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Equivalent Safety Evaluation of the 2021

Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code to Editions Incorporated by
Reference in 49 CFR 192, 193, and 195

Mark Lower
Barry Oland
Simon Rose

March 2022
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Mark Lower
Barry Oland
Simon Rose

Date Published: March 2022

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CONTENTS................................................................................................................................................ iii
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................................... xi
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................. xv
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................................................... xix
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. xxi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... xxiii
E.1 MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................ XXIV
E.2 DESIGN ................................................................................................................................. XXV
E.2.1 Failure Modes ............................................................................................................ xxv
E.2.2 Strength Theories .................................................................................................... xxviii
E.2.3 Principles of Limit Design Theory ........................................................................... xxix
E.3 FABRICATION AND INSPECTION .................................................................................. XXIX
E.4 PRESSURE TESTING ......................................................................................................... XXXI
E.5 OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION ...................................................................................... XXXI
E.6 OBSERVATIONS .............................................................................................................. XXXIII
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 FEDERAL PIPELINE SAFETY STANDARDS ........................................................................ 1
1.2 CODES AND STANDARDS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE ........................................ 2
1.3 COMPLIANCE WITH IBR CODES AND STANDARDS ........................................................ 4
1.3.1 Special Permit Applications ........................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Safety Equivalency Technical Documentation .............................................................. 5
1.4.1 Safety Equivalency Evaluations Using Quantitative Comparative Analysis ................. 6
1.4.2 Safety Equivalency Evaluations Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis ................... 7
2. ASME BPVC SCOPE AND REVISION PROCESS ..................................................................... 11
2.1 SECTION I – RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POWER BOILERS ................................. 12
VESSELS.................................................................................................................................. 14
PRESSURE VESSELS ............................................................................................................. 15
2.4 SECTION II – MATERIALS .................................................................................................... 17
2.4.1 Material Specifications – Parts A, B, and C ................................................................ 17
2.4.2 Material Properties – Part D ........................................................................................ 17
2.5 SECTION V – NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION ......................................................... 19
FUSING OPERATORS ............................................................................................................ 20
2.6.1 Procedure Specification and Procedure Qualifications Record (PQR) ........................ 20
2.6.2 Performance Qualifications and Performance Qualifications Record ......................... 21
2.6.3 Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Data ............................................................................. 21

2.7 RULES FOR IN-SERVICE INSPECTION .............................................................................. 21
2.8 SECTION XIII – RULES FOR OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION ........................................ 22
3. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPERTIES ............................................................... 23
PRESSURE VESSELS ............................................................................................................. 23
3.3 TOUGHNESS PROPERTIES .................................................................................................. 27
3.4 FATIGUE PROPERTIES ......................................................................................................... 27
3.5 CORROSION PROPERTIES ................................................................................................... 28
4. DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................. 29
4.1 POTENTIAL FAILURE MODES ............................................................................................ 29
4.1.1 Excessive Elastic Deformation and Elastic Instability................................................. 30
4.1.2 Excessive Plastic Deformation .................................................................................... 31
4.1.3 Brittle Fracture ............................................................................................................. 32
4.1.4 Stress Rupture and Creep Deformation ....................................................................... 51
4.1.5 Plastic Instability – Incremental Collapse.................................................................... 52
4.1.6 Fatigue ......................................................................................................................... 54
4.1.7 Stress Corrosion and Corrosion Fatigue ...................................................................... 56
4.2 DESIGN BASIS ........................................................................................................................ 58
4.2.1 Design Basis Requirements in Section I ...................................................................... 58
4.2.2 User’s Design Requirements in Section VIII, Division 1 ............................................ 58
4.2.3 User’s Design Specification Requirements in Section VIII, Division 2 ...................... 59
4.3 STRESS CATEGORIES ........................................................................................................... 60
4.3.1 Primary Stresses ........................................................................................................... 61
4.3.2 Secondary Stresses ....................................................................................................... 61
4.3.3 Peak Stresses ................................................................................................................ 61
4.4 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN STRESSES ................................................................. 61
4.4.1 Basis for Establishing Allowable Stress Values in Tables 1A and 1B ........................ 62
4.4.2 Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity Values in Tables 2A and 2B............... 64
4.4.3 Basis for Establishing Allowable Stress Values in Table 3 ......................................... 66
4.4.4 Basis for Establishing Design Stress Intensity Values in Table 4 ............................... 69
4.4.5 Basis for Establishing Allowable Stress Values in Table 5A and 5B .......................... 70
4.4.6 Rules for Material Having Higher Allowable Stresses ................................................ 72
4.4.7 Design Margin Against Bursting ................................................................................. 73
4.5 STRENGTH THEORIES .......................................................................................................... 74
4.5.1 Maximum Stress Theory .............................................................................................. 74
4.5.2 Maximum Shear Stress Theory Using the Tresca Yield Criterion .............................. 75
4.5.3 Distortion Energy Theory Using the von Mises Yield Criterion ................................. 75
4.6 PRINCIPLES OF LIMIT DESIGN THEORY .......................................................................... 76
4.7 STRESS RANGE FOR REPETITIVELY APPLIED LOADS ................................................. 78
4.8 PLASTIC COLLAPSE ............................................................................................................. 82
4.8.1 Plastic Collapse Requirements in Section I and Section VIII, Division 1 ................... 82
4.8.2 Plastic Collapse Requirements in Section VIII, Division 2 ......................................... 82
4.9 DESIGN-BY-RULE ................................................................................................................. 83
4.9.1 Design-by-Rule Requirements in Section I ................................................................. 83
4.9.2 Design-by-Rule Requirements in Section VIII, Division 1 ......................................... 84
4.9.3 Design-by-Rule Requirements in Section VIII, Division 2 ......................................... 85
4.10 DESIGN-BY-ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 87

5. FABRICATION ................................................................................................................................ 93
5.1 REQUIREMENTS FOR METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION.................................................. 93
5.1.1 Requirements for Methods of Construction in Section I ............................................. 93
5.1.2 Requirements for Methods of Construction in Section VIII, Division 1 ..................... 94
5.1.3 Requirements for Methods of Construction in Section VIII, Division 2 ..................... 95
5.2 TOLERANCES......................................................................................................................... 95
5.2.1 Formed Head Tolerances ............................................................................................. 96
5.2.2 Alignment Tolerances .................................................................................................. 96
5.3 WELDING AND BRAZING PROCESSES ............................................................................. 97
5.3.1 Base Metal Groupings.................................................................................................. 98
5.3.2 Welding and Brazing Methods .................................................................................... 98
5.3.3 Rules in Section IX for Procedure Specification ......................................................... 99
5.3.4 Rules in Section IX for Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) ............................... 100
5.3.5 Rules in Section IX for Performance Qualification ................................................... 100
5.3.6 Rules in Section IX for Performance Qualification Record....................................... 100
5.3.7 Rules in Section IX Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Data........................................... 101
5.4 HEAT TREATMENT OF WELDMENTS ............................................................................. 101
5.4.1 Preheating Requirements ........................................................................................... 101
5.4.2 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements .................................................................... 102
5.5 COLD STRETCHING ............................................................................................................ 104
5.5.1 Summary of Cold Stretching Requirements in Section VIII, Division 1 ................... 104
5.5.2 Cold Stretching Technology ...................................................................................... 106
5.6 QUALITY CONTROL ........................................................................................................... 107
5.6.1 Quality Control System Requirements in Section I ................................................... 107
5.6.2 Quality Control System Requirements in Section VIII, Division 1 ........................... 108
5.6.3 Quality Control System Requirements in Section VIII, Division 2 ........................... 109
6. INSPECTIONS, TESTS, AND EXAMINATIONS ..................................................................... 111
6.2 NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION (NDE) REQUIREMENTS .................................... 112
6.2.1 General NDE Requirements in Section I ................................................................... 113
6.2.2 General NDE Requirements in Section VIII, Division 1 ........................................... 117
6.2.3 General NDE Requirements in Section VIII, Division 2 ........................................... 122
6.2.4 Acceptance Standards ................................................................................................ 128
6.2.5 Crosswalk of Qualification and Certification Requirements for NDE Personnel...... 140
6.3 NDE TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 141
6.3.1 General NDE Requirements in Section V.................................................................. 143
6.3.2 Radiographic Examination Requirements in Section V............................................. 144
6.3.3 Ultrasonic Examination Requirements in Section V ................................................. 146
6.3.4 Magnetic Particle Examination Requirements in Section V ...................................... 147
6.3.5 Liquid Penetrant Examination Requirements in Section V ....................................... 148
6.3.6 Eddy Current Surface Examination Requirements in Section V ............................... 149
6.3.7 Visual Examination Requirements in Section V........................................................ 150
6.4 LEAK TESTING .................................................................................................................... 151
7. TESTING ......................................................................................................................................... 153
7.1 PRESSURE TESTING ........................................................................................................... 153
7.1.1 Basis for Pressure Testing Limits in Section I of the ASME BPVC ......................... 153
7.1.2 Basis for Pressure Testing Limits in Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME
BPVC ......................................................................................................................... 157

7.1.3 Basis for Pressure Testing Limits in Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME
BPVC ......................................................................................................................... 169
7.1.4 Comparison of Pressure Testing Requirement in the ASME BPVC ......................... 176
7.2 ALTERNATIVE PRESSURE TESTING ............................................................................... 177
7.3 PROOF TESTING .................................................................................................................. 178
7.3.1 Proof Testing Requirements in Section I of the ASME BPVC ................................. 178
7.3.2 Proof Testing Requirements in Section VII, Division 1 of the ASME BPVC........... 179
7.3.3 Proof Testing Requirements in Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME BPVC ......... 180
8. OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION .............................................................................................. 181
FOR PRESSURE VESSELS................................................................................................... 182
FOR PRESSURE VESSELS................................................................................................... 183
9. TECHNICAL RATIONALE FOR EQUIVALENT SAFETY ................................................... 185
BPVC ...................................................................................................................................... 185
THE ASME BPVC.................................................................................................................. 185
THE ASME BPVC.................................................................................................................. 186
BPVC ...................................................................................................................................... 186
BPVC ...................................................................................................................................... 186
BPVC ...................................................................................................................................... 186
THE ASME BPVC.................................................................................................................. 186
THE ASME BPVC.................................................................................................................. 186
BPVC ...................................................................................................................................... 186
BPVC ...................................................................................................................................... 187
10. POST-CONSTRUCTION CODES AND STANDARDS ............................................................ 351
10.1.1 National Board Inspection Code ................................................................................ 351

