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The - International.jew Ford, Henry.1920 1922.searchable
The - International.jew Ford, Henry.1920 1922.searchable
Books On-Line
The International Jew -- The World's
Foremost Problem
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, and the editors of THE DEARBORN
Vol. 1 The International Jew
1 The Jew in Character and Business
2 Germany's Reaction Against the Jew
3 Jewish History in the United States
4 The Jewish Question -- Fact or Fancy?
5 Anti-Semitism -- Will It Appear in the U.S.?
6 Jewish Question Breaks Into the Magazines
7 Arthur Brisbane Leaps to the Help of Jewry
8 Does a Definite Jewish World Program Exist?
9 The Historic Basis of Jewish Imperialism
10 An Introduction to the "Jewish Protocols"
11 "Jewish" Estimate of Gentile Human Nature
12 "Jewish Protocols" Claim Partial Fulfillment
13 "Jewish" Plan to Split Society by "Ideas"
14 Did the Jews Foresee the World War?
15 Is the Jewish "Kahal" the Modern "Soviet"?
16 How the "Jewish Question" Touches the Farm
17 Does Jewish Power Control the World Press?
18 Does This Explain Jewish Political Power?
19 The All-Jewish Mark on "Red Russia"
20 Jewish Testimony in Favor of Bolshevism
Vol. 2 Jewish Activities in the United States
21 How Jews in the U.S. Conceal Their Strength
22 Jewish Testimony on "Are Jews a Nation?"
23 Jew Versus Non-Jew in New York Finance
24 The High and Low of Jewish Money Power
25 "Disraeli of America" -- A Jew of Super-Power
26 The Scope of Jewish Dictatorship in the U.S.
27 Jewish Copper Kings Reap Rich War-Profits
28 Jewish Control of the American Theater
29 The Rise of the First Jewish Theatrical Trust
30 How Jews Capitalized a Protest Against Jews
31 The Jewish Aspect of the "Movie" Problem
32 Jewish Supremacy in Motion Picture World
33 Rule of the Jewish Kehillah Grips New York
34 The Jewish Demand for "Rights" in America
35 "Jewish Rights" Clash With American Rights
36 "Jewish Rights" to Put Studies Out of Schools
37 Disraeli -- British Premier, Portrays the Jews
38 Taft Once Tried to Resist Jews -- and Failed
39 When Editors Were Independent of the Jews
40 Why the Jews Dislike the Morgenthau Report
41 Jews Use the Peace Conference to Bind Poland
42 The Present Status of the Jewish Question
Next chapter
"At first sight it would seem as if the economic system of North America was the
very one that developed independently of the Jews . . . . Nevertheless I uphold my
assertion that the United States (perhaps more than any other land) are filled to
the brim with the Jewish spirit. This is recognized in many quarters, above all in
those best capable of forming a judgment on the subject . . . .
"In the face of this fact, is there not some justification for the opinion that the
United States owe their very existence to the Jews? And if this be so, how much
more can it be asserted that Jewish influence made the United States just what they
are -- that is, American? For what we call Americanism is nothing else, if we may
say so, than the Jewish spirit distilled."
-- Werner Sombart, "The Jews and Modern Capital," pp. 38, 43.
● Jewelry.
● Grain.
● Magazine authorship.
● News distribution.
● The liquor business.
● The loan business.
These, only to name the industries with national and international sweep, are in control of the
Jews of the United States, either alone or in association with Jews overseas.
The American people would be vastly surprised if they could see a line-up of some of the
"American business men" who hold up our commercial prestige overseas. They are mostly
Jews. They have a keen sense of the value of the American name, and when in a foreign port
you stroll up to the office which bears the sign, "American Importing Company," or "American
Commercial Company," or other similarly non-committal names, hoping to find a countryman,
an American, you usually find a Jew whose sojourn in America appears to have been all too
brief. This may throw a sidelight on the regard in which "American business methods" are held
in some parts of the world. When 30 or 40 different races of people can carry on business under
the name "American," and do it legally, too, it is not surprising that Americans do not recognize
some of the descriptions of American methods which appear in the foreign press. The Germans
long ago complained that the rest of the world was judging them by the German-speaking
Jewish commercial traveler.
Instances of Jewish prosperity in the United States are commonplace, but prosperity, the just
reward of foresight and application, is not to be confounded with control. The prosperity of the
Jews can be had by anyone who is willing to pay the price which the Jews pay for it -- a very,
very high price, as a rule, all things considered -- but it would be impossible for any Gentile
coalition under similar circumstances to attain the control which the Jews have won, for the
reason that there is lacking in the Gentile a certain quality of working-togetherness, a certain
conspiracy of objective, and the adhesiveness of intense raciality, which characterizes the Jew.
It is nothing to a Gentile that another man is a Gentile; it is next to everything to a Jew that the
man at his door is another Jew. So, if instances of Jewish prosperity were needed, the case of
the Temple Emmanu-el, New York, might be cited, which in 1846 could scarcely raise $1,520
for its budget, but in 1868, following the Civil War, raised $708,755 from the rental of 231
pews. And the rise of the Jewish clothing monopoly as one of the results of the same Civil War
might be cited as an instance of prosperity plus national and international control.
Indeed, it might be said that the Jew has succeeded in everything he has attempted in the United
States, except farming. The explanation usually made in Jewish publications is that ordinary
farming is far too simple to engage the Jew's intellect and therefore he is not enough interested
in it to succeed, but that in dairy and cattle farming where the "brain" is more necessary he has
made a success. Numerous attempts have been made in various parts of the United States to
start Jewish farming colonies, but their story is a series of failures. Some have blamed the
failures on the Jew's lack of knowledge of scientific farming, others on his distaste for manual
labor, others on the lack of the speculative element in agriculture. In any case, he stands higher
in the non-productive employments than in this basically productive one. Some students of the
question state that the Jew never was a man of the land, but always a trader, for which assertion
one of the proofs offered is the Jews' selection of Palestine as their country, that strip of land
which formed a gateway between East and West and over which the overland traffic of the
world passed.
[THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, issue of 5 June 1920]
"The Jewish Question still exists. It would be useless to deny it . . . . The Jewish
Question exists wherever Jews live in perceptible numbers. Where it does not exist,
it is carried by Jews in the course of their migrations. We naturally move to those
places where we are not persecuted, and there our presence produces persecution
. . . . The unfortunate Jews are now carrying anti-Semitism into England; they have
already introduced it into America."
-- Theodore Herzl, "A Jewish State," p. 4.
"To this end we must organize. Organize, in the first place, so that the world may
have proof of the extent and the intensity of our desire for liberty. Organize, in the
second place, so that our resources may become known and be made available
"Organize, organize, organize, until every Jew must stand up and be counted --
counted with us, or prove himself, wittingly or unwittingly, of the few who are
against their own people."
-- Louis D. Brandeis,
Justice of the United States Supreme Court, "Zionism," pp. 113, 114.
Anti-Semitism has unquestionably swayed large sections of humanity at various times, warping
the vision, twisting the characters and staining the hands of its victims, but the most amazing
statement that can be made of it is that it has never accomplished anything in behalf of those
who used it, and it has never taught anything to the Jews against whom it was used.
The grades of anti-Semitism are fairly numerous, and a few of them may be cited here:
1. There is first that degree of anti-Semitism, if it may be so described, which consists in plain
dislike of the Jew as a person, no matter whom he may be. This is often found in people of all
grades. It is found mostly, however, in those whose contact with Jews has been very limited. It
begins sometimes in childhood with an instinctive dislike for the word "Jew." It is encouraged
by the misuse of the word "Jew" as an epithet, or as an adjective generally descriptive of
unpopular practices. The feeling is not different from that which exists toward Gentiles,
concerning whom the same notions are held, but it differs in that it is extended to the race of
unknown individual Jews instead of being restricted to known individuals who may justify such
a feeling.
Congeniality is not within our choice, but control of the sentiment of uncongeniality is. Every
fair-minded person is compelled at times to reflect that it is not impossible that the person for
whom he feels a dislike may be as good and possibly a better person than he. Our dislike merely
registers the result of attraction and repulsion as they operate between another person and
oneself; it does not indicate that the disliked person is unworthy. Of course, wherever
intelligence is joined with this instinctive withdrawal from social contact with members of the
Jewish race, prejudice is forestalled, except, of course, in those persons who hold that there are
no individuals among the Jews worthy of respect. This is an extreme attitude and is composed
of other elements beside natural dislike. It is possible for people to dislike Jews and not be
anti-Semitic. Indeed, it is not at all uncommon, it grows more and more common, that
intelligent and refined Jews themselves do not relish the society of their own people except in
cases of exceptional refinement.
This reality calls for some comment on the manners and characteristics of the ordinary member
of the Jewish race, the accidents of behavior which stand out most obnoxiously and of which
Jews themselves are often the most unsparing critics, but these comments must fall into place
2. A second stage of the spirit of anti-Semitism may be designated as hatred and enmity. It
should be noted that the antipathy referred to immediately above was not hatred. Dislike is not
hatred, nor is it necessarily enmity. One may dislike sugar in his tea without troubling to hate
sugar. But undoubtedly there are people who because they have let their dislikes deepen into
prejudice, and perhaps also because of unpleasant experiences with members of the Jewish race
(probably a million Americans have been brought to the verge of becoming Jew-haters this
winter because of contact with Jewish merchants and landlords) may be classified as, at least,
incipient anti-Semites. This is most of all unfortunate for the persons who harbor these
emotions. It is unfortunate in that it unfits the mind to consider intelligently the facts which
constitute the Jewish Question and also unfits it to deal with them in a fair and constructive
way. For one's own sake, whatever the provocation otherwise, it is better not to let passion
deflect the needle of one's mind. Hatred at the wheel means hazard on the course. Enmity lives
in the vicinity of the Jews more than of any other race, and the reason for this is one of the
puzzles of the ages. The Jewish nature itself, as shown in ancient and modern history, is not
without its own share of enmity, and it either evokes or provokes enmity where it comes in
contact with those Aryan races which follow their natural impulses unchecked by cultural and
ethical influences. This age-long conflict of the Jew has puzzled the minds of students for
generations. Some explain it Biblically as the curse of Jehovah upon His Chosen People for
their disobedience to the discipline by which He would have made them the Prophet Nation of
the world. If this offense must come, if it is part of the Jew's heritage, an old saying -- Christian
and Scriptural, by the way -- would still remain true: "It must needs be that offenses come, but
woe to that man by whom the offense cometh."
3. In some parts of the world at various times this feeling of hatred has broken into murderous
violence, which has roused, as wholesale outrage always does, the horror and resentment of
humanity. This is the extreme form in which anti-Semitism has exhibited itself, and it is the
charge of intending to stimulate it here and elsewhere which every public discussion of the
Jewish Question has to bear. There is, of course, no excuse for these outbreaks, but there is
sufficient explanation of them. The Jews usually explain them as expressions of religious
prejudice, and the Gentiles as rebellion against an economic yoke which the Jews have woven
for the people. It is an astonishing fact that, to take one country, the parts of Russia where
anti-Semitic violence has been most marked are the most prosperous parts, so prosperous
indeed and with a prosperity so unquestionably due to Jewish enterprise that the Jews have
openly declared that they have the power to throw those parts of Russia back into commercial
lethargy again by simply withdrawing. It is utterly idle to throw denials at this statement. It is
confirmed time and time again by men who have gone to Russia full of resentment against the
attitude of the Russians toward the Jews, as that attitude is represented in the Anglo-Saxon
press, and who have come home with a new light on the cause of these outbreaks, though not
excusing their character. Impartial observers have also found that some of the outbreaks have
been precipitated by the Jews themselves. A correspondent, known the world over for his
trenchant defense of the Jews under Russian persecution, was always bitterly attacked by the
Jews themselves whenever he stated the truth about this, notwithstanding his protest to them
that if he did not tell the truth when they were in the wrong the world would not be ready to
believe him when he said they were blameless. To this day, in every country, the Jews are slow
to admit blameworthiness for anything. They must be excused, whoever else may be accused. It
is a trait which will have to be disciplined before they can be brought to assist, if ever they can,
the removal of those characteristics which arouse the antagonism of other peoples. Elsewhere in
the world, it may be said that out-and-out enmity to the Jews has an economic basis. This, of
course, leads to the question of whether the Jew shall have to become a deliberate failure, or
deny his genius, and forego his just meed of prosperity before he can win the approval of the
other races -- a question which will arise for discussion later.
As to the religious prejudice which the Jews are, as a rule, readiest to affirm, it is safe to say
that it does not exist in the United States. Yet it is charged up to Americans by Jewish writers
just as freely as it is charged up to Russians. Each non-Jew reader is competent to settle this for
himself. He can easily do so by asking himself whether in all his life he has ever felt a moment's
resentment against the Jew on account of his religion. In an address recently delivered in a
Jewish lodge and reported in the Jewish press, the speaker, a Jew, stated that if 100 non-Jews on
the street were approached at random and casually asked what a Jew is, the reply of the majority
would be, "He is a Christ-killer." One of the best known and most highly respected rabbis in the
United States said recently in a sermon that children in Christian Sunday schools were taught to
regard the Jew as a Christ-killer. He repeated it in a conversation several weeks later.
