Party System and Nigeria
Party System and Nigeria
Party System and Nigeria
The development of political parties in Nigeria dates back to the days of the
struggle for political independent in the late 1940s, when the nationalists
Nigeria were not ideologically based. Rather, they were regionally based
and woven around individual politicians who they saw as their mentors. In
the last ten years, however parties were registered based on the exigencies
of the time. This was the scenario until 1998; the need arose for parties that
could usher Nigeria into a new era of democracy after over fifteen years of
still play a vital role towards the realization of the democratic objectives.
Indeed, the last fifty years have seen an evolution of various political
party politics in Nigeria. The procedure for registering political parties was
political activities in the country. Today, there are more than fifty registered
political parties in Nigeria, even though only few of them have not been
able to win any election. The few political parties that have dominated the
political space to the point that fears are being expressed that the country
cross to the ruling party both at the federal and states levels.
Nigeria, like many other African countries, has had its fair share of
democratic challenges, but it has also recorded some achievement over the
years. There have already been calls across the country for some
adjustments and improvements on the way political parties are run and
managed, in the years to come. Many have argued that Nigeria must
necessarily adopt the methods that will guarantee the rights of its citizens to
the yearnings and aspirations of the people for more fundamental and
sustainable development.
The recently 2011 general election in Nigeria really had some sets backs
and it really brought the world attention towards our political system. It also
they are still allowed to partake in political competition for the control of
integration etc. in that society, but despite the above conception, multi-party
system still holds some questions that deviate from the above. Therefore, it
development in Nigeria?
The broad objectives or aims of this research work are simply to know the
in this field of study. Since such a review will provide an insight into various
previous study and the way in which the present day will help in providing
many ways and views. Clearly speaking, it is one of the political systems
found in democratic or federal states of the world. Many scholars had made
division that exists within the society and the extent of diversity. This means
that once the nation allows a multiple party system to be in operation, that it
extends diversity and within the society, the citizens will bring ethnicity in
politics. He went further to state that, the voters have the confusion of which
party to join and who to vote for, because choice is problematic as there is
slim ideological difference among the parties. In this case, we found out that
the above problem cause political apathy. Yes! It made groups within the
will not interested in the political activities if this choice is not the
government. The same scholar ended his argument and analysis with this
assertion, multi-party system does not create an avenue for long term
revolution any moments”. This means that in most of the democratic states
the political seats in the country. Therefore, looking at the result, the
People‟s Democratic Party (PDP) won majority of the seats. The above
governmental power.
need not to worry much about imposing it further. It also simply means that
if a majority of the people want change in leaders and policies and are able
to organize effectively within the rules, they can change. This is just an
democratic state (within the rules). It can be granted, but a strong one that
will hold water to foster political development and not a weak organization
exist where there are usually several parties with nearly equal strength.
this system. Multi party system in this understanding, means that the
ideology, strength, interest, history, experience etc. All these matters a lot in
party system in Nigeria is that most of political parties that exist in the fourth
republic lack the above attributes mentioned. In fact most of the parties were
Eme Awa (1993) opined that “the system could be multi-party only in
the sacrificial sense of it. In this case, only one party (always the same ones)
that could hold power. Consequently upon this, a nation may be subject to
paries and politics in Nigeria, he said “I am aware that parties should poses
certain characteristics and that they are meant to perform certain functions”.
The issue is that the political parties in Nigeria are still in search of a role,
hence since 1999, the role of political parties is still fluid. In many cases, this
so-called political parties since 1999 have become a major part of the
re-often asserted with the various fragmented cultures. In such, a case the
Satori (1996) points out that “multi-party system is the most insecure and
less viable option to political development”. He also points out that not only
cleavages that already existed in the society. This was why multi-party
industrial societies are the patterns setters of political development for other
state building.
interviewing variable which in its own turn could shape things. Henceforth,
“Development syndrome”.
The theoretical framework that will best suit this study will be group
theory. This theory was adopted because of the strong view of scholar such
as Bently (1908) who as of the strong opinion that the interactions of groups
are the basis of political life and rejected statist abstractions. In his opinion,
also went further to opine that institution approach should not be used for
dynamic and full of activities. He argued that politics is a group affair and
each group is competing against each other for power. He also added that
Robert Daniel, Grant Mc Connell, Theodora .j. Lewi, Earl Lathans among
others. They saw power as diffused among many interest groups competing
groups which combine, break and form coalitions and castellation of power
is simply as a result of the interplay of forces and struggle for power among
various ethnic groups in the Nigerian society which resulted that shortly
after independence political parties were formed along ethnic sectional time.
intrigues among the various ethnic groups and the resulting multi-party
1.7 Hypotheses
In line with the research question posed for this study, the following
development in Nigeria.
political development.
