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International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability

Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020

Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)

Sylvester Aigbogun Ozigbo, Ph.D, CNA

Department of Accountancy,
Delta State Polytechnic,
P.M.B. 5, Ozoro,
Delta State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT: The major focus of the research is to empirically investigate the impact of
interest rate dynamics on performance of manufacturing- sub sector in Nigeria. The
research covers the period between 1980 and 2019.This period is important since it includes
the pre-structural adjustment programme (SAP) era where interest rate was not liberalized
and the structural adjustment programme period where interest rate is liberalized. The
cointegration technique with its implied error correction mechanism was used for the study.
The result shows that the high interest rate in Nigeria has hindered the performance of the
manufacturing sub sector. The GARCH and ARCH results indicates that interest rate
dynamics has influenced the performance of the manufacturing sub- sector. The result also
confirms a long run relationship among the variables. It was therefore recommended
amongst others, that there should be a drastic reduction in the interest rate coupled with
the adoption of liberalized interest rate regime with some caution; this will increase the
performance of the manufacturing sub- sector in Nigeria.
KEYWORDS: manufacturing sub-sector, minimum rediscount rate, monetary policy rate,
treasury bills, and inflationary spiral.


Although Nigeria had embarked on financial sector reforms in 1987, the economy continued to
move on the brink of collapse with volatility in virtually all major macroeconomic aggregates.
The economy is still characterized by infrastructural decay, widespread corruption, inefficiency in
private and public sector as well as low level of private sector participation in economic activities.
The net result is a near collapse in investment level leading to decline of real output and falling
per capita income from 1980 to the present day.

Experts have posited that structural reforms good as it may seems must transcend mere
macroeconomic stabilization. It must logically involve increase in productive investment so that
increased national income and eventually full employment can be achieved (Fitzherid et al 1992).
This is supported by the Economic Commission for Africa ECA (1999) when it posited that
economic growth as an expansion of macro capacity of an economy is a function of the distribution
of current resources between consumption and investment needs to achieve sustainable growth
and development.

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)

The introduction of SAP led to the financial sector reform like; deregulation of interest rate,
exchange rate and other deregulations according to (Ogwuma, 1993; Ojo, 1993). However as a
reversal policy the government in January 1994 expressly introduced some measures of regulation
into interest rate management owing to wide variations and unnecessary high rate under the
complete deregulation of interest rates.

In light of the above, the deposit rates were once again set at 12.45% per annum while a ceiling of
21% per annum was fixed for lending rate. The ceiling on interest rates introduced in 1994 was
retained in 1995 with a little modification for flexibility but was lifted in October 1996 to pursue
a flexible interest rate regime as observed by Omole and Falokun (1999). In line with the adoption
of the market-based technique of monetary management, interest rates policy remained flexible
and responsive to changes in market conditions. However, as an instrument of monetary policy
the Central Bank of Nigeria CBN in 2000 indirectly influenced the level and direction of change
in interest rate movement through its intervention rate on various money market instruments
especially the Minimum Rediscount Rate (MRR) as well as the stop rate of weekly tender for
treasury bills. The MRR as the nominal anchor of CBN’s interest rate policy continued to be used
proactively in line with prevailing economic conditions while the rate of treasury bills was made
competitive with comparable money market instruments CBN (2006). Further, the MRR has
undergone some fluctuations since 1987 to date as a result of the changes in the CBN policies
which in turn have changed the overall economic conditions. In August 1987, it was 15.0% and
was reduced to 12.75% in December of 1987 with the objective of stimulating investment and
growth in the economy. In 1989, the MRR was raised to 13.25% in order to contain inflation. To
further liberalize interest rate management, the ceiling on interest rate was lifted in 1992 and re-
imposed in 1994 when inflationary spiral could not be contained. However, in October 1996,
interest rates were fully deregulated with the banks given freedom to determine the structure of
interest rates in consultation with their customers. The CBN however, retained its discretionary
power to intervene in the money market to ensure tolerable movement in interest rates. The policy
of interest rate deregulation has been retained since 1997 while the MRR was replaced with the
Monetary Policy Rate (MPR). Again, the MPR was brought down to 10% from 14% with a
lending rate of 13% and a deposit rate of 7% which stood as a standing policy intended to stem
volatility in interest rates especially that of the interbank rates.

It is pertinent to know that under a deregulated interest rate system, the market plays a vital role in
determining the rate of interest. This implies that both banks and their customers are free to be
on the round tables to negotiate and arrive at a suitable interest rate on deposits and loans

Only recently with the outbreak of the coronavirus, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in carrying
out its Financial System Stability mandate, released measures to battle the economic impact of
COVID-19.One of such interventions is the reduction of interest rate on its intervention loans from
9% to5%.It also extended the moratorium on such loans from one to two years.

