The Imper I An Manifesto Compressed
The Imper I An Manifesto Compressed
The Imper I An Manifesto Compressed
IS B N 9 7 8 -0 -5 5 7 -6 0 0 4 3 -4
This book is dedicated to our One True God
and Savior, Lord ARYA; All-Powerful, All-
Knowing, All-Present, the Origin o f the Sacred
Gene Pool, the One Who inspired the ancient
Aryan Scriptures.
North America................................................41
Mercosur......................................................... 48
Australia/New Zealand................................. 49
Southern Africa.............................................. 50
North Africa/Middle East.............................. 50
Non-Europid Zones of Liberation....................................53
East A frica..................................................... 53
M ongolia........................................................54
East Turkistan.................................................54
PART II: HIGH AND LOW CULTURE................................................57
Chapter One; Definition of High C ulture............................................... 59
Chapter Two: The Low C lass...................................................................63
Chapter Three: Classism........................................................................... 65
PART III: DEMOCRACY, DIVERSITY AND RA CE........................69
Chapter One: On Democracy & Diversity...............................................71
Chapter Two: RACE..................................................................................77
Chapter Three: The Europid R ace............................................................81
1) South Europids.......................................... 86
2) North Europids.......................................... 91
3) South-East Europids................................ 97
4) Central Europids.......................................98
5) Central-South Europids............................ 99
6) Central-East Europids.............................. 99
7) North-East Europids............................... 101
8) West Europids..........................................102
Anti-Alpinism, Pro-Mediterraneanism & Their
The Racial Theorists........................................................ 106
Chapter Four: Non-Europid Races and Subgroups...............................109
Norman Lowell
This was a much needed book. Coming just one year after the
publication of Imperiiim Europa: the Book that changed the worlds
this masterpiece by Caius Marcus Ideus tackles the nitty-gritt>',
the nuts and bolts of the Imperium IDEA.
At first there was the word: Francis Parker Yockey with his
Imperium^ written just after WWII. Yockey was a brilliant
political mind, a Man who knew the real enemy. A Man ahead of
his time - a Man against time.
Yockey’s political options were extremely limited due to the
dividing Iron Curtain. He had one political option: East or West.
He was in Zugswang. He did what he possibly could, went as far as
his political constraints allowed him.
Had Yockey lived now, he would have been the rightful
bearer of the IDEA. A planetary Imperium uniting all Europids:
the Anglo-Saxons, the Teutons, the Slavs and the Latins.
After the word of Yockey came the spark: the launching,
the propagation of the Spirit of Imperium. This IDEA
germinated and finally sprouted in Malta. This Sacred Island of
Melita, most probably the remaining tip of Atlantis, that huge
island, submerged. This Spiritual Focal Point of the coming,
inevitable, unstoppable Imperium Europa. Malta ignited the
spark that will set Europe ablaze. This Island steeped in the
Arcane Tradition at the southernmost periphery - this
inestim able Sacred Space.
Regeneration can never start from the decadent centre.
Revolution and Restoration can only emerge from the periphery.
Greece, a barren mountainous corner of Europe gave us the glory
of architecture, philosophy, the arts. Britain, a small island on the
western fringe gave us the Industrial Revolution.
Norman Lowell
Aug 2010
C hapter One
Introduction to the IDEA
In an age that does not value the telling of truths, the truly Just are
those who are bold enough to speak them. If the ever-churning tide of
Histor>- should pass over my name not entirely, I pray it is because
I was someone strong enough to speak the Truth.
Anyone wishing to understand the cultural and political message
of this book must first become familiar with the works of the men to
whom this book is dedicated. This means one must read Oswald
Spengler’s The Decline o f the West, Francis Yockey’s Imperium, and
Norman Lowell’s Imperium Europa. All three of these masterful
works confront the declining power and influence of the Great
Western Culture and, in the most honest terms, address the meaning of
this decline for both the West and the broader world. O f the three,
Lowell’s work is most essential as it represents the very basis for the
ID EA put forward in the proceeding pages of this book. And just what
is the ID EA, one might ask? W elt it is quite simply an acronym for an
Idea which is long overdue, a “Spirit of the Age” which has been
thwarted for more than a century by the empowered agents of the false
doctrines: Rationalism, Liberalism and Materialism. The acronym
ID EA thus represents these four integrated elements: Imperium,
D om inium , the Europid Race/High Culture, and Aryanisih (the
unique spiritual expression of the Europid).
The first of these, the Im perium , is the Latin word for power,
supreme authority, and empire', the Rex Magnus of High Politics. This
one word encompasses the entire philosophy of Norman Lowell’s
burgeoning Im perium Europa Movement based in his native Malta
and operating within the European Union. To wield that thing which
2 The Imperian Manifesto
rights at all in the Third World, not being able to build so much as a
single church in many Muslim nations, or even to display a crucifix
around one’s neck while living in the sacred sandbox known as Saudi
Arabia. Meanwhile mosques are being erected by the hundreds,
perhaps thousands, all across the West. Europeans live constantly in
fear, afraid to speak out against such madness lest they be arrested for
“hate speech” or “hate crimes,” legal tricks devised to keep the
Europid politically immobile, ensnared by the political correctness of
Culture-distortion, thereby preventing him from achieving a greater
pan-ethnic unity. Is this fairness? O f course not. The universal system
of Globalization has nothing to do with fairness, and ever> thing to do
with vengeance. Globalization is merely a toy in the hands of
T.H.E.M., the Culture-distorters, those who have spent the last
thousand years living as cultural aliens among the people of the West,
plotting, planning, mobilizing their all to pay back the West for a
millennium of pogroms and discriminatory laws (the natural result of
two antithetical populations living in proximity to one another).
We promulgators of the IDEA understand our enemies: the
forces of Liberalism, Materialism, Globalization, Culture-distortion,
the anti-Western Barbarian, T.H.E.M. It is vital that we spread our
message so that all Europids come to possess the same level of
awareness on who their enemies are and what can be done to stop
them. For now, we represent a select few of the Elite bearers of High
Culture. Far from working at a handicap, our exclusivity fuels the
quality of our work and the success of recruiting more people to our
Already, the reader may be wondering why Latin is being used to
convey the concepts of the IDEA. The reason for this is quite simple:
Latin is the linguistic “bedrock” of Western Civilization. Without
Latin, the West would not be able to express its fundamental Soul.
This truth is reinforced by Norman Lowell in his work, Imperium
Europa, as he states: “Without Latin, nothing would have been
possible. Language is power - the power to express conceptions in
Latin was the vehicle that carried European Man along [in] his
Now that the reader has a general sense of the meaning behind the
ID EA of Im perium Europa, and its vital necessity in restructuring the
current chaotic world order, it is imperative to understand the coming
political structure of the Imperium itself
I. Imperator
First and above all is the Imperator. the Father and Leader of the
people of the Imperium. He is their Pride and Glory, their Almighty
Strength and Refuge, the Sacred Banner and Glorious Name of the
Imperium. From the Commanding Spirit of the Imperium (composed
of the Spiritual, Racial, Cultural, Territorial and the Political) does the
Imperator derive His powers and responsibilities. From the mystical
Spirit of the IDEA, and the timeless moral imperative of High Culture,
does He enact and justify the full breadth of His actions. As long as He
upholds the sacred principles of the ID EA, the Imperator is authorized
and justified in His leadership, and thus cannot legally be deposed; this,
in accordance with the Higher Laws of Nature. The Council of Twelve,
the most learned, able and race-conscious members of the Imperium, a
body of combined elders and specialists, are life-long appointees
charged with the duty to counsel the Imperator on all matters of State,
Culture, Race, High Politics, or any other matter of significance. Other
names for the Imperator include (and have included): Leader, Fiihrer,
II Duce, Padre, Svasticator, and Aryator.
upon the genetic strength and homogeneit}- of^a gi\ en population, the
biological and spiritual safeguarding of the Race is thus the highest
priorit> of the Imperator and the State. Xaturalh'. the people are thus
considered the collective children of the Imperator and integral
members of His Body (the Imperiumj. All together they comprise the
Imperium itself T ruh, the Race constitutes the Imperium’s most
precious resource. It is on behalf of the Race that the Imperator leads
the empire forward to \'ictor\\ In turn, the people's most pious slogan
can be heard resounding all across the earth: "For the Glory o f our
Leader above all! "
The best \va\' in w hich to safeguard the Race from all biological
alien threats would be via Norman Lowell's Europid Identification
Card or EID. In his manifesto, Imperium Europa, Lowell outlines the
EID program thus:
A simple genetic test would be undertaken b>' e\ er> one
within the Imperium. This is an inexpensive, quick
genetic scan that determines preciseh' the genetic
affiliation of the individual. An EID (Europid ID)
card, storing all information about the person, would be
issued solely to Europids-none else!
This EID card will sen e as both mone\- and as a ke>- to
e\er}thing. Without the Europid ID card, one will not be
able to bu\- or sell. Ours will be a cashless societ>\ Without
the EID, one will not be able to tra\ el, find emplo\ ment,
procure food, dri\e, whate\er. In short, without the
Europid ID: one becomes a non-person-one star\ es!
Lacking the Europid ID card, ever>' single alien within
our borders will be star\ed and forced to lea\e. Non-
Europids will be forcefully expelled from within the
Imperium. With them will ha\e to go their Europid
spouses and mixed offspring, the innocent \ ictims of
racial treason. Couples who have adopted non-Europid
children will also have to leave-the\ will be classed as
outcastes and exiled. We will return to the old laws of
Manu-d.r\d. we will be inflexible in their draconian
I\ . The Imperium
The Imperium is the higher, supreme counterpart to the
feminine-oriented "Nation"; the masculine-derived Corpus as
distinguished from the old matronK Pairia. A li\ing organism, the
Imperium is entrusted to the Race as a divine blessing from the
Imperator. It is composed of the following pans in totalit\ : (1) The
Imperator; (2) the Race; (.3) the Racial State (under the leadership of
the Elite (Creators) and the Parriro Corporale del Imperarore (the
Appreciators); (4) the territorial, material, spiritual, cultural, political
and philosophical integrit> of the Racial State, as defended b> its
citizen-w arriors in the Res militaris.
The Imperium. just like the mam indi\iduals who comprise it.
possesses the unhindered right, as well as the e\olutionar> duty- to grow
spiritually, physicalh. morally, culturalh. scientificalh, and to enrich
itself in all aspects possible so as to ensure its perennial sur\ ival. It is
the supreme spiritual goal of the entire empire (and all existence) to
repatriate back to the divine Singularit>. to our Imperator, when the
time of deli\ erance is at hand. Each of the earth's major religions (or
cr>pto-imperial ideologies) has this Singularit}' as its fmal goal (though
the\ ha\e different names for it, including "Judgment Day,” Qivamat
and man\ others. Our Singular Repatriation shall soon be achie\ed b>'
both spiritual and scientific means.
For now, the geopolitical goals of the Imperium are quite
terrestrial and modest. As the reader probably has gathered from the
above section on Race, Im perium Europa, once established, shall
effectively seal its borders to all non-Europids and repatriate all
biological aliens dwelling inside the Imperium to their land of
genetic origin. Inside the Imperium, straight and fair economic
competition shall exist among Europids only, while externally, the
Imperium shall procure whatever resources it needs from the non-
Europid world by trading its food surpluses and not its monetary'
wealth or currency. That is, a system of bartering shall be instituted
to deal with the non-White world. Since food surpluses have,
historically, been achieved only through the labor of Western
nations, the West thus reserves the right to use its food reserves to
its own benefit. This means that instead of wastefully feeding'
billions of the earth’s undeserving and ungrateful denizens, the
West ought to send aid on a quid pro quo basis, only to those
nations that provide considerable resources or services for the
16 The Imperian Manifesto
V. The PCI
The Partito Corporate del Imperatore (PCI) is the vanguard
party of the State, promoting the interests and advancing the High
Politics and High Culture of the Imperium. (In Latin: Corpus
Imperatoris.) As such, it stands singularly and boldly against all other
parties and entities which are hostile to the Race. The PCI is therefore
an “anti-party” of sorts. As the traditional political part}' promotes all
that which fractures and disrupts the natural harmom' of the organic
state, the PCI is a servant of the Race and State, promoting nothing
but the Spiritual, Racial, Cultural and Political interests and unity of
the Imperium. In the meritocratic tradition, Part)’ members shall be
selected by means of the most rigorous mental and physical
examinations. The Part}' itself shall be defined b>' total discipline,
loyalty, and singularity of purpose. In this way, members of the Pady
serve as the archangels of the Imperium.
but always subject to High Politics (or the higher interests of the Upper
House). The Upper House shall be comprised of a smaller Elite whose
prerogatives are High Politics and Race. Only in extreme situations
would the Higher House overrule (or intervene in) the affairs of the
Lower House. Such a scenario would only play out when the economic
policies of the Lower House imperil the higher eternal values of Race,
Culture and Territory. Above the Upper House stands the High
C ouncil-a body consisting of the Council of Twelve (also known as
the Sacred Elite), and, above them, the Imperator, the Sacred
Sovereign embodying the eternal values of the Organic State.
to the existence of both that person and society. These rights are
represented by the Dominium, individual by nature, and ensured by the
State. Together, they constitute the following Articles and Sections.
(g) All law-abiding citizens have the right to freely say and print what
they want without being threatened by the State or other persons, so
long as their words are not subversive or openly hostile in any way
to the existence and authority of the Imperium.
(h) All law-abiding citizens have the right to acquire public
information, so long as their motives do not conflict with or run
counter to the interests of the Imperium.
(i) All law-abiding citizens have the right to privacy in the following
spheres: (1) the conduct of private affairs; (2) in the home;
(5 ) '^ o n g family; (4) with regard to property and relationships. It is
not permitted to spy on a law-abiding citizen, to place him under
surveillance or to besmirch his good name, unless that individual is
reasonably suspected o f criminal acts. The State shall protect the
innocent and law-abiding from arbitrary interference.
(j) All law-abiding citizens have the right to privacy of one’s personal
data (i.e. personal correspondences, telephone conversations, email,
telegraphic communications, etc.), unless one is subject to a criminal
investigation that had already been approved in a court of law.
(k) It is every law-abiding citizen’s right and duty to own (and know
how Jaxiperate)-atleast one type of firearm.
those of the societ>'. The employee has the right to enjoy safety and
securit) as well as all other social guarantees. He may not be
assigned work be\ond his capacity nor shall he be subjected to
compulsion or exploited in any way. He is entitled to fair w/'ages
for his work without delay, as well as to the holidays, allowances
and promotions v\hich he deserves. On his part, he is required to be
dedicated and meticulous in his work. Should workers and
empTo\ers disagree on any matter, the State, via its Imperial
Workers' Council, shall intervene to settle the dispute and have the
grievances redressed. Justice will alw'ays be enforced without bias.
(b) All able-bodied, law-abiding citizens have the right to work in
society, and will, by virtue of the State’s meritocratic harnessing
or~that individual’s talents and abilities, procure a vital,
productive and respectable place in the w'orkforce of the
(c) All law-abiding citizens have the right to live and work in a
clean,, healthy environment. This also includes an environment
free from vice and moral corruption, which would favor an
individual’s healthy ethical development.
(d) All working, law-abiding citizens have the right to rest and
leisure, by the provision of weekly days of rest (specified by
employers), and extension (by the State) of the network of
cultural, educational, and health-building institutions, and the
development of_a-Figoreus-program-X)f euthenics, including a
mass scale of sport, physical culture, siyvivalist training, nature
appreciation, camping and tourism; by the provision of
neighborhood recreational facilities, and of other opportunities
for rational use of free time.
(e) The right to social assistance (including food, housing, clothes
and other necesshies) is to be provided only for those undergoing
specific training programs under State auspices, and not to those
who, by sheer laziness or supine cowardice, lack sufficient
resources to provide for themselves or their families.
(f) All working, law-abiding citizens have the right to report an
injustice committed in the workplace to the local Worker’s
Council, whether committed by a fellow employee or an
employer. Workers also have the right to collectively bargain
26 The Imperian Manifesto
with their employers (be they private or State run workplaces) for
better wages and/or conditions. All cases shall be reviewed
extensively by the Imperial Council. When conditions in the
workplace degenerate, thus contributing to a worker’s physical
oppression or extreme mental stress, it becomes a problem not
only for the individual, but for the State and society as well. State
action is thus needed, and shall be taken to correct and resolve
the problem.
(g) All working, law-abiding citizens have the right to participate in
their Iq^al workers’ councils. All cases shall be reviewed
extensively by the Imperial Council.
For now, neither the Imperium nor the Dominium are political realities.
They are, however, very potent spiritual realities being fought for daily by
the Underground Elite of the Imperium Europa Movement. Upon
future political victory, thejnem bers of this CORE shall become the
leaders of the Imperium Elite-the_ Vanguard Supermen of the Radical
Racialist Right. CORE is a battle-hardened fist of activists, a fasces, the
heroic"vision of our Great Leader, Norman Lowell.
As an acronym, C.O.R.E. stands for: “Command Organization
Revolutionary Elite.” Currently, this underground fighting
brotherhood is battling behind the scenes to implement the Imperian
Agenda of Nova Europa in the European Parliament—and they are
meeting with great success! Qnce in power, CORE memhers shall
automatically become the “FoundmgTathers” of both the coming Elite
anHlhFIiinberium itself.
For now, those inside the activist CORE are either acting alone
or operating in small steady cells of no more than four individuals.
CORE .members recognize Norman Lowell as their leader and believe
fanatically 'm the IDEA of Imperium Europa., This means that all
CORE members believe in the following points (as outlined by
1.} The supremacy of Culture over politics.
2;. Culture as an Organic Life Form.
( 3., An Organic Imperium.
('a ./ a Spiritual Imperialism {not an economic one).
30 The Imperian Manifesto
Since ancient times, the perception of the “North” has been one of
superiorit}- over the “South.” Th^JVorth has always symbolized, in a
spiritual and ascetic context, a Spirituaf Source, an original northern
paradise oT Light and warmth,^. beyond the Sub-arctic, from where all
hurnan knowledge came^ Ancient Iranian and Zoroastrian texts refer to
the northern A r\an homeland of Airyanem Vaejah and its capital
“Vara”—a place from which the Aryans w^ere forced to migrate due to
glaciation. The Veda, that ancient sacred Hindu text, also refers to a
northern land which was the ancestral homeland of the Hindu; it was
called Sveta-dipa, or “White Land in the Far North.” The ancient
Greeks, in their boundless wisdom, dubbed this northernmost land:
HyperForea, the motherland of the sun-god Apollo. To these ancients
the North was the “Land of the Sun,” where the sun never sets, the
Sacred Eternal. No doubt, they were well aware of the six months of
daylight within the Arctic Circle.
Th^N orth also symbolizes the idea of the Center, the “Immobile
Pole,” the Masculine Force (or Yang). As Norman Lowell describes it:
The North is the idea of The Centre, The Immobile Pole,
the Point of Eternity around which the cycle tum s-the
cycle of space and time. The point where contrasts
converge and parallels point, drawn by a powerful Cosmic
Magnetic Force. The place that is not subject to the laws
of cosmic entropy. This Centre is symbolized by the
Swastika. It stresses botH immobility and constancy of the
34 The Imperian Manifesto
notion of a common Aryan origin for the major European languages and
Bgo^es. No matter how backward or rudimentary their culture still may
have been perceived, the Slavs essentially became “one of us.” (At least
in the eyes of the educated.) Eveiitually, scholars began to give the Slav
tiis due credit. Often this meant giving the Russians a favorable
historical assessment, as Russia was by fa r the grandest of the Slavic
nations, in both population and territory. In some cases the alleged
“Asiatic” nature of the Slavs was interpreted to be an asset by certain
scholars. The renowned William Ripley, for example, had this to say
of the Russians in his 1899 classic work. The Races o f Europe:
The Asiatic influence has been perhaps more powerful
in determining the Great Russian character than the
physical type. A struggle for mastery o f eastern Europe
with the barbarians [i.e. Asians] has made the great
Russian more aggressive; vigour has to some degree
developed at the expense of refinement. The result has
been to generate a type well fitted to perform the
arduous task of protecting the marches of Europe
against barbarian onslaught, and at the same time
capable of forcefully extending European culture over
the aborigines of Asia.'*^
T o d a ^ in many X Q ^xA ^^ Russki^is-the--last-great hope o f the
W^ t e r n World. For^ Russia is not yet enslaved by the International
I^ a n ipulators—economically, culturally, socially, ideologically and
polTtically—as are the other Western nations. The international Zionist
Occupation Government (ZOG) has not yet attained power within the
ancient Kremlin walls. E ^ ^ j i nce Trotsky lost his bid for power to
^ l i n , while the old Soviet Union was stilHn its formative years, the
N ^ n ^ ^ l ^ l o ^ n s l a y e the Russian masses and install a ruling Jewish
elite had been buried. Even under a nominally “Communist” regime,
the Aryan roots of the Great Russian People (and the various Aryan
minorities) were too strong to sever. This was first apparent to the
woijd during the__SeoQiKL World. War»-or a& the^-Russians call it:; The
G i^at Patriotic War. The superhuman strength which the so-called
“R^Sri^^nny^'riiilster to defeat Germany had nothing to do with
Communism and everything to do with patriotism, nationalism,
heroism, preservation o f the family: all Aryan virtues of survival,
power and glory. Where the political hacks and ideologues of the
40 The Imperian Manifesto
memorable of the earh flags of the United States boldly showed the
great cosmic alignment between the 13 Colonies and the year ■■'6, as
thirteen white stars encircled the number sevent> -six on a field of blue.
The imagery is made e\ en clearer when one considers the Great
Seal of the United States, first used publicly in 1782. The obverse side
depicts a bald eagle holding an olive branch, consisting of 13 leaves
and 13 olives, in its right talon, and a bundle of 13 arrows in its left
(seeking thus to paci^' the masses on the one hand and to wage
endless war on the other). Over the eagle's breast is a shield
representing the American flag; the top part consists of a solid blue
chief, and the bottom of 13 red and white stripes, with the outermost
stripes being white (unlike the pattern of the actual flag). In the eagle’s
mouth is a banner with the motto; E pluribus unum. In Latin this
means; “Out of many. One." A clearh egalitarian mono, and one not
coincidentalh' containing a total of 13 letters. Appearing over the
eagle’s head is a “glor>” of 13 stars on a blue field; the 13 stars are
arranged in rows of 1-4-3-4-1 and forms a Star ofDcn id.
The eagle itself is quite interesting, hov\ever. Its right wing has
32 feathers, the number of ordinar\' degrees in Scottish Rite
Freemasonr}'. The left wing has 33 feathers, the additional feather
representing the 33’^^Degree of the same Rite, which is conferred upon
the ver> highest Masons. The eagle’s tail feathers total nine, or the
number of degrees in the Chapter, Council and Commander}' of the
York Rite of Freemasomy. While the Scottish Rite has its origin in
France, the York Rite is often called the “American Rite.” Thus, the
eagle’s body represents the union between American and French
Freemasonr}' (as also embodied in the ver\ close relationship between
Washington and Lafayette).
