Liber-Panoptica SPREADS v5.2

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Liber Panoptica

Operation Retrograde:
An Unofficial Expansion for the Age of Darkness
When the HH: Age of Darkness Discord Partner server’s moderation team first saw the
playtest rules for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy’s second edition, we were overjoyed that
our favourite tabletop game was getting the attention and love it deserved. We also were keenly
aware that with such an undertaking, there would be a few clarifications or modifications
required for a handful of rules and units, and some units would unfortunately be left on the
cutting room floor. Some of these things were fan-favourites, though - and so we decided it
would be an undertaking we would happily expend effort ourselves to remedy. This
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS document’s first edition - which was internally known as Operation: Retrograde during
This document has been an immense labour between a team who have gone above and beyond to get everything ready for release.
development - was the result. Since then, the team has grown in size, and this document has
This expansion was written by the Liber Panoptica Developer Team: been through numerous revisions, since being joined by several other expansions by the team.
Codewalrus, Sorakamii, The Ironic Warrior, Diagonalfire, Lauren Hughes, Lord Marshal Aly, Arcangellord, Celebrimbor, Drakeran, Falkenrath, Kidder666,
Kira Nagisho, Lord NaCl, Malice, Mephistopheles-Kaisarion, Walrusette, The Count, Martin (Col. Hertford), Legio Traitoris, Belisarius Cool, Yekeran, This document - and the other works by the Panoptica Developer Team - are intended to stand
Max, Archmagos Alyx, Funnybus, Filwilliamson, Jervoise, Kari, realSnice alongside the great works of The Warhammer: Age of Darkness team, providing a full FAQ,
The Liber Panoptica Developer Team were supported by a group of dedicated play-testers, who we’d like to thank:
Errata, and Balance Change set for any issues or snags we located along the way, as well as new
Alsoned, Ana Nas, Groppcw, Blade of Omegon, Djinnpachiro, Grey, Grifftofer, Ian - Custodes4life, LordDukeSirDave, OilSpillPaintingStudio, Pauper&Salt,
missions, game modes, and even new units - though you will still need a copy of the core
Trajann Valoris, Kevhooper224 (and the whole team at Stafford Nerdgasm!) Warhammer: Age of Darkness Rulebook, one of the various Liber or PDF faction books, and
the PDFs published via Warhammer Community to make use of them.
We’d also like to thank our collaborators from a wide range of other community teams, without who this project would
not have been possible: We’re keenly aware that some items in this document may, now or in the future, be rendered
The Veterans of Terra Team, The Aus30k Team, King Fluff
obsolete by way of Games Workshop releasing official content for them. If that is the case, it
In addition, we’d also like to thank the following contributors who helped us with previous iterations of this project: should be assumed that those rules supersede these - unless you agree otherwise with your
Ash and Gold, GOOTS, Spartan CXVII, Zerik, Quinn / IHF, FreakyM, Gallant, Goltron, JB Minis, The Casual, Wiking, The J, Zewl, OriginalApplesauce opponent!

We hope you enjoy these rules, and Warhammer: The Horus Heresy!
Finally, a special thanks goes out to the following people:
The Games Workshop, Forge World, and Black Library teams for providing the rules and lore that have inspired and propelled this work forward.
The entire HH: Age of Darkness Discord Server for helping us play-test these units and FAQ items - without you this would not have been possible.
Thanks to Lauren Hughes for the custom page backgrounds and detail elements, and Quinn / IHF for the custom commissioned cover logo. The Liber Panoptica Development Team
Thanks to Giacomo Magalhaes - GM ilustra for the gem elements:

This ruleset is entirely community-made, unofficial, and not for profit. It is not to be sold, distributed for profit, or otherwise restricted in any way. It is
shared entirely out of love for The Horus Heresy game system and our desire to for it to continue. Infringement on any legal rights is not intended.

Some words, terms, and logos in this document are copyrighted – these are used in compliance with copyright laws and procedures,
including this notice.

This document is shared under the provisions of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence, more information on which can be found here:

This version was released on: 08 / 01 / 2024 - V5.2

Additional Special Rules .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................164
ADDITIONAL MISSIONS FOR THE AGE OF DARKNESS Panoptica Weapon Profiles.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................170
Additional Standard Missions........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Extrinsica Melee Weapons .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................178
Additional Apocalypse Missions..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Additional Zone Mortalis Missions ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26


Game Mode: Decurion..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Decurion Warband Construction Rules.........................................................................................................................................................................................................41
Reactions in the Decurion Game Mode.........................................................................................................................................................................................................43
Missions in the Decurion Game Mode.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Deployment Maps for the Decurion Game Mode....................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Game Mode: Centurion................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Incursio Force Organisation Chart................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Reactions in the Centurion Game Mode ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Missions in the Centurion Game Mode.........................................................................................................................................................................................................52
Centurion Rites of War.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................54
Centurion War-Covenants ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................56
Centurion Cohort Doctrines ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................58
Centurion World-Runes .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Game Mode: Praetorian................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64


What is Crusade?............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Crusade Roster .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 68
Crusade Cards ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Crusade Battles................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Unit Types and Interactions ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................72
Splitting Units ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................73
Requisitions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Ranks & Experience .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Battle Traits & Battle Scars...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................77
Out of Action..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Agendas & Combat Tallies................................................................................................................................................................................................................................83
Promotions ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Relics ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Missions.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 90
Promotion Tree: Legiones Astartes ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Promotion Tree: Mechanicum ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Promotion Tree: Legio Custodes ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 97
Promotion Tree: Sisters of Silence................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 98
Promotion Tree: Solar Auxilia ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Promotion Tree: Imperialis Militia...............................................................................................................................................................................................................102
Promotion Tree: Asuryani..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................103
Crusade Roster Template .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 104
Crusade Card Template ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................105


An Introduction to the Panoptica Community FAQs, Erratas, & Balance Changes............................................................................................................................ 108
Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Allies Matrix............................................................................................................................................................................................. 110
Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 112
Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: The Siege of Cthonia ....................................................................................................................................................................... 118
Liber Astartes & Hereticus..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................120
Liber Astartes....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................124
Liber Hereticus.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................128
Legacies of the Age of Darkness: Legiones Astartes................................................................................................................................................................................... 132
Exemplary Battles in the Age of Darkness ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Liber Mechanicum........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 138
Legacies of the Age of Darkness: Mechanicum .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 143
Liber Imperium ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................144
Legacies of the Age of Darkness: Solar Auxilia ...........................................................................................................................................................................................150
Legacies of the Age of Darkness: The Imperialis Militia........................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Exemplary Battles of the Age of Darkness: The Depths of Tredecimmia .............................................................................................................................................. 156
Exemplary Battles of the Age of Darkness: Volume One .......................................................................................................................................................................... 157
Legacies of the Age of Darkness: Daemons of the Ruinstorm ................................................................................................................................................................. 158
Exemplary Battles of the Age of Darkness: The Burning of Ohmn-Mat ............................................................................................................................................... 160

2 3
Standard Missions
‘The greatest fighting force in the universe, no matter how strong, will fail without ammunition.’
The Standard Missions presented on the following pages are intended give players a new and exciting way to lay out and play battles in the Age of
Darkness, and can be used alongside, or instead of, the Missions found in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook. Quote from Roboute Gulliman’s A Treatise on Logistics

If you wish to randomly select a mission from the ones presented in this section, we recommend you choose six which appeal to you and your THE ARMIES Primary Objectives
opponent, then roll a D6 to determine which you play. For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Take the Resources: After setting up and deploying the armies,
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of including Infiltrators and after Scout redeployments have been made,
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. but before play begins, the players must each place a single Objective
MISSION 1 Marker anywhere in their Deployment Zone, and a single Objective
Marker at the centre of the table. These Objective Markers must follow
the standard rules for placing Objectives.
‘And so they clashed like thunderheads, and the noise split the sky and the earth; but neither among them could gain a foothold…’ Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except
Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll
Excerpt from the Chronicles of Ursh to determine a Deployment Map - the Clash of the Line Deployment At the end of the game, players score +1 Victory Point if they control the
Map should be used. Objective Marker in their own Deployment Zone, +2 Victory Points if
they control the Objective Marker in the centre of the table, and +3
THE ARMIES Primary Objectives Victory Points if they control the Objective Marker in their opponent’s
For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Secure the Foothold: Before the game begins, divide the battlefield into DEPLOYMENT
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. Deployment Zone.
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of 4 equally-sized quadrants.
The winner may choose to deploy first or second.
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. Secondary Objectives
The Player who has the most Scoring units within a table quadrant is Ground Control: At the end of the game, divide the board into four
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then equal quadrants. Each quadrant is worth +1 Victory Point to the player
considered to control that quadrant. If a Scoring unit is split between
SETTING UP THE GAME deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, with the most Scoring units in it (units which are falling back are not
Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except multiple quadrants, use the quadrant where the majority of the unit is
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. counted). If both players have the same number of Scoring units in a
Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll when calculating who controls it. A unit can only control or deny a
to determine a Deployment Map - the Dawn of War Deployment Map single quadrant at any time. If a Scoring unit is evenly split between quadrant, it awards no Victory Points.
multiple quadrants, the Controlling Player may choose at the end of The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force,
should be used.
their Movement Phase which quarter the unit counts as controlling. including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in Linebreaker: Any unit wholly within the opponent’s Deployment Zone
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. at the end of the game awards the Controlling Player +1 Victory Point.
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. At the end of the game, players score +2 Victory Points for each
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. quadrant they control. If a quadrant is contested (both players have the FIRST TURN Attrition: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy
same number of units in the quadrant), each player scores +1 Victory The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent units at the end of the game gains +1 Victory Point.
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then Point for the contested quadrant. can Seize the Initiative.
deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, MISSION SPECIAL RULES
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. ● Reserves
Secondary Objectives GAME LENGTH
Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains ● Night Fighting
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in additional +1 Victory Point is scored.
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first VICTORY CONDITIONS
turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game. This mission’s victory conditions are achieved by capturing key logistics
The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent and supplies from the enemy, ensuring the victor can fight on another
can Seize the Initiative. Big Game Hunter: Before the game begins, both players must declare a battlefield.
single unit in their army which has the highest total points cost of any
of their units. If this unit is destroyed during the course of the game it is At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory
GAME LENGTH worth an additional +1 Victory Point to the Opposing Player. points has won the game. If the players have the same number of
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is Victory points, the game ends in a draw.
● Reserves
● Night Fighting
This mission’s victory conditions are achieved by the destruction of the
enemy’s fighting strength, with a particular strategic target in mind
whose loss will cripple their foe.

At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of
Victory points, the game ends in a draw.

6 7
‘If you cannot take it for yourself, it is better to deny the same to your enemy.’ ‘Often, before the siege itself comes, first come the barrages. This can itself be enough to shatter
the morale of those who survive - but they must, for the true battle is often yet to come.’
Ancient Terran Proverb
An account of barrage warfare, M2.041

THE ARMIES Primary Objectives THE ARMIES Primary Objectives

For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Deny the Enemy: After setting up and deploying the armies, including For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Hidden Resources: After setting up and deploying the armies, including
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of Infiltrators and after Scout redeployments have been made, but before Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of Infiltrators and after Scout redeployments have been made, the players
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. play begins, the player who deployed first must roll D3+2 - the players each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. must take turns placing five Objective Markers, with the player that
must take turns placing this many Objective Markers, with the player Deployed second placing the first Objective Marker. These Objective
that Deployed second placing the first Objective Marker. These Markers must follow the standard rules for placing Objectives, with the
SETTING UP THE GAME Objective Markers must follow the standard rules for placing Objectives, SETTING UP THE GAME added stipulation that one must be secretly marked, in such a way that
Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except
with the added stipulation that no more than one Objective Marker may neither player knows which Objective Marker is marked.
Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll
be placed in either player’s Deployment Zone.
to determine a Deployment Map - the Search and Destroy Deployment to determine a Deployment Map - the Ambush Deployment Map should
Map should be used. be used. In addition, in the area around the Defender’s Deployment At the end of the game, reveal the Objective Markers to show the one
At the end of each player turn, players score +1 Victory Point for each Zone, extra walls, defensive lines, and so on should be placed, to which is marked. The player who controlled the marked Objective
Objective Marker they control. These Victory Points are kept even if that represent a dug-in position. Marker at the end of the game scores +3 Victory Points. If this Objective
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. Objective is lost later in the battle and contribute to the Player’s Victory was contested at the end of the game, the Defender is considered to
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. Points total at the end of the battle. have had control and is awarded the Victory Points.
To determine deployment order, the players roll off.
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then Secondary Objectives The winner may choose to deploy first or second. The player that Secondary Objectives
deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains deploys first is automatically determined to be the Defender for the Cache Secured: For each Objective Marker controlled at the end of the
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an purposes of Deployment Zone allocation. They must deploy their entire game other than the marked one, the Controlling Player scores
additional +1 Victory Point is scored. force, including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units held +1 Victory Point.
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in Attrition*: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy Big Game Hunter: Before the game begins, both players must declare a
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. units at the end of the game gains +3 Victory Points. The player who is deploying second is determined to be the Attacker, single unit in their army which has the highest total points cost of any
*Note that the rewards for this Secondary Objective are intentionally greater than normal. and after the Defender has completed deployment should then deploy of their units. If this unit is destroyed during the course of the game it is
their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, except for worth an additional +1 Victory Point to the Opposing Player.
FIRST TURN First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first any units placed in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first
turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game.
can Seize the Initiative. turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game.
Burn the Witch: The army which has destroyed the highest number of The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent
enemy units with the Psyker Sub-type at the end of the game gains can Seize the Initiative. For this mission, no modifiers or re-rolls of the
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is dice to Seize the Initiative are permitted. ● Reserves
played. ● Night Fighting
● Reserves After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is
VICTORY CONDITIONS ● Night Fighting played.
This mission’s victory conditions are achieved by capturing the sensitive
data stores that are located on the battlefield – players must race to
secure what data they can and take as many enemy forces down as
possible whilst doing so. VICTORY CONDITIONS
This mission’s represents a Defender under attack from assault from all
sides, whilst they attempt to hold an entrenched and secured position.
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory To secure the sector, a battle must commence to determine the final
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of hold. Failure is not an option.
Victory points, the game ends in a draw.
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of
Victory points, the game ends in a draw.

8 9
‘And so it was that here, the hammer blow fell the hardest... And the slaves of the blind sun died.’ ‘Many wars are won not with bold actions, or heroic charges, or even insane heroism - the winning move is often simply having a good plan.’

Excerpt from the Musings of the Blind Seer of Agriolex Unknown Solar Auxilia Commander

THE ARMIES Primary Objectives THE ARMIES Primary Objectives

For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Extraction: The Attacker’s forces have been encircled, and they must For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Hold at All Costs: After setting up and deploying the armies, including
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of break through the enemy’s lines to escape utter destruction. In order to Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of Infiltrators and after Scout redeployments have been made, the players
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. be Extracted, a unit must have a majority of its models within 2” of the each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. must place one Objective Marker each in their Deployment Zones, and
Defender’s Board Edge. Once extracted, the unit is removed from play at one each outside of Deployment Zones. These Objective Markers must
the end of the turn, but awards no Victory Points to the Opposing follow the standard rules for placing Objectives.
SETTING UP THE GAME Player for being removed. Models locked in combat cannot be Extracted. SETTING UP THE GAME
Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except
Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll At the end of the game, if either player controls the Objective in the
to determine a Deployment Map - the Hammer and Anvil Deployment Any model which arrives from Reserves, such as via Deep Strike Assault, to determine a Deployment Map - the Dawn of War Deployment Map Opposing Player’s Deployment Zone, they gain +4 Victory Points.
Map should be used. may not be placed within 24” of the Defender’s Board Edge. In addition, should be used.
no unit may be Extracted on the same turn in which it enters play. At the end of the game, if either player controls an Objective not in a
DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT player’s Deployment Zone, they gain +3 Victory Points.
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. At the end of the game, tally up how many of the Attacker’s units were To determine deployment order, the players roll off.
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. The player who successfully Extracted; the Attacker scores that many Victory Points.. The winner may choose to deploy first or second. The player who
deploys first is determined to be the Attacker. deploys first is determined to be the Attacker. Secondary Objectives
At the end of the game, tally up how many of the Attacker’s units are Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains
still on the board, or were completely destroyed during the game; the +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then
Defender scores that many Victory Points. additional +1 Victory Point is scored.
deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess,
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first
Secondary Objectives turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game.
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force,
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. additional +1 Victory Point is scored. Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.

FIRST TURN First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first FIRST TURN
The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game. The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent MISSION SPECIAL RULES
can Seize the Initiative. can Seize the Initiative. ● Reserves
● Night Fighting
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is ● Night Fighting After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is
played. played.


This mission represents a desperate scramble by a routed force to escape This mission represents subterfuge efforts that have been determined
- but unfortunately for them, their way out is blocked, and they must essential to win the war. Strategic locations identified will allow
break through the enemy’s lines to escape. precision strikes to rout enemy forces.

At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of points has won the game. If the players have the same number of
Victory points, the game ends in a draw. Victory points, the game ends in a draw.

10 11
“Watch and learn how hounds bring down a bear.” ‘To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.’

Khârn, Captain of the 8th Assault Company, World Eaters Unnamed Terran Warlord, when asked of the joys of war.

THE ARMIES Primary Objectives THE ARMIES Primary Objectives

For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Hunt or Be Hunted: After setting up and deploying the armies, For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Booby-Trapped!: After setting up and deploying the armies, including
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of including Infiltrators and after Scout redeployments have been made, Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of Infiltrators and after Scout redeployments have been made, the
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. each player must nominate three units from their Opponent’s forces. each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. Defender must place five Objective Markers onto the board. Only two of
these may be in the Defender’s Deployment Zone - the rest must be at
At the end of the game, if a player has destroyed one of their Opponent’s least 6” outside of the Defender’s Deployment Zone. These Objective
SETTING UP THE GAME SETTING UP THE GAME Markers must follow the standard rules for placing Objectives, with the
Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except nominated units, they gain +1 Victory Point. If they have destroyed two Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except
of their Opponent’s nominated units, they gain +2 Victory Points. If they added stipulation they may not be within 6” of any board edge.
Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll
to determine a Deployment Map - the Ambush Deployment Map should have destroyed three of their Opponent’s nominated units, they gain to determine a Deployment Map - the Vanguard Strike Deployment
be used. +4 Victory Points. Map should be used. The Defender needs to Sabotage the supply caches to prevent them
falling into enemy hands. When one of the Defender’s units is
controlling an Objective Marker, during the Controlling Player’s
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains To determine deployment order, the players roll off. Shooting Phase, it may choose to forfeit any Shooting Attacks it would
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an The winner may choose to deploy first or second. The player who make to attempt to sabotage the cache. On a D6 roll of a 4+, the
additional +1 Victory Point is scored. deploys first is determined to be the Attacker. Objective Marker is sabotaged, and the Defender scores +1 Victory Point.
Once successfully sabotaged, an Objective Marker may not be sabotaged
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then
again. Only one attempt may be made per Objective Marker to sabotage
deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, Attrition*: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then
it per turn.
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. units at the end of the game gains +2 Victory Points. deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess,
*Note that the rewards for this Secondary Objective are intentionally greater than normal. except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
The Attacker needs to recover the supply caches. If an Objective Marker
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force,
is not sabotaged when one of the Attacker’s units takes control of it,
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in Big Game Hunter*: Before the game begins, both players must declare a The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force,
nothing happens, and Attacker scores +1 Victory Point. If an Objective
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. single unit in their army which has the highest total points cost of any including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in
Marker has been sabotaged by the Defender and is subsequently claimed
of their units. If this unit is destroyed during the course of the game it is Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
by the Attacker, they must immediately roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+,
worth an additional +2 Victory Points to the Opposing Player. nothing happens, and Attacker scores +1 Victory Point. On a 1, 2, or 3,
*Note that the rewards for this Secondary Objective are intentionally greater than normal.
FIRST TURN FIRST TURN the cache immediately explodes. All units within 3” of the Objective
The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent Marker suffer a Strength 8 AP - Hit for each model in range, followed by
can Seize the Initiative. First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first can Seize the Initiative. a Pinning Test. The Objective Marker is then removed from play, and
turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game. can award no further Victory Points.

GAME LENGTH GAME LENGTH At the end of the game, the Attacker gains +1 Victory Point for each
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is MISSION SPECIAL RULES After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is Objective Marker they control.
played. ● Reserves played.
● Night Fighting
At the end of the game, the Defender gains +2 Victory Points for each
Objective Marker they sabotaged which subsequently exploded.
This mission represents a preemptive strike, designed to end the threat This mission represents acts of deliberate sabotage by a defending force
posed by an enemy force before it becomes insurmountable. Striking to prevent cascading advantages building up in their opponent’s favour -
whilst the enemy is ill-prepared a mode of warfare in which many but no competent commander would allow such a thing to occur Secondary Objectives
uncontested, much less recover compromised supplies... Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains
factions in the Imperium of Man excel - and so, battle is joined…
+1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an
additional +1 Victory Point is scored.
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of points has won the game. If the players have the same number of
Victory points, the game ends in a draw. First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first
Victory points, the game ends in a draw.
turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game.

Ground Control: At the end of the game, divide the board into four
equal quadrants. Each quadrant is worth +1 Victory Point to the player
with the most Scoring units in it (units which are falling back are not
counted). If both players have the same number of Scoring units in a
quadrant, it awards no Victory Points.


● Reserves
● Night Fighting

12 13
“The measure of true glory is not to give battle in the bright noon of war, surrounded by brave comrades upon the field of victory, ‘A fortress is built with blood and toil. Only by blood and toil may it be taken.’
but to valiantly fight on alone in darkness, with no hope of aid or remembrance, and to spit defiance in midnight's eye.”
The Emperor of Mankind, Terran Reclamation Campaign
Lion El’Jonson, Primarch of the Dark Angels

THE ARMIES Primary Objectives THE ARMIES Secondary Objectives

For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Shield Barrier: The circular area with a diameter of 18” at the centre of For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of the Search and Destroy Deployment Map is shielded - neither player’s Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. models may perform an Infiltrate or Scout move, or any other pre-game each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. additional +1 Victory Point is scored.
move into this area for any reason. In addition, during the course of the
game, no unit may perform a Deep Strike Assault into this area - any First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first
SETTING UP THE GAME unit which does so is immediately counted as having suffered a Deep SETTING UP THE GAME turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game.
Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except
Strike Mishap.
Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll
to determine a Deployment Map - the Search and Destroy to determine a Deployment Map - the Ambush Deployment Map should Big Game Hunter: Before the game begins, both players must declare a
Deployment Map should be used. After setting up and deploying the armies, including Infiltrators and be used. single unit in their army which has the highest total points cost of any
after Scout redeployments have been made, but before play begins, the of their units. If this unit is destroyed during the course of the game it is
players must each place a single Objective Marker anywhere on the worth an additional +1 Victory Point to the Opposing Player.
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. board, and a single Objective Marker at the centre of the table. These To determine deployment order, the players roll off.
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. The player who Objective Markers must follow the standard rules for placing Objectives. The winner may choose to deploy first or second. The player who
deploys first is determined to be the Attacker. deploys first is determined to be the Attacker.
● Reserves
At the end of the game, each player gains +3 Victory Points for each
● Night Fighting
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then Objective Marker they control. If an Objective Marker is contested by The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then
both players, both players gain +1 Victory Point. ● Secret Objectives
deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess,
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
Secondary Objectives SECRET OBJECTIVES
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, Whenever a Secret Objective is controlled by a player for the first
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in time, roll a D6 and consult the below chart:
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. The player must also deploy two additional +1 Victory Point is scored. Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. 1 - Bomb!: Each model in the unit which controls the Objective
Barracks buildings - see the Barracks Mission Special Rule. suffers a Strength 5, AP 4 hit.
Attrition: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy 2 - Nothing: Nothing of use was found.
units at the end of the game gains +1 Victory Points. The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent 3 - Extra Ammo: The unit which revealed the Objective may
The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent can Seize the Initiative. double the number of shots it makes in its next Shooting Attack.
can Seize the Initiative. First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first 4 - Reserve Beacon: The Controlling Player may add +1 to any
turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game. Reserve rolls they make in their next turn.
GAME LENGTH 5 - Nothing: Nothing of use was found.
GAME LENGTH Big Game Hunter: Before the game begins, both players must declare a After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is 6 - Melta Bomb: The unit which revealed the Objective gains a
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is single unit in their army which has the highest total points cost of any played. single Melta Bomb. This is one use, and only a single model may
played. of their units. If this unit is destroyed during the course of the game it is use it when attacking.
worth an additional +1 Victory Point to the Opposing Player.
VICTORY CONDITIONS This mission represents an attacking force attempting to take a minor -
This mission represents the attacker working to secure an essential MISSION SPECIAL RULES but nonetheless well defended - stronghold from the defenders.
location - but the defender has taken efforts to ensure it is hard to take ● Reserves
from them without a fight. ● Night Fighting At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory 72”
● Barracks points has won the game. If the players have the same number of
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Victory points, the game ends in a draw.
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of BARRACKS
Victory points, the game ends in a draw. The Barracks buildings set up during the Defending Player’s
Deployment are impassible terrain, with an Armour Value of 14 on Primary Objectives
The Fortress, Fallen: After setting up and deploying the armies,
all sides, and a Hull Points Value of 4. These barracks also have an
including Infiltrators and after Scout redeployments have been made,
Access Point on each side. These Barracks buildings may be set up
the Defender must place four Objective Markers onto the board, in the
in any area on the board, more than 6” outside of the Attacker’s
locations indicated on the diagram opposite. These are secret Objectives
Deployment Zone. The Barracks can be represented using the GW 12” 6” 36” 6” 12” 48”
- the first time they are controlled by a player during the game, roll a D6
Bastion Terrain kit, or any building of an appropriate size.
and consult the Secret Objectives chart to see what happens. At the end Defender’s
of each player turn, players score +1 Victory Point for each Objective Deployment Zone
During the game, the Defender may choose to deploy a single unit Marker they control. These Victory Points are kept even if that Objective
per turn from Reserves onto the table as though they were is lost later in the battle and contribute to the Player’s Victory Points
disembarking from the Barracks buildings rather than entering total at the end of the battle. In addition, for each Secret Objective a
play from the Controlling Player’s Board Edge. These units player has revealed at the end of the game, they gain +1 Victory Point.
disembark following the normal procedure for disembarking from 18”
a building. If a Barracks building is destroyed, it cannot be used for 6”
At the end of the battle, divide the board into four quadrants, but
bringing units onto the board from Reserves again.
keeping the Defender’s Deployment Zone as a separate area. The player
who has the most Scoring units in an area is determined to control it. = Objective Marker

For each quadrant the either player controls at the end of the game, they
gain +1 Victory Point.

If the Defender controls their Deployment Zone at the end of the game,
they gain +5 Victory Points. If the Attacker controls the Defender’s
Deployment Zone, they gain +3 Victory Points.

14 15
“If you remember nothing else from this, brother - remember how this loss stung you.” “Nothing in the world truly beats the thundering of guns.”

Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords Unknown Iron Warriors Captain.

THE ARMIES Primary Objectives THE ARMIES Primary Objectives

For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Take the Tankers: After choosing Deployment Zones, but before For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Break their Lines: After setting up and deploying the armies, including
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of setting up and deploying any models, the players must place a total of Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of Infiltrators and after Scout redeployments have been made, the
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. eight Filtration Tankers - these are described in the Mission Special each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. Defender must place one Objective Marker into their Deployment Zone,
Rules below. The player who deploys second places five Filtration and one into no man’s land. The Attacker then must place one Objective
Tankers, whilst the player who deploys first places three. These must be Marker anywhere on the board that is outside of the Defender’s
SETTING UP THE GAME deployed as per the normal rules for Objective Markers. SETTING UP THE GAME Deployment Zone. These Objective Markers must follow the standard
Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except Before any models are deployed, all scenery should be set up, except
rules for placing Objectives, with the added stipulation they may not be
Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll Fortifications included as part of any army. For this mission, do not roll
At the end of the game, each player gains +3 Victory Points for each within 6” of any board edge.
to determine a Deployment Map - the Clash of the Line Deployment to determine a Deployment Map - the Ransack Deployment Map found
Map should be used. Filtration Tanker they control, and +2 Victory Points for each Filtration below should be used.
Tanker they have destroyed. At the end of the game, the Attacker gains +4 Victory Points for each
Objective Marker the Defender placed that they control.
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. Secondary Objectives To determine deployment order, the players roll off.
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. Ground Control: At the end of the game, divide the board into four The winner may choose to deploy first or second. The player who At the end of the game, the Defender gains +3 Victory Points if they hold
equal quadrants. Each quadrant is worth +1 Victory Point to the player deploys first is determined to be the Attacker. the Objective Marker the Attacker placed.
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then with the most Scoring units in it (units which are falling back are not
deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, counted). If both players have the same number of Scoring units in a The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then In addition, for each of the Attacker’s units the Defender destroys, they
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. quadrant, it awards no Victory Points. deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, gain +1 Victory Point.
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, Big Game Hunter: Before the game begins, both players must declare a Secondary Objectives
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in single unit in their army which has the highest total points cost of any The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. of their units. If this unit is destroyed during the course of the game it is including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an
worth an additional +1 Victory Points to the Opposing Player. Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. additional +1 Victory Point is scored.

FIRST TURN First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first
The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent FIRST TURN First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first
turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game. The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game.
can Seize the Initiative.
can Seize the Initiative.
Ground Control: At the end of the game, divide the board into four
Reserves equal quadrants. Each quadrant is worth +1 Victory Point to the player
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is ● Night Fighting GAME LENGTH with the most Scoring units in it (units which are falling back are not
played. After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is counted). If both players have the same number of Scoring units in a
● Filtration Tankers
played. quadrant, it awards no Victory Points.


This mission represents a daring raid on a refinery plant which collects VICTORY CONDITIONS
The Filtration Tankers are Impassible Terrain, with an Armour This mission represents an Attacker attempting to crack the defensive ● Reserves
valuable gases and stores them. Both sides want to deny this precious
Value of 11 on all sides, and a Hull Points Value of 4. These position manned by the Defender, in order to break through their lines. ● Night Fighting
resource to the enemy - whilst hoarding whatever they can for
Filtration Tankers should be represented by appropriate terrain
approximately 2” in diameter, by 4” tall. Filtration Tankers should At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory
be treated as having the Vehicle Unit Type, and in addition, points has won the game. If the players have the same number of
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory whenever rolling on the Vehicle Damage Table to determine the 36”
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of Victory points, the game ends in a draw.
result of a Penetrating Hit, add +2 to the result rolled. This
Victory points, the game ends in a draw. modifier is cumulative with other modifiers, such as an AP value of
1 or 2, or the modifier imposed by the Wrecker Special Rule.
During the game, any model which makes a Shooting Attack from Deployment Zone
outside 18” at a Filtration Tanker must Snap Shoot - the Tanks are
surrounded by great clouds of steam and gas that obscure vision 36”
and stymie even the best sensors.
36” 48”
Filtration Tankers are treated like normal Objective Markers for
purposes of determining if a unit controls them.
Deployment Zone 24”


16 17
Apocalypse Missions
‘Until the ground itself pools and flows crimson. Until the soil is stained evermore with the blood of the enemy.’
The Apocalypse Missions presented on the following pages are intended give players the ability to play battles in the Age of Darkness which reach a
truly terrifying scale whilst still allowing for balanced gameplay. As such, we recommend playing these missions with forces of 4,000 points or above, Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters
and on a table of 8x6ft or larger. On a table of this size, we recommend increasing the measurements of Deployment Zones and so on to scale with
the table size - for example, the Dawn of War Deployment Map would use 18” Deployment Zones, instead of 12”, as the table is 50% larger. THE ARMIES Secondary Objectives
For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains
If you wish to randomly select a mission from the ones presented in this section, we recommend you and your opponent roll a D3 to determine Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an
which you play. each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. additional +1 Victory Point is scored.
Before any models are deployed, deployment maps must be determined
First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first
turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game.
‘Among the burned fields, across the cities torn to rubble, and in view of the stars set ablaze - these all will be the battlefields of this war.’
and all scenery should be set up, except Fortifications included as part of
Unknown Imperial Commander any army. Finally, place or select mission Objectives in accordance with
the Mission Special Rules section. MISSION SPECIAL RULES
● Reserves
THE ARMIES Primary Objectives (continued) ● Night Fighting
For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus Drowned in Blood: At the end of the game, each player should total up DEPLOYMENT ● Bloodbath Objectives
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of the number of enemy units they have completely destroyed, or are To determine deployment order, the players roll off.
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. ● Heavy Armour
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. falling back at the end of the game. Each unit of a given Unit Type
awards them an additional amount of Victory Points, as below:
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then BLOODBATH OBJECTIVES
SETTING UP THE GAME deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, This mission uses five Objective markers. During the game’s set-
Before any models are deployed or sides determined, all scenery should ● Infantry & Daemons: +1 Victory Point
● Dreadnoughts, Automata, Cavalry, and Armigers: +2 Victory Points except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. up, but before deployment has been determined, the players take
be set up, except Fortifications included as part of any army. At this
Vehicles (Without the Super-Heavy, Titan, & Lumbering Sub-type): turns in placing one Objective each in the area of the table outside
point, Air Filtration Tanks should be placed as per the Take the Tankers ●
+2 Victory Points The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, of the players’ Deployment Zones until all of the Objectives have
Primary Objective. For this mission, do not roll to determine a
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in been placed, with the player that Deployed second placing the first
Deployment Map - the Dawn of War Deployment Map should be used. ● Vehicles (With the Super-Heavy, Titan, or Lumbering Sub-type):
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. Objective Marker. These markers may not be placed within 6" of
+4 Victory Points
each other or a battlefield edge.
● Primarchs: +6 Victory Points
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. FIRST TURN At the end of the game, roll a D6 on the following table to
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent
Secondary Objectives determine the worth, if any, of each Objective controlled by the
can Seize the Initiative.
Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains player at the end of the game. Roll once for each Objective.
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an D6 Result
deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, additional +1 Victory Point is scored. 1-2 No Victory Points
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. GAME LENGTH
After four turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a fifth and final turn is 3-4 +1 Victory Points
First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by a player during their first played. 5-6 +3 Victory Points
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, turn is worth additional +1 Victory Point to them at the end of the game.
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. VICTORY CONDITIONS
Big Game Hunter: Before the game begins, both players must declare a Alternative – Objective Terrain
single unit in their army which has the highest total points cost of any This mission’s victory conditions are achieved by capturing key areas
Rather than use Objective markers, if both sides agree, individual
of their units. If this unit is destroyed during the course of the game it is and zones, and denying the same to the enemy - whilst also attempting
FIRST TURN to break the opposing forces to prevent a counter-attack!
pieces of terrain may instead be specified as the mission’s
The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent worth an additional +1 Victory Point to the Opposing Player. Objectives. It is suggested in this case that three terrain pieces be
can Seize the Initiative. used, which must be fully located outside of either players’
MISSION SPECIAL RULES At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Deployment Zones and suitably marked to identify them. Each
● Reserves points has won the game. If the players have the same number of should be distinct and easily identifiable, and have a suggested
GAME LENGTH ● Night Fighting Victory points, the game ends in a draw. total size of no less than 6" on each side and no more than 12" on
After four turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a fifth and final turn is ● Filtration Tankers each side, and be substantial enough to provide cover to Infantry
played. models inside them. Suitable types of terrain include ruins, large
Primary Objectives shell craters, redoubts, derelict buildings, vehicle wrecks, etc. In
Bloodbath Objectives: At the start of each Active player’s turn, the
FILTRATION TANKERS order to claim or deny a piece of Objective Terrain, a valid Scoring
VICTORY CONDITIONS current Active Player gains +1 Victory Point for each Objective marker
The Filtration Tankers are Impassible Terrain, with an Armour or Denial unit (as appropriate) must have at least one model within
This mission’s victory conditions are achieved by both the utter they control. These Victory Points are kept even if that Objective is lost
Value of 11 on all sides, and a Hull Points Value of 4. These 6" of the centre of the terrain’s ground level. A unit may never
decimation of the enemy’s fighting strength, and also the denial of key later in the game, and contribute to the player’s Victory Points total at
Filtration Tankers should be represented by appropriate terrain claim or deny more than a single piece of Objective Terrain at
Strategic resources, without which the foe will struggle to recover. the end of the game. In addition, At the end of the game, roll a D6 on
approximately 2” in diameter, by 4” tall. Filtration Tankers should once.
the table found in the Bloodbath Objectives Special Rule boxout to
be treated as having the Vehicle Unit Type, and in addition,
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory determine the worth, if any, of each Objective controlled by the player
whenever rolling on the Vehicle Damage Table to determine the
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of at the end of the game. Roll once for each Objective.
result of a Penetrating Hit, add +2 to the result rolled. This
Victory points, the game ends in a draw. modifier is cumulative with other modifiers, such as an AP value of HEAVY ARMOUR
Tide of Carnage: Each sector of the battlefield is worth a certain In addition to the usual Scoring units, all Vehicles that are not
1 or 2, or the modifier imposed by the Wrecker Special Rule.
amount of Victory Points for the side who controls it at the end of the Flyers, are also classed as Scoring units in this mission.
Primary Objectives game. In order to claim a sector, a side must have one or more Scoring
During the game, any model which makes a Shooting Attack from
Take the Tankers: After choosing Deployment Zones, but before units in the sector and the enemy must have no Scoring units left in that
outside 18” at a Filtration Tanker must Snap Shoot - the Tanks are
setting up and deploying any models, the players must place a total of sector. The sectors of the battlefield are defined as follows:
surrounded by great clouds of steam and gas that obscure vision
eight Filtration Tankers - these are described in the Mission Special
and stymie even the best sensors.
Rules below. The player who deploys second places five Filtration • Player’s own Deployment Zone: +3 Victory Points
Tankers, whilst the player who deploys first places three. These must be • No Man’s Land (the area of the battlefield which is not covered by
deployed as per the normal rules for Objective Markers. Filtration Tankers are treated like normal Objective Markers for
purposes of determining if a unit controls them. either Deployment Zone): +5 Victory points
• Opposing Player’s Deployment Zone: +7 Victory points
At the end of the game, each player gains +3 Victory Points for each
Filtration Tanker they control, and +2 Victory Points for each Filtration Death Toll: At the end of the game, each side gains +1 Victory Point for
Tanker they have destroyed. each unit they have destroyed or that is Falling Back at the end of the

20 21
This mission makes use of D6+3 Relic Markers. During the game’s
‘Face me, coward! Face me and die with honour, or stay in your hole and die with none! ’
set-up, but before deployment has been determined, the players
Archmagos Malagra Stranivariax, Forge World Arkadia take turns in placing one Relic Marker each in the area of the table
outside of the players’ Deployment Zones until all of the Relic
Markers have been placed. These markers may not be placed
THE ARMIES Primary Objectives within 12" of each other, or 9” of a battlefield edge.
For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus The Spoils of War: After choosing Deployment Zones, but before
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of setting up and deploying any models, the players must take it in turns
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. placing a total of D6+3 Relic Markers, with the player that Deployed At the end of a player’s Movement Phase, if they have a unit with at
second placing the first Objective Marker. These Relic Markers may not least one model with the Infantry Unit Type within 1” of a Relic
be placed within 12” of each other, inside either player’s Deployment Marker, they may elect to have that model pick up the Relic. If they
SETTING UP THE GAME Zone, or within 9” of a table edge. The Relic Markers may be interacted do so, the marker should be moved with the model that picked it
Before any models are deployed or sides determined, all scenery should up for the rest of the game. A unit may only contain one model
with by units during the course of the game as per the Relics of a
be set up, except Fortifications included as part of any army. For this carrying a Relic Marker at any time. At the end of any of the
Bygone Age Mission Special Rule.
mission, do not roll to determine a Deployment Map - the Search and Controlling Player’s Movement Phases, they may elect to have a
Destroy Deployment Map should be used. model carrying a Relic Marker drop it - if so, it is placed within 1”
Priority Target: At the end of the game, if a player’s Warlord is still alive
of the model that was carrying it. If a model carrying a Relic
and in play, that player gains +5 Victory Points.
DEPLOYMENT Marker is slain, place the Relic Marker as close as possible to the
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. model’s last position on the board.
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. In addition, during the course of the game, if either player’s Warlord is
slain and removed from play, a marker should be placed in their last
At the end of the game, total up how many Relic Markers your
position. This marker is treated as a Relic Marker, and may be interacted
Both players must then set aside their Warlord, and either the Retinue units are carrying. Each Relic Marker carried is worth +3 Victory
with by units during the course of the game as per the Relics of a
unit purchased for their Warlord, or a single unit they would normally Points. If either player has twice or more the number of Relic
Bygone Age Mission Special Rule. These markers are worth an
be able to join during Deployment if no Retinue unit was purchased for Markers their opponent has, then the player gains an additional +2
additional +3 Victory Points on top of those awarded by the Relics of a
them, to be deployed as per the Kingmaker Mission Special Rule. Victory Points.
Bygone Age Mission Special Rule if they are recovered by either player.
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then
deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, Secondary Objectives
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. Hammerfall: Each Heavy Support unit destroyed by a player during the
course of the game awards them an additional +1 Victory Point.
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force,
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in A Light in the Dark: Any unit with the Independent Character Special
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. Rule which is carrying a Relic Marker at the end of the game awards the
Controlling Player an additional +2 Victory Points. If this unit is also the
player’s Warlord, they gain another +2 Victory Points.
The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent
can Seize the Initiative. MISSION SPECIAL RULES
● Reserves
● Night Fighting
GAME LENGTH ● Ceasefire
After four turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a fifth and final turn is ● Kingmaker
played. ● Relics of a Bygone Age

This mission’s victory conditions are achieved by the recovery - or theft CEASEFIRE
- of key items, as well as the execution of the enemy’s leadership. During the first game turn, a unit containing a Warlord may not be
targeted by any Shooting Attack, or declared as a Charge target,
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory except by a unit containing the Opposing Player’s Warlord.
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of
Victory points, the game ends in a draw. If a unit containing a Warlord makes a Shooting Attack or declares
a Charge against any unit which is does not contain the enemy’s
Warlord then this Mission Special Rule immediately ceases to have
any effect.

Instead of deploying normally in the Controlling Player’s
Deployment Zone, each player’s Warlord must be deployed outside
the normal Deployment zones, within the circular area at the
centre of the Search and Destroy Deployment Map, before any
other units are deployed.

If the Warlord has a Retinue unit of any kind, this must be

deployed with them. If they do not have a Retinue unit, then a
single unit they would normally be able to join during Deployment
should be deployed with them instead.

22 23
Zone Mortalis Missions
Secondary Objectives
ZONE MORTALIS MISSIONS Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains
+1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch Choice, then an
additional +1 Victory Point is scored.
The Zone Mortalis Missions presented on the following pages are intended give players a new and exciting way to lay out and play battles in the Age
of Darkness, and can be used alongside, or instead of, the Missions found in Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: Siege of Cthonia’s Zone Mortalis
Rules. Attrition*: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy
units at the end of the game gains +D3 Victory Points.
If you wish to randomly select a mission from the ones presented in this section, we recommend you and your opponent roll a D6 to determine *Note that the rewards for this Secondary Objective are intentionally greater than normal.
which you play.
Last Man Standing*: The side with the greatest number of surviving
MISSION 1 units at the end of the game gains +D3 Victory Points.
PRIORITY CARGO *Note that the rewards for this Secondary Objective are intentionally greater than normal.

In the dark and dangerous confines of the Zone Mortalis, cargoes of special importance could be commonplace. Such cargo could become the focus of
fierce fighting, with factions desperately trying to snatch them from each other in desperate attempts to gain some - or any - advantage.
● Counter Assault
The Zone Mortalis Battlefield should be set up as per the rules found in The player with Strategic Advantage takes the first turn, unless their
the Zone Mortalis section of the Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: opponent successfully rolls for First Strike.
Siege of Cthonia book. COUNTER ASSAULT
When deploying units from Reinforcements, the Controlling
STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE GAME LENGTH Player may choose to expend additional Reinforcement Points to
Before setting up the battle, players must determine Strategic After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is deploy units as a Counter Assault, as per the table that follows:
Advantage. The player with Strategic Advantage selects which player is played. Battlefield Edge Reinforcement Points Cost
the Attacker and which player is the Defender.
Attacker Defender
VICTORY CONDITIONS Controlling Player’s Edge 0 0
REINFORCEMENT POINTS The Zone Mortalis Mission: Priority Cargo represents two factions Flank Edge +1 +1
The Attacker starts with 8 Reinforcement Points to place units in their
own Deployment Zone. fighting to steal invaluable cargo that could mean the difference Opposing Player’s Edge +3 +3
between their survival - or extinction. At the end of the battle, the Player
who has scored the most Victory Points has won the battle. If the
Any Reinforcement Points not used to place units in a player’s For the purposes of this mission, a Player’s Board Edges are
players have the same number of Victory Points, the Player who has
Deployment Zone during deployment are retained. determined to be the board edges on the two sides of their
scored the most Victory Points from Secondary Objectives has won the
battle. If the players have the same number of Victory Points and have Deployment Quadrant. Flank Edges are determined to be the
Both players gain 2 Reinforcement Points at the end of each Game Turn, scored the same number of Victory Points from Secondary Objectives, Board Edges in Quadrants not used as Deployment Zones by either
in addition to any gained through mission Special Rules. the result is a draw. player.

The battlefield is divided into four equal quadrants as shown in the 48”
deployment map opposite. The Defender chooses one quadrant to be Primary Objectives
their Deployment Zone and deploys all units included as part of their Secure the Cargo: After the Objective Markers have been placed on the
force anywhere in this area (and is always assumed to have enough board but before the game begins, a dice must be rolled under a cup or
Reinforcement Points to do so) but not anywhere within 6” of the centre similar obscuring object - this should not be revealed until the end of
of the board. the game.

In this Mission, Objective Markers are not worth any Victory Points Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2
The Attacker must deploy units from their army up to the amount of
Reinforcement Points they start with in either of the board quadrants when held - instead, any Scoring unit may choose to have a model
directly adjacent to the Defender’s Deployment Zone, up to the amount “secure” the cargo the Objective Marker represents during the
of Reinforcement Points they start with, but not anywhere within 6” of Controlling Player’s Shooting Phase, before making a Shooting Attack.
the centre of the board, placing any remaining units into The model which secures the cargo is then considered to be carrying the
Objective Marker, and cannot make Shooting Attacks for any reason. In 12” 48”
addition, a unit with a model carrying an Objective Marker cannot
Advance, or activate any form of Jump or Jet Pack, or use any form of
After setting up and deploying the armies, but before play begins, the wings, they are equipped with.
two players must then take turns placing a total of 6 Objective Markers,
with the player that Deployed second placing the first Objective Marker.
The Objective Markers must be placed following the restrictions on The model carrying the Objective Marker may choose to drop the Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
page 306 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook, with the Objective Marker during any of the Controlling Player’s following
following additional restrictions and exceptions: Shooting Phases. If the model carrying the Objective Marker is killed for
any reason, the Objective Marker is dropped as close as possible to the
last position of the carrying model.
● Objective Markers may not be placed within 6” of each other.
● Objective Markers may not be placed within 3” of any player’s
An Objective Marker carried in this way must be returned to the
Deployment Zone.
Controlling Player’s Deployment Zone to be counted as “successfully
● Objective Markers must be clearly numbered, one through six. retrieved”.

At the end of the game, the dice rolled at the start of game and kept
obscured must be revealed - if the number on it matches an Objective
Marker successfully retrieved by either player, that player scores
+5 Victory Points.

26 27
At the start of the Controlling Player’s Shooting Phase, if they have
In the dark and dangerous confines of the Zone Mortalis, cargoes of special importance could be commonplace. Such cargo could become the focus of
an Infantry unit within 1” of an Objective, then instead of Shooting
fierce fighting, with factions desperately trying to snatch them from each other in desperate attempts to gain some - or any - advantage.
as normal the unit may choose to make use of its control panel.

