IK-TIAPN 05E PROFINET Configuration
IK-TIAPN 05E PROFINET Configuration
IK-TIAPN 05E PROFINET Configuration
Contents 5
5. PROFINET Configuration ....................................................................................... 5-2
5.1. Manual Commissioning of a PN IO-System ......................................................................... 5-3
5.2. Manual Commissioning Sequence ....................................................................................... 5-5
5.3. Name Assignment using the TIA Portal with Project ............................................................ 5-6
5.3.1. Definition of the PROFINET Device Name in the Project ..................................................... 5-6
5.3.2. Assigning the PROFINET Device Name via the Project ...................................................... 5-7
5.3.3. Writing the PROFINET Device Name onto the MMC ........................................................... 5-8
5.4. Name Assignment using the TIA Portal without Project ....................................................... 5-9
5.5. Download the PROFINET-IO Configuration to the IO-Controller ....................................... 5-11
5.6. Device Exchange without Programming Device ................................................................. 5-12
5.7. Task Description: Commissioning the S7-1500 Case ........................................................ 5-13
5.7.1. Exercise 1: Creating a Project ............................................................................................ 5-14
5.7.2. Exercise 2: Configuring and Parameterizing the S7-1500 .................................................. 5-15
5.7.3. Exercise 3: Creating a TP700 Comfort ............................................................................... 5-16
5.7.4. Exercise 4: Configuring and Parameterizing the ET200SP ................................................ 5-17
5.7.5. Exercise 5: Networking & Grouping the Devices ................................................................ 5-18
5.7.6. Exercise 6: Inserting a Tag Table from the Library ............................................................. 5-19
5.8. Additional Information ......................................................................................................... 5-21
5.8.1. Device Number of an IO-Device ......................................................................................... 5-22
PROFINET Configuration
5. Objectives
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Namen zuweisen über
name via
TIA Portal,C-Plug
TIA-Portal, MMC
or MMC
Load configuration
onto IO-Controller
If the IO-Supervisor writes the device name directly in the IO-Device and there is an MMC or a C-
Plug in the device at the time, the device name is stored on this medium and so permits a device
exchange without programming device.
5.3. Name
Name Assignment using the TIA Portal with Project
Assignment using the TIA Portal with Project:
5.3.1.Definition of of
Definition the PROFINET
the PROFINET Device Namein the Project
Device Name
The PROFINET device name must not have any capital letters. These are automatically
converted into lowercase letters by the TIA Portal. Attention should be paid to this when assigning
the device name.
A right-click on the PROFINET IO-System also calls the dialog “Assign device name”. The
difference here to the execution on the IO-Device is that now the PROFINET device name which
is to be assigned can be selected via a selection window. That is, all available PROFINET-IO
Device names are displayed for selection which now can be assigned successively.
For the assignment of several IO-Devices, this is in particular a considerable reduction in
If an MMC or a C-Plug is inserted in the IO-Device while the PROFINET device name is being
written to the device, the device name is written onto the MMC / C-Plug and is lost on the device
when the MMC / C-Plug is pulled!
The function “Write IO-Device name to Micro Memory Card” is only displayed if the IO-Device
supports this function!
The IO-Device does not require an IP address to execute the “Assign name” function! However, it
must be noted that to identify the IO-Device with the help of the TIA Portal, the following
requirements must be fulfilled:
• The IO-Device must be assigned an IP address.
• The IP address of the IO-Device must be located in the same subnet as the PG or the
PC on which the TIA Portal is installed.
If these requirements are fulfilled, the IO-Device is presented in the “General” tab as follows:
With the help of the TIA Portal, a temporary IP address can be assigned to every IO-Device!
PROFINET-IO configuration is
downloaded via the HW-Config
If, after downloading the hardware configuration using the TIA Portal, the option: “Start all” is
selected, the IO-Device cannot be configured by the IO-Controller. The TIA Portal cannot be
addressed for the set configuration time!
The removable media, that is, the MMC or the C-Plug, must be purchased separately!
