Science10 1st-Quarter
Science10 1st-Quarter
Science10 1st-Quarter
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Schools Division of Iligan City
__D__1. Which of the following is expected to form __D__13. Most mountains are formed by the movement
parallel to a trench? of the ____________________.
A. hot spot B. ocean ridge A. Moon B. Ocean
C. rift valley D. volcanic arc C. Sun D. Tectonic plates
___B___2. Which type of volcano is characterized by __D_14. What type of a mountain is formed when
tall, cone-shaped mountains in which layers of lava magma erupts all the way to the surface?
alternate with layers of ash. A. Dome B. Fold
A. Cinder-cone volcano B. Composite volcano C. Fault D. Volcanoes
C. Shield volcano D. Stratovolcano __C__15. What do you call the highest point of a
___C__3. Which of the following theories states that the mountain?
Earth’s outer layer is broken into large slowly moving A. Arete B. Crag C. Peak D. Slope
pieces? ___C__16. Which of the following motion occurs at
A. Big Bang B. Gravitational divergent boundaries?
C.Plate Tectonics D. Theory of Relativity A. Plate slide past each other
___D__4. What is the name of the Mesozoic B. Plates flip around
supercontinent that consisted of all the present C. Plates move apart
continents? D. Plate crash into each other
A. Eurasia B. Gondwanaland ___B__17. Which word would you use to remember the
C. Laurasia D. Pangaea motion that occurs at divergent boundaries?
__A__5. Which two continents can fit like a puzzle? A. Collide B. Divide C. Multiply D. Slide
A. Africa and South America __C____18. Which of the following is caused by
B. Asia and North America divergent boundaries?
C. Asia and South America A. Fold mountains B. Island arcs
D. Australia and South Africa C. Rift valley D. Volcano
__D__6. How is the magnitude of an earthquake ______19. Which of the following is a boundary between
measured? It can be measured by the use of a/an two plates that are moving apart?
_______. A. Convergent B. Covergent
A. Digital scale B. Inverted scale C. Divergent D. Transform
C. Weighing scale D . Richter scale __B___20. Which of the following feature forms near
___B__7. What is the exact location of the epicenter on divergent boundaries between two pieces of oceanic
the surface of the Earth? crust?
A. It is beneath where the earthquake starts. A. Continent rift valley B. Mid-ocean ridge
B. It is directly above where the earthquake starts. C. Non- volcanic mountain D. Trench
C. All of the choices. ___B__21.. Which of the following feature is formed
D. None of the choices. near the divergent boundaries between two continental
__D___8. Where does an earthquake start? crust?
A. epicenter B. epocenter A. Canyon B. Continental rift valley
C. hypercenter D. hypocenter C. Mid- ocean ridge D. Non- volcanic mountain
______9. What do you call the central point of an area __C___22. Which type of boundaries movement
where fault movement occurs? causing the formation of oceanic ridges?
A. Earthquake B. Focus A. Continental –continental divergent plates
C. Locus D. Seismic B. Ocean- ocean convergent plates
______10. The following are the three main reasons C. Ocean – ocean divergent plates
causing earthquake, EXCEPT when the D. Transform boundaries
plates move __A___23.What will be developed as the rift valley
A. away from each other continues to spread?
B. towards each other and collide A. linear sea B. Mountain C. Ocean D. Trench
C. upward and the other plate move downward ______24. Which geologic feature could take place in
D. at the center and the other plate move sideways the divergent boundary between two plates of oceanic
___B___11. Which of the following is considered the crust?
tallest mountain in the world? A. Island arc B. Mountain C. Rift D. Volcano
A. Mount Arayat B. Mount Everest ______25. What event could possibly take place during
C. Mount Fuji D. Mount Olympus the divergence of two plates?
__C__12. How tall must be a geological formation to be A. earthquake B. volcanic eruption
called a mountain? C. Tremor D. Tsunami
A. 10 feet B. 100 feet ______26. What are the effects of plate tectonics?
C. 1,000 feet D. 10,000 feet
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Schools Division of Iligan City
A. The interaction of plates produces forces that build ______33. At what rate do plates move during
mountains, rift ocean basins, and it also causes earthquakes?
landslides. A. Earth’s plates move very slowly at about few
B. The interaction of plates produces forces that build centimetres per annum.
valleys and it also causes tidal waves. B. Earth’s plates move very fast at about several
C. The interaction of plates produces forces that build centimetres per annum.
mountains, rift ocean basins, and it also causes C. Earth’s plates move steadily at about one thousand
volcanoes and earthquakes. meters per annum.
D. None of the above. D. Earth’s tectonic plates move at five meters per
______27. How do plate tectonics affect humans? annum.
A. Humans mostly experience it through strong winds. ______34. Where are the plate boundaries located?
B. Humans mostly experience it through storms. A. Plate boundaries are located at the very edge of the
C. Humans mostly experience it through earthquakes. lithosphere plates.
D. All of the above. B. Plate boundaries are located at the center of the
lithosphere plates.
