Evaluation Guideline For Smart India Hackathon 2023

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Evaluation Guideline for Smart

India Hackathon
Round 1 Evaluation Criteria:
1. Presentation of the Solution/Idea: The basic solution provided by the team against
the problem statement or Theme
2. Innovation: Uniqueness and creativity of the solution.
3. Solution Approach: The roadmap or framework that guides the development or
creation of a solution to a given problem
4. Technical Soundness/ Feasibility: Strength and reliability of the technical aspects
and Practicality and viability of implementation.
5. Execution Time Line for Hackathon: Blueprint of Prototype Completion Timeline
w.r.t hackathon duration

 Marks need to be given against each parameter between (1-20)

 Total Marks for Round I = 100 maximum marks
 Weightage of Round I = 20 % of the total marks

Round 2 Evaluation Criteria:

1. Prototype Development: Progress made in developing a working prototype.
2. Improvement: Any changes or additions in the functionality of the product based
on the feedback/Suggestion provided by the evaluators / mentors
3. Integration: How well different components work together.
4. Usability: User-friendliness and ease of adoption.
5. Team work: Contribution of the individual team member.

 Marks need to be given against each parameter between (1-20)

 Total Marks for Round II = 100 maximum marks
 Weightage of Round II = 30 % of the total marks
Round 3 Evaluation Criteria:
1. Functionality / Relevance to the problem statement or Theme: How well the
prototype meets the specified requirements.
2. Performance/ Final Demo: Efficiency and effectiveness in real-world scenarios.
Clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness of the presentation.
3. User Experience/ Aesthetic and Design of the final product/ User ergonomics:
Quality of interaction and satisfaction for end-users.
4. Market readiness/ Impact: The preparedness of a product, service, or solution to
enter the market and make an impact.
5. Implementation plan / Future Scope: Strategy for putting the solution into action
and its potential for future development.

 Marks need to be given against each parameter between (1-20)

 Total Marks for Round III = 100 maximum marks
 Weightage of Round III = 50 % of the total marks

Final Score Calculation Matrix

The calculation will be done at the Evaluation portal.

Marks of Marks of Marks of

Average Weightage Weighted Average
Evaluator Evaluator Evaluator Grand Total
marks in % Marks

A B C D=A+B+C E = D/3 W G=E*W

G1 = W1 * E1
Round I X1 X2 X3 D1 = X1 + X2 + X3 E1 = D1/3 W 1 = 20%
(20 Max)
E2 = D2/3 G2 = W2 * E2
Round II Y1 Y2 Y3 D2 = Y1 + Y2 +Y3 W 2 = 30%
(30 max)
G3 = W3 *E3
Round III Z1 Z2 Z3 D3 = Z1 + Z2 + Z3 E3 = D3/3 W 3 = 50%
(50 Max)
T = G1 + G2 + G3
Final Score (100 Max)

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