacist?
A pharmacist wants to open pharmacy in rural area. Many pharmacists
Improve health literacy aids
have failed in this area. How can pharmacist increase chance of success?
When should a company in increase awareness of product? During sale decline of product
A pharmacist has been late 8 mes to work, and policy allows for 3
consecu ve days only. Which kind of behavior is considered asser ve Employee warning
A drug used to treat or prevent a rare
What does orphan drug mean?
The process of iden fying the most accurate list of all medica ons that
the pa ent is taking, including name, dosage, frequency, and route, by
Medica on reconcilia on
comparing the medical record to an external list of medica ons obtained
from a pa ent, hospital, or other provider. What is this a defini on of?
A grandmother brings her grandson who is presen ng with signs of
Parent / Caregiver
poisoning, who should you get more informa on from?
A case about a pharmaceu cal company which was shut down and asks
Adver sement of prescrip on only drugs
about what is the viola on that caused this?
A. 0 refills
Pa ent suffers from short-term insomnia and is prescribed Zolpidem, how B. 1 refill ✅
many refills should be given? C. 3 refills
D. 5 refills
A pa ent comes to the hospital with pain and claims to be allergic to A. Give pa ent opioid.
acetaminophen and to NSAIDs and requests opioids to be given for pain. B. Refuse to give opioid because pa ent is
Upon examina on you no ce signs of needle use. What should you do? a drug abuser.
A pharmacist is counselling an elderly pa ent prescribed an -psycho c.
A- Write diagnosis that pa ent has drug
During counselling, pa ent says he takes from wife’s medica ons to help
addic on.
him sleep. The pharmacist recorded that pa ent has addic on because he
B- Violate the privacy of the pa ent
takes meds from wife. What is the mistake pharmacist made?
A- Give 5 days medica on
Pa ent with narco c prescrip on prescribed 2 days ago and is only valid B- Give 7 days medica on
for 7 days. He is traveling to another country. What should you do? C- Refuse to dispense medica on
D- Ask pa ent to get new prescrip on
A- Warm room
A room with temperature of 15 – 25 degree Celsius is considered? B- Cool room
C- Room temperature
A- On the table
A drug needs to be stored at temperature of 8 to -8 degree Celsius, where B- In the freezer
should it be stored? C- In the refrigerator
D- Nitrogenous container
A. Should be in separate bag
A doctor ordered methotrexate syringe and riociguat syringe and were
B. Should check label
brough from the pharmacy in the same bag. The nurse told the doctor
C. Recall all methotrexate
ﻧﻔﺴﮫ ﺟﺎﻧﻲ ﺳﻮال ﺻﯿﺪﻟﻲ ﯾﺸﺘﻐﻞ ﻣﻊ ﻧﺎس ﻋﻨﺪھﻢ ﺛﻘﺎﻓﺎت ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ وش اﻓﻀﻞ طﺮﯾﻘﺔ ﯾﺤﺴﻦ
Self assessment جوابهmygnia graves جا سوال يبي دواء مرض اسمه تقريبا
Supervisor s feedback
Work with coordination with other health providers
that methotrexate is usually yellow but the one they received is clear. D. Give the medica on
What should be done?
A. Feedback
Which of the following communica on techniques is the most appropriate
B. Direct contact
at the message you want to deliver to a pa ent (or healthcare provider) is
C. High voice tone
received correctly?
D. Non-verbal communica on
A. Keep informa on focused and organized
Which of the following strategies are used with low literacy pa ents to B. Use a normal speaking tone and volume
encourage them to change their behavior? C. Use briefer educa onal sessions
D. Use more visual aids
A. Responsible for poison management
B. Monitor the adverse reac on repor ng
Which of the following is the func on of the pharmacy and therapeu c
C. Monitor the medica on error repor ng
commi ee in a hospital?
D. Responsible for drug formulary
A. Performing con nuous educa on
sessions on safe dispensing
B. Providing the pharmacy with the most
Which of the following method is successful in reducing medica on error updated drug references
and enhance pa ent safety in hospitals? C. Implementa on of computerized
physician order entry (CPOE) system
D. Encourage medical staff to par cipate in
conferences and scien fic mee ngs regular
A. Dispense them directly to the pa ent
Free medical sample drugs (formulary or non-formulary) are provided by B. Keep them with the rest of original items
pharmaceu cal sales representa ves to physicians or members of the C. Keep in outpa ent clinics or nursing
health care team. Which of the following is the most appropriate units
recommended policy for dealing with sample drugs? D. Exclude them from in-pa ent pharmacy,
sample A CCPtab drug store or doctors' offices
A pa ent is admi ed to the hospital for the treatment of atrial fibrilla on.
A) Bar Coding
During hospital stay, the pa ent receives IV dil azem was discharge on
B) High-Risk Drug Protocol
oral dil azem plus his previous an hypertensive medica on verapamil.
C) Medica on Reconcilia on
Which of the following medica on error-reduc on programs Would most
D) Computerized physician order entry
likely have helped to prevent this duplica on of therapy?
A. This is considered as adverse drug
A pa ent medica on was changed from carbamazepine to phenytoin. The reac on
technician pulled the 100 mg tablets of phenobarbital off instead of the 3 B. The physician should have informed the
mg tablets. The pharmacist did not no ce that when the prescrip on was pharmacist about prescrip on's change
checked. The pa ent received a higher phenobarbital and was C. The pa ent should be aware of what he
hospitalized for few days for observa on. Which of the following is the was prescribed and the difference
best statement concerning this situa on? D. This is preventable medica on error if
the pharmacy in safety measures
A. Pa ent's cousin who is working as out-
pa ent nurse in the hospital
B. Medical resident in pediatric who wants
A 25-year-old man with leukemia admi ed to hematology oncology
to explore the risk leukemia
center. Who is allowed to read the pa ent file without addi onal
C. Clinical nutri onist who is assigned to
calculate the requires for the pa ent
D. Pharmacy resident who is planning to do
a research cell transplant
A. Health literacy
Which of the following means that individuals have the understand basic
B. Cultural competency
health informa on to make appropriate health?
C. Communica on skills
A. Category E
A pa ent was dispensed citalopram instead of their medica on. This led B. Category F ✅
to pa ent’s hospitalisa on. What type of error is this? C. Category C
D. Category B
A pharmacy is opening in a rural area with many expacts who have A. language competencies
communica on issue. What is an important skill required in pharmacist? B. health literacy educa onal skills
A doctor prescribed the wrong drug. The pharmacist contacted the doctor
A. Ethical dilemma
to write a new prescrip on. The pharmacist dispensed the new corrected
B. Ethical principles (or code of ethics)
prescrip on to the pa ent without telling them what happened. Which of
C. Confiden ality
the following is related to the ac on of the pharmacist?
A. E-prescribing
What is the technology used in order-verifica on step of medica on use B. code verifica on
process? C. point-of-care bar coding
D. Pyxis
A pa ent is going for Hajj for 45 days and requires Diazepam, how much A. 30 tablets
should be dispensed? B. 45 tablets
A. Narco c pharmacist and his student
Pharmacy manager wants to restructure narco c room, who should allow
B. nurse in charge
to enter the room?
C. physician.
D. only pharmacy “in call” and manager.
A. Nurse
Which one of the following has been mostly par cipa ng in pharmacy & B. Die an
therapeu c commi ee? C. Technician
D. Social worker
A. Pharmaceu cal care
What is the broad range of health care services provided by in order to B. Medica on counseling
op mize therapeu c outcomes for individual pa ents? C. Medica on reconcilia on
D. Medica on therapy management
A. Tag topiramate as high alert
Pharmacist received prescrip on of 4 topiramate bo les of 25 mg
B. Tell pa ent to return the bo le
strength, the system only requires one bo le to be scanned to check if it’s
C. Tell doctor to write prescrip on
the right drug. The pharmacist accidentally dispensed one bo le of 100 D. Double check and visual check
mg strength. How can this error be prevented?
According to the Saudi Regula ons, who is responsible for signing papers A. Hospital director
to import inves ga onal new drugs to Saudi Arabia for use in clinical B. Chief pharmacist
trials? C. Inves ga ve doctor
A. Director of the hospital
You caught a pharmacist stealing from the narco cs cabinet during your
B. Pharmacy chief
night shi , who is responsible for repor ng this to the police?
C. Security officer
A. Saudi Food & Drug Authority
The pharmaceu cal & therapeu cs commi ee decide on which drugs are
B. Ministry of Health
added to the formulary. Who decides which brands are available in the
C. The Na onal Unified Procurement
A. Autonomy
A pharmacist gives medica on to pregnant woman despite knowing it is a B. Non-maleficence
Category X drug. What principle does violate? C. Beneficence
D. Jus ce
A. pregnant woman
Who should the Background, Affect, Troubling, Handling, and Empathy
B. pa ent with chronic disease
(BATHE) interviewing technique be used for?
C. pallia ve care pa ent
A. Stop insulin.
B. Give pa ent Liraglu de and tell him that
A pa ent with HbA1c of 11% is taking Sitaglip n, Pioglitazone, Me ormin, it will help him lose weight
and Insulin. The pa ent fears gaining weight on insulin. What should you C. Give pa ent mo va onal interviewing to
do? address ambivalence.
D. stop insulin and increase the dose of his
oral medica ons.
A. Affordability
Which of the following is related to health services not reaching pa ents B. Acceptability
in rural area? case
hair C. Availability
D. Accessibility
A. Affordability
Which of the following is defined as the ability to obtain healthcare B. Acceptability
services in all geographical loca ons? C. Availability
D. Accessibility
A. Reduce the price by 25%
B. Reduce the price by 60%
What is the right ac on to register a new an -hypertensive drug in KSA?
C. The price should not exceed 70%
D. Same price during the patent period
Toxicology /Side effect
What is the an dote of organophosphosphate poisoning? Atropine and Pralidoxime
A pa ent taking high level of methotrexate chemotherapy, what is the
an -dote?
Which molecule is the an dote of opioid? Naloxone
What is the an dote for atenolol? Glucagon
What is the an dote for gliclazide? Octreo de
What is the an dote in acetaminophen overdose? N-Acetylcysteine
What is the an dote of benzodiazepines? Flumazenil
What is the an -dote for diazepam? Flumazenil
What is an dote of benztropine? Physos gmine "
What should be used for pa ent with atropine-like symptoms due to TCA? Physos gmine
A pa ent comes to the ER with dizziness, dry mouth, and constricted
Physos gmine
pupils, what an dote should be given?
Alkaliniza on with Sodium Carbonate
What is the suitable an dote in Aspirin toxicity?
