Integrated and Inclusive Education

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- An educational approach designed to end the segregation of exceptional children by

keeping these children in the mainstream of the educational system and providing them
with a broad range of educational alternatives.
- A way for general students and students with special needs to interact.
Mainstreaming in education can be done in two ways: Inclusive and Integrated.


Education for ALL in a School for All. The term integration signifies the process of
interaction between disabled children and
Restructures the system – cultures, policies, normal children in the same educational
and practices – in schools so that they can setting.
respond to the diversity of students.
Students with special needs learn together
Special needs students, as well as general with their general education peers but they
students, get equal benefits. are given extra support to facilitate them to
adapt to the regular curriculum.
Equal opportunities for participation.
The special needs student is expected to
The school employs different strategies to adapt to the general curriculum.
cater to the diverse learning styles and speed
of learning of each student. In an integrated class, there is a general
education teacher and a specialist working
Students and parents work hand in hand in hand in hand.
setting learning goals
It is curriculum and methodology-centered.
School staff have the training, support, (Student needs to adapt to the general
flexibility, and resources to nurture, curriculum).
encourage, and respond to the needs of all
students. Part-time opportunities for participation.

The curriculum and methodology are child- Teacher effectiveness is unchanged, which
centered – constructivist (problem-solving, makes it harder for other children to catch
group activities, etc.) up.

Facilitating an inclusive school can be costly. Rights are recognized and not realized.

Based on the Social Model of Disability – The child is seen as the problem and not the
disability is caused by the way society is system.
organized, rather than by a person’s
impairment (You are not the problem but the In an integrated education system, students
system) are encouraged to be part of the larger
Teacher effectiveness in including all in the
learning process. Based on the medical model of disability –
people are disabled by their impairments.
Removing physical barriers posed by stairs, (You are the problem).
doorways, toilets, water faucets, and other
architectural aspects is imperative to access

It does not only open doors for all but also

promises to reinvent itself to accommodate
them with their special needs.

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