1.8 Methodology
collection adopted in this research work. This method is adopted due to its
insight into the origins and development of political parties and nature of
materials that are collected for the purpose of achieving reliable and
verifiable conclusion.
sphere. It also focuses attention on party system the history of political party
in Nigeria and political party affiliations. The limitation of the work is quite
material for this study and the short time given for the study also made it
i. Politics:
Politics was also defined by Prof Okwudiba Nnoli who opined that
and the laws and customs that govern their behavior. It simply
political parties.
ii Election:
v Multi-party system:
government of the people, by the people and for the people. Also it
decision making.
v. Power:
This is the body which has the responsibility for the conduct of
electoral body.
viii. Tyranny:
In the chapter two of this research work, we are posed with a question,
which is the relationship that exists between multiparty system and political
concepts differently and we had some similarities in both concepts, but for
deriving at a conclusion.
nation. It is also a reflection of the division that exists within the society and
the extent of diversity. This means that once the nation allows a multiparty
[Obikeze: 2004]. Multiparty system also is a group system that exists where
there are usually several parties with nearly, equal strength political interest
[Satori: 1996]. He went further to point out that, it not only that multiparty
cleavages that already existed in the society. This was why multiparty
system in a way in which the popular mind is actually divided. And when
loyalty to party, less probability that their members will regard all questions
habitually and systematically from a party point of view. There are some
positive advantages that goes with the multiparty system, because it is tend
election. According to Okechukwu, Oji and Okafor (2002), they stated some
separation of power.
In Nigeria, multiparty system and political development are not really inn
search of role, hence since 1999, the role of political parties is still fluid. In
many cases, this so-called political parties since 1999 have become a major
but prior the era of third republic, during military regime under Gen. Ibrahim
Babangida regime, we had the two dominant parties which are The National
were two existing parties under Babangida (1985) and Abacha (1993).
elections as the country progressed between 1922 and 1960 from non-
political parties, a total of fifteen others contested the critical election held in
Hodgkin, 1961:195-197].
structure. Yet, the logic of competitive party and electoral politics and the
and traditional institutions, as part of their electoral strategy. This comes out
Action Group (AG) and the Northern People‟s congress grew out of or
multiparty system in pre-independence era was that, the parties were all
They lacked political ideology and were ethnic oriented. So this was the
element of the country‟s social structure. This has had a profound impact on
of the parties, reflected in the fact that, the national leaders of all the three
impacted in turn on the country‟s federal system between 1954 and 1960.
main effect of the party system between 1954 and 1959 was to provide three
was 1959 election that gave birth to three powerful regional parties such as
Action Group (AG) for the west, Northern people‟s congress (NPC) for the
North and National Council of Nigeria Citizens (NCNC) for the Eastern
Republic after the independence in 1960 was still under the “ethno-centric
in 1963, the 1962-63 census controversy, the party realignment before the
1964 regional elections and the 1965 federal elections, involving the alliance
between the NCNC and AG, on the one hand, and the NPC on the other
hand. This party alliance result to political and constitutional crisis and civil
Republic in January 1966. Elsewhere, it has been observed that the bulk of
Nigerian first Republic and the causes of the eventual collapse of that
republic has pointed strongly to the factor of ethnic politics and particularly
the nature of the political parties [Ibodje and Dode, 2005]. Finally, the
observation was correct because the political parties of that era were more or
therefore, multiparty system in the first republic did not bring about any
irregularities. And the nature of these multi-parties and their tripod politics
regime to decide to put policies in place that will re-position political parties
participation in election [Ibodje and Dode, 2005]. When the ban on partisan
At the end, five political parties, out of about fifty political associations that
applied for registration were given the nod to function as political parties in
The second republic once more collapsed on 31st December 1983, because
election especially the 1983 election, while looking down on the people‟s
the political system from multiparty system to two-party system, which were
terminated the second republic. The 1989 constitution that was promulgated
republic by making provision for only two political parties. This was after
office as president. When things got rough for that regime, Babangida was
forced to step aside on August 20th, 1993 after annulling the presidential
election of June 12, 1993. The Ernest Shonekan led interim National
Government, and was replaced in less than six months by General Sani
by the Abacha junta. This constitution and many other political institutions
established by that regime, events were to prove, were tailored towards the
out of which five were registered viz: The Congress for National Consensus
Movement (GDM), the National Centre Party of Nigeria (NCPN) and the
realized. Report had it that, the election that were conducted from the local
party swept more than 80% of the seats. Infact, various analysis of that
regime‟s activities point to the fact that, Nigeria was gradually moving
towards a one-party system especially when all the parties finally adopted
democracy can be cultivated and entrenched. In other words this was how
the two-party system in third republic failed under General Abacha‟s regime.
