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qreck cwor dechinus-5piny

and'seroata' skin
Echinoder'ada ae all enelusvely marine5eaanimals lvirg on
the shoe but mosy on theBotorof he
Delendion d Ethinodemata:
totortorndous. coelomates, pntarntou
EchinodoemM, u:haddisfrd Or brain, havira
rodi a Sepatal enpieees and
Calearious erd-5keleton o coelomic oigin coch with podta or
auatern vaxalan System ef
pagedig oud Echinod
of the body
Gieneno chartater of
marine wtth the ercept ionc
A\L echincaerm ane exlsiay Sanapta similis found in
speies o
a singe speies Sea Cucumber
uater 2n mangrtooe Sm5uamps of the topics
phayrn ts dishtbted atdey thnouahot
The murtbeas odthis
the wonld.
moly ece levin and
and Grep?nq at hebotar
Caehedto he
The animals ant ard 3omt athed tote
Afew ae pelag?c 3ome ane pbemanently
and colonial forms
no parasBic
Thete artl no either tecnded
shaped, may be
The body has various ke on slart Oke with axms radiatira
cu lrdricol, melon
from acenhal disc. fanspartent n some
colout of ihe body s varied and
arte coelomate aimals cueth pentaremou or periame
rodia of th kody
as the vanous pandsanound
Orte Qrarged
eht in 5 onn in mltiples o 5 the
oral -abotal anis
- Bd the lama 2s bilaterally Surnetrita)
Thekt ate d-lobl astic orimal, having ectodenm, erdko.t
Crd me% odertm
Body dflerediabedk. in to oma ard abonal unt ares,
ard ithout defnile head and scqroerdalion, TheOrmal
Swlace is futherr dislErguished nto armbulacral ord
icter anmbuo cna egtons
Exdy shape is aurded, teo cylendric a or stan Cre wtt,
Simpleoms rtadiatzng from a cendma disc on branche
artms from o central
Sunfat of he body is rantey Smoth, byaly
Coveteo by Sjmmeta spaccd radiatq grcor
caled amlG locna ui th fiealtexrat ing rlnend: toen
Body tuall Consists ofot auter ep?dormis, midse deani's
muaaane ord a annen lonning of peribneum
’ Musculatute of he body Cuab Conests of euter
carular and innenCongttudia mcle fibnes
’ The dernís Can ate zts sBffness atordia to
ets need.
The bodu Coal posesS d calcarenus mekodermal
endosteldon, wkich conists of cbscl, fshed plates tonin
a shel wsual4 (alled thea or fesY feut on mauy be (omges
l seponode sotall s5&cles and Sonrelimes as spines and
of aro
8o the body surface
Surlae 2s Späny or cartly in agratance.
Coelonn 2s spaceows lired by peritoneum, occup itd rmoiol
by diastive and egprodutie Sysem ond deelqps franm
enlionic anchenet on t. enlencoel
Coelo fluid contair free aveehoctes caleo coe lomg
The Coelon?c fluid s res, ponszble for the trans port of
gases and nudrients.
embryonie coelorn is mod:/ted in to cuater vasca lan
Apart o haone calted rnadnegerite
Orr ambulacnaSysem open olo"a and bmeh
The waterty Plisd f tte supBenm Contairy blood
feeding and Yoco moton. Presence of cwater
i0 armblacnal Sytem 2s he most cbanodenis t
31 helps ir
vascalan on
featute of phylum echinoderata tube ctend?ng Lnom
canal is Wsualy coi ledBuntace weth th% anus
the mouh Vocated
on al
onthe onal
On the abotal and c atnivores
vegeterian ard otherts are
`ome are lecd
B launar system 2s
Can latorty o Raemal onabsent. Blod doUn't passes
tyeically Present- Heart is
ang nopimatory pigment dxffcnent in
en ditfenent aroups
penatory stretunes ane
of echinodetms .

