prEN1993 1 1 2nd Draft 2nd Rev

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English version

Eurocode 3 : Design of steel structures

Part 1.1 : General structural rules

Calcul des structures en acier Bemessung und Konstruktion von Stahlbauten

v .

Partie 1.1 : re Teil 1.1 :

Règles générales Allgemeine Regeln

2 nd




2 nd


European Committee for Standardisation
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 20xx Copyright reserved to all CEN members Ref. No. EN 1993-1.1 : 20xx. E
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Content Page
Foreword 5

1 General 7
1.1 Scope 7
1.1.1 Scope of Eurocode 3 7
1.1.2 Scope of Part 1.1 of Eurocode 3 8
1.2 Normative references 8
1.2.1 General reference standards 9
1.2.2 Weldable structural steel reference standards 9
1.2.3 Dimensions of sections reference standards 9
1.2.4 Bolts, nuts and washers 10
1.2.5 Welding consumable and welding 11
1.3 Assumptions 11
1.4 Distinction between principles and application rules 11
1.5 Definitions 11
1.6 Symbols 12
1.6.1 Latin upper case letters 12
1.6.2 Greek upper case letters 12
1.6.3 Latin lower case letters 12
1.6.4 Greek lower case letters 13
1.6.5 Subscripts 13
1.7 Conventions for member axes 14
2 Basis of design 15
2.1 General 15
2.2 Requirements 15
2.2.1 Basic requirements 15
2.2.2 Reliability management 16
2.2.3 Design working life and durability 16
2.3 Principles of limit state design 16
2.4 Basic variables 16
2.4.1 Actions and environmental influences 16
2.4.2 Material and product properties 17
2.5 Structural analysis and design 17
2.5.1 Structural analysis 17
2.5.2 Design assisted by testing 17
2.6 Verification by the partial factor method 17
2.6.1 Design value of material property 17
2.6.2 Design value of geometrical data 17
2.6.3 Design resistances 18
2.6.4 Verification of static equilibrium (EQU) 18
3 Materials 18
3.1 General 18
3.2 Structural steel 18
3.2.1 Material properties 18
3.2.2 Ductility requirements 19
3.2.3 Fracture toughness 19
3.2.4 Through thickness properties 20
3.2.5 Tolerances 20
3.2.6 Design values of material coefficients 21
3.3 Connecting devices 21
3.3.1 Bolts, nuts and washers 21
3.3.2 Rivets 22
3.3.3 Welding consumables 22
4 Durability 22
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5 Structural analysis 23
5.1 Structural modelling for analysis 23
5.1.1 Structural modelling and basic assumptions 23
5.1.2 Joint modelling 23
5.1.3 Ground structure interaction 23
5.2 Structural stability 23
5.2.1 Effects of deformed geometry of the structure 23
5.2.2 Methods of analysis 24
5.3 Imperfections 25
5.3.1 Basis 25
5.3.2 Method of application 25
5.3.3 System imperfections 25
5.3.4 Member imperfections 29
5.4 Calculation of action effects 31
5.4.1 Methods of analysis considering the effects of deformed geometry 31
5.4.2 Methods of analysis considering material nonlinearities 31
5.5 Classification of cross sections 32
5.5.1 Basis 32
5.5.2 Classification 33
5.5.3 Cross-section requirements for plastic global analysis 33
5.5.4 Cross-section requirements when elastic global analysis is used 34
6 Ultimate limit states 38
6.1 General 38
6.2 Resistance of cross-sections 38
6.2.1 General 38
6.2.2 Section properties 39
6.2.3 Tension 44
6.2.4 Compression 44
6.2.5 Bending moment 45
6.2.6 Shear 45
6.2.7 Torsion 47
6.2.8 Bending and shear 48
6.2.9 Bending and axial force 49
6.2.10 Bending, shear and axial force 51
6.3 Buckling resistance of members 51
6.3.1 Compression members 51
6.3.2 Lateral-torsional buckling of beams 55
6.3.3 Bending and axial compression 60
6.4 Buckling of plates in shear 63
6.4.1 Basis 63
6.4.2 Shear buckling resistance of webs 64
6.4.3 End stiffeners 64
6.5 Resistance of webs to in-plane transverse forces 65
6.5.1 Basis 65
6.5.2 Design resistance 66
6.5.3 Length of stiff bearing 67
6.6 Flange induced buckling 67
7 Serviceability limit states 67

8 Fasteners, welds, connections and joints 68

8.1 General requirements 68
8.1.1 General 68
8.1.2 Applied forces and moments 68
8.1.3 Resistance of joints 68
8.1.4 Design assumptions 69
8.1.5 Joints loaded in shear subjected to vibration and/or load reversal, but not for fatigue 69
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8.1.6 Intersections 69
8.2 Connections made with bolts, rivets or pins 70
8.2.1 Categories of bolted connections 70
8.2.2 Positioning of holes for bolts and rivets 71
8.2.3 Design resistances 74
8.2.4 Design resistance of rivets 78
8.2.5 Slip-resistant connections using 8.8 or 10.9 bolts 78
8.2.6 Deduction for fastener holes 80
8.3 Welded connections 81
8.3.1 General 81
8.3.2 Geometry and dimensions 82
8.3.3 Design resistance of fillet welds 83
8.3.4 Design resistance of butt welds 87
8.3.5 Distribution of forces 88
Annex A [normative] - Bending and axial compression 89
A.1 Basis 89
A.2 Members not susceptible to torsional deformations 89
A.3 Members susceptible to torsional deformations 91
A.4 Equivalent moment factors 95
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This European Standard EN 1993-1-1, Design of Steel Structures : General rules, has been prepared on
behalf of Technical Committee CEN/TC250/SC3 « Eurocode 3 », the Secretariat of which is held by BSI.
CEN/TC250/SC3 is responsible for Eurocode 3.

The text of the draft standard was submitted to the formal vote and was approved by CEN as EN 1993-1-1

No existing European Standard is superseded.

Background of the Eurocode programme

In 1975, the Commission of the European Community decided on an action programme in the field of
construction, based on article 95 of the Treaty. The objective of the programme was the elimination of
technical obstacles to trade and the harmonisation of technical specifications.

Within this action programme, the Commission took the initiative to establish a set of harmonised technical
rules for the design of construction works which, in a first stage, would serve as an alternative to the national
rules in force in the Member States and, ultimately, would replace them.

For fifteen years, the Commission, with the help of a Steering Committee with Representatives of Member
States, conducted the development of the Eurocodes programme, which led to the first generation of
European codes in the 1980’s.

In 1989, the Commission and the Member States of the EU and EFTA decided, on the basis of an agreement1
between the Commission and CEN, to transfer the preparation and the publication of the Eurocodes to the
CEN through a series of Mandates, in order to provide them with a future status of European Standard (EN).
This links de facto the Eurocodes with the provisions of all the Council’s Directives and/or Commission’s
Decisions dealing with European standards (e.g. the Council Directive 89/106/EEC on construction products
and Council Directives 93/37/EEC, 92/50/EEC and 89/440/EEC on public works and services and equivalent
EFTA Directives initiated in pursuit of setting up the internal market).

The Structural Eurocode programme comprises the following standards generally consisting of a number of
EN 1990 Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design
EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
EN 1992 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
EN 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
EN 1994 Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
EN 1995 Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures
EN 1996 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures
EN 1997 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design
EN 1998 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance
EN 1999 Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures

Eurocode standards recognise the responsibility of regulatory authorities in each Member State and have
safeguarded their right to determine values related to regulatory safety matters at national level where these
continue to vary from State to State.

Agreement between the Commission of the European Communities and the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN)
concerning the work on EUROCODES for the design of building and civil engineering works (BC/CEN/03/89).
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Status and field of application of Eurocodes

The Member States of the EU and EFTA recognise that EUROCODES serve as reference documents for the
following purposes :
– as a means to prove compliance of building and civil engineering works with the essential requirements
of Council Directive 89/106/EEC, particularly Essential Requirement N°1 - Mechanical resistance and
stability - and Essential Requirement N°2 - Safety in case of fire;
– as a basis for specifying contracts for construction works and related engineering services;
– as a framework for drawing up harmonised technical specifications for construction products (ENs and

The Eurocodes, as far as they concern the construction works themselves, have a direct relationship with the
Interpretative Documents2 referred to in Article 12 of the CPD, although they are of a different nature from
harmonised product standard3. Therefore, technical aspects arising from the Eurocodes work need to be
adequately considered by CEN Technical Committees and/or EOTA Working Groups working on product
standards with a view to achieving a full compatibility of these technical specifications with the Eurocodes.

The Eurocode standards provide common structural design rules for everyday use for the design of whole
structures and component products of both a traditional and an innovative nature. Unusual forms of
construction or design conditions are not specifically covered and additional expert consideration will be
required by the designer in such cases.

National Standards implementing Eurocodes

The National Standards implementing Eurocodes will comprise the full text of the Eurocode (including any
annexes), as published by CEN, which may be preceded by a National title page and National foreword, and
may be followed by a National annex (informative).

The National Annex (informative) may only contain information on those parameters which are left open in
the Eurocode for national choice, known as Nationally Determined Parameters, to be used for the design of
buildings and civil engineering works to be constructed in the country concerned, i.e. :
– values for partial factors and/or classes where alternatives are given in the Eurocode,
– values to be used where a symbol only is given in the Eurocode,
– geographical and climatic data specific to the Member State, e.g. snow map,
– the procedure to be used where alternative procedures are given in the Eurocode,
– references to non-contradictory complementary information to assist the user to apply the Eurocode.

Links between Eurocodes and product harmonised technical specifications (ENs

and ETAs)

There is a need for consistency between the harmonised technical specifications for construction products
and the technical rules for works4. Furthermore, all the information accompanying the CE Marking of the
construction products which refer to Eurocodes should clearly mention which Nationally Determined
Parameters have been taken into account.
According to Art. 3.3 of the CPD, the essential requirements (ERs) shall be given concrete form in interpretative documents for the
creation of the necessary links between the essential requirements and the mandates for hENs and ETAGs/ETAs.
According to Art. 12 of the CPD the interpretative documents shall :
a) give concrete form to the essential requirements by harmonising the terminology and the technical bases and indicating classes
or levels for each requirement where necessary ;
b) indicate methods of correlating these classes or levels of requirement with the technical specifications, e.g. methods of
calculation and of proof, technical rules for project design, etc. ;
c) serve as a reference for the establishment of harmonised standards and guidelines for European technical approvals.
The Eurocodes, de facto, play a similar role in the field of the ER 1 and a part of ER 2.
See Art.3.3 and Art.12 of the CPD, as well as clauses 4.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.2 and 5.2 of ID 1.
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Additional information specific to EN 1993-1

EN 1993-1 is intended for clients, designers, contractors and public authorities.

EN 1993-1 is intended to be used with EN 1990 and the relevant parts of EN 1991 and EN 1993 for the
design of steel structures.

National annex for EN 1993-1

This standard has been drafted on the assumption that it will be complemented by a National annex to enable
it to be used for the design of buildings to be constructed in the relevant country.

The National annex for EN 1993-1 should include:

– National choice envisaged by notes that allow choices in relation to reliability format
– Reference to non-contradicting complementary information provided by National Regulation and
Requirements and additional publications which supplement the Eurocodes.

1 General
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 Scope of Eurocode 3

(1) Eurocode 3 applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering works in steel. It complies with the
principles and requirements for the safety and serviceability of structures, the basis of their design and
verification that are given in prEN 1990 – Basis of structural design.

(2) Eurocode 3 is only concerned with requirements for resistance, serviceability, durability and fire
resistance of steel structures. Other requirements, e.g concerning thermal or sound insulation, are not

(3) Eurocode 3 is intended to be used in conjunction with:

– EN 1990 “Basis of structural design”

– EN 1991 “Actions on structures”
– EN´s for construction products relevant for steel structures
– EN 1090 “Requirements for the execution of steel structures”
– EN 1998 “Design of structures for earthquake resistance”, when steel structures are built in seismic

(4) Eurocode 3 is subdivided in various parts::

EN 1993-1 Design of Steel Structures : Generic rules.
EN 1993-2 Design of Steel Structures : Steel bridges.
EN 1993-3 Design of Steel Structures : Buildings.
EN 1993-4 Design of Steel Structures : Silos, tanks and pipelines.
EN 1993-5 Design of Steel Structures : Piling.
EN 1993-6 Design of Steel Structures : Crane supporting structures.
EN 1993-7 Design of Steel Structures : Towers, masts and chimneys.
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(5) The parts EN 1993-2 to EN 1993-7 refer to the Generic rules in Part 1. the clauses in parts EN 1993-2
to EN 1993-7 supplement the clauses in EN 1993-1.

(6) EN 1993-1 “Generic rules” comprises:

EN 1993-1-1 Design of Steel Structures : General structural rules.
EN 1993-1-2 Design of Steel Structures : Structural fire design.
EN 1993-1-3 Design of Steel Structures : Supplementary rules for cold-formed thin gauge members and
EN 1993-1-4 Design of Steel Structures : Supplementary rules for stainless steels.
EN 1993-1-5 Design of Steel Structures : Supplementary rules for the strength and stability of planar
plated structures without transverse loading.
EN 1993-1-6 Design of Steel Structures : Strength and stability of shell structures.
EN 1993-1-7 Design of Steel Structures : Supplementary rules for the strength and stability of planar
plated structures transversely loaded.
EN 1993-1-8 Design of Steel Structures : Design of joints.
EN 1993-1-9 Design of Steel Structures : Fatigue strength of steel structures.
EN 1993-1-10 Design of Steel Structures : Selection of materials for fracture toughness and through
thickness properties.
EN 1993-1-11 Design of Steel Structures : Use of high strength cables.

1.1.2 Scope of Part 1.1 of Eurocode 3

(1) The Part 1.1 of Eurocode 3 gives basic design rules for steel structures referenced in the Parts 2 to 7
for a particular type of construction.

(2) The following subjects are dealt with in Part 1.1:

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Basis of design
Section 3: Materials
Section 4: Durability
Section 5: Structural analysis
Section 6: Ultimate limit states

(3) Section 1 to 2 provide additional clauses to those given in prEN 1990 “Basis of structural design”.

(4) Section 3 deals with ferritic structural steels.

(5) Section 4 gives general rules for durability.

(6) Section 5 refers to the structural analysis of bar structures.

(7) Section 6 gives detailed rules for the design of cross sections and members.

1.2 Normative references

(1) The following normative documents contain provisions which, through references in this text,
constitutive provisions of this European standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or
revisions of any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this European
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative
documents indicated below. For undated references the latest edition of the normative document referred to
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1.2.1 General reference standards

EN 10020:2000 Definition and classification of grades of steels.

EN 10021:1993 General technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products.
EN 10079:1992 Definitions of steel products
ENV 1090-1:1996 Execution of steel structures - Part 1: General rules and rules for buildings.
ENV 1090-3:1996 Execution of steel structures - Part 3: Supplementary rules for high yield strength steels.
ENV 1090-4:1996 Execution of steel structures - Part 4: supplementary rules for hollow section lattice

1.2.2 Weldable structural steel reference standards

prEN 10025-1:September 2000 Hot-rolled products of structural steels - Part 1: General delivery
prEN 10025-2:September 2000 Hot-rolled products of structural steels - Part 2: Technical delivery
conditions for non-alloy structural steels.
prEN 10025-3:September 2000 Hot-rolled products of structural steels - Part 3: Technical delivery
conditions for normalized /normalized rolled weldable fine grain structural
prEN 10025-4:September 2000 Hot-rolled products of structural steels - Part 4: Technical delivery
conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural
prEN 10025-5:September 2000 Hot-rolled products of structural steels - Part 5: Technical delivery
conditions for structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion
prEN 10025-6:September 2000 Hot-rolled products of structural steels - Part 6: Technical delivery
conditions for flat products of high yield strength structural steels in the
quenched and tempered condition.
EN 10163:1991 Delivery requirements for surface condition of hot-rolled steel plates, wide flats and
sections - Part 1: General requirements - Part 2: plates and wide flats - Part 3: Sections.
EN 10164:1993 Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface of the
product - Technical delivery conditions.
EN 10210-1:1994 Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steels –
Part 1: Technical delivery requirements.
EN 10219-1:1997 Cold formed hollow sections of structural steel - Part 1: Technical delivery

1.2.3 Dimensions of sections reference standards

EN 10024:1995 Hot rolled taper flange I sections – Tolerances on shape and dimensions.
EN 10029:1991 Hot rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or above - Tolerances on dimensions, shape and
EN 10034:1993 Structural steel I- and H- sections - Tolerances on shape and dimensions.
EN 10048:1996 Hot rolled narrow teel strip – Tolerances on shape and dimensions.
EN 10051:1997 Continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels –
Tolerances on dimensions and shape.
EN 10055:1995 Hot rolled steel equal flange tees with radiused root and toes - Dimensions and
tolerances on shape and dimensions.
EN 10056-1:1998 Structural steel equal and unequal leg angles - Part 1: Dimensions.
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EN 10056-2:1993 Structural steel equal and unequal leg angles - Part 2: Tolerances on shape and
EN 10067:1996 Hot rolled bulb flats – Dimensions and tolerances on shape, dimensions and mass.
EN 10210-2:1997 Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steels –
Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and sectional properties.
EN 10219-2:1997 Cold formed hollow sections of structural steel - Part 2: Dimensions, tolerances and
geometrical properties.
EN 10279:2000 Hot rolled steel channel- Tolerances on shape and dimensions.