SETTING UP THE GAME FIRST TURN An Objective may only have its control panel used once per player
The Zone Mortalis Battlefield should be set up as per the rules found in The player with Strategic Advantage takes the first turn, unless their
turn. The Controlling Player may attempt to Activate or Deactivate Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2
the Zone Mortalis section of the Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: opponent successfully rolls for First Strike.
the Objective on which the control panel they are using. If so, this
Siege of Cthonia book.
succeeds on a roll of 3+, and the Objective is Activated or
Deactivated, depending on its original state. On a roll of a 1 or 2,
STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE GAME LENGTH the Objective which they are using the control panel of instead
Before setting up the battle, players must determine Strategic After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is 12” 48”
immediately enters the Deactivated State.
Advantage. The player with Strategic Advantage selects which player is played.
the Attacker and which player is the Defender.
Instead of using the control panel to affect their own Objective,
VICTORY CONDITIONS the Controlling Player may choose to use it to Activate or
REINFORCEMENT POINTS The Zone Mortalis Mission: Lights Out represents the Players Deactivate another objective on the board. If so, this succeeds on a
Both players start with 7 Reinforcement Points to place units in their
attempting to confound and harass each other in the darkened confines roll of 4+. On a roll of a 1, 2, or 3, the Objective which they are Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
own Deployment Zones.
of a Zone Mortalis, making use of Lighting and Door-seals to steer their using the control panel of instead immediately enters the
foes into the teeth of their weapons. At the end of the battle, the Player Deactivated State.
Any Reinforcement Points not used to place units in a player’s
who has scored the most Victory Points has won the battle. If the
Deployment Zone during deployment are retained.
players have the same number of Victory Points, the Player who has Deactivating an Objective immediately makes the Quadrant in
scored the most Victory Points from Secondary Objectives has won the which it is present come under the effects of the Night Fighting
Both players gain 2 Reinforcement Points at the end of each Game Turn, battle. If the players have the same number of Victory Points and have rules - with the added restriction that the range restriction is
in addition to any gained through mission Special Rules. scored the same number of Victory Points from Secondary Objectives, lowered to 12”, instead of the normal 24”. In addition, all doors in
the result is a draw. the quadrant immediately close and are Locked. Whilst
DEPLOYMENT Deactivated, an Objective cannot give the Controlling Player any
Players must deploy units from their army up to the amount of
Victory Points. If a door in this state is closed and locked whilst a
Reinforcement Points they start with, placing any remaining units into Primary Objectives unit is split across both sides of it, any model which finds itself
Reinforcements. Control Panel Override: At the start of each turn, the current Active
Player gains 1 Victory Point for each Objective Marker they control standing with any part of its base in contact with the door
which is in the Activated State (see the Lights Out! Special Rule). These threshold when it closes in this manner takes an immediate
The battlefield is divided into four equal quadrants as shown in the Crushed hit, as described on page 173 of the Zone Mortalis Rules in
deployment map opposite. The Defender chooses one quadrant to be Victory Points are kept even if that Objective is lost later in the battle
and contribute to the Player’s Victory Points total at the end of the the Siege of Cthonia Campaign Book.
their Deployment Zone and deploys units into it, up to the amount of
Reinforcement Points they start with, but not anywhere within 6” of the battle.
Activating an Objective immediately removes the effects of the
centre of the board, placing any remaining units into Reinforcements.
Night Fighting rules on the quadrant in which the objective is
Secondary Objectives present. In addition, all doors in the quadrant are immediately
The Attacker then rolls a D6. On a roll of a 3 or lower, the quadrant Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains unlocked, but remain closed. If a door is destroyed, it is unaffected.
opposite that of their opponent is their Deployment Zone. On a roll of a +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch Choice, then an Whilst Activated, an Objective can give the Controlling Player
4 or higher, they may choose any of the three remaining quadrants to be additional +1 Victory Point is scored. Victory Points. All Objectives start the game in the Activated state.
their Deployment Zone. They must then deploy their units anywhere in
this area, up to the amount of Reinforcement Points they start with, but Attrition: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy In a Mission with this Special Rule, no player may attempt to
not anywhere within 6” of the centre of the board, placing any units at the end of the game gains +1 Victory Point. perform a System Override.
remaining units into Reinforcements.

After setting up and deploying the armies, but before play begins, the MISSION SPECIAL RULES
● Lights Out!
Defender places four Objective Markers, one in each of the quadrants. COUNTER ASSAULT
The Objective Markers must be placed following the restrictions on ● Counter Assault When deploying units from Reinforcements, the Controlling
page 306 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook, with the Player may choose to expend additional Reinforcement Points to
following additional restrictions and exceptions: deploy units as a Counter Assault, as per the table that follows:
Battlefield Edge Reinforcement Points Cost
● Objective Markers may not be placed within 6” of the centre of the
Attacker Defender
battlefield or each other.
Controlling Player’s Edge 0 0
● Objective Markers must be placed touching a Column or Wall.
Flank Edge +1 +1
Opposing Player’s Edge +3 +3

For the purposes of this mission, a Player’s Board Edges are

determined to be the board edges on the two sides of their
Deployment Quadrant. Flank Edges are determined to be the
Board Edges in Quadrants not used as Deployment Zones by either

28 29
The floor around the Objective Markers is littered with debris and
Fighting aboard a space-borne vessel is a dangerous affair - for often the battlefield the combatants take to is often suffering
is at risk of collapse at any given moment. An area of 3” radius
damage as much as those aboard it, and the void will seek any route it can to kill those foolish enough to stumble into it…
around each Objective Marker is counted as Difficult, Dangerous,
and Hazardous Terrain.
The Zone Mortalis Battlefield should be set up as per the rules found in The player with Strategic Advantage takes the first turn, unless their This effect persists even if an Objective Marker is removed thanks Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2
the Zone Mortalis section of the Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: opponent successfully rolls for First Strike. to a successful attempt to Claim the Intel!
Siege of Cthonia book.
In addition, in a mission with this Mission Special Rule in play, no
In this Mission, it is assumed the battlefield automatically has a ceiling. GAME LENGTH unit may make a pre-game redeployment via any Special Rule.
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is 12” 48”
In addition, when setting up the battlefield, the amount of Doors
Terrain to be used is increased to 3 per 12” x 12” grid section.
The Zone Mortalis Mission: Dead Void represents the Players taking the Whenever a door is opened (or is destroyed) which leads to a
STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE Section of the battlefield which has not previously been inhabited
Before setting up the battle, players must determine Strategic fight to a spacecraft in the midst of cracking apart under the weight of Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
Advantage. The player with Strategic Advantage selects which player is enemy fire, desperately scrabbling to recover key items or intel. At the by a unit before during the battle, the Controlling Player must
the Attacker and which player is the Defender. end of the battle, the Player who has scored the most Victory Points has immediately roll a D6. On a roll of 3+, nothing happens - but on a
won the battle. If the players have the same number of Victory Points, roll of a 1 or 2, the hapless unit has accidentally uncovered a
the Player who has scored the most Victory Points from Secondary depressurised section of the ship and risks being sucked out into
Both players start with 6 Reinforcement Points to place units in their Objectives has won the battle. If both players have the same number of
own Deployment Zones. Victory Points and have scored the same number of Victory Points from
Secondary Objectives, the result is a draw. All units with at least one model within 12" of the door (and within
line of sight of it) must take an immediate Initiative test, to see if
Any Reinforcement Points not used to place units in a player’s
they are quick enough to activate their mag-boots or otherwise
Deployment Zone during deployment are retained.
grab hold of something. Units made entirely of models with the
Primary Objectives Dreadnought, Monstrous, or Automata Unit type, or the Heavy
Both players gain 2 Reinforcement Points at the end of each Game Turn, Claim the Intel: At the start of the Controlling Player’s Turn, if they
Sub-type, gain a +1 bonus to their Initiative Characteristic for the
in addition to any gained through mission Special Rules. have a unit with the Line Sub-type within 1” of an Objective, they can
purposes of this Characteristic test. This bonus may only be
attempt to Claim the Intel. The unit attempting to Claim the Intel may
claimed once per unit for each Initiative test.
DEPLOYMENT not Move, make Shooting Attacks, or declare Charges this turn - if they
Players must deploy units from their army up to the amount of do so for any reason, their attempt to Claim the Intel fails and they will
Reinforcement Points they start with, placing any remaining units into have to try again in a following turn. A unit which fails the Initiative test was not fast enough to take
Reinforcements. action, and is sucked out into space - the void hungers, and they
are its prey. Units sucked into space are counted as destroyed, and
At the end of the Controlling Player’s Turn, if the unit has successfully
the Opposing Player may claim Victory Points for them as normal.
The battlefield is divided into four equal quadrants as shown in the Claimed the Intel, the Controlling Player immediately scores +3VP, and
A unit which passes the test suffers no further ill effects. The door
deployment map opposite. The Defender chooses one quadrant to be the Objective Marker is removed from the board.
then immediately closes, and is locked - it may not be opened
their Deployment Zone and deploys units into it, up to the amount of
again for the rest of the battle, and if destroyed remains in place.
Reinforcement Points they start with, but not anywhere within 6” of the
Secondary Objectives
centre of the board, placing any remaining units into Reinforcements. Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains In a Mission with this Special Rule, no player may attempt to
+1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch Choice, then an perform a System Override.
The Attacker then rolls a D6. On a roll of a 3 or lower, the quadrant additional +1 Victory Point is scored.
opposite that of their opponent is their Deployment Zone. On a roll of a
4 or higher, they may choose any of the three remaining quadrants to be Attrition: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy
their Deployment Zone. They must then deploy their units anywhere in units at the end of the game gains +1 Victory Point. COUNTER ASSAULT
this area, up to the amount of Reinforcement Points they start with, but When deploying units from Reinforcements, the Controlling
not anywhere within 6” of the centre of the board, placing any Player may choose to expend additional Reinforcement Points to
Last Man Standing: The side with the greatest number of surviving
remaining units into Reinforcements. deploy units as a Counter Assault, as per the table that follows:
units at the end of the game gains +1 Victory Point.

After setting up and deploying the armies, but before play begins, the Battlefield Edge Reinforcement Points Cost
Defender places four Objective Markers, one in each of the quadrants. MISSION SPECIAL RULES Attacker Defender
The Objective Markers must be placed following the restrictions on ● Unstable Ground Controlling Player’s Edge 0 +1
page 306 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook, with the ● The Hungering Void Flank Edge +1 +1
following additional restrictions and exceptions: ● Counter Assault Opposing Player’s Edge Unavailable +3

● Objective Markers may not be placed within 9” of the centre of the

battlefield or each other. For the purposes of this mission, a Player’s Board Edges are
determined to be the board edges on the two sides of their
Deployment Quadrant. Flank Edges are determined to be the
Board Edges in Quadrants not used as Deployment Zones by either

30 31
In a Mission using this Special Rule, the Attacker does not deploy
Zone Mortalis warzones were rarely static places - and gaining access to them was often a difficult affair. Zones Mortalis were most commonly
any of their units at the start of the game, and cannot use Access
huge sprawling complexes or space-faring vessels, and such things often had a defined edge - and it was these leading walls that were Defender’s Deployment Zone 9”
Points as normal. Instead, before the game begins, they must
often the place where boarding torpedoes or assault drills would find their ingress…
assign their units to Boarding Markers - representing boarding
torpedoes or assault drills. Each Boarding Marker is considered to
SETTING UP THE GAME GAME LENGTH have a “Transport Capacity” of 16, which cannot be exceeded for
The Zone Mortalis Battlefield should be set up as per the rules found in After four turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is 24”
any reason, but can be shared by multiple different units so long as
the Zone Mortalis section of the Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: played.
they fit within the Transport Capacity (we recommend making use
Siege of Cthonia book.
of the changes to Automata, Dreadnoughts, and so on found in the
VICTORY CONDITIONS FAQs, Erratas, and Balance Changes found in the Liber Panoptica).
In this Mission, it is assumed the battlefield automatically has a ceiling. The Zone Mortalis Mission: Ingress represents a desperate scramble by
the Defender to keep an Attacker out of their vessel or bunker - whilst The Attacker may have as many Boarding Markers as they wish
In addition, unlike other Zone Mortalis missions, this mission requires a the Attacker keeps on coming via their boarding torpedoes or assault (though a unit can only be assigned to a single such marker). Attacker’s Board Edge
board of at least 48” by 24” - with the stipulation that the board should drills, regardless of the Defender’s efforts. At the end of the battle, the Rather than the normal process for determining a unit’s
be at least 12” longer than it is wide. Access Points may not be placed on Player who has scored the most Victory Points has won the battle. If the Reinforcement Points cost, a Boarding Marker is always assumed
the Attacker’s Board Edge. players have the same number of Victory Points, the Player who has to have a Reinforcement Points cost of three, regardless of the
scored the most Victory Points from Secondary Objectives has won the units assigned to it. At the start of each of the Attacker’s player
STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE battle. If the players have the same number of Victory Points and have turns, they may pay three Reinforcement Points to place more
Before setting up the battle, players must determine Strategic scored the same number of Victory Points from Secondary Objectives, Boarding Markers, and may place as many in a single turn as they
Advantage. The player with Strategic Advantage selects which player is the result is a draw. have Reinforcement points to afford - these Boarding Markers are
the Attacker and which player is the Defender.
placed following the process described below.


Take Control: At the start of each of the Defender’s Shooting Phases, When the Attacker places a Boarding Marker, they must first
Both players start with 8 Reinforcement Points. In this mission, the
they gain +1 Victory Point for each Objective Marker they control. These declare which Boarding Marker (and thus which assigned models)
Attacker cannot place units during deployment, and must instead assign
Victory Points are kept even if that Objective is lost later in the battle are attempting to enter play. The Attacker then places the Marker
their units to Boarding Markers, as explained in the Mission Special
and contribute to the Player’s Victory Points total at the end of the on their board edge, and scatters it. These Boarding Markers
Rules. The Defender uses their Reinforcement Points to place units in
battle. always scatter the full distance rolled, but must remain on the
their own Deployment Zone as normal.
board edge - hence, if a scatter arrow is rolled facing in a direction
At the start of each of the Attacker’s Shooting Phases, if a unit is that is not clearly pointing either left or right, it should be treated
Any Reinforcement Points not used to place units in a player’s as a direct hit instead. If the Boarding Marker would stop in a place
Deployment Zone during deployment are retained. controlling an Objective, they can opt to either gain +1 Victory Point for
holding it, or choose to destroy it for +2 Victory Points. A unit which which would prevent the models embarked within from
opts to destroy an Objective cannot make Shooting Attacks or perform Disembarking, reduce the scatter distance by the smallest possible
Both players gain 3 Reinforcement Points at the end of each Game Turn, amount to prevent this. Once the Boarding Marker’s final location
any actions done in lieu of a Shooting Attack in the same Shooting
in addition to any gained through mission Special Rules. has been determined, all models declared as being assigned to it
Phase. Victory Points gained from holding an Objective are kept even if
that Objective is lost later in the battle and contribute to the Player’s must immediately enter play from the Boarding Marker’s final
DEPLOYMENT Victory Points total at the end of the battle. position as though it was an Access Point.
The Defender must deploy units from their army up to the amount of
Reinforcement Points they start with, placing any remaining units into If an Objective Marker is destroyed, it can grant no more Victory Points Models moving on from a Boarding Marker are treated as having
Reinforcements. to either player, but any Victory Points it granted during the game to Disembarked from a Vehicle with the Assault Vehicle Special Rule.
either player are kept. Once the nominated models have entered play from the Boarding
The Defender's Deployment Zone is anywhere within 9" of the long Marker, it is removed from play.
board edge, as shown in the Deployment Map.
Secondary Objectives The Defender may not make use of Boarding Markers for their
First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by either player during their Reserves to enter play.
The Attacker does not deploy any units before the battle - instead see
First Turn is worth an additional +1 Victory point to that player at the
the Zone Breach mission Special Rule below for the process in which the
end of the game.
Attacker's units enter play from the Attacker’s Board Edge.

After deployment is complete, the Attacker and Defender must then

Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains COUNTER ASSAULT
+1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch Choice, then an When deploying units from Reinforcements, the Controlling
finally place two Objective Markers each, for a total of four Objectives.
additional +1 Victory Point is scored. Player may choose to expend additional Reinforcement Points to
The Objective Markers must be placed following the restrictions on
deploy units as a Counter Assault, as per the table that follows:
page 306 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook, with the
following additional restrictions and exceptions: Attrition*: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy Battlefield Edge Reinforcement Points Cost
units at the end of the game gains +D3 Victory Points. Attacker Defender
*Note that the rewards for this Secondary Objective are intentionally greater than normal.
● Objective Markers may not be placed within 6” of each other. Controlling Player’s Edge Unavailable 0
● Objective Markers may not be placed within 6” of any Access Point. Flank Edge Unavailable +1
MISSION SPECIAL RULES Opposing Player’s Edge Unavailable Unavailable
● Zone Breach
FIRST TURN ● Counter Assault
The player with Strategic Advantage takes the first turn, unless their For the purposes of this mission, the Defending Player’s Board
opponent successfully rolls for First Strike. Edges is determined to be the long board edge on their
Deployment Zone. Flank Edges are determined to be the short
Board Edges on either side of the table.

32 33
LOCKDOWN At the start of the Controlling Player’s Shooting Phase, if they have
Sometimes holding a key point is more than just defensive choke-points and runnels - an Infantry unit within 1” of the Control Bunker Objective, then
technological measures meaning the battlefield itself becomes a key player in the engagement. instead of Shooting as normal the unit may choose to make use of
the Objective’s control panel. The Control Bunker Objective may
only have its control panel used once per player turn. The
SETTING UP THE GAME FIRST TURN Controlling Player may choose one of the following options when Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2
The Zone Mortalis Battlefield should be set up as per the rules found in The player with Strategic Advantage takes the first turn, unless their they make use of the control panel:
the Zone Mortalis section of the Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: opponent successfully rolls for First Strike.
Siege of Cthonia book. ● Close and lock any two non-destroyed doors anywhere
on the board 9” Control 9”
In addition, unlike other Zone Mortalis missions, this mission requires a GAME LENGTH Open (and Unlock, if applicable) any two non-destroyed doors 48”
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is
● Bunker
Control Bunker to be be placed in the centre of the map, or as close as anywhere on the board
possible (slightly offset from the centre is permissible). A Control Bunker played.
● Close all non-destroyed doors on the board
consists of four Columns, a single Standard Door, and seven Walls.
● Open (and Unlock, if applicable) all non-destroyed doors on
These should be laid out to create a small, square structure with a single
entry point (a Standard Door). No other Columns or Walls may be
The Zone Mortalis Mission: Lockdown represents the Players fighting Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
placed touching this structure. A diagram is provided on the page
for control of a key point in a Zone Mortalis, the defender desperately When choosing any of these options, the Controlling Player must
scrabbling to lock the attacker out or funnel them into their guns. At the roll a D6 - on a 2+ roll their chosen option takes immediate effect,
end of the battle, the Player who has scored the most Victory Points has whilst on a roll of 1 nothing happens. If a door in this state is
STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE won the battle. If the players have the same number of Victory Points, closed whilst a unit is split across both sides of it, the unit must
Before setting up the battle, players must determine Strategic
the Player who has control of the Control Bunker Objective has won the attempt to regroup via the closest route - they must attempt to
Advantage. The player with Strategic Advantage selects which player is
battle. If neither player controls the Control Bunker Objective, the result break down the door! A model which finds itself standing with any
the Attacker and which player is the Defender.
is a draw. part of its base in contact with the door threshold when it closes in
Control Bunker*
this manner take an immediate Crushed hit, as described on page
REINFORCEMENT POINTS 173 of the Zone Mortalis Rules in the Siege of Cthonia Campaign
The Defender starts with 9 Reinforcement Points, and the Attacker with Primary Objectives Book. Column Wall Door Column
6, to place their units in their own Deployment Zones. Take the Control Bunker!: If a player has control of the Control Bunker
Objective at the end of the game, that player gains
+5 Victory points. In a Mission with this Special Rule, no player may attempt to
Any Reinforcement Points not used to place units in a player’s perform a System Override.
Deployment Zone during deployment are retained.
Wall Wall
Secondary Objectives Control
The Attacker gains 4 Reinforcement Points at the end of each Game
Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains Bunker
Turn, whilst the Defender gains 2, in addition to any gained through
+1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch Choice, then an COUNTER ASSAULT Objective
mission Special Rules.
additional +1 Victory Point is scored. When deploying units from Reinforcements, the Controlling Wall Wall
Player may choose to expend additional Reinforcement Points to
DEPLOYMENT deploy units as a Counter Assault, as per the table that follows:
Players must deploy units from their army up to the amount of Attrition*: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy
Reinforcement Points they start with, using the Deployment Zones units at the end of the game gains +D3 Victory Points. Battlefield Edge Reinforcement Points Cost
specified below, placing any remaining units into Reinforcements. *Note that the rewards for this Secondary Objective are intentionally greater than normal. Column Wall Wall Column
Attacker Defender
Controlling Player’s Edge +1 Unavailable
The battlefield is divided into four equal quadrants as shown in the Last Man Standing*: The side with the greatest number of surviving *Not to scale
Flank Edge +1 +1
Deployment Map on the page opposite. The Defender’s Deployment units at the end of the game gains +D3 Victory Points.
Opposing Player’s Edge Unavailable +2
Zone is both within the Control Bunker, and all space within 9” of its *Note that the rewards for this Secondary Objective are intentionally greater than normal.
outside walls. The Defender may deploy within 9” of the centre of the
Battlefield, but the Attacker may not. For the purposes of this mission, the Attacking Player’s Board
MISSION SPECIAL RULES Edges are determined to be the board edges on the two sides of
● Control Node Bunker
The Attacker then rolls a D6. On a roll of a 3 or higher, they may pick their Deployment Quadrant. Flank Edges are determined to be the
● Counter Assault
any two quadrants to be their Deployment Zone - these quadrants must Board Edges in Quadrants not used as Deployment Zones by either
be diagonally opposite each other. On a roll of a 1 or 2, the Defender player. The Defender does not have a Board Edge.
may choose two diagonally opposite quadrants for them. The Attacker
may not place any units anywhere within 9” of the centre of the board
or 12” of any of the Defender’s Units.

After setting up and deploying the armies, but before play begins, the
Defender places a single Objective Marker, inside the Control Bunker.
This is henceforth referred to as the ‘Control Bunker Objective’.

34 35
VIP EXTRACTION The VIP is an individual who possesses key information on some
Sometimes the closed confines of a Zone Mortalis held a more valuable cargo than mere war-materiel – whether dignitaries of newly compliant civilisations, matter determined to perhaps be enough to change the tide of the
remembrancers, or negotiators, this mortal cargo could make the difference between control of whole sectors – and entire armies would be expended to heresy.
ensure their safe retrieval.
The VIP has the following profile:
The Zone Mortalis Battlefield should be set up as per the rules found in The player with Strategic Advantage takes the first turn, unless their
the Zone Mortalis section of the Campaigns in the Age of Darkness: opponent successfully rolls for First Strike.
VIP 7 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 4+
Siege of Cthonia book.
Unit Type:
Before setting up the battle, players must determine Strategic After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is
Advantage. The player with Strategic Advantage selects which player is played. Wargear:
the Attacker and which player is the Defender. Laspistol
Refractor Field
Both players start with 6 Reinforcement Points to place units in their The Zone Mortalis Mission: VIP Extraction represents the Defender
attempting to escort an essential member of mortal personnel to the Special Rules:
own Deployment Zones. Independent Character
Extraction Point – whilst the Attacker attempts to capture or assassinate
them. At the end of any of the Attacker’s Turns, if the Defender has Protectorate: The VIP cannot be targeted by any attacks made
Any Reinforcement Points not used to place units in a player’s with the Precision Shots (X), Precision Strikes (X), or Sniper Special
managed to get their VIP to the Extraction Point, the game immediately
Deployment Zone during deployment are retained. Rules unless there are no other eligible targets in the unit. In
ends and the Defender is declared the winner. If the Attacker
successfully kills the VIP at any point, the game immediately ends and addition, you may not allocate wounds to the VIP at any time
Both players gain 2 Reinforcement Points at the end of each Game Turn, the Attacker is declared the winner. If, at the end of the game, the VIP is unless there are no other eligible targets in the unit.
in addition to any gained through mission Special Rules. still alive but has not reached the extraction point, the game is declared High Value Target: The VIP has the Hit & Run Special Rule, but
a draw. this is not conferred to any unit they join. This does allow them to
DEPLOYMENT withdraw from combat and leave a unit they were previously
Players must deploy units from their army up to the amount of attached to still engaged in it, if they so choose.
Reinforcement Points they start with, placing any remaining units into Primary Objectives
Reinforcements. Evacuate the VIP: If the VIP reaches the Extraction Point (they must be
in base-to-base contact with the marker) at any point during the game,
The battlefield is divided into four equal quadrants as shown in the the game ends immediately and the Defender wins. COUNTER ASSAULT
deployment map opposite. The Defender chooses one quadrant to be When deploying units from Reinforcements, the Controlling
their Deployment Zone and deploys units into it, up to the amount of If the VIP is slain at any point during the game, the game ends Player may choose to expend additional Reinforcement Points to
Reinforcement Points they start with, but not anywhere within 6” of the immediately and the Attacker wins. deploy units as a Counter Assault, as per the table that follows:
centre of the board, placing any remaining units into Reinforcements. Battlefield Edge Reinforcement Points Cost
If the VIP does not reach the Extraction Point by the end of the game’s
Attacker Defender
The Attacker then rolls a D6. On a roll of a 3 or lower, the quadrant final turn but is still alive, the game is a draw.
Controlling Player’s Edge 0 0
opposite that of their opponent is their Deployment Zone. On a roll of a
4 or higher, they may choose any of the three remaining quadrants to be Flank Edge +1 +2
their Deployment Zone. They must then deploy their units anywhere in MISSION SPECIAL RULES Opposing Player’s Edge +4 +2
this area, up to the amount of Reinforcement Points they start with, but ● The VIP
not anywhere within 6” of the centre of the board, placing any ● Counter Assault
For the purposes of this mission, a Player’s Board Edges are
remaining units into Reinforcements.
determined to be the board edges on the two sides of their
Deployment Quadrant. Flank Edges are determined to be the
After setting up and deploying the armies, but before play begins, the Board Edges in Quadrants not used as Deployment Zones by either
Attacker must then finally place a single Objective Marker in the player.
quadrant diagonally opposite the Defender’s, at least 6” from any board
edge – this is the Extraction Point.


Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2

12” 48”

Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4

36 37
Game Mode: Decurion
A Decurion Warband is not constructed via the normal Force Organisation method of selecting HQ, Troops, or other slot choices as normal.
Instead, to construct a Decurion Warband, you must instead purchase individual models as per the Decurion Warband Organisation Chart, rules,
The Decurion Game Mode is an alternative game mode to the existing Game Modes presented in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core and restrictions, as follows:
Rulebook and other publications, and is designed to allow players to represent the smaller skirmishes between covert strike teams, lone survivors
banded together, and more. Heroes and Leaders
The Heroes and Leaders of your warband are those who have shaped it from a collection of individual desperate survivors into a capable fighting
Decurion places its emphasis on the desperate fights for survival that these groups would endure, allowing players to pick up small numbers of force. The following process should be followed to select a Hero and Leaders:
models and get quick games running. Because of this, the way you construct forces for Decurion games differs greatly from other Game Modes. • Only Infantry models may be selected.
• Heroes must have the Character Sub-type, and may have the Independent Character Special Rule.
We recommend games using the Decurion Game Mode are played with between 250 and 750 points, on a table between 2ft x 2ft and 3ft x 3ft in size. • Leaders must have the Character Sub-type, but may not have the Independent Character Special Rule.
• The cost of a Hero or Leader is either their normal cost (if they are normally available to be purchased as a single model), or the cost of adding
additional models to the unit they are normally part of, with an additional +10 points (such as a Legion Tactical Sergeant, who would cost 20
The following effects must be adhered to whilst constructing a force to use with the Decurion Game Mode:
points in this example).
• You must construct your force using the Decurion Warband Force Organisation Chart. • In a unit with no points per model cost (with the models themselves being eligible to be a Hero or Leader), divide the total points cost of the
• No models with the Unique Sub-type may be selected. unit by the number of models in the unit, rounding down to the nearest multiple of 5, then add an additional +10 points. This is the cost per
• All models are classed as Individuals, unless they are in Unit Coherency at the end of the Movement Phase – If they do this, they form an Ad-Hoc Unit. model to purchase these models as Heroes or Leaders.
• Ad-Hoc Units may also be formed during the Deployment of your force.
• Ad-Hoc Units may only contain models which are either Sworn Brothers (as per the Allies Matrix), which share the same Legiones Astartes (X)
Special Rule, or are otherwise selected from the same Faction and are intended to be part of the same Regiment / Cult / Taghmata, or similar. Troopers
(For simplicity’s sake, these are referred to as “Factions” from here on out.) The Troopers of your warband are those who refuse to give up or give in; resilient even among the battered and beaten fighters of the Horus Heresy
– for against even utterly overwhelming odds, they simply refused to lay down and die. The following process should be followed to select Troopers:
• Models in an Ad-Hoc Unit are treated as a single unit for the purposes of all rules, including Leadership tests, Movement, Shooting Attacks made
• Only Infantry models may be selected.
against them, and so on.
• Troopers may not have the Character Sub-type or the Independent Character Special Rule.
• For purposes of allies (via other players), Special Rules, or anything else that would require checking the Allies Matrix, your Warband is counted as
the Faction of your Hero. • The cost of a Trooper is the cost of adding additional models to the unit they are normally part of.
• Only models in Base-to-Base contact during their Initiative Step may fight in the Assault Phase. • In a unit with no points per model cost, divide the total points cost of the unit by the number of models in the unit, rounding down to the
nearest multiple of 5. This is the cost per model to purchase these models as Troopers.
• All models with the Infantry Unit Type in a Warband are counted as having the Line Sub-type, unless the Faction those models are from is counted
as Distrusted Allies relative to your Hero’s Faction. • Any upgrade which is normally set as one per X models still requires that number of models to be part of your Warband – meaning in order to
equip one Legion Veteran with a Flamer, you’d need to ensure your Warband contained five Legion Veterans.
• No model may issue a Challenge.
• Any upgrade which is normally set as one per squad is instead restricted to one per Warband.
• You may not select a model with a Legion Standard.
• Any Trooper with a 2+ Armour Save Characteristic instead has a 3+ Armour Save in this game mode – their armour is degraded beyond its
• No model with the Master of the Legion, Feudal Hierarchy, Cohort Doctrines, Tribune of the Golden Legion, or Path of Command Special Rule may
normal protections as a result of their ongoing fighting, and is not at full effectiveness!
be selected. In addition, a Custodian Shield Captain may not be selected.
• No model with the Assassin, Abomination, or Mechanised Unit Sub-type may be selected.
• Imperialis Militia Heavy Ordnance Batteries may not be selected as part of a Decurion Warband. Imperialis Militia Field Gun Batteries gain the
Support Squad Special Rule if selected as part of a Decurion Warband. Artillery in the Decurion Game Mode
Some units across various army lists broadly fit into a classification of “artillery”. These units would be typically rare in smaller skirmish battles, but in
• Any model with the Aspect Shrine (X) Special Rule may only join or be joined by other models with the same variant of the Aspect Shrine (X) Special
some rare cases would crop up - whether recovered by one side and brought to bear against the other, or utilised in a small strike force to deadly
Rule. The restrictions applied on the selection of units with the Aspect Shrine (X) Special Rule are ignored when constructing a Decurion Warband. effect. Rules for including these are as below:
• Models with the Chosen Warriors special rule are counted as having the Character Sub-type for purposes of being selected as a Leader or Hero model. • Rapier Carriers may be selected as part of a Legion Warband. If selected, then two Legion Gunners models are also included as part of the same
Such models do not count as characters for purposes of any options available to them, even when taken as a Leader or Hero. Force Organisation slot. No model with the Legion Artillerists Special Rule may join or be joined by a friendly model without the Legion
Artillerists Special Rule. Legion Gunners may not be selected as part of a Legion Warband except as part of a Rapier Carrier.
• Rapier Carriers may be selected as part of a Solar Auxilia Warband. If selected, then two Auxilia Gunners models are also included as part of the
same Force Organisation slot. No model with the Auxilia Artillerists Special Rule may join or be joined by a friendly model without the Auxilia
Warlords in the Decurion Game Mode Artillerists Special Rule. Auxilia Gunners may not be selected as part of a Solar Auxilia Warband except as part of a Rapier Carrier.
When choosing your army, you must nominate your Hero model to be your Warlord. You may not choose a Warlord Trait for your warlord in games • Rapier Carriers may be selected as part of an Imperialis Militia Warband. If selected, then two Militia Gunners models are also included as part
with a maximum point limit of 500 points or less. In games of 501 points or more, each Warlord has one Warlord Trait chosen during army selections of the same Force Organisation slot. No model with the Militia Artillerists Special Rule may join or be joined by a friendly model without the
from the list of Core Warlord Traits (see page 285 of the Core Rules) or another list made available as part of that model’s Allegiance or Army List. Militia Artillerists Special Rule. Militia Gunners may not be selected as part of an Imperialis Militia Warband except as part of a Rapier Carrier.
• Vaul’s Wrath Support Batteries may be selected as part of an Asuryani Warband. If selected, then two Guardian Crew models are also included
as part of the same Force Organisation slot. No model with the Guardian Artillerists Special Rule may join or be joined by a friendly model
Wargear and Special Rules Selections without the Guardian Artillerists Special Rule. Guardian Crew models may not be selected as part of an Asuryani Warband except as part of a
Some items of wargear or Special Rules specify they are able to be purchased for an entire squad at a fixed cost, for example a Legion Destroyer Vaul’s Wrath Support Battery.
Assault Squad being able to purchase Melta Bombs at +25 points, or a Phoenix Terminator unit being able to purchase the Surgical Augments for the
unit at +25 points. Instead of a paying this +25 points cost per model, instead, any option purchased in this manner must instead be purchased for Tercios and Strength in Numbers in the Decurion Game Mode
individual models from those units at a cost of +5 points per model. The mortal factions in the Age of Darkness frequently appear in numbers an order of magnitude above that of the Legiones Astartes. To represent
these teeming multitudes, the following rules apply:
• Any model with the Infantry Type that has the Tercio Special Rule, replaces that Special Rule with the Decurion Tercio Special Rule:
Decurion Tercio: When included as a Trooper model in a Decurion Warband, up to two additional identical models may be purchased. These
models occupy the same Force Organisation Chart slot as the first and must be deployed in coherency (including as part of an Ad-Hoc unit
with other models). However, they are treated as individuals once the game begins.
• Any model with the Infantry Type that has the Strength in Numbers Special Rule, replaces that Special Rule with the Scattered Survivors
Special Rule:
Scattered Survivors: When included as a Trooper model in a Decurion Warband, up to three additional identical models may be purchased.
These models occupy the same Force Organisation Chart slot as the first and must be deployed in coherency (including as part of an Ad-Hoc
unit with other models). However, they are treated as individuals once the game begins.

40 41
Pursuit Beasts and Beastmasters in the Decurion Game Mode REACTIONS IN THE DECURION GAME MODE
The varied and ferocious beasts hounded into battle by various factions in the Age of Darkness can be deadly in smaller confrontations where escape When making reactions in a Decurion battle, an army may not choose to use any of the Core Reactions presented in the Core Rules, nor any army
or evasion of them proves difficult. When fielded in the Decurion Game Mode, the following rules apply: list specific Advanced Reactions. Instead, all armies, regardless of Faction or size, may only choose to use any or all of the Decurion Reactions
• For each model with the Pursuit Beasts and Silent Sisterhood (X) Special Rule included in a Decurion Warband, a single Pursuit Beast may be presented in this supplement during a Decurion battle.
purchased for the cost listed on page 58 of Liber Imperium. This Pursuit Beast shares the same Force Organisation slot as the model that
purchased it, and must be deployed in coherency with that model. If possible, a Pursuit Beast must always remain in coherency with at least Base Reaction Allotment, Additional Reactions, and Reaction Limits in Decurion:
one model with the Pursuit Beast and Silent Sisterhood (X) Special Rule. In Decurion battles, any player may make one (1) Reaction in each phase of their opponent’s turn. This number may not be increased in any way.
Regardless of any modifications to a player’s Reaction Allotment or special rules granting additional reactions, the Reactive Player may never make
• For each model with the Beastmasters Special Rule and Militia Sub-type included in a Decurion Warband, a single War Beast may be purchased
more than one (1) Reaction in any given phase.
for the cost listed on page 28 of the Imperialis Militia pdf. This War Beast shares the same Force Organisation slot as the model that purchased
it, and must be deployed in coherency with that model. If possible, a War Beast must always remain in coherency with at least one model with
Decurion Reactions:
the Beastmasters Special Rule and Militia Subtype. A model with the Beastmasters Special Rule may not join or be joined by any other that is
During a Decurion battle, the following Reactions are available to all armies regardless of maximum points limit or Faction. These reactions are only
not a War Beast or that has the Beastmasters Special Rule.
available in Decurion battles.

Decurion Warband Force Organisation Chart Movement Phase Reactions:

The Decurion Warband Force Organisation Chart is presented below. In a game using the Decurion Game Mode, the Compulsory and Optional During the Movement Phase, the Reactive Player may declare a reaction if an enemy unit ends a move within 12” and in line of sight of a friendly
choices for your force are as follows: unit. Once the Active Player has fully resolved the movement of their unit, the Reactive Player may choose to expend their Reaction in that Phase in
order to have the unit they control that is within 12” and line of sight perform a Contact! Reaction.
Contact!: The Reacting unit may make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that triggered this Reaction and following all the usual rules for Shooting
Compulsory Optional Attacks. A unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a Contact! Reaction may not make any attacks indirectly (without line of sight). All Shooting Attacks
• 1 Hero • +2 Leaders made as part of a Contact! Reaction are Snap Shots, with the exception of Template Weapons. Note that this prevents models from making attacks with the
Blast(X) special rule as part of this Reaction. Template Weapons may only be used as part of a Contact! Reaction if the target unit is within 8” and must use
• 9 Troopers • +9 Troopers
the Wall of Death rule instead of firing normally. Models in the Reacting unit count as Stationary during this Shooting Attack, even if they moved in the
previous Movement phase.

Shooting Phase Reactions:

During the Shooting phase, the Reactive player may react when any enemy unit declares a Shooting Attack targeting a unit they control. Before the
Active player resolves the Shooting Attack, the Reactive player may choose to expend their Reaction in that Phase to have the unit targeted by the
Shooting Attack perform either a Go to Ground! Reaction or a Reposition! Reaction.
Go to Ground!: All models in the Reacting unit gain a 5+ Go to Ground save against all Wounds inflicted as part of the Shooting Attack that triggered this
Reaction. A Go to Ground save is counted as a Cover Save which cannot be mitigated by the Ignores Cover Special Rule.
Reposition!: Each model in the Reacting unit may move a number of inches up to its unmodified Initiative Characteristic. When resolving the Shooting
Hero Attack that triggered this Reaction, all range and line of sight is measured to the Reacting unit’s new position. If, as a result of this movement, no models in the
reacting unit are within range or line of sight of any models in the triggering unit, the Active player cannot choose a new target for their Shooting Attack.

Assault Phase Reactions:

During the Assault phase, the Reactive player may react when any enemy unit declares a Charge targeting a unit they control. Before the Active
player has resolved any Charge Rolls, the Reactive player may choose to expend their Reaction in that Phase to have the unit targeted by the Charge
perform a Hold Fast! Reaction.
Hold Fast!: The Reacting unit must make a Morale check. If the Check is failed, the Reacting unit immediately Falls Back 1d6” and automatically regroups
Leader Leader when this Fall Back Move is completed. If the Check is successful, the Reacting unit automatically passes any Morale checks they are required to make as a
result of losing an assault during the following Fight sub-phase.

Troopers Troopers Troopers

42 43
MISSIONS IN THE DECURION GAME MODE Determine Attacker and Defender
When playing a game using the Decurion Game Mode, instead of using a mission from the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook or one The players should roll off to determine who will be the Attacker and Defender. The player who wins the roll-off may choose either role.
presented in the Liber Panoptica, you should instead use the below process to generate and play a mission with custom Mission Objectives. It is
assumed that no matter the Mission Objectives rolled, the Night Fighting Mission Special Rule is used.
Determine Night Fighting
Determine Mission Objectives The players should roll off or otherwise agree whether Night Fighting is in effect. Note that, in contrast with the normal Night Fighting rules, Night
The Mission Objectives presented below are designed to work with both progressive scoring (meaning they are scored at the beginning of each Fighting is only in effect on a D6 roll of a 4+, unless both players agree to have it in play.
player’s game turn), and post-game scoring (meaning they are scored at the end of the game). Players should agree with their opponent which type of
scoring they wish to use before the game begins, or if both players agree, they can be scored both at the start of each player’s turn, and at the end of
the game. Deployment
The player with the role of Attacker should select their Deployment Zone and then deploy their entire force, including any Fortifications they
To determine a Mission Objective, first roll a D6, and consult the below Mission Type chart to see which type of mission you will be playing. In possess, except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
games of 600 points or larger, roll 2D6 instead, and use both results separately to generate a second Mission Objective:

D6 Mission Type The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in Reserve,
into their Deployment Zone.
1 Seize & Secure
2 Run Them Down!
3 Lynchpin Place Objective Markers
4 Domination If a Mission Objective which uses Objective Markers was rolled, these should be placed onto the board now.
5 Blood Tithe
6 Overrun
First Turn
Seize & Secure: After Deployment and pre-game moves, but before the game begins, the players must take turns placing a total of 4 Objective Markers on the The Attacker has the first turn, unless their opponent can Seize the Initiative.
board, with the Defender placing the first. These may not be placed in either player’s Deployment Zones, or within 6” of a board edge or each other. These
Objective Markers award +1 Victory Point each to the player that controls them at the end of each turn, and / or the end of the game.
Game Length
Run Them Down!: Each Scoring model which is wholly within the Opponent’s Deployment Zone awards the Controlling Player +2 Victory Points. These After four turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 3+, a fifth is played. If a fifth turn is played, at the end of the fifth turn, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, a sixth
points are awarded either at the end of each turn, and / or the end of the game. and final turn is played.

Lynchpin: After Deployment and pre-game moves, but before the game begins, place a single Objective Marker at the centre of the board. This Objective
Marker awards +1 Victory Point to the player that controls it at the end of each turn, and / or the end of the game. Victory Conditions
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Points has won the game. If the players have the same number of Victory Points,
Domination: After Deployment and pre-game moves, but before the game begins, divide the table into four equal quadrants. For each quadrant which you the player who has scored the most Victory Points as a result of Secondary Objectives wins the game. If both players have scored the same number of
have more Scoring units in than your Opponent, you gain +1 Victory Point at the end of each turn, and / or the end of the game. Victory Points due to Secondary Objectives, the game ends in a draw. Note that for this Game Mode, the effects of the Sudden Death Victory
stipulation are ignored - therefore, it is required to tally up Victory Points to determine a winner, even if one player has no models remaining.
Blood Tithe: Any Trooper Choice slain by either player during the game is worth an additional +1 Victory point to that player, whilst any Leader Choice slain
by either player during the game is worth an additional +2 Victory points to that player, and any Hero Choice slain by either player during the game is worth
an additional +3 Victory point to that player. This Mission Objective can only be scored at the end of the game.

Overrun: If you have more Scoring models in than your own Deployment Zone than the Opposing Player Does, you gain +1 Victory Point. If you have more
Scoring models in no man’s land than the Opposing Player Does, you gain +2 Victory Points. If you have more Scoring models in than your Opponent’s
Deployment Zone than the Opposing Player Does, you gain +3 Victory Points. These Victory Points are awarded either at the end of each turn, and / or the end
of the game.

Determine Deployment Map

Once you have ascertained your Mission Objective(s), roll a D3 and consult the below chart to see which Deployment Map you should use - these can
be found in the Deployment Maps in the Decurion Game Mode section:
D3 Deployment Map
1 Recovery Raid
2 Breaking Blow
3 Rearguard Assault

44 45
Rather than using the Deployment Maps found in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook or one presented in the Liber Panoptica, you
should instead use the below process to generate an appropriate Deployment Map for a game using the Decurion Game Mode.


Attacker’s No Man’s Land

1. Recovery Raid
Deployment Zone
The Recovery Raid Deployment Map divides the battlefield into four
equal quarters. Each quarter constitutes a Deployment Zone. Units may
not be deployed into the circular 12" diameter area at the centre of the
battlefield. 12” 48”

A player’s battlefield edges are any table edges that form part of their
Deployment Zone.
No Man’s Land Defender’s
Deployment Zone


12” Defender’s
Deployment Zone

2. Breaking Blow
The Breaking Blow Deployment Map divides the battlefield into two
equal halves across its length. Each player’s Deployment Zone is a 12”
wide strip across one of these halves.
No Man’s Land 48”
A player’s battlefield edge is the long battlefield edge touching their own
Deployment Zone.

Attacker’s 12”
Deployment Zone

Deployment Zone

3. Rearguard Assault
The Rearguard Assault Deployment Map divides the battlefield into two
equal halves across the diagonal axis. Each player’s Deployment Zone is a
triangle, with each side being 12” across. No Man’s Land 48”

A player’s battlefield edges are any table edges that form part of their
Deployment Zone.

