PHD Info. Brochure Spring 2023

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for admission to

Ph.D. (Full Time & Part Time) Programme

(Spring Semester 2023-24)



Sl. No. Particulars Page No.
01. Introduction 3
1.1 Location 3
1.2 Campus 3
02. About Doctoral Research 4
03. Details of Opportunities for Ph.D. Students 4
3.1 Prize/ Awards/ Medals 4
3.2 Joint Doctoral Degree programme with Universities outside 5
3.3 Continuation of Fellowship during Research visit 5
3.4 Prime Ministers Fellowship (PMRF) 6
3.5 TCS Research Scholar Program 6
3.6 Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme 7
04. Admission of International Candidates 7
05. Important Dates 7
06. Ph.D. Admission Categories & Requirements 7
6.1 Full-time Research Scholar (FTRS) 7
6.2 Part Time Research Scholar (PTRS) 7
6.3 In-Service Special Externals Research Scholars (ISSERS) 7
07. Ph.D. Admission Requirements 8
7.1 Common Minimum Eligibility Criteria For Ph.D. Admission 8
7.2 SAKUNTALA (Scheme for Aspirants of Knowledge UNder 9
TALent Advancement) Fellowship
7.3 Additional Information to In-Service External Research 9
Scholar (ISERS) and Part Time Research Scholar (PTRS)
7.4 In-Service Special External Research Scholar (ISSERS) for 10
IITR@175 Fellowship
7.5 Golden Girl Scheme for Female Applicants 10
7.6 Minimum Educational Qualification For Admission to Ph.D. 11
Programme in Different Departments/ Centres/School
08. Application Fee 17
09. Course Fee Structure 18
10. Cancellation of Admission / Programme 18
11. Matters of Dispute 18
12. Ragging 18
13. Instructions for Online Application & Others 18
Annexure- 1 21


Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee is one of the foremost institutes of national

importance in higher technological and engineering education and basic and applied
research. Since its establishment, the Institute has played a vital role in providing the
technical manpower and know-how to the country and also in pursuit of cutting-edge
research in Science, Technology, and subsequently in Architecture, Management and
Humanities & Social Sciences. The Institute ranks amongst the best technological
institutions in the world and has contributed to all sectors of technological development.
It has also been considered a trend-setter in the area of education and research in the
fields mentioned above.

The Institute has completed 175 years of its glorious existence. It was converted into an
IIT on September 21, 2001 by an Ordinance issued by the Government of India, which
declared it as the nation’s seventh Indian Institute of Technology, an “Institution of
National Importance”.

The Institute offers Bachelor's Degree courses in 12 disciplines of Engineering and

Architecture and 6 integrated Masters programmes in different disciplines of engineering
and science apart from 59 Postgraduate courses in various disciplines of Engineering,
Applied Science, Architecture and Planning, Management, Humanities & Social Sciences,
Design and Innovation. The Institute offers doctoral degree in all
Departments/Centres/School and Research Centres.

1.1 Location:

IIT Roorkee is situated at the foothill of Himalayas, in Hardwar district, within the state
of Uttarakhand. It is the gateway to the pilgrim centres of Haridwar, Rishikesh, and Char
Dham (Gangotri, Yamnotri, Badrinath and Kedarnath), and tourist attraction cities like,
Dehradun and Mussoorie. Roorkee is well connected to Delhi by rail and road. It is
situated on National Highways 58 and 73 and is on Amritsar-Howrah main rail route.
Nearest airport to Roorkee is Dehradun's Jolly Grant airport but most preferable airport
nearest from Roorkee is the New Delhi International Airport which is about 180
kilometers away.

1.2 Campus:

The Institute has three campuses. The main campus is at Roorkee in Uttarakhand and
the second one is 50 km away at Saharanpur and third is the Greater Noida Campus
Centre in Uttar Pradesh. The campus at Roorkee is spread over 356 acres of landscaped
lush greenery. Nestled within this are several heritage buildings, modern academic
departments, nineteen hostels, messes, hospital, school, banks, community centres,
indoor and outdoor sports facilities which include three sports stadiums, a modern
swimming pool, yoga bhawan, students’ clubs and several activity centres and other
buildings. The Department of Paper Technology is located in a 25-acre campus at
Saharanpur. A 10-acre campus is being developed as an extension centre at Greater

Keeping in view the long tradition of academic excellence, the following institutional
goals have been laid for doctoral research:
* To develop deep and broad understanding of fundamentals and state of the art of
knowledge in the chosen field through courses and self-study,
* To develop synergy between creativity, innovation and the frontiers of knowledge in
the chosen field of study,
* To develop ability and skills to carry out independent research and development to
face the challenges posed to mankind on specific problems, and
* To develop abilities to identify new possibilities in the given Indian social context
and to undertake research and development through one’s own initiatives.
The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is granted for research work in areas recognized by
the Academic Departments / Centres / School of the Institute. The research work shall
be an original work characterized either by the discovery of facts, or by a fresh approach
towards the interpretation and application of facts, or development of equipment making
a distinct advancement in instrument technology. It shall evince the candidate’s
capacity for critical examination and sound judgment and shall represent original
contribution to the existing knowledge. The Institute is also recognized as one of the
centres in the country for Ph.D. programmes under QIP. Facilities for enrolling for the
Ph.D. programme as a part time candidate are also available.


