Assignment in R.A. 5527 and Its Amendment

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New Era University


Herna, Erin Jonah F.
2CMT-4 TH 4:30PM – 7:30PM 02/21/2024
DIRECTION: Fill in the table below. Write a certain sections in R.A. 5527 with corresponding amendment
from R.A. 6132, P.D. 498, and P.D. 1534.

Republic Act No. Republic Act No.

P.D. 498 P.D. 1534
5527 6132
Section 1. Title – This act Section 1. Short Title. This Section 1. Subsections (a) Section 1. Section 3 of
may also be cited as the Act shall be known as "The and (d) of Section 2 of Republic Act No. 5527 as
Philippine Medical 1971 Constitutional Republic Act No. 5527 are amended by Presidential
Technology Act of 1969. Convention Act." hereby amended to read as Decree No. 498 is hereby
Section 2. Definition of Section 2. Composition of follows: amended to read as follows:
Terms – As used in this Act, the Convention; “Sec 2. Definition of Terms. "Sec. 3. Council of Medical
the following terms shall Qualifications of Delegates. As used in this Act, the Technology Education; Its
mean: The Constitutional following terms shall mean: Composition. There is
A. Practice of Medical Convention authorized by (a) Practice of Medical hereby established a
Technology - A person shall Resolution of Both Houses Technology. A person shall Council of Medical
be deemed to be in the Numbered Two of the be deemed to be in the Technology Education
practice of medical Congress of the Philippines, practice of medical hereafter referred to as the
technology within the adopted on March sixteen, technology within the Council, which shall be
meaning of this Act, who nineteen hundred and sixty- meaning of this Act, who composed of the Director of
shall for a fee, salary or seven, as amended by shall for a fee, salary or Higher Education as
other compensation or Resolution of Both Houses other compensation or Chairman; the Chairman of
reward paid or given Numbered Four of the reward paid or given the Professional Regulation
directly or indirectly Congress of the Philippines, directly or indirectly Commission as Vice-
through another, renders adopted on June seventeen, through another, renders Chairman; and the Director
any of the following nineteen hundred and sixty- any of the following of the Bureau of Research
professional services for the nine, shall be composed of professional services for the and Laboratories of the
purpose of aiding the three hundred and twenty purpose of aiding the Department of Health, the
physician in the diagnosis, delegates who shall have physician in the diagnosis, Chairman and two (2)
study and treatment of the same qualifications as study and treatment of members of the Board of
diseases and in the those required of Members diseases and in the Medical Technology, a
promotion of health in of the House of promotion of health in representative of the Deans
general: Representatives. general: of Schools of Medical
1. Examination of tissues, Section 3. Election of 1. Examination of tissues, Technology and Public
secretions and excretions of Delegates. The election of secretions and excretions of Health, and the Presidents
the human body and body delegates to the Convention the human body and body of the Philippine Society of
fluids by various electronic, by the qualified electors of fluids by various electronic, Pathologists and the
chemical, microscopic, each district shall be held chemical, microscopic, Philippine Association of
bacteriologic, hematologic, on the second Tuesday in bacteriologic, hematologic, Medical Technologies, as
serologic, immunologic, November, nineteen serologic, immunologic, members."
nuclear, and other hundred and seventy. nuclear, and other Section 2. Paragraph 3,
laboratory procedures and Section 4. Persons Holding laboratory procedures and Section 8 of Republic Act
Office. Any person holding a No. 5527 as amended is
techniques either manual or public office or position, techniques either manual or hereby amended to read as
automated; whether elective or automated; follows;
2. Blood banking appointive, including 2. Blood banking "Sec. 8. Qualification of
procedures and techniques; members of the armed procedures and techniques; Examiners. No person shall
3. Parasitologic, Mycologic forces and officers and 3. Parasitologic, Mycologic be appointed as a member
and Microbiologic employees of corporations and Microbiologic of the Medical Technology
procedures and techniques; or enterprises owned procedures and techniques; Board unless he or she: . . .
4. Histopathologic and and/or controlled by the 4. Histopathologic and is a qualified Pathologists,
Cytotechnology; provided government, shall be Cytotechnology; provided or a duly registered Medical
that nothing in this considered resigned upon that nothing in this Technologist, of the
paragraph shall inhibit a the filing of his certificate of paragraph shall inhibit a Philippines with the degree
duly registered medical candidacy: Provided, That duly registered medical of Bachelor of Science in
laboratory technician from any government official laboratory technician from Medical
performing histopathologic who resigns in order to run performing histopathologic Technology/Bachelor of
techniques and procedures. for delegate and who does techniques and procedures. Science in Hygiene/Public
5. Clinical research involving not yet qualify for 5. Clinical research involving Health; . . . ."
patients or human beings retirement under existing patients or human beings Section 3. Subparagraphs
