Database Partitioning A Review Paper
Database Partitioning A Review Paper
Database Partitioning A Review Paper
strategies. partition strategies
Index Terms— Database partitioning, Dbms_Redefinition,
Range Partitioning, Hash Partitioning, List Partitioning
Using the partition strategies a table can either be
Single-Level partitioning
partitioned as a single list or as a composite partitioned table.
Composite partitioning
Partitioning allows the table, index and index-organized
table to be decomposed into the smaller parts called as
partitions. Each Partition has its own name and optionally has Range partitioning separates the data according to range of
its characteristics. values of the partitioning key. For partition of July 2013, the
Partition key is the secret to the partition. It comprises of partitioning key values from 1st July 2013 to 31st July 2013.
one or more column that decides the partition. Any table can Each partition has ‘VALUES LESS THAN’ clause and
be partitioned except those CLOB (Character Large Object) MAXVALUE can be defined to compare with the highest
and BLOB (Binary Large Object) data types. value.
Users need to follow suggestions while partitioning the Hash partitioning maps the data according to hash
tables. Tables greater than 2GB, tables which stores the algorithm. It evenly distributes the data across devices. List
historical data and table which requires different types of partitioning provides the partition of a set of discrete values. If
storage devices to store its data need to partition. Partition a table is having data of business centres across the globe then
offers enhanced performance. list partitioning separates according to the country.
When to partition an index includes few suggestions which Composite partitioning provides the combination of the
includes firstly, avoid rebuilding the entire index. Perform basic distribution. It decomposes the partition into sub
Manuscript received October, 2013. Interval -List
Mayur Mahadev Sawant, Department of Information Technology, MIT Partition advisor is part of SQL advisor. Partition advisor
College of Engineering , Pune, India. can recommend a partitioning strategy by studying workload,
Dr. Kishor Kinage, Professor, Department of Information Technology, SQL cache and SQL Tuning set.
MIT College of Engineering , Pune, India
Pooja Shashikant Pilankar, Department of Computer, Ramrao Adik Partitioning key extension extends in defining the partition
Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India. key. Reference partitioning and virtual column based
Nikhil Anil Chaudhari,, Department of Information Technology, MIT partitioning fall under key extensions. Virtual column based
College of Engineering , Pune, India.
Database Partitioning: A Review Paper
partitioning provides partitioning even if partitioning key is Import-Export commands are used to partition a table.
not present physically in the table. The partition key can be Two steps included in this approach. First step is to export the
defined by expression, using one or more existing column. data from non-partitioned table. Second is to import it in the
Metadata is used to store the expression. Reference partitioned table. Fig.1 and fig.2 listed below show the query
partitioning allows the partitioning of two tables related to for the import-export command.
one another by referential integrity.
This paper focuses on partitioning concepts. The rest of the
paper is organised as follows. In the section II, three papers
related to database partitioning is discussed. Section III Fig.1. Export command
consists of experiments conducted during the study of the
topic. Section IV shows the conclusion based on the
experiments and concludes the paper with future scope.
Database Partitioning can be done by using 5 different
3.1. expdp/impdp
3.2. Dbms_Redefinition method
3.4. Partition Advisor
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3, Issue-5, October 2013
We are thankful to Mr Prathamesh Chavan for his genuine
guidance for the data management.
[1] Wen Qi, Jie Song and Yu-bin Bao, Near-uniform Range Partition
Approach for Increased Partitioning in Large Database, IEEE,
978-1-4244-5265-1/10, 2010
[2] Jie Song and Yubin Bao, NPA: Increased Partitioning Approach for
Massive Data in Real-time Data Warehouse, IEEE,
978-1-4244-7585-8/10, 2010
Fig. 4 Partition Exchange Process [3] Eugene Wu and Samuel Madden, Partitioning Techniques for
Database Partitioning: A Review Paper