3.1 Prize/ Awards/ Medals

S. Name of Prize/ Amount

No. Award/ Medal (Rs.)
For outstanding research work in Engineering;
Excellence in
Management, Architecture and Humanities; and
1 Doctoral Research 2,50,000/-
Science streams. A maximum 5 awards, each of Rs.
50,000, are to be given every year.
For getting a published/accepted research paper in
an international journal of the highest impact factor
amongst the research scholars from Department of
Chemistry. The period of consideration will be from
Prof. V.K. Gupta
1st April to 31st March every year starting from year
2 20,000/- 2021. In case of more than one eligible candidate,
Impactful Young
the award will be given to the younger candidate. If
Researcher Award
the age of candidates is same, then the award will
be shared. The recommendation for this award will
be obtained from the concerned department. This
award will be announced on 6th May every year.
A.K. Goel Green 1,00,000/- For significant contribution towards
3 Energy Prize and & Gold green/renewable energy sector amongst the
Gold Medal Medal graduating UG/PG (including Ph.D.) students.
For carrying out multiple activities simultaneously
and showing significant improvement in some of
them without compromising on the others amongst
Prabha Nayyar
the students completing minimum 2 years at IIT
Award for
4 2,50,000/- Roorkee. The activities may be as diverse as possible
Excellence in
including academic grade points, sports, cultural,
Time Management
hobbies, technical, leadership, social service, etc. A
maximum 5 awards, each of Rs. 50,000, are to be
given every year.

S. Name of Prize/ Amount
No. Award/ Medal (Rs.)

For the best communication skills amongst III, IV

and V year students of UG/IDD programmes and all
students of PG programmes. There are total 3
Nayyar Award for
awards, Rs. 50,000/- for the best student; Rs.
5 Excellence in 1,11,000/-
30,000/- for the second best student; and Rs.
20,000/- for the third best student. A fourth award
of Rs, 11,000/- can also be given only if a female
student is not among the first three.
Hari Krishna
Mittal Leadership
Award for For significant contribution towards enhancing the
6 Enhancing 20,000/- entrepreneurship culture at IIT Roorkee amongst
Entrepreneurship the graduating UG/PG (including Ph.D.) students.
Culture at IIT
For the best and second best essay on a general
topic in terms of content and writing style that
Ajit Singh Yadav
encourages independent thinking and originality
7 Memorial Essay 20,000/-
amongst the existing students. There are total 2
awards, Rs. 13,000/- for the best essay; and Rs.
7,000/- for the second best essay.
Smt. Lilawati
For the communication skills and merit amongst the
Nayyar Golden
8 5,000/- UG and PG students of any year and of any branch
of engineering.

3.2 Joint Doctoral Degree Programme with Universities outside India

PhD students in consultation with their supervisors have options to enroll in Joint
Doctoral Degree Programme. We have agreement with the following universities:
(i) University of Alberta, Canada
(ii) University of Strasbourg, France
(iii) Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
(iv) Department Specific Joint PhD Program with National Tsing Hua University
(NTHU), Taiwan:
NTHU, Taiwan IIT-Roorkee
College of Semiconductor Research, · Department of Electronics &
College of Engineering, including Communications Engineering
· Department of Materials Science and · Department of Physics
· Department of Industrial Engineering and
Engineering Management

PhD students can also convert their Jointly Supervised PhD Proposal to a Joint/Dual
Doctoral Degree Programme with administrative support from willing partner
universities not listed here.
For more details please visit:

3.3 Continuation of Fellowship during Research Visit

Ph.D. students can continue to avail their fellowship for a maximum period of six
months during their Ph.D. program while on a research visit to other Research
Universities/ Institution/ Research Labs etc., in addition to other funding support, if

3.4 Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF)

Ph.D. students get opportunity to apply for the prestigious PMR Fellowship program,
through two channels, viz. Direct entry and Lateral entry. Students are strongly
encouraged and supported to develop their research proposals for the purpose.
For more details, please follow the link

3.5 TCS Research Scholar Program

This fellowship aims to call for quality multidisciplinary research activities in areas
ranging from computer engineering and science, information systems and technology,
software engineering, and other disciplines which utilize computing.
Scholarship Details:
Period: A scholar who is selected for the scholarship will be given a stipend for a
maximum of four years, or submission of thesis for PhD, whichever is earlier.
Stipend: A stipend of Rs. 70,000 per month for the first and second year, Rs. 75,000 per
month for the third year and fourth year.
Other Incentives:
1. Assignment of TCS Mentor from TCS Research and innovation team (R&I) soon after
selection to TCS Research Scholar Program.
2. Support for the scholar with Rs. 2,00,000 per annum for Contingency / National
Conference for Scholar / International Conference for Scholar / 1-time International
Conference for Guide / Outbound sabbatical to foreign university to scholar. 3. Visit(s)
& Interaction(s) of TCS Research Scholar to TCS Research and Innovation teams /
Eligibility Conditions:
1. Upper Age Limit – 28 years as on admission into fellowship
2. The scholar should have first class education career right from SSC.
3. The scheme is open for scholars who have been found to be eligible for admission to
PhD in an institute. The scheme is open only for fresh PhD scholar admissions
(completed 2 semesters).
4. Scholars must be registered as full-time scholars in the institute/college where the
PhD registration is sought.
5. The scholarship can be terminated by TCS, with one month notice, based on
performance review report and for any violation of any operational rules applicable to
all the research scholars at the institute.
6. The institute will intimate TCS on the date of filling of any patent related to any
invention by the TCS Research Scholar under this program. TCS would be given a
license on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms for any such patent which has
been granted, on mutually agreed terms. The institute is free to publish any work
developed by TCS Research Scholar provided it sends TCS a written intimation along
with the work that will be published 30 days prior to such publication.
7. TCS Innovation Laboratory could look for opportunities of collaborations with the TCS
Research scholar / institute, even beyond the period of internship.

