Parametric Study On Vehicle-Trailer Dynamics
Parametric Study On Vehicle-Trailer Dynamics
Parametric Study On Vehicle-Trailer Dynamics
PAPER SERIES 2003-01-1321
Xiaodi Kang
Mokum Tech. Inc.
400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 U.S.A. Tel: (724) 776-4841 Fax: (724) 776-5760 Web:
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Xiaodi Kang
Mokum Tech. Inc.
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Df x
v u
vr o
Dr r
Fyr b1
x Gr
Dt a2
Fyt b2
Figure 1: An all wheel steering vehicle-trailer system model with three degrees of freedom
straight-line motion and various different steering Figure 2: Vehicle and vehicle-trailer system root loci as functions
maneuvers. of forward speed (umax=120 km/h)
Vehicle with trailer (2)
Hitch angle
Hitch angle rate
variation. It should be noted that the vehicle mass is kept decrease in the damping ratio, while the damping ratio of
at its nominal value while the trailer mass varies. the vehicle-associated pole-pair tends to increase. The
results thus suggest that higher mass ratio between the
System root-locus at u= 120 km/h, (m =1000~4000 kg)
trailer and the vehicle causes stronger coupling.
Vehicle only
Vehicle-trailer(2) Figure 5 demonstrates the vehicle-trailer system pole
4 m2=1000 kg
sensitivity to variation in trailer CG location,
3.5 characterized by the ratio between tongue length
(distance from hitch pivot point to trailer CG) and trailer
3 length l2 (distance from hitch pivot point to trailer axle,
i.e., b2/l2).
Imaginary part (rad/s)
For extremely rearward trailer CG (i.e., very small b2),
m2=4000 kg
one pair of the vehicle-trailer system poles is close to
1.5 that of the vehicle only, with slightly higher damping ratio
and lower natural frequency, while the other pole-pair or
trailer-related pole pair is far away from the vehicle-only
pole-pair, and characterized by considerably lower
damping ratio and natural frequency, representing trailer
-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
oscillation mode. As trailer CG moves forward, both
Real part (rad/s)
pole-pairs move away from the vehicle poles. One pole-
pair moves toward the real axis with reduced natural
Figure 4: Pole sensitivity to mass (and yaw moment of inertia) frequency and increased damping ratio, and finally
becomes two real-poles, resulting in system instability
System root-locus at vx= 70 mph, P=1.0 (b2=5%~60% L)
(vehicle directional stability mode) for extremely large b2
b2=60% l2
Vehicle-trailer(1) (>60%~70% l2). For b2<60% l2, with increase in b2, both
Vehicle-trailer(3) natural frequency and damping ratio of the trailer related
pole-pair increase. So forward-biased trailer CG tends to
be beneficial to improving overall system damping. The
5 results thus indicate that larger trailer tongue length to
Pole of vehicle only trailer length ratio leads to weaker coupling.
Imaginary part (rad/s)
Evidently, to reduce the impact of the towed trailer on
b2=5% l2 the vehicle performance, desirable vehicle-trailer
b2=5% l2 configurations are those with large vehicle/trailer mass
ratio, low trailer yaw moment of inertia, and long trailer
2 tongue length. In practice, trailer CG is usually rearward-
biased, so the vehicle-trailer combination is inherently a
1 weekly-coupled system.
b2=60% l2
-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 UNDER DIFFERENT STEERING OPERATIONS
Real part (rad/s)
Figure 5: Pole sensitivity to trailer CG location To examine the vehicle-trailer system dynamic behavior
under various steering operations, the non-linear system
It can be seen from Figure 4 that variations in trailer differential equations are further linearized at different
mass (m2) and yaw moment of inertia (Iz2) together hitch angle equilibrium points. These equilibrium points
cause both system pole-pairs to change considerably. are actually functions of front and rear wheel steering
For relatively small trailer mass (m2m1), as m2 and Iz2 angles as well as forward speed, and can be identified
increase, one pole-pair, which is comparable to the by directly solving the corresponding system steady-sate
vehicle only pole-pair in terms of damping ratio and thus equations of motion. Analytical solutions to the steady-
can be referred to as vehicle-associated pole-pair, state equations, though readily available, tend to be
departs from the vehicle only pole-pair and drops quite lengthy, so numerical results are presented in this
considerably in natural frequency with moderate paper.