requiring the use of and/or laws, may, if elected, add to requiring the use of and/or (g) and (i) of Section 11 of
application of medical his length of service in the application of medical Republic Act No. 5527 as
technology knowledge and government the period technology knowledge and amended are hereby
procedures; from the filing of his procedures; repealed.
6. Preparations and certificate of candidacy until 6. Preparations and Section 4. Section 13 of
standardization of reagents, the final adjournment of the standardization of reagents, Republic Act No. 5527 as
standards, stains and Constitutional Convention. standards, stains and amended, is hereby further
others, provided such Section 5. Disqualification others, provided such amended to read as follows:
reagents, standards, stains to Run. Any person elected reagents, standards, stains "Sec. 13. Accreditation of
and others are exclusively as delegate to the and others are exclusively Schools of Medical
for the use of their Constitutional Convention for the use of their Technology and of Training
laboratory; shall not be qualified to run laboratory; Laboratories. The
7. Clinical laboratory quality for any public office in any 7. Clinical laboratory quality Department of Education
control; election or to assume any control; and Culture shall approve
8. Collection and appointive office or position 8. Collection and schools of Medical
preservation of specimens; in any branch of the preservation of specimens. Technology in accordance
Provided, That any person Government until after the Provided, that any person with the provisions of this
who has passed the final adjournment of the who shall passed the Act, as amended, in
corresponding Board Constitutional Convention. corresponding Board conjunction with the Board
examination for the practice examination for the practice of Medical Technology. The
of a profession already of a profession already Department of Health
regulated by existing law, regulated by existing laws, through the Bureau of
shall not be subject to the shall not be subject to the Research and Laboratories
provisions of the last four provisions of at last four (4) shall approve laboratories
preceding paragraphs if the preceding paragraphs if the for accreditation as training
performance of such acts or performance of such acts or laboratories for medical
services is merely incidental services is merely incidental technology students or
to his profession. BS Public to his profession. post-graduate trainees in
Health graduate – shall (d) Medical Laboratory conjunction with the Board
undergo review and training Technicians. A person of Medical Technology. The
in Clinical Laboratory for at certified and registered with laboratories shall show
least 1 year. the Board as qualified to satisfactory evidence that
B. Pathologist - A duly assist a medical technologist they possess qualified
registered physician who is and/or qualified pathologist personnel and are properly
specially trained in methods in the practice of medical equipped to carry out
of laboratory medicine, or technology as defined in laboratory procedures
the gross and microscopic this Act." commonly required in the
study and interpretation of Section 2. Section 3 of the following fields: Clinical
tissues, secretion and same Act is hereby Chemistry, Microbiology,
excretions of the human amended and now to read Serology, Parasitology,
body and its functions in as follows: Hematology, Blood Banking,
order to diagnose disease, Clinical Microscopy, and
follow its course, determine "Sec. 3. Council of Medical Histopathologic techniques,
the effectivity of treatment, Technology Education, Its and that the scope of
ascertain cause of death Composition. There is activities of said
and advance medicine by hereby established a laboratories offer sufficient
means of research. ** He or Council of Medical training in said laboratory
she must be a diplomate or Technology Education, procedures."
fellow in Philippine Society hereafter referred to as Section 5. Section 12 of
of Pathologist in Clinical Council, which shall be Presidential Decree No. 498
Pathology and Anatomic composed of the is hereby amended to read
Pathology Commissioner of the as follows:
C. Medical Technologist - A Professional Regulation "Sec. 12. Repealing Clause.
person who engages in the Commission as Chairman, All those Executive Order,
work of medical technology the Chairman of the Board Decrees, Rules and
under the supervision of a of Medical Technology as Regulations, or parts
pathologist or licensed Vice-Chairman, and the two thereof inconsistent with
physician authorized by the (2) members of the Board of the provisions of this
Department of Health in Medical Technology, and Decree are hereby repealed,
places where there is no the Director of Private amended or modified
pathologist and who having Education or its duly accordingly: Provided,
passed the prescribed authorized representative, however, That nothing in
course (Bachelor of Science the Director of the Bureau this Decree shall be
in Medical of Research and construed as repealing or
Technology/Bachelor of Laboratories of the amending any portion of
Science in Hygiene) of Department of Health, and the Medical Act of 1959
training and examination is a representative of the (Republic Act No. 2382, as
registered under the deans or heads of the amended by Republic Act
provision of this Act. BS private schools of medical No. 4224), and the Clinical
