Fin460 - Stock Analysis
Fin460 - Stock Analysis
Fin460 - Stock Analysis
Group Assignment
Section 3
Faculty: Dr. Md. Taslim Uddin
Report on
Presence and Sources of Contrarian Profits in the
Bangladesh Stock Market
Abdullah Al Saif 1930419
Mohammed Shoaib 1930258
Kazi Muhammad Husain 1921681
Afsana Mimi 1 1921281
Jannatul Fardous Bushra 1920216
2.Research Questions
Construction of Portfolios
𝜋 𝑚 = 𝜎𝜇2 + 𝛿𝜎𝑓2 + Ω
𝜋 𝑐 = −𝜎𝜇2 − 𝛿𝜎𝑓2 − Ω,
From the table we can see that in Panel A strong and positive
influence of time-series momentum on cross-sectional momentum
profits, especially in the period 2009-2013. Good intercept
indicates good presence of contrarian profits even after time-
series momentum has been taken into account.
Panel B introduced other risk factors like SMB , Market return
and TRIN ,the results are still similar , intercept is fairly
significant in all the periods, proving that additional risk
factors and time-series momentum cannot determine eh reason for
cross-sectional contrarian profits
In this article, the Bangladesh stock market from January 2002
to August 2013 is evaluated for the presence and source of
momentum and contrarian gains. For a short length of time of one
to eight weeks, contrarian gains are visible on the Bangladesh
stock market. In comparison to large firms, the size of
contrarian profits is significantly greater for small and
medium-sized businesses. This period of opportunity for making
money in the opposite direction vanished after the stock market
crash in December 2010. The most recent phenomenon of a lack of
momentum or contrarian gains does not indicate that the market
has evolved into an efficient one.
The development of a trading strategy to capitalize on the
presence of contrarian profits in the Bangladesh stock market
has already been covered. Academics may employ additional
methods to identify momentum and contrarian profits. A serious
problem is any form of inefficiency, such as the existence of
contrarian profits.
Data on transaction costs that become available in the future
could reveal the true picture of contrarian profits. Future
studies may provide additional insight into such profits as more
data becomes available in the years to come. To ensure that such
profits are not the result of market manipulation, policymakers
and regulators must collaborate. To ensure that such profits are
not the result of market manipulation, policymakers and
regulators like the SEC must cooperate. Otherwise, regulators
may face a significant challenge in detecting manipulation. Due
to the lack of necessary data, it is impossible to consider all
the issues that are important and relevant to contrarian