It would probably be the testimony of Christians generally that they never heard this term until
they heard it in a Jewish complaint, and certainly themselves never used it. The charge is
absurd. Let the 20,000,000 now in Christian Sunday schools of Canada and the United States
testify as to the instruction given. There is no hesitation in stating that there is no prejudice
whatever in the Christian churches against the Jew on account of his religion. On the contrary,
there is not only a deep sense of indebtedness, but a feeling of sharing with the Jew in his
religion. The Sunday schools of the Christian churches of the world are spending six months of
this year studying the International Lessons which are appointed for the Books of the Judges,
Ruth, First and Second Samuel and the Books of the Kings, and every year is devoted in part to
the Old Testament.
Here, however, is something for Jewish religious leaders to consider: there is more downright
bitterness of religious prejudice on the part of the Jews against Christianity than could ever be
possible in the Christian churches of America. Simply take the church press of America and
compare it with the Jewish press in this regard, and there is no answer. No Christian editor
would think it either Christian or intelligent to attack the Jewish religion, yet any six months'
survey of the Jewish press would yield a mass of attack and prejudice on the other side.
Moreover, no religious bitterness in America attains within infinite distances to that bitterness
visited upon the Jew who becomes a Christian in his faith. It amounts almost to a holy vendetta.
A Christian may become a Jewish proselyte and his motives be respected; it is never so when a
Jew becomes a Christian. These statements are true of both the orthodox and liberal wings of
Judaism. It is not his religion that gives prominence to the Jew today; it is something else. And
yet, with undeviating monotony, it is repeated wherever the Jew takes cognizance of the feeling
toward him that it is on account of three things, first and most prominent of which is his
religion. It may be comforting to him to think that he is suffering for his faith, but it is not true.
Every intelligent Jew must know it.
Every Jew ought to know also that in every Christian church where the ancient prophecies are
received and studied, there is a great revival of interest in the future of the Ancient People. It is
not forgotten that certain Promises were made to them regarding their position in the world, and
it is held that these prophecies will be fulfilled. The future of the Jew, as prophetically outlined,
is intimately bound up with the future of this planet, and the Christian church in large part -- at
least by the evangelical wing, which the Jews most condemn -- sees a Restoration of the Chosen
People yet to come. If the mass of the Jews knew how understandingly and sympathetically all
the prophecies concerning them are being studied in the Church, and the faith that exists that
these prophecies will find fulfillment and that they will result in great Jewish service to society
at large, they would probably regard the Church with another mind. They would at least know
that the Church does not believe that it will be the instrument in the conversion of the Jews -- a
point on which Jewish leaders are tragically misled and which evokes more bitterness than
anything else -- but that it depends on quite other instruments and conditions, which it is not the
function of this article to point out except to say that it will be the Jews' very own Messiah
which will accomplish it and not the "wild olive," or the Gentile.
Curiously enough, there is a phase of anti-Semitism having to do with religion, but not in the
way here discussed. There are those, very few in number and of atheistical tendencies, who
assert that all religion is a sham, being the invention of Jews for the purpose of enslaving the
minds of the people of the world to an enervating superstition. This position, however, has had
no effect on the main issue. It is a far extreme.
Now, which of these exhibitions of anti-Semitism will show itself in America? If certain
tendencies continue, as they are certain to do, what form will the feeling toward the Jew take?
Not that of mass violence, we may be sure. The only mass action visible now is that of the
Jewish agencies themselves against any person or institution that dares bring the Jewish
Question to public attention.
1. Anti-Semitism will come to America because of the habit which emotions and ideas
apparently have of making their way westward around the world. North of Palestine, where the
Jews have been longest settled and where they are now in great numbers, anti-Semitism is acute
and well-defined. Westward, in Germany, it is clearly defined but, until the seizure of German
revolutionary agencies, was devoid of violence. Still farther westward, in Great Britain, it is
defined, but because of the comparatively small number of Jews in the British Isles and their
coalition with the ruling class, it is more a feeling than a movement. In the United States it is
not so definite, but shows itself in a restlessness, a questioning, a sensible friction between the
traditional tendency of the American to fair-mindedness and his respect for the cold facts.
Because the Question will assume more and more pressure in America it behooves everyone of
foresight to disregard the shortsighted protests of the Jews themselves and see to it that the
Question shall not present itself among us as it has done among other people, in its most
distressing and confusing forms. It is a public duty to seize this problem at its beginning and
train it up, so to speak; that is, so prepare for it that it may be handled here in a manner which
will form a model for all other countries, which will indeed supply all other countries with the
essential materials for a permanent solution. And this can be done only by exposing and
recognizing and treating with the serum of publicity the condition before which, heretofore, the
nations have helplessly floundered because they lacked either the desire or the means to get at
the great root of the difficulty.
2. Another cause of the Question appearing here will be the great influx of Jews which is
planned for America. There will probably be a million Jews enter the country this year,
increasing our Jewish population to nearly 4,500,000. This does not mean merely an
immigration of persons, but an immigration of ideas. No Jewish writer has ever told us, in
systematic fashion, just what is the Jews' idea of non-Jews, how they regard the Gentiles in their
private minds. But there are indications of it, although one would not attempt to reconstruct the
Jewish attitude toward Gentiles. A Jew ought to do this for us, but he would probably be cast
out by his own people if he discharged his task with rigorous jealousy for the exact fact.
These people are coming here regarding the Gentile as an hereditary enemy, as perhaps they
have good ground for doing, and so believing they are going to model their behavior in a
manner that will show it. Nor will these Jews be so helpless as they appear. In stricken Poland,
where the Jews are represented as having been stripped of everything during the war, there are
hundreds daily appearing before the consulate to arrange their passage here. The fact is
significant. In spite of their reputed suffering and poverty, they are able to travel a great
distance and to insist on coming. No other people are financially able to travel in such numbers.
But the Jews are. It will readily be seen that they are not objects of charity. They have been able
to keep afloat in a storm that has wrecked the other people. They know it and they joy in it, as is
natural. And they will bring here the same thoughts toward the majority which they have
harbored in their present lands of domicile. They may hail America; they will have their own
thoughts about the majority of the American people. They may be in the lists as Russians or
Poles or what not, but they will be Jews with the full Jewish consciousness, and they will make
themselves felt.
All this is bound to have its effect. And it is not race prejudice to prepare for it, and to invite
American Jews themselves to consider the fact and contribute to the solution of the problem
which it presents.
3. Every idea which has ruled Europe has met with transformation when it was transplanted in
America. It was so with the idea of Liberty, the idea of Government, the idea of War. It will be
so with the idea of anti-Semitism. The whole problem will center here and if we are wise and do
not shirk it, it will find its solution here. A recent Jewish writer has said: "Jewry today largely
means American Jewry . . . . . . . . . . all former Jewish centers were demolished during the
war and were shifted to America." The problem will be ours, whether we choose it or not.
And what course will it take? Much depends on what can be accomplished before it becomes
very strong. It may be said, however, that the first element to appear will be a show of
resentment against certain Jewish commercial successes, more particularly against the united
action by which they are attained. Our people see the spectacle of a people in the midst of a
people, in a sense which the Mormons never were, and they will not like it. The Mormons made
an Exodus; Israel is going back into Egypt to subjugate it.
The second element which will undoubtedly appear is prejudice and its incitement. The
majority may always be right, but they are not always initially reasonable. That prejudice which
exists now, and which is freely admitted by both Jew and Gentile, may become more marked, to
the distress of both parties, for neither the subject nor the object of prejudice can attain that
freedom of mind which is happiness.
Then we may most confidently look for a reaction of Justice. It is here that the whole matter
will begin to bend to the genius of Americanism. The innate justice of the American mind has
come to the aid of every object that ever roused American resentment. The natural reaction with
us is of very brief duration; the intellectual and ethical reaction swiftly follows. The American
mind will never rest with merely resenting certain individuals. It will probe deeper. Already this
deeper probe has been begun in Great Britain and America. We characteristically do not stop
with persons when principles are in sight.
And upon this there will be an investigation of materials, part of which may yet be presented in
this series and which may possibly be disregarded for a time, but which at a future date will be
found to be the clue to the maze. Upon this, the root of all the trouble will be bared to the light,
to die as all roots do when deprived of their concealment of darkness, and then the Jewish
people themselves may be expected to begin an adjustment to the new order of things, not to
lose their identity or to curtail their energy or to dim their brilliance, but to turn all into more
worthy channels for the benefit of all races, which alone can justify their claim to superiority. A
race that can achieve in the material realm what the Jews have achieved while asserting
themselves to be spiritually superior, can achieve in a less sordid, a less society-defying realm
The Jews will not be destroyed; neither will they be permitted to maintain the yoke which they
have been so skillful in fastening upon society. They are the beneficiaries of a system which
itself will change and force them to other and higher devices to justify their proper place in the
[THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, issue of 19 June 1920]
"We must force the Gentile governments to adopt measures which will promote our
broadly conceived plan already approaching its triumphal goal by bringing to
bear the pressure of stimulated public opinion which has in reality been organized
by us with the help of the so-called 'great power' of the Press. With few exceptions,
not worth considering, it has already fallen into our hands."
-- The Seventh Protocol.
"What are you prating about? As long as we do not have the Press of the whole
world in our hands, everything you may do is vain. We must control or influence
the papers of the whole world in order to blind and deceive the people."
-- Baron Montefiore.
NOTE 1: The statements indicated are those of non-Zionist Jews. The real Jewish program is
that program which is executed. It was the Zionist program that was followed by the Peace
Conference. It must therefore be regarded as the official program.
[THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, issue of 10 July 1920]
"There is all the difference in the world," said a young Jewish philosopher,
"between an American Jew and a Jewish American. A Jewish American is a mere
amateur Gentile, doomed to be a parasite forever."
-- "The Conquering Jew," p. 91.
"In a world of completely organized territorial sovereignties he (the Jew) has only
two possible cities of refuge; he must either pull down the pillars of the whole
national state system, or he must create a territorial sovereignty of his own . . . . In
Eastern Europe, Bolshevism and Zionism seem to grow side by side . . . . not
because the Jew cares for the positive side of radical philosophy, not because he
desires to be a partaker in Gentile nationalism or Gentile democracy, but because
no existing Gentile system is ever anything but distasteful to him."
These are enlightening figures. The reader will note that the Jewish percentage is high at all
times, never lower than 76 per cent in any case. (Curiously enough, the lowest percentage of
Jews is found in the Commissariat of War.) But in those committees which deal most closely
with the mass of the people, as well as in the committees of defense and propaganda, Jews fill
literally all the places.
Remember what the Protocols say about Press control: remember what Baron Montefiore said
about it, and then look at the Government Journalists. That committee comprises 41 men, and
the 41 are Jews. Only Jewish pens are trusted with Bolshevist propaganda.
And then the so-called "Red Cross delegates," which are merely Red Revolutionary delegates to
the cities named -- of the 8, there are 8 Jews.
The Commissariat of Social Assistance, upon whose word the life and privilege of tens of
thousands hang -- there are 6 members, and the 6 are Jews. And so on through the list.
Out of the 53 members of the Commissariat of Public Instruction, 11 are noted as non-Jews. But
what kind of non-Jews is not stated. They may be "non-Jews like Lenin" whose children speak
the Yiddish as their native tongue. Whatever they are, there is a sidelight upon their attitude in
the fact that the Bolsheviki immediately took over all the Hebrew schools and continued them
as they were and laid down a rule that the ancient Hebrew language should be taught in them.
The ancient Hebrew language is the vehicle of the deeper secrets of the World Program.
And for the Gentile Russian children -- ? "Why," said these gentle Jewish educators, "we will
teach them sex knowledge. We will brush out of their minds the cobwebs. They must learn the
truth about things!" -- with consequences that are too pitiable to narrate. But this can be said:
unquestionably there were deaths among innocent Jews when Hungary wrested itself free from
the Red Bolshevism of Bela Kun (or Cohen). The Jews may well call it the "White Terror" that
followed their failure to re-enact the tragedy of Russia in Hungary. But there are mountains of
evidence to show that nothing had so potent an effect in producing the bloodshed of the "White
Terror" as the outraged minds of parents whose children had been compulsorily drawn through
sloughs of filth during the short time the Jewish Bolsheviki had charge of the schools.
American Jews do not like to hear this. Their shrinking from it would be greatly to their honor
did they not immediately return to the defense of the people who do these things. It is well
enough known that the chastity of Christians is not so highly regarded by the orthodox male
Jew as is the chastity of his own people, but it would be pleasant to be certain that all of them
condemn what went on in Russia and Hungary in the matter of education. However, as most of
the influences which destroy Gentile youth today -- in America -- are in the hands of the Jews,
and as it is plainly stated in the Protocols that one of the lines of campaign is "to corrupt the
youth of the Gentiles," the situation is one that calls for something more than mere hard feelings
and angry denials whenever these facts are referred to.
It is not the economic experiment, so-called, that one objects to in Russia; it is not the fallacies,
the sad delusion of the people. No. It is the downright dirty immorality, the brutish nastiness of
it all; and the line which the immorality and nastiness draws between Jew and Gentile. The
horrible cruelty involved we will not deal with, leaving it merely with the explanation which
has found utterance in the Jewish press that "it may be that the Jew in Russia is taking an
unconscious revenge for his centuries of suffering."