1.2.4 Bolts, nuts and washers

prEN 780 Hexagon nuts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats – Product
grade B - Property classes 8 and 10.
prEN 781 Hexagon bolts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats (thread
lengths according ISO 888) - Product grade C - Property classes 8.8 and 10.9.
prEN 782 Hexagon bolts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats (short
thread lengths) - Product grade C - Property classes 8.8 and 10.9.
prEN 783 Hexagon nuts for structural bolting with large width across flats, style 1- Product grades
B - Property class 10.
prEN 784 Plain washers for high-strength structural bolting, hardened and tempered.
prEN 785 Plain washers, chamfered, hardened and tempered for high-strength structural bolting.
EN 20898-1:1991 Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs (ISO 898-1:1988).
EN 20898-2:1993 Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 2: Nuts with special proof load values –
Coarse thread (ISO 898-2:1992).
prEN 22320 Prevailing torque type steel hexagon nuts - Mechanical and performance properties.
EN 24014:1991 Hexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B (ISO 4014:1988).
EN 24016:1991 Hexagon head bolts - Product grade C (ISO 4016:1988).
EN 24017:1991 Hexagon head screws - Product grades A and B (ISO 4017:1988).
EN 24018: 1991 Hexagon head screws - Product grade C (ISO 4018:1988).
EN 24032:1991 Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grades A and B (ISO 4032:1988).
EN 24033:1991 Hexagon nuts, style 2 - Product grades A and B (ISO 4033:1979).
EN 24034:1991 Hexagon nuts - Product grade C (ISO 4034:1986).
prEN 27040 Prevailing torque hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style 1 -Property classes 5, 8
and 10.
prEN 27042 Prevailing torque hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style 2 -Property classes 5, 8,
10 and 12.
prEN 27719 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts, style 1 - Property classes 5, 8 and 10.
ISO 286- 2:1988 ISO system of limits and fits - Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit
deviations for hole and shafts.
ISO 1891:1979 Bolts, screws, nuts and accessories - Terminology and nomenclature- Trilingual edition.
ISO 7089:1983 Plain washers- Nominal series- Product grade A.
ISO 7090:1983 Plain washers, chamfered - Normal series - Product grade A.
ISO 7091:1983 Plain washers - Normal series - Product grade C.
ISO/CD 10511 Prevailing torque type hexagon thin nuts (with non-metallic insert)
ISO/CD 10512 Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style 1 with fine pitch
thread - Property classes 6, 8 and 10
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ISO/CD 10513 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts, with metric fine pitch thread – Property
classes 8, 10 and 12
prEN xxx High Strength Structural Bolting- Test method for suitability for preloading.
prEN xxx-1 High-strength structural bolting for preloading, Part 1: General requirements, July 2000
prEN xxx-2 High-strength structural bolting for preloading, Part 2: System HR, Hexagon bolt and
nut assemblies, July 2000
prEN xxx-3 High-strength structural bolting for preloading, Part 3: System HV, Hexagon bolt and
nut assemblies, July 2000
prEN xxx-4 High-strength structural bolting for preloading, Part 4: Plain washers for system HR,
July 2000
prEN xxx-5 High-strength structural bolting for preloading, Part 5: Plain chamfered washers for
system HR and HV, July 2000

1.2.5 Welding consumable and welding

EN12345:1998 Welding-Multilingual terms for welded joints with illustrations. September 1998.
EN-ISO 14555:1998Welding-Arc stud welding of metallic materials:1998.
EN 13918:1998 Welding-Studs for arc stud welding.
EN 288-3:1992 Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials. Part 3:
Welding procedure tests for arc welding of steels. 1992.
EN 25817:1992 Arc-welded joints in steel - Guidance for quality levels for imperfections (ISO

1.3 Assumptions

(1) In addition to the general assumptions of EN 1990 the following assumptions apply:
– fabrication and erection complies with EN 1090 and the execution documents prepared in design

1.4 Distinction between principles and application rules

(1) The rules in EN 1990 clause 1.4 apply.

1.5 Definitions

(1) The following terms are used in Part 1.1 of Eurocode 3 with the following meanings:
– Frame: Total or portion of a structure, comprising an assembly of directly connected structural
elements, designed to act together to resist load. This term refers to both rigid-jointed frames and
triangulated frames. It covers both plane frames and three-dimensional frames.
– Sub-frame: A frame which forms part of a larger frame, but may be treated as an isolated frame in
a structural analysis.
– Type of framing: Terms used to distinguish between frames which are either:
– Semi-continuous, in which the structural properties of the members and connections need
explicit consideration in the global analysis.
– Continuous, in which only the structural properties of the members need be considered in the
global analysis.
– Simple, in which the joints are not required to resist moments.
– Global analysis: The determination of a consistent set of internal forces and moments in a
structure, which are in equilibrium with a particular set of actions on the structure.
– System length: Distance between two adjacent points at which a member is braced against lateral
displacement in a given plane, or between one such point and the end of the member.
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– Buckling length: System length of an otherwise similar member with pinned ends, which has the
same buckling resistance as a given member.
– Shear lag effect: Non-linear stress distribution in wide flanges due to shear deformations that is
taken into account by a reduction of the flange width in safety assessment.

1.6 Symbols

(1) For the purpose of this standard the following sympols apply.

1.6.1 Latin upper case letters

A Area
B Bolt force
C Capacity; Fixed value; Factor
D Damage (fatigue assessment)
E Modulus of elasticity
F Action; Force
G Shear modulus
H Total horizontal load or reaction
I Second moment of area
K Stiffness factor (I/L)
L Length; Span; System length
M Moment in general; Bending moment
N Axial force
R Resistance; Reaction
S Internal forces and moments ; Stiffness
T Torsional moment; Temperature
V Shear force; Total vertical load or reaction
W Section modulus

1.6.2 Greek upper case letters

Difference in ... (precedes main symbol)

1.6.3 Latin lower case letters

a Distance; Geometrical data; throat thickness of a weld; area ratio

b Width; Breadth
c Distance; Outstand
d Diameter; Depth; Length of diagonal
e Eccentricity; Shift of centroidal axis, Edge distance; End distance
f Strength (of a material)
g Gap; Width of a tension field
h Height
i Radius of gyration; Integer
k Coefficient; Factor
l (or RU/ Length; Span; Buckling length
n Ratio of normal forces or normal stresses; Number of ...
p Pitch; Spacing
q Uniformly distributed force
r Radius; Root radius
s Staggered pitch; Distance
t Thickness
uu Major axis (where this does not coincide with the yy axis)
vv Minor axis (where this does not coincide with the zz axis)
xx, yy, zz Rectangular axes
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1.6.4 Greek lower case letters

(alpha) Angle; Ratio; Factor; Coefficient of linear thermal expansion

(beta) Angle; Ratio; Factor
(gamma) Partial safety factor; Ratio; Unit weight
(delta) Deflection; Deformation
(epsilon) Strain; Coefficient = [235/fy]0,5 (fy in N/mm2)
(eta) Coefficient
(theta) Angle; Slope
(lambda) Slenderness ratio; Ratio
(mu) Slip factor; Factor
v (nu) Poisson’s ratio
(rho) Reduction factor; Unit mass
(sigma) Normal stress
(tau) Shear stress
(phi) Rotation; Slope; Ratio
(chi) Reduction factor (for buckling)
(psi) Stress ratio; Reduction factor; Factors defining representative values of variable actions.

1.6.5 Subscripts

A Area
a Average (yield strength)
First, second .... alternative
b Basic (yield strength); Bearing; Buckling; Bolt; Beam; Batten
C Capacity; Consequences
c Cross section; Concrete; Column
com Compression
cr Critical; Buckling
d Design; Diagonal
dst Destabilizing
E Effect of actions (with d or k); Euler
eff Effective
e Effective (with further subscript)
e Elastic
ext External
f Flange; Fastener
g Gross
G Permanent action
h Height; Higher; Horizontal
i Inner
inf Inferior; Lower
i, j, k
Indices (replace by numeral)
j Joint
k Characteristic
L Long
LT Lateral-torsional
M Material; (Allowing for) bending moment
m Bending; Mean
max Maximum
min Minimum
N (Allowing for) axial force
n Normal
net Net
nom Nominal
o Hole; Initial; Outer; Local buckling; Point of zero moment
ov Overlap
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p Plate; Pin; Packing; Preloading (force); Partial; Punching shear

p Plastic
Q Variable action
R Resistance
r Rivet; Restraint
rep Representative
S Internal force; Internal moment
s Tensile stress (area); Slip; Storey; Stiff; Stiffener
ser Serviceability
stb Stabilizing
sup Superior; Upper
t (or ten) Tension; Tensile
t (or tor) Torsion
u Major axis of cross-section; Ultimate (tensile strength)
ult Ultimate (limit state)
V (Allowing for) shear force
v Shear; Vertical; Minor axis of cross-section
vec Vectorial effects
w Web; Weld; Warping
x Axis along member; Extension
y Yield; Axis of cross-section
z Axis of cross-section
Normal stress
Shear stress
⊥ Perpendicular
// Parallel

1.7 Conventions for member axes

(1) In general the convention for member axes is:

x-x - along the member

y-y - axis of the cross-section

z-z - axis of the cross-section

(2) For steel members, the conventions used for cross-section axes are:
– generally:
y-y - cross-section axis parallel to the flanges
z-z - cross-section axis perpendicular to the flanges
– for angle sections:
y-y - axis parallel to the smaller leg
z-z - axis perpendicular to the smaller leg
– where necessary:
u-u - major axis (where this does not coincide with the yy axis)
v-v - minor axis (where this does not coincide with the zz axis)

(3) The symbols used for dimensions and axes of rolled steel sections are indicated in Figure 1.1.

(4) The convention used for subscripts which indicate axes for moments is: "Use the axis about which the
moment acts."
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b b b
z z z

t r
tw tw
d h y y d y y h
y y
c c c
z z

b b
z z
r1 r2 r2
tw r1
h d y y h d y y

tf tf

z z
b/4 u according to Euronorm 24-62

b b
z z
tf tf
r r
y y y y
h tw h tw

z z

z v
v u
h h u
y y y y
t u t
u v z v
h b

Figure 1.1: Dimensions and axes of sections

2 Basis of design
2.1 General

(1) The design of steel structures shall be in accordance with the general rules given in EN 1990.

(2) The supplementary provisions for steel structures given in this section shall also be applied.

2.2 Requirements
2.2.1 Basic requirements

(1) The basic requirements of EN 1990 section 2 are deemed be satisfied for steel structures when limit
state design in conjunction with the partial factor method using EN 1990 and EN 1991 for actions and their
combinations and EN 1993 for resistances, rules for serviceability and durability are applied.
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2.2.2 Reliability management

(1) When different levels of reliability are required, these levels should be preferably achieved by an
appropriate choice of quality management in design and execution, according to EN 1990 Annex C and EN

2.2.3 Design working life and durability

(1) Depending on the type of action affecting durability and the design working life (see EN 1990) steel
structures should be
– designed for corrosion with
– suitable surface protection (see EN ...)
– use of weathering steel
– use of stainless steel (see Part 1-4)
– detailed for sufficient fatigue life (see Part 1-9)
– designed for wearing
– inspected and maintained.

2.3 Principles of limit state design

(1) The resistances of cross sections and members specified in this Eurocode 3 for the ultimate limit states
as given in EN 1990-3.3 are based on tests in which the material exhibited sufficient ductility to apply
simplified models. The simplifications comprise
– the use of nominal stresses without considering notch effects,
– the neglection of residual stresses in tension,
– the neglection of constraints due to non linear temperature distribution,
– the adoption of stress bloc distributions,
– the neglection of secondary bending moments,
– the assumptions of uniform stress distributions in fillet welds, see Part 1-8,
– the assumption of uniform force distributions in groups of fasteners, see Part 1-8,
– the neglection of effects of tolerances in joints.

(2) The resistances may only be used in design situations with low temperatures when the choice of
material complies with the conditions in Part 1-10 to avoid brittle fracture.

2.4 Basic variables

2.4.1 Actions and environmental influences

(1) Indirect actions caused by uneven settlements or imposed deformations need not be considered in
ultimate limit states associated with the formation of plastic mechanisms when 2nd order effects do not

(2) For other limit states the effects of uneven settlements or imposed deformations or other forms of
prestressing imposed during erection may be considered by their nominal value PK as permanent action and
grouped with other permanent actions GK to a singular action (GK + PK).

(3) Fatigue actions not defined in EN 1991 should be determined according to Annex A of Part 1-9.
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2.4.2 Material and product properties

(1) Material properties for steels and construction products and geometrical data to be used for design
should be those specified in the relevant hEN´s or ETA´s unless otherwise indicated in this standard.

2.5 Structural analysis and design

2.5.1 Structural analysis

(1) The force deformation relationship of joints between members and between members and the
foundation are given in Part 1-8.

2.5.2 Design assisted by testing

(1) The resistances RK in this standard have been determined according to Annex D of EN 1990 in the
following way:
according to Annex B and Annex C of EN 1990,
– Characteristic values RK were obtained from

RK = Rd  Mi

NOTE 1:  7KH QXPHULFDO YDOXHV RI WKH SDUWLDO IDFWRUV Mi have been determined such that RK
represents approximately the 5 %-fractile for an infinite number of tests.


NOTE 3: For characteristic values of toughness resistance and safety elements for the toughness
verification see Part 1-10.

(2) When resistances RK for new products shall be determined from tests, the procedure specified in this
standard should be considered.

2.6 Verification by the partial factor method

2.6.1 Design value of material property

(1) For the design of steel structures characteristic value XK or nominal values Xn of material property
shall be used as indicated in the relevant material standards.

2.6.2 Design value of geometrical data

(1) Geometrical data for cross sections and systems may be taken as nominal values from product
standards hEN or drawings for the execution to EN 1090.

(2) Design values of geometrical imperfections specified in this standard comprise

– the effects of geometrical imperfections of members as controlled by geometrical tolerances in EN 1090.
– the effects of structural imperfections from fabrication and erection, residual stresses, distribution of
yield strength.
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2.6.3 Design resistances

(1) For steel structures equation (6.6c) or equation (6.6d) of EN 1990 applies:
Rk 1
Rd = = R k (η1 X k1 ; ηi X ki ; a d )
γM γM

2.6.4 Verification of static equilibrium (EQU)

(1) The reliability formate for the verification of static equilibrium in Table 1.2 (A) in Annex A of EN
1990 also applies to design situations equivalent to (EQU), e.g. for the design of hold down anchors or the
verification of up lift of bearings of continuous beams.

3 Materials
3.1 General

(1) The material properties given in this section shall be treated as nominal values and adopted as
characteristic values in design calculations.

(2) This Part of EN 1993 covers the design of steel structures fabricated from steel material conforming to
the steel grades listed in Table 3.1.

(3) Other materials and products not specified in European Product Standards may only be used if their
use is evaluated in accordance with the relevant rules in this standard and the applicable National Annex.

3.2 Structural steel

3.2.1 Material properties

(1) The nominal values of the yield strength fy and the ultimate strength fu for structural steel shall be
obtained from Table 3.1.

(2) For larger thicknesses than specified in Table 3.1 the values specified in prEN 10025, EN 10210 and
EN 10219 should be used.
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3.2.2 Ductility requirements

(1) Plastic global analysis may be used if the steel complies with the following additional requirements:
– unless otherwise specified the ratio of the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength fu to the
specified minimum yield strength fy should satisfy:
fu / fy ≥ 1,10
– the elongation at failure on a gauge length of 5,65 Ao (where A0 is the original cross-section
area) is not less than 15%;
– the ultimate strain εu is at least 15 times the yield strain εy , where εu corresponds to the ultimate
strength fu .

(2) The steel grades listed in Table 3.1 may be accepted as satisfying these requirements.

3.2.3 Fracture toughness

(1) The material shall have sufficient fracture toughness to avoid brittle fracture at the lowest service
temperature expected to occur within the intended design life of the structure.

(2) The lowest service temperature to be adopted in design should be stated in the project specification.

(3) No further check against brittle fracture need to be made if the conditions given in EN 1993-1-10 are

Table 3.1: Nominal values of yield strength fy and ultimate tensile strength fu for
hot rolled structural steel

Thickness t mm *)
and t ”PP 40 mm < t ”PP
steel grade
fy (N/mm2) fu (N/mm2) fy (N/mm2) fu (N/mm2)

prEN 10025
S 235 235 360 215 340
S 275 275 430 255 410
S 355 355 510 335 490

S 275 N/NL 275 390 255 370

S 355 N/NL 355 490 335 470
S 420 N/NL 420 540 390 520
S 460 N/NL 460 570 430 550

S 275 M/ML 275 380 2551) 3601)

S 355 M/ML 355 470 3351) 4501)
S 420 M/ML 420 520 3901) 5001)
S 460 M/ML 460 550 4301) 5301)

S 460 Q/QL/QL1 460 570 440 550

S 235 W 235 360 215 340

S 355 W 355 510 335 490
For flat products:40 mm < t ”PPRQO\
t is the nominal thickness of the element
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Table 3.1 (continued): Nominal values of yield strength fy and ultimate tensile
strength fu for structural hollow sections

Thickness t mm *)
and t ”PP 40 mm < t ”PP
steel grade
fy (N/mm2) fu (N/mm2) fy (N/mm2) fu (N/mm2)

EN 10210
S 235 H 235 360 215 340
S 275 H 275 430 255 410
S 355 H 355 510 335 490

S 275 NH/NLH 275 390 255 370

S 355 NH/NLH 355 490 335 470
S 460 NH/NLH 460 560 430 550

EN 10219
S 235 H 235 360
S 275 H 275 430
S 355 H 355 510

S 275 NH/NLH 275 370

S 355 NH/NLH 355 470
S 460 NH/NLH 460 550

S 275 MH/MLH 275 360

S 355 MH/MLH 355 470
S 420 MH/MLH 420 500
S 460 MH/MLH 460 530
t is the nominal thickness of the element

3.2.4 Through thickness properties

(1) Steel with improved through thickness properties to EN 10164 should be used where necessary.

NOTE: Guidance on the choice of through thickness properties is given in prEN 1993-1-10.

3.2.5 Tolerances

(1) The dimensional and mass tolerances of rolled steel sections, and structural hollow sections shall
conform with the relevant product standard.

(2) Unless specified otherwise the tolerances of plates, flats and wide flats shall conform with the relevant
product standard listed in Table 3.2.

(3) For structural analysis and design the nominal values shall be used.
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Table 3.2: Tolerances for plates, flats and wide flats

Type of flat product Product standard Class of tolerance

EN 10029 Class A
EN 10051 Category A

Flats Euronorm 58 —

Wide flats Euronorm 91 Class I

Draft note: References on Euronorm 58 and 91 to be updated.

3.2.6 Design values of material coefficients

(1) The material coefficients to be adopted in calculations for the steels covered by this Eurocode shall be
taken as follows:
– modulus of elasticity E = 210000 N / mm 2
– shear modulus G = E / 2 (1 + ν)
– Poisson’s ratio ν = 0,3
– coefficient of linear thermal expansion α = 12 × 10 −6 per°C
– unit weight = 77 kN/m 3

3.3 Connecting devices

3.3.1 Bolts, nuts and washers General

(1) Bolts, nuts and washers shall conform with the Reference Standards listed in 1.2.4, as appropriate.

(2) The rules in this code are applicable within the range of 4.6 to 10.9 and in accordance with EN 20898-

(3) The nominal values of the yield strength fyb and the ultimate tensile strength fub (to be adopted as
characteristic values in calculations) for typical types are given in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3: Nominal values of yield strength fyb and ultimate tensile strength fub for

Bolt grade 4.6 5.6 6.8 8.8 10.9

fyb (N/mm2) 240 300 480 640 900

fub (N/mm2) 400 500 600 800 1000

Draft note: Nominal values for 4.8 and 5.8 bolts should also deleted in part 1.8, table 1.2
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prEN 1993-1-1 : 20xx 10th April 2001 Preloaded bolts

(1) Bolts with grades 8.8 and 10.9 may be used as preloaded bolts with controlled tightening, if they
conform with the requirements for preloaded bolts in ENV 1090.

Draft note: The reference to ENV 1090 should be changed to a direct reference to the relevant product
standards (also in part 1.8).

3.3.2 Rivets

(1) The material properties, dimensions and tolerances of steel rivets shall conform with the requirements
in National Annexes.

3.3.3 Welding consumables

(1) All welding consumables shall conform with the Reference Standards listed in 1.2.5.

(2) The specified yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, elongation at failure and minimum Charpy V-
notch energy value of the filler metal, shall all be such that the performance of the weld metal shall not be
less than the corresponding values specified for the steel grades being welded.

NOTE: Generally it is safe to use electrodes that are overmatched with regard to the steel grades
being used.

4 Durability
(1) The basic requirements for durability are set out in prEN 1990.

(2) The guidance given in prEN 1990 should be followed to determine the means for achieving adequate

(3) The means of executing the protective treatment undertaken off-site and on-site shall be in accordance
with ENV1090-1.

NOTE: ENV 1090-1 lists the factors affecting execution that need to be specified during design.