3.6 Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme
Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme for Electronics & IT of Digital India Corporation, Ministry of
Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India was initiated in the
year 2014 with an objective to enhance number of Ph.D.s in the country. Under this
scheme, Ph.D. seats (Full/Part Time) are allocated, in the areas of ESDM/ IT-ITES, to
few selected institutions. IIT Roorkee is one of the selected institutions in this scheme.
Eligible candidates can apply whenever specific announcement for this scheme is
announced subject to availability of the fellowship. Further details of the scheme are
available at


Candidates who are NOT citizens of India (by birth or naturalized) and/or are OCI/PIO
card holders will be eligible to apply under this category. The applications from these
candidates are invited through several channels like ICCR, SII, ASEAN etc.
For more details please visit:


S.No Particular Date Day
1. Start of online Application Process Oct. 16, 2023 Monday
2. Last date for filling up of application form Nov. 04, 2023 Saturday
by the students (11:59 p.m.)
3. Date of Academic Registration by the Dec. 26, 2023 Tuesday
Candidates in person
4. Commencement of classes for Spring Jan. 04, 2024 Thursday
Semester 2023-2024

Candidates are requested to apply online only. Hard copy of the application need not be
submitted. Physical application will not be considered.


Applicants for admission to the Ph.D. programme shall be classified under any one of the
following categories which will be decided and recommended by DRC/CRC.

6.1 Full-time Research Scholar (FTRS)

a. Institute Assistantship Research Scholars (IARS)
b. Externally Funded Research Scholar (EFRS)
 Fellowship
 Foreign Nationals
 Project Funded
c. In-service External Research Scholar (ISERS)
d. SAKUNTALA (Scheme for Aspirants of Knowledge UNder TALent
Advancement) Fellowship, a special scheme for female candidates
e. Golden Girl Scheme for Females

6.2 Part-time Research Scholar (PTRS):

a. In-Service Internal Research Scholar (P-ISIRS)
b. In-Service External Research Scholar (P-ISERS)

6.3 In-Service Special External Research Scholars (ISSERS)

a. IITR@175 Fellowship


7.1 Common Minimum Eligibility Criteria For Ph.D. Admission:

An applicant should possess one of the following minimum qualifications in appropriate

area(s) and she/he is required to fulfil the Department/ Centre/ School wise minimum
educational qualification to be eligible to apply for admission for the Ph.D. programmes
of the Institute.
1. Applicants with Master’s degree should satisfy the following:
(i) General, GEN-EWS and OBC category: Minimum Cumulative Grade Point
Average (CGPA) of 6.0 on a 10-point scale, or 60% marks.
SC / ST / PWD category: Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of
5.50 on a 10-point scale or 55% marks.

(ii) Qualified in a national level test, such as- GATE / CEED / JEST / UGC-NET /
CSIR-NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or equivalent or
holding a national level fellowship.
2. Applicants of all categories (GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC/SC/ST/PWD) with 4-Year
Bachelor’s degree should satisfy the following:
(i) Qualified in a national level test, such as- GATE / CEED / JEST / UGC-NET /
CSIR-NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or equivalent or
holding a national level fellowship.

(ii) Candidates from Centrally Funded Technical Institutes (CFTIs): a minimum

CGPA of 7.0 on a 10-point scale or 70% marks.

Candidates from institutions other than CFTIs: a minimum CGPA of 7.50 on a

10-point scale or 75% marks

3. Applicants of all categories (GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC/SC/ST/PWD) with Bachelor’s or

Master’s degree from IITs with a CGPA of 8.0 and above on a 10-point scale. Such
candidates are exempted from the requirement of qualifying in a national level test,
such as- GATE / CEED / JEST / UGC-NET / CSIR-NET including lectureship
(Assistant Professorship) or equivalent or holding a national level fellowship.

4. Applicants of all categories (GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC/SC/ST/PWD) with MBBS / BAMS

/ BHMS / BDS degree from Indian Universities / Institution shall have minimum
CGPA of 6.0 on a 10-point scale, or 60% in the qualifying degree. Such candidates
are exempted from the requirement of qualifying in a national level test, such as-
GATE / CEED / JEST / UGC-NET / CSIR-NET including lectureship (Assistant
Professorship) or equivalent or holding a national level fellowship.

5. Applicants with Master of Surgery (MS) / Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from Indian
Universities / Institutions are exempted from the minimum CGPA as well as the
requirement of qualifying in a national level test, such as- GATE / CEED / JEST /
UGC-NET / CSIR-NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or equivalent or
holding a national level fellowship.

6. Candidates pursuing master’s programs in Engineering / Architecture / Planning /

M.Sc. / M. Des. in IIT Roorkee shall have a choice of lateral entry / switch-over to the
Ph.D. program after completing the following:
i. First three semesters of the Master’s program with CGPA 8.0 or above for the
candidates of M.Sc. program.
ii. First two semesters of the master’s program with CGPA 8.0 or above for candidates of
other master programs.


