LBB - Continuous Direct Compression
LBB - Continuous Direct Compression
LBB - Continuous Direct Compression
Summary Introduction
Continuous production has now been adopted The continuous manufacturing of medicinal pro-
even in the pharmaceutical industry and is indis- ducts is now an indispensable, innovative process
pensable in current product developments. This in the pharmaceutical industry. Many publications
study focuses on the process of continuous direct in this field describe and claim a slow develop-
compression, with the aim of guaranteeing cons- ment from batch-based production to continuous
tant product quality over the whole production run. production, but reality is very different. Alongside
A production run over eight hours was carried out conferences taking place across the whole world
to manufacture a high-dose acetylsalicylic acid on an almost monthly basis dealing with this sub-
tablet. In-line, at-line and off-line analyses of the ject area closely, as well as research consortia de-
intermediate and final product were performed. dicated to this topic, there are now five products
Process and quality data were used to detect and which are manufactured continuously and which
analyze errors in the process and eliminate them are approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Adminis-
from future processes. Specific instances when tration) and EMA (European Medicines Agency).
the product quality was out of specification could
be fully explained with the aid of the recorded data. Some companies which are highly active in the
field and have placed several plants for conti-
nuous production in their production facilities
Keywords around the world, now even follow the maxim of
producing each new product with a QbD (Qua-
Continuous production, continuous direct com-
lity by Design) approach over continuous pro-
pression, QbCon, PAT, NIR
cesses. This shows that even the slow-to-mo-
dernize pharmaceutical industry is embracing
these new, better and safer methods of production.
Figure 2: Dosing rates, screw speed and static weight of the MCC feeder in the production time; bottom left:
Extract of the dosing rates in the initial period; bottom right: Extract of all three process parameters within a
short period.
© L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH 4
(blue border) will be discussed later on. ned by strong bridging in the dosing container
Figure 3 shows the dispensing of the ASS and where less powder has gone into the screws.
the PRUV, which show completely opposing be-
havior. The dosing rate of the ASS is constant The bridge had to be destroyed at a later stage so
over time and shows no anomalies, except for that the feeder continued working in a narrow rota-
the discussed short fluctuations occurring during tional speed range. Since the dispensing of the lu-
refilling routines. The constant rotational speed bricant can be critical for the subsequent tabletting
of the ASS feeder (yellow curve) even indicates stage, problems resulting from bad feeder perfor-
that the direct compressible quality of the ASS mance would be evident through high ejection for-
has a powder bed consolidation during the refil- ces, etc. in the tabletting process. As this was not the
ling process that is hardly noteworthy but is be- case, satisfactory dispensing and sufficient blen-
neficial to the stability of the dosing process. ding in the continuous blender could be presumed.
The dispensing of the PRUV was considered diffi- After continuous blending, there is the possibili-
cult for two reasons. The powder is quite cohesive, ty of automatically discharging the product which
adheres to surfaces, and does not have good flo- does not meet the previously defined specificati-
wability. Combined with the lower dosing rate of 275 ons. These previously defined specifications could
g/h, difficult dispensing is to be expected. In relati- be API concentration limits, over or under which
ve terms, greater fluctuations appear in the dosing further processing would certainly lead to tablets
rate (red curve) compared with MCC and ASS, but with an incorrect potency. This measurement was
the performance of the feeder is satisfactory, which carried out via NIR spectroscopy. Details on the
is not in the least due to the strong control of the measurement can be found in the methods sec-
screw speed. This increases from an initial value of tion. Since this trial is purely a feasibility study,
approx. 15% to values of 27% on average, sho- an automated discharging of non-conforming ma-
wing the typical, discussed fluctuations in this area terial was not in use. The NIR signal was simply
after the refilling stages. Starting from four hours used to monitor the API concentration over the
into the production time, the rotational speed sett- the entire production time.
les at approx. 22%. This behavior can be explai-
Figure 3: Dosing rates and screw speeds of the feeders for ASS and PRUV in the production time.
© L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH 5
Figure 4 shows the relative progress of API this case, lasted over several minutes and were
concentration over the entire production time. combined with a such a high incorrectly dispen-
The target content of the tablets and there- sed MCC amounts that the continuous blender
fore also of the powder was at 70.2% ASS. was no longer capable of eliminating these errors.