out By m~nute gills

car ed
Genenally Mes peratlon isfrom the coclorn o tube feet
On popiae protrudengttrees.
or cla al reginatony sBan gh,
En arple :- papillae e gills inn sea onchins
Genital bruge in
cloacal ménatay tree ên holethrians
Ennetony sylem 2s prirmitive,
cuanding simple tonsisting o neluoek
Nevow Syptem s
contentrded oo
in to rodial aanalionatrdnerve
rfodia ond gangtadial nerves comds
knour as cit cum oral riny
Brain es absent
Sese Oraan (arte
ody consists o p'gments ey Spote , SlaBocysl aud tad:
4enes ane whually Separate ¿e iosius wth few era.c
The rnepmodudive ongans gonods ute 3lmple cuh or
cwithoud duts.
Repnoducdzon is sually seual t few ae rtepnoduce
astwaly or by negeHration,
In case of seual reprtcoudion Spetn and ova des hao
irtothe Sea coatert.
Ferdzlis ation is ead eortnal cwhik few echörodernns arte
arte typcall, homoleutthal.
Development es dine
Lana is minoscopic,calliaded, transparend ,Inee scuiomii k
and ud emc metarmorphosts to forten nadialy Sgmmetace
if cudenge
clanli cation d ehirodermala:
claszl?cadionof eehiroderrata 3 adogt ed ftom L.H.h,pane
Phylum echirodeemata is dacded into 2
1: lethenozoo
a Pelmatozoa
Subphelm -!- Elethenozoa "': cuhi k
9+ 2s deri ved ftorn gmeek cuor d elehenes
mors ee ard zoon mears anima
These arte Senzle ard free kivira fons . sjoro O slalk
rte absent
3. Oral Sutface is wolly du ced dourwartd ond canie
the mouth. Presend on the dores als,ufor
wually oot al ond Provided otl
7 Anws ts usually
Locomotory, orgin ane tube et 3ertied on the teo s dex
Suckers and atranged en dauble
of the rodial ambuJarolveels.
The 5ubph lum Eleuthestozoa 2s diveded nto fourr claa
clas- : AsBeto? de a
class-:. ophiutodea
Clas-3:, Echinotdea
claw-4. Holothurtoidea
clam -1: AsBenotdea perdoqons.
sBareshes ard sea-
clas Aslenotdea includes the oordd in coastal cwat ert
Ihey are found thrtaughoutlatened bady, star shad or
Thby have dosovennall,
pentoaonal coith a Cential disc. pto l Arng
Arm arte Wsualy
Pive Qut may vary
matked off faor he isc ard uscaley
anen't shatply
the ne cêtcuertence of the central dis
dirteted donucardk ard aboral
The omal bunlace madrepor?te arte on the abor
Sunjae upuards. Anu, and
Sutace ahd math es on the otal sunt are.
Artm cotan Spac?ows coelom inwhich gois, po lergnti
ol qut , Coelom and othet otand of vescenta ate present
ArobuacHa ate restricted to the oa urdacc ord ihese
graves Prrovtded coith podia ard eke
foen the prominen qoves
occurt in 9ou tmou n each ambulocr al
The tubefeet crt
toove and tovt dedth mpallac ad suct
ld ane lhe locomolorug nospiralorg lod d
adhesive otqard.
cute 5mall ard Besile and theeare Ho
of defence ord offeoce
orng ons
Frdcskeleton is eaible ond rnade upof separae outle t
occuns thrtough the papulae
- Ropralon onrorqrd
Senes arte separate and gonads ant arodially
Doclopmend include bipirrarla ord on bnáchiolaria Gr
This clas divided ?nto 3 Omders
Onder 1: Phanetozonia
Onder 3: Fondiplata
clas a: ophtnoidea:
trom 2 greek cond ophêos - Srae i
ophiurotdea derived
and 'ouna' -tail
t ocudu bnitle star pentometly
These kave donsoventrally flatend bady wth
Or rocnded cendna diac. flezible acny
en,jotnted and
Fie elomaded, slendmartked ol tom the central dsc
cohich aro dislendly crcuhenence of theds
GU they don't otuy the endinc
Arms don't cordain ambsanal arooves, gonads ard
viscera mas.
Endoskeleton corsists of Sefarate owiles.
oral surtace
Mouth ard Modreportle one on the
Anu, anod otestine ate dosent.Tbe teet ane orangd
in tuoo rOuws and no firovded wth guckers ano ampelac'
Locorno tion is gertomed boy fleias erdonsioy of the arm
Pedi cellartiae ,qlls and senye otgos arte
Developmernt includes freee ksêmmg pludes Varrvo
Thês cla divided ioto 3 onderch
Order -4: streptophiureae
ortder-: cladoph iurtae
class-3: Echinoidea:
The cda, echinoidea deved friom qrteek coort d
means spine or hedgehoa and edos meany for
clas echino? dea lncludes sea ut chins, Heaud urchins
and sard dollars. They may have ctceprg or th
disc like, oval ore Heart shaped
Body es sphercal,abornal
disnt oral and sunfaces
enclos ed en a shell or Corton a madeup of
The body 2s movable sp enes Because f the
Calcareows plates cwith
of iri id test,the body Cuall doesnt 20ne muce
Prtes ence
No ambalana 9rtooves, but thesunface s divizones da into
alternat ively amblacnaland rterambulacnal
Thrtee jointed 5Balked pedicellauiae ane priesent
the ortal
Ortal Scunface . g has
Moth is Centally placed on on the
fene teeth with elaborate systen d on cles. nuy is
Paeserd af the aboral surfae.
Arm Qute absort arbara
Poroh of
Podia ort fube feet arise fron the porer
plates and loomctor innfenton
Gooads arte unpained ually five in nunber
Develop mtrt tlades a Riee suimni nq echinplade
Jhis aw is divided in to a shclaneA
-Sab claw-! :Rrqlaria Ps divided ioto teur ondors
orden-1: Lopidocendrotdea
Order a: Aalodonda
Ono er 3: Camarcodornda
Or der-4: cidarodea
subela-a: Lrrtaularia is divided in to tewo ondar
Onder-2: spatangoi da Polgt
Gn He<othcuricg - oter
clas- 4: Holothumodea; eidos -fory
The class inludes Sea cucumber. oral-abaal
Body sualy elongated, cylandaical inthe
ani 3 hoina mouth and ans o yposite ennemities.
Arns absct ard shin solt ond leahery athat Spire ond
Pe dicelarlae.
twall s suppoted & scatlened osicles or splules.
Body surutbunded by a
The anterioH end po»Mes th mouth
of nenaile tentacles : The terdacles arte mod:fied
tu feet and ane coalled buctal fodia
posBerio erd poness the anws
Amblacnal aneas orte ve and marexed by the presence o 6
tube feet. Arnbulacnal gcooves ane absont
paesend on he louar side are provided
The Vorge tube leet ugpen side lacking the
tuth buckerth uhle hose on he dll
bunowing holoihuans don't pones the tube heet and
Qoconotion sHcted in hoe speies by perüslalis
Gongd i5 single coaca is Provéded wtthofone ortgc
he ndior nespia
respiratory trees penforntng
and exuedon auiularia Rarvo
Dwcopmnt irudes in 5 odec).
Holothuriodlea 2s dortded
Order- !: Asp ¿dochinota
Ondet-2: Dendnochioto
Onder-4:- Molapadida Ort Malpsdonia
Orden-5: Synaptida on Apoda
sulphaluro- I: pelmatozoa i wotd pelona- Bole of he tod
derived from tewo gneck
his 2s
Zo0n- aninal
echincdens -gt maoly conslst
These ane mstlyatached or
of entind forn
at the base and sup orded
Animals are uualy fiued
d gBalk upuand ad baring bolh madh
ral Suwrdau is dineced
ang anw.
&na calcareous plate.
vstena s enclosed
The tabefet or podka ane
and devoid od SuKerUs
Main narvaw aysterm 2s akono. ve claves
The jubphym pelmatozco is divided nto
clas-a: a Heterostelea
clay-3: Cystoidea
ab-4 BlasBo2dea
5Edr'stertoid ea
clas-1 (rinoidea
Derived fnorn otetr or d Chinos- ily , idos Pot
Deived fnormintludes balk
both O:vkro
l:virg ord
and edend
edird foargasd
foangand c
This cla
he membacs of this claw ane Supposed to be mosl ansinlc
?ve echtroderms
ound prl'mit docp
These arte Sea animal
The living membereh don't have the stalk budedirt fa
oute attahd by a
Body consists of an abonal ap teed as ca and oal
Coven on tood termed s tegmen and Stroray