10.1.2 National Board Registration ...................................................................................... 352
10.2 AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE ............................................................................. 353
10.3 FITNESS-FOR SERVICE, API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 ............................................................. 353
11.1 EQUIVALENT SAFETY EVALUATION SUMMARY ....................................................... 355
11.1.1 Equivalent Safety Evaluation for Materials ............................................................... 356
11.1.2 Equivalent Safety Evaluation for Design ................................................................... 356
11.1.3 Equivalent Safety Evaluation for Fabrication ............................................................ 357
11.1.4 Equivalent Safety Evaluation for Inspections, Tests, and Examinations ................... 357
11.1.5 Equivalent Safety Evaluation for Testing .................................................................. 358
11.1.6 Equivalent Safety Evaluation for Overpressure Protection ....................................... 358
VESSELS IN PIPELINE FACILITIES .................................................................................. 359
12. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................ 361
APPENDIX A – HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: DESIGN STRESSES ......................................... A-1


Fig. 4.1 Elastic perfectly plastic stress-strain relationship used as the basis for limit
design theory............................................................................................................................ 76
Fig. 4.2 Plastic collapse stress limit used as the basis for establishing maximum allowable
design stresses specified in the ASME BPVC ....................................................................... 78
Fig. 4.3 Comparison of design stress limit specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of
Section I in the ASME BPVC to plastic collapse stress limit .............................................. 79
Fig. 4.4 Comparison of design stress limit specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of
Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 in the ASME BPVC to plastic collapse stress limit ......... 80
Fig. 4.5 Stress-strain relationship beyond yield for cyclic loading ................................................... 81
Fig. 5.1 Idealized stress-strain relationship for Type 304L stainless steel ..................................... 106
Fig. 7.1 Comparison of maximum allowable design stress and hydrostatic pressure
testing limits specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of Section I of the ASME
BPVC to the plastic collapse stress limit ............................................................................. 156
Fig. 7.2 Comparison of maximum allowable design stress and hydrostatic pressure
testing limits specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of Section VIII, Division 1 of
the ASME BPVC to plastic collapse stress limit ................................................................ 162
Fig. 7.3 Comparison of maximum allowable design stress and pneumatic pressure testing
limits specified in the 2007 and 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 of the
ASME BPVC to plastic collapse stress limit ....................................................................... 168
Fig. 7.4 Comparison of maximum allowable design stress and hydrostatic pressure
testing limits specified in the 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME
BPVC to plastic collapse stress limit ................................................................................... 173
Fig. 7.5 Comparison of maximum allowable design stress and pneumatic pressure testing
limits specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of Section VIII, Division 2 of the
ASME BPVC to plastic collapse stress limit ....................................................................... 176


Table E.1 Sections of the ASME BPVC evaluated for equivalent safety ......................................... xxiii
Table E.2 Comparison of pressure test limits specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the
ASME BPVC ....................................................................................................................... xxxii
Table 1.1 Federal pipeline safety laws ..................................................................................................... 1
Table 1.2 Federal Pipeline Safety Standards in Title 49 ........................................................................ 2
Table 1.3 ASME BPVC references incorporated in 49 CFR Part 192 ................................................. 3
Table 1.4 ASME BPVC and NFPA references incorporated in 49 CFR Part 193 .............................. 3
Table 1.5 ASME BPVC and API references incorporated in 49 CFR Part 195 .................................. 4
Table 1.6 Basis for equivalency evaluations ............................................................................................ 7
Table 2.1 Section titles in the 2021 edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ............. 11
Table 2.2 Stress tables in Section II, Part D in the 2021 edition of the ASME BPVC ....................... 18
Table 2.3 Table of mechanical and physical properties in Section II, Part D in the 2021
edition of the ASME BPVC .................................................................................................... 18
Table 3.1 Ferrous material specifications included in the 2007 edition but not included in
the 2021 edition of Section II, Part A of the ASME BPVC ................................................. 24
Table 3.2 Ferrous material specifications not included in the 2007 edition but included in
the 2021 edition of Section II, Part A of the ASME BPVC ................................................. 24
Table 3.3 Nonferrous material specifications not included in the 2007 edition but included
in the 2021 edition of Section II, Part B of the ASME BPVC ............................................. 25
Table 3.4 Specifications for welding rods, electrodes, and filler metals not included in the
2007 edition but included in the 2021 edition of Section II, Part C of the ASME
BPVC........................................................................................................................................ 26
Table 4.1 Comparison of toughness requirements specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of
the ASME BPVC ..................................................................................................................... 33
Table 4.2 Charpy V-notch (ft-lb) for parts not subject to PWHT....................................................... 47
Table 4.3 Charpy V-notch (ft-lb) for parts subject to PWHT ............................................................. 47
Table 4.4 Criteria in Tables 1A and 1B for establishing allowable stress values for ferrous
and nonferrous for wrought and cast materials ................................................................... 62
Table 4.5 Criteria in Tables 1A and 1B for establishing allowable stress values for ferrous
and nonferrous welded pipe and tubing ............................................................................... 63
Table 4.6 Criteria in Tables 2A and 2B for establishing design stress intensity values for
ferrous and nonferrous for wrought and cast materials other than bolting...................... 65
Table 4.7 Criteria in Tables 2A and 2B for establishing design stress intensity values for
ferrous and nonferrous for welded pipe and tubing other than bolting ............................ 65
Table 4.8 Criteria in Table 3 for establishing allowable stress values for annealed ferrous
and nonferrous bolting ........................................................................................................... 67

Table 4.9 Criteria in Table 3 for establishing allowable stress values for ferrous and
nonferrous bolting with strength enhanced by heat treatment of strain hardening ......... 68
Table 4.10 Criteria in Table 4 for establishing allowable stress or design stress intensity
values for ferrous and nonferrous bolting with strength not enhanced by heat
treatment or strain hardening ............................................................................................... 69
Table 4.11 Criteria in Table 4 for establishing allowable stress or design stress intensity
values for ferrous and nonferrous bolting with strength enhanced by heat
treatment or strain hardening ............................................................................................... 70
Table 4.12 Criteria for establishing allowable stress values for Tables 5A and 5B for all
wrought and cast ferrous and nonferrous materials expect bolting, austenitic
stainless steels, nickel alloys, copper alloys, and cobalt alloys ............................................ 71
Table 4.13 Criteria for establishing allowable stress values for Tables 5A and 5B for all
wrought and cast austenitic stainless steels, nickel alloys, copper alloys, and
cobalt alloys ............................................................................................................................. 72
Table 4.14 Design criteria comparison .................................................................................................... 88
Table 5.1 P-Number designations used in the ASME BPVC for various alloy systems .................... 98
Table 5.2 Welding methods permitted in Section IX of the ASME BPVC ......................................... 98
Table 5.3 Brazing methods permitted in Section IX of the ASME BPVC.......................................... 99
Table 5.4 Materials permitted for construction of cold-stretched austenitic stainless-steel
pressure vessels...................................................................................................................... 105
Table 6.1 Radiographic examination acceptance standards in the 2007 and 2021 editions of
Section I of the ASME BPVC............................................................................................... 128
Table 6.2 Ultrasonic examination acceptance standards in the 2007 and 2021 editions of
Section I of the ASME BPVC............................................................................................... 134
Table 6.3 Magnetic particle examination acceptance standards in the 2007 and 2021
editions of Section I of the ASME BPVC ............................................................................ 136
Table 6.4 Liquid penetrant examination acceptance standards in the 2007 and 2021
editions of Section I of the ASME BPVC ............................................................................ 137
Table 6.5 Eddy current examination acceptance standards in the 2007 and 2021 editions of
Section I of the ASME BPVC............................................................................................... 138
Table 6.6 Paragraphs in the ASME BPVC that provide qualifications or certifications
requirements for NDE personnel......................................................................................... 140
Table 6.7 NDE methods capable of detecting imperfections in welded construction ...................... 142
Table 7.1 Synopsis of hydrostatic pressure testing requirements for boilers provided in the
2007 and 2021 editions of Section I of the ASME BPVC................................................... 154
Table 7.2 Synopsis of hydrostatic pressure testing requirements for pressure vessels
specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME
BPVC...................................................................................................................................... 158
Table 7.3 Synopsis of pneumatic pressure testing requirements for pressure vessels
specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME
BPVC...................................................................................................................................... 164

Table 7.4 Comparison of pressure test limits specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the
ASME BPVC ......................................................................................................................... 177
Table 9.1 Evaluation of equivalent safety for rules and requirements specified in the 2021
edition of Section I compared to correspond rules and requirements specified in
the 2007 edition of Section I of the ASME BPVC .............................................................. 188
Table 9.2 Evaluation of equivalent safety for rules and requirements specified in the 2021
edition of Section VIII, Division 1 compared to correspond rules and
requirements specified in the 2007 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 of the
ASME BPVC ......................................................................................................................... 207
Table 9.3 Evaluation of equivalent safety for rules and requirements specified in the 2021
edition of Section VIII, Division 2 compared to correspond rules and
requirements specified in the 2007 edition of Section VIII, Division 2 of the
ASME BPVC ......................................................................................................................... 235
Table 9.4 Evaluation of equivalent safety for rules and requirements revised or added to
the 2021 edition of Section I of the ASME BPVC .............................................................. 264
Table 9.5 Evaluation of equivalent safety for rules and requirements revised or added to
the 2021 edition of Section II of the ASME BPVC............................................................. 277
Table 9.6 Evaluation of equivalent safety for rules and requirements revised or added to
the 2021 edition of Section V of the ASME BPVC ............................................................. 285
Table 9.7 Evaluation of equivalent safety for rules and requirements revised or added to
the 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME BPVC ..................................... 299
Table 9.8 Evaluation of equivalent safety for rules and requirements revised or added to
the 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME BPVC ..................................... 322
Table 9.9 Evaluation of equivalent safety for rules and requirements revised or added to
the 2021 edition of Section IX of the ASME BPVC ........................................................... 343


°C Degree Celsius
°F Degree Fahrenheit
ACCP ASNT Central Certification Program
AHJ Jurisdiction Having Authority
AIA Authorized Inspection Agency
API American Petroleum Institute
ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS American Welding Society
BPQ Brazer or Brazing Operator Performance Qualification
BPS Brazing Procedure Specification
BPV Boiler and Pressure Vessel
BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
CAR Conformity Assessment Requirement
CEN European Committee for Standardization
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CR Computed Radiography
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CSC China Standardization Committee
CSEF Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic
DAC Distance–Amplitude Correction
DB Dip Brazing
DDS Digital Detector System
DFW Diffusion Welding
DMW Dissimilar Metal Weld
DOT Department of Transportation
DR Digital Radiography
EBW Electron Beam Welding
ECA Eddy Current Array
EGW Electrogas Welding
ESW Electroslag Welding
ET Eddy Current
FB Furnace Brazing
FCAW Flux‐Cored Arc Welding
FFS Fitness-for-Service
FMC Full Matrix Capture
FPQ Fusing Operator Performance Qualification Record
FPS Fusing Procedure Specification
FSW Friction Stir Welding
ft-lb Foot-pound
GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding
GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
HAZ Heat Affected Zone
HCF High-Cycle Fatigue
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
HFI High Frequency Welding
HMSLD Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector
hr. Hour

HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generators
IB Induction Brazing
IBR Incorporated by Reference
in. Inch
IQI Image Quality Indicator
JIS Japan Industrial Standards
LBW Laser Beam Welding
LCF Low-cycle Fatigue
LEFM Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
LLBW Low-Power Density Laser Beam Welding
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LSR Lowest Stress Ratio
LTA Local Thin Areas
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
MDMT Minimum Design Metal Temperature
MHz Megahertz
mm Millimeter
MPa Megapascal
MT Magnetic Particle Examination
NB National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
NBIC National Board Inspection Code
NDE Nondestructive Examination
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
OFW Oxyfuel Gas Welding
OPS Office of Pipeline Safety
PAUT Phased Array Ultrasonic
PAW Plasma Arc Welding
PCS Probe Center Spacing
PED Pressure Equipment Directive
PHE Plate Heat Exchanger
PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
PMI Positive Material Identification
PMIP Positive Material Identification Practice
PQR Procedure Qualification Record
psi Pounds per square inch
psig Pounds per square inch, gage
PT Liquid Penetrant Examination
PVRC Pressure Vessel Research Council
PWHT Postweld Heat Treatment
RB Resistance Brazing
RT Radiographic Examination
SAA Standards Association of Australia
SAW Submerged Arc Welding
SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking
SDH Side Drilled Hole
SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding
TB Torch Brazing
TC Thermal Conductivity
TD Thermal Diffusivity
TOFD Ultrasonic Time of Flight Diffraction
UDS User's Design Specification

UNS Unified Numbering System
UT Ultrasonic Examination
UTS Ultrasonic Tensile Strength
VT Visual Examination
WPQ Welder/Welding Operator Performance Qualification
WPS Welding Procedure Specification


This Evaluation and Equivalence Study of Current Editions of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes
Incorporated by Reference in 49 CFR 192, 193, and 195 report was funded by the U.S. Department of
Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) under
PHMSA Interagency Agreement Number 693JK319N000018 and U.S. Department of Energy Proposal
Number 2117-Z295-19.

The authors of this report would like to acknowledge the participation of PHMSA staff involved in this
study, in particular Chau Tran. The time spent, enthusiasm, commitment, and leadership of the PHMSA
staff has been most notable and contributed to the value of this report.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory team is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this important
aspect of pipeline facility safety.

Most respectfully,

Simon D. Rose, C. Barry Oland, and Mark D. Lower


Federal safety standards for natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines and liquid natural gas facilities
incorporate rules and requirements for boiler and pressure vessel design and fabrication into
49 CFR Parts 192, 193, and 195 through the IBR process. The equivalent safety evaluations documented
in this report demonstrate that boilers and pressure vessels in pipeline facilities that are designed and
fabricated in accordance with rules and requirements specified in the 2021 edition do not violate the
fundamental safety assumptions stated or implied in the 2007 edition of the ASME BPVC and therefore
provide equivalent safety.


The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) within the U.S. Department of
Transportation is the safety authority responsible for establishing Federal safety standards for natural gas
and hazardous liquid pipelines including LNG facilities. These standards are published in 49 Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 192, 193, and 195.

Rather than promulgating pipeline safety regulations for boilers; pressure vessels; and the production,
storage, and handling of LNG, PHMSA incorporates applicable requirements published by American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, the American Petroleum Institute (API), and the
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) into 49 CFR Parts 192, 193, and 195 through the IBR
process. The IBR codes and standards with requirements for boilers and pressure vessels were published
on or before 2007.

The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) is a consensus standard that specifies requirements
for design and fabrication of boilers and pressure vessels. Editions of the ASME BPVC are published on
July 1 of odd numbered years and are in effect for a two-year period. Boilers and pressure vessels that are
constructed in accordance requirements in a preceding edition cannot receive a Certification Mark.
Table E.1 lists the sections of the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC that are the subject of this

Table E.1 Sections of the ASME BPVC evaluated for equivalent safety

Section Title
I Rules for Construction of Power Boilers (See Note 1)
II Materials (See Note 2)
V Nondestructive Examination (See Note 2)
VIII, Div. 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels (See Note 1)
VIII, Div. 2 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels – Alternative Rules (See Note 1)
IX Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and
Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Operators (See Note 2)
XIII Rules for Overpressure Protection (See Note 2 and 3)
1. Construction Code – provides rules for materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing,
certification, and pressure relief. Construction Codes refer to Reference Codes.
2. Reference Code – provides standards for materials, welding and brazing procedures and qualifications, and
nondestructive examination that are referenced by the Construction Codes.
3. Section XIII was introduced into the ASME BPVC in the 2021 edition.
To the extent practicable, PHMSA is authorized to ensure that pipeline safety regulations are consistent
with safety requirements specified in IBR consensus codes and standards. This report provides rationale
and justification for concluding that the rules and requirements specified in Section I; Section VIII,
Division 1; and Section VIII, Division 2 in the 2021 edition of the ASME BPVC are equivalent in safety
to the corresponding rules and requirements specified in Section I; Section VIII, Division 1; and
Section VIII, Division 2 in the 2007 edition of the ASME BPVC.

Safety equivalency evaluation results described in this report were determined using a combination of
quantitative and qualitative comparative analyses of rules specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the

ASME BPVC. The safety baseline for comparison is the 2007 edition of the ASME BPVC. These
equivalent safety evaluations:
• focus primarily on materials; design including failure modes, strength theories, and principles of
limit design theory; fabrication and inspection including nondestructive examinations; pressure
testing; and overpressure protection.
• demonstrate that boilers and pressure vessels in pipeline facilities that are designed and fabricated
in accordance with rules and requirements specified in the 2021 edition do not violate the
fundamental safety assumptions stated or implied in the 2007 edition of the ASME BPVC and
therefore provide equivalent safety.

Section II of the ASME BPVC provides specifications and properties for materials permitted for
construction of boilers and pressure vessels. These specifications are identified in Section II, Part A –
Ferrous Material Specifications, Part B – Nonferrous Material Specifications, Part C – Specifications for
Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals. The 2021 edition of Section II adds 28 specifications that
were not included in the 2007 edition and excludes three specifications that were included in the 2007

The Preface to the 2021 edition of Section II, Part A of the ASME BPVC provides additional information
about the way existing material specifications are revised and new materials specifications are
incorporated into Section II. It states:
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee has given careful consideration to each new
and revised specification, and has made such changes as they deemed necessary to make the
specification adaptable for Code usage. In addition, ASME has furnished ASTM with the basic
requirements that should govern many proposed new specifications. Joint action will continue an
effort to make the ASTM, AWS, and ASME specifications identical.
Section II, Part D, Mandatory Appendix 5 in the 2021 edition of the ASME BPVC provides further
guidelines on the approval of new materials under the ASME Code.

Section II, Part D – Properties of the ASME BPVC provides stress tables and tables of mechanical and
physical properties corresponding to each of the material specifications included in Section II, Parts A and
B of the ASME BPVC. These values are used as input to design calculations performed in accordance
with rules specified in the Construction Code.

Stress tables in Section II, Part D in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC specify maximum
allowable stress values, , (Tables 1A, 1B, 3, 5A, and 5B) and design stress intensity values, ,
(Tables 2A, 2B, and 4). Tables U and Y-1 provide tensile strength values and yield strength values,
respectively, for ferrous and nonferrous materials. Physical properties (thermal conductivity, thermal
diffusivity, thermal expansion, and density), Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio values are tabulated in
Section II, Part D, Tables TE, TCD, TM, and PRD of the ASME BPVC.

Maximum allowable stress values given in Table 1A and Table 1B are used to design boilers and pressure
vessels in accordance with rule specified in the 2021 editions of Section I and Section VIII, Division 1.
Design stress intensity values given in Table 2A and Table 2B are used to design Class 1 pressure vessel
in accordance with rule specified in the 2021 edition of the Section VIII, Division 2. Design stress
intensity values given in Table 5A and Table 5B are used to design Class 2 pressure vessel in accordance
with rule specified in the 2021 edition of the Section VIII, Division 2.


Design and fabrication rules specified in the ASME BPVC provide assurance that a boiler or pressure
vessel will provide safe and satisfactory performance during its useful service life. However, compliance
with these rules does not ensure a long service life nor does it guarantee a minimum design margin of 1.5
against plastic collapse when the loadings and environmental conditions are more severe that those
represented in the design basis. According to rules specified in the ASME BPVC, users are responsible
for establishing the design basis for a boiler or pressure vessel, and the designer is responsible for
ensuring that the specified stress limits are not exceeded under all operating conditions defined by the

E.2.1 Failure Modes

The failure categories for boilers and pressure vessel are organized into four groups: (1) materials,
(2) design, (3) fabrication, and (4) service. The various possible modes of failure which confront boiler
and pressure vessel designers are:
• Excessive elastic deformation including elastic instability – Design and Fabrication
• Excessive plastic deformation (ductile rupture) – Design and Material
• Brittle fracture – Design, Material, and Fabrication
• Stress rupture / creep deformation (inelastic) – Design, Material, and Service
• Plastic instability – incremental collapse – Design and Service
• High strain – low-cycle fatigue – Design and Service
• Stress corrosion – Service
• Corrosion fatigue – Service
Evaluations of rules provided in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC for controlling these
failure modes were conducted to determine equivalent safety.

E.2.1.1 Excessive Elastic Deformation Including Elastic Instability

Excessive elastic deformation (deflection) and elastic instability (buckling) cannot be controlled by
imposing upper limits on calculated stress alone because these behavioral phenomena are affected by
component geometry, stiffness, and material properties. The designer of a boiler or pressure vessel is
responsible for applying engineering principles to understand and avoid in-service problems or failures
caused by excessive elastic deformation and elastic instability through proper application of design rules
and specified stress limits.

The 2007 and 2021 editions of Section I and Section VIII, Division 1 use charts and tables for
determining the shell thickness of components under external pressure, but Section VIII, Division 2
provides rules for three alternative types of buckling analysis to evaluate structural stability from
compressive stress fields. These excessive elastic deformation and elastic instability rule changes were
evaluated and found to provide equivalent safety.

E.2.1.2 Excessive Plastic Deformation (Ductile Rupture)

The plastic deformation mode of failure (ductile rupture) is controlled by imposing limits on calculated
stress. Primary stress limits and primary plus secondary stress limits in the ASME BPVC are intended to
prevent excessive plastic deformation leading to incremental collapse and to provide a nominal margin on

the ductile burst pressure. The designer of a boiler or pressure vessel is responsible for ensuring that the
specified stress limits are not exceeded under all operating conditions defined by the user.