This regime almost turned Nigeria into one-party state before his untimely
process which he set in motion. So while stressing this point, before setting
the democratic proceedings that led to the fourth republic gained from
There was a total failure of the two-party system of the third republic
under Gen Abacha‟s regime, which led to return of the multiparty system in
day more than was necessary, his administration allowed the Independent
nine political parties, with the conditions that after the local government
elections of that year, those that had 10% votes and above in at least 24
states of the federation would qualify to contest the sub-sequent states and
federal elections. Eventually, some parties like the Alliance for Democratic
(AD), All People‟s Party (APP), and the People‟s Democratic Party (PDP)
were all registered. Some months into the fourth republic, with Obasanjo as
the then President, politicians began to clamors for the registration of more
unregistered associations went to count and won. The court‟s judgment was
parties by the time 2003 elections took place, and also in 2007. But as at
divisions, the power of the incumbent party is reinforced, while other parties
variously from the political economy point of view, that this nature of party
opposition parties (weak economic base). They buttress this argument with
the fact that while the ruling PDP can pay generously for her expenses, the
lack of a vibrant civil society (Advocacy) groups, but the one that is of
have the prospect of winning elections because; PDP is the dominant party
successful in Nigeria political history, but there were still cases of stuffing of
ballot boxes, under age voting and outright falsification of election results
development. The reason is simply that, all these election crises were as
result of party clash and rival. And this party conflict affects the country in
So in other words, we can equal see that, all the elections in the fourth
politicians have their own designs and have generally perpetrated and
elections. Secondly, while there has been lack of continuity in violence and
through which both violence and warfare have been conducted. Each period
has thus, produced new political formations reflecting not only the penchant
for lack of principle and shifting allegiance among members of the political
class but also the total lack of ideology by the members and that is why they
are divided into antagonistic camps. So therefore, from the analysis so far,
unfortunate that it‟s only about 10 of them are actively involved and
recognized in Nigeria. Even though, some of these parties listed above has
Political Development
party system is simply a “sine qua non” for democratic consolidation in any
virtue of its diverse social base and organizational arrangement, which link
the rulers with the ruled on the one hand and on the other hand, peoples of
witnessed the realization of some tangible goals. These include the evident
more fifty to sixty political parties [Slizbeat, 2012]. But, yet, out of fifty to
sixty parties in Nigeria, how many of them are recognized. It is just very few
of them are recognized in country, while others are just minority groups.
of “do-or-die affairs”. And that is why; there have been several cases of
[Nwolise, 2007:153].
elections since the 1990s. Thus, according to Claude Ake (1991), he puts it
democracy on the continent. The facts is that, many of these African states
programme. Infact, Naomi Chazan pointed out the less of legitimacy that has
now characterized African elections when she pointed out that: “elections in
Africa, after the initial euphoria associated with political stability during
“there are compelling reasons to fear that the movement towards democracy
may contain within itself the seed of its own undoing [Lemarchand,
1992:98]. There are eight problems with African politics which are: the
have captured African politics when he stated that “of the many factors
therefore, these scholars are simply explaining the nature of African politics,
and how it affects their democratic transition programme. But the aim of
concept Election.
democratic, “to the extent that its most powerful collective decision-makers
are selected through fair, honest and periodic elections in which candidates
freely compete for votes, and in which virtually all the adult population is
Dimension Components
Shooting, shoot-outs.
Killing of individuals.
killing of people.
Bombing of infrastructure.
security agents.
political apathy.
fear in voters.
to register or vote.
disadvantage of others.
polling booths.
nomination forms.
Un free campaign.
Commission (INEC).
election results.
polling booths
security agents
Delay in voting.
Nigeria is characterized by all those defaults that are listed out in the table
by Nwolise. In the Nigeria, election has been a controversial issue and it has
we go into that properly, let us trace the origin of this electoral violence in
about elections until the advent of colonials rule because Nigeria though
and electoral processes. With the existence of Lord Lugard, the British
brought the elective principle into Nigerian politics which provided for
voting in lagos and Calabar. Restricted as this elective principle was, it was
devoid of violence, but the same thing cannot be said of the subsequent
Thus, in 1952 election in Kano, the colonial administration tried very hard
emirs. The allies suffered diverse discriminations as they were not allowed
relations between the North and South with the resultant effect of a
election results as cynicism are the most crispy analyzed variable in the
however pertinent to note before the fourth republic, Nigeria has been
which gave birth to first republic (1960-1966), was organized by the British
regime (Mackintosh, 1966, post and Vickers, 1973 post 1960) while the
subsequent ones which led to the second, third and now fourth republic
were carried out by the military regimes (Kurfi, 1983, Oyediran, 1981, Ujo,
2000) and (cited in Bako, 2001). Nevertheless, the 2003, 2007 and 2011
need to examine the trend of events issues of political violence and electoral,
(2010:1) noted that the history of elections via political violence and
during the colonial period, elections in the first years of independence 1960-
1965, elections during military rule and autocracy and election under civilian
regimes in between the military rule and autocracy and today‟s civilian
and violence in Nigeria dates to period before 1960. He stated that when the
British colonial masters conducted the first election, the legislative council‟s
election in lagos and Calabar from 1922 that culminated in the 1958/1959;
there was documented evidence that the British took decisive measures to rig
era in Nigeria. The problem intensified with the 1964 general elections.