increase in damping ratio. The other pole-pair, which is
characterized by a considerably lower damping ratio and Figure 6 presents the vehicle-trailer equilibrium point
a relatively higher natural frequency and thus can be distribution as functions of front and rear wheel steering
considered trailer-associated pole-pair, moves toward inputs at high speed. The front and rear wheel steer
the imaginary axis. Further increase in trailer mass angles are varied in a large range from 0 to 10 degrees,
(m2!m1) causes the nature frequency of the trailer respectively. Figure 7 shows the equilibrium point
related pole-pair to drop considerably with only slight distribution as functions of vehicle speed for different
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vehicle front wheel steering angle inputs, while the quite small, indicating that the operating point tends to
vehicle rear wheel is kept straight (i.e., two-wheel influence the system dynamics only slightly. In the case
steering or 2WS). of 2WS vehicle-trailer combination (Gr=0), as front wheel
Vehicle-trailer equilibrium point distribution (vx =120 kph) steering angle increases, the real parts of the two pole-
25 20 pairs depart from each other, while their imaginary parts
20 tend to become closer. When both front and rear wheels
are steered (4WS) in phase, however, an opposite
Gr=4 Gf =0~10 deg.
Imaginary part
Gr=6 5.5
Gr=8 G r=0
0 G r=4
G r=8
0 2 4 6 8 10
Front wheel steer (deg.)
-5 -4.8 -4.6 -4.4 -4.2 -4 -3.8 -3.6 -3.4 -3.2 -3
Figure 6: Vehicle-trailer equilibrium point distribution as Real part (poles 1 and 2)
functions of front and rear wheel steering inputs
Vehicle-trailer equilibrium point distribution (Gr=0) 6
2 25 Imaginary part
20 5.5
Yaw rate (deg./s)
Sideslip (kph)
10 5 Gf =0~10 deg
-6 0 -2.45 -2.4 -2.35 -2.3 -2.25 -2.2 -2.15 -2.1 -2.05
20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120 Real part (poles 3 and 4)
Speed (kph) Speed (kph)
Figure 8: Influence of operation points on the poles of the
0 vehicle-trailer system
Magnitude (dB)
20 10
-5 Gf =0 0
Hitch angle (deg.)
10 -10
Gf =2
Trailer yaw rate
Phase (deg)
Gf =8
Gf =10
-20 -360
20 40 60 80 100 120 0 1 0 1
10 10 10 10
Speed (kph) Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec)
8 Gf0=10 deg. -0.5
Hitch angle (deg.)
INFLUENCE OF HITCH ANGLE OPERATING POINTS Figure 9 presents a comparison of the frequency and
time response of the vehicle-trailer system linearized at
Figure 8 illustrates the influence of operating points on two different operating points, corresponding to both
the poles of the vehicle-trailer system at high speed. The small and large steering inputs, respectively, at 120
plot reveals that, for a given speed and rear wheel km/h. The results further demonstrate that the influence
steering angle, the two pole-pairs of the system move in due to operating point variation is quite small.
opposite directions. The varying ranges, however, are
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G rop
where K f is the ratio between rear-wheel steer
and front-wheel steer, which is designed to ensure
steady-state zero sideslip, and the coefficients, aij and
bij, are similarly defined as in the Appendix, but with
vehicle only. The desirable sideslip and yaw rate
characteristics can be derived from (5), and given by:
( b 11 K f b 12 )s
v d (s ) = 2
s (a 11 + a 22 )s + (a 11 a 22 a 12 a 21 )
ș dss = f (u )į f (7)
Many control methods can be utilized to control the where wi (i=1, 2 and 3) is the weight factor, while vd and
vehicle-trailer system, such as active steering and/or rd are the desired performance of the vehicle alone to
differential braking control [5-7]. In this paper, a state- preserve the driver's perception.
feedback controller is designed, based on partial or full
state feedback with the state-space equations described The objective of the state-feedback control is to track the
by (3), where the rear-wheel steering angle is taken as desired performance of the vehicle-trailer combination,
the control input. that is, to preserve the driver’s perception when driving
the vehicle alone, and, in the meantime, to stabilize the
trailer by minimizing the hitch angle rate and driving the
hitch angle to the desired one defined in (7).