Rules for protection against plastic collapse are not explicitly stated in Section I or Section VIII,
Division 1 of the ASME BPVC, but rules for avoiding excessive plastic deformation are provided in
Part 5, Paragraph 5.2 – Protection Against Plastic Collapse in the 2007 and 2021 editions of Section VIII,
Division 2 of the ASME BPVC.

The maximum allowable stress for boilers and pressure vessels constructed in accordance with rules
specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of Section I; Section VIII, Division 1; and Section VIII,
Division 2 of the ASME BPVC is limited to two-thirds of the yield strength of the material, 2⁄3 , or
less. This limit provides protection against plastic collapse and prevents excessive plastic deformation by
ensuring elastic response for all operating conditions.

E.2.1.3 Brittle Fracture

Brittle fracture is a failure mode that can occur without appreciable prior plastic deformation in metals
that are under tensile stress. When local stresses in the area of a flaw reach the yield point, the metal may
tear or form a crack, which can then grow suddenly through the thickness causing a catastrophic failure.
The ability of a metal to resist tearing or cracking is a measure of its fracture toughness. Fracture
toughness is a material property that often varies with temperature. According to linear elastic fracture
mechanics (LEFM) theory, allowable stress in the presence of a given crack size is proportional to the
fracture toughness.

Rules for avoiding brittle fracture focus on fracture toughness and vary from one Section and edition of
the ASME BPVC to another. However, no fracture toughness requirements are specified in either the
2007 or the 2021 edition of Section I of the ASME BPVC because boilers operate at elevated
temperatures where brittle fracture is a very unlikely mode of failure.

A comparison of toughness requirements specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC is
presented in Table 4.1 of this report. Based on this comparison, the minimum lateral expansion values for
Charpy V-notch specimens permitted in the 2021 edition for materials listed in Table 3-A.1 – Carbon and
Low Alloy Steel Materials Except Bolting Materials are approximately 30% greater than the minimum
lateral expansion values permitted in the 2007 edition of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME BPVC.
Consequently, toughness requirements in the 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME
BPVC for materials listed in Table 3-A.1 are more stringent than those in the 2007 edition for materials
listed in Table 3-A.1. The remainder of the toughness requirements specified in the 2021 edition provide
equivalent safety to the toughness requirements specified in the 2007 editions of the ASME BPVC.

E.2.1.4 Stress Rupture / Creep Deformation (Inelastic)

Boiler and pressure vessel materials that are in service above a certain temperature undergo continuing
deformation (creep) at a rate that is strongly influenced by both stress and temperature. The temperature
at which creep occurs varies with the alloy composition. In order to prevent excessive deformation and
possible premature rupture it is necessary to limit the allowable stresses by additional criteria on creep-
rate and stress-rupture. In this creep range of temperatures, these criteria may limit the allowable stress to
substantially lower values than those suggested by the usual factors on short time tensile and yield

Historically, the official ASME position has been that a design in the creep range has no implied
maximum duration. When setting allowable stress limits, ASME uses the average and minimum

100,000 hr. stress rupture strengths of a material and also considers a conservative estimate of 10-7/hr. for
the creep (strain) rate. Therefore, the allowable stresses specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of
Section II, Part D of the ASME BPVC at temperatures in the range where creep and stress rupture
strength govern are the same.

E.2.1.5 Plastic Instability – Incremental Collapse

Ratcheting is defined as a progressive incremental inelastic deformation or strain that can occur in a
component subjected to variations of mechanical stress, thermal stress, or both. Ratcheting is produced by
a sustained load acting over the full cross section of a component, in combination with a strain controlled
cyclic load or temperature distribution that is alternately applied and removed. Ratcheting results in cyclic
straining of the material, which can cause failure by fatigue and at the same time produces cyclic
incremental deformation, which may ultimately lead to collapse.

No plastic instability and incremental collapse requirements associated with ratcheting are specified in
either the 2007 or the 2021 edition of Section I or Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME BPVC. Rules for
ratcheting assessments are specified in Part 5, Paragraphs 5.5.6 – Ratcheting Assessment — Elastic Stress
Analysis and 5.5.7 – Ratcheting Assessment — Elastic–Plastic Stress Analysis in the 2007 and
2021editions of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME BPVC. Protection against ratcheting must be
considered for all operating loads listed in the User’s Design Specification and must be performed even if
the fatigue screening criteria are satisfied. The rules for ratcheting assessments specified in Part 5,
Paragraphs 5.5.6 and 5.5.7 are the same in the 2007 and 2021editions of Section VIII, Division 2 of the

E.2.1.6 High Strain – Low-Cycle Fatigue

Fatigue is the weakening of a material caused by repeatedly applied loads. It is the progressive and
localized material degradation that occurs when a component is subjected to cyclic loading. If the loads
are above a certain threshold, microscopic cracks will begin to form at stress concentrations such as
square holes or sharp corners. Eventually the crack will reach a critical size, propagate, and cause the
component to fracture. Avoidance of discontinuities that increase local stresses will increase the fatigue
life of a component subjected to cyclic loading.

There are two basic forms of fatigue that can adversely affect a boiler or pressure vessel. High-cycle
fatigue (HCF) is characterized by low amplitude high frequency elastic strains. Low-cycle fatigue (LCF)
is characterized by high amplitude low frequency plastic strains. The primary difference between HCF
and LCF is the fact that the former involves little or no plastic action, whereas failure in a few thousand
cycles can be produced only by strains in excess of the yield strain. In the plastic region, large changes in
strain can be produced by small changes in stress.

The ASME BPVC establishes fatigue margins based on two considerations: (1) a factor of twenty on the
number of cycles, and (2) a factor of two on stress. Studies of fatigue test data show that 10,000 cycles
are the approximate border between LCF and HCF and a factor of twenty on the number of cycles has
little effect at a high number of cycles. Consequently, a factor on stress was introduced as a margin at the
higher number of cycles. A factor of two on stress gives approximately the same margin as a factor of
twenty on cycles.

Boilers are generally not subjected to cyclic loading. Consequently, no fatigue requirements are specified
in either the 2007 or the 2021 edition of Section I of the ASME BPVC. Plastic instability and incremental
collapse requirements are also not specified in either the 2007 or the 2021 edition of Section VIII,
Division 1 of the ASME BPVC. The 2007 and 2021 editions of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME

BPVC provides more comprehensive rules for fatigue assessment. These fatigue assessment rules cover:
(1) elastic stress analysis and equivalent stresses, (2) elastic plastic stress analysis and equivalent strains,
and (3) fatigue assessment of welds. The rules for performing a fatigue screening and fatigue evaluation
are the same in the 2007 and 2021editions of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME BPVC.

E.2.1.7 Stress Corrosion and Corrosion Fatigue

Corrosion is a surface phenomenon that exhibits the gradual destruction of metals by chemical or
electrochemical reactions with their environment. There are many types of corrosion that can cause
deterioration of boiler and pressure vessel components. Two common types of corrosion that can
adversely affect the integrity of a boiler or pressure vessel include stress corrosion cracking and corrosion

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is the growth of crack formation in a corrosive environment and is highly
chemically specific in that certain alloys are likely to undergo SCC only when exposed to a small number
of chemical environments. The chemical environment that causes SCC for a given alloy is often one
which is only mildly corrosive to the metal otherwise. The specific environment is of crucial importance,
and only small concentrations of certain highly active chemicals are needed to produce catastrophic
cracking, often leading to devastating and unexpected failure.

Corrosion fatigue is the mechanical degradation of a material under the joint action of corrosion and
cyclic loading and can only occurs when the metal is under tensile stress. The rate of fatigue crack growth
is enhanced by corrosion.

According to ASME BPVC rules, users or their designated agents are responsible for assuring that the
materials used for construction of boilers and pressure vessels are suitable for the intended service
conditions with respect to mechanical properties, resistance to corrosion, erosion, oxidation, and other
damage mechanisms anticipated during service life. Protection against environmental conditions such as
corrosion is the responsibility of the designer when included in the design basis. This protection is
normally accomplished by selecting corrosion resistant materials and adding a corrosion allowance to the
required minimum thickness of a component. The corrosion allowance does not need to be the same for
all parts of a boiler or pressure vessel. However, the ASME BPVC does not provide mandatory
requirements for corrosion allowances.

E.2.2 Strength Theories

The stress state at any point in a boiler or pressure vessel is completely defined by the magnitudes and
directions of the three principal stresses. When two or three of these stresses are different from zero, the
proximity to yielding must be determined by means of a strength theory. The following strength theories
are often used in engineering applications.
• maximum stress theory
• maximum shear stress theory (also known as the Tresca yield criterion)
• distortion energy theory (also known as the octahedral shear theory and the von Mises criterion)
The specific strength theory used as the basis for design rules specified in the ASME BPVC varies from
one Construction Code to another.

The maximum stress theory states that the controlling stress is the largest of the three principal stresses.
The Tresca criterion represents a critical value of the maximum shear stress in a material while the von
Mises criterion represents a critical value of the distortional energy stored in a material. The maximum

shear stress theory (Tresca) and the distortion energy theory (von Mises) are both much better than the
maximum stress theory for predicting both yielding and fatigue failure in ductile metals. It is also
important to note that rules specified in the ASME BPVC based on these strength theories are only
applicable to homogenous materials with isotropic material properties.

Equations specified in Section I and Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME BPVC for determining wall
thickness are, by implication, consistent with the maximum stress theory. Beginning with the 2007 edition
of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME BPVC:
• the specified design-by-rule equations in Part 4 are based on a limit analysis using the Tresca
yield criterion that has a three-dimensional yield or limit surface.
• Paragraph in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC state that the maximum
distortion energy yield criterion shall be used to establish the equivalent stress.
E.2.3 Principles of Limit Design Theory

The theory of limit analysis defines a lower bound to the limit load of a component as the solution of a
numerical model in which the material is assumed to exhibit elastic-perfectly plastic behavior at a
specified yield strength, . In a solid bar with a rectangular cross section made from elastic-perfectly
plastic material, limit design theory predicts ‘collapse’ of the bar under either of the following loading
(1) Collapse occurs whenever the bar is subject to an axial tensile stress, , equal to the yield
strength, . When expressed as an equation, collapse occurs when = .
(2) Collapse occurs whenever the bar is subject to a bending stress, equal to the yield
strength, , times a shape factor equal to 1.5. When expressed as an equation, collapse
occurs when = 1.5 .
The following equation was derived by summing moments about the neutral axis of a solid bar with a
rectangular cross section subjected to combined axial and bending stresses.
⁄ = 1.5 1 ⁄ for 0 ≤ ⁄ ≤ 1.0
This equation, which defines the plastic collapse stress limit envelope shown in Fig. E.1, establishes the
plastic collapse stress limit on which the maximum allowable stresses, hydrostatic and pneumatic test
pressure limits, and overpressure protection requirements in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME
BPVC are based.