(4) Parts susceptible to corrosion or mechanical wear should be designed such that inspection,
maintenance and reconstruction can be achieved in a way suitable to the design life and access available for
in-service inspection and maintenance.

NOTE: Adopting a suitable inspection program can considerably extend durability.

(5) Parts with a limited working life shorter than the design life of the structure should be designed to be

NOTE: Bearings, expansion joints, transition devices and cables are examples of such parts.

(6) Detailing in structures susceptible to fatigue shall be in accordance with prEN1993-1.9.

(7) The quality of fabrication shall be in accordance with ENV 1090-1.

NOTE: ENV 1090-1 lists the factors affecting execution that need to be specified during design.
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5 Structural analysis
5.1 Structural modelling for analysis
5.1.1 Structural modelling and basic assumptions

(1) For the verification of the basic design requirements for the ultimate limit state, the serviceability limit
state and for fatigue as given in Section 2 the action effects shall be calculated on the basis of a modelling of
the steel structure and its components that is appropriate to the limit state under consideration.

(2) The calculation model and basic assumptions for the calculations shall reflect the structural behaviour
in the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state with appropriate accuracy and reflect the anticipated
type of behaviour of the cross-sections, members, joints and bearings.

(3) The design assumptions shall be consistent with the method used for the analysis.

5.1.2 Joint modelling

(1) The effects of the behaviour of the joints on the distribution of internal forces and moments within a
structure, and on the overall deformations of the structure, should generally taken into account, but where
these effects are sufficiently small they may be neglected.

(2) To identify whether the effects of joint behaviour on the analysis need be taken into account, a
distinction may be made between three simplified joint models as follows:
– simple, in which the joint may be assumed not to transmit bending moments;
– continuous, in which the behaviour of the joint may be assumed to have no effect on the analysis;
– semi-continuous, in which the behaviour of the joint needs to be taken into account in the analysis

Draft note: The consistency with part 1.8 (7.1.1 (1) – (3)) will be checked later on.

(3) The requirements of the various types of joints are given in section 8 and prEN 1993-1-8.

(4) Where semi-continuous joints are used, the initial value of the rotational stiffness (prEN 1993-1-8,
Figure 5.2) shall be used when calculating elastic critical loads or buckling lengths.

5.1.3 Ground structure interaction

(1)P Account shall be taken of the deformation characteristics of the supports where relevant.

(2) If the distribution of internal forces and moments in the structure is not significantly altered by ground
structure interactions like rotations or settlements, see also prEN 1997, the effects of ground structure
interaction on the structure may be disregarded.

5.2 Structural stability

5.2.1 Effects of deformed geometry of the structure

(1) The internal forces and moments may generally be determined using either:
- first-order theory, using the initial geometry of the structure.
- second-order theory, taking into account the influence of the deformation of the structure.

(2) The first-order theory may be used for the global analysis, if the increase of the relevant internal forces
and moments caused by the deformations according to first order theory is less than 10%. This condition is
fulfilled, if the following criteria applies:
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α cr ≥ 10 (5.1)

where α cr is the ratio of the elastic critical force for the relevant buckling mode to the design value of the
compression force

(3) Beam-and-column type plane frames in structures with beams connecting each column at each storey
level may be checked with first order theory for a given load case if the following criteria is satisfied. When
the horizontal displacements in each storey due to the design loads (both horizontal and vertical), plus the
initial sway imperfection (see applied in the form of equivalent horizontal forces, satisfy the
 δ H   VSd 
 ⋅  ≤ 0,1 (5.2)
 h   H 

where δΗ is the elastic horizontal displacement belonging to H according to first order theory at the top
of the storey, relative to the bottom of the storey
h is the storey height
H is a reference horizontal reaction at the bottom of the storey
VSd is the total vertical reaction at the bottom of the storey.

5.2.2 Methods of analysis

(1) If according to 5.2.1 the influence of the deformation of the structure has to be taken into account (2)
or (3) should be applied to consider these effects and to verify the structural stability.

(2) The stability of structures or their parts in general is accounted for by second order-analysis of the
structure taking account of imperfections, see 5.3, and following one of the the two methods a) or b):
a) if the imperfections and second order effects of the individual members (see 5.3.4) are included in the
second order analysis of the structure, no individual stability check for the members according to 6.3 is
b) if the imperfections and second order effects of the individual members are not included in the second
order analysis of the structure, the individual stability of the members has to be checked according to
6.3. This verification has to consider end moments and forces from the second order analysis of the
system including e.g. the horizontal sway according to and should be based on a buckling length
equal to the system length.

Draft note: Reduction of sway stiffness?

(3) As an alternative to (2) the effects of flexural stability of a structure may be verified by a member
check according to 6.3 based on buckling length values taken from a global structural analysis, including
consideration of elastic restraint of members and joints and the actual distribution of the design compression
forces. Special considerations shall be given to the actual deformation and reaction forces of the stabilising

NOTE: In general structural stability may be achieved by bracing.

(4) If according to 5.2.1 the influence of the deformation of the structure need not to be taken into
account, the global analysis need only consider system imperfections according to 5.3.3.
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5.3 Imperfections
5.3.1 Basis

(1) Appropriate allowances shall be incorporated to cover the effects of imperfections, including residual
stresses and geometrical imperfections such as lack of verticality, lack of straightness, lack of flatness, lack
of fit and the unavoidable minor eccentricities present in connections.

(2) Suitable equivalent geometric imperfections may be used, with values which reflect the possible
effects of all type of imperfections, see 5.3.3 and 5.3.4, unless these effects are included in the resistance
formulae for member design, see section 5.2.2.

(3) The effects of imperfections shall be taken into account in the following cases:
a) Global analysis of frames and bracing systems
b) Member design

5.3.2 Method of application

(1) In addition to forces resulting from applied loads imperfections shall be taken into account if they
result in an increase of the internal forces and moments. They may be neglected if the increase is less than

(2) For regular frames sway imperfection according to may be neglected, if its resulting equivalent
transverse load H
H = ΣN Sd ⋅ φ (5.3)

with ΣN Sd as the sum of the vertical loads

and φ according to (5.4)
is less than 10 % of the other applied transverse actions.

(3) The assumed shape of imperfections shall take account of the relevant elastic buckling mode
considered in the most unfavourable direction and form.

(4) System imperfections according to shall be applied within the global analysis of frames. The
effects of the imperfections given in shall be included in the analysis of bracing systems. The
resulting forces shall be used for member design.

(5) If for compression members the individual member check of stability does not follow 5.2.2(2) method
b) and 6.3 in addition to system imperfections within the global analysis according to member
imperfections according to 5.3.4 shall be considered provided that
λ ≥ 0,5 ⋅ A ⋅ f y N Sd (5.4)

where NSd is the design value of the compression force

and λ is the in-plane non-dimensional slenderness (see calculated using a buckling
length equal to the system length.
and if they are not already included within the resistance formulae, see 5.2.2.

5.3.3 System imperfections Sway imperfections for frames

(1) The effects of imperfections should be allowed for in frame analysis by means of an equivalent
geometric imperfection in the form of an initial sway imperfection φ determined from:
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φ = kc ⋅ φ0 (5.5)

with φ0 = 1/400 for 1st order analysis

φ0 = 1/200 for 2nd order analysis
kc = [0,5+1/nc]0,5 but kc ≤ 1,0
where nc is the number of columns per plane

Draft note: Modification proposed by the ad hoc group.

φ φ

Figure 5.1: Equivalent geometric imperfection

(2) Columns which carry a vertical load NSd of less than 50% of the average value of the vertical load per
column in the plane considered, shall not be included in nc.

(3) For columns in braced frames, columns without splices or splines that provide continuity the sway
imperfection may be further reduced by multiplying φ with kL :

k L = 0,2 + ≤1 (5.6)
where L is the length or the height of the relevant column in [m].

(4) These initial sway imperfections apply in all horizontal directions, but need only be considered in one
direction at a time.

(5) The possible torsional effects on the structure on anti-symmetric sways, on two opposite faces, shall
also be considered, see Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Torsional effects

(6) If more convenient, the initial sway imperfection may be replaced by a close system of equivalent
horizontal forces, introduced for each column, see Figure 5.3.
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(7) In multiple beam-and-column building frames, these equivalent forces should be applied at each floor
and roof level and should be proportionate to the design vertical loads applied to the structure at that level for
the load case under consideration.

Figure 5.3: Replacement of initial sway imperfections by equivalent horizontal

forces Imperfection for analysis of bracing systems

(1) The effects of imperfections shouls be allowed for in the analysis of bracing systems which are
required to provide lateral stability within the length of beams or compression members, by means of an
equivalent geometric imperfection of the members to be restrained, in the form of an initial bow

e0 = kr ⋅ L / 500 (5.7)

where L is the span of the bracing system

and kr = [0,2 + 1 / nr]0,5 but kr ≤ 1,0
in which nr is the number of members to be restrained.

(2) For convenience, the initial bow imperfections of the members to be restrained by a bracing system,
may be replaced by the equivalent stabilising force shown in Figure 5.4.

(3) Where the bracing system is required to stabilise a beam of constant height, if not specified in a more
accurate way, the force N in Figure 5.4 may be obtained from:

N=M/h (5.8)

where M is the maximum moment in the beam

and h is the overall depth of the beam.

(4) At points where beams or compression members are spliced, it should also be verified that the bracing
system is able to resist a local force equal to kr ⋅ N / 100 applied to it by each beam or compression member
which is spliced at that point, and to transmit this force to the adjacent points at which that beam or
compression member is restrained, see Figure 5.5.

(5) When checking for the local force according to clause (4), any external loads acting on bracing
systems shall also be included, but the forces arising from the imperfection given in (1) may be omitted.
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q = ∑ N ⋅8⋅

Figure 5.4: Equivalent stabilising force




ΦN Bracing

Φ = k n Φo : Φ o = 1/200

2Φ N = k n N/100

Figure 5.5: Bracing forces at splices in compression elements

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5.3.4 Member imperfections

(1) The imperfections of members are incorporated within the buckling formula given in this Eurocode,
see section 6.3.

(2) For a compression member the design values of equivalent initial bow imperfection according to
Figure 5.6 and corresponding to the relevant buckling curve [see] shall be included in a second
order analysis unless not specified otherwise see 5.3.2.

(3) As a simplification to the equivalent initial bow imperfections according to (2) and Figure 5.6 the
values of Table 5.1 may be adopted.

(4) For a second order analysis taking account of lateral torsional buckling of a member the imperfections
may be adopted as e0,d , where e0,d is the equivalent initial bow imperfection of the weak axis of the profile
considered. In general an additional torsional imperfection need not to be considered.

NOTE: Usually the lateral torsional buckling check follows 6.3.

Draft note: The value in DIN 18800 is 0,5 e0,d.

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Cross-section Method of global analysis

Elastic or
Method used to Section type and Elasto-plastic
Rigid - Plastic or
verify resistance axis (plastic zone method)
Elastic - Perfectly plastic
Any e0,d   λ – 0,2) k We /A –

Linear plastic
Any e0,d   λ – 0,2) k Wp /A –

I-section yy-axis e0,d   λ – 0,2) k Wp /A e0,d   λ – 0,2) k Wp /A

I-section zz-axis e0,d = 2,0 k eeff e0,d = k eeff
plastic Rectangular hollow
section e0,d   λ – 0,2) k Wp /A e0,d   λ – 0,2) k Wp /A
[x.x.x.x(x) to (x)]
e0,d = 1,5 k eeff e0,d = k eeff
hollow section
k = (1 – k ) + 2 k λ but k •
Buckling curve eeff
M1 = 1,05
a0 0,13 crit/900 0,18
a 0,21 crit/600 0,12
b 0,34 crit/380 0,08
c 0,49 crit/270 0,06
d 0,76 crit/180 0,04
Non-uniform members:
Use value of We /A or Wp /A at centre of buckling length

Figure 5.6: Design values of equivalent initial bow imperfection eo,d

Draft note: Modifications necessary for Figure 5.6.

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Table 5.1: Simplified design values of initial bow imperfection e0,d

Buckling curve acc. to Table 6.3 e0,d

a0 L / ???
a L / 300
b L / 250
c L / 200
d L / 150

NOTE: L = system length or buckling length if L < crit.

Draft note: Modifications necessary for Table 5.1.

5.4 Calculation of action effects

5.4.1 Methods of analysis considering the effects of deformed geometry

(1)P The effects of the deformed geometry (second-order effects) shall be considered if they increase the
action effects significantly, see criteria in 5.2.1.

(2) The effects of shear lag and of local buckling on the stiffness shall be taken into account if this
significantly influences the global analysis.

(3) The effects of shear lag of the flanges in elastic global analysis may be taken into account by the use
of an effective width. For simplicity this effective width may be assumed to be uniform over the length of the
beam. For each span of a beam the effective width of flanges should be taken as the lesser of the full width
and L0/8 per side of the web, where L0 is the distance between points of zero moments or twice the distance
from the support to the end, for a cantilever.

(4) For the global analysis the effect of plate buckling on the stiffness may be ignored in normal plated
structures. If the effective cross-sectional area according to of an element in compression is less than
0,5 times the gross cross-sectional area, the reduction of the stiffness due to plate buckling should be

(5) The effects of the slip in bolt holes and similar deformations of connection devices like studs and
anchor bolts on action effects shall be taken into account, where relevant.

5.4.2 Methods of analysis considering material nonlinearities General

(1) The internal forces and moments may be determined using either
a) elastic global analysis
b) plastic global analysis.

(2) Elastic global analysis may be used in all cases.

(3) Plastic global analysis may be used only where the member cross-sections satisfy the requirements
specified in 5.5.3, the steel material satisfies the requirements specified in 3.2.2 and where required the joints
are able to sustain the plastic resistance for a sufficient rotation capacity, see prEN 1993-1-8. Elastic global analysis

(1) Elastic global analysis shall be based on the assumption that the stress-strain behaviour of the material
is linear, whatever the stress level.
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(2) For a semi-continuous joint model the initial rotational stiffness of the joint Sj,ini should be used, see
prEN 1993-1-8.

(3) Action effects may be calculated according to elastic global analysis even where the resistance of a
cross section is based on its plastic resistance, see 5.5.4. Plastic global analysis

(1) Plastic global analysis allows for the effects of material non-linearity in calculating the action effects
of a structural system. The behaviour may be modelled
- by elasto-plastic analysis with plastified sections and/or joints as plastic hinges or
- by non-linear plastic analysis considering the partial plastification of members in plastic zones.

(2) When plastic global analysis is used, lateral restraint should be provided at all plastic hinge and plastic
zone locations at which rotations may occur under any load case.

(3) The lateral restraint should be provided at the compression flange within a distance along the member
from the theoretical plastic hinge location not exceeding 1,5 times the width of the flange.

(4) The bi-linear stress-strain relationship indicated in Figure 5.7 may be used for the grades of structural
steel specified in Chapter 3. Alternatively, a more precise relationship may be adopted.

Figure 5.7: Bi-linear stress-strain relationship

(5) System stability should be checked at the intermittent stages of plastification.

(6) If no effects of the deformed geometry (second-order effects) have to be considered, see 5.2.1 and
plastic global analysis is used neglecting the elastic behaviour (rigid-plastic analysis) joints are classified
only by strength in accordance with prEN 1993-1-8. Otherwise for semi-continuous joint models the
influence of the joint stiffness Sj according to prEN 1993-1-8 should be considered as well.

5.5 Classification of cross sections

5.5.1 Basis

(1) When plastic global analysis is used, the members shall be capable of forming plastic hinges with
sufficient rotation capacity to enable the required redistribution of bending moments to develop.

(2) When elastic global analysis is used, any class of cross-section may be used for the members, provided
that the design of the members takes into account the possible limits on the resistance of cross-sections due
to local buckling, see
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5.5.2 Classification

(1) Four classes of cross-sections are defined, as follows:

– Class 1 cross-sections are those which can form a plastic hinge with the rotation capacity required
for plastic hinges.
– Class 2 cross-sections are those which can develop their plastic moment resistance, but have
limited rotation capacity.
– Class 3 cross-sections are those in which the calculated stress in the extreme compression fibre of
the steel member can reach its yield strength, but local buckling is liable to prevent development
of the plastic moment resistance.
– Class 4 cross-sections are those in which local buckling will occur before the attainment of yield
stress in one or more parts of the cross-section.

(2) Effective widths may be used in Class 4 cross-sections to make the necessary allowances for
reductions in resistance due to the effects of local buckling, see

(3) The classification of cross-section depends on the proportions of each of its compression elements.

(4) Compression elements include every element of a cross-section which is either totally or partially in
compression under the load combination considered.

(5) The various compression elements in a cross-section (such as a web or flange) can, in general, be in
different classes.

(6) A cross-section is classified by quoting the highest (least favourable) class of its compression
elements. Exceptions are specified in 5.5.4(5) and 5.5.4(6).

(7) Alternatively the classification of a cross-section may be defined by quoting both the flange
classification and the web classification.

(8) The limiting proportions for Class 1, 2, and 3 compression elements should be obtained from Table
5.2. An element which fails to satisfy the limits for Class 3 should be taken as Class 4.

(9) Except as given in (10) Class 4 sections may be treated as Class 3 sections if the width to thickness
fy /γ M0
ratios are less than the limiting proportions for Class 3 obtained from Table 5.2 increased by ,
σ com, Ed
where σ com,Ed is the maximum design compressive stress in the element.

(10) However, when verifying the design buckling resistance of a member using section 6.3, the limiting
proportions for Class 3 should always be obtained from Table 5.2 without using the allowance as specified in
(9). The same is due to second order analysis unless σ com,Ed is taken from the second order analysis.

5.5.3 Cross-section requirements for plastic global analysis

(1) At plastic hinge locations, the cross-section of the member which contains the plastic hinge shall have
a rotation capacity of not less than the required rotation at that plastic hinge location.

(2) The requirement of a sufficient rotation capacity can be assumed to be satisfied if all members
containing plastic hinges have Class 1 cross-sections at the plastic hinge location. For special systems
requiring extraordinary high rotation values a direct verification of the rotation capacity comparing the
required rotation determined for a system with the available rotation of a section or a joint is necessary.

(3) Where the cross-sections of the members vary along their length, the following additional criteria
should be satisfied:
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a) Adjacent to plastic hinge locations, the thickness of the web should not be reduced for a distance
along the beam from the plastic hinge location of at least 2d, where d is the clear depth of the web
at the plastic hinge location.
b) Adjacent to plastic hinge locations, the compression flange should be Class 1 for a distance along
the beam from the plastic hinge location of not less than the greater of:
– 2d, where d is as defined in a)
– the distance to the point at which the moment in the beam has fallen to 0,8 times the plastic
moment resistance at the point concerned.
c) Elsewhere the compression flange should be Class 1 or Class 2.
d) In cases where sophisticated methods of plastic global analysis are used which considers the real
stress and strain behaviour along the member, local and global buckling c) has not to be

5.5.4 Cross-section requirements when elastic global analysis is used

(1) When elastic global analysis is used, the role of cross-section classification is to identify the extent to
which the resistance of a cross-section is limited by its local buckling resistance.

(2) When all the compression elements of a cross-section are Class 2, the cross-section may be taken as
capable of developing its full plastic resistance moment.