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)
The apex bank also came up with a regulatory forbearance to enable Deposit Money Banks
restructure their customers’ loans with a view to reducing the burden on businesses and
households. These measures have become necessary due to unprecedented disruption in global
supply chains, sharp reduction in demand for crude oil, turmoil in global stock and financial
markets ,wide spread cancellation of sporting activities and restrictions in travelling among others.

However, ,it must be emphasized that the reduction in interest rate relates only to CBN intervention
loans, implying that all other loans outside this coverage are not affected by the new directive.

Empirical evidence abounds that the financial sector reform with objective of low interest rate did
not achieve the desired level of interest rate regime (Usman 2001). This observation among others
has necessitated the researcher to investigate the impact of interest rate dynamics (changed) on the
performance of the manufacturing sub sector of the Nigerian economy.


The major objective of the research is to empirically investigate the impact of interest rate
dynamics on the performance of manufacturing sub sector of the Nigerian economy. The specific
objectives include, To:

 establish the impact of interest rate variation on the performance of the manufacturing sub-
 examine the impact of inflation on the performance of the manufacturing sub- sector.
 evaluate the relationship between exchange rate and manufacturing sub-sector performance.
 ascertain the relationship between economic growth on manufacturing-sub sector


The following hypotheses will be tested. They are stated in the null form.
HO(1) There is no significant relationship between interest rate
variation and the level of manufacturing output in Nigeria.
HO(2) There is no significant relationship between inflation rate and
manufacturing output in Nigeria.
HO(3) There is no significant relationship between exchange rate
and manufacturing output in Nigeria.
HO(4) There is no significant relationship between the level of
economic growth and manufacturing output.


The real sector encompasses key productive sectors which include manufacturing sub-sector of
which private investment and foreign direct investment are components. A theoretical model of

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)
the form outlined below will be used i.e. Chingande et al (2012) theoretical framework will be

According to the theory, the drivers of the real sector i.e. manufacturing, foreign direct investment,
private investment fall into two categories which are the rate of return (A) and risky factors (B)
for which there is a positive response of the manufacturing output to interest rate and a negative
response to the risk factors:

MQ = f(A,B)
where: MQ is manufacturing output,

A Is a collection of factors affecting the rate of return on manufacturing that includes interest
rate (IR), inflation (INFL), rate of economic growth (GDP), exchange rate (ER), Corporate
taxes (CT), labour cost (LC) etc.
B Which stands for the risk factors (RF) associated with real sector and manufacturing output.
Such risk include: political instability, war, and failure to observe democratic tenets etc.

The result is a theoretical model of the form:


One of the assumptions of the classical linear Regression model (CLRM) is that there should
be variability (dynamics) in the x – variable (independent variables) including interest rate hence
the econometric model as given below:

MQ = ∝ + ∝1IR + ∝2INFL + ∝3ER + ∝4RGDP + Vt

∝1 < 0, ∝2 < 0, + ∝3 > 0, ∝4 > 0

Where MQ is manufacturing output, IR is interest rate, INFL is inflation rate, ER is the exchange
rate, RGDP is the Real Gross Domestic product. ∝1, ∝2, + ∝3, ∝4 are parameters to be estimated
and they measure the slope of the regression equation. Where in natural logarithm form, they
represent the various elasticities. Vt is the random variable which accounts for other factors not
included in the model.


Jhingan (2005) defined interest rates as the rental payment for the use of credit by borrowers and
return for parting with liquidity by lenders. Like other prices, interest rates perform a rationing
function by allocating limited supply of credit among the many competing demands. Interest rate
may also be seen as the price of credit which might be subject to distortions due to inflation.
According to Wikipedia (2005) an interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower
for the use of money that they borrow from a lender. It can also be seen as a rate which is charged
or paid for the use of money and is usually expressed on an annual basis.

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)
Mckinnon and Shaw (1973) argued in favour of financial liberalization as medium of promoting
saving, investment, and growth. Their argument was based on the fact that real interest rates are
frequently negative in developing countries due to administrative controls on the nominal interest
rates and heavy regulation in the financial market. This is supported by Udude(2015) and
Fatoumata(2017). They contended that in those countries where self financing is very important
and interest rate is negative or very low, an upward increase in real deposit rates encourages
savings (the substitution effect dominates the income effect) and the substitution from goods to
bank deposits. Both have positive effects on private investment because self financing investment
rises and because there is a rise in the availability of funds to finance any profitable investment
project. However, at higher rates, economic agents would prefer to hold deposits that yield a
higher return than investment in physical capital. Therefore, at high rates, investment and real
bank rates are expected to be negatively related. Hence, Mckinnon’s arguments imply a nonlinear
relationship between real interest rates and private (real sector) investments.

