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Optimization of liquefaction and saccharification times for laboratory scale

production of glucose syrup from Cassava starch and scaling up process of
optimized conditions at pilot...

Article · July 2017

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Theja Herath
Industrial Technology Institute


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_____________ISSN 2231-606X
Research Journal of Chemical Sciences _______________________________________
Vol. 7(7), 1-5, July (2017) Res. J. Chem. Sci.

Optimization of liquefaction and saccharification times for laboratory scale

production of glucose syrup from Cassava starch and scaling up process of
optimized conditions at pilot scale
Madara D.W. Samaranayake, Aruma B.G.C.J. De Silva, Warnakulasuriya R.D. Fernando, Katudeni V.T. Gunawardhane
and Herath Mudiyanselage T. Herath*
Food Technology Section, Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), P.O. Box 787, 363, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
[email protected]
Available online at:,
Received 6th June 2017, revised 10th July 2017, accepted 16th July 2017
Cassava tubers (Manihot esculenta Crantz) are locally available natural source for starch and commercially unexploited in
the production of glucose syrup in Sri Lanka. Presently, there is an increasing demand for glucose syrup at local market due
to its wide application in food industry such as bakery, confectionery, beverage and dairy. Since there is a high importation
cost for glucose syrup to the country, this study was focused to optimize liquefaction and saccharification times at constant
ected enzyme concentrations in laboratory scale production of glucose syrup from Cassava starch with an intention to
scaling up process. Recommended commercial Cassava variety (MU (MU-51)
51) was analyzed for its composition and extractable
starch content. Extracted
ed starch was subject to liquefaction under known, constant alpha
amylase concentration (0.03% w/w,
dry basis) and DE was measured at constant time intervals until the DE reached to the expected DE value of 8-15.8 Liquefied
slurry obtained at expected optimized
ized liquefaction time was subject to saccharification under known, constant glucoamylase
concentration (0.07% w/w, dry basis) and DE value was obtained at different time periods in order to optimize
saccarification step to obtain glucose syrups with requi
red intermediate or high DE values. Study was shown that the
estimated optimum liquefaction time was 15 min under the given conditions. Minimum saccharification times spent to obtain
glucose syrups with intermediate and high DE values were 15 min and 75 mi min
n respectively. In each case the total enzymatic
reaction time spent for laboratory scale production of glucose syrup was less than 2 h.

Keywords: Glucose syrup, Cassava syrup, Cassava, Liquefaction, Saccharification, Enzymatic hydrolysis.

Introduction while adding economical advantage also5. Mainly it is imported

from other countries and the annual expenditure spent for the
Cassava or manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a nutty importation is about 450 million Sri Lankan rupees3.
flavored, starchy tuber of the spurge family ((Euphorbiaceae)
from the South-American
American origin. Its sweet crunchy underground Although corn flour is widely used to produce glucose product
tuber is a popular edible root since centuries in many parts of in Western and European countries some of the Asian and
Africa, Asia and South America1. Cultivation of manioc is African countries have tried it with cassava flour and rice flour
identified to be 24,200 hectares and whole production of the and obtained successful results6.
country is 307,950 MT in growing seasons of 2013 Yala and
2013/2014 Maha2. It was reported that only 2732 MT of this The process of production of glucose syrup is mainly involved
produce was exported to generate income to the country3. in two steps i.e liquefaction and saccharification which breaks
Typical mature roots have an average composition of 60 – 70% down the starch into dextrins
trins in a first step and followed by
water, 30 – 35% carbohydrate, 1 – 2% fat, 1 – 2% fiber and 1 – simple sugars in a second step. In the present study, starch
2% protein, with trace quantities of vitamins and minerals4. hydrolysis was carried out using enzymatic hydrolysis method
Cassava is very low in fat and protein than in cereals and pulses. since they are the ideal catalysts for the food industry in process
Like in other roots and tubers, cassava is also free from gluten. development. There are many advantages occurred when using
enzymes in a process optimization step such as specific action,
Glucose Syrup is a viscous liquid of starch hydrosylate of mono, ability to work under mild conditions, increment of reaction
di and higher polysaccharides. It meets the demand of rate, operation without contamination by microorganisms and
sweetening mixtures and bringss additional functionality high purity of end product. The main enzymes which involved
(thickener and as humectants) to many sectors such as beverage, in this process are thermo stable α-α amylase and glucoamylase
confectionery, dairy and many others. Further it contributes to respectively. The α- amylase (E.C hydrolyzes α (1→4)
the texture, colour stability and flavour of the final product linkages of starch components and related carbohydrates by