The Reverse side of the Great Seal is the famous “unfinished
pyramid” with the ever-watchful “All-Seeing Eye” hanging
menacingly above it. The pyramid consists of 13 layers representing
the 13 Colonies. Above the Eye, and to each side, are the Latin words
Annuit Coeptis, which translate to mean; Providence has “approved
(our) undertakings.” Both words together possess 13 letters. At the
very bottom of the reverse side of the Seal is a banner which reads;
Novus Ordo Seclorum. In Latin, this means “New Order of the Ages.”
Very clearly then, the Founding Fathers of the United States were
stating that an all-seeing Divine Power approves of their Masonic
ambitions to create a New World Order. Most disconcerting is the fact
lhat the eagle on the ob\ erse side of the Seal, w hen matched perfectly
to the reverse side, points (with its wings, talons and tail feathers) to
the leners M-A-S-O-N. This also creates a six-pointed star,
comparable to both the Star of Da\ id and the M ason's “Square and
Compass" symbol. This clearly betra\ s the Masonic quest to recreate
thi^K ingdom of Israel and rebuild Solomon's Tem ple-hoxyeve^not
lor the True Israelites, the Europeans, but for the JeM s. To learn more
about the pro-Jewish and Satanic background of the Great Seal of the
United States, \ isit: Freemasonr> "
Now. of course, not all genuine patriots \\ere aware of the
Masons* true ambitions. Hawever. the leaders of the Revolution who
were in the highest places, such as Washington. Franklin and Hancock,
iv<?r7~aware of their secret societ> 's ultimate g o al-a goal that has
fma!hHwTractTie\ ed in our own time. Such men were extremely well
\ ersed ln~heraldic~and occult symbolog>. which would enable them to
pass on their political ambitions to fumre generations of American
leaders, and without sa> ing a word: s\ mbols which were dazzlingly
patriotic to the commoner. >et unmistakabh diabolical to the trained
Radical's eye. Hence the brilliance of the Masonic order: underhanded
and effective. The political intention of the Masons has always been
t\vofold: (1) the ox erthrowing of Tradition and Aristocracy wherever
they exist; and (2) the resurrection of Solomon's Temple (a.k.a. the
Slate o f Israel). This latter_eoal has been on the minds of Templars and
their^escendants e\ er since their Judeo-Satanic, money-worshipping
organization was destroyed by Philip of France.
Thus, the so-called '‘Rexolutionar} War" cannot accurately be
described^as'a'confnct o f American against Briton, but of Liberal-
M asonic^apitalist against Conser\ati\e-Ro>alist-Aristocrat; the
former is described for the simple American schoolboy as a “Patriot,”
and the latter as a "Lox alist." The realit> was that a war had been
fought between Masonic Radicals and Monarchist Traditionalists, and
the Radicals had won. This began a long series of \ ictories for the
Radical camp, from France in 1789 to Germany in 1945. In this time
p er?^ . all Western ro\aT'families had either been hunted down and
murdered, exiled or effecti\el> dethroned and gi\en a “figurehead”
status (as is the case in Britain and the Scandinav ian countriesj.
In 1861, as the Masonic arm\ of Giuseppe Garibaldi was fmalK
defeating the old Bourbon Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, another
northern Masonic arm\ was just beginning its militan. invasion of a
48 The Impehan Manifesto
noble southern land. This imasion occurred across the Atlantic, and
kindled \^hat should rightfulh' be considered the True American
Revolution of 1861. Toda\’, and for many decades past, the significance
of the American Civil War has been relegated to a mere conflict over
the proposed liberation of Southem blacks. Such a motive would not
have gotten an\- Northerners to enlist in the Union Army except the
staunchest abolitionists (who were, in truth, conspicuously
underrepresented among the Union ranks). In realjt}^ the W ^ o f
Secession was the culmination of a three-pronged spear of Northern
aggression which had been poking the South for a number of } em ^
Ideologically, economically and politically the North had Been
inflaming Southem passions. The dearly cherished concept of state’s
rights and the ongoing struggle to keep the South free from the esurient
clutches of Northem bankers were the core issues of the 1861
Revolution. More than this, hov\ e\ er, and at the \ er>' center of the core,
was the spiritual/ideological essence of the South-one which clashed
fundamentally with the North’s opposing spiritual outlook.
Deeply spiritual, the South placed the highest \^alue on all that was
o f the spirit, anti-material, dri\ en by the old Roman Virtues of honor,
duty, loyalt}- and faith. B> contrast, the North, with all their pulpit
preaching abolitionists, had no spiritualit> -onh- religion, bland, textbook
like and full of sanctimony. The “Yankee” North, with its economic base
in New York City, v^as the nineteenth cenmr\- Mecca of Materialism. The
spiritual essence of the South was thus deeph' comerx'ative, whereas the
North was undeniably liberal. And this spiritual difference was the true
essence of the 1861 Revolution itself-the “cause behind the cause” of the
split between North and South.
The Jew-controlled education s> stem in the United States does
not dare to teach American children the truth about this most crucial
time in American and world history. Nevertheless, all of us today live
with the effects of that long ago failed Revolution, a revolt of nobilit>'
against tyranny, and freedom against slavery. Consolingly, the camp
that won the war in 1865 is also the one that is coming to the end oFlTs
reign as queen regent of all the earth. In its aftermath a more noble
order shall be implemented, and the Spirit of 1861 shall be given
breath anew. Deo Vindice!
4) Mercosur (the Europid nations of southem South America).
This includes: Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and southeastem Brazil.
"Frorn the peak of power and prestige, in just 100 years Democrac\
dragged the White Race into a minorit) species facing extinction." -
Norman Lowell. Imperium E w opa (p. 38).
"The peaceful mixing of peoples, ideals, cultures, and spiritual
beliefs is essential in a democratic societ) " -s o goes one of the greatest
lies of our time. Such a statement looks good on paper, or sounds good
in a coffee shop on the more liberal side of town. Far from being
realit}'. however, it is merely a semimem. The truth is that societal
fracture and demographic balkanization is taking place in modem
liberal democracies at an alarming rate. As different ethnic, religious,
cultural and ideological groups are pushed closer and closer together
by the Globalist economic system -and b> the liberal political system
it controlS"the forecasted utopian harmon>'. as promised b}' the likes
of Martin Luther King. Jr. and other 60s-era ci\ il rights ad\ocates.
truh' becomes more of a nighnnare than a "dream."
The wa>' this current "democratic" s> stem ib>' that I mean to sa}':
nnaucial 'oligarchy i operates in the United States onh causes the
proBT^rn to fester. The narion and its citizens ha\ e lost all worth under
a " ^ te m like thiis; rather, competing and destructive "sp>ecial interest
groups" ha\e been gi\en a truh' special position within the political
and media hierarch^■. r For decades. the\‘
• ha% e been w2i\ en a free hand in
causing di\ isions and dissention among the people of the nation. It is a
problem that must end if a ci%ilized societ>' is to endure. S ad h . it is
also a problem which cannot be sohed b> \oting (the ann'ual
masouerade of the herdi. or \ ia the U.S. Constitution, or b\ an\ other
liberal-democratic means. The onh wa> in which to restore control of
the United States G o\em m ent to its rightfijl heirs, the W hite Race, is
to seize the reisns of 20%emmeni b\ ^'orce and to institute a bener
72 The Imperian Manifesto
s.xst£m for the Genetic Wealth of the Nation. (Incidentally, this is_an
act, a duty, which the Declaration of Independence, itself, confinns to
be perfectly right and natural.) Obviously, this essential act of
Revolution must be carried out in all other White nations as well, if the
global Imperium is ever to succeed.
Currently, in the United StateSj \ve_are in possession of a vain and
worthless paper idoE a Constitution well_suited-fcr. a pre-industrial
r^ublicari democracy, yet too individualistic and primitive ~(in every
regard) to realistically promote the collective good of a modem nation--
the good of its White citizenn.' in toto. Furthermore, the document is
totally devoid of any concrete moral structure, and, with the current
amoralism, nihilism, and sheer anarchy of the spirit prom^oted by
powerful special interest groups such as the ACLU, there is no way that
the current Constitution can or w ill be amended or reformed for the better.
Thus, the current U.S. Constitution is, at its \'er>' core, anti-Imperian.
Today, as we Westemers tristflilly watch our Culture and societies
degenerate before our ven' eyes on all fronts (and degenerate to a degree
unparalleled in all of recorded histor) ), as we bear witoess to this
unfolding tragedy, w:e come to realize the sad yet fundamental truth,
prophesied so eioqi^ntly_^l Jriedrich Nietzsche over a c e n tu r y l^ Z ^ t
democracy is merely a handsome face painted on the ugly reality o f mob
rule—a rule which is mediocre and herd-like. Democracy, in the modem
liberal sense of the word, is unrefmed, secular, and unspecific to any
particular goal. The complete antithesis of Imperian societ>’, liberal
democracy is altruistic. T fe altmism is probabl}’ the most destnic'tfve
aspect of our Western dempcraeies--it is not a tme or genuine^ffiriism,
but one which seeks to serve societal outcasts, alie^j sexual perverts and
criminals at the expense of the morally upright, law-abiding, tc^;:paying
citizenry. In short, an excessivel}’ destmctive altmism is destroying the
little that remains of Westem cultural values.
Earnest Hooton (1887-1954), the great professor of anthropology
at Harv^dr-pointe'd' out, in his book Twilight o f Man, that in some
Asian countries, saving someone froirf a perilous situation,
traditionalh’, required that the “hero” be made responsible for the
victim continuously thereafter. He v^ould need to take in the victim as
kin, and provide for his shelter and sustenance in perpetuum. The
person who would have otherwise lost his life is thus preserved and
becomes a constant burden to the one who is fit. Hooton went on to
C '/AR C VS iD E /S ^3
shall be free to govern itself, and thus to decide what is best for its
inhabitants. This kind of democracy shall be a friend to progress and
an aide to evolution, not an enabler of mediocrity or the kind of
devolved State in which we Westerners now find ourselves.
What shall be most despised in our coming Imperium, in our
Novus Ordo Seclom m, is the Cult of the “Common MaJi”--the most
overused theme of the twentieth century. From Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s New Deal to Mao’s Cultural Revolution, the “common
( man” cult has been-the populist’s primary axis, around which have
; orbited many^destructive policies of welfarism. This cult seeks not to
: raTs^he meager existence_of the commoner to the lofty heights^Tthe
AriMocM,,_but-i:adier._eiideavors to lower the biological, cultural,
social, political and ethical standards of the Organism most fi t to lead,
' untiTaTT'are a i r ^ sarae amount of slop in which to live; this the
i great tw ^ tie th eentttpy dem eera^ called egMolitx.
This democratic “common man” cult invariably produces, as
Francis Parker Yockey put it, the “individual of small soul.” Such a
man “lives for himself because he understands iwthmg els^e?’ On this
premise Yockey elaborates:
...To such a man Western music is merely an alternate
up and down, loud and soft, philosophy is mere words,
history is a collection of fairy-tales, even the reality of
which is not inwardly felt, politics is the selfishness of
the great, military conscription a burden which his lack
of moral courage forces him to accept. Thus even his
individualism is a mere denial of anything higher, and
not an affirming of his own soul. The extraordinary
man is the one who puts something else before his own
life and security....To the common man, this is
insane....He lacks any sort of honor, and will submit to
any humiliation rather than revolt-it is always leader-
natures who revolt. He gambles in the hope of winning,
and if he loses, he whimpers. He would rather live on
his knees than die on his feet. He accepts the loudest
voice as the true one. He follows the leader of the
moment-but only so far, and when the leader is
eclipsed by a new one, he points out his record of
opposition. In victory he is a bully, in defeat he is a
"Without race there can be nothing except the sla\e wearing his
master's clothes, stealing his master's proud name, adopting his
master's tongue, and living in the crumbling ruins of his master's
palace." - Ma^i^on Graiij. Die Passing o f the Great Race fp. 87).
As the end of the last chapter attests. an\ group calling itself
"anti-racist." in any real sense, is rendered laughable. N ot in
generaiioft^but o\ er the course of tens of thousands of >ears have the
diverging forces of E\ olution influenced the races in their respective
phvsicaL mental? emotional and spiritual traits. To^ say there are
absolutely no differences in the races is to confess a dishonest}’ oFtTie
most ob\ ious sort.
While many indi\ iduals might accept the anti-racists' message on
a purely moral level, and look admirably upon their utopian intentions
(Lord knows I used to be one such individual!), an incalculably larger
number of the eanh's disgruntled denizens/ee/ the opposite. ”We wish
to bring death and destruction to our enemies!" they scream. ”We wish
to make them feel the pain we ourselves feel, and to the tenth power I''
This-is-the-emotional reality- which we Imperians know to be true.
We see such a realit> play out each day in the news-ethnic
hatreds which will ne\ er bum out. even if God Himself was to cast the
whole lot of the haters down into the deepest recesses of Hell; the
Inferno would merelv grow hotter. And vet. God lo\e them, the anti-
racists-envisioning their fictional utopia, not subject to the
excessively cruel and bestial laws of Nature—are wont to sloganize the
most blasphemous of anti-Natural thoughts, such as: 'T he concept of
race and racial superiorit} is as ridiculous as it is false; all of the
world's people are a part of only ONE R_A.CE. the HLMAN R.-\CE.”
78 The Imperian Manifesto
embodiment of the psychotic tan tas\, the outrageous fiction. They can
be tound among all nationalities, classes and religious groups; and
the\ merel\- exist for our ridicule.
1 shall here cite the pathetically laughable statement made on the
subject of "human oneness" in the Organization of the Islamic
Conference's Cairo Declaration (Article la):
All human beings form one famih whose members are
united by their subordination to Allah and descent from
Adam. All men are equal in terms of basic human
dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities,
without an\ discrimination on the basis of race, color,
language, belief, sex, religion, political affiliation,
social status or other considerations. The true religion
i.e Islam] is the guarantee for enhancing such dignit)
along the path to human integrit}'.
If you have not fallen off your chair yet, laughing hysterically
(just from the thought that Islam could somehow not discriminate
against people on the basis of the above conditions), the following
cited from Article 22d should guarantee you to do so: “It is not
permitted to excite nationalistic or doctrinal hatred or to do anything
that may be an incitement to any form of racial discrimination.” Hence
the difference between theory and practice', long-winded, fantastical
Never-Never Land versus daily suicide bombings, fatwas and stonings.
And with that, the prosecution of the accused “anti-racists” rests.
Now that we have proven that anti-racism is ridiculous and false,
we can afflrm -no matter how politically incorrect, or rather
incsm^^sment^ ia modQTVi scholars-that there do indeed exist races or
subspecies into which every' individual on earth, .can be placed. This is
based on both physical appearance (externally discernible) and on |
one’s genetics or DNA. Although it has been taboo in the West to ■
pursue racial studies in the external and physiognomic sense since
WorId~War H,This fTeld Tias continued to advance through the study of
DNA. It is only by linking the external and internal aspects of racial i
studies that one” can finally attain a complete picture as to a
p o g u ^ o n ’s OTigins and unique genetic makeup. Thus, we can observe
that there are three great sub-races of Homo sapiens (also referred to as
“subspecies”) living in the world today, which are further subdivided
into a series of sub-groups or types. Although there are many ethnic
80 The Imperian Manifesto
onh' worthy term for that brilliant Race of engineers, doctors, law-
g i^ rs , military strategists and geniuses of all stripes, is EUROPID.
Foiiihis is the only term that seals European racial unity, unbiasedly,
both inside and outside the European homeland, and does so without
nuking any maniacal distinctions between Europids based on the
sugert'icjalities of head-size, petty skin tone, or facial characteristics
(which are largely not inherited, but mere expressions based on
ern ironmenl,~socTal factors and language). Hence, the Europid
classifTcation~'drspels the old anti-European myths designed only to
create nationalistic walls and barriers to the natural progression of
Europid oneness, biological and spiritual singularity; from Portuguese
to Russian, Swede to Italian, Icelander to Cypriot, and all Europids
living ex patria, w-hether (for example) in the United States or Iran,
Australia or Argentina, etc.
TTie-thiee Eiiropean “races” (actually sub-groups) mentioned—the
Mediterranean, Nordic and A lpine-do in fact exist and have been well
noted by writers from ancient times to the present; they are all
Europids, however: South, North and Central Europids,
respectively (the first two being very closely related in ancient times).
In addition to these three, other minor Europid sub-groups include:
thg^ South-East Europids (formerly called “Irano-Afghans”); the
Central-South and Central-East Europids (formerly “Dinaric^’ and
“Armenoids”); North-East Europids (former “East Baltics”); and,
lastly, the West Europids (the former “Upper Paleolithic Type”). The
Europid racial grouping is thus split into eight main sub-divisions and
are categorically defined in the proceeding pages (listed 1 through 8).
The reader should be aware beforehand, however, that the following
represent generalized categorizations and are, by no means, intended
to describe all individuals living in Europe and the diaspora. It must be
understood that many Europid ethnic and national groups are
combinations of the primary sub-groups listed below; these sub-groups
thus merely represent the most often observed or noticed types
inhabiting Europe, the European periphery and global diaspora.
Generally speaking, the Europid is most easily defined by its
m odem ion-of type^ in-Gomparison-to Ihe^BIack and Yellow races, and
not characterized by any unsightly extremisms. For instance, the hair
texture of the average Europid is intermediate (characterized by
cymotrichy), between the short curly texture of the Negroid and the
extreme fineness of the Mongoloid (East Asian). As for head size, the
86 The Imperian Manifesto
1) South Europids
Physically, the South Europids (formerly called
“Mediterraneans”) are typically dolichocephalic (i.erTong^Tieaded), of
moderate stattirs; with a tendency towards a gracile build, and they are
primarily brunet in hair, eye and skin color (although very fair and
very dark South Europid types are by no means rare). Generally, the
South Europid skull is smooth, with small brow ridges and mastoids;
the face is either narrow or oval, and the chin pointed. Nose form, like
skin color, can vary considerably, ranging from very straight tipped to
aquiline (or “hooked”); broad noses are not rare in the Mediterranean
region, however the typical South Europid nose is somewhat thin
with either a straight or convex tip.
A ^ em in en t variety of the South Europid, inhabiting much of
southwestem Europe, a-type which has commonly been referred to in
anthropological circles as the “Atlanto-Mediterranean.” This type is much
the same as the general South Europid, yet distinguished by its taller
stature, slightly straighter nose, lighter (even “rosy”) skin tone, and
strongly dolichocephalic skull. The “Atlanto-Mediterranean” group has
been described by some scholars of the past to represent thej^asic white
stock” of prehistoric Europe and of all “Caucasoids” in general. It has
even been argued that the “Atlanto-Mediterranean” represents the
principal, or founding, racial element in the majority of East Africans,
who, of course, also possess varying degrees of Negroid traits.'*
South Europids are native to the whole of Southern Europe and
can be found in greatest numbers in Southern Italy, Spain, Portugal,
Carleton S. Coon was one such anthropologist who built upon the
work'ol" Sergi. IHTiis 1939 book, The Races o f Europe, Coon describes
the lands native to the “Mediterranean” racial type:
The Mediterranean racial zone stretches unbroken from
Spain across the Straits of Gibraltar to Morocco, and
thence eastward to India. A branch of it extends far
southward on both sides of the Red Sea into southern
Arabia, the Ethiopian highlands, and the Horn of Africa.
Of the three main Mediterranean sub-races which this
zone contains, the most widespread, the most central, the
most highly evolved, and most characteristically
Mediterranean is the central Mediterranean form, as best
exemplified skeletally by the pre-dynastic Egyptians.
Today the largest unified area in which this moderate
sized, intermediate Mediterranean racial type is found in
greatest purity is the Arabian Peninsula.^®
Except for Spain and pre-dynastic Egypt, the rest of the above
quote is extremely flawed. Such a united “Mediterranean” racial zone
e ^ n d n g _ |r o m the Iberian Peninsula to India, and the South of
Europe to th e ^ h a ra , does not exist. Although this was certamDTtrue
inIpfeEiSoric.aadv.ta_a degree, in early historic and classical times,
the great “Mediterranean” race of Sergi, Coon and others, Ts^oVv
largely relegat£d_lathe .coastline of Southern Europe, and not much
beyond that.
The following is another gross exaggeration on the unity of the
“Mediterranean” family, this time coming from the scholar Elliot
Smith, in his 1923 book. The Ancient Egyptians:
So striking is the family likeness between the Early
Neolithic peoples of the British Isles and the
Mediterranean and the bulk of the population, both
ancient and modem, of Egypt and East Africa, that a
description of the bones of an Early Briton of that remote
epoch might apply in all essential details to an inhabitant
of Somaliland.
Smith’s statement reflects a thoroughly Materialist point of view,
which, even” if it were true, still does nothing to address the great
differences in mental ability and culture separating the early Briton from
inJYemen and other parts of the Middle East and North-East Africa.
That they migrated from a place other than Yemen, and thus did not
originate there (or in any other part of the Arabian Peninsula), cannot be
doiib^ed, as physical traits like blondism, beard rufosity and thin noses
do not naturall}’ e\ olve in a torrid climate like the one found in Yemen.
Furthermore, there has never been any historical account found, or oral
tradition among the Yemenis themselves, to suggest that these obvious
Europids had ever wandered south as part of some relatively recent
volkenvandenmg. And so it becomes clear: these Medo-Nordics of the
Y ^ e n , these Menoids, migrated south in prehistoric times, quite
possibly after the Great Flood (as surely explains the indigenous blond
headed Kabyles of Morocco, and also the now extinct Guanches of the
Canary Islands). Coon’s observations thus prove the esoteric claim of
Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophists: that, before the Semites
degSiei^ed into their present materialistic state of being, they also,
originally, were Whites, or “Aryans.”
W l^ r^ Coon’s thesis went wrong was in his belief that the
present Semitic population of the Arabian Peninsula represents the
purest of the so-called “Mediterranean” type. This is just not accurate.
One need not be a doctorate-level anthropologist laboring in the
scorched desert sands of Arabia to observe that the present Arab
population is extremely mixed, and even multiracial. From the earliest
of recorded times, there has been a significant amount of “gene flow”
between the western and eastern shores of the Red Sea; Negroids, as
well as Veddoids (a variety of Australoid) have long had a presence in
the Arabian Peninsula-a fact to which even Coon himself attests!