Further private investment can be nonlinear in credit availability (Guncavdi et al 2008). That is,
if we expect that credit constraints are present at all levels of interest rates, then when the effect of
an increase in the real interest rates in the loan supply is higher than the cost brought about by
higher rates due to asymmetric information problems, a decrease in the sensitivity of private
investment on credit availability at higher rates should be expected as well.

The effect of real interest rates on private (real sector) investment spending was also formalized in
an investment equation by Jorhenson 2013) who derived the desired stock of capital as a function
of real output and the opportunity cost of capital. In this a representative firm maximizes the
present value of its future cash flows. The desired capital stock is directly related to output and
inversely related to cost of capital. A decrease in real interest rate lowers the opportunity cost of
capital and therefore raises the desired capital stock and investment spending. Fry (1988) also
posited that an increase in real interest rates has a positive effect on the volume and on quality of
investment in financially repressive economies. The former effect is seen because self financing
is important and investment is lumpy. Then the economic agents accumulate resources before any
investment project is executed. Increases in real interest rates thus stimulate both total and
financial savings and consequently, investment. The latter effect, via improvement in the quality
of investment occurs because a higher, interest rate will rule out investment projects with low
productivity. At the same time, higher rates move resources form less efficient (e.g. goods facing
depreciation) to more efficient form of accumulation (e.g. bank deposits with a more favourable

Luintel (2001) posited that data on interest rates is only available since the eighties or early nineties
for most of developing countries; therefore there is not an abundance of empirical work testing the
effect of interest rates or cost of capital on private (real sector) investment for developing countries.
He noted that previous work for developing countries is not only sparse but also shows mixed
results for the effect of interest rates on real sector investment. For instance, Warman and Thirwall
(1994) showed a negative and significant relationship using data for Mexico. Demelo and Tybout
(2006) report a negative but statistically insignificant effect using data for Uraguay. Laumas
(2000) and Athukorala (1998) found a positive relationship between real interest rate on deposits
International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)
and private (real sector) investment in India. With respect to the relationship between the cost of
capital and investment, the relation is found to be negative in Athukorala (1998) but positive in
Guncavid et al (2008) for Turkey.


All computations in this study were carried out using an econometrics software known as e-views
7.1 version. The cointegration and vector error correction modeling was adopted for this study.
But before proceeding to test for cointegration and estimation of parameters, the augmented
Dickey – Fuller unit root test was carried out to test the stationarity of the time series data. In
addition, the following diagnostic checks was also carried out:

1. Autocorrlation LM Test
2. White Heteroskedacity Test
3. Residual Normally Test
4. Variance decomposition

One interesting issues that remain is how manufacturing sub- sector reacts to shocks in any of
those monetary variables. Which shock is relatively the most important and how long, on average,
it will take for the manufacturing sub sector to restore its equilibrium following such shock. The
usual block F-tests and an examination of causality in a VAR will show which of the variables in
the model have statistical influence on the future values on each of the variables in the system.
However, these tests will not reveal whether changes in a value of a given variable have a negative
or positive influence on the other variables in the system, or how long it would take for the effect
to work through the system (Brooks, 2002) To provide such information, Lutkepohl and Reimers
(1992) developed impulse response and forecast error variance decomposition analyses for a VAR
process with cointegrated variables.

Further information on the linkages between the manufacturing sector and interest rate can be
obtained from variance decomposition, which measure the proportion of forecast error variance in
a variable that is explained by innovations (impulses) in itself and the other variables. Variance
decompositions performed on the VECM may provide some information on the relative
importance of shocks in our model. In other words, variance decompositions give the proportion
of the movements in the dependent variables that are due to their ‘own’ shocks (innovation), versus
shocks to the other variables (Brooks, 2002). Brooks also observed that own series shocks explain
most of the forecast error variance of the series in a VAR. the same factorization technique and
information used in estimating impulse responses is applied in the variance decompositions.


The first step in analyzing the results is the unit root test. This is followed by the cointegration
test and the error corrections. The variance decomposition is the last in the session.