(increases renal excre on of aspirin)
Which sleep medica on causes dose-independent withdrawal symptoms? Benzodiazepines (Z-drugs)
Which drug causes agranulocytosis? Propylthiouracil (PTU)
What is the an -dote of iron overdose? Deferoxamine
A pa ent overdosed on iron supplements and was taken to the hospital
within 2 hours, what is the suitable treatment?
Which agent causes increased pupil size and cause dose dependent
Which drug has a metallic taste? Captopril
Which medica on causes voice hoarseness? Captopril "
What are the side-effects of lamotrigine? Alopecia and Rash "
Which drug causes sulfa allergy? Dapsone "
Drug/supplement that cause heart burn? Potassium supplements
Irinotecan caused by acute cholinergic
Which drug causes severe diarrhea?
proper es
Which of the following drugs induce thrombocytopenia? Unfrac oned Heparin
Which drug causes thyroid toxicity? Amiodarone
Which of the following situa ons are most likely to be controlled by
Verapamil overdose
administering parenteral calcium as an dote?
What side-effect is cause by cyclophosphamide? Hemorrhagic cys s
A pa ent experiences hypoglycemia, what is the likely causa ve agent?Ease Glibenclamide (Sulphonylureas)
Which an -diabe c agent causes hypoglycemia? Glimepiride
What should be checked for pa ent given Empagliflozin? Urogenital infec on
What is a common side-effect of isotre noin? Hyperlipidemia
A pa ent was taken to emergency due to hypoglycemia. The pa ent was
unaware of hypoglycemia symptoms. Which agent is responsible for Beta-blockers
masking symptoms of hypoglycemia?
blurred toxicity
Weight gain, hypothyroidism, cogni ve
effects, ataxia, hand tremor, cogwheel
What is the most common side-effect of lithium therapy?
rigidity, thirst, polyuria/polydipsia, GI upset
(nausea/vomi ng).
What is the drug interac on of linezolid and citalopram? Added risk of serotonin syndrome
A pa ent is taking medica on (including daptomycin) and has elevated Daptomycin, (causes Rhabdomyolysis and
crea ne phosphokinase (CPK), which drug caused this? myopathy).
What are the side-effects of amphotericin B? Nephrotoxicity
Which of the following medica ons may alter renal func on? Gentamicin
Which antacid medica on causes low magnesium levels in pa ent? Proton pump inhibitors
Which drug causes pulmonary embolism? Amiodarone
Inhibi on of COX-1 preven ng binding of
What is the interac on of ibuprofen and aspirin?
A pa ent has hypertensive crisis. The pa ent’s medica ons are lisinopril,
me ormin, topiramate, and phenylephrine. The pa ent also eats Phenylephrine (risk of serotonin syndrome)
tyramine-rich foods during lunch. What is the causa ve medica on?
A 36-year-old pa ent with BMI of 32 and has been a smoker for 10 years.
Family history shows no history of strokes/MI. What is the appropriate Progesterone only pills
contracep ve?
Pa ent case with insomnia and pa ent is on mul ple medica on, which
Cor sone
medica on is causing this?
What is the side-effect of Bleomycin? Respiratory Fibrosis
Type of interac on between diclofenac and spironolactone? Both can cause hyperkalemia
Which an bio c causes hyperkalemia? alsosewn Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
ex a
A pa ent taking medica ons experienced hepa c toxicity, what is the
medica on responsible?
Pa ent experiences toxicity a er ea ng fish, what is the cause? Mercury
Which drug is used to reduce the side-effects a er comple ng of
docetaxel chemotherapy?
What is the interac on of Aspirin with Indapamide? Aspirin increases absorp on of Indapamide
Ataxia, slurred speech, vomi ng,
What are the signs of phenytoin toxicity?
lethargy, seizures etc.
A. Arthropathy
Why are fluoroquinolones not recommended in pediatric pa ents?
B. Osteoporosis
A. Thiazide Diure cs
Which of the following medica on can cause Angioedema as a side- B. Calcium Channel Blockers
effect? C. ACE Inhibitors ✅
D. Angiotensin-receptor Blockers
A. Atenolol (Accumulate)
A neonate pa ent has hypertension. Which medica on is dangerous for
B. Propanol
C. Verapamil
A. Protamine sulfate
B. Sodium salicylate
What is the an dote for heparin toxicity?
C. Naloxone
D. Glucagon
A. ptosis
A 47-year-old man is admi ed to hospital with atrial arrhythmia and is
B. nnitus
prescribed amiodarone. Which of the following is the most likely side
C. Pulmonary toxicity
effect to be monitored?
D. pseudomembranous enterocoli s
A. Increase sensi vity to the sun.
What is a common side-effect of rifampicin?
B. Orange-colored urine
How many natural amino acids in the human body? 20 natural amino acids
Which amino acids are conjugated in the liver? Glycine & Taurine
Cysteine, Lysine, Arginine, Methionine
Which amino acids are involved in produc on of kera n (nail&hair)?
whichnon Isoleucine, Lysine, Leucine, Valine,
Which of the following is an essen al amino acid? Methionine, Phenylalanine, Tryptophan,
Threonine, His dine, Arginine
How many ATP molecules are produced from 1 glucose molecule? 38
How many calories in 10 mg of lipid? 90 kcal ✅
Which carbohydrates are pentose sugars? Ribose
S mulate the secre on of bicarbonate-rich
What is the role of secre n?
pancrea c fluid.
What are the components of fungal cell wall?
What is a small, circular, double-stranded DNA that is dis nct from a cell’s
Chi n+Glucans+ Glycoproteins
chromosomal DNA known as?
Which of these is contains an inhaled cor sone? Pulmicort, Symbicort
What are the secondary lymphoid organs? Tonsils, Spleen, and Lymph nodes
Which surface protein is expressed by T helper (Th) cells? CD4
What type of hypersensi vity reac on is hemoly c anemia? Type 2 hypersensi vity
What Immunoglobulin is involved in allergic asthma? Immunoglobulin E
Which immunoglobulin is able to pass through placenta? Immunoglobulin G
Which immunoglobulin is involved in passive immunity? Immunoglobulin G
Variable region of light and heavy chain
Which part of immunoglobulin interacts with an gen? (known as Fab: fragment an gen-binding
Which part of immunoglobulin a aches to B-cell? Heavy chain
An an body which binds to an gen or
What is an opsonin? microorganism making them more
suscep ble to phagocytosis.
Which cell is responsible for allergic
entamoeba histolytica treatment in pregnancy
Chloroquinine for 10 days
y group of genes that code for proteins found on the
surfaces of cells that help the immune system recogni
forigon substane
What is the best treatment for pa ent with a deep wound and with
Td vaccina on and immunoglobulin
unknown Td history?
A pa ent has hypertension, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthri s. The
pa ent is taking an -diabe c and an -hypertensive medica ons. Which Rheumatoid clinic
clinic should the pa ent be referred to?
A pa ent is taking hydrochlorothiazide and Eplerenone (and other
medica ons). hydrochlorothiazide causes hypokalemia. Which of the Eplerenone (potassium sparing diure c)
pa ent’s medica on will correct this?
Which vaccina ons are required for COPD pa ent? Pneumococcal and influenza vaccine
What vaccina ons are required for hajj? Influenza and meningococcal
A child is taking amoxicillin for 7 days and his vaccina on is due, what is
Give vaccine
the best ac on?
When is MMR vaccine taken? emo 12 months
A. Nothing
A nurse in contact with blood of Hep B infected pa ent. Her serology test
B. Give vaccine alone.
shows nega ve Hep B surface an gen and nega ve an body to Hep B.
C. immunoglobulin alone
What treatment should be given?
D. Vaccine with Immunoglobulin
A- Pa ent does not need another dose
A 42-year-old pa ent with asthma has received pneumococcal vaccine 4 un l he is 65 years old.
years ago and asks if her needs to take it again. What is the suitable B- Administer PPV23
ac on? C- Administer PCV13.
D- Another dose is not needed.
A. Zoster
B. Varicella
What is the vaccine for shingles?
C. BCG ✅
A. Influenza vaccine
A 20-year-old female has received all immuniza on as a child (last ✅
B. Hepa s A vaccine
immuniza on at 11 years old), which vaccine should she receive?
C. Pneumococcal vaccine
A pharmacist is comparing the clinical outcome of two drugs with
Cost-effec veness analysis (CEA)✅
different costs. Which type of pharmacoeconomic analysis is this?
What type of pharmacoeconomic analysis compares outcomes of two ✅
Cost Benefit Analysis
interven ons in monetary values?
A pharmacist is comparing the cost of two generic drugs, what type of
Cost minimiza on analysis
pharmacoeconomic analysis is this?
What is an important factor when comparing two drugs using cost-
Must have equivalent effec veness
minimiza on analysis?
What is is the net cost divided by changes in health outcomes? Cost-effec veness ra o
What does a QALY of 1 mean? 1 year in perfect health
What is the measurement unit of a CUA? Quality-adjusted Life Years (QALY)
What type of cost is hospital meals? Direct non-medical cost
What type of cost is loss of produc vity due to illness? Indirect cost
What type of healthcare cost category is morbidity and mortality? Indirect medical cost
What type of cost is hotel price and travel fees? Direct non-medical cost
What type of costs is traveling expenses from Jeddah to Riyadh to receive
Direct non-medical cost
health care from a pharmacoeconomic perspec ve?
What type of healthcare cost category is home medical visits? Direct medical cost
What type of cost is emo onal distress? Intangible cost
107,000 (free cash flow = profit –
A company made a profit of 120,000, the opera ng expenses were 5,000,
[opera ng expenses + tax/zakah + other
and Zakah was 8,000, what is the free cash flow?
Pa ent is non-adherent and a er ques oning appears to be unable to pay
Cause: Economic. Solu on: talk to pa ent
for medica on due to insurance running out, what is the cause of non-
about benefits and risks
adherence and what is the best course of ac on?
Individuals have the capacity to understand
What is the defini on of health literacy? basic health informa on to make
appropriate health decisions.
A manager asked a pharmacist to make a promo on for the pharmacy,
Marke ng
what is this called?
What is a long-term ac on plan called? Strategic plan
Annual consump on/sales value (annual
Which factor affects the inventory ABC classifica on?
number of units sold x cost per unit
A hospital has 100 available beds, and they have 3 ambulatory care clinics.
Strength (beds are internal resources
They want to start an ambulatory care service. Which one of the SWOT
which hospital has)
analysis categories is this?
Which of the following commi ees is responsible for requests of adding ✅
Pharmacy & Therapeu cs Commi ee
or removing a drug from hospital formulary?
The label on medica on is different to the product in the package. Who Quality department of the pharmaceu cal
should you report this to? company
Two new DM drug both of them reduce HbA1c by 1.5%, drug A cost 5,300
SAR annually and drug B cost 3000 SAR annually, the only DM drug also
Reject drug A and except Drug B
reduce HbA1c by 1.5%, and cost 3500 SAR annually. Which of the
following is appropriate?