2) North Europids
It has been argued by many of the more famous twentieth century
anthropologists, and especially by Sergi and Coon, that a segment of
th^__ lo^ng-headed, olive-skinned Atlanto-Mediterranean group
(rnentioned above) eventually moved its way north, through the
Mediterranean, to the farthest arctic recesses of the European
cohtineht--Tnto a foggy, sun-shielded environment-where it apparently
became de-pigmented due to a lack of Vitamin D. According to Sergi,
Coon and company, this northern “Mediterranean” group allegedly
differentiated from its southern counterpart in Late Paleolithic times
(perhaps 20,000 years ago), in an area located approximately north of
92 The Imperian Manifesto
the Caspian and Aral Seas, developing its commonly recognized ash
and golden blond hair, its extremely delicate, graceful features,
pinkish-white skin, and its considerably larger body size; in addition,
the northerner’s long-headed cranial structure remained identical to his
southern counterpart. Thus came into being the great “Nordic” race.
Again, all this is,, mere hypothesis. It is the conviction of this
author, however, that the blondism existing in all branches of the Great
Eiirnpi^ Family, .along with fair skin and a set number of other
distinguj^hiag-characteristics, was an original genetic feature of the
Europfd Raae. It i s j p t postulated in this work that blond hair somehow
e y o ^ d out of dark hair7but that blond hair is only produced in the total
abs e n c e ^ th e true brunet, or when those brunets who do possess the
blond. geiie-(an4are thus not “true^ mix with blonds. Therefore, it is not
blond hair which is devolutionary, but rather dark hmr. This is not a
theory or “belief’ of the author, but a genetic and raciaiyac?.
In any event. North Europids are probably the most specialized
(and truly~“exotic”) people in the world; they can be found entirely in'
S c a n d in ^ ^ and along all the shores of the Baltic and North Seas. T te
British Isles are also predominantly North Europid, with a
c o n ^ erab le Sauth^'E uropd'substratum having arrived in' ancient
times (centuries before the Romans). As the climate o f - N o r th ^
Europe became warmer and more fertile, Scandinavia (and Sweden in
p^uTulaf f became the prmciple refuge and breeding ground of the
North Europids. Between the North Europids and the older “Upper
Paleolithic”* people ofTSTorthem Europe (the West Europids), there
has ^^enicrasiffexable the undeniable fact that
the South and North Europid cephalic indices are identical has led
many to conclude that divisions between the two, based on hair, eye
and skin color, are entirely superficial. H ente^ th&-very p l a n s i ^
concept of a MgiioiW_£aii“MediteiTanean-Nordic’’) racial, groupillgx as
accepted by the majority of prominent twentieth century scholars and
anthropologists, including Sergi, Deniker, Ripley, Coon, etc.
According to Coon, the North Europid sub-group (or “Nordic”
race) can be split into the following four sub-varieties: (1) Keltic Iron
Age Type, (2) Anglo-Saxon Type, (3) Trondelagen Type, and (4)
Osterdal Type.^^ Coon continually stressed that the de-pigmentation of
“ T h e a u th o r is n o t h ere p u rp o rtin g an U p p e r P a leo lith ic o rig in for W est E u r o p id s. b u t is u sin g the term
“ U p p e r P a le o lith ic ,” as m e n tio n e d b \' C o o n , for d e sc rip tiv e p u rp o ses.
surface). Vei^ily, there does not exist one Europid Ideal; the sooner
E i^ p e a n s and European-descended people realize this, the sooner
they can come to producing a fully unified and final IM P E R IA N
racid t\ pe.
3) South-East Europids
This sub-group of the Great Europid Family was originally
classified as the “Irano-Afghan” or “Iranian Plateau” ty p e-a sub
group of the broader “Mediterranean” raciafprrD ping. The South-
East Europid is predominantly an extra-European type, native to the
Middle East, defined by Professor Carleton S. Coon as a “long-faced,
high-headed, hook-nosed type, usually of tall stature, which forms the
principal element in the population of Iran, Afghanistan, and the
Turkoman countr) , and which is also present in Palestine, parts of
Arabia, and North Africa. It is probably^rel-atedlo-the old Corded type
of the Neolithic . and Bronze A g e . South-East Europid
characteristics also include the following: extreme dolichocephaly;
strong brow ridges; prominent cheekbones; noticeable jaw angles;
strongly developed facial and body hair; and great nasality (this
group’s most defining feature). The nasal bones jut out strongly from
beneath the overhanging glabella; the noses are high, moderately
broad, hooked, and the nasal tips are depressed. The South-East
Europid group was primary in the diffusion of the “hooked nose”
characteristic, which is now a very common feature in the Middle East
and among groups peripheral to the region; this has been brought
about chiefly by the spread of Islam. Many of the stereotypical
caricatures of “Middle Easterners” represent if crudely, the physical
traits of the t> pical South-East Europid.^*^
Although originally very attached to the Europid family,
priding itself on its separateness from non-Europids, this type has
mixed considerably with, Au.straloids,_ Negroids and multiracial
Semite^. The true South-East Europid is thus a minority in a region
he once strongly dominated. There is reason to believe that the
South-East Europid was once closely related to the North Europid,
as the Scythians, Sacae, Mitanni and original Persians seem to have
either been an assortment or a combination of the two types.
98 The Imperian Manifesto
4) Central Europids
This sub-race, formerly called “A ^ n e ” by most anthropologists, is
medium to short in stature, stocky (often described as “rugged”),
brachycephalic (or “broad-headed”) and brunet in its overall physical
makeup, though not typically as brunet as the South Europid type. Other
typical characteristics include: a short and thick neck; broad and high
forehead; brow ridges moderate to very pronounced; nose broad and
fleshy (mesorrhine, sometimes described as “blobby”); cheeks are fleshy,
and thus do not usually appear very broad due to the matching and
complementary roundness of head shape; jaws are square in thinner-faced
types; well developed chin, either pointed or bilateral; and lips are
somewhere between the fullness of the South Europid type and the
thinness of the North Europid. It has also been observed that Central
Europids tend to have greater beard and body hair than their Southern
and Northern counterparts; however, extremely hairy South Europids
(and particularly South-East Europids) are far from unknown to even
the most casual observer.^'
The Central Europid type is native to the vast middle zone of the
European continent, running between Northem Italy and north-central
Germany, and from France to the Ural mountains. As this race progresses
from France, in the west, eastward across Europe, its geographic range
widens. Generally speaking, this sub-race predominates everywhere in
Europe, except along the shores of the Mediterranean and Baltic seas
(where the long-headed South and North Europid types can be found
respectively). The origin of this race has never been defmitively agreed
upon by scholars. Sprne, such as Giuseppe Sergi, have erroaeously argued
that Central Europids (6r"Alpines”7M'e newenaniYals to E urope.^^are
deiiv{e^from a primitive Asiatic or even Mongolojd stoeL_WMe.j3jiigrs,
particuimly Carleton Coon, have argued _lhat J j^ in e s ll-« = e --4 ^
indigenous to Europe, derived from Upper Paleolithic peoples ‘^sopaeiiiiat
reduceJln Beiad ^^d^facje„size Regardless of th e"^ ^ f"P aleo lith ic”
time frame, it is most probable that the Central Europids did develop out
of an older indigenous population in Europe, and then proceeded to spread
both east and west along the great North Eurasian Plain. Remnants of these
early broad-headed Europids can be found as far east as the Pamir
Mountain region of Central Asia.
Contrary to most assumptions of Germany’s “Nordic Ideal,”
the majority of ethnic Germans are (and have been for centuries) of
5) Central-South Europids
This type, frequently called “Dinaric,” is brachycephalic and
speculated to be the product of “Atlanto-Mediterranean” and “Alpine”
admixture at a 2 to 1 ratio. As a group, Central-South Europids
exhibit the tallness of their “Atlanto-Mediterranean” (South Europid)
ancestors and the intermediate pigmentation (in hair, eye and skin
color) of their Alpine (Central Europid) descent. This group is
generally planoccipital, and similar to Near Eastern peoples in their
facial features, particularly in the projection of the nose.
Geographically, Central-South Europids form a contiguous belt
stretching from Switzerland to Epirus and can be found in the
Carpathian and Caucasus mountain regions, as well as in Asia Minor
and Syria.^^ The so-called “Noric” racial type is merely a blond variety
o f this same stock; it is entirely superficial to assign a separate
category for such a type.
6) Central-East Europids
The so-called “Amienoid,” of great popular debate in yesteryears,
corresponds to this type and is very similar to its Central-South
cousin. For this Central-East variety is brachycephalic (like all
Centrals), with slightly more prominent facial features; beard and
100 The Imperian Manifesto
body hair are also more abundant. Chief among the more prominent
facial features is the nose, which tends to be thicker and depressed at
the tip; the cheekbones are also more pronounced, and pigmentation is
overall darker than the Central-South.
These differences between the Central-East and Central-
South are the result o f differing sub-group proportions in their
racial makeup. For whereas the C entral-South_tyg^w ^ mixed
two-parts Atlanto-Med. to one-part Alpine, the Centrjal-East’s
“two-part” Mediterranean ancestor was the Irano-Afghqn (or South-
EasT Europid). This stands to reason, as the Central-East is a
more easterly sub-group than the Central-South. Hence, the
relation between the two cousin sub-groups is less direct than it is
parallel. Both groups are derived from a related Central Europid
ancestor, and two different varieties of southern Europids or
“Mediterraneans.” The general physical results of this 2 to 1
formula are described by Coon in great detail:
... W]hen Mediterranean racial types are blended in a two
to one proportion with Alpines, something totally different
from either results, and this product is not in all characters
intermediate. The facial breadths are Mediterranean, the
nose and face are often elongated, the cranial length
reduced to an Alpine dimension, and the breadth similarly
increased; at the same time the foramen magnum and the
auricular passages retain a metrical position in reference to
the anterior landmarks of the cranial and facial skeleton
found in the Mediterranean ancestor. The occipital region
undergoes a certain degree of flattening, and the nasal
bridge, in harmony with this motivation from the rear,
becomes prominent. The process described above is one of
Dinaricization, and the hybrid types produced by this
principle are Dinarics and Armenoids.^'^
The range of this “Armenoid” Central-East group is spread over
the Caucasus mountain region, the Anatolian plateau and can be found
in geographic pockets of varying degree as far east as the Indian
subcontinent. A significant number of Semitic-speakers have acquired
Central-East racial characteristics, departing from their original
dolichocephaly. It must be said that while a considerable number of
Arabs have stayed true to their South Europid racial form (i.e. to their
7) North-East Europids
Native to Finland’s interior, Poland, the Baltic states of Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania, and scattered throughout Russia, this is a stabilized
physical type dubbed by many as “East Baltic,” and described here as
the North-East Europid. A clear result of North and Central
intermixture, this group is stabilized to the point where they represent
one of the most physically united populations in Europe, regardless of
national or cultural affiliations.
A northeastern European branch of the greater Central sub-group,
the defining characteristics of the North-East Europid are: rosy or tawny
white skin; tow-colored, almost white, straight hair; gray or light blue
eyes; medium to tall stature and thickly built; the head is unmistakably
brachycephalic and flat at the back; the forehead is high and broad; brow
ridges not large; the face appears to be square due to prominent
cheekbones and angular jaw; and the nose tends to be broad and low.^^
It is wrong to assume that there exist any racial links between
North-East Europids and Mongoloids, based on the common
brachycephaly found in both groups.
102 The Imperian Manifesto
8) West Europids
This unique sub-group, commonly classified as “Upper
Paleolithic,” is perhaps the oldest fully human type to inhabit Europe.
Although I, the author, do not subscribe to the view that these so-
called “Upper Paleolithics” inhabited Europe prior to 2300 B.C., I am
willing to expose my readers to the views of scholars who have
traditionally been popular among individuals in the White Power
Movement; namely: William Z. Ripley and Carleton S. Coon.
A ^cording-to^eon-and Ripley, the West Europid js_ihe__only
living group that is truly indigenous to Europe-thought to be the
producf o f an early mixture between the sapiens Cro-Magnon type
(which'is actuallyXprimeval Soiith Europid) and (perhaps)^ the older
l^eanderthaloid non-sapiens This mixing is said to have
occurred at some time during the Pleistocene, and perhaps with
considerable frequency. According to Coon:
The result of this mixture was the development of a
reasonably stable hybrid race, which was characterized
by an excess of size, both of brain case and bodily bulk.
Although differing from the rest of Homo sapiens as a
whole, its character was nevertheless mainly sapiens,
and only to a small extent Neanderthaloid or non-
sapiens. Within the sapiens species, its relationship was
with the whites.^^
These large-headed “Paleolithic survivors” have been divided into
two groups: tlie^-called_5rw«« and Xhsr Bot^reby. The first is found in
solution with the North Europid and Borreby elements, and is located
mainly in Scandinavia, the British Isles, North Africa and the Canary
Islands. The “Old Black Breed” of northem Britain contains strong Brunn
characteristics. The second type, the Borreby, consists of large-headed
brachycephals found in northwestem Europe and northem and central
Germany; this type also occurs in North Africa and the Canary Islands.
It must be stressed, however, that these so-called “Upper Paleqljtluc
survivors” nowhere (^nstitute a majority in any of the regions in which
they can be found. They can appear among individuals in considerably
pure form, but they are not a dominant type. The most we can say of these
“unreduced” broad-headed types is that they were probably the^(ji^t
:: ‘'.^r.'Td. c r t %- ri:. Ar:er:;i “ T^is ■:ev. is fi't. ::r b::h North ard
South Earopids r.dcr; re -Tcd. h V' r .er i r :-•:::: ...•le
C :•:' !lT?rTT~riT^e?:d’ e"c 't!;■s-er'.e's—:re
. re 3 i d 2r . 2T r- p e r e r r e s ^ r .s i ?:
:::e 3 i z i r \ 3s . r-rc :? c ! c s e !
. >*_ . JT.'C
D n rz:ir.-?^is:ir.z p c .z .ts :: >; j :e - ’-Cl'. C^e nugh:
, . r z _
__ --
sri?v. >
- -ic
112 The Imperian Manifesto
We can see from the abo\e that there is a direct link between
Hamitic East Africa and the Mediterranean world; this link manifests
itself, and is centered, in Egypt. According to Professor Coon, the
en^t\_of_Ethi_opia and the Horn of Africa were within the limits of
the M editerrane^ racial zone (albeit on the periphen. ). On the
H a n ^ F o f this region, the professor had this to say:
The\ are the whites and near-whites w ho li\ e east of the
equatorial forests, of the Nilotic swamps, and of the deep
escarpment of the Blue Nile. The> are the Gallas [i.e.
Oromo]. the Somalis, the Ethiopians, and the inhabitants
of Eritrea...
...Exca\ations in Kenya and Tanganyika ha\e unco\ered
remains of a tall, extreme!) long-headed. Mediterranean
racial t>pe. with a tendency' to great elongation and
narrowness of the face, in pre-Neolithic times. In
Mesolithic times, if not earlier, some of these
Mediterranean skeletons show e\idence of negroid
admixture. The countr\ east of Lake Victoria ma\ be
taken as the southern boundar> of the area occupied b>-
this race, since to the south all known sapiens skeletal
remains belong to the ancestors of Bushmen....The
present distribution of a similar and without doubt
deri\ati\e racial t>pe coincides with that of Hamitic
languages, and for that reason the term “Hamitic Race,"
has been frequenth emplo> ed."*'
2) Mongoloids
Members of the Mongoloid race are separated into two primary
sub-groups: the True Mongoloid, inhabiting the whole of East,
northeast and southeast Asia, and the majority of the Micronesian and
Polynesian islands; and the Amerindian, the indigenous native of the
Americas. This great spreading of the Mongoloid race represents the
last great diffusion of the various human families into their natural
3) Negroids
The Negroid racial group is a pan-ethnic family including these
three main stocks: (1)) the True Negroid (also referred to as
“Congoid”), (2) th^Australoid (or Australian Aborigine), a n d ( ^ the
Capoid (named after the Cape of Good Hope, where the D u t ^ first
encountered them; and representing the so-called “Bushmen” peoples).
The principle racial characteristics uniting these three Negroid sub
groups are: dark skin colors (ranging from yellow-brown to “shiny”
black); kinky hair texture; thick lips; broad or flat noses; alveolar
prognathism (in most cases); and, except for the Capoid group, a
tendency toward extreme dolichocephalism. All three of the Negroid
sub-groups exhibit, indubitably, the most pY\mifiv^'~and tradward
racial features of all Homo sapiens sub-species.
A) True Negroids (i.e. “Negroes”). The True Negroid inhabits the
vast majority of the African continent, but is by no means historically
indigenous to the majority of the continent. OriginaUy-confiQed-io_the
the skull is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top-vejy similar to
the skull of Homo habilis, an early non-Sapiens hominid.
C) Capoids. Better known as the “Khoisan” or “Bushmen-
Hottentot” people, Capoids inhabit an oasis in southwestern Africa,
surrounded and outnumbered by the stronger Bantu-Negroids. This
area includes the modern nations of Namibia, BiDtswana„and_SQuth
Africa, and is centered around the inhospitable Kalahari Desert. Many
centuries ago, Capoids were distributed over a much larger portion of
the African continent, however they have consistently been pushed
down into the south by the warlike Bantu groups. Capoids are racially
defined by their yellowish-brown skin, high cheekbones, epicanthic
folds, and tightly coiled “peppercorn” hair. A particular curiosity are
the genitalia of the San people: in males the penis is horizontal while
in the flaccid state, and the labia minora in females is elongated to the
point where it resembles a penis. In addition, the Capoid skull is
infantile in shape (or “paedomorphic”).
Though they seem to exhibit some sort of physical resemblance
to True Mongoloids, the Capoid race can more definitely be attached
to the Negroid pan-ethnic family. A number of modem geneticists
believe the Capoid peoples- represent the -oldest liying-hiunan race^'.yet
this is only specuiation,
C hapter Five
The Racial Pecking Order
Now that we have estabHshed the fact that the concept of race is real,
we are now naturally confronted with the issue of whether or not racial
supremacy is real. This question can only be addressed if one is to study
the~Hf7?wre5 ■o f the above races, comparing and contrasting them by
levels of technology, political organization, cultural achievements,
quality of life, etc. If one was to conduct an honest study of these human
famili^~Th siich a fashion, I believe one would be forced to rank them
exactly as I listed them. Doe§Jhis,Jiot prove a racial order.ojr hierarchy
o f sorts? Does hjerarchy not prove supremacy? An honest look into their
civilizations would r e v ^ l h e following.
To the Europids we can attribute practically every monumental
achievement in all of recorded history. With the exception-of-a few
in£eiiiojj^-Mefigoh5id't^nd^specifieally-^/w«^5e)4nvTeTitix)ns,'the human
history.of PlanetEarth-is entirely the history of the Europid Race, the
White Race, that small minority of biological aristocrats who created
air the "wondrous features and amenities of that thing we call
“Civilization.” Thriving cities, roads, aqueducts, literatures and
philosophies of all stripes, empires, kingdoms, castles, printing
presses, behemoth naval fleets, the well-sculpted art of the Florentine
masters (whose work could only be improved upon if one was to
actually give birth to a full-size human being-and even this
“improvement” is debatable!), innumerable vaccines and medical
advances, rapid transportation systems, space travel-all these
wonderful aspects of civilization, all these byproducts of the White
M an’s mind, all of this constitutes not even one-tenth of one percent
o f the godlike creations that have come from His mind. If this Man
waTFo^somehow vanish from the face of the earth for good, the apelike
creatures that would be left behind-those who have merely used and
122 The Imperian Manifesto
copied the products which the Europid has created, like well-trained
apes-would, as the great Occidental Patriot Norman Lowell has said,
revert back to their caves and loincloths in a mere six months! As the
skyscrapers collapse and the roads disintegrate back into the earth,
civilization would be no more; nothing left but a sorry planet of
master-less circus monkeys, running around looting, stealing, raping
and hollering until they themselves also go extinct. Does this scenario
sound horrible? Well, it is exactly the scenario that the evil Tribe of
International Manipulators (T.H.E.M) wants. With the Eurnpid out of
the way, they will not have any further threat to their hegemony;
certainly the circus monkeys would pose no threat! (These shall
merely do what they are told until they have bred themselves into a
mass famine, as is happening in Africa right at this very minute.)
Within the Europid family, each specific group-lia&-made its
own marvelous contributions to civilization (in ethnic context).
The Menoids (that is, the South/North Europids) are credited with
many glorious achievements and “firsts” in Western history^ from Ihe
rise-.of agriculture (which translates to mean Sumerian civilization) to
the rise of the British Empire to most of the technologkal inventions
which define our own wondrous age. To the Central Europid^, we
can attribute the highly cultured civilizations of France, the Holy
Roman Empire, and Hapsburg Austria; this group is also, along with
the North-Easterners, responsible for the great bulk of Slavic
contributions to world history. The Central-Easterners we can
credit with helping to found many of the early civilizations of the
Near East; the Hittite nobles were of this stock. To the South-
Easterners we c ^ a s c r ib e many achievements, from the-fotmding-of
the world’s major religions to the establishment of some of the
greatest civilizations of antiquity, including the (Aryan) Persians,
Scythians, and Medes, as well as the (Semitic-speaking) Akkadians,
Assyrians, and ATabsrTfence, the great story of world civilization is
largely an exclusive. White Europid story.
There are others who have also contributed their “two cents”;
this includes the Hamites. To the original Hamitic group, in conjunction
with the South Europids (and a small North Europid minority), we
can ascribe all the glory and magnificence of ancient Egypt. Later on,
we can credit the Hamites with establishing the advanced and yet still
underestimated kingdoms of East Africa, such as D‘mt and Axym.
the> are a stationan species, and that the> do not possess the
potentialit) of progress or initiative from within.""
Overall, the simple truth regarding the Negroid race is this: it
possesses no history , very little in tfie ivm o f "culture, mid. certainly, it
has never developed anything close to \ \ liat Western man M ould call
“civilization. "This simple, honest and essentially racial fact was outhned
beautifulh' a centur} ago b> the English observ er. Meredith To\Misend;
None of the black races, wiiether negro or Australian, ha\ e
sho'vn \\ithin the historic time the capacity to dev elop
civilization. They hav e ne\er passed the boundaries of their
ouTi habitats as conquerors, and never exercised the
smallest influence over peoples not black. The) Joaii^ngyer
founded a stone cit)’, ha\ e never buHt a. ship^ hav ^ e v er
product__literaUffe^ have- neva- suggested - a
c r^ d .. ..Tliere seems to be m reasoti for this excepLr-oee-. It
is said ^ the negro has been buried in the most ‘massive'
of the four continents, and has been, so to speak, lost to
humanit}-; but he was alwa>s on the Nile, the immediate
road to Ae Mediterranean, and in West and East .AAica he
was on the sea. .Africa is probabh more fertile, and aknost
certainly richer than .^sia, and is pierced b> rivers as
might}’, and some of them at least as navigable. WTiat could
a singularh health} race, armed with a constitution wtiich
resists the sun and defies malaria, wish for better than to be
seated on the Nile, or the Congo, or the Niger, in numbers
ampl}' sufficient to execute an} needed work, from the
cutting of forests and the making of roads up to the building
of cities? How w’as the negro more secluded than the
Peruvian: or wh}' was he 'shut up’ worse than the Tartar of
Samarcand, who one da} shook himself gav e up all tribal
feuds, and, from the Sea of Okhotsk to the Baltic and
southward to the Nerbudda, mastered the worid?..^The
negro vvent by himself far be} ond the Australia savage.