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4 1.8
Vehicle reference
types of state-feedback control law may be adopted with Time (sec) Time (sec)
1 0
-1 -0.4
where k1 and k2 are sideslip and yaw rate feedback -1.5 -0.5
vehicle-trailer combination to some extent. Owing to the Time (sec) Time (sec)
fact that one of the vehicle state variables is practically Figure 11: Vehicle-trailer time response under different controls
immeasurable, an alternative approach, such as state 5
120 km/h
estimation, needs to be taken. This is in fact the most 4.5
practical means since no sensor is required from the 50 km/h
trailer. However, as can be seen from Figure 11, the 4
with the trailer, however, are only slightly affected by the 0.5
Vehicle with trailer (1)
Vehicle with trailer (2)
state-feedback, the response of the vehicle with the Figure 12: System pole distribution under vehicle state-feedback
trailer moderately departs from that of the vehicle only System poles with hitch angle rate feedback (vx =5~120 km/h, P=1.0)
case. The hitch angle and hitch angle rate response, 5
though considerably enhanced through the vehicle
control (with reduced peak and steady-state values), still
exhibit excessive oscillation, especially at high speeds. 4
pole 2
Gr k 3I k 4T (11) 3
pole 3
where k3 and k4 are hitch angle rate and hitch angle 2.5
discomfort to the driver. Figure 13: System pole distribution under hitch angle rate feedback
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ª m1 m2 m2 (c a2 cosT ) m2 a2 cosT º v ½
« m1c I z1 0 » ° r °
« »® ¾
«¬ m2 a2 cosT 2
I z 2 m2 a2 m2 ca2 cosT I z 2 m2 a22 »¼ °¯T°¿
ª º
« (CDf CDr CDt cosT ) a1CDf b1CDr (c cosT a2 b2 )CDt (m1 m2 )u 2 (a2 b2 )CDt » v ½
1« »° ° (A1)
(a1 c)CDf (b1 c)CDr a1 (a1 c)CDf b1 (c b1 )CDr m1cu 2 0 »®r ¾
« (a b )(c cosT a2 b2 ) (a b ) 2
» °T°
« (a2 b2 )CDt 2 2 CDt m2 a2u 2 cosT 2 2 CDt » ¯ ¿
¬ cosT cosT ¼
ª CDf CDr CDt cosT º G f ½
« » ° °
«(a1 c)CDf (c b1 )CDr 0 »® G r ¾
«¬ 0 0 (a2 b2 )CDt ¼ ¯G t tan T °¿
» °
A11 A1
a11 (CDf CDr CDt ), a12 1 [a1CDf b1CDr (c a2 b2 )CDt (m1 m2 )u2 ]
u u
1 1
A1 A1 A11
a13 (a2 b2 )CDt , a14 CDt , a21 [(b1 c)CDr (a1 c)CDf ]
u u u
a22 1 [a1(a1 c)CDf b1(c b1)CDr m1cu2 ], a23 0, a24 0
1 (A2)
A1 A11
a31 (a2 b2 )CDt , a32 [m2a2u2 (a2 b2 )(c a2 b2 )CDt ]
u u
A1 A1
a33 1 (a2 b2 )2 CDt , a34 1 (a2 b2 )CDt , a41 0, a42 0, a43 A11, a44 0
u u
1 1
b11 A1 CDf , b21 A1 (a1 c)CDf , b31 0, b41 0
b12 A11CDr , b22 A11(c b1)CDr , b32 0, b42 0
ªm1 m2 m2 (c a2 ) m2a2 0º
« mc I z1 0 0»»
where A1 « 1 (A3)
« m2a2 I z 2 m2a2 m2ca2 I z 2 m2a22
« »
¬ 0 0 0 1¼
and CDf, CDr and CDt represent cornering stiffness of tires at vehicle front, vehicle rear and trailer axle, respectively.