Deployment Zone

46 47
Game Mode: Centurion
When making reactions in a Centurion battle, an army may not choose to use any of the Core Reactions presented in the Core Rules, nor any army
list specific Advanced Reactions. Instead, all armies, regardless of Faction or size, may only choose to use any or all of the Centurion Reactions
The Centurion Game Mode is an expansion of the existing Narrative, Campaign, and Matched Play Game Modes presented in the Horus Heresy: presented in this supplement during a Centurion battle.
Age of Darkness Core Rulebook and other publications, designed to present a different and engaging challenge for all players.
Base Reaction Allotment, Additional Reactions, and Reaction Limits in Centurion:
Centurion places its emphasis on the smaller battles of the Heresy – covert raids, key strikes, or ongoing skirmishes between lightly armed forces are In Centurion battles of 1000 points or fewer per player, any player may make one (1) Reaction in each phase of their opponent’s turn. This number
its purview. Because of this, there are several limitations and restrictions on the choices permitted in Centurion games. may not be increased in any way. Regardless of any modifications to a player’s Reaction Allotment or special rules granting additional reactions, the
Reactive Player may never make more than one (1) Reaction in any given phase.
We recommend games using the Centurion Game Mode are played with between 500 and 1500 points, on a table at least 4ft x 4ft in size.
In Centurion battles of 1001+ points or more per player, this restriction is removed.
The following effects must be adhered to whilst constructing an army to use with the Centurion Game Mode:
• You must use the Incursio Force Organisation Chart, and may not select an Allied Detachment, nor any optional detachments. Centurion Reactions:
During a Centurion battle, the following Reactions are available to all armies regardless of maximum points limit or Faction. These reactions are only
• Legiones Astartes armies may only use the Rites of War found in the Centurion Rites of War Section – no other Rites of War are permitted.
available in Centurion battles.
• Mechanicum armies may use the War-Covenants found in the Centurion War-Covenants Section.
• Solar Auxilia armies may use the Cohort Doctrines found in the Centurion Cohort Doctrines Section. Movement Phase Reactions:
• Asuryani armies may use the World-Runes found in the Centurion World-Runes Section – no other World-Runes are permitted. During the Movement Phase, the Reactive Player may declare a reaction if an enemy unit ends a move within 12” and in line of sight of a friendly
• Legio Custodes armies are not permitted to select a Chamber of the Golden Host. unit. Once the Active Player has fully resolved the movement of their unit, the Reactive Player may choose to expend their Reaction in that Phase in
order to have the unit they control that is within 12” and line of sight perform a Contact! Reaction.
• No models with the Vehicle Unit Type may be selected - with the exception of Legion Rhino Transports, Skorpius Duneriders, Kharon Pattern
Contact!: The Reacting unit may make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that triggered this Reaction and following all the usual rules for Shooting
Acquisitors, Silent Sisterhood Rhino Transport, Aurox Transports, Solar Auxilia Chimera Transport, Imperialis Militia Chimera Transport,
Attacks. A unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a Contact! Reaction may not make any attacks indirectly (without line of sight). All Shooting Attacks
and Wave Serpents - which may be selected by any unit normally able to purchase them. made as part of a Contact! Reaction are Snap Shots, with the exception of Template Weapons. Note that this prevents models from making attacks with the
• No model with the Master of the Legion, Feudal Hierarchy, Cohort Doctrines, Tribune of the Golden Legion, or Path of Command Special Blast(X) special rule as part of this Reaction. Template Weapons may only be used as part of a Contact! Reaction if the target unit is within 8” and must use
Rule may be selected. In addition, only a single Custodian Shield Captain (of any variant) may be selected. the Wall of Death rule instead of firing normally. Models in the Reacting unit count as Stationary during this Shooting Attack, even if they moved in the
• No model with the Assassin or Abomination Unit Sub-type may be selected. previous Movement phase.
• Any unit with the Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type, or the Artillery, Mechanised, or Grav-Platform Sub-type, may not expand their unit
Shooting Phase Reactions:
beyond its starting size.
During the Shooting phase, the Reactive player may react when any enemy unit declares a Shooting Attack targeting a unit they control. Before the
• You may only select a maximum of 1 Wound’s worth of models with a Toughness Characteristic of 6 or 7 for each full 125 points in your army – Active player resolves the Shooting Attack, the Reactive player may choose to expend their Reaction in that Phase to have the unit targeted by the
the points cost of models selected in this way is counted toward your army total. In this way, in an army of 1250 points, you could select a total Shooting Attack perform either a Go to Ground! Reaction or a Reposition! Reaction.
of 10 Wounds worth of Toughness 6 models – thus, up to two Legion Castra Ferrum Dreadnoughts could be selected. Go to Ground!: All models in the Reacting unit gain a 5+ Go to Ground save against all Wounds inflicted as part of the Shooting Attack that triggered this
• You may not select models with a Toughness Characteristic of 8 or higher. Reaction. A Go to Ground save is counted as a Cover Save which cannot be mitigated by the Ignores Cover Special Rule.
Reposition!: Each model in the Reacting unit may move a number of inches up to its unmodified Initiative Characteristic. When resolving the Shooting
Attack that triggered this Reaction, all range and line of sight is measured to the Reacting unit’s new position. If, as a result of this movement, no models in the
reacting unit are within range or line of sight of any models in the triggering unit, the Active player cannot choose a new target for their Shooting Attack.
Warlords in the Centurion Game Mode
When choosing your army, you must nominate one model to be your Warlord, following the guidelines presented on page 284 of the Core Rules. You
Assault Phase Reactions:
may not choose a Warlord Trait for your warlord in games with a maximum point limit of 500 points or less. In games of 501 points or more, each
Warlord has one Warlord Trait chosen during army selections from the list of Core Warlord Traits (see page 285 of the Core Rules) or another list During the Assault phase, the Reactive player may react when any enemy unit declares a Charge targeting a unit they control. Before the Active
made available as part of that model’s Allegiance or Army List. player has resolved any Charge Rolls, the Reactive player may choose to expend their Reaction in that Phase to have the unit targeted by the Charge
perform a Hold Fast! Reaction.
INCURSIO FORCE ORGANISATION CHART Hold Fast!: The Reacting unit must make a Morale check. If the Check is failed, the Reacting unit immediately Falls Back 1d6” and automatically regroups
when this Fall Back Move is completed. If the Check is successful, the Reacting unit automatically passes any Morale checks they are required to make as a
The Incursio Force Organisation Chart is presented below. In a game using the Centurion Game Mode, the Compulsory and Optional choices for result of losing an assault during the following Fight sub-phase.
your force are as follows:
Compulsory Optional
• 1 HQ • +1 HQ
• 2 Troops • +2 Troops
• +2 Elites
• +2 Fast Attack
• +2 Heavy Support


Troops Troops Elites Fast Attack Heavy Support

50 51
MISSIONS IN THE CENTURION GAME MODE Determine Secondary Objectives
When playing a game using the Centurion Game Mode, instead of using a mission from the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook or one To determine Secondary Objectives, roll 2D6, and consult the below Secondary Objectives chart to see which Secondary Objectives will be in effect
presented in the Liber Panoptica, you can instead use the below process to generate and play a mission with custom Primary and Secondary during the game. Each D6 rolled corresponds to one of the below Secondary Objectives:
Objectives. It is assumed that no matter the Primary or Secondary Objectives rolled, the Night Fighting and Reserves Mission Special Rules are used.
D6 Mission Type
1 Attrition
Determine Primary Objective
2 Last Man Standing
To determine a Primary Objective, first roll a D6, and consult the below Mission Type chart to see which type of mission you will be playing. In
games of 1500 points or larger, roll 2D6 instead, and use both results separately to generate a second Primary Objective: 3 Slay the Warlord
4 Overrun
D6 Mission Type
5 Demonstration of Power
1-3 Tactical Raid
6 First Strike
4-5 War for Territory
6 Annihilation
Attrition: The army which has destroyed the highest number of enemy units at the end of the game gains +D3 Victory Points.

Once you have ascertained your mission type(s), consult the below charts, rolling a D3 against the relevant table(s) to see what your Primary Last Man Standing: The side with the greatest number of surviving units at the end of the game gains +D3 Victory Points.
Objective(s) will be:
Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains +1 Victory Point.
D3 Tactical Raid - Primary Objectives
1 Deadly Ground Overrun: Any unit slain by either player by a Sweeping Advance is worth an additional +1 Victory point to that player at the end of the game..
2 Denial
3 Seize & Secure Demonstration of Power: Any model slain by either player during a Challenge is worth an additional +1 Victory point to that player at the end of the game.

Deadly Ground: After Deployment and pre-game moves, but before the game begins, the Defender must place 3 Objective Markers on the board. One must be First Strike: Any unit completely destroyed by either player during their First Turn is worth an additional +1 Victory point to that player at the end of
at the centre of the table, whilst the others must be placed, one each, into each player’s Deployment Zone. Each Objective Marker awards +1 Victory Point to the game.
the player that controls it at the start of that player’s turn.

Denial: After Deployment and pre-game moves, but before the game begins, a single Objective Marker is placed at the centre of the board. This Objective
Marker awards +5 Victory Points to the player that controls it at the end of the game. Determine Deployment Map
The players should roll to determine which Deployment Map from the Core Rulebook should be used.
Seize & Secure: After Deployment and pre-game moves, but before the game begins, the Defender must place 3 Objective Markers on the board, and the
Attacker places 1 Objective Marker. These may not be placed in either player’s Deployment Zones. These Objective Markers award +2 Victory Points each to the
player that controls them at the end of the game.
Determine Attacker and Defender
The players should roll off to determine who will be the Attacker and Defender. The player who wins the roll-off may choose either role.

D3 War for Territory - Primary Objectives

1 Run Them Down!
Determine Night Fighting
2 Domination The players should roll off or otherwise agree whether Night Fighting is in effect.
3 Desperate Breakout

Run Them Down!: At the end of the game, each Scoring unit which is wholly within the Opponent’s Deployment Zone awards the Controlling Player +2
Victory Points. Each Denial unit which is wholly within the Opponent’s Deployment Zone awards the Controlling Player +1 Victory Point.
The player with the role of Attacker should select their Deployment Zone and then deploy their entire force, including any Fortifications they
possess, except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
Domination: At the end of the game, divide the table into four equal quadrants. For each quadrant which you have more Scoring units in than your
Opponent, you gain +3 Victory Points.
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in Reserve,
into their Deployment Zone.
Desperate Breakout: At the end of the game, the Defender gains +1 Victory Point for each unit they control which is outside of any player’s Deployment Zone,
and +2 Victory Points for each unit they control which is in the Attacker’s Deployment Zone. The Attacker gains +2 Victory Points for each of the Defender’s
units which has been completely destroyed.
Place Objective Markers
If a Primary Objective which uses Objective Markers was rolled, these should be placed onto the board now.
D3 Annihiliation - Primary Objectives
1 Contest of Champions
First Turn
The Attacker has the first turn, unless their opponent can Seize the Initiative.
3 Blood Tithe

Contest of Champions: At any point during the game, if a player’s Warlord successfully slays the Opposing Player’s Warlord by any means, then the
Controlling Player is awarded +5 Victory Points. Game Length
After four turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 3+, a fifth is played. If a fifth turn is played, at the end of the fifth turn, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, a sixth
VIP: Before the game begins, the Defender must nominate a single model in their army with the Character Sub-type. If that model is slain at any point during and final turn is played.
the game, the Attacker gains +5 Victory Points. If they are still in play at the end of the game, the Defender gains +5 Victory Points.

Blood Tithe: Any unit slain awards the Opposing Player +1 Victory Point, in addition to any others it may award for any other reason. Victory Conditions
At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory Points has won the game. If the players have the same number of Victory Points,
the player who has scored the most Victory Points as a result of Secondary Objectives wins the game. If both players have scored the same number of
Victory Points due to Secondary Objectives, the game ends in a draw.

52 53
CENTURION RITES OF WAR Centurion Rite of War: Destroyer Conclave
You may use any of the following Centurion Rites of War in a Legiones Astartes army without having a model with the Master of the Legion Special Effects
Rule. These Rites of War are only to be used with the Incursio Force Organisation Chart. • Any model which may take a Havoc Launcher in a detachment using this Rite of War may instead take a Phosphex Discharger for +20 points.
• Any unit which has any models equipped with a Missile Launcher in a detachment using this Rite of War may purchase Rad Missiles in
addition to their normal ammunition types for +10 points per model.
Centurion Rite of War: Ambush Contingent
Effects • Legion Destroyer Assault Squads and Legion Destroyer Mortalis Squads may be taken as Troops Choices in a detachment using this
Rite of War.
• All models with the Scout or Infiltrate Special Rules gain the Shrouded (6+) Special Rule, or a +1 to the Shrouded Special Rule if they already
have it, during the first Game Turn. • In a detachment using this Rite of War, Legion Destroyer Assault Squads and Legion Destroyer Mortalis Squads may act as a Denial unit as
long as they are within 6” of an Objective, instead of the usual 3”.
• You may re-roll the dice to determine who gets the first turn, and re-roll an attempt to Seize the Initiative.
• Rather than rolling to see if Night Fighting is in effect, the Controlling Player of this Army may choose if the Night Fighting Special Rule is in Limitations
effect or not. If both Players have this effect, use the regular Night Fighting Rules instead.
• A Detachment using this Rite of War must take a Legion Centurion with the Siege Breaker or Moritat Legiones Consularis upgrade as a
• Legion Scout Squads or Legion Reconnaissance Squads do not have the Support Squad Special Rule. Compulsory HQ choice.
• All Compulsory Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War must be Legion Destroyer Assault Squads or Legion Destroyer
Mortalis Squads.
• All Compulsory Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War must be Legion Scout Squads or Legion Reconnaissance Squads.
• No model equipped with any variant of Legion Terminator Armour may be selected in a Detachment using this Rite of War.
Centurion Rite of War: Command Brigade
• No Infantry model with the Heavy or Artillery Sub-types may be selected in a Detachment using this Rite of War. Effects
• A Legion Centurion with the Vigilator or Pathfinder Legiones Consularis Upgrade must be taken as the Compulsory HQ choice for a • In a detachment using this Rite of War, the effect range of the Legion Standard wargear is increased to 12”.
Detachment using this Rite of War.
• Any unit equipped with a Nuncio-Vox in a detachment using this Rite of War may benefit from the effects of the Cognis Signum carried by a
Master of Signals – though this bonus can only be claimed by one unit per turn.
Centurion Rite of War: Ravager Warband • A Legion Command Squad may be taken for any Centurion in a detachment using this Rite of War.
• A unit equipped with any pattern of Jump Pack in a detachment using this Rite of War may re-roll the dice to determine their charge distance - Limitations
but must accept the second result, even if it is worse. • In a detachment using this Rite of War, the Warlord must be a Legion Centurion with the Delegatus Legiones Consularis upgrade.
• A unit equipped with any pattern of Jump Pack in a detachment using this Rite of War which deploys via Deep Strike gains the Shrouded (5+) • In a detachment using this Rite of War you must select a Legion Command Squad, of which the Delegatus must be the Leader.
Special Rule on the turn it arrives. • A Legion Centurion with the Master of Signals Legiones Consularis upgrade must be selected as part of a detachment using this Rite of War.
• Legion Veteran Assault Squads gain the Line Sub-type in a detachment using this Rite of War. This Centurion occupies the same Force Organisation Slot as the Delegatus, and must be attached to the Command Squad including the
Limitations • In a detachment using this Rite of War, when a Legion Command Squad or model with the Independent Character Special Rule is removed
• All Compulsory Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War must be Legion Assault Squads. from play, the Opposing Player gains an additional Victory Point.
• In a detachment using this Rite of War, at least one Legion Assault Support Squad must be taken as a non-Compulsory Troops Choice.
• A model equipped with any pattern of jump pack must be taken as the Compulsory HQ choice for a Detachment using this Rite of War. Centurion Rite of War: Breacher Shieldwall
Centurion Rite of War: Tactical Strike Force • In a detachment using this Rite of War, any model armed with a Boarding Shield in unit coherency with at least two other models also
Effects equipped with Boarding Shields may re-roll Invulnerable Saves of 1.
• All models in a detachment using this Rite of War equipped with a Bolter (including those armed with Specialist Ammunition such as Asphyx • In a detachment using this Rite of War, any model armed with a Boarding Shield in base-to-base contact with at least two other models also
or Shrapnel, etc) may use the Fury of the Legion Special Rule, even if they would not normally be able to do so. equipped with Boarding Shields count their Weapon Skill as +1 whilst any model attempts to hit them in close combat.
• All Legion Tactical Support Squad units in a detachment using this Rite of War gain the Heart of the Legion Special Rule. • In a detachment using this Rite of War, Legion Breacher Squads gain the Relentless Special Rule.
• Any model in a detachment using this Rite of War which benefits from the Heart of the Legion Special Rule gains the Feel No Pain (5+) Special • Legion Tactical Support Squads may be equipped with Boarding Shields for +5 points per model. (If this upgrade is selected, the whole squad
Rule, instead of Feel No Pain (6+) Special Rule. The Feel No Pain (5+) cannot be improved by any source. must be so upgraded). Any units upgraded in this manner gain the Heavy Sub-type.

Limitations Limitations
• All Compulsory Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War must be Legion Tactical Squads. • A model equipped with a Boarding Shield must be taken as the Compulsory HQ choice for a Detachment using this Rite of War.
• In a detachment using this Rite of War, at least one Legion Tactical Support Squad must be taken as a Troops Choice. • All Compulsory Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War must be Legion Breacher Squads.
• A Detachment using this Rite of War must take a model with the Independent Character Special Rule which is not equipped with any pattern • A Detachment using this Rite of War must take at least one Legion Tactical Support Squad, and this squad must be equipped with Boarding
of Jump Pack, Terminator Armour, Bike, or Jetbike as a Compulsory HQ choice. Shields.

Centurion Rite of War: Blooded Veterans Centurion Rite of War: Seeker Cadre
Effects Effects
• Legion Veteran Squads may be taken as Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War. • Legion Seeker Squads may be taken as Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War.
• Legion Veteran Squads taken as Compulsory Troops Choices gain the Line Sub-type. • All units in a detachment using this Rite of War gain the Preferred Enemy (Warlord) Special Rule.
• Legion Veteran Assault Squads may be taken as non-Compulsory Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War. • In a detachment using this Rite of War, if you successfully slay the enemy Warlord, you gain an additional Victory Point.
• Whilst constructing your army, you may choose to give each Legion Veteran Squad and Legion Veteran Assault Squad in a detachment using this
Rite of War either the Precision Strikes (6+) or Precision Shots (6+) Special Rules. Limitations
• In a detachment using this Rite of War, if you do not successfully slay the enemy Warlord, the Opposing Player an additional Victory Point.
Limitations • All Compulsory Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War must be Legion Seeker Squads.
• All Compulsory Troops Choices in a detachment using this Rite of War must be Legion Veteran Squads. • In a detachment using this Rite of War, all models equipped with any variant of Terminator Armour, with the Artillery Sub-type, or with the
• If all Legion Veteran Squads taken in a detachment using this Rite of War are removed from play, the Opposing Player gains an additional Victory Vehicle Unit Type must begin the game in Reserve.
• A Detachment using this Rite of War must take a Legion Centurion with the Champion Legiones Consularis upgrade as a Compulsory HQ choice.
• If a Legion Centurion with the Champion Legiones Consularis upgrade taken in a detachment using this Rite of War is removed from play, the
Opposing Player gains an additional Victory Point.

54 55
CENTURION WAR-COVENANTS Centurion War-Covenant: Ruinor Destructor Cohort
You may use any of the following Centurion War-Covenants in a Mechanicum army.These War-Covenants are only to be used with the Effects
Incursio Force Organisation Chart. • A model in a Detachment using this War-Covenant with the Ruinor Lesser Techno-Arcana gains the Targeting Bionics Special Rule.
• Any unit composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type in a detachment using this War-Covenant may be upgraded to have the
A Detachment which uses a Centurion War-Covenant may only select a single model with The Lesser Orders of the Techno-Arcana Special Rule - Targeting Bionics Special Rule for +10 points per unit.
rules for The Lesser Orders of Techno-Arcana can be found in Liber Ingenium.
Targeting Bionics
Whenever a model with this Special Rule makes a Shooting Attack, reduce the benefits of any Cover Save the target unit has by -1 (a 5+ becoming
Centurion War-Covenant: Lachrimallion Flesh-Hordes a 6+, and a 6+ being ignored entirely, and so on).
• A model with the Lachrimallion Lesser Techo-Arcana in a Detachment using this War-Covenant gains the Vicarious Vivisectionist Special Rule.
Vicarious Vivisectionist • A detachment using this War-Covenant must take a model with the Ruinor Lesser Techno-Arcana as its compulsory HQ choice, and this
A model with this Special Rule, and any models in a unit that it has joined, may re-roll failed Feel No Pain Damage Mitigation Rolls of 1. model must be the army’s Warlord.
• Compulsory Troops slots in a Detachment using this War-Covenant must be filled with Thallax Cohorts.
• Adsecularis Tech-Thralls Covenants and Adsecularis Tech-Thralls Certus Covenants taken as Compulsory Troops may be upgraded to have a
Toughness Characteristic of 4 at a cost of +1 point per model.
• Whenever a unit of either Adsecularis Tech-Thralls Covenant or Adsecularis Tech-Thralls Certus Covenant is completely destroyed, roll a D6.
On a roll of a 4+, place the entire unit into Reserves instead - it enters play automatically from your board edge at the start of the Controlling
Player’s next turn.

• A Detachment using this War-Covenant must take a model with the Lachrimallion Lesser Techno-Arcana as its compulsory HQ choice, and
this model must be the army’s Warlord.
• Compulsory Troops slots in a Detachment using this War-Covenant must be filled with either Adsecularis Tech-Thralls Covenants or
Adsecularis Tech-Thralls Certus Covenants, and these units must be at their maximum possible unit size.

Centurion War-Covenant: Macroteknia Enginseer Conclave

• A model in a Detachment using this War-Covenant with the Macroteknia Lesser Techno-Arcana gains the High Enginseer Special Rule
(see Liber Mechanicum, page 100).
• All Servo-Automata in a Detachment using this War-Covenant have an Armour Save of 4+.
• Any model in a Detachment using this War-Covenant which has the Battlesmith (X) Special Rule may choose, instead of the normal effects, to
attempt to return a single Servo-Automata previously slain in the battle to a unit they are part of (or have joined). A maximum of two Servo-
Automata may be returned to a single unit in this way per game turn.

• A Detachment using this War-Covenant must take a model with the Macroteknia Lesser Techno-Arcana as its compulsory HQ choice, and this
model must be the army’s Warlord.
• Compulsory Troops slots in a Detachment using this War-Covenant must be filled with Tech-Priest Auxilia units.

Centurion War-Covenant: Myrmidae Destroyer Cult

• A model in a Detachment using this War-Covenant with the Myrmidae Lesser Techno-Arcana gains The Myrmidon Host Special Rule
(see Liber Mechanicum, page 101).
• A single unit of Myrmidon Secutor Host in a Detachment using this War-Covenant may be upgraded to have a Weapon Skill Characteristic
of 5, at a cost of +10 points per model.

• A Detachment using this War-Covenant must take a model with the Myrmidae Lesser Techno-Arcana as its compulsory HQ choice, and this
model must be the army’s Warlord.
• A Detachment using this War-Covenant must take at least as many units that are not either Myrmidon Secutor Hosts or Myrmidon Destructor
Hosts as units that are either Myrmidon Secutor Hosts or Myrmidon Destructor Hosts.

56 57
You may use any of the following Centurion Cohort Doctrines in a Solar Auxilia army.These Cohort Doctrines are only to be used with the
Incursio Force Organisation Chart.

A Detachment which uses a Centurion Cohort Doctrine must select a Solar Auxilia Legate Marshal, with that model losing the Cohort Doctrines
Special Rule as a result.

Centurion Cohort Doctrine: Hardened Veterans

• All models with the Infantry Unit Type in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine gain a bonus of +1 to their Leadership
• Any unit that includes one or more models with the Character Sub-type (excluding Auxilia Medicae) in a Detachment using this Centurion
Cohort Doctrine may add +1 to their To-Hit rolls when making Shooting Attacks.
• All models selected as part of an Auxilia Veletaris Tercio in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine gain the Line Sub-type.

• A Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may not include more than one Auxilia Artillery Tercio.
• A Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may not select Dedicated Transports for any unit included in that Detachment.

Centurion Cohort Doctrine: Mechanised Warfare

• Whenever a model from a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine gains a Cover Save due to intervening models, the Cover Save
provided is improved to a 5+ Cover Save if the intervening model or models are from the same Detachment and have the Vehicle Unit Type.
This improved Cover Save can also be claimed by models from a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine if the terrain providing the
Cover Save is a Wrecked Vehicle from the same Detachment.
• Any models with the Infantry Unit Type and Close Order Sub-type included in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may
disembark up to their full Movement Characteristic and still claim the benefits of the Close Order Sub-type on that turn.

• All models with the Infantry Unit Type included in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine must begin the game embarked on a
model with the Transport Sub-type, or otherwise must be placed into Reserves.

Centurion Cohort Doctrine: Mortalis Specialists

• Any model in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may exchange a Flamer or a Heavy Flamer for a Toxiferran Flamer at no
additional points cost.
• Any model with the Character Sub-type in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may be equipped with Rad Grenades at a cost
of +10 points per model.
• Any model with the Character Sub-type in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may be equipped with a single Phosphex Bomb
at a cost of +10 points per model.

• A detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may not include any Solar Auxilia Medicae Sections, Charonite Ogryn Sections, Solar
Auxilia Furibundus Dreadnought Talons, or Solar Auxilia Extremis Boarding Rig Sections.

Centurion Cohort Doctrine: Unconventional Conscripts

• Any model in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may replace a Lasrifle they are equipped with for one of the following
options at no additional points cost; Lascarbine, Lasgun, Stubcarbine, Autorifle, Shotgun, or Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon.
• Any model in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may replace a Lasrifle they are equipped with for the following option at a
cost of +2 points per model; Laspistol and Chainsword.
• Any unit in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type may be given the
Rage (2) and Counter-Attack (1) Special Rules at a cost of +30 points per unit. This does not improve or replace any existing instances of the
Rage (X) or Counter-Attack (X) Special Rules that the unit already possessed.

• All models in a Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine with the Close-Order Sub-type lose that Sub-type.
• A Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may not select more than one Auxilia Tactical Command Tercio.
• A Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may not select more than one Auxilia Veletaris Tercio.
• A Detachment using this Centurion Cohort Doctrine may not include any Solar Auxilia Medicae Sections, Charonite Ogryn Sections, Solar
Auxilia Furibundus Dreadnought Talons, or Solar Auxilia Extremis Boarding Rig Sections.

58 59
CENTURION WORLD-RUNES Centurion World-Runes: The Awakened Anger
You may use any of the following Centurion World-Runes in an Asuryani army. These World-Runes are only to be used with the Effects
Incursio Force Organisation Chart, and do not require a model with the Path of Command Special Rule to be utilised. • Units of Guardian Defenders selected in a Detachment using this World-Rune may be upgraded to have a Ballistic Skill Characteristic of 5 for a
cost of +2 points per model.
Rules for the Asuryani can be found in Liber Antiquia. • Units of Storm Guardians selected in a Detachment using this World-Rune may be upgraded to have a Weapon Skill Characteristic of 5 for a
cost of +2 points per model.

Centurion World-Runes: The Lightning Strike
Effects • A Detachment using this World-Rune may not include any Aspect Exarchs, nor any units with the Aspect Shrine (X) Special Rule.
• In a Detachment using this World-Rune, Windrider Squads lose the Support Squad Special Rule. • A Detachment using this World-Rune must include at least one Guardian Officer Cadre.
• Windrider Squads taken as Compulsory Troops choices in a Detachment using this World-Rune gain the Line unit Sub-type.

• The Warlord of a Detachment using this World-Rune must be equipped with a Skyrunner Jetbike.
• A Detachment using this World-Rune must include more units equipped with Skyrunner Jetbikes, Vyper Jetbikes, or Raptor Jetbikes than units

Centurion World-Runes: The Speartip

• A single Aspect Exarch in the detachment may be given the Exemplar of the Path Special Rule for no additional points cost.

Exemplar of the Path

Units composed entirely of models with the same Aspect Shrine (X) Special Rule as a model with this Special Rule may be taken as Compulsory
Troops choices, and gain the Line Sub-type. In addition, a model with this Special Rule must be the army’s Warlord, and does not count against the
normal limit of how many Aspect Exarchs may select a given Aspect Shrine.

• A Detachment using this World-Rune may not include more units without the Infantry Unit Type than it does units with the Infantry Unit
Type. A unit which can be composed of models of both the Infantry and Cavalry Unit Type at the list building stage (such as Aspect Exarchs or
Guardian Officers) counts as whichever type is in the majority for the purposes of this restriction; for example, a unit with three models of
Cavalry and two Infantry would count as Cavalry.
• Whenever a unit with the Aspect Shrine (X) Special Rule is destroyed, roll a D6. On a roll of a 6, the Opposing Player gains +1 Victory Point.

Centurion World-Runes: The Restless Dead

• A Detachment using this World-Rune may select units of Wraithblades and Wraithguard may be taken as Compulsory Troops in a Detachment
using this World-Rune.
• Units of Wraithblades and Wraithguard taken as Compulsory Troops in a Detachment using this World-Rune gain the Line Unit Sub-type.
• Units of Wraithblades and Wraithguard taken as Compulsory Troops in a Detachment using this World-Rune do not count against the
number of units they are allowed to select with the Wraith Unit Sub-type.

• A Detachment using this World-Rune must include a Wraith Guide as an HQ choice, and this model must be the army’s Warlord.
• Whenever a unit with the Wraith Unit Sub-type is destroyed, the Opposing Player scores an additional +1 Victory Point.

Centurion World-Runes: The Decapitating Blow

• A single Farseer in a Detachment using this World-Rune may take an Outcast Cloak for +10 points. If selected, the Farseer also gains the
Skirmish Sub-type and Scout Special Rule for no additional cost.
• All models with the Infantry type in a Detachment using this World-Rune gain the Shrouded (5+) Special Rule for the first game turn, and
ignore all effects and Limitations of Night Fighting for as long as it is in effect.

• All Compulsory Troops choices in a Detachment using this World-Rune must be Rangers.
• A Detachment using this World-Rune must include a Farseer as an HQ choice, and this model must be the army’s Warlord.

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Game Mode: Praetorian
The Praetorian Game Mode is an alternative game mode to the existing Game Modes presented in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core
Rulebook and other publications, and is designed to allow players to fight battles between primarily infantry-based forces.

We recommend games using the Praetorian Game Mode are played with between 1500 and 2000 points. Other than the stipulations listed below, a
game using the Praetorian Game Mode should be played with all rules and effects as though it were a game using the Narrative Play Game Mode.

The following effects must be adhered to whilst constructing a force to use with the Praetorian Game Mode:

• No models with the Vehicle Unit Type may be selected.

• You may select a Rite of War, but must fulfil the requirements for doing so as normal.
• You may only select a maximum of 1 Wound’s worth of models with a Toughness Characteristic of 6+ for each full 125 points in your army – the
points cost of models selected in this way is counted toward your army total. In this way, in an army of 1750 points, you could select a total of 14
Wounds worth of Toughness 6+ models – thus, up to two Legion Contemptor Dreadnoughts could be selected, with 2 Wounds remaining.
• Models with T8 or higher count as having double their number of wounds for the purposes of these limitations - meaning a Legion Leviathan
Dreadnought, which has 7W, counts as 14W for the purposes of points limitations.

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A Narrative Campaign System
Whenever a player adds a unit to their Crusade Roster, the unit’s details must be recorded on a Crusade Card. Each unit’s Crusade Card must
WHAT IS CRUSADE? contain the following information, which is also explained in full below and on the next page:

The Crusade Campaign System is a narrative structure for Horus Heresy, inspired by the Crusade system found in Warhammer 40,000’s 9th • Unit Name (the unit's name in the relevant army list, for example "Legion Tactical Squad", as well as any monikers you have applied)
edition. It is designed to allow groups of players to play connected and themed games over the course of a particular narrative, with each game being • Force Organisation Chart Slot (the unit's FOC Slot on its unit profile, for example "Troops")
important and contributing to the overall story, as well as allowing players to develop their own forces to suit their own narrative vision. It is • Unit Type (the unit's typing on its unit profile, for example "Infantry")
designed to be used both with or without the larger Panoptica ruleset.
• Unit Composition (how many models are in the unit)
• Unit Cost (the points cost of the unit, including the base unit cost and the cost of any additional models taken, but excluding any wargear)
Using Crusade with Community Rulesets • Crusade Rating (see the Crusade Rating section)
It is entirely possible that when playing a Crusade Campaign you will be using community-made supplements (such as the document this system is
• Experience & Rank (see the Experience & Rank section)
presented in - the Liber Panoptica - or one created by another group, such as Mournival, etc.) alongside the official rules. This can be decided at the
start of the campaign, or on a game-by-game basis if needed. If you are using community rules please ensure that: • Agendas & Combat Tallies (see the Agendas & Combat Tallies section)
• Relics (see the Relics Section)
• Your opponent is made aware of whether community rules are being used before lists are written - this ensures there are no surprises when • Warlord Traits (any Warlord Traits applied to the unit via the process described in the Warlord Traits in Crusade section)
players begin playing the game! • Specialisations (see the Specialisations Section)
• If there are different points values for units in community rules, players should simply use the points value for the Crusade roster based on
preference (it is recommended to go for the ruleset points you use most often). If the points are different for the game, simply adjust the points A template for a Crusade Card can be found at the end of the Crusade section that can be printed and used as is. Alternatively, a player can create
(this can technically take a player over their supply limit, but for ease of balance is the simplest option). The difference in points does not come their own (just as long as the right information is displayed on it!)
out of a player’s Supply Limit or Reserve points, but must be within their total points limit for their army list.

For example; a Crusade Roster is created adding a Dominator Cohort to it, costing 225 supply. This unit is then fielded in a game where the opponent Unit Name, Force Organisation Slot, Unit Type, & Unit Composition
has requested to use Liber Panoptica community rules, where the points cost is different. The Dominators fielded cost 250pts in this community The Unit Name is simply a note of what that unit actually is (such as a Legion Tactical Squad, a Legion Leviathan Dreadnought Talon, or a Castellax
ruleset, but this does not change their points cost on the Crusade Roster. Battle-Automata Maniple). The name of each unit is an easy way to differentiate between different units of the same type, so it is recommended that
players invent a suitable name for each unit in their Crusade Roster (these names can be as ornate or simplistic as desired).

The Force Organisation Slot is the one found on the unit’s profile wherever it is published - for example, “Troops”, “HQ”, or so on. If a unit could be
CRUSADE ROSTERS taken in multiple slots (and this is clear on its unit profile), it should be made clear which slot the unit has been selected in.

A player’s Crusade Roster is primarily a list of all the units they have access to when generating army lists for Crusade games. A Crusade Roster does
The Unit Type is the one found on the unit’s profile wherever it is published - for example, “Infantry”, “Cavalry”, or so on. Sub-types should also be
not need to follow any Force Organisation chart, and can consist of any number of units, but the player must have a Crusade Card for each unit. In
recorded, and if these are applied to only a single model in the unit (such as the Character Sub-type), this should be clearly marked.
addition, the combined points value of all units in a player’s Crusade Roster may not exceed their total starting Supply Limit of 1000pts. This starting
Supply Limit can be increased by purchasing Requisitions and playing battles.
The Unit Composition identifies how many models can be fielded in that unit at maximum size paid for by the player, and once selected cannot be
changed without spending the appropriate Requisition. The Unit Composition cannot exceed the maximum number of models allowed in a unit as
Unique Characters and Primarchs cannot be added to a Crusade Roster, and as a result may never gain Experience or accumulate Battle Traits, Battle
determined by that unit’s rules and profile entry.
Scars, Relics or other Progressions. They may still be included in an army, however, by using Reserve Points.

Supply Limit Unit Cost

This is the total points cost of the unit, including any additional members that have been taken but excluding all wargear, Dedicated Transports, and
A player’s Supply Limit represents the maximum points value of units that can be in their Crusade Roster. The points cost of a unit is the base cost of
other options. These options can be taken with Reserve Points, or even as another Crusade Card in the case of Dedicated Transports. If the
the unit and any additional members taken, but does not include any wargear or other options (including Dedicated Transports) which can be taken
appropriate Requisition has been purchased to increase the unit’s Unit Composition, its Unit Cost should also modified.
with Reserve Points or through other Crusade Cards in your Roster.

Modifying a Crusade Roster Crusade Rating

Each Crusade Card will have an attached Crusade Rating, which is a measure of how many upgrades and bonuses it has accrued while part of your
A player can add new units to their Crusade Roster at any time, provided that doing so will not exceed their Crusade Roster’s Supply Limit. Once a
Crusade Roster. It will typically start at 0 when first added to your Crusade Roster, but will increase as the unit gains Experience in battle.
unit has been added to a player’s Crusade Roster, they cannot change any of its details. This means that they cannot change the number of models in
the unit or any specialisations that unit is eligible to take.
To determine your army's Crusade Rating for a game, simply total up the individual Crusade Ratings of every unit from your Crusade Roster that has
been included in your army; this will provide your Crusade Rating for that game.
A player can remove units from their Crusade Roster at any time, but once removed, a unit cannot be re-added, and any Progression, Battle Traits,
Battle Scars, or Relics that unit has acquired will be lost. If a Crusade Card is removed from a Roster, the cost of that unit is refunded to your total
Supply Limit. Experience & Rank
When you add a unit to your Crusade Roster it starts with zero Experience Points (XP) and the rank of Battle-Ready. There are many ways in which a
Mixed Factions unit can gain XP, such as completing specific missions or Agendas. More information on Ranks can be found in the Ranks & XP section.
A Crusade Roster may contain units from multiple Factions in it, provided they all share the same Allegiance (Loyalist, Traitor, or unaligned). This
means that if you wish to field an Allied or Optional Detachment alongside your Primary Detachment you will need to ensure you have sufficient As a unit gains XP it will increase its Rank. Every time a unit with a Crusade Card reaches a new Rank for the first time it gains a new Battle Trait.
Supply Limit to accommodate all of the units in those Detachments in your Crusade Roster. This Battle Trait is kept even if the unit loses the Rank later on (but the unit will not get a new Trait if it reaches a Rank it has already previously
reached). This means a unit will have at least 4 Battle Traits when it reaches its maximum Rank (though more can be gained through other means).
Requisitions & Requisition Points
Requisition Points (RP) are a form of currency used to purchase Requisitions; these can upgrade a Crusade Roster or the units within them. Each Agendas & Combat Tallies
time a Requisition is purchased by a player using RP, the player reduces their total RP by the cost specified in the Requisition. Any RP not spent are A unit’s Crusade Card contains space to record battle statistics for that unit. Each time a unit takes part in a battle, survives a battle or destroys an
saved and can be used later. Requisitions may be purchased at the start of the campaign if desired - no minimum number of games needs to be played enemy unit, make a note of that on the unit’s Crusade Card. Units can earn XP from these tallies as described previously, and expanded upon in the
and every player starts a Crusade Campaign with 5 RP. Ranks & XP Section. The count of units destroyed is persistent across all battles and will carry across between games.

It should be noted that each time a battle is played, the players gain 1RP after that battle has been completed, regardless of the result of the battle. For example, a Legion Veteran Squad destroys one unit in a game, so would increase their Units Destroyed count to 1. In their next game, the unit
destroys an additional two units, so their total Units Destroyed count would now be at three. If the unit then destroys a further three units in
another game, they would be then be at a Units Destroyed count of six.
The Requisitions a player can purchase can be found in the Requisitions Table. Each Requisition will state when it can be purchased (along with any
other prerequisites or limitations it has), but a Requisition may never be purchased during a battle. Unless stated otherwise, there is no limit on the
number of Requisitions that can be purchased, or the number of times a player can purchase each Requisition, nor on the combination of There is also space on each unit’s Crusade Card to record Agenda tallies during a battle. Unlike Combat Tallies, these are reset to zero after each
Requisitions a player can purchase, provided they have sufficient RP to afford them. If a player do not have enough RP to purchase a Requisition at battle. You can find out more about Agendas & Combat Tallies in the Agendas & Combat Tallies section.
the time of purchase, they cannot purchase it.

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Every player has a Relic Vault (see the Relics section for more information on available relics) - this is where any Relics the player gathers, earns or Crusade Battles are the core of any Crusade Campaign and represent the different forces fighting to establish their own agenda or control territory
steals are stored, and where they may select from to equip their units with. A player may have multiple copies of the same Relic in their vault, so it is for a grander purpose.
important the players keep track of the quantity of each Relic they have in their Vault. If a player wishes to equip a unit with a Relic, they may do so
at any time before or after a battle (although once in the battle it’s too late to add or remove one!). A unit may remove a Relic at any time before or Order of Operations
after a battle, and the Relic is returned to your Vault automatically when it is removed.
When playing a Crusade Battle, players should use the following guide as a reminder for what needs to happen at what point when playing a game:

If a unit is equipped with a Relic, make a note of it on their Crusade Card and increase the unit's Crusade Rating by the value noted in the Relic
• Write an army list at the agreed points limit
description. If they remove the Relic or lose it, then remove this Crusade Rating increase from their Crusade Card.
• Determine the mission being played
• Select Agendas for the mission
If a unit equipped with a Relic is required to take an Out of Action test at any point, and suffers a Fatality result, then the player loses that Relic and
• Play the mission
your opponent immediately gains it for their army to use. It is important to note that even if the unit which suffers the Fatality result is placed into
stasis, this will not prevent the Relic from being lost - however re-rolling the test for a different result may prevent the Relic being lost (unless you • Determine winner and post-game rewards
roll a second Fatality result!). • Take any Out of Action tests
• Apply Experience Points to units
Warlord Traits • Select unit(s) to be Marked for Greatness
If a unit is added to your Crusade Roster it may be given a Warlord Trait at any time by purchasing the “Warlord Trait” Requisition. The Warlord • Update Crusade Cards
Trait cannot be changed once selected, and the unit with this Warlord Trait may only gain the effects of it in a battle where that unit is fielded and is
selected as your Warlord. It is important to remember that simply playing a game of Crusade will earn each player 1RP in addition to any other rewards the mission may have.

Specialisations This order of operations is a rough guide to what should happen during a Crusade Battle, and may be different for specific missions or games, but it is
If a unit is added to your Crusade Roster that has one of the Specialisation options listed below then their selected option or Specialisation must be recommended to use this as a reminder or checklist so players don’t forget any important elements when playing a game!
made clear on their Crusade Card when added to your Crusade Roster, and may not be changed later:
• Legiones Consularis Forming an Army
• The Orders of High Techno-Arcana Before the start of a game, each player must write an army list. The points value for this needs to be agreed with your opponent, or dictated by other
• Paragon of Metal sources (such as a Campaign GM) if it is a specific narrative mission. An army list is created in the same manner as with any other game, except the
• Muster of Worlds: Provenances of War only units you may select must be from your Crusade Roster (Reserve Units to make up the remaining points can be taken - this is explained in the
next section).
It should be noted that the above list is non-exhaustive, and any similar options that are added to the game by either an official publication or a
community supplement should be treated in the same way. Reserve Points
When forming an army list, a player may include up to 75% of their total Supply Limit as additional Reserve Points. These additional points can be
If a Specialisation has a points cost, then this must also be added to total points cost of the unit’s Crusade Card (and you must have sufficient points spent on wargear, upgrades or even entire units (called Reserve Units) that are not present in the player’s Crusade Roster. For example, with a Supply
in your Supply Limit to afford this). Options such as the Dark Angels Hexagrammaton Sub-type choices, which are not an option that costs any Limit of 1000 points, a player has access to up to 750 Reserve Points. This means that they can spend up to this limit in wargear for their Crusade
points, do not need to be included and may be selected/changed on a game-by-game basis. Roster units, as well as on units that do not have a Crusade Card - so in theory, if a player spent their points wisely they could field a 1750 points
force for their first game!
Equipment, Wargear Options, & Psychic Powers
The remaining points from your Supply Limit cannot be used for purchasing wargear or Reserve Units. For example, a player with a Supply Limit of
A unit with a Crusade Card may select their equipment, wargear and other upgrades on a case-by-case basis (as it is fair to assume that they can re-
1000 points spends 900pts on units from their Crusade Roster. The remaining 100 points of Supply Limit cannot be used to purchase upgrades or
equip and re-arm between battles and select the right equipment for the task at hand). This applies to any options that a unit may select from their
additional units (unless they first purchase another unit from their Crusade Roster and fully use up the remaining 100 points), meaning that the
unit profile, including Dedicated Transports.
maximum points value they can achieve having spent 900 points is 1650 points (900 + 750 = 1650).

A unit that has access to Psychic Powers may generate them in the usual manner following all current rules, and these do not need to be included on
Reserve Units selected in this manner do not gain a Crusade Card, and are assumed to be temporarily drafted to support your force before returning
the unit’s Crusade Card.
to their previous duties at the end of the game. These can be from any Faction you wish, provided they share the same Allegiance as your Crusade
Roster, and can be included in any Detachment as required (they may even form your army’s Primary Detachment, with your Crusade Roster units
Dedicated Transports acting as an Allied Detachment). If taken as a Primary Detachment, however, a unit without a Crusade Card may never gain a Warlord Trait (unless
Units with the option to select a Dedicated Transport can purchase these either through Reserve Points, or by purchasing the Dedicated Transport as they are a unique character with access to a pre-determined Warlord Trait).
its own Crusade Card. Any vehicle purchased as its own Crusade Card can be used as a Dedicated Transport for another unit (regardless of whether
that unit has a Crusade Card or not), and, if the unit selected is able to be purchased as a squadron, this can be split up in the same manner as a
Reserve Points spent count towards your maximum points limit for the army list you are writing; and function as a method for easily meeting
vehicle squadron with a Crusade Card when being assigned to units as a Dedicated Transport. A Dedicated Transport can be assigned to another unit
predetermined points values.
at any time when writing an army list and can be assigned to different units in different games. This does allow units not normally able to be
purchased alone - such as a Legion Rhino Transport - to be given their own Crusade Card, but to be used in a game, they must be assigned to a unit
able to ordinarily select them as a Dedicated Transport. Crusade Blessings
When fielding a Crusade army, the players will need to calculate their total Crusade Rating by totalling up the Crusade Rating of every unit from
their Crusade Roster in that army. The players should then compare this with their opponent’s Crusade Rating - the army with the lowest Crusade
For example, a Crusade Card for a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier Squadron is selected in a player’s Crusade Roster. This unit can be fielded as
Rating is considered the underdog and gains a number of Crusade Blessings equal to the difference in Crusade Rating.
either a Squadron of 1-3 models, or up to 3 individual units. These individual models may be fielded as Dedicated Transports for any applicable units
- such as a Legion Terminator Cataphractii Squad - even if these infantry units are themselves paid for using Reserve Points.
A Crusade Blessing can only be used in the current game, and cannot be stockpiled for later games. A Crusade Blessing is a free re-roll of any dice
you roll in the game at the cost of one Blessing per dice re-rolled, with the following limitations:
A unit cannot purchase a Dedicated Transport as part of their own Crusade Card, however - they must create a separate Crusade Card for them, and
select that as a Dedicated Transport when writing an army list. • Any roll relying on more than one dice (such as a Charge roll) must be re-rolled in its entirety when using a Crusade Blessing. This still only
costs a single Crusade Blessing regardless of the number of dice involved in the roll (though this cannot be used to re-roll multiple individual
rolls such as a unit rolling to-Hit rolls).
• Any dice cannot be re-rolled more than once regardless of the source, so a Crusade Blessing cannot be used to re-roll a re-roll.

A Crusade Blessing may be used at any point between the start of the first game turn (and so cannot be used for any pre-game rolls such as for
determining mission or Seizing the Initiative) and the end of the game (and so cannot be used for any post-game rolls such as determining
randomised Victory Points or Out of Action test results.)

70 71
In any game where a player has an army with a Crusade Rating of at least 10, and double that of their opponents, then the underdog player may If a unit has a Crusade Card it can be fielded as a single unit (up to and including the maximum number of models listed on its Card), or it can be
force a re-roll for any of the following dice rolls: fielded as multiple smaller units of the same type, provided the player has enough models in the unit’s Crusade Card Unit Composition. It is
• Determining the mission being played assumed that a random model from the unit is drafted to be the sergeant if the unit is split (and the unit ordinarily has one), and can be equipped as
• Their own dice roll for determining which player has the first turn normal. When fielding these units, if the player paid a lower cost for the additional models in the Crusade Card, the difference in points for fielding
• Any Seize the Initiative roll (whether successful or failed, theirs or their opponents) the individual units in a split unit isn’t taken from their Supply Limit or Reserve Points - this is written off as a a balancing factor.

These re-rolls are in addition to the normal quantity of Crusade Blessings the underdog player receives, and do not expend any Crusade Blessings As an example; a player has a Legion Tactical Squad with a Unit Composition of twenty models in their Crusade Roster. This can be fielded as a
the underdog player has. They cannot be used to re-roll a dice that has already been re-rolled from another source. single unit of ten to twenty models (as determined by its unit profile in the relevant Liber) or can be fielded as two ten-man units instead.

A unit is split when writing your army list. A unit may not split or merge at any point during a game (including during Deployment) so players
should choose carefully when deciding whether to split a unit. This can be done with any unit that has a Crusade Card, including dreadnought
UNIT TYPES AND INTERACTIONS IN CRUSADE talons or vehicle squadrons, and each unit that a Crusade Card is split into may be fielded in different ways. If a unit is fielded like this, however, it
may not take additional members (even by using Reserve Points) beyond the amount in its Unit Composition.
Some Unit Types and Sub-types interact differently with the Crusade Campaign System; these variations are covered below.
As another example, a Crusade Card with a Legion Predator Squadron comprised of three models may be fielded as a single, three-model squadron,
Automata as three one-model squadrons, or split as one two-model squadron and one single-model squadron (which could even be fielded as a Master of
Functioning as mindless robots, these mechanical constructs are slow to learn and adapt their behaviour. A Crusade Card with the Automata Unit Armour in a detachment using the Armoured Spearhead Rite of War). If split in this way, however, the unit may not be given additional models to
Type (but excluding the Paragon sub-type), may only ever have a maximum of two Battle Traits, but may always choose to re-roll any Out of Action bolster its numbers when writing an army list.
tests they are required to make (though they must accept the second result, even if it is worse!)
Experience Points and Agendas for Split Units
Super-Heavy Vehicles & Knights If a unit is split, it may still accumulate Experience points; all Experience Points gained whilst split are pooled once the battle is complete. This means
These behemoths are potent forces on the battlefield, and can smash aside lesser forces with minimal efforts. The following Unit Types and if you achieve multiple Agendas with the Split Unit you can gain a lot more Experience Points compared to fielding them as a single unit.
Sub-types start with a Crusade Rating of 3 (in addition to any other modifiers they accumulate due to Battle Traits, Battle Scars, or other sources):
• Super-Heavy When keeping score of Combat or Agenda Tallies, players should track this based on the Crusade Card the units were originally drawn from, rather
• Lumbering than the individual units in the game; so if two separate ten-model Legion Tactical Squads drawn from a single twenty-model Legion Tactical
• Gargantuan Squad’s Crusade Card destroy one and three units respectively during the game, then the original twenty-man Legion Tactical Squad’s Crusade Card
• Knight should be updated to show a Combat Tally of four units slain at the end of the battle.

In addition, whenever any of these units gain a Battle Trait, they increase their Crusade Rating by two instead of one for each Battle Trait. Out of Action Tests for Split Units
When fielding a unit that has been split, players are required to take an Out of Action test if the unit is killed, as normal; this does mean that a unit
Titans split into two smaller units will have to take two Out of Action tests at the end of the game should both units be destroyed. This is a major risk of
splitting units, so players should be aware of this!
A titan is a walking god, and can sweep entire forces aside on their own. To reflect this, any unit in a Crusade Roster with the Titan Unit Sub-type has
a starting Crusade Rating of 5.

In addition, whenever any of these units gain a Battle Trait, they increase their Crusade Rating by three instead of one for each Battle Trait.