(A) CGPA or percentage of marks in aggregate (in case marks are awarded) of all years /
semesters will be considered. If the CGPA is awarded on a scale other than a 10-
point scale, proportionate conversion to a 10-point scale will be considered.
(B) The requirement of qualifying in a national level test, such as- GATE / CEED /
JEST / UGC-NET / CSIR-NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or
equivalent or holding a national level fellowship is not applicable to candidates in
ISERS or P-ISIRS or P-ISERS category.
(C) Candidates with a medicine degree from an overseas university / institute should
have qualified the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination, or equivalent conducted
by the National Board of Examination.
(D) Candidates with Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) / Person of Indian Origin (PIO)
status will be treated at par with Indian Nationals in the General Category.
(E) Candidates selected under DST-INSPIRE scheme may be considered for provisional
admission through departmental/centre/school Ph.D. selection procedure. Such
candidates shall be required to submit their INSPIRE Fellowship “Final Offer” from
the funding agency to the Institute within 18 months from the date of initial joining,
failing which their provisional admission shall stand cancelled automatically,
without any further consideration.
(F) Candidates under OBC-NC and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) category are
required to submit a copy of valid certificate, issued after 31st March, 2023, while
submitting the application, as per GOI issued by a competent authority. Reservation
shall be applicable as per the GOI Norms.
(G) For details regarding EWS please go through the link:

7.2 SAKUNTALA (Scheme for Aspirants of Knowledge UNder TALent

Advancement) Fellowship

Any female candidate having B.Tech./B.E./B.Arch./B.Des. degree from CFTIs with

CGPA ≥ 8.5 in the 10-point scale will be eligible for admission to the Ph.D. programme in
the relevant disciplines under SAKUNTALA Fellowship scheme. The requirement of
GATE/CEED/National Level examination will be waived-off for such candidates.

Fellowship: At par with the Institute Assistantship.

7.3 Additional Information To In-Service External Research Scholar (ISERS)

And Part-Time Research Scholars (PTRS)

At the time of academic registration, the candidates should have experience of at least
two years in a Government / Semi-Government organization/Public Sector Undertaking,
AICTE / UGC recognized educational institute, or in a registered company with an
annual turnover of more than rupees twenty crores. They should have permission from
the employer for pursuing the Ph.D. program with adequate leave of absence to complete
the course work requirements. This requirement of leave of absence is waived off for
candidates working within 100 km of the institute. Candidates in P-ISIRS category
should, in addition, be regular employees of the institute.

Note: The eligibility conditions given above are the absolute minimum. Departments /
Centres/School may prescribe any requirements over and above these.
Reservation is applicable as per extant policies of the Government of India and
prescribed by the Board of Governors.

7.4 In-Service Special External Research Scholar (ISSERS) for IITR@175

“IITR@175 Fellowship” is for In-Service Special External Research Scholars (ISSERS) for
admission in full time Ph. D. program.

The Fellowship shall be opened to faculty members/ scientists/engineers of AICTE/UGC

recognized academic institutions or Government funded research organizations who get
admission in the full time PhD program of the Institute in the academic years 2022-23,
2023-24 or 2024-25.
All such academic institutions/research organisations must be located in the states of (i)
Uttarakhand, or (ii) within 200 km from IIT Roorkee in UP, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, and UT of Chandigarh.
The Ph. D. admission in this category will be a full time as per the rules of IIT Roorkee
and there shall not be any relaxation in residency requirements.

Eligibility Criteria:
Master’s degree with minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 6.0 on a 10-
point scale, or 60% marks for the General, GEN-EWS and OBC category.

For SC / ST or PWD candidates, the minimum CGPA requirements may be relaxed to

5.50 on a 10-point scale or to 55% marks.

The requirement of GATE / GPAT / JRF / NET score (marks) shall not be applicable to
the candidates.
Minimum two years in the parent organization at the time of academic registration.

Maximum of two candidates under this scheme from one institute in an academic year
will be eligible.

Such candidates should be recommended by the parent organization through proper

channel; No Objection Certificate (NOC) needs to be produced at the time of application.

In case of a greater number of eligible applications from one institute, offer will be given
to the candidates having higher experience in the parent organization.

Fellowship: At par with the scheme of Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) of Ministry
of Education, Government of India.

7.5 Golden Girl Scheme for Female Applicants

Direct admission for female candidates in Ph. D. programs under “Golden Girl Scheme”
a) Eligibility: FIRST Rank Holder (Gold Medallist) female candidates from an IIT
and/or Institute/University within the TOP 50 ranks (OVERALL category) in the
NIRF in the most recent year.
b) Relaxation: The requirement of qualifying an All-India Level Exam shall be
EXEMPTED. However, all other MEQs will be applicable as per the institute policy.
c) Fellowship: At par with the Institute’s Assistantship.
d) Intake: Intake shall be supernumerary.
e) Selection Process: Interview by the Department/Centre/ School.

10 | P a g e
7.6 Minimum Educational Qualification for Admission to Ph.D. Programme
in Different Departments / Centres/School


1. Architecture & Planning

(i) Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture or Planning followed by Master’s Degree

in any specialization. (OR)
(ii) Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering followed by Master’s Degree in any
specialization of Planning. (OR)
(iii) B.Arch./ B. Planning.

2. Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering

(i) Structural and computational Biology:

 Master’s degree in any disciplines of Science.
 Four year Bachelor’s (In any related areas of biological sciences (Biology,
Biotechnology, Bioscience or related areas with biology as a subject))/
 Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree in engineering, Pharmacy and related
(ii) Cell and Molecular Biology:
 Master’s Degree/ Four year Bachelor’s (In any related areas of biological
sciences (Biology, Biotechnology, Bioscience or related areas with
biology as a subject))/ MBBS.
 Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree in engineering.
 MD/ MS in Ayurveda, M.Pharm., M.V. Sc.
(iii) Biological Engineering:
 B.Tech. (4 years after XII)/ M.Tech. with the condition that applicant
should have Mathematics at 12th level.

3. Department of Civil Engineering

(i) Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. (OR)

(ii) Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and Master’s degree in research
areas relevant to the different groups of the Department (Environmental,
Geomatics, Geotechnical, Hydraulics, Structural and Transportation).
(iii) Bachelor’s degree in any branch of engineering with Master’s degree in
relevant research areas of the above groups of Civil Engineering, having
mathematics at the Bachelor’s level. (OR)
(iv) Bachelor’s / Master’s degree in any branch of engineering but having 8
years of work experience in the research areas relevant to the above
groups of the department. (OR)
(v) For Geomatics Engineering group, MCA (with mathematics as one of the
subjects in Bachelor’s level) shall also be eligible for applying.

4. Department of Chemical Engineering

B.Tech./M.Tech./M.Sc. or equivalent in Chemical Engineering/Chemical

Technology/ Allied Disciplines in Engineering and Sciences.

11 | P a g e
5. Department of Chemistry

M.Sc. or equivalent degree in Chemistry / Physics / Applied Chemistry /

Industrial Chemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Biochemistry or B.Tech. in
Polymer Technology / Chemical Science and Technology/Chemical
Engineering. (OR)
BS Degree (4-year) in Chemistry/ Chemical Sciences/ Physics/ Physical

6. Department of Computer Science and Engineering

(i) M.E. / M.Tech. in Information Technology/ Computer Science & Engg. /

Software Engg./ AI and Data Science or equivalent. (OR)
(ii) M.Tech. / ME in Electrical Engineering/ Electronics and
Communications Engineering or equivalent. (OR)
(iii) B.E. / B.Tech. in Computer Sc. & Engg. / Information Technology
Mathematics and Computing or equivalent. (OR)
(iv) Five years integrated BS-MS in mathematics and computing or
GATE paper qualification is in CS/EC.

7. Department of Design

(i) M.Des. / M.Tech. / M.Arch. (OR)

(ii) Bachelor’s degree in Design followed by Master’s Degree in any
specialization. (OR)
(iii) MIM / Master’s in Management / MBA or equivalent (OR)
(iv) Master’s degree in Science / Bachelor Degree in Engineering /
Technology / Architecture may be considered for research areas
consistent with the academic background and special interests.

8. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

(i) M.E. / M.Tech. in Microelectronics / VLSI / Microwaves /

Communication Systems / Control Systems / Instrumentation / Circuits
& Systems / Computer Science or equivalent. (OR)
(ii) B.E. / B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication / Electrical Engg./
Computer Science & Engg. or equivalent. (OR)
(iii) M.Sc. in Physics / Instrumentation / Electronics/Computer Science &
Engg. or Equivalent.

9. Earthquake Engineering

(i) B.Tech. / M.Tech. or equivalent degree in Civil Engineering/ Earthquake

Engineering. (OR)
(ii) M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Geophysics/ Physics / Mathematics / Geology for
research areas in Engineering Seismology and Seismotectonics.

12 | P a g e
10. Department of Earth Sciences

M.Sc. / M.Sc.Tech / M.Tech. / MS/ Integrated M.Tech./ Integrated M.Sc.

degree in Geology / Geophysics / Applied Geology / Applied Geophysics /
Geological Technology / Geophysical Technology / Geosciences / Applied
Geosciences / Petroleum Geology / Petroleum Geophysics/ Earth Sciences.

11. Department of Electrical Engineering

(i) B.Tech. / M.Tech. or equivalent degree in Electrical Engineering. (OR)

(ii) B.Tech. / M.Tech. or equivalent degree in Electronics and
Communication/ Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Electronics and
Instrumentation / Instrumentation and Control Engineering. (OR)
(iii) Al related specializations including B.Tech. / M.Tech. or equivalent
degree in Computer Science/ M.Sc. (Maths)/ M.Sc. (Physics).

12. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

(i) M.A. or equivalent degree. (OR)

(ii) Master’s degree in Science/Graduate Degree in Engineering / Technology
with 60% marks (or equivalent grade) may be considered for research
areas consistent with the academic background and special interests.

13. Hydrology

(i) Master’s degree in any of the following or equivalent research areas

relevant to the department (OR)
a) Civil Engg. / Agricultural Engg. / Hydrology / Environmental Engg. /
Water Resources /Chemical Engg. (OR)
b) Geology / Geophysics / Soil Science / Forestry or Natural Resources/
Atmospheric Sciences/ Environmental Sciences/ Disaster Mitigation &
Management; with Mathematics at Bachelor’s level. (OR)
(ii) In-service or sponsored candidates having Master’s degree in any branch
of engineering with 4 years of work experience in the research areas
relevant to the department.

14. Hydro and Renewable Energy

(i) B.Tech. / M. Tech. or equivalent in Civil / Electrical / Mechanical /

Industrial / Chemical / Electronics / Computer / Agricultural /
Environmental / Biotechnology/Instrumentation Engineering or
Equivalent and related disciplines. (OR)
(ii) M.Sc. in disciplines consistent with research areas of the department.