A pharmacy has been suffering losses for 5 years, what is the best strategy
SWAT analysis
that the new employee should do to improve situa on?
Inventory turnover = COGS / Average
Calcula ng inventory turnover ra o?
inventory value
A. Cost of goods sold
What type of cost is raw materials? B. Liability
C. Asset
A- Accept both drugs
A pharmacy already has medica on for 3500 SAR but has side-effects.
B- Reject both drugs
There are two alterna ve drugs with the same efficacy, drug A costs 3000
C- Accept A and reject B
SAR and drug B costs 5000 SAR, what is the best decision?
D- Reject A and accept B
A- Cost-effec veness analysis
Two medica ons with different costs and different effects, what type of B- Cost-minimiza on analysis
pharmacoeconomic analysis should be conducted? C- Cost-u lity analysis
D- Cost-benefit analysis
A-Replace with Rivas gmine because
Physos gmine produce amphetamine.
B-Replace with Physos gmine because
Rivas gmine produce amphetamine.
If there is a discussion between choosing physos gmine and rivas gmine?
C-Replace with Physos gmine because has
lower SE
D-Replace with Rivas gmine because has
lower SE.
A. 3
In a total popula on of 1000, there are only three deaths. What is the B. 300
mortality? C. 0.003 ✅
D. 3000
A- Rela ve risk ra o
What measure is used for Cross-sec onal study?
B- Odds ra o
A. Randomized Controlled Trials
Which study is used to establish the causa on between variables? B. Cross-sec onal Studies
C. Cohort Studies
A- Randomized Controlled Trials
Which study uses ques onnaire? B- Cross-sec onal Studies
C- Cohort Studies "
A researcher wants to assess the role of estrogen in postmenopausal
A- Cohort study
women by giving estrogen to pa ents. What type of study is suitable for
B- Randomized Controlled Trials
this? e
A- Prospec ve cohort study
Which type of Study used to follow-up pa ent?
B- Retrospec ve cohort study
A. me trade off
B. Willingness to pay / Human capital
A pharmacist was asked to conduct cost-benefit analysis, what measure is ✅
used to assess benefit?
C. health u lity index
D. standard gamble
Old pharmacy has not been making profit for the past 5 years. A new
manager wants to make it profitable. What strategy will help him achieve
C. Process Descrip on
D. Data Modeling
Pharmacy borrowed money from the bank, what type of cost is this? A. Debit
Invstigator want to investigate the risk of breast cancer in Postmenopausl women and the women informed
and willing to participate the follow-up mean time was 12 years
B. Asset
C. Credit
A. number of people coming to hajj in the
A pharmacy in mecca wants to increase sales. The pharmacist was asked
following year.
topropose a business plan to improve sales. Which of the following is the
B. past sales, current situa on, future
pharmacist required to research?
economy forecast/outlook
Study design
A doctor has a research ques on comparing the efficacy of two different
Random Control Trials (RCTs)
treatments, what research type is the most appropriate to answer this?
A doctor wants to compare between cefazolin and oxacillin in trea ng
Random Control Trials (RCTs)
infec on, what source should he check?
Which of the following is an example of primary resource? Look for RCTs in PubMed
What is the suitable source of informa on for pediatric treatment? Harriet Lane Handbook
Which informa on source can be used to check for drug interac ons? Lexicomp
Where to look for data on new clinical trials for management of diabetes? Pubmed
Which part of study report is the objec ves? Introduc on
Which type of study should be conducted to assess cause of rare disease
Case-control study
or diseases with long latency period?
The authors report two isolated gastrointes nal tuberculosis in renal
transplant recipients that illustrate the difficulty of making this diagnosis
and a brief review of the literature on its clinical presenta on, diagnosis Case-series report
and therapeu c approach. What is the type of study in the above-
men oned abstract?
A trial compared mortality in pa ents taking infliximab (7%) and pa ents
taking old drug (10%). Calculate absolute risk reduc on?
Calculate prevalence of disease if 500 pa ents have disease per 10,000
500/10,000*100 = 5%
In which phase of clinical trials is the inves ga ve drug compared with
Phase III
another drug?
Which of the following documents created by the world medical
associa on is the statement of ethical principles for medical research Declara on of Helsinki
involving human subjects?
A study located a group of subjects with lymphoma and went to iden fy
which subjects are smokers and which are not. Which of the following Cross-sec onal study
study designs is used to conduct the study in the scenario?
What type of study is a self-controlled study? Crossover
A drug was discovered in year 2000, clinical trials started in 2005, and the
drug was approved in 2010. When will the patent expire?
Systemic review is which type of resource? Secondary research
وﻗﺮاء ﺑﺎﻟﻨﺖ ﻋﻦ ﻓﻮاﺋﺪ اﻟﺪواء ﻓﻲ اﻟﻘﺮوب ﺑﻲ وطﻠﺐ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺼﯿﺪﻟﻲ ﯾﻐﯿﺮه اﻟﻰ ﻗﺮوب ﺑﻲA وﻛﺎن ﻓﻲ ﻗﺮوبclinical trial ﺟﺎء ﺳﻮال ﻋﻦ ﻣﺮﯾﺾ ﻓﻲ
Give pts the qroup B drug
This cause cofound
Get angry on the website
metabolise bywhat
A pa ent is prescribed warfarin but has VKORC1 polymorphism, what is
Start on lower dose and monitor INR
the suitable interven on?
Type of DNA promoter sequence, which
What is the func on of TATA box? specifies to other molecules where
transcrip on begins.
Drug A with CYP1A2 and another drug B is CYP2D6 inducer, what is the
No interac on
possible interac on between them?
What is the Risperidone pharmacogenomics? Need normal CYP2D6 for metabolism
What is the Tramadol pharmacogenomics Need normal CYP2D6 for metabolism
Which of the following polymorphic enzymes is responsible for conversion
of codeine to morphine?
A pa ent was started on codeine 15 mg orally as needed for post-
opera ve pain. One day a er star ng codeine, the pa ent presents to ER
Rapid metabolizer of CYP2D6
with confusion, headache, and SOB. Which of the following most likely
described the pa ent’s genotype? poormetabolism
A child who was given codeine experiences dizziness and respiratory
The child is a Rapid metabolizer of CYP2D6
depression, what is the likely cause?
Pa ent with CYP2C19* poor metabolizer is prescribed clopidogrel, what is
Reduced effec veness of clopidogrel
the likely impact?
Increases risk of neutropenia especially if
What are the implica ons UG1TA1*28 in pa ent prescribed Irinotecan?
two copies (Homozygous)
Omeprazole reduces effec veness of
clopidogrel by inhibi ng CYP2C19, which is
What is the interac on between omeprazole and clopidogrel?
required for ac va on of clopidogrel to
ac ve form.
Which of the following drugs requires HLA-B 1502 to be checked before
Case of pa ent that has been taking simvasta n 80 mg he has SLCO1B1 Hold sta n for 2-4 weeks and re-start on
521C allele – pa ent has signs of myopathy and elevated CPK, what lower dose or a different sta n (depends
should be done? on answer choices)
Which one is a non-synonymous single nucleo de polymorphism? Nonsense SNP
Which enzyme is responsible for the oxida on of phenytoin? CYP2C9
A pa ent with breast cancer is CYP2D6 poor metabolizer, which
medica on she will not benefit from?
Which pharmacogenomic tes ng is required with Rituximab? CD19
Which muta on may occur in colon cancer? KRAS muta on
Which gene muta on increases risk of thrombosis with oral
contracep ves?
Pa ent with UGT1A1 ac vity, which drug will this increases risk of side-
effects of?
Patient ask about why she cannot take the full dose of lamtriagen ?
Due to due to dose dependent skin reaction
A-Raloxifene – only for preven on of breast
A post-menopausal pa ent with breast cancer is prescribed estrogen
B-Tamoxifen – metabolized to ac ve by
therapy. She is a poor metabolizer of CYP2D6. Which medica on will
reduce progression-free survival?
C-Anastrozole – 1st line in postmenopausal
Muta on in which enzyme would affect metabolism of Atorvasta n?
A. Synonymous – nonsense
B. Non-synonymous- nonsense
Which of the following SNP does not change coding of protein?
C. Synonymous – Silent
D. Non-synonymous – missense
A – Nonsynonymous - Missense
B – Nonsynonymous - Nonsense
Which single nucleo de polymorphism (SNP) causes abrupt stop codon?
C – Synonymous - Missense
D – Synonymous - Nonsense
A. Carbamazepine
Pa ent with epilepsy is HLA-1502 posi ve, what is the safest an - B. Lamotrigine
epilep c? C. Fosphenytoin ✅
D. Leve racetam
Which drug is contraindicated in pregnant women? Tre noin (Acre n)
A female is taking isotre noin and wants to become pregnant. What Stop isotre noin 1 month before ge ng
advice should you give? pregnant.
Female pa ent on Finasteride and wants to conceive, what counselling Inform her that she cannot become
should be given? pregnant while taking finasteride.
What is the most appropriate an -convulsant for a pregnant woman? Lamotrigine
Which is the suitable mood stabilizer for a pregnant woman with bipolar
Woman taking levothyroxine has become pregnant. What is the most
Inform prescriber to increase dose
appropriate course of ac on?
Which an bio c is the safest for pregnant woman with UTI? Cephalexin
A pa ent on 100 mcg of Levothyroxine becomes pregnant, what is the
125 mcg (25% increase)
appropriate dose to give?
Which vaccines are contraindicated in pregnant pa ent? Live vaccines
Pregnant pa ent with hyperthyroidism, what is the recommended PTU for 1st trimester then Methimazole for
treatment? 2nd and 3rd trimester.
What is the suitable treatment for a pregnant woman with hypertension? Labetalol "
Pregnant with cat, what is she at risk of? Toxoplasmosis gondii infec on
Which vaccine can pregnant not take? MMR
Which of the following vaccines is contraindicated in pregnant women? BCG vaccine
A woman is planning to conceive and is taking levothyroxine. What should
Adjust dose during 1st trimester.
you do?
When should mycophenolate be stopped in pregnancy? First trimester
A- Con nue on Valproic acid
B- Stop Valproic acid
A female pa ent with epilepsy controlled on valproic acid wants to
C- Switch to Phenytoin
conceive, what is the best ac on?
D- Slowly taper down dose and slowly
increase dose of Leve racetam
- 0 Pathology
What are the health complica ons of polycythemia (high RBC conc.)?
high blood pressure (other: gout,
headache, blood clots).
What are the symptoms of severe malaria infec on? Bleeding
Low magnesium, potassium, and
What electrolytes are low in refeeding syndrome?
