Reviewer in Accounting 2
Reviewer in Accounting 2
Reviewer in Accounting 2
2. OPERATING ACTIVITIES- generally result from the acquisition and disposal of non-
current assets
Examples: Cash payments to acquire property, plant, and equipment (-), Cash payments
to acquire intangible assets (-), Cash receipts from the sale of property, plant and
equipment (+), Cash receipts from the sale of intangible assets (-), Cash receipts from
sale of other long-term assets (-)
1. Limited source of capital
2. Proprietor's unlimited liability
3. Business entity's limited existence
Common examples of sole proprietorship
1. Franchise enterprises like food stalls
2. Professional services including lawyers, physicians, dentists, and accountants
CHECK- an instrument that is written,dated and signed by the issuer that commands a bank to
pay a specific amount of money to the holder of a check.
PAYOR- person with writing the checks
PAYEE- Person holding the checks
TAXATION- is the process by which our government, through our lawmakers raises income
to pay its necessary expenses. Taxation is the inherent power of the state to demand
contributions for public purposes. Taxes are the enforced contributions from persons and
property levied by the lawmaking body of the state by virtue of its sovereignty for the
support of the government and all public needs.
Taxation in the Philippines
Bureau of Internal Revenue shall be under the supervision and control of the Department
of Finance and its powers therewith and duties shall comprehend the assessment and
collection of allnational internal revenue taxes, fees ans charges and the enforcement of all
forfeitures, penalties and fines connected therewith, including the execution of judgements in
all cases decided in its favor by the Court of Tax Appeals and the Ordinary courts. The
Bureau shall give effect to and administer the supervisory and police powers conferred to
itby the internal revenue code or other laws.