Skycut D With Signmaster UM

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Skycut Series D with SignMaster

February 13, 2019

You can expect updates to this manual over the next few months

Do NOT read this entire manual… unless you want to.

• At the start of Chapters 1 - 4 are short sections with references to find what you need plus some important
reminders. PLEASE read these short sections at the very least and refer back to them, when needed.
• Chapters 1 and 2 are very important in terms of correctly setting up your Skycut to work with SignMaster
and learning the ins and outs of cutting.
• Chapter 3 is for those owners wanting to perform print and cut applications.
• Chapter 4 covers using Skycut accessory tools and dual head applications.
• Chapter 5 covers several SignMaster functions of interest: creating contour cuts and engraving fills.

It’s not practical to print this entire manual because:

• It’s a waste of paper and ink if you only ever need certain sections.
• The live links to videos and web sites in the manual will not work.
• This manual will be updated from time to time.
• You cannot search on individual words.

• Note the green icons which link to videos related to the section in which they are located. These
videos will enhance your learning experience.

© 2018-2019 Sunrise Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents

SKYCUT SERIES D WITH SIGNMASTER ............................................................ 1

1. INTRODUCTION AND SETTING UP ................................................................................................................. 5
1.00 QUICK REFERENCE FOR THIS CHAPTER .......................................................................................................... 5
1.01 SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.02 SAFETY AND W ARNINGS ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.03 W ARRANTY .................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.04 UNPACKING ................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.05 CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.06 PARTS OF THE SKYCUT................................................................................................................................... 8
Front ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Right Side ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Left Side ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Back ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.07 ACCESSORIES ................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.07.1 Tables ................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.07.2 Test Pen .............................................................................................................................................. 10
1.07.3 Skycut Blades ..................................................................................................................................... 11
1.07.4 Blade Installation ................................................................................................................................. 11
1.08 PREPARING AND CARING FOR THE CUTTING MAT ........................................................................................... 12
1.08.1 Tips on Using the Cutting Mat ............................................................................................................. 12
1.08.2 Cleaning and Replenishing the Cutting Mat ....................................................................................... 12
1.09 PINCH W HEELS ............................................................................................................................................ 13
1.10 CONTROL PANEL .......................................................................................................................................... 14
1.10.1 Set Screen .......................................................................................................................................... 15
1.11 REGISTERING AND INSTALLING SIGNMASTER ................................................................................................. 15
1.11.1 Installing from a Download .................................................................................................................. 15
1.11.2 Installing from a CD ............................................................................................................................ 16
1.12 CONNECTING THE SKYCUT TO YOUR COMPUTER ........................................................................................... 19
1.12.1 USB Connection.................................................................................................................................. 20
1.12.2 Wi-Fi Connection................................................................................................................................. 21
1.12.3 Wireless Stand-Alone ......................................................................................................................... 25
1.12.4 USB Flash Drive.................................................................................................................................. 27
1.13 TEST DRAW SHAPES .................................................................................................................................... 31
1.14 DEFAULT SETTINGS TO CONSIDER ................................................................................................................ 37
1.14.1 Advanced Settings .............................................................................................................................. 38
1.14.2 General Settings ................................................................................................................................. 40
1.14.3 Sys Information ................................................................................................................................... 42
1.15 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................................. 43
1.16 OTHER USEFUL TOOLS AND SUPPLIES .......................................................................................................... 43
2. CUTTING........................................................................................................................................................... 45
2.00 QUICK REFERENCE FOR THIS CHAPTER ......................................................................................................... 45
2.01 W HAT YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT CUTTING ..................................................................................... 45
2.01.1 You Have To Make Mistakes .............................................................................................................. 45
2.01.2 Record Your Successes ..................................................................................................................... 46
2.01.3 Installing the Blade Holder, Test Pen, or Accessory Tools ................................................................. 46
2.01.4 Adjust the Speed, Force, and Number of Passes Based on the Material and Shapes ...................... 47
2.01.5 Perform Test Cuts! .............................................................................................................................. 47
2.01.6 Keep the Cutting Mat Clean and Sticky .............................................................................................. 47
2.01.7 Don’t Get Frustrated, Get Help! .......................................................................................................... 48
2.02 CHOICES BEFORE CUTTING .......................................................................................................................... 48
2.02.1 Controlling Which Shapes Will Cut ..................................................................................................... 48

2.02.2 Controlling Where Shapes Will Cut..................................................................................................... 52
2.02.3 Selecting the Tool to be Used for Cutting ........................................................................................... 53
2.02.4 Determining the Cut Settings .............................................................................................................. 54
2.03 CUT SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................................. 56
2.03.1 Force ................................................................................................................................................... 56
2.03.2 Cut Speed and Up Speed ................................................................................................................... 56
2.03.3 Blade Offset ........................................................................................................................................ 57
2.03.4 Overcut ................................................................................................................................................ 58
2.03.5 Passes ................................................................................................................................................ 58
2.04 PRESETS ..................................................................................................................................................... 60
2.04.1 Saving a Preset for a Blade Type ....................................................................................................... 60
2.04.2 Saving a Preset for a Material ............................................................................................................. 61
2.05 SETTING THE ORIGIN BEFORE CUTTING ......................................................................................................... 64
2.05.1 Setting an Origin Using the Camera ................................................................................................... 65
2.06 OTHER CUT SETTING FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................. 67
2.06.1 Advance Mode .................................................................................................................................... 68
2.06.2 Mirror ................................................................................................................................................... 68
2.06.3 Weeding Options................................................................................................................................. 69
2.06.4 Weld Text ............................................................................................................................................ 70
2.07 IMPORTANT CHECKLIST BEFORE YOU CUT! ................................................................................................... 71
2.08 SCALE CALIBRATION..................................................................................................................................... 71
2.08.1 Scale Calibration Using Millimeters for Measurement ........................................................................ 72
2.08.2 Scale Calibration Using Inches for Measurement ............................................................................... 75
2.09 TEST CUTTING FLOW CHART FOR THE SKYCUT.............................................................................................. 78
2.10 SETTINGS FORM FOR CUTTING MATERIALS ................................................................................................... 79
3. PRINT AND CUT (CONTOUR CUT) ................................................................................................................ 80
3.00 QUICK REFERENCE FOR CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................. 80
3.01 W HAT IS A PRINT AND CUT (PNC)? .............................................................................................................. 80
3.02 W HAT IS A PNC CALIBRATION?..................................................................................................................... 81
3.03 CAMERA CALIBRATION PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................. 81
3.03.1 What You Need for Calibrating ........................................................................................................... 81
3.03.2 Calibration Process ............................................................................................................................. 81
3.04 PERFORMING A PNC IN SIGNMASTER ........................................................................................................... 84
3.04.1 Summary of Steps............................................................................................................................... 84
3.04.2 Step-by-Step Simple PNC Project ...................................................................................................... 85
3.05 PREPARING DESIGNS FOR PNC APPLICATIONS.............................................................................................. 90
3.05.1 Using Raster Images .......................................................................................................................... 90
3.05.2 Using Vector Images ........................................................................................................................... 90
3.06 INACCURATE CUTS ....................................................................................................................................... 90
3.06.1 Tweaking the Calibration Values ........................................................................................................ 91
3.06.2 Inaccurate Tracings ............................................................................................................................ 92
3.06.3 Incorrect Cut Settings ......................................................................................................................... 92
3.07 ADDING REPEATS IN PRINT AND CUT APPLICATIONS ...................................................................................... 93
3.08 REGISTRATION MARK SETTINGS ................................................................................................................... 95
3.09 PNC FROM USB FLASH DRIVE ..................................................................................................................... 97
3.09.1 PNC from Flash Drive – Single Cut .................................................................................................... 97
3.09.2 PNC from Flash Drive – Using Array Mark for Repeats ..................................................................... 99
4. ACCESSORY TOOLS AND DUAL HEAD CALIBRATION ........................................................................... 102
4.00 QUICK REFERENCE FOR CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................... 102
4.01 DUAL HEAD CALIBRATION ........................................................................................................................... 102
4.02 DRAWING WITH THE TEST PEN .................................................................................................................... 105
4.02.1 Draw and Cut .................................................................................................................................... 105
4.03 EMBOSSING AND SCORING ......................................................................................................................... 109
4.03.1 General Info on Embossing .............................................................................................................. 109
4.03.2 Score and Contour Cut Project ......................................................................................................... 110
4.03.3 Embossing Paper or Cardstock ........................................................................................................ 115
4.04 SCRATCH ENGRAVING ................................................................................................................................ 115
4.04.1 Engraving a Metal Tag ...................................................................................................................... 116
4.05 SETTINGS FORM FOR ACCESSORY TOOLS ................................................................................................... 120
5. SIGNMASTER FUNCTIONS OF INTEREST ................................................................................................. 121
5.00 QUICK REFERENCE FOR CHAPTER 5 ........................................................................................................... 121
5.01 ADDING A CONTOUR CUT LINE TO AN IMPORTED RASTER IMAGE .................................................................. 121
5.01.1 Step-by-Step Tracing Process .......................................................................................................... 121
5.01.2 Editing a Trace .................................................................................................................................. 125
5.02 ADDING A CONTOUR CUT TO A VECTOR IMAGE ............................................................................................ 127
5.02.1 Contour Cut Which Follows the Printed Design ................................................................................ 127
5.02.2 Contour Cut Which Is Offset from the Printed Design ...................................................................... 129
5.03 ENGRAVING FILL ........................................................................................................................................ 132
5.03.1 Engraving File Module and Settings ................................................................................................. 132
5.03.2 Inside Fills Versus Outside Fills ........................................................................................................ 135
APPENDIX A TROUBLESHOOTING FAQ’S.................................................................................................... 136
A1 COMMUNICATION ISSUES............................................................................................................................... 136
A2 OPERATING ISSUES....................................................................................................................................... 137
A3 CUTTING/DRAWING ISSUES ........................................................................................................................... 138

1. Introduction and Setting Up

1.00 Quick Reference for This Chapter

• How to download and set up SignMaster: Section 1.11

• How to set up communication between a computer and Skycut: Section 1.12
• How to use the control panel: Sections 1.10 and 1.14
• How to adjust the blade holder: Section 1.07.3
• Where to position the pinch wheels: Section 1.09
• The cutting mat is too sticky (or not sticky enough): Section 1.08
• How to use the USB Flash Drive feature: Section 1.12.4

Important Notes:
• Please read Section 1.02 regarding safe operation of the Skycut.
• Report any damage or missing contents to your dealer promptly.
• Retain the original box and packing materials in case you ever need to ship your Skycut.

1.01 Support

• Thank you for choosing a Skycut digital die cutter. Before using a blade in your new cutter, we urge you to
read Chapters 1 and 2 and watch the videos linked in these chapters.
• If you run into difficulties with the operation of your Skycut, turn off the power and look for a solution in this
manual. Note that Appendix A is a Troubleshooting section. If you continue to have technical questions or
issues, please contact your dealer as soon as possible.
• If anything is missing from your order or you have mechanical issues with your Skycut, please contact your
dealer as soon as possible. You can also contact Skycut directly using this email address:
[email protected].
• For additional information and support with the Skycut, please check out the following:
 Skycut web site:
 Skycut Facebook page:
 Skycut YouTube channel:

• For SignMaster support, please go to

1.02 Safety and Warnings

Please be aware of the following safety guidelines when working with the Skycut:
• Pinch Points: Keep hands, long hair, loose clothing, jewelry, etc. away from the moving parts.
• Risk to Children and Pets: Please supervise children around the cutter when it is in use.
• Movement and Touching: Do not move the Skycut or touch any circuitry while it is plugged in.
• DO NOT touch or jam the plotter’s track while it is operating. If the cutter is damaged, it is the owner’s

• DO NOT shake the cutter while it is operating.
• DO NOT cut any materials that have staples or other embellishments attached.
• DO NOT touch the cutter with a magnet. It is safe, however, to cut magnetic materials, such as those used
on refrigerators and car exteriors.
• DO NOT allow any liquids to spill into the cutter.
• DO NOT allow small items to fall into the cutter.
• Place the Skycut on a sturdy and stable table, desk, or trolley. The optional Skycut stand can also be used.
• Always turn off the Skycut when not in use. Leaving the cutter turned on for extended periods of time can
possibly damage the machine.
• Always turn off the Skycut before unplugging or removing the power cable from the wall outlet or power
• Unplug the Skycut from a wall outlet or power strip during an electrical storm or when the cutter will not be
used for an extended period of time.
• Transporting: When transporting the cutter, move the pinch wheel lever into the upward position. Remove
the blade from the blade holder and cover the tip with the plastic cap.

1.03 Warranty

• IMPORTANT! If your Skycut is damaged during shipment or appears to be defective, your dealer should be
notified as soon as possible.
• For additional information regarding your warranty, please refer to your Skycut dealer.
• It is recommended that you retain the original box with packing materials in case you ever need to ship your

1.04 Unpacking

• Verify that you have received all contents. There is a checklist in Section 1.05. Please notify your Skycut
supplier immediately if anything is missing.
• Remove all packaging before turning on the Skycut. Currently, the cutter ships with two end cap foam
protectors, four plastic zip ties, and tape on either end of the cutting strip. Be very careful when removing
the zip ties - only cut those ties and NOT the black cable behind them. Gently remove the tape at the ends
of the cutting strip by rolling the tape away. Do not pull straight up.
• Because the cutting mat must be folded over to fit into the box, it may have become slightly rounded during
shipping. Gently and only partially roll the mat in the opposite direction to remove the roundness and place
on a flat table to make sure the mat now lies horizontally to the surface. Refer to Section 1.08 for additional
instructions on preparing the mat for use.
• Use the enclosed test pen as you experiment and become familiar with operating the Skycut. Place scrap
paper on the mat and simply draw shapes rather than cut them. This will prevent possible damage to the
blade, mat, and cutting strip as you learn where shapes will cut and the basic operating procedures.

1.05 Contents

• Besides the cutter, your box should also contain the following items:

# Description Image Quantity

1 Power cable 1

2 USB Cable 1

3 60° Blade(blue cap) 1

4 45° Blade(red cap) 2

5 Blade Holder 1

6 Test Pen and 1 Refill 2 sets

7 Cutting Mat 1

8 Scoring Tool 1

1.06 Parts of the Skycut

Cutting Strip Alignment Marker
Pinch Wheel (lt. gray)

Control Panel

Left End Cap
End Cap

Front Grit Shaft (dk. Left-Side Blade Holder
Table Blade Right-Side Blade Holder
gray and rough) Seat (Left Jaw)
Carriage Seat (Right Jaw)

• Alignment Markers: indicate to the user the available positions for the pinch wheels
• Blade Carriage: moves the Blade Holder Seats left and right
• Blade Holder Seats or Jaws (2 on D models): hold the blade holder, test pen, and other accessories
• Control Panel: used to change settings, set up Wi-Fi, calibrate camera, cut PLT files, and more
• Cutting Strip: protects a blade when cutting backed materials without using a cutting mat
• Front Table: keeps cutting mat supported horizontally
• Grit Shafts (5 on 24” model): allow the pinch wheels to grip the mat or material so they can be moved in and
out of the cutter during cutting
• Pinch Wheels (4 on 24” model): grip the mat or material so that the grit shafts beneath will feed the mat or
material in and out during cutting
• Ruler: for measuring and aligning rolled materials

Right Side

• USB Flash Drive Port: used to load PLT

files via control panel for cutting
• USB Port: option to connect computer to
Skycut with included USB cable
• Reset Button: used to reset Skycut’s
cutting buffer (does not reset calibrations)

USB Flash USB Port Button
Drive Port

Left Side

• Power Port: plug power cable into this port

• On/Off Switch: power cutter on or off

Power Port On/Off



Pinch wheels
Pinch Wheel Lever
Back Table

• Pinch Wheels (4 on 24” model): grip the mat or material so that the grit shafts beneath
will feed the mat or material in and out during cutting
• Pinch Wheel Lever: raises and lowers the pinch wheels
• Back Table: keeps cutting mat supported horizontally

1.07 Accessories

1.07.1 Tables

• The two tables that are included with your Skycut are optional. While they attach onto the cutter and do not
require any support, you may prefer to not use them, especially if you are only cutting rolled materials.
However, if you are using the cutting mat, the support they provide will keep the mat horizontal, thus
reducing the chance of the mat drooping and causing materials to separate from the adhesive on the mat.
• The screws required for attaching are already installed in the Skycut. They will be removed and then, after
aligning the holes in the table, replaced to securely attach the table.
• It’s much easier to install if you have a second person available to hold the tables in place while the screws
are being inserted. It is also helpful to have a flashlight shining on the inside of the tables to better see the
holes for alignment.
• The two tables are identical. Start with either the front or the back of the cutter.
• There are a number of screws mounted on the inside of the end caps. The ones to be removed are the
second and third from the bottom. They are also the only two with washers:

Remove these two screws
from right-side end cap

Remove these two screws

from left-side end cap

• Align the holes in the sides of the table with the holes in the end caps. Note in the following photos how the
flat part of the table is on the outside:

Flat part is on the outside

These are the screws that are

inserted through the holes in the
table and into the end caps

Right side Left side

• Insert the screws previously removed through the aligned holes and screw back into place. Then repeat on
the other side of the cutter.

1.07.2 Test Pen

• The test pen should be used until you are comfortable with the operation of your Skycut and know, with
certainty, where images will cut. The test pen should arrive pre-assembled. However, if you want to change
out the insert to the red ink insert, note how the test pen is assembled:

Spring goes over the top of the pen insert

and stops at a small ridge on the insert

1.07.3 Skycut Blades

• There are three kinds of blades that fit inside the Skycut blade holder:

Red Blue Yellow

 The 450 red capped blade is suited for cutting thinner materials such as paper, all cardstock types, heat
transfer vinyl, and wall/auto/decal vinyl.
 The 600 blue capped blade is a much longer blade and is well-suited for cutting thicker materials, such
as gum paste, craft plastic, craft foam, and rhinestone template material.
 Sold separately is the 300 yellow capped blade. It is a wide blade and is well suited for cutting fabric,
felt, and tint. It has been reported that it also works well with cardstock that has been exposed to

• Note that the red capped blade and blue capped blade have a cutback on the opposing side of the blade
(right side, in the earlier photo). This reduces the blade offset value and allows for better detailed cutting of
small shapes.
• Additionally, there are other tools sold separately, including a stand, an engraving tool and an
embossing/scoring tool. Details on the engraving tool and embosser are covered in Chapter 4.

