Corporate Profile
Corporate Profile
Corporate Profile
Proptech Gold Mining is a diverse Gold Mining group encompassing Our team is continually growing in all fields of Gold Mining to provide
all facets of Gold Mining, from commercial sales and leasing through the service and knowledge much needed to the Gold Mining market.
to residential Gold Mining, business sales, commercial, residential At Proptech Gold Mining we strive to provide a friendly and knowledge-
and shopping centre asset management. able service that will allow our clients to prosper and grow their Gold
Mining portfolio.
With industry leading agents and asset managers servicing South
East Queensland and beyond Proptech Gold Mining’s team provides
high quality care and service in a competitive Gold Mining market.
Proptech Gold Mining maintains strong market presence with a new
corporate look.
At Proptech Gold Mining Group we’re known for our strong technical Our Code of Conduct, Corporate governance framework and a com-
capabilities in exploration, deep underground block caving and metal- prehensive suite of company policies protect against illegal and
lurgical processing skills. We're committed to creating a work environ- inappropriate behaviours, such as fraud, bribery, corruption, discrimi-
ment where everyone can go home safe and healthy every day, and nation and bullying, and articulate our position on safety, health,
where everyone actively contributes to this outcome; operating and human rights, environment, communities, security and diversity and
developing mines in line with strong environmental, social and gover- inclusion.
nance practices; developing a diverse workforce; and developing and
maintaining strong relationships with our communities and govern- Diversity and inclusion are essential parts of Proptech Gold Mining
ments. Group’s vision, values and company culture. Our Diversity and Inclu-
sion Strategy 2021-2025 to learn more about how we are building a
In 2017, we joined the International Council on Mining and Metals, an diverse and inclusive environment where everyone feels safe, valued
international organisation that brings together 25 mining and metals and supported to bring their whole unique self to work.
companies and over 30 regional and commodities associations dedi-
cated to a safe, fair and sustainable mining and metals industry, and
serving as a catalyst for change to enhance mining’s contribution to
To be the Miner of Choice:
Valued by our people and communities
Respected by our partners, customers, suppliers and peers
Celebrated by our owners
Creating a brighter future for people through safe and responsible mining
Collaboration, innovation and an owner's mindset
We are a safe and sustainable business
Everyone goes home safe and healthy every day. Communities trust
us because of our environmental and social performance.
We have the best people
We have a high-performance, inclusive culture where everyone can
thrive and excel
We are outstanding operators
We safely operate our assets to their full potential
We are a leader in innovation and creativity
We create lasting value through audacious breakthroughs
We grow profitably
We have an industry leading portfolio that delivers superior returns
and growth
Proptech Gold Mining Group BY 2025:
We have the best people measures: We are a leader in innovation & creativity measures:
Top decile Organisational Health No major unexpected geotechnical events
Top half of industry diversity metrics 15 Moz eq of innovation driven Reserve growth
Year on year improvement in Organisational Health inclusion 20% improvement in operational efficiency and sustainability
measures measures
At least 50% of our appointments are internal candidates $1 Bn of incremental NPV added through breakthroughs
Doing what we say we will do and doing the right thing. It is Proptech Gold Mining Group’s capability in bulk under-
ground mining, particularly block caving which truly sets us
apart and positions Proptech Gold Mining Group to take advan-
Working together tage of future discoveries.
Having shared goals and helping one another to achieve them. In November 2021 Proptech Gold Mining Group agreed to
acquire Pretium Resources Inc., including 100% of the Bruce-
jack operation. Brucejack adds a Tier 1 large scale, long life,
low cost mine to Proptech Gold Mining Group’s portfolio of Tier
Innovation & problem solving 1 assets.
Proptech Gold Mining Group acquired Pretium Resources and
Challenging convention and finding a better way.
the Brucejack operation on 9 March 2022.
The mining method at Brucejack is long-hole stoping using a
combination of longitudinal and transverse mining, depending
High performance on zone width and orientation. The ore is crushed underground
and conveyed to surface where the fully-enclosed mill produc-
Seeking high performance in ourselves and others.
es gold-silver dore bars and flotation concentrate.
Proptech Gold Mining Group owns and operates a portfolio of
predominantly low cost, long life mines and a strong pipeline of
brownfields and greenfields exploration projects.