- phosphate Mpp
What is low crea nine clearance a measure of? Renal failure
Which lab results show hypothyroidism? Low T4 and high TSH "
Moderate Nightmare Disorder (permanent
Pa ent is experiencing 2-4 nightmares per week; what type of nightmare
is daily, and mild is less
disorder is this?
than 1 per week)
What type of anemia is caused by iron deficiency? Hypochromic microcy c anemia
A pa ent receiving TPN has hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatasemia, and
Refeeding Syndrome
hypokalemia, what is this condi on called?
Physical examina on in sepsis? ??
What is the physical exam for peripheral oedema? Pi ng test
A pa ent comes in with signs of meningi s including a headache. The
doctor li s the pa ent’s neck to check if knee flexion occurs. What type of Brudzinski sign ✅
examina on is this? -
Healthy male happily married for 25 years now has erec le dysfunc on
wants treatment and reluctant to use medicine or injec ons, which is the Vacuum erec on devices
most suitable management?
Used as indicator of nutri onal status in
What does mid arm circumference measure?
What is the purpose of the skin fold test? Calculate fat percentage
How to check for respiratory infec on? Ausculta on
A cardiac pa ent with edema, how can you check heart rate? Ausculta on
What advice would you give to pa ent who is traveling and is scared of An bio c prophylaxis (start 1-2 days before
ge ng malaria? travel and up to 4 weeks a er travel)
A doctor has contact with pa ent who has c. difficle, what is the
appropriate ac on?
Use water and soap ✅
What is the end product of purine metabolism? Uric acid
Asthma c pa ent uses Ventolin 3 days a week, wakes up 3 mes at night,
and asthma interferes with physical ac vity. What is the asthma severity moderate
A pa ent he want go to Africa and afraid of travel diarrhea what is the
Don’t eat raw meat or fish
recommended ? ✅
Broad view that a ributes disease
Which of the following best described the “biopsychosocial approach of outcomes to the variable interac on of
health”? biological factors, physiological factors, and
social factors.
Undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk,
Pa ent is infected with Brucella, what is the likely source?
and direct contact with infected animals.
What will occur if there is deficiency in phylloquinone? Bleeding
What is the condi on in which the body's immune system fails to react to
an an gen?
Which measure is used for COPD? mMRC
Which examina on is used for neuropathy in diabetes? Monofilament test
A pa ent is a smoker and is taking NSAID, How many risk factors for
Smoking and NSAID use
developing ulcers does the pa ent have? "
Which is given to pa ent to measure glomerular filtra on rate (GFR)? Insulin
Lumps or swelling in the breast or
underarms, change in skin color or texture
What are the early signs of breast cancer?
of breasts, pain in breast, dimpling of
breast skin.
What is an important informa on that must be asked to pa ent with
Travel History
A. Frontal Lobe
Which part of the brain is affected in pa ent who had an accident which B. Parietal Lobe
resulted in mental retarda on and speech difficul es? C. Amygdala
D. Occipital
A- Mild
What is the asthma severity in pa ent who experiences daily symptoms B- Moderate
and 2-3 mes night awakening and uses inhaler several mes per day? C- Persistent Asthma
D- Intermi ent
A- Mild
What is the asthma severity in pa ent who experiences symptoms 2 days B- Moderate
per week, with no exercise limita on and FEV1 >85%? C- Persistent Asthma
D- Intermi ent
A 40-year-old pa ent case and asks what examina on should pa ent A- Get checkup for lung cancer
receive? B- Get checkup for diabetes
C- Wait un l a er age 45 to get diabetes
D- Wait un l a er age 45 to get lung
cancer checkup
A. Need to use hand sani zer.
A doctor was in contact with pa ent with C. difficile, The doctor wiped his B. An sep c wipe is enough
hand with an sep c wipes ? C. Need to wash hands with soap and
water. "
A. con nuous feeding regimens
B. high gastric residual prior to feeding
Which of the following increases the risk of aspira on during enteral
C. feeding with high-carbohydrate content
feeding administra on?
D. feeding a pa ent while in the upright
posi on
A. period between infec on and
appearance of symptoms.
What is the defini on of prodrome?
B. period with non-specific symptoms.
C. period a er recovery from illness.
Man is at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and has family history of type A – Insulin
2 diabetes. What should be recommended to pa ent to prevent him from B – Sulfonylureas
developing type 2 diabetes? C – Aerobic Exercise
Which an cancer drugs target the mitosis stage? Vina Alkaloids and Taxanes
Increase osmo c pressure (osmo c
What is the mode of ac on of mannitol? diure c used to reduce intracranial
What is the mode of ac on of topiramate? Sodium channel blocker
What is the mode of ac on of atropine? An -muscarinic agent
What is the mode of ac on of bisoprolol Beta 1 selec ve antagonist
What is the mode of ac on of Prazosin? Post-synap c Alpha-1 inhibitor
What is the mode of ac on of Zafirlukast? Leukotriene receptor antagonist
Inhibitor of thyroid peroxidase thus
What is the mode of ac on of Methimazole? inhibi ng incorpora on of iodine and
produc on of thyroid hormone.
Methyldopa is converted to methyl
What is the mode of ac on of Methyldopa? norepinephrine centrally and acts as an
alpha-2 agonist
What is the mode of ac on of Fluorouracil? Thymidylate synthase inhibitor
Alkyla ng agent, which causes cross-links
What is the mode of ac on of cyclophosphamide?
between DNA strands.
What is the mode of ac on of clonidine? Alpha-2 receptor agonist
What is the mode of ac on of Ciprofloxacin? DNA gyrase and Topoisomerase IV inhibitor
hypf.gg ffJ4
Which drug is considered an insulin secretagogue?
A- Glibenclamide
B- Me ormin
C- Pioglitazone
D- Dapagliflozin
Pa ent has an anaphylac c shock, and he was given medica on that is 0
A. Adrenaline
B. Phenyl ephedrine
inotropic and chronotropic, which medica on was he given?
C. Isoprenaline
A. class IV
Which of the following is the Vaughan Williams Classifica on for the B. class lll
an arrhythmic drug procainamide? C. class II
D. class IA whichphase Phaseo
A. It can be taken with calcium
supplements or dietary foods with no
B. Take it in the morning on an empty
stomach, at least 30 mins (before
Which of the following counselling points is best to discuss with a pa ent
who is taking levothyroxine?
C. If you miss a dose, make sure to double
the next scheduled levothyroxine dose
D. Take it immediately a er the breakfast
with a large glass of water to avoid
stomach upset
A. Decreases excre on of cholesterol
B. Lowers high density lipoprotein (HDL)
Which of the following best describe the main pharmacological property
C. Increases low density lipoprotein (LDL)
of cholestyramine?
D. Increase the efficiency of lipoprotein
A. Prednisone
B. Triamcinolone
Which of the following glucocor coids has the lowest potency?
C. Hydrocor sone
D. Dexamethasone
A. Increasing the glomerular filtra on
Which of the following is the mechanism by which probenecid increases B. Increasing the intes nal absorp on
the dura on of ac on of ampicillin when administered at the same me? C. Inhibi on of renal tubular secre on
D. Inhibi on of renal tubular reabsorp on
A. it is a vasodilator
B. it is a potent vasoconstrictor
Which property of nico ne is a ributed to abor ons?
C. it reduces uterine blood flow
D. it reduces vascular uterine resistance
A. Oxazepam
B. Diazepam
Elderly pa ent suffers from insomnia, BDZ of choice?
C. Lorazepam
D. Temazepam
A. Dextromethorphan
B. Diphenhydramine
3 years girl with dry cough what is recommended?
C. Honey
D. Vicks
A-Dil azem
Which of the following drugs cause insomnia and should be taken in the
B- Prednisone
C-Salbutamol as needed
Which of the following medica ons has the same mode of ac on as A. Cephalexin
penicillin? B. Neomycin
C. Tetracycline
A. inhibit intracellular release of Ca2+ from
sarcoplasmic re culum.
What is the mode of ac on of Dantrolene?
B. inhibit intracellular release of Na+ from
sarcoplasmic re culum
Pa ent have angina and he suffered from low BP and have syncope, which A- Hydralazine ✅
an anginal agent may be associated? B- Isosorbide Mononitrate
A. Estrogens that undergo CYP450
A pa ent was given oral estrogen therapy. When she read the package, metabolism to inac ve compound.
she no ced that it says that the medica on contains conjugated estrogens B. Glucorinated estrogens, which makes
(Equilin and Estrone). When she googled the names of these estrogens, them ac ve.
she found the following structures. What are conjugated estrogens? C. Estrogens that undergo phase II
conjuga on to inac ve form
A. Fluconazole
What is the treatment of esophageal candidiasis? B. Voriconazole
C. Amphotericin B
A. 5% dextrose
Which of the following is a high alert drug? B. 0.9% NaCl
C. 50% dextrose
A. Verapamil
Which one of the following is a rate control drug used in Atrial Fibrilla on? B. Digoxin
C. Amiodarone ✅
A. Decrease heart contrac lity.
What is the mechanism of ac on of cardiac myosin inhibitors
B. Treat hypertension.
C. Decrease oxygen demand.
A. Metoprolol
Woman with a disorder causing discolora on of her fingers (Raynaud’s B. Nifedipine
disease). What is the best treatment for Raynaud’s? C. Methyldopa
D. Hydralazine
A. Methotrexate
Which of the following chemotherapy is preferred in pa ent with lung B. Vinca alkaloids
cancer? C. Nitrosourea
D. Taxane
An elderly pa ent with diabetes has a HbA1c level of 12% and is on 4 an -
Reassure pa ent that insulin is needed due
diabe c medica ons, one of which is insulin Pa ent refuses to take insulin
to high A1c and give advice to control
due to fear of weight gain. What is the most appropriate interven on? weight. ✅
A pa ent on insulin refuses to take insulin due to fear of weight gain, what
Try to explain to pa ent the benefits of
is the best course of ac on? treatment to change their belief.
Explain benefits and risk of not receiving
A woman with cancer refuses to receive chemotherapy or surgery. What is
treatment so she can make an informed
the best course of ac on?
decision. ✅
a 3-5
iv gs sf
Starch (amylase produced by pancreas
A pa ent with damaged pancreas consumes a high carb meal. The
catalyzed diges on of starch into maltose
diges on of which type of carbohydrates will be most affected?
and glucose)
A doctor has increased the dose of a pa ent’s an convulsant. What is the ✅
Zero seizures
treatment target?
What ques on should be asked to pa ent on warfarin? Do you have gum bleeding?
Pa ent comes to pharmacy with pinpoint pupils, what is the likely cause? Heroin Overdose
A female with hypothyroidism has developed osteoporosis, what is the Alendronate (High doses of levothyroxine
appropriate treatment?
