Jsju 2 - Workload Stress Exhaustion
Jsju 2 - Workload Stress Exhaustion
Jsju 2 - Workload Stress Exhaustion
第 58 卷 第 4 期 Vol. 58 No. 4
2023 年8月
Research article
Social Sciences
Sandra Ingried Asaloei a,*, Edmond Leonard Jim b, Febry Hendra Jeskhiel Dien c, Basilius Redan Werang d
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sam Ratulangi University
Manado, Indonesia, sandraа[email protected]
Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University
Manado, Indonesia
North Sulawesi Education Quality Assurance Agency
Manado, Indonesia
Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Singaraja, Indonesia
This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)
Emotional exhaustion has been identified as a significant risk for professionals who work with people
in clinical services in hospitals. This study aimed to describe how workload and work-related stress
impact the emotional exhaustion of healthcare workers at Advent hospitals in Manado, Indonesia. To
attain this objective, we used three survey questionnaires to obtain data from 265 healthcare workers. The
obtained data were statistically analyzed using a simple linear regression analysis technique by employing
the SPSS software version 21. The results of the statistical analysis showed a positive impact of workload
on emotional exhaustion with the R2 coefficient value of 0.483 and the Sig. F change coefficient value of
0.000. It inferred that the workload and work-related stress positively impact the emotional exhaustion of
healthcare workers at Advent Hospitals in Manado, Indonesia. The findings of this study imply the need
for the management of Advent Hospitals to promote respectful and supportive interpersonal relationships,
encourage teamwork and shared goals among workers, and create social support systems to foster
workers‘ well-being and commitment. While emotional exhaustion among healthcare workers and its
predicting factors have been well documented in previous studies, this research context-specific approach
sheds new light on the issue. By conducting research in a specific hospital context, this study highlights
the importance of understanding the unique challenges faced by healthcare workers in different work
environments. This approach not only deepens our understanding of emotional exhaustion among
healthcare workers but also provides useful information for developing context-specific interventions
aimed at addressing the issue.
摘要 情绪衰竭已被确定为与医院临床服务人员一起工作的专业人员的重大风险。本研究旨在描述
关键词: 工作量、工作压力、情绪疲惫
period [22]. According to [22], work-related budget, (b) accurate results, (c) strong
stress occurs when workers are unable to representativeness, (d) proper data collection
effectively handle the demands and challenges of methods, (e) valuable statistical implications, and
their job. Work-related stress can arise in a (f) minimal researcher bias.
variety of situations and can be exacerbated when Three survey questionnaires were distributed
workers feel unsupported by their supervisors to 265 healthcare workers who were selected
and coworkers and lack control over their work through convenience sampling from those
processes [19]. Work-related stress can be caused working at Advent Hospital in Manado,
by various factors, including conflicts with Indonesia. The convenience sampling method
coworkers or supervisors, frequent changes in the was chosen due to the rotating shifts of
workplace, excessive workload, low salaries, and healthcare workers‘, which made it difficult to
feelings of insecurity about one‘s job, such as the determine a specific time frame for data
possibility of being laid off [23]. collection. This sampling approach allowed for a
A huge number of previous studies have diverse representation of healthcare workers
investigated the workload impact [24]-[29] and across different shifts and ensured a sufficient
stress at work [30]-[39] on emotional exhaustion. sample size for statistical analysis.
The increased workload and stress faced by To measure healthcare workers‘ perceptions
healthcare workers during the COVID-19 of their emotional exhaustion, we used a
outbreak likely contributed to emotional questionnaire of 7 items from [46]. The list of
exhaustion [40]-[41]. This study aimed to items used a four-point Likert scale marked from
describe how workload and work-related stress 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). The
impact the emotional exhaustion of healthcare samples of questionnaire items in the English
workers at Advent hospitals in Manado, version are as follows: ―I feel I get tired of my
Indonesia. As far as we are aware, there have current job,‖ ―I feel unenthusiastic about my
been no empirical studies that examined the profession,‖ ―I feel drained of energy when I
causal relationships among the surveyed come home from work,‖ ―I feel drained of both
variables within the context of Indonesia in emotional and cognitive energy at work,‖ ―I feel
general and the Advent Hospitals in particular. drained after working during my shifts,‖ and
Only one previous study [42] looked at the stress ―Interacting with people all day long is a
of healthcare workers in Indonesia during the significant strain for me.‖ The Cronbach‘s alpha
COVID-19 outbreak. coefficient was used to test the instrument
Thus, this study intended to bridge the reliability. For this study, the coefficient value of
existing knowledge gap in the existing literature Cronbach‘s alpha was 0.886.