Despite all party consensus to ensure a free and fair election at a meeting
called by the then prime minister, all agreements to lift bans on public
meetings were breached, permits for rallies in the North were denied agents
in the north. On accounts, two allies were formed, that is, The Nigerian
(AG), NEPU Members, who were to contest election in the North and West,
UPGA leaders directed that their supporters should boycott the election.
the then President of the newly declared republic. Initially refused to call
2011:72]. It was however long when similar occurrence took place in 1965
in the western Nigeria, when election came up in that region. In 1965, the
stage was set in the western region for both the Nigeria National Democratic
Party (NNDP) and Action Group (AG) to determine which of these two
political parties would rule the electorate. Before the commencement of the
election, there were all indications that there was not going to be peace in the
region. Earlier, the government party agents alone had their own identity
More serious disturbances marred the election. Thus on the eve of the
poll, an electoral officer was shot dead in the electoral office at Ibadan. On
the polling day, two electoral officers and two polling agents were equally
shot dead. And there were other contradictory election results which were
heard in the radio and newspapers, at a time Akintola was been announced
the winner. At the other hand, Alhaji Adegbenro was announced [Falola and
Ihonvbere, 1985:71].
We also had 1979 election controversies, of which one of them was that,
the election supervision was not done by civilian, rather the military under
the Obasanjo‟s military regime. There was not much violence given the fact
that, the military played mid-wife to the elections and transition. The only
the winner. Earlier, both FEDESCO and the military had 13 as the two-
thirds of 19. But after the elections, controversy was raised over the meaning
of one quarter of the votes cast in each of at least two-thirds of all states in
election in Nigeria, the military had quitted the stage and did not supervise
these elections. So those who could not demonstrate their acts of vandalism
and thuggery during the 1979 elections now had the ample-time to
demonstrate during 1983 elections. Infact, the most violent of the mayhem
took place at Ondo state where the carnage reached the level of public
mayhem similar to those in 1964-1965. The ostensible cause was the popular
entire families of politician wipe out, and hundreds of houses were set on
fire including the state headquarters of FEDESCO. Three months after the
1983 elections were held, the second republic was swept into oblivion. The
army struck and the much tottered democratic experiments were jettisoned
palace coup and this brought in Gen. Ibrahim Babangida who commenced a
Babangida stepped aside in August 1993 which paved way for an interim
government led by chief Shonekan which was swept into oblivion following
the palace coup led by General Sani Abacha. He was suddenly struck with
widespread irregularities in the polls with electoral fraud in favour of the one
or the other candidates. Olu Falae who was a joint candidate for both the
Alliance for Democracy (AD) which is now the Action Congress of Nigeria
(ACN) and All People‟s Party (APP), which is now All Nigeria‟s People
Party (ANPP) showed his displeasure of the elections but did not pursue his
early in 2002 that politicians were raising private militias that could make
the 2003 elections bloody and indeed it was bloody [Lewis, 2003:142].
several high profiles killing with clear political overtones led to the
brought some welcome surprises as there were few deaths during the 12
races a week later. There equally abundant evidence of large scales rigging,
fraud and intimidation in many parts of the country [Lewis, 2003:143]. The
reported the irregularities that besmeared the election when it stated that:
highest order. However, as the 2007 election drew near, president Obasanjo
told the surprised Nigerians, other Africans and world at large that the 2007
The 2007 elections when it actually came were most deadly and
frightening in nature. Thus, in River state, a police station was attacked and
burnt by unknown assailants a night before the Election Day. Also, the
INEC offices in Onitsha North, Onitsha South, Nnewi South and a local
same vein, violence marred election in other parts of the nation. In Ekiti
state, there was a confrontation between the PDP and Action Congress (AC)
supporters and election results were blatantly falsified in many areas. Also,
announcement that the People‟s Democratic Party (PDP) had swept the
state. In Oyo state, PDP thugs beat up opposition party officials and hijacked
ballot boxes [Nwolise, 2007:165]. The 2007 election therefore was generally
The election brought most fraudulent practices. These illegalities were later
settled by the judiciary but before this, those affected had their positions
had come and gone but the wounds created and the injustices perpetrated
amidst this uncertain political climate that the nation entered the year 2011
and it election.