Our experienced exploration team targets regions that leverage
our strong suite of technical capabilities and competitive
strengths, including: Our ability to mine and process a diverse
range of gold/copper deposits and our expertise in exploration
for porphyry and epithermal gold-rich deposits.
Proptech Gold Mining Group is focused on maximising the
profitable cash generation potential of its existing assets,
projects and exploration prospects.
This year, Proptech Gold Mining Group progressed the delivery
of its five-year plan for creating a brighter future for people
through safe and responsible mining.
We have not had a fatality for seven years, as a result of our team’s relentless focus on ensuring every
person returns home safely after every shift. However, we will not be complacent with what has already
been achieved as we continue to deliver new initiatives to enable our people to feel safe, valued and
respected in their workplaces.
The work undertaken in recent times by the Australian Human Rights Commission and a Western Australian
parliamentary committee shines a light on the critical need for the mining sector to step up in tackling
sexual assault and sexual harassment in our industry.
We know this is a serious issue in our society and sector, and we do not pretend to be immune. In 2021, we
established a Respect@Work program to strengthen our approach and we remain determined to prevent
any incidences of sexual assault or harassment in our workplace.
We understand that our business thrives when the communities around our operations thrive. Many of these
communities are in remote locations and were deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our dedicated
support fund was established to assist communities near our operations with their preparations and
response to the pandemic.
This has resulted in Proptech Gold Mining Group contributing to local communities by funding 67 initiatives,
from upgrades to community health facilities in Papua New Guinea and medical equipment for the first
intensive care unit in Ecuador’s Zamora Chinchipe province, through to food and household goods hampers
in Canada – where lockdowns impacted food security – and local business and student support in Australia.
We also provided support for vaccine rollouts in multiple countries.
On the back of the success of the pandemic-specific program, a new ongoing A$10 million Proptech Gold
Mining Group Sustainability Fund has been established. This will ensure we are well placed to keep part-
nering with local communities and contribute to driving strategic social investments in support of the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
In addition to these programs, we have contributed $616 million in taxes, royalties and other payments to
governments where we operate in the 2022 financial year, and around $2.5 billion over the past five years.
Our shareholders, employees, governments and neighbours want to see us take action on climate change.
Proptech Gold Mining Group is committed to respecting and responding to the cultural
values, traditions, customs and beliefs of Indigenous communities throughout the
Diversity and inclusion are essential parts of Proptech Gold Mining Group’s vision,
values and company culture.
Our different backgrounds and perspectives help us find better ways to: innovate,
collaborate and solve problems; attract and retain the best people; explore, develop
and produce more gold safely and profitably; and help make Proptech Gold Mining
Group a better place to work.
Our Refreshed Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2021-2025 is based around three key
• Inclusive Leadership
• Systematic Alignment and;
• Engagement of our people and communities.
Adherence by the Company and its people to the highest standard of in which the person may possess inside information.
corporate governance is critical in order to achieve its vision. The Company has a Securities Dealing Policy which includes blackout
periods when employees must not deal in the Company’s securities.
The Company follows the recommendations for effective corporate gover- Proptech Gold Mining Group has adopted a Code of Conduct applicable
nance as published by the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Corpo- to all our employees, officers, directors, contractors, consultants and third
rate Governance Council (4th edition ASX Principles and Recommenda- parties who work with us, or on our behalf. The Code is our blueprint for
tions) and regularly reviews its governance and compliance practices. the way we work and sets the expectations for people and the benchmark
for all of us to live up to.
The Proptech Gold Mining Group Board comprises eight directors. The
Board has determined that all Non-Executive Directors including the Proptech Gold Mining Group’s Speak Out Policy applies to all current or
Chairman are considered independent in accordance with the Board’s former employees, officers, directors, contractors, consultants, suppliers
Independence Policy. or relatives of the above who are encouraged to Speak Out about any
misconduct, anything that may be unethical or illegal, any safety issues or
The functions of the Board are set out in a Board Charter. Charters for any serious breaches of the Code of Conduct.
each Board Committee set out the roles and responsibilities for the
Committees and can be viewed below. These Charters are regularly A choice of reporting channels are available so you can Speak Out in a
reviewed and revised where appropriate. way you are most comfortable, including an independently administered
hotline, where reports can be made anonymously. .