He learned the use of fire, the fact that sown grain will
grow, the value of shelter, the use of the bow and the canoe,
and the good of clothes; but there to all appearances he
stopped, unable, until stimulated b} another race like the
Arab, to advance another step.' ’
AQd so, all people are not created equal, just as all cultures slyq
liot created equal. Differing circumstances, environmentally, genetic
and otherwise, produce differing races. {When will liberals and
communists acquire enough commonsense to admit this all too obvious
point!) Some cultures are highly advanced technologically, others are
still in the Neolithic epoch; some cultures are excessively bloodthirsty,
others are amazingly peaceful; some cultures are individualistic and
self-centered, others altruistic and predisposed to giving alms. The
same is true of individuals: some people are tall, others short; some are
born rich, others poor. No matter what a liberal might say in public to
the effect that “we are all equal,” you can rest assured that, if there was
money at stake, he would pick a Kenyan over a Tibetan in a foot race,
and a Chinaman over a Samoan in a gymnastics event (but that would
be between him and his bookie!).
That said, we o f the IDEA do not believe that the Western
cultures, on account of their material abundance, are beyond reproach
morally, politically, or in any other conceivable way—quite the
contrary. We do believe the West would be wise to study and adopt
some of the more positive features of the earth’s non-Western and
“Indigenous” societies. Specifically, their apparent lack of altruism for
those who are different than themselves, and thus their proclivity
toward self-preservation.
Wjihies, for they must know how to operate within the confines of
their pack. But-outsideJhis pack-they are as cold and ruthless as any-of
Nature’s Laws. These Wolves do not care a damn about_any-s«pposed
“Judeu=Ghfistian.”. values. Nor_dQ. they care at all ahaut tha-“Gelden
BaJe.” They merely act as the honest pups of Mother Nature,
monopolizing on every opportunity presented them; yes, to the Wolf,
life is opportunity. To the Dog, life is denial.
It should be said that, on the individual level, there exist Dogs
and Wolves in all races and peoples all across the globe; every group
has its majority underclass on the one hand and its minority chiefs on
the other. How^ver^ Dogs are more numerous- in-c^rtain:-gFe«ps..,snd
Wolves-mors prolific in certain others. By far, the Dog camp contains
the greatest number of races, as also the greatest number of mdi^duals
of all jaces. W(dves are always and everywhere in the nmority. These
are the go-getters~XI^~CT^^TS, the masters and aristocrats. In racial
tem is^w eare clearly referring to the Eurapid Race (as if itjieede^to
be.spelled out!)-to the biological Aristocrats themselves.
C ^ain ly the average Negro is the guintessential embodiment of
the Dog type. For "everywhere he goes, he is begging and pleading with
his former Master for a free m eal-for housing, for special rights,
protection and tokenism of all kinds. The democratic system was tailor-
made for such a failed individual. Naturally then, the Negro’s values
reflect his Dog-like status. He seeks nothing but to eat, drink, copulate,
and drug himself into oblivion; self-pleasure is, above all, his primary
focus. The patronizing and self-righteous morality he receives, in the
form of sermons from his “church” and as campaign “promises” from
his local political bosses, augments his coddled position. Even though
the United States now has a mulatto president, the American Negro' iTin
a more subservient position than ever before-for he is c6dd]ed.wbeieyer
he .goes! The mere victory of their half-white chieftain, Obama, does
nothing but confirm the old adage that “every tribe has its chief’
(conversely, and perhaps more appropriately, every chief has his tribe!).
As pertains to the Jews, much has obviously been said about this
group’s wOlfisli demeanor, particularly in the field of econorhtcsnr is
true, there is a strong Wolf element existing within the Jewish People
which guides the collective body in its ultimate aim of destroying the
Host Culture. However, one must understand the method by which the
Jews were able to attain their current lofty status. One m usf looFTo
history. In Classical and pre-Classical times, Jews were definitely a
man who makes the tools, and that only men, not morons
or apes, may use them for the betterment of humanity
As one could probahh percei\e from the end of the last section, the
Imperium is nor ai all pro-death, but pro-life'. We stand for the complete
and toial benerment of humanit> through scientific progress; nameh*. b>'
means of a \ ibrant eugenics program. This impro\ ement is not possible
under the current democratic s\ stem -a s\ stem which emphaticalh' \ alues
e\ er>Thing that is weak, stunted, and detrimental to positi\ e growth. Now ,
it is rme that other \\'hite Power groups also share our concerns in this
regard. Howe\ er. not man> of these other groups can sa> with a firm
con% ;c:ion that the} are against rhe deathpenalt} .
W'e proponents of the IDEA are indeed against all forms of
capital punishment. The reason for this is clear: the Europid Gene
Pool. Our Sacred Europid Gene Pool, is the most precious and rare
gem of all Creation. W'e not onh belie\e this, but we knoM it to be
true. It therefore makes no apparent sense whatsoe\er to desiro\ this
precious Gift. \^'ith each passing da>. the White Ar>an Europid is
losing the "numbers game" to the teeming hordes of non-White
Barbarians all across the globe. E\er> da\ these “muds'’ are
muhip]>ing their geneticalh inferior numbers in order to supplant us
in our nati% e lands. W't simpl> cannot afford to sacrifice an)' more of
our precious genes to the ad\ancing barbarian .Moloch at our gates!
Gi%en the chance, this Moloch would intentionalh destro\ us all.
Once established, the Imperium .shall repatriate all non-Europids
to their lands of origin. Africans to Africa, Mongoloids to East Asia,
Arabs to Arabia, Mestizos to the Caribbean. \\'ith them uill go all
Europid race-traitors ^^ho decided to marr> into, cohabitate or breed
140 The Imperian Manifesto
with any of these non-White groups. This poHcy must and shall be
implemented. Upon completion of this policy, naturally, the majority
of our Western prisons (which are, at present, merely “holding tanks”
for non-Whites) shall be emptied. This leaves a small minorit>- of
White Europid felons remaining behind bars, some of whom, in the
United States, still scheduled to die for their offenses. The Imperium
would override this former decree. Capital punishment would be
abolished. This might anger some who would otherwise agree with our
policies in full. I implore such individuals to look at the facts.
Firstly, White crime has fie\-er in the entire histor>^ of the Race
approached any level comparable to the rates we readily observe in
other communities. For example, blacks comprise only 12 percent of
the current U.S. population, and yet they are responsible for nearly 50
percent of all violent crimes! In 1993, there were 20,343 Americans
who were murdered; blacks were responsible for 58 percent of these
murders. In the last 30 years alone, there have been approximately 170
million violent and non-violent crimes committed by blacks against
Whites in the United States. These are 170 million “hate crimes” that
have gone unnoticed by the liberal establishment.^^ I can go on and on,
rehashing the literal volumes that have been wTitten about black-on-
White crime (from the U.S. to South Africa) until I am blue in the
face; but I will not do so here. It suffices to say that once the “great
burden” is repatriated back to the jungle, there will be a noticeable end
to the majority' of violent crimes Imperium-wide.
The second fact one must consider is that once someone is dead, he is
dead. Once a lab rat dies it is discarded. If, in place of the death p en ally ^e
subject a felon to rigorous genetic testing, his punishment is more_.than
served, and (more importantly) M'e get something out o f it! Whites that
were formerly sentenced to die v^ill instead be transferred to specialized
clinics where they will be studied for the rest of their lives. We shall leam
which genes to avoid in the refmement of the Europid species, and thus in
further advancing our High Civilization. Crime will soon become a thing ol
the past; criminals will no longer exist; criminalit)- will be no more.
In this coming Golden Age, the death penalt>' will, itself, look
barbaric to our descendants. As a form of punishment, it might have
worked well for Bronze Age peoples who had no way to inflict a harsher or
more meaningful sentence. But now that we possess advanced technology,
we also possess the capabilit)' to transcend the limited world of oui
ancestors, and in e\ er\ concei\ able \\a\ -this includes the w orld of crime
and punislinient!
Gun Laws
In our Imperium it will become mandator> for all adults to carr>
t'lrearms. E\er> household and vehicle shall contain no less than one
t'lrearm on its premises at all times. A system similar to the Swiss
Home Defense Corps shall be implemented upon the acquisition of
power. That well-armed populaces ha\e always pre\ailed o \er
invading enemy armies is an historical fact. It is also a fact that so-
called "gun control" laws onl\ take w eapons out of the hands of the
law -abiding, and place them firmh in the hands of the criminal. The
law -abiding are then at the merc\ of the w ell-armed underclass.
Such a situation has plagued New York Cit> for years. The Jews
ha\e made sure that it is near-impossible for a law-abiding person to
acquire a firearm simply on account of the rampant criminalit> among
the trousered apes of Harlem. The Jew mayor and councilmen and
congressmen and businessmen would have us all belie\ e that it is t h e
g u n i t s e l f that harms people, and not the trigger-fmger. The author
would simply like to ask his fellow New Yorkers \ \ h y i t m q s that the
"insane" black supremacist. Colin p urchased gun legally
in California and decided to u s e i t in 'Mew York" Cit> ? The answer is
obvious; because ever> other White person is cany ing a firearm in the
-\merican West, but in New York Cit>, Whites are completely
disarmed; they are fair game for other \ icious, criminal races. And
who were the first to rush to Ferguson's defense after he killed six
passengers in cold blood on the Long Island Rail Road? T\\o o f
T.H.EAL, William Kunstler and Ron Kuby.
Oh. mx people, the insanity must end! The coming Imperium
shall guarantee that it does. For it is onh' the Imperium Europa,
uniting the entire White Western World, that can sa\e the W'hite
Race from its impending destruction. Only the Imperium Europa is
solelv concerned w ith the best interests of the White Europid.
C hapter Tw o
False Intellectualism vs. Real Education
False Intellectualism
Real Education
We of the Imperium Europa Movement understand better than
most that education is the key which liberates an individual from being
at the total mercy of others. Education is a great tool that can be placed
firmly in the hands of our children-the next generation of leaders,
scientists, doctors, explorers, artists, etc. There is, however, a great
misconception today regarding that which constitutes education {true
education) and the manner in which it should be applied.
Throughout the Western World it is a common long-standing
belief that by simply cramming the heads of our children with
information (mere facts), we shall turn out a generation of super-
intelligent geniuses in all walks of life. This is a proven fallacy, and a
blatant one! For the last half-century, our “great” educators have been
promoting this untruth, and have consistently been producing an ever
increasing number of young idiots, a veritable army of morons! The
educators fail to realize the apparent fact that genius is not taught, but
inherited. Inteirigence, like skin color, is a genetic characteristic
inherited from one’s parents. As Madison Grant once wrote on the
subject, “Genius is produced, first and foremost, by race—social
factors, education may play a deciding role in bringing the genius to
the world’s attention, however, the mental traits of genius are as
Colonies. All this, while the smart kids sit quietly in their seats, having
learned (if not directly, then indirectly) to never flaunt their intelligence,
to aim downward for the sake of mass mediocrity, to be tolerant of the
ignoramuses in their midst!
For well over a decade there has been an entire generation of
teachers who are, themselves, products of this pitiful system-teachers
who are complete morons themselves! Meanwhile, as the children of
North America are getting stupider and stupider, business leaders are
finding it necessary to import tens of thousands of inassimilable
Asians each year to fill the so-called “high tech” positions. They come
from China and India, Pakistan and Malaysia, they come to replace
our beautiful young White children who have been mentally raped by
the “wonderful” democratic system.
By now, it should be clear to all that the public school system has
failed! It must be abolished and tossed into the waste basket. Not one
more cent should be robbed from U.S. taxpayers to support this
derelict institution, which can turn out nothing but fiiture criminals and
benign imbeciles.
Therefore, we of the IDEA of Imperium Europa, we
Imperians, do not believe that school should be compulsory for all
children. As the intelligence quotient shrinks in the nations of the
Western World itiiecpmes clear that most children dojioleven want to
attend school! O f course, the current system is to blame?"fo^-4iot
niakmg the very process of learning fun and interesting. This is of
course true. Upon our accession to pgwer^ we- vyill create a school
system that is as rigorous and intense as it is rewarding. We shall
implement a fully meritocratic system o f education, whfch pushes the
student to his maximum potentfal and then rewards him proportionally.
For those children who, by 13 years of age, no jo nger wish to
attend school,'we shall implement the “One S t ^ e Rule.” All children
will be compelled to attend school up until thirteen years of age, right
before entering High School (as it is known in North America).
Through the years, the education board would have been assessing the
child’s progress, determining whether or not he is eligible to progress
any further. If not, the child will be prepared for a career, beginning at
age 17, as a life-long servant of the State. Such jobs include: picking
up garbage, shining shoes, voluntary genetic testing, and performing
any form of backbreaking manual labor.
“111 fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, where wealth accumulates
and men decay.”
- Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), “The Deserted Village” (1770).
The Economy
Capitalist globalization has wrought an unprecedented amount of
suffering on the people of the world (in both developed nations and the
Third World) and has contributed to great environmental destruction.
Under this liberal economic system par excellence, the world is made
“flat,” non-hierarchical and chaotic, perfectly matching the
overlapping democratic political structure. In such a Materialist
system, economics is neither a topic of study, nor an institutional
framework of a society’s wealth, but rather treated as the divine spark
of all Creation. In the Global Capitalist worldview, money is man’s
ultimate goal, and economics his raison d'etre. We of the IDEA of
Imperium Europa do not subscribe to this bleak and meaningless
conception of Life. We are riDt^Global Capitalists.
We o f the IDEA conceive of a world in which the economy is the
foundation of society; it serves as a strong bulwark protecting a
Culture, but is not the pinnacle of a Culture’s aspirations, as is
believed today in our world of Global Capitalism. The economy is
there to serve as a bed on which the physical body of the Race sleeps,
under the Cultural roof o f the Race’s house. The economy is there to
serve us, and not vice versa. This is the proper analogy for the coming
economy of Imperium Europa.
The economic outlook of the Imperium is perfectly aligned to
the spiritual, cultural and political necessity of the Europid Race;
150 The Imperian Manifesto
The Environment
Always taking precedence over the economy is the natural
environm ^r-A tong with all spiritual, racial and cuiHfarmatFers^,"The^
e m ^ m n e n T is a primary concern of the Imperium. F o rltjs"o n 'th e
term 5acr^; the ‘‘sacred-soi4” ofthe rfflpefium, that the J (^ e must live
and flourish. Respect for Nature is therefore essSitialTD^orn^ tmperian
worldview; Our Aryan forebears understood this--Fmst H aeckel.
Alfred Rosenberg, Rudol£Bahro, Thgj l e r o , and (the still living) Pentti
Linkoia, to name a few. ' ^
~^^Ehvirorane3Tt3h degradation very real phenomenon that has
been plaguing the earth for the past 16Q years, and^ a s p ic k ^ up
incrediblFTpeed in recent years. Polluted fresh-water sources, maritime
oil splllsr"smog==^fil-]:ed" skies7 vas^^ stretches of land and sea that are toxic
and radioactive, the deforestation of even vaster wooded regions, and
other such calamities are threatening to seal humanity’s fate as a
doomed species in the 21*‘ century. These manmade catastrophes have
been coupling with uncontrollable natural disasters at a record pace in
the past few years, and, with our current global system in place, promise
only to get worse. Itjnatters little whether climate c^ngS-is-more-the
result of human hands offfiFnatural cycle of the planet, dimate-ehangg
is^uevertheJess rea/; melting glaciers and loomiiig~mass extinctions are
real. The current world economic and political systenTisTo blame.Tfi
this re g a rd T ^ proflnrigaters ef^ the /B E 4 , we I m p e i^ ^ with
the Lefties and Green Party pinkos. Where we disagree, however, is in
our conviction of who actually controls the current world system. The
Leftists believe, simplistically, that the “Western” corporations are to
blame for all the earth’s troubles, whereas we know fo r a fact that it is
the Great Zionist Beast (T.H.E.M., the “Tribe”) that is the unseen hand
behind the evil dancing puppet of Globalization. This we Imperians,
we ARYANS, know fo r a fact.
The Zionist World Manipulators, on the other hand, know that if
a society were to go “green,” by harnessing the varied forces of nature
to provide energy, then that society would be free of much of their
financial domination. For this reason, the Imperium shall, upon
establishment, swiftly nationalize all utilities and vital industries.
putting them fully in the hands of the State (to the benefit of the Race),
and shall work toward total “green” energy conversion (solar, wind,
water, fusion power, etc.). In addition to “going green,” the Imperium
shall conduct an extensive long-term program of environmental
cleanup, so as to reverse much of the destruction that has already been
done. Funding for “environmental restoration” programs shall be a
prime concern for the State. For it is in the interest o f the Race, as well
as the State and the Imperium as a whole, to inhabit a sustainable
planet that is as clean and healthy as possible.
Within the Imperium, entire cities shall be cleansed; programs of
environmental restoration and restructuring shall be enacted in full
measure. Wherever it is possible, concrete will be replaced with grass,
brown-tide waterways with crystal clear aqua, decrepit old tenements
with trees, flowers and finely manicured parklands. Thg only
struclures—th e-lm perium -shall-hold sacred ar^^ those-of fcisterical,
cultoaljiii^piritual significance—those edifkes which are inseparably
1inked to Jhe-Spirit^-the-Raee.
A ^ t stands now. Western cities are polluted, immoral and totally /
putrid. T K ey areiio ftH ^in d s of places that are conducive to racial and
ciiltural hygtghe and growth. Rather, one finds all the human garbage, |
all tR e'w asteT w eak^^ filth in our cities. Hence the high urban
percentages of _blacks, Jews, homosexuals, aliens an^ d^e'generates of
attsfnpes^ As the great 20^'’ century American conservationist Madisoru
_^:ant put it: “Th^country villages and the farms are the nurseries of
nafions, while citie^ consumers and seldom producers of men.”
G ranrnnderstbbd Ihe conditions that were necessary for producing a
High Culture; that the ideal Aryan Cultjvator of Q yilijadon reqm^
“exercise, jngat, and air, and cannot live under Ghetto conditions.
is essential that^thiS'Marrhas a cl^ah environment rrr which to Struggle,
Produce, and Overcome.
TJaus, __the environment shall always take precedence over ;
economic matters: this truth shall be written into law. Any business or
industry that violates the sanctity of the Europid environment shall be '
tried and convicted, and its executive staff punished with long prison
terms and hard labor.
Also falling within the realm of environmental stewardship is the
often neplected subject of Animal Rights. The Imperium shall enact a
strict code of Anti-Animal Cruelty laws, which will prohibit the abuse,
torture or neglect of all domesticated pets and wildlife. The following
156 The Imperian Manifesto
officially, such as: “Minorities must receive full justice when wronged,
fair trials when arrested, and they must not be prejudged or discriminated
against in any way.” Indeed, such a statement sounds good, and surely
implants in one a desire to reach for the nearest box of tissues; however,
emotionality does not make for good politics. Quite honestly, what is
typically good for the minority is seldom ever good for the majority (and,
of course rice versa). Clearly, if one is to study the social conditions of
minorities in liberal and Communist societies, the above quote does not
live up to its bargain, and is thus wrong on every count.
Therefore, the Imperian State, the coming political expression
of IM PE R IU M EUROPA, sees no benefit in the granting of special
rights and privileges to minority groups, and will never, nor in any
partial way, do so. Neither shall minorities be granted citizenship by
the State to participate in the uniform and organic life of the
Imperium. To do so would be tantamount to inviting a cancer of some
kind into the body of an otherwise healthy individual. It is a suicidal
trend. Unlike many Catholic priests and Evangelical race-traitors, the
Christians of the Aryan Nations organization (and other similar
“Identity” groups) understand this fact; one which is clearly outlined in
the Old Testament:
“But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land
before you, those whom you allow to remain will
become as barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides,
and they will harass you in the country where you live,
and I will treat you as I had intended to treat them”
(Numbers 34:55-56).^'
American jobs; they come to mooch off the system, to grow even
fatter and lazier than they are when they arrive; to then drag their
distended bellies into bed and produce an even greater number of
dependents; they come to get free medical treatment at the expense of
the taxpayers; they come to essentially reap the rewards of a society
that has had the ability to create its own wealth and prosperity, but not
enough wisdom to restrict its ahruistic tendencies to help none but its
ow'n. Nevertheless, we are “informed” by the media that these people
coming here are “oppressed.”
Standup comics are not able to deliver “better material” !
is that they should count their lucky stars that the White Man decided
to listen to His more “feminine” side one day, thus making it possible
for the few publicly-funded tokens left to share His earth. There should
be no pity on the part of White People for these cretins who, each
October, crawl out of their sunless bogs to disturb patriotic Americans
of Italian descent (and other proud Europids) at Columbus Day
events. Whkes should feel no pity for these useless, cowardly half-men
vv^o, if they had the opportunity, would slaughter every White Man,
Wonian, and CHild on the North American continent. No pity for the
so-called “indigenous”-th ey have never contributed anything to
Civilization, and they will continue~cQiitributLng.noJiung.
I propose that Whites should be ready; they should show up at
their Columbus Day events each year with posters which read
(assuming of course, the savages know how to read); F.Y.W.W {Fuck
You, We Won!).
In the coming IM PERIUM EUROPA, there shall be no such thing
as “indigenous rights” for non-Europid peoples since there shall only be
Europids living within the sacred borders of the Imperium. Groups like
the North American Indians and the Australian Aborigines shall endure
the same fate as the other alien populations within our midst: deportation.
In the case of the North American Indians of the United States and
Canada, each tribe shall be given the opportunity to decide on one of two
possible destinations: Mongolia or Hispaniola. If they chose the former,
they would simply be repatriating to their original homeland; the latter
would be a tropical paradise for them to inhabit which is “closer to
home.” As for the Aborigines of Australia, they will have only one
choice: Fiji. Of course, all Europid spouses and mixed-race offspring
would also follow these groups to their new homes.
Once the Imperium is established in the United States, all Indian
Treaties will be abrogated. The continent-wide system of Indian
homelands (the “Reservations”) will be done away with; they shall
cease to exist. Every square inch of land, every miniscule patch of
earth, within the boundaries of the Imperium shall be claimed for the
White Man; all traces of the Red man shall be erased. A new life-
affirming, positive outlook, based on the principles of F. Y. W W., shall
be implemented forthwith.