and Controversies.
past, Nigerians had for long developed a deeper love for democracy. This
love had been demonstrated in the time past whenever there is a need for
this. Thus, in spite of the ills that followed the 1999, 2003 and 2007. Multi-
first taste of such electoral violence started with various political campaigns
in almost all the states of the federation. Ruinous as violent clashes ensued
among supporters of political parties which led to the death of several people
and many were injured less than nine days to the general elections. In Ondo
state, three people were shot dead in Obanla area with four people reportedly
Democratic Party (PDP) and the ruling Labour Party (LP). The electoral
violence and irregularities that marred the election at Ondo state prompted
[Bello, 2011:7].
In Ado-Ekiti, the Ekiti state capital, two supporters of the PDP identified
dressed in police uniform during a brawl between the supporters of the PDP
was dropped at the Governor‟s office by the protesting members of the PDP
in the state. Likewise, in Ogun state had before the elections thrown itself
dimension when both Ikot-Ekpene and Uyo were turned into theaters of
political war by political parties. The face-off was between loyalists of the
PDP and ACN. The ACN had its gubernatorial campaign rally at Ikot-
Ekpene while the PDP had its own in Mkpat Emin and Abak local councils
at Uyo. Different versions of the cases of the quarrel were advanced, but it
was certain that the quarrel took place between the supporters of ACN and
those of the PDP which resulted into the death of many while several were
Jonathan/Namadi Sambo situated along Abak road was set ablaze. Some 127
Peugeot, 307 salon cars and 157 Keke Napep tri-cycles were all burnt in
In Edo state, protests came over the way the primaries were conducted.
Matthew Uroghide who lost to Elugie Uzamere in Edo south alleged that he
won, while Theo Okoh and Oniko Lease Irabor both claimed victory in Edo
central as they alleged that the announced winner, Herberta Okonfua rigged
the process. There were also protests from House of Representatives and the
Although, electoral violence in Cross River state, has been on the low
at Ugep, there was violence and some people were injured and cars
destroyed while guns were used freely. The violence led to arrest of one the
was basically to scuttle the ambition of the new comers by the incumbents so
severally had his billboards and posters destroyed by his opponents in a bid
cow him. One of the claimants of the governorship candidates of the PDP,
alleged opponents on the pretext that he did not secure the approval of the
soul of PDP between Sullivan Chime and his opponents, former military
In Abia state, the entire campaign process was defined by sheer hostility.
Infact, this was described as the battle front [Sobechi, 2011:15]. In Ebonyi
the local council. What however, snowballed into the violence was that an
ANPP Chieftaincy and the Senatorial candidates for Ebonyi North Senatorial
and when the people were about going home that the thugs descended on
them. The thugs broke into the home of the catechist, burnt his motor cycle,
destroyed the yam barn and inflicted cuts on one person. In all, five motor
The electoral violence took a very Ugly shape in Northern region zone.
There were cases of stuffing of ballot boxes, under age voting and outright
violence. At Gombe state, the 17 people lost their lives during the post-
Head of Clinical services and training of the federal medical centre, Gombe,
to the hospital. The violence also resulted into about 300 causalities to be
(DOC) and policewoman lost their lives. Over 4,500 people were displaced
the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC). Four INEC offices were
government areas while 500 laptops used for the voter registration exercise
were looted by the irate youth [Sabiu et al, 2011:53]. The Nigerian
Nigeria have not fully come to terms with the referents of elections for
democratic sustenance and national security. More often than not, the elite
and political disorder. Political parties which organize for elections are also,
like armband of men and women going to war, where there must be victors
nation apart and put its tenuous peace at great risks. The 2011 general
elections in Nigeria has come and gone but its aftermath threatens the very
has come out openly to reject the results of the presidential elections which it
alleged its candidates, retired General Buhari won. While, the case was in
court, political jobbers and miscreants seized the opportunity to create a state
country create avenues for aggrieved groups to revive their hitherto latent
agitations for all manner of things. The most violent of them being the spate
civil rule in 1999 and the insecurity it spawns in the country. The multi-party
politics been played in Nigeria has been of negative effect on the socio-
elections which are supposed to be the cure for development and insecurity
election has always been hotly contested under party politics that is
the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) sloughed it out to the apex court
in Nigeria, the Supreme Court. The court in its ruling in the petition filed by
Jonathan and vice president Namadi Sambo were validly elected. It noted
that the petitions were unable to prove their allegation f violation of the
which have invaded mostly the Northern parts of Nigeria. For the umpteenth
and compromise are yet to be enthroned in the fourth republic politics. The
Haram insurgence has led to the lost of thousands of lives and properties.
