2279 Chapter 25
2279 Chapter 25
2279 Chapter 25
Q1 Omicron Ltd
Balance Sheet at 1 January 2003 after the redemption of debentures and preference shares
Fixed assets 1900
Current assets 80
Q2 Istaimy plc
Balance Sheet at 1 May 2001 after redemption of the preference share capital
Tangible fixed assets 1300
Net current assets (740 + 125 – 390) 475
Q3 Joloss plc
(ii) The net asset value of Joloss plc’s shares before capital reduction was (1000 – 450)/ 1000 = $0.55.
The capital reduction merely recognises the reality of the situation.
Reduction in the nominal value of each share does not entail any further loss to the shareholders. The
shareholders will stand to receive dividends equal to $0.25 per share as soon as the company realises the profits
forecast by the directors. If the shareholders had rejected the scheme, they would have had to wait more than
three years before the expected profits would have eliminated the debit balance on the Profit and Loss Account
to enable dividends to be paid. (Other points may be acceptable.)