C hapter Five
Women’s Rights, Feminism, and Abortion
animals performing the same exact roles as their male counterparts? The
answer would probably be: among human beings in the asinine Western
World. That is, in the politically liberal Western World. As Francis
Yockey stressed years ago. Liberalism “puts a uniform on [woman] and
calls her a ‘soldier.’” Such absurdity only confirms that History is
eternally masculine, and “that the fiindamental realities cannot be
renounced, even, by the most elaborate make-believe.”^*^
It has been over the course o f the past century that Westerners
have attempted to convince themselves en masse that women are:
(1) as physically strong as men, and (2) just as well-suited to perform
the same traditionally masculine roles as men. Far from truly
advancing the emotional stability and quality of life" o f “career
w o r n ^ ”^ e s e blatantly obvious lies have led to one of the greatest
crimesTFJiTT of recorded history: the breakdown o f the fam ily unit.
Statistics have shown, through the years (since their “liberation”), that
as the number of women in the workforce has increased, so too have
the number of divorced households increased, which, in turn, has led
to an increase in neglected, abused and delinquent children.
Truly, since the 1960s, when the likes of Gloria Steinem, Betty
Friedan^and Bella Abzug were campaigning for their version of
women’s righTs (which meant giving everything masculine to women
except a penis and a pair of testicles), the number of broken homes and
psychOTicii^tritdreri has not only skyrocketed, but exploded! The simple
truth is: Parents are not raising their children the right way any more.
THe all too withered "fruits” of extreme egocentrism, first promoted
wholesale during the Civil Rights era, have now been plucked for all
to see, and what a horrible and truly tragic sight it is! 41jpost every
othgr^ child is afflicted with Attention Deficit Disorder and~Autism7
am^ngZotHeTafflictiorisrdrug iise^ with gang violence
and all other forms-ofLdegeneration. A n ^ tr u e parents, true mothers
and fib e rs who have traditionallv instilled values in their offspring,
are becoming—due to long working hours, feminism, capitalism,
counlerculturaPism, etc^-Iewer and fewer in number.
^ W Eatlslnore7 due to" the all too common employment of abortion
after casual sexual experiences, the number of racially fit children is
rapidly declining. Instead, the number of mongrelized half-breeds and
n o n -\^ ite children is growing. This is the mission of abortion: to
convince racially fit White women that it is natural and even necessary
for them to have abortions. Where, however, has one ever witnessed in
174 The Imperian Manifesto
The Homoseximl Agenda that is being forced down the throats of straight
people (no pun intended), all over the Western World, is no “accident.”
This sexual realm of pomocratic degeneracy, alongside Marxism in the
political sphere, is one of the more blatantly Jewish fronts of
counterculturalism. Through the ages, as far back perhaps as the infamous
fable of Sodom and Gomorrah, many goyim (i.e. “Gentiles”) have observed
that Jews and homosexuality seem to go together. Why this is the case is
anyone’s guess, but it probably has much to do with centuries of inbreeding
and genetic defectiveness.
When one considers homos e ^ a l activisniiiUhe-niodearera. one will
find nothing but a veritable ocean of Jewish names, among the fiercest
promulgators of this anti-Natural lifestyle. Names like: Mark Segal, Mary
Bernstein, Brenda Howard, Paul Goodman, Rachel Maddow; and going
back a little further; Harvey Milk, Emma Goldman, and Magnus
Hirschfeld, among many others. By and large, Jews have “comered the
markef’ on the Homosexual Agenda, m jheir ongoirig-jeffortJo pervert ,the
nunds~6rffi^erdrlike masses. And they are succeeding! More and more
towns and cities all across the Westem World are holding so-called “Gay
Pride” Parades in an attempt to show sensitivity to a group which is little
more than a rabid pack of child-rapists and cross dressers. The success of
these “queer activists” does not necessarily depend, on “converting” others
( o i v ^ jo^aTled “gras^oots’^ level) to sympathize with or engage in their
vampiric lifestyle, but rather it depends, o n . the level, of homosexual
infiltratfon among the media and political elites; it depends on the
receptiveness of these elites to their agenda. Judging^^the statistics in the
United States, a great number of these elites are themselves homosexuals.
AltKOuglr^they^“'cmisritate^ no“ m o re-th an '6 percent of the total U.S.
population, 20 percent of American homosexual couples earn $100,000 or
176 The Imperian Manifesto
more; the average household income being $76,4607° One would suspect
these figures to be higher if a study is conducted on gay (i.e. homosexual
male) couples only. Thus, the saying “turn queer, get rich” has an element
M aii—Segal, the so-called “dean of American gay joumalism”
understood, early on, the need for homosexuals to attain a positive media
image. In the 1970s Segal disrupted a series of popular television programs
in order to bring his gay agenda to the attention of America’s mainstream;
these programs included the CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, The
Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and the Today Show with Barbara
Walters. This cost the networks hundreds of thousands of dollars in
production and lost advertising revenue. It was later said that prior-to
Segal’s televised interruptions, many adult Americans had not even known
what homosexuality was. As a “gay joumalist,” Mark Segal is also known
for his past reporting on the homosexual communities of various
Communist and Eastem Bloc nations. In the United States, Segal has
pushed for the month of October to be recognized as “Gay History
Month”- a month originally dedicated to the many contributions of Italian-
Americans, now also increasingly claimed by the growing “Hispanic”
Both Marxism and Feminism are two sibling ideological currents tc
the jiomosexual Agenda, as they both aggressively push for the
“ernancipation” of gays (whatever that means exactly) and the total
acceptance of their lifestyle. So just what is the “homosexual lifestyle”''
Quite iiunkly, and speaking as someone who has had the occasion tc
observe their filthy anti-Natural ways in public (in Manhattan’s Greenwich
Village to be exact), the “homosexual lifestyl_e” is nothing more than ar,
unquenchable, lecherous thirstfo r same-sex coitus. This vampiric need foi
camal pleasure far surpasses the sex-drive of normal, healthy heterosexiiars
as the latter do not incorporate their sexual orientation into every aspect ol
their lives and identities. The homosexual is someone who is defined b>
sex~it is incorporated into the homosexual’s very being. This is~^ll}
noticeal)le whenever one has the misfortune of crossing paths with the
typical “openly gay” male. This poor wretched soul, who often has hii
“boyfi-iend” gleefully striding beside him, will never cease in brazenlj
attempting eye contact with every mildly attractive male he passes on th(
street; this pathetic creature is obviously never satisfied sexually, and so h(
attempts to make “contact” with as many other men as possible, even to hi:
“partner’s” delight! Such overt behavior on the part of a heterosexual mal(
would promptly force his wife or girlfriend out of his life for good. Not so
with the homosexual; for his (or hers) is a life of vampirism-a ceaseless
and tireless quest to “convert” as many fellow degenerates to the “queer
perv ersion" as possible. <lfiten the “conversion” is made in exchange for
mOTetarv' gain, as is the case In HoTlywood where “young talenf’ is
continualjylll^liscavered” and then expeditiously tossed aside, merely to
satisfy the momentary' cravings of the Sodomite studio heads: T.H.E.M.
This same-sex lust is the obvious side to the Homosexual Agenda.
Hovv£ver,_there_Js_ a-m ore - covert reason behind it, and that is; the
desfmction qfJke.JaiiiiLy. M(yre specifically: the destruction o f the White
f g m i l ^ o v ever>' White person who is “gay” or “lesbian,” there is the end
of that person’s family line; in some cases, lesbians do bear children
through artificial insemination, however adoption is much more common.
And \yhereas the. Jewish-Leftist-Marxist-Liberal (ZOG) establishment
un4grstands ^ a t the muds (i.e. Third Worlders) reproduce at rates which
wxm’lb e affected "by the occasional abortion or childless woman, they also
know_that the dwindling White birthrate is severely affected by these
phenomena. Again, the Marxist and Feminist siblings are closely
associated with this objective; both abortion and alternative lifestyles are
supported by these groups.
In view of the overwhelming evidence, therefore, the Homosexual
Agenda is a disease (one of many) affecting the overall health of the
Westem Culture and the Europid Race;, it must be eradicated. This means:
nojnore “Gay Pride” displays in public, and no more support for a Queer
AgendaTTirinst'lJe^^ in the coming Imperium that the State has
no interest whatsoever in the private lives of its citizens, nor any interest in
their^rso'nal preferences, and least o f all in their sex lives! The way in
whicti an individual chooses to live his or her life is the individual’s
businessT~For thTs is somejhitig which falls under the Dominium (as
explamed earlier in this book). SuciLpersonaLbehavior-shalLiM]ly-Coni;iern^^
the Imperium when-one’-s acts_threaten either the lives of other citizens o r.
the'orgamc^cahesion.of the State. In this case it is the Homosexual Agenda,
and not horn.Qsexuality, which is threatening to the social and moral
cohesion of the Imperium. While we, of the IDEA, do not condone
honiosScuaiity as a healthy liifestyle choice, we also understand that there
do exist in all societies certain oddballs with “faulty wiring”
psychologically and emotionally. In our coming Imperium, homosexual
criminals will be subjected to special genetic testing in order to better
178 The Imperian Manifesto
understand this disease of mind and spirit, and to eventually eradicate the
so-called “gay gene” from our Sacred Gene Pool once and for all.
C hapter Seven
Race Mixing
Once xou go black, n e don t M ant you back! " Thus spoke Imperian
Essential to the Jew ’s victorv' over th€ E«ropid is the complete
annihjlation of the Race. Since he kno\\ s that he cannot achie\ e this
ohjectiN e with armaments and a superior militan-, he must enlist as his
greatest weapon the media and academia, w hidiJiis_in\isible hand
doqiinates. to portr^ racgrmixing something which is.“good” and
tM n ^ n e f ic i a l for the Europid. He also_lmows quite well, from his
Qwn j i i ^ r s ^ j p Europe, t h ^ miscegenation is something which is
deep!) felt to be wrong, disgusting. e\en bestial, by most EuropiSs;
such a negatixe opinion on race-mixture is ingrained in the White
NTarTTfac^conscTousn^ss, whereas it is mereh “taboo” m the opinion
of other*races. To the White Man, race-mixing means suicide-, and it
surelv is suicide I As Lothrop Sfoddafd'ohce put it:
If this great race, with its capacit} for leadership and
fighting, should ultimateh pass, with it would pass that
which we call civilization. It would be succeeded by an
unstable and bastardized population, where worth and
merit would ha\e no inherent right to leadership and
among which a new and darker age would blot out our
racial inheritance.
Thus, in^jl of Imperian philDSQphY^hei£.is nothing as sacred as
the preserv ation of the blood of the Race. A testament to this shall be
the color Fed7 which will cover the majority of the State’s official
barm erT A c^fdingh, we of the IDEA maintain that the purit>' level of
a nation’s blood determines the nation’s le\ el of societal decay. Racial
180 The Imperian Manifesto
would be holding their nose every step of the way, with their return
ticket in hand and firmly clenched (this goes for Du Bois as well!).
Conversely, if one were to look at most of the successful black
entertainers, sports stars and civil rights agitators, one would find that
these are considerably truer to type: blacker in skin tone, more
primitive in overall appearance, much closer to the African
“Motherland.” Here, one need only think of musicians such as Louie
Armstrong and Barry White, prizefighters like Jack Johnson and Mike
Tyson, and activists such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and “Reverend”
A1 Sharpton. These types are much less gifted intellectually, and so
they excel in more rigorous occupations, or, in the case of the latter
two, in jobs which one can train a talking ape to perform.
Thus, one need not be much more intellectually advanced than a
Negro to understand that the only ones to gain from race-mixing are
Negroes. The ones to lose: Whites. Any moderately good looking
White person who has been around blacks or in their company for any
length of time knows the bawdy, covetous “looks” these simian sex-
fiends direct toward their prey. A truly disgusting sight!
Nevertheless, to the Imperian, race-mixing does not only mean
having se^uaP relations outside one’s race, or the creation of
mongreiized, hybrid offspring; race-mixing also includes the
acceptance o f any form o f culture which is outside, or alien to, the
culture o f o n e ’s own race. This is especially dangerous to the survival
o f the higher culture, and leads us to our next issue: Pomocracy.
C hapter Eight
The fact that the show’s two creators were black and Jewish
proves that the great Culture-distorters are cognizant of their ongoing
mission. Michael Moye and Ron Leavitt were all too aware of the plot
to destroy W hite middle class America; so they “leaked out” much of
the plot through their comedy. In the years since the show ended in
1997, the “plot” has only thickened, and gotten worse.
Rampant drug use is yet another sign of this pomocratic society’s
degeneracy. However, one must understand that drug use itself\s not to
blame. Throughout history, people in every culture have used and abused
drugs to their hearts’ content. This was an individual act that generally
had very little, if any, role in contributing to the downfall of the great
civilizations which preceded our own. None of the ancient historians list
drug use as a viable cause for their society’s problems. Historically, drugs
were not typically outlawed by empires, kingdoms, states and duchies, so
there was no economic need to have competing, bloodthirsty “dealers.”
There was no great value in a particular drug; drugs were pl e n t i ^ It
becomes clear then, that drug use only becomes a problgn when, out of
some econornic necessity induced by regulation, drugs are intentionally
pushed on a population, as was the case in nineteenth century^China; thus,
random drug use~ transforms into a problem, a degenm te habitual
lifestyle, when the drug itself becomes valued.
Although the British are typically vilified for their role in the Opium
Wars, the Qing Dynasty’s prohibition on the trade of opium, ih u ^ its
attitude toward the drug itself, was actually to blame. This prohibitory act
greatly increased the value of opium, thereby turning nearly every other
Chinaman into a dope-crazed zombie. In Britain, on the other hand,
opium was readily available to any and all who wished to acquire the
substance, yet abuse of this drug was incredibly miniscule when
compared to the more traditional British vice: alcoholism. The British
soon realized what a powerful hold this restricted drug had on the Chinese
people, and so naturally employed opium as a weapon against them. The
long-term retarding effects of opium on the Chinese masses can, still be
felt to this day (socially" culturally and politically), as countless virile
Chinese were destroyed by that addictive menace.
The same results of state-sponsored “pushing” can be seenJioday on
any given Indian Reservation in the American West, where the substance
of choice is alcohol to help aid the process of genocide. Much hke his
initial response to small pox, the Amerindian’s body had no tolerance for
that bedeviling liquid he branded “firewater.” Nevertheless, the American
Indian, reinforced by his mestizo brethren pouring in from the south, is
making a triumphant return; in fact, American Indians now constitute one
of the fastest growing U.S. populations.
The rftaUeadangered species now is the Europid, the American
White M am jrhe effects of the U.S. Government’s so-called “War on
Dpugs^’ have been disastrous for the White Race. With each passing
hour, an ever greater number of White youths, having accepted the
degeneracy of the Niggerized pop-culture, are driven by peer pressure
to experiment with ever more dangerous narcotics. Like his Negro
idols in entertainment, music and sports, the degraded White youth
comes to appreciate a destructive worldview in which nothing is
sacred except fornication and drug use. In the United States, wherever
there exists a major urban center and its suburban periphery, there can
been seen the hordes of Negro and Mexican drug lords all squabbling
like rats for their petty “territories.” This filth must be eradicated.
Once the IM P E R IU M comes to power, the evil that has
permeated our Civilization will be stamped out ruthlessly, in every
comer of the White World, wherever a Europid population is to be
found. Those who have gotten away with surviving off the Europid’s
scraps, and who have then turned around and proceeded to extort the
Europid with those scraps, shall, as mentioned earlier, be deported
back to their racial zone of origin. The coming IM P E R IU M for
Europids only!
After this foremost necessary act of deportation is completed, the
total liberalization o f individual rights within the Imperium shall
swiftly follow. All individual persanal^trices havirigno-dam th one’s
Ufestyle shall not be infringed on by the State, so long as the individual
does not threaterLlh£._$tate or other individuals by his acts. All
individual rights thus fall within the rearm of the Dominium-Xhe
softer, “feminine” side of the Imperium.
Those who argue against such an immediate liberalization will
undoubtedly warn of the many drug-induced accidents which will
occur, such as “driving while high.” They are correct; these accidents
will indeed occur. However, such accident-causing individuals shall
lose their privileges within the Imperium, and shall be prosecuted
harshly. These reckless ones shall constitute a small minority.
188 The Imperian Manifesto
self’) come first. Such people hold a negative view of state’s rights
and national sovereignty. It is under the guise of “humanit^^!!-thatib^y
seek to destroy nations and subjugatFniank1m37The United Nations is^
the p rin c ip I^ \^ tc te ~ o fTEii~lna is T ^ " o n ^ plot. For it is made
explicitly clear Tn the United N atiras Declaration of Human Rights
that people’s rights come first. It has thus been the goal of the
organization, ever since the end of the Second World War, that when a
“fact finding mission” discovers a particular government to be in
violation of a “genocidal” act (even though there is still no consensus
on what exactly constitutes genocide), then that national government
forfeits its right to sovereignty-and the people must choose a new path
to freedom; a liberal, Jewish, U.N. path to freedom.
C hapter Ten
The United Nations
the internet to voice their opinions. Hence the current rise in popularity
of programs on Free Speech Television like Democracy Now and Grit
TV. These shows, though biased in their own right, project an
alternative message to viewers who are fed up with hearing the
plutocratic worldview of big cable news networks like FOX, MSNBC
and CNN (the voices o f Wall Street, not Main Street).
- Education is also bought at a price. In the U.S. the rich send
their children To one school (private) and the poor go to another
(public). Unfortunately, it is the latter group that suffers from a lack of
school funding, rampant administrative corruption, and, most
importantly, a great lack of disciplined and qualified educators. One
need only look to the crumbling, barbed wire-surrounded edifices
serving as “schools” in America’s inner cities and poor rural areas to
witness the reality of the situation. It is the working class students—
those whose parents physically operate and repair the machinery
which makes the world go ‘round—who are made to wear the heaviest
chains in life, the chains of ignorance, so as to keep them bound to the
earth, to the factories, bound ever closer to their thankless fate, toiling
day and night without rest. The owner class-that fat, soft-handed class
which barks orders all day at those who w ork-is instead given an
education which it can never come to appreciate. As discussed earlier,
this would all change under an Im perian System, where all children
have access To education fregardless of their social class), and all
individuals would thus be able to rise in society based on their merits.
- An independent legislature and judiciary is probably the
greatest working' featiire of a democratic state in theory. In reality,
however, even TlTe~m6st uninformed persons acknowledge the
widespread existence of packed courts, corrupt law enforcement
monopolies, and a highly politicized Supreme Court, whose “wise and
righteous” justices think first as Democrats and Republicans, and then
make their decisions accordingly. The interests of the People and the
Nation are either secondary to this process or totally ignored.
Eventually, as one comes to the sober realization that there are a
sheer lack o f rights in a Liberal Democracy, one will also see that,
although verbally touted to be a sacred right, private piyperty is not
agtually held in great esteem. Instead, there is a tremendous dnVe
toward high property and income taxes, the public ownefsHip of land,
and usurious mortgage schemes. Private property (along with life and
liberty) v/as one of the founding principles of Locke’s Rights of Man—a
206 The Imperian Manifesto
Before I put in my own “two cents” on the issue of
Bolshevism/Marxism, I will again quote a section of Lothrop
Stoddard’^J^2Q-Work, The Rising T i ^ o f C o lo rj^a jn st White Worfd
Supremacy. Stoddard was, in the author’s opinion, one of the twentieth
century’s mos^ r a t ^ a l and_ “men o f letters.” On the greatest
threat to both civilization and race in his time (and yet still in our
own), Stoddard wrote:
The menace of Bolshevism is simply incalculable^
Bolshevism is a peril in some ways unprecedented in
the world’s history. It,is not merely a war against our
civilization; it is a war of the hand against the brain. For
the first time since man was man there Is a definite
schism between the hand and the head. Every principle
which mankind has thus far evolved: community of
interest, the solidarity of civilization and culture, the
dignity of labor, of muscle, of brawn, dominated and
illumined by intellect and spirit-all these Bolshevism
howls down and tramples in the mud.
Bolshevism’s cardinal tenets-th e dictatorship of the
proletariat, and the destruction of the “classes” by
social w ar-are of truly hideous import. The “classes,”
208 The Imperian Manifesto
Chomsky, seeking to do just that. In a sense, Marx has been the most
influential radical “Prophet” of the past century and a half.
C hapter Three
‘‘Isms” of the Radical Right
National Socialism
( We upholders of the IDEA look to the philosophy of National
I Socialism, and its corresponding political stmcTure;'as Ihe absolute
* greatest utopian Ideal that the White Race has yet produced by, o f and
for its own. No true Aryan,_and, no. true Imperian, can believe
otherw iserB efore the setbacks of the Second Great White Civil War
(Wodd Wair II), National Socialist Germany was on its way toward
crea^ting a truly united Europe, a new Holy Roman Empire, that was by,
o f and for White Aryan Europeans--a Europe rid of its Jewish
Menace. This reality had manifested itself in the organization of the
Elite Sc h u t z s t a f f e l where pan-Aryan patriots from all over Europe
came to the defense of their Race and Civilization. From France, Italy,
Britain, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Russia,
Hungary, Romania, from all o f Europe, they came, proudly marching to
the defense of the Third Reich’s Imperium Eurppa.
It was only with the defeat of 1945 that the truth was suppressed.
In a repeat of the anti-European victory of 1919, Germany was again
vilified as a barbaric, bloodthirsty nation, only seeking its own myopic
aggrandizement. It was Germany that was portrayed as the Barbarian,
the Hun; and the Jews, Bolsheviks and Americans portrayed as the
conquering, civilizing heroes—\hosQ whose interests were solely in the
o f Europe. It.was the J e ^ , the Central Asian Soviets, and the
N egro-American soldiers who so lov^d~ Europe X^hd of course the
European women!). The Germans were the backward, evil ones; the
descendants of Charlemagne, Gutenberg, the Hapsburgs, the
HofienzoIIems^rtHejm of the present-day royal blood of E urope-
thev are the ones who are truly anti-European. (And this nonsense is
still being taught in our Western schools and universities!)
For a complete yet concise view of National Socialism, as both a
political philosophy and an all-encompassing way of life, I strongly
recommend this book; National Socialism: Vanguard o f the Future-,
the book consists of the selected writings of Colin Jordan (a'great
White Patriot), published by Nordland Forlag (in Europe) and the
Aryan Free Press (in the United States). It is a work fusing together the
three cosmic stages of Time: Past, Present and Future; it is as much a
book of factual history as it is political science and a call to action.
Like Joidmi^Mmself, Socialism is Greatness.
