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� Lend Depc1rrmenr R E R A
GOVERNMENT OF DUBAI '!JLJ.....ll�IL.........;,........
Th,, R<enl E..tat<e iu,gul.,.tmy Ag=cy

Real Estate Circulars

Brokers can view the circulars regarding real estate activities
through the following link:
Real Estate Circulars

02/08/2022 :t->fl
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l�ll_l(llll,'J:W,"IXl:11/1') DLD/OUT/2022/0004772 :�_,.JI

C" cu , ocQ-2022)

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Subject: Terms and conditions for real

estate marketing on portals

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DLD / RERA / RL / RB/ Manual/ No.l / Vr.l / Issue Date: Nov.2022 �SGS
� R E R A
GOVERNMENT OF DUBAI Th,, R<enl E..tat<e iu,gul.,.tmy Ag=cy

Smart Marketing and Sales Contracts (A, B, F)

The Real Estate Regulatory Agency has provided smart marketing contracts
based on Dubai government's vision of the smart transformation of all
provided services. Therefore, real estate brokers must commit to using smart
contracts for real estate marketing and sales:
( Contract A An agreement to market a property between the seller and the
real estate brokerage
( Contract B An agreement of desire to purchase a property between the buyer
and the real estate broker
( Contract F ) An agreement to sell a property between the seller and the buyer


Unified Sell Contract(F)

Dubai ero�ers

r Seller (A} r Buyer (B) � Unified Sell Contract(F)

Contract lnfonnatlon

Contract Number »JI ,1...i Starus ACWe

Star1 Date 10/08/2022 ..�� End Date 10/10(2022

Noe From
Tit1e Cleed# 1712/2014 Ji,J4'1,,0At,.,!�...i Developer
Seiter Broker
Commission 0%
---- �--..-,�
Buyer Broker
Commission "'
Will this property
Created Date 10!08J2022 ,i.:..11 � be mortgaged? YH
Mongage detalls

Procedure Type FULL ., ...:�1e_,; Mortgage Degree 1 ,:;,.�4,>J

..... .....,_.. _, .,,.,_ ........

...�.,;.,1� ,-! WonhVak.le AED 1,312,500.00

ToDal8 30/0412039 �;:; � From Date 20/0412014

Owner Details

S8kirName �r-I SignatureD:ate

------- 10/08f202211:33PM �jill�

Selling .l\,,.JI � Acrual Share(Sq.

Share(Sq. Mt) 195.10 (&.><_;..),..... Ml) 195.10

DLD / RERA / RL / RB/ Manual/ No.l / Vr.l / Issue Date: Nov.2022 �SGS
GOVERNMENT OF DUBAI Th,, R<enl E..tat<e iu,gul.,.tmy Ag=cy

The Green List

The Land Department has provided this service to all real estate brokers via
the Dubai REST app. It enables brokers to find out the phone numbers and
e-mail addresses of registered real estate owners. Brokers are not allowed to
contact owners not registered as part of the green list, and if a broker should
contact anyone not on the green list, a violation will be issued and their
operations will be suspended in the event of a complaint or a report against
them by an investor or a client

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DLD / RERA / RL / RB/ Manual/ No.l / Vr.l / Issue Date: Nov.2022 �SGS
� R E R A
GOVERNMENT OF DUBAI Th,, R<enl E..tat<e iu,gul.,.tmy Ag=cy

DLD / RERA / RL / RB/ Manual/ No.l / Vr.l / Issue Date: Nov.2022 �SGS

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