1.07.4 Blade Installation

• The blade must be carefully inserted into the blade holder. Do this over a soft surface (e.g. over a hand
towel). It’s important to protect the fragile blade! To install, follow the numbered steps as shown:

3. Turn the brass ring 5. Turn the brass ring clockwise

counterclockwise until until locked back in place.
2. Gently insert non-sharp end
of the blade into the holder.
An internal magnet will pull 1. Push in this button
the blade inwards. and hold so that a blade
can be inserted OR
Then release button on top of removed.

4. Turn the large ring clockwise or counter

clockwise to set blade length to match the
thickness of the material being cut.

• The Blade Length (also called Blade Exposure) is how much blade is exposed at the bottom of the blade
holder. For optimal cutting, you want this length to match the thickness of the material or be just a tiny bit
• When setting the blade length (Step 4 in the prior photo), hold the blade holder up next to the material
before pressing the material to the mat, so that you can more accurately set the length to match the
thickness of the material. For really thin materials, like vinyl and thin paper, just the very tip of the blade will
be protruding from the bottom of the blade holder. In fact, you should just barely be able to feel it with your
fingertip and not be able to see it very well, if at all. Having the blade fully extended will never result in better
cutting. In fact, it can cause skewing, tearing of the material, damage to the blade, and damage to the mat
or cutting strip.
• A good way to test your blade length is to fold a piece of the material onto itself and then cut a line into the
material by hand. Press firmly but not too hard, as more force will not determine if the blade is set to the
right length. If the blade cannot cut through the material, you will need to extend the blade. If the blade cuts
through the material and cuts into the next layer, you need to retract the blade. If the blade cuts through the
material but does not cut into the layer below, you have the perfect length.



Perfect Length Too Long Too Short

• When conducting a test cut, be sure to check your mat (or the top of a backing sheet) for cut lines after the
test. You should be able to set the length to get clean cuts but with only fine lines or no lines in the mat or
backing sheet. If you do see deep cut lines, retract the blade length ~¼ of a turn counterclockwise. Repeat
your test cut.

1.08 Preparing and Caring for the Cutting Mat

1.08.1 Tips on Using the Cutting Mat

• Always use a mat to hold the material to be cut unless the material has its own protective backing. For
example, vinyl and iron-on transfer both come with a layer that you do not cut. Thus, this backing layer
serves as the carrier for cutting. Paper and cardstock do not have a backing, thus they must be cut on the
• IMPORTANT! A new mat may be too sticky if you are cutting certain products. This can cause difficulty in
removing cut items without tearing. Place an old but clean bath towel over the surface of the mat and press
with a brayer or rolling pin. Then pull up. Test the stickiness by pressing the palm of your hand in the middle
of the mat and lifting. If the mat remains stuck to your hand, repeat until the mat can still be lifted but will
release. It should only take a few pressings to greatly reduce the stickiness, as tiny (too small to be visible)
fibers from the towel are added to the surface.
• Do not leave the pinch wheels in a down position when the Skycut isn’t in use. This warps the plastic
sooner, shortening the useful life of the cutting mat.

1.08.2 Cleaning and Replenishing the Cutting Mat

• When mats begin to lose their stickiness, they can be washed:
 Use a mild dishwashing detergent, warm water, and a soft brush to thoroughly clean the surface. You’re
not trying to scrub the adhesive but just wet the invisible fibers that have been deposited from your
cutting materials and get them released from the glue.

o Rinse well, shake off excess water, and place sticky side down onto a bath towel.
o Thoroughly dry the non-sticky side of the mat with another towel.
o Pull the mat up and the sticky side should now be dry enough for immediate use. Test by making
sure the mat will stick to your hand.

• While washing with soap and water should revive the original adhesive, you can add more adhesive if

 Virtually any repositionable adhesive may be used on the cutting mat. Some of the popular choices
include: Krylon Easy Tack, Aleene's Tack It Over and Over (view the video at the start of this section),
Crafter's Companion Stick and Spray, Zig 2 Way Glue with wide tip, Craft Smart Off 'N On, and Scotch
Repositionable Craft Stick. There’s another spray adhesive, Scotch Super 77, which does not leave a
sticky surface but is excellent for stabilizing paper and cardstock.
 If you are cutting thicker materials, such as oil board or styrene, then you may want to experiment with a
stronger adhesive and use painter’s tape to secure the material to the mat. If you are cutting thin paper,
then you may want to experiment with a lighter adhesive.
 With most repositionable adhesives, you can control the tackiness based on the amount applied. Thus,
always add a little bit at a time. As mentioned above, if you add too much, just apply a layer or two of
cotton fibers by pressing with a bath towel.

• Other reported methods for cleaning mats:

 Use a plastic scraper (an old credit card will suffice) to scrape off any random material pieces remaining
on the mat after a cut.
 For finer particles of paper or lint, you can use a lint roller. Tear off a sheet and then press down and pull
up across the surface of the mat to clean in sections. Baby wipes can accomplish the same task.
 To completely remove adhesive from the mat, apply Goo Gone, Duck Adhesive Remover, or Avon’s Skin
So Soft Bath Oil across the surface. Allow a minute to soak in and then scrape off with a sharp metal
spatula. Repeat, as necessary until the mat is thoroughly clean and no longer sticky. Wash, dry and then
add any repositionable adhesive.

• When necessary, the rubber wheels and the grit shafts may be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol or Un-Du.
Apply the cleaner to a clean lint-free rag and rub the entire wheel and/or grit shaft until free of adhesive.

1.09 Pinch Wheels

• The pinch wheels can be raised and lowered using the pinch lever located at the back-right side of the
machine. Press down on the lever and the pinch wheels will be raised. Pull the lever up to lower the pinch
wheels so that they can grip the mat or the material inserted in the cutter.
• There is also a small black lever on each individual pinch wheel. When the lever is raised, there is less
downward pressure exerted. IMPORTANT: Only push these small levers down when an extra tight grip is
needed, such as when cutting reflective film or thick chipboard. For normal cutting of most materials, it will
not be required.

Lever is in up position.
This is recommended
for most cutting.
Lever is in down position. Do
NOT use this position except
with certain materials.

• Note that for a pinch wheel to grip properly, it must be positioned over a grift shaft. To facilitate alignment,
note the white rectangles positioned along the horizontal bar behind the blade carriage. Slide the pinch
wheels along the bar, as needed:

Wheels should be centered over grit
shafts which are directly below the
white rectangles

• When using the cutting mat, it is recommended that the material be placed in the middle of the mat and the
mat placed roughly in the middle of the cutter. Then use the second and fourth pinch wheels locations for
two pinch wheels. This keeps the pinch wheels off the material and provides an equal balance while the mat
moves in and out during cutting:

Middle two pinch wheels Pinch wheels are approx. the

are placed under 2nd same distance from the
and 4th white rectangles outside edges of the cutting

• Note that if your material is very wide, then it is fine to have the pinch wheels over the material. However,
you may need to be extra careful when removing any cut shapes or waste material in those locations.

1.10 Control Panel

• When you first turn power on the Skycut, after several seconds, the following Main Screen or Home
Screen will be displayed:

Repeat last cut. While cutting, this icon and function changes to Pause.

Change settings Open and cut PLT files from an

Refer to 1.10.1 inserted USB flash drive

Stop and cancel the Set the desired speed and force.
current cut

Execute a test cut using current

Select which head to use speed and force settings
or select Double Head
Toggle the speed for moving the head and
4 arrow keys for moving the pinch rollers. In slow mode, the icon
head left/right and for moving changes to:
the pinch rollers

• Throughout this manual, the functions above will be referenced along with submenus and additional
screens. You will also see the following icons at the bottom of many screens. Pressing the one on the left
will always return you to the Main Screen above. Pressing the one on the right will return you to the prior

Go back to Main Go back to prior screen

Screen/Home Screen

1.10.1 Set Screen

• Pressing the Set icon opens the Set Screen which contains access to many functions and settings.
Note the general description and section number (if you wish to learn more about that function now):

Calibrate and use camera for print

and cut applications: Chapter 3
Set up wireless connection to home
or office network: Section 1.12.2
Set end-of-cut options: Section
2.06 Array setup, Scale, and options for
display and cutter behavior: Section
Settings for: LED, Units, 1.14.2
Language, Screensaver, Alarm:
Section 1.14.2 Version numbers, software
selection, reset: Section 1.14.3

1.11 Registering and Installing SignMaster

1.11.1 Installing from a Download

• The following link should be used to download SignMaster for a Skycut machine:

• Click on the link under the Product tab:

Click on date

• In the window that opens, click on the blue Download box:

Click on Download

• In the next window, click on Download anyway:

Click on Download anyway

• Note where the file will be saved on your computer so that you can later browse to that folder and launch the
.exe file which has been downloaded. Follow the steps in the following Section 1.11.2, starting with Step
(4) .

1.11.2 Installing from a CD

(1) Remove the CD from the case and insert into the CD ROM drive on your computer.
(2) The downloaded file is in.exe format, thus ready to launch.
(3) If Windows Autorun does not initiate a welcome screen, use Explorer to locate and click on the DVD drive
letter for your computer. Double click on the Welcome file and the following window will open:

Click on Install Software

(4) Click on Install Software and wait for the installation program to open. Select the language you prefer:

Select preferred language

and click on OK

(5) Read and accept the license agreement:

Read the agreement, click

on the accept option and
click on Next

(6) Enter the Product Serial Number which should have been sent to you by email when you purchased
SignMaster. Note that since you will need this same number any time you update the software, keep it in a
safe place:
Enter the 20 digit PSN
provided when you
purchased SignMaster
and click on Next

(7) Read and accept a second license agreement and then verify the destination for installing SignMaster:

Note where the program

will be installed and click
on Next

(8) Select your preferred Units but note that it can easily be switched once the software is open:

Select preferred Units

and click on Next

(9) Select SKYCUT D24 (or the model you have purchased) from the drop-down menu:

Select SKYCUT D24 and

click on Next

(10) In the next window, you’ll have the option to create a desktop icon and install a thumbnail previewer. Both
are recommended.

Select preferred options and click

on Next

(11) At this point, files will be extracted and installed. Wait for the Installation Complete message and click on

Click on OK

(12) Then the final Finish message will appear and you can choose to open SignMaster or wait:

Leave checked if you wish to
open SignMaster now

Click on Finish

• If you run into any issues installing or activating the program, please visit this link:

• You may wish to periodically visit the link provided for SignMaster at the beginning of Section 1.11.1 to
download and install any new updates.

1.12 Connecting the Skycut to Your Computer

• Place your Skycut on a sturdy horizontal surface. If using the cutting mat, be sure to allow enough free room
in both the front and the back for the mat to extend during cutting.
• Powering On:
 Plug the power cord into a wall outlet or power strip. Connect the power cord to the Skycut D on the left
side end cap.
 Turn on the power using the power button that is also on the left side end cap. After several seconds,
the light inside the Skycut will turn on and the head will do a slight jog.

• You have four options for sending files and information from your computer to the Skycut:
 Direct USB using the included USB cable
 Wi-Fi – adding the Skycut to a home/office network that is also accessed by your computer
 Wireless Standalone – connecting wirelessly to your computer
 U_Disk - Exporting PLT files from SignMaster onto a USB flash drive and then loading those files using
the control panel on the Skycut.

• Review the information in the following table to understand the differences between these options. Note that
implementing any of these options does not preclude you from changing to another one, as needed.

Connection Options for the Skycut with SignMaster Pro

Option USB Wireless to Network (Wi-Fi) Wireless Stand-Alone USB Flash Drive

Description The Skycut is connected to the The Skycut is wirelessly The Skycut is wirelessly Files are saved in PLT format
computer via a USB cable connected to a network router connected to the computer. from SignMaster to a USB flash
Requirements USB cable (included) Wireless network router and Computer must have wireless USB flash drive
knowledge of router's name capability
and password
Pros Easy to install; Reliable and fast Skycut can be located Skycut can be located Skycut can be located
form of communication. anywhere within range of the anywhere within range of the anywhere
router; Other computers can cut computer; Other computers can
to the Skycut cut to the Skycut
Cons Skycut is physically connected Requires more steps to set up; Computer is now connected to More steps due to saving and
to the computer; Cannot be Some routers may require the Skycut, thus no wireless then loading the file; Cannot
accessed by other computers setting changes in order to access to the Internet or to adjust size and certain cut
at the same time work with the Skycut other wireless devices settings once saved

• The following sections present what steps are required for each type of connection. If you run into
connectivity issues, please contact your dealer.

1.12.1 USB Connection

• Plug the small square end of the USB cable into the right end cap of the Skycut D. Plug the USB end into an
available USB port on your computer.

• In SignMaster, click on the Cut, Plot & Engrave Tools icon (6th from the left on the upper middle
task bar) and select Vinyl Spooler. In the window which opens, click on the Connection tab.
• Verify that Skycut D24 (or the model you have purchased) is selected under Current Cutter. If not, select it
from the drop-down menu. Under Port Type, select Direct USB Port. In the drop-down menu next to USB
Port, select an option that contains the word “skycut”:

Should read Select Direct USB
(or the model
you have

Look for and select an

option with “skycut” in
the name

Click on Done

• If a USB Port option cannot be located, verify the connection at both the cutter and on the computer. Once
connected, proceed to Section 1.13.

1.12.2 Wi-Fi Connection

• Note: Not all routers have the same signal strength. It’s usually best to connect the Skycut while it is in the
same room with the router. Once connectivity is established, you can then experiment to see how far from
the router the Skycut can be located.
• What you’ll need:
 Name of your home/office network
 The password for your network

• Carefully complete the following steps:

(1) On the Skycut’s control panel, select Set and then select Wifi. The Wifi screen will appear:

Click on Scan
Click on Wifi

(2) Click on the Scan button and a list of the available networks will appear. Select your home/office
network and click on Apply. You will then be returned to the Wifi screen:

Select your
Click on Set

Click on Apply

(3) Click on Set and the following screen will open:

Password will
display here

Switch to

Switch to punctuation
Delete last
Toggle to switch between character
uppercase and
lowercase letters

Click OK when done

(4) To enter the password, use the following tips if you are unfamiliar with this type of screen:
 “Rapid tap” multiple times in succession to select a letter. For example, if your network password is
cts456, then to enter “c”, you would tap three times on “abc” because “c” is the third letter in “abc”.
Next you would proceed to “stu” and tap two times to enter “t”. Then you would only need to tap on
“stu” once to enter the letter “s.”
 To enter numbers, click on “123” to open the number entry screen.
 For punctuation, click on “#@~“ to open the extra characters screen.
 To enter upper case letters, click on the up arrow in the lower left part of the screen.

(5) Once you have the password entered in the display box at the top, click on OK to return to the Wifi

Default IP Address
assigned to Skycut Click on “+” or “-“ buttons to
change IP Address, if needed

(6) Next check the IP Address that will be assigned to the Skycut. The Skycut will automatically pick up the
first three sets of digits from your router but will continue to display them as shown above. You only
need to decide if the last set, which should be defaulting to “200”, can be used. Use the “+” or “-“ buttons
to make any needed changes.
(7) Click on Apply and wait for several minutes while your router assigns this IP Address to the Skycut.
Eventually, you will see Connected OK appear:

Click on Apply Wait will

be on
Apply for Success!
several minutes

(8) If instead of receiving a Connected OK display, you see Password err, again verify the network you
selected and the password you entered. If you are unable to successfully connect and the Skycut is
within a few feet of your router, please check your router’s user manual and/or search online for issues
with your particular router model.
(9) If you wish to reset and start again, press and hold the Default button for 3 seconds until the button
turns red. Then click on Scan and repeat from Step 3.
• Once you receive the Connected OK display, in SignMaster, click on the Cut, Plot & Engrave Tools icon

(6th from the left on the upper middle task bar) and select Vinyl Spooler. In the window which
opens, verify that Skycut D24 is selected under Current Cutter. If not, select it from the drop-down menu.
Under Port Type, select Windows Port. Mark the option for Port and select TCP from the drop-down

Select Windows
Should read
(or the model
you have
purchased) Select TCP

Select Port Click on


• Click on Configure and the following window opens:

Default IP Address

• Change the IP Address to the one you set up on the Skycut control panel. Click on Test. A Port OK
message should pop up. Click on OK and then click on Apply:

Click on Test
Change to IP
Address from
control pPanel

Click OK

Click on Apply

• The IP Address should now appear in the Vinyl Spooler window:

IP Address should
now be here

Click on Done

• Click on Done and proceed to Section 1.13.

1.12.3 Wireless Stand-Alone

• It’s usually best to connect the Skycut while it is next to the wireless computer. Once connectivity is
established, you can then experiment to see how far from the computer the Skycut can be located.
• There are two situations to consider before getting started. If you are not sure which applies to your Skycut,
then select B and go to that section first.
A. The Skycut has never been set up wirelessly to a network.
B. The Skycut has previously been connected to a wireless network.

A. The Skycut has never been set up wirelessly to a network

• Power on the Skycut and wait for the light to come on.
• On your computer, open your list of available networks. In the list, you should see one with this type of name
format: HI_LINK_XXXX where “XXXX” can be any alphanumeric combination, such as “92BF” or “08A5”.
• Select that network and enter the following Network Key when prompted: 12345678.

• In SignMaster, click on the Cut, Plot & Engrave Tools icon (6th from the left on the upper middle
task bar) and select Vinyl Spooler. In the window which opens, verify that Skycut D24 is selected under
Current Cutter. If not, select it from the drop-down menu. Under Port Type, select Windows Port. Mark
the option for Port and choose TCP from the drop-down menu:

Select Windows
Should read
(or the model
you have
Select TCP

Select Port Click on


Check to see if this is

already set

• In the prior screenshot, the IP Address is already set to the correct Stand-Alone IP Address: If this matches what you see, skip the next two steps. Otherwise, click on Configure and
the following window opens:

Enter the following

IP Address

Click on Test

• Change the IP Address to Click on Test. A Port OK message should pop up. Click on OK
and then click on Apply:

Click OK
Click on Apply

• The IP Address should now appear in the Vinyl Spooler window. Click on Done and proceed to Section
1.13. Remember that your computer will not have access to the Internet or other network devices while in
Wireless Stand-alone mode.

B. The Skycut has previously been connected to a network

• On the Skycut’s control panel, select Set and then select Wifi. The Wifi screen will appear:

Click on Wifi

Press and hold


• To reset the Skycut so that it will be found as an available network, press and hold the Default button for 3
seconds. Release and you should see the Apply button now displays Wait. In a minute the Apply should
return and you can then proceed back to A. The Skycut has never been set up wirelessly to a network and
use the same procedure as if the Skycut was never set up on a network.

