Ngec 10 Prelim
Ngec 10 Prelim
Ngec 10 Prelim
The competent authority must specify the Reporting and investigating occupational
minimum information required in reports for diseases:
occupational accidents and injuries.
(a) It should include ship details like name, (a) Establishing procedures for shipowners to
IMO number, and flag state. report recognized occupational diseases
(b) The type of ship involved should be related to onboard work conditions.
mentioned. (b) Developing a list of reportable occupational
(c) Date and time of the accident or injury must diseases for seafarers based on international
be recorded. or national standards.
(d) The geographical position where the (c) Recommending health surveillance and
incident occurred should be noted. reporting systems based on risk assessments.
(e) Seafarer details such as name, rank, (d) Monitoring and analyzing severe health
nationality, and gender are necessary. issues in seafarers in collaboration with
(f) Nature of injuries sustained by the seafarer national health authorities.
should be described. (e) Investigating suspected new health
(g) The outcome of the incident, whether problems or clusters of diseases among
death, recovery, or expected long-term seafarers.
effects, if known, must be reported. (f) Disseminating reports on emerging seafarer
(h) Environmental conditions like lighting, health risks and preventive measures.
weather, and temperature at the time of the (g) Supporting the development of
incident should be documented. investigation skills for seafarer health risks.
(i) The specific location on board where the (h) Raising awareness among healthcare
injury occurred needs to be identified. providers regarding seafarer health risks and
(j) Activities the seafarer was engaged in ensuring proper reporting and investigation
during the incident must be documented. procedures.
(k) The seafarer's hours of work or rest in the
72 hours prior to the incident should be Confidentiality of data:
recorded. Maintaining confidentiality of data as outlined
(l) Details of any other seafarers affected by in section
the incident must be included.
(m) A brief description of the events
surrounding the incident should be provided.
Primary points:
(a) Various aspects of the working
environment affecting safety and health.
(b) Analysis of occupational accidents and
injuries across different age groups.
(c) Identification of physiological or
psychological issues due to shipboard
(d) Addressing physical stress issues, especially
related to workload.