Vitaminsandminerals 240103022839 773f330d
Vitaminsandminerals 240103022839 773f330d
Vitaminsandminerals 240103022839 773f330d
Deficiency signs:
• loss of appetite, muscular weakness, severe nervous
disorders, general weakness and Beri-Beri (difficult in
walking and paralysis).
Deficiency signs:
curly toe paralysis in chicks,
digestive disturbances,
general weakness and eye abnormalities.
• In pigs, deficiency symptoms include poor appetite, with consequent
retardation in growth, vomiting, skin eruptions and eye
• Riboflavin is essential in the diet of sows to maintain normal oestrus
activity and prevent premature parturition. Chicks reared on a
riboflavin-deficient diet grow slowly and develop ‘curled toe
paralysis’, a specific symptom caused by peripheral nerve
degeneration, in which the chicks walk on their hocks with the toes curled
Nicotanimide (Niacin)
• In most of the farm animals it is synthesized in
the body hence not need to supplemented from outside.
• Its function in animal body is as coenzyme like
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP).
Deficiency symptoms
Poor posture? dysfunction?
Ca & P B2 & A
• Essential inorganic nutrients, required in
small amounts.
• As many as 20 minerals may be
• Required for growth, maintenance,
reproduction and lactation.
Classified into two categories
• Macro minerals: Minerals which are
required in relatively larger amount and
in most of the cases they are used in the
synthesis of structural tissues
Sodium,Potassium,Chlorine and
• Their concentration is expressed in
terms of percentages.
• Micro Minerals: These are required in the trace amounts
usually functions as activators or as a component part of
enzyme system.
• Their concentration is expressed in terms of part per
million (PPM).
• The important trace elements are: Iron, Copper, iodine,
cobalt, zinc, manganese, fluorine, selenium, molybdenum,
chromium, nickel, silicon, tin and vanadium.
General functions of minerals
A. In tissue growth and repair
1. Bone and teeth formation
2. Teeth,hair,hooves and horn formation
3. Soft tissue formation
4. Blood cells formation
B.Minerals as a body regulators
1. In regulating body process,minerals
function in different forms
• In ionic form
• In molecular form
• Component of vitamins
• In the formation of enzymes and
hormones etc.
2.Minerals and mineral containing enzymes,hormones and
various metabolic cycles
• Various metabolic cycles
• Molecular concentration makes body fluids physiologically
compatible with the tissues.
• Acid base balance to maintain the PH.
• Nerve irratibility
• Musle stimulation and activity
• Milk Production
The Macrominerals
• Calcium Ca
• Phosphorous P
• Potassium K
• Sulfur S
• Sodium Na
• Chlorine Cl
• Magnesium Mg
Calcium (Ca)
• Major component of bones and teeth, 99% of the Ca of the body present
in bone and teeth. Ratio of Ca and P is 2:1 in bone.
• Essential for blood coagulation.
• For irritation of nerve tissues.
• It is the major constituents of milk.
• Essential for shell formation.
• It helps in utilization of Vitamins.
• Calcium ion is directly related with the muscle contraction.
• For activation of various enzymes.
Deficiency Symptoms
• Rickets-Satisfactory bone formation doesnot
occur. Misshapen of bones, enlargement of
joints,lameness and stiffness of joints. It occurs
in young animals.
• Osteomalacia: In adult animals disturbed
calcium metabolism results in a condition
called osteomalacia. Bones become
weak,porous and soft. Continuous
mobilization of calcium from the bone for
higher demand with low intake.
• Osteoporosis: This is characterized by decreased bone mass.It is due to bone
reabsorption being greater than the bone formation.It is prominent in ageing
and related to gonadal hormone deficiency.
• Essential for the function of every organ and tissue of the body (Hemoglobin),
• Transport of oxygen to the tissue, for the maintenance of oxidative enzyme
system within the cells, concerned in melanin formation, it is the component
of many enzymes.
Deficiency signs: seldom occurs in older animals, nutritional anemia
(anaemia due to iron deficiency), Piglet anaemia, labored breathing and pale
eyelids, ears and nose.
Sources: forages and copper or trace mineral salts. Requirements: Animals:80
mg/kg of the diet. Cattle-500mg/day, Poultry: 20 mg/kg of diet.
• Animal body contains very minute quantities of iodine, More
than half of it is found in the thyroid gland where it is
incorporated in the triodothyronine T3 and thyroxine T4, a
hormone secreted by thyroid gland.
• It is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid
• Increases oxygen consumption.
• Controls metabolic activities and for the proper growth
and development.
Deficiency symptoms
• Deficiency results in Goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland). In
this condition the thyroxine production is very much reduced. To
produce for physiological functions the cells of thyroid gland
becomes overactive and thyroid gland becomes enlarged.
• Pigs-falling of hair and rough,hard skin.
• Deficient pregnant animals give birth to the hairless, weak
and dead young.
• Reproductive failure
• Retarted growth rate, poor mental and sexual development.
• Fish meal, cod liver oil, iodized salts
such as sodium and potassium iodide.