International Science Community Association 1

Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X
Vol. 7(7), 1-5, July (2017) Res. J. Chem. Sci.

their nature of an endo type action. Thermostable α-amylases Laboratory scale trial for the production of glucose syrup:
originated from Bacillus species of B. amyloliquefaciens, B. Extraction of starch: Schematic diagram for laboratory scale
licheniformis, B. streothermophilus and B. subtilis8,9. They are extraction of starch from Cassava tubers was given in Figure-1.
very important enzymes for industrial uses and hydrolysis
products are mainly maltose and maltotriose. The enzyme has Cassava tubers were washed, cut in to pieces, peeled and sliced
the optimum pH range between 6.0 to 7.0 and capable of using hand slicer. Cassava slices were ground using wet grinder
amylolytic action above the gelatinization temperature of starch and passed through 750 µm and 250 µm sieves respectively. To
that is above 70oC10. At liquefaction step, gelatinization is the resultant slurry 1% sodium metabisulphite was added and
required to destroy the starch granule and so as to make starch allowed to stand for 3 h to settle starch by gravity separation.
easily breakable by the amylolytic enzymes11. Gelatinization is Starch was separated by decanting the supernatant and stored at
achieved by heating starch with water at very high temperatures. 4oC until used.

The glucoamylase is also known as amyloglucosidase or β- Optimization of enzymatic liquefaction time: Schematic
amylase and named as E.C of the international enzyme diagram for the laboratory scale enzymatic hydrolysis of starch
nomenclature. It is in nature of exoenzyme type which has an was given in Figure-2.
ability to hydrolyze both α (1→4) and α (1→6) linkages in
starch by removing glucose units. Therefore, it referred as a A slurry concentration of 10% (w/v, dry basis) was prepared
saccharifying enzyme in the food industry and in the production and heated to gelatinize. As gelatinization started, 0.03% of
of sugar syrup which is converted to dextrose and low molecular industrial grade alpha-amylase (w/w, dry basis, Novozymes)
weight polysaccharides. They are produced from was added and heating was continued. Once the temperature
microorganisams such as Aspergillus, Penicillium and Rhizopus. reached to 80 – 82oC which is the optimal temperature for
Optimum operating pH has been found that 4.5.and temperature liquefaction, aliquots were sequentially drawn from the slurry at
as 55-60oC12. End of saccharification step, the mixture of 15 min intervals (0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 min) and oBrix
carbohydrates of oligosaccharides, maltodextrins and low values were measured. Reducing sugar contents were also
molecular sugars such as glucose, maltose were resulted. measured using 3,5-di-nitro-salicylic acid (DNS) colorimetric
method15,16 and DE values were calculated according to
The production of glucose syrup by enzymatic method is following equation.
recommended, as it is an advanced technique in process
development with higher yields, wide range of products, higher ( )
DE = 100 (1)
product quality and saving energy13. ( )