Application of the principles of limit design theory is the fundamental reason for concluding that the
corresponding plastic collapse rules, hydrostatic and pneumatic pressure test rules, and overpressure
protection rules in Section I; Section VIII, Division 1; and Section VIII, Division 2 in the 2007 and 2021
editions of the ASME BPVC provide equivalent safety.


The term “fabrication” is not explicitly defined in the ASME BPVC, but it is generally understood to
mean all activities a manufacturer uses to process and assemble plates, pipes, tubes, and other material
products into a complete boiler or pressure vessel consistent with applicable rules in the ASME BPVC.
Fabrication activities often involve a broad range of manufacturing methods and processes such as
forming, machining, bolting, welding, brazing, and heat treating. These methods and processes tend to
change as construction technology evolves and improves over time.

Fig. E.1 Plastic collapse stress limit used as the basis for establishing
maximum allowable design stresses specified in the ASME BPVC.

The ASME BPVC places limitations on certain fabrication activities, specifically those involving welding
and brazing practices related to boiler and pressure vessel construction, to holders of a valid Certificate of
Authorization. However, no organization may assume responsibility for Code construction without
having first received from the ASME a Certificate of Authorization to use the Certification Mark and
Designators. According to rules specified in the 2021 edition of Section I; Section VIII, Division 1; and
Section VIII, Section 2 of ASME BPVC, any Manufacturer holding or applying for a Certificate of
Authorization must demonstrate a Quality Control System that meets the requirements of Conformity
Assessment Requirements in ASME CA-1. This rule was not specified in the 2007 edition of the ASME
BPVC because ASME CA-1 was initially published after the 2007 edition was issued.

Rules specified in Section I; Section VIII, Division 1; and Section VIII, Section 2 of ASME BPVC for
boiler and pressure vessel fabrication have been revised and updated since the 2007 edition was
published. Equivalent safety evaluations of these rule changes are detailed in Tables 9.1 through 9.4, 9.7,
and 9.8 of this report. Results of these evaluations show that these rule changes do not violate the
fundamental safety assumptions stated or implied in the 2007 edition of the ASME BPVC and therefore
provide equivalent safety.

Rules for certification of NDE personnel are specified in Paragraph T-120(e) in the 2021 edition of
Section V of the ASME BPVC. These rules state that the qualification must be in accordance with the
employer’s written practice that complies with one of the following documents:
(1) SNT-TC-1A, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing (2016 edition);
(2) ANSI/ASNT CP-189, ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive
Testing Personnel (2016 edition).
By comparison, Paragraph T-120(e) in the 2007 edition of Section V of the ASME BPVC specified the
2001 editions of SNT-TC-1A and ANSI/ASNT CP-189.

Table 6.6 of this report is a crosswalk that maps paragraphs in Section I; Section VIII, Division 1; and
Section VIII, Division 2 that provide qualification and certification requirements for NDE personnel to
sections referenced in this report where these qualification and certification requirements are examined
and explained. Based on equivalent safety evaluations results, these requirement changes do not violate
the fundamental safety assumptions stated or implied in the 2007 edition of the ASME BPVC and
therefore provide equivalent safety.


Section I and Section VIII, Division 2 in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC specify limits
for maximum primary stresses that occur during pressure testing. These primary stress limits ensure that
the boiler or pressure vessel remains below the plastic collapse stress limit. Corresponding primary stress
limits are not specified in Section VIII, Division 1 for hydrostatic and pneumatic tests. Instead, any
visible permanent distortion that occurs during pressure testing could result in rejection of the pressure
vessel by the Inspector.

A comparison of pressure testing requirement specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME
BPVC is presented in Table E.2 of this report. Except for the minimum hydrostatic pressure test limit
specified in the 2007 edition of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME BPVC, the pressure testing
requirements are the same. In addition, alternative pressure testing and proof testing rules specified in the
2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC are the same. Based on these comparisons, pressure testing,
alternative pressure testing, and proof testing rules specified in the 2021edition of the ASME BPVC do
not violate the fundamental safety assumptions stated or implied in the 2007 edition of Section VIII,
Division 2 of the ASME BPVC and therefore provide equivalent safety.


Section XIII – Rules for Overpressure Protection was introduced into the ASME BPVC in the 2021
edition. This new section is intended as an administrative action to incorporate all relief device
requirements in a single section of the ASME BPVC and does not provide any new technical
requirements beyond those specified in the 2019 edition of the ASME BPVC. Section XIII provides
requirements for topics such as design, material, inspection, assembly, testing, and marking for pressure
relief valves, rupture disk devices, pin devices, spring-actuated non-reclosing devices, and temperature
and pressure relief valves. This standard also covers devices in combination, capacity and flow resistance
certification, authorization to use the ASME Certification Mark, installation, and overpressure protection
by system design. As a Reference Code, rules specified in Section XIII are only mandatory when
referenced from a Construction Code.

Overpressure protection rules specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of Section I of the ASME BPVC
limit the pressure of an operating boiler, except for the steam piping between the boiler and the prime

Table E.2 Comparison of pressure test limits specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC

Pressure Test and Membrane Stress Limits
and Test Type
Section I 2007 – minimum hydrostatic test pressure – 1.5 MAWP
Hydrostatic Test 2007 – maximum general membrane stress, , limit – 0.9 *
(See Sect. and 2021 – minimum hydrostatic test pressure – 1.5 MAWP
Fig. 7.1 of this report) 2021 – maximum general membrane stress, , limit – 0.9 *
Section VIII, Division 1 2007 – minimum hydrostatic test pressure – 1.3 MAWP
Hydrostatic Test 2007 – If the pressure vessel is subjected to visible permanent distortion, the Inspector
(See Sect. and shall reserve the right to reject the vessel.
Fig. 7.2 of this report) 2021 – minimum hydrostatic test pressure – 1.3 MAWP
2021 – If the pressure vessel is subjected to visible permanent distortion, the Inspector
shall reserve the right to reject the vessel.
Section VIII, Division 1 2007 – minimum pneumatic test pressure – 1.1 MAWP
Pneumatic Test 2007 – maximum general membrane stress limit not specified
(See Sect. and 2021 – minimum pneumatic test pressure – 1.1 MAWP
Fig. 7.3 of this report) 2021 – maximum general membrane stress limit not specified
Section VIII, Division 2 2007 – minimum hydrostatic test pressure – greater of 1.43 MAWP or
Hydrostatic Test 1.25 MAWP( ⁄ )
(See Sect. and 2007 – maximum general membrane stress, , limit – 0.95
Fig. 7.4 of this report) 2021 – minimum hydrostatic test pressure – 1.25 MAWP( ⁄ )†
2021 – maximum general membrane stress, , limit – 0.95 †
Section VIII, Division 2 2007 – minimum pneumatic test pressure – 1.15 MAWP( ⁄ )
Pneumatic Test 2007 – maximum general membrane stress, , limit – 0.8
(See Sect. and 2021 – minimum pneumatic test pressure – 1.15 MAWP( ⁄ )†
Fig. 7.5 of this report) 2021 – maximum general membrane stress, , limit – 0.8 †
*No part of the boiler shall be subjected to a general membrane stress greater than 90% of its yield strength
(0.2% offset) at test temperature.
†Class 1 and Class 2 Construction

mover, to 1.20 MAWP or less. This overpressure protection limit ensures that the primary membrane
stress, , does not exceed 0.80 (i.e., 1.20/1.50). The 2021 edition of the ASME BPVC adopts
portions of the new Section XIII rules for overpressure protection for capacity certification of pressure
relief devices for boilers. Although some requirements in Section I have been transferred to Section XIII,
the rules for overpressure protection specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of Section I of the ASME
BPVC are the same.

All Section VIII, Division 1 pressure relief device requirements have been transferred from Paragraphs
UG-125 through UG-140 to Section XIII and the remaining Division 1 overpressure protection
requirements have been restructured within the new Paragraphs UG-150 through UG-156. Similarly, all
Section VIII, Division 2 pressure relief device requirements have been transferred from Part 9 – Pressure
Vessel Overpressure Protection to Section XIII and the remaining Division 2 overpressure protection
requirements have been restructured within Part 9. However, due to restructuring of paragraphs in the
2021 edition and transferring to Section XIII, a comprehensive equivalent safety evaluation of
overpressure protection rules between the 2007 and 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME
BPVC was not performed.


The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee’s function is to establish rules of safety relating only
to pressure integrity which govern the construction of boilers and pressure vessels. However, these rules
no longer apply after the boiler or pressure vessel has been placed in service. After a boiler or pressure
vessel has been placed in service, degradation of the pressure boundary components can occur. Common
types of degradation that can adversely affect the structural integrity of a boiler or pressure vessel include
metal loss caused by corrosion or erosion, physical damage caused by cracking or fatigue, and material
damage caused by changes in operating conditions or service environments. Detecting and evaluating
in-service degradation may be necessary to ensure that the boiler or pressure vessel remains consistent
with PHMSA safety objections.

Consensus post-construction standards with requirements for performing in-service inspections and
fitness-for-service assessments of boilers and pressure vessels include:
(1) American National Standard NB-23 – National Board Inspection Code
(2) API Standard 510 – Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and
(3) API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Fitness-for-Service (FFS)
Based on a review of IBR standards in 49 CFR 192, 193, and 195 that apply to boilers and pressure
• 49 CFR 192 and 193 do not require in service inspections in accordance with American National
Standard NB-23 – National Board Inspection Code or API Standard 510.
• 49 CFR 195 incorporates by reference API Standard 510 but not American National Standard
NB-23 – National Board Inspection Code.
• 49 CFR 192, 193, and 195 do not require fitness-for-service assessments in accordance with
API 579-1/ASME FFS-1.
In-service inspections and fitness-for-service assessments in accordance with these post-construction
consensus standards could potentially enhance the safety of boilers and pressure vessels in pipeline
facilities because in-service inspection and fitness-for-service assessment results offer a sound basis for
decisions to continue to run as is or to alter, repair, monitor, retire or replace the equipment.


The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) was established by Congress on October 15, 1966 through
the Department of Transportation Act (Pub. L 89-670). Since then, Congress has enacted various other
laws authorizing the Secretary of Transportation to prescribe Federal safety standards for natural gas and
hazardous liquid pipelines. Two key statutes provide the framework for the Federal pipeline safety
program. The Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 as amended authorizes DOT to regulate pipeline
transportation of natural (flammable, toxic, or corrosive) gas and other gases as well as the transportation
and storage of liquefied natural gas (LNG); and the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979 as
amended authorizes DOT to regulate pipeline transportation of hazardous liquids (crude oil, petroleum
products, anhydrous ammonia, and carbon dioxide). Federal pipeline safety laws enacted by Congress are
listed in Table 1.1 of this report.