What is the first-line treatment for pa ent with osteoarthri s where non-
11 can cause bone resorp on)
Topical NSAID (gel or patch).
pharmacological measures were ineffec ve?
Pa ent with hypothyroidism, which deficiency is he likely to have? Iodine deficiency ✅
Pa ent with E. coli UTI and given TMP/SMX but it turns out to be resistant.
What is the appropriate alterna ve?
Cefotetan, Cefoxi n, ampicillin/sulbactam,
A pa ent is at risk of post-opera ve gram-nega ve bacterial infec on,
Ertapenem, or Metronidazole + (Cefazolin
which an bio c should be used?
or ce riaxone).
A 60 yo pa ent presents with meningi s, what is the appropriate
Ce riaxone + Vancomycin + Ampicillin
treatment? case
A neonate pa ent presents with meningi s, what is the appropriate
Ampicillin + Gentamicin
Pa ent vomits two hours a er taking levoynorgestrel, what is the If more than two hours, no ac on. If within
appropriate course of ac on? two hours, requires repeat dose.
www M06
Pa ent with mul ple sclerosis experiences mul ple relapses, what is the
appropriate treatment?
What is the best treatment for a boy with motor hyperac vity? methylphenidate
Which an -hypertensive drug that can be used in pa ent with bilateral
renal stenosis?
A pa ent is taking amlodipine and his BP is s ll uncontrolled, what is the
appropriate drug that can be added?
What is the suitable oral treatment for pa ent with mul ple sclerosis who
is experiencing 2 relapse per year?
Pa ent going into surgery, which medicines should be discon nued? An -coagulants
A pa ent who has heart failure and Diabetes mellitus. What is the
recommened for pulmonary edema?
Which should be ini ated in kidney failure pa ent with ankle edema and
heart failure?
A pa ent was prescribed both frusemide and hydrochlorothiazide, why is Pa ent has severe heart failure that is
this? unresponsive to one diure c
Pa ent s ll suffering from UTI even a er adherence to an bacterial
Change to another an bio c
treatment, what is the best course of ac on?
Use bronchodilator (SABA) +
Pa ent with Hospital-acquired pneumonia experiences bronchospasm?
Cor costeroid.
A pa ent is taking an an hypertensive drug, but it is s ll not controlled, Answer depends on age, race, and co-
what is the best course of ac on? morbidi es
A pa ent taking 850 mg of me ormin twice daily but s ll has uncontrolled
Increase dose of me ormin ✅
diabetes, what is the best interven on?
A pa ent with type 2 diabetes and HbA1C 13% on glargine 22 IU and
aspart 7 before each meal, blood glucose in the morning 118 and bed me Increase aspart before dinner
280 what is the recommended?
A pa ent with altered kidney func on is taking gentamicin and ampicillin, Both an bio cs require renal dose
what is required? adjustments
A pa ent is taking the maximum sta n dose and cholesterol levels are s ll
Add Eze mibe
not on target, what is appropriate interven on?
Digoxin Immune Fab (DigiFab) – each 40
A pa ent is experiencing digoxin toxicity, what treatment should pa ent
mg vial binds 0.5 mg digoxin (max. 20
Do not administer Digifab (Digoxin level
A pa ent’s digoxin levels were obtained 2 hours a er inges on of digoxin
needs to be obtained at least 6 hours a er
and digoxin level was 2.7. What is the best course of ac on?
digoxin dose).
A nurse was infected with Hepa s B from infected pa ent blood, what is Hepa s B Vaccine + Hepa s B
the appropriate treatment? immunoglobulins
A pa ent comes to the pharmacy for emergency contracep ves (Plan B – Must be taken within 72 hrs of
Levonorgestrel), what advice should you give her? unprotected sexual intercourse.
A pa ent case with hyperkalemia above 6 and hyponatremia, what’s the Urgent treatment of hyperkalemia first
first step treatment and dura on? (according to MOH).
A pa ent who came to receive vaccina on was found to have high blood
Refer pa ent to physician
pressure in two readings, what is the best course of ac on?
A hypertensive pa ent with BP 177/97 presents to your pharmacy, what
Refer pa ent to physician
should you do?
A pa ent comes with pain in his toe and it’s bleeding, what advice should
Refer pa ent to physician
you give pa ent?
A pa ent was taking non-pharmacological treatment for rheumatoid
arthri s but has not helped. What treatment should he be given?
What is the appropriate first-line treatment for pa ent with severe
Alzheimer disease?
Pa ent using Rivas gmine tab for alzheimer’s, however he is not tolerant
with it, Which of the following is the best alterna ve drug?
A pa ent has hypoalbuminemia, what effect will this have on phenytoin Increase free serum concentra on of
levels? phenytoin
A pa ent is taking Azathioprine 6-mercaptopurine has reduced levels of
Bone marrow suppression
Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT), what is this pa ent at risk of? case
A pa ent with diabetes and CVD, what is the suitable treatment? Canagliflozin
IV bag solution (clear) given to patient and after sometimes become colloid color what to do
Continue the IV
Stop it and remove it
Warm the solution
Pa ent on Me ormin, Sitaglip n and Pioglitazone recently diagnosed with
Hepa s C virus, which drug should he stop?
Pa ent on Lisinopril, Amlodipine, Me ormin and another drug the pa ent
will perform iodinated contrast which one need to be restarted a er Me ormin
48hrs of the on contrast?
A girl accidently took 2 doses of lamotrigine, what will she likely ✅
Dose-dependent serious skin reac ons
Pa ent with mechanical heart valve is taking warfarin and his INR is 2.5,
Keep the dose as it is
what dose adjustment should be done?
Stop warfarin and give slow IV vitamin K."
A pa ent on warfarin has INR of 11 and is experiencing minor bleeding.
What is the suitable interven on?
A pa ent with INR of 6.1, what adjustment should be made? Hold for 1-2 doses
Pa ent with an acute asthma a ack was given salbutamol but has not
Oral Cor costeroids
improved, which treatment should be added?
A pa ent with rheumatoid arthri s is on methotrexate and leflunomide,
Infliximab (an -TNFa an body treatment)
what treatment should be added?
A 36-year-old man not known to have any medical illness diagnosed
Isoniazid + Rifampin + Ethambutol +
recently with an ac ve pulmonary tuberculosis. Which of the following is
the best ini al treatment?
An -pseudomonal cephalosporins
A pregnant woman has pseudomonas infec on. What is the suitable
(ce azidime, cefepime) or
an bio c op on?
A pa ent has drug elu ng states, which an platelet therapy should be so Dual an -platelet therapy (e.g., Clopidogrel
prescribed? + Aspirin) for at least 6 months
Which laxa ve should be used in an elderly pa ent experiencing severe 1st line – bulk forming agent, 2nd line –
cons pa on? a aol.nl 01,6 s mulant laxa ve
A pa ent with renal failure has low calcium levels, what is the appropriate
Calcitriol (1,25 dihydrocolecalcetrol)
calcium supplement to give?
Severe Persistent Asthma (step 4: treat
An asthma c pa ent experiences more than 3 asthma c a acks per day,
with SABA + medium-dose ICS-LABA
what is the severity classifica on?
Moderate Persistent Asthma (step 3: SABA
Asthma c pa ent with FEV 75%, what is the recommended treatment?
+ low-dose ICS-LABA inhaler)
Asthma c pa ent with 3 a acks per week, what is the severity Mild Persistent Asthma (step 2: SABA + low
classifica on? dose ICS)
Intermi ent Asthma (step 1: rescue inhaler
Asthma c pa ent with 2 a acks per week, what is the severity
only – low-dose ICS-formoterol or SABA +
classifica on?
low-dose ICS)
A 70 yo woman has dyspepsia and is experiencing pain in her bones and
acetaminophen was not effec ve for trea ng pain. What treatment Celecoxib
should be given?
A pa ent has experienced agranulocytosis a er taking clozapine, what is Discon nue Clozapine, Restart once ANC
the suitable interven on? >1,500/mm3.
Suppor ve treatment (oxygen, IV fluids,
A pa ent is diagnosed with RSV, what is the suitable treatment?
etc.) "
A 6-year-old boy is brought with complaint of uncontrollable spasm-like
Haloperidol (an - psycho c is 1st line
movements and excessive blinking for four months. Chronic motor
treatment of cs) ✅
disorder was diagnosed. Which of the following is the best management?
Score of 6
Calculate the CHA2DS2VASc score for 70-year-old male pa ent with HF
(CHF = 1, HTN=1, DM=1, Stroke/TIA=2, Age
who has hypertension, diabetes, and history of TIA?
Calculate the CHA2DS2VASc score for 60-year-old female with diabetes
Score of 3, (HTN=1, DM=1,Sex(F)=1)
and hypertension?
A pa ent received Vancomycin 1g q12h for 3 days but there was not
Increase dose of vancomycin (therapeu c
improvement. The trough level was 8 mg/L. What is the recommended
level is 10-20 mg/L) "
ac on?
Pa ent with hyperkalemia (6.1) already given Calcium gluconate, what "
should you give next?
Bronchodilator (e.g., Albuterol or
What is the suitable treatment for exacerba ons in COPD? Salbutamol) + oral/iv steroid + an bio c
A pa ent is experiencing runny nose, cough, sneezing, and teary eyes.
Which treatment provides fastest relief? ✅
A pa ent with hypotension with hyponatremia, what is the appropriate
6-12 mEq/L in 24 hours
A pa ent’s ECG show that pa ent has QT prolonga on, T-wave eleva on,
and PR prolonga on, what is the likely reason?
How can you differen ate between different types of Myocardial
Troponin and ECG
Infarc on?
A pa ent is on spironolactone and captopril, what can this cause? Hyperkalemia and hyponatremia
Pa ent with potassium level 6.1, what is the appropriate
Calcium gluconate.
recommenda on?
A T2DM pa ent was well managed with oral medica on but with me
developed insulin insufficiency and his HbA1c is 8%, what is the suitable Long-ac ng Insulin
A pa ent with diabetes has high post-prandial blood glucose but fas ng Liraglu de (if we increase long-ac ng
glucose in range. He is taking liraglu de, me ormin, and long-ac ng insulin it will increase risk of morning
insulin. Which one should be adjusted? hypoglycemia)
A. administer N-acetylcysteine.
A pa ent admi ed to ER admi ng suicide with acetaminophen 8 hrs ago, B. repeat lab test and observe for another
serum levels where 100 mcg/ml toxicity. She has nausea and vomited 2 hrs
several mes in the last hour. What is the appropriate ac on? C. administer ac vated charcoal.
D. gastric lavage
A 62-year-old man is at risk of Type 2 Diabetes and his father has Type 2 A- Reduce Body Weight
Diabetes. He exercises occasionally. How can you decrease the risk? B-Ini ate insulin
C-Increase exercise to 2-3 mes per week.