"But," asks some reader, "how may we know that all this is true?"
Bearing in mind that we are speaking of Russia, not for the interest of the Russian situation at
all, but to indicate the international character of those who are responsible for conditions there,
and to identify them for the protection of the United States, we shall look at the evidence.
There is, of course, the evidence brought to light by our own United States Senate and printed
in a Report of the Committee on the Judiciary. We do not wish to spend much time on this,
because we prefer in these articles to use Jewish testimony instead of Gentile. But we shall
pause long enough to show the nature of the testimony brought out by our own government.
Dr. George A. Simons, a clergyman in charge of an American congregation in Petrograd at the
time the Bolshevik terror broke out, was a witness. Parts of his testimony are given here:
"'There were hundreds of agitators who followed in the trail of Trotsky-Bronstein,
these men having come over from the lower East Side of New York * * * A
number of us were impressed by the strange Yiddish element in this thing right
from the start, and it soon became evident that more than half the agitators in the
so-called Bolshevik movement were Yiddish.'
"Senator Nelson -- 'Hebrews?'
"Dr. Simons -- 'They were Hebrews, apostate Jews. I do not want to say anything
against the Jews, as such. I am not in sympathy with the anti-Semitic movement,
never have been, and do not ever expect to be * * * But I have a firm conviction
that this thing is Yiddish, and that one of its bases is found in the East Side of New
"Senator Nelson -- 'Trotsky came over from New York during that summer, did he
"Dr. Simons -- 'He did.'
"Later Dr. Simons said: 'In December, 1918 * * * under the presidency of a man
known as Apfelbaum * * * out of 388 members, only 16 happened to be real
Russians, and all the rest Jews, with the exception possibly of one man, who is a
Negro from America, who calls himself Professor Gordon * * * and 265 of this
northern commune government that is sitting in the Old Smolny Institute came
from the lower East Side of New York -- 265 of them. * * *
"'I might mention this, that when the Bolsheviki came into power, all over
Petrograd we at once had a predominance of Yiddish proclamations, big posters,
and everything in Yiddish. It became very evident that now that was to be one of
the great languages of Russia; and the real Russians, of course, did not take very
kindly to it.'"
William Chapin Huntington, who was commercial attache of the United States Embassy at
Petrograd, testified:
"The leaders of the movement, I should say, are about two-thirds Russian Jews
* * * The Bolsheviks are internationalists, and they were not interested in the
particular national ideals of Russia."
William W. Welch, an employee of the National City Bank, New York, testified:
"In Russia it is well known that three-fourths of the Bolshevik leaders are Jewish
* * * There were some -- not many, but there were some -- real Russians; and
what I mean by real Russians is Russian-born, and not Russian Jews."
Roger E. Simmons, Trade Commissioner connected with the United States Department of
Commerce, also testified. An important anonymous witness, whom the committee permitted to
withhold his name, told the same things.
The British White Book, Russia, No. 1 -- "A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia,
presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, April, 1919," contains masses of the
same testimony from many sources, all of them eyewitnesses.
In that very highly respected magazine Asia for February-March, 1920, is an article which
contains, among other important ones, these statements: (the italics are ours)
"In all the Bolshevist institutions the heads are Jews. The Assistant Commissar for
Elementary Education, Grunberg, can hardly speak Russian. The Jews are
successful in everything and obtain their ends. They know how to command and
get complete submission. But they are proud and contemptuous toward everyone,
which strongly excites the people against them * * * At the present time there is a
great national religious fervor among the Jews. They believe that the promised
time of the rule of God's elect on earth is coming. They have connected Judaism
with a universal revolution. They see in the spread of revolution the fulfilling of
the Scriptures: 'Though I make an end of all the nations whither I have scattered
thee, yet will I not make an end of thee.'"
Now if Gentile proof were wanted, the files of the THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT for a
whole year would not begin to contain it. But Jewish proof is better.
There has been a strange vacillation in Jewish opinion concerning Bolshevism. At first it was
hailed with delight. There was no concealment whatever in the early days of the new regime as
to the part Jewry had in it. Public meetings, interviews, special articles poured forth in which
very valuable elements of truth were mingled. There was no attempt at concealment of names.
The the horror of the thing began to take hold upon the world, and for just a breathing space,
Jewish opinion fell silent. There was a spasmodic denial or two. Then a new burst of
glorification. The glorification continues within Judaism itself, but it now carries on the Gentile
side of its face a very sad expression labeled "persecution."
We have lived to see the day when to denounce Bolshevism is to "persecute the Jews."
In the American Hebrew, for September 10, 1920, an article appears which not only
acknowledges and explains the part which the Jew plays in the present unrest and upheaval, but
justifies it -- and justifies it, curiously enough, by The Sermon on the Mount.
The writer says that "the Jew evolved organized capitalism with its working instrumentality, the
banking system."
This is very refreshing, in view of the numerous Jewish denials of this economic fact.
"One of the impressive phenomena of the impressive time is the revolt of the Jew against the
Frankenstein that his own mind conceived and his own hand fashioned * * *" If this is true,
why is Jewish "organized capital with its working instrumentality, the banking system"
supporting the revolt?
"That achievement (referring to the Russian overthrow), destined to figure in history as the
overshadowing result of the World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish
discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct."
This rapid emergence of the Russian revolution from the destructive phase and its entrance into
the constructive phase is a conspicuous expression of the constructive genius of Jewish
(This, of course, requires proof that the constructive phase has appeared. The implication here is
sheer propaganda. The Protocols, however, have a reconstructive program. We have not
reached it as yet in this series of articles, but it is clearly outlined in the Protocols -- destroy the
Gentile society, and then reconstruct it according to "our" plans.)
Now read carefully:
"What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to
accomplish in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart
Read that again. "What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed
to accomplish in Russia!" Just what was that? And just how did it "powerfully contribute?" and
why are "Jewish idealism" and "Jewish discontent" always linked together? If you read the
Protocols it is all very clear. Jewish idealism is the destruction of Gentile society and the
erection of Jewish society. Was it not so in Russia? -- Yiddish proclamations on the walls, the
ancient Hebrew in the schools, Saturday substituted for Sunday, and the rabbis respected while
the priests were put to work on the roads! All "powerfully contributed" to by murder, rapine,
theft and starvation.
Our author is more candid than he realizes. He calls this linked idealism and discontent "the
historic qualities of the Jewish mind." THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT is indebted to him
for this clear confirmation of what it has been saying for some time.
But even that is not all. "These same historic qualities of the Jewish mind" which "contributed
so powerfully to accomplish in Russia" the Red Terror still existing there, are declared by this
author to be tending to promote the same sort of thing in other countries. He says so in so many
words -- "tending to promote in other countries."
But we knew that. The only difference is that when Gentiles said it, they were overwhelmed
with the wildest abuse; but now a pro-Jewish writer says it in a leading Jewish publication. And
he says it apologetically -- listen to him:
"It was natural that * * * discontent in other parts of the world should find
expression in overemphasis of issues and overstatement of aims."
What discontent? Jewish discontent, of course. Discontent with what? With any form of Gentile
rule. And how did it find expression? "In overemphasis of issues and overstatement of aims."
What were these issues and aims? To bring the Bolshevik revolution to the United States.
No, they did not overstate their aims; they exactly stated them -- they simply selected the wrong
country, that's all.
There are Russian Bolshevists in this country now, hawking about the streets of New York the
gold cigaret cases which they stole from Russian families, and the family jewels, the wedding
and birthday rings, which they filched from Russian women. Bolshevism never got further than
the pawnshop and burglar's "fence" idea. The proof of this traffic in stolen property is going to
drive some people into hiding before long. It will be a long, long time before America will be
taking orders in Yiddish, or American women will be giving up their jewels to "the chosen
However, that happens to be only the most recent acknowledgement that has come to hand. It is
significant for its confession that "Jewish discontent" was "tending to promote" in "other
countries" what it has "so powerfully contributed to accomplish in Russia."
And with such a link between the American Hebrew, Russian Bolshevism and the Protocols,
there are still Jewish publicists with the crust to say that only crazy people could see the
connection. Only blind people will not see it. But that is only a minor connection. This series of
articles does not rest on anything so accidental as the Jewish New Year's apology for
Bolshevism in the great Hebrew weekly of the United States.
[THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, issue of 25 September 1920]
"Out of the economic chaos, the discontent of the Jew evolved organized capital
with its working instrumentality, the banking system . . . .
"One of the impressive phenomena of the impressive time is the revolt of the Jew
against the Frankenstein which his own mind conceived and his own hand
fashioned. . . .
"That achievement (Russian Bolshevik revolution -- Ed.), destined to figure in
history as the over-shadowing result of the World War, was largely the outcome of
Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct . . . .
"What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to
accomplish in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are
tending to promote in other countries . . . .
"Shall America, like the Russia of the Czars, overwhelm the Jew with the bitter and
baseless reproach of being a destroyer, and thus put him in the position of an
irreconcilable enemy?
"Or shall America avail itself of Jewish genius as it avails itself of the peculiar
genius of every other race? . . . .
"That is the question for the American people to answer."
-- From an article in The American Hebrew, Sept. 10, 1920.
"The distinctive character of the Jew does not arise solely from his religion. It is
true that his race and religion are indissolubly connected, . . . . but whatever be the
cause of this junction of the race idea with the religion, it is very certain that the
religion alone does not constitute the people. A believer in the Jewish faith does
not by reason of that fact become a Jew. On the other hand, however, a Jew by
birth remains a Jew, even though he abjures his religion."
-- Leo N. Levi, President of B'nai B'rith 1900-1904.
"Economic crises were created by us for the Gentiles only by the withdrawal of
money from circulation . . . . The present issue of money does not coincide with the
need per capita, and consequently it cannot satisfy all the needs of the working
classes. . . . . You know that gold currency was detrimental to the governments that
accepted it, for it could not satisfy the requirements for money, since we took as
much gold as possible out of circulation."
-- Protocol 20.
Districts such as the Delancey Street and East Broadway sections cover the Great Ghetto of the
East Side, while the West Side and Harlem Districts represent the neighborhoods which are the
residential goals of the prosperous Jews of New York.
It has been stated that there are districts in which the density of Jewish population is more than
300,000 per square mile, which is more than 2,150 to the usual square city block. There are 19
neighborhoods in which the density is more than 200,000 to the square mile (1,430 to the square
block); and 36 neighborhoods in which the density is more than 100,000 to the square mile (715
to the square block).
The average density of the general population for New York City both Jewish and non-Jewish,
in 1915, was about 16,000 to the square mile, or 107 to the square block. More than one-third of
the Jews, about 38 per cent, that is, 570,000 Jews, live on one per cent of the area of New York.
If all New York's population were as dense as is the Jewish population of the congested
districts, the City would have almost as many inhabitants as the whole United States, or about
These figures dimly portray the overcrowding which has resulted from the terrific influx of
Russian-Polish Jews of the ghetto type, who have settled in the Metropolis and steadfastly
refused to go any further, resulting in problems which are probably unparalleled in the history
of civilization.
Yet it is out of such conditions that the far-reaching power of the Kehillah is derived.
When the aggressive program of the Kehillah to make New York a Jewish city, and through
New York the United States a Jewish country, was announced, some of the more conservative
Jews of New York were timorous. They did not expect that the American people would stand
for it. They thought the American people would immediately understand what was afoot and
oppose it. There were others who doubted whether the same Kehillah authority could here be
wielded over the Jews as was wielded in the old country ghettos. As an official of the Kehillah
"There were those who doubted the ultimate success of this new venture in Jewish
organization. They based their lack of belief on the fact that no governmental
authority could possibly be secured; in other words, that the Kehillah of New York
could not hope to wield the same power, based on governmental coercion, as the
Kehillahs of the Old World."
There is much in that paragraph to indicate the status of the Kehillah in Jewish life. Add to this
the fact that the vast majority of adult Jews in New York lived under the Kehillahs of the Old
World, whose power was based on coercion, and you have an interesting situation.
What the doubt consisted in, however, is not as stated there. No doubt existed as to what it
would be possible to do with the Jews. The entire doubt consisted in how far the Americans
would let the thing go on. The program of the Kehillah was ostensibly "to assert Jewish rights."
No Jewish rights have ever been interfered with in America. The expression is a euphemism for
a campaign to interfere with non-Jewish rights.
Just how the free exercise of American rights by an American may be construed and is
construed by the Jew to be an interference with his rights, will be shown in a separate article.
The doubters felt that when the Jews began to make such demands as that Christmas carolds
should be suppressed in the schools, as "offensive to the Jews"; and that Christmas trees should
be banished from police stations in poor neighborhoods as "offensive to the Jews"; and that the
Easter holidays should be abolished as "offensive to the Jews"; and that the phrase "a Christian
gentleman" should be protested everywhere, as "offensive to the Jews"; -- the business class of
Jews felt that the American would not stand for it.
The American has never interfered with any man's religious observances; would he stand to
have his own prohibited in his own institutions and in his own country?