Units Assigned to Others During Deployment

A unit with an unusual method of being fielded such as Legion Apothecarion Detachments or Legion Techmarine Covenants (as well as any similar
units which do not have the Retinue Special Rule) will have a single Crusade Card representing the entire “Detachment”. Because of their unusual
interaction with other units, however, these units may never accumulate Battle Traits, Battle Scars, or Relics, and are assumed to pass any Out of
Action tests they are called to make, but are affected by the effects of any Battle Traits, Battle Scars, or Relics a unit they are assigned to possesses.

The only exceptions to this are Vehicle Models which are assigned to other units before the game begins - these may accumulate Battle Traits, Battle
Scars, or Relics as normal, but must roll Out of Action tests separately.

Retinue Units
A unit with any variant of the Retinue Special Rule should be generated as per any other unit, having its own Crusade Card representing the unit.
Because of their requirement to be attached to a Character before the game begins, however, in order to select these units as part of an Army List,
they must be assigned as per the requirements of their variant of the Retinue Special Rule. These units gain the same amount of Experience and
points towards Agendas and Combat Tallies as the Character they are attached to, but generate Battle Traits and Battle Scars separately from any
attached Character. In addition, they are affected by and may effect an attached Character with any Battle Traits, Battle Scars, or Relics either unit

72 73
REQUISITIONS Requisition RP Cost Requisition Effects
Requisitions can be purchased with Requisition Points (RP), and provide useful abilities and upgrades to a Crusade Roster or the units within them.
Each time a Requisition is purchased by a player using RP, the player reduces their total RP by the cost specified in the Requisition. Any RP not spent Whenever a unit with a Crusade Card has suffered a Fatality result on an Out of Action test, or if the
are saved and can be used later. Requisitions may be purchased at the start of the campaign if desired - no minimum number of games needs to be player has a unit currently held in Stasis, then the player may choose to purchase this Requisition.
played and every player starts a Crusade Campaign with 5 RP. Each Requisition will state when it can be purchased (along with any other This Requisition may only be purchased for a unit which was selected from the Legiones Astartes
prerequisites or limitations it has), but a Requisition may never be purchased during a battle. Unless stated otherwise, there is no limit on the number Army List. Remove the old unit’s Crusade Card and create a new Crusade Card for a Legion
of Requisitions that can be purchased, or the number of times a player can purchase each Requisition, nor on the combination of Requisitions a Contemptor Dreadnought Talon or Legion Castra Ferrum Dreadnought Talon with all previous
player can purchase, provided they have sufficient RP to afford them. If a player do not have enough RP to purchase a Requisition at the time of Even in Death, I Still Serve… 3 Battle Traits, XP, and Ranks, as well as the Vindictive Grudge Battle Scar, composed of a single
purchase, they cannot purchase it. model. A unit created in this way may only ever contain a single model.

The table below shows the relevant Requisitions available, shows their cost in RP, and explains their effects: A player may use this Requisition even if doing so would take them over their Crusade Roster’s total
Supply Limit - though the player must remember they cannot add units if they have a negative
Supply Limit!
Requisition RP Cost Requisition Effects
Whenever a unit with a Crusade Card has suffered a Fatality result on an Out of Action test, or if the
player has a unit currently held in Stasis, then the player may choose to purchase this Requisition.
Increase your Relic capacity by +1. You may select or generate a single Relic from the Relic table. This This Requisition may only be purchased for a unit which was selected from the Legio Custodes Army
Access the Armoury 3
Requisition may only be purchased before a game begins. List. Remove the old unit’s Crusade Card and create a new Crusade Card for a Contemptor-Achillus
Dreadnought, Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought, or Contemptor-Moritiax Dreadnought Talon with
Increase your Crusade Roster’s total Supply Limit by 200 points. This Requisition may only be Duty Eternal 3 all previous Battle Traits, XP, and Ranks, as well as the Vindictive Grudge Battle Scar, composed of a
Increase Supply Limit 1 single model. A unit created in this way may only ever contain a single model.
purchased before a game begins.

A player may use this Requisition even if doing so would take them over their Crusade Roster’s total
Select one Crusade Card from your Crusade Roster. The player may change the Crusade Card’s Unit Supply Limit - though the player must remember they cannot add units if they have a negative
Composition value - provided it does not exceed the maximum allowed in the unit entry - but must Supply Limit!
Fresh Recruits 1
also increase the Unit Cost value accordingly. This Requisition may only be purchased before a game
Whenever an Infantry unit with a Crusade Card has suffered a Fatality result on an Out of Action
test, or if the player has a unit currently held in Stasis, then the player may choose to purchase this
Requisition. This Requisition may only be purchased for a unit from the Taghmata Omnissiah Army
At the end of a battle where a unit with a Crusade Card gained at least 3XP and did not suffer a List. Remove the old unit's Crusade Card and create a new Crusade Card for either a Thallax Cohort
Fatality result (if it was required to roll an Out of Action test), a player may choose to purchase this Full Frontal Lobotomy 1 or Ursarax Cohort with all previous Battle Traits, XP, and Ranks.
Field Promotion 1 Requisition. This unit may be Promoted immediately, as detailed in the Promotions section. A player
may not use this Requisition if doing so would take them over their Crusade Roster’s total Supply A player may use this Requisition even if doing so would take them over their Crusade Roster’s total
Limit. Supply Limit - though the player must remember they cannot add units if they have a negative
Supply Limit!

Select a unit with a Crusade Card from your Crusade Roster that has a Battle Scar. One Battle Scar of Whenever a unit with a Crusade Card has suffered a Fatality result on an Out of Action test, or if the
the player’s choice may be removed from its Crusade Card immediately. In addition, the player must player has a unit currently held in Stasis, then the player may choose to purchase this Requisition.
Repair & Recuperate 1 This Requisition may only be purchased for a unit which was selected from the Sisters of Silence
modify the Crusade Rating of the unit by +1. This Requisition may be purchased at any point before
or after a game. Army List. Remove the old unit’s Crusade Card and create a new Crusade Card for a Repressor
Automata Maniple with all previous Battle Traits, XP, and Ranks. A unit created in this way may
never have its unit size expanded beyond its starting size of three models. If a unit created via this
Whenever a unit with the Independent Character Special Rule is added to a player’s Crusade Roster, Null-Mind Engram 2 Requisition would have more than two Battle Traits, the player must select two to retain and discard
or whenever an existing model with the Independent Character Special Rule gains a Rank, a player the rest.
Warlord Trait 3 may choose to purchase this Requisition. This unit may select a Warlord Trait from those available to
them. The player must make a note of the selected Warlord Trait on the unit’s Crusade Card, and in A player may use this Requisition even if doing so would take them over their Crusade Roster’s total
addition, the player must modify the Crusade Rating of the unit by +1. Supply Limit - though the player must remember they cannot add units if they have a negative
Supply Limit!
Whenever a unit with a Crusade Card has rolled any result(s) for an Out of Action test, a player may Whenever a unit with a Crusade Card has suffered a Fatality result on an Out of Action test, or if the
choose to purchase this Requisition. This unit may choose to substitute their rolled result(s) with a player has a unit currently held in Stasis, then the player may choose to purchase this Requisition.
Battlefield Triage 1
Significant Damage result instead - the unit suffers a single instance of this result, which replaces all This Requisition may only be purchased for a unit which was selected from the Asuryani Army List.
rolled results. Remove the old unit’s Crusade Card and create a new Crusade Card for a Wraithlord Conclave with
all previous Battle Traits, XP, and Ranks, as well as the Vindictive Grudge Battle Scar, composed of a
Spirit-Stone Summoning 3 single model. A unit created in this way may only ever contain a single model.

A player may use this Requisition even if doing so would take them over their Crusade Roster’s total
Supply Limit - though the player must remember they cannot add units if they have a negative
Supply Limit!

74 75
Units Rank up and gain Experience Points (XP) by playing battles, achieving great deeds, or surviving harrowing encounters. Battle Traits and Battle Scars represent the accumulated knowledge - and damage - a lifetime of battle can provide.

Units can gain XP through the following routes: Battle Traits

Units which survive repeated engagements often learn the tactics and tricks necessary to bring low even the mightiest foes. Units gain one Battle
• Battle Experience: At the end of a battle, each unit that has a Crusade Card and was part of your army list for that battle gains 1XP. Trait each time they reach a Rank for the first time. Sometimes a unit can gain an additional Battle Trait by other means (such as fulfilling certain
• Dealers of Death: At the end of a battle, each unit that has a Crusade Card gains 1XP for every 3 enemy units it has destroyed in a that battle*. mission objectives). Each time a unit gains a Battle Trait, it can select one from the appropriate table. If a unit loses XP, and this would result in it
• Marked for Greatness: At the end of the battle, a player can select a single unit that has a Crusade Card that was part of their army list for that decreasing in Rank, then it will not receive a new Battle Trait when it returns to its previously held Rank. A unit can never lose a Battle Trait unless
battle; that unit gains 3XP in addition to any other XP it gained in that battle. A unit can only be Marked for Greatness once per battle. specified by a certain effect, condition, or penalty - so it should be noted that a unit reduced in Rank due to losing XP does not remove previously
gained Battle Traits.
*A unit counts as having destroyed an enemy unit if it either removes the final model from the enemy unit as a casualty, or inflicts the final wound on an
enemy model if the unit consists of only a single model. As an example; a Legion Tactical Squad which started a battle at 0XP gains 7XP, when totalled up at the end of the game. This means they have
earned the Rank of Blooded, and receive a Battle Trait. The next game they are involved in, the squad suffers a penalty which forces them to lose 4XP
(taking them down to 3XP). At the end of the game they gain 1XP from participating (taking them up to 4XP), meaning they lose the Rank of Blooded,
but retain their selected Battle Trait. The game after that the squad is involved in, the squad gains 3XP (taking them up to 7XP once again), allowing
Ranks the squad to regain their Rank of Blooded, but the squad does not gain a new Battle Trait, as they have already reached the rank of Blooded
If a unit has accumulated enough XP, it will gain recognition and thus increase in Rank. Each time a unit reaches a Rank for the first time, it will gain previously. Each time a unit receives a Battle Trait, they must modify their Crusade Rating on their Crusade Card by +1 for each Battle Trait they
one Battle Trait; make a note of the unit’s new Rank and its Battle Trait(s) on its Crusade Card. A higher Rank means a unit can be equipped with possess.
Relics of increasing potency - this is explained in the Relics section. The Ranks and their relevant XP requirements are listed below:
Regardless of any other rules, promotions or other factors, a unit’s Crusade Card can never have more than eight Battle Traits at any one time.
XP Rank
Each time a unit gains a Battle Trait, choose one Battle Trait from either the Battle Traits - Non-Vehicle Units or Battle Traits - Vehicle Units that
0-5 Battle-Ready
tells the best narrative for your unit, or roll a D12 against either one to randomly select a Battle Trait if you prefer. If you roll a Battle Trait you
6 - 15 Blooded already have, re-roll until you generate one you do not currently possess. A unit can have multiple Battle Traits, but it cannot have the same Battle
Trait more than once. If a Battle Trait has options, select this when the unit first gains the Battle Trait - this may not be changed later on and should
16 - 30 Battle-Honoured be noted on the appropriate unit Crusade Card.

31 - 50 Heroic Battle Scars

Units can sometimes be injured in battle, or suffer other debilitating effects for their experiences. There are several types of Battle Scars that a unit
51+ Legendary
can accumulate, and every time they gain one they must randomly determine it from the appropriate table. A unit has no limit to the number of
Battle Scars it can acquire, and unless otherwise noted their effects will stack - a unit with the same Battle Scar multiple times suffers cumulative
effects! Each time a unit receives a Battle Scar, they must modify their Crusade Rating on their Crusade Card by -1 for each Battle Scar they possess.

Regardless of any other rules, promotions or other factors, a unit’s Crusade Card can never have more than eight Battle Scars at any one time.

Each time a unit gains a Battle Scar, roll a D12 and consult either the Battle Scars - Non-Vehicle Units or Battle Scars - Vehicle Units table to
randomly determine what Battle Scar the unit has gained. A unit can have more than one Battle Scar, and it may receive the same Battle Scar more
than once.

76 77
Battle Traits - Non-Vehicle Units Battle Traits - Vehicle Units

Battle Trait D12 Battle Trait Effects Battle Trait D12 Battle Trait Effects

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain either +1 to their Ballistic Skill Characteristic, or the
Enhanced Targeting 1 Enhanced Locomotors 1 All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain +1 to their Movement Characteristic.
Precision Shots (6+) Special Rule. All models in the unit must select the same bonus.

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain either +1 to their Ballistic Skill Characteristic, or +1 to
All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain a bonus of +1 to all to-Hit rolls in the Assault Phase
Combat Drills 2 Improved Optics 2 their Weapon Skill Characteristic. If a model does not have a Weapon Skill Characteristic, it may not
during any player turn in which a unit with this Battle Trait successfully charges.
select the Weapon Skill Characteristic increase. All models in the unit must select the same bonus.

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain the Power of the Machine Spirit Special Rule. This
A single model which does not have the Character Sub-type in a unit with this Battle Trait gains +1 to
Special Rule cannot be used on any weapons with the Barrage Special Rule. Barrage weapons may
Champion of the Line 3 their Wounds Characteristic and the Chosen Warriors Special Rule. If that model is slain during Embedded Machine Spirit 3
always reduce the total distance scattered by 1 in addition to any modifiers due to Ballistic Skill,
battle, then it is assumed a new Champion steps forth to replace them in the unit’s next game!
regardless of whether they have direct line of sight or not.

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain +1 to their Movement Characteristic, and the Fleet (1) All models in a unit with this Battle Trait increase a single Armour Value they possess by +1, to a
Fleet of Foot 4 Special Rule. If the unit already possesses the Fleet (X) Special Rule from another source, then Reinforced Hull 4 maximum value of 14. All models in the unit must select the same facing to benefit from this Battle
improve the value (X) by +1, to a maximum of Fleet (4). Trait.

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain the It Will Not Die (6+) Special Rule. If the unit
All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain either +1 to their Leadership Characteristic, or the
Hardy 5 Repair Systems 5 already possesses the It Will Not Die (X) Special Rule from another source, then improve the value
Stubborn Special Rule. All models in the unit must select the same bonus.
(X) by +1, to a maximum of It Will Not Die (4+).

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain the Fear (1) and Crusader Special Rules. If the unit
All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain +1 to their Hull Points Characteristic, to a maximum
Fearsome Display 6 already possesses the Fear (X) Special Rule from another source, then improve the value (X) by +1, to a Additional Bulkheads 6
value of 6.
maximum of Fear (3).

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait and the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type gain the Feel No All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain the Reinforced Sub-type. If the model already
Resilient 7 Pain (6+) Special Rule. If the unit already possesses the Feel No Pain (X) Special Rule from another Ablative Plating 7 possesses the Reinforced Sub-type, then they may instead ignore the first Glancing hit inflicted
source, then improve the value (X) by +1, to a maximum of Feel No Pain (4+). during a game.

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain the Counter-Attack (1) Special Rule, and adds +1 to the All models in a unit with this Battle Trait may re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests. If any model in
Immovable Defence 8 Wounds score used to determine if they win a Combat in the Assault phase in any player turn in Backup Traction Units 8 the unit is equipped with Dozer Blades (or wargear that otherwise allows them to re-roll failed
which they were charged. Dangerous Terrain tests) then that model gains the Move Through Cover Special Rule instead.

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain the Split Fire Special Rule. Units with the
Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type consisting of a single model may fire a single weapon at a
Coordinated Fire 9 Hunters in the Dark 9 All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain the Night Vision Special Rule.
different target as if it had the Split Fire Special Rule, though they must follow all relevant
restrictions applied.

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait may make the Overwatch Reaction without expending a
Aggressive 10 All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain the Furious Charge (1) Special Rule. Defence Protocols 10
point of the Controlling Player’s Reaction allotment.

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait may, at the start of a game, select a single weapon they are
equipped with to be outfitted with Experimental Munitions. When making any Shooting Attack
All models in a unit with this Battle Trait and the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type gain the Scout and
Strike & Fade 11 Experimental Munitions 11 (including as part of a Reaction) they may elect to gain the Exoshock (6+), Rending (6+), and Gets Hot
Hit & Run Special Rules.
Special Rules when making any attacks with that weapon, for that Shooting Attack only. Any missed
to-Hit rolls with this weapon cannot be re-rolled for any reason.

All models in a unit with this Battle Trait and the Automata or Dreadnought Unit Type, or the Heavy
All models in a unit with this Battle Trait gain a 5+ Invulnerable Save against any Shooting Attacks,
Sub-type, gain the Night Vision Special Rule. All models in a unit with this Battle Trait which do not
Guerilla Tactics 12 Prototype Atomantic Deflectors 12 but if they suffer an Explodes Result on the Vehicle Damage Table, they increaese the explosion
have the Automata or Dreadnought Unit Type, or the Heavy Sub-type, gain the Infiltrate Special
distance by +3“.

78 79
Battle Scars - Non-Vehicle Units Battle Scar - Vehicle Units

Battle Scar D12 Battle Scar Effects Battle Scar D12 Battle Scar Effects

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar must, during the Controlling Player’s Shooting Phase,
attempt to make a Shooting Attack at the closest possible enemy unit within Line of Sight. In the All models in a unit with this Battle Scar suffer a penalty of -1 to their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill
Damaged Optics 1
Controlling Player’s Charge Sub-phase, a unit with this Battle Scar must attempt to Charge the Characteristics, to a minimum of 1.
closest enemy unit. If multiple enemy units are the same distance from a unit with this Battle Scar,
Vindictive Grudge 1
the Controlling Player of the unit may choose which enemy unit is the target. This Battle Scar does
not allow a unit to make a Shooting Attack and then Charge if their Weapon Types would prevent it,
nor does it allow the unit with the Battle Scar to Shoot and then Charge different enemy units. In All models in a unit with this Battle Scar decrease all Armour Values they possess by -1, to a
addition, all models in a unit with this Battle Scar gain the Hatred (Everything!) Special Rule. Fractured Hull 2
minimum value of 10.

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar suffer a penalty of -1 to their Leadership Characteristic, to a
Cowardly 2
minimum of 5. This Battle Scar does not stack with itself. All models in a unit with this Battle Scar suffer a penalty of -2 to their Movement Characteristic, and
Damaged Traction 3
count as failing any Dangerous Terrain Tests they make on a D6 roll of a 1 or a 2.

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar must reduce their Armour Save by -1 (meaning a 3+ Armour
Breached Armour 3
Save becomes a 4+, and so on) to a maximum of 6+. All models in a unit with this Battle Scar must Snap Shoot at any enemy unit they target if that unit
Impaired Auspex 4
is more than 12“ away. This includes any weapons which fire indirectly or do not need Line of Sight.

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar suffer a penalty of -1 to their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill
Concussed 4
Characteristics, to a minimum of 1. Whenever a model in a unit with this Battle Scar suffers a Penetrating Hit, a roll of 1 on the Vehicle
Exposed Systems 5
Damage table may be re-rolled.

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar treat open ground as Difficult Terrain, and any areas of
Battle-Weary 5 All models in a unit with this Battle Scar count all weapons they are equipped with as having the
Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain instead.
Overtaxed Reactor 6 Gets Hot Special Rule. If any weapons they are armed with already have the Gets Hot Special Rule
from any source, they trigger the effects of the Gets Hot Special Rule on a roll of a 1 or a 2.

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar suffer a penalty of -1 to their Movement Characteristic, to a
Fatigued 6 All models in a unit with this Battle Scar suffer a penalty of -1 to their Hull Points Characteristic, to a
minimum of 1, and in addition, reduce any Charge distances rolled by -1.
Ruined Chassis 7 minimum value of 2. Any Hull Points lost in this way can be restored during a game via the
Battlesmith or It Will Not Die Special Rule, up to the model’s original amount.

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar lose the Line Sub-type, if they possessed it, and can never
All units with at least one model within 3“ from any model from a unit with this Battle Scar suffer a
Disgraced 7 gain it from another source. If the unit did not possess the Line Sub-type (or has already had it
penalty of -1 to their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Characteristics, to a minimum of 1, for as long as
removed by any source), then the unit no longer counts as a Denial unit. Volatile Emissions 8
they remain within 3“ of a model with this Battle Scar. The effect of this Battle Scar is also applied to
the unit which has this Battle Scar.

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar cannot make Reactions for any reason, regardless of any
Distracted 8
abilities, Special Rules, or other sources that would normally allow them to React. All models in a unit with this Battle Scar cannot make Reactions for any reason, regardless of any
Distracted Crew 9
abilities, Special Rules, or other sources that would normally allow them to React.

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar suffer a penalty of -1 to their Initiative Characteristic, to a
Dulled Senses 9
minimum of 1. This Battle Scar does not stack with itself. All models in a unit with this Battle Scar count as illuminated, as though they had been shot at by a
Burning Hull 10
unit with Searchlights, for the purposes of Night Fighting rules.

All models in a unit with this Battle Scar must treat their Toughness Characteristic as being 1 lower
All models in a unit with this Battle Scar must re-roll any successful to-Hit rolls of a 6. If a unit has
Unseen Fragility 10 for the purposes of calculating Instant Death thresholds - this is cumulative with other sources, such
multiple instances of this Battle Scar, they must re-roll successes of a 5 and 6 (if they have the Battle
as Rad Grenades. Malfunctioning 11
Scar twice), or successful to-Hit Rolls of 4, 5, and 6 (if they have the Battle Scar 3 times). This Battle
Scar’s effects do not cumulate above this point, however.
All models in a unit with this Battle Scar must treat any Shooting Attack made against them with the
Barrage Special Rule as also having the Shell Shock (1) Special Rule. If the weapon making the
Shell-Shocked 11 All models in a unit with this Battle Scar treat all weapons they are equipped with as having an AP
Shooting Attack already possesses the Shell Shock (X) Special Rule, then the Shell Shock (X) value is
Compromised Munitions 12 value one higher than their starting value - AP2 weapons becoming AP3, AP3 becoming AP4, and so
increased by +1.
on. Weapons with an AP value of 6 are set to an AP value of - by this Battle Scar.

A unit with this Battle Scar awards an additional +1 Victory Point to the Opposing Player when it is
Mark of Shame 12

80 81
If a unit with a Crusade Card is removed as a casualty during a Crusade Battle, it must take an Out of Action test at the end of the game. Roll one D6 Agendas
for each unit that was slain, and apply the result from the table below: After determining which mission you are playing, each player may select a number of Agendas. The number of Agendas that may be chosen are
determined by the total points value of your army list. For every 1000 points fielded, a single Agenda may be chosen - this would mean that in a 2500
point game, you would be able to select up to 3 Agendas.
Out of Action Result D6 Out of Action Result Description
Each Agenda may only be selected once in each game and both players should be made aware of the other’s chosen Agendas, as well as the target
The unit is wiped out - remove its Crusade Card from your Crusade Roster, discarding any Battle units where appropriate. If an Agenda
Fatality 0 Traits or Battle Scars it had earned. In addition, any Relics the unit was armed with are lost to you -
and your Opponent gains them immediately! The table below shows the relevant Agendas available, and explains their effects:

The unit immediately gains 1 Battle Scar, and cannot gain any XP from the battle from any source.
Catastrophic Losses 1 Agenda Agenda Effects
If a unit already has a Battle Scar from a previous source (including any earned from the current
game) and rolls this result, it suffers a Fatality result instead.
At the end of the battle, select up to three units from your army (except Zooming Flyers) that are wholly within
2 Breakthrough
6” of any enemy battlefield edges. Each of these selected units gains 2XP.
Significant Damage The unit either gains 1 Battle Scar, or cannot gain any XP from the battle from any source.
At the start of the first Game Turn, select one Objective Marker that is on the battlefield, and one unit from
Sentinel your army. If there is at least one model from that unit within 6” of the chosen Objective Marker at the end of
4 the game, that unit gains 4XP.

Escaped Unharmed 5 The unit suffers no ill effects and escapes - relatively - unscathed!
At the start of the first Game Turn, select one unit from your army. If at least one model from that unit survives
until the end of the game, that unit gains 2XP.

At the end of the game, select one unit from your army. For every 6 enemy models slain by that unit during the
If a unit was removed as a casualty due to Falling Back off a board edge, then it will always count as having rolled an ‘Escaped Unharmed’ result. Cull the Hordes
game, the unit gains 1XP. No unit can gain more than 3XP from this Agenda.

When a non-Vehicle unit suffers a Fatality result after taking an Out of Action test, it may immediately be placed in Stasis instead of simply The unit in your army that has destroyed the most enemy units gains 2XP at the end of the battle. If any units
discarding the unit’s Crusade Card. The unit’s Crusade Card remains in your Crusade Roster, but counts as having a total points cost of 0 and may are tied for the number of units slain, the Controlling Player may select which one receives this bonus.
not be fielded in any games whilst in Stasis. Only one Crusade Card may be held in Stasis at any time and if a unit is already in Stasis then the player
must decide which one to keep - there is only enough medical equipment to preserve a single unit at any one time!
If a unit succeeds in destroying an enemy unit during the first Game Turn, it gains 3XP at the end of the battle.
It is important for players to note that this can be done for any unit that has a Crusade Card, regardless of how many models are in the unit. First Strike
Only one unit in your army may receive the XP from this Agenda.

At the end of the game, select one unit from your army. For every enemy model with the Character Sub-type
slain by that unit, the unit gains 1XP. No unit can gain more than 4XP from this Agenda.

At the end of the game, if the enemy Warlord was slain, the unit which did so gains 3XP. If the enemy Warlord
Kingslayer has any ability which prevents them from giving Victory Points for any reason, then the unit will not gain any

At the start of the first Game Turn, select a single unit in your army. For every enemy unit that unit successfully
Priority Target removes from play by any means (including but not limited to Shooting Attacks, Psychic Powers, Combat
Attacks, Sweeping Advances, or so on), the unit gains 1XP.

For every enemy unit which contains any models with a Hull Points Characteristic of 7 or higher, or a Wounds
Characteristic of 8 or higher, that a unit in your army removes the final Hull Point or Wound from, that unit
Engine Kill
gains 3XP at the end of the battle. This Agenda can be completed by multiple units in your army against
multiple enemy units.

Combat Tallies
Every unit with a Crusade Card should have a space upon it to keep track of Combat Tallies. These should be used to track both Battle Experience
and Dealers of Death tallies, specifically for the number of battles the unit has participated in, and how many enemy units the unit has destroyed.
More information on these Tallies can be found in the Ranks & Experience Section.

82 83
PROMOTIONS Tier 1 Relics
When individuals in a Crusade force achieve great deeds, they are often elevated through the ranks to signify their achievements. If a unit is given the
Field Promotion Requisition, then it is immediately Promoted. Depending on whether the unit is being Promoted into another unit, or into a unit Relic Points Cost Relic Effects
with the Independent Character Special Rule, dictates what happens next.
The Relic Carrier gains the Cybertheurgist Sub-type, but must take any Cybertheurgy checks at a
When a unit receives a Promotion it will accumulate a Battle Trait in the same manner as if it Ranked up. Due to the fact that a newly Promoted unit Leadership Characteristic of 7, regardless of their own Leadership Characteristic or any other Special
retains its previous Battle Traits, Battle Scars, and Rank, it can potentially accumulate more Battle Traits and Battle Scars than an equivalent unit Rules that would modify their Leadership Characteristic.
drafted directly into your Crusade Roster if it keeps being Promoted. Blessing of the Omnissiah +20 points
If the model already possessed the Cybertheurgist Sub-type, it may ignore the Leadership
Promotions & Ranks Characteristic limitation stated above, and may re-roll any failed Cybertheurgy checks instead.
When a unit is Promoted, it retains its previous Rank, though any XP it has earned are lost.
The Relic Carrier gains the Psyker Sub-type, but must take any Psychic checks at a Leadership
Promoting a Unit into Another Unit Characteristic of 7, regardless of their own Leadership Characteristic or any other Special Rules that
Whenever a unit is given the Field Requisition Requisition, the unit’s Crusade Card is removed from your Crusade Roster and a new one is created would modify their Leadership Characteristic.
Forbidden Tome +20 points
for the appropriate unit, following the chart found in the relevant Faction Promotion Tree; Promotion Trees for additional Factions will be added
over time. A full explanation on the prerequisites for this Requisition can be found in the Requisitions section. This new Crusade Card is created If the model already possessed the Psyker Sub-type, it may ignore the Leadership Characteristic
with no XP, but retains the same Rank, Battle Traits, Battle Scars, and Relics of the previous unit. limitation stated above, and may re-roll any failed Psychic checks instead.

Promoting a Unit into an Independent Character

Whenever a unit is given the Field Requisition Requisition, and the selected Promotion is one that creates a unit of a single model with an
Independent Character, the process of Promotion varies slightly. It is assumed this Promotion instead represents a single model in the unit being All models in a unit equipped with this Relic gain a 4+ Invulnerable Save against any Wounds
Coolant Injectors +20 points
elevated to a command position. The original unit’s Crusade Card remains the same and does not change in any way. A new Crusade Card is created suffered due to the effects of the Gets Hot Special Rule.
with no XP, but retains the same Rank, Battle Traits, Battle Scars, Relics, and other accumulated effects of the previous unit.

This means you will have your original Crusade Card that was being promoted, and a brand new Crusade Card for the new Independent Character
you have Promoted for one of the lucky models in the unit into (this does not change the original unit’s Unit Composition, however). Select a single weapon the Relic Carrier is equipped with at the start of the battle. Any to-Hit rolls of
6 with that weapon cause an additional automatic Hit to be inflicted with the same profile and
Promoting into Legion Specific Units Special Rules as the original Hit.
Artificer Weapon +20 points
Most legions and armies gain access to unique and specific variations of units. Unless specifically called out, a unit may not be promoted to a unit
with a fixed version of the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule. However, any unit with a fixed version of the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule may This effect is not applied to attacks made as a Snap Shot, or against any target that would cause you
always be promoted to a Legion Centurion (of any variant). to hit on a D6 roll of a 6 in the Assault phase.

A unit equipped with this Relic gains three Crusade Blessings. These Crusade Blessings are not
RELICS Strands of Fate +30 points counted toward your total available Crusade Blessings, but may only be applied to the unit equipped
with this Relic.
Every player starts off with a capacity of zero Relics. This can be increased throughout a Crusade Campaign by purchasing the Access the Armoury
Requisition, or through other Campaign effects. This indicates the maximum number of units that you can have in your Crusade Roster with a Relic.
When you generate a Relic, you may select any Relic from the tables presented in this section. There are three different tables which have specific
Rank limitations, meaning only a unit with the specified Rank or higher can be equipped with them. In addition, Relics increase the unit they are
equipped to’s Crusade Rating. These Rank limits and Crusade Rating increases are as follows: A unit equipped with this Relic may make a single additional Reaction once per turn, in any phase
the Controlling Player chooses, without consuming a point of that player’s Reaction Allotment. This
Sensorium Suite +30 points
• Tier 1 Relics: Blooded or higher Rank, +1 Crusade Rating does not allow a unit to React more than once in the same phase, or allow a unit which ordinarily
• Tier 2 Relics: Battle-Honoured or higher Rank, +2 Crusade Rating may not React to React.
• Tier 3 Relics: Heroic or higher Rank, +3 Crusade Rating

A Relic may only be given to a unit with a Crusade Card in your Crusade Roster that has achieved the minimum required Rank. One model in the
unit must designated as the ‘Relic Carrier’. Whilst the Relic Carrier is alive, all models in the unit they are part of gain all the benefits, effects, and
penalties of the Relic. If the model holding a Relic is an Independent Character that joins another unit during the game, that unit will gain the
benefits, effects, and penalties of that Relic as well.

The cost of each Relic reflects the points cost of fielding that Relic in any game, and is taken in the same manner as standard wargear options. Any
unit equipped with a Relic increases their Crusade Rating based on the tier of the Relic (This does not affect the Crusade Rating of a unit with if they
are joined by a different unit during a game).

Once a unit has been given a Relic, they may choose to remove it at any time before a battle, but the cost and Crusade Rating of the unit must be
adjusted accordingly if a Relic is removed from them. A unit cannot be given a Relic during a battle.

A unit may only ever be equipped with a single Relic at any time.

84 85
Tier 2 Relics Tier 2 Relics (continued)

Relic Points Cost Relic Effects Relic Points Cost Relic Effects

This Relic may only be equipped by a Relic Carrier which has the Independent Character Special A unit equipped with this Relic may not declare any Reactions other than the Overwatch Reaction or
Rule. The Relic Carrier cannot use any effects or abilities provided by this Relic if they join another Interceptor Advanced Reaction - but these Reactions do not consume a point of the Reactive Player's
unit, or if they are part of a unit comprised of more than one model. Reaction Allotment.

At the start of the Controlling Player's Movement phase, or when this unit is set up as part of a Deep Whenever a unit equipped with this Relic and composed entirely of models with the Vehicle Unit
Strike Assault, a Relic Carrier equipped with a Phantom-Pattern Jump Pack Relic may set their Type makes a Shooting Attack as part of an Interceptor Advanced Reaction, they may fire all of their
Movement Characteristic to 16 for the duration of the Controlling Player's turn (this is referred to as weapons, including Battle Weapons they are equipped with, as part of the Interceptor Advanced
'activating' the Jump Pack). A Relic Carrier equipped with a Phantom-Pattern Jump Pack Relic also Reaction.
gains the Bulky (2), Deep Strike, and Hammer of Wrath (1) Special Rules - if the Relic Carrier already Sentinel Array +30 points
has the Bulky (2) Special Rule, they gain the Bulky (3) Special Rule instead. Whenever a unit equipped with this Relic declares a Shooting Attack at an enemy unit which is more
than 24" from them, the Controlling Player must resolve that Shooting Attack as a Snap Shot.
Phantom-Pattern Jump Pack +25 points
In addition, the unit may move over Impassable Terrain, vertical terrain, or friendly and enemy Weapons with the Blast Special Rule fired at a target within this range that then scatter beyond 24"
models without penalty while using the Jump Pack, but may not end their movement within are not affected.
Impassable Terrain or within 1" of any friendly or enemy models from another unit. If the unit ends
or begins their movement within Dangerous Terrain they must take a Dangerous Terrain Test when Weapons with the Heavy Beam Special Rule fired as a Reaction inflict 2D6 hits on the targeted unit
using the jump pack, and treat all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain. A Relic Carrier equipped only, but may still hit targets beyond the maximum range of 24" imposed by this Relic if their range
with a Phantom-Pattern Jump Pack Relic deployed as part of a Deep Strike Assault is considered to exceeds this when making Shooting Attacks normally.
have activated it on the turn that they enter play.
A unit equipped with this Relic may choose to activate it during their Controlling Player's Movement
Enemy units may not make any Reactions during the Assault phase against a model equipped with a phase (even after the unit has moved or Disembarked this turn, but as long as it has not Run). Once
Phantom-Pattern Jump Pack Relic, unless the enemy unit contains at least one model with the activated, the unit may not move, Run, make a Shooting Attack, Charge, or declare any Reactions.
Primarch Unit Type. This effect ends at the start of the Controlling Player’s following turn, but may be activated again
during any of the Controlling Player's Movement phases.
Cloaking Field +20 points
Once per game, a unit equipped with this Relic may select one of the following benefits, though any Whilst this Relic is activated, all enemy units further than 12” away from a unit equipped with this
attacks made by weapons benefiting from either of these effects gains the Gets Hot Special Rule for Relic may only resolve Shooting Attacks, Psychic Weapons, or Cybertheurgic Powers that roll to hit
that attack only. If the weapon used already had the Gets Hot Special Rule from any other source, as Snap Shots. Enemy units may still declare Charges against a unit with this Relic as normal, though
they will suffer the effects of the Gets Hot Special Rule on on a roll of a 1 or 2 instead. The benefits they must first pass a Leadership test. If they fail, the unit makes a Surge move as though it did not
are as follows: successfully reach the unit equipped with the Relic.

Weapon Overcharger +25 points This benefit may be selected whenever a unit containing a Relic Carrier declares a Shooting Attack A unit equipped with this Relic may choose to activate it at the start of any of their Controlling
(including as part of a Reaction), before any to-Hit rolls are made. All weapons in the unit increase Player’s turns. Whilst this Relic is activated, the Relic Carrier may not make any Shooting Attacks
their Strength by +1 for the duration of that Shooting Attack. (but may still use abilities that replace Shooting Attacks, such as Cybertheurgic Powers) or attack in
Combat (note that this does also prevent them from issuing or accepting Challenges for any reason).
Aegis Invictus +20 points
This benefit may be selected at the start of the fight sub-phase, before a unit containing a Relic Once activated, all models in a unit equipped with this Relic gain a 5+ Invulnerable Save against all
Carrier makes any to-Hit rolls. All weapons in the unit increase their Strength by +1 for the duration Shooting and Melee Attacks. This effect lasts until the start of the Controlling Player's following
of that Fight Sub-phase. turn, unless the bearer is slain - at which point the effects of this Relic immediately ends.

This Relic may only be equipped by a Relic Carrier which has the Independent Character Special
Rule. The Relic Carrier cannot use any effects or abilities provided by this Relic if they join another
unit, or if they are part of a unit comprised of more than one model.

At the start of any of the Controlling Player’s turns, a Relic Carrier equipped with this Relic may
choose to redeploy themselves as if they had just arrived via a Deep Strike Assault. This does not
affect any other units arriving via a Deep Strike Assault, and a Disordered Assault roll is not made for
this unit.
Phase Walker +20 points
When using this Relic's effects, after the model has been placed, the Controlling Player must draw a
straight line from the starting point of the model and its final position (after final placement has
been determined if a Deep Strike Mishap occurred). For every piece of terrain that the line crosses,
the Relic Carrier must pass a Dangerous Terrain test. These cannot be automatically passed by any

Enemy units may not make an Interceptor Advanced Reaction during the Movement phase against a
model equipped with a Phase Walker Relic, unless the enemy unit contains at least one model with
the Primarch Unit Type.

86 87
Tier 3 Relics Tier 3 Relics (continued)

Relic Points Cost Relic Effects Relic Points Cost Relic Effects

This Relic may only be equipped by a Relic Carrier which has the Independent Character Special
Rule, and either the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type, as well as the Traitor Allegiance. The Relic Once per game, a Relic Carrier equipped with this Relic may choose to activate it at the start of any
Carrier is equipped with a Daemonblade, with the following profile: of their Controlling Player’s turns. Once activated, all models (friend or foe) within 12” of the Relic
Dissonation Field +40 points
Carrier reduce their Invulnerable Saves by -2 (an Invulnerable Save of 4+ becoming a 6+, and an
Weapon Range Str AP Type Invulnerable Saves of a 5+ or 6+ being removed entirely).
Daemonblade - +1 2 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Rending (5+),
Daemonblade +50 points Murderous Strike (5+), Possessed
The Relic Carrier gains the Void Shields (2) Special Rule. This Relic has an area of effect equal to a
Large Blast (5”) template, centered on the Relic Carrier. Any Shooting Attacks that originate from
Possessed: Before resolving any attacks with this weapon, the Controlling Player must roll a D6. On
outside the protected area and hits a target inside it instead hits the Void Shields.
a roll of a 1, the Relic Carrier suffers a Wound with no Saves or Damage Mitigation Rolls of any kind
allowed, and may not fight in the Combat Sub-phase. On a roll of a 2+, the bearer gains a number of
bonus attacks equal to the D6 roll. When rolling to penetrate the Void Shields provided by this Relic, once the Void Shields are
expended, a roll should be made on the Vehicle Damage Table. All results except Explodes! should be
Void Shield Projector +50 points ignored, though a result of Explodes! indicates a Catastrophic Overload. In this instance, an attack
This Relic may only be equipped by a Relic Carrier which has the Independent Character Special should be resolved against the Relic Bearer, with the following profile - the Blast Template should be
Rule, and either the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type, as well as the Loyalist Allegiance. The Relic centered on the bearer, and does not scatter:
Carrier is equipped with a Fulgurite Shard, with the following profile:
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Catastrophic Overload - 6 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5“), Pinning
Fulgurite Shard - +1 1 Melee, Two-Handed, Rending (5+),
Murderous Strike (5+), Sanctified
Fulgurite Shard +50 points
This Relic may only be equipped by a Relic Carrier which has the Independent Character Special
Sanctified: Before resolving any attacks with this weapon, the Relic Carrier must take a Toughness Rule.
Characteristic Test. If failed, the Relic Carrier suffers a Wound with no Saves or Damage Mitigation
Rolls of any kind allowed, and may not fight in the Combat Sub-phase. Bio-Nanite Host +50 points
The Relic Carrier gains the Eternal Warrior and Feel No Pain (5+) Special Rules, and modifies any
Out of Action test rolls they are required to take by +1, to a maximum value of a 6 (a roll of 1
Whenever any Wounds from this weapon are allocated to models with the Daemon Unit Type or becoming a 3, and so on).
Corrupted Sub-type, those Wounds gain the Brutal (3) Special Rule.

This Relic may only be equipped by a Relic Carrier which has the Independent Character Special
Rule, and the Infantry Unit Type. The Relic Carrier is equipped with a Life Eater Particle, with the
following profile:
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Life Eater Particle - 2 1 Assault 1, Large Blast (5”), One Use,
Lingering Death, Instant Death,
Fleshbane, Life Eater, Shattered Casing

Life Eater: A model equipped with a weapon with this Special Rule may make an Attack in the
Combat Sub-phase instead of making their normal attacks. If used, the model makes a single attack
at their normal Initiative Characteristic (including any modifiers). Place the Large Blast (5") Blast
Marker anywhere within 4” of the Relic Carrier. The template may not be placed so that it covers any
Life Eater Particle +50 points friendly models. Roll to hit against the majority Weapon Skill Characteristic of the enemy unit you
are in Combat with. On a successful to-Hit roll, the template remains where it is. On a miss, roll the
Scatter dice and flip the template over in the direction shown if an arrow result is rolled (re-roll the
Hit symbol if needed until an arrow is shown).

Shattered Casing: If the Relic Carrier is killed before this relic is used, immediately resolve a single
Attack from this weapon with the profile listed above, with the Large Blast (5”) template centered on
the bearer’s final position. Do not scatter this template. The Relic Carrier must take an Out of Action
test, with a -1 modifier to the D6 roll for determining the result.

This Relic does not count as destroyed once used (it is assumed you utilized only a small sample of
the Life Eater Virus from a much larger supply) and your Opponent cannot claim this Relic if the
Relic Carrier suffers a Fatality result.

88 89
MISSIONS Multiplayer Battles & Crusade Rewards
When playing games in a Crusade Campaign, players are free to use any missions you wish from any publication or source. When any mission If a player is playing a Crusade Battle alongside a fellow team member against an opponent (or multiple opponents), then every player on each side
without a specified set of Crusade Rewards is used, the tables found in the Crusade Rewards section should be used to determine what rewards are gains the Crusade Rewards rolled for or specified by the mission - no splitting of rewards is required, but players may donate their rewards to their
available to both the winner and loser of the Crusade game. In addition, there are two specifically written missions for Crusade included in this teammate(s) in any combination or amount if they wish, and a team rolls only once to determine their Crusade Rewards.
section. These missions have tailored rewards which affect progression in a Crusade Campaign.
For example, two Loyalist players play against two Traitor players in a game using the mission ‘Strategic Gambit’. The Loyalists achieve victory, and
Maximum Points Values in Crusade Missions so each Loyalist player in the game would gain +2 RP, and may select two of their own units to be Marked for Greatness; alternatively, a player may
The maximum points value in any game is determined by both players agreeing on a specified points value. However, if one player cannot field a choose to gift some of their winnings to their teammate, or Mark for Greatness one unit of their own, and one of their teammates - meaning their
force of a certain size (even with the assistance of Reserve Points) then the maximum points limit of the game must be reduced to accommodate. teammate would have three units Marked for Greatness!

For example, a player with a maximum Supply Limit of 800 points in their Crusade Roster has access to a Reserve Points budget of 600 points. This
means they can field, at most, a 1400 points force. They cannot participate in a game of 2000 points, unless they convince a friend to play alongside
them as their ally with 600 points from their own force.

Crusade Rewards
If you are playing a Crusade Battle using a mission that does not have specific Crusade Rewards, players may generate a Crusade Reward from the
tables below labelled Crusade Rewards - Game Winner, and Crusade Rewards - Game Loser, respectively. Both the Winner and Loser of a Crusade
Battle may generate a Reward, from the appropriately marked table.

Crusade Rewards - Game Winner

D6 Crusade Reward

1 The Winner gains +1 RP, in addition to any others they have accumulated during the game.

2 The Winner gains +1 RP, in addition to any others they have accumulated during the game.

3 The Winner gains +2 RP, in addition to any others they have accumulated during the game.

The Winner gains +1 RP, in addition to any others they have accumulated during the game, and may select a one additional unit to
be Marked for Greatness.

The Winner gains +2 RP, and may gain another +1RP if their Warlord was not removed as a casualty during the game, in addition to
any others they have accumulated during the game.

The Winner gains +1 RP for each Objective Marker they controlled at the end of the game, in addition to any others they have
accumulated during the game. If Objective Markers were not used in the game, the Winner gains +2RP instead.

Crusade Rewards - Game Loser

D6 Crusade Reward

1 The Loser gains no Crusade Reward.

2 The Loser gains no Crusade Reward.

3 The Loser may select one additional unit to be Marked for Greatness.

The Loser may gain +1RP if their Warlord was not removed as a casualty during the game, in addition to any others they have
accumulated during the game.

The Loser gains +1 RP, in addition to any others they have accumulated during the game, for each Objective Marker they controlled
at the end of the game. If Objective Markers were not used in the game, the Loser gains +2RP instead.

6 The Loser gains +2 RP, in addition to any others they have accumulated during the game.

90 91
“I understand you want to claim this planet for your own. You are welcome to try and take it from me.” “In a battle such as this, deception is half the fight.”
Warsmith Hesteriax, Commander of the 28 Grand-Company, Iron Warriors Unknown Mechanicum Magos Prime

THE ARMIES Primary Objectives THE ARMIES Primary Objectives

For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus King of the Hill: Before the game begins, a single Objective Marker For this mission, all players select armies using the standard Horus A Risky Gamble: After Deployment Zones have been chosen, but before
Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of must be placed at the centre of the battlefield. Heresy – Age of Darkness rules and any one Force Organisation chart of any models are Deployed, the players must take turns placing a total of
each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. each player’s choice, to an agreed points limit. six Objective Markers on the board. The player who is determined to be
At the end of the game, players score Victory Points for each Scoring the Attacker places the first Objective Marker. The Objective Markers
unit with at least one model within the distances specified below: must be placed into No Man’s Land.
Before any models are deployed, Deployment Maps should be ● 0”- 6” from the Objective Marker: +5 Victory Points Before any models are deployed, Deployment Maps should be
determined and all scenery should be set up, except Fortifications ● 6”- 12” from the Objective Marker: +3 Victory Points determined and all scenery should be set up, except Fortifications At the start of the first Game Turn, both players must secretly pick one
included as part of any army. ● 12”- 24” from the Objective Marker: +1 Victory Point included as part of any army. Objective Marker (they may end up picking the same marker without
realising it!).
If a Scoring unit has models in multiple range brackets, use the range
DEPLOYMENT bracket with the majority of models in it when calculating Victory DEPLOYMENT At the end of the game, both players reveal their chosen Objective
To determine deployment order, the players roll off. Points. If a Scoring unit is evenly placed between multiple range To determine deployment order, the players roll off. Marker. Each side scores Victory Points if they have any scoring units
The winner may choose to deploy first or second. brackets, the unit’s Controlling Player may choose which range bracket The winner may choose to deploy first or second. within range of any objective marker based on the following criteria:
the unit counts as being in. ● Objective Marker Chosen by Both Players: +5 Victory Points
The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then The player who deploys first selects their Deployment Zone and then ● Objective Marker Chosen by One Player: +2 Victory Points
deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, deploys their entire force, including any Fortifications they possess, ● Objective Marker Chosen by Neither Player: +1 Victory Point
except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. except for any units held in Reserve, into their Deployment Zone.
Secondary Objectives
Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains Secondary Objectives
The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an The player who is deploying second then deploys their entire force, Slay the Warlord: If a side destroyed the enemy Warlord, that side gains
including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in additional +1 Victory Point is scored. including any Fortifications they possess, except for any units placed in +1 Victory Point. If that Warlord was also a Primarch choice, then an
Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. Reserve, into their Deployment Zone. additional +1 Victory Point is scored.
Last Man Standing*: The side with the greatest number of surviving
units at the end of the game gains +D3 Victory Points. The Final Deception: After Victory Points have been scored for the
FIRST TURN FIRST TURN Primary Objectives, a D6 should be rolled. Whichever Objective Marker
The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent *Note that the rewards for this Secondary Objective are intentionally greater than normal. The Player who deployed first has the first turn, unless their opponent
can Seize the Initiative. can Seize the Initiative. corresponds to the result rolled is worth an additional +5 Victory Points
to the player that controls it.
● Reserves
After five turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, a sixth and final turn is This mission lasts for six turns. ● Reserves
played. ● Night Fighting
The player with a Scoring unit closest to the Objective Marker receives
VICTORY CONDITIONS an additional +1 RP. The other player may select one additional unit to VICTORY CONDITIONS CRUSADE REWARDS
This mission’s victory conditions are achieved by taking control of a key This mission’s victory conditions are achieved by careful deception of Both players receive an additional +2 RP. The Winner may select an
be Marked for Greatness.
point and denying it to the enemy. the enemy to claim a set of key points that matter to each player. additional unit to be Marked for Greatness.