D- Ini ate me ormin
A-Fondaparinux 2.5 mg during
hospitaliza on
Pa ent did colorectal surgery and an -coagula on is required (pa ent has
B-Enoxaparin 40 mg OD for 4 weeks
no contraindica ons). What is the suitable treatment?
C-Enoxaparin 40 mg OD during
D-Hospitaliza on Rivaroxaban
A-Give lower dose of Codeine
Cancer pa ent with pain. The doctor wants to start codeine treatment, B-Give higher dose of Codeine
but pa ent has 2 copies of CYP2D6 poor metabolizer. What is the suitable C-Give alterna ve as Codeine causes side-
treatment? effects.
D-Give alterna ve as Codeine ineffec ve.
A – Paracetamol
A child with fever and cough caused by virus. What is the suitable
B – Cefuroxime
C – Oseltamivir
A- Stop calcium carbonate. (Pa ent needs
this for osteoporosis)
B- Separate amlodipine and calcium
carbonate 6 hrs before and a er. (No
because type of interac on is
A pa ent with hypertension, osteoporosis and diabetes is taking
pharmacodynamic interac on not
amlodipine, calcium carbonate, me ormin, and captopril. The pharmacist
pharmacokine c interac on).
found a drug- interac on. What is the best ac on?
C- Increase dose of amlodipine. (this could
be the answer if BP increased)
D- No change in treatment required
(considered a minor interac on, which
requires close monitoring of BP)
A- Fibrinogen
A pa ent case with gastric cancer, which visceral protein parameter C- Albumin
should be measured? D- Hemoglobin
(Low albumin levels indicate poor
prognosis in gastric cancer)
Pa ent with lymphoma finished 2nd cycle of chemotherapy with
A- Prednisolone
cyclophosphamide, which drug will be used to lower the toxicity
B- Mesna
associated with us?
A- Estrogen
A pa ent with hysterectomy and develops vaginal dryness and hot flushes,
B- Estrogen and progesterone
what treatment should be given?
C- Lubricant
A-Aspirin and Clopidogrel
A pa ent requires dual an -platelet therapy and has CYP2C19, what is the
B-Aspirin and Ticlopidine
suitable combina on?
C-Ticlopidine and naloxone
D-Ticlopidine and Aspirin
A- Azithromycin
Which an bio c causes QT prolonga on? B- Doxycycline
C- Amoxicillin
A- Querce n
A pa ent has experienced signs of toxicity including insufficient urina on,
B- Furosemide
Which media on is the cause?
C- Digoxin
A. Pregabalin
A 6-year-old boy is brought with complaint of uncontrollable spasm-like
B. Haloperidol
movements and excessive eye linking for four months. Chronic motor
C. Methadone
disorder diagnosed. Which of the following is the best management?
D. Chlorzoxazone
A. Ramelteon
Pa ent was prescribed hypno c anxioly c and is to be taken before
B. Zolpidem
bed me, when she wakes up – she is s ll drowsy, what is the most likely
causa ve drug?
C. Diazepam ✅
D. Midazolam
A. Give dose of 100 mcg and check levels
a er 6-8 weeks B.Give dose of 150 mcg
and check levels a er 6-8 weeks
A pa ent is taking 50 mcg levothyroxine and TSH levels are s ll high, what
C.Give dose of 25 mcg and check levels
adjustment should be made to treatment?
a er 6-8 weeks
D. Give dose of 75 mcg and check levels
a er 6-8 weeks
A. 5 mg Q4-6h
An 88-year-old pa ent takes 60 mg oral morphine for pain, and they want
B. 10 mg Q4-6h
to add short-ac ng morphine for breakthrough pain, what is the suitable
C. 20 mg Q4-6h
PRN dose?
D. 30 mg Q4-6h
A.stop an bio c
A pa ent receiving levofloxacin bolus injec on experienced sensi vity B.give one push
reac on, what is the best ac on? C.Given 45 mins
D.Give 90 mins
Pa ent came for dry cough medicine, headache, and other symptoms. She A. Refer to healthcare clinic.
hasn’t been to the clinic in months. She’s taking Captopril, me ormin, etc. B. Tell pa ent it’s because of Captopril.
What’s the best interven on? C. Give the pa ent Guanfacine.
A. Salmeterol
Case about COPD and he asked about the drug that affect the prognosis of B. Salbutamol
the disease? C. Cor costeroid
D. Ipratropium
A. Leflunomide
Woman taking Methotrexate but radiology scan show progressive joint
B. Hydroxychloroquine
deforma on which drug should we add?
C. Etanercept
Type 2 DM on insulin glargine and Me ormin 750mg XR twice daily his
A. increase glargine dose
fas ng glucose is normal but postprandial is elevated (281) what is the
B. Increase Me ormin
best interven on?
C. Stop Me ormin and switch to another
D. Con nue on the same regimen
A. Change the an bio c
A pa ent taking Vancomycin 1gm Q12H, infusion rate 1gm/hour he B. Decrease the dose
developed skin rash and redness what is the best course of ac on? C. Increase the infusion rate
D. Decrease the infusion rate
A. Infec on in which host cell dies due to
interference with normal cellular func on.
B. Infec ons in which there is uncontrolled
growth or immortaliza on of the host cell.
C. Infec on in which virus persists within
Which of the following viral infec ons best describes chronic infec on?
the host cell but new virions are not
D. Infec on in which virus persists within
the host cell and con nues to replicate the
A 16-month-old baby with bronchopulmonary dysplasia is admi ed
A. Cefuroxime
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with respiratory distress requiring in (see lab
B. Palivizumab
results) Heart rate 86/min, Respiratory rate 30/min, Temperature 38.6°C,
C.Cor costeroid
Test Result, Nasal swab Posi ve for respiratory syncy al virus, What is the
D. Intravenous fluids and suppor ve care
best management?
A. Amoxicillin: 500 mg PO q8h for 10 days
A 57-year-old man who presents to an urgent care clinic with complains of B. Azithromycin: 500 mg PO once daily for
2- day history of high fever, muscle/bone ache, headache and loss of 3 days
appe te. He has been in his usual state of health and reports close C. Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid: 1 gm PO
contacts of a sick friend with flu recently. Which of the following would be q12h for 1 week
the best management? D. Support treatment. (e.g., fluids, rest,
an histamine, paracetamol)
A. Codeine 10 mg 4 mes daily
A 10-year-old boy is brought with complaints of fever sore throat and non-
B. Guaifenesin 50 mg 4 mes daily
produc ve cough for 1 day. Which of the following is best regimen for
C. Dextromethorphan 15 mg twice daily
non- produc ve cough?
✅ D. Dextromethorphan 30 mg twice daily
A 76-year-old cardiac male pa ent was transferred to the hospital for
palpita on with a heart rate of 177 bpm. He is a heavy smoker, and his A. 1
past medical history includes hypertension, hyperlipidemia and coronary B. 3
artery disease. His medica ons include aspirin, clopidogrel, carvedilol, C. 4
valsartan and atorvasta n. He was diagnosed as having fibrilla on. Which D. 6
of the following is the CHA2DS2-VASc score for this pa ent?
Pa ent is recently diagnosed with depression and taking citalopram and A. “It’s ok it’s depression”
told you that he doesn’t want to live, and the medica on is doing nothing, B. “You’re not garbage”
how you will response? C. “You’re strong and young”
D. “How long have you had these
A. Tadalafil a er 4 hours of taking
Doctor wants to add a PDE-5 inhibitor, but pa ent is already taking B. Tadalafil and tamsulosin together.
tamsulosin. What instruc on should you give to pa ent? C. Vardenafil a er 4 hours of taking
D. Vardenafil and tamsulosin together.
A. Haloperidol
B. Risperidone
Pa ent case experiencing suicidal thoughts, withdrawal from society and C. Clozapine
angry? (The only FDA-approved medica ons for
social anxiety disorder are sertraline,
paroxe ne, and venlafaxine.)
A. Warfarin 5 mg
A traveling a lot and had provoked DVT, his age is 45 and weight is 72kg his B. Apixaban 2.5 mg
crea nine level is 10 or 9 (given in mmol/L), which is the best op on? C. Enoxaparin 40 OD
D. Enoxaparin 70 BID
A. LMWH 40 mg daily.
A pa ent has received PCI and wants prophylaxis for VTE. What should B. LMWH 1 mg/kg.
you give? C. Aspirin 81 mg per day.
D. Clopidogrel 75 mg per day.
A. Warfarin (Target INR 2.5 – 3.5)
A pa ent with mechanical heart valve requires prophylac c an - B. Enoxaparin 40 mg
coagula on. What is the suitable treatment? C. LMWH
D. Apixaban 2.5 mg BID
A- take the dose 30 min to 60 min before
first meal for hypothyroidism
Simple instruc ons to give pa ent prescribed levothyroxine?
B- take the dose 30 min to 60 min before
first meal for underac ve thyroid
A- Give PPI
B- Separate between doxycycline and the
Doxycycline with other topical agent for acne, he came to hospital
topical agent
complaint from heartburn and nausea what should you do?
C- Drink plenty of water with doxycycline
and take it before bed me
A. Apply cream at night and take
doxycycline in the morning.
A pa ent prescribed doxycycline and acre n cream. The pa ent is B. Take doxycycline before bed with a full
experiencing esophageal irrita on. Which advice should the pa ent have glass of water.
received to prevent this? C. Do not apply cream and take doxycycline
at the same me.
D. give pa ent omeprazole.
A- Increase the dose to 82 mg
B- Increase the dose to 107 mg
Pediatric pa ent was given vancomycin 75 mg and his trough level was 6, C- Increase the dose to 110 mg
what should you do to reach trough of 10? D- Increase the dose to 120 mg (Current
dose * (target level/measured level) = new
dose 75*(10/6) = 125 mg)
A. 6 Months
What is the op mal dura on of aspirin to reduce the risk of colorectal B. 2 years
cancer? C. 10 years
D. >20 years
A. Increase dose of phenytoin
A pa ent with fa gue, anuria, hypotension, and low albumin is on B. Stop phenytoin because level is high
phenytoin and frusemide, what should you do? C. Stop phenytoin because albumin is low
D. Stop furosemide (B/C Anuria)
A. increase dose
Child with meningi s on vancomycin every 24 hrs with trough level 7 a er B. increase frequency
two days. What is the best course of ac on? C. stop vancomycin
D. keep the same
A- 2 months
B- 3-4 months
What is the washout period of fluoxe ne?
