Choose Your Own Activity Sheet For Homeschooling
Choose Your Own Activity Sheet For Homeschooling
Choose Your Own Activity Sheet For Homeschooling
Letters & Words Reading & Writing Numbers Environment Exercise, Dexterity Organisation & Engineering & Art & Music
& Mindfulness Cooperation Design
Using 5 Write three Using the 6 single Go for a walk. Write the names Write a schedule Build the highest Draw a cat. Add a
consonants and 4 sentences using digits and 4 Photograph three of your family of activities you self-supporting unicorn horn and
vowels, make the the word of the operations, reach things that are members, then did today and tower you can wings. Give your
longest word you day provided by the double-digit blue. write them with when you did with 100 Lego caticorn a name.
can. your teacher. Try target number. your non- them. Write a blocks. Add other
*NOTE A to use the word in *NOTE E preferred hand. schedule for caticorns and
a conversation. tomorrow. name them.
Using 5 Write a script for a Predict how many Go for a walk. Create a one- Play a card game Build the highest Draw and colour a
consonants and 4 two-minute times you will roll Photograph five minute dance with a family house of cards picture, glue it
vowels, make the dialogue between each number if different types of routine. member… without that you can. well to a piece of
longest list of two friends who you roll a die 100 flower. speaking! thin cardboard
words you can. are solving a times. Test your (e.g. cereal box).
*NOTE A problem. prediction by Cut and jumble
recording the the pieces, then
results of 100 rolls solve as a jigsaw
in a table. puzzle.
Use a dictionary to Write a rhyming Create a Pascal’s Go for a walk. Vacuum your Choose three Use an egg carton Choose a famous
make a list of poem about a Triangle. See how Photograph, draw bedroom. Make recipes from a to create a three- artwork e.g. The
words that begin person, place or far you can go! or write a sure you vacuum recipe book. Check dimensional Starry Night.
with the letter ‘p’ thing. Use What patterns can description of the underneath the if you have the animal. Colour Recreate it using
but do not start adjectives, verbs you see? different birds you furniture. Ask a ingredients at with paint or objects from
with a /p/ sound. and adverbs. see. family member to home. Optional: textas. around the house
do an inspection, choose one of the then photograph
to see if you’ve recipes, make it it.
missed anything. and photograph
the result.
Use Google Write a haiku Using a shopping Collect the seeds Choose a ‘Cosmic Sort the books on Use an egg carton Draw ten different
Translate to learn about learning at receipt, choose from a capsicum, Kids Yoga’ video a shelf into to create a three- types of trees.
how to say ‘hello’ home. five items and find tomato, pumpkin on YouTube. alphabetical order dimensional Vary the trunk,
in ten different the total cost of or sunflower. Follow the by title. vehicle. Colour branches, canopy,
languages. Use the those items. Wash, dry and instructions. with paint or leaves, flowers
speaker function plant the seeds. textas. and fruit.
to hear the When seedlings
pronunciation. emerge, record
how much they
grow each week
and what changes
you observe.
Play ‘Hangman’ Choose a page of a Create a colourful List the floral and Do some stretches Sort the books on Make a Draw a bus with
with a family book and read it picture by placing faunal emblems that go from left a shelf into personalised pack ten windows on
member. You backwards, word coins under a for each state and to right and right alphabetical order of cards by the side. Draw the
could use the by word. Pause at sheet of paper and territory of to left e.g. touch by the authors’ changing the people in the
word of the day! commas, stop at rubbing over them Australia. your left foot with last names. symbols of a windows.
full stops and use with coloured your right hand traditional pack of
expression for pencils. Find the and touch your playing cards.
dialogue. Read the total ‘cost’ of your right foot with
page correctly, picture by adding your left hand.
paying attention the value of the How many
to punctuation. coins used. different stretches
can you do? Write
them in a
notebook for
future reference.
Play ‘Boggle’ with Write a short story Use footsteps or a Go for a walk and Choose a ‘Just Sort the books on List ten different Draw a map of
a family member. in which you are a ruler to measure collect leaves that Dance Kids’ video a shelf into uses for a Australia, including
*NOTE B superhero. the perimeter of have fallen on the on YouTube and rainbow order colander. state and territory
Illustrate your different rooms in ground. If they are follow along. according to the borders. Add the
story. your house or wet, place them colour of the capital cities.
apartment. Write between two spines. Check a printed or
a list of the rooms sheets of paper online map to see
and the perimeter towel to dry. Use how accurate you
of each, from the leaves to are.
smallest to largest. create an artwork
and take a photo
of it.