(3) When all the compression elements of a cross-section are Class 3, its resistance may be based on an
elastic distribution of stresses across the cross-section, limited to the yield strength at the extreme fibres.

(4) When yielding first occurs on the tension side of the neutral axis, the plastic reserves of the tension
zone may be utilised when determining the resistance of a Class 3 cross-section, using the method given in
ENV 1993-1-3 Eurocode 3: Part 1.1.

(5) Cross-sections with a Class 3 web and Class 1 or 2 flanges may be treated as effective Class 2 cross-
sections with an effective web in accordance with Figure 5.8. The proportion of the web in compression
should be replaced by an element of 20⋅ε⋅tw adjacent to the compression flange, with another element of
20⋅ε⋅tw adjacent to the plastic neutral axis of the effective cross-section.

Compression fy

20 ε t w -

Plastic 20 ε t w -
neutral axis

Tension fy
Tension Compression

Figure 5.8: Effective class 2 web

(6) When the web is considered to resist shear forces only and does not contribute to the bending and
normal force resistance of the cross-section, the cross-section may be designed as Class 2, 3 or 4 sections,
depending only on the flange class.

(7) If not otherwise specified, when any of the compression elements of a cross-section is Class 4 the
cross-section shall be designed as a Class 4 cross-section, see
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Table 5.2 (sheet 1 of 3): Maximum width-to-thickness ratios for compression



*) This c/t value refers to the utilisation of plastic reserves in the tension zone, see 5.5.4   WKHUHIRUH
refers to the strain ratio.
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Table 5.2 (sheet 2 of 3): Maximum width-to-thickness ratios for compression

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Table 5.2 (sheet 3 of 3): Maximum width-to-thickness ratios for compression

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6 Ultimate limit states

6.1 General

(1) The partial safety factor γM shall be taken, if not otherwise specified, as follows:

– resistance of cross-sections (depending on fy) γM0=1,05

– resistance of members to buckling γM1=1,05
– resistance of cross-sections (depending on fu) γM2=1,25
– resistance of joints see section 8 and Part 1-8

6.2 Resistance of cross-sections

6.2.1 General

(1) This clause covers the resistance of member cross-sections, which may be limited by:
– the resistance of the gross cross-section
– the resistance of the net section at holes for fasteners
– shear lag effects (

As far as class 4 sections are concerned local buckling effects are included by the effective width according
to Shear buckling effects have to be considered according to 6.4.

(2) The design value of an action effect in each cross section shall not exceed the corresponding design
resistance and if several action effects act simultaneously the combined effect shall not exceed the resistance
for that combination.

(3) This requirement (2) shall be fulfilled in all cross-sections corresponding to the classification of the
cross-section. Elastic verification according to the elastic resistance is possible for all cross sectional classes
provided the effective cross sectional properties are used for class 4.

(4) The plastic resistance of a cross-sections shall be verified by finding a stress distribution which
equilibrates the internal forces and moments without exceeding the yield strength, provided that this stress
distribution is feasible, considering the associated plastic deformations.

(5) If not otherwise specified, for the elastic verification the following yield criterion has to be satisfied:

2 2 2
 σ x , Ed   σ z , Ed   σ x , Ed  σ z , Ed   τ Ed 
  +  −   + 3  ≤1 (6.1)
 f γ   f γ   f γ  f γ   f γ 
 y M 0   y M 0   y M 0  y M 0   y M 0 

σ x ,Ed is the design value of the local longitudinal stress at the point of consideration

σ z ,Ed is the design value of the local transverse stress at the point of consideration

τEd is the design value of the local shear stress at the point of consideration

(6) As a conservative approximation a linear summation of the utilisation ratios for each stress resultant
may be used. For example for the combination of Nsd , My,Sd and Mz,Sd by using the following criteria:
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N Sd M y , Sd M z , Sd
+ + ≤1 (6.2)
N Rd M y , Rd M z , Rd
where NRd, My,Rd and Mz,Rd are the design values of the resistance depending on the cross sectional

6.2.2 Section properties Gross cross-section

(1) The properties of the gross cross-section shall be determined using the specified dimensions. Holes for
fasteners need not be deducted, but allowance shall be made for larger openings. Splice materials shall not be
included. Net area

(1) The net area of member or element cross-section shall be taken as its gross area less appropriate
deductions for all holes and other openings.

(2) When calculating net section properties, the deduction for a single fastener hole shall be the gross
cross-sectional area of the hole in the plane of its axis. For countersunk holes, appropriate allowance shall be
made for the countersunk portion.

(3) Provided that the fastener holes are not staggered, the total area to be deducted for fastener holes shall
be the maximum sum of the sectional areas of the holes in any cross-section perpendicular to the member
axis (see failure plane ➁ in Figure 6.1).

(4) When the fastener holes are staggered, the total area to be deducted for fasteners shall be the greater
a) the deduction for non-staggered holes given in (3)
 s2 
b) t ⋅  n ⋅ d − ∑ 4 ⋅ p  (6.3)
 

s is the staggered pitch, the spacing of the centres of two consecutive holes in the chain measured
parallel to the member axis;
p is the spacing of the centres of the same two holes measured perpendicular to the member axis;
t is the thickness;
n is the number of holes extending in any diagonal or zig-zag line progressively across the member
or part of the member, see Figure 6.1.

(5) In an angle or other member with holes in more then one plane, the spacing p shall be measured along
the centre of thickness of the material (see Figure 6.2).
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Figure 6.1: Staggered holes

Figure 6.2: Angles with holes in both legs Shear lag effects

(1) Shear lag effects in flanges may be neglected provided that:

– for outstand elements: c < L0 / 20
– for internal elements: b < L0 / 10
L0 is the length between points of zero moment;
b is the breadth,
c is the outstand.
For the definition of c and b see Part 1.5.

(2) The calculation of the effective widths is covered in ENV 1993-1-3 for cold formed thin gauge
members and in ENV 1993-1-5 for planar plated structures

(3) In case of Class 4 sections the interaction between shear lag and local buckling shall be considered
according to ENV 1993-1-3 for cold formed thin gauge members and ENV 1993-1-5 for planar plated
structures. Effective cross-section properties of Class 4 cross-sections

(1) The effective cross-section properties of Class 4 cross-sections should be based on the effective widths
of the compression elements.

NOTE: For circular hollow sections with a Class 4 cross-section see prEN 1993-1-6.
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(2) The effective widths of the compression elements should be obtained using Table 6.1 for internal
elements and Table 6.2 for outstand elements.

(3) As an approximation, the reduction factor ρ may be obtained as follows:

when λ p ≤ 0,72 ρ = 1,0 (6.4)

1  0,05 ⋅ (3 + ψ ) 
when λ p > 0,72 ρ= ⋅ 1 −  ≤ 1,0 (6.5)
λ p  λp 
Draft note: The validity for outstand elements will be checked by the Validation Group.

Where λ p is the plate slenderness given by:

λp = ( ) (
f y / σ cr = b / t / 28 ,4 ε k σ )
in which t is the relevant thickness
σcr is the critical plate-buckling stress
kσ is the buckling factor corresponding to the stress ratio ψ from Table 6.1 or Table 6.2 as
b is the appropriate width (see Table 6.1 or Table 6.2) as follows:
b = c for webs and flanges
b = ( b + h ) / 2 for equal-leg angles

b = h or ( b + h ) / 2 for unequal-leg angles.

ψ is the stress ratio, as given in Table 6.1 or Table 6.2 as appropriate

(4) To determine the effective widths of flange elements, the stress ratio ψ used in Table 6.1 or Table 6.2
may be based on the properties of the gross cross-section.

(5) To determine the effective width of a web, the stress ratio ψ used in Table 6.1 should be obtained
using the effective area of the compression flange but the gross area of the web.

(6) Generally the centroidal axis of the effective cross-section will shift by a dimension e compared to the
centroidal axis of the gross cross-section, see Figure 6.3 and Figure 6.4. This should be taken into account
when calculating the stresses.

(7) When the cross section is subjected to an axial force, the method given in should be used to
take account of the additional moment ∆M given by:

∆M = N ⋅e N (6.6)

where eN is the shift of the centroidal axis when the effective cross-section is subjected to uniform
compression, see Figure 6.3
and N is positive for compression.
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Table 6.1: Internal compression elements

Stress distribution (compression positive) Effective width beff
σ1 σ2

be1 be2 beff  b

be1 = 0,5 beff be2 = 0,5 beff
! •:
beff  b
be1 be2
2 b eff
b b e1 = be2 = beff - be1
bc bt :
σ2 beff  Ec  E 
be1 be2
b be1 = 0,4 beff be2 = 0,6 beff
  2 1 1 ! ! 0 ! ! -1 ! !
Buckling factor k 4,0   7,81   2
23,9   2
Alternatively for 1 • • kσ =
(1 + ψ) + 0,112 (1 − ψ ) 2 + (1 + ψ )

Table 6.2: Outstand compression elements

Stress distribution (compression positive) Effective width beff
b eff ! •:
σ2 beff  F

bt bc :
beff  Ec  F 
b eff

  2 1 1 0 -1 1 • •
Buckling factor k 0,43 0,57 0,85   2

b eff
! •:
beff  F

b eff

σ2 beff  Ec  F 

bc bt

  2 1 1 ! ! 0 ! ! -1

Buckling factor k 0,43   1,70   2

Draft note: Should the definition of the compressed part of the plate be changed to bc ? This would be more
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Ce n tr oi da l ax is o f Ce nt ro id al a xi s
gr os s c ro ss -s ec ti on of e ff ec ti ve
eN gr os s cr os s-

N o n- effe ct iv e
z o ne

No n- effe ct iv e
zo ne

Gross cross-section Effective cross-section

Figure 6.3: Class 4 cross-sections - axial force

N o n -e ff e ct iv e
z o ne

C e nt r oi d a l a xi s
Ce n t ro i da l a xi s
eN of e ff e ct i ve
se ct i on

N o n- e ff e c t iv e
zo n e

C en t ro i d a l
a xis
C e n t ro id a l a x is
o f e ff ec t iv e
s ec t io n

Gross cross-section Effective cross-section

Figure 6.4: Class 4 cross-sections - bending moment

(8) Except as given in (9), for a greater economy, the plate slenderness λ p of an element may be
determined using the maximum calculated compressive stress σcom.Ed in that element in place of the yield
strength fy, provided that σcom.Ed is determined using the effective widths beff of all the compression elements.
This procedure generally requires an iterative calculation in which ψ is determined again at each step from
the stresses calculated on the effective cross-section defined at the end of the previous step, including the
stresses from the additional moment ∆M.

(9) However, when verifying the design buckling resistance of a member using section 6.3 or a second
order system analysis, for calculating the values of Aeff, eN and Weff the plate slenderness λ p of an element
should be based on:
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– its yield strength fy

– on σcom,Ed based on a 2nd order system analysis.

The application of the second approach generally requires, in addition to the procedure in (8), a further
iterative procedure for the second order calculation in which the internal forces and moments are determined
with the effective cross-sections defined with the internal forces and moments at the end of the previous step.

6.2.3 Tension

(1) The design value of the tension force NSd at each cross section shall satisfy:

N Sd
≤ 1,0 (6.7)
N t , Rd

(2) For sections with drilled holes including slotted holes for all steel grades and with punched holes in
steel grades up to and including S460 the design tension resistance Nt,Rd shall be taken as the smaller of:

Draft note: ... including S460 ...((To be clarified with Part 1.10))
a) the design plastic resistance of the gross cross-section
N pl ,Rd = A (6.8)
γM 0

b) the design ultimate resistance of the net cross-section at holes for fasteners
N u ,Rd = 0,9 ⋅ Anet u (6.9)
γM 2

(3) When capacity design is requested, see EN 1998, the design plastic resistance Npl,Rd (as given in eq.
(6.7)) shall be less than the design ultimate resistance of the net section at fasteners holes Nu,Rd (as given in

(4) In category C connections (see prEN 1993-1-8, 3.1.1(4)), the design plastic resistance of the net
section at holes for fasteners Nnet,Rd shall not be taken as more than specified in equation (6.9).

N net ,Rd = Anet (6.10)

(5) For angles connected through one leg, see also Part 1.8, 3.6.3. Similar consideration should also be
given to other type of sections connected through outstands such as T-sections and channels.

6.2.4 Compression

(1) The design value of the compression force Nsd at each cross-section shall satisfy:

N sd
≤ 1,0 (6.11)
N c , Rd
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(2) The design resistance of the cross-section for uniform compression Nc,Rd shall be determined as
Class 1, 2 or 3 cross-sections: N c , Rd = A f y / γ M 0

Class 4 cross-sections: N c , Rd = Aeff f y / γ M 0

(3) Fastener holes need not be allowed for in compression members, as far as they are filled by fasteners
(see x.x.x), except for oversize and slotted holes.

(4) In the case of unsymmetrical Class 4 sections, the method given in should be used to allow for
the additional moment ∆M due to the eccentricity of the centroidal axis of the effective section, see

6.2.5 Bending moment

(1) The design value of the bending moment MSd at each cross-section shall satisfy:

M Sd
≤ 1,0 (6.12)
M c , Rd

(2) The design resistance for bending about one principal axis of a cross-section without holes for
fasteners is determined as follows:
Class 1 or 2 cross sections: M c , Rd = W pl f y / γ M 0

Class 3 cross-sections: M c , Rd = Wel ,min f y / γ M 0

Class 4 cross-sections: M c , Rd = Weff ,min f y / γ M 0

where Wel,min and Weff,min corresponds to the fibre with the maximum elastic stress.

(3) For bending about both axes, the methods given in 6.2.9 should be used.

(4) For sections with drilled holes for all steel grades and with punched holes in all steel grades fastener
holes in the tension flange need not be allowed for provided that for the tension flange:

 A f , net   f y   γ M 2 
0 .9   >    (6.13)
 A f   f u   γ M 0 
where Af is the area of the tension flange.

When Af,net / Af is less than this limit, a reduced flange area may be assumed which satisfies the limit.

(5) Fastener holes in tension zone of the web need not be allowed for, provided that the limit given in (4)
is satisfied for the complete tension zone comprising the tension flange plus the tension zone of the web.

(6) Fastener holes in compression zone of the cross-section need not be allowed for, as far as they are
filled by fasteners (see x.x.x), except for oversize and slotted holes.

6.2.6 Shear

(1) The design value of the shear force VSd at each cross-section shall satisfy:

≤ 1,0 (6.14)
Vc ,Rd
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where Vc,Rd is the design shear resistance. For plastic design Vc,Rd is the design plastic shear resistance Vpl,Rd
as given in (2). For elastic design Vc,Rd is the design elastic shear resistance as given in (5).

(2) The design plastic shear resistance is given by:

V pl , Rd = Av f y / 3 / γ M 0 ) (6.15)

where Av is the shear area.

(3) The shear area Av may be taken as follows:

a) rolled I and H sections, load parallel to web A − 2bt f + (t w + 2r ) t f

b) rolled channel sections, load parallel to web A − 2bt f + (t w + r ) t f

c) welded I, H and box sections, load parallel to web ∑ (h t )

w w

d) welded I, H, channel and box sections, load parallel to flanges A- ∑ (h t )

w w

e) rolled rectangular hollow sections of uniform thickness:

load parallel to depth Ah/(b+h)
load parallel to width Ab/(b+h)
f) circular hollow sections and tubes of uniform thickness 2A/π

A is the cross-section area;
b is the overall breadth;
h is the overall depth;
hw is the depth of the web;
r is the root radius;
tf is the flange thickness;
tw is the web thickness (If the web thickness in not constant, tw should be taken as the minimum

(4) As an alternative to (3) c) the shear area Av for welded I, H or box sections, load parallel to web may
be taken as follows:
Av = 1,20 hw tw for S235, S275 and S355
Av = 1,05 hw tw for S420 and S460
provided that end posts are used and the welds between web and flanges are designed for the corresponding
shear flow.

Draft note: Background and comparison to (3) to be provided by Prof. Johansson.

(5) The design elastic shear resistance Vc,Rd shall be such that all points in the cross-section satisfy the
following criterion:

τ Sd
fy ( 3 ⋅ γM0 ) ≤ 1,0 (6.16)

VSd ⋅ S
where τSd shall be obtained from: τ Sd = (6.17)
I ⋅t
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where VSd is the design value of the shear force

S is first moment of area
I is second moment of area
t is the thickness at the examined point

(6) For I- or H-Profiles where the line of application of the transverse force complies with the centreline
of the web the shear stress in the web may be taken as:
τ md = Sd if A fl / Aw ≥ 0,6 (6.18)

where Afl is the area of one flange;

Aw is the area of the web: Aw=hw⋅tw.

(7) In addition the shear buckling resistance shall be verified as specified in 6.4 when:
hw ε
> 31 kτ (6.19)
tw η

For webs without intermediate stiffeners (6.18) can be specified as follows:

hw ε
> 72 (6.20)
tw η

Draft note: To be checked as formula in ENV 1993-1-1 is more favourable (hw/tw! 

where kτ is the buckling factor for shear
η = 1,20 M1 for S 235, S 275 and S 355
η = 1,05 M1 for S 420 and S 460

ε =

(8) Fastener holes need not to be allowed for in the shear verification except in verifying the design shear
resistance at connection zones as given in 8.2.6.

6.2.7 Torsion

(1) The design value of the torsional moment TSd at each cross-section shall satisfy:

≤ 1,0 (6.21)
(2) The total internal torque TSd at any cross- section should generally be divided into two parts such that:

TSd = Tv,Sd + Tw,Sd (6.22)

Tv,Sd is the St. Venant torsion;
Tw, Sd is the warping torsion.
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(3) The values of Tv,Sd and Tw,Sd at any cross-section may be determined from TSd by elastic analysis,
taking account of the section properties of the member, the conditions of restraint at the supports and the
distribution of the actions along the member.

(4) As a simplification, in the case of a member with a closed hollow cross-section, such as a structural
hollow section, it may be assumed that the effects of warping can be neglected.

(5) The following stresses due to torsion should be taken into account:
– the shear stresses τv,Ed due to St. Venant torsion
– the direct stresses σw,Ed and shear stresses τw,ED due to warping torsion Tw,Sd

(6) For plastic resistance only torsion necessary for equilibrium has to be considered.

(7) For the calculation of the resistance TRd a design shear stress of f y ( γ M 0 ⋅ 3 ) shall be assumed.

(8) For combined shear forces and torsional moments in Class 1 or 2 sections the plastic shear stress
should be limited by verifying the resistance of the cross-section to combined shear force and torsional
moment using:

V ≤1

in which V is given by the following:

– for an I or H section:
VSd /Av  
= + v,Ed

(f y/ )
3 / M0 (
1,25 f y / 3 / ) M0 


– for a channel section:

VSd /Av  
= + v,Ed
 + w,Ed
(f y/ 3 /) M0 (
1,25 f y / 3 / ) M0 
 (
fy/ 3 / ) M0

– for a structural hollow section:

VSd /Av
= + v,Ed
(f y/ )
3 / M0 (f y/ 3 / ) M0

Draft note: Formulae to be checked, see comment from Prof. Vayas.

(9) If the value of V is greater than 0,5 then the moment resistance of the cross-section should be
= (2 − 1) .
reduced as specified in 6.2.8 using the value ρ given by V

6.2.8 Bending and shear

(1) When the shear force exceeds half the plastic shear resistance, allowance shall be made for its effect
on the moment resistance and/or it effect on the resistance to axial force.