1.12.4 USB Flash Drive

• With a USB Flash Drive connection, you will normally follow the steps presented in this section. If you are
new to SignMaster and/or to your Skycut, it is recommended that you go to Section 1.13 now to learn how to
insert the mat and test pen, adjust settings on the control panel, and set up a test design. Then, when you
are ready to cut, return to this section.
• Design or open a file in SignMaster. After making any changes to the design, click on the Cut, Plot &

Engrave Tools icon (6th from the left on the upper middle task bar) and select Send to Cutter. The
following window opens:
Click on Properties to open Vinyl Spooler window

Preview of
where shape
will be drawn
or cut

• Click on the Properties button to open the Vinyl Spooler window. The Cut Options tab should
automatically be selected. Verify that the Pen Tool is selected (assuming this is your first time testing your

Skycut). Also verify that the force and speed settings are not marked. At the current time, it is
recommended that you always do these settings on the Skycut’s control panel, instead:

Select Cut
Options tab

Pen drawing:
leave unchecked;
Cutting: Check
and enter settings
Pen drawing: select Pen Tool
Cutting: select blade type from

Uncheck all
three of these

Click on Done

• IMPORTANT: For initial testing of your Skycut, it is highly recommended that the test pen be used until you
know, with certainty, where shapes will draw.
• Click on the Connection tab and verify that Skycut D24 is selected under Current Cutter. If not, select it
from the drop-down menu. Under Port Type, select Windows Port. Mark the option for Port and then
select U_Disk from the drop-down menu:

Select Connection tab

Should read SKYCUT Select Windows

D24 (or the model you Port
have purchased)

Select Port Select U_Disk

• Click on Done at the bottom of the Vinyl Spooler window and you will be returned to the Send to be Cut
window. More about the settings on the left side of the window will be covered in Section 2.03. For now, just
note where your shape will draw relative to the material and how to initiate the exporting of the PLT file:

Note where the

design will draw
relative to where the
test pen is positioned

This figure assumes

blade holder is positioned
in the lower right corner of
the material

Click on Cut Now

• Insert a USB flash drive into your computer and allow Windows to find it. Note the drive letter assigned by
• Click on Cut Now and a Save PLT File window opens because earlier you had changed the connection
type to U_Disk. Browse to locate the USB flash drive you plan to use and name your PLT file:

Locate the USB flash

drive for saving your files

Click on Save
Enter a file name

• After saving the file, eject the flash drive and insert it into the right side of the Skycut. On the control panel,
select USB and then Open File:

Press Open File

Set up repeats, refer to

Section 1.14.1

(1) Double tap on USB DISK and a screen will open showing any folders and PLT files on the flash drive.
Double tap a folder to open it, as needed. Drag the scroll bar on the right to see more files:

Double tap here

Drag here to scroll

(2) Once you have located the PLT file you want to cut, double tap the name. You will be taken back to the
USB screen and the selected file name will be displayed:

Double tap on
selected file to go
back to USB screen

Click here and

cutting will begin

(3) If you wish to cut repeats of the file, select Array Set and a screen will open where you can then select
the number of rows and columns of repeats, along with the spacing between the repeats. Refer to
Section 1.14.1.
(4) If your project is a print and cut (aka contour cut) application, please refer to Section 3.08.
(5) When you are ready to cut, click on Start Cut.

1.13 Test Draw Shapes

• New owners tend to be VERY eager to try out their Skycut. It’s important to test your cutter to ensure that
data is being sent properly from your computer to the cutter. The following steps will allow you to do some
testing with the pen tool. But note that the following steps are for DRAWING, not cutting. Before
inserting the blade holder into your cutter, please read the following Sections 1.07.2, 1.07.3, 2.01, 2.02, and
• It is also very important to understand where shapes will cut based on various available options in
SignMaster. This is partially addressed in the next section; complete details are covered in Section 2.02.2.
• Before setting up a file for testing, if you are new to SignMaster, it is recommended that you watch the
following introductory video:
• You have two options when using the test pen:
 Insert a sheet of paper directly into the cutter. Make sure the paper is past the ruler so that it doesn’t
catch when feeding the paper forward:

Observe how pinch

wheels are centered with
white rectangles

 Or…Place the paper onto the cutting mat and then insert the cutting mat into the cutter:

Observe how pinch

wheels are centered with
white rectangles

Feed the mat this
direction into the

Align the paper along

Only the front part of the one of the grid lines on
mat and material will be the cutting mat.
in the front of the

• Use any of the horizontal markings at the front of the Skycut (such as the ruler) to align the mat so that it’s
straight. Lift the pinch lever to drop the pinch wheels onto the cutting mat. Most of the mat and the paper
should now be behind the cutter, not in the front.

• Before installing the test pen, make sure the pen will write by scribbling on scrap paper. Note that you will
probably need to remove a tiny bit of wax on the end of the pen nib. Then follow these steps:
 Loosen the screw on the left-side blade holder seat, which is considered the “default” side.
 Insert the blade holder allowing it to freely rest on top of the paper.
 Before tightening the front screw, raise the test pen up a little bit (~ 1/8” or several mm). You don’t want
the pen still touching the paper but you also don’t want the pen too high above the paper either.
 Tighten the front screw to lock in the test pen. Be careful not to push down on the blade holder seat
while tightening.

IMPORTANT! This is NOT the recommended method for loading the blade holder into the cutter.
This is presented as a quick way to insert the test pen so that it is in a good position for drawing.
The instructions for inserting the blade holder will be covered in Section 2.01.3.

• The arrow keys on the Skycut’s control panel will always be used to set the origin for cutting:

Press this green circle so

that the left head will be

The middle button can be

toggled, if needed, so that
the movement is much
Use these arrows to move
the mat in and out and slower.
move the head left and

 Click on the buttons or the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the head left or right and the mat in
and out. The goal is to have the tip of the pen close to the lower right corner of the paper:

Feed the mat this
direction into the

Move the pen tip

Move pen tip to this corner of
to this corner the paper
of the paper.

 Once the pen tip is near the lower right corner, you are ready to proceed with the test.

• The Force and Speed will also be set using the control panel. Press the Speed/Force button and the
following window opens where you can set the Speed and Force to the settings shown. Note that you can
either press the + and – buttons or you can slide the orange bar with your finger or stylus:

Change the Speed to ~ 8

Change the Force to ~30

• In SignMaster, on the left side tool panel, press and hold the General Power Shapes icon and, from the
drop-down menu, select the Arrow option:

Press and hold the

General Power Shapes

Select Arrow

• Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse in the Drawing Area to create the arrow shape.
In this test, it doesn’t matter where you place the arrow on SignMaster’s Drawing Area, as it will be drawn
at the origin you set on the machine.

• If you wish to resize the arrow, either drag one of the square handles around the selected arrow or, in the
settings above the Drawing Area, change the Width or Height, if desired:

Width and Height

• At this point, if you plan to export this file to a USB flash drive, rather than cut directly to the Skycut from
SignMaster, please go to Section 1.12.4 for instructions.

• After making any changes to the design, click on the Cut, Plot & Engrave Tools icon and select
Send to Cutter. The following window opens. More about the settings on the left side of the window will be
covered in Section 2.03. For now, just note where the shape will cut relative to the material:

Note where design

will cut relative to
where the blade
holder is positioned

Test pen is positioned in

the lower right corner of
the material before

• Before executing the cut/draw process, the Pen tool will be selected. Click on the Cutter Control tab and
the following settings will be displayed:
Click on the Cutter Control tab Open Blade Settings Library

Tool settings

• Click on the small icon to left of Passes and the Blade Settings Library opens:

Click down arrow

• To switch to the test pen, click the down arrow to the right of Description and select Pen Tool:

Pen Tool now

appears here

Select Pen Tool A test pen image appears

• Click on Apply and the Cutter Settings (Tool settings) will update showing a 0.00 setting for Blade Offset
(more about this setting is covered in Section 2.03.3):

Blade Offset should now read 0.00

Pen Tool should now appear here

• Click on Cut Now and a confirmation window opens. Answer Yes to proceed, No to cancel:

• After selecting Yes, the Skycut will draw the arrow on your paper:

Feed the mat this
direction into the

The arrow is drawn at the origin

and points to the right.

• To draw again, return to the cut window and choose a different origin. Practice moving the origin to different
locations. If you want to have the arrow draw in a Landscape orientation, then mark the Rotate option. You
will see the arrow rotate in the Preview:

Check Rotate

Note arrow is
now rotated

• Cutting with this setting results in the arrow pointing downwards as shown in the prior preview window:

Feed the mat this

direction into the

The arrow is drawn at the origin

and points down

• If you want the arrow to draw where you have it located on the Drawing Area in SignMaster’s main screen,
versus at the origin, then you need to mark the option called Absolute (position) in the same Send to be
Cut window:

Location of arrow in
Drawing Area

Arrow will now draw in

Check Absolute (position) this location

Test pen is still positioned in lower right

corner of material before drawing

• Set the origin in the lower right corner of the mat’s grid and then place the paper in the correct location on
the mat to correspond to where the shape is positioned in SignMaster. Refer to Section 2.02.2 for more
details on controlling where images will cut.

IMPORTANT: Please read Section 2.01 before cutting!

1.14 Default Settings To Consider

• The Skycut’s control panel offers a number of default settings. Some of these may not be important at this
point in the learning process. So, you may want to skip this section for now but remember that it’s here and
could provide you some options to improve your experience with the Skycut.
• Each of the following sections will refer to one of the settings in the Set screen.

1.14.1 Advanced Settings

• The optional settings in the Advanced Settings screen are:

Set up rows & columns of repeats

Display (X,Y) location of cutting
Separate Cut Speed from Up
Speed Turn on if you want cutting head
to move to the far right when
Option to change directions on cutter is powered on
up/down keys
Option to change back to
single head only
Sizing Calibration
Refer to Section 2.08

• Array: Tap the Array button to open the Array screen:

Tap here to turn on Array

Repeats for a print and cut application

Refer to Section 3.08
Number of repeats: left to right

Number of repeats: up & down

Spacing between left-to-right repeats

Spacing between up-&-down repeats

 In the above screenshot, the shape sent to the Skycut would cut 3 across and 7 up & down, for a total of
21 shapes. The spacing between each shape would be 0.20 inches (Note: to use mm instead of inches,
switch the Units setting. Refer to Section 1.14.2).

• Show Point: When toggled on, the Main Screen displays movement and location output based on the
position of the cutting head:

Relative Location Absolute Location

As arrow keys are tapped, all locations

Press here to reset will update
Relative Location

Speed control for arrows buttons is

located here when Show Point is on.
Press to toggle to slow speed when

 Absolute Location displays the current location relative to a “power-on” location of (0,0):
o X is the left-to-right location
o Y is the up-&-down location
o L is the straight-line distance from (0,0)

 Relative location displays the change in location currently being made as you press the arrow keys:
o x is the current left-to-right distance moved from X
o y is the current up-&-down distance moved from Y
o l is the straight-line distance from the (X,Y) location

• Up Speed is how fast the blade travels while in the “up” position, such as when it is moving from the origin
to the location of the first shape to cut or when moving from one cut shape to begin cutting another. When
turned off, Up Speed will match the SPEED set for cutting. Turning on this setting will change the
Speed/Force screen to display both speeds, allowing them to have different settings:

Head Selection Head Selection

Cut and Up Up Speed


Cut Speed


• To right power on: With this setting turned on, the cutting head will move to the far right whenever the
Skycut is powered on.

• Y Key Mode: This setting controls the movement of the material or cutting mat when using the up and down
arrows in the Main Screen:

Pressing an UP arrow will move
the material forward Pressing an UP arrow will move the
material towards the back of the
Pressing a DOWN arrow will cutter
move material towards the back
of the cutter Pressing a DOWN arrow will move
material forward

• System Mode is used to select whether or not the dual head options are available on the main screen:

Normal cutting/drawingwith just a

blade holder or test pen on the
left side

Option to use both heads

• Scale is used is used to input the sizing calibration. Refer to Section 2.08.

1.14.2 General Settings

• The optional settings in the General Settings screen are:

Set preferred lighting intensity

Select blackout time for

screens and end-of-cut alarm
Select inches or millimeters
Select preferred language for
control panel

• LED set allows you to change the brightness of the light inside the Skycut or even turn it off:

Drag to change the intensity

of the light

Turn off light

• Screen and alarm has two settings:

 Screensaver time: Set a black-out time, in minutes, for the control panel
 Alarm after finish working: When a job is complete, have an alarm sound (five beeps)

Decrease Screensaver time Increase Screensaver time (or

(or drag the orange bar) drag the orange bar)

Turn on Alarm to beep at end of


• Unit allows you to choose either inches or mm for settings such as Show Point and the Spacing setting
under Array.

• Language allows you to choose from eight languages to be used throughout the control panel display

1.14.3 Sys Information

• The Sys Information screen displays information about the Skycut and only has three setting changes

Model ID’s and version


Press and hold to open

Software Screen
BAUD setting based on
software selected

Press and hold to reset Skycut

 This initial screen displays current version numbers.

 If you ever need to reset your Skycut, press and hold Default All until it turns red. Then wait for the
button to update to Success!
 If you ever need to change which software is in use with your Skycut, press and hold SOFT for two
seconds and release. The following screen will open:

Software options

BAUD setting based on

software selected

 To use a different software program to cut to the Skycut, press inside the appropriate circle. The Baud
Rate indicator will automatically change if needed.

1.15 Maintenance

Skycut machines do not require any kind of lubrication or routine checks. However, here are a few things to
keep in mind for successful operation of your cutter:
• Keep the pinch wheels clean. Depending on the adhesive being used on the cutting mat, it’s possible for the
pinch wheels to become sticky and pick up small pieces of cardstock or other material being cut. This can
lead, in some cases, to the mat skewing or ruining materials during subsequent cuts. To clean the pinch
wheels, use a lint-free cloth and an adhesive remover such as isopropyl alcohol or Un-Du to clean the pinch
wheels thoroughly.
• Keep the grit shafts clean. Equally important as the pinch wheels, the grift shafts beneath the cutting mat
should also be free of adhesive and tiny bits of material. They can be cleaned the same way as the pinch
wheels. Note: Do not pour cleaner onto a grit shaft. Instead, dab some adhesive remover onto a lint-free
cloth and then use the damp cloth to clean the shafts. You can also use tweezers to remove any material or
adhesive that is stuck to a shaft.
• Keep the cutting mat clean and sticky. As mentioned in the Section 1.08.2, the cutting mat can be washed
with soap and water to remove small invisible pieces of material which are reducing the tackiness of the
cutting mat. After drying, you can add more repositionable adhesive, if needed.
• Check your blade holder, as needed. If suddenly you cannot get a clean cut, check the blade holder for any
tiny slivers of material that may have been caught up by the blade and fed up inside the blade holder.
• If you cut vinyl or other backed materials regularly, you may need to replace the cutting strip at some point.
You will be able to tell based on seeing deep cuts in the strip and an inconsistency in the cutting. Contact
your dealer for information on obtaining a replacement.

1.16 Other Useful Tools and Supplies

• The following list has items you may or may not need while enjoying your Skycut. These are suggestions
based on twelve years of collecting information from other cutter owners:
 Brayer or Rolling Pin: (1) to apply lint from a towel onto an overly sticky mat (2) to press materials
evenly onto a mat for cutting
 Post-It Notes: (1) for setting blade/tool tip height above a material (2) for draw and cut applications
 Old Fluffy Bath Towel: (1) to dry a washed mat (2) to apply an invisible layer of lint onto an overly-
sticky mat
 Dishwashing Soap: (1) to remove visible and invisible fibers from the mat, thus renewing the adhesive
(2) to clean the mat well before adding more adhesive
 Soft Brush: (1) to gently remove waste scraps during the washing of a mat. Refer to Section 1.08.2.
 Artist Palette Knife: (1) to gently remove cut shapes from a mat (2) to scrape off small waste pieces
from a mat
 Blue Painter’s Tape: (1) to tape around the edges of thicker materials that might slip during cutting
 Repositionable Adhesives: (1) to add more adhesive to a cutting mat (most any brand or type can be
used, provided it is repositionable). Refer to Section 1.08.2 for suggestions and instructions.
 Adhesive Removers: (1) to completely strip a cutting mat of adhesive (2) to disarm adhesive long
enough to remove large scraps of material that will not peel off
 Lint-free Cloth: (1) for dusting off your cutter and cleaning pinch wheels and grit shafts
 Awl or Paper Piercer (or other sharp pointed tool): (1) to pick or lift out a test cut to verify results

 Stabilizers: A stabilizer is an adhesive material that is applied to the bottom of the material you are
cutting so that cleaner cuts can be achieved. The stabilizer works in one or more of the following ways –
(1) provides firmer contact with the cutting mat (2) provides a final layer that does not need to be cut if
the stabilizer will be removed after cutting (3) prevent some slightly-elastic materials from being
stretched by the blade. Recommended stabilizers include freezer paper, Thermo-web Heat n’ Bond,
and Steam-a-Seam 2.
 Double-sided Tape: (1) For securing metal tags or charms to the cutting mat for engraving
 Non-slip Shelf Liner: (1) To place under cardstock and other material when embossing

2. Cutting

2.00 Quick Reference for this Chapter

• How to properly mount the blade holder: Section 2.01.3

• How to control which shapes get cut: Section 2.02.1
• How to control where shapes get cut: Section 2.02.2
• Understanding Blade Offset and Overcut: Section 2.03.3 and Section 2.03.4
• How to set a very precise origin: Section 2.05.1
• How to add weeding lines to a cut: Section 2.06.3
• Checklist before cutting: Section 2.07
• How to get shapes to cut to precise dimensions: Section 2.08
• How to know which settings to adjust to solve cutting issues: Section 2.09

The Most Common New Owner Mistakes:

• Too much blade is exposed on the blade holder (material is lifting up and/or tearing) - refer back to Section
• The blade holder or test pen haven’t been properly mounted - refer to Section 2.01.3
• The pinch wheels are not properly positioned (material or mat is sliding around or bunching up during the
cut) – refer back to Section 1.09
• Failing to do a test cut (recommended cut settings are not working) – refer to Section 2.01.5 and 2.09
• Not practicing enough with the test pen and paper (shapes are not cutting in the correct locations) – refer to
Section 2.02.2

2.01 What You Need to Understand About Cutting

IMPORTANT: Please read all of 2.01!!!

2.01.1 You Have To Make Mistakes

• The key to becoming successful at cutting is to do a lot of it. Those who shy away from using their Skycut
will never get to the stage of mastering it. It’s very normal for new owners to be intimidated by their cutter,
so remember the following key things:
 You won’t break your new Skycut by cutting paper, vinyl, cardstock, and other easy-to-cut materials.
The worst thing that might possibly happen is that you’ll break a blade. That’s it! And the likelihood of
even that happening is low.
 You need to start cutting so that you’ll begin making mistakes! It’s in making these mistakes that you
start to learn. You realize that these mistakes didn’t result in a broken cutter. Plus, you’ll stop making
the same mistakes as you remember more of the things you need to check before every cut.
 As you make fewer mistakes you begin to build confidence and you begin to have more cutting success.
From there, you begin to experiment more and produce more. Thus, your best course of action is to just
start cutting… a lot! But first, read the rest of this chapter.

