History of Eng Lit
History of Eng Lit
History of Eng Lit
o The Ruined Burg
o The Lover’s Message
o The Maiden’s Complaint
o The Wanderer – also, Widsith – wandering life of the gleeman
o The Seafarer – hard sea life
o Deor’s Lament – much more poetic – one of the perfect lyric of the Anglo-Saxon
AUTHORS – the Pagan literature of this age was chiefly in the form of oral legends from the
foreign lands, the Christian writing mainly came into existence from the teachings of the
monks from two schools – the Augustinian School (from Rome) and the Northumbrian
School (from Ireland): -
o The Venerable Bede (673 – 735)
o Caedmon (seventh century)
o Cynewulf (eighth century)
TRANSLATOR: - Alfred (848 AD – 890 AD)