CHAPTER 1-Introduction MM
CHAPTER 1-Introduction MM
CHAPTER 1-Introduction MM
Materials Management is simply the process by which an organization is supplied with the goods and
services that it needs to achieve its objectives of buying, storage and movement of materials. Materials
Management is related to planning, procuring, storing and providing the appropriate material of right
quality, right quantity at right place in right time so as to co-ordinate and schedule the production
activity in an integrative way for an industrial undertaking. Most industries buy materials, transport
them in to the plant, change the materials in to parts, assemble parts in to finished products, sell and
transport the product to the customer. All these activities of purchase of materials, flow of materials,
manufacture them in to the product, supply and sell the product at the market requires various types of
materials to manage and control their storage, flow and supply at various places. It is only possible by
efficient materials management.
The materials requirements planning, purchasing, inventory planning, storage, inventory control,
materials supply, transportation and materials handling are the activities of materials management.
They will be discussed in details in various chapters to follow.
About 20-25 years ago, there was no cut-throat competition in the market to sell the various consumer
items manufactured by different industrial undertakings and the availability of materials to
manufacture these items was not scarce. Therefore, materials management was not thought to be so
important and its separate identity in the organization was not felt.
But today it has become an important management activity to streamline production.
Actually before the production begins it is necessary to ensure availability of all the types of materials
needed for production and its supply at the various production centers. Planning, purchasing and
scheduling are the main functions of materials management. It aims at improved productivity. It is
used to reduce the cost, which increases profitability and streamlines the production. Apart from
management of material cost and its supply it helps in its proper utilization, transportation, storage,
handling and distribution.
The market research and forecasting both for sales of company’s product and purchasing of various
materials required for producing the product are needed at the planning stage.
Selection of personnel for marketing, purchasing, inventory control, stores management and materials
handling and their training and placement is also to be seen by the materials management department
This indicates that it is very essential to have a materials management department in any organization
to support the management in the production activities. It also helps in the marketing, sales promotion
and control of all the types of materials for its quantity, quality and cost.
The development of materials management can track back to 1920s when the control, repair and
maintenance of materials were the responsibilities of purchasing managers in some industries. After
World War II, Prof. Howard T. Lewis of the Harvard Business School conducted extensive studies in
industrial purchasing practice. Depending upon the size and type of industry and on the basis of the
study, Prof. Howard T. Lewis made recommendation to several airframe companies, whose operation
have been studying, for the establishment of new managerial position, viz. the director of Materials.
He envisioned the responsibility of this new position to include purchasing, inventory control,
receiving, inspection, warehousing, traffic and possibly other activities.
But its real appreciation goes as far back as world war I. the threat of material of shortage during the
war, the heavy inventorying during the business collapse of 1920-21, culminating in a prolonged
depression following the ‘profitless prosperity’ of 1926-29, all contributed to a better understanding of
the inventory problem. At the same time, improved means of transportation and communication, a
recognition of unnecessary cost-burden, rapid technological changes in both product and
Every organization requires materials for its operation, and there will always be the necessity for some
stores and stocks to be maintained either for immediate consumption, conversion, or re-use.
Manufacturing organizations require a variety of raw and other materials that must be acquired, stored,
and handled. Similarly, service organizations need materials, equipment, and some stores to run their
operations. In both cases enough stocks of materials and equipment have to be maintained to meet at
least short-run requirements. These stocks or inventory are cash in kind that need at most care.
Therefore, their safe custody, upkeep, and maintenance, handing and proper supply are of great
Almost all organizations, regardless of their nature, are demanding proper and efficient management
of materials. Furthermore, both real and contrived shortage of materials, including food stuffs, metals,
and energy resources, have made materials management an important and difficult organizational
function. The reason is that materials, especially components and sub-assemblies, have specific uses
and have low flexibility. And they need more care in procurement, storage, handling, and distribution.
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40 Million = 5%
The primary task of modern materials mgt with an integrated view in purchasing materials is Right
Quality, Right Quantity, at the Right Price from the Right Source, at the Right Time, using Right mode
of Transport.
2. Cost reduction
The importance of materials management can be realized when it is said that;
Purchases account for nearly 50% of an organization’s annual expenditure
Nearly 80% of working capital is find up in the inventory
5% saving of materials cost will substantially increase the profit margin of an organization
Cost reduction effort related to profit and effective material management certainly make deference.
Specific cost reduction measures include:
reduction in material costs
reduction in storage space
reduction in physical inventory
increase in inventory turn over
reduction in transportation cost
reduction in setup time
3. Administrative efficiency
The last area is administrative efficiency which covers quality of measures related to department
efficiency in operation and development of people.
These measures include:
Material management budget vs. actual
Ratio of material budget to sales
Ratio of key people among functional
M.D Manager
a. No additional level of mgt is created
b. No need for additional employees, and other resources
c. Avoids additional horizontal communications
1) overseeing of materials in each department
2) subordination of material function
3) Expenditure on materials is a higher percentage of a company’s total annual expenditure.
There would be no senior manager at an influential level to control it.
4) There would be no one capable of promoting effective to coordinated materials plan to
meet materials needs of different sections of the organization.
5) Problem of coordination and communication
6) No job specifications
7) No employee development