GEO334 Hydrology Study Fall 2020 10
GEO334 Hydrology Study Fall 2020 10
GEO334 Hydrology Study Fall 2020 10
a. False
b. !True
6. The element involved in making human blood red is which of the following?
a. Iridium
b. Cobalt
c. !Iron
d. Copper
9. What part of the brain takes its name from the Greek for seahorse?
a. Thalamus
b. !Hippocampus
c. Amygdala
d. Cerebellum
10. Where did the Great Storm of 1987 make landfall at, first?
a. !Cornwall
b. Surrey
c. The Midlands
d. Wales
11. What are the smallest blood vessels in the human body?
a. Arterioles
b. !Capillaries
c. Veinules
d. Lymphatics
12. When the Falcon Heavy was launched on it039;s test flight, what was the only
part of the operation that failed?
a. Side Booster Landing
b. !Center Core Landing
c. Deployment of Starman
d. Ignition and Liftoff
3. What year was the Disney film quot;A Goofy Moviequot; released?
a. 1999
b. !1995
c. 2001
d. 1997
5. In quot;Avatar: The Last Airbenderquot;, which element does Aang begin to learn
after being defrosted?
a. Earth
b. Fire
c. !Water
d. Air
11. What is the name of the Alligator that The Simpsons quot;killedquot; in the
episode quot;Kill The Alligator and Runquot;?
a. !Captain Jack
b. Captain Hector
c. Captain Flynn
d. Captain Jake
12. In the 1968 Cartoon Show quot;Wacky Racesquot; what was the name of cavemen duo
who rode in The Boulder Mobile?
a. The Rock Brothers
b. The Stone Brothers
c. !The Slag Brothers
d. The Slate Brothers
3. Sitting for more than three hours a day can cut two years off a person039;s life
a. False
b. !True
5. How long did it take the motorized window washers of the original World Trade
Center to clean the entire exterior of the building?
a. 2 Months
b. 1 Week
c. 3 Weeks
d. !1 Month
10. What was the name given to Japanese military dictators who ruled the country
through the 12th and 19th Century?
a. Shinobi
b. Ninja
c. !Shogun
d. Samurai
11. Which of the following British Monarchs never appeared on a circulated pound
sterling coin?
a. Charles II
b. George VI
c. Victoria
d. !Edward VIII
12. The architect known as Le Corbusier was an important figure in what style of
a. !Modernism
b. Baroque
c. Gothic Revival
d. Neoclassical
13. What fast food chain has the most locations globally?
a. KFC
b. !Subway
c. Starbucks
d. McDonalds