15. Department of Management Studies

(i) B.E. / B.Tech. or equivalent, M.E. / M.Tech. or equivalent qualifications.

(ii) M.Sc. / M.A. / M.Com. (OR)
(iii) Master’s in Management/M.B.A. or equivalent.

13 | P a g e
16. Department of Mathematics

(i) M.A. / M.Sc. / M.Tech. / Int. M.Sc. (5 years) in Mathematics / Applied

Mathematics / Industrial Mathematics / Statistics / Operations Research
/ Applied Operations Research / Mathematics and Computing or
equivalent. (OR)
(ii) M. Stat. / M. Math. (OR)
(iii) B.Tech. in Maths and Computing / B.S. Maths (4 years) from IITs / IISc.

17. Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

(i) B.Tech. / M.Tech. degree or equivalent degree in Mechanical / Industrial

/ Production Engg. (OR)
(ii) B.Tech. / M.Tech. degree in Aerospace / Chemical / Civil
/Computer/Electrical/ Electronics/ Materials/ Metallurgical Engg./
Biotechnology/ Nanotechnology and other research areas consistent with
the academic background and special interests.

18. Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

(i) B.Tech./ M.Tech. degree in Metallurgy / Materials Science and

Engineering/ Ceramic Engineering/ Polymer Engineering or equivalent.
(ii) B.Tech./ M.Tech. degree in Mechanical Engineering/ Production
Engineering/ and allied disciplines. (OR)
(iii) B.Tech. / M.Tech. in Biotechnology/ Bioengineering with Mathematics at
the undergraduate level. (OR)
(iv) M.Sc. in Materials Science/ Physics/ Chemistry and allied streams with
Mathematics at the Undergraduate level.
19. Department of Physics

(i) M.Sc. in Physics / Applied Physics or equivalent. (OR)

(ii) M.Sc. in Chemistry / Mathematics / Biophysics / Geophysics /
Computer Science / Electronics or equivalent, provided Physics was a
subject at B.Sc. level. (OR)
(iii) B.Tech. in Electrical / Electronics / Chemical / Metallurgical /
Nanotechnology / Engineering Physics or equivalent. (OR)
(iv) M.Tech. (Solid State Electronics Material), M.Tech. (Photonics), M.Tech.
(Nanotechnology), M.Tech. (Applied Optics), M.Tech. (Optoelectronics and
Optical Communication) or equivalent. (OR)
(v) Integrated M.Sc. in Photonics or equivalent.

14 | P a g e
20. Water Resources Development & Management

(i) B.E. /B. Tech. /M.E. /M.Tech. in Civil /Agricultural / Environment /

Electrical/ Mechanical /Chemical / Computer/ Electronics Engineering
/Architecture and Planning or equivalent degree consistent with
research areas of the Department. (OR)
(ii) M.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Science / Natural (Land and Water) Science
/ Environmental Science or equivalent consistent with research areas of
the Department along with mathematics at bachelor’s level.

21. Centre for Transportation (CTRANS)

M.Tech. / M.Arch. / M.Planning / M.Des. / MBA or equivalent degree in Civil

Engg. / Mechanical Engg / Industrial Engg. / Production Engg. / Computer
Science & Engg. / Chemical Engg. / Infrastructure Systems/ Biotechnology /
Architecture / Planning / Urban Engg. / Business Administration /Automobile
Engg. / Mechatronics Engg.

22. Institute Instrumentation Centre

M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Physics, Applied Physics, Material Science, Chemistry,

Electronics & Nanotechnology with NET/GATE.
Note: Seats under Institute Assistantship are available in EWS & SC category

23. Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management

(i) M. Tech. in Disaster Mitigation and Management, Civil Engineering,

Geomatics Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, M. Arch. &
M. Planning, or equivalent. (OR)
(ii) M. Tech. in Geological Technology, Geophysical Technology, Earth
System Science and Engineering, Atmospheric-Oceanic Science and
Technology, Biosciences and Bioengineering, or equivalent (with
Bachelors in Engineering, or Technology, or Sciences with Mathematics
as a subject at least in one semester.) (OR)
(iii) M. Sc. in Disaster Management, Geology, Geophysics, Atmospheric and
Ocean Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, Environmental Sciences,
Biosciences, Biotechnology or equivalent (with Bachelors in Sciences
with Mathematics as a subject at least in one semester. (OR)
(iv) M.B.A. or M.C.A. (with Bachelors in Engineering, or Technology, or
Sciences with Mathematics as a subject at least in one semester.)

24. Centre for Nanotechnology

(i) B.E. / B.Tech. or M.E. / M.Tech. in Nanotechnology / Metallurgy /

Chemical / Polymer / Mechanical / Biotechnology / Engineering Physics
/ Engineering Chemistry / Electronics / Electrical/ Computer Science
and Engineering / Civil / Energy / Environmental / Agriculture or
equivalent. (OR)
(ii) M.Sc. / Int. M.Sc. / M.S. in Science / Engineering, B. Pharm. / M.
Pharm. (OR)
(iii) MBBS/MD/BDS/MDS or equivalent.