to have the magic wand to effectively deal with inter and intra group
conflicts arising from the democratic method. But the Nigerian experience
with liberal democracy is not very pleasant. The people‟s votes in most cases
have refused to court. While ethno-religious conflicts is rife in the polity, the
among the people. The popular expectations, that democracy will resolve all
seem the behavioral pattern among the political and economic elites is not in
consonance with the core democratic values which conduce for stability and
1999 to present date has not really shown any sign of positive implication. It
has been a product of crisis upon crisis in Nigeria and has not really
elections conducted by parties, all the contesting parties are involved in one
Iwu, 2008]. And in the situation, where the opposing parties fails to win
elections, they create one form of electoral crisis or the other, such includes:
Nigeria 1999-2012.
political parties can only cope with these pivotal roles, only provided that
they are viable, in such that they are well institutionalized, internally
for political stability. Since 1999, Nigeria has been operating multi-party
system, but after some review of current trends in the previous chapters
concerning the party activities under the fourth republic. The chapter tends
endeavors the national interest, upon some particular principles which they
aim of capturing political power for the furtherance of the common good
pointed out:
It is for this reason that it has contended that perhaps more than any other
parties can discharge these roles adequately, provided that they live up to
African perspective, studies have shown that political parties falter in the
and the simplification and structuring of electoral choice. They also include
the integration of voters into the system through political education and
public interests and recruiting and equally training political leaders. In the
about what he calls the “deeper, systemic support” of political parties that
It should be noted, however that the discharge of these tasks depends much
Thus, when these are lacking, political parties are likely to be reduced to
demands, including grievances, not only within the parties but also
throughout the entire system. The end result, if unmitigated in time, will be
an overloading of the system with more than it can shoulder at one time,
resulting in the weakness of the political system and possibly the breakdown
of the political order and stability [Reilly, 2008:5]. Therefore, this is partly
play these roles, instead, parties exhibit a range of pathologies that undercut
ii. They are often bound around narrow personnel, regional or ethnic
election time.
vi. They often fail to stand for any particular policy agenda.
vii. Political parties often struggle to manage social conflicts and fail to
In other words, the point is that a political party can provide a basis for
stability and vice versa. Yet, whatever their direction, whether as sources of
articulate, represent and to organize set limits in the quest for the use of
political power. It is equally obvious, however, that for the party system to
[Ragsdale and Theis, 1977]. In this regard, too Richard Vengroff”s (1993)
Mali, Vengroff asserted that the degree to which a party system is able to
organization with the depth and breadth necessary for their operation and the
the above forms the yardstick for the measurement of the state of political
parties in Nigeria, it then becomes inescapable to conclude that the key party
2012:12]. Over the years, what became apparent is the lack of proper
crisis that engulfed the political system in Nigeria [Odaudu, 2012:12]. The
rot necessary gets carried into the electoral arena where elections, in
the governed, are integral part of any democracy [Odaudu, 2012:12]. In spite
of its utility for the democratic form of governance, however, the mere fact
the polls are accepted or not [Sarabjit, 2002]. Equally, this much has been
voters. Simply permitting the opposition, access to the ballot is not enough,
And more so, an elections in which the oppositions is barred from the
airwaves has its rallies harassed or its newspaper censored are not
factor”. But the role and conduct of the elections must be fair.
been marred by a lot of difficulties. For instance, during the first republic, it
was obvious that among other potent factors, the election crisis of 1964-
1965 and the western regional election of October 1965, proved the greatest
test for the stability and thus durability of the first republic [Lipset,
1998:38]. The resultant conflict occasioned by these and the high level
the intervention of the military on January 15, 1966. Thus, one should
equally claim that, the elections that ushered in the second republic in 1979
were relatively calm, portending little or no danger to the survival of the new
government, the same could not be said of the one held in 1983, that sought
to herald the country‟s first civilian organized election since 1965. The 1983
issued threats and counter threats that questioned the continued survival of
the ship of state. Not unexpectedly, when the election results were released,
power at the centre, all hell broke loose and spates of violence gripped the
was the second time on December 31, 1983 overthrowing the NPN led
until, it was itself toppled in a palace coup which after then, placed Gen.
Gen. Abdusalami Abubakar who took over from a military dictator, Gen.
stipulated. The April 2003 elections were meant to subject the incumbent
administration at all levels, to public verdict through free and fair elections.