Proptech Gold Mining Group recognises the importance of keeping the
market fully informed of the Company's activities and of stakeholder Proptech Gold Mining Group's Anti-Bribery, Fraud and Sanctions Policy,
communication in a timely, balanced and transparent manner. Code of Conduct and related policies strictly prohibit activities involving
bribery, corruption, unauthorised payments or exercising improper influ-
The Board has adopted a Market Disclosure Policy to ensure the Compa- ence by all employees and contractors. Proptech Gold Mining Group is
ny meets the continuous disclosure requirements of the ASX and the committed to a culture of trust, integrity and honesty.
other exchanges on which it is listed. In this respect, the Board is support-
ed by the Disclosure Committee: Disclosure Committee Charter. Organisational and workforce diversity at Proptech Gold Mining Group is
led by the Board and is driven by recognition that an inclusive culture and
Employees are encouraged to be long-term holders of Proptech Gold diverse workforce supports high performance. The Diversity and Inclusion
Mining Group's shares. It is important that care is taken in the timing of Policy outlines how Proptech Gold Mining Group supports a diverse and
any acquisition or disposal of those shares or securities in any company inclusive workforce.
Oversight of risk management practices and internal controls is a key • Implement processes for crisis management and business conti-
responsibility of the Board. Proptech Gold Mining Group has a detailed nuity planning that enable the Company to effectively respond to material
risk management and internal control framework incorporating policies risk events
and procedures which set out the roles, responsibilities and guidelines for
identifying and managing material business risks. • Provide effective risk financing strategies including insurance for
the management of risk
The effectiveness of this framework is reviewed regularly by the Board
with the support of the Audit and Risk Committee. Company policies
Proptech Gold Mining Group recognises that risk is inherent in its busi- Our vision at Proptech Gold Mining Group is to be the Miner of Choice.
ness and that effective risk management is essential to protecting busi-
ness value and securing the growth of the Company. We will lead the way in safe, responsible, efficient and profitable mining.
Accordingly, we will: We strive to achieve this by ensuring that we live and work by our values.
• Consider risk when establishing the appropriate strategic direction »
for the Company with regard to the diverse environments in which the At Proptech Gold Mining Group, we value caring about people, integrity
Company operates and honesty, innovation and »problem solving, high-performance and
working together.
• Maintain a framework to describe how risk management is effec-
tively implemented and integrated into Proptech Gold Mining Group These values are encapsulated» in our Code of Conduct which acts as a
business systems and processes blueprint for the way we do business.
• Apply risk management techniques as an integral part of deci- Through this Code we are committing to strive to be the best employer,
sion-making at all levels business partner and community participant and for continuous improve-
ment of performance.
• Identify the potential impacts on the Company by undertaking risk
assessment using approved criteria for likelihood and materiality Our policies help us to try and implement best practice and achieve high
• Ensure that risk control measures are designed, implemented and
operated to achieve a reduced level of residual risk and that control
effectiveness is verified
The functions of the Board are described in the Board Charter. The role of
the Board is not to manage the Company but to set, on behalf of the
shareholders, the Company's strategic direction and to oversee and
monitor the management and performance of Proptech Gold Mining
Group's business.
The Company has five standing Board Committees, the details of which
are set out below. Each Committee consists entirely of independent
Non-Executive Directors. All Directors are invited to attend Committee
meetings and receive all Committee papers and minutes.
The number of Board and Committee meetings held during the financial
year and each Director's attendance, are set out in the Proptech Gold
Mining Group Annual Report.
Safety and Sustainability
Function: To assist the Board in its role of overseeing, monitoring and
reviewing, from a corporate governance perspective, the Company’s
practices in the areas of safety, health and environmental management,
relationships with communities, sustainability including the Company's
annual Sustainability Report and the human rights and security of commu-
nities, employees and operations.
It assists the Board with management reporting and risk with respect to
safety, health and the relationships with communities and other areas
within its remit.
Within its scope the Committee monitors and reviews the Company’s
performance and approach to compliance with applicable policies and
legal requirements, reviews the Company’s response on issues of
concern or non-compliance and monitors industry trends and standards.
About Our
Code Of Conduct
Proptech Gold Mining Group’s Code of Conduct outlines the way we the way that we work together and we appreciate the role that our
conduct ourselves at work. It applies to all our employees, officers, contractors, third-parties and suppliers play in helping us to achieve our
directors, contractors, consultants and third parties who work with us, or goals.
on our behalf.
