Case Study Finshots BITSPilani
Case Study Finshots BITSPilani
Case Study Finshots BITSPilani
Finshots is one of India’s leading financial newsletters with over 500K subscribers and 1.5M
social media followers. Launched in 2019 by IIM Ahmedabad graduates & funded by Zerodha
(India’s biggest stockbroker), Finshots aims to simplify complex financial, business, economy
and policy updates— in a language you’ll understand. All one needs is 3 minutes daily!
Through its signature conversational & jargon-free storytelling, Finshots has been able to
democratise financial knowledge for students and working professionals in their early 20s and
30s with limited to no background in finance.
A diversified content strategy via email newsletter, podcast, mobile app, social media
carousels, infographics and videos is implemented to ensure that the Indian Gen-Z and
Millenials are able to understand concepts quicker and retain information for longer.
The Challenge
Put yourself in the Managing Editor's shoes and draft a comprehensive plan detailing:
- Strategy to double Finshot’s subscriber base from 500K to 1M in the next 8 months
- Content/format innovations will better cater to millennials & Gen-Z
- Subscriber acquisition & retention roadmap
- The presentation should be at most 5 slides excluding the title and thanks.
- References should be appropriately credited.
- Creativity in proposals will be judged positively.