At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most Victory
points has won the game. If the players have the same number of points has won the game. If the players have the same number of
Victory points, the game ends in a draw. Victory points, the game ends in a draw.

92 93
The below Promotion Tree shows how each Legiones Astartes unit is affected by the Field Promotion Requisition, and shows which units can be
Promoted into what. If a unit is not shown on the Tree below, it cannot be Promoted - and once Promoted to a new unit, the effects cannot be

The key below helps explain the colouration of the symbols found on the Promotion Tree.

Any unit marked with a * has several variations of itself available - such as a Legion Terminator Cataphractii Squad and a Legion Terminator
Tartaros Squad, or a Legion Mortalis Destroyer Squad and a Legion Destroyer Assault Squad - and so, if marked in this way, it is assumed one of the
applicable units must be selected during the Promotion process.

If an Independent Character is shown with a Specialisation named on its symbol, this means that Specialisation must be selected for a unit Promoted
in that way.













94 95
The below Promotion Tree shows how each Mechanicum unit is affected by the Field Promotion Requisition, and shows which units can be The below Promotion Tree shows how each Legio Custodes unit is affected by the Field Promotion Requisition, and shows which units can be
Promoted into what. If a unit is not shown on the Tree below, it cannot be Promoted - and once Promoted to a new unit, the effects cannot be Promoted into what. If a unit is not shown on the Tree below, it cannot be Promoted - and once Promoted to a new unit, the effects cannot be
reverted. reverted.

The key below helps explain the colouration of the symbols found on the Promotion Tree. The key below helps explain the colouration of the symbols found on the Promotion Tree.

Any unit marked with a * has several variations of itself available - such as an Adsecularis Tech-Thrall Covenant or Adsecularis Tech-Thrall Certus
Covenant, or a Kataphron Breacher Servitor Maniple or Kataphron Destructor Servitor Maniple - and so, if marked in this way, it is assumed one of
the applicable units must be selected during the Promotion process.

















96 97
The below Promotion Tree shows how each Sisters of Silence unit is affected by the Field Promotion Requisition, and shows which units can be
Promoted into what. If a unit is not shown on the Tree below, it cannot be Promoted - and once Promoted to a new unit, the effects cannot be

The key below helps explain the colouration of the symbols found on the Promotion Tree.














98 99
The below Promotion Tree shows how each Solar Auxilia unit is affected by the Field Promotion Requisition, and shows which units can be
Promoted into what. If a unit is not shown on the Tree below, it cannot be Promoted - and once Promoted to a new unit, the effects cannot be

The key below helps explain the colouration of the symbols found on the Promotion Tree.
















100 101
The below Promotion Tree shows how each Imperialis Militia unit is affected by the Field Promotion Requisition, and shows which units can be The below Promotion Tree shows how each Asuryani unit is affected by the Field Promotion Requisition, and shows which units can be Promoted
Promoted into what. If a unit is not shown on the Tree below, it cannot be Promoted - and once Promoted to a new unit, the effects cannot be into what. If a unit is not shown on the Tree below, it cannot be Promoted - and once Promoted to a new unit, the effects cannot be reverted.
The key below helps explain the colouration of the symbols found on the Promotion Tree. It should be noted that as this Faction and associated
The key below helps explain the colouration of the symbols found on the Promotion Tree. Promotion tree is entirely composed of Panoptica Units, the key has been simplified.

* Imperialis Militia Reconnaissance Squads may only be promoted to Imperialis Militia Ratling Squads in a Crusade Roster which also contains a
Force Commander which has selected the Ratling Enclave Provenance of War.

^ Mutated Spawn may only be promoted to Greater Mutated Spawn in a Crusade Roster which also contains a Force Commander which has selected AUTARCH
the Tainted Flesh Provenance of War.
















102 103
CRUSADE FORCE NAME: ................................................................................................................................................................................................... PLAYER NAME: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... UNIT NAME: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ UNIT COST: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

CRUSADE FACTION: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ALLEGIANCE:.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. FORCE ORGANISATION CHART SLOT: ............................................................................................................................. CRUSADE RATING: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

UNIT TYPE: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... XP: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

UNIT COMPOSITION: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................

BATTLES PLAYED: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... BATTLES WON: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

CURRENT RANK: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

PREVIOUS HIGHEST RANK: ....................................................................................................................................................................................

TOTAL REQUISITION POINTS: ..................................................................................................................................................................... REMAINING REQUISITION POINTS: .........................................................................................................................................

BATTLES PLAYED: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... BATTLES SURVIVED: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

TOTAL SUPPLY LIMIT: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ SUPPLY POINTS USED: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

COMBAT TALLY (THIS BATTLE): ..................................................................................................................................................................................... COMBAT TALLY (ALL BATTLES): .....................................................................................................................................................................................

CRUSADE CARDS IN ROSTER AGENDA 1 TALLY: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit Unit Name Points Value Crusade Rating AGENDA 2 TALLY: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

AGENDA 3 TALLY: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

AGENDA 4 TALLY: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 AGENDA 5 TALLY: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

BATTLE TRAITS: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

BATTLE SCARS: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

RELICS: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

7 WARLORD TRAITS: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

SPECIALISATIONS: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................













104 105
Panoptica FAQs, Errata, and Balance Changes
Within this section, you’ll find a mixture of FAQs, Erratas, and Balance Changes for the Core
Rules for the Horus Heresy, as well as all the Libers, PDFs, and more.

We understand that it can be intimidating to approach such a far-reaching piece of work and
understand why we have opted to change things in the ways we have - so, we have included
below a brief explanation on what constitutes each of our three categories of change, and why
we might assign something to any of them.

Any changes designated as “FAQ” are, in our opinion, clarifications of existing functionality to
make the intentions clearer and the effects simpler to understand. These are indicated with a
Pink Gem.

Any changes designated as “Errata” are clearly broken or otherwise overlooked rules which
needed a refactoring in a simple and approachable manner. These changes will not change the
overall function of rules or units, but will ensure no ambiguity or confusion can occur during
game play. These are indicated with a Yellow Gem.

Balance Change
Any changes designated as “Balance Changes” are our efforts to make the game more balanced,
and ensure fair and fun game play for all. These are indicated with a Blue Gem.

108 109

Emperor’s Children

Thousand Sons

Imperial Army
Sons of Horus
Iron Warriors

Imperial Fists

Word Bearers
Space Wolves


Alpha Legion

Blood Angels

World Eaters

Death Guard

Raven Guard
Dark Angels

Night Lords
White Scars

Iron Hands
In the Age of Darkness, fraught alliances can be made and broken in the heat of battle. These alliances may, on occasion, involve factions that were
not truly partisan in the wider Horus Heresy conflict.

The chart below is intended to replace the ones found in all current publications by Games Workshop, adding new factions and modifying a handful
of factions in terms of their relationships with each other. Despite these minor modifications, the chart below still functions as per the rules and
allegiance levels found on pages 10, 12, and 13 of the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook, and this should be consulted to see the benefits Dark Angels
and drawbacks applied by any given factions when they are allied together. It is also important to note that some sources, such as Special Rules, Rites
of War, and so on, may modify the relationships between any given Factions or Sub-Factions - if this is the case, it will be clearly specified, and the Emperor’s Children
allegiance rulings presented in those locations takes precedence over the chart presented below.
Iron Warriors
Note that even though there are numerous Sub-Factions in the Age of Darkness which share the same Faction (such as Legio Custodes and Sisters of
Silence, or Solar Auxilia and Imperialis Militia), which normally would prevent you from taking them as allies as you cannot select the same faction as White Scars
your Primary and Optional Detachments, you may still select forces which have different Sub-Factions as allies.
Space Wolves
The icons in the chart correspond to the Levels of Allegiance shown in the boxout below:
Imperial Fists


Blood Angels
Sworn Brothers
Iron Hands

World Eaters
Fellow Warriors

Death Guard
Distrusted Allies Thousand Sons

Sons of Horus

By the Emperor’s (or the Warmaster’s) Command Word Bearers


Raven Guard

Alpha Legion


Imperial Army


110 111
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR Dreadnought (Page 195) Heavy (Page 197)
Errata FAQ
THE HORUS HERESY: AGE OF DARKNESS CORE RULEBOOK Add the following to the end of the third bullet point: Explosions from Vehicles, Dreadnoughts, Automata, or Armigers
“Note that whilst a unit with this Unit Type may shoot Heavy and etc are not counted as Blasts or Templates for the purposes of the
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
Ordnance weapons and still declare charges as normal, if they made a Heavy Sub-type.
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the Shooting attack in the preceding Shooting Phase, they may only declare
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. that unit as a target for a charge, and may not attempt to charge any Characters and Wound Allocation (Page 198)
other unit.
Balance Change
Special Rules Overlap (Various Pages) Snap Shots (Page 169) Balance Change
Add the following to the end of the paragraph:
FAQ FAQ Add the following bullet point to the end of the Dreadnought
"Once a model with the Character Sub-type has suffered an unsaved
Occasionally a weapon will have multiple Special Rules which A model may never voluntarily choose to fire Snap Shots. Wound, all remaining Wounds in the current Wound Pool must
would overlap with each other, for example the the Graviton Gun, continue to be allocated to the same model, and may not choose to
"- For the purposes of any rules that consider number of models in a
which has both the Haywire and Graviton Pulse Special Rules. Both have these wounds allocated elsewhere. Subsequent Wound Pools are
CCWs and Bonus Attacks (Page 176) unit (such as Rampage), a Dreadnought model counts as a number of
of these rules offer alternative methods of wounding targets which not affected by this, and are handled as a fresh Pool for the purposes of
FAQ models equal to its starting Wounds Characteristic."
could both be used against units with applicable Sub-types, such as wound allocation."
the Dreadnought Unit Type. In cases such as this, you should As per the boxout labelled “Close Combat Weapons” on P176, if a
choose a single such Special Rule to apply the effects of, and then model is armed with a pistol but no close combat weapon, then Ramming (Page 204)
they can use their pistol as a Close Combat Weapon with the
Automata (Page 195)
apply the effects of the chosen rule from there. Balance Change FAQ
profile given. This means they are armed with a Close Combat
Add the following bullet point to the end of the Automata section: If a Vehicle Squadron attempts to make a Ram attack but cannot
Weapon, and so cannot claim a second one.
In the case of multiple models with “Must do X” stipulations (such "- For the purposes of any rules that consider number of models in a successfully Ram with all models in the squadron, the models that
as having multiple Legion Champion Consuls with the Never Back unit (such as Rampage), an Automata model counts as a number of cannot successfully Ram must still move their maximum
Because a pistol counts as a Close Combat Weapon, a model armed
down Special Rule requiring them to issue or accept challenges), it models equal to its starting Wounds Characteristic." Movement speed to maintain coherency, and suffer the same
with two pistols may claim +1A for being armed with two Close
is assumed that the Controlling Player must pick one such trigger restrictions that a Ramming Vehicle suffers.
Combat Weapons.
to activate, and do not allow you to break the core rules.

Ordnance (Page 177) Daemon (Page 196) Sponson Mounted (Page 206)
To-Wound Rolls and Special Rules (Various Pages) Balance Change Errata Errata
FAQ Add the following to the end of the second paragraph: Replace the 5th bullet point to read as follows: Remove duplicated "Sponson Mounted -".
If an unit has a Special Rule, Wargear Item, or other ability that “Failed To Wound rolls made with a weapon with this Special Rule “No unit that does not also have the Daemon Unit Type or the
affects the to-Wound roll (such as the Poisoned or Fleshbane against Dreadnought and Automata models may be re-rolled.” Corrupted Unit Sub-type may join a unit that includes one or more
Special Rules, or is in a mixed unit of Automata and non-Automata models with the Daemon Unit Type.”
Crew Stunned (Page 208, 329)
when hit by the Disruption Special Rule, or so on), then you must Errata
resolve those hits as follows unless that Special Rule specifies Start of Initiative Step Pile-in (Page 184) Add the following to the end of the GW FAQ line:
otherwise: Errata Primarch (Page 196) “If this would result in the Flyer ending its move in a position where it is
Replace the first sentence to read as follows: Balance Change not permissible for it to stop, move it the shortest distance in any
- Count the number of models in the target unit that would have the “At the start of each Initiative step, any model whose Initiative is equal Replace the 3rd bullet point to read as follows: direction from its final movement position to avoid this.”
Special Rule in question applied to them. to the value of the current Initiative step that is not in base contact “Primarchs have the Precision Strikes (2+) and Precision Shots (2+)
- If there are more models in the unit which would have the Special with an enemy model must make a Pile-in Move if it is able to do so.” Special Rules, and may choose to use these rules when attacking even Transport Restrictions (Page 211)
Rule applied than without, then the hits are all resolved with the Special when ordinarily they would be prevented from doing so, including when
Rule’s effects. Sweeping Advances (Page 188) making Snap Shots.”
The implication of the boxout - that models with any pattern of
- If there are less models in the unit which would have the Special Rule Errata Jump or Jet Pack cannot embark upon Transports without the Flyer
applied than without, then none of the hits are all resolved with the Replace the first sentence of the third paragraph to read as follows: Add the following bullet point to the Unit Type: Sub-type unless otherwise permitted by Special Rules, Wargear, or
Special Rule’s effects. “Any unit entirely composed of models with the Primarch Unit Type
“If the winner’s total (Initiative + dice roll) is equal to or greater than other abilities - is correct.
- If there are an equal number, the Controlling Player of the Target their opponents’, the Falling Back unit is caught by the Sweeping may choose to ignore the Heroic Stand Special Rule, ignoring any
unit may decide whether or not to have the hits resolved using the Advance and destroyed.” penalties normally applied for declining a Challenge, unless the
Special Rule’s effects. Challenge was issued by a model with the Knight, Gargantuan, Titan, Slow Vehicles (Page 214)
Primarch, or Daemon Primarch Unit Types.” Errata
The reasoning for this is because it is specified on page 190 that the
Any Special Rules, Wargear Items, or other abilities that specify Change the last sentence to read as follows:
roll should be equal to or greater.
they cannot be used in certain circumstances may not be benefit Antigrav (Page 196) “In addition, when a Slow Vehicle moves, other than to pivot in place, it
from this ruling. Balance Change is always considered to have moved at Combat Speed regardless of how
Cavalry (Page 195) many inches it moves.”
Balance Change Replace the 1st bullet point to read as follows:
Core Reactions (Pages 158 - 160 & Page 330) Add the following bullet point to the list of rules included in the “Models with the Antigrav Sub-type may move over friendly and enemy
FAQ models, but cannot end their move on top of either. They may also The Super-Heavy Vehicle Sub-type (Page 215)
Cavalry Unit Type:
Whenever a model commits an action that could trigger a Reaction move over all terrain, ignoring all penalties for Difficult Terrain and Balance Change
"- For the purposes of any rules that consider number of models in a
(such as making a Shooting Attack at an enemy unit, moving within Dangerous Terrain. However, if a moving model with the Antigrav Sub- Add the following sentence to the end of the section:
unit (such as Rampage), a Cavalry model counts as a number of models
reaction distance, or so on), if such an action would allow multiple type starts or ends its move in Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain, it “Due to the immense size of such vehicles, a model with the
equal to its starting Wounds Characteristic."
enemy units to React, then all may do so, providing they have not must take a Dangerous Terrain test. An Antigrav model can even end Super-Heavy Sub-type ignores all effects (both detrimental and
already Reacted this Phase, and the Reacting Player has sufficient its move over Impassable Terrain if it is possible to actually place the beneficial) of all Psychic Powers and cannot suffer Hull Points of
Reaction Allotment to do so. model on top of it, but if it does so it must take a Dangerous Terrain Damage or otherwise be affected by any Attack with the Psychic Focus
test. If an Antigrav model is forced to end its move over friendly or Special Rule. Weapons with the Force Special Rule that are used to
It should be noted that whilst Shooting Attacks made as part of a enemy models, move the model the minimum distance so that no make Attacks against a model with the Super-Heavy Sub-type are not
Reaction must, as per the GW FAQ, target the unit that triggered models are left underneath it.” affected and are resolved normally.”
the Reaction.
Super-Heavy Vehicle Shooting (Page 215)
Add the following to the end of the sentence:
“All targets must be declared before any To Hit rolls are made.”

112 113
Knights and Titans (Page 216) Battlefield Terrain (Page 220) Guided Fire (Page 239) Shock Pulse (Page 246)
Errata FAQ Balance Change Balance Change
Add the following to the end of the first paragraph: During Terrain set-up and Deployment, ensure that Ruins and Add the following sentence: Add the following to the end of the first paragraph:
"Please note, if a knight or titan made a ranged attack during the other terrain sections are defined as to the Cover Saves they “Models wounded by a weapon with this special rule may never benefit “Models with the Super-Heavy, Lumbering, Knight, or Titan Sub-types
Shooting Phase, then it may only declare a charge against any of the provide, as well as which sections can and cannot have Line of from a cover save due to intervening models and terrain.” are not forced to make Snap Shots as part of their next Shooting
units it declared as targets during the Shooting Phase." Sight drawn through them, and which sections are classed as Attack, instead suffering a -2 penalty to their Ballistic Skill
Impassible or not. It should also be discussed which pieces of Characteristic when they make their next Shooting Attack, and in
Balance Change terrain can or cannot have vehicles ascend or descend them. Hit & Run (Page 240) addition, any weapons they are equipped with use a Scatter dice to roll
Add the following to the end of the first paragraph: Balance Change to hit and which roll a result of ‘Hit’ on the Scatter die must re-roll it .
“A knight or titan may make a charge move against a model in area In order to be considered as "placed" in a piece of terrain, a model's Replace the entire rule text with the following: This penalty can only be applied to a model once per turn.”
terrain, ignoring vertical distances - treat the model being charged as base or hull must be wholly within the terrain. If the model “A unit that contains at least one model with this Special Rule that is
though it is on the ground floor for the purposes of distances. overhangs by a meaningful degree, it cannot be placed there! In locked in combat can choose to leave close combat at the end of any
cases where this is not clear or not possible due to limitations of
Sunder (Page 247)
Assault phase. If the unit wishes to do so, it must take an Initiative test. Balance Change
the terrain itself, the "Wobbly Model Syndrome" rules from page
A knight or titan may make a melee attack against a model whose base Add the following to the end of the first paragraph:
165 should be applied.
is within 1” horizontally of their own, regardless of vertical distance.” If the Test is failed, nothing happens and the models remain locked in “Failed To Wound rolls made with a weapon with this Special Rule
the fight. against Dreadnought and Automata models may be re-rolled.”
When players are making assault moves across terrain where it may
Add the following sentence to the end of the section:
not be possible to place models cleanly due to terrain limitations,
“Due to the immense size of such vehicles, a model with the If the Test is passed, choose a direction – then roll 2D6 and add the
ensure the "Wobbly Model Syndrome" rules are kept in mind whilst Blast Markers, Templates, and Multi-Level Terrain
Knight or Titan Sub-type ignores all effects (both detrimental and unit’s Initiative Characteristic to the result. As long as the distance
agreeing with your opponent where models should be counted as (Page 234, 248)
beneficial) of all Psychic Powers and cannot suffer Hull Points of rolled, in inches, is sufficient to allow the entire unit to move over 1"
being before resolving Charges and combats. FAQ
Damage or otherwise be affected by any Attack with the Psychic Focus away from all of the enemy units they are locked in combat with, the
Special Rule. Weapons with the Force Special Rule that are used to unit breaks away from combat and must immediately move a number When a shooting attack which uses a template or blast marker of
make Attacks against a model with the Knight or Titan Sub-type are of inches in the chosen direction equal to the 2D6 + Initiative result, any kind hits a unit spread across multiple levels of terrain, all
Blind (Page 236) models which are under the template’s final resting position are hit
not affected and are resolved normally.” ignoring the models they were locked in combat with. No Sweeping
Balance Change Advance rolls are made. Enemy units that are no longer locked in - regardless of height on the terrain.
Replace the entire Rule text with the following: combat immediately Consolidate a number of inches equal to their
Knight Unit Type (Page 216) “Any unit hit by one or more models or weapons with this Special Rule Initiative. Crusade Force Organisation Chart (Page 281)
Balance Change must take an Initiative test once the attack is fully resolved. If the test is
All models with this Unit Type gain the Hammer of Wrath (3) passed, there is no further effect. If the Initiative test is failed, all models FAQ
A Hit & Run Move is not slowed by Difficult Terrain, but does trigger When constructing an army using the Crusade Force Organisation
Special Rule. in the unit are reduced to Weapon Skill 1 and Ballistic Skill 1 until the
Dangerous Terrain tests as normal. It may not be used to move into Chart, irregardless of the number of Optional Detachments you
end of their Controlling Player’s next turn. Should the attacking unit
base contact with enemy units, and models instead stop 1" away. If are able to select, you may still only select a single Allied
hit themselves, they automatically pass the Initiative test. Any model
Flyers and Other Models (Page 218) that does not have an Initiative Characteristic (for example, Vehicles,
there are units with this rule on both sides who wish to disengage, roll Detachment and a single Lord of War Detachment. Alternative
Errata off to determine who goes first and then alternate disengaging them. If Force Organisation Charts provided in other publications will
Buildings, etc) are unaffected by this Special Rule.”
Add the following to the end of the paragraph: the last of these ends up no longer in combat, it Consolidates instead.” specify how many of each kind of Detachment is permitted by
"If a flyer is forced to end its move with its base within 1" of an enemy them.
model and is unable to be placed anywhere else (such as if has suffered a Concussive (X) (Page 236)
Balance Change Master-Crafted Blast and Template Weapons (Page 243)
Crew Stunned result) then the flyer must move the shortest possible Developer Note: This choice has been made as the wording on the
Replace the entire Rule text with the following: Balance Change
distance to avoid the enemy model and be placed over 1" away from it." same page calls out “an Allied Detachment” - not multiple - and the
“Any unit hit by one or more models or weapons with this Special Rule Add the following to the rule:
Chart on the same page also shows only a single such Allied
must take a Leadership test once the attack is fully resolved. If the test is “Master-Crafted Blast Weapons: If the Scatter dice does not roll a Hit,
Balance Change Detachment.
passed, there is no further effect. If the Leadership test is failed, all you can choose to re-roll the dice when making a Shooting Attack with
All models with this Unit Type gain the Countermeasures a Master-Crafted Blast weapon. If you choose to do so, you must re-roll
models in the unit suffer a penalty to their Weapon Skill equal to the
Special Rule. both the 2D6 and the Scatter dice. Performing a Flanking Assault (Page 311)
value in brackets until the end of their Controlling Player’s next turn.
Should the attacking unit hit themselves, they automatically pass the Errata
The Lumbering Sub-Type (Page 219) Leadership test. Any model that does not have a Leadership Master-Crafted Template Weapons: Master-Crafted Template Replace the wording of the 2nd Paragraph to read as follows:
Errata Characteristic (for example, Vehicles, Buildings, etc) are unaffected by weapons are fired just like a normal Template weapon, but must re-roll “Units that were unable to deploy in the initial Flanking deployment
Add the following sentence to the end of the section: this Special Rule. failed To Wound rolls and Armour Penetration rolls.” and were forced to remain in Reserve do not generate Pinning tests
“Finally, due to the immense size of these airborne behemoths, they are when they move onto the battlefield, but may be targeted by Interceptor
able to fire all weapons they are equipped with, suffering no penalties, If a single unit has been the target of several Concussive attacks with Reactions (see page 309) after they arrive on the battlefield.”
different values and fails the Leadership test, then it suffers the effects of Monster Hunter (Page 243)
as part of any Shooting Attack they make, though they follow the
the highest single modifier among those attacks – the effects do not Errata
normal rules and restrictions on Reactions applied to the Lumbering Change the final paragraph of the GW FAQ on Flanking Assaults to
Sub-type.” stack or otherwise become cumulative.” Replace the entire Rule text with the following:
read as follows:
“A unit that contains at least one model with this Special Rule re-rolls
“Units that have Disembarked from a model with the Assault Vehicle
all failed To-Wound rolls against Dreadnoughts, Automata and
Balance Change Order of Operations for Force Weapons (Pages 238 & 322) Special Rule in Step 5 of the Flanking Assault process may Charge in the
Primarch models as well as any unit with the Monstrous Sub-type or
Add the following sentence to the end of the section: FAQ Gargantuan Sub-type.”
following Assault phase, as an exception to the Assault Vehicle Special
“Due to the immense size of such vehicles, a model with the If multiple modifiers would affect the Strength of a model using a Rule.”
Lumbering Sub-type ignores all effects (both detrimental and beneficial) Force Weapon, these should be resolved as follows:
of all Psychic Powers and cannot suffer Hull Points of Damage or - If a model has a weapon which would increase its S via a flat +X Night Vision (Page 243)
otherwise be affected by any Attack with the Psychic Focus Special Rule. bonus (such as a force maul), this occurs first. Errata
Weapons with the Force Special Rule that are used to make Attacks - If a model uses the Force Psychic Power, the S multiplication from Replace the entire Rule text with the following:
against a model with the Lumbering Sub-type are not affected and are this is resolved next. “A unit that contains at least one model with this special rule ignores
resolved normally.” - This means, assuming a base Strength of 4, a weapon strength of 6, the effects of Night Fighting (see page 308) and no model may make
and a successful cast of the Force Power for x2 strength on the attack, Shrouded rolls to negate Wounds or Hull Points inflicted by their
the model would resolve its attacks at Strength 12. attacks.”
Lumbering Flyers and the Transport Sub-Type (Page 219)
Errata The reasoning for this is that Force specifically applies its Strength Precision Strikes (X) (Page 245)
Add the following sentence after the first paragraph: multiplication bonus to the attack itself, not to the weapon or FAQ
"If a Lumbering Flyer is zooming when it suffers Catastrophic Damage, bearer’s Strength. The Precision Strikes (X) Special Rule does not allow models to
then follow the standard rules for Crash & Burn (Page 213). If a strike into - or out of - a Challenge. Outside forces must attack
Lumbering Flyer is hovering then apply the following result instead." other Outside forces, and Challengers must strike each other, in
line with the Challenge section on pages 198 and 199.

114 115
Performing a Deep Strike Assault (Page 311) Thaumaturgic Succour (Psychic Power) (Page 325)
FAQ Balance Change
Any model which scatters off a board edge as part of a Deep Strike Replace the Hallucinations Rule description to read as follows:
Assault is instead considered to be within 1” of a board edge, and is “Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Psyker with this Psychic Power
so replaced within the distance specified as per the normal rules. may select a single friendly unit with at least one model within 12" and
make a Psychic check. If the Psychic check is passed then all non-Vehicle
Balance Change models in the target unit regain a single lost Wound. This ability
Replace the second paragraph with the following: cannot be used to increase a model’s Wounds beyond its starting
“Once this first unit has been deployed, roll a D6. On the roll of a ‘1’, the Wounds Characteristic.”
Deep Strike Assault is Disordered, and the opposing player may deploy
each other unit in the Deep Strike Assault anywhere wholly within 24"
of the first unit without scattering, though no model may be within 1"
of an enemy model or within Impassable Terrain. If the roll is a ‘2’ or
higher, then the controlling player deploys each other unit anywhere
wholly within 12" of the first, though no model may be within 1" of an
enemy model or within Impassable Terrain.”

Blood Feud (Page 312)

Balance Change
Add the following bullet point to the list of Blood Feud Targets:
“- Armiger: +2 Victory Points
- Knights: +4 Victory Points
- Super-Heavy & Lumbering Vehicles: +4 Victory Points”

Telekine Dome (Psychic Power) (Page 324)

Balance Change
Replace the entire Psychic Power ability description to read as
“Instead of moving during the Movement phase, a Psyker with this
Psychic Power may instead activate this Psychic Power. All models,
friendly and enemy, that are wholly within 8" of the Psyker gain a 6+
Invulnerable Save when targeted by any model that is not also wholly
within 8" of the Psyker. If the Psyker moves, makes a Shooting Attack,
Charges or is successfully Charged by an enemy unit, then the Psychic
Power ends, otherwise it remains in effect indefinitely. When initially
using the Psychic Power, or at the start of any of the controlling player’s
subsequent Movement phase while it is in effect, the controlling player
may choose to have the Psyker take a Psychic check. If the Check is
passed then models affected by this Psychic Power gain a 4+
Invulnerable Save instead of a 6+ Invulnerable Save. If the Check is
failed then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp and the Psychic Power
immediately ends.”

Telepathic Fugue (Psychic Power) (Page 325)

Balance Change
Replace the Hallucinations Rule description to read as follows:
“Once per turn, at the start of any Phase, the Psyker with this Psychic
Power’s controlling player may select a single enemy unit within 18”
and line of sight of the Psyker and take a Psychic check. If that Check is
passed then the target unit may not make any Reactions for the
duration of that Phase. If the Check is failed then the Psyker suffers
Perils of the Warp.”

Telepathic Hallucinations (Psychic Weapon) (Page 325)

Balance Change
Replace the Hallucinations Rule description to read as follows:
“A unit that suffers one or more Hits from a Weapon with this special
rule must make an immediate Pinning test, suffering a -1 modifier to
their Leadership Characteristic for each successful Hit scored by this
attack before the result is decided. For example, if a Psyker attacks an
enemy unit that has a Leadership of 8, scoring 3 Hits with Telepathic
Hallucinations, then that unit must make an immediate Pinning test
with a -3 modifier to their Leadership Characteristic. Note that models
with Special Rules that ignore Leadership modifiers, such as Stubborn,
do not suffer this negative modifier.”

116 117
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR Souls of Iron (Page 227)
Balance Change
CAMPAIGNS OF THE AGE OF DARKNESS: THE SIEGE OF CTHONIA Change the wording of the Special Rule to read as follows:
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as “During the Controlling Player’s Shooting phase, a unit with this
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the Special Rule must attempt a Shooting Attack if there is an enemy unit
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the within range that they are able to inflict Wounds or Hull Points of
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. Damage upon with weapons the unit is equipped with, and must target
the closest enemy unit possible that is within its line of sight and is a
valid target for a Shooting Attack. If two or more targets are equally
Core Missions & Night Fighting (Various Pages) Warlord: Butcher of Larissan (Page 208)
close then the Controlling Player chooses which will be the target of a
Balance Change Balance Change Shooting Attack. In addition, the unit gains the Fearless Special Rule.”
Add the following to this section: Replace the wording of the Warlord Trait to read as follows:
“If the Player with Strategic Advantage elects to not activate Night “If, at the start of any player turn, the Opposing Player has
Fighting, the Opposing Player may still have the Night Fighting Rules scored more Victory Points than Lord-Castellan Evander Garrius’ Night Lords Legion Inductii Template (Page 229)
in effect on a roll of a 4+.” Controlling Player, then Lord-Castellan Evander Garrius and all Balance Change
models in a unit he has joined with the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Change the wargear section to read as follows:
Fists) Special Rule gain the Rage (2) Special Rule. Furthermore, “All models in a unit modified by the Night Lords Legion Inductii
Selecting Armies for Core Missions (Page 149) whenever an Opposing Player scores Victory Points by causing a unit template must exchange their Chainsword with Killer’s Blades at a cost
Errata from the same Detachment as Lord-Castellan Evander Garrius to be of +15 points for the unit.”
Replace the second paragraph to read as follows: entirely removed as casualties, Lord-Castellan Evander Garrius’
“All armies for use in a Core Mission must use a points limit of 3,000 Controlling Player may choose to roll a D6. If the final result of that roll
points, or as dictated by the campaign rules or the choice of all players is a ‘6’ then the number of Victory points scored is reduced by 1 (to a Blood Angels Legion Inductii Template (Page 229)
involved in the battles, selected using the Crusade Force Organisation minimum of 1), the result of the D6 roll is increased by +1 if the Balance Change
chart, or any Force Organisation Chart which explicitly replaces it. opposing player currently has more Victory Points than Lord-Castellan Change the Special Rules section to read as follows:
Furthermore, all armies for use in a Core Mission must be selected Evander Garrius’ Controlling Player. Note that this ability cannot be “All models in a unit modified by the Blood Angels Legion Inductii
before the mission is selected or any other stage of battle preparation is used for any Victory Points scored ‘at the end of the game’, such as those template replace the Spite of the Legion Special Rule with The Revenant
taken – this includes selecting any Warlord Traits, Rites of War, Psychic awarded by the Blood Feud mission. In addition, an army that has Legion and Rage (2) Special Rules.”
Disciplines or other such options, which must all be noted on the Lord-Castellan Evander Garrius as its Warlord may make an
Controlling Player’s Army Roster.” additional Reaction during the Opponent’s Assault phase, as long as
Lord-Castellan Evander Garrius has not been removed as a casualty.”

Imperial Army Factions in Zone Mortalis (Page 170)

Balance Change The Tyrant’s Regalia (Page 209)
Units with either the Tercio or Strength in Numbers Special Rules Balance Change
do not pay the Reinforcement Points cost per unit as normal, Add the following to the end of the wargear’s effects:
instead paying only once per Force Organisation Slot option for all “In addition, a unit that includes Lord-Castellan Evander Garrius may
units taken as a single Force Organisation Slot selection. not make Sweeping Advances.”

Imperialis Militia Infantry Squads and Imperialis Militia Levy

Squads gain the Close-Quarters Boarding Protocol Special Rule Vheren Ashurhaddon (Page 212)
when selected as part of a Detachment using the Zone Mortalis Balance Change
Engagement Force Organisation Chart. In addition, Imperialis Add the Outflank Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
Militia Heavy Ordnance Batteries may not be selected as part of a
Detachment using the Zone Mortalis Engagement Force
Organisation Chart. Legiones Decurion Defensor (Page 216)
The Advanced Reactions provided by the Legiones Decurion
Bound Daemons in Zone Mortalis (Page 170) Defensor allows all models in a unit to participate in the Advanced
Balance Change Reaction, so long as at least one model in the unit has the Legiones
Any model which normally must be deployed onto the battlefield Decurion Defensor Upgrade.
by way of the Breach the Veil Psychic Power may, in games using
the Zone Mortalis Ruleset, be placed into Reinforcements, paying
the appropriate Reinforcement Points cost to enter play as per the Dark Angels Legion Inductii Template (Page 226)
normal rules for Zone Mortalis. Balance Change
Change the wargear section to read as follows:
It should be noted that the usual method of summoning Daemon “All models in a unit modified by the Dark Angels Legion Inductii
units into play (via Anathemata Psychic Powers) cannot be used in template must exchange their bolter for a volkite charger at a cost of
Zone Mortalis as this game mode does not use Reserves. +25 points for the unit.”

Difficult and Dangerous Terrain in Zone Mortalis

(Page 172)
Abilities, Weapons, Special Rules, and so on that generate areas of
Difficult or Dangerous Terrain (such as Graviton Guns) still do so
in games using the Zone Mortalis Ruleset.

Unforgiven (Page 207)

Balance Change
Remove the “Loyalist Only” stipulation from this Warlord Trait.

118 119
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR Legion Arquitor Squadron (Page 81) Rite of War: Armoured Spearhead (Page 102)
Balance Change Balance Change
LIBER ASTARTES & HERETICUS Increase the Movement Characteristic on this unit’s profile to 10. Replace the fourth Effects bullet point to read as follows:
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as “In a Detachment using this Rite of War, a single Legion Sicaran
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the Add the Reinforced Sub-type to this unit’s profile. Squadron, Legion Predator Squadron, or Legion Kratos Squadron,
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the composed of only a single model, must be selected as a HQ choice. This
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. model gains the Master of the Legion Special Rule and must be selected
Legion Deathstorm Drop Pod Squadron (Page 83) as the army’s Warlord and must use the Master of Armour Warlord
Balance Change Trait (as follows). In this case, the model must be selected as the Warlord
Weapon & Equipment Upgrades (Various Pages) Legion Tactical Support Squad (Page 48) Add the Indiscriminate Fire! Special Rule to this unit’s profile. despite having the Vehicle Unit Type, and regardless of any other rules
Balance Change Balance Change that would require another model to be selected as the Warlord (note
If a weapon has its ammunition types replaced in this fashion (such Add the Line Sub-type to this unit’s profile. this means that some units and Characters cannot be selected as part of
as Banestrike, Shrapnel, Asphyx etc) they may still select a bayonet Legion Glaive (Page 88) this army, such as Primarchs).”
or chain bayonet as appropriate (in contravention to the GW FAQ), Balance Change
and may still use their weapons to shoot in conjunction with the Legion Outrider Squadron (Page 57) Change the base unit cost of the unit to 650 points.
Balance Change Add the following bullet point to the Effects:
Fury of the Legion Special Rule, and may gain an additional shot as
per that Rule. Change the Wounds Characteristic on the Legion Outrider and “Legion Predator Squadrons taken as Compulsory Troops choices in a
Legion Outrider Sergeant profiles to be 2. Legion Mastodon (Page 93) Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Line Sub-type.”
A weapon can still have upgrades applied to it, even if it has the
Balance Change
Master-Crafted Special Rule. Add a Hull (Front) Magna-Melta Array to this unit’s profile - See the
Legion Storm Eagle Gunship (Page 62) Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Warlord Trait: Master of Armour (Page 102)
Balance Change Balance Change
Rites of War, Line, and Compulsory Troops Change the option to purchase a Hull (Front) Mounted Multi- Add the Reinforced Shell Special Rule to this unit’s profile. Change the Master of Armour Warlord Trait to read as follows:
(Various Pages) Melta to a Hull (Front) Gravis Melta Cannon. “A Warlord with this Warlord Trait gains the Master of the Legion and
FAQ Legiones Astartes Command Tank Special Rules, a 5+ Invulnerable Save,
Some Rites of War will grant the Line Sub-type to units when taken Rite of War: Recon Company (Page 97) and increases its BS by +1, but may not select a Command Squad or any
in accordance with their stipulations. This is clearly worded in Legion Xiphon Interceptor (Page 63) Balance Change other unit that uses a variant of the Retinue Special Rule.”
some instances to only be granted to Compulsory Troops choices – Balance Change Add the following bullet point to the Effects:
meaning only Compulsory Troops Choices would gain it, and not Change the base unit cost of the unit to 145 points. “Legion Scout Squads chosen in a Detachment using this Rite of War Rite of War: Brethren of Iron (Page 102)
all troops taken in the detachment – unless they already have the gain the Line Unit Sub-type.”
Line Sub-type. Balance Change
Add the following bullet point to the Effects:
Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod (Page 64) Change the third Effect to read as follows: “All models with the Automata Unit Type selected in a Detachment
The units which are selected as Compulsory Troops and thus gain Balance Change “A player whose army includes a Primary Detachment using this Rite of
the Line Sub-type as a result must be clearly noted during the List using this Rite of War gain the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule, where
Add the Assault Vehicle Special Rule to this unit’s entry. War may re-roll any dice they roll to see which player takes the first turn,
Construction stage. X is the variant of the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule possessed by the
as well as when attempting to Seize the Initiative.” Detachment’s Warlord.”
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 130 points.
Legion Apothecarion Detachment (Page 38)
Balance Change Rite of War: Angel’s Wrath (Page 97) Rite of War: Fury of the Ancients (Page 103)
Legion Leviathan Dreadnought Talon (Page 66)
Add the sentence below to the unit’s profile: FAQ Balance Change
“*A Legion Apothecary which selects a Legion Spatha Combat Bike or a A unit that can select a Legion Rhino Transport as a Dedicated Add the following bullet point to the Limitations:
Add the sentence below to the unit’s profile: Transport may still select a Legion Storm Eagle as a Dedicated
Legion Scimitar Jetbike changes its Wounds Characteristic to 2.” “ - Any model with the Dreadnought Unit Type selected in a
“*A Leviathan Dreadnought’s bonus attack for being armed with two Transport even if it is expanded beyond the maximum limit for Detachment using this Rite of War is worth an additional +1 Victory
close combat weapons is already included in its profile.” selecting a Legion Rhino Transport. A unit which would exceed the Point when destroyed by an Opposing Player.”
Legion Techmarine Covenant (Page 39) transport capacity of a Legion Storm Eagle may not select one.
Balance Change Legion Heavy Support Squad (Page 68) Apothecarion Detachment (Page 116)
Add the sentence below to the unit’s profile: Balance Change Rite of War: Drop Pod Assault (Pages 98 - 99) Errata
“*A Legion Techmarine which selects a Legion Spatha Combat Bike or Change the upgrade cost for Lascannons to +15 points. FAQ Add the following to the end of the rule:
a Legion Scimitar Jetbike changes its Wounds Characteristic to 2.” For the purposes of the Orbital Assault Vehicle Special Rule, a Drop
“Any apothecary which selects a Legion Scimitar Jetbike may choose to
Pod Assault counts as deploying via Deep Strike Assault.
Change the upgrade cost for Volkite Culverins to +10 points. join any unit equipped with any other pattern of Jetbikes, as long as that
unit also meets the other stipulations and requirements of this rule.”
Legion Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (Page 40-41)
Change the option to upgrade to a Multi-Melta to include a
Balance Change Rite of War: Pride of the Legion (Page 100)
Suspensor Web.
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 200 points. Balance Change Auxiliary Vehicle Bay (Page 117)
Add the following bullet point to the Effects: Errata
Change the cost per additional model to 200 points per model. Legion Sicaran Venator Squadron (Page 73) “Legion Veteran Squads taken as Troops Choices in a Detachment using Add the following to the rule:
Balance Change this Rite of War gain the Line Sub-type.” “Models with the Flyer Sub-type, or with a Movement Characteristic of
Change the cost for exchanging a Gravis Bolt Cannon and/or Add the Bombard Sub-type to this unit’s profile. 0, can never embark into an Auxiliary Vehicle Bay.
Gravis Power Fist and in-built Combi-Bolter for a Gravis Melta
Cannon to +15 points. Any model which would normally be prevented from being selected
during list construction (such as via a Rite of War) may still be selected if
Legion Scorpius Squadron (Page 80)
it begins the game embarked upon an Auxiliary Vehicle Bay.”
Legion Breacher Squad (Page 47) Balance Change
Balance Change Change the base unit cost of the unit to 175 points.
Dreadnought Talon (Page 118)
Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as
Change the cost per additional model to 160 points per model. FAQ
Add the following to the end of the Special Rule:
“A Legion Breacher Squad may take a Legion Rhino Transport, Legion
Termite Assault Drill, or Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as a “Once a unit with this Special Rule has separated, each model counts as
Dedicated Transport as long as it numbers no more than 10 models. If its own unit for the purposes of Victory Points, Units Destroyed, and
taken this way, a transport does not use up an additional Force similar rules.”
Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the

120 121
Limited Ammunition (Page 122) Morbus Bombard (Page 129) Geo-Locator Beacon (Page 142)
Balance Change Balance Change Errata
Add the following to the end of the rule: Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica Replace this Wargear’s effects to read as follows:
“If a model with the Battlesmith Special Rule is in base to base contact Weapons Profiles section. “As long as a model equipped with a Geo-Locator Beacon is deployed
with a friendly model with the Limited Ammunition Special Rule, when on the battlefield, the Controlling Player may choose to re-roll all failed
rolling to see the result of the Limited Ammunition Special Rule, you Reserves rolls they make.”
may reduce the D6 roll by one.”
Dreadhammer Siege Cannon (Page 129)
Balance Change
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica Krak Grenades (Page 143)
Rocket Barrage (Page 124) Weapons Profiles section. FAQ
Balance Change A model which declares it will use Krak Grenades to attack may still
Replace the wording of the Special Rule to read as follows: make Pile In moves, though these are made at Initiative 1.
Grenade Launcher (Secondary) (Page 130)
“If a model that has a weapon with this Special Rule does not move in
the Movement phase of a given turn, that weapon gains the Balance Change Balance Change
Rending (5+), Shell Shock (1), and Pinning Special Rules until the Replace the Krak profile with the one found in the Panoptica
Change the AP value of Krak Grenades to AP4.
start of the Controlling Player’s next turn.” Weapons Profiles section.

Legion Scimitar Jetbike (Page 144)

Spite of the Legion (Page 122) Grav-Flux Bombard (Page 131)
Balance Change
Balance Change Balance Change
Add the Battle-Hardened (1) and Skilled Rider Special Rules to the
Replace the wording of the rule to read as follows: Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica rules and abilities provided by this item of wargear.
Weapons Profiles section.
“If a Charge is declared for a unit that includes at least one model with
this Special Rule, targeting an enemy unit that is Pinned, under the
effects of the Blind or Concussive Special Rule, Falling Back or includes Aiolos Missile Launcher (Page 133) Legion Spatha Combat Bike (Page 144)
no models with the Character Sub-type or the Chosen Warriors Special Balance Change Balance Change
Rule, then all models in the Charging unit gain a bonus of +1 Attacks Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica Add the Battle-Hardened (1) and Skilled Rider Special Rules to the
for the duration of the Assault phase in which the Charge is declared.” Weapons Profiles section. rules and abilities provided by this item of wargear.

Advanced Reaction: Combat Air Patrol (Page 125) Spicula Rocket System (Page 133)
Scout Armour (Page 145)
FAQ Balance Change
Balance Change
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica
When resolving a Combat Air Patrol Advanced Reaction, the flyer Add the Light Sub-type to the rules and abilities provided by this
Weapons Profiles section.
enters the battlefield and shoots entirely during the Movement item of wargear.
Phase. As a result, because this is not resolved in the Shooting
Phase, the flyer which made this reaction is not able to declare it is Volkite Carronade (Page 134)
using the Skyfire Special Rule. Balance Change Suspensor Web (Page 147)
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica FAQ
Techmarine Covenant (Page 125) Weapons Profiles section. A weapon with a Suspensor Web may be fired as an Assault weapon
at half range or less. If a weapon fired in this manner has any
Volkite Macro-Saker (Page 134) Special Rules that rely on range (such as Armourbane (Melta)) then
Add the following to the end of the rule:
the range required to trigger this Special Rule is calculated based
“Any Techmarine which selects a Legion Scimitar Jetbike may choose to Balance Change
on the weapon’s original range, not the modified range from the
join any unit equipped with any other pattern of Jetbikes, as long as Replace the Volkite Macro-Saker profile with the one found in the
Suspensor Web’s effects.
that unit also meets the other stipulations and requirements of this Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Teleport Strike (Page 147)
Void Shields (X) (Page 127) Heavy Chainsword (Page 136) Balance Change
FAQ Balance Change The ability for Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) models to gain
When resolving a Shooting Attack against a target with any Void Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica Deep Strike via the Teleport Strike Wargear option is also available
Shields active, all shots fired as part of that Shooting Attack are Weapons Profiles section. to Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus) and Legiones Astartes
deemed to strike the Void Shields, and not the target unit itself. For (Night Lords), as follows:
example, if the first two shots of a five-shot Shooting Attack Gravis Power Fist (Page 137) “All models with the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists), (Sons of Horus)
successfully remove the target’s Void Shields, the remaining three Balance Change or (Night Lords) Special Rule in a unit equipped with any form of
shots do not strike the original target, but are instead discarded. Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica Terminator Armour may be given the Deep Strike Special Rule for +25
Weapons Profiles section. points per unit.
It should be noted that, as the Void Shields provided by this Special
Rule are a separate target, they may not claim the benefits of the Paired Lightning Claws (Page 137) Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists), (Sons of Horus)
Flare Shield wargear item, nor take Saves or Damage Mitigation Errata or (Night Lords) Special Rule and the Independent Character Special
Rolls of any kind provided by the unit with the Void Shields (X) Rule may be given the Deep Strike Special Rule for +20 points per
Add the following to the Lightning Claws bonus attacks rule:
Special Rule. model.”
“The +2A bonus for being armed with two Lightning Claws can only be
claimed if the bearer attacks with the Paired Lightning Claws. If the
Fellblade Accelerator Cannon (Page 128) bearer attacks with any other Specialist Weapons, then they would gain
only a single bonus attack as per the standard rules for having multiple
Balance Change
Specialist Weapons.”
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica
Weapons Profiles section.
Lascutter (Page 138)
Balance Change
Demolisher Cannon (Page 129) Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica
Balance Change Weapons Profiles section.
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica
Weapons Profiles section.