2.01.2 Record Your Successes

• As you have successful cuts, take note of the settings you just used, such as Force, Speed, blade type,
number of passes, brand of material, etc. There is a blank form in Section 2.10 that you can print and use to
record your results. There are also suggested settings for common materials at the end of this chapter. Use
these as starting guides but remember that your results may vary based on the many factors which can
affect cutting.

2.01.3 Installing the Blade Holder, Test Pen, or Accessory Tools

• The gold blade holder has a rim around the outside that will, when cutting most materials, rest on the silver
part of the blade holder seat. When inserting the blade holder, loosen the front screw and then grasp the
top and the bottom of the black piece and move back a bit while inserting the blade holder. The blade holder
should then drop down so that the rim is below the black top piece of the blade holder seat:

Rim of blade holder is resting

on the silver part of the blade
holder seat With the front screw loose, the
black piece can be moved
back just a little bit to allow
the blade holder to drop

• The Blade Height is the distance from the tip of the blade to the top of the material you are about to cut.
Thus, in the photo above, you can see that there are several millimeters of Blade Height which is important
for two reasons:
 You do not want the blade dragging across the material when the blade holder is moving from the origin
to the first shape to cut (or between shapes).
 More force is applied when there is a drop distance for the blade holder to start cutting. This is also
referred to as “punch room” and provides more consistent cutting across the width of the machine.

• When cutting a very thick material, such as 2 mm craft foam, it is recommended that the rim on the blade
holder be resting on top of the black piece:

IMPORTANT: Only install

this way when cutting very
thick materials!

Rim of blade holder is resting

on the black part of the blade
holder seat

• When using the test pen or an accessory tool without a rim, you’ll need to insert the tool using a spacer on
top of the material. A stack of 35 Post-It notes or 35 sheets of regular copy paper work well.
 The recommended method for loading the test pen or another accessory:
o Place the spacer on top of the material, with the material loaded into the Skycut.
o Loosen the screw on the blade holder seat and insert the tool so that the tip of the tool is touching
the top of the spacer:

Pen tip just touches top
of spacer

Spacer is on top of material

which is on top of mat

o Now tighten the front screw carefully making sure you are NOT pushing down on the blade holder
seat. Once tight, remove the spacer. You should feel the tool gently scratching the top of the
o This distance will provide the tool some “punch room” to give extra force and more consistent

2.01.4 Adjust the Speed, Force, and Number of Passes Based on the Material and Shapes

• Using correct cut settings is equally important as the type of blade, blade length, and blade height. Refer to
Section 2.03 for details about each setting.

2.01.5 Perform Test Cuts!

• You have two options:

(1) Perform the built-in test cut on the Skycut itself using the Test option on the Main Screen or from within
the Speed/Force Screen.
(2) Select any basic shape and size it to be around 0.3” – 0.5” (~ 8 mm – 13 mm):
o I personally like using a design with an internal shape, such as a ring. You can then easily see if the
blade is cutting into the mat (or into the backing sheet on rolled materials) when you lift out the cut
shape and observe where the internal shape cut. To locate a ring, click on the General Power

Shapes icon on the left side Tool Panel and go to Basic Shapes>Basic.
o When cutting intricate shapes, use a small letter or a shape will lots of sharp turns for testing. For a
rhinestone project, use a small portion of your rhinestone pattern as a test.
• There is a flow chart in Section 2.09 which will help you determine which settings to change when test
cutting a material.

2.01.6 Keep the Cutting Mat Clean and Sticky

• Press your materials evenly to the mat. Consider using a brayer both before AND after cutting. Repressing
the material after cutting can greatly aid in weeding the cut shapes from the waste.
• When necessary, tape thicker materials to the mat to keep them from slipping during the cut.
• If you cut a range of materials, you might need more than one mat so that you can use stickier mats for
certain materials.
• Refer back to Section 1.08 for information on cleaning the cutting mat and adding more adhesive,

2.01.7 Don’t Get Frustrated, Get Help!

• Besides having your own Skycut dealer as your first line of contact, there are other resources where you
can ask questions and get answers. Utilize the resources listed in Section 1.01.

2.02 Choices Before Cutting

• There are a number of factors under your control for cutting:

 What shapes to send to the cutter: Section 2.02.1

 Where the shapes will be cut from the material: Section 2.02.2
 What tool(s) will be used for cutting (or drawing, scoring, engraving, etc.): Section 2.02.3
 What settings will be used: Section 2.02.4

2.02.1 Controlling Which Shapes Will Cut

• There are three ways to control whether a shape will be cut or ignored. In explaining these options, the
following shapes have been added to the Drawing Area. Note that this file (called Controlling What Cuts) is
shared in a zip file available here.

 Option 1: If no shapes are pre-selected, then all shapes will be sent to cut. However, if you pre-select,
for example, only the “Skycut” and the arrow, then only those shapes will appear in the Send to be Cut

These two
shapes are
Only those two
shapes appear in

o A more common practice is to select all objects of one color and only have those shapes sent to cut.
To do this, go to Edit>Select by>Color (or use the shortcut key “S”) and the following window will
open where you can, for example, mark Red to be selected. Then the Preview will only have
“Skycut”, the red circle, and the red star present:

It’s also noted here that
only red shapes are

Mark the box

by Red

Click on OK Only the red

shapes appear in

o Along the same lines, you can select all objects of type and only have those shapes sent to cut. To
do this, go to Edit>Select by>Object Type (or use the shortcut key “O”) and the following window
will open where you can, for example, mark Circle and Star. Then the Preview will only have
circles and the stars present:

Only the circles

and stars appear
in Preview

Mark boxes for

circles and stars

Click on OK

o Note that the icon at the top of the screen: will open a menu where you can then access the
same Select by Color or Select by Type options:
Click on the Select by icon

 Option 2: Mark shapes not to be cut on the Objects tab of the Page Thumbnail Viewer:
o To access the Objects tab, click on the small icon to the left of the palette:
Click this blue Click the Objects tab

All of the shapes

appear in a list

o Select a shape, such as the arrow. On the Object tab, it can then be set not to cut:

Click this icon to Arrow will not cut

turn off cutting

Arrow is

Arrow is no longer in Preview

 Option 3: Cutting can be controlled by color from within the Send to be Cut window. Click on the
Separate by Color option and a drop-down menu will appear:

Mark the
Separate by
Color option

Drop-down menu
of colors used in
the project

o In the Preview window, shapes with the current color from the menu appear. Also, the color is
selected at the top:

Black is outlined here

Black is selected
in the drop-down
menu The one black object is the
only shape shown in the

o Switching to blue changes the window accordingly:

Blue is now outlined

Blue is selected
in the drop-down

The two blue objects now

appear in the Preview

o Note that you can also change colors by clicking on those colored rectangles above the preview.

2.02.2 Controlling Where Shapes Will Cut

• This was briefly covered in Section 1.13 where the Rotate and the Absolute (position) options were

 Default: Moves the shapes to align with the origin you have set based on the blade tip.
 Absolute (position): Cuts the shapes where they are positioned on the Drawing Area.
 Print and Cut (aka Contour Cutting): Cuts the shapes relative to where registration marks are
o This is the mode used when you want to print images on your printer and then have the Skycut cut
them out.
o Registration marks are printed, along with your images. The printout is placed into the Skycut and a
built-in camera automatically locates and aligns with each printed mark. The Skycut will then cut out
your shapes based on triangulation. This is far more precise than Absolute (position) because it
takes into account not only any misalignment of your printout in the cutter, but also any errors in the
printing. Most printers do not print images precisely in the location on the paper as they are located
on the screen.
o Note that raster images (.JPG, .BMP, .PNG etc.) will need to be traced first so that cut lines are
created. Section 3.04 will present an example.
o Refer to Chapter 3 for complete instructions on calibrating the camera and examples of PNC

• You can also rotate a design for cutting, relative to how it appears on the Drawing Area:
 To rotate the project, go to Send to be Cut and mark the Rotate option:

 For example, in a project with long text, it is more convenient to view and edit the text in a left-to-right

 However, when you then send this project to the Preview window, you will observe that it is too wide to
cut from left to right on your Skycut:

Project is too wide to
cut left-to-right

The red lines and dimensions

also indicate the project
cannot be cut

 Marking the option for Rotate will then rotate the design and allow the project to cut:

Rotated project will now fit

within the width of the machine

The black lines and dimensions

indicate the project can now be cut

2.02.3 Selecting the Tool to be Used for Cutting

• To select the tool you’ll be using, open the Send to be Cut window and click on the Open Blade Settings
Library icon:
Click on this icon

• The Blade Settings Library window will open. Click on the down arrow to the right of Description where
you can access a drop-down menu for the Blade Type:

Click here

Tool menu

• Selecting one of the options, such as 45 degree blade will display an image of the blade, the Blade Offset
and Overcut assigned as a Preset:

Color of cap on a
Skycut 45 degree

Presets for Blade Offset

and Overcut

• Sections 2.03.3 and 2.03.4 will explain Blade Offset and Overcut settings. Section 2.04 will explain how to
modify these settings, if needed and save as a Preset.

2.02.4 Determining the Cut Settings

• There are three locations in SignMaster where Cut Settings can be selected:
 Send to be Cut>Cutter Control tab (which was covered in Section 1.13)
 Send to be Cut>General tab
 Vinyl Spooler>Cut Options tab

• Send to be Cut>General

 Use this location when you need to assign different settings to different layers of your project. For
example, let’s say you wanted to use the embossing tool to score lines in a popup card, followed by
cutting out the card itself. Or, another example would be using the test pen to draw a design and then
cutting a contour around it. Under General Options, Assign Tools by Color is marked and then, below
that in the Cutting Tool Presets section, individual colors can be highlighted and cut settings assigned
by selecting a Preset or by clicking on Edit:

Mark Assign Tools by Color

A color is selected

A Preset is selected or settings

can be entered by clicking on Edit

 More details for using this feature are covered in Sections 4.01.1 and 4.02.2.

• Vinyl Spooler>Cut Options

 Use this option as an alternative to entering settings via the Cutter Control tab. It can be accessed from
the Properties button in the Send to be Cut window. You will also use it in print and cut (contour cut)
applications to check and adjust cut settings as well.

Click Properties to open

Vinyl Spooler window

 In the Vinyl Spooler window, click on the Cut Options tab and the cut settings are located in the lower
section of that window:

Section 2.03.3
Section 2.03.4

Section 2.03.1

Section 2.03.2

• These settings should be understood thoroughly, as you will be adjusting them often as you change
materials or as your blade dulls over time. Note the prior screenshot shows the section number to go to for
more information.

• IMPORTANT: At the time of this writing, Travel Speed defaults to the Up Speed on the control panel. Thus,
this setting cannot be changed from within SignMaster. Additionally, both the Cut Speed and the Travel
Speed will default to the values on the control panel when Tool 1 (right side) is selected. Therefore, it is
highly recommended that all settings be made on the control panel, at this time.

2.03 Cut Settings

• Before presenting the various settings, note that the Force and Speed settings can be set on the control
panel itself. In order to cut from SignMaster and use the settings on the Skycut, uncheck these boxes in
either of the two places where the settings can be made:

 Send to be Cut>Cutter Control window:

Uncheck these boxes if Speed and

Force settings on Skycut are to be used

 Vinyl Spooler>Cut Options window:

Uncheck these boxes if Speed and

Force settings on Skycut are to be used

2.03.1 Force

• Force (also called Pressure) ranges from 30 to 160 where the maximum of 160 represents ~2000g of
cutting force. If it is set too low, the material cannot be cut. In fact, it is recommended that the minimum
setting is always 30 or higher. However, if it is set too high, you will get bad cutting (even incomplete cutting
at times) and tearing of the material. Always perform small test cuts before cutting your actual project and
make adjustments in order to get a clean test cut before proceeding with your larger cut.
• Dull blades will need more force than new blades, thus anticipate increasing the force over the life of the
• When cutting materials that can use either blade, the 45o blade (red cap) will need a little more force than
the 60o blade (blue cap), because of the extra contact with the material being cut and because the 60o blade
is cut much thinner, making it a “sliver blade.”
• As noted earlier, this setting can be made on the Skycut control panel instead. Press the Force/Speed icon

and then set the FORCE to the desired level.

2.03.2 Cut Speed and Up Speed

• Cut Speed (also called Down Speed) is how fast the blade travels while it is in the “down” or cutting
position. Up Speed (also called Travel Speed) is how fast the blade travels while in the “up” position, such
as when it is moving from the origin to the location of the first shape to cut or when moving from one cut
shape to begin cutting another.
• The Skycut has 13 speed settings ranging from “snail’s pace slow” to “insanely fast.”
 The settings from 1 through 4 are the slow speeds and should be used when cutting dense difficult
materials, such as chipboard, craft plastic, styrene, and balsa.
 The settings from 5 through 8 are medium speeds and should be used for easy-to-cut materials, such
as cardstock, vinyl, iron-on transfer, and rhinestone template material.
 The settings from 9 through 12 are the fast speeds and are useful for engraving, embossing, and
drawing. You may, however, find that some materials will cut well at the faster speeds.

• Cut Speed is usually more important to control since the blade may need more contact time with a
particular material. Up Speed can usually be left quite high although, for print and cut accuracy, it may need
to be lowered if there are many shapes to be cut from a printout.
• On the Skycut control panel, the default setting is to have the Up Speed and Cut Speed the same and

referred to as SPEED. This can be adjusted by pressing the Force/Speed icon and then setting the
SPEED to the desired level. In order to enter a separate Up Speed on the control panel, refer to Section

2.03.3 Blade Offset

• Blade Offset is the horizontal distance from the center of the blade shaft to the tip of the blade. A pen or
engraving tool has an offset of 0 because the tip is centered with the center of the pen/engraving tool shaft.
But a blade is different:

Imagine a line
passing through The Offset is the distance
the center of the There is no
between the center of the
test pen or Offset on a
blade holder and the tip of the
blade pen.

• If you set the Blade Offset to 0 when cutting with a blade, corners will be rounded. On the other hand, if it is
set too high, bubbles will be cut on sharp corners:

Offset is too low: Offset is too high: bubbles

corners are rounded appear at the corners

• Below are the approximate Blade Offset settings to use for each of the three types of Skycut blades:
 Red capped blade: 0.3 mm
 Blue capped blade: 0.4 mm
 Blue capped reflective blade: 0.6 mm
 Yellow capped blade: 0.75 mm

• Any time you order new blades, check for the recommended Blade Offset on the packaging. However, it’s
not unusual for blades to be slightly off-spec.

• SignMaster has two built-in Blade Offset calibration routines which can be used to determine the best
Blade Offset setting for the current blade in use. Here are the steps to access either one:

 Select the material you want to use for testing, such as vinyl, paper, or cardstock. Note how much
material will be needed for the test you select and add a few inches to these dimensions:
o Normal Test: Width: ~9” (354 mm) Height: ~3.5” (89 mm)
o Quick Test: Width: ~4.5” (114 mm) Height: ~1” (25 mm)

 Install the blade you wish to calibrate into the blade holder and mount the blade holder in the Skycut.
Enter appropriate settings in SignMaster or on the Skycut control panel. Test cut a small shape to make
sure the settings are correct.
 Go to the Vinyl Spooler window and select the Calibrations tab.
 Click on the Blade Offset icon and a new window opens:

1. Select
Calibration tab

4. After loading material and

verifying cut settings on the
Skycut, click here.

2. Click on Blade
3. Select either Normal Test
Offset icon
or Quick Test (note material
requirements below)

 In both tests, the instructions on the screen will guide you on how to enter the best result and then will
display the recommended Blade Offset to use. This new Blade Offset value will then be updated in the
cut settings. Instructions on how to add this setting as a Preset are covered in Section 2.04.

2.03.4 Overcut

• Overcut is related to Blade Offset in that it isn’t needed when using a pen, embosser, engraver, and so
forth, because the tips of those tools are aligned with the center of the tools themselves. However, leaving
Overcut at 0 when using the blade holder will result in large shapes not quite closing:

Overcut is too low:

paths do not close

• In some cutting programs, Overcut is not a separate setting but rather automatically calculated and applied
based on the Blade Offset entered. However, in SignMaster, you can enter an actual Overcut setting and
should do so any time a blade is used.
• In general, the blade type doesn’t greatly affect the Overcut required. Try using 1.00 mm. In the event you
cut a large closed shape, like an 8” circle, you may find that you’ll need to increase Overcut to 2.00 mm.

2.03.5 Passes

• The Passes setting causes each individual path to be cut the set number of passes before the blade moves
to the next path to cut. This is better than just repeating the entire cut as each repeated pass is cut with the
blade held down throughout the repeated passes, resulting in cleaner cutting.

• In general, when increasing Passes, the Force setting can be decreased. For example, you may find a
cardstock that requires a Force of 55 to cut in a single pass will only need a Force of 45 if cutting in two
• Passes is recommended in the following situations:
 Cutting thicker denser materials, such as chipboard, where multiple passes allow the blade to
progressively “carve” through the material
 Cutting certain fibrous materials, such as fabric, where a second pass will insure that all of the fibers
have been cleanly cut
 Cutting intricate or detailed shapes (such as script titles) from certain materials, such as heavy or
textured cardstock, where a single pass may leave certain spots not cleanly cut
 Cutting rhinestone template material where a second pass results in much cleaner weeding of the cut

• You will find a Passes setting in the Send to be Cut>Cutter Control window, under the Cutter Control

Change Passes here

• IMPORTANT: In the current version of SignMaster Pro, Passes does not work if Assign Tools by Color is
activated. Therefore, if you have a project requiring separate settings for layers, such as a score and cut
project, the Passes function on the Skycut’s control panel should be used instead.
• To activate Passes, press the USB button on the main screen and you will see a Passes button in the
window which opens: Press it to open the Passes screen:

Press Passes

• Press the Passes button to open the following screen:

Mark this option to activate Passes

With the upper option selected,

the screen will display Recut Choose the recut mode based on
times: descriptions below

Use + and – buttons to enter

number of Passes

• Recut mode has two options:

 If the upper option is marked, then the screen shows a setting called Recut times which you set based
on the number of passes you want both sides to perform. Note that it will execute both sides’ shapes
before doing additional passes.
 If the lower option is marked, the screen changes and you can enter different passes for the two heads
to perform. Note that it will execute the passes on one side before executing the passes on the other

Mark this option to activate Passes

Choose the recut mode based on

descriptions below
With the lower option selected,
the screen will display repeat
settings for both sides, separately
Use + and – buttons to enter
number of Passes for each side

• IMPORTANT: Currently the Open recut option will default to off whenever the Skycut is first powered on.
Thus, make a mental note (or, even better, put a Post-It note on your cutter) to turn this option on when
using multiple passes in dual head operations.