For now, it can be stated that National Socialism was a Force in
twentiethL century history which did not compromise in the face of
tremendous odds. It possessed a more superior Will t h ^ any.-j3ther
government type that preceded it. A shining beacon of Light in a world of
dafE ^ss, National Socialist Germany possessed a Vision above and
beyond anything that came before it, comparable qiily_toj[iejdea_of.the
220 The Imperian Manifesto
Eternal Rome. But for the military setbacks which occurred on the
Eastern Front^ there is very little evidence to suggest that the Third Reich
would not have succeeded in its thousand-year reign as the New Rome.
Concerning National Socialist Germany’s educational and
cultural programs, the German people were on the right track toward
creating a nation of Supermen. The regime’s success in procuring a
racially Healthy Fatherland, in only a twelve-year period, was truly one
of the miraculous feats of the last century. (The positive effects of
mass racial l^giene can be observed in Germany to this day!^
Programs like the Hitler Youth and the Lebensborn project planted the
seeds of a greatly yearned for process of racial cleansing, which was
so desperately needed after Germany had lost its best young men in
World War I, and then went through the humiliatingly pomocratic
Weimar years. Such progranis were first and foremost rac/g/. and then
also capitalistic (in an ethical sense)-this latter point being
particularly true of the Hitler Youth progmm, whi^^^^
j^eritocracy, competition and overcoming.
“ f heretore, one caii^say' tlSt TEe most enduring achievements of
National Socialist Germany were neither “national” nor “socialist.” In
this same way, the coming Imperian State shall be neither national,
nor socialist, but rather Racial Capitalist-dLwi aggressively so! We
believe that Capitalism, the unique economic creation of the Europid,
functioning to the exclusive benefit of the Europid-hence within a
racial context-is the best system to establish in our Imperium.
Thus^ to answer those who would so readily label us “Nazis”: No,
w^ of the IDEA are neither nationalists nor soci'alTsTs. ffc^th oT'fhe's'e
ide6togies7 nationalism and socialism, by themselves, brought an
inpalculable amount of death and destruction to EuroTpids durmg the
last century; they are .Tew-ipspired Materialist dogmas (bom of_al^,ll
known scaffold in 1789), and we want nothing whatsoever to do with
the Enemy’s ideology. However, we of the IDEA do strongly identify
with everything that National Socialism stood for during its brief 12
year reign. We understand that, in this regard. National Socialism did
not espouse the literal concepts of either nationalism or socialism; it
was instead an ideology simplified in its promotion of pan-Aryanism
and what we, today, might refer to as “Third Positioni s m T '^ one
understood this better than Adolf Hitler; despite the name of his Party,
Hitler knew that both “nationalism” and “socialism” (as independent
political philosophies) had their roots in Jewish Materialism.
It is the author’s personal belief that the Aryans were probably both
long-headed and round-headed by the time the languages spread to
Europe, with the long-heads representing the older aristocratic and
warrior strain, and the round-head “Alpine” types representing the
peasant stocks who had been assimilated by the former type on their great
wandering from the east. O f course, I cannot prove this decisively; I can
only gather together the great bulk of the works I have read on the subject
and rationalize the data to the best of my ability. Again, whether or not
my reconstruction is true in toto does not concern me as much as the fact
that billions now speak Aryan languages regardless of head size.
The Arcane Tradition teaches that once the Aryans left Atlantis
they spread to every comer of the Old World, and with each passing
millennium this once homogenous racial-linguistic group splintered
off into sub-groups. This may well be true, however it is the author’s
conviction that none of the Atlanteans survived the cataclysm that
destroyed their civilization; rather, the Aryans were descended from
the line of Adam, Noah and Shem, the Chosen of the House of Asshur
(which became “Arya”). There is no historical mention of the Aryans
in “pre-Flood” historical records (prior to 2300 B.C.). Their Adamite
ancestors certainly existed before them, but the Aryans themselves
emerge upon the historical scene, as a unique group, in the centuries
following the Flood (or after 2300 B.C.). In their wanderings, various
groups of Aryans then went on to found the many differing branches
of Indo-European languages, which include: Indo-Iranian, Balto-
Slavic, Hellenic, Italic, Celtic, Armenian, Illyrian, and Germanic.
Some branches of Aryans, such as the Tocharian and Anatolian,
eventually died out completely, being absorbed by more primitive
peoples and thus erased from history. While-ijther geographically
isolated groups o f Aryans still preserved their racial identity, yet
a d o ^ d the more primitive tongues of the non-Aryans around them
(probabfy far-reasons having to do with trade).^ Still others, like many
modern-day speakers of Farsi, preserved their Indo-European Mother
Tongue, yet went on to disastrously adopt the backward cultures of the
surrounding non-Aryans, and then also their genes, through
Today, the descendants of the ancient Aryans can be found on
every continent, and in greatest frequency in Europe, Russia, North
world, that which was colored black or dark was always considered
bad or evil. White, on the other hand, always represented that which
was good and pure. Likewise, the old Gaelic word fin means: good,
noble, pure and blond. In English, it is the word “fair” that describes
all these things. This simple etymology comes down to us from the
original blond Aryans who, long ago, associated the coloring o f their
enemies with a generalized negativity. To put it another way: our
rugged, Aryan ancestors considered themselves to be the Light of the
world, whose sole purpose in life was to conquer and civilize others;
conversely, the racial foes of our ancestors were the “dark others,” the
barbarians and savages whose only mission was to destroy.
Our Adamite and Aryan ancestors were not only to be found in
the Greco-Roman world, however; their presence has been witnessed
by all great Cultures, and, not least of all, by the ancient Egyptians.
Perhaps the greatest testimony of our ancestors’ presence in Egypt
comes from the Great Pyramid itself, as its original color was white.
That there were highly polished white casing stones, which covered
the entire structure, is a fact confirmed by all reputable Egyptologists.
What a blinding sight of Power that must have been under the shining
desert sun! Today, much like the current population of Egypt, all that
is left is the khaki-colored remnant of Khufu’s former glory.
In countless other cultures of the Old World, from prehistoric times
to our own, tall blond, light-skinned warriors are always portrayed as the
founders and maintainers of the Aristocracy. In the Nordic traditions of
the Eddas and the Rigsthula, those of noble birth, the “Jarls”-those
warrior aristocrats who fought, hunted, played games and did not w ork-
w e re ^ I^ y s tall, lean, flaxen-haired with cold, snake-like blue eyes; the
thralls, in contrast, were the servile ones, the slave class, always depicted
as short, dark and homely. Moving on from the Middle Ages into the
Renaissance, Christ was always depicted as being of the whitest and
blondest type possible. In our own time, just a little over a century ago.
Harvard’s Dr^W illiam JZ. Ripley rationalized his fellow Americans’
association of whiteness with beauty:
Is there any doubt that where, as in our own Southern
States, two races are socially divided from one another,
the superior would do all in his power to eliminate any
traces of physical similarity to the menial negroes?
IV ^ht not the Roman nose, light hair and eyes, and all
226 The Imperian Manifesto
On Religion
It is true, in a just society anyone can believe whatever they wish.
A belief is a belief However, religion is not a belief, but rather the
manifestation of a particularjace-culture ’s worldview. It is the outward
material product-the_ shiny,_ jioiishfid^,vase -o f a people’s inner
Jlorescericertheir spirituality. It is therefore natural that religion should
go^ffilHeTnoraTtemperament of a people, and not vice versa. When a
given population is cut loose from the protective moral “safety belt’^' of
religion, the people and the society* naturally wander astray-iiwff'lheir
original spiritual worldview. This rebellion creates a great anxiety"6r
pressure to build up within the collective soul of the people; this anxiety
is volcanic-like in its explosive potential. To avoid the inevitable
Reactionary spread of violence, the anxiety is channeled into other
directions, which are mundane, dull and decadent. It is the_role _of a
rising Liberal-Materialist-Plutocratic Order to provide as m i ^
confusion and disorder as is possible for the once pjoud-people> This
Order brings them a steady progression of Liberal abominations
affecting all aspects of society, which proceed in severity from the
curiously bizarre to the intolerably absurd. Lacking any cohesive
morality whatsoever, the people fall prey to the well-oiled Liberal-
been accepted by the great bulk of the Aryan Soul. Whereas the Aryan
Body had submitted to the universalist Roman yoke long ago, if not
entirely by military means, then philosophically, the Aryan Soul never
genuflected in submission. WhUe the Body has paid its. respects to the
u n itin g Idea of Christianity, and to some degree has even accepted some
o f ^he more “passive” Christian values, the lifestyle of the Aryan
European and his High Culture-his haughty, irreverent dynamism
mandated by History and the forces of Destiny—has remained unchanged.
The virility of the pagan Anglo-Saxons, incessantly raiding the coasts of
Britain, would have been passed on to their Anglican descendants in the
Age of Discovery, regardless of religious dogma. Existing in the culture-
soul of this Northern people (today’s Englishmen) is the spirit of
exploration; it has been genetically encoded in them.
Each great race of mankind has a particular Culture-Soul. The
embracmg^TaTeTi'gion 'de^eM s the favorable or unfavorable
co^ itin n & created by this Cnrture-7^y1~Throughout their pre-Christian
history, all Aryans (which is ta say-alLiWc»-£wropea« speaking peoples)
held similar spiritual beliefs in common. Whether Persian, Hindu,
Greek, Latin, Celt, Slav or Teuton, all held similar views on the mystic
subjects of life and death; and the myths used to rationalize these views
were all remarkably similar as well. The noble Laws o f Manu and the
ancient Roman Virtues both typify the honorable, aristocratic worldview
of the ancient Aryans. Within each of the unique Aryan traditions there
was unlimited freedom of thought in the way in which individuals
interpreted the myths and communicated with the gods; innumerable
sub-cults, all specializing in the worship of a specific deity, were the
result. Such great “pagan” diversity only strengthened the spiritual
tradition and broader culture; there was no alien power-structure
dictating to the people on how they should worship.
Thus, the religious beliefs of the pre-Christian Aryans did not
constitute a shallow, fundamentalist “political” religion, but was deeply
spiritual, racial and intrapersonal. To be sure, the political aspects of
Aryan relipion were by no means negUgible—especially in the cases of
Persia, Greece and Rome. However, ancient Aryan “Paganism” was
hardly bound only to the political realm; it was not a “scam.” Nor did
their beliefs only constitute the bland “mythology” that we have all been
exposed to in grade school. The spiritual life Aryan was
ftill and vigorous, a total communion with the “gods,” the soul, the race,
tho^ culture, the natural world and the Cosmos. Aryan spirituality aided
234 The Imperian Manifesto
th^ individual in becoming a better person for both himself and his
^ i e t y . This spirituality was not inorganic, but organic, meariirig that it
was not imposed by some foreign body without, but came "fi^onrtite-
great^piritual consciousness within, frorH--tb©-iBnei:--cultur£-soul of the
Volk. With the arrival and gaining influence of Christianity, the spiritual
practices of the Aryan peoples degenerated into inorganic religion, and
thus conflicted with the Aryan culture-soul. Aspects of the old organic
tradition can be evidenced in the Catholic and Orthodox veneration of
the “Saints,” but, overall, the inorganic, terrestrial, foreign, non-Aryan,
Gondwanan tradition of the multiracial Church won out. The negative,
life-denouncing, pacifist, universalist, feminine effects of which soon
led to the downfall of the Roman Empire and the ascendancy of the
Church. Centuries of anti-pagan persecutions then ensued. N^a^rtheless.
the masculine essence of the Aryan culture-soul endured-aad-woukM^y
approximately 1000 A.D., create the dynamic Culture of the West.
The new “Western” Culture, still retaining its Aryan roots,
naturally used Christianity to its advantage in, first, forming a religious
and political cohesion, and then (centuries later) creating the world
empires of the various nationalities. J t was the Culture’s Idea of Christ
(at-that-time,. embodied fully by the Church), and not his a ttn ^ ^ d
Message, that made this possible. It could have been Jupiter or Odin or
Hercules or Thor-the name means nothing, but rather it is the Idea that
matters. The^Mefl-OiXJbii&tAvas-the /tsfea-ofChristianity,, whielua£as4he
/Jeff-of4h€ Chureh;-and-^this4atter becaroe-an important-pewcr structure,
a vehicle, for Western Cultural domination in the Imperi^-Age.
When religion is used politically in this way, b y ,a Race, the
Culture cannot help but turn Imperial, or outward in its orientation. As
this was true of the Arab Culture, itjwas also true o£the W egem. T ^
process Has MtMhg to" do ^ or Materialism or any causal
stream of Rationalist thought; it is rather a mystical Co^m/c tnrth^
motivated entirely by the Spiritual Culture-Soul of the Race.
The respective Muslim and C hristie faiths, acting as propaganda-
agents of Imperialism, and already expansive in their doctrinal outlook,
thus took on an entirely Imperial quality. These religions maintained their
spiritual imperia, and hence their flocks’ respective Cultures; not through
the often cited (and incredibly overrated) words “peace and love,” but by
ruling over their subjects, physically and ideologically, with iron rods. In
this regard, organized religion, as a political structure, is to be admired by
On Secularism
It is one o f the greatest lies of our time: Secularism means the
“separafion of church and state.” If only it were that simple! But it is
more than that. Secularism is a disease which seeks to rip to shreds the
fabric of Western Civilization. To accomplish its task, the disease
speaks in wholly amoralisfic term inology-it claims not to represent
any religious ideals as such. However, it is precisely this declaration of
236 The Imperian Manifesto
Soon after the author’s great Racial Reawakening, in the summer
of 2009,^ there came a vision of the True Christ, and the True
Christianity appearing before me in the solace of a calm nocturnal
meditation. It was a vision of Strength and Glory descending out of the
heavens: a coat of armor, the brightest and most polished I have ever
seen, with the words C RISTO S lE SO U S written majestically in
sparkling gold across the breast plate. The vision appeared vividly for
a minute or two, then disappeared back into the dark night sky. No
sooner did this happen than I began having historical images flash
through my head, which were just as vivid as the external vision
I witnessed with my eyes. These images were of 2,000 years of
Western History: popes, kings, battles, invasions, conquests, victories,
the spreading of the Faith and Civilization; the positive, life-affirming
aspects of Christianity; the True Christianity.
It became clear to me that it was not by mere faith alone, but by
actual deeds that the Christian religion went on to become the greatest
religion the world has ever known; great not only in its billions of faithfiil
adherents, but, more significantly, great in terms of the faith’s stabilizing
effect on the whole of Western Civilization, through its nurturing of the
242 The Imperian Manifesto
wise to preach against the coming Greek Name, He would have done
so; Hkewise, if He deemed it wise or correct for believers to call Him
explicitly by the name “Yeshua,” He would have dedicated a sermon to
this topic. However, not even one word is mentioned in the New
Testament stating that the name “Yeshua” is to be preferred over
CRISTOS. On the contrary, the New Testament was first written in
Greek, and Greek is closer than Hebrew to the original Adamic
language of man, so naturally the name CRISTOS appears
throughout. The truth is: CRISTOS chose a Name which would
represent Himself fully in His new ministry to the true remnant of
Israel-to the new members of His Glorious Body, the original
Israelites who had forgotten their ancient Shemitic birthright; the
birthright passed down from their forefathers: Jacob, Isaac, Abraham,
Noah and Shem.
As great Evil is surely on the rise today, increasing its sway over
the gullible herd with each passing hour, one can also be sure that
there are endless numbers of false prophets attempting to forever
obscure the true nature of the Faith. So-called “Messianic Jews” and
promoters of the apostate “Sacred Name Movement” are chief among
the many deceivers. These groups specialize in blaspheming the Name
of the Lord, promoting their speculative Hebrew names of the One
spoken of in the New Testament clearly as CRISTOS lESO US. And
as if that was not enough, these groups also promote the malicious lie
that our Lord and Savior was nothing more than a base, legalistic,
Talmud observing Jew -this, even though the entire body of the New
Testament proves otherwise. Repeatedly it is said throughout the NT
that one can only be justified or saved tW u g h faith in CRISTOS, and
not by the Hebrew Law; in the Law there is only death (e.g. Romans
3:20, Galatians 2:16). In fact in 2 Corinthians 3:7, the Old Covenant of
the Israelites is even called the “ministry of death,” in comparison to
the spiritual Life one receives when placing their faith in CRISTOS.
The so-called “Messianics” and “Sacred Namers” are wamed about
in the Book of Timothy, when Paul writes: “Some people have deviated
from [faith] and turned to meaningless talk, wanting to be teachers of the
law, but without understanding either what they are saying or what they
assert with such assurance” (Timothy 1:6-7). Paul, trained formally in the
Law from the time of his birth, and one of the greatest Judahite scholars
of his generation, went on to say that the “law is meant not for a righteous
person but for the lawless and unruly, the godless and sinful, the unholy
and profane, those who kill their fathers or mothers, murderers, the
unchaste, sodomites, kidnapers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is
opposed to sound teaching” (Timothy 1:9-10).
These cravers of the Law, like cravers of the flesh, are foul and
degenerate creatures who possess a natural repulsion to all matters of
faith, not to mention the spiritual teachings of CRISTO S and His
Apostles. These “Messianics,” “Sacred Namers,” weirdo
denominationalists, and modern Jews are exactly the ones CRISTOS
referred to when He said: “You belong to your father the devil and you
willingly carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the
beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in
him ....[Y ]ou do not belong to God” (John 8:44, 47).
To understand the entire truth behind the positive Christian Faith,
the C hristist Faith, we must start at the beginning, long before the
Book of Genesis was written down, before Adam took his first breath
in Eden. We must go back many millions of years, to a time when the
rebellious Sons of Light willfully distanced themselves from their
Creator, the God of all the Cosmos, Lord ARYA.
C hapter Three
In the Beginning (the Very Beginning)
Millions of years ago, Spiritual Beings called the “Sons of Light,” the
SQiCaU€4—"Hyperboreans” of Greek m}l:hology and the Arcane
Tradition, inhabited the northern polar regions of the earth. Now, the
Sons of Light were the enlightened children of God, created in their
Father’s Sacred Image; they were the angels described in the holy
books. Females were not to be found among the Sons of Light in these
primeval times; only in the animal kingdom were there any female
creatures. Reproduction was not necessar>- for the Sons of Light, as
they were an elite species designed by the Lord, in His Image, for the
purposes of cann ing out His Plan. They were an entirely qualitative
species, not needing large numbers to achieve their goals.
After many eons had passed, a segment of the Sons of Light
rebelled against God. They decided that their existence should be one
of pleasure instead of struggle and overcoming (as intended). They
were thus led by their foremost champion and advocate, Lucifer, who
would also become known as “Satan.” The chief complaint of these
rebellious ones was that they wanted to experience the base luxuries
and sensations of the material world for them selves-a realm God gave
them to rule over, but not to defile themselves with. For these Sons of
Light were designed to be above the world, above anything material
and petty, above the junk-mass of low creation.
Nevertheless, the rebellious ones grew bolder and bolder in their
insolence. Their demands grew louder and louder, until God finally
granted them their wish: they were finally able to experience the
material world for themselves. They were given physical bodies and
248 The Imperian Manifesto
one’s gains would only be made through toil; in most cases this meant
an exacting agricultural lifestyle. One’s bread and wages would now
be determined by hard work. No longer would a simple nomadic
gathering lifestyle suffice; the quest for Imowledge had brought man to
the gates of Civilization: to the early stages of settled agricultural and
urban life. And for many generations after Adam and Eve, God was
pleased with the upward strivings of his creation.
C hapter Four
Out of the Garden
being anything other than what we can rightfully assume she was:
Shemitic, like her husband Abraham. Furthermore, in a typical case of
“putting the cart before the horse,” it was only her descendants who
appear to have “southern” sounding names-^o/* her! So even if her
descendants did end up migrating southward, it would be they who
became Ethiopians. Clearly, however, the above quoted Scripture
verse states that Abraham sent them away, “eastward, to the land of
the east.” It is therefore wrong to assume that either Keturah or her
descendants were Ethiopian.
When this priestly class of Brahmins reached the Indus Valley,
they immediately came upon the savage dark-skinned Joktanites,
known historically as the “Dravidians.” These were the descendants of
Joktan who had migrated east from southern Arabia. The Brahmin
sons of Abraham saw the Dravidians living among the ruins of a once
great Shemitic civilization—a civilization not Dravidic, but traceable to
the bloodlines of Shem’s first two sons; Elam and Asshur. The latter
became the forefather of the Aryan peoples. Even the Arcane Tradition
speaks of the fact that the Aryans evolved out o f the Shemitic Nation.
A segment of the tribes of Elam and Asshur had already
wandered east and occupied this region generations before the
Brahmins arrived. After the conquest, the Elamites and Asshurites
were successful in civilizing and keeping themselves separate from the
native Joktanite-Dravidians. They devised a system whereby this
separation was facilitated: the Aryan Caste System. The weakness of
the new system, however, was that it betrayed a great many pagan
practices which the Elamites and Asshurites picked up on their journey
east. When the Brahmins came upon the lost remnant of their Shemitic
kinsmen (the Elamites and Asshurites), the three factions merged
creating the unique civilization of the “Aryans” (a term borrowed from
the Asshurites). After this union had taken place, it was not long
before the new Hindu religion took root. It was around 1500 B.C. that
the sacred writings of the Upanishads and Rig Veda emerged.
One of the surest signs that the Elamites and Asshurites had
occupied the Indus Valley centuries earlier is that the Star of Asshur
(today called the “Swastika”) has been found in excavations all across
the region. The Star of Asshur, the premier symbol of the House of
Asshur and the Aryan peoples, was an early pictogram encoding the
sacred Name of God, both backwards and forwards: AR-YA and
YHWH (pronounced YAH-WEH). Much later, the ancient Hebrew
262 The Imperian Manifesto
letters of the tetragrammaton (YHWH) were taken from this symbol and
aligned in a phonetic pattern, thus yielding: '’mn. If one reassembles the
letters together in a geometric shape, it would produce a symbol of
rhythmic or Cosmic Perfection: the Star of Asshur, known to us as the
“Swastika.” The Elamo-Asshurites of the Indus Valley used this pattern
in many of their material projects, including a swastika-shaped fort that
was invested with nothing less than the Power o f God in order to protect
the Shemitic conquerors from the backward, heathen Dravidians. This
pattern, as a symbol of God’s Power, is the most ancient ancestor of the
later Shaktona or “Star of David.”
C hapter Five
Our WHITE Shemitic Heritage
miscegenation with the aliens, and the adoption of their lower culture
and barbaric speech (not to mention their pagan ways and rampant
criminality!). As is well documented in the Scriptures, the ancient
Israelites were by no means exempt from succumbing to foreign,
destructive influences which went against God’s Will. Practically the
entire Old Testament is a witness to this fact.