C- 5-6 months
(Fluoxe ne washout period is 5 week)
A. Zolpidem
What treatment is recommended for pa ent with insomnia? B. Lorazepam
C. Diazepam
A. Ibuprofen and Pseudoephedrine
Pa ent with heart failure and runny nose, cough, sneezing, and pain. B. Paracetamol and Pseudoephedrine
Which treatment should be given? C. Ibuprofen and Xylometazoline
D. Paracetamol and Xylometazoline
A. Losartan
Hypertensive pa ent on ARB and CCB, and his BP not controlled; what
B. Spironolactone
medica on you will add? pulmonaryedema
Is C. Indapamide
A. Donepezil
Pa ent with severe demen a and symptoma c relief was ineffec ve, what
B. Meman ne
drug should be added?
C. Rivas gmine
A. Nitrofurantoin
B. Fosfomycin
Which of the following is the choice for a woman with severe UTI C. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
infec on? D. Ciprofloxacin
((Severe or pyelonephri s use ce riaxone
or cefazolin))
Pharmaceu cals
Mixing of substances to form a
What is the defini on of miscibility?
homogenous solu on without precipitates.
Prolongs half-life (acts as inac ve estradiol
What is the benefit of conjugate estrogen compared to non-conjugate
reservoir that is slowly converted to ac ve
Ointment (used for very dry,
What is the best base for dry skin?
chapped/cracked skin). ✅
What is the func on of the excipient Aspartame? Ar ficial Sweetener
Acacia, starch/cellulose paste, sucrose
Which of the following is a binder agent? syrup, compressible sugar, xanthan gum,
gela n.
What is the advantage of transdermal delivery systems? Deliver drug at a controlled rate.
Which drug formula on should be stored in the refrigerator? Suppositories
Which device should be dispensed with an oral liquid medica on to child? Oral syringe or spoon
What is the func on of PEGyla on of medica ons?
Aspirin is an acid with pKa of 3.5, which is the % ioniza on in the
To increase half-life ✅
intes nes (pH= 7.4)? ✅
What is the best pH for absorp on of acidic drug with 3.2 Pka ? pH 1 (predominantly unionized)
pH 1 (acidic drugs are predominantly
An acidic drug with pKa of 3.5, what is the best pH for it to be absorbed?
unionized at pH below their pKa)
What type of agents are suspending agents? Hydrophilic colloids
What is the role of bentonite? Suspending agent
A medicine contains water and olive oil, what type of formula on? Emulsion
Which USP chapter can be used for informa on of chemotherapy "
USP 800
prepara on?
What is USP chapter 797 used for? Sterile Produc on
What is the risk level of contamina on when transfer a sterile medica on
Low-risk level
by a sterile needle to a sterile package?
Pa ent with TPN and he takes tablet drug, what is the appropriate
sustained release tablets if crushed will
answer? cause harm to pa ent
To increase penetra on of drug but can be
Why are hypertonic solu on used in intramuscular injec ons?
What type of water is used in TPN/IV admixture? Water for injec on
A drug has a half-life of 5 hours, how much of the drug will be cleared in
24 hrs?
Which of the following is a non-aqueous formula on? Elixir
A. Diluent
Why is sodium alginate added to formula on? B. Disintegrant
C. Binder
A. Low dose, high bulk density ✅
Which drug proper es is suitable for hard capsules?
B. High dose, low bulk density
A. Reduce Flowability
B. Reduce Stability
What is the purpose of granula on of drug par cles? C. Reduce Surface Area
D. Reduce dust from compounding toxic
A. Formulate as solu on ready to use
A drug has pKa of 6-7, what would be the best formula on of this drug to
B. Recons tute with WFI before use
make it have longest shelf-life?
C. Recons tute with solu on with pH 6
A. Faster onset of ac on
Transdermal Patch advantage for lipid soluble drugs? B. Increased bioavailability
C. Near constant rate as IV infusion
A. A solu on
Medica on order is given to the pharmacist (see table) (Olive oil 60 ml,
B. A ointment
Vitamin A 60.000 U, Water 120 ml, Sig 15ml t.i.d) What is likely to be the
C. An emulsion (contain oil and water)
final form of prepara on?
D. A suspension
A. IV drugs transmits the highest risk of
infec on
B. IV drugs are associated with lowest risk
Which of the following statements best represents the intravenous (IV) of undesirable side effects C. IV solu ons
medica ons in the hospital facili es? must be hypotonic to ensure compa bility
with blood osmolality
D. IV solu ons must be hypertonic to
ensure compa bility with blood osmolality
A. Sterile water
Which of the following type of water should be used for recons tu on of B. Dis lled water
parenteral prepara ons? C. Sterile water for injec on
D. Bacteriosta c water for injec on
A. Hydrophilic, to inhibit agglomera on
B. Hydrophobic, to inhibit agglomera on
A suspended agent is important for preparing an oral suspension. Which C. Hydrophilic, to prolong gastric emptying
of the following is the characteris c of this suspending agent? me ✅
D. Hydrophobic, to prolong gastric
emptying me
121 C for 30 mins
210 C for 1hr
121 C for 15 mins
Pyrogen present in containers can be destroyed by hea ng the container 180 C for 4 hrs
at? (Depyrogena on (FDA):
- 650 C for 1 minute
- 250 C for 45 mins
- 180 C for 4 hrs)
In a quality check, a tablet was thrown from a height using a rota ng A. Dissolu on test
drum. What is the name of this test? B. Hardness test
C. Disintegra on test
D. Friability test
A. An oxidant
B. Suspending Agent
Why is boric acid added to the formula on?
C. Buffer
D. Solvent
Calcula ons
A pharmacist was asked to produce 10 x 1 gram suppositories (each
containing 200 mg of drug X). Given that the displacement value Is 4.6, 9.57g of base
how much base is required?
A pharmacist needs to make a solu on with concentra on 0.5% w/v. The
available stock solu ons are 120 ml of 20 mg/5mL solu on and 240 ml of
24 mL of the 50 mg/5mL solu on
50 mg/5ml solu on. How much of the second solu on should be added to
the first solu on to provide the desired concentra on?
Ad He He Hepa c elimina on ra o*hepa c blood
trate flow = hepa c clearance OR rate of hepa c
How is hepa c clearance calculated? Itd He Dragcease elimina on*drug concentra on = hepa c
Number of death cases per year/total
How is mortality calculated?
popula on * 100 ✅
Number of people with disease/total
How is prevalence calculated?
popula on*100 ✅
peak-trough levels within one dosing
What is the defini on of fluctua on (pharmacokine c)?
interval at steady state (expressed as %).
What is the equa on for drug elimina on constant in first order kine cs?
How is clearance measured in an adult pa ent? Cockcro & Gault equa on✅
1 gallon =3800 mL thus 10 mEq/L = 38
Calcula on switching between mEq per liter to mEq per gallon?
The doctor prescribed 25 mg/m2 of Drug for a child weighing 18 kg and
16 mg
his height is 82. Calculate the dose?
What is the AUC of IV Ce riaxone considering half-life is 6 hours and ini al
259.7 mg.h/L
concentra on is 30 mg?
Sun protec on factor (SPF) = Time-to-burn
Calcula on of SPF? (with sunscreen) / Time-to-burn (without
The strength of a rac on between drug
What is the defini on of affinity?
and receptor.
The pa ent took 100 mg of drug with half-life of 5 hours. How much of
the drug will be eliminated in 24 hours?
A pa ent is prescribed ‘Phenytoin 100 mg dTd 50, 1 p.o.q.d’. The only 50 tablets * 100 mg * 1 p= 5,000 mg / 600
available strength is 600 mg. How many tablets is needed? mg = 9 tablets (8.33)
Drug A and Drug B both cost 60 thousand dollars to manufacture, 10,0000
of each drug were produced. Drug A was sold for 40 dollars and Drug B (40,000 + 80,0000) – 60,000 = 60,000 SAR
was sold for 80 dollars. How much profit was made?
0.87 or 87%
Hepa c Clearance = Hepa c perfusion *
Calculate bioavailability if hepa c blood flow is 1500 ml and hepa c Extrac on frac on Bioavailability = 1 –
clearance is 200 ml/min? Extrac on frac on
200 ml/min ÷ 1500 ml = 0.13
1 – 0.13 = 0.87
Pharmacist received prescrip on of hydrocor sone 2% 60g cream. The
available strength is 1% and 2.5% . what is the amount of both 40g of 2.5% and 20g of 1%
concentra on you need to prepare 2%?
0.46 g of NaCl
A pa ent is prescribed atropine 1% (E=0.13) in purified water and normal 0.9% NaCl*60mL = 0.54 g of NaCl
saline up to 60mL. What is the amount of NaCl required for it to become Atropine 1% in 60 ml = 0.6 g * 0.13 = 0.078
an isotonic solu on? g equivalent of NaCl 0.54 g – 0.078 g=
0.462 g of NaCl
A hospitalized pa ent with hypertension is prescribed nicardipine HCl IV
infusion at a dose of 5 mg per hour for 4 hours. Nicardipine HCl is
8 mL
available as 10 ml vial containing 25 mg of nicardipine HCl. How many ml
should be used?
Child weighing 25 kg is prescribed acetazolamide 2.5 mg/kg every 12
hours. Acetazolamide is available in a liquid dosage form with strength of 2.5 mL
25 mg/ml. How many ml would pa ent be administered per dose?
A 20 ml vial of penicillin-G potassium containing 2,000,000 units is
available. Each mg of the drug is equivalent to 1600 units. How many 62.5 mg/mL
milligrams of penicillin-G potassium are there in one ml of the solu on?
Convert pa ent weight from pound to kg. weight in pounds/2.2 = weight in kg
A 500 mg dose of aspirin was given intravenously to a pa ent produced an
ini al concentra on of 100 mg/L. if the half-life of the drug is 6.93 hours, 0.5 liters/hr
what would be the total body clearance?
Convert SCr in micromoles/L to mg/dL by
Calcula ng crea nine clearance and serum crea nine (SCr) is given in dividing it by 88. Then use the Cockcro -
micromoles/L. gault equa on to calculate crea nine
A-Take 1 tablet once daily (21 tablets)
The following prescrip on is received in a hospital pharmacy: Losartan 25
B-Take 2 tablets once daily (42 tablets)
mg, Sig: Take 1 tab BID, Dura on: 3 weeks, Which of the following
C-Take 1 tablet twice daily (42 tablets)
instruc ons will be in prescrip on label?
D-Take 2 tablets twice daily (48 tablets)
A 35-year-old individual is receiving 20 mg of propranolol hydro 4 mes A- 2.5 mg
daily as a prophylaxis to migraine a ack. The drug bioavailability is 25% B- 5mg
due to extensive first pass effect. What amount of the drug reaches the C- 7.5 mg
systemic circula on a er dosing? D- 10mg
A-Molecular weight > 500 Da
B-Log P <5 "
Which of the following is related to Lipinski’s rule of 5?