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)
The Augemented Dickey fuller (ADF) unit root test was used to assess the data. The result of
the ADF unit root test is shown in table I below:

Summary of ADF Unit Root Test Result

Variable Level Data First 1% Critical 5% Critical 10% Critical Order of
difference Value Value Value Integration
MQ -1.64 -6.22* -3.67 -2.96 -2.62 1(1)
RGDP 1.96 -3.87* -3.67 -2.96 -2.62 1(1)
ER -0.06 -3.56** -3.67 -2.96 -2.62 1(1)
INFL -3.09 -5.38* -3.67 -2.76 -2.62 1(0)
IR -2.18 -5.15* -3.67 -2.76 -2.62 1(1)
Source: Author’s Computation

NB:* Indicates statistical significance at the 1% le

** indicates statistical significance at the 5 percent level.

The result shows that all the variables except inflation were originally non-stationary. They
however became stationary after the first difference was taken. That is they are 1(1). Inflation
was stationary at the levels because it is in percentages. This thus leads us to the test for


The Johansen cointegration test was used to test for the existence of a long run relationship among
the variables.

The result of the cointegration test is shown in table2

Hypothesized No. Eigenvalue Trace Statistic 5 Percent Critical 1 Percent Critical
of CE(s) Value Value

None ** 0.913180 152.0865 68.52 76.07

At most 1 ** 0.742536 78.76888 47.21 54.46
At most 2 ** 0.537871 38.06260 29.68 35.65
At most 3 0.326978 14.90524 15.41 3.76 20.04
At most 4 0.095945 3.025941 6.65
Hypothesized No. Eigenvalue Max-Eigen 5 Percent Critical 1 Percent Critical
of CE(s) Statistic Value Value
None ** 0.913180 73.31759 33.46 38.77
At most 1 ** 0.742536 40.70628 27.07 32.24
At most 2 * 0.537871 23.15736 20.97 25.52
At most 3 0.326978 11.87930 14.07 18.63
At most 4 0.095945 3.025941 3.76 6.65

Table 2: Summary of Johansen cointegration test.

Author’s Computation

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)
The result of the Johansen cointegration in both the trace statistic and the Max-Eigen statistic
indicates three cointegrating equation in each case. This is an indication of the existence of a long
run relationship among the variables. The existence of a long run relationship enables us to test
for what constitutes the true cointegrating equation. The vector Error correction (VEC) was used
for this purpose.


The VEC result is used in this case to identity the true cointegrating equation. The relevant section
of the VEC result is shown below:

Table 3: Summary of VEC result:

VEC result indicate that the manufacturing output and the Real Gross Domestic Product equation
constitutes the true cointegrating equations.

Overparameterize Error Correction mechanism (ECM) Model

The Overparameterize ECM result involves two lags each of the independent variables. The result
of the overparameterize ECM result is shown below:

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)

Table 4: Summary of Overparameterize ECM Result

R2 = 0.72, DW = 2.18, AIC = 2.14, SC = 2.79
Author’s Computation

The parsimonious (Preferred) ECM result was gotten by deleting insignificant variables from the
overparameterize ECM result. The Aikaike information criterion are used in selecting the
appropriate lag length.

Parsimonious ECM Result and Test of Hypotheses.

The parsimonious ECM result was used in testing the various hypotheses. The result of the
parsimonious ECM result is shown below:

Table 5: Parsimonious ECM Result:

R2 = 0.67, AIC = 1.96, SC = 2.38, DW = 2.14,t critical 1.96 ,

The t test in the parsimonious ECM result was used to test the various hypothesis. The decision
rule is to validate the alternative hypothesis if the t calculated is greater than t critical and the
reverse is true if the t calculated < t critical

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)

The first hypothesis is restated below. There is no significant relationship between interest rate
and the output of the manufacturing sector.

The t calculated in this regard with a value of -12.11 is > t critical of 1.96. this is an indication of
the validation of the alternative hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between interest
rate and manufacturing output. This provides an indication that variations in the interest rates has
influenced the real sector performance in Nigeria.


The second hypothesis is restated below:

There is no significant relationship between the level of Economic growth and manufacturing

The t calculated (3.97) > t critical (1.96). This is an indication of the validation of the alternative

That there is a significant relationship between the level of economic growth and manufacturing
output in Nigeria. The result insinuates that the level of economic growth matters for the
performance of the manufacturing sector in Nigeria.


There is no significant relationship between the inflation rate and the output of the manufacturing

The t calculated (-3.58) > t critical (1.96) an indication of the validation of the alternative
hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between inflation rate and the output of the
manufacturing sector in Nigeria. An indication that he real sector is influenced by the general
price level.


There is no significant relationship between the exchange rate and the level of manufacturing
output in Nigeria.