However, the Jews' misgivings were not justified. The Americans made no protest. The
Kehillah went ahead with its campaign and the native population submitted. New York is
Jewish. From the City Hall to the Bowery, from Fifth Avenue to Hester street, in board of
education, newspaper row, and courts of justice, New York is Jewish. It is actually an offense,
an offense speedily though unofficially punished, to intimate in any public way that New York
may possibly be other than Jewish. New York is the answer to those who ask, "How can a
numerically inferior group dictate the terms of life for all the rest?" Go into a New York school,
and see. Go into a New York court, and see. Go into a New York newspaper office, and see.
Stand anywhere in New York, and see.
But with it all one gets a sense of the insecurity of this usurpation of power. It doesn't belong
either by right of numbers, or by right of superior ability, or yet by right of a better use made of
the power thus taken. They have taken it by audacity; they have taken it in such a way as to
make resentment of it seem like an anti-racial movement -- and that is why they have held it as
long as they have.
That is the only way to explain the meekness of the American in this matter, and it also
accounts for the sense of insecurity which even the Jews feel in the position they hold. The
American is the slowest person in the world to act on any line that savors of racial or religious
prejudice. Even when his justifiable act is taken without the slightest prejudice, he is extremely
sensitive even to the charge that he is prejudiced. This makes for a seeming aloofness from
matters like the Jewish Question. This also leads men to sign protests against "anti-Semitism"
which are really designed to be protests against the publication of Jewish facts.
But it would be a serious mistake to believe that the Americans have accepted within their
minds the fact of Jewish supremacy in any field, for they have not. And the Jews know that they
have not. Present Jewish importance in American affairs threatens to become as precarious as
Bolshevik rule in Russia; it may fall at any time. The Jews have overplayed their hand. They
have threatened too wildly and boasted too loudly. The very weight of the importance of the
Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee is to be one of the factors in the fall. The Jews
may live among us, but they may not live upon us.
These things are better known to the Jew than to the non-Jew, for the Jew knows the Jewish
Question better than anyone else, and he knows better than any Gentile when a statement hits
the bull's-eye of the truth. The American Jews are not now protesting against lies; they would
welcome lies against themselves; they are roused to protest by the power of the truth, and they
are the best judges of the truth with reference to themselves.
The situation is not one that calls for expulsion, or resistance, but simply exposure to the light --
for to vanquish darkness, what is better than light?
The Jews had a great opportunity in the New York Kehillah. They had an opportunity to say to
the world, "This is what the Jew can do for a city when he is given freedom to work." They
have the city government, the police department, the health department, the school board, the
newspapers, the judiciary, financiers -- every element of power.
And what have they to show for all this? The answer is, -- New York.
New York is an object lesson set in the sight of the whole world, as to what the Jew can do and
will do when he exalts himself to the seat of rule. It is inconceivable that even the Jewish
spokesmen will defend Jewish New York.
Lest the New York Kehillah -- in view of statements yet to be made concerning it -- should be
disregarded, or its importance minimized, by the feeling that, after all, it only represents the
more radical elements, "the apostate Jews" which seems to be a recent favorite designation for
them, a partial view is here given of its leaders.
Present at the 1918 convention were Jacob H. Schiff, banker; Louis Marshall, lawyer, president
of the American Jewish Committee and frequent visitor to Washington; Otto A. Rosalsky, judge
of the General Sessions Court, who has taken part in several affairs of interest both to Jews and
Gentiles; Adolph S. Ochs, proprietor of the New York Times; Otto H. Kahn, of the banking
firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company -- AND -- Benjamin Schlesinger, who is lately returned from
Moscow where he had a conference with Lenin; Joseph Schlossberg, general secretary of the
Amalgmated Clothing Workers of America, with 177,000 members; Max Pine, also recently a
consultant with the Bolshevik rulers of Russia; David Pinski; Joseph Barondess, labor leader.
The high and the low are here; Judge Mack, who headed the War Risk Insurance Bureau of the
United States Government, and the little leader of the reddest group in the East End -- they all
meet in the Kehillah, as Jews.
As to the Kehillah being officially representative, it may be added that the Kehillah has in it
representatives of the Central Conference of American rabbis, Eastern Council of Reform
rabbis, Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, Independent Order of B'rith Sholom, Independent
Order Free Sons of Israel, Independent Order B'rith Abraham, Federation of American Zionists
-- othodox Jews, reform Jews, "apostate Jews," Zionist Jews, Americanized Jews, rich Jews,
poor Jews, law-abiding Jews and red revolutionary Jews -- Adolph Ochs of the great New York
Times, together with the most feverish scribbler on a Yiddish weekly that calls for blood and
violence -- Jacob Schiff who was a devoutly religious Jew of strong faith and obedience, and
Otto H. Kahn, of the same banking house, who professes another religion -- all of them, of all
classes, bound together in that solidarity which has been achieved by no other people so
perfectly as by Judah.
And these are banded together for the purpose of "protecting Jewish rights." From what? If
Americans were not large in their liberal-mindedness the very statement of purpose would be an
offense. Who in this country is interfering with anyone's rights? The American wants to know,
for that is the kind of thing he wants to put down, and always has put down, and will put down
again wherever or from whatever quarter it arises. Therefore it will occur to him sooner or later
to demand particulars of these rights that need protection, and from what they need to be
What rights have Americans that Jews in America do not possess? Against whom are the Jews
organized, and against what?
What basis is there for the cry of "persecution"? None whatever, except the Jews' own
consciousness that the course they are pursuing is due for a check. The Jews always know that.
They are not in the stream of the world, and every little while the world finds out what Judah
always knows.
Rabbi Elias L. Solomon has been quoted as saying:
"There is no thinking Jew outside of America whose eyes are not turned toward
this country. The freedom enjoyed by the Jews in America is not the outcome of
emancipation purchased at the cost of national suicide, but the natural product of
American civilization."
Of course. Then where is the "protection" needed? What are the "rights" which the Kehillahs of
this country are organized to "defend"? What are the meanings of these committees in every
city and town of the land, spying upon American activities and bringing protests to bear to keep
those activities within well-defined channels acceptable to the Jews?
These questions have never been answered by the Jewish spokesmen. Let them prepare a Bill of
Rights, as they conceive their rights to be. Let them name every right they desire and claim.
They have never done so. Why? Because the rights they dare name in public are such as they
already possess in abundance, and further, because the rights that in their hearts they most
desire are such that they cannot state to the American public.
A Jewish Bill of Rights, such as could be published, would be met by the American people
thus: "Why, you have all these things already. What more do you want?" And that is the
question which lies at the core of the entire Jewish Problem -- What more do they want?
A further penetration of Kehillah activities may help to answer that question.
[THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, issue of 26 February 1921]
SIR STUART SAMUEL says: "Poles generally are of a generous nature, and if the present
incitements of the press were repressed by a strong official hand, Jews would be able to live, as
they have done for the past 800 years, on good terms with their fellow citizens in Poland."
Note how easily Sir Stuart talks about repression of the press. The Polish press has at last
obtained freedom of writing. It is exercising a privilege which the Jewish press of Poland
always had. But now that it speaks freely of Jews, repress it with a strong hand, says Sir Stuart.
He would not dare suggest that in England where the press also is finding its freedom. As to the
Yiddish press in Poland, the reader will find some information in Israel Friedlaender's essay,
"The Problem of Polish Jewry." Friedlaender was a Jew and his book was published by a Jewish
house in Cincinnati. He says:
"The Yiddish press sprang up and became a powerful civilizing agency among the Jews of
Poland. The extent of its influence may be gathered from the fact, which curiously enough is
pointed out reproachfully by the Poles, that the leading Yiddish newspaper of Warsaw
commanded but a few years ago a larger circulation than that of all the Polish newspapers
HENRY MORGENTHAU says (par. 7) -- "The soldiers had been inflamed by the charge that
the Jews were Bolsheviks, while at Lemberg it was associated with the idea that the Jews were
making common cause with the Ukrainians. These excesses were, therefore, political as well as
anti-Semitic in character."
And again (par. 8) -- "Just as the Jews would resent being condemned as a race for the action of
a few of their co-religionists, so it would be correspondingly unfair to condemn the Polish
nation as a whole for the violence committed by uncontrolled troops or local mobs. These
excesses were apparently not premeditated, for if they had been part of a preconceived plan, the
number of victims would have run into the thousands instead of amounting to about 280. It is
believed that these excesses were the result of widespread anti-Semitic prejudice aggravated by
the belief that the Jewish inhabitants were politically hostile to the Polish State."
SIR H. RUMBOLD says: "It is giving the Jews very little real assistance to single out, as is
sometimes done, for reprobation and protest the country where they have perhaps suffered
CAPTAIN P. WRIGHT says: "It is an explanation often given of what may be called, according
to the point of view, the idiosyncrasies or defects of the Jews that they have been an oppressed
and persecuted people. This is an idea so charitable and humane that I should like to think it, not
only of the Jews, but of every other people. It has every merit as a theory, except that of being
true. When one thinks of what happened to the other 'racial, religious and linguistic minorities'
of Europe in modern times * * * the Jews appear not as the most persecuted but as the most
favored people of Europe."
BRIGADIER GENERAL JADWIN states clearly that the "persecution" cry may be regarded as
propaganda. He says:
"The disorders of November 21 to 23 in Lemberg became, like the excesses in Lithuania, a
weapon of foreign anti-Polish propaganda. The press bureau of the Central Powers, in whose
interest it lay to discredit the Polish Republic before the world, permitted the publication of
articles * * * in which an eye-witness estimated the number of victims between 2,500 and
3,000, although the extreme number furnished by the local Jewish committee was 76." (p. 15.)
And again: "In common with all free governments of the world, Poland is faced with the danger
of the political and international propaganda to which the war has given rise. The coloring, the
invention, the suppression of news, the subornation of newspapers by many different methods,
and the poisoning by secret influences of the instruments affecting public opinion, in short, all
the methods of malevolent propaganda are a menace from which Poland is a notable sufferer."
(p. 17.)
Of course, all this propaganda has been Jewish. The methods described are typically Jewish.
Speaking about the number killed, Mr. Morgenthau estimates the total at 258; while Sir H.
Rumbold says only 18 were killed "in Poland proper," the others having been killed in the
disorders of the war zone. Sir Stuart Samuel estimates the total killed at 348.
SIR STUART SAMUEL -- "The Jews in Poland and Galicia number about 3,000,000 * * *
Public opinion had been aroused against them by the institution of a virulent boycott. This
boycott dates from shortly after the by-election for the Duma, which took place in Warsaw in
1912 * * * Business relations between Poland and Russia were very considerable in the past,
and were generally in the hands of the Jews, not only in the handling of the goods exported, but
also in their manufacture * * * Initiative in business matters is almost entirely the prerogative
of the Jewish population * * * Nearly the whole of the estate agents who act for the Polish
nobility are of the Jewish race * * * Attention must be paid to the fact that Jews form the
middle class almost in its entirety. Above are the aristocracy and below are the peasants. Their
relations with the peasants are not unsatisfactory. The young peasants cannot read the
newspapers and are therefore but slightly contaminated by anti-Semitism until they enter the
army. I was informed that it is not at all unusual for Polish peasants to avail themselves of the
arbitrament of the Jewish rabbi's courts."
That shows the Jews to have occupied a very favorable position in Poland and is to be
remembered in connection with the previous quotation from Sir Stuart in which he says that if
the incitements of the press were repressed by a strong official hand, "the Jews would be able to
live, as they have done for the past 800 years, on good terms with their fellow citizens in
Let us take the points made by Sir Stuart, and observe what the other witnesses say about them:
(a) Beginning with the point as to the Jews' monopoly of business in Poland:
SIR H. RUMBOLD -- "Sir Stuart Samuel would appear to be mistaken in his appreciation of
the part played by the Jews in the pre-war business relations between Poland and Russia and in
the industry of the former country. Whereas it is true that goods exported from Poland were to a
large extent handled by the Jews, only a small percentage of those goods were actually
manufactured by them."
CAPTAIN P. WRIGHT -- "In Poland until the last generation all business men were Jews: The
Poles were peasants or landowners, and left commerce to the Jews; even now certainly much
more than half, and perhaps as much as three-quarters, of business men are Jews."
"For both town and country I think it a true generalization to say that the East Jews are hardly
ever producers, but nearly always middlemen."
"Economically, the Jews appear at the very outset as dealers, not as producers, nor even as
artisans, and chiefly dealers in money; in course of time the whole business and commerce of
Poland became theirs, and they did nothing else."
(b) With regard to the "estate agents" mentioned by Sir Stuart Samuel:
CAPTAIN P. WRIGHT -- "Poland is an agricultural country, but the East Jews, unlike the West
Jews, play a large part in its country life. Every estate and every village has its Jew, who holds a
sort of hereditary position in them; he markets the produce of the peasants and makes their
purchases for them in town; every Polish landowner or noble had his own Jew, who did all his
business for him, managed the commercial part of this estate, and found him money * * *
Besides this, nearly all the population of nearly all the small country towns is Jewish, corn and
leather dealers, storekeepers and peddlers, and such like."
(c) Regarding Sir Stuart's assertion that "Jews form the middle class almost to its entirety," with
the nobles above them and the peasants beneath them (a typical Jewish position -- dividing
Gentile society and standing between the parts), this illustration may help to make it clear:
CAPTAIN P. WRIGHT -- "It is instructive to try and imagine what England would be like
under the same conditions. Arriving in London, a stranger would find every second or third
person a Jew, almost all the poorer quarters and slums Jewish, and thousands of synagogues.