Table 1.1 Federal pipeline safety laws

Short title Public law Date

Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 90-481 August 12, 1968
Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act Amendments of 1976 94-477 October 11, 1976
Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979 96-129 November 30, 1979
An Act to amend the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 and 99-516 October 22, 1986
the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979
Pipeline Safety Reauthorization Act of 1988 100-561 October 31, 1988
An Act to improve navigational safety and to reduce the hazards to 101-599 November 16, 1990
navigation resulting from vessel collisions with pipelines in the
marine environment
Pipeline Safety Act of 1992 102-508 October 24, 1992
Accountable Pipeline Safety and Partnership Act of 1996 110-3793 October 12, 1996
Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 107-355 December 17, 2002
Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs Improvement 108-426 November 30, 2004
Pipeline Inspection, Protection, Enforcement, and Safety Act of 109-468 December 29, 2006
Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act of 2011 112-90 January 3, 2012
Protecting Our Infrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety Act 114-183 June 22, 2016
of 2016


The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) within DOT is the safety
authority responsible for establishing Federal safety standards for natural gas and hazardous liquid
pipelines including LNG facilities. These standards are organized and published in Title 49, Parts 190 to
199 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Titles for 49 CFR Parts 190 to 199 are shown in Table 1.2
of this report.

Table 1.2 Federal Pipeline Safety Standards in Title 49

Part Title
190 Pipeline safety enforcement and regulatory procedures
191 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; annual reports, incident reports, and safety
related condition reports
192 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline: minimum Federal safety standards
193 Liquefied natural gas facilities: Federal safety standards
194 Response plans for onshore oil pipelines
195 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline
196 Protection of underground pipelines from excavation activity
198 Regulations for grants to aid State pipeline safety programs
199 Drug and alcohol testing

The Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS), within PHMSA has overall regulatory responsibility for natural gas
and hazardous liquid pipelines in the United States that are regulated by PHMSA.


National consensus codes and standards have been used as the foundation for pipeline safety regulations
beginning with the first Federal pipeline safety rules issued in 1970. The National Technology Transfer
and Advancement Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-113) [1] directs Federal agencies to use voluntary consensus
standards in lieu of government-written standards whenever possible. In compliance with this Act, some
or all portions of certain codes and standards are incorporated by reference (IBR) into pipeline safety
regulations. Currently, more than 60 IBR codes and standards that are incorporated into 49 CFR Parts 190
to 199. The length of these codes and standards often varies from less than 10 to more than 1,000 pages,
and most incorporate secondary references. In addition, many of these codes and standards are copyright
protected and not readily accessible except for inspection in the PHMSA office on New Jersey Avenue,
SE or at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, DC as stated in §193.2013(b)
or through purchase from the respective standards-developing organization.

To the extent practicable, PHMSA is authorized and responsible for ensuring that pipeline safety
regulations are consistent with safety requirements specified in IBR consensus codes and standards.
Rather than promulgating pipeline safety regulations for boilers; pressure vessels; and the production,
storage, and handling of LNG, PHMSA incorporates applicable rules published by American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, the American Petroleum Institute (API), and the National
Fire Protection Association (NFPA) into 49 CFR Parts 192, 193, and 195 through the IBR process. By
incorporating specific editions of codes and standards into Federal pipeline safety regulations, these codes
and standards have the full force of law.

Table 1.3 of this report lists titles and editions of IBR codes and standards for boilers and pressure vessels
published by ASME International. Rules and requirements in these IBR codes and standards are:
• applicable to boilers and pressure vessels in pipeline facilities within the scope of 49 CFR
Part 192, and
• approved for the specific paragraphs identified in §192.7.

Table 1.3 ASME BPVC references incorporated in 49 CFR Part 192

49 CFR Paragraph Reference IBR approved for

§192.7(c)(7) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section I: “Rules for §192.153(b)
Construction of Power Boilers 2007,” 2007 edition, July 1,
2007, (ASME BPVC, Section I)
§192.7(c)(8) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, §§192.153(a), (b), (d); and
Division 1: “Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels,” 192.165(b)
2007 edition, July 1, 2007, (ASME BPVC, Section VIII,
Division 1)
§192.7(c)(9) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, §§192.153(b), (d); and
Division 2: “Alternate Rules, Rules for Construction of 192.165(b)
Pressure Vessels,” 2007 edition, July 1, 2007, (ASME
BPVC, Section VIII, Division 2)
§192.7(c)(10) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX: §§192.225(a); 192.227(a);
“Qualification Standards for Welding and Brazing and Item II, Appendix B to
Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing Part 192
Operations,” 2007 edition, July 1, 2007, (ASME BPVC,
Section IX)

Table 1.4 of this report lists titles and editions of IBR codes and standards for boilers and pressure vessels
published by ASME International and NFPA. Rules and requirements in these IBR codes and standards
• applicable to boilers and pressure vessels in liquefied natural gas facilities within the scope of
49 CFR Part 193, and
• approved for the specific paragraphs identified in §193.2013.
Table 1.4 ASME BPVC and NFPA references incorporated in 49 CFR Part 193

49 CFR Paragraph Reference IBR approved for

§193.2013(e)(1) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, § 193.2321(a) (See Note 1)
Division 1: “Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels,”
2007 edition, July 1, 2007, (ASME BPVC, Section VIII,
Division 1)
§193.2013(g)(1) NFPA–59A (2001), “Standard for the Production, Storage, §§ 193.2019(a), 193.2051,
and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG),” 193.2057, 193.2059
(NFPA 59A–2001) [NFPA–59A (2001) incorporates by introductory text and (c),
reference the ASME BPVC, 1992 Edition. See Note 2.] 193.2101(a), 193.2301,
193.2303, 193.2401,
193.2521, 193.2639(a),
and 193.2801
§193.2013(g)(2) NFPA 59A (2006), “Standard for the Production, Storage, §§ 193.2101(b) and
and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG),” 2006 193.2321(b)
edition, approved August 18, 2005, (NFPA–59A–2006)
[NFPA–59A (2006) incorporates by reference the ASME
BPVC, 2004 Edition. See Note 3.]
1. Butt welds in metal shells of storage tanks with internal design pressure above 15 psig must be nondestructively
examined in accordance with rules specified in Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME BPVC (incorporated by
reference, see §193.2013) except that 100 percent of welds that are both longitudinal (or meridional) and
circumferential (or latitudinal) of hydraulic load bearing shells with curved surfaces that are subject to

cryogenic temperatures must be nondestructively examined in accordance with rules specified in Section VIII,
Division 1 of the ASME BPVC.
2. Chapter 12 of NFPA 59A-2001 lists documents or portions thereof that are referenced within this standard are
mandatory requirements and shall be considered part of the requirements of this standard. This list includes the
1992 edition of the ASME BPVC, including Addenda and applicable Code Interpretation Cases.
3. Chapter 2 of NFPA 59A-2006 lists documents or portions thereof that are referenced within this standard are
mandatory requirements and shall be considered part of the requirements of this standard. This list includes the
2004 edition of the ASME BPVC.

Table 1.5 of this report lists titles and editions of IBR codes and standards for boilers and pressure vessels
published by ASME International and API. Rules and requirements in these IBR codes and standards are:
• applicable to boilers and pressure vessels in hazardous liquids by pipeline facilities within the
scope of 49 CFR Part 195, and
• approved for the specific paragraphs identified in §195.3.
Table 1.5 ASME BPVC and API references incorporated in 49 CFR Part 195

49 CFR Paragraph Reference IBR approved for

§195.3(b)(16) API Standard 510, ‘‘Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In- §195.205(b) and
Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration,’’ 9th 195.432(c)
edition, June 2006, (API Std 510)
§195.3(c)(5) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, §§195.124 and 195.307(e)
Division 1: “Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels,”
2007 edition, July 1, 2007, (ASME BPVC, Section VIII,
Division 1)
§195.3(c)(6) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, §195.307(e)
Division 2: “Alternate Rules, Rules for Construction of
Pressure Vessels,” 2007 edition, July 1, 2007, (ASME
BPVC, Section VIII, Division 2)
§195.3(c)(7) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX: §195.222(a)
“Qualification Standards for Welding and Brazing
Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing
Operations,” 2007 edition, July 1, 2007, (ASME BPVC,
Section IX)


In general, standards-developing organizations update and revise their codes and standards on a 2 to
5-year schedule. As an example, new editions of the ASME BPVC are published on July 1 of odd
numbered years (i.e., July 1, 2019, July 1, 2021, etc.). This means that beginning on July 1, 2021, a new
boilers or pressure vessel can only be assigned a Certification Mark with the appropriate Designator in
accordance with rules specified in the 2021 edition of ASME BPVC Section I, Section VIII, Division 1,
or Section VIII, Section 2, as applicable.

Until January 31, 2013, no organization was permitted to assume responsibility for Code construction
without having first received from the ASME a Certificate of Authorization to use applicable Code
symbol stamps. However, after January 31, 2013, no organization was permitted to assume responsibility
for Code construction without having first received from the ASME a Certificate of Authorization to use
the Certification Mark and Designators. A Certification Mark is an ASME symbol identifying a product
as meeting Code requirements and a Certification Designator (Designator) is the symbol used in
conjunction with the Certification Mark for the scope of activity described in a Manufacturer’s Certificate

of Authorization. Any Manufacturer holding or applying for a Certificate of Authorization must
demonstrate a Quality Control System that meets the requirements of Conformity Assessment
Requirements in ASME CA-1 [2].

Application of a Certification Mark or a Code symbol stamp for a boiler or pressure vessel constructed to
a superseded edition of the ASME BPVC is not permitted. Therefore, compliance with PHMSA
regulations by pipeline operators may involve satisfying requirements specified in an IBR code or
standard that are either obsolete or no longer applicable.

1.3.1 Special Permit Applications

One way for a pipeline operator to address a potential non-compliance issues with a PHMSA regulations
is to submit a special permit application to PHMSA in accordance with requirements specified in
§190.341. A special permit is an order by which PHMSA waives compliance with one or more Federal
pipeline safety regulations.

Special permit applications must contain the information described in §190.341(c) including the
• an explanation of the unique circumstances that the applicant believes make the applicability of
that regulation or standard (or portion thereof) unnecessary or inappropriate for its facility.
• a description of any measures or activities the applicant proposes to undertake as an alternative to
compliance with the relevant regulation, including an explanation of how such measures will
mitigate any safety or environmental risks.
Upon receipt of a special permit application, PHMSA is required to provide notice to the public of its
intent to consider the application and invite comment. In addition, PHMSA may consult with other
Federal agencies before granting or denying an application on matters that PHMSA believes may have
significance for proceedings under their areas of responsibility. Review of a special permit by PHMSA is
estimated at 6 to 12 months and possibly longer, and issuance of a special permit cannot be guaranteed. In
many cases, the term of a special permit is five years, which requires the special permits to be renewed
before the five-year period expires. The policy regarding the termination period of a special permit
requires review by PHMSA on a case-by-case basis.