Two things are apparent. On the one hand, the ex- In comparison, fluctuations repeatedly ap-
cessive ASS concentration decreases in the first pear in the average dosing rate in the la-
40 minutes. After this period, the measured values ter stage of the MCC dosing process.
remain at a constant level under normal fluctuati- But these fluctuations are always limited to very
ons. On the other hand, the ASS content remains small time-periods and fluctuate towards too litt-
on average at 68.2 ± 1.2% and therefore under le as well as towards too much dispensed pow-
the envisioned 70.2%. For the case of the decrea- der. These errors can be eliminated by a con-
sing ASS concentration in the first 40 minutes, the tinuous blender. From the moment the highly
blue-bordered part of figure 2 can be consulted. inaccurate dispensing of MCC stops, the ASS
concentration measured via NIR spectrosco-
This image shows an extract of the dosing ra- py settles on a constantly maintained value.
tes curve of the MCC. It can be noted that the
MCC was initially under-dispensed over long In the case of the insufficient concentration of
periods. The under-dispensing of the MCC ASS over the remaining production period, there
is responsible for the temporarily excessi- is certainly the possibility that the PLS model for
ve concentration of ASS in the entire mixture. the NIR method was not calibrated with sufficient
data or in a sufficiently robust manner. However,
A continuous blender is capable of eliminating hig- off-line measured tablet content shows something
her-frequency feeder-errors up to a certain cut-off different at the start and at the end of the produc-
frequency, which, roughly speaking, is in the range tion run. Both values are in the range of the in-line
of the powder’s mean residence time in the blen- measured ASS concentration, which suggests that
der. However, the feeder-errors, which occurred in the PLS model for this application was sufficient-
Figure 4: In-line measured ASS concentration after the continuous powder blender and ASS concentration in
the tablets at the start and around the end of the production period; for tablets n= 10,
average ± standard deviation.
© L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH 6
ly precise. An evaluation of the raw ASS/starch rences in the concentration measured via NIR.
powder and the UV-spectroscopic measurement,
however, allowed to draw the conclusion that the The rotor speed was adjusted by the operator ma-
directly compressible ASS no longer correspon- nually, since the material flows from the blender
ded to the specified content after its shelf-life, and the tablet press are never completely synchro-
but amounted to approx. 87%, explaining an API nised, i.e. at the same level. Tablet compression is
concentration which was consistently too low. a volumetrically controlled process. Through a pre-
vious evaluation of the dependence of tablet break-
The continuous tabletting process proceeded wit- ing force from the dwell time of the main compressi-
hout any issues during the whole production time on, it was identified that a range between a 70 and
and constantly delivered (except for content va- 80 rpm rotor speed creates a design space where
riations at the start) tablets consistent with the tablets of the same quality are formed. In fact, du-
specified quality criteria. Particular attention has ring the process it was merely necessary to alter
to be given to figure 5, in which the process pa- the rotor speed between 73 and 76 rpm to main-
rameters pre-compression and main-compres- tain a constant fill-level of the tablet press hopper.
sion force as well as rotor speed are illustrated The quality attributes of the tablets were mea-
over the whole production period. Start-up and sured at-line, with the tablet-press convey-
shut-down processes of the tablet press - where ing a quantity of 10 tablets to the tablet tes-
the filling shoe is filled or runs empty are visible ting device automatically via the product
at the beginning and at the end of the diagram. diverter at the outlet approx. every 5 minutes.
These two stages can be recognised by the in-
creasing or decreasing compression forces. Ap- As a result of these findings, the process para-
parently, the various concentrations of ASS at meters were automatically adjusted to main-
the start of the process have no huge influence tain constant values for the tablet weight and
on the compressibility and on the measured com- breaking force. For instance, a slightly falling
pression forces, which, on the one hand, could be pre-compression force over the entire pro-
due to the similar bulk densities of the materials cess run can be identified in figure 5. The re-
and, on the other hand, to the fairly small diffe- sults of the measured tablet weights, heights
Figure 5: Important process parameters of the tabletting process in the production time.
© L.B. Bohle Maschinen und Verfahren GmbH 7
Figure 6: At-line measured critical quality attributes of the tablets; n= 10, average ± standard deviation.
and breaking forces are displayed in figure 6. for friability and the highest measured values for
the disintegration time (slowest disintegration of
The average weight of the measured tablets in n=6 tablets). In each case, the friability coinci-
that period amounted to 240.5 ± 1.3 mg, which ded with the value of < 1% required by the Ph.
corresponds to the required weight. The highest Eur., which is also very important for a downs-
deviation of a series of measurements was 1.6%, tream coating process. Since the aim was to ob-
which repeatedly shows that the tabletting pro- tain fast disintegrating tablets, which meet the
cess guarantees a constant tablet quality except requirements of the Ph. Eur. for non-coated ta-
for the initial deviations discussed. There were blets and disintegrate in < 15 min, the obtained
no previous requirements for the tablet height, values of < 60 s in almost each case are more
except for the fact that it had to be as consistent than sufficient to fulfil this quality requirement.
as possible over time, which could be confirmed
based on the data. An average height of 4.21 ±
0.02 mm was obtained over time, which corre-
sponds to a relative standard deviation of 0.45%.
This is a value which is absolutely satisfactory.