Arriving at Newbury he would find practically the whole town Jewish, and nearly every printed
inscription in Hebrew characters. Penetrating into Berkshire, he would find the only storekeeper
in most small villages a Jew, and small market towns mostly composed of Jewish hovels. Going
on to Birmingham he would find all the factories owned by Jews, and two shops out of three
with Jewish names."
Captain Wright is trying to give the people at home a picture of conditions in order that they
may understand how Poland feels. The Jewish press strongly resented this. Sir Stuart Samuel's
report is notable for the number of things he mentioned, and the few he explained.
SIR STUART SAMUEL -- "The fact of their language being akin to German often led to their
being employed during the German occupation in preference to other Poles. This circumstance
caused the Jews to be accused of having had business relations with the Germans * * * The
Government publicly declared its disapproval of boycotting, but a certain discrimination seems
to have been made in the re-employment of those who served under the German occupation. I
find that many Jews who thus served have been relieved of their offices and not reinstated,
whereas I can find no evidence of similar procedure in regard to other Poles."
SIR H. RUMBOLD -- "The fact of Yiddish being akin to German may have been the reason
why the Germans employed a large number of Jews during their occupation of Poland, although
a great many of the Poles with good knowledge of German could have been found. There is this
difference, however, that the Poles only served the Germans by compulsion, as they considered
them to be their enemies."
BRIGADIER GENERAL JADWIN -- "During the German occupation of Poland, the Germanic
character of the Yiddish vernacular and the readiness of certain Jewish elements to enter into
relations with the winning side, induced the enemy to employ Jews as agents for various
purposes and to grant the Jewish population not only exceptional protection, but also the
promise of autonomy. It is alleged that the Jews were active in speculation in foodstuffs, which
was encouraged by the armies of occupation with a view to facilitating export to Germany and
Austria." That is, the Jews were the means by which Poland was to be drained of its food
CAPTAIN P. WRIGHT -- "But the high day and triumph of the Jews was during the German
occupation. The Jews in Poland are deeply Germanized, and German carries you over Poland
because Jews are everywhere. So the Germans found everywhere people who knew their
language and could work for them. It was with Jews that the Germans set up their organization
to squeeze and drain Poland -- Poles and Jews included -- of everything it had; it was in concert
with Jews that German officials and officers toward the end carried on business all over the
country. In every department and region they were the instruments of the Germans, and poor
Jews grew rich and lordly as the servants of the masters. But though Germanized, the
accusation of the Poles that the Jews are devoted to Germany is unfounded * * * They have no
more loyalty to Germany -- the home of anti-Semitism -- than to Poland. The East Jews are
Jews and only Jews.
"It has seemed certain that one of two, the German or the Russian Empire, must win, and that
the Jews, who had their money on both, were safe; but the despised Poland came in first. Even
now the Jews can hardly believe in its resurrection, and one of them told me it still seemed to
him a dream."
Mr. Morgenthau does not touch this matter in his report.
SIR STUART SAMUEL -- "This boycott dates from shortly after the by-election for the Duma,
which took place in Warsaw in 1912 * * * During the war, owing to the scarcity of almost
everything, the boycott diminished, but with the armistice it revived with much of its original
intensity * * * A severe private, social and commercial boycott of Jews, however, exists
among the people generally, largely fostered by the Polish press. In Lemburg I found there was
a so-called social court presided over by M. Przyluski, a former Austrian vice-president of the
Court of Appeals, which goes so far as to summon persons having trade relations with Jews to
give an explanation of their conduct. Below will be found a typical cutting from a Polish
newspaper giving the name of a Polish countess who sold property to Jews. This was
surrounded by a mourning border such as is usual in Poland in making announcements of death.
"Countess Anna Jablonowska, resident in Galicia, has sold her two houses,
Stryjska street, Nos. 18 and 20, to the Jews, Dogilewski, Hubner and Erbsen. The
attorney of the countess was Dr. Dziedzic; her administrator, M. Naszkowski. Will
the Polish public forever remain indifferent and passive in such cases?"
This illustration of Sir Stuart brings to mind a practice common in England. It is related on page
123 of "The Conquering Jew" by John Foster Fraser, published by Funk & Wagnalls, New
York, 1916: "The housing question in the Whitechapel district has reached such a pitch that
there are large blocks of buildings where 'No English Need Apply' is a common legend. Whole
streets are being bought up by Hebrew syndicates, whose first act is to serve notice on all
Gentile tenants."
It is also worth stating in this connection, that some of the feeling which has recently led to race
riots in American cities has been engendered by the practice of small Jewish real estate
syndicates purchasing a house in the middle of a desirable block, ousting the tenants and
installing a Negro family, thereby using race prejudice to depreciate the property in the entire
block and render it purchasable by the Jews at a low price. Thereafter, the property is lost to
Gentile ownership or use.
It may be that in Poland a similar condition exists which makes the sale of property into Jewish
hands a kind of disloyalty to the people generally. Apparently the Poles think so. "Racial
prejudice" is not a sufficient explanation of such beliefs: there is always something pretty
tangible beneath them.
The "boycott" was merely this: -- an agreement among Poles to trade with Poles. The Jews were
numerous, well-to-do, and in control of all the channels of business. They own practically all
the real estate in Warsaw. The Jews claimed that the so-called boycott (the Polish name for it is
"the co-operatives") was "persecution."
SIR H. RUMBOLD -- "It must be further remembered that under the influence of economic
changes and owing to the fact that since 1832 the Poles have not been allowed to hold posts in
the government, they were gradually obliged to take to trade, and competition between the
Jewish population and the Poles commenced. This competition became stronger when the
Russian Government allowed co-operative and agricultural societies to be started in Poland.
The cooperative movement is becoming very strong and will undoubtedly form an important
factor in the development of economic relations in Poland, so that indirectly it will be bound to
affect the position of the small Jewish trader.
"In so far as the Polish Government are able to do so by legislation or proclamations, the
boycotting of the Jews should be prohibited. But I would point out that it is beyond the power of
any government to force its subjects to deal with persons with whom they do not wish to deal."
HENRY MORGENTHAU, however, takes a more reasonable view than his British
co-religionist, Sir Stuart Samuel. Mr. Morgenthau says:
"Furthermore, the establishment of co-operative stores is claimed by many Jewish
traders to be a form of discrimination. It would seem, however, that this movement
is a legitimate effort to restrict the activities and therefore the profits of the
middleman. Unfortunately, when these stores were introduced into Poland, they
were advertised as a means of eliminating the Jewish trader. The Jews have,
therefore, been caused to feel that the establishment of co-operatives is an attack
upon themselves. While the establishment and the maintenance of co-operatives
may have been influenced by anti-Semitic sentiment, this is a form of economic
activity which any community is perfectly entitled to pursue."
It is not difficult, therefore, to see through the eyes and minds of these five men the situation
that prevailed in Poland. Eight hundred years ago, Poland opened her gates to the persecuted
Jews in all Europe. They flocked there and enjoyed complete freedom; they were even allowed
to form a "state within a state," governing themselves in all Jewish matters and doing business
with the Polish Government only through their own chosen spokesmen and representatives. The
Polish people were their friends, evincing neither religious nor racial antipathy to them. Then
Europe fell upon Poland, divided her asunder, until in the roster of the nations there was no
more Poland, except in the hearts of the Polish people. During this period of Poland's
humiliation, the Jews grew to be a mighty power, ruling the Poles, regulating their very lives.
The Great War came with its promise of liberation and the restoration of a Polish free
government. The Jews were not favorable to that restoration. They were not Poland's friends.
The Poles resented this and at the signing of the armistice when they were free to express their
resentment, they did so. Many regrettable things occurred, but they were not unintelligible.
They had explanatory backgrounds. Even the armistice was not the end. The Bolsheviks from
Russia came down upon Poland, and once more, so the Poles strongly declare, the Jews were
against the land that had sheltered them for 800 years.
These are a few of the facts. Another article will be required to complete the story. In the
meantime enough has been said to show the utter wrong which Jewish propaganda in the United
States has done to Poland. But the purpose was not altogether to injure Poland; it was also to
blind the American people and cause them to view with equanimity the great influx of those
same Jews into this country.
[THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, issue of 30 October 1920]
"This clannishness would eventually break down were it not for the deliberate
efforts of Jewish leaders who are determined that Israel shall remain an imperium
in imperio. If the Jews persist in maintaining a distinct ethnic consciousness and
an exclusive community life, anti-Semitism will thrive in America as it has thrived
in Europe. The American nation, itself the result of fusion, will not tolerate without
protest a foreign element in it."
-- Herbert Adams Gibbons in the Century, September. Page 789.
"I need hardly explain that I do not think Jews ought to insist overmuch on their
rights or nationality in a negative sense. They ought to be as much Jews as they
can, but ought to be as little as possible of what is merely anti-Christian. For the
Jews to try to get a song out of the public schools because it praises Jesus is
natural but perhaps hardly wise. I admit that question, however, is an extremely
complex and baffling one. Again, the Jews have naturally taken a great interest in
this war, but in that case also they ought to choose as far as possible the more
tolerant view. Too much hostility to Russia was shown, it seems to me, when some
of their spokesmen were fighting over the wording of the Immigration Act. They
seemed to be fighting not for a real gain, but simply to rub their political power in
America into the Russian mind."
-- Norman Hapgood.
Not only did the Jewish financial firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company use far-sighted prudence in
splitting its political support -- one Warburg supporting Wilson, another Warburg supporting
Taft and an unnamed member of the firm supporting Roosevelt, all at one time, as Paul M.
Warburg testified -- but it split its activities in several other ways also.
The international interests of the Jews comprising this firm are worthy of note. The influence
which forced the United States to repudiate a commercial treaty with Russia while Russia was a
friendly country (1911), and thus to compel all business between the United States and Russia
to pass through German-Jewish hands, was generated by Jacob H. Schiff. Russia seems to have
been the country on which he chose to focus his activities. The full story is told in THE
DEARBORN INDEPENDENT of January 15, 1921, under the title, "Taft Once Tried to Resist
the Jews -- and Failed," and is reprinted in Volume II of the booklet containing this series.
Mr. Schiff's activity consisted in forcing the Congress of the United States to do a thing that was
repugnant to the reason and conscience of President Taft, and which he personally refused to do
or to recommend. Mr. Schiff left the White House in great anger with the threat, "This means
war." It did not mean as much war as it might have, for President Taft acquiesced gracefully in
the Jewish victory and has since been extremely laudatory of them on the public platform.
Mr. Schiff's firm also helped finance the Japanese war against Russia, and in return desired
Japan as a Jewish ally. The wily Japs, however, saw the game and kept their relations with Mr.
Schiff to purely business matters. Which fact is well worth bearing in mind when reading the
widespread propaganda for war with Japan. If you will give particular attention, you will
observe the same interests which are just now engaged in most loudly "defending" the Jew, are
most active in spreading anti-Japanese sentiments in this country.
The Japanese war with Russia, however, enabled Mr. Schiff to advance his plan to undermine
the Russian Empire, as it has now been accomplished by Jewish Bolshevism. With funds
provided by him, the basic principles of what is now known as Bolshevism, were sown among
the Russian prisoners of war in Japan, who were sent back as apostles of destruction. Then
followed the horrible murder of Nicholas Romanoff, Czar of Russia, with his wife, his crippled
son, and his young daughters, the full tale of which has now been told by the Jew who managed
the crime.
For the part he played in destroying Russia, Mr. Schiff was wildly hailed in New York the night
the news came that the Emperor had abdicated.
Meanwhile, the Jew who was "to take the Czar's job" (as the common New York ghetto phrase
ran, weeks before the event) had left New York to be in waiting.
This Jew was passed out of the United States at the request of a very high American personage
whose subservience to the Jews was one of the marvels of the past seven years. Halted by the
British, this Jew was released from their toils at the request of a very high American personage.
And thus, the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the program of which was made in
America, was set in operation without a hitch.
This whole firm is German Jewish, its members having originated in Germany. It had German
connections. How far it maintained those connections through all subsequent events is a
separate question.
Mr. Otto Kahn's allotted portion of the world seems to be Great Britain and France. Mr. Kahn is
of German origin, like the rest of the firm, but he has not publicly shown such concern for
Germany as have the other members. Mr. Schiff was once very active for the settlement of a
peace on the basis of a victorious Germany. Mr. Paul M. Warburg also had interests, discussion
of which is postponed for the present. But Mr. Kahn succeeded, through the connivance of
American authority and the excessive repression of the newspapers, in conveying the
impression that by some species of occult separatism he was not "German-minded."
Therefore Mr. Kahn flits lightly everywhere -- except Germany. He is sufficiently French to be
able to tell in the first column on the first page of Le Matin on what terms America will do
business with Europe, and he speaks as one having authority. He is sufficiently British to have
thought of standing for the British Parliament, when an unfortunate event made it necessary for
him to remain in the United States. Mr. Kahn sometimes flits farther East into the more Jewish
portions of Europe, and his comings and goings are marked by certain changes with which his
name remains most ostentatiously disconnected.
Mr. Kahn has very recently been telling France on what terms the United States will help her.