122 123
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR Golden Keshig (Page 184) Rite of War: The Stone Gauntlet (Page 226)
Balance Change Balance Change
LIBER ASTARTES Remove the Heavy Sub-type from this unit’s entry. Replace the third Effect bullet point to read as follows:
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as “Any model in a Detachment using this Rite of War, and with the
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) Special Rule, with a Boarding Shield,
Ungainly (Page 184)
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the which is in unit coherency with at least two other models that also fit
Balance Change these criteria, may re-roll all failed Invulnerable Saves of 1 made against
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. Replace the wording of this Special Rule to read as follows: Shooting Attacks or attacks made during the Fight sub-phase. This
“A model may only attack with this weapon on a turn in which it makes bonus may not be claimed if the unit the model is part of has made a
Rite of War: Steel Fist (Page 153) The Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre (Page 169) a Charge (even if that Charge is Disordered), but does not gain a bonus Run move, Charge or a Sweeping Advance move in the current player
Balance Change Balance Change attack for Charging or from any Special Rules that would normally turn, or is Falling Back.”
Add the following bullet point to the Effects: Add the following to the end of the Special Rule: grant additional Attacks.”
“Legion Predator Squadrons taken as Compulsory Troops choices in a “In addition, The Regalia of the Shattered Sceptre confers the Bulky (2) Replace the first Limitation bullet point to read as follows:
Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Line Sub-type.” Special Rule.” “A Detachment using this Rite of War must select Phalanx Warder
Ebon Keshig (Page 185)
Balance Change Squads or Legion Breacher Squads to fill all Compulsory Troops choices
Rite of War: The Eskaton Imperative (Page 153) Ancient of War (Page 169) Add the following Dedicated Transport text to this unit as follows: in the Detachment.”
Balance Change FAQ “An Ebon Keshig Cohort may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier
The benefits gained from the Ancient of War Special Rule can as a Dedicated Transport as long as it numbers no more than 5 models Vigil Storm Shield (Page 228)
Change the final point in the Effects to read as follows:
affect units in a transport which are within 6” of a model with this or a unit of any size may take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a
“All models with the Dreadwing Unit Sub-type in a Detachment using Balance Change
Special Rule. Dedicated Transport. If taken this way, a transport does not use up an
this Rite of War gain +1 to all to-Wound Rolls made against a unit Change the Wargear’s effects to read as follows:
which has half or more of its models in any zone of Area Terrain or additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid
“Any model with both the Independent Character and Legiones Astartes
Terrain Piece that counts as Dangerous Terrain (including any models for as part of the army.”
Swift of Action (Page 176) (Imperial Fists) Special Rule that does not also have the Unique Unit
forced to count other types of terrain as Dangerous Terrain by another Sub-type may take a Vigil Storm Shield for +15 points. Any model with
Balance Change Space Wolves Advanced Reaction (Page 197)
Special Rule.)” the Legiones Astartes (Imperial Fists) Special Rule and Legion
Add the following to the end of the Special Rule:
FAQ Cataphractii or Legion Tartaros Terminator Armour may exchange a
“In addition, all models with the Legiones Astartes (White Scars)
Rite of War: Storm of War (Page 154) This Advanced Reaction may only be triggered whenever a model Combi-Bolter for a Vigil Storm Shield for +10 points each.
Special Rule who are also equipped with a Legion Scimitar Jetbike,
Errata specifically starts its movement within 12” of an applicable friendly
Legion Estoc Jetbike, Legion Spatha Combat Bike, Legion Spatha
unit with the Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) Special Rule. A Vigil Storm Shield provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save or increases an
Add the following sentence to the first point in the Effects section Attack Bike, or Shamshir Jetbike gain the Shrouded (6+) Special Rule.”
to read as follows: Invulnerable Save the model already has by one step (for example, from
“Note that Legion Centurions selected in this manner do not prevent 5+ to 4+, to a maximum of 3+). A model with a Vigil Storm Shield may
Born to the Saddle (Page 178) Frost Blades (Page 200) not claim an additional attack for a second weapon in close combat or
Legion Apothecaries or Legion Techmarines from joining the unit
FAQ Balance Change make attacks with any weapon that has the Two-handed Special Rule.”
during list construction, contrary to the normal rules around Legion
Because Cavalry must treat Difficult Terrain as Dangerous, they Change the points cost for a model with the Independent Character
Apothecaries or Legion Techmarines joining units with the Independent
simply gain the 4+ Invulnerable save granted by this Warlord trait and Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) Special Rules to exchange a
Character Special Rule.”
against any Difficult or Dangerous Terrain damage incurred to Power Weapon for a Frost Blade (Frost Sword, Frost Axe or Frost Iliastus Assault Cannon (Pages 229 & 253)
them as they attempt to pass through it. Claw) to free. Balance Change
Rite of War: Unbroken Vow (Page 154) Change the first bullet point to read as follows:
Balance Change Change the points cost for a model with the Independent Character “Any models with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels or Imperial Fists)
Add the following point to the Effects section of this Rite of War: Rite of War: Chogorian Brotherhood (Page 179) and Legiones Astartes (Space Wolves) Special Rules to exchange a Special Rule and the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type may exchange a
“Any Legion Terminator Cataphractii Squads, Legion Terminator Balance Change Power Weapon for a Great Frost Blade to +5 points. Heavy Flamer or Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer for an Iliastus Assault
Tartaros Squads and Legion Veteran Squads taken as Compulsory Change the final point in the Limitations section to read as follows: Cannon for +10 points each. If multiple models in a unit are eligible to
Troops choices in a Detachment using this Rite of War gain the Line “A Detachment using this Rite of War may not include any Heavy upgrade their weapons in this way and any chooses to do so, all models
Frost Claw (Page 200)
Sub-type.” Support, Lord of War, or Fortification Choices, unless those choices are in the unit must be so upgraded.”
Balance Change
composed entirely of models with the Flyer Unit Sub-type.” Add the following to the weapon’s profile:
Rite of War: The Serpent’s Bane (Page 155) Sigismund (Page 236)
*A model armed with two Frost Claws gains +2 Attacks, instead of the
Balance Change normal +1 for two melee weapons. Balance Change
Change the second point in the Effects to read as follows: Legion Shamshir Jetbike (Page 180) Remove the Eternal Warrior Special Rule from this unit’s profile.
“At the start of the battle, the Controlling Player must select three Balance Change
enemy units which contain a model selected as a part of a Primarch, Change the second paragraph of this wargear to read as follows: Winds of Fenris Psychic Power: Stormwrought (Page 203)
Add the Emperor’s Chosen Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
HQ, Elites, or Lord of War slot. “A model with the Infantry Unit Type that selects a Legion Shamshir Balance Change
Jetbike as an upgrade must change its Unit Type to Cavalry (Antigrav), Change the last sentence to read as follows:
All models in a unit from this Detachment that includes at least one keeping any other Unit Sub-types it previously had, changes its “If the Check is passed then the effect is improved to Shrouded (3+), if the Blood Angels Advanced Reaction (Page 249)
model with the Firewing Unit Sub-type may add +1 to all To Hit rolls Movement Characteristic to 19”*, gains the Firing Protocols (2), Battle- Check is failed the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp.” Balance Change
made against these Priority Targets or any unit that a Priority Target Hardened (1), and Hammer of Wrath (1) Special Rules and improves its Change the first sentence to read as follows:
has joined. If the enemy army does not include at least three Primarch, Armour Save to 2+ if it was worse.
“This Advanced Reaction may be made once per battle during the
HQ, Elites or Lords of War choices then any other units in the enemy opposing player’s Shooting phase when any enemy player declares a
army may be designated to fill the remaining required Priority Targets.” A model that is equipped with a Legion Shamshir Jetbike counts as Shooting Attack targeting a unit composed entirely of models with the
having a Legion Scimitar Jetbike for rules and interactions that affect or Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels)
require that wargear. Special Rule under the Reactive player’s control.”
Inner Circle Knights Cenobium (Page 160)
Balance Change *The additional Movement granted by the Legiones Astartes
Remove the Character Sub-type from the Unit Type. (White Scars) Special Rule is included.”

Add the Chosen Warriors Special Rule to the unit.

Jaghatai Khan (Page 182)
Balance Change
Dreadwing Interemptor Squad (Page 162) Add the Outflank Special Rule to this unit’s entry.
Balance Change
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 150 points. Add the following to this model’s profile:
“If Jaghatai Khan selected his Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike, he is counted as
Change the cost per additional model to 25 points per model. having a Legion Scimitar Jetbike for rules and interactions that affect or
require that wargear.”

124 125
Sanguinius (Page 254) Medusan Immortals (Page 283) Rite of War: The Covenant of Fire (Page 310) Rite of War: Decapitation Strike (Page 329)
FAQ Balance Change Balance Change Balance Change
The Sire of the Blood Angels Special Rule allows any friendly model Add the Relentless Special Rule to the unit’s profile. Change the first Effect to read as follows: Change the second bullet point to read as follows:
with the Legiones Astartes (Blood Angels) Special Rule that also “Pyroclast Squads may be chosen as Troops choices in a Detachment “All models in any unit from a Detachment using this Rite of War
deployed via Deep Strike or has a Legion Warhawk Jump Pack to Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as using this Rite of War and gain the Line Unit Sub-type. assigned to a Deep Strike Assault or Flanking Assault gain the Shrouded
gain +1 WS on a turn in which they Charge. follows: Legion Tactical Support Squads that include any models with Dragon’s (5+) Special Rule until the start of the Controlling Player’s Next Turn
“A Medusan Immortal Squad may take a Legion Rhino Transport, Breath Flamers gain the Heart of the Legion Special Rule.” when they enter play.”
This bonus lasts until the end of the Controlling Player’s turn, at Legion Termite Assault Drill, or Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as
which point it is lost. If a unit that meets these stipulations charges a Dedicated Transport as long as it numbers no more than 10 models. If Corvus Corax (Page 332)
again during the game, it can again gain +1WS until the end of taken this way, a transport does not use up an additional Force Dragon’s Breath (Page 312)
Controlling Player’s turn. The unit may do this multiple times Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the Balance Change
during the course of the game. This model counts as having a Legion Warhawk Jump Pack for
army.” Add the following text to this Special Rule: rules and interactions that affect or require that wargear.
“All weapons with this Special Rule gain the Breaching (6+) Special
In addition, this model counts as having a Legion Warhawk Jump Rule.”
Pack for rules and interactions that affect or require that wargear. Rite of War: The Logos Lectora (Page 293)
Mantle of the Elder Drake (Page 313)
The Limitation requiring an army using this Rite of War does not
Dawnbreaker Cohort (Page 256) Balance Change
grant an additional Compulsory HQ slot, to a total of four HQ slots
Balance Change - it simply converts one of the two non-Compulsory HQ slots into Change the points cost of this upgrade to +25 points.
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 185 points. a Compulsory one, leaving an army using this Rite of War with two
Compulsory HQ slots (one of which must contain either a Master
Change the cost per additional model to 30 points per model. of Signal Consul or a Legion Damocles Command Rhino) and one Dawnbringer (Page 315)
non-Compulsory HQ slot. Balance Change
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica
Talon of Perdition (Page 263) Weapons Profiles section.
Balance Change Argyrum Pattern Boarding Shield (Page 295)
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica Errata
Shadow and Fury (Page 326)
Weapons Profiles section. Add the following to the end of the the wargear’s profile:
Balance Change
“An Argyrum Pattern Boarding Shield counts as a Boarding Shield for
all intents and purposes, including Rites of War, Special Rules, and Replace the wording of the rule, and the bonuses it offers, to read
Iron Hands Gorgon Terminator Armour (Page 279) wargear limitations which either require their use or prevent it (such as as follows:
Balance Change a Master of Signals being prevented from taking a Boarding Shield), “Models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) Special Rule gain
Replace the wargear wording to read as follows: though it does not confer any of the benefits normally gained from a one of the following Special Rules based the Unit Type and Wargear of
“Any Legion Cataphractii Praetor or Legion Cataphractii Centurion Boarding Shield from any such sources. the model. Models that do not fulfil one of the listed criteria gain no
may exchange their Legion Cataphractii Terminator armour for additional benefit.
Gorgon Terminator Armour for +20 points. In addition, a model armed with an Argyrum Pattern Boarding Shield
cannot claim bonus attacks for having more than one melee weapon.” • Models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) Special Rule
Gorgon Terminator armour confers a 2+ Armour Save, a 5+ that have the Infantry Unit Type, but are not equipped with
Invulnerable Save, and the Augmetics (5+) Special Rule. Terminator Armour of any variety, a Legion Warhawk Jump
Invictus Suzerain Squad (Page 298) Pack or a Corvid Pattern Jump Pack gain the Talons Special
Balance Change Rule.
At the end of any Phase in which a model with Gorgon Terminator Remove the Character and Line Sub-types from the Unit Type.
armour has passed at least one Armour Save or Invulnerable Save, roll a
D6. On the result of a 4+, all enemy units with at least one model • Models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) Special Rule
Add the Chosen Warriors Special Rule to the unit. that have the Dreadnought or Primarch Unit Types; any models
within 6" of the model with Gorgon Terminator armour must test as if
they had been hit by a weapon with the Blind Special Rule. Any unit with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule that are
that is composed entirely of models with Gorgon Terminator armour Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as equipped with Terminator Armour of any variety, a Legion
are immune to this effect.” follows: Warhawk Jump Pack or a Corvid Pattern Jump Pack gain the
“An Invictus Suzerain Squad may take a Legion Rhino Transport, Falcons Special Rule.
Legion Termite Assault Drill, or Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as
Forgebreaker (Page 281) a Dedicated Transport as long as it numbers no more than 10 models. If • Models with the Legiones Astartes (Raven Guard) special rule
Balance Change taken this way, a transport does not use up an additional Force that have the Cavalry Unit Type or the both the Vehicle Unit
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the Type and the Fast or Flyer Unit Sub-Types gain the Hawks
Weapons Profiles section. army.” Special Rule.

Talons: If a unit composed entirely of models with the Talons Special

Gorgon Terminator Squad (Page 282) Rule is targeted by a Shooting Attack, all models in the unit gain the
Praetorian Breacher Squad (Page 299)
Balance Change Shrouded (6+) special rule if the attacking unit is more than 8”
Balance Change
Change the Weapon Skill Characteristic on the Gorgon from any model in the target unit. In addition, all models with this
Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as
Hammerbearer profile to 5. Special Rule also gain the Infiltrate Special Rule.
“A Praetorian Breacher Squad may take a Legion Rhino Transport,
Remove the Feel No Pain (5+) Special Rule from this unit’s profile, Legion Termite Assault Drill, or Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier as Falcons: Any models with this Special Rule may re-roll all failed To Hit
and add the Augmetics (5+) Special Rule to this unit’s profile a Dedicated Transport as long as it numbers no more than 10 models. If rolls of 1 in any Assault phase in which they make a successful Charge -
instead. taken this way, a transport does not use up an additional Force even if that Charge is considered Disordered.
Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the
army.” Hawks: Any models with this Special Rule gain the Shrouded (6+)
Special Rule on any turn in which they Run, Move Flat Out or move as
a Zooming Flyer, with this benefit lasting until the start of the
Controlling Player’s next turn - or if that model would already gain the
Shrouded (6+) Special Rule, it gains the Shrouded (5+) Special Rule (if a
model already has Shrouded (5+) or better than it gains no
additional benefit).”

126 127
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR Rite of War: Berserker Assault (Page 217) Raptora (Page 255)
Balance Change Balance Change
LIBER HERETICUS Change the first Limitation to read as follows: Change the wording of the Raptora Minor Arcana to read as
“All units in a Detachment using this Rite of War must declare a follows:
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the Charge in any of the Controlling Player’s Assault Phases where there is “When a unit that includes a Psyker with this power ends a move within
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the at least one model from any enemy unit within 12" and line of sight of a 12” of any enemy unit, the Controlling Player may make a Psychic check
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. unit selected as part of a Detachment using this Rite of War, and must for the Psyker with this power. If the Psychic check is successful then all
always target the closest enemy unit if possible. If a Charge made in this models in the unit with the Psyker Sub-Type and the Legiones Astartes
way initiates a multiple combat that includes more than one enemy (Thousand Sons) Special Rule gain a 6+ Invulnerable Save, or if the
Emperor’s Children Advanced Reaction (Page 151) Rite of War: Terror Assault (Page 197)
unit, the Charging World Eaters unit suffers a -1 penalty to their model already has an Invulnerable Save, that save is increased by one
FAQ Balance Change Weapon Skill until the start of the Controlling Player’s next turn.” step (for example, from 6+ to 5+) up to a maximum of a 4+
The charge allowed by this Advanced Reaction must be made Remove the third point in the Limitations section. Invulnerable Save, until the start of the Controlling Player’s next turn. If
against the enemy unit which triggered the Reaction. the Psychic check is failed then the Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp.”
Add the following to the end of the Effects section of this Rite of Ravening Madmen (Page 218)
War: Balance Change Asphyx Shells (Page 258)
Phoenix Terminator Squad (Page 158) “Terror Squads taken as Compulsory Troops in a Detachment using Change the first sentence of the Special Rule to read as follows:
Balance Change
Balance Change this Rite of War gain the Line Sub-type.” “Any model making a To Wound roll in the Assault phase against a
Change the text to read as follows:
Remove the Character Sub-type from the Unit Type. unit composed entirely of models with this Special Rule reduces its
“Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons) Special Rule
Strength by -1 when determining the score required To Wound (this
Nostraman Chain Weapons (Page 198) does affect the attacking unit’s Strength for the purposes of inflicting
may exchange their Bolt Pistol for an Asphyx Bolt Pistol and/or their
Add the Chosen Warriors Special Rule to the unit. Balance Change Bolter for an Asphyx Bolter for 1 point per weapon.”
Instant Death).”
Change the points cost for a model with the Character Sub-type
and the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) Special Rule to exchange a Achea Pattern Force Weapons (Page 259)
Palatine Blade Squad (Page 160) Power Weapon for a Chainblade or Chainglaive to free. Excoriator Chainaxe (Page 219)
Balance Change FAQ
Balance Change
Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as follows: As Achea Pattern Force Weapons do not have the Force Special
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica
Terror Squad (Page 202) Rule (despite being of the Force type), they do not gain Instant
“A Palatine Blade Squad may take a Legion Rhino Transport, Legion Weapons Profiles section.
Balance Change Death when models with the Daemon Unit Type or Corrupted
Drop Pod, Legion Termite Assault Drill, or Legion Land Raider Proteus
Sub-type, and similarly, the Adamantium Will (X) Special Rule
Carrier as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does Change the base unit cost of the unit to 135 points.
Falax Blades (Page 219) cannot provide a benefit against attacks made with them.
not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost
must still be paid for as part of the army.” Change the cost per additional model to 22 points per model. Balance Change
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica Balance Change
Weapons Profiles section. Remove the following sentence:
Captain Lucius (Page 166-167) Change the Wounds Characteristic on the Executioner and
“(a model with the Independent Character Special Rule may not select
FAQ Headsman profiles to be 2.
this option)”
In an army containing both Captain Lucius and Fulgrim Red Sands (Page 221)
Transfigured, Captain Lucius does not need to exchange the Blade Night Raptor Squad (Page 203) Balance Change
of the Laer for a Close Combat Weapon. Achean Force (Page 259)
Balance Change Replace the first sentence to read as follows:
Balance Change
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 150 points. “In any given turn Angron may make as many Challenges as there are
enemy models with the Chosen Warrior Special Rule, Character Sub- Add the following to the end of the GW Errata to read as follows:
Legiones Astartes (Iron Warriors) (Page 175) type, or Primarch Unit Type locked in combat with him, up to his “A model with the Dreadnought Unit Type and a weapon with the
FAQ Contekar Terminator Squad (Page 204) current number of Attacks.” Achean Force Special Rule may activate it despite normally being
In order to claim the +1 bonus to the Strength Characteristic of an prevented from doing so because they do not have the Pskyer Sub-type.”
Balance Change
attack, any unit targeted or hit must have one of the Unit Types
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 250 points. Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) (Page 232)
FAQ Magnus the Red (Page 260)
Change the cost per additional model to 45 points per model. Because the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) Special Rule means all Balance Change
Iron Warriors Advanced Reaction (Page 175) Death Guard units are counted as stationary for the purposes of Add the Psychic Mastery (3) Special Rule to the unit’s profile.
FAQ shooting, models with Fury of the Legion Special Rule are able to
The unit which reacts must be the one which was targeted by an Violence Incarnate (Page 214)
gain its benefits while shooting, even if they have moved, because
enemy’s unit’s Shooting Attack which triggered this reaction. Balance Change Sire of the Thousand Sons (Page 260)
they are counted as stationary.
Change the Special Rule to read as follows: Balance Change
“On any turn in which a model with this Special Rule makes a Change the wording of the Special Rule to read as follows:
Graviton Crusher (Page 180) If a model with the Legiones Astartes (Death Guard) Special Rule is
successful Charge, it gains +1 Attack for the remainder of that turn in “All models with the Infantry or Cavalry unit type in the
equipped with a Helical Targeting Array, it may not claim the
Balance Change addition to any other bonuses, even if that Charge is considered a
same army as Magnus the Red with the Psyker Sub-type gain the
benefits of the Wargear if it has moved for any reason during the
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica Disordered Charge.”
Controlling Player’s preceding Movement Phase. Adamantium Will (6+) Special Rule (if a model already has a version of
Weapons Profiles section. this special rule then the value of that Special Rule is increased by one
World Eaters Advanced Reaction (Page 215) step, for example from (5+) to (4+)) and any model with the Legiones
Balance Change The Prosperine Arcana (Page 255) Astartes (Thousand Sons) Special Rule (Including Magnus the Red) that
Tyrant Siege Terminators (Page 186)
Change the first sentence to read as follows: FAQ suffers Perils of the Warp reduces the number of Wounds inflicted by 1
Balance Change
“This Advanced Reaction may be made once per battle during the Any Minor Arcana selections for your army must be made during (to a minimum of 1 wound). In addition, an army with Magnus the Red
Change the effects of the Omni-Scope wargear to read as follows:
opposing player’s Shooting phase when any enemy player declares a army selection. as its Warlord gains an additional Reaction in the Opposing Player’s
“A unit that includes at least one model with an Omni-Scope has the Assault phase, unless Magnus the Red has been removed as a casualty.”
Night Vision Special Rule. Shooting Attack targeting a unit composed entirely of models with the
Infantry or Cavalry Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes (World Eaters) Units with multiple Minor Arcana (such as an Independent
Special Rule under the Reactive player’s control.” Character joining a unit with different Minor Arcana) may use each Castellax-Achea Automata (Page 266)
In addition, when a unit that includes one or more models equipped of them during the relevant phases.
with an Omni-Scope makes the Interceptor Advanced Reaction , the Balance Change
reaction does not cost the Controlling Player a point from their Change the base unit cost of the unit to 110 points.
Reaction Allotment . This does not allow the unit to make more than
one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the Controlling Player to exceed Change the cost per additional model to 110 points per model.
the normal three Reactions limit in a given Phase.”

128 129
Psy-Automata Unit Sub-type (Page 267) Garviel Loken (Page 295) Warpfire Weapons (Page 306) Lernaean Terminator Squad (Page 338)
Balance Change Errata Balance Change Balance Change
Replace the third bullet point with the following: Replace the wording of the Born Survivor Special Rule to read as Replace the wording of Warpfire Weapons to read as follows: Change the cost of Power Fists to +10 points each.
“Models with the Psy-Automata Unit Sub-type may charge in the same follows: “Any model with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) Special Rule and
turn in which they shoot a Rapid-Fire Weapon.” “The first time in any battle when a model with this Special Rule is the Traitor Allegiance may exchange a Plasma Pistol for a Warpfire Change the cost of Chainfists to +15 points each.
reduced to 0 Wounds for any reason or otherwise removed from play as Pistol for +5 points per model; a Plasma Gun or Plasma Blaster for a
a casualty, the Controlling Player must immediately make a Leadership Warpfire Blaster for +5 points per model; or a Plasma Cannon or Gravis
Ahzek Ahriman (Page 270) test for that model. If the Test is failed then the model is removed as a Plasma Cannon for a Warpfire Cannon for +5 points per model. Exodus (Page 340)
Balance Change casualty as normal, but if the Test is passed then the model is not Balance Change
Add the Psychic Mastery (2) Special Rule to the unit’s profile. removed as a casualty, but instead remains in play and regains D3 All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Plasma’ weapons for those rules Add the Skirmish Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
Wounds.” that affect such weapons.”

Sons of Horus Advanced Reaction (Page 281) Unswerving Devotion (Page 304)
FAQ Corrupted (Page 307)
Balance Change
The unit which reacts must be the one which was targeted by an
Change the wording of the Warlord Trait to read as follows:
enemy’s unit’s Shooting Attack which triggered this reaction. Replace the last sentence to read as follows:
“Any friendly units that include at least one model with the Legiones
“No unit that does not also have the Corrupted Unit Sub-type or the
Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule and have at least one model within
Daemon Unit Type may join a unit that includes one or more models
6" of a Warlord with this Trait (including the Warlord himself and any
Rite of War: Black Reaving (Page 283) with the Corrupted Unit Sub-type.”
unit he has joined) automatically pass the first failed Morale check or
Balance Change Pinning test they are called upon to make each turn. In addition, an
Add the following to the end of the Effects section of this Rite of army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction Diabolist (Page 308)
War: during the opposing players Shooting phase as long as the Warlord has Balance Change
“The Deep Strike Special Rule conferred by this Rite of War is also not been removed as a casualty.” Replace the option to select the Diabolist Consul upgrade to read
conferred to any characters that join a unit given it by the Rite of War. as follows:
Rite of War: The Dark Brethren (Page 305) “A Legion Centurion, Legion Cataphractii Centurion, or Legion
The Outflank Special Rule conferred by any source is also conferred to Tartaros Centurion with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) Special
any characters that join a unit which possesses it in a Detachment Rule and the Traitor Allegiance may be upgraded to a Diabolist:”
using this Rite of War.” The bonuses gained from points of Favour from this Rite of War
are applied to unit itself - meaning that if an Independent
Character had joined a unit which was then given the Favour point, The Power of the Word (Page 311)
Horus Lupercal (Pages 286 - 287) the Independent Character would benefit from the bonuses Errata
FAQ provided until they leave the unit - at which point they would no Replace the first sentence to read as follows:
The Master of Weapons Special Rule would normally prevent a longer benefit from it.
“Any unit with the Retinue Special Rule selected as a Retinue Squad
model striking Horus Lupercal in close combat on a roll of 2 or 3. If
with Lorgar as its Leader gains the Fearless and Feel No Pain (4+ )
a model has a Special Rule or other ability that would allow it to Similarly, if the Independent Character was given the Favour point Special Rules.”
modify its close combat hit rolls, this would allow them to hit and then joined a unit, the unit would benefit from the bonuses
Horus Lupercal on a lower roll. until the Independent Character leaves the unit.
Argel Tal (Page 318)
Justaerin Terminator Squad (Page 290) If an Independent Character was already joined to a unit when a Balance Change
Favour point was assigned, it should be made clear which of either Add the following to this model’s profile:
Balance Change
the unit or the Independent Character were given the Favour point. “Argel Tal is counted as having a Legion Warhawk Jump Pack for rules
Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as
and interactions that affect or require that wargear.”
“A Justaerin Terminator Squad may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus A unit can never benefit from from more than three instances of
Carrier as a Dedicated Transport as long as it numbers no more than 5 Favour of the Dark Gods. Rite of War: Coils of the Hydra (Page 333)
models or a unit of any size may take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as Balance Change
a Dedicated Transport. If taken this way, a transport does not use up Only models in the Detachment with this Rite of War may gain the In contravention to the Games Workshop FAQ for Liber Hereticus,
an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be benefits from points of Favour. you may select up to three different units via the Rewards of
paid for as part of the army.” Treachery Special Rule, but these must all have the same variant of
the Legiones Astartes Special Rule (for example, Legiones Astartes
Dark Channelling (Page 306)
(Iron Warriors)) on their unit profile.
Reaver Attack Squad (Page 292) Balance Change
Balance Change Replace the wording of Dark Channelling to read as follows:
Any units selected via the Rewards of Treachery Special Rule
Change the cost of Power Weapons to +5 points each. “Any unit with the Traitor Allegiance, and the Infantry, Dreadnought, change their allegiance to match that of the Detachment they are
or Cavalry Unit Type as well as the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) taken in.
Change the cost of Charnabal Weapons to +5 points each. special rule may be upgraded with Dark Channelling for +25 points per
unit. All models in a unit with this upgrade gain the Corrupted Unit
Add the Outflank Special Rule to this unit’s profile. Sub-type.” Alpharius (Page 336)
Balance Change
Tainted Weapon (Page 306) Add the Skirmish Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
Maloghurst the Twisted (Page 293)
Balance Change Balance Change
Replace the wording of Tainted Weapon to read as follows: Add a Nuncio-Vox to this unit’s wargear.
Add the Broken Soul Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
“Any model with the Character Sub-type, the Legiones Astartes (Word
Bearers) Special Rule, and the Traitor Allegiance may exchange a Power Everywhere and Nowhere (Page 337)
Weapon for a Tainted Blade, Tainted Axe or Tainted Maul for FAQ
+5 points each:” If Alpharius has been selected as the Leader of a Retinue of any
kind, the unit selected in this manner does not count towards the 3
unit limit for this rule.

130 131
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR Legion Indomitus Terminator Squad (Page 17) Legion Malcador Heavy Tank Squadron (Page 29)
Balance Change Balance Change
LEGACIES OF THE AGE OF DARKNESS: LEGIONES ASTARTES Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as follows: Add the Fast Sub-type to the Unit Type.
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as “A Legion Indomitus Terminator Squad may take a Legion Land Raider
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the Proteus Carrier or Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport Replace all references to ‘Side (X) Mounted’ weapons with ‘Hull (X)
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the as long as it numbers no more than 5 models. A unit of any size may take Mounted’ instead.
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. If taken this
way, a transport does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, Replace the Battle Cannon’s profile with the one found in the
but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.” Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Consularis Upgrades (Various Pages) Legion Spatha Attack Bike Squadron (Page 15)
Errata Balance Change
Add the following sentence to the Consularis Upgrades on the Add the Support Squad, Hit & Run, and Outflank Special Rules to Legion Land Raider Phobos (Page 22) Replace the option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis Lascannon
following pages: this unit’s entry. for an option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis Heavy
Balance Change
- Legion Primus Nullificator Consul, Page 9 Lascannon - See Panoptica Weapons Profiles Section.
In any instance where you may choose to select a Legion Land
- Legion Warmonger Consul, Page 10 Change the Wounds Characteristic on the Legion Spatha Attack Raider Proteus Carrier, such as as a Dedicated Transport or via a
Bike profile to be 3. Rite of War, you may instead choose to select a Legion Land Raider Change the upgrade cost for One Hull (Left) Mounted Lascannon
“This upgrade is selected instead of any of the standard Consul Phobos instead. and One Hull (Right) Mounted Lascannon to +15 points.
upgrades found on pages 104-155 of the Liber Astartes or Hereticus
Rulebooks.” Legion Spatha Attack Bike (Page 15) Change the upgrade cost for One Hull (Front) Mounted Demolisher
Balance Change Legion Land Raider Achilles (Page 23) Cannon to +35 points.
Legion Primus Nullificator Consul (Page 9) Change the effects of the Legion Spatha Attack Bike wargear to Balance Change
Balance Change read as follows: Replace the Hull (Front) Mounted Achillus Quad Launcher with a Replace the option to select a Hull (Front) Mounted Vanquisher
A model with this Legiones Consularis upgrade increases his “A Legion Spatha Attack Bike has one Twin-Linked Bolter, and one Hull (Front) Mounted Quad Launcher (with Frag, Shatter, Splinter, Battle Cannon for +10 points in this unit's options with a Hull
Leadership Characteristic to 10. Heavy Bolter. In addition, a model with a Legion Spatha Attack Bike and Incendiary shells). (Front) Mounted Vanquisher Battle Cannon with Co-Axial
that chooses to Run gains the Shrouded (5+) Special Rule until the start Autocannon for +20 points.
of the Controlling Player’s next turn.
Change the first line of the Wargear section to read as follows:
Legion Basilisk Squadron (Page 25) Add the following to the end of the Independent Fire Control
“A Legion Primus Nullificator gains an Aether-Shock Maul at no
A model equipped with a Legion Spatha Attack Bike must change its Balance Change Special Rule, to read as follows:
additional points cost.”
Unit Type to Cavalry, keeping any Unit Sub-types it previously had, Replace the Earthshaker Cannon’s profile with the one found in the “Instead of the above, in a turn in which a model with this Special Rule
and may choose to gain the Skirmish Unit Sub-type. In addition, the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. either remained Stationary or moved at Combat Speed during the
Legion Nullificator Squad (Pages 11 - 12) model must change its Movement Characteristic to 14 and gains the Controlling Player’s Movement Phase, then for the duration of the
Balance Change Firing Protocols (2), Battle-Hardened (1), Skilled Rider, and Hammer of Legion Medusa Squadron (Page 26) Controlling Player’s following Shooting Phase, it may make Shooting
Wrath (1) Special Rules.” Attacks as if it had the Super Heavy Sub-Type.”
Replace the wording of the Hexagrammatic Wards Special Rule to Balance Change
read as follows: Replace the Medusa Mortar’s profile with the one found in the
“When a model with this Special Rule suffers a wound from a Psychic Legion Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery (Page 16) Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Legion Minotaur Battery (Page 30)
Weapon or a Psychic Power, or from any attack made by a model with Balance Change Balance Change
the Daemon or Corrupted Sub-type, the model may re-roll any failed Remove the Bulky (4) Special Rule from this unit’s entry.
Invulnerable Saves it makes.”
Legion Whirlwind Squadron (Page 27) Replace the Hull Centreline (Rear) Mounted Twin-Linked
Balance Change Earthshaker cannon with a Centreline (Rear) Mounted Earthshaker
Add the Immobile Special Rule to this unit’s entry. Add the Bombard Sub-type to the Unit Type. Battery - See the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Change the Leadership Characteristic on the Legion Nullificator
and Legion Nullificator Sergeant profiles to be 10. Change the wording of the Sentry Protocols Special Rule to read as Replace the Whirlwind Missile Launcher Talonis HE Missile’s profile
follows: with the one found in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Legion Stormblade (Page 31)
Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as “A model with this Special Rule must target the closest enemy model as Balance Change
follows: per the following limitations and restrictions: Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 500 Points.
“A Legion Nullificator Squad may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus
Carrier or Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport as - Any model armed with a weapon of Strength 7 or more must target
Legion Caestus Assault Ram (Page 28)
Replace the Plasma Blastgun’s profile with the one found in the
long as it numbers no more than 5 models. A unit of any size may take a the nearest enemy model with the Vehicle, Automata, or Dreadnought Balance Change Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Legion Land Raider Spartan as a Dedicated Transport. If taken this Sub-types. Change the Movement Characteristic on the Legion Caestus Assault
way, a transport does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, Ram’s profile to be 18”.
- Any model armed with a weapon of Strength 6 or below must target Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14.
but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army.”
the nearest enemy model without the Vehicle, Automata, or
Dreadnought Sub-types. Decrease the Transport Capacity on the Legion Caestus Assault
Add a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter to this unit’s profile.
Legion Castra Ferrum Dreadnought Talon (Page 13) - Any model armed with a weapon with the Skyfire Special Rule must Ram’s profile to be 10.
Balance Change target the nearest enemy model with the Flyer Sub-type.
Increase the base points cost of the unit to 150 Points. Add the Power of the Machine Spirit, Afterburner, Caestus Prow, Legion Baneblade (Page 35)
If no such target is in range, then the Controlling Player may select a and Inertia Suppression Clamps Special Rules to this unit’s entry. Balance Change
target as normal.” Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 475 Points.
Change the cost per additional model to 150 points per model.

Change the profile of the Tarantula Sentry Gun to the below: Replace the Baneblade Cannon’s profile with the one found in the
Replace the wording of the fourth bullet point in the options
section to read as follows: M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
“Any Legion Castra Ferrum Dreadnought may take any of the Tarantula Sentry Gun - - 3 5 5 2 - - 5 3+
following:” Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14.

Replace the option to purchase a Multi-Melta for +20 points for an

option to purchase a Gravis Melta Cannon for +20 points.

132 133
Legion Banehammer (Page 36) Legion Macharius Omega Heavy Tank (Page 41) Fulmentarus Terminator Squad (Page 65) Rylanor The Unyielding (Page 76)
Balance Change Balance Change Balance Change Balance Change
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 500 Points. Move this unit from a Lord of War selection to a Heavy Support Replace the Hellfire Plasma Missile’s profile with the one found in Add the It Will Not Die (5+) and Hatred (Traitors) Special Rules to
selection. the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Rylanor The Unyielding’s Profile.
Increase the Transport Capacity to 22 models.
Replace the Super-Heavy Sub-type with the Reinforced and Add the Character Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
Locutarus Storm Squad (Page 67)
Add the Tank Desant Special Rule to this unit’s entry. Bombard Sub-types.
Balance Change
Rylanor The Unyielding grants the benefit of a Legion Vexilla to all
Change the cost per additional model to 30 points per model.
Replace the Tremor Cannon’s profile with the one found in the Add the Independent Fire Control, Armoured Superstructure, and friendly Legiones Astartes (Emperor’s Children) units which have at
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Exposed Compartment Special Rules to this unit’s profile. least one model within 12”.
Cassian Dracos Reborn (Page 69)
Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14. Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 400 Points. Balance Change
The Tormentor (Page 77)
Add an Iron Halo and Nuncio Vox to Cassian Dracos Reborn’s
Balance Change
Replace the Omega Pattern Plasma Blastgun’s profile with the one
Legion Stormlord (Page 37) Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 750 Points.
found in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Balance Change Add the Battlesmith (5+) and Ferromantic Invulnerability Special
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 475 Points. Rules to Cassian Dracos Reborn’s Profile. Replace the Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter in this
Legion Crassus Armoured Assault Transport (Page 42) unit’s entry with a Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Shrapnel
Increase the Transport Capacity to 32 models. Balance Change Cannon.
Add the Cybertheurgist and Character Sub-types to Cassian Dracos
Change the Transport Capacity Characteristic of the Crassus Reborn’s profile.
Add the Tank Desant and Assault Vehicle Special Rules to this Assault Transport to 48. Replace the Hull (Left) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter and
unit’s entry. Hull (Right) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter in this unit’s entry
Change Cassian Dracos Reborn’s profile to the below:
with two Sponson Mounted Twin-Linked Shrapnel Cannons.
Add the Transport Bay Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
Replace the Vulcan Mega-Bolter’s profile with the one found in the Cassian Dracos Reborn 6 6 5 6 7 6 4 4 10 2+ Replace the Hull (Left) Mounted Lascannon and Hull (Right)
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Legion Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher (Page 43) Mounted Lascannon in this unit’s entry with two Sponson
Balance Change Mounted Lascannons.
Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14.
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 475 Points. Nomus Rhy’Tan (Page 70)
Balance Change Iron Havocs (Page 78)
Legion Shadowsword (Page 38) Replace the Praetor Launcher on this unit’s profile with a Change the Weapon Skill Characteristic on Nomus Rhy’Tan’s
Balance Change Balance Change
Centreline Mounted Praetor Launcher - see profile in the profile to be 6.
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 500 Points. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Replace the Ferrum Occularis Wargear wording to read as follows:
“Shooting Attacks made using a weapon with the Heavy type by a model
Add the It Will Not Die (5+) and Consul (Chaplain) Special Rule to
with a Ferrum Occularius gain the Sunder Special Rule, as long as the
Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14. this Character’s entry.
Farith Redloss (Page 45) attack is not made as part of a Reaction or a Snap Shot.”
Balance Change
Add the Consul (Siege Breaker) Special Rule to Farith Redloss’ Add the following to Nomus Rhy’Tan’s profile:
Legion Stormsword (Page 39)
Balance Change profile. “In addition, all models in a unit joined by Nomus Rhy’tan gain the Erasmus Golg (Page 79)
Stubborn and Hatred (Everything) Special Rules.” Errata
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 500 Points.
Add the Traitor Special Rule to this unit’s entry.
Firewing Enigmatus Cabal (Pages 52 - 53)
Change the first sentence of the Keeper of the Keys Warlord Trait
Replace the Hellhammer Cannon’s profile with the one found in Errata
to read as follows:
the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Remove the following sentence from the Blade Charge Special Rule:
“Any model with the Dreadnought Unit Type and the Legiones Astartes Kyr Vhalen (Page 81)
“This does not replace or improve any other versions of the Rending (X) (Salamanders) special rule in the same detachment as a Warlord with Balance Change
Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14. special rule already possessed by the unit.” this Trait may add +2" to their Charge Distance.” Add the Consul (Siege Breaker) Special Rule to Kyr Vhalen profile.

Legion Macharius Heavy Tank Squadron (Page 40) Excindio Battle Automata (Page 54) Replace Darkstar Falling’s profile with the one found in the Add the following to Kyr Vhalen’s profile:
Balance Change Balance Change Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. “For the purposes of Rites of War and mandatory unit selections only,
Move this unit from a Lord of War selection to a Heavy Support Replace the Inbuilt Refractor Field Wargear on this model with an Kyr Vhalen counts as a Warsmith.”
selection. Inbuilt Atomantic Deflector. When the model loses its last wound,
increase the explosion range by +4”. Xiaphas Jurr (Page 71)
Balance Change Kheron Ophion of the Kyroptera (Page 83)
Replace the Super-Heavy Sub-type with the Reinforced Sub-type.
In addition, add the following to the bullet points of effects Add the It Will Not Die (5+) and Consul (Chaplain) Special Rule to Balance Change
provided by the Shackled Artificia Unit Type: this Character’s entry. Replace the Power Armour on this unit’s profile with Artificer
Add the Independent Fire Control and Armoured Superstructure
“Any attacks made against a unit with the Shackled Artificia Unit Type Armour.
Special Rules to this unit’s profile.
are resolved as if the model had the Dreadnought Unit Type, for the Add the following to Xiaphas Jurr’s profile:
purposes of resolving these attacks. Note that this affects any Wargear, “In addition, all models in a unit joined by Xiaphas Jurr gain the
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 250 Points, and the cost Weapons, Special Rules, Psychic Powers, or any other abilities.” Marshal Durak Rask (Page 90)
to add an additional model to 250 Points. Stubborn and Hatred (Everything) Special Rules.”
Balance Change
Change the Wounds Characteristic on Marshal Durak Rask’s
Replace the Macharius Battlecannon, Macharius Vanquisher Honoured Telemechrus (Page 64) Moritat-Prime Kaedes Nex (Page 72) profile to be 3.
Battlecannon, and Macharius Rotary Bolt Cannon’s profiles with Balance Change Balance Change
the one found in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Honoured Telemechrus grants the benefit of a Legion Vexilla to all Add Artificer Armour to this unit’s profile. Add the Consul (Siege Breaker) Special Rule to Marshal Durak
friendly Legiones Astartes (Ultramarines) units which have at least Rask’s profile.
one model within 12”.
Strike Captain Alvarex Maun (Page 74) Change the ‘One Phosphex Bomb’ on Marshal Durak Rask’s profile
Add the Character Sub-type to this unit’s profile. Balance Change to ‘Three Phosphex Bombs’.
Add a Refractor Field to this unit’s profile.

134 135
Ammitara Occult Intercession Cabal (Page 91) FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR
Replace the wording of the Mind Killer ability to read as follows: EXEMPLARY BATTLES IN THE AGE OF DARKNESS
“At the start of their turn, before any models are moved, a Psychic check With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
may be made once for each Ammitara Intercession Cabal by the expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the
controlling player, using the Leadership Characteristic of any model game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the
with the unit that does not have the Independent Character special rule. questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing.
If the Check is passed, the Shooting Attacks of all models in the unit
with the Psyker Unit Sub-type gain the Rending (4+) and Ignores Cover
Imperial Fists Huscarl Squad (Page 2)
special rules in addition to any other effects their weapons might have,
for the duration of the turn. This ability may not be used when Balance Change
attacking with weapons that have either the Template or the Blast (X) Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as
special rules. If the Check is failed then no benefit is gained and the unit follows:
suffers Perils of the Warp.” “An Imperial Fists Huscarl Squad numbering no more than five models
may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier or Legion Dreadclaw
Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport. An Imperial Fists Huscarl Squad of
any size may select a Legion Spartan Land Raider as a Dedicated
Reaver Aggressor Squad (Page 92) Transport. As a Dedicated Transport, this does not use up an additional
Balance Change Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part
Change the cost of Power Weapons to +5 points each. of the army.”

Change the cost of Charnabal Weapons to +5 points each. Dark Angels Inner Circle Knights Cenobium -
Order of the Broken Claws (Page 7)
Autilon Skorr (Page 94) Balance Change
Errata Remove the Character Sub-type from the Unit Type.
Remove the Traitor Special Rule from this unit’s entry.
Add the Chosen Warriors Special Rule to the unit.

Vengeance Weapon Battery (Page 97) For the purposes of the Deathwing Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type,
Balance Change an Advex-Mors Greatsword gains the +1 To Hit bonus provided by
Add the Hardwired Defences Special Rule to this unit’s profile. the Sub-type.

Death Guard Mortus Poisoner Squad (Page 8)

Advanced Reaction: Void Shield Envelope (Page 98) Balance Change
Balance Change Add the Line Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
Replace the wording of the Void Shield Envelope Advanced
Reaction to read as follows:
Change the Wounds Characteristic on this unit’s profiles to 2.
“This Advanced Reaction may be made during the Shooting phase
whenever an enemy unit targets a friendly unit that has at least half of
Add the Battle-Hardened (1) Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
its models within 6” of a friendly Void Shield Generator with a Shooting
Attack, excluding friendly units that include any models with the
Monstrous, Gargantuan, Knight, Titan, Super-Heavy or Flyer Sub- Change the cost to purchase a Heavy Alchem Flamer to +5 points.
Types. Before the Active player has resolved any Hit rolls, the Reactive
player may choose to expend one of their Reactions for that Phase to Change the cost to purchase a Power Scythe to +10 points.
have the unit targeted by the Shooting Attack gain an Invulnerable
Save of 4+ until the end of the Shooting phase. Note that this Advanced
Reaction does not improve nor replace any existing Invulnerable saves Emperor’s Children Sun Killer Squad (Page 13)
that a unit may have. The unit that has gained an Invulnerable Save as Balance Change
a result of this Reaction does not count as having made a Reaction, and Change the option to upgrade to a Multi-Melta to include a
may itself make a Reaction provided it would otherwise be able to do so, Suspensor Web.
and the Reactive player has sufficient Reaction allotment remaining in
that Phase.”

Hammerfall Bunker (Page 103)

Balance Change
Add the Hardwired Defences and Power of the Machine Spirit
Special Rules to this unit’s profile.

Replace the Hammerfall Strike Special Rule’s wording to read as

“Rather than deploying this Fortification as per the usual rules for
Fortifications, you may choose instead to assign it to a Drop Pod
Assault or Deep Strike Assault as normal. If assigned in this manner to
one of the specified deployment methods, the Hammerfall Bunker gains
the Orbital Assault Vehicle, Inertial Guidance System, and Deep Strike
Special Rules. This does allow you to place the Hammerfall Bunker
outside of your Deployment Zone.

Note that this is an exception to the normal rules for Fortifications, and
if assigned in this way, you may choose to select a Hammerfall Bunker
in a Rite of War: Drop Pod Assault detachment.”