15 | P a g e
25. Centre for Photonics and Quantum Technology (CPQCT)

(i) M.Tech. in Electronics/Electronics and Communication/Computer

Science / Electrical/Photonics/Optoelectronics and Optical
Communication/ Applied Optics, or equivalent. (OR)
(ii) M.Sc. in Physics / Applied Physics/Electronics/Photonics/Computer
Science or equivalent. (OR)
(iii) BS-MS in Physics/B.S. (4 years) / Applied Physics or equivalent. (OR)
(iv) Integrated M.Sc. in Physics/ Photonics or equivalent. (OR)
(v) B.Tech. in Electronics/Electronics and Communication/Computer
Science, Electrical/ Engineering Physics or equivalent.

26. International Centre of Excellence for DAMS

(i) Master’s degree in Dam Safety and Rehabilitation/ Hydrology/ Water

Resources Engineering/ Hydraulics/ Geotechnical Engineering/
Earthquake Engineering/ Geomatics Engineering/ Geology/ Geophysics
/ Master’s in Architecture/ Master’s in Planning or Equivalent. (OR)
(ii) B. Tech. / M. Tech. in Civil / Mechanical/ Industrial / Production
Engineering or equivalent.

27. Centre for Space Science and Technology

(i) Bachelor’s degree (4-year)/ Master’s degree in Engineering. (OR)

(ii) Master’s degree in Physics/ Mathematics/ Atmospheric Science/ Space
Science/ Economics/ Geology/ Applied Geology/ (or equivalent in Earth
Sciences)/ Chemistry or equivalent.

28. Centre for Sustainable Energy

B.Arch. / M.Arch. / B.Plan. / M.Plan. / MURP / B.E. / B.Tech. / M.E. /

M.Tech./M.Sc. in any branch of engineering & science.

29. Mehta Family School of Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence

(i) M.Tech. / M.E. or equivalent (OR)

(ii) Bachelor’s Degree in Science/ Mathematics/ Statistics / Operations
Research/ Actuarial Science followed by Master’s Degree in any
specialization. (OR)
(iii) MIM/ Masters in Management / M.B.A. /M.Arch. or equivalent with
Mathematics/ Statistics at graduation level. (OR)
(iv) MBBS followed by M.D./M.S. or equivalent.

16 | P a g e

1. Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

(i) M.A. / M.Sc. / Int. M.Sc. (5Years) in Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics/

Industrial Mathematics/ Statistics/ Operations Research/ Mathematics
and Computing or equivalent. (OR)
(ii) B.E. / B.Tech./ M.E. / M.Tech. in any branch of Engineering / B.S. Maths
and Computing (4 years) or equivalent.

2. Paper Technology

(i) M.Sc. /M.S. (Science/Engineering) . (OR)

(ii) BE / B.Tech. / B.Pharm. / M.E. / M.Tech. / M.Pharm. in any branch of
engineering or equivalent.

3. Polymer and Process Engineering

(i) B.E./M.E./B.Tech./B.Pharm./M.Tech./ M.Pharm. in Polymer Science and
Engineering / Technology; Chemical Engineering / Technology; Oil /
Petroleum / Paint / Ceramics / Leather / Paper/ Packaging Technology;
Material Science / Engineering / Technology; Plastics / Rubber / Jute /
Textile / Membrane / Engineering / Technology; Mechanical Engineering;
Electronics / Instrumentation; Environmental Engineering; Biotechnology;
Pharmaceutical Science / Engineering; Biomedical Engineering /
Technology; Nano-biotechnology; Nanotechnology / Engineering Physics
and Computer Science & Engineering. (OR)
(ii) M.Sc. in Chemistry/ Polymer/ Applied/ Industrial Chemistry/ Physics/
Applied Physics/ Electronics/ Materials Science/ Biochemistry.


1. Application Fee per department (non-refundable): Rs. 200/- for

General/Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)/OBC category and Rs. 100/- for
SC/ST/PD category candidate. The candidates can deposit the requisite application
fee by using net banking or debit/credit card facilities only. Additional charges will be
applicable as per the rule of the concerned bank. The Fee will not be accepted
through any other mode.
2. If candidate opts for more than one department/centre/School, then
application fee should be paid in accordance to the number of

17 | P a g e

For details of course fee structure, please visit the following link: . Revised fee structure if any, shall
be uploaded accordingly. The fee will be charged each semester as per Institute rules/
norms applicable from time to time. Details can be obtained through e-mail at:
[email protected]


The Institute reserves the right to cancel, at any stage, the admission of a candidate
admitted to a programme and is later found that he/she is not entitled, being
unqualified or ineligible in accordance with the Regulations in vogue, or
suspension/termination of programme. In case of cancellation/withdrawn of admission
after registration from programme, refund of fee will not be permissible.


Disputes, if any, arising out of or relating to any matter whatsoever shall be subject to
the exclusive jurisdiction of the Roorkee Courts.


Ragging is banned in the Institute and anyone indulging in ragging is likely to be

punished appropriately and the punishment may include expulsion from the institution,
suspension from the institution or classes for a limited period, or fine with a public
apology. The punishment may also take the shape of: (i) withholding of scholarships or
other benefits, (ii) debarring from representation in events, (iii) withholding of results,
(iv)suspension, rustication or expulsion from hostel or mess, (v) monetary fine etc.


For admission to Ph.D. programmes in Spring Semester of the session 2023-24,

candidates need to register and fill the application ONLINE only by accessing the website
on or before November 04, 2023 (11:59 p.m.).