Play a game of Choose an article Take a notebook Write a list of Follow the Ask your parents Build a cubby Learn the words
‘Categories’ from Kids News. with you and go things you can do ‘Workouts for kids’ for a job you can house in your and actions for a
(attached at end Copy the glossary for a walk to a at home and at exercises do to help around bedroom but don’t GoNoodle song
of document). For into a notebook busy street. school to take (attached to end the house. Do it make a mess! from Moose Tube
each letter of the and write your Record the colour greater care of the of document). Go or Blazer Fresh.
alphabet, write a own sentence for of each car that environment. Take through the with a smile on Teach the song to
word that fits the each word. goes by during a inspiration from sequence at least your face. a family member
category. *NOTE D ten-minute period. the 8 Rs (attached three times. or perform it for
Remember that When you get at end of them.
proper nouns home, transfer the document).
require a capital data into a graph
letter! or chart.
Create a Choose an article Choose ten items Sit outside for ten Use your non- Play a board game Create ten Draw a still life of
crossword using from Kids News. from your kitchen minutes or longer. dominant hand to with a family different designs the fruit in your
your spelling Complete the cupboard. Line Write a list of all brush your teeth. member. Focus on for coffee/tea fruit bowl. If you
words, words of activities listed them up from the things you can Finish the job by having fun rather mugs. don’t have a fruit
the day and other below the article. smallest to see and hear. using your than winning. bowl, arrange
interesting words *NOTE D greatest mass. Ask dominant hand, so some food packets
you find in the a family member you don’t miss any on a table and
dictionary. Use the to check your spots. draw a still life of
definition of each accuracy. them.
word to write your
Write a list of all Choose an article Play Sudoku in a Wednesday 22nd Put one coin on Play ‘I spy’ with a Use all seven Use the grid
the words you can from Kids News. In puzzle book, the April is Earth Day. each foot and see family member. tangram pieces to (attached to end
think of that start a notebook, write newspaper or Find out all you how far or for how create a picture of document) to
with the letter ‘s’. three interesting online. can about Earth long you can walk (tangram and design a simple
Write some silly facts you have *NOTE G Day and create a without the coins examples attached filet crochet (see
sentences and learnt. poster, video or falling off. at end of examples). Send a
tongue twisters, *NOTE D slideshow about document). photo of it to Mme
using as many of this important day. Wilson and she
the words as you will try to make it
can. Make sure during the
your sentences are holidays.
Write a list of as Write a letter to Play ‘Space Take a small bag Play hopscotch. Help your parents Design a maze Draw ten different
many five-letter your mum, Invaders’ with a or box with you Watch the video cook dinner and using lego. vehicles. Vary the
words as you can grandma or other family member. and go for a walk for instructions on clean up size, shape and
think of. Make the important woman See attached to a park or the how to play. afterwards. colour. Include
longest list of six- in your life. Let instructions and beach. Collect all *NOTE F their drivers.
letter words that them know why example at end of the rubbish you
you can. document. find and dispose of
they are important it responsibly.
to you. Wash your hands
Choose a word Write an article for Place ‘Maths War’ Write a poem, Play ‘Freeze Play ‘Mirror Make a Draw a
and write it down. a fictitious with a family song or rap about Dances’ on your Mirror’ with a thaumatrope. How streetscape with
Take the final newspaper, member. Watch caring for the own or with a family member. many different ten different
letter of that word reporting on what the video to learn environment. family member. One of you makes designs can you houses. Vary the
and use it as the your parents do different ways to Recite or perform *NOTE I small movements think of? size, shape,
first letter of the for work and how play the game. it for your family. and the other *NOTE J roofing, windows
next word. they care for your *NOTE H person tries to and doors.
Continue until you family. mirror the actions
have twenty as closely as
words in the list. possible.
Example: train –
nice – excited –
daughter - rough
A. Countdown letters and numbers games: Select ‘letters’
Countdown letters game solver:
B. Boggle:
C. Word of the day:
D. Kids News:
E. Google ‘random number generator’. Generate six numbers between 1 and 9, and one number between 10 and 99.
For students requiring extension: Select ‘numbers’ and choose 2 big numbers and 4 small
F. Hopscotch:
G. Sudoku:
H. Maths War:
I. Freeze Dances:
J. Thaumatrope:
Girl’s name Boy’s name Country Capital city Food Adjective Noun Verb
Using a page in your maths grid book, each player has a different coloured pencil. Take turns to roll two dice (or roll one die twice) and colour in the same number of
squares as the number you rolled. For each turn, the squares you colour must be connected horizontally or vertically. As the page fills, if you can’t colour the correct
number of squares, you miss your turn. When the page is full, count how many squares each player has coloured.