136 137
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR Warlord Battle Titan (Page 72) Paragon Unit Sub-type (Page 91)
Balance Change Balance Change
LIBER MECHANICUM Change the Void Shields (6) Special Rule on this unit’s profile to Add the following to the Paragon Unit Sub-type:
Void Shields (8). “In contravention to the GW FAQ, a unit with the Paragon Sub-type
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the may make Reactions, ignoring restrictions from any Unit Type or Sub-
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the Acastus Knight Porphyrion (Page 83) type that would prevent it from doing so, as long as the Controlling
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. Balance Change Player has Reaction allotment available.”
Replace the Two Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Magna
The Divisio Tactica Mechanicum (Page 10) Krios Squadron (Page 49) Lascannons on this unit’s profile with Two Hull (Front) Mounted Cybernetica Exortus (Cybertheurgic Rite) (Page 94)
FAQ Errata Magna Lascannons. Balance Change
For the purposes of the Allies Matrix, all Divisios Tactica count as Replace “Centreline mounted” with “Sponson mounted” for the Replace the first bullet point to read as follows:
Sub-Factions of the main Mechanicum Faction, and follow the option to purchase Volkite Calivers. “When making a Charge roll for the unit in the same turn as this Rite is
rules laid out on page 98 of this document on how Sub-Factions Questoris Knight Styrix (Page 84)
Balance Change used, as long as the unit contains at least one model with the Automata
interact. Unit Type, you may roll an additional dice and discard the lowest rolled
Mechanicum Acastus Knight Asterius (Page 55) Add a Flare Shield to this unit’s profile.
dice before determining the results of the Charge roll.”
Advanced Reaction: Scornful Fire (Page 17) Balance Change
FAQ Add a Flare Shield to this unit’s wargear. Questoris Knight Magaera (Page 85) Replace the third bullet point to read as follows:
Due to the wording of this Advanced Reaction, any Shooting Balance Change “The Controlling Player may choose to add either +1 to its BS or WS
Attacks made as part of this Advanced Reaction are resolved before Change the Karacnos Mortar Battery to be Centreline Mounted. Add a Flare Shield to this unit’s profile. until the start of the Controlling Player’s next Shooting Phase.”
the Shooting Attack that triggered this Advanced Reaction.
Replace the two Arm Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Conversion
Beam Cannons with two Arm Mounted Conversion Destructors - 0-1 Questoris Knight Atrapos (Page 86) Ephemera Perfidiae (Cybertheurgic Rite) (Page 95)
Myrmidon Secutor Host (Page 32) See the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Balance Change Balance Change
Balance Change Add a Flare Shield to this unit’s profile. Replace the wording of this Cybertheurgic Rite to read as follows:
Change the upgrade cost for Graviton Guns to +10 points. “Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Cybertheurgist with this
Ordinatus Ulator (Page 56)
Cybertheurgic Rite may select a single enemy unit with a model within
Balance Change 0-1 Questoris Acastus Knight Asterius (Page 87) 12" that is entirely composed of models with the Vehicle, Dreadnought,
Change the upgrade cost for Phased Plasma Fusils to +15 points.
Add Searchlights to this unit’s wargear. Balance Change or Automata Unit Type (but not any models with the Super-Heavy,
Add a Flare Shield to this unit’s profile. Lumbering, Titan, or Knight Sub-types). The Cybertheurgist’s
Adsecularis Tech-Thrall Covenant (Page 34) Ordinatus Aktaeus (Page 57) Controlling Player may immediately make a Shooting Attack as if they
Balance Change Balance Change Change the Karacnos Mortar Battery to be Centreline Mounted. controlled the chosen unit – this Shooting Attack may target any unit
Change the value of the Armour Save on this unit’s profile to be 5+. Add an Ordinatus Dispersion Shield to this unit’s wargear. that is considered an enemy unit by the Cybertheurgist’s Controlling
Replace the two Arm Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Conversion Player and is made as Snap Shots. The Cybertheurgist may choose to
Beam Cannons with two Arm Mounted Conversion Destructors - make a Cybertheurgy check before making this Shooting Attack, and if
Scyllax Guardian-Automata Maniple (Page 36) High Techno-arcana: Stataraga (Page 61) successful the Shooting Attack is made using the Cybertheurgist’s BS
Balance Change Errata See the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
and is not made as Snap Shots. If the Check is failed then the
Add the Feel No Pain (5+) Special Rule to this unit’s profile. Add the following to the end of this Special Rule: Cybertheurgist suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback and no Shooting Attack
“In addition, when selected as a Troops Choice in a Questoris Knights Household Ranks (Page 88) is made. An enemy unit used to make a Shooting Attack with this Rite
Detachment, Archmagos Draykavac gains the Patris Cybernetica Balance Change may attack normally in its Controlling Player’s turn and gains the
Arlatax Battle-Automata Maniple (Page 40) Special Rule.” Add the following to the Household Ranks section: Hatred (Cybertheurgists) Special Rule for the rest of the battle.”
Balance Change
Replace the two Power Blade Arrays with in-built Light “If an Imperial Knight selects any Household Rank other than Aspirant
Autocannons on this unit’s profile with two Arlatax Power Claws Archmagos Anacharis Scoria (Page 62) or Seneschal, it increases its Hull Points Characteristic by +1. Lacyraemarta (Page 99)
with in-built Light Autocannons - See the Panoptica Weapons Balance Change Balance Change
Profiles section. Add the Stubborn Special Rule to this unit’s profile. A Knight which selects the Seneschal Household Rank instead increases Add the following to the end of the Opus Viscera Sub-Heading:
its Hull Points Characteristic by +2.”
“This ability may not be used on any unit which is locked in combat.”
Ursarax Cohort (Page 41) Forbidden Protocols (Page 62)
Balance Change Errata Implacable (Page 89) Armiger and Moirax Talons (Page 102)
Change the second bullet point in the unit’s options to read as Add the following to the end of the Warlord Trait: Balance Change FAQ
follows: “Note that this Warlord Trait can affect a unit which Archmagos Change the wording of the Implacable Special Rule to read as Add the following to the end of the Special Rule:
“Any Ursarax may exchange their two lightning claws for:” Anacharis Scoria has joined, even though this would normally not be follows: “Once a unit with this Special Rule has separated, each model counts as
permitted as the unit would no longer be a unit containing only “An attack targeting a model with this Special Rule reduces the number its own unit for the purposes of Victory Points, Units Destroyed, and
Automata.” of Hull Points of damage inflicted from any attack by -1, to a minimum similar rules.”
Thanatar Siege-Automata Maniple (Page 46) of 1, and reduces all rolls on the vehicle damage table by 1.”
Balance Change Rites of the Beast (Page 63)
Binaric Stratagems (Page 102)
Change the upgrade cost for purchasing the Paragon of Metal Errata
Armiger Unit Type (Page 90) Balance Change
Special Rule to +50 points. Replace this Special Rule to read as follows:
Errata It should be noted that if a model is not equipped with a Kyropatris
“Anacharis Scoria has the Artificia Machina, Artificia Cybernetica,
Add the following to the Armiger Unit Type: Field Generator, they may not claim the benefits of any Special
Change the value of the Hammer of Wrath Special Rule on this Ephemera Incursus, and Anima Malefica Cybertheurgic Arcana, and
Rule or effect provided by the Binaric Stratagems Special Rule -
unit’s profile to Hammer of Wrath (2). has all Rites and weapons that are part of those Arcana. “A unit with the Armiger Unit Type cannot be destroyed as a result of a
even if these Special Rules or effects would normally be conferred,
Sweeping Advance made by a unit with the Infantry Unit Type.
such as the Preferred Enemy (X) Special Rule.
Add the following to the wargear section on the unit’s profile: In addition, Archmagos Anacharis Scoria provides all effects, benefits,
and rules (and gains any wargear, Special Rules, or other effects A unit with the Armiger Unit Type automatically passes any Pinning
One Shock Charger (Thanatar-Calix only)
applicable to himself) that an Archmagos with the Cybernetica Arcana tests they would be required to make.
would to the detachment he is in.”
Karacnos Assault Tank (Page 48) Any attacks made against a unit with the Armiger Unit Type are
Balance Change resolved as if the Armigers have the Dreadnought Unit Type, for the
purposes of resolving these attacks. Note that this affects any Wargear,
Change the Karacnos Mortar Battery to be Centreline Mounted.
Weapons, Special Rules, Psychic Powers, or any other abilities.”

138 139
Destructor (Page 103) Reactor Overload (Page 106) Belicosa Volcano Cannon (Page 117) Graviton Ram (Melee) (Page 121)
Balance Change FAQ Balance Change Balance Change
Change the Destructor Special Rule to read as follows: The wounds caused by this Special Rule are only resolved once the Replace the Belicosa Volcano Cannon’s profile with the one found Replace the Graviton Ram’s Melee profile with the one found in the
“When a model is allocated a Wound or Hull Point Loss inflicted by a shooting attack has been fully resolved. in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
weapon with this Special Rule, it does not suffer only one Wound or
Hull Point of damage, but instead suffers D6 Wounds or Hull Points of Thanatar Maniple (Page 110) Nemesis Volcano Cannon (Page 117) Power Blade Array (Page 122)
damage instead, with all of the Wounds or Hull Points inflicted using Balance Change
FAQ Balance Change
the same AP and special rules as that of the initial Wound. Roll to save
Add the following to the end of the Special Rule: Replace the Nemesis Volcano Cannon’s profile with the one found Replace the Power Blade Array’s profile with the one found in the
against each Wound or Hull Point of damage inflicted separately, but
“Once a unit with this Special Rule has separated, each model counts as in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
note that Wounds or Hull Points of damage caused in excess of a given
model’s remaining Wounds or Hull Points do not spill over to other its own unit for the purposes of Victory Points, Units Destroyed, and
models and are lost. similar rules.”
Terrebrax Rocket Battery (Page 118) Thunderstrike Gauntlet (Page 122)
Balance Change Balance Change
In addition, if the target of this attack is a model with the Knight, Void Shields (X) (Page 111) Replace the Terrebrax Rocket Battery’s profile with the one found
Titan, Gargantuan, Super-Heavy Vehicle, or Building or Fortification Replace the Thunderstrike Gauntlet’s profile with the one found in
FAQ in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Unit Type, or the Monstrous Unit Sub-type, increase the number of When resolving a Shooting Attack against a target with any Void
Wounds suffered or Hull Points lost to 2D6.” Shields active, all shots fired as part of that Shooting Attack are
Plasma Mortar (Page 118)
deemed to strike the Void Shields, and not the target unit itself. For Shock Charger (Page 123)
example, if the first two shots of a five-shot Shooting Attack Balance Change
Disruption (X) (Page 103) Replace the Plasma Mortar’s profile with the one found in the Balance Change
successfully remove the target’s Void Shields, the remaining three
Balance Change Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Replace the Shock Charger’s profile with the one found in the
shots do not strike the original target, but are instead discarded.
Change the Disruption (X) Special Rule to read as follows: Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
It should be noted that, as the Void Shields provided by this Special
"To Hit rolls of the value X indicated made by a weapon with this Rule are a separate target, they may not claim the benefits of the Volkite Chieorovile (Page 119)
Special Rule cause an automatic Glancing Hit against models with the Flare Shield wargear item, nor take Saves or Damage Mitigation Balance Change Shock Lance (Melee) (Page 123)
Vehicle Unit Type instead of rolling for Armour Penetration, and an Rolls of any kind provided by the unit with the Void Shields (X)
automatic Wound against models with the Dreadnought, Automata, or
Replace the Volkite Chieorovile’s profile with the one found in the Balance Change
Special Rule. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Replace the Shock Lance’s Melee profile with the one found in the
Armiger Unit Types, instead of rolling To Wound.
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
On weapons which do not roll to Hit, such as Template or Blast Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon (Page 113) Scyllax Combat Array (Page 120)
Weapons, a D6 should be rolled for every applicable target - a roll of X Balance Change Balance Change
Cyber Familiar (Page 125)
or higher causes an automatic Glancing Hit against models with the Replace the Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon’s profile with the one found Replace the Scyllax Combat Array’s Dismember profile with the one
Vehicle Unit Type instead of rolling for Armour Penetration, and an in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. found in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Because a Cyber Familiar does not allow Leadership Characteristic
automatic Wound against models with the Dreadnought, Automata, or
tests to be re-rolled, you cannot use it to re-roll Cybertheurgy tests,
Armiger Unit Types.
Mori Quake Cannon (Page 113) Reaper Chainblade (Page 120) as these are Leadership-based.
Balance Change Balance Change
Only Invulnerable Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls may be taken
Replace the Mori Quake Cannon’s profile with the one found in Replace the Reaper Chainblade’s profile with the one found in the Ionic Deflector (Page 126)
against Wounds or Hull Points of damage inflicted automatically by
the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
this Special Rule. Balance Change
Change the wargear’s description to read as follows:
If a model armed with a weapon with this Special Rule receives a Nemesis Quake Cannon (Page 113) Reaper Chainsword (Page 120) “A model with an Ionic Deflector gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save, and any
Ballistic Skill modifier (such as Night Fighting or being forced to make Balance Change Balance Change model with an Ionic Deflector and a Wounds Characteristic that suffers
Snap Shots, etc), then they may only gain the benefit of the Disruption Replace the Nemesis Quake Cannon’s profile with the one found in Replace the Reaper Chainsword’s profile with the one found in the an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death Special Rule is not
(X) Special Rule on a successful Hit (provided the Hit Roll is equal to or the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses D3 Wounds
better than the value X)." instead of one for each unsaved Wound with the Instant Death Special
Rule inflicted on it.
Avenger Gatling Cannon (Page 114) Reaper Chainfist (Page 120)
Feudal Hierarchy (Page 104) Balance Change Balance Change In addition, when a model with an Ionic Deflector loses its last Wound
Errata Replace the Avenger Gatling Cannon’s profile with the one found Replace the Reaper Chainfist’s profile with the one found in the or Hull Point, but before it is removed as a casualty or replaced with a
Change the Feudal Hierarchy Special Rule to read as follows: in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Wreck, all models both friendly and enemy within D6+3" suffer an
“A single Detachment may only ever include a single model with this automatic Hit at Str 8, AP -.”
Special Rule.”
Defensor Bolt Cannon (Page 114) Las-Impulsor (Melee) (Page 121)
Balance Change Balance Change
Paragon of Metal (Page 106) Ordinatus Dispersion Shield (Page 126)
Replace the Defensor Bolt Cannon’s profile with the one found in Replace the Las-Impulsor’s Melee profile with the one found in the
Balance Change the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Balance Change
Add the following to the end of the wargear’s description:
Add the following to the end of the Paragon of Metal Special Rule:
“In subsequent Game Turns after the first, the Ordinatus Dispersion
“A model which has this Special Rule changes their Armour Save to 2+.” Vulcan Mega-Bolter (Page 114) Atrapos Phasecutter (Melee) (Page 121) Shield counts as a Flare Shield.”
Balance Change Errata
Pride of Place (Page 106) Replace the Vulcan Mega-Bolter’s profile with the one found in the
Change the Armourbane Special Rule to Armourbane (Melee). Krak Grenades (Page 127)
Balance Change Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Add the following to the end of the Pride of Place Special Rule: Balance Change
Laser Blaster (Page 117) A model which declares it will use Krak Grenades to attack may still
“A model with this Special Rule may ignore the restrictions applied by it Replace the Atrapos Phasecutter’s Melee profile with the one found make Pile In moves, though these are made at Initiative 1.
if the Unit with the Transport Sub-type they are attempting to Embark Balance Change in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
onto also has the Super-Heavy Sub-type. Replace the Laser Blaster’s profile with the one found in the
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Balance Change
In addition, a model with this Special Rule gains the Bulky (X) Special Change the AP value of Krak Grenades to AP4.
Rule, where X is equal to the model’s starting Wounds Characteristic.”

140 141
Incunabulan Jet Pack (Page 130) FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR
Balance Change
Add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph to read LEGACIES OF THE AGE OF DARKNESS: MECHANICUM
as follows:
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
“This extra move can only be made in the Controlling Player's own expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the
Shooting Phase.” game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing.
Add the following to the end of the wargear’s description:
“A model with an activated Incunabulan Jet Pack may move over both Inar Satarael (Page 2) Mechanicum Land Raider Phobos (Page 6)
friendly and enemy models or units without penalty - but must end its Balance Change Balance Change
Movement at least 1" away from any model from another unit, and Remove the Anti-Grav Sub-type from this unit's profile. Replace the Two Sponson-Mounted Lascannons in this unit's
ignores the effects of any Difficult, Dangerous, or Impassable Terrain Wargear with Two Sponson Mounted Gravis Lascannons.
they move over as they make their move, though they must still take
Dangerous Terrain Tests as normal should they start or end their move Add the Born of Steel Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
in terrain that would require them to do so. It should be noted that, for Replace the Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter in this unit's
the purposes of Reactions, an Incunabulan Jet Pack is classed as having Wargear with a Hull (Front) Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter.
being activated for the purposes of moving over any models or terrain.” Adsecularis Tech-Thrall Certus Covenant (Page 3)
Balance Change Replace the first bullet point in the options with the following:
Change the value of the Armour Save on this unit’s profile to be 5+. "A Mechanicum Land Raider Phobos may exchange both of its Sponson
Stratos Thrusters (Page 130) Mounted Gravis Lascannons for one of the following:"
Balance Change
Add the following to the end of the wargear’s description: Mechanicum Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery (Page 5) Replace the option to select Two Sponson-Mounted Plasma
“On a Game Turn in which a model armed with Stratos Thrusters Balance Change Cannons in this unit's options with Two Sponson-Mounted Gravis
activates them, they may elect to gain the Skyfire Special Rule for all Remove the Bulky (4) Special Rule from this unit’s entry. Plasma Cannons.
Ranged Weapons they are armed with. In addition, a model equipped
with Stratos Thrusters also gains the Deep Strike Special Rule. A model Add the Fearless, Immobile, and Firing Protocols (2) Special Rules Replace the option to select Two Sponson-Mounted Multi-Melta in
with an activated set of Stratos Thrusters may move over both friendly to this unit’s entry. this unit's options with Two Sponson-Mounted Gravis Melta
and enemy models or units without penalty - but must end its Cannons.
Movement at least 1" away from any model from another unit, and Change the wording of the Sentry Protocols Special Rule to read as
ignores the effects of any Difficult, Dangerous, or Impassable Terrain follows: Macrocarid Explorator (Page 7)
they move over as they make their move, though they must still take “A model with this Special Rule must target the closest enemy model as Balance Change
Dangerous Terrain Tests as normal should they start or end their move per the following limitations and restrictions: Increase the Movement Characteristic of this unit to 12, and the
in terrain that would require them to do so.”
Hull Points Characteristic to 6.
- Any model armed with a weapon of Strength 7 or more must target
Utan Jump Booster (Page 130) the nearest enemy model with the Vehicle, Automata, or Dreadnought
Ordo Reductor Artillery Tank Battery (Pages 8-9)
Balance Change
- Any model armed with a weapon of Strength 6 or below must target
Balance Change
Add the following to the end of the wargear’s description:
the nearest enemy model without the Vehicle, Automata, or Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 13.
“A model with an activated Utan Jump Booster may move over both
friendly and enemy models or units without penalty - but must end its Dreadnought Sub-types.
- Any model armed with a weapon with the Skyfire Special Rule must Add the Reinforced and Bombard Sub-types to this unit's entry.
Movement at least 1" away from any model from another unit, and
ignores the effects of any Difficult, Dangerous, or Impassable Terrain target the nearest enemy model with the Flyer Sub-type.
they move over as they make their move, though they must still take Replace the option to select a Turret Mounted Gravis Melta
Dangerous Terrain Tests as normal should they start or end their move If no such target is in range, then the Controlling Player may select a Cannon Array in this unit's options with a Turret Mounted Melta
in terrain that would require them to do so.” target as normal.” Cannon Array.

Change the profile of the Sentry Gun to the below: Replace the option to select a Centreline Mounted Medusa Siege
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Mortar in this unit's options with a Centreline Mounted Medusa
Sentry Gun - - 3 5 5 2 - - 5 3+ Mortar.

Add a heading above the profile for the Demolisher Cannon to read
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 40 Points. as follows:
"All weapons listed here are counted as 'Artillery' weapons for those
rules which affect such weapons."

Replace the Demolisher Cannon, Mars-Colossus Bombard,

Whirlwind Missile Launcher Talonis HE Missile, Earthshaker
Cannon, and Medusa Mortar’s profiles with the one found in the
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.

Ordo Reductor Minotaur Battery (Page 10)

Balance Change
Replace the Hull Centreline (Rear) Mounted Twin-Linked
Earthshaker cannon with a Centreline (Rear) Mounted Earthshaker
Battery - See the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.

Replace the option to select a Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer
Missile in this unit's options with a Hull (Rear) Mounted Hunter-
Killer Missile.

142 143
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR 0-1 Knight Vestal Covenant (Page 51) Pursuer Cadre (Page 58)
Balance Change Balance Change
LIBER IMPERIUM Remove the Independent Character Special Rule from this unit’s
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 35 points.
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the Change the upgrade cost for Execution Blades to +5 points.
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the Replace the Vigilant Covenant Special Rule to read as follows:
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. “A Vigilant Covenant is selected as any other unit, using up a single
Pursuit Beasts (Page 59)
Force Organisation slot and bought in the same manner. However,
before the first turn begins, all models in a Vigilant Covenant must be Errata
Weapon & Equipment Upgrades (Various Pages) Custodian Guard Squad (Page 25) Change the Rage (1) Special Rule to Rage (2).
Balance Change assigned to another unit from another unit from the same detachment
Balance Change
if the army they were selected as part of. Knight Vestals may only be
If a model equipped with a Lasrifle is eligible to purchase a bayonet Change the Attacks Characteristic of this unit to 3.
assigned to units entirely composed of models with the Infantry Unit
and exchanges their Lasrifle for a Lasgun or Autogun, they may still
Type and the Silent Sisterhood (X) Special Rule. Expurgator Cadre (Page 65)
purchase a bayonet as normal. Balance Change
Sentinel Guard Squad (Page 26)
A Knight Vestal cannot be assigned to any unit that includes one or Replace the option to purchase an Adrathic Destructor for
Balance Change
Golden Exemplar (Page 17) more models with the Independent Character Special Rule or Unique +20 points for an option to purchase an Adrathic Devastator (with
Change the Attacks Characteristic of this unit to 3. Suspensor Web) for +20 points.
Balance Change Unit Sub-type (but such models may join a unit that includes a Knight
Add the following to the end of the Warlord Trait: Vestal as normal during either deployment or any following turn).
“Furthermore, the first Reaction made in each Game Turn by this Agamatus Jetbike Squadron (Page 28) Solar Auxilia Tercios (Page 68)
Warlord and any unit he has joined does not use up a point of the Balance Change No more than one Knight Vestal may be assigned to any given unit. FAQ
Controlling Player’s Reaction Allotment.” Change the Attacks Characteristic of this unit to 2. Once assigned to a unit, the Knight Vestal is considered part of that Wherever a Tercio Organisation chart of any type provides an
unit and may not leave under any circumstances - if that unit is ‘Either X or Y’ selection you may take those units in any
0-1 Custodian Tribune (Page 20) removed as a casualty then the Knight Vestal is removed as well. In combination, and are not restricted in taking a single type of unit.
Custodian Venetari Squad (Page 30) battles using Victory Points, no Victory Points are ever scored for
Balance Change Balance Change
Replace the option to purchase a Paragon Blade for +25 points for removing a Knight Vestal as a casualty. When assigned to a unit, a For example, the Auxilia Armoured Support Tercio is 1-3 either
Change the Points Cost of this unit to 175 points. Knight Vestal gains all of the Special Rules (with the exception of those
an option to purchase a Paragon Blade for Free. Solar Auxilia Thunderer Siege Tanks Squadrons, Solar Auxilia
that specifically forbid it, such as the Bitter Duty Special Rule) and Unit Destroyer Tank Hunter Squadrons, or Solar Auxilia Trojan Support
Change the Points Per Model Cost of this unit to +55 points. Sub-types listed for the unit to which it is attached, but does not gain Vehicles, you may take these in any combination, such as one of
Replace the option to purchase Meridian Swords for Free for an
access to any additional wargear options available to the unit to which each kind of unit.
option to purchase a Meridian Swords for +25 Points.
it is assigned.”
Orion Assault Dropship (Page 35)
Replace the option to purchase a Paragon Glaive for +30 points for Balance Change Cohort Doctrine: Reborn Cohorts (Page 71)
an option to purchase a Paragon Glaive for +10 points. Change the Transport Capacity Characteristic of this unit to 36. Eradicator Cadre (Page 53) Balance Change
Balance Change Replace the first Effect bullet point to read as follows:
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 80 points. “All models with the Infantry Unit Type in a Detachment using this
Tribune of the Golden Legion (Page 20) Knight Abyssal (Page 44) Cohort Doctrine gain a bonus of +1 to their Leadership Characteristic,
Balance Change Balance Change Change the cost per additional model to 15 points per model. to a maximum of Leadership 10, and the Stubborn Special Rule.”
Replace the wording of the Tribune of the Golden Legion Special Replace the first and second options bullet points to read as
Rule to read as follows: follows: Change both profiles on this unit’s entry to have a Ballistic Skill
“A model with this Special Rule may only be included in the Primary “A Knight Abyssal may exchange either her Execution blade and/or Bolt Characteristic of 5. Cohort Doctrine: Armoured Fist Pattern Cohorts (Page 71)
Detachment of an army with a total value of at least 2,000 points. pistol for one of the following options:” Balance Change
Furthermore, unless Constantin Valdor is also part of the same army, a Replace the first Effects bullet point to read as follows:
model with this Special Rule must be chosen as the army’s Warlord.” Change the Eradicator profile on this unit’s entry to have a
Knight Centura (Page 45) Leadership Characteristic of 8. “A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select Auxilia Armoured
Balance Change Tercios as Troops choices. An Auxilia Armoured Tercio selected as a
Custodian Shield Captain (Page 21) Troops choice may only consist of a single unit. Auxilia Armoured
Replace the first and second options bullet points to read as Change the Eradicator Mistress’ profile on this unit’s entry to have
Balance Change Tercios selected as Compulsory Troop Choices in a Primary Detachment
follows: a Leadership Characteristic of 9.
using this Cohort Doctrine gain the Line Unit Sub-type. The first time in
Replace the option to purchase a Paragon Blade for +25 points for “A Knight Centura may exchange either her Execution blade and/or a game that any models with the Infantry Unit Type Disembark from
an option to purchase a Paragon Blade for Free. Bolt pistol for one of the following options:” Add Voidsheen Cloaks to this unit’s Wargear. their own Dedicated Transport, they gain the Relentless special rule until
the end of that turn.”
Replace the option to purchase Meridian Swords for Free for an Silent Fury (Page 47)
option to purchase a Meridian Swords for +25 Points. Errata Vigilator Cadre (Page 55)
Replace the first Limitation bullet point to read as follows:
Add the Antigrav Unit Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
Balance Change
“All units composed entirely of models with the Infantry Unit Type must
Replace the option to purchase a Paragon Glaive for +30 points for Replace the Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of Oblivion) Special Rule
begin the battle Embarked on a model with the Transport Unit Sub-type
an option to purchase a Paragon Glaive for +10 points. on this unit’s profile with the Silent Sisterhood (Chamber of
Add the Firing Protocols (2) Special Rule to this unit’s entry. or in Reserves, unless the unit has the Mechanised Unit Sub-type.”
Vigilance) Special Rule.

Hetaeron Guard Squad (Page 22) Questora Cadre (Page 48) Add the following to the Limitations bullet points:
Kharon Pattern Acquisitor (Page 56)
Balance Change Balance Change “A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may not include any models
Balance Change with a Movement Characteristic of 0 or ‘-’.
Change the Points Cost of this unit to 195 points. Change the profile on this unit’s entry to have a Weapon Skill Replace the option to exchange the Hellion Heavy Cannon Array
Characteristic of 4, and a Ballistic Skill Characteristic of 5. for a Multi-Melta to a Gravis Melta Cannon instead.
Change the Points Per Model Cost of this unit to +60 points. An army which includes at least one Detachment using this Cohort
Replace the Vratine Armour in this unit’s Wargear with Artificer Doctrine may not select any Fortifiction choices.”
Replace the Meridian Swords in this unit’s Wargear with a Paragon Armour.

Replace the option to purchase a Paragon Blade for +25 points for
Raptora Cadre (Page 50)
an option to purchase Meridian Swords for +25 points. Balance Change
Replace the Vratine Armour in this unit’s Wargear with Artificer

144 145
Cohort Doctrine: Penal Pattern Cohorts (Page 72) Solar Auxilia Legate Marshall (Page 74) Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Strike Squadron (Page 97) Solar Auxilia Valdor Tank Destroyer Squadron (Page 106)
Balance Change FAQ Balance Change Balance Change
Replace the second Effects bullet point to read as follows: When this model joins a unit with the Close-Order Sub-type, it Replace the option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis Add the Fast Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
“Any model with the Infantry Unit Type in a Detachment using this automatically is counted as though it also had it for as long as it Autocannon for an option to purchase a Turret Mounted
Cohort Doctrine may replace a Lasrifle or Volkite Charger with a remains part of that unit. Exterminator Autocannon - See Panoptica Weapons Profiles Add the Independent Fire Control Special Rule to the unit’s profile.
Lascarbine, Lasgun, Stubcarbine, Autorifle, Laspistol and Close Combat Section.
Weapon, or Shotgun for no additional points cost. In addition, one Balance Change
Auxilia in any Solar Auxilia Rifle Section may replace a Lasrifle with a Replace the first and second options bullet points to read as Replace the option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis Solar Auxilia Malcador Infernus Squadron (Page 108)
Heavy Stubber for +5 points per model.” follows: Lascannon for an option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis Balance Change
“A Solar Auxilia Legate Marshal may exchange either their Laspistol Heavy Lascannon - See Panoptica Weapons Profiles Section. Change the Force Organisation Slot of this unit to Heavy Support.
Add the following to the Effects bullet points: and/or Close combat weapon for one of the following options:”
“Any model in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may replace a Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Assault Squadron (Page 98) Add the Fast Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
Close Combat Weapon with a Chainsword for +1 point per model.” Balance Change
Solar Auxilia Tactical Command Section (Page 76)
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 160 points. Add the Containment Breach and Independent Fire Control
Balance Change
Special Rules to the unit’s profile.
Cohort Doctrine: Feral Pattern Cohorts (Page 72) Add a Close Combat Weapon to the unit’s profile.
Change the cost per additional model to 145 points per model.
Balance Change
Add the following to the Effects bullet points: Solar Auxilia Stormhammer (Page 109)
Solar Auxilia Companion Section (Page 78) Change the Rear Armour Characteristic of the Leman Russ
“All models with the Infantry Unit Type from a Detachment using this Balance Change
Balance Change Demolisher to 11.
Cohort Doctrine gain a bonus of +1 to their Weapon Skill, to a Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14.
Add the Chosen Warriors Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
maximum of 5, for the duration of any player turn in which they make
a Successful Charge. Auxilia Artillery Tercio (Page 100)
Add a Close Combat Weapon to the unit’s profile. Clade Vindicare Assassin (Page 114)
Balance Change
Any model in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may replace a Balance Change
Add the Artillery Spotters Special Rule to this unit’s entry.
Bayonet with a Chain Bayonet for +1 point per model. Change the Wounds Characteristic on this unit’s profile to 3.
Solar Auxilia Veletaris Command Section (Page 80)
Balance Change
Any model with the Character Unit Sub-type in a Detachment using Solar Auxilia Tarantula Sentry Battery (Page 102) Replace the Exitus Rifle’s profile with the one found in the
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 50 points. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
this Cohort Doctrine may exchange a Close Combat Weapon for a Balance Change
Chain Axe for +2 points per model.” Remove the Bulky (4) Special Rule from this unit’s entry.
Replace the option to purchase Up to 5 Additional Veletarii for an
option to purchase Up to 15 Additional Veletarii. Clade Culexus Assassin (Page 115)
Add the Immobile Special Rule to this unit’s entry. Balance Change
Cohort Doctrine: Siege Pattern Cohorts (Page 73)
Balance Change Solar Auxilia Line Command Section (Page 88) Change the Wounds Characteristic on this unit’s profile to 3.
Change the profile of the Sentry Gun to the below:
Add the following to the Effects bullet points: Balance Change
“Any unit eligible to purchase a Dedicated Transport may instead elect M WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Replace the Animus Speculum’s Animus Blast profile with the one
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 40 points.
to purchase a Defence Line without occupying a Fortification Force Sentry Gun - - 3 5 5 2 - - 5 3+ found in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Organisation slot, but the cost in points must be counted towards the
Change the cost per additional model to 6 points per model.
army total as usual.
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 40 Points. Clade Callidus Assassin (Page 116)
When a model from a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine makes a
Change the Leadership Characteristic on the Auxilia Troop Balance Change
Master’s profile to 8. Change the Wounds Characteristic on this unit’s profile to 3.
Shooting Attack with any weapon with the Barrage Special Rule, if the
enemy unit they are targeting is in Line of Sight of a friendly model Solar Auxilia Rapier Battery (Page 103)
equipped with a Command Vox then it should be counted as firing Replace the option to purchase Up to 5 Additional Auxilia Veterans Balance Change Add the following to the end of the Polymorphine wargear’s effects:
directly at that enemy unit, even if it is outside of Line of Sight of the for an option to purchase Up to 15 Additional Auxilia Veterans. Change the Armour Save on the Auxilia Gunner Statline to 4+. “In addition, Polymorphine’s effects immediately end if an enemy unit
firing model.” ends its Movement in the Controlling Player’s Movement Phase within
Replace all instances of Gravis Multi-Laser Battery on this unit’s 6” of the model equipped with Polymorphine.”
Dracosan Armoured Transport (Page 91)
Replace the first Effects bullet point to read as follows: Balance Change profile and options with Gravis Multi-Laser.
“A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may select Auxilia Artillery Change the base unit cost of the unit to 135 points.
Tercios and Solar Auxilia Armoured Batteries as both Elites and Heavy Clade Eversor Assassin (Page 118)
Support choices. In addition, they may select Solar Auxilia Artillery Solar Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank Squadron (Page 104) Balance Change
Change the cost to purchase a Demolisher Cannon to +20 points.
Battery squads as both Heavy Support and Fortification choices.” Balance Change Add the No Witnesses Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
Add the Fast Sub-type to the Unit Type.
Change the * notation at the bottom of the unit’s entry to read as
Replace the first Limitations bullet point to read as follows: Clade Adamus Assassin (Page 120)
“All units in a Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine with the option Replace all references to ‘Side (X) Mounted’ weapons with ‘Hull (X) Balance Change
to select a Dedicated Transport must select that option, or have “*Selecting this upgrade reduces the Transport Capacity of the
Mounted’ instead. Add the Preferred Enemy (Characters) Special Rule to this unit’s
purchased a Defence Line, at the normal cost in points – If a Dedicated Dracosan Armoured Transport to 12.”
Transport was purchased for a unit, it does not have to start the battle Replace the option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis
Embarked on that Dedicated Transport.” Aurox Transport (Page 92) Lascannon for an option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis Clade Venenum Assassin (Page 122)
Balance Change Heavy Lascannon - See Panoptica Weapons Profiles Section. Balance Change
Add the following to the Limitations bullet points: Change the Transport Capacity Characteristic of the Aurox to 12. Add the Fleet (2) Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
“A Detachment using this Cohort Doctrine may only be selected for an Change the upgrade cost for One Hull (Left) Mounted Lascannon
army’s Primary Detachment.” and One Hull (Right) Mounted Lascannon to +15 points. Replace the Hookfang’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica
Arvus Transport (Page 93) Weapons Profiles section.
Balance Change Change the upgrade cost for One Hull (Front) Mounted
Add a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubber to this unit’s Wargear. Demolisher Cannon to +35 points.

Replace the option to select a Hull (Front) Mounted Vanquisher

Battle Cannon for +10 points in this unit's options with a Hull
(Front) Mounted Vanquisher Battle Cannon with Co-Axial
Autocannon for +20 points.

146 147
Clade Vanus Infocyte Assassin (Page 124) Sentry Protocols (Page 136) Grenade Launcher (Secondary) (Page 142) Command Vox (Page 152)
Balance Change Balance Change Balance Change Balance Change
Add the Panoply of the Assassin wargear to this unit’s profile. Change the wording of the Sentry Protocols Special Rule to read as Replace the Krak profile with the one found in the Panoptica Add the following effect to the wargear’s description:
follows: Weapons Profiles section. “While at least one model with a Command Vox is present on the
Remove the Independent Character Special Rule from the unit’s “A model with this Special Rule must target the closest enemy model as battlefield and not Embarked in a Vehicle or Building, the Controlling
profile. per the following limitations and restrictions: Player may re-roll any Scatter rolls made (whether as part of a weapon
Infernus Firepike (Page 143) attack or the deployment of a model or unit), as long as the model with
Change the wargear description on the Autotomic Servo-Limbs to - Any model armed with a weapon of Strength 7 or more must target Balance Change the Command Vox has line of sight to the unit targeted by the attack or
read as follows: the nearest enemy model with the Vehicle, Automata, or Dreadnought Replace the Infernus Firepike’s profile with the one found in the the point chosen as the target of the deployment.”
“Once per battle, at the start of any turn, the Controlling Player of a Sub-types. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
model with Autotomic Servo-Limbs may choose to grant that model the - Any model armed with a weapon of Strength 6 or below must target
Counter-Attack (2) Special Rule until the start of their next turn.” the nearest enemy model without the Vehicle, Automata, or Inferno Cannon (Page 143) Custodes Gyrfalcon Jetbike (Page 153)
Dreadnought Sub-types. Errata Balance Change
- Any model armed with a weapon with the Skyfire Special Rule must Add the Skilled Rider Special Rule to the rules and abilities
Add the following to the Auspectre wargear’s description: Change the range of the Inferno Cannon to ‘Hellstorm’.
target the nearest enemy model with the Flyer Sub-type. provided by this item of wargear.
“Note that weapons selected to fire in this manner must still follow the
rules and restrictions placed upon them by their mountings, Unit Types, Arachnus Storm Cannon (Page 143)
or Unit Sub-types, such as allowed targets for reactions in the case of If no such target is in range, then the Controlling Player may select a Erinyes Jetbike (Page 154)
Balance Change
Knights and Titans only being allowed to react to other Knights and target as normal.”
Replace the Arachnus Storm Cannon’s profile with the one found Balance Change
Titans, Super-heavy Vehicles, Lumbering Flyers or any model with 8 or
in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Add the following effect to the wargear’s description:
more Wounds.” Void Shields (X) (Page 138) “In addition, any model equipped with an Erinyes Jetbike sets its
FAQ Movement Characteristic to 18”, and gains the Skilled Rider and
Assassin Sub-type (Page 128) When resolving a Shooting Attack against a target with any Void
Volkite Macro-Saker (Page 145)
Battle-Hardened (1) Special Rules.”
Balance Change Shields active, all shots fired as part of that Shooting Attack are Balance Change
deemed to strike the Void Shields, and not the target unit itself. For Replace the Volkite Macro-Saker profile with the one found in the
Add the following effect to the Assassin Sub-type:
example, if the first two shots of a five-shot Shooting Attack Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Krak Grenades (Page 155)
“Models with the Assassin Sub-type gain the Precision Shots (2+),
Precision Strikes (2+), and Predator’s Gaze Special Rules.” successfully remove the target’s Void Shields, the remaining three FAQ
shots do not strike the original target, but are instead discarded. A model which declares it will use Krak Grenades to attack may still
Adrathic Destructor (Page 145)
make Pile In moves, though these are made at Initiative 1.
Anathema Sub-type (Page 129) Balance Change
It should be noted that, as the Void Shields provided by this Special
Balance Change Replace the Adrathic Destructor’s profile with the one found in the
Rule are a separate target, they may not claim the benefits of the Balance Change
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Change the second sentence of the second bullet point to read as Flare Shield wargear item, nor take Saves or Damage Mitigation Change the AP value of Krak Grenades to AP4.
follows: Rolls of any kind provided by the unit with the Void Shields (X)
“Any Wounds allocated to a model with the Anathema Unit Sub-type Special Rule. Adrathic Devastator (Page 145)
caused by a Force Weapon gain no benefit from the Force, Achean Panoply of the Assassin (Page 156)
Balance Change Balance Change
Force, or Soul Tear Special Rules, but are otherwise resolved as normal.” Battle Cannon (Page 140) Replace the Adrathic Devastator’s profile with the one found in the
Add the following to the wargear’s effects:
Balance Change Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
“A model equipped with the Panoply of the Assassin also gains Frag
Replace the Battle Cannon’s profile with the one found in the
Demolition Vehicle (Page 131) Grenades, and the Hit & Run and Shrouded (5+) Special Rules.”
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Balance Change Adrastus Bolt Caliver (Page 146)
Replace the first sentence of the Demolition Vehicle Special Rule to Balance Change Praesidium Shield (Page 156)
read as follows: Stormhammer Cannon (Page 140) Replace the Adrastus Bolt Caliver’s profile with the one found in Balance Change
“A model with this Special Rule may declare and make charge moves, Balance Change the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Replace the wording of the Praesidium Shield Wargear to read as
even if it would normally be prevented from doing so by any Unit Replace the Stormhammer Cannon’s profile with the one found in follows:
Types or Sub-types. When a model with this Special Rule is in combat, the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. “A model with a Praesidium Shield adds +1 to its Invulnerable Save (to
at Initiative step 10 it inflicts one automatic hit using the profile below Grenade Launcher (Page 146)
a maximum of 3+) or an Invulnerable Save of 6+ if they do not already
on any one enemy model it is in base contact with (chosen by the Balance Change
possess one. In addition, a model with a Praesidium Shield cannot
player that controls the model with this Special Rule).” Demolisher Cannon (Page 141) Replace the Krak profile with the one found in the Panoptica
claim bonus attacks for having more than one melee weapon, or make
Balance Change Weapons Profiles section.
attacks during the Assault phase using a weapon with the Two-Handed
Replace the Demolisher Cannon’s profile with the one found in the Special Rule.”
Independent Fire Control (Page 133) Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Balance Change Tarsus Buckler (Page 150)
Add the following to the end of the Special Rule, to read as follows: Balance Change
“Instead of the above, in a turn in which a model with this Special Rule
Earthshaker Cannon (Page 141) See the Tarsus Buckler’s melee profile in the Panoptica Weapons
either remained Stationary or moved at Combat Speed during the Balance Change Profiles section.
Controlling Player’s Movement Phase, then for the duration of the Replace the Earthshaker Cannon’s profile with the one found in
Controlling Player’s following Shooting Phase, it may make Shooting the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Telemon Cestus (Page 150)
Attacks as if it had the Super Heavy Sub-Type.”
Balance Change
Medusa Mortar (Page 141) Replace the Telemon Cestus’s profile with the one found in the
Solar Auxilia Command Tank (Page 136) Balance Change Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Balance Change Replace the Medusa Mortar’s profile with the one found in the
Replace the second paragraph of the Special Rule, to read as Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Gravis Power Fist (Page 150)
Balance Change
“A model with this Special Rule must be assigned to another unit made Vratine Grenade Launcher (Page 142)
Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica
up entirely of models with the Vehicle Unit Type purchased as part of Balance Change Weapons Profiles section.
the same Tercio. Replace the Krak profile with the one found in the Panoptica
Weapons Profiles section.
In addition, a model with this Special Rule may still make Shooting Charonite Claws (Page 150)
Attacks as normal in a turn in which they use their Cognis-Signum to Balance Change
provide +1 Ballistic Skill to all other models in their unit, even though Replace the weapon’s profile with the one found in the Panoptica
this would normally be prevented by using this Wargear.” Weapons Profiles section.

148 149
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR Solar Auxilia Banehammer (Page 13) Solar Auxilia Artillery Battery (Page 19)
Balance Change Balance Change
LEGACIES OF THE AGE OF DARKNESS: SOLAR AUXILIA Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 475 Points. Add the Immobile and Bulky (5) Special Rules to this unit’s entry -
these are applied only to the Artillery Platforms.
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the Increase the Transport Capacity to 22 models.
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the Change the profile of the Artillery Platform to the below:
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. Add the Tank Desant Special Rule to this unit’s entry.
Davinite Lodge Priest (Page 2) Solar Auxilia Minotaur Battery (Page 9) Replace the Tremor Cannon’s profile with the one found in the Artillery Platform - - 4 7 7 4 - - 5 3+
Balance Change Balance Change Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Add the Psychic Discipline: Anaethemata to those known by this Replace the Hull Centreline (Rear) Mounted Twin-Linked
unit. Earthshaker cannon with a Centreline (Rear) Mounted Earthshaker Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14. Change the Armour Save on the Auxilia Gunner Statline to 4+.
Battery - See the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.

Lidless Stare (Psychic Weapon) (Page 3) Errata Solar Auxilia Stormlord (Page 14)
Balance Change Replace the option to select a Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Balance Change
Replace the Lidless Stare (Psychic Weapon)’s profile with the one Missile in this unit's options with a Hull (Rear) Mounted Hunter- Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 450 Points.
found in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Killer Missile.
Increase the Transport Capacity to 32 models.

Solar Auxilia Carnodon Strike Squadron (Page 4) Solar Auxilia Macharius Heavy Tank Squadron (Page 10) Add the Tank Desant and Assault Vehicle Special Rules to this unit’s
Balance Change Balance Change entry.
Replace the Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Multi-Laser in this Move this unit from a Lord of War selection to a Heavy Support
unit's profile with a Turret Mounted Gravis Multi-Laser. selection. Add the following to the unit’s profile:
“A Solar Auxilia Stormlord has one Access Point at the rear of the hull.”
Replace the option to select a Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Replace the Super-Heavy Sub-type with the Reinforced Sub-type.
Autocannon in this unit's options with a Turret Mounted
Gravis Autocannon. Replace the Vulcan Mega-Bolter’s profile with the one found in the
Add the Independent Fire Control and Armoured Superstructure Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Special Rules to this unit’s profile.
Replace the option to select a Turret Mounted Twin-Linked
Lascannon in this unit's options with a Turret Mounted Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14.
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 235 Points, and the cost
Gravis Lascannon.
to add an additional model to 235 Points.
Solar Auxilia Shadowsword (Page 15)
Change the upgrade cost for Two Sponson-Mounted
Replace the Macharius Battlecannon, Macharius Vanquisher Balance Change
Multi-lasers to Free.
Battlecannon, and Macharius Rotary Bolt Cannon’s profiles with Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 475 Points.
the one found in the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Change the upgrade cost for Two Sponson-Mounted
Heavy Bolters to Free. Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14.
Solar Auxilia Stormblade (Page 11)
Change the upgrade cost for Two Sponson-Mounted
Balance Change Solar Auxilia Stormsword (Page 16)
Autocannons to +5 points. Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 475 Points. Balance Change
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 475 Points.
Change the upgrade cost for Two Sponson-Mounted Replace the Plasma Blastgun’s profile with the one found in the
Lascannons to +15 points. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Replace the Hellhammer Cannon’s profile with the one found in the
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14.
Solar Auxilia Thunderer Siege Tank Squadron (Page 6)
Balance Change Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14.
Add a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Bolter to this unit’s profile.
Change the Points Cost of this unit to 150 points.
Solar Auxilia Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher (Page 17)
Change the Points Per Model Cost of this unit to +135 points. Solar Auxilia Baneblade (Page 12)
Balance Change
Balance Change
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 450 Points.
Decrease the base points cost of the unit to 450 Points.
Solar Auxilia Destroyer Tank Hunter Squadron (Page 7)
Balance Change Replace the Praetor Launcher on this unit’s profile with a
Replace the Baneblade Cannon’s profile with the one found in the Centreline Mounted Praetor Launcher - see profile in the Panoptica
Change the Points Cost of this unit to 150 points. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Weapons Profiles section.
Change the Points Per Model Cost of this unit to +135 points. Increase the Front Armour Characteristic of this unit to 14.
Solar Auxilia Crassus Armoured Assault Transport (Page 18)
Replace the Proteus Laser Destroyer’s profile with the one found in Balance Change
the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. Change the Transport Capacity Characteristic of the Crassus Assault
Transport to 48.
Solar Auxilia Trojan Support Vehicle (Page 8)
Add the Transport Bay Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
Balance Change
Change the value of the Field Repair (X) Special Rule on this unit’s
profile to 4+.