Hygiene is the former name technology, as members." Laboratory Act of 1966
of BS Public Health offered Section 3. Section of the (Republic Act No. 4688), and
in UP Manila and UP Visayas same Act is hereby the Blood Banking Law of
D. Medical Laboratory amended to read as follows: 1956 (Republic Act No.
Technicians - A person "Sec. 4. Compensation and 1517), and the Rules and
certified and registered with Traveling Expenses of Regulations issued pursuant
the Board as qualified to Council Members. For every to these laws."
assist a medical technologist meeting actually attended, Section 6. This Decree shall
and/or qualified pathologist the Chairman shall be take effect immediately.
in the practice of medical entitled to a fifty pesos
technology as defined in (P50.00) per diem while the
this Act. members shall be entitled
E. Accredited Medical to twenty-five pesos
Technology Training (P25.00) each regardless of
Laboratory - A clinical whether or not they receive
laboratory, office, agency, regular salaries from the
clinic, hospital or sanitarium government. In addition,
duly approved by the the Chairman and members
Department of Health or its of the Council shall be
authorized agency. entitled to traveling
F. Recognized School of expenses in connection with
Medical Technology - Any their official duties."
school, college, or university Section 4. Section 7 of the
which offers a course in same Act is hereby
Medical Technology amended to read as follows:
approved by the "Sec. 7. Medical Technology
Department of Education in Board. There is hereby
accordance with the created a Medical
requirements under this Technology Board under the
Act, upon recommendation Professional Regulation
of the council of medical Commission, which shall
technology education. thereafter be referred to as
G. Council - The council of the Board composed of a
medical technology Chairman who is a
education established under pathologist, and two (2)
this Act. members who are
H. Board - The Board of registered medical
Examiners for Medical technologists who shall be
Technology established appointed by the President
under this Act. of the Republic of the
Section 3. Council of Philippines upon
Medical Technology recommendation of the
Education, Its Composition Professional Regulation
– There is hereby Commission. The Chairman
established a Council a and members of the Board
Medical Technology shall hold office for three (3)
Education, hereafter years after appointment or
referred to as Council, until their successors shall
which shall be composed of: have been appointed and
1. Chairman duly qualified: Provided,
2. Vice-Chairman That the incumbent
3. Members (2) members will continue to
Section 4. Compensation serve until the expiration of
and Travelling Expenses of their terms.
Council Members - For In case of death, disability,
every meeting actually or removal of a member of
attended, the Chairman the Board, his successor
shall be entitled to a fifty shall serve only the balance
pesos (P50.00) per diem of his terms."
while the members shall be Section 5. Paragraph 3 and
entitled to twenty-five 5 of Section 8 of the same
pesos (P25.00) each Act are hereby amended to
regardless of whether or read as follows:
not they receive regular "Sec. 8. Qualification of
salaries from the Examiners. No person shall
government. In addition, be appointed a member of
the Chairman and members the Medical Technology
of the Council shall be Board unless he or she:
entitled to traveling 1) . . .
expenses in connection with 2) . . .
their official duties. 3) is a duly registered
Section 5. Functions of the medical technologist of the
Council of Medical Philippines with the degree
Technology Education – The of Bachelor of Science in
functions of the Council Medical
shall be: Technology/Bachelor of
A. To recommend the Science in Hygiene/Public
minimum required Health;
curriculum for the course of 4) . . .
medical technology. 5) is not a member of the
B. To determine and faculty of any medical
prescribe the number of technology school for at
students to be allowed to least two (2) years prior to
take up the medical appointment or having any
technology course in each pecuniary interest direct or
school, taking into account indirect in such institution."
the student-instructor ratio
and the availability of
facilities for instruction.
C. To approve medical
technology schools meeting
the requirements and
recommend closure of
those found to be
D. To require all medical
technology schools to
submit an annual report,
including the total number
of students and instructors,
list of facilities available for
instruction, a list of their
recent graduates and new
admissions, on or before
the month of June.
E. To inspect, when
necessary, the different
medical technology schools
in the country in order to
determine whether a high
standard of education is
maintained in said
F. To certify for admission in
to an undergraduate
internship students who
have satisfactorily
completed three years of
the medical technology
course or its equivalent and
to collect from said student
the amount of five pesos
each which money accrue
to the operating fund of the
G. Formulate and
recommend approval of
refresher course for
applicants who shall have
failed the Board
Examination for the third
H. To promulgate and
prescribe and enforce
necessary rules and
regulations for the proper
implementation of the
foregoing functions.
New Era University

