STP of Ammonium Bicarbonate BP
STP of Ammonium Bicarbonate BP
STP of Ammonium Bicarbonate BP
Take 1 g of test sample in a watch glass and observe visually with white background.
A. Bicarbonates
i) Introduce into a test tube 0.1 g of the substance being examined suspended in 2 mL of water or
use 2 mL of the prescribed solution. Add 3 mL of 2M acetic acid, close the tube immediately using a
stopper fitted with a glass tube bent at two right angles. The solution or suspension effervesces. Heat
gently and collect the gas in 5 mL of a 4.73% w/v solution of barium hydroxide. A white precipitate is
produced which dissolves on addition of an excess of 7M hydrochloric acid.
ii) Treat a solution of the substance being examined with a solution of magnesium sulfate; no
precipitate is produced (distinction from carbonates). Boil; a white precipitate is produced.
Dissolve 14.0 g in 100 mL of distilled water R. Boil to remove the ammonia, allow to cool and dilute to
100.0 mL with distilled water.
Using Identical tubes of colorless, transparent, neutral glass with a flat base and an internal diameter
of 15 mm to 25 mm, compare the solution to examine with water.
Dilute 5 mL of solution S to 15 mL with water.
To 15 mL of the prescribed solution add 1 mL of dilute nitric acid and pour the mixture as a single
addition into a test-tube containing 1 mL of silver nitrate solution. Prepare a standard in the same
manner using 10 mL of chloride standard solution (70 ppm Cl) R and 5 mL of water. Examine the
tubes laterally against a black background.
Determined on solution S. All solutions used for this test must be prepared with distilled water.
Add 3 mL of a 250 g/L solution of barium chloride to 4.5 mL of sulfate standard solution (70 ppm SO4).
Shake and allow to stand for 1 min. To 2.5 mL of this suspension, add 15 mL of the solution to be
examined and 0.5 mL of acetic acid. Prepare a standard in the same manner using 15 mL of sulfate
standard solution (70 ppm SO4) instead of the solution to be examined.
After 5 min, any opalescence in the test solution is not more intense than that in the standard.
7.0 IRON:
Dissolve the prescribed quantity of the substance to be examined in water and dilute to 10 mL with the
same solvent or use 10 mL of the prescribed solution. Add 2 mL of a 200 g/L solution of citric acid and
0.1 mL of thioglycollic acid. Mix, make alkaline with ammonia and dilute to 20 mL with water. Prepare
a standard in the same manner, using 10 mL of iron standard solution (40 ppm Fe).
After 5 min, any pink colour in the test solution is not more intense than that in the standard.
Dissolve cautiously 2.5 g in 25 mL of 1 M hydrochloric acid. 12 mL of the solution complies with test A.
Prepare the reference solution using lead standard solution (10 ppm Pb).
1) Acetate Buffer pH 3.5 (Buffer solution pH 3.5): Dissolve 25 g of ammonium acetate in 25 ml of
water and add 38 ml of 7M hydrochloric acid. Adjust the pH to 3.5 with either 2M hydrochloric acid or
6M ammonia and dilute to 100 ml with water.
2.Thioacetamide Reagent: Add 1 ml of a mixture of 15 ml of 1M sodium hydroxide, 5 ml of water and
20 ml of glycerol (85%) to 0.2 ml of thioacetamide solution, heat in a water bath for 20 seconds, cool
and use immediately.
3) Lead Standard Solution (0.1% Pb): Dissolve 0.400 g of lead (II) nitrate in sufficient water to
produce 250.0 ml.
4) Lead Standard Solution (100 ppm Pb): Dilute 1 volume of lead standard solution (0.1% Pb) to 10
volumes with water immediately before use.
5) Lead Standard Solution (10 ppm Pb): Dilute 1 volume of lead standard solution (100 ppm Pb) to
10 volumes with water immediately before use.
6) Lead Standard Solution (1 ppm Pb): Dilute 1 volume of lead standard solution (10 ppm Pb) to 10
volumes with water immediately before use.
Test Solution: Dissolve 2.0 g a mixture of 2 ml of hydrochloric acid and 18 ml of water in carbon
Prepared By Checked By Approved By
9.0 ASSAY :
Dissolve cautiously 1.0 g in 20.0 mL of 0.5 M sulfuric acid and dilute to 50 mL with water R. Boil, cool
and titrate the excess of acid with 1.0 M sodium hydroxide, using 0.1 mL of methyl red solution as
Calculation :
Vol. of 0.5 M sulfuric acid (20 ml) x Factor of 0.5 M sulfuric acid solution = A ml
Vol. of 1.0 M sodium hydroxide x Factor of 1.0 M sodium hydroxide = B ml
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1) Quality Assurance
2) Product Development
3) Quality Control
4) Commercial