Bohr's Star Model
Bohr's Star Model
Bohr's Star Model
The colors of the stars indicate their surface temperatures. There are five star
colors: blue, white, yellow, orange, and red. The hottest stars are blue, with
temperatures around 25,000 K. Red is the color of the coldest stars, which have
surface temperatures of approximately 3,000 K.
The 5 Colors of Stars
While the five star colors are blue, white, yellow, orange, and red, there are in-
between colors. The color classes are O (blue), B (bluish), A (blue-white), F (white),
yellow-white (G), orange (K), and red (M). Remember the order with the mnenomic
“Oh Be a Fine Girl, Kiss Me”.
Annie Jump Cannon devised the Harvard spectral classification, which orders stars
according to their apparent color as viewed from Earth. At the time, astronomers
had not made the connection between star color and surface temperature. The
modern classification system (Morgan-Keenan) uses the same classes, but
approaches colors based on spectra and luminosity.
The bluest stars are not only hotter than the Sun, but also much larger (12 to 25
solar diameters) and more massive (20 to 100 solar masses). Meanwhile, red stars
are cooler and smaller (only 0.1 to 0.6 solar diameters and 0.08 to 0.5 solar
masses). As stars go through their lives, they consume fuel, decrease in size, and
shift in color and temperature. So, star color indicates its temperature and also its
The Morgan-Keenan star color classification uses the original Harvard spectral classification colors. (image: Rursus, CC 3.0)
But, even the space telescopes don’t see a star’s true colors. Stars moving away
from us are red-shifted because of the Doppler effect. Another factor that affects
color is extinction. Extinction occurs when cosmic dust between the star and the
viewer absorbs and scatters light. This decreases a star’s apparent brightness and
also its color. The dust scatters blue light more than red light, so stars appear
redder than their true color. This effect is interstellar reddening. A star’s chemical
composition or metallicity also affects its color. For example, carbon-rich stars
contain molecules that absorb blue and violet light, turning the stars deep red.
Of course, the most significant factor influencing star color is human vision. Even
though a telescope sees many reddish stars, the human eye is more sensitive to blue
light than red light. So, we see blue stars, but miss most of the red stars. Our eyes
do a poor job of distinguishing color of point light sources, making stars mainly
appear white. Also, human color vision perceives the net effect of a star’s color and
not its spectral peaks. Again, this leads to stars appearing mostly white.
Are There Green Stars?
There are no green stars because star colors come from their black-body spectrum.
In other words, the color depends on temperature, much like a candle flame or
heated bar of metal. The black-body spectrum does not include all of the colors of
the rainbow.
That being said, there are stars which have peak intensity in
the green portion of the spectrum. These stars don’t look
green because they also emit other colors of light. The way
the human eye works, the only way to see green is if it’s the
only color.
Purple stars are another matter entirely. Purple is the eye’s interpretation of a mix
of red and blue. Stars that emit red and blue light also emit other colors of the
spectrum, so they appear white. The only time you’ll see a purple star is when the
atmosphere shifts the star’s true color.
What Color Is the Sun?
Our Sun is an example of a star that emits peak light in the green region of the
spectrum. But, the Sun appears white as viewed from space because its apparent
color is an average of all emitted wavelengths (which include red and blue). From
Earth, sunlight is yellow because the atmosphere scatters blue light. Near sunrise
and sunset, scattering is more pronounced and the Sun appears orange or even red.
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Hertzprung, Ejnar (1908). “Über die Sterne der Unterabteilung c und ac nach
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