Herna, Erin Jonah F.

2CMT-4 TH 4:30PM – 7:30PM 02/21/2024
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions direct to the point.
1. Discuss the importance of R.A. 5527 in the Medical Technology / Medical Laboratory Science
 Republic Act No. 5527 is essential to maintaining the standards, integrity, and
professionalism of the medical technology and medical laboratory science fields, which
benefits both professionals and the general population they serve. .
2. Enumerate the qualifications of the examinees as stipulated in R.A. 5527.
a. is a Filipino citizen
b. is of good moral character
c. is a qualified Pathologist, or a duly registered medical technologist of the Philippines with
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in
Hygiene/Public Health
d. has been in practice of laboratory medicine or medical technology for at least ten years prior
to his appointment, and is not a member of the faculty of any medical technology school for
at least two (2) years prior to appointment or having any pecuniary interest direct or indirect
in such institution: Provided, however, That for the first three years following the approval
of this Act, the requirements mentioned in number four (4) shall be reduced to five years.
3. What is the scope of the Medical Technologist Licensure Examination?
 Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Blood Banking and Serology, Clinical Microscopy (Urinalysis
and other body fluids), Microbiology and Parasitology, Histopathologic Techniques,
Cytotechnology, Medical Technology Laws, Related Laws and its implementing rules, and the
Code of Ethics .
4. What is the foreign reciprocity?
 The concept of foreign reciprocity pertains to the exchange of rights, advantages, or
obligations between several nations or legal systems through mutual acknowledgment and
acceptance. .
5. Explain the amendment process.
 The amendment process, in which is outlined in the Article XVII of the 1987 Constitution,
allows for changes to the document through in which can be the people’s initiative, the
constitutional convention, or the congress itself can propose amendments. .
6. What are the roles of the Congressmen and Senators in the amendment process?
 The Congressmen and Senators may vote on proposed amendments, enact legislation for
the people’s initiative, participate in debates and discussions, serve on relevant committees,
advocate for their positions on amendments. The Congressmen may be the only to propose
amendments. .
7. What are the important provisions of R.A. 5527 which were repealed and amended?
 Section 31 of the act explicitly states that it only repeals provisions of other laws inconsistent
with its own regulations. This means it doesn't directly amend or repeal any specific sections
within its own text. The act primarily focuses on establishing the registration process for
medical technologists, defining their scope of practice, and outlining ethical and professional
obligations. Subsequent amendments haven't fundamentally altered these core aspects. .
8. What is the relevance of CHED Memorandum Order No. 13 series of 2017 to R.A. 5527?
 Republic Act No. 5527 sets the legal framework for the profession, while CHED Memorandum
Order No. 13, s. 2017 ensures that educational programs meet the requirements for
graduates to enter the profession as defined by the law. They work together to maintain a
standardized and qualified workforce of medical technologists in the Philippines. .
9. What are the reasons for the revocation of a license certificate under R.A. 5527?
 Revocation of a license is a serious penalty and is typically reserved for severe or repeated
offenses such as unprofessional conduct, criminal offenses, and violation of board rules and
regulations. The Board of Medical Technology would conduct a thorough investigation and
provide due process before reaching such a decision. .
10. Give at least five (5) legal issues in the field of Medical Technology.
a. Inhibition against the practice of Medical Technology
b. Acts of Omission or negligence and malpractice
c. Absence of a supervising pathologist
d. Issuance and revocation of license certificate of registration
e. Biohazard pay extended to practicing medical technologist

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