NOTE: The theoretical plastic resistance moment of a cross section is reduced by the presence of
shear. For small values of shear force the reduction is so small that it is counter-balanced by strain
hardening and may be neglected.

(2) In that case the reduced resistance should be taken as the design resistance of the cross-section,
calculated using a reduced strength (1-ρ)fy for the shear area, but not more than Mc,Rd ,
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 2 VSd 
where ρ =  − 1 and Vpl,Rd is obtained from 6.2.6(1).
V 
 pl , Rd 

(3) The reduced design plastic resistance moment allowing for the shear force may alternatively be
obtained for cross-sections with equal flanges and bending about the major axis as follows:
 ρ Av 2  f y
M V , Rd = W pl − ⋅ but M V , Rd ≤ M c , Rd (6.26)
 4 t w  γ M 0

where Mc,Rd is obtained from 6.2.5(2).

6.2.9 Bending and axial force Class 1 and 2 cross-sections

(1) For class 1 and 2 cross sections, the criterion to be satisfied in the absence of shear force is:
MSd ≤ MN,Rd (6.27)

(2) For a plate without bolt holes, the reduced design plastic resistance moment is given by:
M N , Rd = M pl , Rd 1 − (N Sd / N pl , Rd )
] (6.28)

and the criterion becomes:

M Sd  N 
+  Sd  ≤ 1 (6.29)
M pl , Rd  N pl , Rd 

(3) For bending about the y-y-axis, allowance shall be made for the effect of the axial force on the plastic
resistance moment when the following criteria are satisfied:
N Sd > 0,25 N pl ,Rd , or (6.30)

N Sd > 0,5 hw t w f yd , whichever is smaller (6.31)

Similarly, for bending about the z-z-axis, allowance shall be made for the effect of the axial force when:
N Sd > hw t w f yd (6.32)

(4) For cross-sections without bolt holes, the following approximations may be used for standard rolled I
or H sections and for welded I or H sections with equal flanges:
MNy.Rd =Mpl.y.Rd (1-n)/(1-0,5a) but MNy.Rd ≤ Mply.Rd (6.33)

for n ≤ a: MNz.Rd ≤ Mpl .z.Rd (6.34)

  n − a 2 
for n > a: MNz.Rd = Mpl.z.Rd 1 −    (6.35)
  1 − a  

where n = NSd / Npl.Rd

a = (A-2btf )/A but a ≤ 0,5
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For cross-sections without bolt holes, the following approximations may be used for rectangular structural
hollow sections of uniform thickness and for welded box sections with equal flanges and equal webs:
MNy.Rd =Mpl.y.Rd (1 - n)/(1 - 0,5aw) but MNy.Rd ≤ Mpl.y.Rd (6.36)

MNz.Rd =Mpl.z.Rd (1 - n)/(1 - 0,5af ) but MNz.Rd ≤ Mpl.z.Rd (6.37)

where aw = (A - 2bt)/A but aw ≤ 0,5 for hollow sections

aw = (A-2btf)/A but aw ≤ 0,5 for welded box sections
af = (A - 2ht)/A but af ≤ 0,5 for hollow sections
af = (A-2htw )/A but af ≤ 0,5 for welded box sections

(5) For bi-axial bending the following approximate criterion may be used:
α β
 M y , Sd   M z , Sd 
  +  ≤1 (6.38)
 M Ny , Rd   M Nz , Rd 

in which α and β are constants, which may conservatively be taken as unity, otherwise as follows:
– I and H sections:
α = 2 ; β = 5n but β ≥ 1
– circular hollow sections:
α = 2; β = 2
– rectangular hollow sections:
α=β = but α = β ≤ 6
1 − 1.13 n 2
where n = N Sd / N pl ,Rd . Class 3 cross-sections

(1) In the absence of shear force, for Class 3 cross-sections the maximum longitudinal stress shall satisfy
the criterion:
σ x ,Sd ≤ f y / γ M 0 (6.39)

where σ x ,Sd is the design value of the local longitudinal stress due to moment and axial force Class 4 cross-sections

(1) In the absence of shear force, for Class 4 cross-sections the maximum longitudinal stress σx,Ed
calculated using the effective widths of the compression elements (see 5.5.2(2)) shall satisfy the criterion:
σ x , Sd ≤ f y / γ M 0 (6.40)

where σ x ,Sd is the design value of the local longitudinal stress due to moment and axial force

(2) For cross-sections without holes for fasteners, the above criterion becomes:
N Sd M y , Sd + N Sd e Ny M z , Sd + N Sd e Nz
+ + ≤1 (6.41)
Aeff f y / γ M 0 Weff , y , min f y / γ M 0 Weff , z ,min f y / γ M 0

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Aeff is the effective area of the cross-section when subjected to uniform compression
Weff,min is the effective section modulus of the cross-section when subjected only to moment about the
relevant axis corresponding to the fibre with the maximum elastic stress
eN is the shift of the relevant centroidal axis when the cross-section is subjected to uniform
compression, see

6.2.10 Bending, shear and axial force

(1) When the shear force exceeds half the plastic shear resistance, allowance shall be made for the effect
of both shear force and axial force on the reduced plastic resistance moment.

(2) Provided that the design value of the shear force VSd does not exceed 50% of the design plastic shear
resistance Vpl.Rd no reduction need be made in combinations of moment and axial force that meet the criteria
in 6.2.9.

(3) When VSd exceeds 50% of Vpl.Rd the design resistance of the cross-section to combinations of moment
and axial force should be calculated using a reduced yield strength

(1-ρ)fy for the shear area

where ρ= (2VSd / Vpl.Rd-1)2 and Vpl,Rd is obtained from 6.2.6(2).

6.3 Buckling resistance of members

Draft note: The presentation of 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 will be improved.

6.3.1 Compression members Buckling resistance

(1) A compression member shall be verified against buckling as follows:

≤ 1,0 (6.42)
Nb ,Rd

where NSd is the design value of the compression force

Nb,Rd is the design buckling resistance of the compression member.

NOTE 1: For hot rolled and welded steel members with the types of cross-section according to
Table 6.4 the relevant buckling mode is generally flexural buckling. In case of torsional or flexural-
torsional buckling, see

NOTE 2: If the buckling resistance considers non-uniform sections along the member or non-
uniform distribution of the compression force, the verification may be applied accordingly for the
section considered.

(2) For members with non-symmetric Class 4 sections the method given in 6.3.3 should be used to allow
for the additional moment ∆M due to the eccentricity of the centroidal axis of the effective section, see also
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(3) The design buckling resistance of a compression member shall be taken as:
Nb ,Rd = χA for Class 1, 2 and 3 cross-sections
γ M1
Nb ,Rd = χAeff y for Class 4 cross-sections
γ M1
where χ is the reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode.

NOTE: NRd is the minimum of Npl,Rd and Nb,Rd. Buckling curves

(1) For axial compression in members, the value of χ for the appropriate non-dimensional slendernessλ,
shall be determined from:

χ= but χ ≤ 1,0 (6.44)
φ+ φ −λ 2

where φ = 0,5 1 + α λ − 0,2 + λ ( ) 2
λ= for Class 1, 2 and 3 cross-sections

Aeff fy
λ= for Class 4 cross-sections
α is an imperfection factor
Ncr is the elastic critical force for the relevant buckling mode.

(2) The imperfection factor α corresponding to the appropriate buckling curve shall be obtained from
Table 6.3 and Table 6.4.

Table 6.3: Imperfection factors

Buckling curve a0 a b c d
Imperfection factor α 0,13 0,21 0,34 0,49 0,76

(3) Values of the reduction factor χ for the appropriate non-dimensional slendernessλ may be obtained
from Figure 6.5.
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Table 6.4: Selection of buckling curve for a cross-section

Buckling curve
Buckling S 235
Cross-section Limits S 275
about axis S 460
S 355
S 420

Rolled I-sections
h/b > 1,2 y-y a a0
tf z t f ≤ 40mm z-z b a0

y-y b a
40mm < t f ≤ 100mm
z-z c a
h y y
h/b ≤ 1,2 y-y b a
t f ≤ 100mm z-z c a

y-y d c
b t f > 100mm
z-z d c

Welded I-sections y-y b b

z z t f ≤ 40mm
tf z-z c c

y y y y
y-y c c
t f > 40mm
z-z d d
z z

Hollow sections
hot rolled any a a0

cold formed any c c

Welded box sections

z tf generally any b b
(exept as below)

h y y thick welds: a > 0,5 t f

tw b / t f < 30 any c c
z b h / t w< 30

U-,T-and solid sections

any c c


any b b

Draft note: According to the E-mail of Noel Yeomans dated 15.12.2000 the buckling curves for cold
formed hollow sections are “c” (instead of “b”) and hot rolled hollow sections made of S 460
are changed from “a” to “a0”.
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0,8 b
Reduction factor χ







0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0
Non-dimensional slenderness λ
Figure 6.5: Buckling curves Flexural buckling

(1) The non-dimensional slendernessλ is given by:

Afy Lcr 1
λ= = for Class 1, 2 and 3 cross-sections
Ncr i λ1
Aeff fy Lcr βA
λ= = for Class 4 cross-sections
Ncr i λ1

where Lcr is the buckling length

i is the radius of gyration about the relevant axis, determined using the properties of the gross
βA =
λ1 = π = 93 ,9ε

ε= (fy in N/mm2)

(2) The buckling length Lcr of a compression member with both ends effectively held in position laterally,
may be taken as equal to its system length L.

(3) For flexural buckling the appropriate buckling curve shall be determined from Table 6.4.
2nd draft 2nd rev. Page 55
10th April 2001 prEN 1993-1-1 : 20xx Torsional and torsional-flexural buckling

(1) For members with open cross-sections account shall be taken of the possibility that the resistance of a
member to either torsional or torsional-flexural buckling might be less than its resistance to flexural

(2) The non-dimensional slendernessλT for torsional or torsional-flexural buckling is given by:

λT = for Class 1, 2 and 3 cross-sections
Aeff fy
λT = for Class 4 cross-sections

where Ncr = Ncr ,TF but Ncr < Ncr,T

Ncr,TF is the elastic torsional-flexural buckling force
Ncr,T is the elastic torsional buckling force

(3) For torsional or torsional-flexural buckling the appropriate buckling curve related to the z-axis may be
determined from Table 6.4.

6.3.2 Lateral-torsional buckling of beams Buckling resistance

(1) A laterally unrestrained beam subject to major axis bending shall be verified against lateral-torsional
buckling as follows:
≤ 1,0 (6.47)
M b ,Rd

where MSd is the design value of the moment

Mb,Rd is the design buckling resistance moment.

(2) Beams with sufficient restraint to the compression flange are not susceptible to lateral-torsional
buckling. In addition, beams with certain types of cross-sections, such as square or circular hollow sections,
fabricated circular tubes or square box sections are not susceptible to lateral-torsional buckling.

Draft note: A note on restraint to be added.

(3) The design buckling resistance moment of a laterally unrestrained beam shall be taken as:

Mb ,Rd = χ LT Wy (6.48)
γ M1

where Wy is the appropriate section modulus of the compression flange as follows

– Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 or 2 cross-sections
– Wy = Wel,y for Class 3 cross-sections
– Wy = Weff,y for Class 4 cross-sections
χLT is the reduction factor for lateral-torsional buckling.
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(4) Resistance to lateral-torsional buckling of beams need not be checked if the non-dimensional
slenderness λ LT does not exceed 0,4.

Draft note: According to Prof. Greiner (Level 1) and Prof. Jaspart (Level 2) lateral-torsional buckling need
to be checked for beam-columns even if λ LT is less than 0,4! Buckling curves

Draft note: This is a new proposal which is still under development and discussion that could be modified
for safety reasons.

(1) For bending member of constant cross-section, the value of χLT for the appropriate non-dimensional
slendernessλLT, shall be determined from:
 χLT ≤ 1,0
1 
χLT = but χ ≤ 1 (6.49)
φLT + φLT
− βλ LT  LT λ LT 2

where φLT = 0,51 + αLT λLT − 0,4 + βλLT  ) 2

α LT is an imperfection factor
β = 0,75
Wy f y
λLT =

Mcr is the elastic critical moment for lateral-torsional buckling taking the actual loading conditions
and lateral restraints into considerations.

(2) The imperfection factor αLT corresponding to the appropriate buckling curve shall be obtained from
Table 6.5.

Table 6.5: Imperfection factors

Buckling curve b c d
Imperfection factor α 0,34 0,49 0,76

Draft note: In order to avoid confusion with the column buckling curves the designation of the LTB-curves
should be reviewed.

(3) The appropriate buckling curve shall be determined from Table 6.6.

Table 6.6: Selection of buckling curve for a cross-section

Cross-section Limits Buckling curve
h/b ≤ 2 b
Rolled I-sections
h/b > 2 c
h/b ≤ 2 c
Welded I-sections
h/b > 2 d
Other cross-sections - d

(4) Values of the reduction factor χLT for the appropriate non-dimensional slendernessλLT may be
obtained from Figure 6.6.
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Figure 6.6: Lateral-torsional buckling curves

(5) Taking into account the moment distribution between the lateral restraints of the member the reduction
factor χLT may be modified as follows:
χ LT
χ LT ,mod = (6.50)

where f = 1 − 0,5(1 − k c )[1 − 2,0(λ LT − 0,8) 2 ] but f ≤ 1,0

kc is a correction factor

(6) The correction factor kc corresponding to the appropriate loading condition between lateral restraints
should be obtained from Table 6.7.

Draft note: It should be clarified if χLT is due to constant Mcr (i.e. ψ =1,0) or not.
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Table 6.7: Correction factors

Moment distribution kc


1,33 − 0,33ψ
-1 ≤ ψ ≤ 1






NOTE: For Class 4 cross-sections kc =1,0. Simplified method

(1) Members with I-sections subject to lateral-torsional buckling may be verified by the compression
flange as an equivalent compression member.

(2) Members with lateral restraint to the compression flange are not susceptible to lateral-torsional
buckling if the restraint spacing Lc is such that the slenderness of the compression flange does not exceed:
k c Lc M
λf = ≤ 0,5 c,Rd (6.51)
i f ,z λ1 M y ,Sd

where My,Sd is the maximum design value of the bending moment within the restraint spacing
Mc ,Rd = Wy
γ M1
Wy is the appropriate section modulus of the compression flange
kc is a slenderness correction factor, see Table 6.7
if,z is the radius of gyration of the compression flange about the minor axis the section including
1/3 of the compressed part of the web area
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λ1 = π = 93 ,9ε

ε= (fy in N/mm2)

NOTE: if,z may be taken as the radius of gyration about the minor axis the section, iz .
I eff , f
i f ,z = for Class 4 cross-sections
Aeff , f + Aeff , w,c
where Ieff,f is the effective second moment of area of the compression flange about the minor axis of
the section
Aeff,f is the effective areas of the flange
Aeff,w,c is the effective areas of the compressed web
and Aeff,w,c < Aeff,w

(3) The effect of the loads and moments between restraints may be considered by multiplying the
effective length by a correction factor, kc , Table 6.7.

(4) If the slenderness of the compression flange λ f exceeds the limit given in (2), the design buckling
resistance moment may be taken as:

M b,Rd = 1,16 χ M c,Rd but Mb.Rd ≤ Mc .Rd (6.52)

where χ is the reduction factor of the equivalent compression member

(5) The values of the imperfection factor α LT to be used in should be taken as follows:

buckling curve c for rolled sections

buckling curve d for welded sections provided that: ≤ 44ε
where h is the overall depth of the cross-section Non-uniform members

(1) Tapered members and members with changes of cross-section within their length may be verified
using second-order analysis.

(2) Alternatively, simplified methods of analysis may be based on modifications of the basic procedure
for uniform members.

Draft note: Instead of clause a note on non-uniform members may be included in, see
NOTE 2 of
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6.3.3 Bending and axial compression General

(1) Unless second order analysis are carried out using the imperfections as given in Figure 5.6, the
following should be used for double-symmetric cross-sections, where a distinction is made for:
– members that are not susceptible to torsional deformations, e.g. hollow sections
– members that are susceptible to torsional deformations, e.g. open cross-sections.

(2) In addition, the resistance of the cross-sections at each end of the member shall satisfy the
requirements according to 6.2.

(3) As an alternative the formula of Annex A. Members with hollow sections

(1) Members with Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 cross-sections subject to combined bending moments and
axial compression shall satisfy:

N Sd C m,y M y ,Sd C M
+ ky + α z k z m,z z,Sd ≤ 1,0
χ y N c,Rd M y ,Rd M z,Rd
N Sd C m,y M y ,Sd C M
+αy ky + k z m,z z,Sd ≤ 1,0
χ z N c ,Rd M y ,Rd M z,Rd

where NSd, My,Sd and Mz,Sd are the design values of the compression force and the moments about the y-y
and z-z axis, respectively
Nc ,Rd = A
γ M1
χy and χz are the reduction factors from 6.3.1 due to flexural buckling
M y ,Rd = Wy
γ M1
Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections
Wy = Wel,y for Class 3 cross-sections
M z ,Rd = Wz
γ M1
Wz = Wpl,z for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections
Wz = Wel,z for Class 3 cross-sections
αy and αz are reduction factors where
αy = αz = 0,6 for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections
αy = 0,8 for Class 3 cross-sections
αz= 1,0 for Class 3 cross-sections
ky and kz are the moment amplification factors, see Table 6.8
Cm,y and Cm,z are the equivalent uniform moment factors, see Figure 6.7.