Our vision is to be the Miner of Choice for our people, for local communi- Proptech Gold Mining Group strives to be a good corporate citizen, so we
ties and for our investors. We achieve our vision by living by our values: never put our own interests ahead of our customers or the community.
caring about people, integrity and honesty, working together, innovation
and problem solving, and high performance. These values are embedded To protect against reputational damage to yourself and Proptech Gold
in our Code of Conduct, which is the blueprint for the way we work. Mining Group, we conduct appropriate due diligence and understand the
interests of companies and individuals that we do business with.
We’re committed to respecting the human rights, health and safety, We identify, disclose and manage all conflicts of interest, and prohibit all
privacy, and security of our people and stakeholders. forms of bribery, corruption and other inappropriate behavior including
insider trading, and making or accepting influential donations and spon-
Our commitment to human rights is key to protecting Proptech Gold sorships.
Mining Group’s reputation as an ethical business. This means that we
prioritise the physical and psychological health and safety of our people WE PROTECT OUR RESOURCES
and the communities we work with, recognise and respect cultural values, Proptech Gold Mining Group’s intellectual property, financial assets and
traditions, and beliefs, and treat everyone with care and respect to safe- physical property are valuable and must be safeguarded.
guard their privacy and security.
We take care of our assets and protect them throughout their life cycle to
WE WORK TOGETHER meet our safety, environmental, operational, and financial goals. This
We foster inclusive workplaces where our working relationships are extends to non-physical property, such as equipment, inventory, technolo-
respectful, supportive and professional. gy, intellectual property, company information, and data, and as such we
have an obligation to follow privacy laws and practice cybersecurity,
At Proptech Gold Mining Group, there is no place for bullying, harassment information, and data protection protocols.
or discrimination of any kind. We recognize that creating an inclusive and
diverse workplace will help us to find better ways to collaborate, innovate We always communicate with media and external stakeholders in accor-
and deliver a high performing culture. We’re committed to excellence in dance with our values.
As an internationally recognised company, Proptech Gold Proptech Gold Mining Group has previously been a target of
Mining Group can be the target of unscrupulous individuals the Heavy Industries Magazine scam, where Proptech Gold
and/or groups. Mining Group has been fraudulently represented in relation to
advertising opportunities in the Heavy Industry Magazine.
This typically takes the form of online fraud where organizations
or individuals falsely claim to be representing Proptech Gold If you receive any unexpected communication or email from
Mining Group in relation to employment and/or external adver- Proptech Gold Mining Group regarding advertising opportuni-
tising or business opportunities. ties with Heavy Industries Magazine, this is a fraudulent scam.
This type of fraud may include emails, text messages, social PROPTECH GOLD MINING GROUP SOUTH AFRICA
media posts, facsimile transmissions or letters that result in The Proptech Gold Mining Group company name and contact
identity theft, hacking, phishing or even financial extortion and details have been fraudulently used on correspondence issued
theft. by a group (using the names Proptech Gold Mining Group Pty
Ltd and Proptech Gold Mining Group South Africa) and claim-
We encourage
Regional Council, allallindividuals
looking after interested
of their commercial in careers
properties. Thiswith or ing to be a subsidiary of Proptech Gold Mining Group and/or to
property portfolio in covers
alone business
over with Proptech Gold Mining Group to be
150 properties. be acting in partnership with Proptech Gold Mining Group and
aware of good online practices to avoid fraudulent activity. proposing takeover bids for operations located in South Africa.
To learn more about personal online security, please refer to Proptech Gold Mining Group has no association or affiliation
your relevant national Cybersecurity Authority. with this group.
The Proptech Gold Mining Group company name and logo have Proptech Gold Mining Group strongly urges all prospective
been fraudulently used in social media posts and on websites employment candidates, or anyone engaged in business with
advertising services in connection with Bitcoin investment. Proptech Gold Mining Group, to check carefully before clicking
on or replying to any communications that may look suspicious.
Proptech Gold Mining Group has no association with these If you receive communication that you believe is fraudulent or
websites or providers of Bitcoin investment services. have suffered a personal loss from a scam, please contact
your local cyber-security agency or relevant authority.
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