______28. What are the two main factors that cause the C. Plate boundaries are located at the bottom of the
movement of tectonic plates? lithosphere plates.
A. Gravitational force at the spreading ridges and D. Plate boundaries are located at the top of the
subduction zones lithosphere plates.
B. Gravitational force at the spreading valleys and ______35.What are the evidences which show that
comfort zones plates are indeed moving?
C. Gravitational force at the spreading poles and A. Fossils, glaciers, and complimentary coastlines reveal
convergent zones when and where plants and animals existed.
D. All of the above B. Modern continents show signages to their distant
______29. How do tectonic plates affect us? past.
A. It can change the relationship of continental masses C. Only A. D. Both A and B.
to oceanic basins and can also change the sea level. ______36.Why are plate tectonics important?
B. It creates subduction and convergent zones at the A. Plates cover the whole earth.
sea level. B. Plate boundary is significant in geologic activities.
C. It can change the atmospheric pressure and ocean C. Plates crashed together to make mountains.
temperature. D. All of the above.
D. It creates subduction and divergent zones at the ______37. How does the structure of the Earth affect
terrestrial level. plate tectonics?
______30. Which of the following refers to the two pieces A. Oceanic and continental plates join together and
of evidences for continental and coastline plate spread apart.
tectonics? B. Oceanic and continental plates interact at plate
A. Shapes do not fit together and coastlines do not boundaries
show any changes. C. None of the choices.
B. Shapes fit together like a puzzle and coastlines show D. Both A and B.
broken parts. ______38. Why is it dangerous to live near plate
C. Shapes stay the same and coastlines appear the boundaries?
same without any changes. A. Volcanic activity is predictable killer near plate
D. Shapes are crumpled both in continents and boundaries.
coastlines. B. Volcanic activity happens near plate boundaries of
______31. The three main types of plate boundaries can the ocean.
be identified as C. Volcanic activity always cause tsunami.
A. transform, divergent and trivergent D. Volcanic activity is unpredictable dangerous killer
B. transform, divergent and convergent calamity
C. transform, divergent andtransvergent ______39. In what era did Pangea break up?
D. transform, divergent and crosvergent A. 197 million years ago
______32. Which of the following best describes B. 187 million years ago
divergent boundaries? C. 175 million years ago
A. They are underwater and form submarine D. 165 million years ago
mountain ranges. ______40. Which part of Pangea broke apart first?
B. They are hinterlands and form mountain A. the Antarctic Ocean B. the Atlantic Ocean
ranges. C. the Supercontinent D. continental crust
C. They are underwater and do not form ______41. Is there a possibility that Pangea can
submarine mountain ranges. happen again?
D. They are hinterlands and do not form A. Yes , because of the occurring of geologic
mountain ranges. processes and events
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(063) 228-1854 / 225-4717/221-1764
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Schools Division of Iligan City
B. Yes , because of the presence of coral reefs C. The scientist believed that Pangea existed
C. Yes , because of the presence of fossils lately.
D. Yes, because of the continental shape the D. The movement was caused by convection
fitted like jigsaw puzzle currents that rolled over in the upper zone of
______42. How were the continents being arranged? the mantle.
A. Continents were arranged alphabetically. ______49. How do we know Pangea existed?
B. Continents were structured as a single A. The overlapping of rocks in some identified
supercontinent. places
C. Continents were located at the centre of the B. The remains of dead animals and plants
globe. C. The existence of rivers and lakes as
D. Continents were separated based on the boundaries
structure of the land. D. The presence of coral reefs
______43. What ocean was formed when Pangea broke ______50. How fast did Pangea break apart?
apart? A. at a rate of 1 millimetre a year
A. Antarctic Ocean B. Atlantic Ocean B. at a rate of 2 millimetres a year
C. Pacific Ocean D. Indian ocean C. at a rate of 3 millimetres a year
______44. The following are the three pieces of D. at a rate of 4 millimetres a year
evidence that support the theory of plate
A. The shapes of continents fit together similar to a ACTIVITY 1:Additional Activity p. 13 (Module 1)
puzzle. Directions: For each illustration, give:
B. The coastlines show where the continents a. the type of eruptions
separated. b. the materials ejected
C. The convergent zone is evidently similar to the c. an example of this type of volcano
divergent zone.
D. The identical rocks that formed over hundreds of
million years ago have been located in different
Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Schools Division of Iligan City
1. ______________________________________
______________________________________ ACTIVITY 5:Additional Activity p. 18 (Module 7)
2. ______________________________________ Instruction: You will collect ten (10) kinds of pictures that
______________________________________ are related with the effects of plate movements and
make a photo collage out of them. Use short bond
3. ______________________________________ paper.
4. ______________________________________ ACTIVITY 6 : What I Can Do, Activity 5 p. 17 (Module
______________________________________ 8)
Quarter 1