by examining the causal relationships among the To measure healthcare workers‘ perceptions
surveyed variables, taking the healthcare workers of their workload, we modified a questionnaire of
at Advent Hospitals in Manado, Indonesia, as the 8 items from [29]. An Indonesian language
population and samples. Three research questions version of the questionnaires using a four-point
were probed to guide this study: (a) Does the Likert scale marked from 1 (Strongly Disagree =
workload impact significantly the emotional SD) to 4 (Strongly Agree = SA) was distributed
exhaustion of health care workers at Advent to 265 healthcare workers working at the Advent
Hospitals in Manado, Indonesia? (b) Does the Hospitals in Manado, Indonesia. The samples of
work-related stress impact significantly the questionnaire items in the English version are as
emotional exhaustion of health care workers at follows: ―I experience stress regularly at work,‖
Advent Hospitals in Manado, Indonesia? A ―I feel pressure to meet unrealistic deadlines and
quantitative survey research design was time constraints,‖ ―I have to work very hard,‖
employed to answer these research questions. and ―It is hard to balance different demands that
are made on me.‖ The Cronbach‘s alpha
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS coefficient was used to test the internal reliability
As this study sought to describe the impact of of the instrument. For this study, the coefficient
the workload and work-related stress on the value of Cronbach‘s alpha was 0.888.
emotional exhaustion of healthcare workers To measure the healthcare workers‘
working at the Advent Hospitals in Manado, perceptions of their work-related stress, we
Indonesia, a quantitative approach using a survey modified a questionnaire of 9 items from [47].
research design was employed to obtain data An Indonesian language version of the
from 265 healthcare workers. A survey research questionnaire using a four-point Likert scale
design was used as several current studies [43]- marked from 1 (Strongly Disagree = SD) to 4
[45] offered the following benefits: (a) low (Strongly Agree = SA) was distributed to 265
Asaloei et al. Workload, Work-Related Stress, and Emotional Exhaustion in the Healthcare Sector, Vol. 58 No. 4 Aug. 2023
Table 1.
Workload and its impact on health care workers‘ emotional exhaustion
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics
Square the Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 0.695a 0.483 0.481 2.19654 0.483 245.626 1 263 0.000
Predictors: (Constant) Workload
The data displayed in Table 1 showed a hypothesis is unconfirmed. It inferred that 48.3 %
positive impact of the workload on the health of healthcare workers‘ emotional exhaustion
care workers‘ emotional exhaustion as the could be explained by their workload, while the
coefficient value of R Square (R2) is 0.483 and remaining 51.7 % should be attributed to other
the coefficient value of Sig. The F Change is variables that are not the focus of this study.
0.000. This result demonstrates that the second The second objective is to describe the
research hypothesis ―Workload positively prospective impact of work-related stress on the
impacts the emotional exhaustion of the health emotional exhaustion of healthcare workers
care workers at Advent Hospitals in Manado, working at Advent Hospitals in Manado,
Indonesia‖ is confirmed, while the null Indonesia.
Table 2.
Work-related stress and its impact on healthcare workers‘ emotional exhaustion
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics
Square the Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change
1 0.583a 0.339 0.337 2.48274 0.339 135.123 1 263 0.000
Predictors: (Constant), Work_Related_Stress
The significant results of statistical analysis Change is 0.000. It demonstrates that the second
on the causal relationships among the variables research hypothesis ―Work-related stress
are presented in Table 2. The data displayed in positively impacts the emotional exhaustion of
Table 2 showed a positive impact of work-related the health care workers at Advent Hospitals in
stress on the health care workers‘ emotional Manado, Indonesia‖ is confirmed, while the null
exhaustion as the coefficient value of R Square hypothesis is unconfirmed. It inferred that 33.9 %
(R2) is 0.339 and the coefficient value of Sig. F of healthcare workers‘ emotional exhaustion
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