1.3.2 Safety Equivalency Technical Documentation

Operators of LNG facilities regulated under 49 CFR Part 193 have an additional option for requesting
PHMSA to waive compliance with one or more Federal pipeline safety regulations. This option, which is
described in NFPA 59A-2001, Sect. 1.2, Paragraph 3.4.2, and Paragraph, involves the operator
submitting safety equivalency technical documentation to PHMSA to consider as the Jurisdiction Having
Authority (AHJ). The equivalency provision in Sect. 1.2 of NFPA 59A-2001 is explained as follow.
1.2 Equivalency. Nothing in this standard is intended to prevent the use of systems, methods,
or devices of equivalent or superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability,
and safety over those prescribed by this standard. Technical documentation shall be submitted to
the authority having jurisdiction to demonstrate equivalency. The system, method, or device shall
be approved for the intended purpose by the authority having jurisdiction.
In addition, NFPA 59A-2001, Paragraph 3.4.2 states the following.
Boilers shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section I, or CSA Standard B 51, Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping
Code, and pressure vessels shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the ASME Boiler

and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 or Division 2, or CSA Standard B 51, Boiler,
Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping Code and shall be Code stamped. (Note: As discussed in
Sect. 1.3 of this report, the term Code stamp was replaced with the term Certification Mark on
January 31, 2013.)
The referenced edition of the ASME BPVC listed in NFPA 59A-2001, Paragraph is:
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1992 edition, including Addenda and applicable Code
Interpretation Cases.
To receive approval from PHMSA for “Equivalency”, the LNG facility operator must demonstrate that
the proposed systems, methods, or devices are either equivalent or have superior quality, strength, fire
resistance, effectiveness, durability, and safety over those required in 49 CFR Part 193. Based on results
of its equivalency evaluation, PHMSA may issue a letter to the LNG facility operator stating no
objections to the equivalency framework. This “no objection” letter may include statements intended to
clarify actions proposed by the LNG facility operator for ensuring equivalent safety [3].


Rationale and justification for concluding that the rules and requirements specified in IBR editions of the
ASME BPVC to later editions of the ASME BPVC provide equal or greater safety for boilers and
pressure vessels in pipeline facilities are documented in two reports. Safety equivalency evaluation results
presented in these two reports were determined using a combination of quantitative and qualitative as
discussed in Sects. 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 of this report. Rules and requirements specified in the 2007 edition of
the ASME BPVC that are the same as those in the 2021 edition are considered to provide equivalent

The first report titled ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Evaluation and Equivalence Study for
Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities [4] was prepared in 2017 to address risks associated with LNG facilities
within the scope of 49 CFR Part 193. For this study, the safety baseline for comparison is the 1992 edition
of the ASME BPVC. This report concludes that the rules and requirements specified in Section I; Section
VIII, Division 1; and Section VIII, Division 2 in the 2015 edition of the ASME BPVC are equivalent in
safety to the corresponding rules and requirements specified in Section I; Section VIII, Division 1; and
Section VIII, Division 2 in the 1992 edition of the ASME BPVC. Equivalency evaluation results
presented in this report focus primarily on materials; design including failure modes, strength theories,
and principles of limit design theory; fabrication and inspection including nondestructive examinations;
pressure testing; and overpressure protection.

This second report uses a similar technical approach to conclude that the rules and requirements specified
in the 2007 IBR edition of the ASME BPVC provide equal or greater safety for boilers and pressure
vessels in pipeline facilities compared to corresponding rules and requirements specified in the 2021
editions of the ASME BPVC. The safety baseline for comparison is the 2007 edition of the ASME BPVC
which PHMSA considers the minimum acceptable level of safety for boilers and pressure vessels for
pipeline facilities. Equivalency evaluation results presented in this report are based on comparisons of
rules and requirements specified in the ASME BPVC sections and editions of the Construction and
References Codes listed in Table 1.6 of this report.

1.4.1 Safety Equivalency Evaluations Using Quantitative Comparative Analysis

Safety equivalency evaluations based on quantitative comparative analysis results can be relatively
straight forward as illustrated in the following equivalency evaluation of requirements provided in

Section VIII, Division 1, Paragraph UG-101 – Proof Tests to Establish Maximum Allowable Working
Pressure in the ASME BPVC.
Table 1.6 Basis for equivalency evaluations

ASME BPVC Construction Code ASME BPVC Reference Code

Section I – Rules for Construction of Power Boilers, Section II – Materials, 2007 vs 2021 Editions
2007 vs 2021 Editions
Section VIII. Division 1 – Rules for Construction of Section V – Nondestructive Examination, 2007 vs
Pressure Vessels, 2007 vs 2021 Editions 2021 Editions
Section VIII. Division 2 – Alternative Rules – Rules Section IX – Qualification Standard for Welding,
for Construction of Pressure Vessels, 2007 vs 2021 Brazing, and Fusing Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and
Editions Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Operators, 2007 vs 2021
Section XIII – Rules for Overpressure Protection, 2021
Edition (Note: Section XIII was introduced into the
ASME BPVC in the 2021 edition.)
1. Construction Code – provides rules for materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing,
certification, and pressure relief. Construction Codes refer to Reference Codes.
2. Reference Code – provides standards for materials, welding and brazing procedures and qualifications,
nondestructive examination, and overpressure protection that are referenced by the Construction Codes.
Paragraphs UG-101(l)(2), UG-101(m)(2), UG-101(n)(4), and UG-101(o)(5) in the 1992 edition of
Section VIII, Division 1 of ASME BPVC include the term ‘formulas.’ Whereas corresponding text in
Paragraphs UG-101(l)(2), UG-101(m)(2), UG-101(n)(4), and UG-101(o)(5) in the 2021 edition of
Section VIII, Division 1 of ASME BPVC include the term ‘equations.’ In addition, both editions refer to
identical mathematical relations. Therefore, the text changes from ‘formulas’ to ‘equations’ do not have
an adverse impact on the safety equivalency of pressure vessels and pressure vessel parts designed and
fabricated in accordance with rules specified in the 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME
BPVC compared to pressure vessels and pressure vessel parts designed and fabricated in accordance with
rules specified in the 1992 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME BPVC.

Although comparisons such as this are elementary, a word-by-word or sentence-by-sentence comparison

of text in the IBR edition of the ASME BPVC to a later edition of the ASME BPVC is not always
feasible. This is especially true when text in a particular paragraph in the later edition of the ASME
BPVC has been reorganized, redesignated, deleted, added, or moved relative to the corresponding text in
the IBR edition of the ASME BPVC. For example, the 2007 edition of Section VIII, Division 2 of the
ASME BPVC was completely rewritten and reformatted making a direct comparison of text in the 1992
edition of the ASME BPVC and the 2007 and subsequent editions of the ASME BPVC impossible. Direct
comparisons of rules and requirements prescribed in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC are
more straightforward because the paragraph numbers are typically consistent, the sentence structure is
similar, and the figure and table formats are alike.

1.4.2 Safety Equivalency Evaluations Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis

Safety equivalency evaluations based on qualitative comparative analysis results often involve an
equivalency evaluation based on technical rationale that involves engineering judgement to ensure that
the safety objectives of the later edition of the ASME BPVC fulfill the intended safety objectives of the
IBR editions. As an example, consider the differences in hydrostatic pressure testing requirements
specified in the 1992 and 2021 editions of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME BPVC where:

• Paragraph UG-100 – Standard Hydro Test in the 1992 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 of
the ASME BPVC states that vessels designed for internal pressure shall be subjected to a
hydrostatic test pressure which at every point in the vessel is at least equal to 1.5 times the
maximum allowable working pressure to be marked on the pressure vessel multiplied by the
lowest ratio (for the materials of which the vessel is constructed) of the stress value for the test
temperature on the vessel to the stress value for the design temperature.
• Paragraph UG-99 – Standard Hydro Test in the 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 of the
ASME BPVC states:
1. Paragraph UG-99(b) states that vessels designed for internal pressure shall be subjected to a
hydrostatic test pressure that at every point in the vessel is at least equal to 1.3 times the
maximum allowable working pressure multiplied by the lowest stress ratio (LSR) for the
materials of which the vessel is constructed.
2. Paragraph UG-99(f) adds vacuum test requirements for pressure vessels designed for
vacuum service. These requirements states that the vacuum test shall be conducted at the
lowest value of specified absolute internal design pressure and that the leak test shall be
performed following a written procedure complying with the applicable technical
requirements of Section V, Article 10 for the leak test method and technique specified by the
user. Leak testing personnel shall be qualified and certified as required by Section V,
Article 1 – General Requirements, T-120(e). (See Sect. 6.3.1 of this report.)
Evaluating the safety significance of the difference between these hydrostatic test pressure rules requires
an understanding of the purpose and underlying maximum allowable design stress limits and the plastic
collapse stress limits used as the basis for these hydrostatic test pressure requirements. Hydrostatic tests
are performed after fabrication is completed primarily to verify the leak tight integrity of the pressure
boundary but also to identify gross deformations or anomalies that may indicate design errors, material
deficiencies, or weld defects. Further discussion about hydrostatic pressure testing is provided in Sect. 7.1
of this report.

This report documents the technical rationale used to determine whether boilers and pressure vessels
designed and fabricated in accordance with rules and requirements specified in the 2021 edition of the
ASME BPVC are as safe as boilers and pressure vessels designed and fabricated in accordance with rules
and requirements specified in the 2007 edition of the ASME BPVC. The basis for the technical rationale
was established by a team of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(ORNL) through reviews of ASME BPVC rules and consideration of information presented in
open-source, publicly available reference documents.

The scope of this report is limited to a comparison of rules and requirements specified in the 2007 and
2021 editions of the ASME BPVC because differences among corresponding rules and requirements
specified in the 2007 and 2021 editions of the ASME BPVC could potentially have an adverse effect on
the safety of boilers and pressure vessels. The safety baseline for comparison is the 2007 edition of the
ASME BPVC which PHMSA considers the minimum acceptable level of safety for boilers and pressure


Before PHMSA can revise or update Federal pipeline safety regulations using the rule making procedures
defined in 49 CFR Part 190, it must ensure that all proposed changes result in conditions that are at least
as safe as those provided by existing regulations. These safety equivalency determinations are based on
either qualitative or quantitative comparative analysis results in which the safety consequences and
potential benefits of the changes are assessed and the technical rationale for determining whether the

proposed changes do, or do not, result in equivalent safety are documented. Significant changes to ASME
BPVC requirements that have been approved since the 2019 was published are reported in a document
titled: Summary of Significant Changes in the 2021 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections
VIII, XII, II, V, and IX [5].

The safety equivalency evaluations presented in the report titled: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Evaluation and Equivalence Study for Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities [4] and this report are intended to
provide PHMSA with information needed to:
• determine if the rule and requirement changes in later editions up to and including the 2021
edition of the ASME BPVC result in conditions that are at least as safe as those provided in the
IBR editions of the ASME BPVC.
• verify that new boilers and pressure vessels for LNG facilities comply with NFPA 59A (2001
edition) as required in §193.2013(g)(1).


