Tugas Pak Waliyadin
Tugas Pak Waliyadin
Tugas Pak Waliyadin
Some positive results of these changes include, one the other hand there are serious
concern one is
Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) shows that the poverty level in the
country as of March 2022 is still high, as it was before the Covid-19 pandemic. This was also
triggered by an increase in the prices of basic goods.
Just as an illustration, BPS reported that the economy in the first quarter of 2022 grew
by 5.01% (year on year) or higher than the third quarter of 2021 (3.51%). Meanwhile, the
poverty line in March 2022 is IDR 505,469 per capita per month, or an increase of 3.97%
compared to September 2021.
Head of BPS Margo Yuwono said that in the midst of economic recovery, Indonesia is
faced with pressure from rising prices in society. This has an impact on increasing the burden
of public expenditure.
In the period September 2021 and March 2022, the increase in prices was driven by
volatile price groups and prices regulated by the government. Pressure on price increases
occurs both in urban and rural areas.
Meanwhile, poverty in March 2022 will decrease compared to before the Covid-19
pandemic. In March 2019, the number of poor people reached 25.14 million, then in
September 2019 it fell to 24.78 million.
Then during the pandemic, the number of poor people rose to 26.42 million people in
March 2020 and rose again in September 2020 to a peak of 27.55 million people.
"The number of poor people in March 2022 was 26.16 million people, down 0.34 million
people compared to September 2021 and down 1.38 million people compared to March 2021.
The percentage of poor people in March 2022 was 9.54%, down 0.17 % points against
September 2021 and down 0.60% points against March 2021," said Margo.
Even though there appears to be a decline, according to BPS data, rural poverty levels
have returned to pre-pandemic levels, while urban areas are still higher than before the
pandemic. As a result, the disparity between urban and rural poverty is still high, but the
speed of poverty reduction in villages is faster than in cities.