Thus, the objective of the present study is to optimize the Optimization of enzymatic saccharification time: Liquefied
enzymatic liquefaction time and saccharification time to obtain slurry obtained from previously optimized liquefaction time was
potentially high yield of glucose syrups with suitable Dextrose cooled to room temperature, pH was adjusted to 4.5 and
Equivalent values in relatively short enzymatic reaction time incubated with 0.07% industrial grade glucoamylase (w/w, dry
using commercially grown Sri Lankan cassava variety (MU-51). basis, Novozymes) for 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 min. After each
incubation time saccharified solution was heated to 80oC for 5
min to inactivate the enzyme. Solution was cooled to room
Materials and methods temperature, centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 20 min and decanted.
Materials: Commercially grown cassava variety of MU-51 was Resultant supernatant was clarified by passing through an
obtained from Root and Tuber Crop Division, Horticulture Crop activated charcoal column (Grade CTC 70) and filtered through
Research and Development Institute, Gannoruwa, Sri Lanka. filter paper (Whatmann No. 4). After clarification, solution
was evaporated to over 70 oBrix in a rotary evaporator and DE
Starch hydrolysis enzymes of Liquozyme® SC (thermostable of final syrup was calculated (Equation-1).
alpha amylase E.C. No. 232-565-6) and Saczyme®
(glucoamylase E.C. No. 232-877-2) were purchased from
Novozymes A/S, Denmark. Analysis of simple sugars in glucose syrup samples (Liquid
Chromatographic Method): Analysis was carried out with
Activated Carbon granules (Grade CTC 70) and mesh size 4x8 modifications to the AOAC official method 977.2014.
were used for removing color pigments in the sugar solution
during laboratory scale trials. 2.0000 g of syrup sample was weighed into a 100 mL beaker
and transferred to 50 mL volumetric flask with 25 mL of H2O.
Methods: Composition of Cassava tubers: Proximate Then it was immediately diluted to volume with CH3CN and
composition analysis of edible portion of Cassava tuber was filtered through syringe filter (clarification kit – Syringe filter
performed according to the methods specified in Association of 0.25mm, 0.22 µm PVDF) into a 1.5 mL vials. Sample was
Official Analytical Chemists14. injected (10 µL) to the liquid chromatograph (Equipped with

International Science Community Association 2

Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X
Vol. 7(7), 1-5, July (2017) Res. J. Chem. Sci.

quaternary gradient solvent delivery system, autosampler, The concentrations of simple sugars were obtained by
Refractive Index detector, thermo stated column compartment comparing peak area of samples with reference standards
and recording/ computing integrator) and separation of sugars (Fructose, Glucose and Maltose).
was done by specific carbohydrate column (250mm × 4.6mm,
Agilent ODC carbohydrate column with particle size 5µ, Operating Conditions of liquid chromatograph: Flow rate –
Agilent, USA) using mobile phase – LC grade acetonitrile 1.2 ml/ min (62 bars), column temperature – 30.00oC,
diluted with H20 (78+22). Refractive Index temperature – 30.00oC.

Mature Fresh Cassava Tubers (1 kg)




Slicing (Manual)

Wet Grinding Water

Fibrous Residue Sieving

Mesh Size: 710 and 250 µm

Sodium Metabisulphite (1% ) Sedimentation

Supernatant Separation 3 - 4 hrs

Wash out the top layer of starch

Wet Cassava Starch (240 g)

Figure-1: Laboratory scale extraction of starch from Cassava tubers.

International Science Community Association 3

Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X
Vol. 7(7), 1-5, July (2017) Res. J. Chem. Sci.

Cassava Wet Starch

(100 g, moisture content: 48%)

Slurry Preparation
Water (500 ml) 10%w/v on dry weight basis

Alpha amylase (150 µL) (Tem: 80-85C0, pH: 6.5, Time
0-90 min, rpm: 100)

(at optimized 15 min liquefied slurry)

pH adjustment
Citric Acid Powder (pH: 4.5)

(Tem: 60oC, pH: 6.5,
Glucoamylase (350 µL) Time: 0-90 min, rpm:100)

Inactivation of enzyme
(Heating at 800C, 20 min)

(Whattman No: 04 filter paper) Gelatinous Residue

Concentration (70 0Brix)

(35 rpm, 20 min )

Cassava Syrup (36 g)

Figure-2: Laboratory scale production of syrup from cassava starch.

International Science Community Association 4

Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X
Vol. 7(7), 1-5, July (2017) Res. J. Chem. Sci.