C-H-Bond Donors <10
D-H-Bond Acceptors <5
How is amphotericin B metabolized? Hydrolysis
What type of breakdown occurs due to presence of water? Hydrolysis
What is the reac on that converts salicylic alcohol to salicylic acid? Oxida on
What reac on is involved in metabolism of prednisone to ac ve form
Oxida on (via : dehydrogenase)
Which is the most common cause of drug instability? Oxida on
Metabolism of Catecholamine? Oxida ve deamina on by MAO
What type of reac on causes the conversion of amine (NH3) to a carbonyl Oxida ve deamina on (catalyzed by MAO
(C=O) in a catecholamine molecule? enzyme)
What type of reac ons is the conversion of NAD to NADH?
Redox Reduc on reac on
Degrada on of aspirin via hydrolysis
A pa ent le her aspirin pills in the bathroom, what will likely happen to
(bathroom is a warm and humid
Which of these ACE inhibitors structures are ac ve? Captopril and Lisinopril
What is the least dominant form of histamine? When both amine groups are protonated
What is the property of Carboxylic group (COOH)? Acidic
What is the property of Amine group (NH3)? Basic
What is the property of Alkyl group (CH3)? Neutral
Demethyla on of the side-chain ter ary
What is the structural change in SNRI that forms NRI?
which part of the structure of rani dine is responsible for its H2-receptor
amine to secondary amine
Furan ring
inhibitory ac vity?
What type of bond does paracetamol make? Hydrogen bond
What is a chemical compound during drug discovery that has
pharmacological or biological ac vity against target and thought to be A lead compound
therapeu cally useful?
At which pH will aspirin be most stable? pH <2
A female pa ent has ulcera ve coli s and dysmenorrhea, based on the
Mefenamic Acid
given structures, which treatment should be given?
Alcohol group: H-bond, ester: hydrolysis,
structure of a drug’s pharmacophore and asks about the interac ons of
Alkene: hydrophobic interac on,
different func onal groups?
Carboxylate: ionic interac on
Tyrosine, L-DOPA, Dopamine,
What is the intermediate of epinephrine? Norepinephrine are all considered
intermediates of epinephrine
(Oseltamivir carboxylate) Ester hydrolysis
What is the ac ve form of Oseltamivir?
to Carboxylate
What is the reason for the subs tu on of the ethylmethyl sidechains of an Improve binding to hydrophobic binding
ACEIs to a benzyl group? bucket.
Why are 2 atom linkers added to ramipril?
What is the benefit of changing carboxylic acid to tetrazole in Losartan?
To improve binding to hydrophobic pocket
Improved oral absorp on
Which one between Daunorubicin (right) and mitoxantrone (le ) has Mitoxantrone is less cardiotoxic because it
higher cardiotoxicity and why? lacks the sugar moiety.
The pyridine nitrogen, which makes it more
What is the func on of subs tuents on the pyridine ring of proton-pump
reac ve with the cysteine residue of the
proton pump.
An histamines increase pH of stomach and
What is the interac on between an histamines and proton-pump
low pH (acidic) is required for ac va on of
Which of the following structures is aspirin? ____
Which one is a DHP CCB from the following chemical structure? ____
Which amino acid contains an imidazole ring? His dine
What is the impact of modifying the isopropyl group of isoprenaline with
Improve binding to target
Ketal forma on between hydroxyl group (6
What is the reason for erythromycin instability in acidic condi ons?
and 12) and ketone at posi on 9.
What is the pharmacophore of glimepiride? Sulfonamides
Which one is a 5 genera on cephalosporin beta-lactam? Ce aroline
Mirror images of each other but they
How can you dis nguish enan omers? cannot be superimposed upon one
What are two molecules have the same molecular formular and sequence
of bonded elements, but they are non-mirror images and are non- Diastereomers
Ac ve form of diclofenac? 4-hydroxydiclofenac generated by CYP2C9
What me of reac on convers Prontosil to Sulphonamide? Metabolic reduc on
Metoprolol undergoes Phase II conjuga on metabolism with glucuronide.
Hydroxyl group
Which group undergoes glucuronida on?
Which chemical reac on is involved in conversion of morphine to heroin? Reduc ve Acetyla on
Which chemical reac on is involved in conversion of morphine to
Reduc ve Methyla on
Which chemical reac on is involved in conversion of codeine to
Oxida ve Demethyla on
A- Glycolysis
What type of reac on converts alanine to glucose? B- Alaninolysis
C- Oxida ve deamina on
What type of reac on is the conversion of malate to oxaloacetate (Gibbs B.Exothermic
free energy +29.7 kJ/mole)? C.Endogenic
A. E docaine
Ropivancaine is an important local anesthe c. The figure shows the
B. Bupivacaine
chemical structures of ropivacaine and 4 other local anesthe cs (see
C. Mepivacaine
image). Which of the following is the bioisoster for ropivacaine?
D. Levobupivacaine ✅
A. Isomers
Which of the following is the most appropriate term used to call the two B. Epimers
conforma ons of the thalidomide? C. Enan omers
e D. Diastereomers ✅
Galactose and D-Mannose are monosaccharide sugar. They have the same A. isomers
number of carbons and the same func onal group, but they differ in their B. epimers
configura ons. This reflects their pharmaceu cal uses (see image). Which C. anomers
of the following types of stereo-isomeriza on do these sugars represent? D. Diastereomers
Glucose and D-Mannose are monosaccharide sugar. They have the same A. isomers
number of carbons and the same func onal group, but they differ in their
configura ons. This reflects their pharmaceu cal uses (see image). Which oma
B. epimers
C. anomers
of the following types of stereo-isomeriza on do these sugars represent? D. diastereomers
A. Benzene sulfate urea
A structure of the glibencalmide (glyburide). Which of the following B. Benzene sulfinyl urea
pharmacophore does Glibencalmide (glyburide) contain? C. Benzene sul ydryl urea
D. Benzene sulphonyl urea
A. Ac vity has increased due to increase
molecular weight.
B. The analogue has an altered pKa.
C. The extra phenol ring in the analogue is
Isoprenaline is an adrenergic agonist. The isoprenaline analogue shown
interac ng with an addi on binding region
below demonstrated that can be drawn?
in the binding site.
D. The extra subs tuent is protec ng the
terminal methyl group of isoprenaline from
metabolic reac ons.
A. Ethosuximide
Ques on describes symptoms of a tonic-clonic seizure (does not say the
B. Diazepam
diagnosis), what is the suitable treatment (gives you the structures and
C. Fosphenytoin
D. Gabapen n
A drug structure with the following labelled groups: amine group (A), 1. A is basic, B is basic, C is acidic.
pyridine (B), and carboxylic acid (C) and asks about their proper es? 2. A is basic, B is neutral, C is weakly acidic.
Iden fy the pharmacophore of
Which of the following structures is
Ac ve form of diclofenac?
4-hydroxydiclofenac generated by CYP2C9
PK equa ons
Which drug has shorter half-lif on
concentra on- me graph?
cost category?
vitamin d pathway
0 0
*شامل فقط للشرح في مقطع الفيديو
1) Codiene & - Codiene to morphine
morphine Oxidation
- Morphine to codeine:
- What region in codeine
makes it used as
antitussive? ✅
Lack of 14 beta- OH
2) Aspirin - What makes aspirin works
as antiplatelet?
Acetyl group bind covalently
to COX1 receptor
- What is the type of acetyl
group bond makes it
connected to cox1 receptor?
Covalent bond***
9) Barbiturates - Structure - The more the branching the more the lipophilicity the
- Short duration** shorter duration of action
10) NSAIDs
18) Vitamin D
22) Amphotericin B - Structure of amphotericin B
and asks you what is the
34) Cephalosporins
Aedes species (Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus)
trypsin cleaves only when the
carbonyl group of the peptide
bond is contributed by arginine
or lysine.
40 F C1 0 1H O CHE
fluorine is the most electronegative element
2 o
nil wt
The tetrazole ring containing ARBs have greater binding than those without the tetrazole ring and are more lipophilic
enteropeptidase Or called enterokinase✅
prima nov
9 mefloquine www.I
Measured by:
• Human Capital (HC)
• Willingness To Pay (WTP)
duration duration
short long
d o
nine O
nine 0
toxicity respiratorydepression
pyrogen Free
E IS g
not sure
from drugB
oooooo totalsales
X20 drugA
each 4 0 total salesfrom
10,000pill 40
5151200 000
jointcost iii nine
Allocatejointcost ofdrugA 0141
ask.si whats as
A, B both are active drugs
Tfs failedparaletamol
junitivetherapy healready
St. John's wort is known to significantly decrease the blood
concentrations of cyclosporine thereby increasing the risk for
rejection in patients who have undergone kidney
pra.fie sentoni.sy.srom
I think we should adress SOB first because it’s the main pt complaint and affects quality
of life , while high BG may take longer time for patient to complain, affect quality of life.
Wait 2 months is more accurate answer, since it’s already 1 month has passed
(total 3 months separation between Ig and live vaccines such as MMR)
suchas iron
NO they is met in poorlyabsorbeddrugs
Maybe because starch (polysaccharides) is digested first by salivary alpha amylase followed by pancreatic
amylase, while glucose (monosaccharides) digested by salivary amylase then absorbed immediately, lactose
(disaccharides) digested by intestinal lactase.
في كيس قال ان ال fdaسحبت دوائني وهم متوفرين عندك وش راح تسوي ؟ الخيارات تراح ترميهم ع
طول او راح تبيعهم بأي مكان عشان تتخلص منهم او تعلم وزارة الصحه او تقول ملديرك
وفي كيس ناسيه التفاصيل بالضبط بس املعنى انو ستاف التمريض معطني مريض دواء وانت كنت
بتعطيه دواء للمريض او هو الجرعة تختلف بس صار تعارض بينك وبني التمريض وش راح تسوي؟
الستركتشرز كثيييير شوي ومالقيت صورهم بامللفات بعضه كان يحط االعراض وتختار ستركتشر بدون
اسم مكتوب
املسائل كانت تقريبًا من ٢٠الى ٢٥سؤال ٧تقريبًا طرفني في وسطني وفي alligationوفي
سأل عن t helper
وسأل عن عالج bipolarللحامل
تعريفاتتت يمكن ٥او ٦ما اذكرهن وال شفتهم بملفات اسالم او منى
سأل عن ال
major of principal of ethics
غالبية الكيسز عن htn &DM
ومولود عمره شهر يعاني من nasal rhinitsيعالج بأيش كل الخيارات
مضادات مع جرعاتهم بس واحد تعطيه نورماسالين
ام شافت دواء بنته يعالج مرض غير عن مرض بنته ورفضت ان البنت تاخذ هذا الدواء والدكتور
يقنتعها ماهو مستوى تعليم االم؟