Tricanter EN
Tricanter EN
Tricanter EN
For more than 40 years, Flottweg has been manufacturing the Trican- The Flottweg Tricanter®
ter® for three-phase separation. This experience, combined with nu- and its benefits
merous and well-known reference companies all over the world, makes
us one of the best possible addresses for mechanical separation tech- • Greatest possible purity of the
nology. Even other manufacturers of separation technology use the liquids to be separated by using the
term “Tricanter” when it comes to three-phase separation. These facts adjustable impeller
symbolize the pioneering spirit and role of Flottweg Separation Tech- • More than 40 years of experience
nology. ensure maximum continuity, versatility
and performance
As already explained, the Tricanter® enables a simultaneous separation • Other processing steps/separating
of three phases. So, a three-phase separation makes it possible to sep- stages can be dispensed with, or are
arate two liquid phases from one solid phase at the same time. no longer required, thereby offering
cost savings for the plant owner
But how is that even possible? The different densities of the (immisci- • Adaptation to changing conditions
ble) liquids and the solid mean that all three phases can be discharged (product in the feed) possible at any
simultaneously using the Tricanter . This is the reason for the name time
Tricanter (tri for three). To ensure that the separation process can take • Automation is possible
place, the solid phase must be the specifically heaviest phase and the • Developed and manufactured in
liquid phases must have different densities. Otherwise, the scroll of the Germany for the highest possible
Tricanter® will not be able to transport the solid at all, or only inade- production quality
quately, and this has an effect on the separation result.
The structure and function of the Tricanter® are similar to those of a de- heavy liquid without difficulty during ongoing op-
canter (two-phase separation). The decisive difference between these eration. An adjustment mechanism causes the
two machines has to do with the way that the liquid is discharged. There position of the impeller to change, thus changing
are two liquid phases in a Tricanter . There is a "heavy" liquid phase the separation zone of the liquids (see page 3).
(higher density and discharged under pressure) as well as a "light" liq- The process engineering results can thus be in-
uid phase (lower density and discharged without pressure). fluenced so as to achieve the required separation
An impeller discharges the "heavy" liquid phase. Furthermore, the op-
erator can use the adjustable impeller to adjust the pond depth of the
• Processing tar as well as sludges containing
oil from refineries, oil ponds etc.
® = registered trademark in various countries
The Flottweg Tricanter®
The Flottweg Tricanter® performs a three-phase separation, i.e. the phase. The main difference from a decanter is
simultaneous separation of two immiscible liquids with different densi- the separate discharge of the two liquid phases.
ties and one solid phase, provided that the solid phase is the heaviest
• Immediate adjustment of the pond depth and liquid-liquid separation zone during ongoing operation
►optimum results
• Savings in costs due to the needlessness of a separate chamber pump
• Easy reading of the variable impeller scale ►ease of adjustment
• Automation is possible
Separation Zone 1
Separation Zone 2
Feed and discharge devices with control lever for the adjustable impeller of No matter if feed concentration varies: Best separation
the Flottweg Tricanter® results with the Flottweg Tricanter® System
Flottweg has been developing and producing cen- unique experience as well as an outstanding expertise, especially when
trifuges for more than 60 years including more it comes to applying and using separation technology for the purpose of
than 40 years of successfully providing high-end three-phase separation. Even more, by using Flottweg Systems and
machinery for three-phase separation. Flottweg Equipment, customers receive significant and unique benefits in compar-
convinces customers all over the world with an ison to other providers of mechanical separation equipment or systems:
• High-quality:
We convince with high-quality machinery and systems. Due to our extensive and significant experience,
we offer the best solution for customers. And “best solution” means total satisfaction!
• Efficiency:
By using our equipment, the highest purity of particular substances can be reached, increasing value for
customers in turn.
• Durability:
Our Machines and Systems provide an outstanding durability. This can be confirmed by the fact that all
necessary spare parts are still available even decades later (30 years and more).
• The Tricanter® offers the following benefits:
- greatest possible purity of separated liquids by using the adjustable impeller
- adaptation to changing conditions (product in the feed) possible at any time
- more than 40 years of experience in three-phase applications
... in other words, the Tricanter® symbolizes the benchmark for three-phase separation
No Matter Where You Are in the World
Flottweg is headquartered in Vilsbiburg (near Munich), Germany, and Check out our website at
has branch offices in Cologne and Leipzig as well as subsidiaries in to find a competent contact person.
Australia, Brazil, China, France, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Russia and the
United States plus representatives in nearly all countries worldwide.
In terms of mechanical separation, there are vari- meshing these individual parameters according to the principle “The Ben-
ous influencing factors that play an important role eficial Combination For Your Efficient Solution”.
to achieve the highest possible outcome and ben-
efit for customers. As a result, Flottweg sets itself In other words: the more perfectly adjusted each parameter is on another,
apart from its competitors in terms of perfectly the better the result at the end of the whole process.
• Especially made decanter scroll for highest
• A large „choice“ of variations due to decades
of experience
• Individual adaptation of the decanter scroll
for long-term customer satisfaction
• The variable impeller can be adjusted during ongoing operation • Depending on the application, Flottweg offers
• Optimum adaptation to changed conditions (product property in the appropriate materials for your centrifuge
the feed) • Increased durability of the decanter centrifuge,
• Perfect separating properties are achieved, for an optimum even when confronted by aggressive media
product result (acids, alkalis and cleaning agents)
• Exact and variable setting of the pond depth is possible by • Maximum product quality during the entire
changing the weir disc diameter process
• Automation is possible • Improved stability of the decanter centrifuge
Flottweg Separation Technology –
Engineered For Your Success
Flottweg SE
Industriestraße 6-8
84137 Vilsbiburg
Deutschland (Germany)
Tel.: + 49 8741 301-0
Fax: + 49 8741 301-300
[email protected]