The ancient Hebrew language (often called “Biblical Hebrew”)
differs greatly from modem Hebrew in its grammar, vocabulary, and
phonology. It flourished between the 12th and 6th centuries B.C., and
is the unmistakable language of the Old Testament. Nevertheless,
Biblical Hebrew, like its modem counterpart, was greatly influenced
by foreign Hamitic languages, especially the now extinct Canaanite; to
acknowledge this fact does not require a great leap of faith. For it was
precisely between the 12* and 6* centuries B.C. that the ancient
Israelites were repeatedly on the receiving end of God’s wrath for
breaking His commands and mixing with foreigners-here again,
especially the Canaanites and other surrounding Hamitic tribes. So
great was the Hebrew adoption of Canaanite culture, in fact, that many
archaeologists have concluded it is nearly impossible to distinguish
between the Israelite and Canaanite excavation sites in the Holy Land.
Be that as it may, the really interesting fact about the ancient
Hebrew language is that it did preserve many of the words of its
Adamic or “Proto-Indo-European” ancestor. Not to the degree of the
Asshurite (Indo-European) languages, but strong traces of an Adamic
past are still evident. It has even been argued by some, like the
“Edenicist” Isaac Mozeson, that there is an even higher percentage of
Ancient Hebrew-derived words in the English language than Latin-
derived ones. Mozeson also argues that all languages descend from the
Biblical Hebrew; that this was the language spoken in Eden. Although
these assumptions are false, Mozeson did happen to touch on a bit of
truth. And that is: Biblical Hebrew and modem English do have many
shared words in common due to a common past; a common origin.
This origin is not to be found in Biblical Hebrew itself, however, but
rather in the Adamic, Proto-Indo-European language-the original
language of Adam. Biblical Hebrew, itself, is actually quasi-Canaanite
when considered as a whole.
Mainstream scholars have estimated that the breaking up of Proto-
Indo-European occurred sometime between 2500 and 2000 B.C. At some
point during this period it is acknowledged that P.l.E. had splintered of!
Ishmael (who was half Shemite and half Hamite), became the father of
the Arab peoples by his Hamitic wives. Isaac remained true to his
father’s bloodline, however, becoming the father of Jacob (who was
later renamed Israel), and Jacob the father of 12 sons: Reuben,
Simeon, Levi (who was given cities but no tribal land), Judah, Dan,
Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph (whose birthright was
split between the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh), and Benjamin.
These sons of Jacob then became the fathers and namesakes of the 12
Tribes of Israel.
From approximately 1030 to 930 B.C., the Kingdom of Israel
existed as a union of the above named tribes. Following the death of
King Solomon, the northern ten tribes rebelled against the king’s son
and successor, Rehoboam, when the latter increased the Israelites’
already steep taxes. The northern malcontents seceded from the
Jerusalem-based kingdom, selecting their own king whose name was
Jeroboam, and established their first capital at Shechem. For their newly
independent kingdom the northern ten tribes kept the name Israel. Only
two of the twelve tribes remained loyal to Solomon’s son, Rehoboam:
the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin, in whose combined territory
sat the greatly humbled city of Jerusalem. After the northern secession,
these two tribes merged creating the Kingdom of Judah.
Israel and Judah existed side by side for a period of 210 years
until the great Assyrian invasion of 722 B.C., when Shalmaneser V
invaded Israel and his successor, Sargon II, defeated the northern
kingdom sending its inhabitants into exile. From 720 B.C. onward, the
Kingdom of Israel ceased to exist and its people were thenceforth
known as the “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel,” or simply the “Lost Tribes.”
When the Israelites were taken as captives back to Assyria, they
saw an alien Hamitic world all about them. It was as if they were being
brought from Egypt to the land of Canaan all over again, except this
time they were not gaining their freedom but losing it. This time, there
was no Moses to save them from their plight. The Israelites were now
under the iron boot of Sargon II of Assyria.
It is important to understand that by the time of the Assyrian
invasion and subsequent “captivity,” the Assyrians themselves were
primarily Ishmaelite by race and speech. The original sons of Asshur
were, centuries earlier, outbred by a rapidly expanding Hamitic Arab
population coming up from the south. The original Asshurites were
then forced to migrate from their ancestral Shemitic lands in
Mesopotamia. They migrated north and west out of the region. By the
time o f the estabHshment of the Neo-Assyrian Empire in the tenth
centur> B.C., the Asshurites had already completed their wanderings
into Europe. All that was left in Mesopotamia were the descendants of
Ham and Ishmael; there was nothing actually “Assyrian” about this
population. Howe\ er, since the Hamites came into the land peacefully
(for the most part) as migrants, they were all too happy to call
themselves "Assyrians" (or the people of Asshur).
The original Asshurites migrated north and west through the
Caucasus Mountains, and into northem Europe settling among the
indigenous Lo\ al Sons of Japheth. As mentioned earlier, these wanderings
constituted the great Asshurite or “Aryan” invasions of Europe (which
were not realK' “in\asions” at all). The Five Japhetic Tribes were only too
happ\ to admit their fellow pureblood Asshurite kinsmen among them, in
order to replenish their numbers in the struggle w ith Gog and Magog.
A living testament to the migration of the Asshurites can be
found in the nation of Azerbaijan. For when the Asshurites began their
journey into Europe sometime after 1500 B.C., a small segment only
made it as far as the eastern Caucasus. There they settled permanently
marking their territon.' with their hereditar)' name: Asshur. Through
the centuries, right up to the present day, the name has taken various
forms depending on the language of the region’s conquerors. The
people have been referred to as Asshurs, Azars, Avars, and more
recently, Azeris. Nonetheless, each of these words can be traced to
Asshur (even if the Azeri people themselves no longer possess a
significant amount of Asshurite or Aryan blood). It should also be
known that many ancient Star of Asshur (i.e. “Swastika”) designs can
be found throughout the region, on material items and carved in stone.
(or locations) of their exile, but, regardless, the Israelites would not
win their freedom until more than a century had passed.
In 612 B.C., a hostile coalition of Babylonians, Medes, Scythians
and Cimmerians descended upon the Assyrian capital city of Nineveh,
destroying it. The Neo-Assyrian Empire had fallen. The empire’s long
oppressed peoples finally broke free, and among them were the
Israelites. From captivity, the Ten Tribes followed the old route of
their Japhetic and Asshurite kinsfolk, north through the Caucasus and
west into Europe. For there were many stories that they had heard of
the fertile lands of the west; now was their chance to discover it for
themselves-and they did!
Driving north into Europe, the Israelite Tribes merged with their
kinsmen, replenishing the Shemitic blood of Europe, and some even
extended their names over many of the nations that received them.
Thus the Tribe of Dan gave its name to those who would later be
called “Danes”; the Tribe of Gad extended its sway over those who
would someday be called “Goths”; the Tribe from which the
“Teutons” acquired their name was Reuben; and the Saxons were
composed of an assortment of Tribes who identified themselves,
literally, as the sons o f Isaac, or “Isaacsons.”
After the Babylonian Captivity of the sixth century B.C., which
affected the remaining southern Kingdom of Judah, a large wave of
Judahites met up with their Israelite kinsmen in northern Europe; their
descendants are known to history as the “Jutes,” a people for whom
the Jutland peninsula is named. Likewise, a large body of Benjaminites
went into Europe, founding a warlike nation that would one day be
noted in the journal of Rome’s most famous general: I here refer to the
Belgae of antiquity.
All of these “Lost Tribes” are not to be confused with those non-
White peoples whom the modern ZOG-inspired “scholars” are
celebrating as “lost Jews”-am ong them, various isolated communities
of Ethiopians, Indians, even Chinamen! Such ridiculous ethnic
anomalies are but recent converts to the Jewish faith; most assuredly
the result of a savage population being dazzled by the merchandise of
some wayward “Jewish” peddler. In other words, the “Bnei Menashe”
of India, the “Beta Israel” of Ethiopia, the “Igbo Jews” of Nigeria, all
are but false Jews who have been converted by other false Jews—the
type Lord CRISTOS cursed in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.
Between the sixth and fourth centuries B.C.. Judea was an under
populated tract of desert at the crossroads of the w orld. The armies of
all the earth's great powers, up to that time, had marched unperturbed
over the sacred earth of the Holy Land. Only after Alexander the
G reat's conquest did the area regain any vitality, in terms of both
population and culture. It would not be until the second centur\ B.C.
that nati\ e .ludean rule was restored under the Hasmonean D\ nast}.
Still. Judea was only a pitiful remnant when compared to the glor\ of
the unit'ied Kingdom of Israel that existed nearly a millennium before
under Da\ id and Solomon.
unhealthy and often sallow color. (Here, it is easy to see the effect of
centuries of ghetto-dwelling and inbreeding.)
Undoubtedly the easiest way to spot an Ashkenazi is by looking
squarely at the face for signs of thick lips, a banana-shaped nose, and
“attached” ear lobes. Most often, Ashkenazis possess Negroid type
ears, which are commonly diminutive and “attached.” Their typical
Negroid facial features and frequent kinky hair suggest that the
Ashkenazim mixed extensively, at some point, with Negroes. Whether
this occurred in Khazar times or, more remotely, as the result of some
ancient Gomerite mixing with Hamites (perhaps Canaanites) is
unclear. Perhaps their physical traits constitute the outward projection
of their inner iniquity as Children of Satan.
the Caucasus M ountains, are the least Europid of the entire species,
being racialh identical to the Ashkenazi "Jews."
Ironicalh . the temi '’Caucasian'' has been used to describe the
protot>pical "White" man e \e r since Johann Friedrich Blumenbaeh
proposed the temi in the third edition of his famous racial treatise, 0/7
ihe Xarural VarieTies o f Mankind. While Blumenbach's third edition
was published in 1~95. his original work first appeared 19 years earlier
in 1 6: the Year of the Illuminati. This was the year in which Adam
Weishaupt founded the Illuminati (meaning "Enlightened Ones’") in
Bavaria, with the full suppon of his close friend and business
associate. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (the patriarch and founder of the
Rothschild banking dynasty).
The year V~!6 became the catalyst \ ear of Materialism for the evil
"illummated" plots of Rothschild and Weishaupt, the tw o most io> al sons
of Satan. WTiereas Rothschild became Satan's captain of big finance,
Weishaupt became his chief of propaganda-the prime force behind the
distribution of liberal political doctrines. So, on Ma> 1, 1776, the societ>
of illiiminati was bom. Big Finance and Liberalism ^^ouId become
Satan^ chief w eapons in the spread of Materialism worldwide. To fulfill
the task, he seiected his chief warriors fi-om among the best that Gog and
Magqg^had. to offer: the descendants o f the Khazars: the Ashkenazim.
.And Rothschild and Weishaupt were most certainly the genetic carriers of
this evil seed; a seed of \ ipers and serpents, as stated b>' Lord CRISTOS
in Mauhew 3:7, 12:34 and 23:33.
Priding themseh es in their “enlightened'" knowledge of the world,
members of the Illuminati soon disco\ ered Blumenbach’s work when it
first appeared in 1776. As the> \\ere naturalh' interested in matters of
race, the Illuminati recruited Blumenbach to help usher in the age of
racial distortion and Materialist e\olution, \\hich found more than fertile
ground in the upcoming nineteenth centur>'. Blumenbach used his
academic influence to convince his fellow scholars that the term
“Caucasian” is the appropriate term for a person of European stock. He
e\en \sent on record as stating that of all the earth’s people, Georgians
comprised “the most beautiful race of men” ! '
At the same time, Rothschild and Weishaupt were doing
ever\thing in their own power to further the lie, via their organization
of Illuminati, that the Jews o f Europe (i.e. the Ashkenazim) were the
true “Chosen People” of God, the original Israelites. To the Illuminati,
the White European was nothing more than a primitive savage, a
276 The Imperian Manifesto
of the “Enlightenment” and most certainly does not share the same
views as the Christist Man of Race.
Above all, the Christist understands that it is impossible to
div o rce^u r true Christian faith from both our Western Civilization
and White Europid racial inheritance. For it is all three of these fully
integrated, sacred pillars which Providence has bestowed upon our
l^eople. It is our Faith, our Race and our Civilization which constitute
our Heritage. While these precious gifts come from the Almighty
Himself, it is up to us to safeguard our heritage against all threats,
whether internal or external.
That said, it is neither probable nor necessary to convince others
in the Movement (who might consider themselves Pagans, atheists or
anti-Christians) that our common Destiny cannot be achieved if we
forsake our Christian heritage. It should not be our job as Christists to
expend all our energy on driving a wedge between the various factions
of the White Power Movement. It is not our purpose to “convert the
masses”; the apostate “Christians” have spent all their energy'^in this
manner, and all it has won for them is a place among the sinful and
licentious savages of the Third World, who will simply flash their
smiles to any wandering missionary if it can procure them a free meal.
We must only stand our ground ideologically, state our message, and,
most importantly, love our People with all our soul. If an individual
identifies as only being White, this then is more than enough for us to
accept and love that individual as a kinsman. As it was made clear in
the New Testament, we all possess different talents, yet are still one in
the Body. So it is with the White Power Movement; there are
numerous points of view within the Movement, and, on a smaller
scale, each individual possesses different abilities. When put to good
use, these differences produce a strength which is indestructible. As
Christists, we must contribute our part to the Movement by putting
forth our unique and binding message; one which consists, most
basically, of the f o l l o w i n g ( n o t beliefs):
sacred sounds in all the Cosmos are also found within the Name ARIA.
They are the sounds Ah and Yah (the Alpha and the Sacred Yodh).
The letters A-R-I-A, like the entire Latin alphabet, can be traced
back much further than the Greeks or Phoenicians, all the way to
Ancient Egypt. They represent the following attributes: A - Strength;
R - Head-Soul; I - Arm-Body; A - Strength (cyclical). These letters
also represent the most sacred names of God, periodically, in the
historical record: A - Amun (also Anu); R - Ra; I - Yahweh (also
lesous/Iupiter); A - Aria (the final Name of God to reappear at the End
of the Age). The Name Yahweh is also a backward encoded
pronunciation of ARYA. In Latin, the Name of God stands for: Aria
Rex Infinitus et Aetemus.
CRISTOS is the Name of Lord ARYA’s avatar, as the Savior of all
creation. lesous is the secondary descriptive Name of CRISTOS, the
original Adamic (Proto-Indo-European) word meaning “God is Salvation,”
or “God is the CMSTOS,” which of course means “Messiah” or “Savior.”
4) Sacred Texts
The Floly Bible and other sacred writings of the ancient Aryans
contain a great wealth of eternal truths, as inspired by God. However,
as these texts were transcribed by fallible humans, they do not
286 The Imperian Manifesto
Roman State; the Christ who embodies the total antithesis of Talmudic
Judaism; the positive, masculine Christ of the New Testament; the
only God o f heaven, earth and all creation; the one who is the living
representation o f Victor>' by Struggle: CRISTOS lESOUS.
It is the very concept oiStruggle that is our Lord’s main message
in the Gospels. His message to us is: Struggle and Overcome. It is
only fitting, then, that we Christists believe in the religion of the
crusades, in the w'olf-like Christian ideology of struggle, victory and
reward; the never ending cycle of struggle, victory, reward, as was
exemplified by the Living Lord’s brief lifespan here on earth. This
cycle, like ourselves, is perfected in the Body of CRISTOS. For in
Him lies the truth behind a variety of man-made symbols, such as the
Taijim (the symbol of “yin and yang”), the alpha and omega, the
Egyptian Ankh, and especially the swastika. All of these depict the
cyclical Cosmic forces of Positive and Negative, and the balance of
Our True Christ is not irreconcilable with the God of the Old
Testament, as many deceivers allege; but rather. He completes the holy
myster>' of the Godhead. He is the softer nature of the Old Testament
Father; but God, ARYA, is still One and the Same. In CRISTOS there
is Perfect Balance. CRISTOS is, Himself, x^q SV ASTIC A SACRA.
Likewise, True Christianity has wrongly been labeled a soft or
“feminine” faith; for it is both masculine and feminine, both hard and
soft. If practiced wholeheartedly. True Christianity is the greatest test
of wijlpower and self-discipline a man can subject himself Even if
the individual fails the burdensome test, he comes out the stronger, by
suppressing the baser instincts and overcoming him self The heroic
Knights Templars knew this test extremely well; it is what contributed
greatest to their superhuman feats in combat, chivalry and empire
Knowing that Civilization, like the rest of Creation, cannot
survive as being either totally aggressive or totally passive (neither
totally masculine, nor entirely feminine), we can restore balance to the
Western Culture. We can thus also rebuild atop the crumbling
foundation of the Weakling Supremacist faith, restoring the True
Christianity, Christism, to the Aryan People.
288 The Imperian Manifesto
the sixth devolution to pass, and He will then set up His Eternal Kingdom
on earth. This is the Golden Age of Krita Yuga described in the ancient
Hindu texts; an age of justice, duty, virtue and happiness. A time when
the Great White God of the Heavens reigns supreme on the earth.
Beings-as-jw.e are, on the eve of this impending cataclysm, it is
crucial that our people understand their place in biblical prophecy. Upon
the Lord.’s return, there are two Shemitic Houses that will be reunited:
the House of Asshur and the House of Arpachshad. The first House,
As^hur, represents our Shemitic racial birthright, Europe; and the
second House, Arpachshad, represents our spiritual birthright, Israel.
When the Lord returns, He will reunite the two Houses, thereby
restoring the racial and spiritual purity of the Shemitic people. As the
Bible makes clear, Ephraim (the extra-European White nations) and
Judah (Europe) will come together again, and the White World shaH- be
united in a single State, under a single Banner, with one Lord and Ruler.
1 3 ) \h e Holy Symbol
In the same vision I received during the summer of 2009, I was
provided with the true symbol of Christianity; one which is the key to
unlocking all the secrets of the Cosmos and all Creation. This is the
Symbol of CRISTOS, and is described thus:
- A white background.
- on top of the white background, a tiny golden pinwheel
gammadion (a “broken” sun cross design), resembling the old Thule
Society cross (but positioned upright, instead of being bent). Encoded
at the tips of each of the four arms of the symbol, microscopic and not
visible to the naked eye, are the following letters: A (at the end of the
upper right arm); R (at the end of the bottom right arm); I (at the end
of the bottom left arm); A (at the end of the upper left arm). In the
center of the gammadion (at its vertical and horizontal intersection) is
a microscopic Sonnenrad (literally “Sun Wheel,” in German), better
known to the English-speaking as the “Black Sun” symbol.
- The golden pinwheel gammadion (representing the House of
Asshur) is, in turn, at the center of a golden “Star of David”
(representing the true House of Israel).
- These two layered symbols (the gammadion and the star) are
then found within the center of a large crucifix, where all four arms of
the crucifix converge.
290 The Imperian Manifesto
Divine Body is encoded onto the Holy Shroud of Turin. The entire
golden Swastika shall be set against a white background.
Encoded at the tips of each of the four arms of the Glorious
Swastika, microscopic and not visible to the naked eye, are the
following letters; I (at the end of the upper right arm); D (at the end of
the bottom right arm); E (at the end of the bottom left arm); A (at the
end of the upper left arm).
Encircling our Sacred Swastika, the Supreme Sacred Symbol
of the Coming Lord, is a perfectly round green border of laurel leaves.
Inscribed on the green laurel border, in gold letters, is the phrase: IN
HOC SIGNO VINCES (Latin for; “In this Sign, you shall conquer”).
Each word is positioned thus; IN (to the left); HOC (at the top);
SIGNO (to the right); VINCES (at the bottom). The remaining
portion of the Barmer is blood-red.
This completes the Glorious Eternal Standard of Lord ARYA.
The last remaining detail shall come later. For now, I am permitted to
hint what the final detail shall be;
population. Upon further investigation Emery found that this race was
not indigenous to Egypt but a ruling caste of foreign origin. The scholar
associated this caste with the Shemsu Hor, or the “disciples of Horus.”
They are recognized, these disciples of Horus, as the dominant
sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.).
Interestingly, the temple builders of Malta’s Sqflieni Culture were of
this same very long-headed conspicuous stock, and they disappeared at
the same time as their Egyptian counterparts, somewhere between 3000
and 2500 B.C. This latter date places the disappearance of the Shemsu
Hor at around the time just preceding Noah’s Flood. No doubt, the
genetic seed of the Shemsu Hor continued to live on after the Flood as
well, through the line of Noah’s son, Shem. And when one looks upon
the images of later pharaohs such as Akhenaton and his son,
Tutankhamun, the remnants of this long-headed caste are assured.
Hence, the mutual Adamite origin of both the early Maltese and ancient
Egyptian cultures.*^
Long before the time of the Egyptians, however, Malta was the
prehistoric center of the Cult of the Great Mother Goddess. The
renowned Hypogeum, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which the
author visited in October 2004, is evidence of this once vibrant
Adamite and Adamite cuh. The so-called “Venus figurines” are
associated with this cult, recognized by their highly exaggerated
female body parts (namely, the breasts, hips, stomach, buttocks, and
thighs). These same figurines, along with many other artifacts similar
to those found at the Maltese sites, were also found in far off Siberia
(just west of Lake Baikal), in a land familiar to the ancient Atlanteans.
It is no coincidence that when the site was discovered in 1928, the
Russian excavators chose to name it “The Malta Settlement.” Evidence
of this ancient Atlantean civilization, which stretches back tens of
thousands of years, can also be found along the banks of the Dniester
River in the west, all across the vast Russian steppes, down into the
Caucasus Mountain region, and east to the peaks of the Altai
Mountains. In addition to “mimicking” their prehistoric temples, the
Maltese Adamites apparently copied the Atlantean holy objects that
were found in the temples. This can also be said of other early
Adamite groups throughout the world, who worshipped the “Mother
Goddess” and manufactured “Venus figurines” long after the
Atlanteans had been wiped out.
Chalons in 376 A.D.; (2) the defeat of the Saracens at Tours in 732;
(3)!the defeat of the Tatars at Lipnic in 1470;;'(4^he defeat of the
Turks at th©^ walls of Vienna in 1683.* We im plofem r Muslim friends
to understand that European expansion was not a mere pleasure or
luxury, but a direct and natural result of centuries of warding off one
foreign threat after another. It was through warfare that the steely
European man was forged, and also by warfare that he was elevated.
It is for the benefit of Muslim man in Europe, for his own good,
to never forget that the European is the nastiest, meanest species of
man to ever walk the earth. European man is truly a beast, a devil
capable of carnage on unfathomable scales. Thus he is also naturally
resilient to such carnage, psychologically adapted in such a way as to
embrace that primeval bloodlust and to enjoy it; to revel in the midst of
gory, senseless combat, and to celebrate the extermination of his
neighbor as vigorously as he would celebrate his own daughter’s
marriage. This is the European man of the past, present and future-a
man who invites the wrath of the gods to descend upon him, provided
that even the gods can withstand the awesome firepower of his guns.