Pilot scale trial for the production of glucose syrup: Cassava slurry of 70 kg with a solid concentration of 10% (w/v)
Extraction of starch: Schematic diagram for pilot scale was used for the trial. Slurry was heated in a jacketed pan (Ca;
extraction of starch from Cassava tubers was given in Figure-3. 80 L) while agitating at a speed of 75 rpm using 1.1 bar
saturated steam pressure. Pre-determined optimized amount of
100 kg of fully matured raw Cassava (MU 51) was collected alpha amylase was added (1.5 ml) at 50oC and continued stirring
from Department of Agriculture, Gannoruwa, Sri Lanka. Tubers and heating for 15 minutes maintaining the slurry temperature at
were washed thoroughly and peeled off manually. Peeled off 85oC. The slurry was cooled to 35oC by supplying water to the
tubers were washed using chlorinated water and they were jacketed pan. pH of the slurry was adjusted to 4.5 using Citric
sliced using a slicing machine to cut into slices with thickness of acid. Similarly pre-determined optimized amount of
2 mm to 3 mm. The pieces were ground using a wet grinder glucoamylase (3.6 ml) was added and the slurry was heated up
(SAWA BOY, JAPAN). The starch slurry was sieved using a to 60oC. The temperature achieved was maintained for 1 hour
rotating sieve (mesh size 0.5mm) to remove fibrous and and 30 minutes. The slurry was cooled and allowed for several
extraneous materials. Then the slurry was passed through a 250 hours to settle down the part of the suspended materials to the
μ sieve to separate out the finest portion of the wet starch. The bottom. Then the slurry was filtered using a filter press (plate
separated starch was decanted and was stored at 4oC until and frame) until get reached to the desired clarity. Then the
further processing. clear solution was concentrated in a rotary vacuum evaporator
(Ca; 30 L) at 60oC and 25 rpm until the concentrated solution
Syrup production: Schematic diagram for the laboratory scale reaches to 78 oBrix.
enzymatic hydrolysis of starch was given in Figure-4.
Mature Fresh Cassava Tubers (100 kg)




Slicing 2 – 3 mm, mechanically

Wet Grinding Water

Sieving using Pulper Mesh Size: 500 µm

Fibrous Residue Manual Sieving Mesh Size: 250 µm

Sodium Metabisulphite (1%) Sedimentation 16oC, 16 hrs

Washing (Top Layer) Separation of supernatant

Wet Cassava Starch (28 kg, Moisture 50 %)

Figure 03: Pilot scale starch extraction from Cassava.

International Science Community Association 5

Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X
Vol. 7(7), 1-5, July (2017) Res. J. Chem. Sci.

Cassava Wet Starch

(12 kg, Moisture Content: 50%)

Slurry Preparation
Water (60 L) 10% w/v on dry basis

Alpha amylase (1.5 ml) Temp: 80-85C0, pH: 6.5,
rpm: 45 Time 15 min

Temp: 35oC, rpm: 30

Citric Acid Powder pH Adjustment

pH: 4.5

Glucoamylase (3.6 ml) Temp: 60oC, pH: 4.5,
Rpm: 45 Time 90 min

Inactivation of Enzyme
Temp: 800C, Time 5 min, rpm 45

Four cycles via filter press Gelatinous Residue

Vacuum: 0.06MPa, 25 rpm,

Cassava Syrup
(5.6 kg, 70 0Brix)

Figure 04: Pilot scale production of syrup using cassava starch.

Results and discussion dry basis was 29.9% (w/w). Similarly the percentage edible
portion of Cassava tubers obtained in the pilot scale trial was
According to the results from the present study (Table-1), the 71.9% (w/w) on wet basis while on dry basis was 27.2% (w/w)
percentage edible portion of Cassava tubers obtained in the showing slightly higher yields in laboratory scale. Non-edible
laboratory scale trial was 75.2% (w/w) on wet basis while on outer most layers of the tubers were removed by peeing off.

International Science Community Association 6

Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X
Vol. 7(7), 1-5, July (2017) Res. J. Chem. Sci.

Table-1: Comparison of yield in edible portion and extracted starch from Cassava MU-51.
Material Edible Portion Extracted Starch
% Yield* % Yield* % Yield** (wet % Yield**
Parameters % Moisture % Moisture
(wet basis) (dry basis) basis) (dry basis)
Laboratory scale
61.5±0.31 75.2±0.9 29.9±1.1 47.9±0.4 23.9±1.5 16.2±1.2
Pilot scale trial 62.1±0.81 71.9±2.4 27.2±2.5 49.8±0.6 39.5±4.1 20.1±3.0
*Yield is expressed to the raw Cassava tubers (% w/w), ** Yield is expressed to the edible portion (% w/w), Values were given in
Mean ±Standard Deviation of two trials.