150 151
FAQ, ERRATA, & BALANCE CHANGES FOR Among the Ranks (Page 13) Imperialis Militia Field Gun Battery (Page 24)
Balance Change Balance Change
LEGACIES OF THE AGE OF DARKNESS: THE IMPERIALIS MILITIA Change the third sentence of this Special Rule to read as follows:
“Discipline Masters may only be assigned to units composed entirely of
Change the option to exchange a Thunderblast Cannon for a
Heavy Lascannon to +10 points.
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
models with the Infantry Unit Type, and either the Militia or Artillery
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the
Unit Sub-types, unless upgraded to a Mounted Discipline Master, in Change the option to exchange a Thunderblast Cannon for a
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the
which case that model must be assigned to a Unit with the Cavalry Kalliope Mortar to +10 points.
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing.
Unit Type and the Militia Unit Sub-type.”
Weapon & Equipment Upgrades (Various Pages) Cyber-Augmetics (Page 10) Add the Skirmish Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
Balance Change Balance Change Imperialis Militia Command Cadre (Page 16)
If a model equipped with a Lasgun is eligible to purchase a bayonet Change the effects of the Cyber-Augmetics Provenance to read as Balance Change Imperialis Militia Arvus Transport (Page 25)
and exchanges their Lasgun for a Lasrifle, they may still purchase a follows: Change the Points Per Model Cost of this unit to +5 points. Balance Change
bayonet as normal. “All eligible units and models gain the Feel No Pain (6+) Special Rule,
Add a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy Stubber and Searchlights to this
and any eligible unit may be given the Slow and Purposeful Special Rule Change the ninth bullet point in the options list to read as follows: unit’s Wargear.
The Third-Line Unit Sub-type (Page 5) at no additional points cost. This Provenance may not be chosen in “For every five models in the unit, one Militia Bodyguard in the squad
Errata conjunction with the Gene-crafted Provenance and any Detachment may exchange their Lasgun for one of the following:”
with this Provenance is treated as Sworn Brothers by any Detachment Imperialis Militia Cavalry Squad (Page 27)
Change the first line of the Sub-type to read as follows:
with the Mechanicum Faction in the same army.” Balance Change
“The following rules apply to all models with the Third-Line Sub-type:” Change the cost of exchanging a Lasgun for a Plasma Gun to +10
points. Change both profiles on this unit’s entry to have a Wounds
Characteristic of 2.
Mechanised Unit Sub-type (Page 5, 29) Kinfolk Helots (Page 11)
Balance Change Balance Change
Expendable (Page 18) Change the fifth bullet point in the options list to read as follows:
Change the fifth effect of the Mechanised Sub-type to read as Change the effects of the Kinfolk Helots Provenance to read as
FAQ “For every five models in the unit, one Militia Outrider in the unit may
follows: A model with the Independent Character Special Rule which joins a take one of the following:”
“Any attacks made against a unit with the Mechanised Unit Sub-type “All eligible units and models change their Toughness Characteristic to
be one higher than its starting value (a Toughness characteristic of 3 unit containing any models with the Expendable Special Rule still
are resolved as if the model had the Dreadnought Unit Type, for the gives Victory Points for Slay the Warlord, First Strike, or any other Add the Skirmish Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
purposes of resolving these attacks. Note that this affects any Wargear, being changed to 4 on their statline, for example), but also change their
Initiative and Movement Characteristics to be one lower than its Primary or Secondary Mission Objectives as normal when slain.
Weapons, Special Rules, Psychic Powers, or any other abilities.”
starting value (in the same way as above). All eligible models in a Errata
Detachment with this Provenance and the Character Unit Sub-type Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (Page 19) Change the Unit Type of the Militia Outrider Sergeant to:
Merchant Princeling (Page 6) gain the Battlesmith (6+) Special Rule, or if they also have the Balance Change Cavalry (Light, Militia, Skirmish, Character)
Errata Independent Character Special Rule gain the Battlesmith (5+) Special Change the eighth bullet point in the options list to read as follows:
Add the following to the end of the Warlord Trait’s effects: Rule instead. This Provenance may not be chosen in conjunction with “For every ten models in the unit, up to two Grenadiers in the squad
“If the Warlord has a Retinue unit of any kind, this unit is instead the Ogryn Conscripts Provenance.” may exchange their Lasgun for one of the following:” Imperialis Militia Beastmasters (Page 28)
automatically designated as the Warlord’s Lifeguard unit.” Balance Change
Abhuman Muster (Page 11) Change the Points Cost of this unit to 30 points.
Imperialis Militia Fire Support Squad (Page 20)
Imperial Militia Force Commander (Page 8) Balance Change Balance Change
Change the effects of the Abhuman Muster Provenance to read as Add the Fleet (1) Special Rule (Militia Handlers only) to this unit’s
Errata Change the Points Cost of this unit to 35 points.
follows: profile.
Remove the “Provenance” Special Rule from this unit’s profile.
“All eligible units and models change their Strength and Movement
Change the Points Per Model Cost of this unit to +10 points.
Characteristic to be one higher than its starting value (a Strength Add the Light Sub-type (Militia Handlers only) to this unit’s profile.
Balance Change
characteristic of 3 being changed to 4 on their statline, for example), but
Change the italicised text after the fifth Options bullet point to Add the Skirmish Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
also change their Ballistic Skill Characteristic to be one lower than its
read as follows: War Beasts (Page 28)
starting value (in the same way as above) and, if they do not already
“*A Mounted Force Commander uses the Mounted Force Commander Add the Crew-Served Weapon Special Rule to this unit’s profile. Errata
possess any variant of the Bulky (X) Special Rule, gain the Bulky (2)
profile instead of the Force Commander profile, gains the Militia
Special Rule. All eligible models in a Detachment with this Provenance Change the Rage (1) Special Rule to Rage (2).
Cavalry Mount Wargear (see page 37), gains the Relentless, Scout, and
gain the Hammer of Wrath (1) Special Rule. If a model also has the Change the option to purchase a Missile Launcher with Frag &
Hammer of Wrath (1) Special Rules and replaces the Infantry Unit Type Character Unit Sub-type or the Monstrous Unit Sub-type, they gain the Krak Missiles to read as follows:
with the Cavalry Unit Type, as well as gaining the Skirmish and Light Hammer of Wrath (2) Special Rule instead, or +1 to an existing Imperialis Militia Sentinel Squadron (Page 29)
“Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak Missiles)”
Sub-types, but otherwise keeping all other Sub-types it previously had.” Hammer of Wrath (X) Special Rule if they already have the Hammer of Balance Change
Wrath (2) Special Rule. This Provenance may not be chosen in Change the Points Cost of this unit to 50 points.
Legacy of the Great Crusade (Page 9) conjunction with the Ogryn Conscripts Provenance.” Emplaced (Page 20, 24)
Balance Change Balance Change Change the Points Per Model Cost of this unit to +50 points.
Change the effects of the Legacy of the Great Crusade Provenance Add the following to the end of the Special Rule’s effects:
Imperialis Militia Discipline Master Cadre (Page 13) “If taken as part of a Mortalis Assault Force Organisation Chart, a unit
to read as follows: Change the option to purchase a Missile Launcher with Frag &
“All Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad, Imperialis Militia Command
Balance Change that includes any models with this Special Rule may only make the Krak Missiles to read as follows:
Cadres, and units that contain a Discipline Master or Mounted Change the italicised text after the seventh Options bullet point to Suppress Reaction.” “Missile Launcher (with Frag, Krak, and Flak Missiles)”
Discipline Master in a Detachment with this Provenance increase their read as follows:
Ballistic Skill by +1 (to a maximum of 4). A Force Commander in a “*A Mounted Discipline Master uses the Mounted Discipline Master Imperialis Militia Reconnaissance Squad (Page 21)
Detachment with this Provenance increases its Initiative to 5.” profile instead of the Discipline Master profile, gains the Militia Cavalry
Balance Change Imperialis Militia Thunderbolt Fighter (Page 30)
Mount Wargear (see page 37), gains the Relentless, Scout, and Hammer
of Wrath (1) Special Rules and replaces the Infantry Unit Type with the
Change the third bullet point in the options list to read as follows: Balance Change
Clanfolk Levy (Page 9) “Any model in the unit may exchange their Shotguns, Lascarbines, or Add the Divisio Aeronautica Air Superiority Special Rule to this
Cavalry Unit Type, as well as gaining the Skirmish and Light Sub-types,
Stubcarbines for one of the following:” unit’s profile.
Balance Change but otherwise keeping all other Sub-types it previously had. A Discipline
Change the effects of the Clanfolk Levy Provenance to read as Master upgraded to a Mounted Discipline Master must be assigned to
follows: either an Imperialis Militia Cavalry Squad, Imperialis Militia Wolf Add the Skirmish Sub-type to this unit’s profile.
“A Detachment with this Provenance may choose to fill Compulsory Rapid Response Section, or Imperialis Militia Mounted Command
Troops choices only with Imperialis Militia Cavalry Squads. In Cadre – this ignores the usual restrictions on assigning models via the
Among the Flock Special Rule to units based on Unit Type.” Imperialis Militia Ogryn Brute Squad (Page 23)
addition, all models in Imperialis Militia Cavalry Squads gain a bonus
of +1 to their Leadership Characteristic. In addition, a Detachment with Balance Change
this Provenance may include four additional Fast Attack choices – but Change the option to purchase a Boarding Shield to read as
these additional choices may only be used to select Imperialis Militia follows:
Cavalry Squads.” “Boarding Shield (and the Heavy Sub-type)”

152 153
Imperialis Militia Malcador Heavy Tank Squadron Militia Standard (Page 37)
(Page 32) Balance Change
Balance Change Add the following to the end of the Wargear’s effects:
Add the Fast Sub-type to the Unit Type. “A unit that includes at least one model with a Militia Standard gains
the Line Sub-type for as long as that model is part of the unit.”
Replace the option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis
Lascannon for an option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis
Heavy Lascannon - See Panoptica Weapons Profiles Section. Battle Cannon (Page 38)
Balance Change
Add the Independent Fire Control Special Rule to this unit’s Replace the Battle Cannon’s profile with the one found in the
profile. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.

Change the upgrade cost for One Hull (Left) Mounted Lascannon
and One Hull (Right) Mounted Lascannon to +15 points. Baneblade Cannon (Page 38)
Balance Change
Change the upgrade cost for One Hull (Front) Mounted Replace the Baneblade Cannon’s profile with the one found in the
Demolisher Cannon to +35 points. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.

Replace the option to select a Hull (Front) Mounted Vanquisher Demolisher Cannon (Page 38)
Battle Cannon for +10 points in this unit's options with a Hull Balance Change
(Front) Mounted Vanquisher Battle Cannon with Co-Axial
Replace the Demolisher Cannon’s profile with the one found in the
Autocannon for +20 points.
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.

Imperialis Militia Leman Russ (Page 33) Earthshaker Cannon (Page 38)
Balance Change Balance Change
Replace the option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis
Replace the Earthshaker Cannon’s profile with the one found in
Autocannon for an option to purchase a Turret Mounted
the Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Exterminator Autocannon - See Panoptica Weapons Profiles
Medusa Mortar (Page 38)
Replace the option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis Balance Change
Lascannon for an option to purchase a Turret Mounted Gravis Replace the Medusa Mortar’s profile with the one found in the
Heavy Lascannon - See Panoptica Weapons Profiles Section. Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.

Change the option to exchange a Hull (Front) Mounted Heavy

Bolter for a Hull (Front) Mounted Lascannon to +10 points. Volkite Macro-Saker (Page 40)
Balance Change
Replace the Volkite Macro-Saker’s profile with the one found in the
Imperialis Militia Heavy Ordnance Battery (Page 34) Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Balance Change
Change the Unit Type of the Artillery Platform on this unit’s profile
to Infantry (Static Artillery*, Heavy). Grenade Launcher (Page 40)
Balance Change
Add the Immobile and Bulky (5) Special Rules to this unit’s entry - Replace the Krak profile with the one found in the Panoptica
these are applied only to the Gun Platforms. Weapons Profiles section.

Change the profile of the Gun Platform to the below:

Ripper Gun (Page 41)
Balance Change
Gun Platform - - 3 7 7 4 - - 5 3+ See the Ripper Gun’s melee profile in the Panoptica Weapons
Profiles section.
*See Page 19, Legacies of the Age of Darkness: Solar Auxilia.
Melta Lance (Page 41)
Balance Change
Imperialis Militia Gorgon Heavy Transporter (Page 35)
See the Melta Lance’s melee profile in the Panoptica Weapons
Balance Change Profiles section.
Add the Assault Vehicle Special Rule to this unit’s profile.

Ungainly (Page 41)

Imperialis Militia Baneblade Super-Heavy Battle Tank Balance Change
(Page 36)
Replace the wording of this Special Rule to read as follows:
Balance Change
“A model may only attack with this weapon on a turn in which it makes
Change the base points cost of the unit to 450 Points.
a Charge (even if that Charge is Disordered), but does not gain a bonus
attack for Charging or from any Special Rules that would normally
Change the Hull Points Characteristic of this unit to 12. grant additional Attacks.”

154 155
THE DEPTHS OF TREDECIMMIA With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing.
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the Night Lords Atramentar Squad (Page 12) The Daemon Primarch Unit Type (Page 102)
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing.
Balance Change Errata
Change both profiles on this unit’s entry to have a Weapon Skill Add the following bullet points to the list of effects provided by this
Corrupted Engines Supplementary List (Page 8) Characteristic of 5. Unit Type:
Balance Change
“A model with this Unit Type may join units with the Infantry Unit
Add the following to this page: Change the Atramentar’s Leadership Characteristic to be 8. Type as if it had the Primarch Unit Type, or units with the Daemon
“An army that uses the Cohort Doctrine: Iron Pattern Cohort may take Unit Type as if it had the Daemon Unit Type.
a single unit with the Corrupted Engine Unit Sub-type. An army can Change the Atramentar Trucidor’s Leadership Characteristic to be 9.
only include a maximum of one unit with the Corrupted Engine Unit
Sub-type chosen in this manner.”
Balance Change
Add the Stubborn Special Rule to this unit’s Profile. Replace the 4th bullet point to read as follows:
“Daemon Primarchs have the Precision Strikes (2+) and Precision Shots
Despoiler Cannon (Page 15) (2+) Special Rules, and may choose to use these rules when attacking
Iron Warriors Dominator Cohort (Page 26)
Balance Change even when ordinarily they would be prevented from doing so, including
Balance Change
Replace the Despoiler Cannon’s profile with the one found in the when making Snap Shots.”
Change the base unit cost of the unit to 250 points.
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Add the following bullet points to the list of effects provided by this
Change the cost per additional model to 45 points per model.
Unit Type:
Any unit entirely composed of models with the Daemon Primarch Unit
Replace the Dedicated Transport text on this unit to read as Type may choose to ignore the Heroic Stand Special Rule, ignoring any
follows: penalties normally applied for declining a Challenge, unless the
“A Dominator Cohort may take a Legion Land Raider Proteus Carrier Challenge was issued by a model with the Knight, Gargantuan, Titan,
as a Dedicated Transport as long as it numbers no more than 5 models Primarch, or Daemon Primarch Unit Types.”
or a unit of any size may take a Legion Land Raider Spartan as a
Dedicated Transport. If taken this way, a transport does not use up an
additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid
for as part of the army.”
Fulgrim Transfigured (Page 104)
Balance Change
Change the Weapon Skill Characteristic on this unit’s profile to 9.
World Eaters Red Hand Destroyer Assault Squad (Page 44)
Balance Change Add the following to this model’s profile:
Change the cost of the below options to read as follows: Fulgrim Transfigured is counted as having a Legion Warhawk Jump
- Meteor Hammer +10 points per model Pack for rules and interactions that affect or require that wargear.”
- Excoriator Chainaxe +10 points per model
- Twin Falax Blades +5 points per model
- Barb-Hook Lash +5 points per model Legiones Hereticus (X) (Page 106)
In the same manner as a Detachment composed of models with the
Ultramarines Nemesis Destroyer Squad (Page 66) appropriate version of the Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule is
Balance Change classed as having that Faction for the purposes of the Allies Matrix,
Replace the Mortifier Bolter’s profile with the one found in the Allied or Optional Detachments, and so on, a Detachment
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section. composed of models with the appropriate version of the Legiones
Hereticus (X) Special Rule should be treated as though it had the
Salamanders Sanctifier Squad (Page 92) Legiones Astartes (X) Special Rule for all such interactions.
Balance Change
Change the eighth options bullet point to read as follows:
The Stage is Set (Page 109)
“Any model in the unit may exchange their Bolter for the following
Balance Change
For the purposes of Movement, Shooting Attacks, and Charges, a
- Obsidite Rotor Cannon +10 points”
model deployed via this Special Rule should be treated as though
they were deployed via a Deep Strike Assault.

156 157
In addition to the normal options presented in the rules for various units, the additional wargear presented below may be selected for units at the
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
costs shown. These are intended to be used alongside various publications, including all of Games Workshop’s official publications and releases.
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing. Note that these upgrades will be moved into a future release from the Panoptica Team.

Gargantuan (Page 2)
Balance Change
Greater Ruinstorm Daemon Beast (Page 15)
Balance Change
Add the following bullet point to the Unit Type: Change the profile on this unit’s entry to have an Leadership Options:
“Any unit entirely composed of models with the Gargantuan Unit Type Characteristic of 8. ● A Hierarch may exchange their Infernal Armaments for the following option:
may choose to ignore the Heroic Stand Special Rule, ignoring any - Sovereign Armaments ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ +30 points
penalties normally applied for declining a Challenge, unless the Change the profile on this unit’s entry to have a Strength and
Challenge was issued by a model with the Knight, Gargantuan, Titan, Toughness Characteristic of 6.
Primarch, or Daemon Primarch Unit Types.” RUINSTORM DAEMON BEHEMOTH
Add the Bulky (5) Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
Ætheric Dominion (Formless Distortion) (Page 4) ● A Ruinstorm Behemoth may select the following option:
Balance Change Ruinstorm Daemon Behemoth (Page 16) - The Unmaking ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... +25 points
Change the D3 result of 2 to read as follows: Balance Change
“2 - Lashing Pseudopods: Reach (1), Rending (6+)” Change the profile on this unit’s entry to have a Weapon Skill
Characteristic of 5.
Ruinstorm Daemon Sovereign (Page 6)
Change the profile on this unit’s entry to have an Leadership
Balance Change
Characteristic of 8.
Change the cost of exchanging Sovereign Armaments for a
Sovereign Greatblade to +40 points.
Ruinstorm Arch-Daemon (Page 17)
Change the cost of selecting Immaterial Wings to +50 points. Balance Change
Change the cost of selecting Immaterial Wings to +50 points.

Ruinstorm Daemon Hierarch (Page 7) Add the Warp Resplendent Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
Balance Change
Add the Independent Character Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
Cor’Bax Utterblight Unbound (Page 20)
Balance Change
Ruinstorm Daemon Harbinger (Page 8) Add the Bulky (6) Special Rule to this unit’s profile.
Balance Change
Change both profiles on this unit’s entry to have an Armour Save of 3+.
Behemoth Blade (Page 24)
Balance Change
Ruinstorm Daemon Beasts (Page 10)
Replace the Behemoth Blade’s profile with the one found in the
Balance Change
Panoptica Weapons Profiles section.
Change the profile on this unit’s entry to have an Attacks
Characteristic of 4.

Add the Furious Charge (1) and Scout Special Rules to this unit’s

Ruinstorm Lesser Daemons (Page 11)

Balance Change
Change the Points Cost of this unit to 100 points.

Ruinstorm Daemon Cavalry (Page 13)

Balance Change
Change the profile on this unit’s entry to have a Leadership
Characteristic of 7.

Add the Hit & Run, Hammer of Wrath (1), and Bulky (2) Special
Rules to this unit’s profile.

Ruinstorm Daemon Harriers (Page 14)

Balance Change
Change the profile on this unit’s entry to have an Attacks
Characteristic of 2.

Add the Deep Strike Special Rule to this unit’s profile.

158 159
With the release of the second version of the Horus Heresy, there are likely to be rules and scenarios that do not function as clearly or as cleanly as
expected, and some of these may present difficulties during games or otherwise prevent mechanics from working as they should in the spirit of the
game. The following compilation of clarifications and corrections are designed to simplify the process of understanding this new edition and the
questions which may arise as a result of them, as well as to correct issues with balance identified via testing.

Bound Cor’Bax Utterblight (Page 21)

Balance Change
Add the Bulky (6) Special Rule to this unit’s profile.

Gargantuan (Page 23)

Balance Change
Add the following bullet point to the Unit Type:
“Any unit entirely composed of models with the Gargantuan Unit Type
may choose to ignore the Heroic Stand Special Rule, ignoring any
penalties normally applied for declining a Challenge, unless the
Challenge was issued by a model with the Knight, Gargantuan, Titan,
Primarch, or Daemon Primarch Unit Types.”

160 161
Additional Special Rules
ADDITIONAL SPECIAL RULES Crew-Served Weapon Gyrocoil Charge
The weight and bulk of some heavy weapons required multiple troops Internal moving weights inside this weapon allowed it to make
to partially deconstruct and carry them when repositioning or incredibly heavy blows - at the cost of speed.
The FAQ, Errata, and Balance Changes made in this document add a number of additional Special Rules to certain units - these can be found below.
boarding most transports.
These function in addition to the Special Rules found in the existing official Games Workshop publications, and operate under the broader Rules
and Conventions laid out in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook. Attacks made with a weapon with this Special Rule incur a -2
A model with this Special Rule may Embark on models with the Initiative Penalty.
Transport Unit Sub-Type and Infantry Transport Special Rule,
contrary to the restriction on models with the Bulky (X) Special
Afterburner Born of Steel Rule rule, but still must take into account their size due to the Hardwired Defences
Colossal secondary combustors attached to the main engines of a flyer This combatant had become more metal than flesh, and could walk Bulky (X) Special Rule. These automated weapons would follow their directives to protect their
allowed this vehicle a surprising burst of speed. among automata as one of their own. position until they were destroyed.

Once per game at the start of the Movement Phase, a model with A model with this Special Rule may be given the Patris Cybernetica Countermeasures A Fortification with this Special Rule may not be claimed by a
this Special Rule may elect to fire its Afterburner. If it does so, the Special Rule at no additional cost in points - this must be decided Whether achieved via immense speed, thermic flares, or other more player which did not originally select them as part of their army.
model may make an additional move after its normal move, up to at the start of the battle before any models are deployed and may esoteric means, this craft could confound incoming fire.
its normal movement Characteristic. Note that for this additional not be changed during the battle.
move, the Movement value cannot be modified in any way. Immobile
A model with this Special Rule has a 5+ Invulnerable Save against
Fixed in place, or otherwise unable to move in any fashion, these units
Brittle any Shooting Attacks which have the Skyfire Special Rule made
had to stand their ground or perish.
Armoured Superstructure The sharpened edge on this weapon was impressively good at slicing
against it. A model with this Special Rule which does not make a
Approaching in bulk that of a Super-Heavy vehicle, some armoured Zoom move in the Controlling Player’s Movement Phase cannot
through almost any substance - unless the blade bit at a bad angle. A model with this Special Rule may not move for any reason,
behemoths could withstand blows that would utterly destroy a lesser claim the benefit of this Special Rule during the rest of the
Controlling Player’s turn, as well as the Opposing Player’s turn. including making Run moves, declaring or otherwise making
target. If a model armed with a weapon with this Special Rule hits with all Charge moves, falling back, or make Reactions which would allow
attacks made with this weapon in a single phase, the blade’s edge is it to move. If it would be forced to do so, the model is immediately
Whenever a roll is made on the Vehicle Damage Table against a blunted – at the end of the phase, the weapon’s AP value drops to Close-Quarters Boarding Protocol destroyed.
model with this Special Rule, subtract -1 from the result rolled. AP 4 and it loses any variant of the Rending (X) Special Rule it The mortal factions of the Imperialis Militia were often found fighting
possesses for the rest of the battle. in the claustrophobic confines of a Zone Mortalis.
Legiones Astartes Command Tank
Artillery Spotters
Broken Soul A unit with this Special Rule may be chosen as part of a Some among the Legiones Astartes displayed proficiency in a cupola
These spotters worked in tandem with their charges, calling targets for that none inside or out of the legions could ever hope to approach.
For those who had already given themselves to the darkness, it was only detachment using the Zone Mortalis Engagement Force
those under their command to assail.
a small step to invite the evil within themselves… Organisation Chart despite having more than 15 models. However,
this unit cannot be expanded above its starting size. A model with this Special Rule is selected as a separate unit, but
A unit with this Special Rule may grant the benefits of a Cognis during the deployment or the game they may join a unit composed
A model with this Special Rule may be given the Corrupted
Signum it has purchased to a single unit with at least one model entirely of models with the Vehicle Unit Type as though they had
Sub-type at no additional cost in points - this must be decided at Dimensional Edge (X)
within 6” of a model from this unit, instead of using the benefit the Character Sub-type and Independent Character Special Rule,
the start of the battle before any models are deployed and may not The blade of this weapon was not truly at home in our reality - and the
itself. although they do not gain any additional benefits from these
be changed during the battle. exotic matter that constitutes its form would, when caught in the right
Special Rules or Sub-types.
Note that the unit must be from the same Tercio as it to grant it phase, pass straight through any matter it touched.
Caestus Prow
the benefits of the Cognis Signum in this way. A model with this Special Rule may not join a unit containing any
The armoured fore of this craft was a masterwork of layered armour,
Weapons with this Special Rule can only ever cause a Wound on
shield generators, and reinforced bulkheads. model with a Hull Points Characteristic of 6 or higher.
the number indicated in brackets.
Augmetics (X)
Some warriors in the Age of Darkness had extensive amounts of A model with this Special Rule may declare a Ramming attack in No Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls of any kind may be taken No Witnesses
augmetics within, enough even to survive the most grievous of wounds. the same manner as a Tank, regardless of its actual unit type. This
against Wounds caused by this weapon. As an ancient Terran adage went, ‘there can be no witnesses if there are
attack must be declared at the start of the Movement Phase, after
no survivors’…
you have decided whether or not the will fire its Afterburner (if it
When a model with this Special Rule suffers an unsaved Wound, it
has the Afterburner Special Rule). When conducting a Ramming Emperor’s Chosen
can make a special Augmetics roll to avoid being wounded (this is A model with this Special Rule may never issue or accept
attack, the hit is automatically resolved at Strength 10, AP 3, and A long and storied path awaited one marked by the Emperor himself -
not a Saving Throw and so can be used against attacks that state Challenges, and ignores any effects or Special Rules that would
adds +1 to any rolls on the Vehicle Damage table it inflicts. If the and this Champion had a fate not yet met...
that ‘no Saves of any kind are allowed’). force it to do so. If the Opposing Player issues a Challenge, a model
model fired its Afterburner this turn, add +2 instead.
with this Special Rule may never be chosen as the model who
Roll a D6 each time an unsaved Wound is suffered. On a result A model with this Special Rule that suffers an unsaved wound with declined it.
In addition, the model has an Invulnerable Save of 5+ against any
that is equal to or greater than the value in brackets, the unsaved the Instant Death Special Rule is not immediately removed as a
attacks against its Front Armour, including any damage it suffers
Wound is discounted – treat it as having been Saved. On any other casualty, but instead loses D3 wounds instead of one for each
as a result of it Ramming or being Rammed itself. Makeshift Weapon
result, the Wound is taken as normal. For example, a unit with the unsaved wound with the Instant Death Special Rule inflicted on it.
Augmetics (6+) Special Rule would need to score a 6 in order to Whilst not all tools of the 31st millennium were intended to see combat,
A model with this Special Rule is immune to the effects of the
discount a Wound inflicted upon it. in a pinch they too could serve as deadly weapons of war.
Armourbane (Melta) Special Rule – meaning that no extra D6 for Exposed Compartment
armour penetration can be rolled against the model as a result of Whilst the open crew bays of some vehicles made them easier to
If on any unit this rule is presented simply as Augmetics, without a this Special Rule. A model equipped with a weapon with this Special Rule may only
operate for many tasks, they also made easy prey for weapons designed
value in brackets, then count it as Augmetics (6+). make a single attack at Initiative Step 1 with it, and may not gain a
to take advantage of such weaknesses. bonus attack for Charging or from any Special Rules that would
Consul (X) normally grant additional Attacks.
This is a Damage Mitigation roll – any model may make only a Despite their lofty station that had otherwise outstripped the rank of Any rolls on the Vehicle Damage Table that target a model with
single Damage Mitigation roll of any type for any given Wound Consul, Astartes Centurions would often retain all the privileges of this Special Rule add +1 to the result. Indiscriminate Fire!
(see page 174). their former rank.
Some weapon systems fired such an obscene quantity of ammunition
Felling Blow in such a short span of time that the only viable option against such a
Auto-Servo Tracking A model with this Special Rule is counted as having the named hail of fire was to retreat.
Legiones Consularis Upgrade as indicated in brackets in the Trading raw speed for killing power, this weapon struck with a fury
Independent firing control subsystems allowed this weapon to track
Special Rule for all intents and purposes, including Rites of War, unmatched by lesser weapons.
and fire without requiring their operator to direct them. A model with this Special Rule ignores all effects and penalties
Special Rules, and wargear limitations which either require there
to be one to be present in a detachment, or prevent it. Note that applied by the Night Fighting rules.
When a model equipped with a weapon with this Special Rule
A weapon with this Special Rule can fire at a different target to the
this does not confer any of the benefits normally gained from that makes a Melee attack, it may choose to halve the number of
other weapons the model is armed with.
upgrade to the model themselves from any such sources. attacks it makes. If it does so, those attacks gain the Murderous
Strike (5+) Special Rule.

164 165
Inertia Suppression Clamps Skilled Rider
Inertial suppression clamps locked transported troops into place, A lifetime in the saddle allowed the most skilled to fire their arsenal at
protecting them from impact. full effectiveness - even on the move.

A model with this Special Rule can carry models in any type of A model with this Special Rule may opt to run in the Movement
Legion Terminator armour and that have the Bulky (2) Special Phase and still fire a single ranged weapon in the Shooting Phase.
Rule as though they did not have that Special Rule. These shots are made at BS2. The To-Hit rolls for these shots
cannot be improved by any source.
Note that this includes Legion Specific Terminator units.
Note that if a unit makes use of this Special Rule, they may not
claim the benefits of the Firing Protocols (X) Special Rule in the
Paired Weapons
same Game Turn.
Some weapons required they were used together to achieve full
Tank Desant
A model armed with a weapon with this Special Rule gains an extra When troops embarked upon this vehicle, they did so across its
Attack. armoured hull, and so formed an additional layer of protection for
their carrier - as they could defend it from harm directly.
Predator’s Gaze
While a model is embarked in the Transport Capacity of a model
Those rare few who have survived being hunted by an assassin clade
with this Special Rule, it may fire its ranged weapons as though it
operative long enough to speak of it reported something truly
is not embarked in a vehicle. All ranges should be measured from
unnatural and unsettling in the gaze of those singular killers.
the hull of the Transport.
When issuing a challenge, a model with this Special Rule selects
the enemy character that accepts the challenge from any models Warp Resplendent
which are eligible to respond. Some denizens of the immaterium reached a truly immense size, and so
the powers they wielded made others pale in comparison.
Psychic Mastery (X)
A raw bulwark of ethereal power, this psyker pushed past the limits A model with this Special Rule treats any weapons it is equipped
that would spell doom for others - despite the great risks... with with a range of “Template” as having a range of “Hellstorm”
instead, and any weapons with the “Blast (3”)” Special Rule as
A model with this Special Rule may cast an amount of Psychic having the “Large Blast (5”)” Special Rule instead.
Powers per phase, up to the number indicated in brackets, in spite
of the normal limitations on doing so. Note that a Psychic Power In addition, any weapons a model with this Special Rule is
counted as a Shooting Attack counts as a single power for the equipped with which do not meet either of these conditions
purposes of this Special Rule. instead count their range characteristic as being twice that
specified in the weapon’s profile.

Reinforced Shell
Built to survive even the most horrendous damage, this vehicle endured
where lesser chassis did not.

When a model with this Special Rule loses its last Hull Point, but
before resolving the Super-Heavy Explosion, roll a D6. On a Result
of a 4+, the model does not explode as normal, but instead its shell
is treated from this point onward as a ruined building rather than
a vehicle wreck, with its two doorways counted as being open
access points to the interior.

Riposte (X)
Fluid in the air in a way the eye struggles to track, this weapon seems
to be in many places at once - and always right where it is needed to
block a blade...

Models making an attack against a model wielding a weapon with

this Special Rule must subtract X from their Weapon Skill.

Whilst this weapon burnt and tore at all living things, it inflicted the
most terrible harm upon those with an innate connection to the

When attacking a model with the Daemon, Psyker, or Corrupted

Unit Type or Sub-types, a weapon with this Special Rule gains the
Fleshbane, Instant Death, and Breaching (3+) Special Rules.

166 167
Panoptica Weapon Profiles
Bolt weapons rely on two stages - their first, a conventional explosive to propel the bolt from the weapon itself, before the second stage’s
rocket motor ignites, driving the bolt deep into a target before it detonates.
The FAQ, Errata, and Balance Changes made in this document modify a number of weapons’ profiles in various ways - these can be found below.
These replace the profiles found in the existing official Games Workshop publications, and operate under the broader Rules and Conventions laid
out in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook. If a profile named below exists in multiple publications, the version of it found All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Bolt’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
here should be used wherever that weapon is found. If a weapon has multiple profiles, and some of those available to a weapon are not shown below,
Weapon Range Str AP Type
then profiles not shown should be treated as unmodified and thus still valid in their original state. All of the weapons found here can only be Adrastus Bolt Caliver
obtained via their normal routes for purchasing or upgrading units.
- Bolt Volley 36“ 5 4 Assault 4, Shred, Pinning
Defensor Bolt Cannon 24“ 6 4 Heavy 6, Ardex-Defensor, Pinning
RANGED WEAPONS Macharius Rotary Bolt Cannon 36” 6 3 Heavy 10, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Reactor Overload
Mortifier Bolter 18“ 4 5 Assault 2, Harrower, Breaching (6+)
Adrathic Weapons Vulcan Mega Bolter 60” 6 3 Heavy 15, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Reactor Overload
Based on a similar principle to Disintegration weapons, the classification of weapons commonly known as ‘Adrathics’ were an ancient and
terrifying innovation from Old Night, which when fired caused their target’s atoms to spontaneously and immediately seperate. Combi Weapons
Combi-Weapons are an ancient innovation, pairing a reliable bolt weapon with a secondary armament that is useful for a variety of tasks.
All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Adrathic’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type Weapon Range Str AP Type

Adrathic Destructor 12“ 5 3 Assault 1, Instant Death, Armourbane (Ranged), Gets Hot, Grenade Launcher (Secondary)
Breaching (5+) - Krak 24” 6 4 Assault 1
Adrathic Devastor 18“ 6 3 Heavy 2, Instant Death, Armourbane (Ranged), Gets Hot,
Breaching (5+)
Conversion Beam Weapons
Conversion Beamers launch a stream of exotic particles and waves of energy at a target, the beam growing in potency until it strikes a target
Auto Weapons and unleashes its gathered power.
Whether they fire great armour-piercing rounds, huge explosive shells, or a hail of simple bullets, auto weapons are generally grouped by their
use of chemical explosives to gain their initial propulsion. All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Conversion Beam’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. An attack made with a Conversion Beam
Weapon has a number of different profiles, the use of which depends upon how far the chosen target is from the attacking model up to the weapon’s
All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Auto’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. maximum range. When attacking with one of these weapons measure the distance to the target, place the weapon’s Blast template and scatter as
normal for a blast weapon. Once the final location of the template has been determined, measure to the centre of the Blast marker and consult the
Weapon Range Str AP Type weapon’s chart to determine the effect.
Avenger Gatling Cannon 36“ 6 4 Heavy 12, Rending (5+)
Baneblade Cannon 72“ 8 3 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7“), Pinning, Rending (6+)
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Battle Cannon 48“ 8 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5“), Breaching (6+), Pinning Conversion Destructor
Exterminator Autocannon 48“ 7 4 Heavy 6, Rending (5+), Twin-Linked 0“- 18“ 8 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Blind
Fellblade Accelerator Cannon 18“- 42“ 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Blind, Sunder
- AE Shell 100“ 10 2 Ordnance 2, Armourbane (Ranged), Exoshock (4+), Blast (3“), Brutal (3) 42“- 80“ 12 1 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Blind, Sunder, Wrecker
- HE Shell 100“ 8 3 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7“), Pinning, Rending (6+)
Hellhammer Cannon 36“ 12 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5”), Sunder, Rending (5+), Brutal (3)
Macharius Battle Cannon 48“ 8 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5“), Twin-Linked, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Flame Weapons
Breaching (6+) Propelling great gouts of chemical flame, Flame weapons were often of primitive design - though nevertheless they still struck fear into the
Macharius Vanquisher Cannon 72“ 9 2 Heavy 2, Sunder, Brutal (2), Twin-Linked, Exoshock (4+) hearts of those who witnessed the horror of their effects on flesh.
Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon 48“ 8 3 Ordnance 2, Large Blast (5“), Breaching (6+), Pinning
Stormhammer Cannon 72“ 8 3 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7”), Shred, Rending (6+) All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Flame’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Tremor Cannon 48“ 8 4 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7”), Pinning, Shell Shock (2)
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Infernus Firepike Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Torrent (9")
Artillery Weapons
Firing enormous, unguided shells, these weapons have been largely the same since the inception of mechanised warfare - although the size of
their munitions has grown ever more… Graviton Weapons
Graviton weapons are both feared and respected among all who walk the battlefields of the 31st millenium - for they harness the strength of
Weapon Range Str AP Type arms and armour their victim bears against them.
Demolisher Cannon 24“ 12 3 Ordnance 1, Blast (3"), Sunder, Rending (6+), Brutal (3), Wrecker
Despoiler Cannon 24“ 10 3 Ordnance 1, Blast (3"), Sunder, Rending (5+), Brutal (3), Wrecker All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Graviton’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
Dreadhammer Siege Cannon 24“ 12 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5"), Sunder, Rending (4+), Brutal (4),
Wrecker Weapon Range Str AP Type
Earthshaker Battery 12“ - 240“ 9 4 Ordnance 2, Barrage, Large Blast (5“), Shred, Pinning, Breaching (6+) Grav-Flux Bombard 18“ † 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), †Graviton Collapse, Torsion Crusher,
Earthshaker Cannon 12“ - 240“ 9 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5“), Shred, Pinning, Breaching (6+) Ignores Cover, Concussive (1), Haywire
Mars-Colossus Bombard 12“ - 72“ 7 3 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5”), Pinning, Shell Shock (1),
Ignores Cover, Wrecker Grenade Weapons
Medusa Mortar 36” 9 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5”), Pinning, Rending (6+), Grenade launchers are simple, singular weapons, but the fact their design has remained unchanged in thousands of years is testament to their
Brutal (2) effectiveness.
Morbus Bombard 36” 10 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5"), Pinning, Rending (5+)
Mori Quake Cannon 24” - 360” 10/8/6 3 Destroyer 1, Apocalyptic Mega-Blast, Barrage, Breaching (4+), Weapon Range Str AP Type
Seismic Shock, Concussive (1) Vratine Grenade Launcher
Nemesis Quake Cannon 24” - 480” 10/8/6 3 Destroyer 1, Apocalyptic Mega-Blast, Barrage, Breaching (4+), - Krak 24” 6 4 Assault 1
Seismic Shock, Concussive (1) Grenade Launcher
Praetor Launcher
- Krak 24” 6 4 Assault 1
- Firestorm Munitions 72” 7 4 Ordnance 2, Barrage, Massive Blast (7”), Pinning, Shell Shock (2),
Rending (5+), Ignores Cover
- Foehammer Munitions 72” 8 3 Heavy 12, Guided Fire, Breaching (5+), Ignores Cover

170 171
Las Weapons Exotic and Miscellaneous Weapons
Utilising the raw, searing power of light itself, las weapons blind and burn their targets. The weapons of the Horus Heresy are widely varied and strange beyond measure in aspect.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Las’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Range Str AP Type
Animus Blast Template 4 4 Assault 1, Rending (6+), Psy-Shock, Soul-Death
Exitus Rifle 100” 7 2 Heavy 1, Murderous Strike (5+), Rending (6+), Sniper, Brutal (2)
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Arachnus Storm Cannon 24“ 8 1 Heavy 3, Lance, Exoshock (6+) Lidless Stare (Psychic Weapon) Template 2 - Assault 1, Pinning, Force, Instant Death
Belicosa Volcano Cannon 120“ 14 1 Destroyer 1, Apocalyptic Blast (10“), Ignores Cover
Gravis Heavy Lascannon 48“ 10 2 Heavy 2, Sunder
Laser Blaster 96“ 12 2 Destroyer 2, Large Blast (5”), Twin-Linked, Ignores Cover
Nemesis Volcano Cannon 36“ - 180 14 1 Destroyer 1, Apocalyptic Blast (10“), Ignores Cover
Proteus Laser Destroyer 36“ 9 1 Ordnance 3, Twin-Linked, Exoshock (6+), Sunder, Gets Hot

Melta Weapons
The white-hot roars of melta weaponry are feared across the galaxy by man and xenos alike - for none can hope to resist the boiling fury
emitted by one of their kind for long.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Melta’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Magna-Melta Array 18“ 8 1 Heavy 6, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-Linked

Missile Weapons
Whether guided by laser, satellite, or targeting computer, missiles are a reliable - if antiquated - weapon of war.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Missile’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Aiolos Missile Launcher 60“ 6 3 Heavy 3, Pinning, Guided Fire, Auto-Servo Tracking
Spicula Rocket System 72” 7 4 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7”), Rending (5+), Limited Ammunition,
Pinning, Shell Shock (1)
Terrebrax Rocket Battery 48“ 7 5 Heavy 12, Guided Fire
Whirlwind Missile Launcher
- Talonis HE Missile 48” 6 4 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast (5”), Ignores Cover, Pinning,
Shell Shock (1)

Plasma Weapons
The super-heated plasma ejected by various weapons burns hotter than a star for a fraction of a second - but that is often enough…

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Plasma’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Hellfire Plasma Missiles 36“ 7 4 Heavy 2, Breaching (4+)
Omega Pattern Plasma Blastgun 48“ 9 3 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7“), Rending (4+), Gets Hot
Plasma Blastgun 72” 9 3 Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7”), Rending (4+), Reactor Overload
Plasma Mortar 36“ 8 4 Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5"), Breaching (4+), Ignores Cover,
Reactor Overload, Barrage

Volkite Weapons
Those struck by volkite beams are bathed in pulsing red light - and, mere seconds later, raging flames that consume them from the inside out.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Volkite’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Volkite Carronade 45“ 8 3 Ordnance 1, Heavy Beam, Deflagrate, Rending (5+), Pinning,
Volkite Chieorovile
- Heat-Blast 45“ 7 3 Heavy 10, Deflagrate, Breaching (5+), Pinning
- Concentrated Beam 30“ 8 3 Ordnance 1, Heavy Beam, Deflagrate, Breaching (5+), Pinning,
Volkite Macro-Saker 45“ 6 5 Heavy 8, Deflagrate, Pinning

172 173
MELEE WEAPONS Exotic and Miscellaneous Weapons
The weapons of the Horus Heresy are widely varied and strange beyond measure in aspect.
Chain Weapons
The toothy grin of chain weapons and the bloody butchery they inflicted were well known and recognised across the galaxy. *A model that upgrades a Chainsword to a Falax Blade replaces the Chainsword with two Falax Blades.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Chain’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. Weapon Range Str AP Type
Charonite Claws - +3 3 Melee, Two-Handed, Rending (6+), Murderous Strike (6+)
Dawnbringer - 10 1 Melee, Master-Crafted, Two-Handed, Armourbane (Melee),
Weapon Range Str AP Type Instant Death, Brutal (2)
Heavy Chainsword - +2 - Melee, Shred, Two-Handed, Rending (6+) Excoriator Chainaxe - +2 3 Melee, Two-handed, Shred, Murderous Strike (5+), Unwieldy,
Reaper Chainblade - 9 2 Melee, Shred, Sunder, Brutal (2) Breaching (5+)
Falax Blades* - +1 5 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Breaching (5+), Duellist’s Edge (1)
Reaper Chainfist - 12 1 Melee, Shred, Armourbane (Melee), Brutal (3), Exoshock (3+)
Forgebreaker - 12 1 Melee, Master-Crafted, Exoshock (3+), Brutal (3), Two-Handed
Reaper Chainsword - 10 2 Melee, Shred, Sunder, Brutal (3)
Hookfang - User 3 Melee, Poisoned (3+), The Venem, Breaching (5+)
Lascutter (Melee) - 10 1 Melee, Makeshift Weapon
Power Weapons Melta Lance - 8 1 Melee, Ungainly, Lance, Sudden Strike (2), Two-Handed, One Use
Employing power fields atop lethally sharp cutting edges, Power weapons are a firm favourite in the hands of many in the Legiones Astartes Ripper Gun - +1 5 Melee, Reaping Blow (1), Two-Handed
and beyond. Tarsus Buckler - +1 3 Melee
Telemon Cestus - 10 1 Melee, Specialist Weapon, Sunder, Brutal (3)
All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.
A model armed with two of the same weapons marked with a * gains +2 attacks, instead of the normal +1 for having two combat weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Arlatax Power Claw* - +2 2 Melee, Shred
Darkstar Falling - +2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Master-Crafted
Gravis Power Fist - 9 2 Melee, Brutal (2)
Power Blade Array* - User 3 Melee, Breaching (5+)
Scyllax Combat Array
- Dismember - +3 2 Melee, Makeshift Weapon, Murderous Strike (4+)
Shock Charger - User 3 Melee, Brutal (2)
Shock Lance (Melee) - 12 2 Melee, Reach (1), Sunder, Shock Pulse, Concussive (2), Brutal (3),
Exoshock (2+)
Talon of Perdition* - User 2 Melee, Shred, Brutal (2)
Thunderstrike Gauntlet - 12 1 Melee, Brutal (4)

Cutting Tools of the Mechanicum

Making use of las-beams, or more esoteric means of slicing through a target, the Mechanicum’s tools and weapons are oft indistinguishable…
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Las-Impulsor (Melee) - 10 1 Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Instant Death
Atrapos Phasecutter (Melee) - 10 1 Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Instant Death

Daemonic Weapon
Forged outside of this material realm, some weapons glowed from within with accursed light.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Daemonic’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Behemoth Blade - User 2 Melee, Brutal (3), Sunder, Immaterial Blades (AP1), Lance,
Exoshock (5+)

Graviton Weapons
Utilising the same gravity-warping effects as their ranged cousins, melee grav-weapons crush their opponents under impossible forces.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Graviton’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Graviton Crusher - x2 2 Melee, Unwieldy, Haywire
Graviton Ram (Melee) - 10 1 Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Concussive (2), Brutal (2)

174 175
Extrinsica Weapons
The weapons below are designed to represent the varied and deadly weapons that could be found in the armouries of the Legiones Astartes,
Mechanicum, Imperial Commanders, and beyond across the battlefields of the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Unspeakably rare, even when
compared to Paragon Blades, these armaments were seen only in the direst of circumstances. Known collectively as “Extrinsica” (Those from
Without), these dread weapons claimed countless lives for many masters on both sides of the Heresy.

All of the following weapons count as ‘Power’ weapons, and operate under the broader Rules and Conventions laid out for melee weapons in the
Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Core Rulebook. They may only be purchased at the cost shown for a model in your army which has the
choice to purchase a Paragon Blade, replacing a Power Weapon, Chainsword, Close Combat Weapon, Execution Blade, or Guardian Spear. You may
never have more than a single Extrinsica Melee Weapon across your entire army. If a model is armed with one of these weapons, it may not also be
armed with a Paragon Blade.

For the purposes of any rules which check for how a weapon is modelled, all Extrinsica Melee Weapons are counted as being swords.

Incipere-Class Weapons
Suspected to have been mostly pioneered by the Mechanicum in the early days of the Dark Age of Technology, these weapons were likely
designed in answer to xenos technology that presented similar threats.

All weapons listed here may be purchased by an eligible model for +20 points.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Arcanite Shock Maul - +2 3 Melee, Two-Handed, Concussive (2), Haywire, Specialist Weapon
Biocore Shatterblade - User 2 Melee, Brittle, Reach (1), Specialist Weapon
Paired Mirrorblades - +1 3 Melee, Riposte (1), Paired Weapons, Two-Handed, Breaching (5+)

Calcare-Class Weapons
The fruits of tampering by the blighted tribes of pre-unification Terra, these weapons are rumoured to bear curses from such fraught and
terrible times - and may allege in quiet voices that the rumours may well be right…

All weapons listed here may be purchased by an eligible model for +25 points.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Aetheric Whisper-Blade - User 2 Melee, Dimensional Edge (5+), Specialist Weapon
Gyrocyclic Reaper Blade - User 2 Melee, Reaping Blow (1), Felling Blow, Specialist Weapon

Extremis-Class Weapons
The devising of desperate madmen, the weapons classified as ‘Extremis’ were known to be potent beyond expectations; though the complexity
and idiosyncrasy of their construction made them impossible to replicate.

All weapons listed here may be purchased by an eligible model for +30 points.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Accelerator Hammer - 7 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Reach (1), Sunder
Hydragyric Executioner - +2 2 Melee, Two-Handed, Gyrocoil Charge, Brutal (2)
Nanofractal Falchion - User 2 Melee, Murderous Strike (5+), Two-Handed

178 179
“I remember the Imperium as it was meant to be, as it could have been, and
unlike the Emperor, I have no gilded wonder to keep me, and soon I shall pass.”

We Remember.

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