2.04 Presets

• Presets allow you to save your settings for a particular blade type or material.

2.04.1 Saving a Preset for a Blade Type

• Let’s say you conducted the calibration for Blade Offset in Section 2.03.3 and determined it to be 0.40 for
your red capped blade. To save this setting as a preset, use the following steps:

 Go to the Send to be Cut>Cutter Control window and click on the icon to the right of Blade Offset to
open the Blade Settings Library:

Click on the Cutter Control tab Open Blade Settings Library

 In the Blade Settings Library, click on the + icon to the right of Description and a window will open
where you can enter the name for your new preset:

Click on + Enter a new name

 Click on OK and then select which blade type you are using for this new preset Enter the new Blade
Offset and Overcut values. Then click Update:

1. Select type of blade

3. Click on Update
2. Enter new Blade Offset
and Overcut values
4. Click on Apply

 Click on Apply to close the Blade Settings Library. The new preset will now be available for selection
in the Description menu.

• If you need to delete a preset, select it from the Description menu and click on the “-“ icon to the right.

2.04.2 Saving a Preset for a Material

• IMPORTANT: As was noted in Section 2.02.4, Up Speed (aka Travel Speed) is not functional in
SignMaster and both speed settings do not apply with Tool 1 (right side) applications. Thus, unless using a
preset with Tool 0 (left side) cutting, it is recommended that presets be made on the control panel.
• Before proceeding, note the following:

 Even if you are not using the right side for a particular material, make sure the control panel is set to
Double under Set>Advanced Settings. Otherwise any presets entered will be automatically assigned
to the right side.
 Because settings for any given material or application would need to be entered twice to make those
settings available for both right and left sides, consider which side you might always choose to use. For
example, if you always use the left side for cutting and the right side for scoring, then only enter those
settings for those sides.
 There’s a maximum of 10 presets allowed, thus consider which materials or applications are most
important to you.

• To create a preset:
 Verify that Use Double Head is selected on the main control panel screen:

Mark Use Double Head

 Press the Force/Speed icon to open the Force/Speed screen:

Select which side will

be used

Adjust settings by sliding bar

or using + and - buttons

Click on Save

 Make the necessary changes to the SPEED and FORCE settings. Select Save and the following screen

Select an
unused box Select

 Press one of the unused preset boxes, e.g. name5, and it will turn blue indicating it is highlighted. Select
 A window opens where you can enter the name for the new Preset. The characters are entered in the
same manner as the Password entry window in Section 1.12.2. Note that there is a 15 character limit.
Click on OK when done:

New preset name

will display here

Switch to

Switch to punctuation
Delete last
Toggle to switch between character
uppercase and
lowercase letters

Click OK when done

 You will now see the name of your new preset and you can press Save to add it to the saved presets
with the FORCE and SPEED you set. You will be returned to the Force/Speed screen.

New Preset

Press Save

 To verify the preset or to select a different preset, press Preset. The Preset window opens where you
can see all of the Presets, along with the settings for those presets. In that window you can also select
a different preset. Then you can select Rename to edit its name or select Load to select that preset’s
Force and Speed into the Force/Speed screen. Note that if you need additional Passes when cutting a
material, they will need to be set using the instructions from Section 2.03.5.


Select Rename to Select Load to change

edit the name Speed and Force to
these settings

2.05 Setting the Origin before Cutting

• Before you cut, you should check to see where the blade tip is located in relation to the material so that the
shapes will cut in the appropriate location.
• IMPORTANT! The Skycut D24 has a maximum cutting width of 24 inches. If you move the head too far to
the left to begin the cut and your project is wide, you may exceed the left side limit and cutting will stop at
that point with no option but to abort.
• To set the origin, press the arrow buttons on the main screen of the control panel. Remember that the
middle button can be toggled between regular speed and a slow speed for more control:
Press here to
toggle origin
setting speed

• In general, you set the origin near the lower right corner of the material, as you did during your initial test
drawing in Section 1.13.

• If you ever choose to have Use R (Head) (P1) selected on the control panel, the origin will be base on the
right side tool, verus the normal left side:

Press here to switch to right side only.

The origin will now be based on the

tool mounted on the right side of the
Skycut D

2.05.1 Setting an Origin Using the Camera

• In the event you need to set an extremely precise origin, the Skycut’s built-in camera can be used:
(1) Go to Section 3.03 and perform the camera calibration.
(2) Choose where you want the origin to be set. You’ll need an “origin target” to use when the camera takes
a photo. It can be a dot on your material, the corner of your material, the intersection of grid lines on the
mat, etc. If you do choose the latter, make sure there’s a way to clearly distinguish which intersection
you want to use.

(3) On the Skycut’s Main Screen, use the arrows to move the center of the blade holder roughly over the
origin target. In this example, a dot will be used.
(4) Select Set and Camera. In the Camera Screen, press OK. A photo will be taken and displayed. If
needed, press X3 so that you are zoomed out and able to see the origin target (dot) in the photo:

Origin Target (dot) Blue dashed +

Red +

(5) Press the center of the origin target in the photo so that the red + will be moved approximately over it:

(6) Press OK. In the new photo, the blue dashed + should be close to the origin target. Press X3 to zoom

(7) Use the arrow buttons to move the red + as close as possible to the center of the origin target:

(8) Press OK. At this point the blue dashed + should be centered with the origin target:

(9) Press the Home icon to return to the Main Screen. The head should move so that the blade holder is
now located over the origin target and you can proceed with the cutting process.

2.06 Other Cut Setting Functions

• There are other functions and features available in the Send to be Cut window that may be useful
depending on your application. Some have already been covered. Some will be covered in this section.
Others will be covered in later parts of this manual. Note the section numbers for reference:

Section 2.02.2 Section 2.06.1

Section 2.06.2 Section 2.02.2

Section 2.02.1 Option 3

Section 3.03 Section 4.01.1

Section 2.06.3 Section 2.06.3

Section 2.06.3
Section 2.06.4
Section 2.06.3

2.06.1 Advance Mode

• The Advance After Plot option in SignMaster Pro is actually controlled on the Skycut itself. The function
can be opened by going to Set>Advance Mode on the control panel.

Select from these

three options

Use “-“ and “+” buttons to

set an advance amount

 to start will cause the blade holder to return to the origin after cutting.
 to end will cause the blade holder to advance forward to the end of the cut project.
 to left will cause the blade holder to move to the left of the cut project.
 The settings below the option are activated when choosing either to end or to left. You can enter a
specific distance for the blade holder to advance. This is useful when cutting repeats of the same
project because it allows for the origin to be set automatically for the next repeated cut.

2.06.2 Mirror

• Checking the Mirror option will apply a horizontal mirror to the shape (s) before cutting. This is useful in
applications such as:
 Cutting HTV in which the material is placed faced down so that the heat protection layer is not
penetrated by the blade
 Cutting vinyl to be applied to the inside of a car or home window but primarily viewed from outside of the
 When cutting certain non-homogenous paper materials in which cutting upside down yields cleaner

Before applying Mirror After applying Mirror

2.06.3 Weeding Options

• For those cutting vinyl and HTV, the weeding options in SignMaster are worth noting.

 Auto Weed-Box: Marking this option places a single weed box around the entire project:

Before applying Auto Weed-Box After applying Auto Weed-Box – blue

border around design indicates weed cut

o Note: to change the size/offset of the weed box around the design, click on the Settings tab and
adjust, as desired:
Click Settings tab

Change offset here

 Auto Speed-Weed: Marking this option places a single weed box around the entire project with an
additional horizontal weed line through the middle:

Before applying Auto Speed-Weed After applying Auto Speed-Weed – blue weed
box plus horizonal weed cut in the middle

 Easy-Lift Weed Marks: Marking this option adds hooked lines to shapes with internal paths to make it
easier to lift with a weeding tool:

Before applying Easy-Lift Weed Marks After applying Easy-Lift Weed Marks –
hooked cuts are added to internal shapes for
easy lifting during the weeding process

 Speed-Weed Text Only: Mark this option when your design has a combination of both text and other
shapes so that only the text will have Speed Weed applied:

Before applying Speed-Weed Text Only After applying Speed-Weed Text Only –
text object has additional weed box plus
horizontal cut through the middle

2.06.4 Weld Text

• For script fonts, the Weld Text option will remove overlap between letters so that a word will cut as one
object. For example, if you go to View>Wireframe, you can see the overlap that will be cut when a script
font is used:

• You have the option to select the letters and apply the Weld function under the Shaping and Welding

Tools , thus removing overlap between letters:

• This, however, means you cannot change the font used or alter the spacing of the letters, etc., without
applying Undo. Therefore, the Weld Text option allows you to cut the text as if the Weld function has been

Before applying Weld Text After applying Weld Text – overlap

between letters is removed

2.07 Important Checklist Before You Cut!

• Do you have your material on the mat and the mat inserted into the Skycut? (Note: materials with a backing
sheet, such as vinyl and iron-on transfer do not require a mat for cutting)
• Have you selected pinch wheels positions that are roughly the same distance from the outside edges of the
cutting mat (or material, if not using the mat)?
• Are the pinch wheels in use centered over grit shafts (located below the white rectangle labels)?
• Do you have the pinch wheel lever raised (so that the pinch wheels are down)?
• Have you set the blade length/exposure based on the thickness of the material you are cutting?
• Do you have the blade holder firmly mounted in the blade holder seat and the blade tip at the correct height
above the material?
• Have you set the Origin (location of the blade tip) at the bottom right corner of your material (or wherever
you need the origin to be)?
• Have you selected the correct mode on the control panel (Left versus Right versus Double Head)?
• Have you set the Force? And the Speed? Do you need to do a test cut?
• Do you need to turn on Passes for this material?
• Have you selected the correct Blade Offset for the blade you are using?
• Do you see the correct shapes in the preview window?
• Do you need to select Rotate, Mirror or Absolute (Position) options? Do you know, with confidence, where
your shapes are going to cut?
• Do you need to apply any weeding options?

2.08 Scale Calibration

• If you were to cut out any particular shape, for example, a 10” x 10” square, you might find that it actually
measures 9-15/16” x 10-1/32”. It will be very close to 10” x 10” but perhaps just slightly smaller or larger in
either or both dimensions. Now this might be perfectly acceptable for the type of cutting you do. Therefore, it
may not even be necessary to do this particular calibration. However, if you do want to make sure your
shapes are cut precisely to scale, the following procedure will allow you to calibrate your Skycut.

• The calibration process can be conducted in inches, cm, or mm. Both mm and inches will be presented
here. In general, it is recommended that mm be used, however, if you do not have a metric ruler, then you
can use inches instead.
• Before beginning this calibration, make sure the Scale setting on the Skycut itself is still set to 1.0 and 1.0.
On your Skycut control panel, go to Set>Advanced Settings> Scale. The following window opens where
you can check the current X Scale and Y Scale values:

Verify X Scale and Y Scale

are both set to 1.0000

Use the + and – buttons to adjust

the numbers, if needed

• Return to the main screen. Then pick one of the two following sections and follow the instructions.

2.08.1 Scale Calibration Using Millimeters for Measurement

• SignMaster has a built-in resolution routine which can be used to easily perform this calibration:
 Go to the Vinyl Spooler window and select the Calibration tab.
 Click on the Cutter Scale icon:
1. Select the
Calibration tab

2. Click on the Cutter Scale icon

 A new window opens where you can enter the dimensions of a square or rectangle to draw with the test
pen. It is highly recommended that the dimensions be at least 200 mm. Note that in the current version
of SignMaster, the display in this window is always in inches. However, you can enter values in mm by
typing in “mm” after the number as shown:

Type in 200 mm
exactly as shown

 Press the tab key and the 200 mm will be automatically converted into inches. Repeat with Length:

Width has been

converted to in

Type in 200 mm
exactly as shown
Click here to start
the drawing

 On the Skycut, load a sheet of paper and insert the test pen. Move the test pen to the lower right corner
of the paper. Make sure you have proper settings for drawing and click on Cut Test to have the shape
 Using a mm ruler, carefully measure the Width (left-to-right) and the Length (top-to-bottom) that drew:

Feed the mat this direction

into the Skycut

Width, X

Length, Y

 Write these measurements onto your sheet:

 These values can now be entered into the same Width and Length fields, again adding “mm” after
each number as shown:

Enter actual Width and Enter actual Length

add “mm” and add “mm”

 After entering each number, the scaling percentage is automatically calculated:

Calculated Scale values

Click on Update

 Click on Update and a prompt window will ask if you want to Apply Scale Adjustment. Click on Yes
and you’ll be back in the Vinyl Spooler window. To verify the scaling, again click on Cutter Scale and
repeat the same steps. Make sure you leave your new scale factors in place by having the following
option marked:

Leave this checked for
each repeated test

 Once your test rectangle is drawing at the correct size, the calibration process is complete.

2.08.2 Scale Calibration Using Inches for Measurement

• SignMaster has a built-in resolution routine which can be used to easily perform this calibration:

 Go to the Vinyl Spooler window and select the Calibration tab. Click on the Cutter Scale icon:

1. Select the
Calibration tab

2. Click on the Cutter Scale icon

 A new window opens where you can enter the dimensions of a square or rectangle to draw with the test
pen. It is highly recommended that the dimensions be at least 8 inches:

Enter Width and

Length to use for test

Click here to start the drawing 75

 Load a sheet of paper and insert the test pen. Move the test pen to the lower right corner of the paper.
Make sure you have proper settings for drawing and click on Cut Test to have the shape drawn.
 Using a ruler, carefully measure the Width (left-to-right) and the Height (top-to-bottom) that drew:

Feed the mat this direction

into the Skycut

Width, X

Height Y

 Write these measurements onto your sheet:

 Convert the measurements to decimals and enter these values into the same Width and Length fields.
After entering each number, the scaling percentage is automatically calculated:

Enter actual Width Calculated Scale Click on Update 76

and Length values
 Click on Update and a prompt window will ask if you want to Apply Scale Adjustment. Click on Yes
and you’ll be back in the Vinyl Spooler window. To verify the scaling, again click on Cutter Scale and
repeat the same steps. Make sure you leave your new scale factors in place by having the following
option marked:

Leave this checked

 Once your test rectangle is drawing at the correct size, the calibration process is complete.

2.09 Test Cutting Flow Chart for the Skycut

• Select a small test shape. You can use the built-in test on the Skycut. However, a shape w ith an internal path, such as a ring, works better
as it allows you to more easily check to see if the blade is cutting into the backing sheet or cutting mat.
• Start with conservative Force and Speed.
• Insert the blade holder as instructed in Section 2.01.3.
• On the control panel: Set>Advance Mode, choose to End or to Left and enter a small distance, such as 0.5” or 10 mm to space each test.
• Set origin in the lower right corner of the material.

1. Scratched the surface;

Cut was clean! A Perform the D did not cut through the
test cut. material.


Cut was mostly clean but had some Partial cut (cut through in some spots
tearing and/or crumpling but not in others)

Increase force by 10. If you’ve already repeated this

Check cutting step several times, try setting Passes = 2 (or higher
mat*** for cut on dense materials). If doing test cut at control panel,
lines. change Advance Mode: to Start so that a second
test cut will be in the same location.
Return to 1.

Increase force by 10 and

There are deep cut There are no cut lines in increase blade exposure by
lines in the mat. the mat or faint lines. ~1/4 turn.
Return to 1.

Retract the blade Try one or more of the following: If a stuttering

~1/8 -1/4 turn. • Decrease the force. sound occurs during a cut and/
Return to 1. • Make sure the mat is clean and sticky. or the mat begins skewing, slow
down the speed, lower the pres-
• Try a different blade in case current
sure, and increase the number
one is chipped.
of passes. This will allow the
• Dry the material.
blade to work its way through
Return to 1.
the material versus being
Check cutting There are deep cut Retract the blade a tiny bit.
mat*** for cut lines in the mat Return to 1.

There are no cut lines If you have an intricate project, you may wish to repeat using a partial
or faint lines. section of the project. Otherwise you are done! Record your settings!

*** or backing sheet, such as with vinyl

© 2018-2019 Sandy McCauley, All Rights Reserved

2.10 Settings Form for Cutting Materials

Material Brand or Blade #

Material Blade Force Speed Other Comments
Source Offset Passes

© 2009- 2019 Sandy McCauley, All Rights Reserved

3. Print And Cut (Contour Cut)

3.00 Quick Reference for Chapter 3

• How to calibrate the camera: Section 3.03.2

• How to set up a contour cut: Section 3.04
• How to adjust the camera calibration: Section 3.06.1
• How to add more registration marks: Section 3.08
• Troubleshooting inaccurate print and cut results: Section 3.06
• How to set up repeats: Section 3.07
• How to do a PNC from a USB flash drive file: Section 3.09.1
• How to use the Array Mark function on the control panel: Section 3.09.2
• How to include a scoring layer in a print and cut project: Section 4.03.2

3.01 What Is a Print and Cut (PNC)?

• The print and cut process (also called PNC and contour cutting) involves printing an image from SignMaster
to any printer you own and then, with the aid of the Skycut’s camera, have the image or images cut out with
perfect precision. Below are three typical kinds of print and cut applications but there can be other kinds.

 Cuts along the actual borders of the printed image(s):

Image is precisely cut along

printed borders

 Cuts outside of the borders but follows the shape(s) of the printed image(s):

Image is cut in same shape

but offset from the printed
borders (contour cut)

 Cuts follow a different shape from that of the printed image(s):

A custom shape is cut
around the printed image.

3.02 What is a PNC Calibration?

• In order to get precise PNC results, you must calibrate the camera. This is nothing more than letting the
Skycut know how far away the camera lens is located relative to the tip of the blade. Because the camera is
manually installed inside the blade carriage, the distance from the camera’s center to the tip of the blade will
vary from one Skycut to the next.
• This calibration only needs to be done one time. If you have travelled with your Skycut or it’s been bumped
fairly hard, you might want to run a test to make sure your calibration hasn’t changed. It’s also
recommended that you check your calibration after any firmware updates are installed.
• The process, which is conducted through the control panel involves:
(1) Having the Skycut draw a test shape. At that point the camera takes a photo and displays it on the
control panel, along with a red + and a large blue dashed +.

(2) Aligning the red + with the center of the test shape display several times until the blue dashed + is
centered with the test shape.