Task Description:
5.7. Taska Project + Commissioning
Description: the 1500
Commissioning Case Case
the S7-1500
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Task Description
You are to commission the 1500 case. You are to create the hardware configuration of the
different devices and parameterize the individual modules. Then you are to network them and
load the individual devices with the information from the project.
5.7.1. 1: Creating
Exercise a Project
1: Creating a Project
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You are to create a new TIA Portal project in which you will solve most of the following tasks. You
can decide what name you wish to give your project and also where you want to store it!
What to Do
1. Open the TIA Portal.
2. In either the Project view or in the Portal view, create a new project. The name assignment is
you choice. You can define the storage location anywhere on D-drive.
What to Do
1. Add an unspecified S7-1500 to your project.
2. Detect the configuration of the connected S7-1500.
3. Adjust the I/O addresses of the modules according to the picture and the task.
4. Assign the IP address with the subnet mask
5. The CPU gets the name: 1513-io-controller.
6. Save your project.
5.7.3.Exercise 3: 3:
Exercise Creating
TP700 Comfort
What to Do
1. Insert a new TP700 Comfort in your project.
2. Set the interface of the Panel to the IP address with the subnet mask
3. Name the Panel “touch-me”.
4. Save your project.
5. Download the Panel with your changes.
What to Do
1. Generate a new ET 200SP. For this, use the menu command: "Hardware detection / IO
devices" in the "Online" menu in the menu bar of TIA Portal.
2. If necessary, carry out changes in the parameterization of the ET 200SP that still have to be
made according to the task.
3. Assign the IP address with the subnet mask for the IO-
4. Offline in the Hardware Configuration rename the ET 200SP "et200sp-io-device".
5. Go into the Properties of the “AI 4xU/I 2-wire ST” module and adjust the potential group to
“Enable new potential group (light BaseUnit)”.
6. Save your project.
7. Assign the Online-Device the device name just configured.
The modules can only be parameterized after the devices have been networked. Therefore, work
through the following exercise and then return to this exercise!
5.7.5.Exercise 5: 5:
Exercise Networking
Networking&&grouping the Devices
Grouping the Devices
Name: touch-me
Name: 1513-io-controller
Name: et200sp-io-device
What to Do
1. Switch to the “Network view” in your project.
2. Network the individual devices one below the other.
3. Check the IO-System between S7-1500 and ET200SP. The ET200SP must be assigned to
the S7-1500 as an IO-Device.
4. Then parameterize the I/O addresses of the ET200SP according to the task from the previous
5. Check the IP addresses of the individual modules as well as their device names.
6. Also check whether the option: “Generate PROFINET device name automatically” is activated
for each PROFINET interface:
7. In your Project tree, create a new group with the name "1513Case". Then, assign the S7-
1500, the ET 200SP as well as the TP700 to this group.
8. Save your project.
What to Do
1. Open or retrieve (unzip) the library.
2. Open the Chapter5 (folder) of the IK-TIAPN library and, using drag & drop, drag the
“1513CaseVariables” into your project under “PLC tags”.
3. Save your project.
4. Load the controller.
5. All modules should now have the status OK, that is, show a green light. If this is not the case,
check your configuration of the modules.
Since you are working with a fail-safe CPU here, you must set the “Full access incl. fail-safe
(no protection)”.
If the offline configured access node of the PLC is not located in the subnet of the physical
device, TIA Portal will automatically query whether you are assigning an IP address in the
address range 192.168.x.241 to 192.168.x.250 of the network card.
5.8. Sie noch mehr wissen wollen
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The following pages contain either additional information or are for reference to complete a topic.
5.8.1. Number
Device of an
Number of IO-Device
an IO-Device
Is wird
bei einigen
for some
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Device Number of an IO-Device
The device number of an IO-Device is automatically assigned by the TIA Portal when an IO-
Device is created. The device number must be unique in the PROFINET I/O-System, but it can
still be manually adjusted later on. The device number of the IO-Controller is always ‘0’ and
cannot be manually changed.
Various instructions require the device number and not the device name or the geographic
address of a module in order to be able to address it.