The carbohydrate content of the edible portion estimated was amount of reducing sugars formed in the liquefaction step is
34.18% (w/w) on wet basis (Table-2). The extractable starch increasing with the time (Table-3). It was well established that
yield obtained in laboratory scale trial was 16.2% (w/w) on dry the liquefied starch at 8-12 DE is suitable for saccharification to
basis while in pilot scale was 20.1% (w/w) on dry basis. It is produce syrups with DE values from 45 to 98 or more6,17.
seen that the higher yield was obtained for extracted starch in
pilot scale trial than the laboratory scale. It is mainly due to the Table-3: Changes in total reducing sugar contents, oBrix and
industrial methods are capable of extracting starch more DE values during enzymatic liquefaction of cassava starch
effectively with modern type of efficient equipments than the under constant alpha-amylase concentration (0.03 % w/w, dry
simple physical laboratory methods. Further amount of starch basis)
extracted depends basically on the method used, the harvesting Reducing
Liquefaction o
time of the tuber and time taken to reach the processing from the sugars Brix value DE value
harvesting. (g/100ml)
0 0.05±0.00 6.5 0.8±0.0
Table-2: Proximate composition of edible portion and extracted
starch from Cassava variety MU-51. 15 1.34±0.02 9.2 14.5±0.2
Nutrient content Edible portion 30 1.43±0.06 9.4 15.2±0.6
Moisture % (w/w) 61.53±0.31 50.4±0.6 45 1.83±0.02 9.6 19.1±0.3
Protein % (w/w) 1.16±0.08 0.4±0.0 60 2.14±0.14 9.8 21.9±1.4
Fat % (w/w) 0.81±0.18 0.2±0.0 75 2.26±0.16 10.0 22.6±0.6
Crude fibre % (w/w) 1.27±0.03 0.3±0.1 90 2.79±0.10 10.8 25.8±0.9
Ash % (w/w) 1.04±0.04 0.3±0.0 Reducing sugars and DE values were expressed as Mean ±
Standard Deviation of triplicates.
Carbohydrates % (w/w) 34.18 48.4
The time period and α-amylase enzyme concentration will be
Results were expressed in Mean ± Standard Deviation of two the most important two factors which determine DE at the end
independent readings on wet basis, Carbohydrate content was of liquefaction step which required maintaining DE at 8-15.
determined by difference method (calculation). According to Table-3, oBrix and DE values had increased with
the increasing liquefaction time under given conditions.
The extracted starch contained fewer amounts of fibre, fat and Expected DE value of 8 -15 has been attained after 15 min of
protein as shown in Table-2. Quality of starch is a very liquefaction time.
important factor for the final quality of the product. Starch with
low protein contents ideally less than 0.3 % is recommended for Most of the reported literature found that the liquefaction time
syrup production6. In the present study, the protein content of varied from 30-90 min followed by long saccharification time
starch was 0.4 % (w/w). ranging from 24 h to 96 h in production of Cassava syrup using
several slurry concentrations (ranging from 10-30% w/v).
Enzymatic liquefaction: In the liquefaction step, starch Pontoh and Low reported that the liquefaction time for
granules are dispersed and gelatinized in the aqueous solution production of glucose syrup from Cassava starch at slurry
and then partially hydrolyzed by thermostable alpha- amylase. concentration of 30% (w/v), the final DE value of 12-15 was
Break down of long chain molecules of starch into the simple attained after 30 min followed by saccharification for DE value
sugars was begun at that step and it will continuously effect to of 97 was attained 24 h18. Silva et al., 2008 reported that the
the DE and oBrix value of the medium. It was seen that the liquefaction and saccharification times for the production of

International Science Community Association 7

Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X
Vol. 7(7), 1-5, July (2017) Res. J. Chem. Sci.