3.03 Camera Calibration Procedure

3.03.1 What You Need for Calibrating

• You need the following items for this calibration:

 Sheet of paper
 Test pen that came with your Skycut

3.03.2 Calibration Process

(1) Insert the test pen into the Skycut on the left side blade holder seat. Place the sheet of paper into the
Skycut. You can use the cutting mat to hold the paper or insert the paper directly.

(2) Use the arrow keys on the control panel to move the test pen over the sheet of paper.

(3) Also, on the control panel, if the double head options are displayed, make sure the Use L Head (P0) option
is selected:

Select Use L Head (P0)

(4) Select Speed/Force and set SPEED to ~ 8 and FORCE to ~ 30. Click on Test to verify that a square is
clearly drawn. If it is too faint, increase FORCE as needed and repeat.
(5) Move the pen an inch or two away from the test so that there is room for the calibration shape to be drawn.
(6) On the Main Screen, press Set and then Camera:

This is where photo

will be displayed

Two different screens based

on Align versus Adjust Magnify photo by 300%

Retake photo
Align is normal mode
Change brightness of LED light

Adjust is calibrate mode

Update blue dashed + alignment

(7) Press Adjust to switch to calibrate mode and a new Start button will appear in the lower right corner of the
Camera Screen:

Press Adjust button…

… and Start button appears

(8) Press Start. The test shape, which is a square with a + inside, will be drawn on the paper and the camera
will move over the test shape, take a photo, and display the photo on the control panel. If you cannot see
the test shape clearly, press the LED button once so that it reads LED 50% and press the Get PIC button.
You should see three items in the photo: the test shape that was drawn with the pen, a red +, and the blue
dashed +:

Blue dashed + Photo of drawn test shape

Red +

(9) Tap your finger near the middle of the drawn test shape. This will move the red + to that location. Then
press OK. A new photo will be taken:

Red + is now much closer to the

middle of the test shape

Blue dashed + is also much

closer to the middle of the test

(10) Press X3 so that a magnified version appears:

X3 toggles the magnification It is now much easier to see the
of the image red +, relative to the center of
the test shape

(11) Use the arrows keys to move the center of the red + to the center of the test shape:

The red + is now

centered in the test

Press the arrow

buttons to move
the red +

(12) Press OK and a new photo will be taken. The blue dashed + should now be more closely aligned with the
center of the test shape:

Note new location

of blue dashed +

IMPORTANT: the red + is

intentionally moved away from the
test shape with each new photo so
that you can more easily see if the
blue dashed + is centered.

(13) If necessary, repeat Steps 10 and 11 until the blue dashed + is near-perfectly centered in the test shape.

(14) Press X3 to return to normal magnification. Click on the Home icon to return to the Main Screen. Your
Skycut is now calibrated for print and cut (PNC) applications.

3.04 Performing a PNC in SignMaster

3.04.1 Summary of Steps

• Here are the typical steps when performing a PNC application:

 Prepare the image(s) that will be printed which can include the following:
o An imported raster image such as a JPG or PNG or BMP file
o A vector image (either imported or designed in SignMaster) that will be printed but not cut
o Text that will printed but not cut

 Prepare the cut lines which can include:

o The resulting cut lines from tracing imported raster files. Refer to Section 5.01 for details on using
the Trace function in SignMaster.
o A contour cut around the outside of the traced image: Refer to Section 5.01.
o Any other vector shapes, either imported or designed in SignMaster: Refer to Section 5.02.

 Print the project, after selecting reg mark properties, location of project on the page, and printer options.
 Perform a test cut so that you know the best cut settings to use for the printed material. This test cut can
often be performed on the printout itself if there is room in the waste area of the project.
 Perform the cutting process.

3.04.2 Step-by-Step Simple PNC Project

(1) While it’s not a requirement, it can be helpful in designing if the Drawing Area dimensions match the
printout size you plan to use. For this tutorial, Letter size (8.5” x 11”) will be used. But you can use much
larger sizes, if you have the ability to print in those dimensions.
(2) To change the Drawing Area, click on the down arrow to open a drop-down menu with many page options
or just enter the dimensions directly:
Click here to open
menu of page sizes

Or change the page

dimensions directly here

(3) For a sample project, go to this link and download the zip. The project used in this tutorial is called Yellow
Ox PNC. Alternatively, Section 5.01 presents a tutorial on importing a graphic and adding a contour cut.
Note the contour cut around this image:

Blue line will be cut

but not printed

Yellow and black ox will

be printed but not cut

(4) Click on the Contour Cutting icon and select Contour Cut Wizard. The following window opens:

Select Automatic

Preview of project
with reg marks

(5) First, verify that Automatic ARMS is selected which means the camera will automatically scan the
registration marks. Registration marks will appear around the image. Next, to verify “what will print” versus
“what will cut”, click on the other tabs below the preview:

Print-only preview Cut-only preview

(6) The following options are available for printing:

 Print Direct – Select this option if you are printing directly from this window to your own printer. Note
that the printer menu and printer properties appear to the right when this option is selected.
 Print as PDF – Select this option to send the file to Adobe Reader to then print to your printer
 Save as Image – Select this option to export your printout as a JPG or TIFF file using the DPI
resolution of your choice
 Save PDF – Select this option to export your printout as a PDF file to be saved and printed using a
different computer/printer setup (such as taking to a professional printing company)

(7) Optional: Before printing, click on the Print Options tab and the project can be centered onto the printout by
clicking the Center button:

Select the Print

Options tab

Click here to
center the project

 The shape is moved to the center:

Before applying Center After applying Center

(8) Depending on the print option selected in Step (6), the print button below the Preview will vary. Assuming
you selected Print Direct, you’ll see the option to Print. Click on it or click on the button in the same
location and then complete any popup window options as needed. Note that if you’ve already printed your
project, you will want to click on Skip instead:

Click on Print. Note: the
wording on this button will
vary based on print option
Click on Skip if project selected in Step (6)
is already printed

(9) Place the printout onto the cutting mat or load the printout directly if a cutting mat isn’t required. Note that in
SignMaster, a print and cut project is loaded “upside down” as shown in the following screenshot. On the
printout is a small arrow which is a reminder to load the printout so that the little arrow is facing towards you
as you are facing the Skycut:

Feed this direction into


Place printout this direction on mat or,

if no mat is used, this direction as fed
into Skycut

Small arrow should

point downwards

(10) Load the mat and/or printout so that it is straight, relative to the cutter. The alignment doesn’t need to be
absolutely perfect but close enough that it will allow for a faster and, of course, successful detection by the
camera. Insert the blade holder and perform a test cut, as needed, adjusting the cut settings.

(11) Click on the Spooler and the Cut Options tab. If you want to send the cut settings from SignMaster, adjust
the Force and Speeds accordingly or select a Preset. Otherwise, if using the cut settings on the Skycut
control panel, turn these off. Click on Done after making any changes:

Click on Spooler to open the Vinyl Spooler window Make any necessary changes in this window

Uncheck these options if settings

on control panel will be used Click on Done to
close this window

(12) Back in the Contour Cutting Wizard window, the Print button should now read Cut Now. Click on Cut
Now and a new Preview window opens which indicates the design should be facing downwards:

Printout should be facing this way

Set blade holder over lower right reg mark

Click on Next

(13) Click on Next and the Skycut’s camera will now move over each registration mark and take a photo and
make an adjustment. Once it has read all four marks plus the first one a second time, it will proceed to cut
out the printed shapes.
(14) After testing out this process, be sure to check out other sections to understand additional options, such as:

 Preparing a vector image for a PNC application – Section 3.05.2
 Adjusting camera calibration settings, if needed – Section 3.06.1
 How to set up a grid of repeats – Section 3.07
 Adding additional registration marks to improve accuracy – Section 3.08
 Performing a PNC using the USB flash drive – Section 3.09.1
 Performing a dual head, score and cut PNC – Section 4.03.2

3.05 Preparing Designs for PNC Applications

3.05.1 Using Raster Images

• Use File>Import>File to open a raster image (JPG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, etc) in Signmaster. To add a contour
cut around this image, there are two options:
 Add the contour while in the main Signmaster window – this process is covered in Section 5.01.
 Add the contour after entering the Contour Cut Wizard window by clicking on Build Contours:

Click here

o Using Build Contours essentially takes you to the same Create Cut–Contour window and the
process is the same as presented in Section 5.01.
• The advantage of tracing images before entering the Contour Cut Wizard window is the abilty to edit the
tracing and save the file with the tracing in place. An example of editing a trace is covered in Section 5.01.2.

3.05.2 Using Vector Images

• You can design your own vector images in SignMaster using various design and vectorizing tools. You can
also directly import vector files in a variety of common file formats including: AI, DXF, EPS, PDF, PLT, and
• While vector images are essentially ready-to-cut files, SignMaster will not apply them as contour cuts in print
and cut applications without having them assigned as such. Refer to Section 5.02 for instructions on how to
perform a contour cut using a vector image.

3.06 Inaccurate Cuts

• There are several reasons why your print and cut results may not be as accurate as you need:
 The calibration needs to be tweaked
 The contours around the printed image are not accurate
 The cut settings are too aggressive

• The following sections present solutions for each of these.

3.06.1 Tweaking the Calibration Values

• If you find your print and cut results are slightly off in the same direction with each cut, you can adjust the
values being used versus attempting to recalibrate from scratch.
• To do this, go back to an easy-to-cut material like copy paper and use a shape that has both horizontal and
vertical lines. This makes it easier to know if you need to adjust in the X (left-to-right) direction or in the Y

(up-and-down) direction. The arrow from SignMaster’s General Power Shapes is a good choice
because you need both vertical and horizontal lines for measurement.
• After performing the print and cut, use a mm ruler to measure how far away the cut lines are from the
printed lines. If you used an arrow, focus only on the horizontal and vertical lines, not the diagonal lines:

 In this example, let’s say the red cut line is about 0.5 mm too high and about 0.3 mm too far to the left.
Thus, you need the cut line to move down and to the right.
• On the control panel, change the Units to millimeters by going to Set>General Settings and choosing
millimeters, as was shown in Section 1.14.2.
• Go to Set>Camera and click on Adjust. Then click on Set to open the Adjustment window:

2. Then press Set

1. Press Adjust
are set to 0.00

• One at a time, adjust Δx and Δy by pressing the buttons in the direction you need the cut line to move.

Click on these buttons until Δx and Δy
match the needed adjustments

• Once the values are set, press the Home button to return to the Main Screen. Test again to verify the cut
line is better aligned with the printed shape.

3.06.2 Inaccurate Tracings

• When tracing imported images, the resulting cut lines may not necessarily follow the original image,
especially in tight spots. This can result in tiny bits of white appearing, suggesting the PNC wasn’t accurate.
Zoom in on the image so that you can see the trace line following the outline of the image. Compare by
looking at the same spots where the cut didn’t follow the image perfectly. This could be the cause of the
inaccurate PNC. There are several ways of handling this situation:
 Retrace the imported image using a lower Smoothing setting (refer to Section 5.01). This will result in a
tighter fit around the original graphic.

 Use the Node EditingTools to move the trace lines to more closely fit the original graphic.
 Create an inset contour cut line to use for cutting instead of the original trace line.
 Create a bleed by choosing Cutting Contour + Bleed in the Create Cut Contour window.

• Another possibility is that the contour cut line was inadvertently shifted from the graphic to be printed. So,
check to see if a misalignment may have occurred when you were moving or simply clicking on the design.

3.06.3 Incorrect Cut Settings

• If a PNC is not precise and the cause is not the calibration nor the alignment of the trace lines, then go
through the following check list of other possible causes:
 Try slowing down the speed. If the mat is moving numerous times, in and out of the cutter, a slight
shifting can occur, especially at high speeds. On the Skycut, try a speed of 7 or lower.
 Verify that the pinch wheels are still centered over grit shafts beneath.
 Make sure the blade isn’t over-extended which can cause it to cut too deeply and drag the cutting mat.
 Make sure the bottom of the mat isn’t sticky and the pinch wheels and grit shafts are clean and not
sticky. Clean with a lint-free cloth and a small amount of isopropyl alcohol or Un-Du.
 If the print and cut project contains numerous repeats, use additional registration marks so that
additional scans can occur during the cut. Refer to Section 3.08 for instructions.

3.07 Adding Repeats in Print and Cut Applications

(1) Create a design with the desired contour cut in place. In this tutorial, the same file is used as the one in
Section 3.04.2, however the design has been resized to ~ 4.5” in height.

(2) Click on the Contour Cutting icon and select Contour Cut Wizard:

(3) To add repeats, click on the Tiled Copies option and the Quantity settings will appear below that:

Click on Tiled Copies

to add repeats

Enter rows and Enter desired spacing

columns of repeats between repeats

(4) As you enter repeats, the Preview will update showing the copies and the overall project dimensions. If you
need to size the project for a particular printout’s dimensions, mark the option for Print Direct so that you
can verify whether or not the repeats will fit onto the printout. In this case, trying to fit 4 copies on a single
Letter-size page will not work:

Select Print

4 copies

Red margins and dimensions indicate project will

not print with this number of copies

(5) In this case, either the spacing needs to be lowered or only two shapes can be used. So the Spacing is
decreased and the red margins and dimensions are now black:

Spacing reduced to 0.144 in

Black margins and dimensions indicate

project will print

(6) Note that you have two options that can also be used, at times, to permit more copies to be printed:
 Reduce the Mark Position setting, which is how far the registration marks are located from the printed
shapes. More about this option and the Mark Options tab are covered in Section 3.08.
 Reduce the size of the original by returning to the main window. This, of course, will work in some cases
but not others.

3.08 Registration Mark Settings

• Continuing with the same project from the prior section, to access the registration mark options, click on the
Mark Options tab in the Contour Cutting Wizard window and note the following:

Select Mark Options tab

Space marks based on Add more marks


 Set target mark spacing: use this option as a default or if you want to reduce the maximum spacing
allowed between marks, thus increasing the number of marks. For example, if Vertical Mark Spacing is
lowered to 100 mm, in this particular case, a new set of intermediary marks are added:

Lower spacing to 100 mm

A new set of marks

are added

 Specify number of marks: use this option to force another set of marks to be added:

Change from 1 to 2
A new set of marks
are added

• With these intermediate marks added, they will be scanned, as well. Thus, in this example shown, the
bottom four marks will be scanned and the lower two shapes cut out. Then, the top set of four marks will be
read and upper two shapes cut out.
• You can also change the offset or distance of the marks from the image. However, you also need to make
sure marks are not too close to anything printed so that the camera doesn’t incorrectly attempt to scan the
image instead of a registration mark:

Distance of the marks from the

outermost shapes

Mark Position = 0.447 in Mark Position = 0.227 in Mark Position = 0.00 in

• You can see the movement of the marks towards the image as the Mark Position is decreased. Because of
the shape of the ox, this shouldn’t be an issue with the location of the registration marks relative to the
printed image. However, if a design is more rectangular, such as a wine bottle label, then it is much easier
to see that it could cause issues if the Mark Position is too small:

Mark Position = 0.557 in Mark Position = 0.307 in Mark Position = 0.057 in
Will work Should work Will not work

• IMPORTANT: Using the Array plus Array Mark options on the Skycut’s control panel allows for more
flexibility when working with multiple registration marks, such as being able to only scan one mark when
there are repeats. This is covered in Section 3.09.2.

3.09 PNC from USB Flash Drive

3.09.1 PNC from Flash Drive – Single Cut

• To perform a print and cut project from the control panel, first perform Steps (1) – (11) from Section 3.04.2.
However, before clicking on Done to close the Vinyl Spooler window, click on the Connection tab and
change the Port to U-Disk from the drop-down menu. Then click on Done:

Select Connection tab

Select U_Disk

Click on Done

• Back in the Contour Cutting Wizard window, proceed as before by clicking on Cut and the same Preview
window opens and again indicates the design should be facing downwards:

Printout should be facing this way

Set blade holder over lower right reg mark

Click on Next

• Click on Next and the following window will open where you can save the job as a PLT file on a USB flash
drive inserted into a port on your computer:

Select the appropriate


Name the file Click on Save

• On the Skycut’s control panel, set the Force and Speed, if you elected not to have them activated in the
Vinyl Spooler window in Step 11 in Section 3.04.2.
• Go to Set>Camera. With Align selected, press Set and the following window will open:

2. Then press Set

1. Align should
be red

AutoMark box

 Verify that AutoMark box is checked. Then click on Home.

• Insert the flash drive into the right side of the Skycut and use the instructions in Section 1.12.3 to open the
file into the Skycut:

File name should

appear here

Press Start Cut

• Click on Start Cut and the marks will be scanned by the camera and the shapes cut out.

3.09.2 PNC from Flash Drive – Using Array Mark for Repeats

• The Skycut has the ability to set up an array of repeats for PNC applications. The advantage to using the
Skycut’s control panel for this process is that the Array Mark function permits the scanning of additional
registration marks as repeats are cut. This is far more accurate than only scanning the original four marks
on significantly large projects:

One set of reg marks Reg marks
on a large PNC printed around
project each repeat

• The Array Mark window on the control panel can be opened in two ways:
• Go to Set>Advanced Settings>Array>Array mark
• Go to USB>Array Set>Array mark

• In the Array Mark window, you have three options:

• 4 Mark: Scan all four marks on every repeat

1. Four marks in green set are scanned first

and first three shapes cut.

2. Four marks in orange set scanned, next three

shapes cut.

3. Four marks in purple set scanned, next three

shapes cut.


• 1 Mark: Scan first four marks on first set only. Then scan one mark only on each remaining repeat

1. Four marks in green set are scanned first and

first three shapes cut.

2. Single mark by orange arrow scanned, next

three shapes cut.

3. Single mark by purple arrow scanned, next

three shapes cut


• Alternate:

Combination of 4 Mark Alternate between scanning all 4

and 1 Mark options marks and scanning only 1
mark, based on a set Interval

Interval set to 1:

1. 1. Marks in green set scanned and first three shapes cut.

3. 2. Single mark by the orange arrow scanned, next three shapes cut.
5. 3. Marks in purple set scanned, next three shapes cut.
7. 4. Single mark by blue arrow scanned, next three shapes cut.

Interval set to 2:

1. 1. Marks in green set scanned and first three shapes cut.

3. 2. Single mark by orange arrow scanned, next three shapes cut.
5. 3. Single mark by purple arrow scanned, next three shapes cut.
4. Marks in blue set scanned, next three shapes cut.