(2) The moment amplification factors ky and kz shall be obtained from Table 6.8.
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Table 6.8: Amplification factors

Class I-sections RHS-sections

k y = 1 + λ y − 0 ,2 ) χ NN Sd
but k y ≤ 1 + 0 ,8
χ y Nc ,Rd
y c ,Rd

1 and 2 (
k z = 1 + 2 λ z − 0 ,6 ) χ NN Sd
k z = 1 + λ z − 0 ,2 ) χ NN Sd

z c ,Rd z c ,Rd

but k z ≤ 1 + 1,4 but k z ≤ 1 + 0 ,8
χ zNc ,Rd χ zNc ,Rd
k y = 1 + 0 ,6 λ y but k y ≤ 1 + 0 ,6
χ y Nc ,Rd χ y Nc ,Rd
3 and 4
k z = 1 + 0 ,6 λ z but k z ≤ 1 + 0 ,6
χ zNc ,Rd χ zNc ,Rd
whereλy and λz are the non-dimensional slenderness for the y-y and z-z axes, respectively

(3) The equivalent uniform moment factors Cm,y and Cm,z shall be obtained from Figure 6.7 according to
the shape of the bending moment diagram between relevant braced points as follows:

moment factor bending axis points braced in direction

Cm,y y-y z-z
Cm,z z-z y-y

Equivalent uniform moment factor

Moment diagram Cm ,y = Cm ,i ( i = y)

Cm ,z = Cm ,i ( i = z)
End moments

Cm ,i = 0 ,6 + 0 ,4ψ ≥ 0 ,4
-1 ≤ψi ≤ 1
Moments due to in-plane lateral loads
Cm,i = 0,90

Cm,i = 0,95

Moments due to in-plane lateral loads

plus end moments
Cm,i = 0,1 − 0,8α ≥ 0,4 −1 ≤ α ≤ 0
(-)Mh ψMh
Cm,i = 0,2 + 0,8α ≥ 0,4 0 ≤ α ≤1

(+)Ms α=Ms/Mh

(+)Mh ψMh

Cm,i = 0,95 + 0,05α −1 ≤ α ≤ 1


Figure 6.7: Equivalent uniform moment factors

(4) For members in unbraced frames with effective buckling length larger than the system length the
equivalent uniform moment factor Cm should be taken as 0,9.
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(5) Members with Class 4 cross-sections subject to combined bending and axial compression shall satisfy:

N Sd C m,y M y ,Sd + eN ,y N Sd C M + eN ,z N Sd
+ ky + k z m,z z,Sd ≤ 1,0
χ y N c,Rd M y ,Rd M z,Rd
N Sd C m,y M y ,Sd + eN ,y N Sd C M + eN ,z N Sd
+ 0,8k y + k z m,z z,Sd ≤ 1,0
χ z N c ,Rd M y ,Rd M z,Rd

where Nc ,Rd = Aeff
γ M1
M y ,Rd = Weff ,y
γ M1
M z ,Rd = Weff ,z
γ M1
Aeff , Weff,y , Weff,z , eN,y and eN,z are as in, 6.2.4 and 6.2.5. Members with open sections

(1) Members with Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 cross-sections subject to combined bending moments and
axial compression shall satisfy:

N Sd C m,y M y ,Sd C M
+ ky + α z k z m,z z,Sd ≤ 1,0
χ y N c,Rd χ LT M y ,Rd M z,Rd
N Sd M y ,Sd C M
+ k LT + k z m,z z,Sd ≤ 1,0
χ z N c ,Rd χ LT M y ,Rd M z,Rd

where NSd, My,Sd and Mz,Sd are the design values of the compression force and the moments about the y-y
and z-z axis, respectively
Nc ,Rd = A
γ M1
χy and χz are the reduction factors from 6.3.1 due to flexural buckling
χLT is the reduction factor from 6.3.2 due to lateral-torsional buckling
M y ,Rd = Wy
γ M1
Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections
Wy = Wel,y for Class 3 cross-sections
M z ,Rd = Wz
γ M1
Wz = Wpl,z for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections
Wz = Wel,z for Class 3 cross-sections
αz is a reduction factor where
αz = 0,6 for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections
αz= 1,0 for Class 3 cross-sections
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kLT = 0,6 +λLT but kLT ≤ 1,

Draft note: This means that kLT is 1,0 for all λLT >0,4 !
ky and kz are the moment amplification factors, see Table 6.8
Cm,y and Cm,z are the equivalent uniform moment factors, see Figure 6.7.

(2) Members with Class 4 cross-sections subject to combined bending and axial compression shall satisfy:

N Sd C m,y M y ,Sd + eN ,y N Sd C M + eN ,z N Sd
+ ky + k z m,z z,Sd ≤ 1,0
χ y N c,Rd χ LT M y ,Rd M z,Rd
N Sd M y ,Sd + eN ,y N Sd C M + eN ,z N Sd
+ k LT + k z m,z z,Sd ≤ 1,0
χ z N c ,Rd χ LT M y ,Rd M z,Rd

where Nc ,Rd = Aeff
γ M1
M y ,Rd = Weff ,y
γ M1
M z ,Rd = Weff ,z
γ M1
Aeff , Weff,y , Weff,z , eN,y and eN,z are as in, 6.2.4 and 6.2.5.

6.4 Buckling of plates in shear

6.4.1 Basis
(1) Webs with depth-to-thickness ratio hw /tw greater than 72 for webs with no intermediate stiffeners,
shall be provided with transverse stiffeners at the supports and shall be checked for the resistance to shear
buckling as follows:

≤ 1,0 (6.57)
Vb ,Rd

where VSd is the design value of the shear force

Vb,Rd is the design shear buckling resistance of webs
η is a factor taking into account overstrength
η = 1,20 M1 for S235, S275 and S355
η = 1,05 M1 for S420 and S460
Draft note: To be clarified whether η = 1,20 M1 also valid for S420 and S460.
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ε =

(2) For webs as shown in Figure 6.8, the shear buckling resistance may be verified using either:
a) non-rigid end posts or
b) rigid end posts according to ENV 1993-1.5.



a) Cross-section notations b) Rigid end post c) Non-rigid end post

Figure 6.8: Criteria for end-stiffener

(3) Provided that the flanges can resist the whole of the design values of the bending moment and axial
force in the member, the design shear resistance of the web need not be reduced to allow for the moment and
the axial force in the member. Alternatively, the cross-section may be checked according to 6.2 when
replacing Vpl,Rd by Vb,Rd.

6.4.2 Shear buckling resistance of webs

(1) For webs with intermediate transverse and/or longitudinal stiffeners the resistance shall be checked
according to ENV 1993-1-5.

(2) The design shear buckling resistance of webs of I-sections, plate and box girders with non-rigid end
posts and without intermediate transverse stiffeners should be obtained from:

f yw E
Vb,Rd = 1,4 t 2w ≤ Vpl,Rd (6.58)
γ M1

6.4.3 End stiffeners

(1) A non-rigid end post may be a single stiffener as shown in Figure 6.9. It should act as a bearing
stiffener resisting the reaction at the girder support.

Figure 6.9: Effective cross-sections of stiffeners

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(2) When checking the buckling resistance, the effective cross-section of a stiffener may be taken as
including a width of web plate equal to 30ε tw, arranged with 15ε tw on each side of the stiffener, see Figure
6.9, providing this is not more than the actual dimension available.

(3) The out-of-plane buckling resistance should be determined from 6.3.1, using buckling curve c and
buckling length Lcr of not less than 0,75hw. A larger buckling length Lcr should be used for conditions that
provide reduced end restraint.

(4) End stiffeners and stiffeners at internal supports should normally be double sided and symmetric about
the centreline of the web.

(5) Stiffeners at locations where significant external forces are applied should preferably be symmetric.

(6) Where single sided or other asymmetric stiffeners are used, the resulting eccentricity should be
allowed for, using 6.3.3.

(7) In addition to checking the buckling resistance, the cross-section resistance of the load-bearing
stiffener should also be checked adjacent to the loaded flange. The width of the web plate included in the
effective cross-section should be limited to ly (see …) and allowance should be made for any cut-outs in the

(8) The welds may be designed for the nominal shear flow VSd/hw.

6.5 Resistance of webs to in-plane transverse forces

6.5.1 Basis

NOTE: In this chapter the resistance of webs to in-plane external transverse forces are covered. For
internal load introduction see Part 1.8.

(1) The resistance of an unstiffened web to transverse forces applied through a flange, shall be checked as

≤ 1,0 (6.59)
Fb ,Rd

where FSd is the design value of the transverse force

Fb,Rd is the design resistance of a web to transverse forces

(2) If the resistance of an unstiffened web to transverse forces is insufficient, transverse stiffeners shall be
provided as specified in 6.4.3.

(3) The resistance Fb,Rd is governed by one of the following modes of failure provided that the flanges are
laterally restrained either by their own stiffness or by bracing:
– crushing of the web close to the flange, accompanied by plastic deformation of the flange,
– crippling of the web in the form of localised buckling and crushing of the web close to the flange,
accompanied by plastic deformation of the flange,
– buckling of the web over most of the depth of the member.

(4) A distinction should be made between three types of force application, as follows:
– Forces applied through one flange and resisted by shear forces in the web see Figure 6.10(a).
– Forces applied to one flange and transferred through the web directly to the other flange see
Figure 6.10(b).
– Forces applied through one flange close to an unstiffened end see Figure 6.10(c).
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Type a ) Ty pe b) Type c )


ss ss c ss
V1 , S V2 ,S VS

Figure 6.10: Different types of force application

(5) If the member is subjected to a concentrated transverse force FSd in combination with bending a
moment MSd and an axial force NSd, the resistance of the web should be verified as follows:

FSd σ
+ 0,8 x ,Ed ≤ 1,4 (6.60)
Fb,Rd f yf
γ M1

where σx,Ed is the design value of the longitudinal stress in the flange at the point of force introduction
fyf is the yield strength of the flange.

6.5.2 Design resistance

Draft note: Should the resistance formulae in (2) be dependent on the type of cross-section, i.e. rolled or

(1) The design resistance FRd of an unstiffened web to transverse forces applied through a flange should be
taken as the smaller of:

 f yw
t w (s s + 10t f )
 γ M0
Fb,Rd = min  but c ≥ hw (6.61)
1,2t 2 s s + 12t f Ef yw
 w hw γ M1

where ss is the length of stiff bearing

tw is the thickness of the web
tf is the thickness of the flange
fyw is the yield strength of the web
E is the modulus of elasticity
c is the distance from the applied force to the unstiffened end
hw is the depth of the web

(2) For other load applications the design resistance should be obtained from ENV 1993-1-5.
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6.5.3 Length of stiff bearing

(1) The length of stiff bearing ss on the flange is the distance over which the applied force is effectively

(2) The length of stiff bearing ss should be determined by dispersion of load trough solid steel material
which is properly fixed in place at a slope of 1:1, see Figure 6.11. No dispersion should be taken trough loose

(3) If several concentrated forces are closely spaced, the resistance should be checked for each individual
load as well as for the total load with ss as the centre-to-centre distance between the outer forces.


ss ss ss ss tf Ss = 0

Figure 6.11: Length of stiff bearing

6.6 Flange induced buckling

(1) For flange induced buckling see prEN 1993-1-5.

7 Serviceability limit states

(1) A steel structure shall be designed and constructed such that all relevant serviceability limit states are

(2) The basic requirements for serviceability limit states are given in 3.3 of prEN 1990.

(3) Additional provisions related to serviceability criteria are given in:

ENV 1993-2 for steel bridges
prEN 1993-3 for steel buildings
ENV 1993-6 for crane supporting structures
ENV 1993-7 for towers, masts and chimneys.

(4) Serviceability limit states shall be specified in the project specification.

(5) When plastic global analysis is used for the ultimate limit state, plastic redistribution of forces and
moments at the serviceability limit state may be allowed. If so, the effects have to be considered.
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8 Fasteners, welds, connections and joints

8.1 General requirements
8.1.1 General

(1) This chapter contains design methods for fasteners, welds, connections and joints subject to
predominantly static loading.

NOTE 1: This chapter and prEN 1993 Part 1.8 are also applicable to dynamic loads, particularly
wind actions, if not otherwise mentioned. Fatigue design of joints, see Part 1.9 of prEN 1993.

NOTE 2: Stiffness of joints, see prEN 1993-1-8.

(2) The partial safety factor γM should be taken from Table 8.1.

(3) Joints subject to fatigue shall also satisfy the requirements given in pr EN1993 Part 1.9.

Table 8.1: Partial safety factors for joints

γM0, γM1 and γM2, see Section 6 of
Resistance of members and cross-sections
prEN 1993 Part 1.1
Resistance of bolts
Resistance of rivets
Resistance of pins γM2 = 1,25
Resistance of welds
Resistance of plates in bearing
Slip resistance at ultimate limit state – No slip is accepted 1) γM3,ult = 1,25
Slip resistance at ultimate limit state – Slip is accepted 1) γM3,ult = 1,10
Slip resistance at serviceability limit state – No slip is accepted 1) γM3,ser = 1,1
Slip resistance at serviceability limit state – Slip is accepted 1) γM3,ser = 1,0
Bearing resistance of an injection bolt γM4 = 1,0
Resistance of joints in hollow section lattice girder γM5 = 1,0
Resistance of pins at serviceability limit state γM6,ser = 1,0
Preloading of high strength bolts γM7 = 1,0
Resistance on concrete γc = see prEN 1992
The choice of the partial safety factor depends on the application.

8.1.2 Applied forces and moments

(1) The forces and moments applied to the joints at the ultimate limit state shall be determined by global
analysis conforming with section 5.

8.1.3 Resistance of joints

(1) Linear-elastic analysis shall generally be used in the design of joint. Alternatively non-linear analysis
of the joint may be employed provided that it takes into account of the load deformation characteristics of all
the components of the joint.

(2) Overstrength in the parent material should be considered in special cases where overstrength effects
may produce a reduction in safety.

(3) When different forms of fasteners are used to carry a shear load or when welding and fasteners are
used in combination, then one form of connectors shall normally be designed to carry the total load.
Exceptions, see prEN 1993 Part 1.8.
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8.1.4 Design assumptions

(1) Joints shall be designed by distributing the internal forces and moments to fulfil the following criteria:
a) the assumed internal forces and moments are in equilibrium with the applied forces and moments;
b) each element in the joint is capable of resisting the forces or stresses assumed in the analysis;
c) the deformations implied by this distribution are within the deformation capacity of the fasteners or
welds and of the connected parts, and
d) the deformations assumed in any design model based on yield lines are based on rigid body
rotations (and in-plane deformations) which are physically possible.

(2) In addition, the assumed distribution of internal forces shall be realistic with regard to relative
stiffnesses within the joint.

8.1.5 Joints loaded in shear subjected to vibration and/or load reversal, but not for fatigue

(1) Where a joint loaded in shear is subjected to impact or significant vibration, either welding or else
bolts with locking devices, preloaded bolts, injection bolts or other types of bolt which effectively prevent
movement shall be used.

(2) Where slipping is not acceptable in a joint because it is subjected to reversal of shear load (or for any
other reason), either preloaded bolts in a slip-resistance connection (Category B or C as appropriate, see
8.2.1), fit bolts (see or welding shall be used.

(3) For wind and/or stability bracings, bolts in bearing type connections (Category A in 8.2.1) may
normally be used.

8.1.6 Intersections

(1) Members meeting at a joint should normally be arranged with their centroidal axes intersecting at a

(2) Where there is eccentricity at intersections, the joints and members should be designed for resulting
moments, forces and deformations, except in the case of particular types of structures where it has been
demonstrated that it is not necessary.

(3) In the case of joints with angles or tees connected by at least two bolts at each joint, the setting out
lines for the bolts in the angles and tees may be substituted for the centroidal axes for the purpose of
intersection at the joints. This is also valid for the case of two setting lines in a wide leg, see Figure 8.1.
Possible eccentricity should be taken into account as given in (2).

NOTE: The influence of the eccentricity to angles as web members in compression, see section 5.

Figure 8.1: Setting out lines

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8.2 Connections made with bolts, rivets or pins

8.2.1 Categories of bolted connections Shear connections

(1) The design of a bolted connection loaded in shear shall conform with on of the following categories A,
B or C, see Table 8.2.

(2) Category A: Bearing type

In this category bolts from grade 4.6 up to and including the grade 10.9, shall be used. No preloading and
special provisions for contact surfaces are required. The design ultimate shear load shall not exceed the
design shear resistance nor the design bearing resistance, obtained from 8.2.3.

(3) Category B: Slip-resistant at serviceability limit state

In this category preloaded 8.8 or 10.9 bolts with controlled tightening in conformity with ENV 1090-1 shall
be used. Slip shall not occur at the serviceability limit state. The design serviceability shear load should not
exceed the design slip resistance, obtained from 8.2.5. The design ultimate shear load shall not exceed the
design shear resistance nor the design bearing resistance, obtained from 8.2.3.

(4) Category C: Slip-resistant at ultimate limit state

In this category preloaded 8.8 or 10.9 bolts with controlled tightening in conformity with ENV 1090-1 shall
be used. Slip shall not occur at the ultimate limit state. The design ultimate shear load shall not exceed the
design slip resistance obtained from 8.2.5 nor the design bearing resistance obtained from 8.2.3. In addition
for a joint in tension, the design plastic resistance of the net section cross-section at bolt holes Nnet,Rd, see
6.2.3(3), shall be checked, at the ultimate limit state. Tension connections

(1) The design of a bolted connection loaded in tension shall confirm with one of the following categories
D or E, see Table 8.2.

(2) Category D: Connections with non-preloaded bolts

In this category bolts from grade 4.6 up to and including grade 10.9 shall be used. No preloading is required.
This category shall not be used where the connections are frequently subjected to variations of tensile
loading. However, they may be used in connections designed to resist normal wind loads.

(3) Category E: Connections with preloaded 8.8 or 10.9 bolts

In this category preloaded 8.8 or 10.9 bolts with controlled tightening in conformity with ENV 1090-1 shall
be used.

(4) For tension connections of both categories D and E no special treatment of contact surfaces is
necessary, except where connections of Category E are subject to both tension and shear (combination E-B
or E-C).
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Table 8.2: Categories of bolted connections

Category Criteria Remarks
Shear connections
A Fv,Sd ≤ Fv,Rd No preloading required.
bearing type Fv.Sd ≤ Fb.Rd All grades 4.6 to 10.9
Fv.Sd.ser ≤ Fs.Rd.ser
B Fv.Sd ≤ Fv.Rd Preloaded 8.8 or 10.9 bolts. No
slip-resistant at serviceability slip at the serviceability limit state
Fv.Sd ≤ Fb.Rd
Fv.Sd ≤ Fs.Rd Preloaded 8.8 or 10.9 bolts. No
C Fv.Sd ≤ Fb.Rd slip at the ultimate limit state
slip-resistant at ultimate
FV,Sd ≤ Nnet,Rd Nnet,Rd , see 6.2.3(3)
Tension connections
D Ft.Sd ≤ Ft.Rd No preloading required.
non-prealoded All grades 4.6 to 10.9
E Ft.Sd ≤ Ft.Rd Preloaded 8.8 or 10.9 bolts.

8.2.2 Positioning of holes for bolts and rivets

(1) The positioning of holes for bolts and rivets shall be in conformity with the following rules which
have been determined taking into account to prevent the effects of corrosion and local buckling.

(2) Minimum and maximum end and edge distances are given in the Table 8.3.

NOTE: The deviation ∆ of a group of holes from their intended position should be taken into account
according to ENV 1090-1.

(3) Minimum and maximum spacing, end and edge distances for structure subjected to fatigue, see prEN
1993 Part 1.9.
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Table 8.3: Minimum and maximum spacing, end and edge distances
Distances and spacings, Maximum 1) 2) 3)
see Figure 8.2 Mild steel Weathering steels
Steels exposed to Steels not exposed
the weather or to the weather or Steels used
other corrosive other corrosive unprotected
influences influences
The larger of 12t The larger of 8t or
End distance e1 1,2d0 4t + 40 mm
or 150 mm 125 mm
The larger of 12t The larger of 8t or
Edge distance e2 1,2d0 4t + 40 mm
or 150 mm 125 mm
Distance e3 in slotted
1,5d0 4)
Distance e4 in slotted
1,5d0 4)
The smaller of 14t The smaller of 14t The smaller of 14t
Spacing p1 2,2d0
or 200 mm or 200 mm or 175 mm
The smaller of 14t
Spacing p1,0
or 200 mm
The smaller of 28 t
Spacing p1,i
or 400 mm
5) The smaller of 14t The smaller of 14t The smaller of 14t
Spacing p2 3,0d0
or 200 mm or 200 mm or 175 mm
Maximum values for spacings, edge and end distances are unlimited, except in the following cases:
- for compression members in order to avoid local buckling and to prevent corrosion in exposed members;
- and for exposed tension members to prevent corrosion.
The centre-to-centre spacing of fasteners should also not exceed the maximum width which satisfies local
buckling requirements for an internal element in the compression members, see prEN 1993 Part 1.1. The
edge distance should also not exceed the maximum to satisfy local buckling requirements for an outstand
element in the compression members, see prEN 1993 Part 1.1. The end distance is not affected by this
t is the thickness of the thinner outer connected part.
For the limits for slotted holes, see ENV 1090-1
For staggered rows of fasteners a minimum line spacing p2 = 1,2d0 may be used, if the minimum distance
between any two fasteners in a staggered row L ≥ 2,4d0, see Figure 8.2 8.2e).