A. Documents
Before applying online, candidates are required to keep the following documents
ready for uploading:
S.No. Particulars Size
1 Colour photograph (only in JPEG) Up to 500 KB
2 Signature (only in JPEG) Upto 500 KB
3 EWS/OBC/SC/ST Category Certificate (PDF) (If applicable) Upto 5 MB
4 10thCertificate/Marksheet (in single PDF) Upto 5 MB
5 12thcertificate/Diploma and Marksheet (in single PDF) Upto 5 MB
6 Bachelor’s Degree or Provisional/Consolidated Marksheet Upto 5 MB
(in single PDF)

18 | P a g e
7 Master’s Degree or Provisional/Consolidated Marksheet (in Upto 5 MB
single PDF), if applicable
8 Experience certificate(s) and No Objection Certificate (NOC) Upto 5 MB
for In-Service candidates (in single PDF) (If applicable)
9 GATE score card / NET score card / Fellowship award Upto 5 MB
letter (in single PDF) (If applicable)

NOTE: If any of the submitted document is password protected, then the

application will not be considered for admission.

B. Steps to be followed

Candidates must follow the followings steps while filling online Application Form:
a) Register
b) Login
c) Complete the application
d) Submit
Candidates may download their online submitted application form, completed in all
respect, for their own record, if required.

The candidates are advised to read each and every instruction given in this
Information Brochure very carefully before applying Online.

C. Other Information, Terms & Conditions

1. Selection process is purely based on merit. Stipulated dates for a written

test and/or interview shall be communicated by the concerned
Departments/Centres/ School to the shortlisted candidates.
Simultaneously, the dates shall be uploaded in the portal of each
2. The prescribed qualifications and experience are the minimum required
and the mere fact that a candidate possesses the same will not entitle the
candidate for being called for an interview.
3. Departments / Centres / School of the Institute reserve the right to
restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a
reasonable number, on the basis of qualifications and/or experience.
4. Provision exists to apply in one or more Departments/Centres/School.
Accordingly, a candidate can submit application(s) in one or more
departments/centres/school through single online application.
5. All entries should be carefully made while applying online. IIT Roorkee
will not be responsible for wrong entries. Candidates shall be solely
responsible for the correctness and authenticity of the information /
documents provided in the online application.
6. Candidates must fill/enter their CGPA or percentage of marks as issued
by their institute/college/university. Candidate must not convert their
CGPA into percentage and vice-versa.
7. Candidates should complete application in all respect in the admission
portal and submit it online only. No correspondence / communication will
be entertained for incomplete application.
8. Online application submitted by the candidates shall be considered final
and binding. Requests for making correction in the online application
shall not be entertained.
9. The last date for submission of online application shall not be extended.

19 | P a g e
Accordingly, no request shall be entertained for accepting the application
after the last date.
10. IIT Roorkee will not be responsible for technical error while making the
online application / payment of fee. Therefore, candidates are advised to
submit their application well in advance without waiting until the last
11. Admission will be offered subject to availability of seats, faculty in the
Specialization and the Institute Assistantship.
12. Students shall be governed by ordinance/ regulations in vogue.
13. The Institute has the right to cancel, at any stage, the admission of the
candidate who is found admitted to a course to which the candidate is not
entitled, being unqualified or ineligible in accordance with the rules and
regulations in force.
14. Disputes if any, arising out of or relating to any matter whatsoever,
concerning the aforesaid shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
Roorkee Court.
15. The Institute reserves the right to verify the antecedents or documents
submitted by the candidate at any time during their period of study. In
case it is found that the documents submitted by the candidate are not
genuine, then his/her admission shall be terminated, and disciplinary /
criminal proceedings will be initiated.
16. Merely applying for / being shortlisted / appearing for the interview
/ written test /or subsequent processes do not imply that a
candidate will necessarily be offered admission in IITR. No request
for considering the candidature in department, other than in which
applied, will be entertained.
17. Candidates are advised to fill their correct and active e-mail
addresses in the online application as all correspondence will be
made by the Institute through online only. All information regarding
Test/ Interview/ subsequent amendments/updates in the
advertisement and results will be uploaded on the respective
Department’s/Centre’s/School’s website only. No separate
communication will be made. The Institute shall not be responsible
for the failure of candidates with respect to visiting the website on
any ground.
18. The candidates should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility
conditions as specified. Their admission will be purely provisional
subject to confirmation that they satisfy the prescribed eligibility
conditions. Mere issue of call letters to the candidates will not imply
that the candidature has been found eligible.
19. After joining, hostel and mess facilities will be provided as per the
20. All candidates are advised to visit regularly the Institute website for
further information.

For further information, please contact:

Academic Affairs Office (Admissions)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
ROORKEE-247 667 (Uttarakhand)
Email: [email protected]
Website :
“IIT Roorkee is committed to nurture and promote diversity and inclusion”.

20 | P a g e

Undertaking by the applicants for submission of the required certificates towards admission to
Ph.D. Programme (Spring Semester) 2023-24

R/o (address) ..................................................................................................................... want to apply to
pursue my study in Ph.D. programme at IIT Roorkee.

I hereby undertake that I will submit the following required documents:

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

at the time of registration, if selected for admission. In case, I fail to submit the required documents within
the due date, or found ineligible or information/certificate found incorrect/false at any stage, the Institute
reserves the right to cancel my admission offer and registration.

Signature of the Applicant:………………………….................

Name of Applicant: …………………………………………………….
Application No: ………………………………………………............

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