• When choosing an Array Mark option, keep the following in mind:

• The purpose of having intermediate scans is to correct for any slippage that occurs due to friction or
excessively fast cutting speed.
• Use 4 Mark in situations where the repeats are quite large, thus there’s a larger distance between
the repeats and slippage is more likely to occur. It’s also a good option when cutting thicker
materials because the higher force applied by the blade can cause more drag on the material or
cutting mat.
• Use 1 Mark in situations where the material is thin, the cuts are simple, and the distance between
the repeats is relatively small. Obviously, this is the most time-efficient choice of the three options
since a 4 mark scan is only performed one time.
• Use Alternate as a compromise between the other two options. Experience will determine how high
of an Interval can still yield the accuracy you need.

4. Accessory Tools and Dual Head Calibration

4.00 Quick Reference for Chapter 4

• How to calibrate an accessory tool with the blade holder or other tool: Section 4.01
• How to draw with the test pen and cut around the drawing: Section 4.02.1
• How to score and cut a fold-up, print and cut (contour cut) project: Section 4.03.2
• How to emboss cardstock: Section 4.03.3
• How to engrave a metal tag: Section 4.04.1

4.01 Dual Head Calibration

• In Section 3.03, the camera calibration was presented showing how to make sure the blade holder is
calibrated with the camera. A similar calibration is also needed to make sure the right and left blade holder
seats are perfectly aligned with one another. This then allows you to do accurate draw-and-cut, score-and-
cut, engrave-and-cut, and other combined tool applications.

(1) On the control panel’s Main Screen, make sure the Use Double Head option is selected. If you do not see
any of these options, click on Set>Advanced settings>System mode and select double. Then, back on
the Main Screen, the options should now be available:

Select Use Double Head

(2) Insert a sheet of paper into the Skycut, either on the cutting mat or directly inserted. Load a test pen into
both the left and right side blade holder seats, making sure the pen nib is a little ways above the paper, as
you did in Section 1.13. You can also use a stack of 35 Post It notes as presented in Section 2.01.3.
(3) Select the Speed/Force function and make sure both sides are set to a suitable Force for drawing: ~ 30 –
(4) Make sure both pens are over the paper. On the Main Screen, select Set>Camera to open the camera
calibration screen:

This is where photo
will be displayed

Two different screens based

on Align versus Adjust Magnify photo by 300%

Retake photo
Align is normal mode
Change brightness of LED light

Adjust is calibrate mode

Update blue dashed + alignment

(5) Press Adjust to switch to calibrate mode and a new Start button will appear in the lower right corner of the
Camera Screen:

Press Adjust button…

… and Start button appears

(6) Press Start. A test shape, which is a square with a + inside, will be drawn by the right side pen on the
paper and the camera will move over the test shape, take a photo, and display the photo on the control
panel. If you cannot see the test shape clearly, press the LED button once so that it reads LED 50% and
press the Get PIC button. You should see three items in the photo: the test shape that was drawn with the
pen, a red +, and the blue dashed +:

Blue dashed + Photo of drawn test shape

Red +

(7) Tap your finger near the middle of the drawn test shape. This will move the red + to that location. Then
press OK. A new photo will be taken:

Red + is now much closer to the

middle of the test shape

Blue dashed + is also much

closer to the middle of the test

(8) Press X3 so that a magnified version appears:

X3 toggles the magnification It is now much easier to see the

of the image red +, relative to the center of
the test shape

(9) Use the arrows keys to move the center of the red + to the center of the test shape:

The red + is now

centered in the test

Press the arrow

buttons to move
the red +

(10) Press OK and a new photo will be taken. The blue dashed + should now be more closely aligned with the
center of the test shape:

IMPORTANT: the red + is
intentionally moved away from the
test shape with each new photo so
that you can more easily see if the
blue dashed + is centered.

(11) If necessary, repeat Steps (9) and (10) until the blue dashed + is near-perfectly centered in the test shape.

(12) Now move the red + so that it is perfectly aligned with the center of the blue dashed +:

Move red + to align

with center of blue
dashed +

(13) Press OK and the camera will move to the left side test square and will post an image. Repeat Steps (7) –
(11). Once the blue dashed + is near-perfectly centered in the test shape, click on the Home icon to return
to the Main Screen. Your Skycut is now calibrated for dual head applications.

4.02 Drawing with the Test Pen

• With the Skycut, you can draw shapes and lettering with the test pen.

• If you wish to fill (i.e. color in) a shape, select the shape and click on the Plugins icon and select
Engraving Module. Refer to Section 5.03 for instructions on how to adjust settings to create a line fill.
• Do not have the pen positioned too low in the blade holder seat or the tip of the pen could drag across the
paper when moving from one shape to the next. Thus, use the 35 Post-It note method presented in Section
• Make sure your shapes will not be drawn where any of the pinch wheels travel over the material. Otherwise,
the ink might smear.

4.02.1 Draw and Cut

• A draw and cut application involves using the test pen to draw shapes and then using the blade holder to cut
them out. This rest of this section covers the process.
• In the following example, a design is selected from General Clipart and sized for the project. Then a
contour is added using the instructions in Section 5.01:

• Note that the contour color (blue) differs from the design’s Fill color (black). This is important so that the
proper left versus right tool assignments can be made.
• Click on the Cut, Plot, & Engrave Tools icon and select Send to Cutter. In the Send to be Cut window,
mark the option for Assign Tools by Color. You will then see the two colors, blue and black, appear in the
Cutting Tool Presets list:

Mark this

Colors used in

• The layers will be processed in the order shown. However, because it makes more sense to draw first and
cut second, the blue layer will be moved down. This is done by selecting the blue layer and clicking on the
down arrow below:

Select blue

Click the down


• The tool assignment for each layer needs to be assigned. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Preset
selection box and the following menu appears:

1. Select black

2. Click the down arrow

to open Presets menu

3. Select Pen Mode

(Tool 1)(Head R)

• Note that Pen Mode (Tool 1)(Head R) is selected since the pen will be mounted on the right side in the
Skycut. Click on Edit to check for settings that are assigned. Remember that the speed settings need to be
set on the control panel so uncheck any settings boxes and assign the Force on the control panel, as well:

3. Pen Tool should be


1. Select black
layer 4. Uncheck all

2. Click on
5. Click on Apply

• Repeat the tool assignment for the blue layer, but select Cut Mode (Tool 0)(Head L) from the drop-down
menu. Then click on the Edit button, verify that the correct blade is selected and, again, no cut settings are

3. Select Blade type

1. Select blue
layer 4. Uncheck all

2. Click on
5. Click on Apply

• After clicking on Apply, go to the Skycut’s control panel and enter suitable Force and Speed settings for
both the left side cutting and the right side drawing:
1. Select left side 3. Select right side

4. Enter right
2. Enter left
side settings
side settings

• Install the blade holder on the left and the test pen on the right. Set the origin based on the left side blade
tip and then click on Cut Now in Signmaster.

Click on Cut Now

• The flowers will be drawn with the test pen followed by a contour cut using the blade holder.

4.03 Embossing and Scoring

4.03.1 General Info on Embossing

• The Skycut embossing tool has two different sized embossing heads. The smaller one is recommended
when scoring cardstock for fold-up projects, such as pop-up cards, gift bags, and small boxes. Either head
can be used for embossing shapes.

• When embossing cardstock, it is recommended that a soft material be place beneath the paper or cardstock
to allow a deeper impression to be made. One excellent material to use is non-slip shelf liner. Other
materials which can be used include rhinestone rubber, craft foam, and felt. Make sure the material is well
adhered to the mat (tape it down, if necessary). Then tape your paper or cardstock to the top of this
• When using the embossing tool for scoring fold-up projects, the paper or cardstock can be applied directly to
the mat, just as you do for cutting. This makes it much simpler when you need to score and then
immediately cut. Because the scoring may not be as deep on the underside of the paper or cardstock as the
top side, fold all score lines (valley and mountain) forward to establish the fold on both sides. Then flip over
and fold any mountain folds the opposite way. This especially works well on pop-up cards.
• Make sure you do some tests first to get the best settings for the scoring or embossing you need. For
scoring cardstock, this typically involves a higher force (~75). If you have a soft material beneath your
paper/cardstock, then a lower force will be used. As with the test pen, use the 35 Post-It note method
presented in Section 2.01.3 to install the embosser into the Skycut.

4.03.2 Score and Contour Cut Project

• When a project involves both scoring and contour cutting, the layers need to be assigned as such using the
Custom Fill menu. Otherwise, the Contour Cut Wizard window will only recognize the print layer. This
section presents the steps required.
• In this tutorial, a fold up box project will be used as a typical example:

• Click on the Objects tab on the Page Thumbnail Viewer so that you can see the various shapes making
up this project. In this example, there are two objects making up the score lines, one layer for the printing
and one layer for the contour cut:
1. Click this
2. Click the Objects
blue arrow

Print layer

Cut layer

Score layer

Another score

• The cut layer and the two score layers need to be assigned as such. Select the blue outline cut layer and

click on the Custom Fill icon that is located on the Palette. Select Cut Contour from the drop-down

Click here
Select Cut Contour

• Next, click on the first layer of score lines and select Fold Contour in the Custom Fill menu:

Select Fold Contour

• Repeat the last step for the second layer of score lines. Note that you could also have selected both layers
at once and assigned to Fold Contour.
• Go to the Contour Cut Wizard window and verify that the preview windows show the layers have been

What will print What will score and cut

• Note that the 8” dimensions in the prior screenshot is red. The settings in the printer properties window need
to be changed for this project, which is designed for A3 printing. Other settings, such as centering the
project on the page and choosing the Mark Position should also be done, as presented in Chapter 3.

The previews for printing and for

scoring/cutting now show the
dimensions in black and all four
registration marks in place.

• Next, assign the left and right sides to the cut and score layers. This is virtually identical to the process that
was used in Section 4.02.1, other than it is done from within the Contour Cut Wizard window. Click on the
Print Options tab and arrange the score layer (red) to be carried out before the cut layer (blue):

Select a layer,
as needed

Use the arrows to

move that layer

• To assign the Fold Contour layer to the right side, select it, and then click on the drop-down arrow in the
Presets box. Choose Pen Mode (Tool 1)(Head R) from the menu:

1. Select Fold

2. Click the down arrow

to open Presets menu

3. Select Pen Mode

(Tool 1)(Head R)

• Click on Edit and make sure the cut settings are unchecked as it is recommended that the force and speed
settings be made on the Skycut control panel. Click on Apply:

3. Pen Tool should be


1. Select Fold

4. Uncheck all

2. Click on
5. Click on Apply

• Repeat for the Cut Contour layer. Select Cut Mode (Tool 0)(Head L) from the Presets drop-down menu:

1. Select Cut

2. Click the down arrow

to open Presets menu

3. Select Cut Mode

(Tool 0)(Head L)

• Click on Edit and make sure the correct blade is selected, along with unmarking any cut settings. Click on
Apply when done:

3. Select Blade type

1. Select Fold
4. Uncheck all

2. Click on
Edit 5. Click on Apply

• After clicking on Apply, go to the Skycut’s control panel and enter suitable Force and Speed settings for
both the left side cutting and the right scoring:

1. Select left side 3. Select right side

2. Enter left 4. Enter right side

side cut score settings

• Load the blade holder onto the left side and the scorer onto the right side. Print the project using the same
options and instructions from Chapter 3. Place the printout onto the cutting mat with the printed arrow
pointed downwards. Proceed with the process by placing the blade tip near the lower right registration mark
and click on Cut Now.
• Remove the cut project and fold all score lines forward, as if they were valley folds. Then fold back any
mountain folds and continue to assemble the project:

4.03.3 Embossing Paper or Cardstock

• When embossing paper or cardstock, it is recommended that you use an Outline effect to create several
very small outlines at a thickness of, say, 0.01” (0.25 mm). These tiny offset lines will then produce a slightly
thicker overall outline of your shapes. This works better than line-filled embossing which can stress the
cardstock and cause wrinkling. Here are the steps:

 Create the shape you wish to emboss. In this example, the number 25 is used:

 Select the shape and click on the Plugins icon and select Outlining Module. The following
window opens:

Set Size to 0.01”

Click on Accept

 After clicking on Accept, use the Objects panel to select the new outline layer and repeat the process
to add a second outline. Now you have three versions of the shape, each one slightly outset from the
other. Thus, when using the embossing tool, this will result in a thicker outline made of this shape.
 Important: don’t forget to mark the Mirror option in the Send to be Cut window (or apply
Arrange>Mirror & Rotate>Mirror Horizontally) so that when you flip over the cardstock after
embossing, the design will “read correctly.”

4.04 Scratch Engraving

• The Skycut engraving tool can be used to engrave vellum, foils, acrylic, and most metals, including trophy
labels, dog tags, and jewelry charms.

• On softer metals, you may not want the engraving tip too far above the metal as it can leave pock marks
when it drops to start engraving. If possible, test on scraps first.
• To design an engraving fill pattern, use the Engraving Module. Refer to Section 5.03

4.04.1 Engraving a Metal Tag

• When engraving items that are already cut (such as metal tags, trophy plates, charms, etc.), it’s very
important to have precise alignment before proceeding. Therefore, the camera on the Skycut will be used to
set the origin for engraving. If you haven’t already calibrated the camera, go to Section 3.03.

• The following is a list of the items you’ll need for this kind of an application:
 The item to be engraved
 The Skycut engraving tool
 Double sided tape to secure the item to the cutting mat. Thermo-web is perfect for this.

• Create a replica of the item to be engraved:

 If it’s something simple, like a square or a rectangle, use the basic shapes available in SignMaster:

Photo of actual tag Replica of tag created

using two circles

 If it’s not a shape that can easily be recreated in SignMaster, then trace it onto paper:

 Scan or photograph the trace and use the instructions in Section 5.01 to import the scan and create a
contour of the heart:

Imported scan Tracing from Create

Contour Cut window

• IMPORTANT: Carefully measure the actual tag and compare it to the dimensions of the contour. Adjust the
size of the contour if needed.
• Create the design. In this case both text and a vector shape of a bone are added:

• Because a filled engraving is desired, select the text and the bone shape and use the Engraving Module to
fill the design with lines. Details on this function are presented in Section 5.03.

• To arrange the design in the bottom corner of the Page, click on Snap in the middle taskbar and select

Mark Page

• With both the heart and the design selected, drag to the lower right corner until it snaps to the right and
bottom sides of the Page / Drawing Area (Note: to better illustrate placement on the page and later in the
Preview, the design has been made much larger. In reality the design is only about an inch in size):

Snap the design to the lower

right corner of the page

• Select only the design and not the heart tag shape. In the Send to be Cut window, mark the option for
Absolute (position) so that the design will be positioned the same distance from the origin as it is from the
corner of the Page / Drawing Area. Also, verify that Assign Tools by Color is not marked:

Check Absolute (position)

Verify Assign Tools by Design is in same location

Color is not checked as on the Page

• On the Cutter Control tab, uncheck Blade Offset as it’s not needed when using the engraving tool:

Uncheck Blade Offset

• On the control panel, click on the Speed/Force icon and enter a Speed of 10 and a Force of 40 for the
engraving. Note that with your own testing, you may need to alter these settings.
• The metal tag needs to be very firmly attached to the cutting mat. Place strips of double-sided tape onto the
mat, where the tag will be mounted:

Double sided tape is placed on the

mat to cover the size of the tag (note:
the pink liner hasn’t yet been removed
from the top of the tape)

• When placing the tag onto the mat, align the rightmost side of the tag with a vertical grid line and the
bottommost side of the tag with a horizontal grid line. The intersection of the two gridlines will be the origin
for the engraving process:

Align the tag with the grid

lines on the mat

The origin will be set at this intersection

• Load the mat into the Skycut and be very precise in alignment by using the ruler to make sure the mat is
perfectly straight:

Align the mat with the ruler

• Load the engraver into the Skycut using ~30 Post-It notes (or sheets of copy paper), making sure the notes
are on top of the tag.
• Move the cutting head so that the engraver tip is over the intersection of the two grid lines bounding the tag.
Then use the camera instructions in Section 2.05.1 to set the origin even more precisely by getting the blue
dashed + in the middle of the grid intersection:

Blue dashed lines cross at

grid intersection

• After clicking on Home, press down on the engraver and verify, once more, that the correct grid intersection
was used. Back in SignMaster, click on Cut Now and the engraving process will be carried out.:

4.05 Settings Form for Accessory Tools

Speed #
Application/Material Tool Force Surface Other Comments
(Cut/Up) Passes

© 2009- 2019 Sandy McCauley, All Rights Reserved

5. SignMaster Functions of Interest

5.00 Quick Reference for Chapter 5

• How to add a contour cut: Section 5.01

• How to node edit a contour: Section 5.01.2
• How to add a contour cut to a vector image: Section 5.02
• How to fill a design with engraving lines: Section 5.03

5.01 Adding a Contour Cut Line to an Imported Raster Image

• Graphics such as JPG, PNG, and BMP files are often used for print and cut (contour cut) applications.
Because these types of files are raster images (versus vector images), the images must be traced. This is
done through a process called vectorization.

5.01.1 Step-by-Step Tracing Process

• The following steps are a sample tutorial using the Create Contour Cut feature in SignMaster:
(1) For this project, go to this link. After extracting, you will find several images that can be used as easy
samples for tracing.
(2) To import a graphic file, go to File>Import>File and select the graphic to be traced. Left click anywhere
in the Drawing Area to place the image:

(3) With the graphic selected, click on the Contour Cutting icon and select Create Cut Contour. A
popup window will open and you will respond Yes:

(4) The Image Contour Tracer window displays the various settings available for adding a cut line to the

Click here to trace at
current settings

(5) Without making any changes, click on the Trace button to get a preliminary trace which will indicate
which settings, if any, need adjustment. The blue line indicates what will cut based on the default
settings shown:

Carefully check blue cut line:

• Are all needed parts
• Is trace line a tight enough

(6) To see the trace line a little more clearly, adjust the Opacity setting at the top. If the “fit” isn’t tight
enough, decrease the Smoothing setting. After making changes, click Retrace to return to the original
tracing window and then click on Trace again:
Increase Opacity to better see blue trace line

Decrease Smoothing
for a tighter trace line

Option to trace internal

parts if needed. Refer to
Section 5.01.2.

(7) After making any changes, click on Retrace at the bottom of the screen. On the other hand, if you are
happy with the trace results, click on Apply:

Click on Apply if satisfied

with existing trace

Click on Retrace to
adjust to new settings

(8) If you selected Retrace, a Composite view of the results will appear where blue indicates the part that
will be cut out and red indicates the waste material. You can go back to seeing the prior view by
clicking on the Original tab at the bottom. Click on Trace to apply the new settings.

Click on Trace

Alternate viewing

(9) After clicking on Apply, a new group of settings appear, giving you additional options such as:
 Whether the cut line is continuous or perforated
 Whether the cut line fits the image tightly, or is offset a distance or inset a distance
 Whether internal cut paths should be removed
 The cornering shape of the contour cut (rounded, beveled, mitered, etc.)

