Eric Calhoun Building Science Resume
Eric Calhoun Building Science Resume
Eric Calhoun Building Science Resume
Various Employers Chapel Hill, NC Building Tradesman Summers 1997 2000 Spent summers framing, plumbing, installing HVAC, insulation, and other aspects of residential construction North Carolina Public Interest Research Group Staff Community Awareness of Environmental Issues Organized Press Conferences and Press Releases Chapel Hill, NC May 1999 Aug 1999
919.623.5448 2528 Perkins Rd Durham, NC 27705 [email protected] SIGNIFICANT PERSONAL ENDEAVORS
Break of Dawn Productions Raleigh, NC Founder/Business Director/Filmmaker 2005 2010 Developed 2 feature documentary films from concept to completion to international release Raised and managed film budgets up to $125,000 and brought all projects to completion on time and under budget Recruited, organized, and managed teams of up to 75 people working at once Responsible for budgets, contracts, and media contacts Completed 4 other short films on time and under budget Research Triangle Park, NC 2010
TEDx TriangleNC Organizer Organized licensed, full-day conference on building a better world 16 speakers, 200 people in attendance, positive media coverage
Agri-Maya Project Guatemala Technical Volunteer Summer, 2005 Assisted design and technology transfer for rural sustainable farming training center in Guatemala Incorporated Social, Political, and Cultural environment into strategies for greater impact
Appalachian State University 1998-2001 Studied Applied Mathematics and Appropriate Technology including graduate level course work Modeling project of ozone damage to tree leaves presented at 2001 International Conference of Mathematical Biology 2 Semesters work as Lab Technician in Solar Thermal Laboratory Partial Degree Integral Institute Program for Sustainability Oct 2004 Scholarship recipient for in-depth study of the roles of social, political, developmental, cultural in the success of initiatives Trained on tailoring communication of sustainability goals to values of audience Participated in peer reviews for academic papers in years following Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives Mar Jun 2005 Developed systems thinking skills to turn a communitys waste into resources for industry Learned strategies for creating strong local economies, job growth, and environmental benefits Studied sustainable community design and industrial clustering inspired by systems of nature Scholarship recipient