The election at all levels was, no doubt, a showcase of election rigging. The
never campaigned for any election win while popular candidates voted by
the people were thrown out. Little wonder that, most Nigerian electorates
went berserk on seeing that the election results were not a reflection of the
votes cast. It was also glaring that during the electioneering campaign prior
political parties, distributed rice, salt, money etc to the people in order to buy
their votes and supports. For instance, the former Governor Peter Odili of
River State was said to have involved in the distribution of textile materials
across the various villages and towns in River state, in order to win the
gubernatorial election in River state was chronically rigged to the extent that
the incumbent governor swept over 90% of the total votes [Odaudu,
2012:20]. Clearly speaking, at the run up to 2007 election, thugs were not
any better than the previous ones. The obstacles were many and varied. The
it is quite obvious, that electoral process in Nigeria therefore did not serve as
a peaceful means to bring about change and neither did it offer the people
undemocratic nature of 2007 general election. Yet, not after, 2011 election
came up. Although, the 2011 general election was termed to be the most free
and fair election Nigeria have ever conducted since the Fourth republic
[Omotoyo, 2011]. Yet, there were still cases of stuffing of ballot boxes,
reported to have occurred in some states. Infact, with regard to post election
April 20th 2011 had it on their front page, which reads: “post election
violence in Nigeria as 121people have been killed and 15,000 people have
2011:10]. Again, there was another case relating to the 2011 election that
Therefore, as we can see from this survey of the 2011 general election, it
was just simply like the previous ones. There is no relationship between
on lack of viable political parties in Nigeria. Up till date, they only thing
fact, in vibrant and ideal democracies, political parties are not perceived as
Nigerian political parties, seldom and in some cases, do not perform their
Apart from that, they are formed along ethno-cultural, geo-political and
religious lives [Sarabjit, 2002:2]. Therefore, this has not helped in the
are factors that have inhibited the parties from performing their roles as
lack of intra and inter-party democracy has become the order of the day
[Odaudu, 2012:21]. Not only that, politicians and party leaders have abused
thirst for power, wealth and influence for personal and parochial ends, rather
Therefore, it can be said that political parties in Nigeria both the PDP,
ANPP, CPC, ACN, APGA and other parties, by sideling the national interest
and the interest of the people, have not served as true representative of the
people. They therefore have swayed the masses away from them and have
So in other words, we can see from the analysis, that all the elections in
the brazen subversion of the “sovereignty of the vote” and controversy. The
governments in power and politicians have their own designs and have
Secondly, while there has been continuity in violence and warfare, there has
violence and warfare have been conducted. Each period has thus, produced
new political formations, reflecting not only the penchant for lack of
principle and shifting allegiance among members of the political class but
Parties in Nigeria.
In Nigeria, there have been some factors hindering the multi- political
politics. The colonialists who ruled in the past poisoned the minds
meaning, they do not like the president because he is not from the
iii. Monetization of politics: In the time past, political offices did not
So therefore, we have seen the nature or factors that make the multi-parties
in Nigeria to do what they do, in other to win elections at any cost. However,
with these actions, it is very difficult for political parties to perform their
who have the passion to serve their country and have something serious to
a. The names and address of its national officers are registered with the
or ethnic grouping.
candidates for elections and to establish the conditions under which they
Nigeria as political parties has a lot in common with the political parties of
the first and second or third republic. Their manner of origin, according to
him “does not fit into what we know from literature. Their composition is
military to civilian rule and for the future and with prospect of more parties,
they raise more questions than answers to the lingering political problems of
1999 till present date reveals that they actually raise more questions than
assessment, Omo Omoruji concluded that since 1999, “the so-called parties
are not in competition with one another, rather they are in factions, and these
factions are more in competition with themselves than with another party.
Another major issue has to do with, the way in which parties manipulate
instability across several parts of the country. But yet, notwithstanding that,
Thus, section 129 of the amended Electoral Act 2011 clearly outlines what
to intimidate voters.
k. Blare siren.