Contour type options: use
this settings

Contour shape options

Original image options

Click on Accept when done

 Choose a Corner Style, as desired. For the Outline % or Outline Units (size), note the following:
o Set to 0 if the cut line should align with the edges of the printed image
o Set to a positive number for a contour cut around the outside of the printed image
o Set to a negative number (normally very small) to cut slightly inside the printed image

(10) Click on Accept after making any changes and you will be returned to the Drawing Area. If you click
on the Objects tab on the Page Thumbnail Viewer, you will now see both the original image and the
contour cut line:

• To print and cut this type of design, refer back to Sections 3.03 and 3.04.

5.01.2 Editing a Trace

• Occasionally you may find a need to edit the tracing/contour cut created. This section presents two
• Contour cut doesn’t fit the original graphic in certain spots

 In the following example, the Cartoon Owl image will be used:

 During the process of tracing, it was found that the bottoms of the owl’s feet weren’t rounded like in the
original image. Even trying different adjustments to Smoothing didn’t result in the desired fit. Note that
a slight inline was applied to improve the accuracy of the fit but the bottom of the feet still need

Trace line is flat along the bottom of owl’s feet

 With the trace line selected, click on the Node Edit Tools icon and the nodes making up the path
of the cut will appear. Drag nodes, as needed, so that curves are formed:

Drag nodes to create curves

• Contour cut contains paths you want deleted

 In the following example, a crab cartoon from Doodle Dragon Studios is traced:

Also needed is a trace of

An outside trace is this area between the eyes
needed and the body

 The issue in this example is that the space below the eyes should be cut out but not other internal
shapes, such as the pupils of the eyes. Note the difference in what will be cut between marking and not
marking the Keep Holes option in the Create Cut-Contour window:


Area below eyes is traced but so Keep Holes No inner paths at all Keep Holes not
are the inner parts of the eyes checked checked

 The first option, Keep Holes, needs to be selected so that the area beneath the eyes is traced. After
accepting the trace, click on the Objects tab on the Page Thumbnail Viewer and hide the original
graphic. You will now only see the contour in the Drawing Area:

Select this layer and

click on Hide icon

 Select the contour and go to Curves>Break Apart. The individual paths will now be separate layers on
the Objects tab and you can delete each one that is not needed:

Paths inside of the

Path below eyes is eyes are gone
Delete these part of the contour cut
three layers

5.02 Adding a Contour Cut to a Vector Image

• As mentioned in Section 3.05.2, vector images require a contour cut assignment in print and cut
applications. For example, the following Batman SVG file is imported into Signmaster and then the Contour
Cut Wizard window is opened. Note that comparing the View Print only preview with the View Cut only
preview indicates that the vector file is ready to print but there’s no cut line for the design:

What will print What will cut Option to add contour cut

• There are two situations to consider:

 A contour cut will be added to follow the printed design (Section 5.02.1)
 A contour cut will be added and it will be offset from the printed design (Section 5.02.2)

5.02.1 Contour Cut Which Follows the Printed Design

• Upon importing the SVG file, open the Objects tab of the Page Thumbnail Viewer to display the various
shapes in the file:
Click this blue Click the Objects tab

All of the shapes

appear in a list

• From the Objects list, click on the shape which represents the contour cut line you wish to use. In this
example, it is the black shadow layer:

Select this layer

• With that layer selected, go to Edit>Duplicate. A new layer will appear at the bottom at the Objects list and,
thus, will now be arranged on top of the project:

• This new layer will also be selected. To assign it as the contour cut, click on the Custom Fill icon
that is located on the Palette and select Cut Contour from the drop-down menu:

Click here
Select Cut Contour

• This newly assigned contour cut layer is given an invisible fill color and will no longer appear on top of the
imported project.

• If you now go to the Contour Cut Wizard, you can verify that this new cut layer exists on the View Cut
Only tab:

Contour cut layer
now appears

What will cut

5.02.2 Contour Cut Which Is Offset from the Printed Design

• This section presents the method to be used when the contour cut is not one of the existing vector shapes.
While this section accesses the Create Cut-Contour window from within the Contour Cut Wizard window,
note that the same process can be applied by adding the contour from the main screen as was done in
Section 5.01 (i.e. select shape and go to Contour Cutting>Create Cut Contour).
• In the earlier screenshot, SignMaster recognizes there is no contour to cut on the View Cut only tab and
offers the option to add one using the Build button below the preview.

What will cut Option to add contour cut

 Clicking on Build opens the Create Cut–Contour window:

Click on View Mode to add the Outline preview

Use these options

Select a Corner Style

Keep at 0 for cut line

to follow print line or…
Increase to add a
contour cut or…
Decrease to add an
inset cut

Click on Accept when done

o Corner Style: Usually select either Round or Sharp depending on the nature of the original vector
and your desired contour
o Outline (%) or Outline (Units): Enter either a percentage or the actual size for the outline. In the
prior screeshot, leaving the Outline at 0 results in the contour being the same as the original
outside vector line. This would result in the same contour cut as was created in the prior Section
5.02.1. For an outset cut around the printed image, increase Outline to the desired size. For in inset
or inline cut, decrease Outline slightly so that it’s a negative number:

▪ Outline is set to 1/8 (0.125) inches:

Blue line shows size of

contour around original

Outline set to 0.125”

▪ Inline is set to -1/32 (0.03) inches:

Blue line shows size of
inline inside of original

Outline set to -0.03”

 After clicking on Accept, the View Cut only preview now indicates a cut path exists and you’re ready to

Contour cut layer

now appears

What will cut

• Note that text is also a vector shape, thus the contour cut on a text object would be created the same way.
• Also note that there is a Keep Holes option in the Create Cut-Contour window which controls whether or
not the contour is a solid outside cut or contains internal cuts following the shape of the vector:
A single blue line will
 Keep Holes not marked:
be cut around the text

Leave unchecked

 Keep Holes marked:

Internal contour cuts are added

Check Keep Holes

5.03 Engraving Fill

5.03.1 Engraving File Module and Settings

• If you wish to fill in a shape with a line pattern, SignMaster offers an Engraving Module which can be

opened by clicking on the Plugins icon and selecting Engraving Module.

• The following window opens and you will see your selected shape has already filled with lines:
Click to add original
shape to Preview



Click on
when done

 In the top left corner are zooming tools. The View Mode icon can be toggled to add the original selected
shape to the Preview window, if desired:

Original shape appears

 Toolpath: There are four options in this menu:

o None: no fill pattern is created
o S-Sweep: a line fill pattern in which the tool stays down while filling the entire shape:

2. Tool stays down, follows 1. Tool start here and

path of curve, then crosses proceeds to the left
to the right 3. Tool stays down, follows
path of curve, then crosses
to the left, etc.

o Line Fill: a line fill pattern in which the tool raises at each side, moves a “row” down, and then
proceeds to the other side:
2. Tool raises 1. Tool start here and proceeds to the left

3. Tool drops and 4. Tool raises

proceeds to the right 5. Tool drops and proceeds to
the left, etc.

o Island Fill: a progressive inset pattern based on the original shape; the tool drops to complete a
path, raises, moves to the next path, drops to complete that path, etc.. Some shapes work better
than others with an Island Fill:

 Travel: four angles from which to choose, applying only to S-Sweep or Line Fill patterns:

Horizontal Diagonal - Up

Vertical Diagonal - Down

 Cut Perimeter: turn on this option if you want the original shape to be engraved as well:

Cut Perimeter: not Cut Perimeter:

checked checked

Perimeter of shape is Perimeter of shape is

light, indicating it will dark, indicating it will
NOT be engraved also be engraved

 Cleanup Flange: turn on this option to have an engraving of the original shape, but along the edges of
the engraving lines. Note that there is also a Flange Offset setting which is a percentage distance from
the original shape to the engraving lines. These settings are typically not needed with small diameter
tools, like the Skycut engraver, so you most likely won’t have a need to activate Cleanup Flange.
 Tool Diameter: The size of the engraving tip, pen nib, embossing tip, or other tool. For the Skycut
engraver, use 0.004 inches or 0.1 mm.
 Tool Offset: This setting is the distance between the engraving lines as a percentage of the Tool
Diameter. Lowering this setting will decrease the spacing between the lines:

Tool Offset: 34% Tool Offset: 15%

Engraving lines are

much closer together

 Hatch Offset: This setting controls the distance from the engraving fill to the outside perimeter of the
original shape, again as a percentage of the tool diameter. A setting of 0% will extend the pattern all the
way to the perimeter:

Hatch Offset: 35% Hatch Offset: 25% Hatch Offset: 0%

5.03.2 Inside Fills Versus Outside Fills

• In certain situations, you might want to reverse the parts of a design that are filled. To do this, add any
outside shape to the design, such as a rectangle, an oval, a heart, etc. The engraving fill automatically fills
the space between this new outside shape and the original design.

 For example, if three stars are sent to the Engraving Module, then they will immediately fill with lines
such as this:

 If shapes are added around these stars, then the fill pattern reverses to fill the space between the
original shapes and the new outside shapes:

 If another shape is added to the outside of these shapes (a large rectangle is added to encompass the
three shapes), then the fill will revert back to the original stars and a line fill is added between the
rectangle and the outside shapes that were added:

• If, for some reason, you want the outside shape present but NOT have the area between the two shapes
filled, then only select the initial shapes (i.e. the stars) to send to the Engraving Module.

Appendix A Troubleshooting FAQ’s

A1 Communication Issues

I cannot get the Skycut to power on.

• Make sure the power cable is securely plugged into the Skycut’s port on the left side and securely
plugged into a wall socket or a power strip.
• If it still fails, check the wall socket or power strip with another device, such as a table lamp.
• If you still cannot get the Skycut powered on, contact your dealer.

I cannot get Wi-Fi to work with my Skycut.

• Set the Skycut close to the router when performing the initial setup presented in Section 1.12.2. After
establishing communication, you can test how far the Skycut can be located from your router.
• In SignMaster’s Vinyl Spooler window, under the Connection tab, make sure you have selected TCP
and entered the same IP address you selected during setup on the Skycut’s control panel:

• Make sure your computer is connected to the same router as your Skycut.
• Verify that SignMaster is the selected software on the control panel under Set>Sys Information.

I cannot get USB to work with my Skycut.

• Unplug/replug the USB cable at both the computer and at the Skycut.
• In SignMaster’s Vinyl Spooler window, under the Connection tab, make sure you have Direct USB
Port selected under Port Type and the Status says Device Connected. If not, repeat the instructions
in Section 1.12.1.

• Try a different USB port on your computer.

• Verify that SignMaster is the selected software on the control panel under Set>Sys Information.
• Try a different USB cable.


I had to cancel a cut. Now my Skycut is no longer responding when I click on Cut Now.

• There is a reset button on the right side of the Skycut D. Use a pen or pencil to press and hold for one
second. You should hear a beep.

A2 Operating Issues

The control panel isn’t responding very well.

• Press control panel icons with your finger and not your fingernail. You can also use a black rubber
• Make sure the control panel is clean.

My mat is rotating when the Skycut starts to cut!

• Two pinch wheels need to be gripping the mat. Move the mat either left or right so that it is under two
outer pinch wheels and the pinch wheels are aligned under white arrows. Refer to Section 1.09.

• Make sure you are not trying to force the blade to cut too deeply and/or too quickly through a
thick/dense material like chipboard or craft plastic. Slow the speed, decrease the Force, and add more

My vinyl isn’t feeding evenly while cutting. It starts bunching up on the inside of the end cap.

• Even if you feel the vinyl is aligned properly at the start of the cut, a slight “out of alignment” error will
become more pronounced with a long cut. When you first drop the pinch wheels, use the arrow keys to
feed the vinyl for the length of the cut to make sure it is feeding straight. If not, then about half-way
through the length of the vinyl needed, lift the pinch wheels and realign the vinyl. Continue testing the
alignment until you can verify that the vinyl is sufficently aligned for the entirety of your project.


The pinch rollers are not tight enough to hold the vinyl I’m cutting. The vinyl is slipping and rotating when I start
the cut.
• The pinch wheels need to be over grit shafts (the dark gray rough areas along the revolving shaft. The
white rectangles will help you align the pinch wheels in correct locations. Also, use outside locations
versus having, say, one pinch on the far right of the vinyl and a second pinch wheel only in the middle.


I hear a terrible stuttering sound when trying to cut chipboard (or other thick dense material).

• That can be a symptom of forcing the blade to cut too deeply and/or too quickly through the chipboard.
Slow the speed, decrease the Force, and add more passes.


I’m trying to do a PNC application and the camera can’t read the marks.

• Make sure you have calibrated the Skycut’s camera. The procedure is covered in Section 3.03.
• On the control panel, go to Set>Camera and press Set. Make sure the Auto PNC option is marked.
• If using the cutting mat, make sure the printout is aligned fairly straight on the cutting mat and the mat is
fairly straight in the cutter.
• Make sure the blade holder is over the lower right registration mark when starting the cut.
• Are the registration marks printed dark with no streaking or missing ink?
• Did you make any changes in the Contour Cutting Wizard after printing and before trying to cut?


The Skycut stopped during a cut.

• If the Skycut stops with the head over on the left side of the cutter, you have most likely exceeded the
cutting range. Several things to consider:
 Check the width (W) of your project (or the height H if in Landscape mode). It cannot exceed 21.95”
when cutting with the left head.
 Check how far you are moving the head to the left when setting the origin. If your project is 21” and
you moved the head more than 1” to the left, you will send the cut out of range and the cutter will

• If the Skycut stops and the head is not located near the left side:

 Make sure it’s not a communication issue.

 You may have exceeded a buffer limit. Try reducing the number of nodes. Select the shapes and go
to Curves>Node Editing>Reduce Nodes (Object).


I have sent a project that is supposed to use the right side for scoring and the left side for cutting. Everything is
set correctly in the software but the left side is used for both the scoring and the cutting.
• On the Skycut’s main control panel screen, make sure that Use Double Head is selected.


A3 Cutting/Drawing Issues

My shapes are drawing (cutting) off the material. What am I doing wrong?

• When setting the origin, make sure you are using the tip of the blade as the reference point and set the
tip inside the corner of the material (not too close to an outside edge).
• Verify that the preview window in SignMaster matches where you expect the shapes to cut as you view
the material loaded into the Skycut itself.

When drawing with the test pen), I have extra lines being drawn.

• Make sure you raise the pen in the blade holder seat on the Skycut before tightening the screw. The
blade holder seat needs to be able to drop the tool down when it reaches the spot to start the shape.
Otherwise, the tool tip will be dragging across the material from the origin to where the shape will begin
and then back to the origin at the end of the “cut”.

I’m drawing with a pen and there are bubbles at the corners.

• For perfect corners when using a pen, go to the Send to be Cut window and select Pen Mode so that
Blade Offset is set to 0. You do not need an offset for pens (or other tools like embossers and


My cut started out fine but by the end of the cut, it’s not cutting through the material.

• Make sure the blade holder housing doesn’t have any bits of material inside of it.
• Make sure the screw on the blade holder seat is hand-tight so that the blade holder isn’t slipping
upwards during the cut.
• Make sure the cutting mat is clean and sticky and the material is pressed down completely, so that the
material remains stabilized during the cut.
• Make sure the blade isn’t cutting too deep into the mat. This can sometimes cause the material to be
pulled up and away from the mat as the blade releases from the plastic it is cutting.
• Try increasing the Force by ~ 5 – 10.

My cut is clean in some places but not in others. Why am I not getting consistent cutting?
• Make sure your material is pressed firmly onto a clean and sticky mat (assuming you are cutting a
material such as paper or cardstock).

• Try increasing the cutting force and slowing the speed.

• Your material may require two passes if it’s not homogenous or if it is heavily textured. Sometimes
intricate shapes also cut better with two passes.
• Also, if the material has been exposed to humidity, then it will become difficult to cut in one pass. You
can dry both paper and cardstock using a blow dryer or in a very low-temperature oven.
• If you are cutting vinyl without a cutting mat, check the cutting strip to make sure it is still in good

I have the outside edges of my chipboard completely taped but I’m not getting clean cuts, even after lots of

• Taping the edges prevents shifting of the chipboard but it’s not enough for stabilizing. You need to
thoroughly press the entire surface of the chipboard onto a clean and sticky mat. Using a brayer is

I am getting a lot of tearing in my cuts.

• A number of things can cause tearing so work through this check list:
 Too much blade is exposed. If you see cut lines in your mat or the backing sheet, shorten the blade
exposure. You should only be cutting through the material itself.
 The blade is chipped. Try a different blade.
 The paper is not adhered well to the mat. Make sure the mat is clean, sticky, and the paper is
pressed smoothly and evenly on the surface.
 You may be using too much Force. Try reducing it and doing test cuts.
 You may have too many nodes in the shape. Select the shapes and go to Curves>Node
Editing>Reduce Nodes (Object).
 The material itself may be subject to tearing, especially on intricate cuts. Also, if the cardstock has
been exposed to humidity, then the moisture in the material can make it difficult to cut cleanly. You
can dry paper and cardstock using a blow dryer or in a very low-temperature oven.


I’m cutting very small lettering and the letters are a bit distorted.

• Verify that you are using the correct Blade Offset.

• Try slowing down the cut. Small lettering needs slower speed.

My cut shapes are not the same dimensions as what they are set to in SignMaster.

• Perform the calibration procedure shown in Section 2.08.


My shapes are not completely cutting out. They are still attached to the waste part of the material.

• Make sure you have set an appropriate Overcut setting.

• Make sure the mat is not skewing during the cut. This can happen if even one of the pinch wheels is no
longer centered under a white arrow. It can also happen if the speed and/or pressure is set too high.


My cardstock is not cutting all the way through. I have the blade all the way out and using the maximum force.

• Please refer to Section 1.07.3. It’s important to only have as much blade exposed as is necessary to
penetrate the cardstock. Reduce your force back to conservative values for the material you are cutting
and do a test cut.
• Do not use more force than is needed. If the cardstock is cutting through about 90% of the cut, then
increase Passes. Some cardstocks do better with a second pass at a lower force.

I calibrated the camera for print and cut but every cut is off by the same amount.
• The calibration can be tweaked using the procedure presented in Section 3.06.1

I calibrated the camera for print and cut and the cuts start off accurate but, by the end of the cut, there is a lot of
• This is called “drift” and can sometimes be corrected by slowing the speed and making sure the cuts
aren’t so deep that the blade is causing some drag to occur.
• An alternative solution is to add intermediate registration marks. Refer to Sections 3.08 and 3.09.2.


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