Muslim man should understand this, and so he should also understand
that “Sharia Law” has no place in Europe. But lo! I hear a terrible,
thunderous voice from above:
“Keep agitating Muslim man, and your fate, together
with the fate o f your women and children, will be found
in a boiling cauldron ofpig fat, submerged head to toe
and then burned as a lifeless offering to the Great
Race. ”
An Aside on Islam
In October 2007, I, the author, infiltrated a New York City
mosque in order to gain greater insight into the Muslim mind. I also
looked to gain some additional knowledge on the origin of the Islamic
faith. I had already known a great deal through reading the Qur’an, the
along the way (such as not eating pork!). The alternative story is what
the vast majority of Muslims believe to be true. However, there are
still a silent minority of cultural Muslims, and especially Yemenis, like
my friend Yusuf, who believe the truth about Muhammad the shepherd
boy and his pet pig-god, “Allah.”
C hapter Ten
The Soul of the Aryan
A Spiritual War
As I write this, there is a definite war being waged in our galaxy for
the spiritual soul o f the W hite Aryan. This war has been an
ongoing one for thousands of our earth years, pitting two powerful
cosmic factions against each other; one which has our best interests
in mind, the Nordic Aryans; and one which is out to destroy us, the
Reptilian Grays. Both groups are the two oldest civilizations in our
galaxy, and hail from the area o f O rion’s Belt (the oldest part of the
Milky Way).
For thousands of years these two highly advanced civilizations
have fought over the fledgling earth. Through the ages, the Aryans have
been identified as our “Guardians” or “Angels,” and the Reptilians have
been recognized as those working against u s-as “Serpents,” “Dragons,”
and “Demons,” in mythological terms. That these latter have played the
chief role of the “Satan” on earth, meddling in humanity’s affairs,
cannot be denied; nor can it be denied that the Reptilians are responsible
for luring some of the sons of Noah away from their sacred birthright,
and causing them to interbreed with animals.
On earth, the Ashkenazim (T.H.E.M., the “Chosen,” the
Manipulators) are the chief representatives of the destructive Reptilian
Civilization. Chandala religions, like “Weakling Supremacist”
Christianity and Islam, and false ideologies, such as Liberalism and
Marxism, can be traced back to an ancient system of Reptilian mind-
control. The teachings of legitimate prophets have, through the
centuries, been twisted to reflect “peace and love” (mere sentiment!) so
that the Reptilians could more easily enslave and oppress the terrestrial
312 The Impehan Manifesto
“As long as the lone IDEA of a united White World is alive in the
mind of even one White Europid, all your billions of muds cannot
defeat It.” Thus spoke Imperian Man.
C hapter One
On the Way Forward
H ^;eon terra firma, the heart qf our struggle hes in the Heartland
of our coming Imjpenuni: Europe. It must be understood by all who
read this book that the current “European Union” is neither European
by design, nor a genuine “union” of nations. The E.U. is merely an
economic system created by and for a non-European ruling class
composed of the world’s richest people. Essentially this means': the
Global Freemasons, the so-called “Bilderbergs,” and, of course,
T.H.E.M. T h^plaalQ preate a zone of unlimited economic exploitation
in Europe, as had already been achievedlif'the^U.S., has alway^s B^en
the goal of this backroom den of vipers, the Illuminati. In the 65 year
period since the end of the Second World War, their evil plan has been
carried out to the extreme.
With this somber truth in mind, a plan of action must be taken
which does not ignore the current economic and political realities
dominating us. must take our fight politically to the capital of the
; European Union itself to Brussels! First,_it_is essential for ail
Eurppids to jput'* aside their" nationalist, philosophicaj and class
: differences in defense of a far greater and more urgent C ^ se ;
preservation o f the Europid Race. In the immortalized 14 words of the
late David Lane: “ fFe must secure the existence o f our People and a
i future for White children.'''’
AH—pan-European- - forces musL,_ cojne together, leaving their
national„janjd-linguistic differences at the door, in defense of a much
greateiL,Westem Identity-an identity which has been shaped by a
thousand years of uniting in times of crisis to defeat the external
Barbarian threat. All Europid political parties, groups and movemems
must cooperate in procuring a New Europe, a Nova Europa, which
does not reflect the bogus “politically correct” values of the
International Manipulators, but rather reflects the actual Spiritual,
Cultural, Racial and Political aspirations of the White Race. All who
can describe themselves by the “Five R ’s,” as construed by Norman
Lowell, meaning: Radical-Racialist-Right-Revolutionary-
Reactionaries, have a moral imperative to join forces witTi ~5tEer
likeminded kinsmen, be they Swedes or Italians, Poles or Irishmen, or
To unite in a coalition is the first step. Next, it is essential to
attain a majority in the Brussels Parliament, by appealing to the
average European’s innate racial sentiment and common senseTThis
would not be a hard task once our coalition is unified since even the
C. MARC vs IDEVS 319
Every great Movement requires a great Leader. Fortunately,, we
of the IDEA of Imperium Europa have such a Leader: the venerable
Norman LowHl o f Malta, the one true Aryan Leader to whom all
Europids should readily give their support; the Leader of the
Imperium Europa Movement, an uncompromising fighter for the
White Aryan Race, and a man to whom this book is sincerely
Anyone wishing to understand the deeper meaning of the IDEA,
as outlined in this work, must immediately procure a copy of Lowell’s
Imperium Europa—d. Book which every White Man on earth should
consider infinitely superior to his bible. Imperium Europa is the only
Book in existence that outlines the total Vision and plan of action for a
White World Imperium; it is truly the key to Aryan Liberation
worldwide; the most revolutionary book currently in citculaticm.
Where other White Nationalists hit upon a certain degree of truth here /
and there, Lowell’s IDEA encompasses every aspect of the White !
M an’s cosmic existence, from matters of Spirituality and Race, to j
High Culture and High Politics, art, architecture, philosophy, i,
governmental structure, biology, space exploration, ancient history- ^
Law elicovers it all.
As for the man himself, Norman Lowell is a true Aryan in every
sense of the word. Following in the tradition of other great Aryans
who came before him, Norman Lowell combines the indomitable
fighting spirit of Leonidas, the philosophical orthodoxy of Nietzsche
and the oratorical genius of Oswald Mosley, thus making himself an
Aryan fighter, thinker, leader extraordinaire-a true Man of Destiny if
there ever was one!
For over 30 years Norman Lowell has fought the good fight for
the White Race. He has seen, first hand, the oppression of Whites
living in Africa, as well as the sheer savagery of native black
“culture.” Also over the past 30 years, Lowell has seen his own
beautiful and beloved island-nation of Malta turn from being 100
percent White to an increasingly “diverse” country of Negro and
Muslim aliens—a country which, due to its small size, is thoroughly
unable to sustain any significant invasion from the Third World.
Neither an armchair activist, nor a “party leader” advocating the
senseless enlistment of the masses, Norman Lowell understands what
it will take to undo over a century of destructive “democratic” policies
that have brought the White Race and Western Civilization to the
brink of annihilation.
The total guide to White Aryan Liberation lies within the sacred
pages of Lowell’s Imperium Europa, and the living key to our White
Aryan Unity is in Norman Lowell himself—the ultimate model of an
heroic Aryan life, disciplined, duty-oriented, cultured, and always
striving toward the Divine.
C hapter Tw o
Our Immediate Mission
The following paragraphs are entirely taken from Colin Jordan’s essay,
“Building the Vanguard.” The essay first appeared in Jordan’s
National Socialist newsletter, Gothic Ripples (Nov. 1981). In it,
Britain’s foremost champion of National Socialism discusses the
necessary attributes and actions of a dedicated Aryan Revolutionary.
Jordan’s concise outline is perhaps the best guide for all White
Patriots (not merely National Socialists), and especially for those of
us who are committed to spreading the message and furthering the
political influence of the IDEA. Colin Jordan’s “Building the
Vanguard” :
“The fixst requirement o f the true elitist is the will power to turn
his back on the tempting but futile distractions of ordinary politics, and
the second is to purge his mind of all attachment to the existing state
and system and society, abstracting himself to the utmost from the grip
of this alien world so as to be in total rebellion against its decadence,
be,co.ming.a fragment o f the future. The latter demands devotLcHLtcLan
advanced degtee--. of self-education in at least all of the basic
knowledge of a mentally-equipped elitist, including an insight into the
historical context of our struggle; an appreciation of all the major
facets of the correlated and universally-prevalent degeneration (the
cultural and social and biological and spiritual no less than the plainly
political), necessary for that wholeness of view essential for the
fullness of combat of the complete belligerent; and an adequate
knowledge of xeJ^vant law, police procedure, methods of hostile
infiltration and provocation and corruption and intimidation, and
324 The Imperian Manifesto
quantity, whereby the trained and experienced elitist can have an effect
far beyond that of the httle people on which conventional politics rely!
Be assured that numbers are more than anything else an illusion,
whenever regardless of quality, being weakness masquerading as
strength! Realize that the greatest force in the world is the power of the
will residing in the excellence o f the few! Believe this: a tiny minority
which is good enough-dedicated enough, knowledgeable enough,
trained enough, organized enough-can move mountains, and can
topple the vulnerable edifice of the complicated modern state!
“But of course, having said that, it has also to be stressed that we
need as many as there are of the right people, and so the task of each and
every elitist, along with self-development, is to contact and recruit and
coordinate our kind. This is essentially a matter of the most careful
personal approach, only seeking out those who have already proven
themselves suit^le, recruiting by invitation, and never in the
indiscriminate manner of mass organizations by advertising or canvassing
at_^large. Thus never seek to bring in somebody who is truly a stranger,
recommending himself only by his claims of inclination. It is here,
paradoxically, that existing organizations will be useful to us by bringing
people together and exhibiting their worth so that we can conveniently
watch and select. In doing so, however, constant vigilance is necessary to
avoid for the sake of this access to recruits becoming involved in
conventional activities at the cost of our proper pursuits.
“In recruitment and operation there can be no room for illogical
and wasteful divisions detrimental to an endeavor seeking to draw
massive additional strength from that intensity or unity which results
from a profound harmony of minds. Just as there is not place for the
barriers of nationality, so, too, is there no room for any exclusion or
relegation of women as inferior, this contrary to a recognition of the
equal, joint and complementary worth of both sexes, despite some
differing capabilities. Similarly, there is no room for friction between
the^ger^ratmns when you are best to be judged as old as you are young
in heart, and as young as you are useful; and _no place for class
cleavage where the only demarcation of which really matters is
between us and the rest.
‘iIrij 3rganization it is imperative to proceed on the basis of small
local cells of^BTor so^,tliiidispersal offering the highest prospect of
securTE)v^ile providing a suitable size of operational unit; and with
326 The Imperian Manifesto
Since the author was bom and raised in the United States, it is only
right that I should address the__single greatest problem currently
hiQ ^ring the success of the White Power Movement in that nation.
T heproB T ^T hat T am here referring to is none other than us\ White
fo.£EsrZNowr-of~eeyrse, the Eternal Jew" is always there, ready and
willing to feed on our collective Body at every turn; but the truth of the
matter is that he would not be able to do so if we prevented him. (J^ow
there is a truly revolutionary idea!)
~T hus, before we^ extricate ourselves from the Parasite in our midst,
before we put an end to his paramount treachery--if we plan on being
successful-we must first understand the errors of our own ways—errors
which are primarily ideological m. their essence. First of all, we must
aclm oy^d^e -that our worldview, as Americans (and as .
Americans), has been^influenced most greatly by Freemasonry—this has
been true since the very founding of our Republic in 1776. To deny this
fact is to deny history. Freemasonry, from its conception, has been
nothing more than a Judeo-Christian^Materialist-llIuminati plm for
world'~3ormn^fon (for a~tVov^/.s' Ordo Seclorum)-a. plot which we see
unfolding before us today, one that has been largely successful in its
We Americans must acknowledge that many of our own
“Founding Fathers” were, themselves, either Freemasons or inspired
by the subversive ideals of Freemasonry—our most revered General
and President, George Washington, being one of them. Just the
thought that a George Washington, a Benjamin Franklin, or a Thomas
Jefferson could possibly be enemies of the White Race, standing
firmly opposed to all that which represents an Organic, Aristocratic,
and thoroughly Discriminating worldview, is enough to make a typical
328 The Imperian Manifesto
As somber as most of the topics are in this book, it is not the author’s
intent to drown the reader in a torrent of pessimism. Injact, th^ reader
should take solace that if Change, as outlined in this work, is to be
embraced as something positive, then the worst is truly behind^us,
FQrtx_y£ars-Q£~apast-Civil Rights have finally produced^a-A^-ision
ofjiope for us, a rainbow, at the end of the long, dark tunnel. In the
end, we shall be victorious. Fop=ith£r£„,.are only two scenarios wiiich
Destiny has put before us; tJie.,Triumph of the West, or the Triumph of
the Barbarian. IfjJie_iatler wins out, it will be for him a pyrrhic
victory, as the Death of the West can only spell the death of the
p a r a s j^ races which have been allowed to survive by their Most
CharitabJe Host: the White Man.
For if one gathers together all the barbarian powers of Africa,
Asia and Latin America, and pits these against the Souls of that tiny
western-oriented peninsula jutting out into the Atlantic, itj s clear to all
who_jwould prevail in battle, as in culture, art, technics, science,
politics, etc., etc., ad infinitum. History has already mandated a
Western Victorv. The Victory itself is inevitable; the form of Victory,
however, is still for us to decide. We Europids must now merely act
o n ^T iaf History has deeded us, and the most glorious chapter in our
Race’s saga shall unfold in our lifetime.
Indeed, dear reader, take solace! Democracy is dead. And it has
been dead for many years now. The collective, conscious Soul of our
Race cries out for something more, something better\ That cry will be
answered soon. And, as the first Imperian generation rises above the
far eastern horizon, the masses will give their final Amen.
Carthago delenda est!
Work’s Cited
‘ L o w e ll, N o rm a n . Imperium Europa: The Book that Changed the World. Im p e rlu m P u b lish in g , 2 0 0 9 , p.
^ Y o c k e \ , F ra n c is P a rk e r. Imperium: The Philosophy o f History and Politics. N e w p o rt B e a c h , C A :
N o o n tid e P re ss , 2 0 0 0 , p p . 2 5 3 -2 5 4 .
' Ib id , p p . 2 9 3 -2 9 4 , 2 9 6 .
L o w e ll, op. cit., p . 2 8 1 .
’ /W r f .,p .3 7 3 .
^ Y o c k e y , op. cit., p . 3 5 4 .
^ L o w e ll, op. c it, p p . 9 3 -9 4 .
^ I b i d , -p. 4 0 1 .
’ /W c /.,p . 4 0 1 .
R ip le y , W illia m Z . The Races o f Europe: A Sociological Study. N e w Y o rk : D . A p p le to n a n d C o m p a n y ,
1899, p. 3 6 7 .
“ L a n e , D a v id . Victory or Valhalla: The Final Compilation o f Writings. C re a te S p a c e , 2 0 0 8 , p . 4 8 1 .
“ F re e m a so n ry an d th e U .S . O n e D o lla r B ill, G re a t S eal a n d F la g ,” F re e m a so n ry W a tc h .o rg ,
h ttp ://w w w .fre e m a s o n rv w a tc h .o rs ;/o n e d o lla rb ill.h tm l. a c c e ss e d o n lin e Ja n . 2 9 ,2 0 1 0 .
R ip le y , op. cit., p p . 4 6 -4 7 .
Y o c k e y , op. cit., p . 4 4 .
H o o to n , E a rn e s t A . Twilight o f Man. N e w Y o rk : G . P . P u tn a m ’s S o n s, 1939, p. 3.
Y o c k e y , op. cit., p p . 2 5 1 -2 5 3 .
R ip le y , op. cit., p. 4 7 0 .
C o o n , C a rle to n S. The Races o f Europe. N e w Y o rk : T h e M a c m illa n C o ., 1954, p. 2 9 2 .
Ibid., p. 5 0 .; H o o to n , E a rn e s t A . Up From the Ape. N e w Y o rk : T h e M a c m illa n C o ., 1954, p. 577.
C o o n , op. cit., p. 4 0 1 .
H u x le\-, J u lia n S. We Europeans: A Survey o f 'Racial' Problems. N e w Y o rk : H a rp e r & B ro th e rs, 1936.
Q u o te ta k e n fro m : G . E llio t S m ith , The .in d e n t Egyptians and the Origin o f Civilization. L o n d o n : H a rp e r
& B ro th e rs, 1923, p. 65.
“ C o o n , op. cit., p p . 4 0 3 -4 0 6 .
Ibid., p p . 2 9 2 -2 9 3 . S ee also : H o o to n , E a rn e s t A . Twilight o f Man. N e w Y o rk : G . P. P u tn a m ’s S o n s,
1 939, p. 78.
C o o n , op. cit., p . 83.
^ U b id ,p . 4 8 1 .
S to d d a rd , L o th ro p . The Rising Tide o f Color .igainst White World Supremacy. W e stp o rt, C T : N e g ro
U n iv e rsitie s P re ss , 1 971, p. 111.
” G ra n t, M a d iso n . The Passing o f the Great Race. N e w Y o rk : C h a rle s S c rib n e r’s S o n s, 1916, p. 198.
H u x le y , op. cit., p. 161.
” C o o n , op. cit., p. 2 9 2 .
H o o to n , E a rn e s t A . Twilight o f Man. N e w Y ork: G . P . P u tn a m ’s S o n s, 1939, p p . 7 6-77.
Ib id , p p . 7 8 -7 9 .
C o o n , op. cit., p. 120.
” Ib id , p p . 2 9 3 , 62 9 .
Ib id , p. 6 4 7 .
H o o to n , E a rn e st A . Twilight o f Man. N e w Y o rk : G . P. P u tn a m ’s S o n s, 1939, p. 1 2 3-124.
C o o n , op. cit., p. 51.
Ib id , p. 2 9 1 .
B o sc h s tu d \ c ite d in: L o w ell, N o rm a n . Imperium Europa: The Book that Changed the World. Im p eriu m
P u b lish in g , 2 0 0 9 , pp. 6 4 -6 5 .
” L o w ell, op. cit., p. 68.
■*“ R ip ley , op. cit., p. 2 7 2 .
C o o n , op. cit., p. 65 1 .
O f th e O ro m o eth n ic g ro u p (fo rm e rly c a lled ‘iG aU as” b> the A m h a ra s), P ro fe s so r H o o to n h a d th is to
say: “N e g ro b lo o d fa d e s o u t a lm o st c o m p le te h in th e G a lla ." O th e r sc h o la rs h a v e also n o tic e d h o w little
th e N e g ro id in flu e n c e is, s u r p r is in g h , in th is E th io p ia n m a jo rity -e th n ic g ro u p w h ic h is c o n c e n tra te d m o st
d e n se ly in th e cen tral a n d so u th e rn se c tio n s o f th e c o u n tr> . S ee: H o o to n , E arn est A . Twilight o f Man. N e w
Y o rk : G . P. P u tn a m ’s S o n s, 1939, p. 87.
C o o n , op. cit., p. 85.
Ib id , pp. 9 4 -9 8 .
Ibid.. p. 445.
p p . 4 4 8 -4 5 2 .
Ibhi.. p. 453.
H o o to n . E a rn e s t .A. Tu ili^hi ot Man. N e w 'S’o rk : G . P. P u tn a m 's S o n s. 1939. p 89
" " //'/i/.. p. 81.
G ra n t, op cir.. p. 69.
S to d d a rd , op. dr. p p . 1 0 1 -1 0 2 .
Ibid. p. 3 0 6 .
" " S h o u ld W e C lo n e N e a n d e n h a ls ? " Z a c h Z o ric h . .-\rc h a e o lo g \ (m a g a z in e ). M arch '.A p ril 2 0 1 0 .
h ttp : w u w .a rc h a e o lo iz v .o rt: 10u3 e tc n e a n d e n h a ls .h tm l a c c e s s e d o n lin e M a r. 2 6. 2 0 1 0 .
''' H o o to n . E a rn e s t .A. T^\ ilighr of .Man. N ew 'I’o rk : G . P. P u tn a m 's S o n s. 1939, p p. 4 -5 .
" Ibid. p. 30.
" H ig h N u m b e r s o f B la c k o n W h ite C rim e ." L ib re O p in io n .c o m .
h t t r : N \\\\\ .lib re o rin io n .c o m m e m b e rs s ta n d a rte s lc ra c e 0 5 .h tm l. a c c e s s e d o n lin e A p r. 2 7. 2 010.
^■ocke>. op. cii.. p p . 3 0 7 -3 0 8 .
'* G ra n t, op. dr. p p . 8 5 -8 6 .
L o w e ll, op. dr. p. 112.
G ra n t, op. dr. p. 186.
The .Vt'ii .American Bible. Io w a F a lls. I.-\: W o rld B ib le P u b lish e rs. Inc.. 2 0 0 0 . p. 158.
"■ Y o c k e \ . op. dr.. p. 2 9 8 .
" ' S to d d a rd . L o th ro p . The Rising Tide of Color .■igain.'^r Il 'hire World Supremacy. W e s tp o n . C T : N e g ro
U n i\e r s itie s P re ss . 1 971. p. 2 5 3 .
C a c i b a u d a J o s e p h L . " T h e S ic ilia n s o f L o u is ia n a ." Ita lia n .A m erica S u m m e r 2 0 0 9 : 6-7.
S to d d a rd , op. cii.. p. 107.
Ibid.. p. 134.
" G ra n t, o/). c’/ r . p. 23.
M a c K in n o n . C a th a rin e .A. Toward a Theon- of the State. C a m b rid g e . M A : H a r \a r d U n iv e rsit\
P re ss . 1989. p. 10.
'» 'o c k e\ . op. cit.. p. 2 2 3 .
®" H o m o s e x u a ls ' B u \ ing P o w e r W ell .A bo\ e .A\ e ra g e ." M a n h a K le d e r. C o n c e rn e d W o m en fo r .A m e ric a
O c t. 17. 2 0 0 1 .
h ttp : w w w .c u ltu re a n d i'a m ih .or^: a rtic le d is ria v .a s p ? id ^ 2 5 8 & d e p a n m e n t= C F l& c a te < J o r\ id = c f re o o n .
a c c e s s e d o n lin e D e c . 10. 2 0 0 9 .
' S to d d a rd , op cit.. p p . \ \ i \ - \ \ \ .
■ R ip le v . .jp. cit.. p. 56 2.
■' " L a . In te rra c ia l M a rria g e : Is L ife T o u g h e r F o r B ira c ia l K id s? " P a trik .lonsson. C h ristia n S c ie n c e
M o n ito r. O c to b e r 16. 2 0 0 9 ; se e : h ttp : w w w .c s m o n ito r.c o m .2 0 0 9 1016 p 0 2 s l6 - u s s c .h tm l.
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h n p : wAvw .b la c k sa n d ie w . J e w s B la c k lIo lo c a u s t.h tm l. a c c e ss e d o n lin e O ct. 2 2. 2 0 0 9 . F or m o re on the
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' Y o ck e> . op. dr. p. 112.
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