The power of arrest under this section will be exercised by the police
In summary, this research work which was based on the topic: The
fourth Republic from 1999-2012. But before that, the researcher wants to
rightly point that, this work was not based on any prejudice or any personal
grudges, rather, it was accessed in line with the past and present experience.
where the topic of the work was introduced briefly. And he started by
oriented under the Clifford constitution of 1922. Apart from that, in line with
the topic, three troubling questions were posed by the researcher, which
these were the questions that were asked and the researcher tried to answer
the researcher adopted a theoretical framework suitable for the work, thereby
sharing in the ideology of Arthur Bently (1908), in his group theory. Here,
the scholar was simply trying to say that, “the interactions of groups are the
basis of political life”. Then after that, there was an operational definition of
was forced to access various party system that have ever existed in Nigeria
military rule led by Gen. Ibrahim Babangida. During this military, it was
only two parties that were recognized legally, which were National
then, it was later in 1999 under Gen. Abdusalami Abubakar decided to hand
over the power to a civilian government. And after the 1999 election, Chief
fourth republic. Therefore, in the assessment of the entire republic from first
republic down to the present fourth republic, it was found out that, all of
the first question, which stated that, is there any relationship between multi-
starting with the first republic elections down to the fourth republic
elections, but placed more emphasis on the fourth republic elections from
discovered that, all these elections conducted in the our fourth republic so
far, have shared some similar characteristics of several cases like electoral
militias armies, the outright falsification of election results and many other
related cases. Infact, with regard to the 2011 post-election crisis, Nigerian
page: Post election violence in Nigeria: 121 people dead, 15,000 displaced in
general election, likewise other previous 2007, 2003 and 1999 elections that
multi-parties in Nigeria have not fully come to terms with the referents of
Furthermore, it was also discovered that the elites in Nigeria, have failed to
electioneering in Nigeria, threatens to tear the country apart and put its
tenuous peace at great risks. In line with that, it was equally discovered that,
political unrest and spate of insecurity which have invaded the country,
precisely the Northern part of Nigeria, has continued to pose big threat on
sect has unaccountably led to lose of thousands of lives and properties worth
of millions. Also, the economy has been seriously threatened due to the level
till present date has not exactly shown any sign of positive implications;
rather it has been a product of crisis upon crisis and has not really achieved
development in Nigeria.
And finally, in the chapter four, the researcher decided to access multi-
party system and democratic consolidation. Here, the assessment was simply
and that of multi-party system of Nigeria, the researcher therefore, found out
that multi- political parties in Nigeria have not really discovered their roles
system should be. Indeed, as records of intra and inter-party show both in
the crisis that engulf the political system in Nigeria. It is worthy to note that,
party politics, starting from first republic, down to our present fourth
republic. Infact, political parties in Nigeria have not yet, come to realize
development. There is no need to accuse the party system itself, but rather
notwithstanding that, there have been various attempts to regulate the nature
elections. Under section 129 of amended Electoral Act 2011, it stated clearly
5.2 Conclusion
In the final analysis, we are able to see that the problem lies not in the
form or type of government, but the style our leaders adopt in governing the
masses. The proliferation of political parties in Nigeria is not healthy for the
Nigeria claims to practice, the number of political parties found in the fray
should not be a cause for worry. But a closer observation clearly shows that
most of these parties exist only in name and do not qualify to be called
ideologies and visions bolstered by specific goals and form coalitions among
steer the ship of governance to a higher level and thus make life more
advancing it own interest. Political parties do not exist for the sole purpose
It does appear some Nigerians have seized the liberal guidelines for the
due regard for the serious responsibilities associated with parties as political
alternative platforms to citizens who have the passion to serve their country
why political parties are ideologically driven. Yet, in Nigeria, the political
all the electorate could hear was, “I will create millions of jobs”, “I will
resolve electricity” and so on, without any clear illumination of the state of
things and a plausible road map round it. The implication is that, today, one
can hardly say what the over sixty political parties registered by INEC stand
for, aside the fact that majority of them do not have capacity to go into
elections and have indeed constantly shied away from past elections even
presidential election, only a handful of them took part and only for parties
(CPC), All Nigeria People‟s Party (ANPP) and People‟s Democratic Party
(PDP), were all in the context. Likewise, in 1999, only three political parties
presidential elections of that year, namely All People Party (APP), Alliance
for Democracy (AD) and People‟s Democratic Party (PDP). Then, the
political environment was far more meaningful and progressive than what
Goodluck Jonathan, opposition has died a natural death. For me, the
emerge through possible alliance of ACN, ANPP and CPC and this has been
number of parties is not too healthy also in the face of the growing need to
on the democratic process. One way of l doing this is to strike some kind of
a balance. Deriving from this, a political party that has not participated in the
general elections should be presumed dead and deregistered and those who
have consistently failed to win seats both into state and federal assemblies
5.3 Recommendations
have a clearly defined philosophy and ideology that will enable them
c. The linkages between political parties and ethnicity are not in the best
there to prevent them from being used as pawns by the leaders in the
d. The way political parties are constituted and legitimized have bearing
with two strong parties and additional smaller parties that have also
be withdrawn, so that only the serious ones can survive and face up to
dependent on the ability of the electoral body to conduct free and fair
should look into the urgent need to reform political parties in Nigeria
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