The t calculated (-3.47) > t critical (1.96). An indication of the validation of the alternative
hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between exchange rate and the output of the
manufacturing sector in Nigeria. An indication that the operators of the real sector in Nigeria are
concerned about the exchange rate.

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)

The Autoregressive conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) and the generalized Autoregressive

conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) was used to test whether or not interest rate dynamics
has influenced the performance of the manufacturing sector in Nigeria. The result is shown below:

Table 6: ARCH/GARCH test Dependent variable: LMQ. Please see Table 6 BELOW:

The summation of the ARCH (1) and the GARCH (1) is approximately unity. This provides an
indication that the interest rate dynamics has influenced the performance of the manufacturing


The various diagnostic checks are shown in table 7 below:

Table 7: Summary of Diagnostic test results. Appendix 9-11

Jarque-Bera 3.68 Probability 0.16

White Heteroskedasticity
F Statistic 1.12 Probability 0.42

Brevsch – Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test

F Statistic 3.42 Probability 0.05

The Jarque-bere normality test was used to test whether the residuals are normally distributed
indicates that the residuals are normally distributed. The white heteroskedasticity test indicate that
the residuals are homoskedastic. The Brevsch – Godfrey serial correlation test indicates that there
is no serial correlation in the model.

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)

The result of the cumulated sum of Recorsive Residuals (COSUM) and the cumulative sum of
squares of Recorsive residuals (C0SOMQ) is shown in the graphs below:
Figure 1: CUSUM Stability test: Appendix12

Figure 2: CUSUMQ stability test:

The result of the CUSUM and CUSUM indicates residual stability. Since the CUSUM and
CUSUMQ lines falls in-between the two 5% lines.


What happen to the manufacturing sector performance if for example, there is a sudden change or
shock in interest rate? This will be tested using the Cholesky Variance decomposition. The result
is shown below:

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)

Table 8: Cholesky Variance Decomposition.

Manufacturing output explained 100 percent of shocks to itself in the first period. This declines
to 69 percent in the last period. Shocks to interest rate explained 3 percents of changes in
manufacturing output in the fifth period. This did not change till the last period. Shocks to
manufacturing output explained 27 percent of changes in interest rate in the first period. This
decreased to 4 percent in the last period. Shocks to manufacturing output explained 17 percent of
changes in exchange rate in the first period. This reduced to 12 percent in the last period. Shocks
to interest explained about 28 percent of change in exchange rate in the first period and reduced
to 16 percent in the last period shocks to manufacturing output explained 5 percent in economic
growth in the first period which reduced to 1 percent in the last period. Shocks to interest rate
explained about 3 percent of the changes in economic growth in the first period, which did not
change in the last period. Shock, to manufacturing output explained about 4 percent of changes in
inflation rate in the first period, which increased to 37 percent in the last period. Shock to interest
rate explain about 5 percent of shocks to interest rate in the first period which increased to 9 percent
in the last period.


Interest rate dynamics has been a major policy focus in almost all countries in the globe. The
developed and emerging economies like South Korea, China, etc carefully maintain an interest
rate policy that improve the performance of the real sector. This is why, sometimes in the United
States, the interest rate is reduced to as low as 1 percent in order to boost the performances of the
real sector and create jobs. In Nigeria, however, the result indicates that the high interest rate has
hindered the performance of the manufacturing sector. The result shows further that an increase
in the interest rate by 1 percent reduced the output of the manufacturing sector by 69 percent. This
high elasticity is an indication of the damage that high interest rate policy has caused to the
manufacturing and by extension real sector of Nigerian economy.

GARCH(1) and ARCH(1) results indicates that the dynamics in interest rate has influenced the
output of the manufacturing sector in Nigeria. The cointegration result shows a long run
relationships among the variables. The Error correction mechanism indicates a satisfactory speed
of adjustment. It shows that about 38 percent of the errors is corrected each period.

International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability
Vol.8, No.5, pp. 21-36, December 2020
Published by ECRTD- UK
ISSN: 2053-2199 (Print), ISSN: 2053-2202(Online)

We therefore recommend that the monetary authorities in Nigeria should reduce the interest rate
on loans to the manufacturing-sub sector of the economy. This will increase the output of that
sector. It is also recommended that concerted efforts should be made to tackle the high inflationary
pressure in Nigeria which has hindered the performance of the real sector. Policy makers should
learn from the examples of the developed and emerging economics that inspite of adopting the
liberalized interest rate policy,authorities sometimes intervene to adopt measures that would push
down interest rate with caution and also introducing some internal control measures to encourage
real sector performance.


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