There apparently being no other spokesman, Mr. Kahn's word is accepted as authority. France is
one of the most Judaized countries in the world, the haunt of International Jewish Financiers
who exercise their power (thus saving France the trouble of passing laws) to keep the emigrant
Jew out of France; so that France presents the spectacle of being Judaized by Jewish finance
and not by immigrant Semitic hordes, and is thus a fit platform from which Mr. Otto Herman
Kahn may utter his pronouncements.
In his last declaration to France, Mr. Kahn prepares her to expect little by stating that "America
is a country of immense resources; but the actual money which the people have at their disposal
is comparatively limited." True enough. It was a member of Mr. Kahn's firm who invented a
monetary system which was promised to keep money in more equal relation to wealth.
But as he goes on telling what America will and will not do (the American people knowing
nothing about it meanwhile) Mr. Kahn discovers with great enthusiasm a place where he thinks
American capital can be placed, namely, "In the development of the vast and immensely rich
colonial empire of France."
And pray where is that? Any Frenchman would tell you now, "In Syria." Syria -- ah! -- that part
of the East where the natives are loudly complaining that the Jews are driving them out contrary
to every written and moral law. The Jewish powers have already succeeded in getting French
troops over there; bad blood has been caused between France and Great Britain; the Jews on
both sides are playing for the middle; and here is Mr. Otto Kahn himself pledging American
capital to the development of the French colonial empire! Talk to any Syrian who knows his
country's present status, and he will interpret Mr. Kahn's words very vividly.
One of the nicest bits of work Mr. Kahn has done is to denounce "pro-German propaganda"
which he says has exasperated Americans in favor of France. Next to committing the United
States to an undying admiration for Briand, this is really his finest bit. Especially, with Partner
Paul playing the German sympathy string! It is a great international orchestra, this Jewish
financial firm; it can play The Star Spangled Banner, Die Wacht am Rhein, the Marseillaise,
and God Save the King in one harmonious rendering, paying obsequious attention to the
prejudices of each.
Next come the Warburgs. Their interest is, of course, in Germany. Paul stated in his testimony
given at the beginning of the World War that he had interests in Hamburg and would dispose of
them. The war came on. The Jewish government in the United States was augmented. Mr.
Warburg was no mean figure, as previous articles have shown.
The Warburgs are three in number. Felix M. is the other one in America. He appears but
slightly in public affairs although he is a member of the American Jewish Committee and of the
firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company. His retiring habit, however, does not argue lack of
consequence. He was of sufficient consequence, Jewishly, to have bestowed upon him a sort of
honorary rabbinical degree of "Haber" which entitles him to be known as "Haber Rabbi Baruch
Ben Moshe." He is the only Jew in America upon whom the title has ever been conferred.
Max Warburg represents the family in its native land. Max Warburg had as much to do with the
German war government as his family and financial colleagues in America had to do with the
United States war government. As has been recounted in the press the world over, the brother
from America and the brother from Germany both met at Paris as government representatives in
determining the peace. There were so many Jews in the German delegation that it was known
by the term "kosher," also as "the Warburg delegation," and there were so many Jews in the
American delegation that the delegates from the minor countries of Europe looked upon the
United States as a Jewish country which through unheard-of generosity had elected a non-Jew
as its President.
Max Warburg is an interesting character also as regards the establishment of Bolshevism in
Russia. The Jews had several objectives in the war, and one of the was to "get Russia." To this
end the German Jews worked very assiduously. Because Russia was a member of the Allies, the
work of German Jews was made the easier. But the fact that Russia was an ally made no
difference with the Jews who were resident in Allied countries. Win or lose, Russia must be
destroyed. It is the testimony of history that it was not so much the German military prowess as
the Jewish intrigue that accomplished the downfall of that empire.
In this work Max Warburg was a factor. His bank is noted in a dispatch published by the United
States Government as being one whence funds were forwarded to Trotzky for use in destroying
Russia. Always against Russia, not for German reasons, but for Jewish reasons, which in this
particular instance coincided. Warburg and Trotzky -- against Russia!
Poor John Spargo, who ought to know better, denies all this -- while every American who
comes back from Russia, even those who went over there pro-Bolshevik, yes, and returned Jews
themselves, proclaim it.
The crushing fact is that Bolshevism is not only Jewish in Russia, and in America, but it is
Jewish in the higher regions of Jewry where better things ought to exist. Take Walter Rathenau,
a German Jew on the plane of the Warburgs. Rathenau was the inventor of the Bolshevik
system of centralization of industry, material and money. The Soviet Government asked
Rathenau directly for the plans, and received them directly from him. Max Warburg's bank held
the money; Walter Rathenau's mind held the plans -- which makes it a pertinent question: If
Bolshevism can be so Jewish outside of Russia, what hinders it being Jewish inside Russia?
It is a most significant fact that, as in Washington, the most constant and privileged visitors to
the White House were Jews, so in Berlin the only private telephone wire to the Kaiser was
owned by Walter Rathenau. Not even the Crown Prince could reach the Kaiser except through
the ordinary telephone connections. It was the same in London. It was the same in Paris. It was
the same in Petrograd -- in Russia which so "persecuted" the race that controlled it then and
controls it now.
Now, this sketchy outline of the internationalism of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company is not
offered as the result of keen research, for the facts are found on the very surface of the matter,
for anyone to see. What is revealed by research is this: whether Mr. Schiff's interest in Russia
had underground features which affected the welfare of nations; whether Mr. Kahn's flitting
missions here and there, which he made with great freedom during the war, were wholly taken
up with the business announced in the public notices; and whether Mr. Warburg, whose interest
in Germany has not abated, to judge from his recent utterances, was able to retain complete
neutrality of mind during the war. These are questions of value. Obviously, they are not easy to
answer. But they can be answered.
It was a family enterprise, this international campaign. Jacob Schiff swore to destroy Russia.
Paul M. Warburg was his brother-in-law; Felix Warburg was his son-in-law. Max Warburg, of
Hamburg, banker of the Bolsheviks, was thus the brother-in-law to Jacob Schiff's wife and
Speaking of the far-sighted manner in which the house of Kuhn, Loeb & Company disposes
itself over world affairs, there is also the curious fact that in this Jewish firm is one who goes to
a Christian church -- a most heinous thing for a Jew to do. Split three ways in American politics
and as many ways as international matters require, we find this firm split two ways with regard
to religion. Mr. Kahn professes -- at least attends -- a Christian church and is accounted an
adherent of it. Yet he is not ostracized. His name is not taboo. The Jews do not curse him. He is
not denounced as a renegade. The Jews have not buried him out of mind, as they do others who
desert the faith.
This presents a strange situation when it is considered. Not to recount again the horror and
reprehension and active antagonism with which Jews view such a desertion, suffice it to say that
there is no greater marvel than that of Jacob H. Schiff retaining in the firm of Kuhn, Loeb &
Company a "renegade" Jew. He could not have done it; every fiber of his intensely Jewish
nature would have rebelled against it. Yet there it is!
Without going further into this ingenious system of covering all vital points from one center,
enough has been said to show one busy Jewish financial firm with which political matters,
national and international, is almost a profession. The family of Warburg high in the controlling
group of two countries, and enemy countries at that. The family of Warburg high in the
negotiations of world peace and the discussions of a League of Nations. The family of Warburg
now advising the world from both sides of the earth, what to do next. It was probably with more
reason than the general public surmised that a New York paper printed during the Peace
Conference an article headed, "Watch the Warburgs!"
The fact seems to be that, as Mr. Pattullo is quoted as saying at the head of this article, the
international financiers have been so engrossed in world money that the sense of national
responsibility sometimes becomes blurred in their minds. They desire everyting -- war,
negotiations and peace -- to be conducted in such a way as to react favorably on the money
market. For that is their market: money is what they buy and sell: and because money has no
fixed price, it is a market which offers the widest opportunity for the trickster and swindler. One
cannot play such tricks with stone or corn or metals, but with money as the commodity
everything is possible.
Mr. Warburg is already very much interested about the treatment to be accorded foreign
securities in the next war. Readers of the daily newspapers may recall that recently a demand
was made for the gold in the Reichsbank, which was resisted on the ground that the Reichsbank,
although the central bank of Germany, was really a private concern -- just as Paul Warburg said
it was and just as he has insisted that our own Federal Reserve System should be, and which it
is. There is far-sighted wisdom in that, with a view to possible defeat in war.
Mr. Warburg is apparently quite disapproving of the treatment accorded alien enemy property
"by some countries." He quotes a French banker throughout -- nationality not stated -- and
drives home his point. The French banker used as an illustration a possible war between
England and France (this was only last year) and said that the bankers in each country would
proceed to withdraw their mutual balances and securities, for fear of confiscation, and that such
a course would precipitate a panic.
To which Mr. Warburg adds: "I think that our bankers ought carefully to study this very serious
question. We have nothing to gain and much to lose by joining in a policy of disregarding the
rights of private property. We shall probably, in the course of time, become the largest owners
of foreign securities and properties, which would become endangered in case we were drawn
into war. To me, however it is of greater interest that nothing be done that might stand in the
way of making the United States the gold reserve country of the world. . . ."
Such talk passes with too little scrutiny. It bears a strong reflection of recent events which
should not be overlooked. Moreover, it presents a grandiose vision which is supposed to
command instant agreement because of its appeal to superficial national pride and selfish
If what Mr. Warburg says is an intimation that the International Jews are planning to move their
money market to the United States, it is safe to say that the United States does not want it. We
have the warning of history as to what this would mean. It has meant that in turn Spain, Venice,
Great Britain or Germany received the blame and suspicion of the world for what the Jewish
financiers have done. It is a most important consideration that most of the national animosities
that exist today arose out of resentment against what the Jewish money power did under the
camouflage of national names. "The British did this," "The Germans did this," when it was the
International Jew who did it, the nations being but the marked spaces on his checker board.
Today, around the world the blaming word is heard, "The United States did this. If it were not
for the United States the world would be in better shape. The Americans are a sordid, greedy,
cruel people." Why? Because the Jewish money power is largely centered here and is making
money out of both our immunity and Europe's distress, playing one against the other; and
because so many of the so-called "American business men" abroad today are not Americans at
all -- they are Jews, and in many cases as misrepresentative of their own race as they are of the
The United States does not want the transfer of All-Judaan to this soil. We do not desire to
stand as a gold god above the nations. We would serve the nations, and we would protect them,
but we would do both in the basis of real values, not in the name or under the sign of gold.
On the one hand Mr. Warburg recites pitiful facts about Germany in order to raise sympathy for
her, and on the other hand he stimulates the gold lust of the United States. The plight of
Germany is entirely due to the forces from which the United States has only narrowly escaped;
and to harken to international Jewish plans for the rehabilitation of Germany is to be in danger
of approving plans which will fasten Jewish domination more strongly on that unhappy country
than it is now. Germany has paid dearly for her Jews. The Warburg voice that speaks for her
would seem indeed to be the voice of Jacob, but the hand that proposes financial dealings is that
of Esau.
The internationalism of the Warburgs is no longer in doubt and cannot be denied. Felix
Warburg hung on to the Hamburg connection longer than did Paul, but the breakage of either
was probably perfunctory. At the same time that Felix left the Hamburg firm of his brother,
Max, a Mr. Stern also left the Frankfort firm of Stern, and both became very active on the Allies
side, taking sides against the German nation as lustily as anyone could. "Impossible!" say those
who fancy that a German Jew is a German. Not at all impossible; the Jew's loyalty is to the
Jewish nation; what the Jew himself refers to as his "cover nationality" may count or not as he
himself elects.
This statement is always met with frothing wrath by the Jews' "gentile fronts" in the purchased
pro-Jewish press. But here is an example: Do you remember "The Beast of Berlin," that lurid
piece of war propaganda? You did not, perhaps, know that its producer was a German Jew, Carl
Laemmle. His German birth did not prevent him making money out of his film, and his film
does not prevent him annually going back in state to his birthplace. This year he goes
accompanied by Abe Stern, his treasurer; Lee Kohlmar, his director; and Harry Reichenbach --
a list of names duplicable in any movie group.
Messrs. Stern and Warburg, of Frankfort and Hamburg, respectively, and away from home
perhaps only temporarily, were not concerned about the fate of the "Huns," but they were
immensely concerned about the fate of Jewish money power in Germany.
To indicate how blind the public has been to the inter-allied Jewish character of much of the
world's important international financial activity, note this from the Living Age earlier in the
"According to the Svensk Handelstidning, the recent American loan of $5,000,000
to Norway was really the outcome of an agreement between the Hamburg firm of
Warburg & Company and the New York bankers, Kuhn and Loeb. It is regarded as
a significant sign of the times that a German firm should be responsible for an
American loan to a neutral country. The conditions subject to which this money
was borrowed, are not regarded as very favorable to Norway, and no marked effect
on the rate of exchange between the two countries has followed."
Note, in the light of all the statements made about Kuhn, Loeb & Company, and the Warburgs
in particular, the assumption in the above quotation that the transaction was really between a
German and an American firm. It was principally an arrangement between the Warburgs
themselves in family counsel. But the loan will pass in Norway as "an American loan," and the
fact that the terms of the loan, "are not regarded as very favorable to Norway" will react upon
Scandinavian opinion of this country. It goes without saying that "no marked effect on the rate
of exchange between the two countries has followed," for that would not be the object of such a
loan. The dislocation of exchange is not unprofitable.