glucose syrup from Cassava at slurry concentration 35% (w/v) It is advisable that the saccharified syrup to be filtered to
were 2 h and 48 h respectively with the given conditions19. remove fat and denatured protein released from the starch
Johnson and Padmaja reported that the liquefaction time for granules. Therefore saccharified syrup passed through the
production of glucose syrup from Cassava starch at slurry activated charcoal and ion-exchange resins for their better
concentration of 20% (w/v), the DE value of 15.5 was obtained clarity20.
after 1h and the saccharification time obtained for the DE value
of 96 was after 48 h13. Physico-chemical parameters of %yield, pH, DE, water activity
and clarity of glucose syrup from Cassava in laboratory scale
In the present study both liquefaction and saccharification times trial, pilot scale trial and the market sample were evaluated and
obtained for the production of glucose syrups with required DE results were presented in Table-5.
values were in comparatively shorter than the reported previous
studies. Table-5: Physico-chemical parameters of glucose syrup from
Cassava MU 51 and market sample.
Enzymatic Saccharification: Saccharification produced the Cassava
Cassava Market
low molecular weight sugars such as glucose, maltose or malto- syrup
Parameter syrup pilot glucose
dextrins from hydrolysis of liquefied fractions (oligosaccharides (90 min
scale syrup
or dextrins). saccharified)
% Yield
In generally, saccharification time takes long time period (up to (w/w, to wet 36% 47% NA
72 h) depending on the slurry concentration, enzyme activity starch)
and its concentration. It could be accelerated by use of industrial Water 0.774 ± 0.755 ± 0.690 ±
type enzymes and applying high concentrations. The inventive activity 0.004 0.006 0.004
step of this study is the bringing down of the saccharification
time for intermediate DE and high DE glucose syrup to 15 min pH 4.5 ± 0.0 6.0 ±0.0 4.5 ± 0.1
and 75 min respectively under described conditions. Since the o
Brix 75 78 76
total time spent for the production of glucose syrup in the
present study is less than 2 h, it is benefitted to the cost
DE value 66.1 ± 1.1 88.1±1.6 42.9 ± 0.2
reduction, time saving and the economical profit to the
producers. Transparent Transparent
Clarity light light
According to Table-4, reducing sugar contents and DE values yellowish yellowish
had increased with increasing saccharification time under Values were represented in Mean ± Standard Deviation in
described conditions. According to consumer’s requirement, duplicates, NA- Not available.
glucose syrups with intermediate DE (38-58) or high DE (58-
73) values can be obtained using the above mentioned According to the Table-5, it is seen that the % yield (w/w, to
saccharification times and conditions. wet starch) of glucose syrup obtained from pilot scale trial (47
%) was significantly higher than that of laboratory scale trial
Table-4: Changes in total reducing sugar contents, oBrix values (36%). Present observation can be depicted from the machinery
and DE values of glucose syrups produced using Cassava starch efficiency by extracting higher yield of starch in the pilot scale
at optimized 15 min liquefied slurry followed by trial. Similar values for the water activity were shown in both
saccharification with glucoamylase (0.07% w/w, db) for laboratory and pilot scale trials (i. e. ~ 0.7). oBrix value and DE
different time periods. were shown to be higher values in Cassava syrup prepared from
Saccharification Reducing sugars Brix pilot scale trial than laboratory trial due to the high rate of
DE value
time/ min (g/100ml) value degradation of starch polymer when using mechanical agitation
15 26.26±0.38 72 38.6±0.6 in jacketed pan. Colour and clarity of the Cassava syrup can be
ranged white to light yellowish and transparent respectively.
30 27.17±0.32 71 40.6±0.5
Cassava syrup obtained after saccharification was characterized
45 33.07±0.64 70 49.4±0.9 by HPLC chromatography in order to obtain the sugar profile
60 37.52±0.40 70 53.6±0.6 (Table-6).

75 43.79±0.21 73 60.0±0.3 The relatively high values for reducing sugars of glucose and
maltose were obtained from the pilot scale trial than laboratory
90 46.24±0.88 70 66.1±1.1 scale trial. Fructose and sucrose were not found in both trials.
Reducing sugars and DE values expressed as Mean ± Standard Results could be depicted by the high rate of continuous
Deviation of triplicates. mechanical agitation in pilot scale trial which may caused to

International Science Community Association 8

Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X
Vol. 7(7), 1-5, July (2017) Res. J. Chem. Sci.

degrade the starch polymer chains resulting to release of more 4. Chiu C. and Solarek S. (2009). #Modification of starches.#
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glucose sample was shown lower concentrations of reducing
5. AAF, European Starch industry association.
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Table-6: Composition of simple sugars in glucose syrup from
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*Higher Innovations.# Wiley-Blackwell, 3-20.
Glucose Maltose Fructose
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(%) (%) (%)
(%) Gervais P. (2000). #Amyloglucosidase hydrolsis of high
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Official Analytical Chemists. Washinton DC, USA.
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