DLP FS1&2 Nov22

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Leocadio Alejo Entienza High Grade

GRADES School 7 Quarter III

School Level
1 to 12
DAILY Teacher Leonardo P. Albor Mathematics 7
Teaching Date and
PLAN March 07, 2024
Demonstrate understanding of key concept of geometry of shapes and sizes, and geometric
A. Content Standards

Able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accurately authentic problems
B. Performance Standards
involving sides and angles of a polygon..
At the end of the discussion the students are expected to:
C. Learning 1. Describe the different types of Polygons
Competencies/ 2. Classify Polygons
Objectives 3. Show enthusiasm in performing any assigned task
4. Arrange the cut-out pieces and form it into regular polygons
II. CONTENT (Subject
Representations of Relations and Functions
1. Teacher’s Guide


2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Retrieved from.
Materials from
Lumbre, A.P. et. Al (2016). 21st Century Mathletes. Quezon City,
Learning Resource
Philippines. Vidal Group Inc.
B. Other Learning Manila paper, Marker
Resources Chalk/Chalkboard
A. Greetings
B. Prayer
A. Presenting the new
C. Attendance
D. Review
(Daily Routine)
What was our last topic yesterday?
“The student will answer”

B. Establishing a purpose "GUESS ME AND USE ME IN A TANGRAMS "

for the lesson The students will form groups of 3 and they will pick a cut out shape, and make it another
shape and present it on the front and say something about the shape they formed.

Integration:Arts, Araling

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

After presenting post a picture of Indigenous people wearing a Tinalak cloths

Ask the student what they observed in the picture.

Present the topic and objectives to the class.

C. Presenting
examples/instances of
the new lesson

a. Process the Activity

b. Ask further questions:

a. What are the different types of shapes that you can see inside the classroom?

b. What do you think are the similarities between the example of shape that you have given
and the tangrams that you have made?

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

D.Discussing new concepts Polygon

A polygon is a closed two-dimensional figure composed of straight-line

segments that meet at their endpoints. The line segments of polygons are
called sides, and each endpoint is called a vertex. Polygons have at least
three sides and three angles, and their sides of must be straight, as seen

Regular Polygon

If all the sides and interior angles of the polygons are equal, they are known
as regular polygons. The examples of regular polygons are square, rhombus,
equilateral triangle, etc. In regular polygons, not only the sides are
congruent but angles are too.

Irregular Polygon

An irregular polygon is a 2D shape that has straight sides that are not equal
to each other and angles that are not equal to each other. You need to be
able to classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes and
find unknown angles in any polygon.

Non polygon

Non-polygon shapes are figures that do not satisfy the conditions of being
polygon. Examples can be a circle and open shapes.

Characteristics of Polygon

A shape is a polygon if it has the following characteristics:

The shape must be a closed shape, that is, it must end and begin at the same

The shape should be made of line segments or straight lines.

The shape must be a two-dimensional figure, that is, it must have only two
dimensions length and width.

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

There are a lot of types of polygons. Some you've probably heard of before
like squares, triangles, and rectangles. We'll learn more about these and
others. Polygons are named for the number of sides they have. Here is a list
of polygon names depending on the number of sides they have, starting
with three and ending with ten.

3 sides - Triangle

4 sides - Quadrilateral

5 sides - Pentagon

6 sides - Hexagon

7 sides - Heptagon

8 sides - Octagon

9 sides - Nonagon

10 sides - Decagon

There are, of course, polygons with many more names and sides. When the
number of sides gets really high, mathematicians sometimes use the
number of sides "n" and call it an n-gon. For example if a polygon has 41
sides, it would be called a 41-gon.

E. Developing mastery
The students will provided cut out materials and arrange it to form a
polygon. Then write its name under the image.

F. Making generalizations
Complete the statement
and abstractions about
I have learned that _________________________.
the lesson.

G.Finding practical
applications of concepts
Using the materials inside our classroom, can you formulate your own example of a polygon?
and skills in daily living

H.Evaluating learning In a 1/4 sheet of paper write the word or phrase that correctly
completes each statement

1. Gina has tinalak cloth that is surrounded by diamond shape design.

How many sides are there in diamond?

2. T'nalak is composed of a shape that are regular, irregular and not

polygon. The triangle shape in the tinalak is an example of

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing

3. Tinalak cloth is composed different shapes, color, and lines. What
are the three characteristics of a polygon that can be seen in the

4. Tinalak cloth are completely covered in geometric patterns and one

of the shapes that be seen mostly is the triangle. In mathematics, what
do you think the exact angle of a triangle?.

5. Tinalak traditional cloth woven is made up geometric pattern that

represent the people's honest intentions. What do you call a closed
plane figure that it has two dimensional object?.
I. Additional activities for
application or remediation
Review the next topic.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Student Teacher Teacher

“SDO Camarines Norte: Facilitating Dreams…, Valuing


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