It would be most interesting to know in how far Kuhn, Loeb & Company has endeavored to
readjust the rate of exchange.
During the war, Kuhn, Loeb & Company made a loan to the city of Paris. Considerable German
comment was occasioned by this -- naturally. And it is very well worthy of record that in the
city of Hamburg, where Max Warburg does business, the chief of police issued this order:
"Further mention in the press of loans made by the firm of Kuhn, Loeb &
Company to the city of Paris, and unfavorable comments thereon, are forbidden."
The following story is vouched for as reliable, and if in one or two minor details it does not
represent the exact fact, it is a trustworthy illustration of how certain things were done:
"A Jewish international banking corporation bought up the mining and other
similar concessions of Jugo-Slavia, and consequently the policy pushed at the
Peace Conference was that which was most convenient for that group. An
understanding on the Fiume question was in progress between Wilson and Nitti.
Certain concessions had been agreed upon and Wilson was willing to negotiate,
when Oscar Straus and one of the Warburgs appeared on the scene. Wilson
changed his attitude over night and afterward insisted on the Jugo-Slavia solution
of the problem. The way in which concessions had been bought through that
territory was a disgrace, and observers expected that it would play an important
part at the Peace Conference."
The financiers are not the only International Jews in the world. The revolutionary Jews, of all
countries and none, are international also. They have seized upon the idea of Christian
internationalism, which means amity between nations, and have used it as a weapon with which
to weaken nationality. They know as well as anyone that there can be no internationalism
except on the basis of strong nationalism, but they count on "cover words" to advance their
Enough transpired between the lower and higher Jewish groups of every large center during the
war to render it imperative that Jewry confess, repent and repudiate the madness that has ruled
it, or else boldly assert and espouse it before the world.
Certainly enough has transpired to render it desirable that the American people look again into
the purposes of those Jews who were instrumental in reorganizing our financial system at a
most critical time in the world's history.
Max Warburg was apparently strong enough to suppress German discussion of his brothers'
activity in America. The Warburgs at present resident in America must suffer it, therefore, that
American comment be made as full as need be.
[THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, issue of 9 July 1921]
"United, then, by the strongest feelings of solidarity, the Jews can easily hold their
own in this disjointed and anarchic society of ours. If the millions of Christians by
whom they are surrounded were to substitute the same principle of co-operation
for that of individual competition, the importance of the Jew would immediately be
destroyed. The Christian, however, will not adopt such a course, and the Jew must,
inevitably, I will not say dominate (the favorite expression of the anti-Semites) but
certainly possess the advantage over others, and exercise the supremacy against
which the anti-Semites inveigh without being able to destroy it." -- Lazare.
"What the American Jew needs to develop is the habit of self-criticism. If the
spokesmen of the Jewish people would devote one-half the energy they now expend
in answering attacks to attacking the evils that stare everyone in the face, they
would make a real contribution to American life. But judged by their public
utterances, they seem to be supersensitive to trivial prejudice in non-Jews and
extraordinarily insensitive to the faults of Jews. They are hypochondriac and
morbidly defensive about their critics, and indulgent and complacent about what
the Jewish people is and does. Races, not cursed with a sense of inferiority, do not
shrink from criticism. They initiate it." -- Walter Lippmann, in The American
James Russell Lowell always declared "that he was of Jewish extraction and proud
of his ancestry."
If anybody has achieved an exceptionally high grade in a difficult course, he or she
was probably Jewish. -- Syracuse Jewish Monthly.
From a far-off land I came, a sad-eyed, pale-faced poetic young Jew, with an unspeakable love
of my people burning in my heart. Of Polish-Russian parentage, there was implanted in my
nature an indefinable sorrow (born perhaps of my father's and mother's persecution), that left
me high-strung and sensitive to the anti-Semitic taunts of my schoolmates.
Given to idle dreaming by some old abandoned shaft or roaming the deserted alluvial diggings
of the little mining town of my youth, I would conjure up visions of that new world I had so
often read about -- that great country where there was no prejudice against my race -- the New
Shyly hugging to my breast some borrowed American book or magazine I would seek the
shadows of the huge decaying poppet legs and dream over the pages containing many Jewish
faces, and read with pride and gratitude of the high places occupied by my people in music, art,
literature and the drama. Filled with Jewish names and good Jewish deeds was the story of this
new Zion, and a longing to be among the great ones of my people took possession of me.
Between my dear father and myself there was a bond of love too sacred for words, and when I
looked upon his dear face for the last time in this world and bade him a sorrowful goodby
before my departure for the New Jerusalem, he held me close to his breast and whispered:
"Don't forget that you are a Jew, and if you need sympathy, love or help, go to your own race
and show your Arba Kanfoth." (According to Deuteronomy XXII, 12, the Jews are commanded
to wear fringe upon four corners of their vestures and this command is observed to the present
day by wearing a special garment with these fringes, generally hidden by the ordinary clothes.)
I carried my father's words across the ocean in my heart and the memory of his tear-dimmed
eyes and the pressure of his big loving arms has never left me; in fact, it is so strong at times
that I find it hard to believe that he is not by my side telling me, in spite of many
disappointments, that after all the Jews are still my brethren and sisters.
Words fail to describe my feelings as the beauties of the New World unfolded to me. In
wonderful contrast to the melancholy aspect of my own country was the joyous color of Samoa,
with its hallowed memories of Robert Louis Stevenson, lifted like some fairy veil out of the
midst of the Pacific to give me a glimpse, as it were, of my dream of America -- the New
Oh, the wonderful days and wonderful nights out on that vast blue expanse, where God and His
stars seemed so near that one formed a good resolution with every throb of the great engine far
down below. On one of those nights I sat listening to some one playing in the music salon and I
was inwardly thanking the Creator that there was a Puccini in the world and that he had given
us "La Boheme." There we were, thousands of miles from anywhere, languidly rolling under a
perfect moonlit sky, listening to the plaintive airs that Puccini had coined for Mimi. There was
hardly a sound but the gentle lapping of the waves breaking against the vessel's side till a slight
commotion on deck up ahead caused some of the listeners to investigate. One of the passengers,
an ex-Harvard man, returned with the remark:
"Oh it's only some damned Jew. He's fallen and hurt himself pretty badly."
Like a smudge on some beautiful picture was this anti-Semitic sentiment on such a night, and
considering its source, I felt deeply grieved. As I was the only other Jew in the first cabin I
made my way to the stateroom where they had carried the victim of the accident and found him
to be a tender-hearted old man who I subsequently learned had spent a long life in acts of
charity toward his fellow men and women, regardless of creed. He was returning to end his days
in Jerusalem (his Jerusalem, not the one of my dreams), where he could touch again the beloved
stones of the wailing wall.
Something in the old man's face, that "something" which was in the face of my father, my
brother, that "something" which is in the face of every Jew, drew me to him, as it has drawn me
to all Jews always, and I spend many intellectual hours by his bedside, picking up grains of
wisdom which he had translated from the Talmud. I wished that the ex-Harvard man could have
known that the old man's wrinkles were but the pathetic records of the massacres of his kith and
kin which he had witnessed in his homeland and that he daily prayed for death to efface the
awful memories.
Later on the ex-Harvard man asked me to join in a deck game. I reminded him that I also was a
"damned Jew."
"I'm sorry," he said. "I know what you refer to -- that was an unfortunate slip I made the other
night -- merely a figure of speech, I assure you."
I found him a charming companion and soon in a cozy corner of the smoking room we became
fast friends and I tried to win him over to think better of our people.
"I would like to hear your opinion of your fellow Jew after you have spent, say, twelve months
in America," he said.
Since then I have walked the length and breadth of the great cities of America, and my very
soul cried out to my fellow Jew: "Suppress Thyself!" The day I arrived in New York I learned
that my dearest friend, my father, had passed away, and naturally my first thought was to say
the kaddish, a prayer of the Jewish liturgy recited by orphans for the welfare of the souls of
their deceased parents, somewhat after the fashion of the Catholic mass. Every male of Jewish
blood at some time of his life recites this beautiful prayer. It does not matter how far one strays
from the fold or how much one has denied the faith, there comes a time when the Jew in him
asserts itself and he says the kaddish.
Public prayer among Jews can be recited only in the presence of ten males above the age of
religious maturity, and this assembly is called minyan. Surely in this great city I would easily
find a minyan, I thought; so I followed the line of least resistance, like any stranger in a strange
land, and sought out the Jewish names best known to the public. I called a business house
uptown with the name of a great Hebrew over the door. He was the great man of whom I read
with such pride in the little mining town at the other end of the world. Yes! The same Jewish
face depicted in the huge photograph in the lobby I had seen in the magazine I had hugged so
lovingly at home.
I made my way, full of hope, to his office and was asked by a doorkeeper my mission. I
explained -- the doorkeeper was a Hebrew -- that I desired to say kaddish for my father and that
I wanted to form a minyan. With a sly wink he passed me on to several Hebrew clerks and
office boys, each of whom smiled, sneered, and made his little joke about "greenhorns." Then I
was ushered with many grimaces into the presence of the big man.
Just a minute's conversation convinced me that he was a Jew in appearance only, and that he
had never known anything of the traditions, the romance, the art or the literature of our race. He
didn't exactly know what minyan was, or pretended he didn't, but recommended me to "one of
our people," as he put it, who ran a very popular chophouse close by. I began to realize that I
was a stranger among my own people and that night I walked the streets of great New York
with an aching heart. Everywhere in the hurrying crowds I saw the faces of my brethren and
sisters, thousands, hundreds of thousands of them, hurrying, pushing, shoving brethren they
were, with all the tenderness, the friendship and the Semitic look gone from their eyes.
"Oh God!" I thought, "are these the children of Israel? Is this the persecuted race -- that people
who had been scattered to the four corners of the earth?"
Hungry and weary, I made my way as if in a dream to the café of a great hotel. Everything in
the huge room was glaringly false -- marble pillars, oak beams, flowers, were all imitation: a
big orchestra sat in a balcony with an artificial moon and a painted sky as a background;
everywhere were lights, lights and more lights.
From table to table I went but I was roughly reminded that "this" was reserved and "that" was
reserved. Presently glaringly gowned, bediamonded Jewish women, accompanied by equally
vulgar Jewish men, filed in and occupied every seat, and between mouthfuls of food and drink
their bodies would sway to the voices of other Jews who sang only of "Mississippi" and
"Georgia." How these people did laugh when they caught sight of my foreign clothes and my
pale, poetic face, and how they would have screamed with laughter had I shown them my Arba
Kanfoth, that beautiful little token which my poor father fondly imagined would have made me
understood in the New World.
Out in the night I went and found myself struggling in a torrent of humanity. Every time I
received an extra bump or hard push I looked only to see that my antagonist was a Hebrew. On
the street, in the cars, in the subway, or at the soda fountain, wherever I saw my fellow Jews
blatantly shouting and rudely pushing, I, in spite of my indignation, felt the love of my race
uppermost in my heart, and I wanted to cry out:
"Oh, Jew; dear brothers and sisters, suppress yourselves for the good of the race! Stand back!
For the good of the race!"
Never in the world have our people known such a free country as this, and it is a privilege to be
here, but at times a great fear comes over me that we are abusing that privilege. Amid the din of
Jewish music and laughter, the newsboys are shouting the names of Jewish murderers (the
Rosenthal case), the gunmen of the city. The bribe givers and the bribe takers depicted in the
news sheets have Jewish countenances. The gambling house keepers -- yes! yes! I know that
there are Christians who are murderers, gamblers and informers, but the Jew is a marked man.
He is distinct, apart, so distinct that in a crowd he is the first noticed.
It is for this reason that I would have my brethren and sisters suppress themselves, stand back! I
would have real Jews take the worst of a bargain once in a while for the sake of the race. I
would have them once in a while give up their seats in public conveyances, behave modestly in
cafÈs, dress quietly, and give up the use of assumed Christian names.
There is nothing so pathetic as the man who, with Hebrew face, assumes a Christian name. I
never go to a public place without wishing that my fellow Jew would talk less and appear less
ostentatious. When one Hebrew comes in late to a show, marches down the aisle and on the
front row deliberately obstructs the view of people in the audience as he stands slowly
removing and folding his coat and gloves, he seems to cause more annoyance than if half a
dozen Gentiles did the same thing. When a Jew stands aside and waits patiently at a ticket
window, gives his seat to a lady on a street car or behaves in a refined manner in any walk of
life, he immediately makes friends for our people.
Most of our people, I have found, have aggressive personalities: it is the aggressiveness which
has enabled many immigrants to pass through Ellis Island to ownership of fine apartment
houses all within a couple of years -- but sometimes this aggressiveness becomes absolutely
cruel, crushing from the very soul all the tender elements which go to make up a happy life.
Recently I thought with much bitterness of my father's last words to me: "If you need sympathy,
love or help, go to your own race." Ill-health over came me and I became involved in debt for a
trifling amount. Each stage of my embarrassment and consequent suffering was contributed to
by a brother Jew. First, the shyster lawyer, without principle or mercy, then his brutal clerks, sly
and grafting. Next a collector, absolutely callous, then the process server, and, at last, the
"bouncer," sans heart, sans soul, sans everything.
