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Num Bird Species Vietnamese Length Fur Crest Tail

1 Red- Chào mào mũ - 12-18cm brown above and whitish tall black White tips
whiskered chào mào má below, dark “spur” on the side
Bulbul đỏ of the breast on tail
2 Red-vented Chào mào bông 20cm dark, white abdomen rump black Brown with

Bulbul lau đít đỏ a white tip

3 Brown- Bông lau ngực 20cm Brown overall and white a black cap Dull orange
Bulbul nâu throat undertail
4 Sooty-headed Bông lau tai 19-21cm brown with a bright red vent dark-headed

Bulbul trắng
5 Light-vented Bông lau Trung 19cm dark olive above, white below black-and-
white head
Bulbul Quốc pattern
6 Yellow- Bông lau mày 19-20.5 Brown above and whitish the weak,
peaked crest
vented Bulbul trắng cm below is dark
7 Black-crested Chào mào vàng 19cm Greenish-yellow dark-headed

Bulbul mào đen

8 Mountain Chào mào núi 24cm Olive-green overall, with
lighter orange-buff to grayish
underparts (depending on
subspecies), and a streaky gray
Bulbul throat
9 Crested Chào mào mỏ 21cm Tea-green dark gray
head and a
spiffy erect
Finchbill lớn crest
10 Collared Chào mào 22cm dark olive-green black head black-tipped

Finchbill khoang cổ tail

Other features Habitat Breeding Broods/Year
mall red patch on ear and red gardens, orchards,
forest edge, and open
undertail coverts forests
crimson-red patch beneath its Brushy pastures, open year-round up to 3
tail, the throat is black and the thickets, and weedy
under parts are grey white fields
a light brown wash on the chest scrubby forest edges, Apr–Aug, mainly May–Jun

farmland, and parks

white throat towns, plantations, and Mar–Apr in SE Asia

forest edges
Hainan subspecies has a blackish gardens, parks, and March to July
head with white limited to ear
patch. forests
a bright yellow vent and a thick cities, parks, and February to June
plantations, open
black line between the bill and
forests, edges, and
the eye secondary growth
Pale eyes forests from lowlands Mar–Sept (mainly May–Jun) in
India, Mar–Apr in Myanmar
up into foothills and
and Jan–Aug in Peninsular
submontane areas Malaysia
superficially resemble Chestnut upper reaches of the monsoon or rainy season 2 to 3

Bulbul in poor lighting, but has a

forested hills and
longer-billed and paler-faced

appearance mountains
middle to upper-

elevation forests and

white collar, gray “whiskers” on lowland and foothill Mar. -Jul 2
forests, gardens, and
the face; Namesake yellow bill is
brushlands (below 1500
stout and slightly curved m)
Eggs/Brood Image Link
#VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/rewbul

3 to 4 #VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/revbul

#VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/brbbul1

#VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/sohbul1

3 to 4 #VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/livbul1

2 to 5 #VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/yevbul1

2 to 4 #VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/blcbul2

#VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/moubul2

#VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/crefin1

3 to 4 #VALUE! https://ebird.org/species/colfin1

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