Draft note: Some of the values of Table 8.3 still to be checked, because ENV 1993 is unclear.
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a) Symbols for spacing of fasteners

b) Staggered spacing-compression c) Spacing in tension members

d) End and edge distances for slotted holes e) Staggered rows of fasteners

e1 is the end distance from the centre of a fastener hole to the adjacent end of any part, measured in the
direction of load transfer;
e2 is the edge distance from the centre of a fastener hole to the adjacent edge of any part, measured at right
angles to the direction of load transfer;
e3 is the distance from the axis of a slotted hole to the adjacent end or edge of any part;
e4 is the distance from the centre of the end radius of a slotted hole to the adjacent end or edge of any part;
p1 is the spacing between centres of fasteners in a line in the direction of load transfer;
p1,0 is the spacing between centres of fasteners in an outer line in the direction of load transfer;
p1,i is the spacing between centres of fasteners in an inner line in the direction of load transfer;
p2 is the spacing, measured perpendicular to the load transfer direction, between adjacent lines of fasteners;

Figure 8.2: Symbols for end and edge distances and spacing of fasteners
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8.2.3 Design resistances Bolts and rivets

(1) The design resistances apply to bolts of strength grades from 4.6 up to and including grade 10.9, which
confirm with appropriate Reference Standards of 1.2.4. Nuts and washers shall also confirm with appropriate
Reference Standards of 1.2.4 and shall have the corresponding specified strengths.

(2) The following criteria have to be checked:

a) At ultimate limit state the design shear force Fv,Sd on a bolt shall not exceed the smaller of:
– the design shear resistance Fv,Rd
– the design bearing resistance Fb,Rd
both as given in Table 8.4.

b) The design tensile force Ft,Sd, inclusive of any force due to prying action (see prEN 1993 Part 1.8),
shall not exceed the design tension resistance Bt,Rd of the bolt-plate assembly which shall be taken as
the smaller of:
– the design tension resistance Ft,Rd
– the design punching shear resistance Bp,Rd of the bolt head and the nut
both as given in Table 8.4.

c) Bolts subjected to both shear force and tensile force shall in addition satisfy the criteria given in the
Table 8.4.

(3) The design resistance for tension and for shear through the threaded portion given in Table 8.4 are
restricted to bolts manufactured in conformity with appropriate Reference Standards of 1.2.4. For other items
with cut threads, such as holding down bolts or tie rods fabricated from round steel bars where the threads
are cut by the steelwork fabricator and not by a specialised bolt manufacturer, the relevant values from Table
8.4 shall be reduced by multiplying them by a factor of 0,85.
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Table 8.4: Design resistance for bolts subjected to shear and/or tension
Failure mode Bolts Rivets
αv fub A
Fv,Rd = 
– where the shear plane passes through the threaded portion
of the bolt (A is the tensile stress area of the bolt (As))): 0,6 fur Ao
Shear resistance per
Fv,Rd = 
shear plane – for strength grades 4.6, 5.6 and 8.8: αv = 0,6
– for strength grades 4.8, 5.8, 6.8 and 10.9: αv = 0,5
– where the shear plane passes through the unthreaded
portion of the bolt (A is the gross cross-section area of the
bolt (A)): αv = 0,6
k1 αb fu d t
F =  3) 4)
Bearing resistance 1) γM2
where αb is the smallest of e1 3do ; p1 3do − 1 4 ; fub fu or 1,0; 2)

k1 is the smallest of 2,8e2/do -1,7 ; 1,4p2/do -1,7 or 2,5.

k2 fub As
Ft,Rd =  0,6 fur Ao
Tension resistance γM2 Ft,Rd = 
where k2 = 0,63 for countersunk bolts, otherwise k2 = 0,9.
Rivets need not be
Punching shear checked for
Bp,Rd = 0,6 π dm tp fu/γM2
resistance punching shear
Combined shear and Fv.Sd F
+ t.Sd ≤ 1, 0
tension Fv.Rd 1, 4 Ft.Rd
Also for bolts in slotted holes parallel to the direction of the force transfer.
The resistance of a group of bolts may be determined as the sum of the bearing resistance Fb,Rd of the
individual bolts provided that there is sufficient ductility in the connected parts.
The bearing resistance Fb,Rd for bolts in slotted holes perpendicular to the direction of the force transfer is
0,6 times the bearing resistance for bolts in round holes.
For countersunk bolt:
– for the determination of the bearing resistance Fb,Rd the plane thickness t of the relevant part joined
should be deducted with half the depth of the countersunk.
– for the determination of the tension resistance Ft,Rd the angle and depth of countersinking shall conform
with the appropriate Reference Standard of Group 4, otherwise the tension resistance Ft,Rd shall be
adjusted accordingly.

(4) The values for design shear resistance Fv,Rd given in Table 8.4 apply only where the bolts are used in
holes with nominal clearance not exceeding those for standard holes as specified in ENV 1090-1.

(5) M12 and M14 bolts may also be used in 2 mm clearance holes provided that for bolts of strength grade
4.8, 5.8, 6.8, 8.8 or 10.9 the design shear resistance Fv,Rd is taken as 0,85 times the value given in Table 8.4.

This application rule should be applied only, when Fv,Rd ≥ Fb,Rd.

(6) The resistances of fit bolts may be calculated by the same way as for bolts in normal clearance holes.
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(7) The thread of a fit bolt should not be included in the shear plane.

(8) The length of the threaded portion of the shank of the fit bolt included in the bearing length should not
exceed 1/3 of the thickness of the plate, see Figure 8.3.

(9) The tolerance of the holes for fit bolts should be in accordance with ENV 1090-1.

<t/3 t

Figure 8.3: Threaded portion of the shank in the bearing length for fit bolts

(10) In single lap joints of flats with only one bolt, see Figure 8.4, the bolt shall be provided with washers
under both the head and the nut to avoid pull-out failure and the bearing resistance Fb,Rd given in Table 8.4
shall be limited to:

Fb.Rd ≤ 1, 5 fu dt γ Mb (8.1)

NOTE: Single rivets should not be used in single lap joints.

(11) In the case of 8.8 or 10.9 bolts, hardened washers should be used for single lap joints of flats with only
one bolt or row of bolts (normal to the direction of load), even where the bolts are not preloaded.

Figure 8.4: Single lap joint with one row of bolts

(12) Where the distance Lj between the centres of the end fasteners in a joint, measured in the direction of
the transfer of force (see Figure 8.5), is more than 15d, the design shear resistance Fv,Rd of all the fasteners
calculated according to Table 8.4 shall be reduced by multiplying it by a reduction factor β Lf, given by:

Lj - 15d
βLf = 1 -  (8.2)
200 d
but β Lf ≤ 1,0 and β Lf ≥ 0,75.

(13) The provision in (12) does not apply where there is a uniform distribution of force transfer over the
length of the joint, e.g. the transfer of shear force from the web of a section to the flange.
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Figure 8.5: Long joints

(14) Where bolts or rivets transmitting load in shear and bearing pass through packings of total thickness tp
greater than one-third of the nominal diameter d, the design shear resistance Fv,Rd calculated as specified in
Table 8.4, shall be reduced by multiplying it by a reduction factor β p, given by:

βp =  but β p ≤ 1 (8.3)
8d + 3tp
Draft note: The number of packing plates, see ENV 1090-1. To be checked.

(15) For double shear connections with packing on both sides of the splice, tp should be taken as the
thickness of the thicker packing.

Figure 8.6: Fasteners through packings

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8.2.4 Design resistance of rivets

(1) The resistances for rivets should be calculated according to Table 8.4.

(2) Riveted connections shall be designed to transfer forces essentially in shear. If tension is necessary to
satisfy equilibrium, the design tensile force Ft,Sd shall not exceed the design tension resistance Ft,Rd given in
Table 8.4.

(3) For grades S235 the "as driven" value of fur may be taken as 400N/mm2.

(4) As a general rule, the grip length of a rivet should not exceed 4,5d for hammer riveting and 6,5d for
press riveting.

8.2.5 Slip-resistant connections using 8.8 or 10.9 bolts Slip resistance

(1) The design slip resistance of a preloaded 8.8 or 10.9 bolts shall be taken as:

ks n µ
Fs,Rd =  Fp,Cd (8.4)

where: γM3 is γM3,ult at the ultimate limit state;

γM3 is γM3,ser at the serviceability limit state.

(2) The value of ks shall be taken as given in Table 8.5:

Table 8.5: Values of ks

Where the holes in all the plies have standard nominal clearance as specified in ENV 1090-1 1,0
For oversize holes, or short slotted holes, as specified in ENV 1090-1. The axis of the slot
perpendicular to the direction of force transfer.
For long slotted holes, as specified in ENV 1090-1. The axis of the slot perpendicular to the
direction of force transfer.
For oversize holes, or short slotted holes, as specified in ENV 1090-1. The axis of the slot
parallel to the direction of force transfer.
For long slotted holes, as specified in ENV 1090-1. The axis of the slot parallel to the direction
of force transfer.

(3) The relevant combination of actions for serviceability limit states should be used. Usually rare
combination is determining.

Draft note: It should be checked, whether the term "rare combination" will be used in EN 1990 or EN 1991.

(4) Additional checks at the serviceability limit state and at the ultimate limit state, see 8.2.1.
2nd draft 2nd rev. Page 79
10th April 2001 prEN 1993-1-1 : 20xx Preloading

(1) For bolt grades 8.8 and 10.9 conforming with the appropriate Reference Standard of 1.2.4, with
controlled tightening in conformity with ENV 1090-1, the design preloading force Fp,Cd, to be used in the
design calculations, shall be taken as:

Fp,Cd = kp fub As/γM7 (8.5)

where kp is taken as follows:

- Class 1: kp = 0,7
- Class 2: kp = 0,63

NOTE: The value of kp should be given in the National Annex. The Class 2 is used, when additional
safety is required for the preloading, otherwise Class 1 is used. Slip factor

(1) The design value of the slip factor µ should be taken as given in
Table 8.6.

Table 8.6: The design value of the slip factor µ for various classes of friction
Classes of friction surfaces The design value of the slip factor µ
A 0,5
B 0,4
C 0,3
D 0,2
NOTE 1: The requirements of testing and inspection, see ENV 1090-1.
NOTE 2: The classification of any other surface treatment shall be based on tests on specimens representative of
the surfaces used in the structure using the procedure set out in ENV 1090-1.
NOTE 3: The definitions of the classes of friction surfaces, see ENV 1090-1.
NOTE 4: The grade of the cleanliness of the surfaces should be given in the project specification. Combined tension and shear

(1) If a slip-resistant connection is subjected to an applied tensile force Ft,Sd in addition to the shear force
Fv.Sd tending to produce slip, the slip resistance per bolt shall be taken as follows:

– Category B: Slip-resistant at serviceability limit state:

ks n µ (Fp,Cd - 0.8 Ft,Sd,ser)

Fs,Rd,ser =  (8.6)

– Category C: Slip-resistant at ultimate limit state:

ks n µ (Fp,Cd - 0.8 Ft,Sd)

Fs,Rd =  (8.7)
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(2) If, in a moment connection, the applied tensile force is counterbalanced by a contact force on the
compression side, no reduction of the slip resistance is required.

8.2.6 Deduction for fastener holes General

(1) Deduction for holes in the member design should be made according to Section 5. Design block shear resistance

(1) The design value of the effective resistance to block shear Veff,Rd,1 for gusset plates and coped beams
should be determined from:

Veff,Rd,1 = (fy/√3)Av,eff /γM0 (8.8)

(2) The effective shear area Av,eff should be calculated as follows:

Av,eff = tw Lv,eff (8.9)

where Lv.eff = Lv + L1 + L2 but Lv.eff ≤ L3

in which L1 = a1 but L1 ≤ 5d ;
L2 = (a2 - k d0,t)(fu/fy) √3 (γM0/γM2) ;
L3 = Lv + a1 + a3 but L3 ≤ (Lv + a1 + a3 - ndo,v) (fu/fy)
where a1, a2 , a3 and a2 are as indicated in Figure 8.7;
k is a coefficient with values as follows:
– for a single row of bolts: k = 0,5
– for two rows of bolts: k = 2,5

NOTE: Tensile failure occurs along the horizontal limit of the block, and shear plastic yielding occurs
along the left vertical limit of the block. The block is hatched in Figure 8.7.

(3) The design value of the effective resistance to block shear Veff,Rd,2 for angles should be determined
Veff,Rd,2 = fu Ant/γM2 + 0,6fy Anv/γM0 but Veff,Rd,2 ≤ fy Ant/γM0 + 0,6fu Anv/γM2 (8.10)

Anv is net area subjected to shear;
Ant is net area subjected to tension.

Draft note: The coefficient in the formula in (3) still to be checked by ECCS/TC10.
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do,t is the hole size for the tension face, generally the hole diameter, but for horizontally slotted holes the
slot length should be used;
do,v is the hole size for the shear face, generally the hole diameter, but for vertically slotted holes the slot
length should be used;

Figure 8.7: Block shear-effective shear area

8.3 Welded connections

8.3.1 General

(1) The provisions in this chapter apply to:

– Weldable structural steels meeting the requirements of Section 3.
– Welding processes according to ENV 1090-1 and ENV 1090-3.
– Material thickness of 4 mm and over. For welds in thinner material refer to ENV 1993-1-3. For
welds in structural hollow sections in material thickness of 2,5 mm and over, see prEN1993 Part
– Joints in which the weld metal is compatible with the parent material in term of mechanical
properties, see 3.3.3.
– For stud welding reference is made to prEN 1994 Part 1.1.
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NOTE: Guidance for stud welding are given in the standards EN-ISO 14555 and prEN ISO 13918.

(2) Welds subject to fatigue shall also satisfy the requirements given in prEN 1993 Part 1.9.

(3) Quality level C according to ISO EN 25817 is usually required, if not otherwise specified in the
project specification. The frequency of inspection of welds shall be given in the Project Specification by
using the rules given in ENV 1090-1 and ENV 1090-3. The designer should choice the quality level of welds
according to standard ISO EN 25817. The quality level of fatigue loaded structures, see prEN 1993 Part 1.9.

NOTE: The requirement of using level B, see ENV 1090-1. Level D should be allowed only in cases
of minor important structures.

(4) Lamellar tearing should be avoided. Guidance for lamellar tearing are given in prEN1993-1-10.

8.3.2 Geometry and dimensions Type of welds

(1) For the purpose of this Eurocode, welds should be generally be classified as fillet welds or butt welds.
Fillet welds may be either circular holes or elongated holes. Butt welds may be either full penetration butt
welds or partial penetration butt welds. Other welds are treated in prEN 1993, Part 1.8.

(2) The most common types of joints, joints preparation and welds with pictorial presentation are given in
EN 12345. Fillet welds

(1) Fillet welds may be used for connecting parts where the fusion faces form an angle between 600 and

(2) Smaller angles than 60o are also permitted. However, in such cases the weld should be considered to
be a partial penetration but weld.

(3) For angles over 120o, fillet welds should not be relied upon on transmit forces.

(4) Fillet welds should not terminate at corners of parts or members, but should be returned continuously,
full size, around the corner for a length equal to twice the leg size of the weld, wherever such a return can be
made in the same plane.

NOTE: In the case of intermittent fillet welds this rule applies only to the last intermittent fillet welds
at corners.

(5) End return should be indicated on the drawings.

(6) Fillet welds may be continuos or intermittent.

(7) For eccentricity of single-sided fillet welds, see prEN1993-1-8. Butt welds

(1) A full penetration butt weld is defined as a butt weld that has complete penetration and fusion of weld
and parent metal throughout the thickness of a joint.

(2) A partial penetration butt weld is defined as a butt weld that has joint penetration which is less than the
full thickness of the parent material.

(3) Intermittent butt welds shall not be used.

(4) For eccentricity of single-sided partial penetration butt welds, see prEN1993-1-8.
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8.3.3 Design resistance of fillet welds Lengths of welds

(1) The effective length of a fillet weld shall be taken as the overall length of a full-size fillet, including
end returns. Provided that the weld is full size throughout of this length, no reduction in effective length need
be made for either the start or the termination of the weld. If the reduction has to be made, the actual length
of the weld should be reduced and this reduction may be assumed to be as twice the effective throat thickness
a. The design length of a fillet weld l is the length of the weld required by calculations and given in the
drawings including end returns.

Draft note: Terminology: Effective length, actual length and design length should be checked according to
EN 12345.

(2) Welds with effective lengths shorter than 40 mm or 6 times the throat thickness, whichever is larger,
should be ignored for transmission of forces.

(3) Where the stress distribution along a weld is significantly influenced by the stiffness of the members
or parts joined, the non-uniformity of the stress distribution may be neglected, provided that the design
resistance is correspondingly reduced.

(4) The effective breadths of welded joints designed to transfer transverse loads to an unstiffened flange
on a I- or H- or other section should be reduced as specified in prEN1993-1-8.

(5) The design resistance of welds in long overlapped joints and in long transverse stiffeners should be
reduced as specified in prEN1993-1-8. Throat thickness

(1) The throat thickness, a, of a fillet weld shall be taken as the height of the largest triangle (with equal or
unequal legs) which can be inscribed within the fusion faces and the weld surface, measured perpendicular to
the outer side of this triangle, see Figure 8.8. The throat thickness should not be taken as more than 0,7 times
the leg length. The leg length should be sufficient to ensure that the strength of the weld is greater than that
of based on the throat thickness.

(2) The throat thickness of a fillet weld should not be less than 3 mm.

(3) In determining the resistance of a deep penetration fillet weld, account may be taken of its additional
throat thickness, see Figure 8.9, provided that it is shown by preliminary trials that the required penetration
can consistently be achieved.

(4) In the case of fillet weld made by an automatic submerged arc process, the throat thickness may be
increased by 20 % or 2 mm, whichever is smaller, without making any other justifications than those given
in (3).

NOTE: Higher utilisation of the penetration may be used, if justified by tests. In this case WRAP
(Welding Procedure Approval Record) according to EN 288-3 is required.

(5) The throat thickness and the length required by calculations irrespective of the welding method shall
be given in the project specification and/or in the drawings.
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Figure 8.8: Throat thickness of a fillet weld

Figure 8.9: Throat thickness of a deep penetration fillet weld Resistance per unit length

(1) The design resistance per unit length of a fillet weld shall be determined using either method given

(2) The design throat area Aw shall be taken as Aw = Σa leff .

(3) The location of the design throat area shall be assumed to be concentrated in the root.

(4) In this method, the forces transmitted by a unit length of weld are resolved into components parallel
and transverse to the longitudinal axis of the weld and normal and transverse to the plane of its throat.