If all these agents of misfortune were Gentiles I could have borne it, but the greatest heartbreak
of all was the fact that one and all of them were brother Jews. Why must a Jew always be in at
the death, as it were?
There came a time soon after this when I walked the streets almost penniless. Seeking work, I
applied at the store of a wealthy Hebrew. I explained to the well-groomed proprietor that I was
an orthodox member of his race and appealed on that ground for a chance. He pooh-poohed the
"My dear fellow," said he, "these are the enlightened days, when Judaism is not taken seriously,
in fact, it doesn't pay. I am a Christian Cultist, I meet nice people, and it helps my business."
Here was a poor fool with his head like the ostrich's -- in the sand. I explained to him that being
a Jew was not a question of religion but a question of blood. I told him that if a Jewish leopard
ceased visiting the synagogue to go to a Christian Cultist chapel it did not necessarily get rid of
its spots. I left him scratching his head, and I also lost the chance of a job in his store.
In and out of offices presided over by men with Jewish faces I trudged all day. Most of these
men, I subsequently learned, belonged to New Thought Christian Cultist and other up-to-date
churches and societies -- it was good for their business. They called themselves Christians, but
nature's marks cannot be changed like one's clothes.
In the great theatrical districts I found thousands of my fellow Jews who had grown rich
overnight by coining perhaps a popular song that had pleased the cabaret-mad crowd or by
ridiculous impersonations of their race upon the music hall stages. A good many of these were
young men, sons of fathers and mothers who had been driven from their own country with fire
and sword.
The mothers and fathers stay at home blessing God every hour of the day and night for guiding
them to such a country as this, while the sons and daughters are out at the theaters, in the halls
and cabarets singing songs of Dixie. Passing by in this great throng are prominent actors, critics
and playwrights, many under assumed names, simply because their own names are Jewish.
Flashing across the horizon as I write is a notorious Jewish doctor with a consumption cure. He
could have been famous and honored had he but suppressed himself, instead of which he, with
his commercial instinct and his press agent methods, made more enemies for the race. Many
Gentiles, I will admit, have had consumption cures, but it remained for one of our people to
float companies and open institutions before the "cure" was even reported upon by the
Tramping the city tired and weary of looking for friendly Jewish faces I found myself near the
City Hall. I approached a milk station and bought a cent's worth of the most delicious milk I
have ever tasted. A rough-looking fellow next to me said, as he smacked his lips:
"Pretty good stuff, that," and perhaps noting that I was a stranger, he added: "The guy who is
doing this milk thing is saving the babies all right -- he's some rich Jew -- God bless him -- I've
got three babies of my own."
Hungering to hear a Jew praised I talked with this man for an hour, listening with keen
enjoyment to the story of one of my race who had caused his millions to do good for the people
irrespective of creed, and had kept himself suppressed. I learned of this Jew's efforts for the
dying babies at home and for his starving co-religionists in Palestine and felt proud. Proud and
happy for the first time, I sat in the little park watching the passing procession till I dozed off
into a sound sleep. My happiness continued in my sleep, for I have a most beautiful dream.
Before me in my dream passed a grand parade; it was a series of "For the good of the race"
tableaux. All the prominent professional Jews headed the procession with their real names and
the names of their race emblazoned upon silk banners in letters of gold. Then came all the
Hebrew gambling house keepers bearing aloft broken roulette wheels and other emblems of a
discarded and disgraced "business."
Next in order was a large army of Hebrews who were professional bondsmen for arrested street
walkers headed by two crooked ward politicians carrying a streamer with the words:
"Henceforth we will go to work." These men looked a little sad as they marched along thinking
of the easy money they were leaving behind, but the cheers of the multitude exulting over their
great sacrifice somewhat atoned for their agony of mind. Next followed the amalgamated
Jewish usurers, real estate and company promoters' union. This part of the parade took four
hours and a half to pass a given point.
All the marchers had discarded their expensive clothing and their diamonds and were modestly
attired. They had also discarded their automobiles -- many of the prominent men in this section
carried flags and banners upon which were inscribed the legends: "We will not lie about
values." "We will not charge exorbitant interest" and "We will not water our stock." These
inscriptions were received with incredulous looks of astonishment, and many of the crowd
called out: "We're from Missouri," whatever that meant.
Then came a beautiful torchlight brigade called "The Hebrew Firebugs' Union." Nearly all these
men had their hair close-cropped and wore prison clothes, a fact which filled the crowd with
relief. Next came that part of the procession which showed the greatest following among its
marchers. It was the large army of Hebrew "aggressives." Hundreds and thousands of them
passed by with reformed looks upon their faces. Oh, I felt so happy as I read the buttons they
wore and saw the flags they carried. Most of the streamers read: "We will suppress ourselves."
"We will stand back and keep quiet." "We will be unostentatious." There they were, hundreds of
well-known faces and types -- end-seat hogs, front-seat hogs, loud talkers, inconsiderates,
bargainers and the terrible army of people that go to make up the crowd which is directly
responsible for the anti-Semitic feeling. The line of them was miles long.
I was awakened from my happy dream by a rude thump from a Jewish policeman who hurried
me to the police station, where I was surrounded by shyster lawyers, my brethren, who wanted
money with which they could square other brethren. I could not gain the services of a Hebrew
bondsman because I had no pull. A Hebrew magistrate called me a "bum" and a loafer for going
to sleep in a public park.
"Keep awake in the future," he said as I was roughly bundled out of the court.
Keep awake! This is the worst advice he could have given me, for I was so happy asleep and
dreaming that my brethren and sisters had reformed and had become real Jews for the sake of
the race.
I now look upon my police court humiliation as the best thing that could have happened to me,
for a kindly old Jewish scholar, who acted as court interpreter, was attracted by my appearance.
His long contact with human misery and his great experience with foreigners stranded in a
strange country enabled him to understand me.
That night he took me to his poverty-stricken little room behind a delicatessen shop in the
Ghetto. After supper he went to the street door and called the neighbors from their stoops. He
called them by their first names and I said kaddish for my father as they stood around among
the pickle barrels.
Since then I have lived among Jews, real Jews. I have learned that beneath the ragged coat of a
push-cart vender there may beat a heart of gold, and that a poor seller of collar buttons or
suspenders may be a student of the Talmud with a mind that is a gift of the gods.
Leaving the seething, modern, fashionable life of upper Broadway to enter the religious
atmosphere of the numerous schools of Jewish literature on the East Side entails a violent
contrast in conditions.
To see the deeply furrowed, time-scarred faces of the grand old men poring over their beloved
Talmud is to get a glimpse of another world -- a world of resignation, peace and love.
Within earshot of the thundering traffic of Broadway I stood gazing at the bowed figures
engaged in study and prayer. As I gazed the sordid walls of the poverty-stricken room faded
from my sight, and in their stead I saw (in my mind's eye) the wailing wall of Jerusalem or
some ruin of the Holy City -- a more fitting background to the rabbinical figures so strangely
out of place in hustling America.
The great passion for the dead and gone past reflected in the Rembrandtesque faces of the aged
students lends to their lives a religious grandeur which the uptown tourist (hastily passing on a
rubber-neck wagon) would never suspect. Behind many a shabby-looking little store, or maybe,
above some corner saloon, are the societies for the study of Hebrew literature, where congregate
the types of Jewish scholars and philosophers that make the heart of the writer and the artist
Gray-haired, bewhiskered, sad old men, many of whom have tasted only the bitterness of life --
yet such is their faith in the Almighty that they cling to the praying shawl and Bible to blot out
the memory of a Kishineff -- their lives of study and prayer amid abject poverty giving the lie to
the fallacy that the Jew lives but for money.
I have often wandered among these scholars picking up the crumbs of wisdom which fall down
from the lips of the old men, grateful that my Jewish face and blood gave me the privilege to sit
and sketch among them. Somehow or other my ramblings on the East Side are like the calm
after the storm of the uptown struggle.
Many times I have felt the heart tug -- the longing to be among my people -- the real Jews --
and leaving theatrical uptown, the land of make-believe and unrest, I have sought the little
schools of study where the wonderful real old men who live by optimism and nourish their
souls by faith teach me the lesson of patience and the love of humanity.
There is something restful and inspiring when an old man -- long past the biblical three score
and ten -- places his hand on your shoulder and murmurs in Yiddish, "It is God's will." I have
envied the profound peace of many of these aged students living in the past and undisturbed by
thoughts of the future. Their Jewish view of life is as beautiful as it is simple. It disregards
neither earth nor heaven. I looks to earth and observes the evil prevailing among men; it thinks
of heaven and ponders on the bliss of "the future state," and it urges man to strive to bring
heaven on earth, to establish by justice and equity those blessed conditions on earth which so
many associate with heaven.
Their Jewish view of death is equally beautiful. For those who die they feel no sorrow. Having
once torn aside the veil which parts the known and the unknown, having once entered into the
shadow, or rather the sunshine, of the beyond, they are better off in the other life. Whether
death means eternal sleep or eternal life, those who have left our side, having passed into the
arms of pitiless death, repose in a condition which should give survivors no cause for anxiety on
account of their beloved dead.
In the pathetic chapter of "The Old Curiosity Shop," in which Dickens tells of the death of Little
Nell, he makes the Schoolmaster utter these words of wisdom, on which all who mourn for their
dead may well ponder. "If," said he, "one deliberate wish expressed in solemn terms above the
bed could call her back to life, which of us would utter it?"
Dickens took this view of death from the Talmud.
The interpretation of a difficult passage from the Talmud, or the coining of an epigram, is as
food and wine to the wise old students, and there is not an ill in their lives that cannot be
soothed or a blessing that cannot be acknowledged in a quotation from their beloved book. To
watch them at their study and devotions undisturbed by the turmoil about them is to marvel at
the faith which has enabled some of them to live more than one hundred years with no other
interest in life than their God and their books.
From the dingy windows of the schools the mass of sordid buildings looks to their eyes like the
hills of Palestine, and the shriek of the passing elevated trains and the clanging of the car bells
and the din of passing traffic disturb them not, for they live in the past.
The alleged Jew of the fashionable uptown lobster palaces -- the blatant, pushing type, who is
the direct cause of much anti-Semitic feeling -- knows and cares nothing for the submerged
student of his race. The latter is equally oblivious of the alleged Jew who is contemptuously
referred to as a meshumad (apostate). But while the former stands out in the world of money
and worldly success as a target for much abuse and hatred, the latter lives with books, unknown
and unheeded, drawing from the Talmud a joy that riches cannot buy and solacing himself with
the love of humanity.
In strong contrast to their fathers and grandfathers are the children of these old men. Modern
America, with its opportunities for all, has torn them from the religious atmosphere and sent
them uptown to become the lawyers, the artists and the actors.
The Jewish comedian of the vaudeville theater who nightly sets the audience shrieking at his
Yiddish idioms is in nine cases out of ten the son of a scholar, and though the glamour of
Broadway success claims him and he no longer lives home, in his heart of hearts he is a Jew and
never forgets the old people. He will tell many stories of his parents to his Gentile friends,
imitating and exaggerating their many characteristics, but he is mighty sore when he hears a
Gentile do the same thing. But, after all, the comic Jew of the modern stage is but an imaginary
There is absolutely nothing humorous in these old men of Judea. Even in the sordid
surroundings where you find them engaged in prayer or study, their attitude is one of quiet
dignity -- a dignity enhanced by their extreme old age.
In a little dark den behind a poultry store I was sketching some of the old men at study. One old
fellow one hundred and four years old was explaining to a young fellow of sixty a passage in
the Talmud about which the latter was in doubt. Both men were without coats. The younger
man had left his push-cart at the door, entirely forgetting the perishable goods thereon and quite
oblivious to the fact that hundreds of dirty children were surrounding his cart and fooling with
his wares.
Other old men were in the school, and the background to their somber faces was the shop with
its ghastly poultry suspended by the necks. One of the old Talmudic students would now and
again leave his ponderous Bible to serve in the shop, returning after wrapping a fowl in a
newspaper, to the verse he had been propounding. There was absolutely nothing humorous in
all this, but I would love to have had some of my non-Jewish friends see how little thought of
money and business the real Jew has.
Sometimes when I have felt full of shame at the behavior in public places of men and women
with Jewish faces but with no Judaism in their hearts, I have wished that the simple, studious
lives of the old men of the East Side could be the standard by which our race is judged, and that
the Talmudic saying so aptly put into verse by Rabbi Myers was better known:
"Which is the path, both right and wise,
That for himself a man should find?
That which himself much dignifies,
And brings him honor from mankind."
[THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT, issue of 7 May 1921]
"It can hardly be an accident that antagonism directed against the Jews is to be
found pretty much everywhere in the world where Jews and non-Jews are
associated. And as the Jews are the common element of the situation it would seem
probable, on the face of it, that the cause will be found in them rather than in the
widely varying groups which feel this antagonism."
-- Jesse H. Holmes, in The American Hebrew
"Everywhere they wanted to remain Jews, and everywhere they were granted the
privilege of establishing a State within a State. By virtue of these privileges and
exemptions, and immunity from taxes, they would soon rise above the general
condition of the citizens of the municipalities where they resided; they had better
opportunities for trade and accumulation of wealth, whereby they excited jealousy
and hatred."
-- Lazare.