The ASME BPVC is a consensus standard that specifies requirements for design and fabrication of
boilers and pressure vessels. The 2021 edition of the ASME BPVC, which applicable from July 1, 2021
through June 30, 2023, is organized into the various sections listed in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Section titles in the 2021 edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

Section Title
I Rules for Construction of Power Boilers (See Note 1)
II Materials (See Note 2)
III Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components (See Note 1)
IV Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers (See Note 1)
V Nondestructive Examination (See Note 2)
VI Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers
VII Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers
VIII, Div. 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels (See Note 1)
VIII, Div. 2 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels – Alternative Rules (See Note 1)
VIII, Div. 3 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels – Alternative Rules for Construction of High
Pressure Vessels (See Note 1)
IX Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and
Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Operators (See Note 2)
X Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels (See Note 1)
XI Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
XII Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks (See Notes 1)
XIII Rules for Overpressure Protection (See Note 2)
1. Construction Code – provides rules for materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing,
certification, and pressure relief. Construction Codes refer to Reference Codes.
2. Reference Code – provides standards for materials, welding and brazing procedures and qualifications, and
nondestructive examination that are referenced by the Construction Codes.
Various ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committees, which are referred to individually or collectively
as the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee, are responsible for formulating rules for
construction of boilers, pressure vessels, transport tanks, and nuclear components, and the in-service
inspection of nuclear components and transport tanks. In this context, the word “construction” is an all-
inclusive term comprising materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification,
and pressure relief.

The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee meets regularly to consider revisions to existing rules,
new rules as dictated by technological development, Code Cases, and requests for interpretations. Only
the Committee has the authority to provide official Code Interpretations of the ASME BPVC. Actions of
the Committee become effective only after confirmation by ballot of the Committee and approval by
ASME. After public review and final approval by ASME, revisions are published at regular intervals in

editions of the ASME BPVC. The terms “Code Case” and “Code Interpretations” are defined as follows
in the 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME BPVC.
Code Cases represent alternatives or additions to existing Code rules. Code Cases are
written as a question and reply and are usually intended to be incorporated into the Code at
a later date. When used, Code Cases prescribe mandatory requirements in the same sense as
the text of the Code. However, users are cautioned that not all jurisdictions or owners
automatically accept Code Cases. The most common applications for Code Cases are:
• to permit early implementation of an approved Code revision based on an urgent
• to permit the use of a new material for Code construction
• to gain experience with new materials or alternative rules prior to incorporation
directly into the Code
Code Interpretations provide clarification of the meaning of existing rules in the Code, and
are also presented in question and reply format. Interpretations do not introduce new
requirements. In cases where existing Code text does not fully convey the meaning that was
intended, and revision of the rules is required to support an interpretation, an Intent
Interpretation will be issued and the Code will be revised.
The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee recognizes that tools and techniques used for design
and analysis change as technology progresses and expects engineers to use good judgment in the
application of these tools. The designer is responsible for complying with ASME BPVC rules and
demonstrating compliance with Code equations when such equations are mandatory. The ASME BPVC
neither requires nor prohibits the use of computers for the design or analysis of components constructed to
the requirements of the ASME BPVC. However, designers and engineers using computer programs for
design or analysis are cautioned that they are responsible for all technical assumptions inherent in the
programs they use and the application of these programs to their design. In addition, the ASME BPVC
does not contain rules to cover all details of design and fabrication. Where complete details are not given,
it is intended that the manufacturer, subject to the acceptance of the Authorized Inspector, provide details
of design and fabrication that will be as safe as otherwise provided by the rules in the ASME BPVC.

After revisions to the ASME BPVC are approved by ASME, they may be used beginning with the date of
issuance. In most cases, revisions become mandatory 6 months after the date of issuance. Errata to the
ASME BPVC are posted on the ASME web site to provide corrections to incorrectly published items, or
to correct typographical or grammatical errors. Such Errata must be used on the date posted.

The ASME BPVC edition used for construction of a boiler or pressure vessel must be either the edition
that is mandatory on the date the boiler or pressure vessel is contracted for by the manufacturer, or a
published edition issued by ASME prior to the contract date, which is not yet mandatory. Even though
construction of a boiler or a pressure vessel to a superseded edition of the ASME BPVC may be possible,
the Authorized Inspector will not issue approval to the Manufacturer to apply the Certification Mark.

Some or all requirements in the ASME BPVC has been adopted into law by 50 states and many
municipalities in the United States. The specific sections and editions of the ASME BPVC incorporated
by reference in 49 CFR Part 192, 193 and 195 are listed in Tables 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5, respectively.


Section I of the ASME BPVC provides requirements for construction of power boilers, electric boilers,
miniature boilers, high-temperature water boilers, heat recovery steam generators, solar receiver steam

generators, certain fired pressure vessels, and liquid phase thermal fluid heaters to be used in stationary
service and includes those power boilers used in locomotive, portable, and traction service. Design and
fabrication rules specified in Section I apply to the boiler proper and to the boiler external piping.
Superheaters, economizers, and other pressure parts connected directly to the boiler without intervening
valves are also considered parts of the boiler proper, and their construction must conform to Section I
rules. The Preamble for the 2021 edition of Section I of the ASME BPVC states that boiler external
piping must be considered as that piping which begins where the boiler proper or isolable superheater or
isolable economizer terminates at:
(a) the first circumferential joint for welding end connections; or
(b) the face of the first flange in bolted flanged connections; or
(c) the first threaded joint in that type of connection; and which extends up to and including the valve
or valves required by Section I of the ASME BPVC.
According to requirements in the 2021 edition of Section I, Paragraph PG-105 of the ASME BPVC, no
organization may assume responsibility for Code construction without having first received from the
ASME a Certificate of Authorization to use the Certification Mark and Designators. The Designators used
with Certification Marks for Section I construction are defined as follows.
S — power boiler Designator
M — miniature boiler Designator
E — electric boiler Designator
A — boiler assembly Designator
PP — pressure piping Designator
V — boiler pressure relief valve Designator
PRT — fabricated parts Designator
Rule changes to Paragraph PG-105 from the 2007 edition to the 2021 edition of Section I of the ASME
BPVC require organizations that assume responsibility for Code construction to comply with
ASME CA-1 [2].
PG-105.2 Application for Certificate of Authorization states: Any organization desiring a
Certificate of Authorization shall apply to the ASME in accordance with the certification
process of ASME CA-1. Authorization to use Certification Marks may be granted, renewed,
suspended, or withdrawn as specified in ASME CA-1.
PG-105.3 Designated Oversight states: The Manufacturer or Assembler shall comply with
the requirements of ASME CA-1 for Designated Oversight by use of an Authorized
Inspection Agency or Certified Individual, as applicable.
PG-105.4 Quality Control System states: Any Manufacturer or Assembler holding or
applying for a Certificate of Authorization shall demonstrate a quality program that meets the
requirements of ASME CA-1 and establishes that all Code requirements including material,
design, fabrication, examination (by the Manufacturer), and inspection for boilers and boiler
parts (by the Authorized Inspector) will be met. The quality control system shall be in
accordance with the requirements of A-301 and A-302. (See Sect. 5.6.1 of this report.)
PG-105.5 Code Construction Before Receipt of Certificate of Authorization states: When
used to demonstrate his quality control system, a Manufacturer may start fabricating Code
items before receipt of a Certificate of Authorization to use a Certification Mark under the
conditions specified in ASME CA-1.
ASME Code Certification (including Data Forms and stamping the Certification Mark with appropriate
Designator) and inspection by the Authorized Inspector, when required by Section I, are required for the

boiler proper and the boiler external piping. Paragraph PG-91 – Qualification of Inspectors in the 2021
edition of Section I of the ASME BPVC states that the inspection required by this Section shall be by an
Inspector employed by an ASME accredited Authorized Inspection Agency. These Inspectors shall have
been qualified in accordance with ASME QAI-1, Qualifications for Authorized Inspection. Certification
Mark is an ASME symbol identifying a product as meeting Code requirements, and a Certification
Designator (Designator) is the symbol used in conjunction with the Certification Mark for the scope of
activity described in a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Authorization. Each boiler, superheater, waterwall,
economizer, or boiler part to which a Certification Mark is to be applied shall be fabricated by a
Manufacturer who is in possession of a Certificate of Authorization to use the Certification Mark with
appropriate Designator. In addition to the applicable Designator, the boiler must also be stamped to show
the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) when built and the other information specified in
Section I, PG-106.4.1 in the 2021 edition of the ASME BPVC.

According to requirements in Section I, PG-3 in the 2021 edition of the ASME BPVC, the Manufacturer
is responsible for establishing the effective Code Edition, Addenda, and Code Cases for boilers and
replacement parts in accordance with rules specified in Mandatory Appendix VI. Specific editions of
standards referenced in Section I are shown in Table A-360. Mandatory Appendix VI states that after
Code revisions are approved by ASME, they may be used beginning with the date of issuance shown on
the Code and revisions become mandatory 6 months after the date of issuance. Code Cases are
permissible and may be used beginning with the date of approval by ASME. However, only Code Cases
that are specifically identified as being applicable to this Section may be used.

Mandatory Appendix III in the 2021 edition of Section I of the ASME BPVC provides rules for
reapplication of the Certification Mark but only when the conditions defined in Paragraph III-2 apply and
only to restore evidence of original compliance with ASME Section I requirements.


Section VIII, Division 1 contains mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatory
guidance for pressure vessel materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification,
and pressure relief for pressure vessels that operate at either internal or external pressures. This pressure
may be obtained from an external source, or by the application of heat from a direct or indirect source, or
any combination thereof. Such pressure vessels may be fabricated by welding, forging, or brazing.

Paragraph UG-1(c)(1) in the 2021 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME BPVC states:
The scope of this Division has been established to identify the components and parameters
considered in formulating the rules given in this Division. Laws or regulations issued by
municipality, state, provincial, Federal, or other enforcement or regulatory bodies having
jurisdiction at the location of an installation establish the mandatory applicability of the Code
rules, in whole or in part, within their jurisdiction. Those laws or regulations may require the use
of this Division of the Code for vessels or components not considered to be within its Scope.
These laws or regulations should be reviewed to determine size or service limitations of the
coverage which may be different or more restrictive than those given here.
Rules and requirements in Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME BPVC are divided into three
Subsections, Mandatory Appendices, and Nonmandatory Appendices. Although Section VIII, Division 1
does not address all aspects of pressure vessel materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection,
testing, certification, and pressure relief, those aspects which are not specifically addressed should not be
considered prohibited. Engineering judgment must be consistent with the philosophy of Division 1, and


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