(5) A uniform distribution of stress is assumed on the throat section of the weld, leading to the normal
stresses and shear stresses shown in the Figure 8.10, as follows:
– σ⊥ is the normal stress perpendicular to the throat;
– σ// is the normal stress parallel to the axis of the weld;
– τ⊥ is the shear stress (in the plane of the throat) perpendicular to the axis of the weld;
– τ// is the shear stress (in the plane of the throat) parallel to the axis of the weld.

Figure 8.10: Stresses on the throat section of a fillet weld

(6) The normal stress σ// parallel to the axis is not considered when verifying the resistance of the weld.
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(7) The resistance of the fillet weld will be sufficient is the following are both satisfied:

[σ⊥2 + 3 (τ⊥2 + τ//2)]0,5 ≤ fu / (β w γM2) (8.11)

and σ⊥ ≤ fu /γM2
where: fu the nominal ultimate tensile strength of the weaker part joined;
βw is the appropriate correlation factor according to the Table 8.7.

(8) Welded connections between part with different material strength grades should be designed using the
lower strength properties.

Table 8.7a: Correlation factor βw for fillet welds for hot rolled structural steel
Thickness t mm *)
t ”PP 40 mm < t ”PP
Correlation factor Correlation factor
steel grade fu [N/mm2] fu [N/mm2]
βw βw
prEN 10025
S 235 0,8 360 0,8 340
S 275 0,85 430 0,85 410
S 355 0,9 510 0,9 490

S 275 N/NL 0,85 390 0,85 370

S 355 N/NL 0,9 490 0,9 470
S 420 N/NL 1,0 540 1,0 520
S 460 N/NL 1,0 570 1,0 550

S 275 M/ML 0,85 380 0,85 360 1)

S 355 M/ML 0,9 470 0,9 450 1)
S 420 M/ML 1,0 520 1,0 500 1)
S 460 M/ML 1,0 550 1,0 530 1)

S 460 Q/QL/QL1 1,0 570 1,0 550

S 235 W 0,8 360 0,8 340

S 355 W 1,0 510 1,0 490
For flat products: 40 mm < t ”PPRQO\
t is the nominal thickness of the element
- For intermediate values of fu the value of β w may be determined by linear interpolation.
- If the thickness of the base material is higher than given in the table, values of nominal ultimate tensile
strength fu according to standard prEN 10025 applies.
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Table 8.7b: Correlation factor βw for fillet welds for structural hollow sections
Thickness t mm *)
t ”PP 40 mm < t ”PP
Correlation factor Correlation factor
steel grade fu [N/mm2] fu [N/mm2]
βw βw
EN 10210
S 235 H 0,8 360 0,8 340
S 275 H 0,85 430 0,85 410
S 355 H 0,9 510 0,9 490

S 275 NH/NLH 0,85 390 0,85 370

S 355 NH/NLH 0,9 490 0,9 470
S 460 NH/NLH 1,0 560 1,0 550

EN 10219
S 235 H 0,8 360
S 275 H 0,85 430
S 355 H 1,0 510

S 275 NH/NLH 0,85 370

S 355 NH/NLH 0,9 470
S 460 NH/NLH 1,0 550

S 275 MH/MLH 0,8 360

S 355 MH/MLH 0,9 470
S 420 MH/MLH 1,0 500
S 460 MH/MLH 1,0 530
t is the nominal thickness of the element
- For intermediate values of fu the value of β w may be determined by linear interpolation.
- If the thickness of the base material is higher than given in the table, values of nominal ultimate tensile
strength fu according to standard prEN 10025 applies.

Draft note: Correct βw-values to be checked. Are β w-values applicable for all steel grades? fu-values will be
changed to the same values as in table 3.1 of EN 1993 Part 1.1.

(9) The resistance of a fillet weld may be verified by the following method as an alternative to the method
given above. The resistance of a fillet weld may be assumed to be adequate if, at every point in its length, the
resultant of all the forces per unit length transmitted by the weld, satisfy the criterion:

Fw,Sd ≤ Fw,Rd (8.12)

where Fw,Sd is the design value of the weld force per unit length and Fw,Rd is the design weld resistance per
unit length.

Independent of the orientation of the weld, the design weld resistance per unit length Fw,Rd shall be
determined from:

Fw,Rd = fvw,d a (8.13)

where fvw,d is the design shear strength of the weld.

The design shear strength fvw,d of the weld shall be determined from
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fu/ √3
fvw,d =  (8.14)
βw γM2

where fu and βw are defined in this chapter.

8.3.4 Design resistance of butt welds Full penetration welds

(1) The design resistance of a full penetration butt weld shall be taken as equal to the resistance of the
weaker parts joined, provided that the weld is made with a single electrode (or other welding consumable)
which will produce all-weld tensile specimens having both a minimum yield strength and a minimum tensile
strength not less than those specified for the parent material. Partial penetration welds

(1) The resistance of a partial penetration butt weld shall be determined as for deep penetration fillet weld,
see and (4).

(2) The throat thickness of a partial penetration butt weld shall be taken as the depth of a penetration than
can consistently be achieved, see and (4).

(3) The throat thickness that can be consistently achieved should be determined by preliminary trials. Tee-butt joints

(1) The resistance of a tee-butt joint, consisting of a pair of partial penetration butt welds reinforced by
superimposed fillet welds, may be determined as for a full penetration butt weld (see if the total
nominal throat thickness, exclusive of the unwelded gap, is not less than the thickness t of the part forming
the stem of the tee joint, provided that the unwelded gap is not more than (t/5) or 3 mm, whichever is less,
see Figure 8.11.

(2) The resistance of a tee-butt joint which does not meet the requirements given in (1) shall be
determined as for a fillet weld or as for a deep penetration fillet weld (see 8.3.3) depending of the amount of
penetration. The throat thickness shall be determined in conformity with the provisions for both fillet welds
(see and partial penetration butt welds (see

anom,1 + anom,2 •W

The smaller of cnom ”WDQGPP

Figure 8.11: Effective full penetration of tee-butt welds

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8.3.5 Distribution of forces

(1) The distribution of forces in a welded connection may be calculated on the assumption of either elastic
or plastic behaviour in conformity with 8.1.3 and 8.1.4.

(2) Normally it is acceptable to assume a simplified load distribution within the welds.

(3) Residual stresses and stresses not participating in the transfer of load need not be included when
checking the resistance of a weld. This applies specifically to the normal stress parallel to the axis of weld.

(4) Welded joints shall be designed to have adequate deformation capacity. However, ductility of the
welds should not be relied upon on.

(5) In joints where plastic hinges may form, the welds shall be designed to provide at least the same
design resistance as the weakest of the connected parts.

(6) In other joints where deformation capacity for joint rotation is required due to the possibility of
excessive straining, the welds require sufficient strength not to rupture before general yielding in the adjacent
parent material.

(7) If the design resistance of an intermittent weld is determined by using the total length leff, the weld
shear force per unit length Fw,Sd shall be multiplied by the factor (e+l)/l, see figure Figure 8.12.

Figure 8.12: Calculation of weld forces for intermittent welds

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Annex A [normative] - Bending and axial compression

A.1 Basis

(1) For members subject to combined bending moments and axial compression the resistance may be
verified using either:
a) second order analysis (see Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.), or
b) the simple method (see 6.3.3),or
c) the more comprehensive method as given in this annex.

(2) In addition, the resistance of the cross-sections at each end of the member shall satisfy the
requirements according to 6.2.

A.2 Members not susceptible to torsional deformations

(1) Members with Class 1 and 2 cross-sections subject to combined bending moments and axial
compression shall satisfy:

 
 C m , y M y ,Sd C m , z M z ,Sd 
N Sd wz
+ µy  + 0,6  ≤ 1,0
χ y N c , Rd  N Sd wy N Sd 
 (1 − )k yy M y , Rd (1 − )k yz M z , Rd 
 N cr. y N cr.z 
 
 wy C m, y M y,Sd C m , z M z ,Sd 
N Sd   ≤ 1,0
+ µ z 0,6 +
χ z N c , Rd  wz N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − )k zy M y, Rd (1 − )k zz M z , Rd 
 N cr. y N cr.z 

where NSd, My,Sd and Mz,Sd are the design values of the compression force and the moments about the y-y
and z-z axis, respectively.
N c ,Rd = A
γ M1
M y, Rd = Wpl, y
γ M1
M z ,Rd = Wpl,z
γ M1
χy and χz are the reduction factors from 6.3.1
N Sd N Sd
(1 − ) (1 −
N cr. y N cr.z
µy = and µ z =
N Sd N Sd
(1 − χ y ) (1 − χ z )
N cr.y N cr.z

Ncr.y and Ncr.z are the elastic critical forces for y-y and z-z axes, respectively.
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Wpl. y
wy = ≤ 1,5
Wel. y
wz = ≤ 1,5
kyy, kyz, kzy and kzz are plasticity factors, see (A.2)
Cm,y and Cm,z are the equivalent moment factors, see A.4

(2) The plasticity factors for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections shall be obtained as:

   Wel. y
k yy = 1 + (w y − 1)  2 −
1,6 1,6
C m. y λ max − C m.y λ max  n pl  ≥
2 2 2

 wy wy 
  Wpl. y

 C
λ max 
 w z Wel.z
k yz = 1 + (w z − 1)  2 − 14 m.z 5  n pl
  ≥ 0,6 (A.2)
 wz   w y Wpl.z

 Cm.y λ max 
2 2

k zy = 1 + (w y − 1)  2 − 14
w y Wel. y
  n pl  ≥ 0,6
 
wy   w z Wpl. y

 1,6 1,6  W
k zz = 1 + (w z − 1)  2 − Cm.z λ max − C m.z λ max  n pl ≥ el.z
2 2 2

 wz wz  Wpl.z

N Sd
where n pl =
N c ,Rd

λ y
λ max = max 
λ z
λ y and λ z are the non-dimensional slenderness for the y-y and z-z axes, respectively.

(3) Members with Class 3 cross-sections subject to combined bending and axial compression shall satisfy:
 
 C M C m ,z M z ,Sd 
N Sd 
+ µy + ≤ 1,0
m, y y ,Sd

χ y N c , Rd  N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − )M y, Rd (1 − )M z , Rd 
 N cr. y N cr.z 
 
 C M C m , z M z ,Sd 
N Sd 
+ µz + ≤ 1,0
m,y y ,Sd

χ z N c , Rd  N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − N )M y , Rd (1 − N )M z , Rd 
 cr . y cr .z 

where M y ,Rd = Wel , y
γ M1
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M z ,Rd = Wel,z
γ M1

(4) Members with Class 4 cross-sections subject to combined bending and axial compression shall satisfy:

 
C M C m ,z M z ,Sd + e N , z N Sd 
N Sd y ,Sd + e N , y N Sd
+ µy  +  ≤ 1,0

χ y N c ,Rd  N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − N )M y, Rd (1 −
N cr.z
)M z ,Rd 
 cr . y 
 
C M + e N ,z N Sd 
N Sd y ,Sd + e N , y N Sd C M
+ µz  + m ,z z ,Sd  ≤ 1,0

χ z N c ,Rd  N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − N )M y ,Rd (1 −
N cr.z
)M z ,Rd 
 cr . y 

where N c ,Rd = A eff
γ M1
M y,Rd = Weff , y
γ M1
M z ,Rd = Weff , z
γ M1
Aeff , Weff,y, Weff,z, eN,y and eN,z are as in 6.2.

(5) For members laterally restrained against buckling or lateral torsional buckling by means of one or
more intermediate supports the following rules apply:
(a) When a second order calculation of the member is carried out, the amplified moment My.Sd is
known all along the member and the evaluation of the Cm factors is carried out as explained in A.4.
(b) When a first order calculation of the member is carried out, the amplified moments are unknown;
the Cm factors is evaluated as shown in A.4 but with a lower bound value equal to 1-NSd/Ncr; as far
as lateral torsional buckling is concerned, the C1 coefficient (see 6.3.2) is taken as equal to 1.

A.3 Members susceptible to torsional deformations

(1) Members with Class 1 and 2 cross-sections subject to combined bending moments and axial
compression shall satisfy:
 
 C m ,LT M y ,Sd C m ,z M z ,Sd 
N Sd  wz  ≤ 1,0
+ µy + 0,6
χ y N c , Rd  N Sd wy N Sd 
 (1 − N )k yy χ LT M y, Rd (1 − )k yz M z , Rd 
 cr . y N cr.z 
 
 wy C m , LT M y,Sd C m , z M z ,Sd 
N Sd   ≤ 1,0
+ µ z 0,6 +
χ z N c, Rd  wz N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − )k zy χ LT M y , Rd (1 − )k zz M z , Rd 
 N cr. y N cr.z 
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where NSd, My,Sd and Mz,Sd are the design values of the compression force and the moments about the y-y
and z-z axis, respectively.
N c ,Rd = A
γ M1
M y, Rd = Wpl, y
γ M1
M z ,Rd = Wpl,z
γ M1
χy and χz are the reduction factors from 6.3.1 due to flexural buckling
χLT is the reduction factor from 6.3.2 due to lateral-torsional buckling
N Sd N Sd
(1 − ) (1 −)
N cr. y N cr.z
µy = and µ z =
N Sd N Sd
(1 − χ y ) (1 − χ z )
N cr.y N cr.z
N cr. y and N cr.z are the elastic critical forces for y-y and z-z axes, respectively.

Wpl. y
wy = ≤ 1,5
Wel. y
wz = ≤ 1,5
kyy, kyz, kzy and kzz are plasticity factors, see (A.6)
Cm.LT is an equivalent moment factor, see (2)
Cm,z is an equivalent moment factor, see A.4

(2) The equivalent moment factor Cm,LT shall be obtained as follows:

 ε y a LT 
C m , LT = k LT C m , y + (1 − C m , y ) 
 1 + ε y a LT 

M y ,Sd A
where ε y = for Class 1, 2 and 3 cross-sections
N Sd Wel, y
M y ,Sd A eff
εy = for Class 4 cross-sections
N Sd Weff , y
Cm,y is the relevant factor obtained from figure A.1

a LT = 1 − ≥0
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a LT
k LT = C my

 N  N 
1 − Sd 1 − Sd 
 N  N 
 cr , z  cr ,T 

where Iy is the second moment of area about the y-y axis

It is the St Venant torsion constant
Ncr,z is the elastic flexural buckling force about the z-z axis
Ncr,T is the elastic torsional buckling force.

NOTE: The factor aLT may be conservatively taken as unity for any type of cross-section, i.e. aLT =1,0.

(3) The plasticity factors for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections shall be obtained as:
   Wel.y
k yy =1 + (w y − 1)  2 −
1,6 1,6
C m. y λ max − C m. y λ max  n pl − b LT  ≥
2 2 2
 
 wy wy   Wpl. y
 C m.z λ max 
2 2
 w z Wel.z
k yz =1 + (w z − 1)  2 − 14
 5

 n pl − c LT  ≥ 0,6 (A.6)
 wz   w y Wpl.z

 C m. y λ max 
2 2

=1 + (w y − 1)  2 − 14
w y Wel.y
k zy   n − d  ≥ 0,6
  pl
5 LT
wy   w z Wpl. y

 1,6 1,6  W
k zz = 1 + (w z − 1)  2 − Cm.z λ max − C m.z λ max − e LT  n pl ≥ el.z
2 2 2

 wz wz  Wpl.z

M y.Sd M z.Sd
where b LT = 0,5 a LT λ LT 0

χ LT M pl.y.Rd M pl.z.Rd
λ LT 0
M y.Sd
c LT = 10 a LT
5 + λ z C m. y χ LT M pl. y.Rd

λ LT 0 M y.Sd M z.Sd
d LT = 2 a LT
0,1 + λ z
C m.y χ LT M pl. y.Rd C m.z M pl.z.Rd
λ LT 0 M y.Sd
e LT = 1.7 a LT
0,1 + λ z
C m.y χ LT M pl. y.Rd
N Sd
where n pl =
N c ,Rd
λ y
λ max = max 
λ z
λ y and λ z are the non-dimensional slenderness for the y-y and z-z axes, respectively.
λ LT.0 is the non-dimensional slenderness for lateral-torsional buckling due to uniform bending
moment, i.e. ψy =1,0 (see Figure A.1).

(4) Members with Class 3 cross-sections subject to combined bending and axial compression shall satisfy:
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 
 C m, LT M y,Sd C m , z M z ,Sd 
N Sd 
+ µy + ≤ 1,0
χ y N c , Rd  N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − N )χ LT M y, Rd (1 − N )M z , Rd 
 cr . y cr .z 
 
 C m, LT M y,Sd C m ,z M z ,Sd 
N Sd 
+ µz + ≤ 1,0
χ z N c , Rd  N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − )χ LT M y, Rd (1 − )M z , Rd 
 N cr . y N cr . z 

where M y ,Rd = Wel , y
γ M1
M z ,Rd = Wel,z
γ M1

(5) Members with Class 4 cross-sections subject to combined bending and axial compression shall satisfy:
 
C C m , z M z ,Sd + e N , z N Sd 
N Sd  m , LT M y ,Sd + e N , y N Sd
+ µy + ≤ 1,0
χ y N c , Rd  N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − N )χ LT M y, Rd (1 − )M z , Rd 
 cr . y N cr.z 
 
C C m , z M z ,Sd + e N , z N Sd 
N Sd  m , LT M y ,Sd + e N , y N Sd
+ µz + ≤ 1,0
χ z N c , Rd  N Sd N Sd 
 (1 − N )χ LT M y , Rd (1 − )M z ,Rd 
 cr . y N cr . z 

where N c ,Rd = A eff
γ M1
M y,Rd = Weff , y
γ M1
M z ,Rd = Weff , z
γ M1
Aeff , Weff,y , Weff,z , eN,y and eN,z are as in 6.2.

(6) For members laterally restrained against buckling or lateral torsional buckling by means of one or
more intermediate supports the following rules apply:
(a) When a second order calculation of the member is carried out, the amplified moment My.Sd is
known all along the member and the evaluation of the Cm factors is carried out as explained in A.4.
(b) When a first order calculation of the member is carried out, the amplified moments are unknown;
the Cm factors is evaluated as shown in A.4 but with a lower bound value equal to 1-NSd/Ncr; as far
as lateral torsional buckling is concerned, the C1 coefficient (see 6.3.2) is taken as equal to 1.
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A.4 Equivalent moment factors

(1) The equivalent moment factors Cm,y and Cm,z shall be obtained from Figure A.1 according to the shape
of the bending moment diagram between relevant braced points as follows:

factor moment about axis points braced in direction

Cm,y y-y z-z
Cm,z z-z y-y

Equivalent uniform moment factor

Moment diagram Cm , y = Cm ,i (i = y)
Cm, z = C m,i (i = z)

End moments

M1 M2 N Sd
C m ,i = 0,79 + 0,21ψ i + 0,36(ψ i − 0,33)
− 1 ≤ ψ = M 2 M1 ≤ 1 N cr.i

with M 2 ≤ M1 and M1≠0

Moments due to in-plane lateral

loads plus possible end moments

General case
 π 2 EI i δ x N
C m ,i = 1+  2 − 1 Sd
 L M  N cr.i
 x 


Mx is the maximum first order moment

δx is the maximum first order member displacement

Application to particular cases

N Sd
C m ,i = 1 − 0,18
N cr.i
N Sd
C m ,i = 1 + 0,03
N cr.i

Figure A.1: Equivalent moment factors

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