Roadial symney
Math ees on the uppet urfae neart the Centree
On the ot al Surace
Anus s alsopresent poerow, c¿ttated and oen.
Amblaal aroek ane. narrtow,
PRre innumben But usually befut ade fran
Artms arte Pive
the base These may be uth ore cwithout pirnules ampullae
Tube fee arte Shot bd cuthout suck ers and
Madneporite, SpinU,Pedicellariae are Presert
Ths clan 838s consist od only one ader i e Artiaata.
clas-a: HeBernostele a !
These are edint form
)attened and attached horiconialy
Theto is
by a stalk
NO Ttadeal
Eg: Irochocutetes
eodint foms
and shalked or sele
l'ved ord
Irnealat rradial Symmela
Theco ts genfoaded compedely or paaly
clay-4: asotdea '
edirt tormk
These ate stemned on sBemles.
Test s bud like, Shott
Rodid s mmelruy i3
Five Peatalo?d ambuau presunt
ongan,the Kadresghine
Spcially inespirtatory
under neath the arbaura
cla-s: Fdriasteroidea:
These ae entint
eonssting of iureqdary
theca disc ot anhion shaped
araaragd plades
anbuvacra qrooves ane presenf
Five nodialig an present on ora Sunface
ord aseponite
Anus and
eg-diastert, 'shronadaytkles
water vasuar syden in Asterotdeai
ambulaural Syylem.
31 2% otherwise Kown as chanterilac featun
ader vasulan Sytom & an unigue
echinodermy hich plays most vtalnole in laomatia
ot enletocelita n
31 &% a modefeed part oftoe lom and is
dae loged Prom lelt Rodrocodl fuon of he lara
The canal ane lired
eahtbils radial Soney feom the bgirig

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