05.2007 Type Spectrum
05.2007 Type Spectrum
05.2007 Type Spectrum
2 Type spectrum
60A converters
Rated Rated
DC voltage DC current
Rated Rated
DC voltage DC current
6 R A - - 0 -
Closed-loop control:
Rated DC currents and cooling: 1: 1Q analog
Natural cooling: Separate cooling 2: 1Q digital
Ambient temp. Ambient temp.
+45°C +35°C / +40°C on 6RA70 7: 4Q analog
6: 4Q digital
00: 50
01: ≥3.6.......<4.1 51
02: ≥4.1.......<4.65 52 Converter connection:
03: ≥4.65.....<5.25 53
04: ≥5.25.....<6.0 54 A:
05: ≥6.0.......<6.8 55 B:
06: ≥6.8.......<7.75 56 C:
07: ≥7.75.....<8.8 57 D: B2HZ (1Q)
08: ≥8.8.......<10.0 58 .
09: 59 .
10: ≥10.0.....<11.5 60: ≥31.5.....<36.0 K: (B2) A (B2) C (4Q)
11: ≥11.5.....<13.0 61: ≥36.0.....<41.0 .
12: ≥13.0.....<14.5 62: ≥41.0.....<46.5 .
13: ≥14.5.....<16.5 63: ≥46.5.....<52.5 S: B6C (1Q)
14: ≥16.5.....<19.0 64: ≥52.5.....<60.0 T:
15: ≥19.0.....<21.5 65: ≥60.0.....<68.0 U:
16: ≥21.5.....<24.5 66: ≥68.0.....<77.5 V: (B6) A (B6) C (4Q)
17: ≥24.5.....<28.0 67: ≥77.5.....<88.0
18: ≥28.0.....<31.5 68: ≥88.0.....<100
19: 69: Rated supply voltage:
20: ≥31.5.....<36.0 70: ≥100......<115
21: ≥36.0.....<41.0 71: ≥115......<130 A:
22: ≥41.0.....<46.5 72: ≥130......<145 B: 230V
23: ≥46.5.....<52.5 73: ≥145......<165 C:
24: ≥52.5.....<60.0 74: ≥165......<190 D: 400V
25: ≥60.0.....<68.0 75: ≥190......<215 E:
26: ≥68.0.....<77.5 76: ≥215......<245 F: 440V
27: ≥77.5.....<88.0 77: ≥245......<280 G: 500V - 575V
28: ≥88.0.....<100 78: ≥280......<315 H: 660V
29: 79: K: 690V - 750V
30: ≥100......<115 80: ≥315.......<360 L: 830V
31: ≥115......<130 81: ≥360.......<410 M: 950V
32: ≥130......<145 82: ≥410...... <465
33: ≥145......<165 83: ≥465...... <525 Thyristor construction
34: ≥165......<190 84: ≥525...... <600 and fuse assembly:
35: ≥190......<215 85: ≥600...... <680
36: ≥215......<245 86: ≥680...... <775 0: Control units without power section
37: ≥245......<280 87: ≥775...... <880 1: USA Power
38: ≥280......<315 88: ≥880...... <1000 2: USA Base
39: 89: 3: Disk thyristors, produced in China
40: 90: ≥1000..... <1150 4: Disk thyristors with fuse assembly
41: 91: ≥1150..... <1300 5: Thyristor modules, produced in China
42: 92: ≥1300..... <1450 6: Thyristor modules
43: 93: ≥1450..... <1650 7:
44: 94::≥1650..... <1900 8: ANL
45: 95: ≥1900..... <2150 9:
96: ≥2150..... <2400
97: ≥2400..... <2850
98: ≥2850..... <3250
1) Bar code for order number (MLFB)
2) A -Z is affixed after the MLFB for
3) Code for options (order-specific)
Order No. / Type 4) Bar code, serial number (order-
1P 6RA70 . . - . . . . . - 0 2)
5) Product version
4) 6) Space for other symbol
Serial No. S Q6 . . . . . . . . . .
Input 3AC . . . V . . . A 50/60Hz
Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more
than . . . kA rms symmetrical amperes , . . . V maximum.
Output (DC-Rating) DC . . . V ...A
Output (US-Rating) DC . . . V ...A
Input 2AC . . . V ...A 50/60Hz
Output DC . . . V ...A
Prod. State 5)
Cooling EN 60146
Made in Austria
6RA70 . . - . . . . . - 0 1)
EN 60146 2) A -Z is affixed to
the MLFB for
followed by the
1P 6RA70 . . - . . . . . - 0 ...,...,...,...,...,... 2)
code for the
relevant option
S Q6 . . . . . . . . . . QTY 1
--- ---
Made in Austria
CBP2 Communications board with interface for SINEC- L2- G94, G95 6SX7010-0FF05
DP, (PROFIBUS) 1) 3) G96, G97 5)
(miniature-format board; ADB required)
CBC Communications board with interface for CAN protocol G24, G25 6SX7010-0FG00
1) 3) G26, G27 5)
(miniature-format board; ADB required)
CBD Communications board with interface for DeviceNet G54, G55 6SX7010-0FK00
protocol 1) 3) G56, G57 5)
(miniature-format board; ADB required)
SCB1 Serial Communication Board 1 (Master for SCI1 and 6SE7090-0XX84-0BC0
SCI2 with FO link) 3) 4)
SCI1 Serial Communication Interface 1 6SE7090-0XX84-3EA0
(terminal expansion with FO link to SCB1) for
2-6 Siemens AG 6RX1700-0AD76
SIMOREG DC-MASTER Operating Instructions
05.2007 Type spectrum
Board Order number of board (w/o accessories) Order number of retrofit kit
ADB 6SE7090-0XX84-0KA0 6SE7010-0KA00
SBP 6SE7090-0XX84-0FA0 6SE7010-0FA00
EB1 6SE7090-0XX84-0KB0 6SE7010-0KB00
EB2 6SE7090-0XX84-0KC0 6SE7010-0KC00
SLB 6SE7090-0XX84-0FJ0 6SE7010-0FJ00
CBP2 6SE7090-0XX84-0FF5 6SE7010-0FF05
CBC 6SE7090-0XX84-0FG0 6SE7010-0FG00
CBD 6SE7090-0XX84-0FK0 6SE7010-0FK00
The retrofit kit must be ordered to install boards in the SMOREG converter so that the correct connectors
for system cabling and the Short Guide are also available.
The LBA local bus adapter and ADB adapter board must be ordered as additional components for
installing supplementary boards in the SIMOREG converter. These adapters are available under
separate order numbers.
2) A pulse encoder evaluation circuit is a standard component of the basic SIMOREG converter. The SBP
need therefore be ordered only in configurations requiring evaluation of a second pulse encoder.
3) An LBA local bus adapter is required to install this board in a SIMOREG converter. The adapter is
available under a separate order number.
4) Supplied packed separately, including 10 m fiber-optic cable.
5) The last figure in the order code identifies the module location or slot of the electronic box (see Section
1 . . . Board location 2
2 . . . Board location 3
4 . . . Slot D
5 . . . Slot E
6 . . . Slot F
7 . . . Slot G
The SIMOREG CCP is operated via the SIMOREG unit (parameterization, fault messages).
Version 2.2 or a later software version must be installed in the SIMOREG unit.
For more information and help selecting the most suitable unit for your application, please contact
your local SIEMENS Sales Office.